// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qquicktreeview_p_p.h" #include #include #include #include /*! \qmltype TreeView \inqmlmodule QtQuick \ingroup qtquick-views \since 6.3 \inherits TableView \brief Provides a tree view to display data from a QAbstractItemModel. A TreeView has a \l model that defines the data to be displayed, and a \l delegate that defines how the data should be displayed. TreeView inherits \l TableView. This means that even if the model has a parent-child tree structure, TreeView is internally using a proxy model that converts that structure into a flat table model that can be rendered by TableView. Each node in the tree ends up occupying one row in the table, where the first column renders the tree itself. By indenting each delegate item in that column according to its parent-child depth in the model, it will end up looking like a tree, even if it's technically still just a flat list of items. To allow for maximum flexibility, TreeView itself will not position the delegate items into a tree structure. This burden is placed on the delegate. \l {Qt Quick Controls} offers a ready-made TreeViewDelegate that can be used for this, which has the advantage that it works out-of-the-box and renders a tree which follows the style of the platform where the application runs. Even if TreeViewDelegate is customizable, there might be situations where you want to render the tree in a different way, or ensure that the delegate ends up as minimal as possible, perhaps for performance reasons. Creating your own delegate from scratch is easy, since TreeView offers a set of properties that can be used to position and render each node in the tree correctly. An example of a custom delegate with an animating indicator is shown below: \snippet qml/treeview/qml-customdelegate.qml 0 The properties that are marked as \c required will be filled in by TreeView, and are similar to attached properties. By marking them as required, the delegate indirectly informs TreeView that it should take responsibility for assigning them values. The following required properties can be added to a delegate: \list \li \c {required property TreeView treeView} - Points to the TreeView that contains the delegate item. \li \c {required property bool isTreeNode} - Is \c true if the delegate item represents a node in the tree. Only one column in the view will be used to draw the tree, and therefore, only delegate items in that column will have this property set to \c true. A node in the tree should typically be indented according to its \c depth, and show an indicator if \c hasChildren is \c true. Delegate items in other columns will have this property set to \c false, and will show data from the remaining columns in the model (and typically not be indented). \li \c {required property bool expanded} - Is \c true if the model item drawn by the delegate is expanded in the view. \li \c {required property bool hasChildren} - Is \c true if the model item drawn by the delegate has children in the model. \li \c {required property int depth} - Contains the depth of the model item drawn by the delegate. The depth of a model item is the same as the number of ancestors it has in the model. \endlist See also \l {Required Properties}. By default, TreeView \l {toggleExpanded()}{toggles} the expanded state of a row when you double tap on it. Since this is in conflict with double tapping to edit a cell, TreeView sets \l {TableView::}{editTriggers} to \c TableView.EditKeyPressed by default (which is different from TableView, which uses \c {TableView.EditKeyPressed | TableView.DoubleTapped}. If you change \l {TableView::}{editTriggers} to also contain \c TableView.DoubleTapped, toggling the expanded state with a double tap will be disabled. \note A TreeView only accepts a model that inherits \l QAbstractItemModel. */ /*! \qmlproperty QModelIndex QtQuick::TreeView::rootIndex \since 6.6 This property holds the model index of the root item in the tree. By default, this is the same as the root index in the model, but you can set it to be a child index instead, to show only a branch of the tree. Set it to \c undefined to show the whole model. */ /*! \qmlmethod int QtQuick::TreeView::depth(row) Returns the depth (the number of parents up to the root) of the given \a row. \a row should be the row in the view (table row), and not a row in the model. If \a row is not between \c 0 and \l {TableView::}{rows}, the return value will be \c -1. \sa {TableView::}{modelIndex()} */ /*! \qmlmethod bool QtQuick::TreeView::isExpanded(row) Returns if the given \a row in the view is shown as expanded. \a row should be the row in the view (table row), and not a row in the model. If \a row is not between \c 0 and \l {TableView::}{rows}, the return value will be \c false. */ /*! \qmlmethod QtQuick::TreeView::expand(row) Expands the tree node at the given \a row in the view. \a row should be the row in the view (table row), and not a row in the model. \note this function will not affect the model, only the visual representation in the view. \sa collapse(), isExpanded(), expandRecursively() */ /*! \qmlmethod QtQuick::TreeView::expandRecursively(row = -1, depth = -1) \since 6.4 Expands the tree node at the given \a row in the view recursively down to \a depth. \a depth should be relative to the depth of \a row. If \a depth is \c -1, the tree will be expanded all the way down to all leaves. For a model that has more than one root, you can also call this function with \a row equal to \c -1. This will expand all roots. Hence, calling expandRecursively(-1, -1), or simply expandRecursively(), will expand all nodes in the model. \a row should be the row in the view (table row), and not a row in the model. \note This function will not try to \l{QAbstractItemModel::fetchMore}{fetch more} data. \note This function will not affect the model, only the visual representation in the view. \warning If the model contains a large number of items, this function will take some time to execute. \sa collapseRecursively(), expand(), collapse(), isExpanded(), depth() */ /*! \qmlmethod QtQuick::TreeView::expandToIndex(QModelIndex index) \since 6.4 Expands the tree from the given model \a index, and recursively all the way up to the root. The result will be that the delegate item that represents \a index becomes visible in the view (unless it ends up outside the viewport). To ensure that the row ends up visible in the viewport, you can do: \code expandToIndex(index) forceLayout() positionViewAtRow(rowAtIndex(index), Qt.AlignVCenter) \endcode \sa expand(), expandRecursively() */ /*! \qmlmethod QtQuick::TreeView::collapse(row) Collapses the tree node at the given \a row in the view. \a row should be the row in the view (table row), and not a row in the model. \note this function will not affect the model, only the visual representation in the view. \sa expand(), isExpanded() */ /*! \qmlmethod QtQuick::TreeView::collapseRecursively(row = -1) \since 6.4 Collapses the tree node at the given \a row in the view recursively down to all leaves. For a model has more than one root, you can also call this function with \a row equal to \c -1. This will collapse all roots. Hence, calling collapseRecursively(-1), or simply collapseRecursively(), will collapse all nodes in the model. \a row should be the row in the view (table row), and not a row in the model. \note this function will not affect the model, only the visual representation in the view. \sa expandRecursively(), expand(), collapse(), isExpanded(), depth() */ /*! \qmlmethod QtQuick::TreeView::toggleExpanded(row) Toggles if the tree node at the given \a row should be expanded. This is a convenience for doing: \code if (isExpanded(row)) collapse(row) else expand(row) \endcode \a row should be the row in the view (table row), and not a row in the model. */ /*! \qmlsignal QtQuick::TreeView::expanded(row, depth) This signal is emitted when a \a row is expanded in the view. \a row and \a depth will be equal to the arguments given to the call that caused the expansion to happen (\l expand() or \l expandRecursively()). In case of \l expand(), \a depth will always be \c 1. In case of \l expandToIndex(), \a depth will be the depth of the target index. \note when a row is expanded recursively, the expanded signal will only be emitted for that one row, and not for its descendants. \sa collapsed(), expand(), collapse(), toggleExpanded() */ /*! \qmlsignal QtQuick::TreeView::collapsed(row, recursively) This signal is emitted when a \a row is collapsed in the view. \a row will be equal to the argument given to the call that caused the collapse to happen (\l collapse() or \l collapseRecursively()). If the row was collapsed recursively, \a recursively will be \c true. \note when a row is collapsed recursively, the collapsed signal will only be emitted for that one row, and not for its descendants. \sa expanded(), expand(), collapse(), toggleExpanded() */ // Hard-code the tree column to be 0 for now static const int kTreeColumn = 0; QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QQuickTreeViewPrivate::QQuickTreeViewPrivate() : QQuickTableViewPrivate() { } QQuickTreeViewPrivate::~QQuickTreeViewPrivate() { } QVariant QQuickTreeViewPrivate::modelImpl() const { return m_assignedModel; } void QQuickTreeViewPrivate::setModelImpl(const QVariant &newModel) { Q_Q(QQuickTreeView); m_assignedModel = newModel; QVariant effectiveModel = m_assignedModel; if (effectiveModel.userType() == qMetaTypeId()) effectiveModel = effectiveModel.value().toVariant(); if (effectiveModel.isNull()) m_treeModelToTableModel.setModel(nullptr); else if (const auto qaim = qvariant_cast(effectiveModel)) m_treeModelToTableModel.setModel(qaim); else qmlWarning(q) << "TreeView only accepts a model of type QAbstractItemModel"; scheduleRebuildTable(QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOption::All); emit q->modelChanged(); } void QQuickTreeViewPrivate::initItemCallback(int serializedModelIndex, QObject *object) { updateRequiredProperties(serializedModelIndex, object, true); QQuickTableViewPrivate::initItemCallback(serializedModelIndex, object); } void QQuickTreeViewPrivate::itemReusedCallback(int serializedModelIndex, QObject *object) { updateRequiredProperties(serializedModelIndex, object, false); QQuickTableViewPrivate::itemReusedCallback(serializedModelIndex, object); } void QQuickTreeViewPrivate::dataChangedCallback( const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector &roles) { Q_Q(QQuickTreeView); Q_UNUSED(roles); for (int row = topLeft.row(); row <= bottomRight.row(); ++row) { for (int column = topLeft.column(); column <= bottomRight.column(); ++column) { const QPoint cell(column, row); auto item = q->itemAtCell(cell); if (!item) continue; const int serializedModelIndex = modelIndexAtCell(QPoint(column, row)); updateRequiredProperties(serializedModelIndex, item, false); } } } void QQuickTreeViewPrivate::updateRequiredProperties(int serializedModelIndex, QObject *object, bool init) { Q_Q(QQuickTreeView); const QPoint cell = cellAtModelIndex(serializedModelIndex); const int row = cell.y(); const int column = cell.x(); setRequiredProperty("treeView", QVariant::fromValue(q), serializedModelIndex, object, init); setRequiredProperty("isTreeNode", column == kTreeColumn, serializedModelIndex, object, init); setRequiredProperty("hasChildren", m_treeModelToTableModel.hasChildren(row), serializedModelIndex, object, init); setRequiredProperty("expanded", q->isExpanded(row), serializedModelIndex, object, init); setRequiredProperty("depth", m_treeModelToTableModel.depthAtRow(row), serializedModelIndex, object, init); } void QQuickTreeViewPrivate::updateSelection(const QRect &oldSelection, const QRect &newSelection) { Q_Q(QQuickTreeView); if (oldSelection == newSelection) return; QItemSelection select; QItemSelection deselect; // Because each row can have a different parent, we need to create separate QItemSelections // per row. But all the cells in a given row have the same parent, so they can be combined. // As a result, the final QItemSelection can end up more fragmented compared to a selection // in QQuickTableView, where all cells have the same parent. In the end, if TreeView has // a lot of columns and the selection mode is "SelectCells", using the mouse to adjust // a selection containing a _large_ number of columns can be slow. const QRect cells = newSelection.normalized(); for (int row = cells.y(); row <= cells.y() + cells.height(); ++row) { const QModelIndex startIndex = q->index(row, cells.x()); const QModelIndex endIndex = q->index(row, cells.x() + cells.width()); select.merge(QItemSelection(startIndex, endIndex), QItemSelectionModel::Select); } const QModelIndexList indexes = selectionModel->selection().indexes(); for (const QModelIndex &index : indexes) { if (!select.contains(index) && !existingSelection.contains(index)) deselect.merge(QItemSelection(index, index), QItemSelectionModel::Select); } if (selectionFlag == QItemSelectionModel::Select) { selectionModel->select(deselect, QItemSelectionModel::Deselect); selectionModel->select(select, QItemSelectionModel::Select); } else { QItemSelection oldSelection = existingSelection; oldSelection.merge(select, QItemSelectionModel::Deselect); selectionModel->select(oldSelection, QItemSelectionModel::Select); selectionModel->select(select, QItemSelectionModel::Deselect); } } QQuickTreeView::QQuickTreeView(QQuickItem *parent) : QQuickTableView(*(new QQuickTreeViewPrivate), parent) { Q_D(QQuickTreeView); setSelectionBehavior(SelectRows); setEditTriggers(EditKeyPressed); // Note: QQuickTableView will only ever see the table model m_treeModelToTableModel, and // never the actual tree model that is assigned to us by the application. const auto modelAsVariant = QVariant::fromValue(std::addressof(d->m_treeModelToTableModel)); d->QQuickTableViewPrivate::setModelImpl(modelAsVariant); QObjectPrivate::connect(&d->m_treeModelToTableModel, &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged, d, &QQuickTreeViewPrivate::dataChangedCallback); QObject::connect(&d->m_treeModelToTableModel, &QQmlTreeModelToTableModel::rootIndexChanged, this, &QQuickTreeView::rootIndexChanged); auto tapHandler = new QQuickTapHandler(this); tapHandler->setAcceptedModifiers(Qt::NoModifier); connect(tapHandler, &QQuickTapHandler::doubleTapped, [this, tapHandler]{ if (!pointerNavigationEnabled()) return; if (editTriggers() & DoubleTapped) return; const int row = cellAtPosition(tapHandler->point().pressPosition()).y(); toggleExpanded(row); }); } QQuickTreeView::~QQuickTreeView() { } QModelIndex QQuickTreeView::rootIndex() const { return d_func()->m_treeModelToTableModel.rootIndex(); } void QQuickTreeView::setRootIndex(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_D(QQuickTreeView); d->m_treeModelToTableModel.setRootIndex(index); positionViewAtCell({0, 0}, QQuickTableView::AlignTop | QQuickTableView::AlignLeft); } void QQuickTreeView::resetRootIndex() { Q_D(QQuickTreeView); d->m_treeModelToTableModel.resetRootIndex(); positionViewAtCell({0, 0}, QQuickTableView::AlignTop | QQuickTableView::AlignLeft); } int QQuickTreeView::depth(int row) const { Q_D(const QQuickTreeView); if (row < 0 || row >= d->m_treeModelToTableModel.rowCount()) return -1; return d->m_treeModelToTableModel.depthAtRow(row); } bool QQuickTreeView::isExpanded(int row) const { Q_D(const QQuickTreeView); if (row < 0 || row >= d->m_treeModelToTableModel.rowCount()) return false; return d->m_treeModelToTableModel.isExpanded(row); } void QQuickTreeView::expand(int row) { if (row >= 0) expandRecursively(row, 1); } void QQuickTreeView::expandRecursively(int row, int depth) { Q_D(QQuickTreeView); if (row >= d->m_treeModelToTableModel.rowCount()) return; if (row < 0 && row != -1) return; if (depth == 0 || depth < -1) return; auto expandRowRecursively = [this, d, depth](int startRow) { d->m_treeModelToTableModel.expandRecursively(startRow, depth); // Update the expanded state of the startRow. The descendant rows that gets // expanded will get the correct state set from initItem/itemReused instead. for (int c = leftColumn(); c <= rightColumn(); ++c) { const QPoint treeNodeCell(c, startRow); if (const auto item = itemAtCell(treeNodeCell)) d->setRequiredProperty("expanded", true, d->modelIndexAtCell(treeNodeCell), item, false); } }; if (row >= 0) { // Expand only one row recursively const bool isExpanded = d->m_treeModelToTableModel.isExpanded(row); if (isExpanded && depth == 1) return; expandRowRecursively(row); } else { // Expand all root nodes recursively const auto model = d->m_treeModelToTableModel.model(); for (int r = 0; r < model->rowCount(); ++r) { const int rootRow = d->m_treeModelToTableModel.itemIndex(model->index(r, 0)); if (rootRow != -1) expandRowRecursively(rootRow); } } emit expanded(row, depth); } void QQuickTreeView::expandToIndex(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_D(QQuickTreeView); if (!index.isValid()) { qmlWarning(this) << "index is not valid: " << index; return; } if (index.model() != d->m_treeModelToTableModel.model()) { qmlWarning(this) << "index doesn't belong to correct model: " << index; return; } if (rowAtIndex(index) != -1) { // index is already visible return; } int depth = 1; QModelIndex parent = index.parent(); int row = rowAtIndex(parent); while (parent.isValid()) { if (row != -1) { // The node is already visible, since it maps to a row in the table! d->m_treeModelToTableModel.expandRow(row); // Update the state of the already existing delegate item for (int c = leftColumn(); c <= rightColumn(); ++c) { const QPoint treeNodeCell(c, row); if (const auto item = itemAtCell(treeNodeCell)) d->setRequiredProperty("expanded", true, d->modelIndexAtCell(treeNodeCell), item, false); } // When we hit a node that is visible, we know that all other nodes // up to the parent have to be visible as well, so we can stop. break; } else { d->m_treeModelToTableModel.expand(parent); parent = parent.parent(); row = rowAtIndex(parent); depth++; } } emit expanded(row, depth); } void QQuickTreeView::collapse(int row) { Q_D(QQuickTreeView); if (row < 0 || row >= d->m_treeModelToTableModel.rowCount()) return; if (!d->m_treeModelToTableModel.isExpanded(row)) return; d_func()->m_treeModelToTableModel.collapseRow(row); for (int c = leftColumn(); c <= rightColumn(); ++c) { const QPoint treeNodeCell(c, row); if (const auto item = itemAtCell(treeNodeCell)) d->setRequiredProperty("expanded", false, d->modelIndexAtCell(treeNodeCell), item, false); } emit collapsed(row, false); } void QQuickTreeView::collapseRecursively(int row) { Q_D(QQuickTreeView); if (row >= d->m_treeModelToTableModel.rowCount()) return; if (row < 0 && row != -1) return; auto collapseRowRecursive = [this, d](int startRow) { // Always collapse descendants recursively, // even if the top row itself is already collapsed. d->m_treeModelToTableModel.collapseRecursively(startRow); // Update the expanded state of the (still visible) startRow for (int c = leftColumn(); c <= rightColumn(); ++c) { const QPoint treeNodeCell(c, startRow); if (const auto item = itemAtCell(treeNodeCell)) d->setRequiredProperty("expanded", false, d->modelIndexAtCell(treeNodeCell), item, false); } }; if (row >= 0) { collapseRowRecursive(row); } else { // Collapse all root nodes recursively const auto model = d->m_treeModelToTableModel.model(); for (int r = 0; r < model->rowCount(); ++r) { const int rootRow = d->m_treeModelToTableModel.itemIndex(model->index(r, 0)); if (rootRow != -1) collapseRowRecursive(rootRow); } } emit collapsed(row, true); } void QQuickTreeView::toggleExpanded(int row) { if (isExpanded(row)) collapse(row); else expand(row); } QModelIndex QQuickTreeView::modelIndex(const QPoint &cell) const { Q_D(const QQuickTreeView); const QModelIndex tableIndex = d->m_treeModelToTableModel.index(cell.y(), cell.x()); return d->m_treeModelToTableModel.mapToModel(tableIndex); } QPoint QQuickTreeView::cellAtIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const { const QModelIndex tableIndex = d_func()->m_treeModelToTableModel.mapFromModel(index); return QPoint(tableIndex.column(), tableIndex.row()); } #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(6, 4) QModelIndex QQuickTreeView::modelIndex(int row, int column) const { static const bool compat6_4 = qEnvironmentVariable("QT_QUICK_TABLEVIEW_COMPAT_VERSION") == QStringLiteral("6.4"); if (compat6_4) { // XXX Qt 7: Remove this compatibility path here and in QQuickTableView. // In Qt 6.4.0 and 6.4.1, a source incompatible change led to row and column // being documented to be specified in the opposite order. // QT_QUICK_TABLEVIEW_COMPAT_VERSION can therefore be set to force tableview // to continue accepting calls to modelIndex(column, row). return modelIndex({row, column}); } else { qmlWarning(this) << "modelIndex(row, column) is deprecated. " "Use index(row, column) instead. For more information, see " "https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-tableview-obsolete.html"; return modelIndex({column, row}); } } #endif void QQuickTreeView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { event->ignore(); if (!keyNavigationEnabled()) return; if (!selectionModel()) return; const int row = cellAtIndex(selectionModel()->currentIndex()).y(); switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Left: collapse(row); event->accept(); break; case Qt::Key_Right: expand(row); event->accept(); break; default: break; } if (!event->isAccepted()) QQuickTableView::keyPressEvent(event); } QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_qquicktreeview_p.cpp"