.. currentmodule:: PySide6.QtQml .. py:class:: ListProperty The ``ListProperty`` class allows applications to expose list-like properties of :class:`~PySide6.QtCore.QObject`-derived classes to QML. The usage is shown in the :ref:`qml-object-and-list-property-types-example` and the :ref:`qml-chapter5-listproperties` example. .. py:method:: __init__(type, append, count=None, at=None, clear=None, removeLast=None, doc="", notify=None, designable=True, scriptable=True, stored=True, user=False, constant=False, final=False) :param type type: Element type :param callable append: A function to append an item :param callable count: A function returning the list count :param callable at: A function returning the item at an index :param callable clear: A function to clear the list :param removeLast: A function to remove the last item :param str doc: Doc string :param Signal notify: A signal emitted when a change occurs :param bool designable: Not used in QML :param bool scriptable: Not used in QML :param bool stored: Whether the property is stored :param bool user: Not used in QML :param bool constant: Whether the property is constant :param bool final: Whether the property is final