############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ## Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing ## ## This file is part of Qt Creator. ## ## Commercial License Usage ## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ## conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information ## use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ## ## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ## General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ## Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ## LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ## following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ## requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ## ## In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ## rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ## ############################################################################# import __builtin__ import re def openQbsProject(projectPath): cleanUpUserFiles(projectPath) invokeMenuItem("File", "Open File or Project...") selectFromFileDialog(projectPath) def openQmakeProject(projectPath, targets=Targets.desktopTargetClasses(), fromWelcome=False): cleanUpUserFiles(projectPath) if fromWelcome: mouseClick(waitForObject(":OpenProject_QStyleItem"), 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) else: invokeMenuItem("File", "Open File or Project...") selectFromFileDialog(projectPath) try: # handle update generated files dialog waitForObject("{type='QLabel' name='qt_msgbox_label' visible='1' " "text?='The following files are either outdated or have been modified*' " "window={type='QMessageBox' unnamed='1' visible='1'}}", 3000) clickButton(waitForObject("{text='Yes' type='QPushButton' unnamed='1' visible='1'}")) except: pass checkedTargets = __chooseTargets__(targets) configureButton = waitForObject("{text='Configure Project' type='QPushButton' unnamed='1' visible='1'" "window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow'}") clickButton(configureButton) return checkedTargets def openCmakeProject(projectPath, buildDir): invokeMenuItem("File", "Open File or Project...") selectFromFileDialog(projectPath) replaceEditorContent("{type='Utils::FancyLineEdit' unnamed='1' visible='1'" "window=':CMake Wizard_CMakeProjectManager::Internal::CMakeOpenProjectWizard'}", buildDir) clickButton(waitForObject(":CMake Wizard.Next_QPushButton")) return __handleCmakeWizardPage__() def __handleCmakeWizardPage__(): generatorCombo = waitForObject(":Generator:_QComboBox") generatorText = "Unix Generator (Desktop 480 GCC)" if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): generatorText = "NMake Generator (Desktop 480 MSVC2010)" index = generatorCombo.findText(generatorText) if index == -1: test.warning("No matching CMake generator for found.") else: generatorCombo.setCurrentIndex(index) clickButton(waitForObject(":CMake Wizard.Run CMake_QPushButton")) try: clickButton(waitForObject(":CMake Wizard.Finish_QPushButton", 60000)) except LookupError: cmakeOutput = waitForObject("{type='QPlainTextEdit' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=':CMake Wizard_CMakeProjectManager::Internal::CMakeOpenProjectWizard'}") test.warning("Error while executing cmake - see details for cmake output.", str(cmakeOutput.plainText)) clickButton(waitForObject(":CMake Wizard.Cancel_QPushButton")) return False return True # this function returns a list of available targets - this is not 100% error proof # because the Simulator target is added for some cases even when Simulator has not # been set up inside Qt versions/Toolchains # this list can be used in __chooseTargets__() def __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(category, template, fromWelcome = False, isProject=True): if fromWelcome: mouseClick(waitForObject(":CreateProject_QStyleItem"), 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) else: invokeMenuItem("File", "New File or Project...") categoriesView = waitForObject(":New.templateCategoryView_QTreeView") if isProject: clickItem(categoriesView, "Projects." + category, 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) else: clickItem(categoriesView, "Files and Classes." + category, 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) templatesView = waitForObject("{name='templatesView' type='QListView'}") clickItem(templatesView, template, 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) text = waitForObject("{type='QTextBrowser' name='templateDescription' visible='1'}").plainText clickButton(waitForObject("{text='Choose...' type='QPushButton' unnamed='1' visible='1'}")) return __getSupportedPlatforms__(str(text), template)[0] def __createProjectSetNameAndPath__(path, projectName = None, checks = True, libType = None): directoryEdit = waitForObject("{type='Utils::FancyLineEdit' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "toolTip?='Full path: *'}") replaceEditorContent(directoryEdit, path) projectNameEdit = waitForObject("{name='nameLineEdit' visible='1' " "type='Utils::ProjectNameValidatingLineEdit'}") if projectName == None: projectName = projectNameEdit.text else: replaceEditorContent(projectNameEdit, projectName) if checks: stateLabel = findObject("{type='QLabel' name='stateLabel'}") labelCheck = stateLabel.text=="" and stateLabel.styleSheet == "" test.verify(labelCheck, "Project name and base directory without warning or error") # make sure this is not set as default location ensureChecked("{type='QCheckBox' name='projectsDirectoryCheckBox' visible='1'}", False) if libType != None: selectFromCombo(waitForObject("{leftWidget={text='Type' type='QLabel' unnamed='1' " "visible='1'} type='QComboBox' unnamed='1' visible='1'}"), LibType.getStringForLib(libType)) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) return str(projectName) def __createProjectHandleQtQuickSelection__(qtQuickOrControlsVersion): comboBox = waitForObject("{type='QComboBox' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "leftWidget={text='Qt Quick component set:' type='QLabel' unnamed='1' " "visible='1'}}") try: selectFromCombo(comboBox, "Qt Quick %s" % qtQuickOrControlsVersion) except: t,v = sys.exc_info()[:2] test.fatal("Exception while trying to select Qt Quick version", "%s (%s)" % (str(t), str(v))) label = waitForObject("{type='QLabel' unnamed='1' visible='1' text?='Creates a *' }") requires = re.match(".*Requires Qt (\d\.\d).*", str(label.text)) if requires: requires = requires.group(1) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) return requires # Selects the Qt versions for a project # param checks turns tests in the function on if set to True # param available a list holding the available targets def __selectQtVersionDesktop__(checks, available=None): checkedTargets = __chooseTargets__(Targets.desktopTargetClasses(), available) if checks: for target in checkedTargets: detailsWidget = waitForObject("{type='Utils::DetailsWidget' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "summaryText='%s'}" % Targets.getStringForTarget(target)) detailsButton = getChildByClass(detailsWidget, "Utils::DetailsButton") if test.verify(detailsButton != None, "Verifying if 'Details' button could be found"): clickButton(detailsButton) cbObject = ("{type='QCheckBox' text='%s' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "container=%s}") verifyChecked(cbObject % ("Debug", objectMap.realName(detailsWidget))) verifyChecked(cbObject % ("Release", objectMap.realName(detailsWidget))) clickButton(detailsButton) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) return checkedTargets def __createProjectHandleLastPage__(expectedFiles = None, addToVersionControl = "", addToProject = None): if expectedFiles != None: summary = waitForObject("{name='filesLabel' text?='Files to be added in
' " "type='QLabel' visible='1'}").text verifyItemOrder(expectedFiles, summary) if addToProject: selectFromCombo(":projectComboBox_QComboBox", addToProject) selectFromCombo(":addToVersionControlComboBox_QComboBox", addToVersionControl) clickButton(waitForObject("{type='QPushButton' text~='(Finish|Done)' visible='1'}")) def __verifyFileCreation__(path, expectedFiles): for filename in expectedFiles: if filename != path: filename = os.path.join(path, filename) test.verify(os.path.exists(filename), "Checking if '" + filename + "' was created") def __modifyAvailableTargets__(available, requiredQt, asStrings=False): threeDigits = re.compile("\d{3}") requiredQtVersion = requiredQt.replace(".", "") + "0" tmp = list(available) # we need a deep copy for currentItem in tmp: if asStrings: item = currentItem else: item = Targets.getStringForTarget(currentItem) found = threeDigits.search(item) if found: if found.group(0) < requiredQtVersion: # Quick 1.1 supports 4.7.4 only for running, debugging is unsupported # so the least required version is 4.8, but 4.7.4 will be still listed if not (requiredQtVersion == "480" and found.group(0) == "474"): available.remove(currentItem) if requiredQtVersion > "480": toBeRemoved = [Targets.EMBEDDED_LINUX, Targets.SIMULATOR] if asStrings: toBeRemoved = Targets.getTargetsAsStrings(toBeRemoved) for t in toBeRemoved: if t in available: available.remove(t) # Creates a Qt GUI project # param path specifies where to create the project # param projectName is the name for the new project # param checks turns tests in the function on if set to True def createProject_Qt_GUI(path, projectName, checks = True, addToVersionControl = ""): template = "Qt Widgets Application" available = __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(" Application", template) __createProjectSetNameAndPath__(path, projectName, checks) checkedTargets = __selectQtVersionDesktop__(checks, available) if checks: exp_filename = "mainwindow" h_file = exp_filename + ".h" cpp_file = exp_filename + ".cpp" ui_file = exp_filename + ".ui" pro_file = projectName + ".pro" waitFor("object.exists(':headerFileLineEdit_Utils::FileNameValidatingLineEdit')", 20000) waitFor("object.exists(':sourceFileLineEdit_Utils::FileNameValidatingLineEdit')", 20000) waitFor("object.exists(':formFileLineEdit_Utils::FileNameValidatingLineEdit')", 20000) test.compare(findObject(":headerFileLineEdit_Utils::FileNameValidatingLineEdit").text, h_file) test.compare(findObject(":sourceFileLineEdit_Utils::FileNameValidatingLineEdit").text, cpp_file) test.compare(findObject(":formFileLineEdit_Utils::FileNameValidatingLineEdit").text, ui_file) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) expectedFiles = None if checks: if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): path = os.path.abspath(path) path = os.path.join(path, projectName) expectedFiles = [path] expectedFiles.extend(__sortFilenamesOSDependent__(["main.cpp", cpp_file, h_file, ui_file, pro_file])) __createProjectHandleLastPage__(expectedFiles, addToVersionControl) progressBarWait(20000) if checks: __verifyFileCreation__(path, expectedFiles) return checkedTargets # Creates a Qt Console project # param path specifies where to create the project # param projectName is the name for the new project # param checks turns tests in the function on if set to True def createProject_Qt_Console(path, projectName, checks = True): available = __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(" Application", "Qt Console Application") __createProjectSetNameAndPath__(path, projectName, checks) checkedTargets = __selectQtVersionDesktop__(checks, available) expectedFiles = None if checks: if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): path = os.path.abspath(path) path = os.path.join(path, projectName) cpp_file = "main.cpp" pro_file = projectName + ".pro" expectedFiles = [path] expectedFiles.extend(__sortFilenamesOSDependent__([cpp_file, pro_file])) __createProjectHandleLastPage__(expectedFiles) progressBarWait(10000) if checks: __verifyFileCreation__(path, expectedFiles) return checkedTargets def createNewQtQuickApplication(workingDir, projectName = None, targets=Targets.desktopTargetClasses(), qtQuickVersion="1.1", fromWelcome=False): available = __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(" Application", "Qt Quick Application", fromWelcome) projectName = __createProjectSetNameAndPath__(workingDir, projectName) requiredQt = __createProjectHandleQtQuickSelection__(qtQuickVersion) __modifyAvailableTargets__(available, requiredQt) checkedTargets = __chooseTargets__(targets, available) snooze(1) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) __createProjectHandleLastPage__() progressBarWait(10000) return checkedTargets, projectName def createNewQtQuickUI(workingDir, qtQuickVersion="1.1"): __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(" Application", "Qt Quick UI") if workingDir == None: workingDir = tempDir() projectName = __createProjectSetNameAndPath__(workingDir) __createProjectHandleQtQuickSelection__(qtQuickVersion) __createProjectHandleLastPage__() return projectName def createNewQmlExtension(workingDir, targets=Targets.DESKTOP_474_GCC, qtQuickVersion=1): available = __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(" Library", "Qt Quick %d Extension Plugin" % qtQuickVersion) if workingDir == None: workingDir = tempDir() __createProjectSetNameAndPath__(workingDir) checkedTargets = __chooseTargets__(targets, available) nextButton = waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton") clickButton(nextButton) nameLineEd = waitForObject("{buddy={type='QLabel' text='Object class-name:' unnamed='1' visible='1'} " "type='QLineEdit' unnamed='1' visible='1'}") replaceEditorContent(nameLineEd, "TestItem") uriLineEd = waitForObject("{buddy={type='QLabel' text='URI:' unnamed='1' visible='1'} " "type='QLineEdit' unnamed='1' visible='1'}") replaceEditorContent(uriLineEd, "org.qt-project.test.qmlcomponents") clickButton(nextButton) __createProjectHandleLastPage__() return checkedTargets def createEmptyQtProject(workingDir=None, projectName=None, targets=Targets.desktopTargetClasses()): __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(" Other Project", "Empty qmake Project") if workingDir == None: workingDir = tempDir() projectName = __createProjectSetNameAndPath__(workingDir, projectName) checkedTargets = __chooseTargets__(targets) snooze(1) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) __createProjectHandleLastPage__() return projectName, checkedTargets def createNewNonQtProject(workingDir=None, projectName=None, target=Targets.DESKTOP_474_GCC, plainC=False, cmake=False): if plainC: template = "Plain C Project" else: template = "Plain C++ Project" if cmake: template += " (CMake Build)" available = __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(" Non-Qt Project", template) if workingDir == None: workingDir = tempDir() projectName = __createProjectSetNameAndPath__(workingDir, projectName) if cmake: __createProjectHandleLastPage__() clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) if not __handleCmakeWizardPage__(): return None else: __chooseTargets__(target, availableTargets=available) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) __createProjectHandleLastPage__() return projectName def createNewCPPLib(projectDir = None, projectName = None, className = None, fromWelcome = False, target = Targets.DESKTOP_474_GCC, isStatic = False, modules = ["QtCore"]): available = __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(" Library", "C++ Library", fromWelcome, True) if isStatic: libType = LibType.STATIC else: libType = LibType.SHARED if projectDir == None: projectDir = tempDir() projectName = __createProjectSetNameAndPath__(projectDir, projectName, False, libType) checkedTargets = __chooseTargets__(target, available) snooze(1) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) __createProjectHandleModuleSelection__(modules) className = __createProjectHandleClassInformation__(className) __createProjectHandleLastPage__() return checkedTargets, projectName, className def createNewQtPlugin(projectDir=None, projectName=None, className=None, fromWelcome=False, target=Targets.DESKTOP_474_GCC, baseClass="QGenericPlugin"): available = __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(" Library", "C++ Library", fromWelcome, True) if projectDir == None: projectDir = tempDir() projectName = __createProjectSetNameAndPath__(projectDir, projectName, False, LibType.QT_PLUGIN) checkedTargets = __chooseTargets__(target, available) snooze(1) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) className = __createProjectHandleClassInformation__(className, baseClass) __createProjectHandleLastPage__() return checkedTargets, projectName, className # parameter target can be an OR'd value of Targets # parameter availableTargets should be the result of __createProjectOrFileSelectType__() # or use None as a fallback def __chooseTargets__(targets=Targets.DESKTOP_474_GCC, availableTargets=None): if availableTargets != None: available = availableTargets else: # following targets depend on the build environment - added for further/later tests available = [Targets.DESKTOP_474_GCC, Targets.DESKTOP_480_DEFAULT, Targets.DESKTOP_521_DEFAULT, Targets.DESKTOP_531_DEFAULT, Targets.MAEMO5, Targets.EMBEDDED_LINUX, Targets.SIMULATOR, Targets.HARMATTAN] if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): available.remove(Targets.EMBEDDED_LINUX) if platform.system() != 'Darwin': available.append(Targets.DESKTOP_541_GCC) for target in filter(lambda x: x in available, (Targets.MAEMO5, Targets.HARMATTAN)): available.remove(target) checkedTargets = [] for current in available: mustCheck = targets & current == current try: ensureChecked("{type='QCheckBox' text='%s' visible='1'}" % Targets.getStringForTarget(current), mustCheck, 3000) if (mustCheck): checkedTargets.append(current) except LookupError: if mustCheck: test.fail("Failed to check target '%s'." % Targets.getStringForTarget(current)) else: # Simulator has been added without knowing whether configured or not - so skip warning here? if current != Targets.SIMULATOR: test.warning("Target '%s' is not set up correctly." % Targets.getStringForTarget(current)) return checkedTargets def __createProjectHandleModuleSelection__(modules): modulesPage = waitForObject("{type='QmakeProjectManager::Internal::ModulesPage' unnamed='1' " "visible='1'}") chckBoxes = filter(lambda x: className(x) == 'QCheckBox', object.children(modulesPage)) chckBoxLabels = set([str(cb.text) for cb in chckBoxes]) if not set(modules).issubset(chckBoxLabels): test.fatal("You want to check module(s) not available at 'Module Selection' page.", "Not available: %s" % str(set(modules).difference(chckBoxLabels))) for checkBox in chckBoxes: test.log("(Un)Checking module checkbox '%s'" % str(checkBox.text)) ensureChecked(checkBox, str(checkBox.text) in modules, 3000) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) def __createProjectHandleClassInformation__(className, baseClass=None): if baseClass: selectFromCombo("{name='baseClassComboBox' type='QComboBox' visible='1'}", baseClass) classLineEd = waitForObject("{name='classLineEdit' type='Utils::ClassNameValidatingLineEdit' " "visible='1'}") result = str(classLineEd.text) if className: replaceEditorContent(classLineEd, className) try: waitForObject("{text='The class name contains invalid characters.' type='QLabel' " "unnamed='1' visible='1'}", 1000) test.fatal("Class name contains invalid characters - using default.") replaceEditorContent(classLineEd, result) except: result = className clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) return result def waitForProcessRunning(running=True): outputButton = waitForObject(":Qt Creator_AppOutput_Core::Internal::OutputPaneToggleButton") if not waitFor("outputButton.checked", 10000): ensureChecked(outputButton) waitFor("object.exists(':Qt Creator.ReRun_QToolButton')", 20000) reRunButton = findObject(":Qt Creator.ReRun_QToolButton") waitFor("object.exists(':Qt Creator.Stop_QToolButton')", 20000) stopButton = findObject(":Qt Creator.Stop_QToolButton") return waitFor("(reRunButton.enabled != running) and (stopButton.enabled == running)", 10000) # run and close an application # withHookInto - if set to True the function tries to attach to the sub-process instead of simply pressing Stop inside Creator # executable - must be defined when using hook-into # port - must be defined when using hook-into # function - can be a string holding a function name or a reference to the function itself - this function will be called on # the sub-process when hooking-into has been successful - if its missing simply closing the Qt Quick app will be done # sType the SubprocessType - is nearly mandatory - except when using the function parameter # userDefinedType - if you set sType to SubprocessType.USER_DEFINED you must(!) specify the WindowType for hooking into # by yourself (or use the function parameter) # ATTENTION! Make sure this function won't fail and the sub-process will end when the function returns # returns None if the build failed, False if the subprocess did not start, and True otherwise def runAndCloseApp(withHookInto=False, executable=None, port=None, function=None, sType=None, userDefinedType=None, quickVersion="1.1"): runButton = waitForObject(":*Qt Creator.Run_Core::Internal::FancyToolButton") clickButton(runButton) if sType != SubprocessType.QT_QUICK_UI: waitForCompile(300000) buildSucceeded = checkLastBuild() ensureChecked(waitForObject(":Qt Creator_AppOutput_Core::Internal::OutputPaneToggleButton")) if not buildSucceeded: test.fatal("Build inside run wasn't successful - leaving test") return None if not waitForProcessRunning(): test.fatal("Couldn't start application - leaving test") return False if sType == SubprocessType.QT_QUICK_UI and os.getenv("SYSTEST_QMLVIEWER_NO_HOOK_INTO", "0") == "1": withHookInto = False if withHookInto and not validType(sType, userDefinedType, quickVersion): if function != None: test.warning("You did not provide a valid value for the SubprocessType value - sType, but you have " "provided a function to execute on the subprocess. Please ensure that your function " "closes the subprocess before exiting, or this test will not complete.") else: test.warning("You did not provide a valid value for the SubprocessType value - sType, nor a " "function to execute on the subprocess. Falling back to pushing the STOP button " "inside creator to terminate execution of the subprocess.") withHookInto = False if withHookInto and not executable in ("", None): __closeSubprocessByHookingInto__(executable, port, function, sType, userDefinedType, quickVersion) else: __closeSubprocessByPushingStop__(sType) return True def validType(sType, userDef, quickVersion): if sType == None: return False ty = SubprocessType.getWindowType(sType, quickVersion) return ty != None and not (ty == "user-defined" and (userDef == None or userDef.strip() == "")) def __closeSubprocessByPushingStop__(sType): ensureChecked(":Qt Creator_AppOutput_Core::Internal::OutputPaneToggleButton") try: waitForObject(":Qt Creator.Stop_QToolButton", 5000) except: pass playButton = verifyEnabled(":Qt Creator.ReRun_QToolButton", False) stopButton = verifyEnabled(":Qt Creator.Stop_QToolButton") if stopButton.enabled: clickButton(stopButton) test.verify(waitFor("playButton.enabled", 5000), "Play button should be enabled") test.compare(stopButton.enabled, False, "Stop button should be disabled") if sType == SubprocessType.QT_QUICK_UI and platform.system() == "Darwin": waitFor("stopButton.enabled==False") snooze(2) nativeType("") else: test.fatal("Subprocess does not seem to have been started.") def __closeSubprocessByHookingInto__(executable, port, function, sType, userDefType, quickVersion): ensureChecked(":Qt Creator_AppOutput_Core::Internal::OutputPaneToggleButton") output = waitForObject("{type='Core::OutputWindow' visible='1' windowTitle='Application Output Window'}") if port == None: test.warning("I need a port number or attaching might fail.") else: waitFor("'Listening on port %d for incoming connectionsdone' in str(output.plainText)" % port, 5000) try: attachToApplication(executable) except: resetApplicationContextToCreator() if ("Loading Qt Wrapper failed" in str(output.plainText) or "Failed to assign process to job object" in str(output.plainText)): test.warning("Loading of Qt Wrapper failed - probably different Qt versions.", "Resetting hook-into settings to continue.") # assuming we're still on the build settings of the current project (TODO) switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) if sType == SubprocessType.QT_QUICK_UI: if "qmlscene" in executable: selectConfig = "QML Scene" else: selectConfig = "QML Viewer" else: selectConfig = executable selectFromCombo(waitForObject("{buddy={text='Run configuration:' type='QLabel' " "unnamed='1' visible='1'} type='QComboBox' unnamed='1' " "visible='1'}"), selectConfig) switchViewTo(ViewConstants.EDIT) runButton = waitForObject(":*Qt Creator.Run_Core::Internal::FancyToolButton") clickButton(runButton) if not waitForProcessRunning(): test.fatal("Something seems to be really wrong.", "Application output:" % str(output.plainText)) return False else: test.log("Application seems to be started without hooking-into.") else: test.warning("Could not attach to '%s' - using fallback of pushing STOP inside Creator." % executable) __closeSubprocessByPushingStop__(sType) return False if function == None: if sType==SubprocessType.USER_DEFINED: sendEvent("QCloseEvent", "{type='%s' unnamed='1' visible='1'}" % userDefType) else: sendEvent("QCloseEvent", "{type='%s' unnamed='1' visible='1'}" % SubprocessType.getWindowType(sType, quickVersion)) resetApplicationContextToCreator() else: try: if isinstance(function, (str, unicode)): globals()[function]() else: function() except: test.fatal("Function to execute on sub-process could not be found.", "Using fallback of pushing STOP inside Creator.") resetApplicationContextToCreator() __closeSubprocessByPushingStop__(sType) resetApplicationContextToCreator() if not (waitForProcessRunning(False) and waitFor("'exited with code' in str(output.plainText)", 10000)): test.warning("Sub-process seems not to have closed properly.") try: __closeSubprocessByPushingStop__(sType) except: pass if (platform.system() in ('Microsoft', 'Windows') and 'Listening on port %d for incoming connectionsdone' % port not in str(output.plainText)): checkForStillRunningQmlExecutable([executable + ".exe"]) return True # this helper tries to reset the current application context back # to creator - this strange work-around is needed _sometimes_ on MacOS def resetApplicationContextToCreator(): appCtxt = applicationContext("qtcreator") if appCtxt.name == "": appCtxt = applicationContext("Qt Creator") setApplicationContext(appCtxt) # helper that examines the text (coming from the create project wizard) # to figure out which available targets we have # Simulator must be handled in a special way, because this depends on the # configured Qt versions and Toolchains and cannot be looked up the same way # if you set getAsStrings to True this function returns a list of strings instead # of the constants defined in Targets def __getSupportedPlatforms__(text, templateName, getAsStrings=False): reqPattern = re.compile("requires qt (?P\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?)", re.IGNORECASE) res = reqPattern.search(text) if res: version = res.group("version") else: version = None if 'Supported Platforms' in text: supports = text[text.find('Supported Platforms'):].split(":")[1].strip().split(" ") result = [] if 'Desktop' in supports: if version == None or version < "5.0": result.append(Targets.DESKTOP_474_GCC) result.append(Targets.DESKTOP_480_DEFAULT) if platform.system() in ("Linux", "Darwin"): result.append(Targets.EMBEDDED_LINUX) result.extend([Targets.DESKTOP_521_DEFAULT, Targets.DESKTOP_531_DEFAULT]) if platform.system() != 'Darwin': result.append(Targets.DESKTOP_541_GCC) if 'MeeGo/Harmattan' in supports: result.append(Targets.HARMATTAN) if 'Maemo/Fremantle' in supports: result.append(Targets.MAEMO5) if not ("BlackBerry" in templateName or re.search("custom Qt Creator plugin", text)) and (version == None or version < "5.0"): result.append(Targets.SIMULATOR) elif 'Platform independent' in text: # MAEMO5 and HARMATTAN could be wrong here - depends on having Madde plugin enabled or not result = [Targets.DESKTOP_474_GCC, Targets.DESKTOP_480_DEFAULT, Targets.DESKTOP_521_DEFAULT, Targets.DESKTOP_531_DEFAULT, Targets.MAEMO5, Targets.SIMULATOR, Targets.HARMATTAN] if platform.system() != 'Darwin': result.append(Targets.DESKTOP_541_GCC) else: test.warning("Returning None (__getSupportedPlatforms__())", "Parsed text: '%s'" % text) return None, None if getAsStrings: result = Targets.getTargetsAsStrings(result) return result, version # copy example project (sourceExample is path to project) to temporary directory inside repository def prepareTemplate(sourceExample): templateDir = os.path.abspath(tempDir() + "/template") try: shutil.copytree(sourceExample, templateDir) except: test.fatal("Error while copying '%s' to '%s'" % (sourceExample, templateDir)) return None return templateDir # check and copy files of given dataset to an existing templateDir def checkAndCopyFiles(dataSet, fieldName, templateDir): files = map(lambda record: os.path.normpath(os.path.join(srcPath, testData.field(record, fieldName))), dataSet) for currentFile in files: if not neededFilePresent(currentFile): return [] return copyFilesToDir(files, templateDir) # copy a list of files to an existing targetDir def copyFilesToDir(files, targetDir): result = [] for filepath in files: dst = os.path.join(targetDir, os.path.basename(filepath)) shutil.copyfile(filepath, dst) result.append(dst) return result def __sortFilenamesOSDependent__(filenames): if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): filenames.sort(key=str.lower) else: filenames.sort() return filenames def __iterateChildren__(model, parent, nestingLevel=0): children = [] for currentIndex in dumpIndices(model, parent): children.append([str(currentIndex.text), nestingLevel]) if model.hasChildren(currentIndex): children.extend(__iterateChildren__(model, currentIndex, nestingLevel + 1)) return children # This will write the data to a file which can then be used for comparing def __writeProjectTreeFile__(projectTree, filename): f = open(filename, "w+") f.write('"text"\t"nestinglevel"\n') for elem in projectTree: f.write('"%s"\t"%s"\n' % (elem[0], elem[1])) f.close() def __getTestData__(record): return [testData.field(record, "text"), __builtin__.int(testData.field(record, "nestinglevel"))] def compareProjectTree(rootObject, dataset): root = waitForObject(rootObject) tree = __iterateChildren__(root.model(), root) # __writeProjectTreeFile__(tree, dataset) for i, current in enumerate(map(__getTestData__, testData.dataset(dataset))): try: # Just removing everything up to the found item # Writing a pass would result in truly massive logs tree = tree[tree.index(current) + 1:] except ValueError: test.fail('Could not find "%s" with nesting level %s' % tuple(current), 'Line %s in dataset' % str(i + 1)) return test.passes("No errors found in project tree") def addCPlusPlusFileToCurrentProject(name, template, forceOverwrite=False, addToVCS = ""): if name == None: test.fatal("File must have a name - got None.") return __createProjectOrFileSelectType__(" C++", template, isProject=False) window = "{type='ProjectExplorer::JsonWizard' unnamed='1' visible='1'}" basePath = str(waitForObject("{type='Utils::FancyLineEdit' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=%s}" % window).text) lineEdit = waitForObject("{name='nameLineEdit' type='Utils::FileNameValidatingLineEdit' " "visible='1' window=%s}" % window) replaceEditorContent(lineEdit, name) clickButton(waitForObject(":Next_QPushButton")) fileExistedBefore = os.path.exists(os.path.join(basePath, name)) __createProjectHandleLastPage__(addToVersionControl = addToVCS) if (fileExistedBefore): overwriteDialog = "{type='Core::Internal::PromptOverwriteDialog' unnamed='1' visible='1'}" waitForObject(overwriteDialog) if forceOverwrite: buttonToClick = 'OK' else: buttonToClick = 'Cancel' clickButton("{text='%s' type='QPushButton' unnamed='1' visible='1' window=%s}" % (buttonToClick, overwriteDialog))