diff options
2 files changed, 88 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/doc/gettingstarted/package_details.rst b/sources/pyside6/doc/gettingstarted/package_details.rst
index 986c6f00b..95c3e0c36 100644
--- a/sources/pyside6/doc/gettingstarted/package_details.rst
+++ b/sources/pyside6/doc/gettingstarted/package_details.rst
@@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ QML Development
.. grid-item-card:: ``pyside6-qml``
- :link: qml-chapter6-plugins-example
+ :link: pyside6-qml
:link-type: ref
- to enable quick prototyping with QML files. This tool mimics the capabilities of Qt's
- ``qml`` runtime utility by directly invoking QQmlEngine/QQuickView. For usage, see
- :ref:`qml-chapter6-plugins-example`.
+ to enable quick prototyping with QML files. This tool mimics some of
+ the capabilities of Qt's ``QML`` runtime utility by
+ directly invoking QQmlEngine/QQuickView.
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/doc/tools/pyside-qml.rst b/sources/pyside6/doc/tools/pyside-qml.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0502dd94a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside6/doc/tools/pyside-qml.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+.. _pyside6-qml:
+``pyside6-qml`` mimics some capabilities of Qt's `qml <qml_runtime>`_ runtime utility by directly
+invoking QQmlEngine/QQuickView. It enables prototyping with QML/QtQuick without the need to write
+any Python code that loads the QML files either through `QQmlApplicationEngine <qqmlappengine>`_ or
+the `QQuickView <qquickview>`_ class. The tool also detects the QML classes implemented in Python
+and registers them with the QML type system.
+Consider the example `Extending QML - Plugins Example <extending_qml_example>`_. This example does
+not have a Python file with a ``main`` function that initializes a QmlEngine to load the QML file
+``app.qml``. You can run the example by running
+.. code-block:: bash
+ pyside6-qml examples/qml/tutorials/extending-qml/chapter6-plugins/app.qml -I examples/qml/tutorials/extending-qml/chapter6-plugins/Charts
+The ``-I`` flag is used to point ``pyside6-qml`` to the folder containing Python files that
+implement QML classes.
+Command Line Options
+Here are all the command line options of ``pyside6-qml``:
+* **file**: This option refers to the QML file to be loaded by ``pyside6-qml``. This option does not
+ have a name or a flag. Therefore, this option should be the first option supplied to
+ ``pyside6-qml``. For example,
+.. code-block:: bash
+ pyside6-qml /path/to/test.qml
+* **--module-paths/-I**: Specify space-separated folder/file paths which point to the Python files
+ that implement QML classes. By default, the parent directory of the QML file supplied to
+ ``pyside6-qml`` is searched recursively for all Python files and they are imported. Otherwise,
+ only the paths given in module paths are searched.
+* **--verbose/-v**: Run ``pyside6-qml`` in verbose mode. When run in this mode, pyside6-qml prints
+ log messages during various stages of processing.
+Options that align with `QML <qml_runtime>`_ runtime utility
+* **--app-typ/-a**: Specifies which application class to use. It takes one of the three values -
+ ``core, gui, widget``. The default value is *gui*.
+* **--config/-c**: Load the given built-in configuration. It takes one of two values - ``default,
+ resizeToItem``. This option is only relevant for a QtQuick application. If ``default`` is used,
+ the view resizes to the size of the root item in the QML. If ``resizeToItem`` is used, the view
+ automatically resizes the root item to the size of the view.
+* **--list-conf**: List the built-in configurations. ``pyside6-qml`` has two built-in configurations
+ - ``default`` and ``resizeToItem``. See the option ``--config`` for more information.
+* **--rhi/-r**: Specifies the backend for the Qt graphics abstraction (RHI). It takes one of the
+ four values - ``vulkan, metal, d3dll, gl``.
+* **--verbose/-v**: List the built-in configurations. ``pyside6-qml`` has two built-in
+ configurations - *default* and *resizeToItem*. See the option ``--config`` for more information.
+* **--gles**: Force use of GLES (AA_UseOpenGLES).
+* **--desktop**: Force use of desktop OpenGL (AA_UseDesktopOpenGL).
+* **--software**: Force use of software rendering(AA_UseSoftwareOpenGL).
+* **--disable-context-sharing**: Disable the use of a shared GL context for QtQuick Windows".
+.. _`qml_runtime`: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquick-qml-runtime.html
+.. _`qqmlappengine`: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qqmlapplicationengine.html
+.. _`qquickview`: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qquickview.html
+.. _`extending_qml_example`: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython-6/examples/example_qml_tutorials_extending-qml_chapter6-plugins.html