// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "qmloutputparser.h" #include "qmldebugconstants.h" #include "qmldebugtr.h" #include namespace QmlDebug { QmlOutputParser::QmlOutputParser(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { } void QmlOutputParser::setNoOutputText(const QString &text) { m_noOutputText = text; } void QmlOutputParser::processOutput(const QString &output) { m_buffer.append(output); while (true) { const int nlIndex = m_buffer.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n')); if (nlIndex < 0) // no further complete lines break; const QString msg = m_buffer.left(nlIndex); m_buffer = m_buffer.right(m_buffer.size() - nlIndex - 1); // used in Qt4 static const QString qddserver4 = QLatin1String("QDeclarativeDebugServer: "); // used in Qt5 static const QString qddserver5 = QLatin1String("QML Debugger: "); QString status; int index = msg.indexOf(qddserver4); if (index != -1) { status = msg; status.remove(0, index + qddserver4.length()); // chop of 'QDeclarativeDebugServer: ' } else { index = msg.indexOf(qddserver5); if (index != -1) { status = msg; status.remove(0, index + qddserver5.length()); // chop of 'QML Debugger: ' } } if (!status.isEmpty()) { static QString waitingForConnection = QLatin1String(Constants::STR_WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION); static QString unableToListen = QLatin1String(Constants::STR_UNABLE_TO_LISTEN); static QString debuggingNotEnabled = QLatin1String(Constants::STR_IGNORING_DEBUGGER); static QString connectionEstablished = QLatin1String(Constants::STR_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED); static QString connectingToSocket = QLatin1String(Constants::STR_CONNECTING_TO_SOCKET); if (status.startsWith(waitingForConnection)) { status.remove(0, waitingForConnection.size()); // chop of 'Waiting for connection ' static QRegularExpression waitingTcp( QString::fromLatin1(Constants::STR_ON_PORT_PATTERN)); const QRegularExpressionMatch match = waitingTcp.match(status); if (match.hasMatch()) { bool canConvert; quint16 port = match.captured(1).toUShort(&canConvert); if (canConvert) emit waitingForConnectionOnPort(Utils::Port(port)); continue; } } else if (status.startsWith(unableToListen)) { //: Error message shown after 'Could not connect ... debugger:" emit errorMessage(Tr::tr("The port seems to be in use.")); } else if (status.startsWith(debuggingNotEnabled)) { //: Error message shown after 'Could not connect ... debugger:" emit errorMessage(Tr::tr("The application is not set up for QML/JS debugging.")); } else if (status.startsWith(connectionEstablished)) { emit connectionEstablishedMessage(); } else if (status.startsWith(connectingToSocket)) { emit connectingToSocketMessage(); } else { emit unknownMessage(status); } } else if (msg.contains(m_noOutputText)) { emit noOutputMessage(); } } } } // namespace QmlDebug