// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page creator-mobile-platforms.html \previouspage creator-reference.html \ingroup creator-reference \title Mobile Platforms \brief Mobile platforms that you can develop applications for. You can develop applications for the following mobile platforms: \list \li \l Android \li \l iOS \endlist You must install the tool chain for building applications for the targeted mobile platform on the development PC and use \QMT to install Qt libraries that are built for the platform. You can then add a \l{glossary-buildandrun-kit}{kit} with the tool chain and the Qt version for the device's architecture. When possible, \QMT creates suitable kits for you. You can connect mobile devices to the development PC and select the appropriate kit to build, run, debug, and analyze applications from \QC. \section1 Android Starting from Qt 5.14.0, the Qt for Android package has all the architectures (ABIs) installed as one. You can let \QC automatically create kits for installed Qt version and tool chains. The following topics have more information about developing applications for Android devices: \list \li \l{Connecting Android Devices} \li \l{Deploying to Android} \li \l{Running on Multiple Platforms} \li \l{Creating a Mobile Application} \li \l{Debugging on Android Devices} \li \l{Qt for Android} \endlist \section1 iOS To be able to use \QC on \macos, you must install Xcode, and therefore you should already have the tool chain for building applications for iOS. \QC automatically detects the tool chain and creates the necessary kits to build applications for and run them on configured iOS devices. The following topics have more information about developing applications for iOS devices: \list \li \l{Connecting iOS Devices} \li \l{Running on Multiple Platforms} \li \l{Creating a Mobile Application} \li \l{Qt for iOS} \endlist \sa {Supported Platforms} */