/************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/ ** ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** Other Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** **************************************************************************/ #include "watchhandler.h" #include "breakhandler.h" #include "debuggerinternalconstants.h" #include "debuggeractions.h" #include "debuggercore.h" #include "debuggerengine.h" #include "debuggerdialogs.h" #include "watchutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define USE_WATCH_MODEL_TEST 0 //#define USE_EXPENSIVE_CHECKS 0 #if USE_WATCH_MODEL_TEST #include "modeltest.h" #endif namespace Debugger { namespace Internal { // Creates debug output for accesses to the model. enum { debugModel = 0 }; #define MODEL_DEBUG(s) do { if (debugModel) qDebug() << s; } while (0) #if USE_EXPENSIVE_CHECKS #define CHECK(s) s #else #define CHECK(s) #endif static QHash theWatcherNames; static QHash theTypeFormats; static QHash theIndividualFormats; static int theUnprintableBase = -1; static QByteArray stripForFormat(const QByteArray &ba) { QByteArray res; res.reserve(ba.size()); int inArray = 0; for (int i = 0; i != ba.size(); ++i) { const char c = ba.at(i); if (c == '<') break; if (c == '[') ++inArray; if (c == ']') --inArray; if (c == ' ') continue; if (c == '&') // Treat references like the referenced type. continue; if (inArray && c >= '0' && c <= '9') continue; res.append(c); } return res; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WatchItem // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Used to make sure the item cache is notified of construction and // destruction of items. class WatchItem; typedef QList WatchItems; WatchItem *itemConstructor(WatchModel *model, const QByteArray &iname); void itemDestructor(WatchModel *model, WatchItem *item); class WatchItem : public WatchData { public: WatchItem *parent; // Not owned. WatchItems children; // Not owned. Handled via itemDestructor(). private: friend WatchItem *itemConstructor(WatchModel *model, const QByteArray &iname); friend void itemDestructor(WatchModel *model, WatchItem *item); WatchItem() { parent = 0; } ~WatchItem() {} WatchItem(const WatchItem &); // Not implemented. }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WatchModel // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class WatchModel : public QAbstractItemModel { Q_OBJECT private: explicit WatchModel(WatchHandler *handler); ~WatchModel(); friend WatchItem *itemConstructor(WatchModel *model, const QByteArray &iname); friend void itemDestructor(WatchModel *model, WatchItem *item); public: int rowCount(const QModelIndex &idx = QModelIndex()) const; int columnCount(const QModelIndex &idx) const; signals: void currentIndexRequested(const QModelIndex &idx); void itemIsExpanded(const QModelIndex &idx); private: QVariant data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const; bool setData(const QModelIndex &idx, const QVariant &value, int role); QModelIndex index(int, int, const QModelIndex &idx) const; QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &idx) const; bool hasChildren(const QModelIndex &idx) const; Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &idx) const; QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const; bool canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const; void fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent); void invalidateAll(const QModelIndex &parentIndex = QModelIndex()); void resetValueCacheRecursively(WatchItem *item); WatchItem *createItem(const QByteArray &iname, const QString &name, WatchItem *parent); friend class WatchHandler; WatchItem *watchItem(const QModelIndex &) const; QModelIndex watchIndex(const WatchItem *needle) const; QModelIndex watchIndexHelper(const WatchItem *needle, const WatchItem *parentItem, const QModelIndex &parentIndex) const; void insertDataItem(const WatchData &data, bool destructive); Q_SLOT void reinsertAllData(); void reinsertAllDataHelper(WatchItem *item, QList *data); bool ancestorChanged(const QSet &parentINames, WatchItem *item) const; void insertBulkData(const QList &data); QString displayForAutoTest(const QByteArray &iname) const; void reinitialize(); void destroyItem(WatchItem *item); // With model notification. void destroyChildren(WatchItem *item); // With model notification. void destroyHelper(const WatchItems &items); // Without model notification. void emitDataChanged(int column, const QModelIndex &parentIndex = QModelIndex()); friend QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const WatchModel &m); void dump(); void dumpHelper(WatchItem *item); Q_SLOT void emitAllChanged(); void showInEditorHelper(QString *contents, WatchItem *item, int level); void setCurrentItem(const QByteArray &iname); QString displayType(const WatchData &typeIn) const; QString formattedValue(const WatchData &data) const; QString removeInitialNamespace(QString str) const; QString removeNamespaces(QString str) const; void formatRequests(QByteArray *out, const WatchItem *item) const; DebuggerEngine *engine() const; QString display(const WatchItem *item, int col) const; int itemFormat(const WatchData &data) const; bool contentIsValid() const; WatchHandler *m_handler; // Not owned. WatchItem *m_root; // Owned. WatchItem *m_localsRoot; // Not owned. WatchItem *m_inspectorRoot; // Not owned. WatchItem *m_watchRoot; // Not owned. WatchItem *m_returnRoot; // Not owned. WatchItem *m_tooltipRoot; // Not owned. QSet m_expandedINames; QSet m_fetchTriggered; QStringList typeFormatList(const WatchData &data) const; TypeFormats m_reportedTypeFormats; // QWidgets and QProcesses taking care of special displays. typedef QMap > EditHandlers; EditHandlers m_editHandlers; WatchItem *createItem(const QByteArray &iname); WatchItem *createItem(const WatchData &data); void assignData(WatchItem *item, const WatchData &data); WatchItem *findItem(const QByteArray &iname) const; friend class WatchItem; typedef QHash Cache; Cache m_cache; typedef QHash ValueCache; ValueCache m_valueCache; #if USE_EXPENSIVE_CHECKS QHash m_cache2; void checkTree(); void checkItem(const WatchItem *item) const; void checkTree(WatchItem *item, QSet *inames); #endif }; WatchModel::WatchModel(WatchHandler *handler) : m_handler(handler) { m_root = createItem(QByteArray(), tr("Root"), 0); // Note: Needs to stay m_localsRoot = createItem("local", tr("Locals"), m_root); m_inspectorRoot = createItem("inspect", tr("Inspector"), m_root); m_watchRoot = createItem("watch", tr("Expressions"), m_root); m_returnRoot = createItem("return", tr("Return Value"), m_root); m_tooltipRoot = createItem("tooltip", tr("Tooltip"), m_root); connect(debuggerCore()->action(SortStructMembers), SIGNAL(valueChanged(QVariant)), SLOT(reinsertAllData())); connect(debuggerCore()->action(ShowStdNamespace), SIGNAL(valueChanged(QVariant)), SLOT(reinsertAllData())); connect(debuggerCore()->action(ShowQtNamespace), SIGNAL(valueChanged(QVariant)), SLOT(reinsertAllData())); } WatchModel::~WatchModel() { CHECK(checkItem(m_root)); destroyChildren(m_root); itemDestructor(this, m_root); QTC_CHECK(m_cache.isEmpty()); } WatchItem *itemConstructor(WatchModel *model, const QByteArray &iname) { QTC_CHECK(!model->m_cache.contains(iname)); WatchItem *item = new WatchItem(); item->iname = iname; model->m_cache[iname] = item; CHECK(model->m_cache2[item] = iname); CHECK(model->checkItem(item)); return item; } void itemDestructor(WatchModel *model, WatchItem *item) { QTC_ASSERT(model->m_cache.value(item->iname) == item, return); CHECK(model->checkItem(item)); CHECK(model->m_cache2.remove(item)); model->m_cache.remove(item->iname); delete item; } WatchItem *WatchModel::createItem(const QByteArray &iname, const QString &name, WatchItem *parent) { WatchItem *item = itemConstructor(this, iname); item->name = name; item->hasChildren = true; // parent == 0; item->state = 0; item->parent = parent; if (parent) parent->children.append(item); return item; } void WatchModel::reinitialize() { CHECK(checkTree()); //MODEL_DEBUG("REMOVING " << n << " CHILDREN OF " << m_root->iname); QTC_CHECK(m_root->children.size() == 5); destroyChildren(m_localsRoot); destroyChildren(m_watchRoot); destroyChildren(m_returnRoot); destroyChildren(m_tooltipRoot); destroyChildren(m_inspectorRoot); QTC_CHECK(m_cache.size() == 6); CHECK(checkTree()); } void WatchModel::emitAllChanged() { emit layoutChanged(); } DebuggerEngine *WatchModel::engine() const { return m_handler->m_engine; } void WatchModel::dump() { qDebug() << "\n"; foreach (WatchItem *child, m_root->children) dumpHelper(child); } void WatchModel::dumpHelper(WatchItem *item) { qDebug() << "ITEM: " << item->iname << (item->parent ? item->parent->iname : ""); foreach (WatchItem *child, item->children) dumpHelper(child); } void WatchModel::destroyHelper(const WatchItems &items) { for (int i = items.size(); --i >= 0; ) { WatchItem *item = items.at(i); destroyHelper(item->children); itemDestructor(this, item); } } void WatchModel::destroyItem(WatchItem *item) { const QByteArray iname = item->iname; CHECK(checkTree()); QTC_ASSERT(m_cache.contains(iname), return); // Deregister from model and parent. // It's sufficient to do this non-recursively. WatchItem *parent = item->parent; QTC_ASSERT(parent, return); QModelIndex parentIndex = watchIndex(parent); const int i = parent->children.indexOf(item); //MODEL_DEBUG("NEED TO REMOVE: " << item->iname << "AT" << n); beginRemoveRows(parentIndex, i, i); parent->children.removeAt(i); endRemoveRows(); // Destroy contents. destroyHelper(item->children); itemDestructor(this, item); QTC_ASSERT(!m_cache.contains(iname), return); CHECK(checkTree()); } void WatchModel::destroyChildren(WatchItem *item) { CHECK(checkTree()); QTC_ASSERT(m_cache.contains(item->iname), return); if (item->children.isEmpty()) return; WatchItems items = item->children; // Deregister from model and parent. // It's sufficient to do this non-recursively. QModelIndex idx = watchIndex(item); beginRemoveRows(idx, 0, items.size() - 1); item->children.clear(); endRemoveRows(); // Destroy contents. destroyHelper(items); CHECK(checkTree()); } WatchItem *WatchModel::findItem(const QByteArray &iname) const { return m_cache.value(iname, 0); } WatchItem *WatchModel::createItem(const WatchData &data) { WatchItem *item = itemConstructor(this, data.iname); static_cast(*item) = data; return item; } void WatchModel::assignData(WatchItem *item, const WatchData &data) { CHECK(checkItem(item)); QTC_ASSERT(data.iname == item->iname, m_cache.remove(item->iname); m_cache[data.iname] = item); static_cast(*item) = data; CHECK(checkItem(item)); } void WatchModel::reinsertAllData() { QList list; reinsertAllDataHelper(m_root, &list); reinitialize(); insertBulkData(list); } void WatchModel::reinsertAllDataHelper(WatchItem *item, QList *data) { data->append(*item); data->back().setAllUnneeded(); foreach (WatchItem *child, item->children) reinsertAllDataHelper(child, data); } static QByteArray parentName(const QByteArray &iname) { const int pos = iname.lastIndexOf('.'); return pos == -1 ? QByteArray() : iname.left(pos); } static QString niceTypeHelper(const QByteArray &typeIn) { typedef QMap Cache; static Cache cache; const Cache::const_iterator it = cache.constFind(typeIn); if (it != cache.constEnd()) return it.value(); const QString simplified = CPlusPlus::simplifySTLType(QLatin1String(typeIn)); cache.insert(typeIn, simplified); // For simplicity, also cache unmodified types return simplified; } QString WatchModel::removeNamespaces(QString str) const { if (!debuggerCore()->boolSetting(ShowStdNamespace)) str.remove(QLatin1String("std::")); if (!debuggerCore()->boolSetting(ShowQtNamespace)) { const QString qtNamespace = QString::fromLatin1(engine()->qtNamespace()); if (!qtNamespace.isEmpty()) str.remove(qtNamespace); } return str; } QString WatchModel::removeInitialNamespace(QString str) const { if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String("std::")) && debuggerCore()->boolSetting(ShowStdNamespace)) str = str.mid(5); if (!debuggerCore()->boolSetting(ShowQtNamespace)) { const QByteArray qtNamespace = engine()->qtNamespace(); if (!qtNamespace.isEmpty() && str.startsWith(QLatin1String(qtNamespace))) str = str.mid(qtNamespace.size()); } return str; } QString WatchModel::displayType(const WatchData &data) const { QString base = data.displayedType.isEmpty() ? niceTypeHelper(data.type) : data.displayedType; if (data.bitsize) base += QString::fromLatin1(":%1").arg(data.bitsize); base.remove(QLatin1Char('\'')); return base; } static int formatToIntegerBase(int format) { switch (format) { case HexadecimalFormat: return 16; case BinaryFormat: return 2; case OctalFormat: return 8; } return 10; } template QString reformatInteger(IntType value, int format) { switch (format) { case HexadecimalFormat: return QLatin1String("(hex) ") + QString::number(value, 16); case BinaryFormat: return QLatin1String("(bin) ") + QString::number(value, 2); case OctalFormat: return QLatin1String("(oct) ") + QString::number(value, 8); } return QString::number(value); // not reached } // Format printable (char-type) characters static QString reformatCharacter(int code, int format) { const QString codeS = reformatInteger(code, format); if (code < 0) // Append unsigned value. return codeS + QLatin1String(" / ") + reformatInteger(256 + code, format); const QChar c = QLatin1Char(code); if (c.isPrint()) return codeS + QLatin1String(" '") + c + QLatin1Char('\''); switch (code) { case 0: return codeS + QLatin1String(" '\\0'"); case '\r': return codeS + QLatin1String(" '\\r'"); case '\t': return codeS + QLatin1String(" '\\t'"); case '\n': return codeS + QLatin1String(" '\\n'"); } return codeS; } static QString quoteUnprintable(const QString &str) { if (WatchHandler::unprintableBase() == 0) return str; QString encoded; if (WatchHandler::unprintableBase() == -1) { foreach (const QChar c, str) { int u = c.unicode(); if (c.isPrint()) encoded += c; else if (u == '\r') encoded += QLatin1String("\\r"); else if (u == '\t') encoded += QLatin1String("\\t"); else if (u == '\n') encoded += QLatin1String("\\n"); else encoded += QString::fromLatin1("\\%1") .arg(c.unicode(), 3, 8, QLatin1Char('0')); } return encoded; } foreach (const QChar c, str) { if (c.isPrint()) { encoded += c; } else if (WatchHandler::unprintableBase() == 8) { encoded += QString::fromLatin1("\\%1") .arg(c.unicode(), 3, 8, QLatin1Char('0')); } else { encoded += QString::fromLatin1("\\u%1") .arg(c.unicode(), 4, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); } } return encoded; } static QString translate(const QString &str) { if (str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('<'))) { if (str == QLatin1String("")) return WatchHandler::tr(""); if (str == QLatin1String("")) return WatchHandler::tr(""); if (str == QLatin1String("")) return WatchHandler::tr(""); if (str == QLatin1String("")) return WatchHandler::tr(""); if (str == QLatin1String("")) return WatchHandler::tr(""); if (str.endsWith(QLatin1String(" items>"))) { // '<10 items>' or '<>10 items>' (more than) bool ok; const bool moreThan = str.at(1) == QLatin1Char('>'); const int numberPos = moreThan ? 2 : 1; const int len = str.indexOf(QLatin1Char(' ')) - numberPos; const int size = str.mid(numberPos, len).toInt(&ok); QTC_ASSERT(ok, qWarning("WatchHandler: Invalid item count '%s'", qPrintable(str))); return moreThan ? WatchHandler::tr("", 0, size) : WatchHandler::tr("<%n items>", 0, size); } } return quoteUnprintable(str); } QString WatchModel::formattedValue(const WatchData &data) const { const QString &value = data.value; if (data.type == "bool") { if (value == QLatin1String("0")) return QLatin1String("false"); if (value == QLatin1String("1")) return QLatin1String("true"); return value; } if (isIntType(data.type)) { if (value.isEmpty()) return value; // Do not reformat booleans (reported as 'true, false'). const QChar firstChar = value.at(0); if (!firstChar.isDigit() && firstChar != QLatin1Char('-')) return value; // Append quoted, printable character also for decimal. const int format = itemFormat(data); if (data.type.endsWith("char")) { bool ok; const int code = value.toInt(&ok); return ok ? reformatCharacter(code, format) : value; } // Rest: Leave decimal as is if (format <= 0) return value; // Evil hack, covers 'unsigned' as well as quint64. if (data.type.contains('u')) return reformatInteger(value.toULongLong(0, 0), format); return reformatInteger(value.toLongLong(), format); } if (data.type == "va_list") return value; if (!isPointerType(data.type) && !data.isVTablePointer()) { bool ok = false; qulonglong integer = value.toULongLong(&ok, 0); if (ok) { const int format = itemFormat(data); return reformatInteger(integer, format); } } return translate(value); } // Get a pointer address from pointer values reported by the debugger. // Fix CDB formatting of pointers "0x00000000`000003fd class foo *", or // "0x00000000`000003fd "Hallo"", or check gdb formatting of characters. static inline quint64 pointerValue(QString data) { const int blankPos = data.indexOf(QLatin1Char(' ')); if (blankPos != -1) data.truncate(blankPos); data.remove(QLatin1Char('`')); return data.toULongLong(0, 0); } // Return the type used for editing static inline int editType(const WatchData &d) { if (d.type == "bool") return QVariant::Bool; if (isIntType(d.type)) return d.type.contains('u') ? QVariant::ULongLong : QVariant::LongLong; if (isFloatType(d.type)) return QVariant::Double; // Check for pointers using hex values (0xAD00 "Hallo") if (isPointerType(d.type) && d.value.startsWith(QLatin1String("0x"))) return QVariant::ULongLong; return QVariant::String; } // Convert to editable (see above) static inline QVariant editValue(const WatchData &d) { switch (editType(d)) { case QVariant::Bool: return d.value != QLatin1String("0") && d.value != QLatin1String("false"); case QVariant::ULongLong: if (isPointerType(d.type)) // Fix pointer values (0xAD00 "Hallo" -> 0xAD00) return QVariant(pointerValue(d.value)); return QVariant(d.value.toULongLong()); case QVariant::LongLong: return QVariant(d.value.toLongLong()); case QVariant::Double: return QVariant(d.value.toDouble()); default: break; } // Some string value: '0x434 "Hallo"': // Remove quotes and replace newlines, which will cause line edit troubles. QString stringValue = d.value; if (stringValue.endsWith(QLatin1Char('"'))) { const int leadingDoubleQuote = stringValue.indexOf(QLatin1Char('"')); if (leadingDoubleQuote != stringValue.size() - 1) { stringValue.truncate(stringValue.size() - 1); stringValue.remove(0, leadingDoubleQuote + 1); stringValue.replace(QLatin1String("\n"), QLatin1String("\\n")); } } return QVariant(translate(stringValue)); } bool WatchModel::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return false; if (!contentIsValid()) return false; WatchItem *item = watchItem(idx); QTC_ASSERT(item, return false); if (!item->iname.contains('.')) return false; return !m_fetchTriggered.contains(item->iname); } void WatchModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &idx) { if (!idx.isValid()) return; // Triggered by ModelTester. WatchItem *item = watchItem(idx); QTC_ASSERT(item, return); QTC_ASSERT(!m_fetchTriggered.contains(item->iname), return); m_expandedINames.insert(item->iname); m_fetchTriggered.insert(item->iname); if (item->children.isEmpty()) { WatchData data = *item; data.setChildrenNeeded(); WatchUpdateFlags flags; flags.tryIncremental = true; engine()->updateWatchData(data, flags); } } QModelIndex WatchModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!hasIndex(row, column, parent)) return QModelIndex(); const WatchItem *item = watchItem(parent); QTC_ASSERT(item, return QModelIndex()); if (row >= item->children.size()) return QModelIndex(); return createIndex(row, column, (void*)(item->children.at(row))); } QModelIndex WatchModel::parent(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return QModelIndex(); const WatchItem *item = watchItem(idx); const WatchItem *parent = item->parent; if (!parent || parent == m_root) return QModelIndex(); const WatchItem *grandparent = parent->parent; if (!grandparent) return QModelIndex(); const WatchItems &uncles = grandparent->children; for (int i = 0, n = uncles.size(); i < n; ++i) if (uncles.at(i) == parent) return createIndex(i, 0, (void*) parent); return QModelIndex(); } int WatchModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return m_root->children.size(); if (idx.column() > 0) return 0; return watchItem(idx)->children.size(); } int WatchModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &idx) const { Q_UNUSED(idx) return 3; } bool WatchModel::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const { WatchItem *item = watchItem(parent); return !item || item->hasChildren; } WatchItem *WatchModel::watchItem(const QModelIndex &idx) const { WatchItem *item = idx.isValid() ? static_cast(idx.internalPointer()) : m_root; CHECK(checkItem(item)); return item; } QModelIndex WatchModel::watchIndex(const WatchItem *item) const { CHECK(checkItem(item)); return watchIndexHelper(item, m_root, QModelIndex()); } QModelIndex WatchModel::watchIndexHelper(const WatchItem *needle, const WatchItem *parentItem, const QModelIndex &parentIndex) const { if (needle == parentItem) return parentIndex; for (int i = parentItem->children.size(); --i >= 0; ) { const WatchItem *childItem = parentItem->children.at(i); QModelIndex childIndex = index(i, 0, parentIndex); QModelIndex idx = watchIndexHelper(needle, childItem, childIndex); if (idx.isValid()) return idx; } return QModelIndex(); } void WatchModel::emitDataChanged(int column, const QModelIndex &parentIndex) { QModelIndex idx1 = index(0, column, parentIndex); QModelIndex idx2 = index(rowCount(parentIndex) - 1, column, parentIndex); if (idx1.isValid() && idx2.isValid()) emit dataChanged(idx1, idx2); //qDebug() << "CHANGING:\n" << idx1 << "\n" << idx2 << "\n" // << data(parentIndex, INameRole).toString(); for (int i = rowCount(parentIndex); --i >= 0; ) emitDataChanged(column, index(i, 0, parentIndex)); } void WatchModel::invalidateAll(const QModelIndex &parentIndex) { QModelIndex idx1 = index(0, 0, parentIndex); QModelIndex idx2 = index(rowCount(parentIndex) - 1, columnCount(parentIndex) - 1, parentIndex); if (idx1.isValid() && idx2.isValid()) emit dataChanged(idx1, idx2); } void WatchModel::resetValueCacheRecursively(WatchItem *item) { m_valueCache[item->iname] = item->value; const WatchItems &items = item->children; for (int i = items.size(); --i >= 0; ) resetValueCacheRecursively(items.at(i)); } // Truncate value for item view, maintaining quotes. static QString truncateValue(QString v) { enum { maxLength = 512 }; if (v.size() < maxLength) return v; const bool isQuoted = v.endsWith(QLatin1Char('"')); // check for 'char* "Hallo"' v.truncate(maxLength); v += isQuoted ? QLatin1String("...\"") : QLatin1String("..."); return v; } int WatchModel::itemFormat(const WatchData &data) const { const int individualFormat = theIndividualFormats.value(data.iname, -1); if (individualFormat != -1) return individualFormat; return theTypeFormats.value(stripForFormat(data.type), -1); } bool WatchModel::contentIsValid() const { // FIXME: // inspector doesn't follow normal beginCycle()/endCycle() //if (m_type == InspectWatch) // return true; return m_handler->m_contentsValid; } #if USE_EXPENSIVE_CHECKS void WatchModel::checkTree() { QSet inames; checkTree(m_root, &inames); QSet current = m_cache.keys().toSet(); Q_ASSERT(inames == current); } void WatchModel::checkTree(WatchItem *item, QSet *inames) { checkItem(item); inames->insert(item->iname); for (int i = 0, n = item->children.size(); i != n; ++i) checkTree(item->children.at(i), inames); } void WatchModel::checkItem(const WatchItem *item) const { Q_ASSERT(item->children.size() < 1000 * 1000); Q_ASSERT(m_cache2.contains(item)); Q_ASSERT(m_cache2.value(item) == item->iname); Q_ASSERT(m_cache.value(item->iname) == item); } #endif static QString expression(const WatchItem *item) { if (!item->exp.isEmpty()) return QString::fromLatin1(item->exp); if (item->address && !item->type.isEmpty()) { return QString::fromLatin1("*(%1*)%2"). arg(QLatin1String(item->type), QLatin1String(item->hexAddress())); } if (const WatchItem *parent = item->parent) { if (!parent->exp.isEmpty()) return QString::fromLatin1("(%1).%2") .arg(QString::fromLatin1(parent->exp), item->name); } return QString(); } QString WatchModel::display(const WatchItem *item, int col) const { QString result; switch (col) { case 0: if (item->parent == m_watchRoot && item->name.isEmpty()) result = tr(""); else if (item->parent == m_returnRoot) result = tr("returned value"); else if (item->name == QLatin1String("*")) result = QLatin1Char('*') + item->parent->name; else result = removeInitialNamespace(item->name); break; case 1: result = removeInitialNamespace( truncateValue(formattedValue(*item))); // Append referencing address unless the value contains it. if (item->referencingAddress) { if (result.startsWith(QLatin1String("0x"))) { result.prepend(QLatin1Char('@')); } else { result += QLatin1String(" @"); result += QString::fromLatin1(item->hexReferencingAddress()); } } break; case 2: result = removeNamespaces(displayType(*item)); break; default: break; } return result; } QString WatchModel::displayForAutoTest(const QByteArray &iname) const { WatchItem *item = findItem(iname); if (item) return display(item, 1) + QLatin1Char(' ') + display(item, 2); return QString(); } QVariant WatchModel::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return QVariant(); // Triggered by ModelTester. const WatchItem *item = watchItem(idx); const WatchItem &data = *item; switch (role) { case LocalsEditTypeRole: return QVariant(editType(data)); case LocalsNameRole: return QVariant(data.name); case LocalsIntegerBaseRole: if (isPointerType(data.type)) // Pointers using 0x-convention return QVariant(16); return QVariant(formatToIntegerBase(itemFormat(data))); case Qt::EditRole: { switch (idx.column()) { case 0: return QVariant(expression(item)); case 1: return editValue(data); case 2: // FIXME:: To be tested: Can debuggers handle those? if (!data.displayedType.isEmpty()) return data.displayedType; return QString::fromUtf8(data.type); default: break; } } case Qt::DisplayRole: return display(item, idx.column()); case Qt::ToolTipRole: return debuggerCore()->boolSetting(UseToolTipsInLocalsView) ? data.toToolTip() : QVariant(); case Qt::ForegroundRole: { static const QVariant red(QColor(200, 0, 0)); static const QVariant gray(QColor(140, 140, 140)); if (idx.column() == 1) { if (!data.valueEnabled || !contentIsValid()) return gray; if (data.value != m_valueCache.value(data.iname)) return red; } break; } case LocalsExpressionRole: return QVariant(expression(item)); case LocalsRawExpressionRole: return data.exp; case LocalsINameRole: return data.iname; case LocalsExpandedRole: return m_expandedINames.contains(data.iname); case LocalsTypeFormatListRole: return typeFormatList(data); case LocalsTypeRole: return removeNamespaces(displayType(data)); case LocalsRawTypeRole: return QString::fromLatin1(data.type); case LocalsTypeFormatRole: return theTypeFormats.value(stripForFormat(data.type), -1); case LocalsIndividualFormatRole: return theIndividualFormats.value(data.iname, -1); case LocalsRawValueRole: return data.value; case LocalsPointerValueRole: return data.referencingAddress; case LocalsIsWatchpointAtAddressRole: { BreakpointParameters bp(WatchpointAtAddress); bp.address = data.coreAddress(); return engine()->breakHandler()->findWatchpoint(bp) != 0; } case LocalsAddressRole: return QVariant(data.coreAddress()); case LocalsReferencingAddressRole: return QVariant(data.referencingAddress); case LocalsSizeRole: return QVariant(data.size); case LocalsIsWatchpointAtPointerValueRole: if (isPointerType(data.type)) { BreakpointParameters bp(WatchpointAtAddress); bp.address = pointerValue(data.value); return engine()->breakHandler()->findWatchpoint(bp) != 0; } return false; default: break; } return QVariant(); } bool WatchModel::setData(const QModelIndex &idx, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (!idx.isValid()) return false; // Triggered by ModelTester. WatchItem &data = *watchItem(idx); switch (role) { case Qt::EditRole: switch (idx.column()) { case 0: // Watch expression: See delegate. break; case 1: // Change value engine()->assignValueInDebugger(&data, expression(&data), value); break; case 2: // TODO: Implement change type. engine()->assignValueInDebugger(&data, expression(&data), value); break; } case LocalsExpandedRole: if (value.toBool()) { // Should already have been triggered by fetchMore() //QTC_CHECK(m_expandedINames.contains(data.iname)); m_expandedINames.insert(data.iname); } else { m_expandedINames.remove(data.iname); } break; case LocalsTypeFormatRole: m_handler->setFormat(data.type, value.toInt()); engine()->updateWatchData(data); break; case LocalsIndividualFormatRole: { const int format = value.toInt(); if (format == -1) { theIndividualFormats.remove(data.iname); } else { theIndividualFormats[data.iname] = format; } engine()->updateWatchData(data); break; } } //emit dataChanged(idx, idx); return true; } Qt::ItemFlags WatchModel::flags(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!contentIsValid()) return Qt::ItemFlags(); if (!idx.isValid()) return Qt::ItemFlags(); // Enabled, editable, selectable, checkable, and can be used both as the // source of a drag and drop operation and as a drop target. static const Qt::ItemFlags notEditable = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled; static const Qt::ItemFlags editable = notEditable | Qt::ItemIsEditable; // Disable editing if debuggee is positively running except for Inspector data const WatchData &data = *watchItem(idx); const bool isRunning = engine() && engine()->state() == InferiorRunOk; if (isRunning && engine() && !engine()->hasCapability(AddWatcherWhileRunningCapability) && !data.isInspect()) return notEditable; if (data.isWatcher()) { if (idx.column() == 0 && data.iname.count('.') == 1) return editable; // Watcher names are editable. if (!data.name.isEmpty()) { // FIXME: Forcing types is not implemented yet. //if (idx.column() == 2) // return editable; // Watcher types can be set by force. if (idx.column() == 1 && data.valueEditable) return editable; // Watcher values are sometimes editable. } } else if (data.isLocal()) { if (idx.column() == 1 && data.valueEditable) return editable; // Locals values are sometimes editable. } else if (data.isInspect()) { if (idx.column() == 1 && data.valueEditable) return editable; // Inspector values are sometimes editable. } return notEditable; } QVariant WatchModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) return QVariant(); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch (section) { case 0: return QString(tr("Name") + QLatin1String(" ")); case 1: return QString(tr("Value") + QLatin1String(" ")); case 2: return QString(tr("Type") + QLatin1String(" ")); } } return QVariant(); } QStringList WatchModel::typeFormatList(const WatchData &data) const { if (data.referencingAddress || isPointerType(data.type)) return QStringList() << tr("Raw pointer") << tr("Latin1 string") << tr("UTF8 string") << tr("Local 8bit string") << tr("UTF16 string") << tr("UCS4 string"); if (data.type.contains("char[") || data.type.contains("char [")) return QStringList() << tr("Latin1 string") << tr("UTF8 string") << tr("Local 8bit string"); bool ok = false; (void)data.value.toULongLong(&ok, 0); if ((isIntType(data.type) && data.type != "bool") || ok) return QStringList() << tr("Decimal") << tr("Hexadecimal") << tr("Binary") << tr("Octal"); // Hack: Compensate for namespaces. QString type = QLatin1String(stripForFormat(data.type)); int pos = type.indexOf(QLatin1String("::Q")); if (pos >= 0 && type.count(QLatin1Char(':')) == 2) type.remove(0, pos + 2); pos = type.indexOf(QLatin1Char('<')); if (pos >= 0) type.truncate(pos); type.replace(QLatin1Char(':'), QLatin1Char('_')); return m_reportedTypeFormats.value(type); } // Determine sort order of watch items by sort order or alphabetical inames // according to setting 'SortStructMembers'. We need a map key for insertBulkData // and a predicate for finding the insertion position of a single item. // Set this before using any of the below according to action static bool sortWatchDataAlphabetically = true; static bool watchDataLessThan(const QByteArray &iname1, int sortId1, const QByteArray &iname2, int sortId2) { if (!sortWatchDataAlphabetically) return sortId1 < sortId2; // Get positions of last part of iname 'local.this.i1" -> "i1" int cmpPos1 = iname1.lastIndexOf('.'); if (cmpPos1 == -1) { cmpPos1 = 0; } else { cmpPos1++; } int cmpPos2 = iname2.lastIndexOf('.'); if (cmpPos2 == -1) { cmpPos2 = 0; } else { cmpPos2++; } // Are we looking at an array with numerical inames 'local.this.i1.0" -> // Go by sort id. if (cmpPos1 < iname1.size() && cmpPos2 < iname2.size() && isdigit(iname1.at(cmpPos1)) && isdigit(iname2.at(cmpPos2))) return sortId1 < sortId2; // Alphabetically return qstrcmp(iname1.constData() + cmpPos1, iname2.constData() + cmpPos2) < 0; } // Sort key for watch data consisting of iname and numerical sort id. struct WatchDataSortKey { explicit WatchDataSortKey(const WatchData &wd) : iname(wd.iname), sortId(wd.sortId) {} QByteArray iname; int sortId; }; inline bool operator<(const WatchDataSortKey &k1, const WatchDataSortKey &k2) { return watchDataLessThan(k1.iname, k1.sortId, k2.iname, k2.sortId); } bool watchItemSorter(const WatchItem *item1, const WatchItem *item2) { return watchDataLessThan(item1->iname, item1->sortId, item2->iname, item2->sortId); } static int findInsertPosition(const QList &list, const WatchItem *item) { sortWatchDataAlphabetically = debuggerCore()->boolSetting(SortStructMembers); const QList::const_iterator it = qLowerBound(list.begin(), list.end(), item, watchItemSorter); return it - list.begin(); } void WatchModel::insertDataItem(const WatchData &data, bool destructive) { #if USE_WATCH_MODEL_TEST (void) new ModelTest(this, this); #endif m_fetchTriggered.remove(data.iname); CHECK(checkTree()); QTC_ASSERT(!data.iname.isEmpty(), qDebug() << data.toString(); return); if (WatchItem *item = findItem(data.iname)) { // Remove old children. if (destructive) destroyChildren(item); // Overwrite old entry. assignData(item, data); QModelIndex idx = watchIndex(item); emit dataChanged(idx, idx.sibling(idx.row(), 2)); } else { // Add new entry. WatchItem *parent = findItem(parentName(data.iname)); QTC_ASSERT(parent, return); WatchItem *newItem = createItem(data); newItem->parent = parent; const int row = findInsertPosition(parent->children, newItem); QModelIndex idx = watchIndex(parent); beginInsertRows(idx, row, row); parent->children.insert(row, newItem); endInsertRows(); if (m_expandedINames.contains(parent->iname)) emit itemIsExpanded(idx); } } // Identify items that have to be removed, i.e. current items that // have an ancestor in the list, but do not appear in the list themselves. bool WatchModel::ancestorChanged(const QSet &inames, WatchItem *item) const { if (item == m_root) return false; WatchItem *parent = item->parent; if (inames.contains(parent->iname)) return true; return ancestorChanged(inames, parent); } void WatchModel::insertBulkData(const QList &list) { #if 1 for (int i = 0, n = list.size(); i != n; ++i) { const WatchData &data = list.at(i); insertDataItem(data, true); m_handler->showEditValue(data); } #else // Destroy unneeded items. QSet inames; for (int i = list.size(); --i >= 0; ) inames.insert(list.at(i).iname); QList toDestroy; for (Cache::const_iterator it = m_cache.begin(), et = m_cache.end(); it != et; ++it) if (!inames.contains(it.key()) && ancestorChanged(inames, it.value())) toDestroy.append(it.key()); for (int i = 0, n = toDestroy.size(); i != n; ++i) { // Can be destroyed as child of a previous item. WatchItem *item = findItem(toDestroy.at(i)); if (item) destroyItem(item); } // All remaining items are changed or new. for (int i = 0, n = list.size(); i != n; ++i) insertDataItem(list.at(i), false); #endif CHECK(checkTree()); } static void debugRecursion(QDebug &d, const WatchItem *item, int depth) { d << QString(2 * depth, QLatin1Char(' ')) << item->toString() << '\n'; foreach (const WatchItem *child, item->children) debugRecursion(d, child, depth + 1); } QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const WatchModel &m) { QDebug nospace = d.nospace(); if (m.m_root) debugRecursion(nospace, m.m_root, 0); return d; } void WatchModel::formatRequests(QByteArray *out, const WatchItem *item) const { int format = theIndividualFormats.value(item->iname, -1); if (format == -1) format = theTypeFormats.value(stripForFormat(item->type), -1); if (format != -1) *out += item->iname + ":format=" + QByteArray::number(format) + ','; foreach (const WatchItem *child, item->children) formatRequests(out, child); } void WatchModel::showInEditorHelper(QString *contents, WatchItem *item, int depth) { const QChar tab = QLatin1Char('\t'); const QChar nl = QLatin1Char('\n'); contents->append(QString(depth, tab)); contents->append(item->name); contents->append(tab); contents->append(item->value); contents->append(tab); contents->append(QString::fromLatin1(item->type)); contents->append(nl); foreach (WatchItem *child, item->children) showInEditorHelper(contents, child, depth + 1); } void WatchModel::setCurrentItem(const QByteArray &iname) { if (WatchItem *item = findItem(iname)) { QModelIndex idx = watchIndex(item); emit currentIndexRequested(idx); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WatchHandler // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WatchHandler::WatchHandler(DebuggerEngine *engine) { m_engine = engine; m_watcherCounter = debuggerCore()->sessionValue(QLatin1String("Watchers")) .toStringList().count(); m_model = new WatchModel(this); m_contentsValid = false; m_contentsValid = true; // FIXME m_resetLocationScheduled = false; } WatchHandler::~WatchHandler() { // Do it manually to prevent calling back in model destructors // after m_cache is destroyed. delete m_model; m_model = 0; } void WatchHandler::cleanup() { m_model->m_expandedINames.clear(); theWatcherNames.remove(QByteArray()); m_model->reinitialize(); m_model->m_fetchTriggered.clear(); #if 1 for (WatchModel::EditHandlers::ConstIterator it = m_model->m_editHandlers.begin(); it != m_model->m_editHandlers.end(); ++it) { if (!it.value().isNull()) delete it.value(); } m_model->m_editHandlers.clear(); #endif } void WatchHandler::insertIncompleteData(const WatchData &data) { MODEL_DEBUG("INSERTDATA: " << data.toString()); if (!data.isValid()) { qWarning("%s:%d: Attempt to insert invalid watch item: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, qPrintable(data.toString())); return; } if (data.isSomethingNeeded() && data.iname.contains('.')) { MODEL_DEBUG("SOMETHING NEEDED: " << data.toString()); if (!m_engine->isSynchronous() || data.isInspect()) { m_model->insertDataItem(data, true); m_engine->updateWatchData(data); } else { m_engine->showMessage(QLatin1String("ENDLESS LOOP: SOMETHING NEEDED: ") + data.toString()); WatchData data1 = data; data1.setAllUnneeded(); data1.setValue(QLatin1String("")); data1.setHasChildren(false); m_model->insertDataItem(data1, true); } } else { MODEL_DEBUG("NOTHING NEEDED: " << data.toString()); m_model->insertDataItem(data, true); showEditValue(data); } } void WatchHandler::insertData(const WatchData &data) { QList list; list.append(data); insertData(list); } void WatchHandler::insertData(const QList &list) { m_model->insertBulkData(list); m_contentsValid = true; updateWatchersWindow(); } void WatchHandler::removeAllData() { m_model->reinitialize(); updateWatchersWindow(); } void WatchHandler::resetValueCache() { m_model->m_valueCache.clear(); m_model->resetValueCacheRecursively(m_model->m_root); } void WatchHandler::removeData(const QByteArray &iname) { WatchItem *item = m_model->findItem(iname); if (!item) return; if (item->isWatcher()) { theWatcherNames.remove(item->exp); saveWatchers(); } m_model->destroyItem(item); updateWatchersWindow(); } void WatchHandler::removeChildren(const QByteArray &iname) { WatchItem *item = m_model->findItem(iname); if (item) m_model->destroyChildren(item); updateWatchersWindow(); } QByteArray WatchHandler::watcherName(const QByteArray &exp) { return "watch." + QByteArray::number(theWatcherNames[exp]); } void WatchHandler::watchExpression(const QString &exp, const QString &name) { QTC_ASSERT(m_engine, return); // Do not insert the same entry more then once. if (theWatcherNames.value(exp.toLatin1())) return; // FIXME: 'exp' can contain illegal characters WatchData data; data.exp = exp.toLatin1(); data.name = name.isEmpty() ? exp : name; theWatcherNames[data.exp] = m_watcherCounter++; saveWatchers(); if (exp.isEmpty()) data.setAllUnneeded(); data.iname = watcherName(data.exp); if (m_engine->state() == DebuggerNotReady) { data.setAllUnneeded(); data.setValue(QString(QLatin1Char(' '))); data.setHasChildren(false); insertIncompleteData(data); } else if (m_engine->isSynchronous()) { m_engine->updateWatchData(data); } else { insertIncompleteData(data); } updateWatchersWindow(); } static void swapEndian(char *d, int nchar) { QTC_ASSERT(nchar % 4 == 0, return); for (int i = 0; i < nchar; i += 4) { char c = d[i]; d[i] = d[i + 3]; d[i + 3] = c; c = d[i + 1]; d[i + 1] = d[i + 2]; d[i + 2] = c; } } void WatchHandler::showEditValue(const WatchData &data) { const QByteArray key = data.address ? data.hexAddress() : data.iname; QObject *w = m_model->m_editHandlers.value(key); if (data.editformat == 0x0) { m_model->m_editHandlers.remove(data.iname); delete w; } else if (data.editformat == 1 || data.editformat == 3) { // QImage QLabel *l = qobject_cast(w); if (!l) { delete w; l = new QLabel; const QString title = data.address ? tr("%1 Object at %2").arg(QLatin1String(data.type), QLatin1String(data.hexAddress())) : tr("%1 Object at Unknown Address").arg(QLatin1String(data.type)); l->setWindowTitle(title); m_model->m_editHandlers[key] = l; } int width, height, format; QByteArray ba; uchar *bits; if (data.editformat == 1) { ba = QByteArray::fromHex(data.editvalue); const int *header = (int *)(ba.data()); swapEndian(ba.data(), ba.size()); bits = 12 + (uchar *)(ba.data()); width = header[0]; height = header[1]; format = header[2]; } else { // data.editformat == 3 QTextStream ts(data.editvalue); QString fileName; ts >> width >> height >> format >> fileName; QFile f(fileName); f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); ba = f.readAll(); bits = (uchar*)ba.data(); } QImage im(bits, width, height, QImage::Format(format)); #if 1 // Qt bug. Enforce copy of image data. QImage im2(im); im.detach(); #endif l->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(im)); l->resize(width, height); l->show(); } else if (data.editformat == 2) { // Display QString in a separate widget. QTextEdit *t = qobject_cast(w); if (!t) { delete w; t = new QTextEdit; m_model->m_editHandlers[key] = t; } QByteArray ba = QByteArray::fromHex(data.editvalue); QString str = QString::fromUtf16((ushort *)ba.constData(), ba.size()/2); t->setText(str); t->resize(400, 200); t->show(); } else if (data.editformat == 4) { // Generic Process. int pos = data.editvalue.indexOf('|'); QByteArray cmd = data.editvalue.left(pos); QByteArray input = data.editvalue.mid(pos + 1); QProcess *p = qobject_cast(w); if (!p) { p = new QProcess; p->start(QLatin1String(cmd)); p->waitForStarted(); m_model->m_editHandlers[key] = p; } p->write(input + '\n'); } else { QTC_ASSERT(false, qDebug() << "Display format: " << data.editformat); } } void WatchHandler::clearWatches() { if (theWatcherNames.isEmpty()) return; m_model->destroyChildren(m_model->m_watchRoot); theWatcherNames.clear(); m_watcherCounter = 0; updateWatchersWindow(); saveWatchers(); } void WatchHandler::updateWatchersWindow() { // Force show/hide of watchers and return view. static int previousShowWatch = -1; static int previousShowReturn = -1; int showWatch = !m_model->m_watchRoot->children.isEmpty(); int showReturn = !m_model->m_returnRoot->children.isEmpty(); if (showWatch == previousShowWatch && showReturn == previousShowReturn) return; previousShowWatch = showWatch; previousShowReturn = showReturn; debuggerCore()->updateWatchersWindow(showWatch, showReturn); } QStringList WatchHandler::watchedExpressions() { // Filter out invalid watchers. QStringList watcherNames; QHashIterator it(theWatcherNames); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); const QByteArray &watcherName = it.key(); if (!watcherName.isEmpty()) watcherNames.push_back(QLatin1String(watcherName)); } return watcherNames; } void WatchHandler::saveWatchers() { debuggerCore()->setSessionValue(QLatin1String("Watchers"), QVariant(watchedExpressions())); } void WatchHandler::loadTypeFormats() { QVariant value = debuggerCore()->sessionValue(QLatin1String("DefaultFormats")); QMap typeFormats = value.toMap(); QMapIterator it(typeFormats); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (!it.key().isEmpty()) theTypeFormats.insert(it.key().toUtf8(), it.value().toInt()); } } void WatchHandler::saveTypeFormats() { QMap typeFormats; QHashIterator it(theTypeFormats); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); const int format = it.value(); if (format != DecimalFormat) { const QByteArray key = it.key().trimmed(); if (!key.isEmpty()) typeFormats.insert(QLatin1String(key), format); } } debuggerCore()->setSessionValue(QLatin1String("DefaultFormats"), QVariant(typeFormats)); } void WatchHandler::saveSessionData() { saveWatchers(); saveTypeFormats(); } void WatchHandler::loadSessionData() { loadTypeFormats(); theWatcherNames.clear(); m_watcherCounter = 0; QVariant value = debuggerCore()->sessionValue(QLatin1String("Watchers")); m_model->destroyChildren(m_model->m_watchRoot); foreach (const QString &exp, value.toStringList()) watchExpression(exp); } void WatchHandler::updateWatchers() { m_model->destroyChildren(m_model->m_watchRoot); // Copy over all watchers and mark all watchers as incomplete. foreach (const QByteArray &exp, theWatcherNames.keys()) { WatchData data; data.iname = watcherName(exp); data.setAllNeeded(); data.name = QLatin1String(exp); data.exp = exp; insertIncompleteData(data); } } QAbstractItemModel *WatchHandler::model() const { return m_model; } const WatchData *WatchHandler::watchData(const QModelIndex &idx) const { return m_model->watchItem(idx); } const WatchData *WatchHandler::findData(const QByteArray &iname) const { return m_model->findItem(iname); } const WatchData *WatchHandler::findCppLocalVariable(const QString &name) const { // Can this be found as a local variable? const QByteArray localsPrefix("local."); QByteArray iname = localsPrefix + name.toLatin1(); if (const WatchData *wd = findData(iname)) return wd; // Nope, try a 'local.this.m_foo'. iname.insert(localsPrefix.size(), "this."); if (const WatchData *wd = findData(iname)) return wd; return 0; } QString WatchHandler::displayForAutoTest(const QByteArray &iname) const { return m_model->displayForAutoTest(iname); } bool WatchHandler::hasItem(const QByteArray &iname) const { return m_model->findItem(iname); } void WatchHandler::setFormat(const QByteArray &type0, int format) { const QByteArray type = stripForFormat(type0); if (format == -1) theTypeFormats.remove(type); else theTypeFormats[type] = format; saveTypeFormats(); m_model->emitDataChanged(1); } int WatchHandler::format(const QByteArray &iname) const { int result = -1; if (const WatchData *item = m_model->findItem(iname)) { int result = theIndividualFormats.value(item->iname, -1); if (result == -1) result = theTypeFormats.value(stripForFormat(item->type), -1); } return result; } QByteArray WatchHandler::expansionRequests() const { QByteArray ba; m_model->formatRequests(&ba, m_model->m_root); if (!m_model->m_expandedINames.isEmpty()) { QSetIterator jt(m_model->m_expandedINames); while (jt.hasNext()) { QByteArray iname = jt.next(); ba.append(iname); ba.append(','); } ba.chop(1); } return ba; } QByteArray WatchHandler::typeFormatRequests() const { QByteArray ba; if (!theTypeFormats.isEmpty()) { QHashIterator it(theTypeFormats); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); ba.append(it.key().toHex()); ba.append('='); ba.append(QByteArray::number(it.value())); ba.append(','); } ba.chop(1); } return ba; } QByteArray WatchHandler::individualFormatRequests() const { QByteArray ba; if (!theIndividualFormats.isEmpty()) { QHashIterator it(theIndividualFormats); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); ba.append(it.key()); ba.append('='); ba.append(QByteArray::number(it.value())); ba.append(','); } ba.chop(1); } return ba; } void WatchHandler::addTypeFormats(const QByteArray &type, const QStringList &formats) { m_model->m_reportedTypeFormats.insert(QLatin1String(stripForFormat(type)), formats); } QString WatchHandler::editorContents() { QString contents; m_model->showInEditorHelper(&contents, m_model->m_root, 0); return contents; } void WatchHandler::removeTooltip() { m_model->destroyChildren(m_model->m_tooltipRoot); } void WatchHandler::rebuildModel() { // m_model->destroyChildren(m_model->m_watchRoot); // foreach (const QString &exp, watchedExpressions()) { // WatchData data; // data.exp = exp.toLatin1(); // data.name = exp; // data.iname = watcherName(data.exp); // data.setAllUnneeded(); // insertIncompleteData(data); // } } void WatchHandler::setTypeFormats(const TypeFormats &typeFormats) { m_model->m_reportedTypeFormats = typeFormats; } TypeFormats WatchHandler::typeFormats() const { return m_model->m_reportedTypeFormats; } void WatchHandler::editTypeFormats(bool includeLocals, const QByteArray &iname) { Q_UNUSED(includeLocals); TypeFormatsDialog dlg(0); //QHashIterator it(m_reportedTypeFormats); QList l = m_model->m_reportedTypeFormats.keys(); qSort(l.begin(), l.end()); foreach (const QString &ba, l) { int f = iname.isEmpty() ? -1 : format(iname); dlg.addTypeFormats(ba, m_model->m_reportedTypeFormats.value(ba), f); } if (dlg.exec()) setTypeFormats(dlg.typeFormats()); } void WatchHandler::scheduleResetLocation() { m_contentsValid = false; //m_contentsValid = true; // FIXME m_resetLocationScheduled = true; } void WatchHandler::resetLocation() { if (m_resetLocationScheduled) { m_resetLocationScheduled = false; //m_model->invalidateAll(); FIXME } } bool WatchHandler::isValidToolTip(const QByteArray &iname) const { WatchItem *item = m_model->findItem(iname); return item && !item->type.trimmed().isEmpty(); } void WatchHandler::setCurrentItem(const QByteArray &iname) { m_model->setCurrentItem(iname); } QHash WatchHandler::watcherNames() { return theWatcherNames; } void WatchHandler::setUnprintableBase(int base) { theUnprintableBase = base; m_model->emitAllChanged(); } int WatchHandler::unprintableBase() { return theUnprintableBase; } bool WatchHandler::isExpandedIName(const QByteArray &iname) const { return m_model->m_expandedINames.contains(iname); } QSet WatchHandler::expandedINames() const { return m_model->m_expandedINames; } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Debugger #include "watchhandler.moc"