// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2015 Alex Trotsenko // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "private/qringbuffer_p.h" #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE static_assert(std::is_nothrow_default_constructible_v); static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v); static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v); void QRingChunk::allocate(qsizetype alloc) { Q_ASSERT(alloc > 0 && size() == 0); if (chunk.size() < alloc || isShared()) chunk = QByteArray(alloc, Qt::Uninitialized); } void QRingChunk::detach() { Q_ASSERT(isShared()); const qsizetype chunkSize = size(); chunk = QByteArray(std::as_const(*this).data(), chunkSize); headOffset = 0; tailOffset = chunkSize; } QByteArray QRingChunk::toByteArray() && { // ### Replace with std::move(chunk).sliced(head(), size()) once sliced()&& is available if (headOffset != 0 || tailOffset != chunk.size()) { if (isShared()) return chunk.sliced(head(), size()); chunk.resize(tailOffset); chunk.remove(0, headOffset); } return std::move(chunk); } /*! \internal Access the bytes at a specified position the out-variable length will contain the amount of bytes readable from there, e.g. the amount still the same QByteArray */ const char *QRingBuffer::readPointerAtPosition(qint64 pos, qint64 &length) const { Q_ASSERT(pos >= 0); for (const QRingChunk &chunk : buffers) { length = chunk.size(); if (length > pos) { length -= pos; return chunk.data() + pos; } pos -= length; } length = 0; return nullptr; } void QRingBuffer::free(qint64 bytes) { Q_ASSERT(bytes <= bufferSize); while (bytes > 0) { const qint64 chunkSize = buffers.constFirst().size(); if (buffers.size() == 1 || chunkSize > bytes) { QRingChunk &chunk = buffers.first(); // keep a single block around if it does not exceed // the basic block size, to avoid repeated allocations // between uses of the buffer if (bufferSize == bytes) { if (chunk.capacity() <= basicBlockSize && !chunk.isShared()) { chunk.reset(); bufferSize = 0; } else { clear(); // try to minify/squeeze us } } else { Q_ASSERT(bytes < QByteArray::max_size()); chunk.advance(bytes); bufferSize -= bytes; } return; } bufferSize -= chunkSize; bytes -= chunkSize; buffers.removeFirst(); } } char *QRingBuffer::reserve(qint64 bytes) { Q_ASSERT(bytes > 0 && bytes < QByteArray::max_size()); const qsizetype chunkSize = qMax(qint64(basicBlockSize), bytes); qsizetype tail = 0; if (bufferSize == 0) { if (buffers.isEmpty()) buffers.append(QRingChunk(chunkSize)); else buffers.first().allocate(chunkSize); } else { const QRingChunk &chunk = buffers.constLast(); // if need a new buffer if (basicBlockSize == 0 || chunk.isShared() || bytes > chunk.available()) buffers.append(QRingChunk(chunkSize)); else tail = chunk.size(); } buffers.last().grow(bytes); bufferSize += bytes; return buffers.last().data() + tail; } /*! \internal Allocate data at buffer head */ char *QRingBuffer::reserveFront(qint64 bytes) { Q_ASSERT(bytes > 0 && bytes < QByteArray::max_size()); const qsizetype chunkSize = qMax(qint64(basicBlockSize), bytes); if (bufferSize == 0) { if (buffers.isEmpty()) buffers.prepend(QRingChunk(chunkSize)); else buffers.first().allocate(chunkSize); buffers.first().grow(chunkSize); buffers.first().advance(chunkSize - bytes); } else { const QRingChunk &chunk = buffers.constFirst(); // if need a new buffer if (basicBlockSize == 0 || chunk.isShared() || bytes > chunk.head()) { buffers.prepend(QRingChunk(chunkSize)); buffers.first().grow(chunkSize); buffers.first().advance(chunkSize - bytes); } else { buffers.first().advance(-bytes); } } bufferSize += bytes; return buffers.first().data(); } void QRingBuffer::chop(qint64 bytes) { Q_ASSERT(bytes <= bufferSize); while (bytes > 0) { const qsizetype chunkSize = buffers.constLast().size(); if (buffers.size() == 1 || chunkSize > bytes) { QRingChunk &chunk = buffers.last(); // keep a single block around if it does not exceed // the basic block size, to avoid repeated allocations // between uses of the buffer if (bufferSize == bytes) { if (chunk.capacity() <= basicBlockSize && !chunk.isShared()) { chunk.reset(); bufferSize = 0; } else { clear(); // try to minify/squeeze us } } else { Q_ASSERT(bytes < QByteArray::max_size()); chunk.grow(-bytes); bufferSize -= bytes; } return; } bufferSize -= chunkSize; bytes -= chunkSize; buffers.removeLast(); } } void QRingBuffer::clear() { if (buffers.isEmpty()) return; buffers.erase(buffers.begin() + 1, buffers.end()); buffers.first().clear(); bufferSize = 0; } qint64 QRingBuffer::indexOf(char c, qint64 maxLength, qint64 pos) const { Q_ASSERT(maxLength >= 0 && pos >= 0); if (maxLength == 0) return -1; qint64 index = -pos; for (const QRingChunk &chunk : buffers) { const qint64 nextBlockIndex = qMin(index + chunk.size(), maxLength); if (nextBlockIndex > 0) { const char *ptr = chunk.data(); if (index < 0) { ptr -= index; index = 0; } const char *findPtr = reinterpret_cast(memchr(ptr, c, nextBlockIndex - index)); if (findPtr) return qint64(findPtr - ptr) + index + pos; if (nextBlockIndex == maxLength) return -1; } index = nextBlockIndex; } return -1; } qint64 QRingBuffer::read(char *data, qint64 maxLength) { const qint64 bytesToRead = qMin(size(), maxLength); qint64 readSoFar = 0; while (readSoFar < bytesToRead) { const qint64 bytesToReadFromThisBlock = qMin(bytesToRead - readSoFar, nextDataBlockSize()); if (data) memcpy(data + readSoFar, readPointer(), bytesToReadFromThisBlock); readSoFar += bytesToReadFromThisBlock; free(bytesToReadFromThisBlock); } return readSoFar; } /*! \internal Read an unspecified amount (will read the first buffer) */ QByteArray QRingBuffer::read() { if (bufferSize == 0) return QByteArray(); bufferSize -= buffers.constFirst().size(); return buffers.takeFirst().toByteArray(); } /*! \internal Peek the bytes from a specified position */ qint64 QRingBuffer::peek(char *data, qint64 maxLength, qint64 pos) const { Q_ASSERT(maxLength >= 0 && pos >= 0); qint64 readSoFar = 0; for (const QRingChunk &chunk : buffers) { if (readSoFar == maxLength) break; qint64 blockLength = chunk.size(); if (pos < blockLength) { blockLength = qMin(blockLength - pos, maxLength - readSoFar); memcpy(data + readSoFar, chunk.data() + pos, blockLength); readSoFar += blockLength; pos = 0; } else { pos -= blockLength; } } return readSoFar; } /*! \internal Append bytes from data to the end */ void QRingBuffer::append(const char *data, qint64 size) { Q_ASSERT(size >= 0); if (size == 0) return; char *writePointer = reserve(size); if (size == 1) *writePointer = *data; else ::memcpy(writePointer, data, size); } /*! \internal Append a new buffer to the end */ void QRingBuffer::append(const QByteArray &qba) { if (bufferSize != 0 || buffers.isEmpty()) buffers.append(QRingChunk(qba)); else buffers.last().assign(qba); bufferSize += qba.size(); } /*! \internal Append a new buffer to the end */ void QRingBuffer::append(QByteArray &&qba) { const auto qbaSize = qba.size(); if (bufferSize != 0 || buffers.isEmpty()) buffers.emplace_back(std::move(qba)); else buffers.last().assign(std::move(qba)); bufferSize += qbaSize; } qint64 QRingBuffer::readLine(char *data, qint64 maxLength) { Q_ASSERT(data != nullptr && maxLength > 1); --maxLength; qint64 i = indexOf('\n', maxLength); i = read(data, i >= 0 ? (i + 1) : maxLength); // Terminate it. data[i] = '\0'; return i; } QT_END_NAMESPACE