diff options
authorMaximilian Goldstein <max.goldstein@qt.io>2022-03-01 12:44:04 +0100
committerMaximilian Goldstein <max.goldstein@qt.io>2022-03-09 12:40:06 +0100
commit8848fba018a25cc868a8cefad244e62b4c24f3fd (patch)
parent8751b64383ebf6da96a16a73cb6886067036442f (diff)
tst_qmllint: Introduce a Result struct
This helps make our tests more structured and will also allow for many other improvements down the line. Also gets rid off our hack of constructing fake logger messages to check against. Change-Id: I0bbafc32c99ecb7abc7be1c6416e4d5903aff22c Reviewed-by: Fabian Kosmale <fabian.kosmale@qt.io>
1 files changed, 589 insertions, 520 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qml/qmllint/tst_qmllint.cpp b/tests/auto/qml/qmllint/tst_qmllint.cpp
index 14ed6a496f..32065c0246 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qml/qmllint/tst_qmllint.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qml/qmllint/tst_qmllint.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,28 @@ class TestQmllint: public QQmlDataTest
+ struct Message
+ {
+ QString text = QString();
+ quint32 line = 0, column = 0;
+ QtMsgType severity = QtWarningMsg;
+ };
+ struct Result
+ {
+ enum Flag { ExitsNormally = 0x1, NoMessages = 0x2 };
+ Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Flags, Flag)
+ static Result clean() { return Result { {}, {}, {}, { NoMessages, ExitsNormally } }; }
+ QList<Message> expectedMessages = {};
+ QList<Message> badMessages = {};
+ QList<Message> expectedReplacements = {};
+ Flags flags = {};
+ };
private Q_SLOTS:
void initTestCase() override;
@@ -106,10 +128,27 @@ private:
DefaultImportOption defaultImports = UseDefaultImports,
QMap<QString, QQmlJSLogger::Option> *options = nullptr);
- void searchWarnings(const QJsonArray &warnings, const QString &string, const QString &filename,
+ void searchWarnings(const QJsonArray &warnings, const QString &string,
+ QtMsgType type = QtWarningMsg, quint32 line = 0, quint32 column = 0,
ContainOption shouldContain = StringContained,
ReplacementOption searchReplacements = NoReplacementSearch);
+ template<typename ExpectedMessageFailureHandler, typename BadMessageFailureHandler>
+ void checkResult(const QJsonArray &warnings, const Result &result,
+ ExpectedMessageFailureHandler onExpectedMessageFailures,
+ BadMessageFailureHandler onBadMessageFailures);
+ void checkResult(const QJsonArray &warnings, const Result &result)
+ {
+ checkResult(
+ warnings, result, [] {}, [] {});
+ }
+ void runTest(const QString &testFile, const Result &result, QStringList importDirs = {},
+ QStringList qmltypesFiles = {}, QStringList resources = {},
+ DefaultImportOption defaultImports = UseDefaultImports,
+ QMap<QString, QQmlJSLogger::Option> *options = nullptr);
QString m_qmllintPath;
QString m_qmljsrootgenPath;
QString m_qmltyperegistrarPath;
@@ -118,6 +157,8 @@ private:
QQmlJSLinter m_linter;
m_defaultImportPaths({ QLibraryInfo::path(QLibraryInfo::QmlImportsPath), dataDirectory() }),
@@ -205,56 +246,38 @@ void TestQmllint::testUnqualified_data()
void TestQmllint::testUnknownCausesFail()
- {
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("unknownElement.qml", false, &warnings);
- searchWarnings(
- warnings,
- QStringLiteral(
- "Warning: %1:4:5: Unknown was not found. Did you add all import paths?")
- .arg(testFile("unknownElement.qml")),
- "unknownElement.qml");
- }
- {
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("TypeWithUnknownPropertyType.qml", false, &warnings);
- searchWarnings(
- warnings,
- QStringLiteral(
- "Warning: %1:4:5: Something was not found. Did you add all import paths?")
- .arg(testFile("TypeWithUnknownPropertyType.qml")),
- "TypeWithUnknownPropertyType.qml");
- }
+ runTest("unknownElement.qml",
+ Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Unknown was not found. Did you add all import paths?"), 4, 5,
+ QtWarningMsg } } });
+ runTest("TypeWithUnknownPropertyType.qml",
+ Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Something was not found. Did you add all import paths?"), 4, 5,
+ QtWarningMsg } } });
void TestQmllint::directoryPassedAsQmlTypesFile()
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("unknownElement.qml", false, &warnings, {}, { dataDirectory() });
- searchWarnings(warnings,
- QStringLiteral("QML types file cannot be a directory: ") + dataDirectory(),
- "unknownElement.qml");
+ runTest("unknownElement.qml",
+ Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("QML types file cannot be a directory: ")
+ + dataDirectory() } } },
+ {}, { dataDirectory() });
void TestQmllint::oldQmltypes()
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("oldQmltypes.qml", false, &warnings);
- searchWarnings(warnings, QStringLiteral("typeinfo not declared in qmldir file"),
- "oldQmltypes.qml");
- searchWarnings(warnings,
- QStringLiteral("QQuickItem was not found. Did you add all import paths?"),
- "oldQmltypes.qml", StringNotContained);
- searchWarnings(warnings, QStringLiteral("Found deprecated dependency specifications"),
- "oldQmltypes.qml");
- // Checking for both lines separately so that we don't have to mess with the line endings.b
- searchWarnings(warnings,
- QStringLiteral("Meta object revision and export version differ."),
- "oldQmltypes.qml");
- searchWarnings(warnings,
- QStringLiteral("Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0."),
- "oldQmltypes.qml");
+ runTest("oldQmltypes.qml",
+ Result { {
+ Message { QStringLiteral("typeinfo not declared in qmldir file") },
+ Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Found deprecated dependency specifications") },
+ Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Meta object revision and export version differ.") },
+ Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Revision 0 corresponds to version 0.0; it should be 1.0.") },
+ },
+ { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "QQuickItem was not found. Did you add all import paths?") } } });
void TestQmllint::qmltypes_data()
@@ -366,555 +389,595 @@ void TestQmllint::resources()
void TestQmllint::dirtyQmlCode_data()
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("warningMessage");
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("notContained");
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("replacement");
- QTest::addColumn<bool>("exitsNormally");
+ QTest::addColumn<Result>("result");
- << QStringLiteral("failure1.qml") << QStringLiteral("%1:4:8: Expected token `:'")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("Invalid_syntax_JS")
- << QStringLiteral("failure1.js") << QStringLiteral("%1:4:12: Expected token `;'")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << QStringLiteral("failure1.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Expected token `:'"), 4, 8, QtCriticalMsg } } };
+ QTest::newRow("Invalid_syntax_JS") << QStringLiteral("failure1.js")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Expected token `;'"),
+ 4, 12, QtCriticalMsg } } };
<< QStringLiteral("AutomatchedSignalHandler.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:12:36: Unqualified access") << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Unqualified access"), 12, 36 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("AutomatchedSignalHandler.qml")
- << QString("Info: Implicitly defining onClicked as signal handler") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Implicitly defining onClicked as signal handler"), 0, 0,
+ QtInfoMsg } } };
<< QStringLiteral("memberNotFound.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:6:31: Property \"foo\" not found on type \"QtObject\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"foo\" not found on type \"QtObject\""), 6,
+ 31 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("unknownJavascriptMethod.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:5:25: Property \"foo2\" not found on type \"Methods\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("badAlias") << QStringLiteral("badAlias.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:3:1: Cannot resolve alias \"wrong\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("badAliasProperty1") << QStringLiteral("badAliasProperty.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:3:1: Cannot resolve alias \"wrong\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"foo2\" not found on type \"Methods\""), 5,
+ 25 } } };
+ QTest::newRow("badAlias")
+ << QStringLiteral("badAlias.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Cannot resolve alias \"wrong\""), 3, 1 } } };
+ QTest::newRow("badAliasProperty1")
+ << QStringLiteral("badAliasProperty.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Cannot resolve alias \"wrong\""), 3, 1 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badAliasExpression.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:5:26: Invalid alias expression. Only IDs and field member "
- "expressions can be aliased")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("aliasCycle1") << QStringLiteral(
- "aliasCycle.qml") << QString("Warning: %1:3:1: Alias \"b\" is part of an alias cycle")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("aliasCycle2") << QStringLiteral(
- "aliasCycle.qml") << QString("Warning: %1:3:1: Alias \"a\" is part of an alias cycle")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Invalid alias expression. Only IDs and field member "
+ "expressions can be aliased"),
+ 5, 26 } } };
+ QTest::newRow("aliasCycle1") << QStringLiteral("aliasCycle.qml")
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Alias \"b\" is part of an alias cycle"),
+ 3, 1 } } };
+ QTest::newRow("aliasCycle2") << QStringLiteral("aliasCycle.qml")
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Alias \"a\" is part of an alias cycle"),
+ 3, 1 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badParent.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:5:34: Property \"rrr\" not found on type \"Item\"") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Property \"rrr\" not found on type \"Item\""),
+ 5, 34 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("parentIsComponent.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:7:39: Property \"progress\" not found on type \"QQuickItem\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"progress\" not found on type \"QQuickItem\""), 7,
+ 39 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badTypeAssertion.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:5:39: Property \"rrr\" not found on type \"QQuickItem\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"rrr\" not found on type \"QQuickItem\""), 5,
+ 39 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("incompleteQmltypes.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:5:26: Type \"QPalette\" of property \"palette\" not found")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("incompleteQmltypes2") << QStringLiteral("incompleteQmltypes2.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:5:35: Property \"weDontKnowIt\" "
- "not found on type \"CustomPalette\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Type \"QPalette\" of property \"palette\" not found"), 5,
+ 26 } } };
+ QTest::newRow("incompleteQmltypes2")
+ << QStringLiteral("incompleteQmltypes2.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Property \"weDontKnowIt\" "
+ "not found on type \"CustomPalette\""),
+ 5, 35 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("incompleteQmltypes3.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:5:21: Type \"QPalette\" of property \"palette\" not found")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Type \"QPalette\" of property \"palette\" not found"), 5,
+ 21 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("Cycle1.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:2:1: Cycle2 is part of an inheritance cycle: Cycle2 -> Cycle3 "
- "-> Cycle1 -> Cycle2")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cycle2 is part of an inheritance cycle: Cycle2 -> Cycle3 "
+ "-> Cycle1 -> Cycle2"),
+ 2, 1 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("qmldirImportAndDepend/bad.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:3:1: Item was not found. Did you add all import paths?")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Item was not found. Did you add all import paths?"), 3,
+ 1 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("javascriptMethodsInModuleBad.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:5:21: Property \"unknownFunc\" not found on type \"Foo\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("badEnumFromQtQml") << QStringLiteral("badEnumFromQtQml.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:4:30: Property \"Linear123\" not "
- "found on type \"QQmlEasingEnums\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"unknownFunc\" not found on type \"Foo\""), 5,
+ 21 } } };
+ QTest::newRow("badEnumFromQtQml")
+ << QStringLiteral("badEnumFromQtQml.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Property \"Linear123\" not "
+ "found on type \"QQmlEasingEnums\""),
+ 4, 30 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("anchors3.qml")
- << QString("Cannot assign binding of type QQuickItem to QQuickAnchorLine") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign binding of type QQuickItem to QQuickAnchorLine") } } };
QTest::newRow("nanchors1") << QStringLiteral("nanchors1.qml")
- << QString("unknown grouped property scope nanchors.") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "unknown grouped property scope nanchors.") } } };
QTest::newRow("nanchors2") << QStringLiteral("nanchors2.qml")
- << QString("unknown grouped property scope nanchors.") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "unknown grouped property scope nanchors.") } } };
QTest::newRow("nanchors3") << QStringLiteral("nanchors3.qml")
- << QString("unknown grouped property scope nanchors.") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("badAliasObject") << QStringLiteral("badAliasObject.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:8:40: Property \"wrongwrongwrong\" not "
- "found on type \"QtObject\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("badScript")
- << QStringLiteral("badScript.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:5:21: Property \"stuff\" not found on type \"Empty\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "unknown grouped property scope nanchors.") } } };
+ QTest::newRow("badAliasObject")
+ << QStringLiteral("badAliasObject.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Property \"wrongwrongwrong\" not "
+ "found on type \"QtObject\""),
+ 8, 40 } } };
+ QTest::newRow("badScript") << QStringLiteral("badScript.qml")
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"stuff\" not found on type \"Empty\""),
+ 5, 21 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badScript.attached.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:3:26: Unqualified access") << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("brokenNamespace") << QStringLiteral("brokenNamespace.qml")
- << QString("Warning: %1:4:19: Type not found in namespace")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Unqualified access"), 3, 26 } } };
+ QTest::newRow("brokenNamespace")
+ << QStringLiteral("brokenNamespace.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Type not found in namespace"), 4, 19 } } };
QTest::newRow("segFault (bad)")
<< QStringLiteral("SegFault.bad.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"foobar\" not found on type \"QQuickScreenAttached\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"foobar\" not found on type \"QQuickScreenAttached\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("useBeforeDeclaration.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("%1:5:9: Variable \"argq\" is used here before its declaration. "
- "The declaration is at 6:13.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Variable \"argq\" is used here before its declaration. "
+ "The declaration is at 6:13."),
+ 5, 9 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("namedSignalParameters.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Parameter 1 to signal handler for \"onSig\" is called \"argarg\". "
- "The signal has a parameter of the same name in position 2.")
- << QStringLiteral("onSig2") << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Parameter 1 to signal handler for \"onSig\" is called \"argarg\". "
+ "The signal has a parameter of the same name in position 2.") } },
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("onSig2") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("tooManySignalParameters.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Signal handler for \"onSig\" has more formal parameters "
- "than the signal it handles.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Signal handler for \"onSig\" has more formal parameters "
+ "than the signal it handles.") } } };
QTest::newRow("OnAssignment") << QStringLiteral("onAssignment.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"loops\" not found on type \"bool\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"loops\" not found on type \"bool\"") } } };
QTest::newRow("BadAttached") << QStringLiteral("badAttached.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("unknown attached property scope WrongAttached.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "unknown attached property scope WrongAttached.") } } };
QTest::newRow("BadBinding") << QStringLiteral("badBinding.qml")
- << QStringLiteral(
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
"Binding assigned to \"doesNotExist\", but no property "
- "\"doesNotExist\" exists in the current element.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ "\"doesNotExist\" exists in the current element.") } } };
QTest::newRow("bad template literal (simple)")
<< QStringLiteral("badTemplateStringSimple.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type string to int") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type string to int") } } };
QTest::newRow("bad template literal (substitution)")
<< QStringLiteral("badTemplateStringSubstitution.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type QString to int") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type QString to int") } } };
QTest::newRow("bad constant number to string")
<< QStringLiteral("numberToStringProperty.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign a numeric constant to a string property") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign a numeric constant to a string property") } } };
QTest::newRow("bad unary minus to string")
<< QStringLiteral("unaryMinusToStringProperty.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign a numeric constant to a string property") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("bad tranlsation binding (qsTr)")
- << QStringLiteral("bad_qsTr.qml") << QStringLiteral("") << QString() << QString()
- << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign a numeric constant to a string property") } } };
+ QTest::newRow("bad tranlsation binding (qsTr)") << QStringLiteral("bad_qsTr.qml") << Result {};
QTest::newRow("bad string binding (QT_TR_NOOP)")
<< QStringLiteral("bad_QT_TR_NOOP.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type string to int") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type string to int") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badScriptBinding.group.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Warning: %1:3:10: Binding assigned to \"bogusProperty\", but no "
- "property \"bogusProperty\" exists in the current element.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Binding assigned to \"bogusProperty\", but no "
+ "property \"bogusProperty\" exists in the current element."),
+ 3, 10 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badScriptBinding.attached.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Warning: %1:5:12: Binding assigned to \"bogusProperty\", but no "
- "property \"bogusProperty\" exists in the current element.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Binding assigned to \"bogusProperty\", but no "
+ "property \"bogusProperty\" exists in the current element."),
+ 5, 12 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badScriptBinding.attachedSignalHandler.qml")
- << QStringLiteral(
- "Warning: %1:3:10: no matching signal found for handler \"onBogusSignal\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("no matching signal found for handler \"onBogusSignal\""), 3,
+ 10 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badPropertyType.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("No type found for property \"bad\". This may be due to a missing "
- "import statement or incomplete qmltypes files.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "No type found for property \"bad\". This may be due to a missing "
+ "import statement or incomplete qmltypes files.") } } };
QTest::newRow("Deprecation (Property, with reason)")
<< QStringLiteral("deprecatedPropertyReason.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"deprecated\" is deprecated (Reason: Test)") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"deprecated\" is deprecated (Reason: Test)") } } };
QTest::newRow("Deprecation (Property, no reason)")
<< QStringLiteral("deprecatedProperty.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"deprecated\" is deprecated") << QString() << QString()
- << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Property \"deprecated\" is deprecated") } } };
QTest::newRow("Deprecation (Property binding, with reason)")
<< QStringLiteral("deprecatedPropertyBindingReason.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Binding on deprecated property \"deprecatedReason\" (Reason: Test)")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Binding on deprecated property \"deprecatedReason\" (Reason: Test)") } } };
QTest::newRow("Deprecation (Property binding, no reason)")
<< QStringLiteral("deprecatedPropertyBinding.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Binding on deprecated property \"deprecated\"") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Binding on deprecated property \"deprecated\"") } } };
QTest::newRow("Deprecation (Type, with reason)")
<< QStringLiteral("deprecatedTypeReason.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Type \"TypeDeprecatedReason\" is deprecated (Reason: Test)")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Type \"TypeDeprecatedReason\" is deprecated (Reason: Test)") } } };
QTest::newRow("Deprecation (Type, no reason)")
<< QStringLiteral("deprecatedType.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Type \"TypeDeprecated\" is deprecated") << QString() << QString()
- << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Type \"TypeDeprecated\" is deprecated") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("defaultPropertyWithoutKeyword.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to non-existent default property") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to non-existent default property") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("defaultPropertyWithinTheSameType.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to non-existent default property") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to non-existent default property") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("defaultPropertyWithDoubleAssignment.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign multiple objects to a default non-list property")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign multiple objects to a default non-list property") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("defaultPropertyWithWrongType.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to default property of incompatible type")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to non-existent default property") << QString()
- << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign to default property of incompatible type") } },
+ { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign to non-existent default property") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("multiDefaultPropertyWithWrongType.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to default property of incompatible type")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to non-existent default property") << QString()
- << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign to default property of incompatible type") } },
+ { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign to non-existent default property") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("invalidImport.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Failed to import FooBar. Are your import paths set up properly?")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Failed to import FooBar. Are your import paths set up properly?") } } };
QTest::newRow("Unused Import (simple)")
- << QStringLiteral("unused_simple.qml") << QStringLiteral("Unused import at %1:1:1")
- << QString() << QString() << true;
+ << QStringLiteral("unused_simple.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Unused import at"), 1, 1, QtInfoMsg } },
+ {},
+ {},
+ Result::ExitsNormally };
QTest::newRow("Unused Import (prefix)")
- << QStringLiteral("unused_prefix.qml") << QStringLiteral("Unused import at %1:1:1")
- << QString() << QString() << true;
- QTest::newRow("TypePropertAccess") << QStringLiteral("typePropertyAccess.qml") << QString()
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << QStringLiteral("unused_prefix.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Unused import at"), 1, 1, QtInfoMsg } },
+ {},
+ {},
+ Result::ExitsNormally };
+ QTest::newRow("TypePropertAccess") << QStringLiteral("typePropertyAccess.qml") << Result {};
<< QStringLiteral("badAttachedProperty.qml")
- << QString("Property \"progress\" not found on type \"TestType\"") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"progress\" not found on type \"TestType\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badAttachedPropertyNested.qml")
- << QString("12:41: Property \"progress\" not found on type \"QObject\"")
- << QString("6:37: Property \"progress\" not found on type \"QObject\"") << QString()
- << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"progress\" not found on type \"QObject\""),
+ 12, 41 } },
+ { Message { QString("Property \"progress\" not found on type \"QObject\""),
+ 6, 37 } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badAttachedPropertyTypeString.qml")
- << QString("Cannot assign binding of type string to int") << QString() << QString()
- << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type string to int") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badAttachedPropertyTypeQtObject.qml")
- << QString("Property \"count\" of type \"int\" is assigned an incompatible type "
- "\"QtObject\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"count\" of type \"int\" is assigned an incompatible type "
+ "\"QtObject\"") } } };
// should succeed, but it does not:
- QTest::newRow("attachedPropertyAccess") << QStringLiteral("goodAttachedPropertyAccess.qml")
- << QString() << QString() << QString() << true;
+ QTest::newRow("attachedPropertyAccess")
+ << QStringLiteral("goodAttachedPropertyAccess.qml") << Result::clean();
// should succeed, but it does not:
- QTest::newRow("attachedPropertyNested") << QStringLiteral("goodAttachedPropertyNested.qml")
- << QString() << QString() << QString() << true;
+ QTest::newRow("attachedPropertyNested")
+ << QStringLiteral("goodAttachedPropertyNested.qml") << Result::clean();
<< QStringLiteral("deprecatedFunction.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Method \"deprecated(foobar)\" is deprecated (Reason: No particular "
- "reason.)")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Method \"deprecated(foobar)\" is deprecated (Reason: No particular "
+ "reason.)") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("deprecatedFunctionInherited.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Method \"deprecatedInherited(c, d)\" is deprecated (Reason: This "
- "deprecation should be visible!)")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Method \"deprecatedInherited(c, d)\" is deprecated (Reason: This "
+ "deprecation should be visible!)") } } };
QTest::newRow("duplicated id")
- << QStringLiteral("duplicateId.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Found a duplicated id. id root was first declared ")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << QStringLiteral("duplicateId.qml")
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Found a duplicated id. id root was first declared ") } } };
QTest::newRow("string as id") << QStringLiteral("stringAsId.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("ids do not need quotation marks") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("stringIdUsedInWarning") << QStringLiteral("stringIdUsedInWarning.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("i is a member of a parent element")
- << QString() << QStringLiteral("stringy.") << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "ids do not need quotation marks") } } };
+ QTest::newRow("stringIdUsedInWarning")
+ << QStringLiteral("stringIdUsedInWarning.qml")
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("i is a member of a parent element"),
+ } },
+ {},
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("stringy.") } } };
QTest::newRow("Invalid id (expression)")
- << QStringLiteral("invalidId1.qml") << QStringLiteral("Failed to parse id") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << QStringLiteral("invalidId1.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Failed to parse id") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("multilineString.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("String contains unescaped line terminator which is deprecated.")
- << QString() << QString() << true;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("String contains unescaped line terminator "
+ "which is deprecated."),
+ 0, 0, QtInfoMsg } },
+ {},
+ {},
+ Result::ExitsNormally };
<< QStringLiteral("multilineStringTortureQuote.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("String contains unescaped line terminator which is deprecated.")
- << QString() << QStringLiteral(R"(`
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("String contains unescaped line terminator which is deprecated."), 0, 0, QtInfoMsg }}, {}, {Message {R"(`
quote: " \\" \\\\"
ticks: \` \` \\\` \\\`
singleTicks: ' \' \\' \\\'
expression: \${expr} \${expr} \\\${expr} \\\${expr}
- `)") << true;
+ `)"}}, Result::ExitsNormally };
<< QStringLiteral("multilineStringTortureTick.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("String contains unescaped line terminator which is deprecated.")
- << QString() << QStringLiteral(R"(`
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("String contains unescaped line terminator which is deprecated."), 0, 0, QtInfoMsg } }, {}, {Message {
+ R"(`
quote: " \" \\" \\\"
ticks: \` \` \\\` \\\`
singleTicks: ' \\' \\\\'
expression: \${expr} \${expr} \\\${expr} \\\${expr}
- `)") << true;
+ `)"
+}}, Result::ExitsNormally};
<< QStringLiteral("unresolvedType.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("UnresolvedType was not found. Did you add all import paths?")
- << QStringLiteral("incompatible type") << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "UnresolvedType was not found. Did you add all import paths?") } },
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("incompatible type") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("invalidInterceptor.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("On-binding for property \"angle\" has wrong type \"Item\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("2Interceptors") << QStringLiteral("2interceptors.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Duplicate interceptor on property \"x\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "On-binding for property \"angle\" has wrong type \"Item\"") } } };
+ QTest::newRow("2Interceptors")
+ << QStringLiteral("2interceptors.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Duplicate interceptor on property \"x\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("valueSourceBetween2interceptors.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Duplicate interceptor on property \"x\"") << QString() << QString()
- << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Duplicate interceptor on property \"x\"") } } };
QTest::newRow("2ValueSources") << QStringLiteral("2valueSources.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Duplicate value source on property \"x\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Duplicate value source on property \"x\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("valueSource_Value.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot combine value source and binding on property \"obj\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot combine value source and binding on property \"obj\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("valueSource_listValue.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot combine value source and binding on property \"objs\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot combine value source and binding on property \"objs\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("nonExistentListProperty.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"objs\" is invalid or does not exist") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"objs\" is invalid or does not exist") } } };
QTest::newRow("QtQuick.Window 2.0")
<< QStringLiteral("qtquickWindow20.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"window\" not found on type \"QQuickWindow\"") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"window\" not found on type \"QQuickWindow\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("unresolvedAttachedType.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("unknown attached property scope UnresolvedAttachedType.")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"property\" is invalid or does not exist") << QString()
- << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "unknown attached property scope UnresolvedAttachedType.") } },
+ { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"property\" is invalid or does not exist") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("nestedInlineComponents.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Nested inline components are not supported") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Nested inline components are not supported") } } };
QTest::newRow("WithStatement") << QStringLiteral("WithStatement.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("with statements are strongly discouraged")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "with statements are strongly discouraged") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("bindingTypeMismatch.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type QString to int") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type QString to int") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("bindingTypeMismatchFunction.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type QString to int") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type QString to int") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badLiteralBinding.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type string to int") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type string to int") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badLiteralBindingDate.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type QString to QDateTime") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type QString to QDateTime") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badModulePrefix.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot load singleton as property of object") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot load singleton as property of object") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badModulePrefix2.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot use non-reference type QRectF as base "
- "of namespaced attached type")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Cannot use non-reference type QRectF as base "
+ "of namespaced attached type") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("assignToReadOnlyProperty.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to read-only property activeFocus") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to read-only property activeFocus") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("assignToReadOnlyProperty2.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to read-only property activeFocus") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to read-only property activeFocus") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("deferredPropertyID.qml")
- << QStringLiteral(
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
"Cannot defer property assignment to "
"\"contentData\". Assigning an id to an object or one of its sub-objects "
- "bound to a deferred property will make the assignment immediate.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ "bound to a deferred property will make the assignment immediate.") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("deferredPropertyNestedID.qml")
- << QStringLiteral(
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
"Cannot defer property assignment to "
"\"contentData\". Assigning an id to an object or one of its sub-objects "
- "bound to a deferred property will make the assignment immediate.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ "bound to a deferred property will make the assignment immediate.") } } };
- << QStringLiteral("cachedDependency.qml") << QStringLiteral("Unused import at %1:1:1")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type QQuickItem to QObject") << QString()
- << true;
+ << QStringLiteral("cachedDependency.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Unused import at"), 1, 1, QtInfoMsg } },
+ { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign binding of type QQuickItem to QObject") } },
+ {},
+ Result::ExitsNormally };
QTest::newRow("cycle in import")
<< QStringLiteral("cycleHead.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("MenuItem is part of an inheritance cycle: MenuItem -> MenuItem")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "MenuItem is part of an inheritance cycle: MenuItem -> MenuItem") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badGeneralizedGroup1.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Binding assigned to \"aaaa\", "
- "but no property \"aaaa\" exists in the current element")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("badGeneralizedGroup2") << QStringLiteral("badGeneralizedGroup2.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("unknown grouped property scope aself")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Binding assigned to \"aaaa\", "
+ "but no property \"aaaa\" exists in the current element") } } };
+ QTest::newRow("badGeneralizedGroup2")
+ << QStringLiteral("badGeneralizedGroup2.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("unknown grouped property scope aself") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("missingQmltypes.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("QML types file does not exist") << QString() << QString() << false;
- QTest::newRow("enumInvalid") << QStringLiteral(
- "enumInvalid.qml") << QStringLiteral("Property \"red\" not found on type \"QtObject\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("QML types file does not exist") } } };
+ QTest::newRow("enumInvalid")
+ << QStringLiteral("enumInvalid.qml")
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"red\" not found on type \"QtObject\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("inaccessibleId.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"objectName\" not found on type \"int\"") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"objectName\" not found on type \"int\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("inaccessibleId2.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"objectName\" not found on type \"int\"") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Property \"objectName\" not found on type \"int\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("unknownTypeCustomParser.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("TypeDoesNotExist was not found.") << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("TypeDoesNotExist was not found.") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("nonNullStored.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"objectName\" not found on type \"Foozle\"")
- << QStringLiteral("Unqualified access")
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"objectName\" not found on type \"Foozle\"") } },
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("Unqualified access") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badCppPropertyChangeHandlers1.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Signal handler for \"onAChanged\" has more formal parameters than "
- "the signal it handles")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Signal handler for \"onAChanged\" has more formal parameters than "
+ "the signal it handles") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badCppPropertyChangeHandlers2.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Signal handler for \"onBChanged\" has more formal parameters than "
- "the signal it handles")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Signal handler for \"onBChanged\" has more formal parameters than "
+ "the signal it handles") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badCppPropertyChangeHandlers3.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("no matching signal found for handler \"onXChanged\"") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("no matching signal found for handler \"onXChanged\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("badCppPropertyChangeHandlers4.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("no matching signal found for handler \"onWannabeSignal\"")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "no matching signal found for handler \"onWannabeSignal\"") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("didYouMeanBinding.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Binding assigned to \"witdh\", but no property \"witdh\" exists in "
- "the current element.")
- << QString() << QStringLiteral("width") << false;
+ << Result {
+ { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Binding assigned to \"witdh\", but no property \"witdh\" exists in "
+ "the current element.") } },
+ {},
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("width") } }
+ };
- << QStringLiteral("didYouMeanUnqualified.qml") << QStringLiteral("Unqualified access")
- << QString() << QStringLiteral("height") << false;
+ << QStringLiteral("didYouMeanUnqualified.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Unqualified access") } },
+ {},
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("height") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("didYouMeanUnqualifiedCall.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Unqualified access") << QString() << QStringLiteral("func") << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Unqualified access") } },
+ {},
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("func") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("didYouMeanProperty.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"hoight\" not found on type \"Rectangle\"") << QString()
- << QStringLiteral("height") << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"hoight\" not found on type \"Rectangle\"") },
+ {},
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("height") } } } };
<< QStringLiteral("didYouMeanPropertyCall.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"lgg\" not found on type \"Console\"") << QString()
- << QStringLiteral("log") << false;
+ << Result {
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("Property \"lgg\" not found on type \"Console\"") },
+ {},
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("log") } } }
+ };
<< QStringLiteral("didYouMeanComponent.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Itym was not found. Did you add all import paths?") << QString()
- << QStringLiteral("Item") << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Itym was not found. Did you add all import paths?") },
+ {},
+ { Message { QStringLiteral("Item") } } } };
<< QStringLiteral("nullBinding.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type $internal$.std::nullptr_t to double")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign binding of type $internal$.std::nullptr_t to double") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("nullBindingFunction.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign binding of type std::nullptr_t to double") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Cannot assign binding of type std::nullptr_t to double") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("missingRequiredAlias.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Component is missing required property requiredAlias from "
- "RequiredWithRootLevelAlias")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Component is missing required property requiredAlias from "
+ "RequiredWithRootLevelAlias") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("missingSingletonPragma.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Type MissingPragma declared as singleton in qmldir but missing "
- "pragma Singleton")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Type MissingPragma declared as singleton in qmldir but missing "
+ "pragma Singleton") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("missingSingletonQmldir.qml")
- << QStringLiteral(
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
"Type MissingQmldirSingleton not declared as singleton in qmldir but using "
- "pragma Singleton")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ "pragma Singleton") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("jsVarDeclarationsWriteConst.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to read-only property constProp") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Cannot assign to read-only property constProp") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("shadowedSignal.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Signal \"pressed\" is shadowed by a property.") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Signal \"pressed\" is shadowed by a property.") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("shadowedSignalWithId.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Signal \"pressed\" is shadowed by a property") << QString()
- << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Signal \"pressed\" is shadowed by a property") } } };
QTest::newRow("shadowedSlot") << QStringLiteral("shadowedSlot.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Slot \"move\" is shadowed by a property")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Slot \"move\" is shadowed by a property") } } };
QTest::newRow("shadowedMethod") << QStringLiteral("shadowedMethod.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Method \"foo\" is shadowed by a property.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Method \"foo\" is shadowed by a property.") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("callVarProp.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"foo\" is a variant property. It may or may not be a "
- "method. Use a regular function instead.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"foo\" is a variant property. It may or may not be a "
+ "method. Use a regular function instead.") } } };
<< QStringLiteral("callJSValueProp.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Property \"callLater\" is a QJSValue property. It may or may not be "
- "a method. Use a regular Q_INVOKABLE instead.")
- << QString() << QString() << false;
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"callLater\" is a QJSValue property. It may or may not be "
+ "a method. Use a regular Q_INVOKABLE instead.") } } };
void TestQmllint::dirtyQmlCode()
QFETCH(QString, filename);
- QFETCH(QString, warningMessage);
- QFETCH(QString, notContained);
- QFETCH(QString, replacement);
- QFETCH(bool, exitsNormally);
- if (warningMessage.contains(QLatin1String("%1")))
- warningMessage = warningMessage.arg(testFile(filename));
+ QFETCH(Result, result);
QJsonArray warnings;
@@ -927,28 +990,21 @@ void TestQmllint::dirtyQmlCode()
QEXPECT_FAIL("bad tranlsation binding (qsTr)", "We currently do not check translation binding",
- callQmllint(filename, exitsNormally, &warnings);
- if (!warningMessage.isEmpty()) {
- // output.contains() expect fails:
- QEXPECT_FAIL("BadLiteralBindingDate",
- "We're currently not able to verify any non-trivial QString conversion that "
- "requires QQmlStringConverters",
- Abort);
- searchWarnings(warnings, warningMessage, filename);
- }
- if (!notContained.isEmpty()) {
- // !output.contains() expect fails:
- QEXPECT_FAIL("badAttachedPropertyNested", "We cannot discern between types and instances",
- Abort);
- searchWarnings(warnings, notContained, filename, StringNotContained);
- }
+ callQmllint(filename, result.flags.testFlag(Result::ExitsNormally), &warnings);
- if (!replacement.isEmpty())
- searchWarnings(warnings, replacement, filename, StringContained, DoReplacementSearch);
+ checkResult(
+ warnings, result,
+ [] {
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("BadLiteralBindingDate",
+ "We're currently not able to verify any non-trivial QString "
+ "conversion that "
+ "requires QQmlStringConverters",
+ Abort);
+ },
+ [] {
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("badAttachedPropertyNested",
+ "We cannot discern between types and instances", Abort);
+ });
void TestQmllint::cleanQmlCode_data()
@@ -1076,45 +1132,49 @@ void TestQmllint::cleanQmlCode()
QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint(filename, true, &warnings);
- QVERIFY2(warnings.isEmpty(), qPrintable(QJsonDocument(warnings).toJson()));
+ runTest(filename, Result::clean());
void TestQmllint::compilerWarnings_data()
- QTest::addColumn<bool>("shouldSucceed");
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("warning");
+ QTest::addColumn<Result>("result");
- QTest::newRow("listIndices") << QStringLiteral("listIndices.qml") << true << QString() << true;
+ QTest::newRow("listIndices") << QStringLiteral("listIndices.qml") << Result::clean() << true;
- << QStringLiteral("LazyAndDirect/Lazy.qml") << true << QString() << true;
- QTest::newRow("qQmlV4Function") << QStringLiteral("varargs.qml") << true << QString() << true;
- QTest::newRow("multiGrouped") << QStringLiteral("multiGrouped.qml") << true << QString()
- << true;
- QTest::newRow("shadowable") << QStringLiteral("shadowable.qml") << false
- << QStringLiteral("with type NotSoSimple can be shadowed") << true;
- QTest::newRow("tooFewParameters") << QStringLiteral("tooFewParams.qml") << false
- << QStringLiteral("No matching override found") << true;
+ << QStringLiteral("LazyAndDirect/Lazy.qml") << Result::clean() << true;
+ QTest::newRow("qQmlV4Function") << QStringLiteral("varargs.qml") << Result::clean() << true;
+ QTest::newRow("multiGrouped") << QStringLiteral("multiGrouped.qml") << Result::clean() << true;
+ QTest::newRow("shadowable") << QStringLiteral("shadowable.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "with type NotSoSimple can be shadowed") } } }
+ << true;
+ QTest::newRow("tooFewParameters")
+ << QStringLiteral("tooFewParams.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("No matching override found") } } } << true;
- << QStringLiteral("javascriptVariableArgs.qml") << false
- << QStringLiteral("Function expects 0 arguments, but 2 were provided") << true;
+ << QStringLiteral("javascriptVariableArgs.qml")
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Function expects 0 arguments, but 2 were provided") } } }
+ << true;
- << QStringLiteral("unknownTypeInRegister.qml") << false
- << QStringLiteral("Functions without type annotations won't be compiled") << true;
- QTest::newRow("pragmaStrict") << QStringLiteral("pragmaStrict.qml") << false
- << QStringLiteral(
- "Functions without type annotations won't be compiled")
- << false;
+ << QStringLiteral("unknownTypeInRegister.qml")
+ << Result { { Message {
+ QStringLiteral("Functions without type annotations won't be compiled") } } }
+ << true;
+ QTest::newRow("pragmaStrict")
+ << QStringLiteral("pragmaStrict.qml")
+ << Result { { { QStringLiteral(
+ "Functions without type annotations won't be compiled") } } }
+ << true;
void TestQmllint::compilerWarnings()
QFETCH(QString, filename);
- QFETCH(bool, shouldSucceed);
- QFETCH(QString, warning);
+ QFETCH(Result, result);
QFETCH(bool, enableCompilerWarnings);
QJsonArray warnings;
@@ -1124,38 +1184,34 @@ void TestQmllint::compilerWarnings()
if (enableCompilerWarnings)
- callQmllint(filename, shouldSucceed, &warnings, {}, {}, {}, UseDefaultImports, &options);
- if (!warning.isEmpty())
- searchWarnings(warnings, warning, filename);
+ runTest(filename, result, {}, {}, {}, UseDefaultImports, &options);
void TestQmllint::controlsSanity_data()
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("warning");
- QTest::newRow("functionDeclarations") << QStringLiteral("functionDeclarations.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Declared function \"add\"");
- QTest::newRow("signalHandlers") << QStringLiteral("signalHandlers.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Declared signal handler \"onCompleted\"");
+ QTest::addColumn<Result>("result");
+ QTest::newRow("functionDeclarations")
+ << QStringLiteral("functionDeclarations.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Declared function \"add\"") } } };
+ QTest::newRow("signalHandlers")
+ << QStringLiteral("signalHandlers.qml")
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Declared signal handler \"onCompleted\"") } } };
QTest::newRow("anchors") << QStringLiteral("anchors.qml")
- << QStringLiteral("Using anchors here");
+ << Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Using anchors here") } } };
void TestQmllint::controlsSanity()
QFETCH(QString, filename);
- QFETCH(QString, warning);
+ QFETCH(Result, result);
QJsonArray warnings;
auto options = QQmlJSLogger::options();
- callQmllint(filename, false, &warnings, {}, {}, {}, UseDefaultImports, &options);
- if (!warning.isEmpty())
- searchWarnings(warnings, warning, filename);
+ runTest(filename, result, {}, {}, {}, UseDefaultImports, &options);
QString TestQmllint::runQmllint(const QString &fileToLint,
@@ -1268,40 +1324,93 @@ void TestQmllint::callQmllint(const QString &fileToLint, bool shouldSucceed, QJs
QCOMPARE(success, shouldSucceed);
+void TestQmllint::runTest(const QString &testFile, const Result &result, QStringList importDirs,
+ QStringList qmltypesFiles, QStringList resources,
+ DefaultImportOption defaultImports,
+ QMap<QString, QQmlJSLogger::Option> *options)
+ QJsonArray warnings;
+ callQmllint(testFile, result.flags.testFlag(Result::Flag::ExitsNormally), &warnings, importDirs,
+ qmltypesFiles, resources, defaultImports, options);
+ checkResult(warnings, result);
+template<typename ExpectedMessageFailureHandler, typename BadMessageFailureHandler>
+void TestQmllint::checkResult(const QJsonArray &warnings, const Result &result,
+ ExpectedMessageFailureHandler onExpectedMessageFailures,
+ BadMessageFailureHandler onBadMessageFailures)
+ if (result.flags.testFlag(Result::Flag::NoMessages))
+ QVERIFY2(warnings.isEmpty(), qPrintable(QJsonDocument(warnings).toJson()));
+ for (const Message &msg : result.expectedMessages) {
+ // output.contains() expect fails:
+ onExpectedMessageFailures();
+ searchWarnings(warnings, msg.text, msg.severity, msg.line, msg.column);
+ }
+ for (const Message &msg : result.badMessages) {
+ // !output.contains() expect fails:
+ onBadMessageFailures();
+ searchWarnings(warnings, msg.text, msg.severity, msg.line, msg.column, StringNotContained);
+ }
+ for (const Message &replacement : result.expectedReplacements) {
+ searchWarnings(warnings, replacement.text, replacement.severity, replacement.line,
+ replacement.column, StringContained, DoReplacementSearch);
+ }
void TestQmllint::searchWarnings(const QJsonArray &warnings, const QString &substring,
- const QString &filename, ContainOption shouldContain,
- ReplacementOption searchReplacements)
+ QtMsgType type, quint32 line, quint32 column,
+ ContainOption shouldContain, ReplacementOption searchReplacements)
bool contains = false;
- auto toDisplayWarningType = [](const QString &warningType) {
- return warningType.first(1).toUpper() + warningType.mid(1);
+ auto typeStringToMsgType = [](const QString &type) -> QtMsgType {
+ if (type == u"debug")
+ return QtDebugMsg;
+ if (type == u"info")
+ return QtInfoMsg;
+ if (type == u"warning")
+ return QtWarningMsg;
+ if (type == u"critical")
+ return QtCriticalMsg;
+ if (type == u"fatal")
+ return QtFatalMsg;
for (const QJsonValue &warning : warnings) {
- // We're currently recreating the output that the logger would write to the console,
- // so we can keep using our existing test data without modification.
- // In the future our test data should be replaced with a structured representation of the
- // warning it expects, possibly as a QQmlJS::DiagnosticMessage.
- const QString warningMessage =
- u"%1: %2:%3 %4"_qs
- .arg(toDisplayWarningType(warning[u"type"].toString()), testFile(filename))
- .arg(warning[u"line"].isUndefined()
- ? u""_qs
- : u"%1:%2:"_qs.arg(warning[u"line"].toInt())
- .arg(warning[u"column"].toInt()))
- .arg(warning[u"message"].toString());
+ QString warningMessage = warning[u"message"].toString();
+ quint32 warningLine = warning[u"line"].toInt();
+ quint32 warningColumn = warning[u"column"].toInt();
+ QtMsgType warningType = typeStringToMsgType(warning[u"type"].toString());
if (warningMessage.contains(substring)) {
+ if (warningType != type) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (line != 0 || column != 0) {
+ if (warningLine != line || warningColumn != column) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
contains = true;
for (const QJsonValue &fix : warning[u"suggestions"].toArray()) {
- const QString jsonFixMessage = u"Info: "_qs + fix[u"message"].toString();
- if (jsonFixMessage.contains(substring)) {
+ const QString fixMessage = fix[u"message"].toString();
+ if (fixMessage.contains(substring)) {
contains = true;
if (searchReplacements == DoReplacementSearch) {
QString replacement = fix[u"replacement"].toString();
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
@@ -1309,7 +1418,15 @@ void TestQmllint::searchWarnings(const QJsonArray &warnings, const QString &subs
// but we need them to be uniform in order for them to conform to our test data
replacement = replacement.replace(u"\r\n"_qs, u"\n"_qs);
if (replacement.contains(substring)) {
+ quint32 fixLine = fix[u"line"].toInt();
+ quint32 fixColumn = fix[u"column"].toInt();
+ if (line != 0 || column != 0) {
+ if (fixLine != line || fixColumn != column) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
contains = true;
@@ -1336,58 +1453,26 @@ void TestQmllint::searchWarnings(const QJsonArray &warnings, const QString &subs
void TestQmllint::requiredProperty()
- {
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("requiredProperty.qml", true, &warnings);
- QVERIFY2(warnings.isEmpty(), qPrintable(QJsonDocument(warnings).toJson()));
- }
- {
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("requiredMissingProperty.qml", false, &warnings);
- searchWarnings(
- warnings,
- QStringLiteral("Property \"foo\" was marked as required but does not exist."),
- "requiredMissingProperty.qml");
- }
- {
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("requiredPropertyBindings.qml", true, &warnings);
- QVERIFY2(warnings.isEmpty(), qPrintable(QJsonDocument(warnings).toJson()));
- }
- {
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("requiredPropertyBindingsNow.qml", false, &warnings);
- searchWarnings(
- warnings,
- QStringLiteral(
- "Component is missing required property required_now_string from Base"),
- "requiredPropertyBindingsNow.qml");
- searchWarnings(warnings,
- QStringLiteral("Component is missing required property "
- "required_defined_here_string from here"),
- "requiredPropertyBindingsNow.qml");
- }
- {
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("requiredPropertyBindingsLater.qml", false, &warnings);
- searchWarnings(
- warnings,
- QStringLiteral("Component is missing required property required_later_string from "
- "Base"),
- "requiredPropertyBindingsLater.qml");
- searchWarnings(warnings, QStringLiteral("Property marked as required in Derived"),
- "requiredPropertyBindingsLater.qml");
- searchWarnings(
- warnings,
- QStringLiteral("Component is missing required property required_even_later_string "
- "from Base (marked as required by here)"),
- "requiredPropertyBindingsLater.qml");
- }
+ runTest("requiredProperty.qml", Result::clean());
+ runTest("requiredMissingProperty.qml",
+ Result { { Message { QStringLiteral(
+ "Property \"foo\" was marked as required but does not exist.") } } });
+ runTest("requiredPropertyBindings.qml", Result::clean());
+ runTest("requiredPropertyBindingsNow.qml",
+ Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Component is missing required property "
+ "required_now_string from Base") },
+ Message { QStringLiteral("Component is missing required property "
+ "required_defined_here_string from here") } } });
+ runTest("requiredPropertyBindingsLater.qml",
+ Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Component is missing required property "
+ "required_later_string from "
+ "Base") },
+ Message { QStringLiteral("Property marked as required in Derived") },
+ Message { QStringLiteral("Component is missing required property "
+ "required_even_later_string "
+ "from Base (marked as required by here)") } } });
void TestQmllint::settingsFile()
@@ -1407,10 +1492,8 @@ void TestQmllint::settingsFile()
void TestQmllint::additionalImplicitImport()
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("additionalImplicitImport.qml", true, &warnings, {}, {},
- { testFile("implicitImportResource.qrc") });
- QVERIFY(warnings.isEmpty());
+ runTest("additionalImplicitImport.qml", Result::clean(), {}, {},
+ { testFile("implicitImportResource.qrc") });
void TestQmllint::attachedPropertyReuse()
@@ -1418,24 +1501,13 @@ void TestQmllint::attachedPropertyReuse()
auto options = QQmlJSLogger::options();
- {
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("attachedPropNotReused.qml", false, &warnings, {}, {}, {}, UseDefaultImports,
- &options);
+ runTest("attachedPropNotReused.qml",
+ Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Using attached type QQuickKeyNavigationAttached "
+ "already initialized in a parent "
+ "scope") } } },
+ {}, {}, {}, UseDefaultImports, &options);
- searchWarnings(warnings,
- QStringLiteral("Using attached type QQuickKeyNavigationAttached "
- "already initialized in a parent "
- "scope"),
- "attachedPropNotReused.qml");
- }
- {
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("attachedPropEnum.qml", true, &warnings, {}, {}, {}, UseDefaultImports,
- &options);
- QVERIFY2(warnings.isEmpty(), qPrintable(QJsonDocument(warnings).toJson()));
- }
+ runTest("attachedPropEnum.qml", Result::clean(), {}, {}, {}, UseDefaultImports, &options);
void TestQmllint::missingBuiltinsNoCrash()
@@ -1454,10 +1526,9 @@ void TestQmllint::missingBuiltinsNoCrash()
QVERIFY2(jsonOutput.size() == 1, QJsonDocument(jsonOutput).toJson());
warnings = jsonOutput.at(0)[u"warnings"_qs].toArray();
- searchWarnings(warnings,
- QStringLiteral("Failed to find the following builtins: "
- "builtins.qmltypes, jsroot.qmltypes"),
- "missingBuiltinsNoCrash.qml");
+ checkResult(warnings,
+ Result { { Message { QStringLiteral("Failed to find the following builtins: "
+ "builtins.qmltypes, jsroot.qmltypes") } } });
void TestQmllint::absolutePath()
@@ -1472,9 +1543,7 @@ void TestQmllint::absolutePath()
void TestQmllint::importMultipartUri()
- QJsonArray warnings;
- callQmllint("here.qml", true, &warnings, {}, { testFile("Elsewhere/qmldir") });
- QVERIFY(warnings.isEmpty());
+ runTest("here.qml", Result::clean(), {}, { testFile("Elsewhere/qmldir") });