Qt 5.11 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes over the 5.10.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.11 series is binary compatible with the 5.10.x series. Applications compiled for 5.10 will continue to run with 5.11. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Qt 5.11.0 Changes * **************************************************************************** QtLocation ---------- - Qt.labs.location * A new experimental QML plugin introduced, Qt.labs.location, which offers two new categories of QML elements: Map Objects and the Navigator type. Both are experimental, not supposed to work in every setup (check documentation). This plugin can be disabled at configure time, through the location-labs-plugin feature. * Map objects are supposed to be QQuickItem-less equivalents of Map Items. They are supposed to be easy to implement in plugins, and to introduce minimal overhead. They come with a reference implementation based on QSGNodes, that is supposed to work in all of the currently offered raster based plugins. At the present, the MapboxGL plugin does not offer map objects support. * The Navigator type is a new QML api to expose turn-by-turn navigation functions present in plugins. It requires a plugin supporting one of the Navigation capabilities to actually work. At the present, none of the open source plugins have these capabilities. - MapParameter * MapParameter type now deprecated and re-registered under the DynamicParameter name. - QGeoServiceProvider/QGeoServiceProviderFactory * Added QGeoServiceProviderFactoryV2, capable of producing QNavigationManagerEngine objects. Note: QNavigationManagerEngine is private API. - QGeoPath * The path property changed type, from QList to QVariantList. This is binary-compatible with the previous release, and source-compatible in QML. It may, however, introduce source incompatibilities when using the QObject property API in C++ (::property and ::setProperty), for example in the generation of language bindings. For the regular user-code, the use case was deemed as rare enough (since QGeoShape has a public setter/getter for the path) to not cause any problem. As the beta phase passed without issues, this change was therefore left in place. - QGeoRoute * QGeoRoute, QGeoRouteSegment and QGeoManeuver private implementation are now (privately) exported and can be subclassed in plugins to provide custom private implementations. * QGeoRouteRequest now allows to specify extra parameters in QVariantMap form. * RouteQuery (QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery) now allows to specify extra parameters through Map/DynamicParameters. * Added extended attributes to QGeoManeuver/QDeclarativeGeoManeuver. * [QTBUG-64066] Introduced new Waypoint QML type, intended to replace QGeoCoordinate as mean to specify waypoints in a RouteQuery. - QPlace * QPlace private implementation is now (privately) exported and can be subclassed in plugins to provide custom private implementations. * QPlaceContent::Type has a new value, CustomType. - QDeclarativeGeoMap * [QTBUG-66315] Fixed a crash calling Map.clearMapItems before Map is initialized. * Fixed MapGestureArea not emitting when controlled with scroll wheel. * [QTBUG-66880] Fixed clearData not triggering scene update. * [QTBUG-67580] Fixed crash in QQuickGeoMapGestureArea. * [QTBUG-67759] Fixed crash when calling clearData at startup. - Map Items * [QTBUG-66758] Fixed re-set map items rendering stale geometry. * [QTBUG-38459] Fixed the geometry of map items so that, if layers.enabled is set to true, the scene graph renderer will not cut the items borders anymore. * [QTBUG-66692, QTBUG-66830] Fixed polyline geometry generation. * [QTBUG-62086, QTBUG-65833] Fixed MapItemView not setting context data upon item deletion. * [QTBUG-67765] Fixed interaction with Map Items borders. - Plugins * Mapbox: Added OnlinePlacesFeature, PlaceRecommendationsFeature, SearchSuggestionsFeature and LocalizedPlacesFeature. * Mapbox: Added OnlineGeocodingFeature, ReverseGeocodingFeature and LocalizedGeocodingFeature. * Mapbox/OSM: OSRM backend now returns extended attributes for the maneuvers, such as bearing_before, bearing_after, instruction, type and modifier. * Mapbox/OSM: OSRM backend now uses Waypoint's bearing when sending a route request. * Mapbox/OSM: Added OSRM's {leg,step}_index extra attribute to QGeoManeuver. * Mapbox: Supported Mapbox Directions API voice & banner instructions. * MapboxGL: Added map margins support via 'margins' map parameter. * HERE: the plugin now uses Waypoint's bearing when sending a route request. * OSM: supported the query limit parameter in the nominatim backend. QtPositioning ---------- * [QTBUG-65937] Metatype for QGeoPositionInfo is now declared and registered. This change introduces a potential source incompatibility, as existing user code may contain the type registration already.