// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #ifndef QDIALOGBUTTONBOX_H #define QDIALOGBUTTONBOX_H #include #include QT_REQUIRE_CONFIG(dialogbuttonbox); QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QAbstractButton; class QPushButton; class QDialogButtonBoxPrivate; class Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QDialogButtonBox : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(Qt::Orientation orientation READ orientation WRITE setOrientation) Q_PROPERTY(StandardButtons standardButtons READ standardButtons WRITE setStandardButtons) Q_PROPERTY(bool centerButtons READ centerButtons WRITE setCenterButtons) public: enum ButtonRole { // keep this in sync with QMessageBox::ButtonRole and QPlatformDialogHelper::ButtonRole InvalidRole = -1, AcceptRole, RejectRole, DestructiveRole, ActionRole, HelpRole, YesRole, NoRole, ResetRole, ApplyRole, NRoles }; enum StandardButton { // keep this in sync with QMessageBox::StandardButton and QPlatformDialogHelper::StandardButton NoButton = 0x00000000, Ok = 0x00000400, Save = 0x00000800, SaveAll = 0x00001000, Open = 0x00002000, Yes = 0x00004000, YesToAll = 0x00008000, No = 0x00010000, NoToAll = 0x00020000, Abort = 0x00040000, Retry = 0x00080000, Ignore = 0x00100000, Close = 0x00200000, Cancel = 0x00400000, Discard = 0x00800000, Help = 0x01000000, Apply = 0x02000000, Reset = 0x04000000, RestoreDefaults = 0x08000000, #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN FirstButton = Ok, LastButton = RestoreDefaults #endif }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(StandardButtons, StandardButton) Q_FLAG(StandardButtons) enum ButtonLayout { // keep this in sync with QPlatformDialogHelper::ButtonLayout WinLayout, MacLayout, KdeLayout, GnomeLayout, AndroidLayout }; QDialogButtonBox(QWidget *parent = nullptr); QDialogButtonBox(Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget *parent = nullptr); explicit QDialogButtonBox(StandardButtons buttons, QWidget *parent = nullptr); QDialogButtonBox(StandardButtons buttons, Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~QDialogButtonBox(); void setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation); Qt::Orientation orientation() const; void addButton(QAbstractButton *button, ButtonRole role); QPushButton *addButton(const QString &text, ButtonRole role); QPushButton *addButton(StandardButton button); void removeButton(QAbstractButton *button); void clear(); QList buttons() const; ButtonRole buttonRole(QAbstractButton *button) const; void setStandardButtons(StandardButtons buttons); StandardButtons standardButtons() const; StandardButton standardButton(QAbstractButton *button) const; QPushButton *button(StandardButton which) const; void setCenterButtons(bool center); bool centerButtons() const; Q_SIGNALS: void clicked(QAbstractButton *button); void accepted(); void helpRequested(); void rejected(); protected: void changeEvent(QEvent *event) override; bool event(QEvent *event) override; private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDialogButtonBox) Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QDialogButtonBox) }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons) QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // QDIALOGBUTTONBOX_H