# Discover PySide2 configuration PYSIDE_CONFIG = ../../tools/pyside2_config.py PYSIDE2 = $$system($$PYTHON $$PYSIDE_CONFIG --pyside2) PYSIDE2 = $$clean_path($$PYSIDE2) isEmpty(PYSIDE2): error(Unable to locate the PySide2 package location) PYTHON_INCLUDE = $$system($$PYTHON $$PYSIDE_CONFIG --python-include) isEmpty(PYTHON_INCLUDE): error(Unable to locate the Python include headers directory) PYTHON_LFLAGS = $$system($$PYTHON $$PYSIDE_CONFIG --python-link) isEmpty(PYTHON_LFLAGS): error(Unable to locate the Python library for linking) PYSIDE2_INCLUDE = $$system($$PYTHON $$PYSIDE_CONFIG --pyside2-include) isEmpty(PYSIDE2_INCLUDE): error(Unable to locate the PySide2 include headers directory) PYSIDE2_LFLAGS = $$system($$PYTHON $$PYSIDE_CONFIG --pyside2-link) isEmpty(PYSIDE2_LFLAGS): error(Unable to locate the PySide2 libraries for linking) PYSIDE2_SHARED_LIBRARIES = $$system($$PYTHON $$PYSIDE_CONFIG --pyside2-shared-libraries) isEmpty(PYSIDE2_SHARED_LIBRARIES): error(Unable to locate the used PySide2 shared libraries) INCLUDEPATH += "$$PYTHON_INCLUDE" $$PYSIDE2_INCLUDE LIBS += $$PYTHON_LFLAGS $$PYSIDE2_LFLAGS !build_pass:message(INCLUDEPATH is $$INCLUDEPATH) !build_pass:message(LIBS are $$LIBS) !build_pass:message(Using $$PYSIDE2) !win32 { QMAKE_RPATHDIR += $$PYSIDE2 } # Needed to fix Python dynamic linking problems # see pyutil.cpp LIBS += -ldl # Suppress non-relevant warnings from # Shiboken generated code *g++* { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += \ -Wno-missing-field-initializers \ -Wno-unused-parameter }