// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "task.h" #include "fileinsessionfinder.h" #include "projectexplorerconstants.h" #include "projectexplorertr.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Utils; namespace ProjectExplorer { static QIcon taskTypeIcon(Task::TaskType t) { static QIcon icons[3] = {QIcon(), Utils::Icons::CRITICAL.icon(), Utils::Icons::WARNING.icon()}; if (t < 0 || t > 2) t = Task::Unknown; return icons[t]; } unsigned int Task::s_nextId = 1; /*! \class ProjectExplorer::Task \brief The Task class represents a build issue (warning or error). \sa ProjectExplorer::TaskHub */ Task::Task(TaskType type_, const QString &description, const Utils::FilePath &file_, int line_, Utils::Id category_, const QIcon &icon, Options options) : taskId(s_nextId), type(type_), options(options), summary(description), line(line_), movedLine(line_), category(category_), m_icon(icon) { ++s_nextId; setFile(file_); QStringList desc = description.split('\n'); if (desc.length() > 1) { summary = desc.first(); details = desc.mid(1); } } Task Task::compilerMissingTask() { return BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, Tr::tr("%1 needs a compiler set up to build. " "Configure a compiler in the kit options.") .arg(QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayName())); } void Task::setMark(TextEditor::TextMark *mark) { QTC_ASSERT(mark, return); QTC_ASSERT(!m_mark, return); m_mark = std::shared_ptr(mark); } bool Task::isNull() const { return taskId == 0; } void Task::clear() { taskId = 0; type = Task::Unknown; summary.clear(); details.clear(); file = Utils::FilePath(); line = -1; movedLine = -1; column = 0; category = Utils::Id(); m_icon = QIcon(); formats.clear(); m_mark.reset(); } void Task::setFile(const Utils::FilePath &file_) { file = file_; if (!file.isEmpty() && !file.toFileInfo().isAbsolute()) { Utils::FilePaths possiblePaths = findFileInSession(file); if (possiblePaths.length() == 1) file = possiblePaths.first(); else fileCandidates = possiblePaths; } } QString Task::description(DescriptionTags tags) const { QString desc; if (tags & WithSummary) desc = summary; if (!details.isEmpty()) { if (!desc.isEmpty()) desc.append('\n'); desc.append(details.join('\n')); } return desc; } QIcon Task::icon() const { if (m_icon.isNull()) m_icon = taskTypeIcon(type); return m_icon; } QString Task::formattedDescription(DescriptionTags tags, const QString &extraHeading) const { if (isNull()) return {}; QString text = description(tags); const int offset = (tags & WithSummary) ? 0 : summary.size() + 1; static const QString linkTagStartPlaceholder("__QTC_LINK_TAG_START__"); static const QString linkTagEndPlaceholder("__QTC_LINK_TAG_END__"); static const QString linkEndPlaceholder("__QTC_LINK_END__"); if (tags & WithLinks) { for (auto formatRange = formats.crbegin(); formatRange != formats.crend(); ++formatRange) { if (!formatRange->format.isAnchor()) continue; text.insert(formatRange->start - offset + formatRange->length, linkEndPlaceholder); text.insert(formatRange->start - offset, QString::fromLatin1("%1%2%3").arg( linkTagStartPlaceholder, formatRange->format.anchorHref(), linkTagEndPlaceholder)); } } text = text.toHtmlEscaped(); if (tags & WithLinks) { text.replace(linkEndPlaceholder, ""); text.replace(linkTagStartPlaceholder, ""); } const QString htmlExtraHeading = extraHeading.isEmpty() ? QString() : QString::fromUtf8("%1
").arg(extraHeading); return QString::fromUtf8("%1" "%3") .arg(htmlExtraHeading, TextEditor::FontSettings::defaultFixedFontFamily(), text); } // // functions // bool operator==(const Task &t1, const Task &t2) { return t1.taskId == t2.taskId; } bool operator<(const Task &a, const Task &b) { if (a.type != b.type) { if (a.type == Task::Error) return true; if (b.type == Task::Error) return false; if (a.type == Task::Warning) return true; if (b.type == Task::Warning) return false; // Can't happen return true; } else { if (a.category < b.category) return true; if (b.category < a.category) return false; return a.taskId < b.taskId; } } size_t qHash(const Task &task) { return task.taskId; } QString toHtml(const Tasks &issues) { QString result; QTextStream str(&result); for (const Task &t : issues) { str << ""; switch (t.type) { case Task::Error: str << Tr::tr("Error:") << " "; break; case Task::Warning: str << Tr::tr("Warning:") << " "; break; case Task::Unknown: default: break; } str << "" << t.description() << "
"; } return result; } bool containsType(const Tasks &issues, Task::TaskType type) { return Utils::contains(issues, [type](const Task &t) { return t.type == type; }); } // CompilerTask CompileTask::CompileTask(TaskType type, const QString &desc, const FilePath &file, int line, int column_) : Task(type, desc, file, line, ProjectExplorer::Constants::TASK_CATEGORY_COMPILE) { column = column_; } // BuildSystemTask BuildSystemTask::BuildSystemTask(Task::TaskType type, const QString &desc, const FilePath &file, int line) : Task(type, desc, file, line, ProjectExplorer::Constants::TASK_CATEGORY_BUILDSYSTEM) {} // DeploymentTask DeploymentTask::DeploymentTask(Task::TaskType type, const QString &desc) : Task(type, desc, {}, -1, ProjectExplorer::Constants::TASK_CATEGORY_DEPLOYMENT) {} } // namespace ProjectExplorer