// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include #ifdef QVARIANT_H # error "This test requires qsize.h to not include qvariant.h" #endif // don't assume template constexpr inline bool my_is_same_v = false; template constexpr inline bool my_is_same_v = true; #define CHECK(cvref) \ static_assert(my_is_same_v(std::declval())), int cvref >); \ static_assert(my_is_same_v(std::declval())), int cvref >) CHECK(&); CHECK(const &); CHECK(&&); CHECK(const &&); #undef CHECK #include #include #include Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QMargins) class tst_QSize : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void getSetCheck(); void scale(); void expandedTo(); void expandedTo_data(); void boundedTo_data(); void boundedTo(); void grownOrShrunkBy_data(); void grownOrShrunkBy(); void toSizeF_data(); void toSizeF(); void transpose_data(); void transpose(); void structuredBinding(); }; // Testing get/set functions void tst_QSize::getSetCheck() { QSize obj1; // int QSize::width() // void QSize::setWidth(int) obj1.setWidth(0); QCOMPARE(0, obj1.width()); obj1.setWidth(INT_MIN); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN, obj1.width()); obj1.setWidth(INT_MAX); QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.width()); // int QSize::height() // void QSize::setHeight(int) obj1.setHeight(0); QCOMPARE(0, obj1.height()); obj1.setHeight(INT_MIN); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN, obj1.height()); obj1.setHeight(INT_MAX); QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.height()); QSizeF obj2; // qreal QSizeF::width() // void QSizeF::setWidth(qreal) obj2.setWidth(0.0); QCOMPARE(0.0, obj2.width()); obj2.setWidth(1.1); QCOMPARE(1.1, obj2.width()); // qreal QSizeF::height() // void QSizeF::setHeight(qreal) obj2.setHeight(0.0); QCOMPARE(0.0, obj2.height()); obj2.setHeight(1.1); QCOMPARE(1.1, obj2.height()); } void tst_QSize::scale() { QSize t1( 10, 12 ); t1.scale( 60, 60, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio ); QCOMPARE( t1, QSize(60, 60) ); QSize t2( 10, 12 ); t2.scale( 60, 60, Qt::KeepAspectRatio ); QCOMPARE( t2, QSize(50, 60) ); QSize t3( 10, 12 ); t3.scale( 60, 60, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding ); QCOMPARE( t3, QSize(60, 72) ); QSize t4( 12, 10 ); t4.scale( 60, 60, Qt::KeepAspectRatio ); QCOMPARE( t4, QSize(60, 50) ); QSize t5( 12, 10 ); t5.scale( 60, 60, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding ); QCOMPARE( t5, QSize(72, 60) ); // test potential int overflow QSize t6(88473, 88473); t6.scale(141817, 141817, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); QCOMPARE(t6, QSize(141817, 141817)); QSize t7(800, 600); t7.scale(400, INT_MAX, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); QCOMPARE(t7, QSize(400, 300)); QSize t8(800, 600); t8.scale(INT_MAX, 150, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); QCOMPARE(t8, QSize(200, 150)); QSize t9(600, 800); t9.scale(300, INT_MAX, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); QCOMPARE(t9, QSize(300, 400)); QSize t10(600, 800); t10.scale(INT_MAX, 200, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); QCOMPARE(t10, QSize(150, 200)); QSize t11(0, 0); t11.scale(240, 200, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio); QCOMPARE(t11, QSize(240, 200)); QSize t12(0, 0); t12.scale(240, 200, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); QCOMPARE(t12, QSize(240, 200)); QSize t13(0, 0); t13.scale(240, 200, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding); QCOMPARE(t13, QSize(240, 200)); } void tst_QSize::expandedTo_data() { QTest::addColumn("input1"); QTest::addColumn("input2"); QTest::addColumn("expected"); QTest::newRow("data0") << QSize(10,12) << QSize(6,4) << QSize(10,12); QTest::newRow("data1") << QSize(0,0) << QSize(6,4) << QSize(6,4); // This should pick the highest of w,h components independently of each other, // thus the results don't have to be equal to neither input1 nor input2. QTest::newRow("data3") << QSize(6,4) << QSize(4,6) << QSize(6,6); } void tst_QSize::expandedTo() { QFETCH( QSize, input1); QFETCH( QSize, input2); QFETCH( QSize, expected); QCOMPARE( input1.expandedTo(input2), expected); } void tst_QSize::boundedTo_data() { QTest::addColumn("input1"); QTest::addColumn("input2"); QTest::addColumn("expected"); QTest::newRow("data0") << QSize(10,12) << QSize(6,4) << QSize(6,4); QTest::newRow("data1") << QSize(0,0) << QSize(6,4) << QSize(0,0); // This should pick the lowest of w,h components independently of each other, // thus the results don't have to be equal to neither input1 nor input2. QTest::newRow("data3") << QSize(6,4) << QSize(4,6) << QSize(4,4); } void tst_QSize::boundedTo() { QFETCH( QSize, input1); QFETCH( QSize, input2); QFETCH( QSize, expected); QCOMPARE( input1.boundedTo(input2), expected); } void tst_QSize::grownOrShrunkBy_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("margins"); QTest::addColumn("grown"); QTest::addColumn("shrunk"); auto row = [](QSize i, QMargins m, QSize g, QSize s) { QTest::addRow("{%d,%d}/{%d,%d,%d,%d}", i.width(), i.height(), m.left(), m.top(), m.right(), m.bottom()) << i << m << g << s; }; const QSize zero = {0, 0}; const QSize some = {100, 200}; const QMargins zeroMargins = {}; const QMargins negative = {-1, -2, -3, -4}; const QMargins positive = { 1, 2, 3, 4}; row(zero, zeroMargins, zero, zero); row(zero, negative, {-4, -6}, { 4, 6}); row(zero, positive, { 4, 6}, {-4, -6}); row(some, zeroMargins, some, some); row(some, negative, { 96, 194}, {104, 206}); row(some, positive, {104, 206}, { 96, 194}); } void tst_QSize::grownOrShrunkBy() { QFETCH(const QSize, input); QFETCH(const QMargins, margins); QFETCH(const QSize, grown); QFETCH(const QSize, shrunk); QCOMPARE(input.grownBy(margins), grown); QCOMPARE(input.shrunkBy(margins), shrunk); QCOMPARE(grown.shrunkBy(margins), input); QCOMPARE(shrunk.grownBy(margins), input); } void tst_QSize::toSizeF_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("result"); auto row = [](int w, int h) { QTest::addRow("(%d, %d)", w, h) << QSize(w, h) << QSizeF(w, h); }; constexpr std::array samples = {-1, 0, 1}; for (int w : samples) { for (int h : samples) { row(w, h); } } } void tst_QSize::toSizeF() { QFETCH(const QSize, input); QFETCH(const QSizeF, result); QCOMPARE(input.toSizeF(), result); } void tst_QSize::transpose_data() { QTest::addColumn("input1"); QTest::addColumn("expected"); QTest::newRow("data0") << QSize(10,12) << QSize(12,10); QTest::newRow("data1") << QSize(0,0) << QSize(0,0); QTest::newRow("data3") << QSize(6,4) << QSize(4,6); } void tst_QSize::transpose() { QFETCH( QSize, input1); QFETCH( QSize, expected); // transpose() works only inplace and does not return anything, so we must do the operation itself before the compare. input1.transpose(); QCOMPARE(input1 , expected); } void tst_QSize::structuredBinding() { { QSize size(10, 20); auto [width, height] = size; QCOMPARE(width, 10); QCOMPARE(height, 20); } { QSize size(30, 40); auto &[width, height] = size; QCOMPARE(width, 30); QCOMPARE(height, 40); width = 100; height = 200; QCOMPARE(size.width(), 100); QCOMPARE(size.height(), 200); } } QTEST_APPLESS_MAIN(tst_QSize) #include "tst_qsize.moc"