Prerequisites - general information ----------------------------------- Squish tests inside this folder have several prerequisites to get them running. First - and most important - you have to own a valid Squish license. At least Squish 6.0 is required. It must be configured to run tests written in Python3. Second - some of the test suites/test cases expect Qt versions to be installed in their default locations. For Qt5, this is ~/Qt5.x.1 on Linux/macOS or C:\Qt\Qt5.x.1 on Windows. For Qt6, this is an installation from the online installer located in ~/Qt on Linux/macOS or C:\Qt on Windows. Alternatively, you can set the environment variable SYSTEST_QTOI_BASEPATH to a different base path of the Qt installation from the online installer. It's easiest to use installations of the official opensource Qt packages. Just install the Qt version for the respective toolchain with the components (if available): - (Desktop) , e.g. Desktop gcc 64-bit - Qt Script (Qt5 only) The exact versions and toolchains are: Linux: Qt 5.4.1 (gcc) Qt 5.10.1 (gcc) Qt 5.14.1 (gcc) Qt 6.2.4 (gcc) macOS: Qt 5.10.1 (clang) Qt 5.14.1 (clang) Qt 6.2.4 (clang) Windows: Qt 5.4.1 (gcc) Qt 5.10.1 (MSVC2015, 32 bit) Qt 5.14.1 (MSVC2017, 64 bit) Qt 6.2.4 (MSVC2019, 64bit) Third - you'll have to provide some additional repositories. These additional repositories are located inside ~/squish-data or C:\Users\\squish-data (depending on the OS you're on). You can also just provide them inside a different folder and specify the folder with the environment variable SYSTEST_SRCPATH. This folder must contain a QtCreator repository (or source copy) of tag v6.0.1 named 'creator' without any submodules initialized. Fourth - you'll have to make sure that some needed tools are available (no matter on which OS you're on). * the compilers and debuggers of the toolchains listed in step 2 * git with globally configured and * cmake 3.14 or newer * wget or curl, capable of HTTPS Normally it should be okay to just install them as usual and add their executables' path(s) to the PATH variable. Fifth - Qt Creator must be built on a Qt without Qt WebEngine or Qt WebKit. On macOS make sure you are using the correct keyboard layout to avoid problems when using keyboard interaction. Tested and known to be working would be 'U.S. International - PC', while pure 'U.S.' had problems. Use the settings in System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources to install missing keyboard layouts and ensure you have set it as default. Attention! If any of these prerequisites cannot be satisfied the tests will likely fail (or not run at all). Prerequisites - debugging and analyzing ----------------------------------------- In tst_simple_debug from suite_debugger, Creator needs to read data from an application it started. On Windows, this has the following prerequisites: Either: * have no firewall at all enabled (sure that's a bad idea) Or: * run Windows with English UI * have the Windows Firewall enabled (no other firewalls are handled by the scripts) * run the Squish tests with administrator privileges * additionally the UAC should be disabled, too Otherwise you'll have some trouble with popping up dialogs from the firewall. If you're using a different firewall - try to figure out and add a rule for this.