// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "qmljsplugindumper.h" #include "qmljsinterpreter.h" #include "qmljsmodelmanagerinterface.h" #include "qmljstr.h" #include "qmljsutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace LanguageUtils; using namespace Utils; namespace QmlJS { PluginDumper::PluginDumper(ModelManagerInterface *modelManager) : QObject(modelManager) , m_modelManager(modelManager) , m_pluginWatcher(nullptr) { qRegisterMetaType("QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo"); } Utils::FileSystemWatcher *PluginDumper::pluginWatcher() { if (!m_pluginWatcher) { m_pluginWatcher = new Utils::FileSystemWatcher(this); m_pluginWatcher->setObjectName(QLatin1String("PluginDumperWatcher")); connect(m_pluginWatcher, &Utils::FileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, this, &PluginDumper::pluginChanged); } return m_pluginWatcher; } void PluginDumper::loadBuiltinTypes(const QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &info) { // move to the owning thread metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, [this, info] { onLoadBuiltinTypes(info); }); } void PluginDumper::loadPluginTypes(const Utils::FilePath &libraryPath, const Utils::FilePath &importPath, const QString &importUri, const QString &importVersion) { // move to the owning thread metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, [this, libraryPath, importPath, importUri, importVersion] { onLoadPluginTypes(libraryPath, importPath, importUri, importVersion); }); } void PluginDumper::scheduleRedumpPlugins() { // move to the owning thread metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, &PluginDumper::dumpAllPlugins, Qt::QueuedConnection); } void PluginDumper::onLoadBuiltinTypes(const QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &info, bool force) { if (info.qmlDumpPath.isEmpty() || info.qtQmlPath.isEmpty()) return; if (m_runningQmldumps.values().contains(info.qmlDumpPath)) return; LibraryInfo builtinInfo; if (!force) { const Snapshot snapshot = m_modelManager->snapshot(); builtinInfo = snapshot.libraryInfo(info.qtQmlPath); if (builtinInfo.isValid()) return; } builtinInfo = LibraryInfo(LibraryInfo::Found); m_modelManager->updateLibraryInfo(info.qtQmlPath, builtinInfo); // prefer QTDIR/qml/builtins.qmltypes if available const FilePath builtinQmltypesPath = info.qtQmlPath / "builtins.qmltypes"; if (builtinQmltypesPath.exists()) { loadQmltypesFile({builtinQmltypesPath}, info.qtQmlPath, builtinInfo); return; } runQmlDump(info, QStringList(QLatin1String("--builtins")), info.qtQmlPath); m_qtToInfo.insert(info.qtQmlPath.toString(), info); } void PluginDumper::onLoadPluginTypes(const Utils::FilePath &libraryPath, const Utils::FilePath &importPath, const QString &importUri, const QString &importVersion) { const FilePath canonicalLibraryPath = libraryPath.cleanPath(); if (m_runningQmldumps.values().contains(canonicalLibraryPath)) return; const Snapshot snapshot = m_modelManager->snapshot(); const LibraryInfo libraryInfo = snapshot.libraryInfo(canonicalLibraryPath); if (libraryInfo.pluginTypeInfoStatus() != LibraryInfo::NoTypeInfo) return; // avoid inserting the same plugin twice int index; for (index = 0; index < m_plugins.size(); ++index) { if (m_plugins.at(index).qmldirPath == canonicalLibraryPath) break; } if (index == m_plugins.size()) m_plugins.append(Plugin()); Plugin &plugin = m_plugins[index]; plugin.qmldirPath = canonicalLibraryPath; plugin.importPath = importPath; plugin.importUri = importUri; plugin.importVersion = importVersion; // add default qmltypes file if it exists const FilePaths libEntries = canonicalLibraryPath.dirEntries({{"*.qmltypes"}, QDir::Files}); for (const FilePath &libEntry : libEntries) { if (!plugin.typeInfoPaths.contains(libEntry)) plugin.typeInfoPaths += libEntry; } // add typeinfo files listed in qmldir for (const QString &typeInfo : libraryInfo.typeInfos()) { const FilePath pathNow = canonicalLibraryPath.resolvePath(typeInfo); if (!plugin.typeInfoPaths.contains(pathNow) && pathNow.exists()) plugin.typeInfoPaths += pathNow; } // watch plugin libraries const QList plugins = snapshot.libraryInfo(canonicalLibraryPath).plugins(); for (const QmlDirParser::Plugin &plugin : plugins) { const FilePath pluginLibrary = resolvePlugin(canonicalLibraryPath, plugin.path, plugin.name); if (!pluginLibrary.isEmpty()) { if (!pluginWatcher()->watchesFile(pluginLibrary)) pluginWatcher()->addFile(pluginLibrary, FileSystemWatcher::WatchModifiedDate); m_libraryToPluginIndex.insert(pluginLibrary, index); } } // watch library qmltypes file if (!plugin.typeInfoPaths.isEmpty()) { for (const FilePath &path : std::as_const(plugin.typeInfoPaths)) { if (!path.exists()) continue; if (!pluginWatcher()->watchesFile(path)) pluginWatcher()->addFile(path, FileSystemWatcher::WatchModifiedDate); m_libraryToPluginIndex.insert(path, index); } } dump(plugin); } void PluginDumper::dumpAllPlugins() { for (const Plugin &plugin : std::as_const(m_plugins)) { dump(plugin); } } static QString noTypeinfoError(const FilePath &libraryPath) { return Tr::tr("QML module does not contain information about components contained in plugins.\n\n" "Module path: %1\n" "See \"Using QML Modules with Plugins\" in the documentation.").arg( libraryPath.toUserOutput()); } static QString qmldumpErrorMessage(const FilePath &libraryPath, const QString &error) { return noTypeinfoError(libraryPath) + "\n\n" + Tr::tr("Automatic type dump of QML module failed.\nErrors:\n%1"). arg(error) + QLatin1Char('\n'); } static QString qmldumpFailedMessage(const FilePath &libraryPath, const QString &error) { QString firstLines = QStringList(error.split('\n').mid(0, 10)).join('\n'); return noTypeinfoError(libraryPath) + "\n\n" + Tr::tr("Automatic type dump of QML module failed.\n" "First 10 lines or errors:\n" "\n" "%1" "\n" "Check General Messages for details." ).arg(firstLines); } static void printParseWarnings(const FilePath &libraryPath, const QString &warning) { ModelManagerInterface::writeWarning( Tr::tr("Warnings while parsing QML type information of %1:\n" "%2").arg(libraryPath.toUserOutput(), warning)); } static QString qmlPluginDumpErrorMessage(Process *process) { QString errorMessage; const QString binary = process->commandLine().executable().toUserOutput(); switch (process->error()) { case QProcess::FailedToStart: errorMessage = Tr::tr("\"%1\" failed to start: %2").arg(binary, process->errorString()); break; case QProcess::Crashed: errorMessage = Tr::tr("\"%1\" crashed.").arg(binary); break; case QProcess::Timedout: errorMessage = Tr::tr("\"%1\" timed out.").arg(binary); break; case QProcess::ReadError: case QProcess::WriteError: errorMessage = Tr::tr("I/O error running \"%1\".").arg(binary); break; case QProcess::UnknownError: if (process->exitCode()) errorMessage = Tr::tr("\"%1\" returned exit code %2.").arg(binary).arg(process->exitCode()); break; } errorMessage += '\n' + Tr::tr("Arguments: %1").arg(process->commandLine().arguments()); if (process->error() != QProcess::FailedToStart) { const QString stdErr = QString::fromLocal8Bit(process->readAllRawStandardError()); if (!stdErr.isEmpty()) { errorMessage += QLatin1Char('\n'); errorMessage += stdErr; } } return errorMessage; } void PluginDumper::qmlPluginTypeDumpDone(Process *process) { process->deleteLater(); const FilePath libraryPath = m_runningQmldumps.take(process); if (libraryPath.isEmpty()) return; const Snapshot snapshot = m_modelManager->snapshot(); LibraryInfo libraryInfo = snapshot.libraryInfo(libraryPath); const bool privatePlugin = libraryPath.endsWith(QLatin1String("private")); if (process->exitCode() || process->error() != QProcess::UnknownError) { const QString errorMessages = qmlPluginDumpErrorMessage(process); if (!privatePlugin) ModelManagerInterface::writeWarning(qmldumpErrorMessage(libraryPath, errorMessages)); libraryInfo.setPluginTypeInfoStatus(LibraryInfo::DumpError, qmldumpFailedMessage(libraryPath, errorMessages)); if (process->error() != QProcess::UnknownError) { libraryInfo.updateFingerprint(); m_modelManager->updateLibraryInfo(libraryPath, libraryInfo); return; } const QByteArray output = process->readAllRawStandardOutput(); class CppQmlTypesInfo { public: QString error; QString warning; CppQmlTypesLoader::BuiltinObjects objectsList; QList moduleApis; QStringList dependencies; }; auto future = Utils::asyncRun(m_modelManager->threadPool(), [output, libraryPath](QPromise &promise) { CppQmlTypesInfo infos; CppQmlTypesLoader::parseQmlTypeDescriptions(output, &infos.objectsList, &infos.moduleApis, &infos.dependencies, &infos.error, &infos.warning, "'); promise.addResult(infos); }); m_modelManager->addFuture(future); Utils::onFinished(future, this, [this, libraryInfo, privatePlugin, libraryPath] (const QFuture& future) { CppQmlTypesInfo infos = future.result(); LibraryInfo libInfo = libraryInfo; if (!infos.error.isEmpty()) { libInfo.setPluginTypeInfoStatus(LibraryInfo::DumpError, qmldumpErrorMessage(libraryPath, infos.error)); if (!privatePlugin) printParseWarnings(libraryPath, libInfo.pluginTypeInfoError()); } else { libInfo.setMetaObjects(infos.objectsList.values()); libInfo.setModuleApis(infos.moduleApis); libInfo.setPluginTypeInfoStatus(LibraryInfo::DumpDone); } if (!infos.warning.isEmpty()) printParseWarnings(libraryPath, infos.warning); libInfo.updateFingerprint(); m_modelManager->updateLibraryInfo(libraryPath, libInfo); }); } else { libraryInfo.setPluginTypeInfoStatus(LibraryInfo::DumpDone); libraryInfo.updateFingerprint(); m_modelManager->updateLibraryInfo(libraryPath, libraryInfo); } } void PluginDumper::pluginChanged(const QString &pluginLibrary) { const int pluginIndex = m_libraryToPluginIndex.value(FilePath::fromString(pluginLibrary), -1); if (pluginIndex == -1) return; const Plugin &plugin = m_plugins.at(pluginIndex); dump(plugin); } QFuture PluginDumper::loadQmlTypeDescription(const FilePaths &paths) const { auto future = Utils::asyncRun(m_modelManager->threadPool(), [=](QPromise &promise) { PluginDumper::QmlTypeDescription result; for (const FilePath &p: paths) { Utils::FileReader reader; if (!reader.fetch(p, QFile::Text)) { result.errors += reader.errorString(); continue; } QString error; QString warning; CppQmlTypesLoader::BuiltinObjects objs; QList apis; QStringList deps; CppQmlTypesLoader::parseQmlTypeDescriptions(reader.data(), &objs, &apis, &deps, &error, &warning, p.toString()); if (!error.isEmpty()) { result.errors += Tr::tr("Failed to parse \"%1\".\nError: %2").arg(p.toUserOutput(), error); } else { result.objects += objs.values(); result.moduleApis += apis; if (!deps.isEmpty()) result.dependencies += deps; } if (!warning.isEmpty()) result.warnings += warning; } promise.addResult(result); }); m_modelManager->addFuture(future); return future; } /*! * \brief Build the path of an existing qmltypes file from a module name. * \param name * \return the module's qmltypes file path or an empty string if not found * * Look for \a name qmltypes file in model manager's import paths. * * \sa QmlJs::modulePath * \sa LinkPrivate::importNonFile */ Utils::FilePath PluginDumper::buildQmltypesPath(const QString &name) const { QString qualifiedName; QString version; QRegularExpression import("^(?[\\w|\\.]+)\\s+(?\\d+)\\.(?\\d+)$"); QRegularExpressionMatch m = import.match(name); if (m.hasMatch()) { qualifiedName = m.captured("name"); version = m.captured("major") + QLatin1Char('.') + m.captured("minor"); } const QList paths = modulePaths(qualifiedName, version, m_modelManager->importPathsNames()); if (paths.isEmpty()) return {}; for (const Utils::FilePath &path : paths) { auto qmltypes = path.dirEntries(FileFilter(QStringList{"*.qmltypes"}, QDir::Files)); if (!qmltypes.isEmpty()) return qmltypes.first(); } return {}; } /*! * \brief Recursively load dependencies. * \param dependencies * \param errors * \param warnings * \param objects * * Recursively load type descriptions of dependencies, collecting results * in \a objects. */ QFuture PluginDumper::loadDependencies(const FilePaths &dependencies, QSharedPointer> visited) const { auto iface = QSharedPointer>(new QFutureInterface); if (visited.isNull()) visited = QSharedPointer>(new QSet()); FilePaths dependenciesPaths; FilePath path; for (const FilePath &name : dependencies) { path = buildQmltypesPath(name.toString()); if (!path.isEmpty()) dependenciesPaths << path; visited->insert(name); } Utils::onFinished(loadQmlTypeDescription(dependenciesPaths), const_cast(this), [this, iface, visited](const QFuture &typesFuture) { if (typesFuture.resultCount() == 0 || typesFuture.isCanceled()) { iface->reportCanceled(); return; } PluginDumper::QmlTypeDescription typesResult = typesFuture.result(); FilePaths newDependencies = FileUtils::toFilePathList(typesResult.dependencies); newDependencies = Utils::toList(Utils::toSet(newDependencies) - *visited.data()); if (!newDependencies.isEmpty()) { Utils::onFinished(loadDependencies(newDependencies, visited), const_cast(this), [typesResult, iface] (const QFuture &future) { PluginDumper::DependencyInfo result = future.result(); result.errors += typesResult.errors; result.objects += typesResult.objects; result.warnings+= typesResult.warnings; iface->reportFinished(&result); }); } else { PluginDumper::DependencyInfo result; result.errors += typesResult.errors; result.objects += typesResult.objects; result.warnings+= typesResult.warnings; iface->reportFinished(&result); } }); return iface->future(); } // Fills \a highestVersion with the largest export version for \a package // and sets \a hasExportName to true if a type called \a exportName is found. static void getHighestExportVersion( const QList &objects, const QString &package, const QString &exportName, bool *hasExportName, ComponentVersion *highestVersion) { *highestVersion = ComponentVersion(); *hasExportName = false; for (const auto &object : objects) { for (const auto &e : object->exports()) { if (e.package == package) { if (e.version > *highestVersion) *highestVersion = e.version; if (e.type == exportName) *hasExportName = true; } } } } /*** Workaround for implicit dependencies in >= 5.15.0. * * When "QtQuick" is imported, "QtQml" is implicitly loaded as well. * When "QtQml" is imported, "QtQml.Models" and "QtQml.WorkerScript" are implicitly loaded. * Add these imports as if they were "import" commands in the qmldir file. * * Qt 6 is planned to have these included in the qmldir file. */ static void applyQt515MissingImportWorkaround(const QString &path, LibraryInfo &info) { if (!info.imports().isEmpty()) return; const bool isQtQuick = path.endsWith(QStringLiteral("/QtQuick")) || path.endsWith(QStringLiteral("/QtQuick.2")); const bool isQtQml = path.endsWith(QStringLiteral("/QtQml")) || path.endsWith(QStringLiteral("/QtQml.2")); if (!isQtQuick && !isQtQml) return; ComponentVersion highestVersion; const auto package = isQtQuick ? QStringLiteral("QtQuick") : QStringLiteral("QtQml"); const auto missingTypeName = isQtQuick ? QStringLiteral("QtObject") : QStringLiteral("ListElement"); bool hasMissingType = false; getHighestExportVersion( info.metaObjects(), package, missingTypeName, &hasMissingType, &highestVersion); // If the highest export version is < 2.15, we expect Qt <5.15 if (highestVersion.majorVersion() != 2 || highestVersion.minorVersion() < 15) return; // As an extra sanity check: if the type from the dependent module already exists, // don't proceeed either. if (hasMissingType) return; if (isQtQuick) { info.setImports(QList( {QmlDirParser::Import("QtQml", ComponentVersion(), {})})); } else if (isQtQml) { info.setImports(QList( { QmlDirParser::Import("QtQml.Models", ComponentVersion(), {}), QmlDirParser::Import("QtQml.WorkerScript", ComponentVersion(), {}) })); } } void PluginDumper::prepareLibraryInfo(LibraryInfo &libInfo, const FilePath &libraryPath, const QStringList &deps, const QStringList &errors, const QStringList &warnings, const QList &moduleApis, QList &objects) { QStringList errs = errors; libInfo.setMetaObjects(objects); libInfo.setModuleApis(moduleApis); libInfo.setDependencies(deps); if (errs.isEmpty()) { libInfo.setPluginTypeInfoStatus(LibraryInfo::TypeInfoFileDone); } else { printParseWarnings(libraryPath, errors.join(QLatin1Char('\n'))); errs.prepend(Tr::tr("Errors while reading typeinfo files:")); libInfo.setPluginTypeInfoStatus(LibraryInfo::TypeInfoFileError, errs.join(QLatin1Char('\n'))); } if (!warnings.isEmpty()) printParseWarnings(libraryPath, warnings.join(QLatin1String("\n"))); applyQt515MissingImportWorkaround(libraryPath.toString(), libInfo); libInfo.updateFingerprint(); } void PluginDumper::loadQmltypesFile(const FilePaths &qmltypesFilePaths, const FilePath &libraryPath, QmlJS::LibraryInfo libraryInfo) { Utils::onFinished(loadQmlTypeDescription(qmltypesFilePaths), this, [this, qmltypesFilePaths, libraryPath, libraryInfo] (const QFuture &typesFuture) { if (typesFuture.isCanceled() || typesFuture.resultCount() == 0) return; PluginDumper::QmlTypeDescription typesResult = typesFuture.result(); if (!typesResult.dependencies.isEmpty()) { Utils::onFinished(loadDependencies(FileUtils::toFilePathList(typesResult.dependencies), QSharedPointer>()), this, [typesResult, libraryInfo, libraryPath, this] (const QFuture &loadFuture) { if (loadFuture.isCanceled() || loadFuture.resultCount() == 0) return; PluginDumper::DependencyInfo loadResult = loadFuture.result(); QStringList errors = typesResult.errors; QStringList warnings = typesResult.errors; QList objects = typesResult.objects; errors += loadResult.errors; warnings += loadResult.warnings; objects += loadResult.objects; QmlJS::LibraryInfo libInfo = libraryInfo; prepareLibraryInfo(libInfo, libraryPath, typesResult.dependencies, errors, warnings, typesResult.moduleApis, objects); m_modelManager->updateLibraryInfo(libraryPath, libInfo); }); } else { QmlJS::LibraryInfo libInfo = libraryInfo; prepareLibraryInfo(libInfo, libraryPath, typesResult.dependencies, typesResult.errors, typesResult.warnings, typesResult.moduleApis, typesResult.objects); m_modelManager->updateLibraryInfo(libraryPath, libInfo); } }); } void PluginDumper::runQmlDump(const ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &info, const QStringList &arguments, const FilePath &importPath) { auto process = new Process(this); process->setEnvironment(info.qmlDumpEnvironment); process->setWorkingDirectory(importPath); process->setCommand({info.qmlDumpPath, arguments}); connect(process, &Process::done, this, [this, process] { qmlPluginTypeDumpDone(process); }); process->start(); m_runningQmldumps.insert(process, importPath); } void PluginDumper::dump(const Plugin &plugin) { ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo info = m_modelManager->defaultProjectInfo(); const Snapshot snapshot = m_modelManager->snapshot(); LibraryInfo libraryInfo = snapshot.libraryInfo(plugin.qmldirPath); // if there are type infos, don't dump! if (!plugin.typeInfoPaths.isEmpty()) { if (!libraryInfo.isValid()) return; loadQmltypesFile(plugin.typeInfoPaths, plugin.qmldirPath, libraryInfo); return; } if (plugin.importUri.isEmpty()) return; // initial scan without uri, ignore if (!info.tryQmlDump || info.qmlDumpPath.isEmpty()) { if (!libraryInfo.isValid()) return; QString errorMessage; if (!info.tryQmlDump) { errorMessage = noTypeinfoError(plugin.qmldirPath); } else { errorMessage = qmldumpErrorMessage(plugin.qmldirPath, Tr::tr("Could not locate the helper application for dumping type information from C++ plugins.\n" "Please build the qmldump application on the Qt version options page.")); } libraryInfo.setPluginTypeInfoStatus(LibraryInfo::DumpError, errorMessage); libraryInfo.updateFingerprint(); m_modelManager->updateLibraryInfo(plugin.qmldirPath, libraryInfo); return; } QStringList args; if (info.qmlDumpHasRelocatableFlag) args << QLatin1String("-nonrelocatable"); args << plugin.importUri; args << plugin.importVersion; args << (plugin.importPath.isEmpty() ? Utils::FilePath::fromString(".") : plugin.importPath) .toString(); runQmlDump(info, args, plugin.qmldirPath); } /*! Returns the result of the merge of \a baseName with \a path, \a suffixes, and \a prefix. The \a prefix must contain the dot. \a qmldirPath is the location of the qmldir file. Adapted from QDeclarativeImportDatabase::resolvePlugin. */ FilePath PluginDumper::resolvePlugin(const FilePath &qmldirPath, const QString &qmldirPluginPath, const QString &baseName, const QStringList &suffixes, const QString &prefix) { QStringList searchPaths = {"."}; bool qmldirPluginPathIsRelative = QDir::isRelativePath(qmldirPluginPath); if (!qmldirPluginPathIsRelative) searchPaths.prepend(qmldirPluginPath); for (const QString &pluginPath : std::as_const(searchPaths)) { FilePath resolvedPath; if (pluginPath == QLatin1String(".")) { if (qmldirPluginPathIsRelative) resolvedPath = qmldirPath.resolvePath(qmldirPluginPath); else resolvedPath = qmldirPath.absoluteFilePath(); } else { resolvedPath = FilePath::fromString(pluginPath); } for (const QString &suffix : suffixes) { FilePath candidate = resolvedPath.pathAppended(prefix + baseName + suffix); if (candidate.exists()) return candidate.absoluteFilePath(); } } return {}; } /*! Returns the result of the merge of \a baseName with \a dir and the platform suffix. Adapted from QDeclarativeImportDatabase::resolvePlugin. \table \header \li Platform \li Valid suffixes \row \li Windows \li \c .dll \row \li Unix/Linux \li \c .so \row \li AIX \li \c .a \row \li HP-UX \li \c .sl, \c .so (HP-UXi) \row \li Mac OS X \li \c .dylib, \c .bundle, \c .so \endtable Version number on unix are ignored. */ FilePath PluginDumper::resolvePlugin(const FilePath &qmldirPath, const QString &qmldirPluginPath, const QString &baseName) { QStringList validSuffixList; QString prefix; if (Utils::HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()) { // try a qmake-style debug build first validSuffixList = QStringList({"d.dll", ".dll"}); } else if (Utils::HostOsInfo::isMacHost()) { // try a qmake-style debug build first validSuffixList = QStringList({"_debug.dylib", ".dylib", ".so", ".bundle", "lib"}); } else { // Examples of valid library names: // libfoo.so prefix = "lib"; #if defined(Q_OS_HPUX) /* See "HP-UX Linker and Libraries User's Guide", section "Link-time Differences between PA-RISC and IPF": "In PA-RISC (PA-32 and PA-64) shared libraries are suffixed with .sl. In IPF (32-bit and 64-bit), the shared libraries are suffixed with .so. For compatibility, the IPF linker also supports the .sl suffix." */ validSuffixList << QLatin1String(".sl"); # if defined __ia64 validSuffixList << QLatin1String(".so"); # endif #elif defined(Q_OS_AIX) validSuffixList << QLatin1String(".a") << QLatin1String(".so"); #else validSuffixList << QLatin1String(".so"); #endif } return resolvePlugin(qmldirPath, qmldirPluginPath, baseName, validSuffixList, prefix); } } // QmlJS