// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qiosfileengineassetslibrary.h" #import #import #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; static QThreadStorage g_iteratorCurrentUrl; static QThreadStorage > g_assetDataCache; static const int kBufferSize = 10; static ALAsset *kNoAsset = nullptr; static bool ensureAuthorizationDialogNotBlocked() { if ([ALAssetsLibrary authorizationStatus] != ALAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined) return true; if (static_cast(QObjectPrivate::get(qApp))->in_exec) return true; if ([NSThread isMainThread]) { // The dialog is about to show, but since main has not finished, the dialog will be held // back until the launch completes. This is problematic since we cannot successfully return // back to the caller before the asset is ready, which also includes showing the dialog. To // work around this, we create an event loop to that will complete the launch (return from the // applicationDidFinishLaunching callback). But this will only work if we're on the main thread. QEventLoop loop; QTimer::singleShot(1, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); loop.exec(); } else { NSLog(@"QIOSFileEngine: unable to show assets authorization dialog from non-gui thread before QApplication is executing."); return false; } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class QIOSAssetEnumerator { public: QIOSAssetEnumerator(ALAssetsLibrary *assetsLibrary, ALAssetsGroupType type) : m_semWriteAsset(dispatch_semaphore_create(kBufferSize)) , m_semReadAsset(dispatch_semaphore_create(0)) , m_stop(false) , m_assetsLibrary([assetsLibrary retain]) , m_type(type) , m_buffer(QVector(kBufferSize)) , m_readIndex(0) , m_writeIndex(0) , m_nextAssetReady(false) { if (!ensureAuthorizationDialogNotBlocked()) writeAsset(kNoAsset); else startEnumerate(); } ~QIOSAssetEnumerator() { m_stop = true; // Flush and autorelease remaining assets in the buffer while (hasNext()) next(); // Documentation states that we need to balance out calls to 'wait' // and 'signal'. Since the enumeration function always will be one 'wait' // ahead, we need to signal m_semProceedToNextAsset one last time. dispatch_semaphore_signal(m_semWriteAsset); dispatch_release(m_semReadAsset); dispatch_release(m_semWriteAsset); [m_assetsLibrary autorelease]; } bool hasNext() { if (!m_nextAssetReady) { dispatch_semaphore_wait(m_semReadAsset, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); m_nextAssetReady = true; } return m_buffer[m_readIndex] != kNoAsset; } ALAsset *next() { Q_ASSERT(m_nextAssetReady); Q_ASSERT(m_buffer[m_readIndex]); ALAsset *asset = [m_buffer[m_readIndex] autorelease]; dispatch_semaphore_signal(m_semWriteAsset); m_readIndex = (m_readIndex + 1) % kBufferSize; m_nextAssetReady = false; return asset; } private: dispatch_semaphore_t m_semWriteAsset; dispatch_semaphore_t m_semReadAsset; std::atomic_bool m_stop; ALAssetsLibrary *m_assetsLibrary; ALAssetsGroupType m_type; QVector m_buffer; int m_readIndex; int m_writeIndex; bool m_nextAssetReady; void writeAsset(ALAsset *asset) { dispatch_semaphore_wait(m_semWriteAsset, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); m_buffer[m_writeIndex] = [asset retain]; dispatch_semaphore_signal(m_semReadAsset); m_writeIndex = (m_writeIndex + 1) % kBufferSize; } void startEnumerate() { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ [m_assetsLibrary enumerateGroupsWithTypes:m_type usingBlock:^(ALAssetsGroup *group, BOOL *stopEnumerate) { if (!group) { writeAsset(kNoAsset); return; } if (m_stop) { *stopEnumerate = true; return; } [group enumerateAssetsUsingBlock:^(ALAsset *asset, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stopEnumerate) { Q_UNUSED(index); if (!asset || ![[asset valueForProperty:ALAssetPropertyType] isEqual:ALAssetTypePhoto]) return; writeAsset(asset); *stopEnumerate = m_stop; }]; } failureBlock:^(NSError *error) { NSLog(@"QIOSFileEngine: %@", error); writeAsset(kNoAsset); }]; }); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class QIOSAssetData : public QObject { public: QIOSAssetData(const QString &assetUrl, QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary *engine) : m_asset(0) , m_assetUrl(assetUrl) , m_assetLibrary(0) { if (!ensureAuthorizationDialogNotBlocked()) return; if (QIOSAssetData *assetData = g_assetDataCache.localData()) { // It's a common pattern that QFiles pointing to the same path are created and destroyed // several times during a single event loop cycle. To avoid loading the same asset // over and over, we check if the last loaded asset has not been destroyed yet, and try to // reuse its data. if (assetData->m_assetUrl == assetUrl) { m_assetLibrary = [assetData->m_assetLibrary retain]; m_asset = [assetData->m_asset retain]; return; } } // We can only load images from the asset library async. And this might take time, since it // involves showing the authorization dialog. But the QFile API is synchronuous, so we need to // wait until we have access to the data. [ALAssetLibrary assetForUrl:] will schedule a block on // the current thread. But instead of spinning the event loop to force the block to execute, we // wrap the call inside a synchronuous dispatch queue so that it executes on another thread. dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:assetUrl.toNSString()]; m_assetLibrary = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init]; [m_assetLibrary assetForURL:url resultBlock:^(ALAsset *asset) { if (!asset) { // When an asset couldn't be loaded, chances are that it belongs to ALAssetsGroupPhotoStream. // Such assets can be stored in the cloud and might need to be downloaded first. Unfortunately, // forcing that to happen is hidden behind private APIs ([ALAsset requestDefaultRepresentation]). // As a work-around, we search for it instead, since that will give us a pointer to the asset. QIOSAssetEnumerator e(m_assetLibrary, ALAssetsGroupPhotoStream); while (e.hasNext()) { ALAsset *a = e.next(); QString url = QUrl::fromNSURL([a valueForProperty:ALAssetPropertyAssetURL]).toString(); if (url == assetUrl) { asset = a; break; } } } if (!asset) engine->setError(QFile::OpenError, "could not open image"_L1); m_asset = [asset retain]; dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore); } failureBlock:^(NSError *error) { engine->setError(QFile::OpenError, QString::fromNSString(error.localizedDescription)); dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore); }]; }); dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); dispatch_release(semaphore); g_assetDataCache.setLocalData(this); } ~QIOSAssetData() { [m_assetLibrary release]; [m_asset release]; if (g_assetDataCache.localData() == this) g_assetDataCache.setLocalData(0); } ALAsset *m_asset; private: QString m_assetUrl; ALAssetsLibrary *m_assetLibrary; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef QT_NO_FILESYSTEMITERATOR class QIOSFileEngineIteratorAssetsLibrary : public QAbstractFileEngineIterator { public: QIOSAssetEnumerator *m_enumerator; QIOSFileEngineIteratorAssetsLibrary( QDir::Filters filters, const QStringList &nameFilters) : QAbstractFileEngineIterator(filters, nameFilters) , m_enumerator(new QIOSAssetEnumerator([[[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init] autorelease], ALAssetsGroupAll)) { } ~QIOSFileEngineIteratorAssetsLibrary() { delete m_enumerator; g_iteratorCurrentUrl.setLocalData(QString()); } QString next() override { // Cache the URL that we are about to return, since QDir will immediately create a // new file engine on the file and ask if it exists. Unless we do this, we end up // creating a new ALAsset just to verify its existence, which will be especially // costly for assets belonging to ALAssetsGroupPhotoStream. ALAsset *asset = m_enumerator->next(); QString url = QUrl::fromNSURL([asset valueForProperty:ALAssetPropertyAssetURL]).toString(); g_iteratorCurrentUrl.setLocalData(url); return url; } bool hasNext() const override { return m_enumerator->hasNext(); } QString currentFileName() const override { return g_iteratorCurrentUrl.localData(); } QFileInfo currentFileInfo() const override { return QFileInfo(currentFileName()); } }; #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary(const QString &fileName) : m_offset(0) , m_data(0) { setFileName(fileName); } QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::~QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary() { close(); } ALAsset *QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::loadAsset() const { if (!m_data) m_data = new QIOSAssetData(m_assetUrl, const_cast(this)); return m_data->m_asset; } bool QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::open(QIODevice::OpenMode openMode, std::optional permissions) { Q_UNUSED(permissions); if (openMode & (QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return false; return loadAsset(); } bool QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::close() { if (m_data) { // Delete later, so that we can reuse the asset if a QFile is // opened with the same path during the same event loop cycle. m_data->deleteLater(); m_data = nullptr; } return true; } QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlags QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::fileFlags(QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlags type) const { QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlags flags; const bool isDir = (m_assetUrl == "assets-library://"_L1); if (!isDir) { static const QFileSelector fileSelector; static const auto selectors = fileSelector.allSelectors(); if (m_assetUrl.startsWith("assets-library://"_L1)) { for (const auto &selector : selectors) { if (m_assetUrl.endsWith(selector)) return flags; } } } const bool exists = isDir || m_assetUrl == g_iteratorCurrentUrl.localData() || loadAsset(); if (!exists) return flags; if (type & FlagsMask) flags |= ExistsFlag; if (type & PermsMask) { ALAuthorizationStatus status = [ALAssetsLibrary authorizationStatus]; if (status != ALAuthorizationStatusRestricted && status != ALAuthorizationStatusDenied) flags |= ReadOwnerPerm | ReadUserPerm | ReadGroupPerm | ReadOtherPerm; } if (type & TypesMask) flags |= isDir ? DirectoryType : FileType; return flags; } qint64 QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::size() const { if (ALAsset *asset = loadAsset()) return [[asset defaultRepresentation] size]; return 0; } qint64 QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::read(char *data, qint64 maxlen) { ALAsset *asset = loadAsset(); if (!asset) return -1; qint64 bytesRead = qMin(maxlen, size() - m_offset); if (!bytesRead) return 0; NSError *error = nullptr; [[asset defaultRepresentation] getBytes:(uint8_t *)data fromOffset:m_offset length:bytesRead error:&error]; if (error) { setError(QFile::ReadError, QString::fromNSString(error.localizedDescription)); return -1; } m_offset += bytesRead; return bytesRead; } qint64 QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::pos() const { return m_offset; } bool QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::seek(qint64 pos) { if (pos >= size()) return false; m_offset = pos; return true; } QString QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::fileName(FileName file) const { Q_UNUSED(file); return m_fileName; } void QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::setFileName(const QString &file) { if (m_data) close(); m_fileName = file; // QUrl::fromLocalFile() will remove double slashes. Since the asset url is // passed around as a file name in the app (and converted to/from a file url, e.g // in QFileDialog), we need to ensure that m_assetUrl ends up being valid. qsizetype index = file.indexOf("/asset"_L1); if (index == -1) m_assetUrl = "assets-library://"_L1; else m_assetUrl = "assets-library:/"_L1 + file.mid(index); } #ifndef QT_NO_FILESYSTEMITERATOR QAbstractFileEngine::IteratorUniquePtr QIOSFileEngineAssetsLibrary::beginEntryList(QDir::Filters filters, const QStringList &filterNames) { return std::make_unique(filters, filterNames); } QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif