# To do list for the project ## Bindings - [ ] Complete Core bindings (most of the necessary xml is there, but commented) - [ ] Complete Utils bindings - [ ] Maybe add more bindings from QtCreators libs (?) ## Optional Bindings - [ ] Find a way to include the non-optional bindings (see `optional/texteditor/typesystem_texteditor.xml` for description of problem) - [ ] Complete ProjectExplorer bindings - [ ] Complete TextEditor bindings ## Build System - [ ] Fix having to `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/clang/lib` - [ ] Automatically build optional bindings alongside main plugin (?) - [ ] Fix optional bindings build system ## Examples - [ ] Make a text editor example (once the text editor binding does anything) ## Documentation - [ ] Write more docs for the optional binding (`optional/README.md`) ## Unit Tests - [ ] Add unit tests for PyUtils (C++) - [ ] Add unit tests for Bindings themselves (in Python unit test extension) ## Other - [ ] Fix excessive line widths (run `tools/sanity.py` to find them) - [ ] Maybe make tools executable (?) (adding `#!/usr/bin/env python`)