The elements imported by the design space. The packages imported by the design space. A design space entails the design dimensions (degrees of freedom) and quality metrics for a particular application domain. The design space name. The profile required to be applied in models manipulated by the design space. The design dimensions (degrees of freedom) of the design space. The quality metrics defined for the design space. A design dimension captures a specific degree of freedom when designing architectures in the given application domain. A design dimension entails a set of variation points which denote alternative solutions for such degree of freedom. Optionally, a variation point may define validation rules which should return a true value if that variation point is to be considered valid for the corresponding input model. A variation point may also specify a set of other variation points which should be previously evaluated, defining a sort of design dimension dependency. The design dimension's name. The rule for detecting a specific locus of architectural decision related to this design dimension. Such rule relies on the accompanying UML profile for the specific application domain, in order to identify the decision loci. The design dimensions that must be previously evaluated before this design dimension. Such dependency may be required in order to tackle dependent design dimensions and identify invalid design space locations. The design dimension's variation points (alternative solutions for the design dimension's concern). A specific design dimension instance created for a identified locus of architectural decision. Returns true if the design dimension should be considered in automated architecture design, otherwise returns false. A variation point represents a specific solution for a given design dimension. A variation point entails validation rules which check for valid combinations of variation points and a script which defines the architectural changes to be enacted from such solution. The variation point's name. The variation point's rationale. A set of rules which should be evaluated as true if design space locations containing such variation point are to be considered as valid ones. The architectural changes to be enacted as contributions arosen from this variation point. The complete set of architectural changes is the merge of architectural contributions from all involved variation points. The architectural elements to be added as part of architecture redesign contribution arising from this variation point. The complete set of added architectural elements is the merge of architectural contributions from all involved variation points. A specific design dimenstion instance created to tackle a particular locus of architectural decision in the input model. The model element which is the target of architectural changes defined in this design dimension instance. The changes to be enacted in the design dimension instance's target element. A rule to select the element which is the target of this particular change. A rule to find out the new value of this target's property. The metamodel's property which will be modified in this change. A quality metric defined for the corresponding design space. The quality metric's name. The quality metric's value. The quality metric's evaluation expression.