// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "deviceusedportsgatherer.h" #include "idevice.h" #include "sshparameters.h" #include "../projectexplorertr.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Utils; namespace ProjectExplorer { namespace Internal { class DeviceUsedPortsGathererPrivate { public: std::unique_ptr process; QList usedPorts; IDevice::ConstPtr device; PortsGatheringMethod portsGatheringMethod; QString m_errorString; }; } // namespace Internal DeviceUsedPortsGatherer::DeviceUsedPortsGatherer(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Internal::DeviceUsedPortsGathererPrivate) {} DeviceUsedPortsGatherer::~DeviceUsedPortsGatherer() { stop(); delete d; } void DeviceUsedPortsGatherer::start() { const auto emitError = [this](const QString &errorString) { d->m_errorString = errorString; emit done(false); }; d->usedPorts.clear(); d->m_errorString.clear(); QTC_ASSERT(d->device, emitError("No device given"); return); d->portsGatheringMethod = d->device->portsGatheringMethod(); QTC_ASSERT(d->portsGatheringMethod.commandLine, emitError("Not implemented"); return); QTC_ASSERT(d->portsGatheringMethod.parsePorts, emitError("Not implemented"); return); const QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol protocol = QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol; d->process.reset(new Process); d->process->setCommand(d->portsGatheringMethod.commandLine(protocol)); connect(d->process.get(), &Process::done, this, [this, emitError] { if (d->process->result() == ProcessResult::FinishedWithSuccess) { d->usedPorts.clear(); const QList usedPorts = d->portsGatheringMethod.parsePorts( d->process->rawStdOut()); for (const Port port : usedPorts) { if (d->device->freePorts().contains(port)) d->usedPorts << port; } emit done(true); } else { const QString errorString = d->process->errorString(); const QString stdErr = d->process->readAllStandardError(); const QString outputString = stdErr.isEmpty() ? stdErr : Tr::tr("Remote error output was: %1").arg(stdErr); emitError(Utils::joinStrings({errorString, outputString}, '\n')); } stop(); }); d->process->start(); } void DeviceUsedPortsGatherer::stop() { if (d->process) { d->process->disconnect(); d->process.release()->deleteLater(); } } void DeviceUsedPortsGatherer::setDevice(const IDeviceConstPtr &device) { d->device = device; } QList DeviceUsedPortsGatherer::usedPorts() const { return d->usedPorts; } QString DeviceUsedPortsGatherer::errorString() const { return d->m_errorString; } // PortGatherer PortsGatherer::PortsGatherer(RunControl *runControl) : RunWorker(runControl) { setId("PortGatherer"); connect(&m_portsGatherer, &DeviceUsedPortsGatherer::done, this, [this](bool success) { if (success) { m_portList = device()->freePorts(); appendMessage(Tr::tr("Found %n free ports.", nullptr, m_portList.count()), NormalMessageFormat); reportStarted(); } else { reportFailure(m_portsGatherer.errorString()); } }); } void PortsGatherer::start() { appendMessage(Tr::tr("Checking available ports..."), NormalMessageFormat); m_portsGatherer.setDevice(device()); m_portsGatherer.start(); } QUrl PortsGatherer::findEndPoint() { QUrl result; result.setScheme(urlTcpScheme()); result.setHost(device()->sshParameters().host()); result.setPort(m_portList.getNextFreePort(m_portsGatherer.usedPorts()).number()); return result; } void PortsGatherer::stop() { m_portsGatherer.stop(); reportStopped(); } namespace Internal { // SubChannelProvider /*! \class ProjectExplorer::SubChannelProvider \internal This is a helper RunWorker implementation to either use or not use port forwarding for one SubChannel in the ChannelProvider implementation. By default it is assumed that no forwarding is needed, i.e. end points provided by the shared endpoint resource provider are directly accessible. */ class SubChannelProvider : public RunWorker { public: SubChannelProvider(RunControl *runControl, PortsGatherer *portsGatherer) : RunWorker(runControl) , m_portGatherer(portsGatherer) { setId("SubChannelProvider"); } void start() final { m_channel.setScheme(urlTcpScheme()); if (device()->extraData(RemoteLinux::Constants::SshForwardDebugServerPort).toBool()) m_channel.setHost("localhost"); else m_channel.setHost(device()->toolControlChannel(IDevice::ControlChannelHint()).host()); if (m_portGatherer) m_channel.setPort(m_portGatherer->findEndPoint().port()); reportStarted(); } QUrl channel() const { return m_channel; } private: QUrl m_channel; PortsGatherer *m_portGatherer = nullptr; }; } // Internal // ChannelProvider /*! \class ProjectExplorer::ChannelProvider \internal The class implements a \c RunWorker to provide to provide a set of urls indicating usable connection end points for 'server-using' tools (typically one, like plain gdbserver and the Qml tooling, but two for mixed debugging). Urls can describe local or tcp servers that are directly accessible to the host tools. The tool implementations can assume that any needed port forwarding setup is setup and handled transparently by a \c ChannelProvider instance. If there are multiple subchannels needed that need to share a common set of resources on the remote side, a device implementation can provide a "SharedEndpointGatherer" RunWorker. If none is provided, it is assumed that the shared resource is open TCP ports, provided by the device's PortGatherer i implementation. FIXME: The current implementation supports only the case of "any number of TCP channels that do not need actual forwarding. */ ChannelProvider::ChannelProvider(RunControl *runControl, int requiredChannels) : RunWorker(runControl) { setId("ChannelProvider"); auto portsGatherer = new PortsGatherer(runControl); for (int i = 0; i < requiredChannels; ++i) { auto channelProvider = new Internal::SubChannelProvider(runControl, portsGatherer); m_channelProviders.append(channelProvider); addStartDependency(channelProvider); } } ChannelProvider::~ChannelProvider() = default; QUrl ChannelProvider::channel(int i) const { if (Internal::SubChannelProvider *provider = m_channelProviders.value(i)) return provider->channel(); return {}; } } // namespace ProjectExplorer