// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2019 Olivier Goffart // Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "generator.h" #if 0 // -- QtScxml #include "cbordevice.h" #endif // -- QtScxml #include "outputrevision.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //for the flags. #include //for the flags. QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace QtMiscUtils; // -- QtScxml void fprintf(QIODevice &out, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argp; va_start(argp, fmt); const int bufSize = 4096; char buf[bufSize]; vsnprintf(buf, bufSize, fmt, argp); va_end(argp); out.write(buf); } void fputc(char c, QIODevice &out) { out.write(&c, 1); } void fputs(const char *s, QIODevice &out) { out.write(s); } // -- QtScxml uint nameToBuiltinType(const QByteArray &name) { if (name.isEmpty()) return 0; uint tp = qMetaTypeTypeInternal(name.constData()); return tp < uint(QMetaType::User) ? tp : uint(QMetaType::UnknownType); } /* Returns \c true if the type is a built-in type. */ bool isBuiltinType(const QByteArray &type) { int id = qMetaTypeTypeInternal(type.constData()); if (id == QMetaType::UnknownType) return false; return (id < QMetaType::User); } static const char *metaTypeEnumValueString(int type) { #define RETURN_METATYPENAME_STRING(MetaTypeName, MetaTypeId, RealType) \ case QMetaType::MetaTypeName: return #MetaTypeName; switch (type) { QT_FOR_EACH_STATIC_TYPE(RETURN_METATYPENAME_STRING) } #undef RETURN_METATYPENAME_STRING return nullptr; } // -- QtScxml Generator::Generator(ClassDef *classDef, const QList &metaTypes, const QHash &knownQObjectClasses, const QHash &knownGadgets, QIODevice &outfile, bool requireCompleteTypes) : out(outfile), cdef(classDef), metaTypes(metaTypes), knownQObjectClasses(knownQObjectClasses), knownGadgets(knownGadgets), requireCompleteTypes(requireCompleteTypes) { if (cdef->superclassList.size()) purestSuperClass = cdef->superclassList.constFirst().classname; } // -- QtScxml #if 0 // -- QtScxml static inline qsizetype lengthOfEscapeSequence(const QByteArray &s, qsizetype i) { if (s.at(i) != '\\' || i >= s.size() - 1) return 1; const qsizetype startPos = i; ++i; char ch = s.at(i); if (ch == 'x') { ++i; while (i < s.size() && isHexDigit(s.at(i))) ++i; } else if (isOctalDigit(ch)) { while (i < startPos + 4 && i < s.size() && isOctalDigit(s.at(i))) { ++i; } } else { // single character escape sequence i = qMin(i + 1, s.size()); } return i - startPos; } // Prints \a s to \a out, breaking it into lines of at most ColumnWidth. The // opening and closing quotes are NOT included (it's up to the caller). static void printStringWithIndentation(QIODevice &out, const QByteArray &s) // -- QtScxml { static constexpr int ColumnWidth = 72; const qsizetype len = s.size(); qsizetype idx = 0; do { qsizetype spanLen = qMin(ColumnWidth - 2, len - idx); // don't cut escape sequences at the end of a line const qsizetype backSlashPos = s.lastIndexOf('\\', idx + spanLen - 1); if (backSlashPos >= idx) { const qsizetype escapeLen = lengthOfEscapeSequence(s, backSlashPos); spanLen = qBound(spanLen, backSlashPos + escapeLen - idx, len - idx); } fprintf(out, "\n \"%.*s\"", int(spanLen), s.constData() + idx); idx += spanLen; } while (idx < len); } #endif // -- QtSxcml void Generator::strreg(const QByteArray &s) { if (!strings.contains(s)) strings.append(s); } int Generator::stridx(const QByteArray &s) { int i = int(strings.indexOf(s)); Q_ASSERT_X(i != -1, Q_FUNC_INFO, "We forgot to register some strings"); return i; } // Returns the sum of all parameters (including return type) for the given // \a list of methods. This is needed for calculating the size of the methods' // parameter type/name meta-data. static int aggregateParameterCount(const QList &list) { int sum = 0; for (const FunctionDef &def : list) sum += int(def.arguments.size()) + 1; // +1 for return type return sum; } bool Generator::registerableMetaType(const QByteArray &propertyType) { if (metaTypes.contains(propertyType)) return true; if (propertyType.endsWith('*')) { QByteArray objectPointerType = propertyType; // The objects container stores class names, such as 'QState', 'QLabel' etc, // not 'QState*', 'QLabel*'. The propertyType does contain the '*', so we need // to chop it to find the class type in the known QObjects list. objectPointerType.chop(1); if (knownQObjectClasses.contains(objectPointerType)) return true; } static const QList smartPointers = QList() #define STREAM_SMART_POINTER(SMART_POINTER) << #SMART_POINTER QT_FOR_EACH_AUTOMATIC_TEMPLATE_SMART_POINTER(STREAM_SMART_POINTER) #undef STREAM_SMART_POINTER ; for (const QByteArray &smartPointer : smartPointers) { QByteArray ba = smartPointer + "<"; if (propertyType.startsWith(ba) && !propertyType.endsWith("&")) return knownQObjectClasses.contains(propertyType.mid(smartPointer.size() + 1, propertyType.size() - smartPointer.size() - 1 - 1)); } static const QList oneArgTemplates = QList() #define STREAM_1ARG_TEMPLATE(TEMPLATENAME) << #TEMPLATENAME QT_FOR_EACH_AUTOMATIC_TEMPLATE_1ARG(STREAM_1ARG_TEMPLATE) #undef STREAM_1ARG_TEMPLATE ; for (const QByteArray &oneArgTemplateType : oneArgTemplates) { const QByteArray ba = oneArgTemplateType + "<"; if (propertyType.startsWith(ba) && propertyType.endsWith(">")) { const qsizetype argumentSize = propertyType.size() - ba.size() // The closing '>' - 1 // templates inside templates have an extra whitespace char to strip. - (propertyType.at(propertyType.size() - 2) == ' ' ? 1 : 0 ); const QByteArray templateArg = propertyType.sliced(ba.size(), argumentSize); return isBuiltinType(templateArg) || registerableMetaType(templateArg); } } return false; } /* returns \c true if name and qualifiedName refers to the same name. * If qualified name is "A::B::C", it returns \c true for "C", "B::C" or "A::B::C" */ static bool qualifiedNameEquals(const QByteArray &qualifiedName, const QByteArray &name) { if (qualifiedName == name) return true; const qsizetype index = qualifiedName.indexOf("::"); if (index == -1) return false; return qualifiedNameEquals(qualifiedName.mid(index+2), name); } static QByteArray generateQualifiedClassNameIdentifier(const QByteArray &identifier) { QByteArray qualifiedClassNameIdentifier = identifier; // Remove ':'s in the name, but be sure not to create any illegal // identifiers in the process. (Don't replace with '_', because // that will create problems with things like NS_::_class.) qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.replace("::", "SCOPE"); // Also, avoid any leading/trailing underscores (we'll concatenate // the generated name with other prefixes/suffixes, and these latter // may already include an underscore, leading to two underscores) qualifiedClassNameIdentifier = "CLASS" + qualifiedClassNameIdentifier + "ENDCLASS"; return qualifiedClassNameIdentifier; } void Generator::generateCode() { bool isQObject = (cdef->classname == "QObject"); bool isConstructible = !cdef->constructorList.isEmpty(); // filter out undeclared enumerators and sets { QList enumList; for (EnumDef def : std::as_const(cdef->enumList)) { if (cdef->enumDeclarations.contains(def.name)) { enumList += def; } def.enumName = def.name; QByteArray alias = cdef->flagAliases.value(def.name); if (cdef->enumDeclarations.contains(alias)) { def.name = alias; enumList += def; } } cdef->enumList = enumList; } // // Register all strings used in data section // strreg(cdef->qualified); registerClassInfoStrings(); registerFunctionStrings(cdef->signalList); registerFunctionStrings(cdef->slotList); registerFunctionStrings(cdef->methodList); registerFunctionStrings(cdef->constructorList); registerByteArrayVector(cdef->nonClassSignalList); registerPropertyStrings(); registerEnumStrings(); const bool hasStaticMetaCall = (cdef->hasQObject || !cdef->methodList.isEmpty() || !cdef->propertyList.isEmpty() || !cdef->constructorList.isEmpty()); const QByteArray qualifiedClassNameIdentifier = generateQualifiedClassNameIdentifier(cdef->qualified); // ensure the qt_meta_stringdata_XXXX_t type is local fprintf(out, "namespace {\n"); // // Build the strings using QtMocHelpers::StringData // fprintf(out, "\n#ifdef QT_MOC_HAS_STRINGDATA\n" "struct qt_meta_stringdata_%s_t {};\n" "constexpr auto qt_meta_stringdata_%s = QtMocHelpers::stringData(", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData(), qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData()); { char comma = 0; // -- QtScxml for (qsizetype i = 0, end = strings.size(); i < end; ++i) { if (comma) fputc(comma, out); fprintf(out, "\n {"); const QByteArray s = strings.at(i); const qsizetype len = s.size(); for (qsizetype charPos = 0; charPos < len; ++charPos) fprintf(out, "char(0x%.2x),", static_cast(s.at(charPos))); const bool isLast = (i == end - 1); fprintf(out, "char(0)%s // %d: %s", isLast ? "}" : "},", i, s.constData()); comma = ','; } // -- QtScxml } fprintf(out, "\n);\n" "#else // !QT_MOC_HAS_STRINGDATA\n"); fprintf(out, "#error \"qtmochelpers.h not found or too old.\"\n"); fprintf(out, "#endif // !QT_MOC_HAS_STRINGDATA\n"); fprintf(out, "} // unnamed namespace\n\n"); // // build the data array // int index = MetaObjectPrivateFieldCount; fprintf(out, "Q_CONSTINIT static const uint qt_meta_data_%s[] = {\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData()); fprintf(out, "\n // content:\n"); fprintf(out, " %4d, // revision\n", int(QMetaObjectPrivate::OutputRevision)); fprintf(out, " %4d, // classname\n", stridx(cdef->qualified)); fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, // classinfo\n", int(cdef->classInfoList.size()), int(cdef->classInfoList.size() ? index : 0)); index += cdef->classInfoList.size() * 2; qsizetype methodCount = 0; if (qAddOverflow(cdef->signalList.size(), cdef->slotList.size(), &methodCount) || qAddOverflow(cdef->methodList.size(), methodCount, &methodCount)) { // -- QtScxml qFatal("internal limit exceeded: the total number of member functions" " (including signals and slots) is too big."); // -- QtScxml } fprintf(out, " %4" PRIdQSIZETYPE ", %4d, // methods\n", methodCount, methodCount ? index : 0); index += methodCount * QMetaObjectPrivate::IntsPerMethod; if (cdef->revisionedMethods) index += methodCount; int paramsIndex = index; int totalParameterCount = aggregateParameterCount(cdef->signalList) + aggregateParameterCount(cdef->slotList) + aggregateParameterCount(cdef->methodList) + aggregateParameterCount(cdef->constructorList); index += totalParameterCount * 2 // types and parameter names - methodCount // return "parameters" don't have names - int(cdef->constructorList.size()); // "this" parameters don't have names fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, // properties\n", int(cdef->propertyList.size()), int(cdef->propertyList.size() ? index : 0)); index += cdef->propertyList.size() * QMetaObjectPrivate::IntsPerProperty; fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, // enums/sets\n", int(cdef->enumList.size()), cdef->enumList.size() ? index : 0); int enumsIndex = index; for (const EnumDef &def : std::as_const(cdef->enumList)) index += QMetaObjectPrivate::IntsPerEnum + (def.values.size() * 2); fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, // constructors\n", isConstructible ? int(cdef->constructorList.size()) : 0, isConstructible ? index : 0); int flags = 0; if (cdef->hasQGadget || cdef->hasQNamespace) { // Ideally, all the classes could have that flag. But this broke classes generated // by qdbusxml2cpp which generate code that require that we call qt_metacall for properties flags |= PropertyAccessInStaticMetaCall; } fprintf(out, " %4d, // flags\n", flags); fprintf(out, " %4d, // signalCount\n", int(cdef->signalList.size())); // // Build classinfo array // generateClassInfos(); qsizetype propEnumCount = 0; // all property metatypes + all enum metatypes + 1 for the type of the current class itself if (qAddOverflow(cdef->propertyList.size(), cdef->enumList.size(), &propEnumCount) || qAddOverflow(propEnumCount, qsizetype(1), &propEnumCount) || propEnumCount >= std::numeric_limits::max()) { // -- QtScxml qFatal("internal limit exceeded: number of property and enum metatypes is too big."); // -- QtScxml } int initialMetaTypeOffset = int(propEnumCount); // // Build signals array first, otherwise the signal indices would be wrong // generateFunctions(cdef->signalList, "signal", MethodSignal, paramsIndex, initialMetaTypeOffset); // // Build slots array // generateFunctions(cdef->slotList, "slot", MethodSlot, paramsIndex, initialMetaTypeOffset); // // Build method array // generateFunctions(cdef->methodList, "method", MethodMethod, paramsIndex, initialMetaTypeOffset); // // Build method version arrays // if (cdef->revisionedMethods) { generateFunctionRevisions(cdef->signalList, "signal"); generateFunctionRevisions(cdef->slotList, "slot"); generateFunctionRevisions(cdef->methodList, "method"); } // // Build method parameters array // generateFunctionParameters(cdef->signalList, "signal"); generateFunctionParameters(cdef->slotList, "slot"); generateFunctionParameters(cdef->methodList, "method"); if (isConstructible) generateFunctionParameters(cdef->constructorList, "constructor"); // // Build property array // generateProperties(); // // Build enums array // generateEnums(enumsIndex); // // Build constructors array // if (isConstructible) generateFunctions(cdef->constructorList, "constructor", MethodConstructor, paramsIndex, initialMetaTypeOffset); // // Terminate data array // fprintf(out, "\n 0 // eod\n};\n\n"); // // Build extra array // QList extraList; QMultiHash knownExtraMetaObject(knownGadgets); knownExtraMetaObject.unite(knownQObjectClasses); for (const PropertyDef &p : std::as_const(cdef->propertyList)) { if (isBuiltinType(p.type)) continue; if (p.type.contains('*') || p.type.contains('<') || p.type.contains('>')) continue; const qsizetype s = p.type.lastIndexOf("::"); if (s <= 0) continue; QByteArray unqualifiedScope = p.type.left(s); // The scope may be a namespace for example, so it's only safe to include scopes that are known QObjects (QTBUG-2151) QMultiHash::ConstIterator scopeIt; QByteArray thisScope = cdef->qualified; do { const qsizetype s = thisScope.lastIndexOf("::"); thisScope = thisScope.left(s); QByteArray currentScope = thisScope.isEmpty() ? unqualifiedScope : thisScope + "::" + unqualifiedScope; scopeIt = knownExtraMetaObject.constFind(currentScope); } while (!thisScope.isEmpty() && scopeIt == knownExtraMetaObject.constEnd()); if (scopeIt == knownExtraMetaObject.constEnd()) continue; const QByteArray &scope = *scopeIt; if (scope == "Qt") continue; if (qualifiedNameEquals(cdef->qualified, scope)) continue; if (!extraList.contains(scope)) extraList += scope; } // QTBUG-20639 - Accept non-local enums for QML signal/slot parameters. // Look for any scoped enum declarations, and add those to the list // of extra/related metaobjects for this object. for (auto it = cdef->enumDeclarations.keyBegin(), end = cdef->enumDeclarations.keyEnd(); it != end; ++it) { const QByteArray &enumKey = *it; const qsizetype s = enumKey.lastIndexOf("::"); if (s > 0) { QByteArray scope = enumKey.left(s); if (scope != "Qt" && !qualifiedNameEquals(cdef->qualified, scope) && !extraList.contains(scope)) extraList += scope; } } // // Generate meta object link to parent meta objects // if (!extraList.isEmpty()) { fprintf(out, "Q_CONSTINIT static const QMetaObject::SuperData qt_meta_extradata_%s[] = {\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData()); for (const QByteArray &ba : std::as_const(extraList)) fprintf(out, " QMetaObject::SuperData::link<%s::staticMetaObject>(),\n", ba.constData()); fprintf(out, " nullptr\n};\n\n"); } // // Finally create and initialize the static meta object // fprintf(out, "Q_CONSTINIT const QMetaObject %s::staticMetaObject = { {\n", cdef->qualified.constData()); if (isQObject) fprintf(out, " nullptr,\n"); else if (cdef->superclassList.size() && !cdef->hasQGadget && !cdef->hasQNamespace) // for qobject, we know the super class must have a static metaobject fprintf(out, " QMetaObject::SuperData::link<%s::staticMetaObject>(),\n", purestSuperClass.constData()); else if (cdef->superclassList.size()) // for gadgets we need to query at compile time for it fprintf(out, " QtPrivate::MetaObjectForType<%s>::value,\n", purestSuperClass.constData()); else fprintf(out, " nullptr,\n"); fprintf(out, " qt_meta_stringdata_%s.offsetsAndSizes,\n" " qt_meta_data_%s,\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData(), qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData()); if (hasStaticMetaCall) fprintf(out, " qt_static_metacall,\n"); else fprintf(out, " nullptr,\n"); if (extraList.isEmpty()) fprintf(out, " nullptr,\n"); else fprintf(out, " qt_meta_extradata_%s,\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData()); const char *comma = ""; const bool requireCompleteness = requireCompleteTypes || cdef->requireCompleteMethodTypes; auto stringForType = [requireCompleteness](const QByteArray &type, bool forceComplete) -> QByteArray { const char *forceCompleteType = forceComplete ? ", std::true_type>" : ", std::false_type>"; if (requireCompleteness) return type; return "QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<" % type % forceCompleteType; }; if (!requireCompleteness) { fprintf(out, " qt_incomplete_metaTypeArraypropertyList)) { fprintf(out, "%s\n // property '%s'\n %s", comma, p.name.constData(), stringForType(p.type, true).constData()); comma = ","; } // metatypes for enums for (const EnumDef &e : std::as_const(cdef->enumList)) { fprintf(out, "%s\n // enum '%s'\n %s", comma, e.name.constData(), stringForType(e.qualifiedType(cdef), true).constData()); comma = ","; } // type name for the Q_OJBECT/GADGET itself, void for namespaces auto ownType = !cdef->hasQNamespace ? cdef->classname.data() : "void"; fprintf(out, "%s\n // Q_OBJECT / Q_GADGET\n %s", comma, stringForType(ownType, true).constData()); comma = ","; // metatypes for all exposed methods // because we definitely printed something above, this section doesn't need comma control const auto allMethods = {&cdef->signalList, &cdef->slotList, &cdef->methodList}; for (const QList *methodContainer : allMethods) { for (const FunctionDef &fdef : *methodContainer) { fprintf(out, ",\n // method '%s'\n %s", fdef.name.constData(), stringForType(fdef.type.name, false).constData()); for (const auto &argument: fdef.arguments) fprintf(out, ",\n %s", stringForType(argument.type.name, false).constData()); } } // but constructors have no return types, so this needs comma control again for (const FunctionDef &fdef : std::as_const(cdef->constructorList)) { if (fdef.arguments.isEmpty()) continue; fprintf(out, "%s\n // constructor '%s'", comma, fdef.name.constData()); comma = ""; for (const auto &argument: fdef.arguments) { fprintf(out, "%s\n %s", comma, stringForType(argument.type.name, false).constData()); comma = ","; } } fprintf(out, "\n >,\n"); fprintf(out, " nullptr\n} };\n\n"); // // Generate internal qt_static_metacall() function // if (hasStaticMetaCall) generateStaticMetacall(); if (!cdef->hasQObject) return; fprintf(out, "\nconst QMetaObject *%s::metaObject() const\n{\n return QObject::d_ptr->metaObject ? QObject::d_ptr->dynamicMetaObject() : &staticMetaObject;\n}\n", cdef->qualified.constData()); // // Generate smart cast function // fprintf(out, "\nvoid *%s::qt_metacast(const char *_clname)\n{\n", cdef->qualified.constData()); fprintf(out, " if (!_clname) return nullptr;\n"); fprintf(out, " if (!strcmp(_clname, qt_meta_stringdata_%s.stringdata0))\n" " return static_cast(this);\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData()); // for all superclasses but the first one if (cdef->superclassList.size() > 1) { auto it = cdef->superclassList.cbegin() + 1; const auto end = cdef->superclassList.cend(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it->access == FunctionDef::Private) continue; const char *cname = it->classname.constData(); fprintf(out, " if (!strcmp(_clname, \"%s\"))\n return static_cast< %s*>(this);\n", cname, cname); } } for (const QList &iface : std::as_const(cdef->interfaceList)) { for (qsizetype j = 0; j < iface.size(); ++j) { fprintf(out, " if (!strcmp(_clname, %s))\n return ", iface.at(j).interfaceId.constData()); for (qsizetype k = j; k >= 0; --k) fprintf(out, "static_cast< %s*>(", iface.at(k).className.constData()); fprintf(out, "this%s;\n", QByteArray(j + 1, ')').constData()); } } if (!purestSuperClass.isEmpty() && !isQObject) { QByteArray superClass = purestSuperClass; fprintf(out, " return %s::qt_metacast(_clname);\n", superClass.constData()); } else { fprintf(out, " return nullptr;\n"); } fprintf(out, "}\n"); // // Generate internal qt_metacall() function // generateMetacall(); // // Generate internal signal functions // for (int signalindex = 0; signalindex < int(cdef->signalList.size()); ++signalindex) generateSignal(&cdef->signalList.at(signalindex), signalindex); // // Generate plugin meta data // #if 0 // -- QtScxml generatePluginMetaData(); #endif // -- QtScxml // // Generate function to make sure the non-class signals exist in the parent classes // if (!cdef->nonClassSignalList.isEmpty()) { fprintf(out, "namespace CheckNotifySignalValidity_%s {\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData()); for (const QByteArray &nonClassSignal : std::as_const(cdef->nonClassSignalList)) { const auto propertyIt = std::find_if(cdef->propertyList.constBegin(), cdef->propertyList.constEnd(), [&nonClassSignal](const PropertyDef &p) { return nonClassSignal == p.notify; }); // must find something, otherwise checkProperties wouldn't have inserted an entry into nonClassSignalList Q_ASSERT(propertyIt != cdef->propertyList.constEnd()); fprintf(out, "template using has_nullary_%s = decltype(std::declval().%s());\n", nonClassSignal.constData(), nonClassSignal.constData()); const auto &propertyType = propertyIt->type; fprintf(out, "template using has_unary_%s = decltype(std::declval().%s(std::declval<%s>()));\n", nonClassSignal.constData(), nonClassSignal.constData(), propertyType.constData()); fprintf(out, "static_assert(qxp::is_detected_v || qxp::is_detected_v,\n" " \"NOTIFY signal %s does not exist in class (or is private in its parent)\");\n", nonClassSignal.constData(), cdef->qualified.constData(), nonClassSignal.constData(), cdef->qualified.constData(), nonClassSignal.constData()); } fprintf(out, "}\n"); } } void Generator::registerClassInfoStrings() { for (const ClassInfoDef &c : std::as_const(cdef->classInfoList)) { strreg(c.name); strreg(c.value); } } void Generator::generateClassInfos() { if (cdef->classInfoList.isEmpty()) return; fprintf(out, "\n // classinfo: key, value\n"); for (const ClassInfoDef &c : std::as_const(cdef->classInfoList)) fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d,\n", stridx(c.name), stridx(c.value)); } void Generator::registerFunctionStrings(const QList &list) { for (const FunctionDef &f : list) { strreg(f.name); if (!isBuiltinType(f.normalizedType)) strreg(f.normalizedType); strreg(f.tag); for (const ArgumentDef &a : f.arguments) { if (!isBuiltinType(a.normalizedType)) strreg(a.normalizedType); strreg(a.name); } } } void Generator::registerByteArrayVector(const QList &list) { for (const QByteArray &ba : list) strreg(ba); } void Generator::generateFunctions(const QList &list, const char *functype, int type, int ¶msIndex, int &initialMetatypeOffset) { if (list.isEmpty()) return; fprintf(out, "\n // %ss: name, argc, parameters, tag, flags, initial metatype offsets\n", functype); for (const FunctionDef &f : list) { QByteArray comment; uint flags = type; if (f.access == FunctionDef::Private) { flags |= AccessPrivate; comment.append("Private"); } else if (f.access == FunctionDef::Public) { flags |= AccessPublic; comment.append("Public"); } else if (f.access == FunctionDef::Protected) { flags |= AccessProtected; comment.append("Protected"); } if (f.isCompat) { flags |= MethodCompatibility; comment.append(" | MethodCompatibility"); } if (f.wasCloned) { flags |= MethodCloned; comment.append(" | MethodCloned"); } if (f.isScriptable) { flags |= MethodScriptable; comment.append(" | isScriptable"); } if (f.revision > 0) { flags |= MethodRevisioned; comment.append(" | MethodRevisioned"); } if (f.isConst) { flags |= MethodIsConst; comment.append(" | MethodIsConst "); } const int argc = int(f.arguments.size()); fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, %4d, %4d, 0x%02x, %4d /* %s */,\n", stridx(f.name), argc, paramsIndex, stridx(f.tag), flags, initialMetatypeOffset, comment.constData()); paramsIndex += 1 + argc * 2; // constructors don't have a return type initialMetatypeOffset += (f.isConstructor ? 0 : 1) + argc; } } void Generator::generateFunctionRevisions(const QList &list, const char *functype) { if (list.size()) fprintf(out, "\n // %ss: revision\n", functype); for (const FunctionDef &f : list) fprintf(out, " %4d,\n", f.revision); } void Generator::generateFunctionParameters(const QList &list, const char *functype) { if (list.isEmpty()) return; fprintf(out, "\n // %ss: parameters\n", functype); for (const FunctionDef &f : list) { fprintf(out, " "); // Types const bool allowEmptyName = f.isConstructor; generateTypeInfo(f.normalizedType, allowEmptyName); fputc(',', out); for (const ArgumentDef &arg : f.arguments) { fputc(' ', out); generateTypeInfo(arg.normalizedType, allowEmptyName); fputc(',', out); } // Parameter names for (const ArgumentDef &arg : f.arguments) fprintf(out, " %4d,", stridx(arg.name)); fprintf(out, "\n"); } } void Generator::generateTypeInfo(const QByteArray &typeName, bool allowEmptyName) { Q_UNUSED(allowEmptyName); if (isBuiltinType(typeName)) { int type; const char *valueString; if (typeName == "qreal") { type = QMetaType::UnknownType; valueString = "QReal"; } else { type = nameToBuiltinType(typeName); valueString = metaTypeEnumValueString(type); } if (valueString) { fprintf(out, "QMetaType::%s", valueString); } else { Q_ASSERT(type != QMetaType::UnknownType); fprintf(out, "%4d", type); } } else { Q_ASSERT(!typeName.isEmpty() || allowEmptyName); fprintf(out, "0x%.8x | %d", IsUnresolvedType, stridx(typeName)); } } void Generator::registerPropertyStrings() { for (const PropertyDef &p : std::as_const(cdef->propertyList)) { strreg(p.name); if (!isBuiltinType(p.type)) strreg(p.type); } } void Generator::generateProperties() { // // Create meta data // if (cdef->propertyList.size()) fprintf(out, "\n // properties: name, type, flags\n"); for (const PropertyDef &p : std::as_const(cdef->propertyList)) { uint flags = Invalid; if (!isBuiltinType(p.type)) flags |= EnumOrFlag; if (!p.member.isEmpty() && !p.constant) flags |= Writable; if (!p.read.isEmpty() || !p.member.isEmpty()) flags |= Readable; if (!p.write.isEmpty()) { flags |= Writable; if (p.stdCppSet()) flags |= StdCppSet; } if (!p.reset.isEmpty()) flags |= Resettable; if (p.designable != "false") flags |= Designable; if (p.scriptable != "false") flags |= Scriptable; if (p.stored != "false") flags |= Stored; if (p.user != "false") flags |= User; if (p.constant) flags |= Constant; if (p.final) flags |= Final; if (p.required) flags |= Required; if (!p.bind.isEmpty()) flags |= Bindable; fprintf(out, " %4d, ", stridx(p.name)); generateTypeInfo(p.type); int notifyId = p.notifyId; if (p.notifyId < -1) { // signal is in parent class const int indexInStrings = int(strings.indexOf(p.notify)); notifyId = indexInStrings | IsUnresolvedSignal; } fprintf(out, ", 0x%.8x, uint(%d), %d,\n", flags, notifyId, p.revision); } } void Generator::registerEnumStrings() { for (const EnumDef &e : std::as_const(cdef->enumList)) { strreg(e.name); if (!e.enumName.isNull()) strreg(e.enumName); for (const QByteArray &val : e.values) strreg(val); } } void Generator::generateEnums(int index) { if (cdef->enumDeclarations.isEmpty()) return; fprintf(out, "\n // enums: name, alias, flags, count, data\n"); index += QMetaObjectPrivate::IntsPerEnum * cdef->enumList.size(); int i; for (i = 0; i < cdef->enumList.size(); ++i) { const EnumDef &e = cdef->enumList.at(i); int flags = 0; if (cdef->enumDeclarations.value(e.name)) flags |= EnumIsFlag; if (e.isEnumClass) flags |= EnumIsScoped; fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, 0x%.1x, %4d, %4d,\n", stridx(e.name), e.enumName.isNull() ? stridx(e.name) : stridx(e.enumName), flags, int(e.values.size()), index); index += e.values.size() * 2; } fprintf(out, "\n // enum data: key, value\n"); for (const EnumDef &e : std::as_const(cdef->enumList)) { for (const QByteArray &val : e.values) { QByteArray code = cdef->qualified.constData(); if (e.isEnumClass) code += "::" + (e.enumName.isNull() ? e.name : e.enumName); code += "::" + val; fprintf(out, " %4d, uint(%s),\n", stridx(val), code.constData()); } } } void Generator::generateMetacall() { bool isQObject = (cdef->classname == "QObject"); fprintf(out, "\nint %s::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)\n{\n", cdef->qualified.constData()); if (!purestSuperClass.isEmpty() && !isQObject) { QByteArray superClass = purestSuperClass; fprintf(out, " _id = %s::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);\n", superClass.constData()); } bool needElse = false; QList methodList; methodList += cdef->signalList; methodList += cdef->slotList; methodList += cdef->methodList; // If there are no methods or properties, we will return _id anyway, so // don't emit this comparison -- it is unnecessary, and it makes coverity // unhappy. if (methodList.size() || cdef->propertyList.size()) { fprintf(out, " if (_id < 0)\n return _id;\n"); } fprintf(out, " "); if (methodList.size()) { needElse = true; fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {\n"); fprintf(out, " if (_id < %d)\n", int(methodList.size())); fprintf(out, " qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a);\n"); fprintf(out, " _id -= %d;\n }", int(methodList.size())); fprintf(out, " else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) {\n"); fprintf(out, " if (_id < %d)\n", int(methodList.size())); if (methodsWithAutomaticTypesHelper(methodList).isEmpty()) fprintf(out, " *reinterpret_cast(_a[0]) = QMetaType();\n"); else fprintf(out, " qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a);\n"); fprintf(out, " _id -= %d;\n }", int(methodList.size())); } if (cdef->propertyList.size()) { if (needElse) fprintf(out, "else "); fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty || _c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty\n" " || _c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty || _c == QMetaObject::BindableProperty\n" " || _c == QMetaObject::RegisterPropertyMetaType) {\n" " qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a);\n" " _id -= %d;\n }", int(cdef->propertyList.size())); } if (methodList.size() || cdef->propertyList.size()) fprintf(out, "\n "); fprintf(out,"return _id;\n}\n"); } // ### Qt 7 (6.x?): remove QMultiMap Generator::automaticPropertyMetaTypesHelper() { QMultiMap automaticPropertyMetaTypes; for (int i = 0; i < int(cdef->propertyList.size()); ++i) { const QByteArray propertyType = cdef->propertyList.at(i).type; if (registerableMetaType(propertyType) && !isBuiltinType(propertyType)) automaticPropertyMetaTypes.insert(propertyType, i); } return automaticPropertyMetaTypes; } QMap> Generator::methodsWithAutomaticTypesHelper(const QList &methodList) { QMap > methodsWithAutomaticTypes; for (int i = 0; i < methodList.size(); ++i) { const FunctionDef &f = methodList.at(i); for (int j = 0; j < f.arguments.size(); ++j) { const QByteArray argType = f.arguments.at(j).normalizedType; if (registerableMetaType(argType) && !isBuiltinType(argType)) methodsWithAutomaticTypes[i].insert(argType, j); } } return methodsWithAutomaticTypes; } void Generator::generateStaticMetacall() { fprintf(out, "void %s::qt_static_metacall(QObject *_o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)\n{\n", cdef->qualified.constData()); bool needElse = false; bool isUsed_a = false; const auto generateCtorArguments = [&](int ctorindex) { const FunctionDef &f = cdef->constructorList.at(ctorindex); Q_ASSERT(!f.isPrivateSignal); // That would be a strange ctor indeed int offset = 1; const auto begin = f.arguments.cbegin(); const auto end = f.arguments.cend(); for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) { const ArgumentDef &a = *it; if (it != begin) fprintf(out, ","); fprintf(out, "(*reinterpret_cast<%s>(_a[%d]))", a.typeNameForCast.constData(), offset++); } }; if (!cdef->constructorList.isEmpty()) { fprintf(out, " if (_c == QMetaObject::CreateInstance) {\n"); fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n"); const int ctorend = int(cdef->constructorList.size()); for (int ctorindex = 0; ctorindex < ctorend; ++ctorindex) { fprintf(out, " case %d: { %s *_r = new %s(", ctorindex, cdef->classname.constData(), cdef->classname.constData()); generateCtorArguments(ctorindex); fprintf(out, ");\n"); fprintf(out, " if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast<%s**>(_a[0]) = _r; } break;\n", (cdef->hasQGadget || cdef->hasQNamespace) ? "void" : "QObject"); } fprintf(out, " default: break;\n"); fprintf(out, " }\n"); fprintf(out, " } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ConstructInPlace) {\n"); fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n"); for (int ctorindex = 0; ctorindex < ctorend; ++ctorindex) { fprintf(out, " case %d: { new (_a[0]) %s(", ctorindex, cdef->classname.constData()); generateCtorArguments(ctorindex); fprintf(out, "); } break;\n"); } fprintf(out, " default: break;\n"); fprintf(out, " }\n"); fprintf(out, " }"); needElse = true; isUsed_a = true; } QList methodList; methodList += cdef->signalList; methodList += cdef->slotList; methodList += cdef->methodList; if (!methodList.isEmpty()) { if (needElse) fprintf(out, " else "); else fprintf(out, " "); fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {\n"); if (cdef->hasQObject) { #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG fprintf(out, " Q_ASSERT(staticMetaObject.cast(_o));\n"); #endif fprintf(out, " auto *_t = static_cast<%s *>(_o);\n", cdef->classname.constData()); } else { fprintf(out, " auto *_t = reinterpret_cast<%s *>(_o);\n", cdef->classname.constData()); } fprintf(out, " (void)_t;\n"); fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n"); for (int methodindex = 0; methodindex < methodList.size(); ++methodindex) { const FunctionDef &f = methodList.at(methodindex); Q_ASSERT(!f.normalizedType.isEmpty()); fprintf(out, " case %d: ", methodindex); // -- QtScxml if (f.implementation) { fprintf(out, f.implementation, "_o", methodindex); fprintf(out, " break;\n"); continue; } // -- QtScxml if (f.normalizedType != "void") fprintf(out, "{ %s _r = ", noRef(f.normalizedType).constData()); fprintf(out, "_t->"); if (f.inPrivateClass.size()) fprintf(out, "%s->", f.inPrivateClass.constData()); fprintf(out, "%s(", f.name.constData()); int offset = 1; if (f.isRawSlot) { fprintf(out, "QMethodRawArguments{ _a }"); } else { const auto begin = f.arguments.cbegin(); const auto end = f.arguments.cend(); for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) { const ArgumentDef &a = *it; if (it != begin) fprintf(out, ","); fprintf(out, "(*reinterpret_cast< %s>(_a[%d]))",a.typeNameForCast.constData(), offset++); isUsed_a = true; } if (f.isPrivateSignal) { if (!f.arguments.isEmpty()) fprintf(out, ", "); fprintf(out, "%s", "QPrivateSignal()"); } } fprintf(out, ");"); if (f.normalizedType != "void") { fprintf(out, "\n if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_a[0]) = std::move(_r); } ", noRef(f.normalizedType).constData()); isUsed_a = true; } fprintf(out, " break;\n"); } fprintf(out, " default: ;\n"); fprintf(out, " }\n"); fprintf(out, " }"); needElse = true; QMap > methodsWithAutomaticTypes = methodsWithAutomaticTypesHelper(methodList); if (!methodsWithAutomaticTypes.isEmpty()) { fprintf(out, " else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) {\n"); fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n"); fprintf(out, " default: *reinterpret_cast(_a[0]) = QMetaType(); break;\n"); QMap >::const_iterator it = methodsWithAutomaticTypes.constBegin(); const QMap >::const_iterator end = methodsWithAutomaticTypes.constEnd(); for ( ; it != end; ++it) { fprintf(out, " case %d:\n", it.key()); fprintf(out, " switch (*reinterpret_cast(_a[1])) {\n"); fprintf(out, " default: *reinterpret_cast(_a[0]) = QMetaType(); break;\n"); auto jt = it->begin(); const auto jend = it->end(); while (jt != jend) { fprintf(out, " case %d:\n", jt.value()); const QByteArray &lastKey = jt.key(); ++jt; if (jt == jend || jt.key() != lastKey) fprintf(out, " *reinterpret_cast(_a[0]) = QMetaType::fromType< %s >(); break;\n", lastKey.constData()); } fprintf(out, " }\n"); fprintf(out, " break;\n"); } fprintf(out, " }\n"); fprintf(out, " }"); isUsed_a = true; } } if (!cdef->signalList.isEmpty()) { Q_ASSERT(needElse); // if there is signal, there was method. fprintf(out, " else if (_c == QMetaObject::IndexOfMethod) {\n"); fprintf(out, " int *result = reinterpret_cast(_a[0]);\n"); bool anythingUsed = false; for (int methodindex = 0; methodindex < int(cdef->signalList.size()); ++methodindex) { const FunctionDef &f = cdef->signalList.at(methodindex); if (f.wasCloned || !f.inPrivateClass.isEmpty() || f.isStatic) continue; // -- QtScxml if (f.mangledName.isEmpty()) continue; // -- QtScxml anythingUsed = true; fprintf(out, " {\n"); fprintf(out, " using _t = %s (%s::*)(",f.type.rawName.constData() , cdef->classname.constData()); const auto begin = f.arguments.cbegin(); const auto end = f.arguments.cend(); for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) { const ArgumentDef &a = *it; if (it != begin) fprintf(out, ", "); fprintf(out, "%s", QByteArray(a.type.name + ' ' + a.rightType).constData()); } if (f.isPrivateSignal) { if (!f.arguments.isEmpty()) fprintf(out, ", "); fprintf(out, "%s", "QPrivateSignal"); } if (f.isConst) fprintf(out, ") const;\n"); else fprintf(out, ");\n"); fprintf(out, " if (_t _q_method = &%s::%s; *reinterpret_cast<_t *>(_a[1]) == _q_method) {\n", cdef->classname.constData(), f.mangledName.constData()); // -- QtScxml fprintf(out, " *result = %d;\n", methodindex); fprintf(out, " return;\n"); fprintf(out, " }\n }\n"); } if (!anythingUsed) fprintf(out, " (void)result;\n"); fprintf(out, " }"); needElse = true; } const QMultiMap automaticPropertyMetaTypes = automaticPropertyMetaTypesHelper(); if (!automaticPropertyMetaTypes.isEmpty()) { if (needElse) fprintf(out, " else "); else fprintf(out, " "); fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterPropertyMetaType) {\n"); fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n"); fprintf(out, " default: *reinterpret_cast(_a[0]) = -1; break;\n"); auto it = automaticPropertyMetaTypes.begin(); const auto end = automaticPropertyMetaTypes.end(); while (it != end) { fprintf(out, " case %d:\n", it.value()); const QByteArray &lastKey = it.key(); ++it; if (it == end || it.key() != lastKey) fprintf(out, " *reinterpret_cast(_a[0]) = qRegisterMetaType< %s >(); break;\n", lastKey.constData()); } fprintf(out, " }\n"); fprintf(out, " } "); isUsed_a = true; needElse = true; } if (!cdef->propertyList.empty()) { bool needGet = false; bool needTempVarForGet = false; bool needSet = false; bool needReset = false; bool hasBindableProperties = false; for (const PropertyDef &p : std::as_const(cdef->propertyList)) { needGet |= !p.read.isEmpty() || !p.member.isEmpty(); if (!p.read.isEmpty() || !p.member.isEmpty()) needTempVarForGet |= (p.gspec != PropertyDef::PointerSpec && p.gspec != PropertyDef::ReferenceSpec); needSet |= !p.write.isEmpty() || (!p.member.isEmpty() && !p.constant); needReset |= !p.reset.isEmpty(); hasBindableProperties |= !p.bind.isEmpty(); } if (needElse) fprintf(out, " else "); fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) {\n"); auto setupMemberAccess = [this]() { if (cdef->hasQObject) { #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG fprintf(out, " Q_ASSERT(staticMetaObject.cast(_o));\n"); #endif fprintf(out, " auto *_t = static_cast<%s *>(_o);\n", cdef->classname.constData()); } else { fprintf(out, " auto *_t = reinterpret_cast<%s *>(_o);\n", cdef->classname.constData()); } fprintf(out, " (void)_t;\n"); }; if (needGet) { setupMemberAccess(); if (needTempVarForGet) fprintf(out, " void *_v = _a[0];\n"); fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n"); for (int propindex = 0; propindex < int(cdef->propertyList.size()); ++propindex) { const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex); if (p.read.isEmpty() && p.member.isEmpty()) continue; QByteArray prefix = "_t->"; if (p.inPrivateClass.size()) { prefix += p.inPrivateClass + "->"; } if (p.gspec == PropertyDef::PointerSpec) fprintf(out, " case %d: _a[0] = const_cast(reinterpret_cast(%s%s())); break;\n", propindex, prefix.constData(), p.read.constData()); else if (p.gspec == PropertyDef::ReferenceSpec) fprintf(out, " case %d: _a[0] = const_cast(reinterpret_cast(&%s%s())); break;\n", propindex, prefix.constData(), p.read.constData()); else if (cdef->enumDeclarations.value(p.type, false)) fprintf(out, " case %d: *reinterpret_cast(_v) = QFlag(%s%s()); break;\n", propindex, prefix.constData(), p.read.constData()); else if (p.read == "default") fprintf(out, " case %d: *reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_v) = %s%s().value(); break;\n", propindex, p.type.constData(), prefix.constData(), p.bind.constData()); else if (!p.read.isEmpty()) // -- QtScxml fprintf(out, " case %d: *reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_v) = %s%s%s; break;\n", propindex, p.type.constData(), prefix.constData(), p.read.constData(), p.read.endsWith(')') ? "" : "()"); // -- QtScxml else fprintf(out, " case %d: *reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_v) = %s%s; break;\n", propindex, p.type.constData(), prefix.constData(), p.member.constData()); } fprintf(out, " default: break;\n"); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } fprintf(out, " }"); fprintf(out, " else "); fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) {\n"); if (needSet) { setupMemberAccess(); fprintf(out, " void *_v = _a[0];\n"); fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n"); for (int propindex = 0; propindex < int(cdef->propertyList.size()); ++propindex) { const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex); if (p.constant) continue; if (p.write.isEmpty() && p.member.isEmpty()) continue; QByteArray prefix = "_t->"; if (p.inPrivateClass.size()) { prefix += p.inPrivateClass + "->"; } if (cdef->enumDeclarations.value(p.type, false)) { fprintf(out, " case %d: %s%s(QFlag(*reinterpret_cast(_v))); break;\n", propindex, prefix.constData(), p.write.constData()); } else if (p.write == "default") { fprintf(out, " case %d: {\n", propindex); fprintf(out, " %s%s().setValue(*reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_v));\n", prefix.constData(), p.bind.constData(), p.type.constData()); fprintf(out, " break;\n"); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } else if (!p.write.isEmpty()) { fprintf(out, " case %d: %s%s(*reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_v)); break;\n", propindex, prefix.constData(), p.write.constData(), p.type.constData()); } else { fprintf(out, " case %d:\n", propindex); fprintf(out, " if (%s%s != *reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_v)) {\n", prefix.constData(), p.member.constData(), p.type.constData()); fprintf(out, " %s%s = *reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_v);\n", prefix.constData(), p.member.constData(), p.type.constData()); if (!p.notify.isEmpty() && p.notifyId > -1) { const FunctionDef &f = cdef->signalList.at(p.notifyId); if (f.arguments.size() == 0) fprintf(out, " Q_EMIT _t->%s();\n", p.notify.constData()); else if (f.arguments.size() == 1 && f.arguments.at(0).normalizedType == p.type) fprintf(out, " Q_EMIT _t->%s(%s%s);\n", p.notify.constData(), prefix.constData(), p.member.constData()); } else if (!p.notify.isEmpty() && p.notifyId < -1) { fprintf(out, " Q_EMIT _t->%s();\n", p.notify.constData()); } fprintf(out, " }\n"); fprintf(out, " break;\n"); } } fprintf(out, " default: break;\n"); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } fprintf(out, " }"); fprintf(out, " else "); fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) {\n"); if (needReset) { setupMemberAccess(); fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n"); for (int propindex = 0; propindex < int(cdef->propertyList.size()); ++propindex) { const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex); if (p.reset.isEmpty()) continue; QByteArray prefix = "_t->"; if (p.inPrivateClass.size()) { prefix += p.inPrivateClass + "->"; } fprintf(out, " case %d: %s%s(); break;\n", propindex, prefix.constData(), p.reset.constData()); } fprintf(out, " default: break;\n"); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } fprintf(out, " }"); fprintf(out, " else "); fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::BindableProperty) {\n"); if (hasBindableProperties) { setupMemberAccess(); fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n"); for (int propindex = 0; propindex < int(cdef->propertyList.size()); ++propindex) { const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex); if (p.bind.isEmpty()) continue; QByteArray prefix = "_t->"; if (p.inPrivateClass.size()) { prefix += p.inPrivateClass + "->"; } fprintf(out, " case %d: *static_cast(_a[0]) = %s%s(); " "break;\n", propindex, prefix.constData(), p.bind.constData()); } fprintf(out, " default: break;\n"); fprintf(out, " }\n"); } fprintf(out, " }"); needElse = true; } if (needElse) fprintf(out, "\n"); if (methodList.isEmpty()) { fprintf(out, " (void)_o;\n"); if (cdef->constructorList.isEmpty() && automaticPropertyMetaTypes.isEmpty() && methodsWithAutomaticTypesHelper(methodList).isEmpty()) { fprintf(out, " (void)_id;\n"); fprintf(out, " (void)_c;\n"); } } if (!isUsed_a) fprintf(out, " (void)_a;\n"); fprintf(out, "}\n"); } void Generator::generateSignal(const FunctionDef *def, int index) { if (def->wasCloned || def->isAbstract) return; // -- QtScxml if (def->implementation) return; // -- QtScxml fprintf(out, "\n// SIGNAL %d\n%s %s::%s(", index, def->type.name.constData(), cdef->qualified.constData(), def->name.constData()); QByteArray thisPtr = "this"; const char *constQualifier = ""; if (def->isConst) { thisPtr = "const_cast< " + cdef->qualified + " *>(this)"; constQualifier = "const"; } Q_ASSERT(!def->normalizedType.isEmpty()); if (def->arguments.isEmpty() && def->normalizedType == "void" && !def->isPrivateSignal) { fprintf(out, ")%s\n{\n" " QMetaObject::activate(%s, &staticMetaObject, %d, nullptr);\n" "}\n", constQualifier, thisPtr.constData(), index); return; } int offset = 1; const auto begin = def->arguments.cbegin(); const auto end = def->arguments.cend(); for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) { const ArgumentDef &a = *it; if (it != begin) fputs(", ", out); if (a.type.name.size()) fputs(a.type.name.constData(), out); fprintf(out, " _t%d", offset++); if (a.rightType.size()) fputs(a.rightType.constData(), out); } if (def->isPrivateSignal) { if (!def->arguments.isEmpty()) fprintf(out, ", "); fprintf(out, "QPrivateSignal _t%d", offset++); } fprintf(out, ")%s\n{\n", constQualifier); if (def->type.name.size() && def->normalizedType != "void") { QByteArray returnType = noRef(def->normalizedType); fprintf(out, " %s _t0{};\n", returnType.constData()); } fprintf(out, " void *_a[] = { "); if (def->normalizedType == "void") { fprintf(out, "nullptr"); } else { // -- QtScxml removed unused returnTypeIsVolatile fprintf(out, "const_cast(reinterpret_cast(std::addressof(_t0)))"); } int i; for (i = 1; i < offset; ++i) if (i <= def->arguments.size() && def->arguments.at(i - 1).type.isVolatile) fprintf(out, ", const_cast(reinterpret_cast(std::addressof(_t%d)))", i); else fprintf(out, ", const_cast(reinterpret_cast(std::addressof(_t%d)))", i); fprintf(out, " };\n"); fprintf(out, " QMetaObject::activate(%s, &staticMetaObject, %d, _a);\n", thisPtr.constData(), index); if (def->normalizedType != "void") fprintf(out, " return _t0;\n"); fprintf(out, "}\n"); } // -- QtScxml void Generator::generateAccessorDefs() { for (int propindex = 0; propindex < cdef->propertyList.size(); ++propindex) { const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex); if (p.read.isEmpty() || p.mangledName.isEmpty()) continue; fprintf(out, "bool %s::%s() const\n{\n return %s;\n}\n\n", cdef->classname.constData(), p.mangledName.constData(), p.read.constData()); } } void Generator::generateSignalDefs() { for (int methodindex = 0; methodindex < cdef->signalList.size(); ++methodindex) { const FunctionDef &f = cdef->signalList.at(methodindex); if (!f.implementation || f.mangledName.isEmpty()) continue; fprintf(out, "void %s::%s(bool _t1)\n{\n", cdef->classname.constData(), f.mangledName.constData()); fprintf(out, " void *_a[] = { nullptr, " "const_cast(reinterpret_cast(&_t1)) };\n "); fprintf(out, f.implementation, "this", methodindex); fprintf(out, "\n}\n\n"); } } #if 0 static CborError jsonValueToCbor(CborEncoder *parent, const QJsonValue &v); static CborError jsonObjectToCbor(CborEncoder *parent, const QJsonObject &o) { auto it = o.constBegin(); auto end = o.constEnd(); CborEncoder map; cbor_encoder_create_map(parent, &map, o.size()); for ( ; it != end; ++it) { QByteArray key = it.key().toUtf8(); cbor_encode_text_string(&map, key.constData(), key.size()); jsonValueToCbor(&map, it.value()); } return cbor_encoder_close_container(parent, &map); } static CborError jsonArrayToCbor(CborEncoder *parent, const QJsonArray &a) { CborEncoder array; cbor_encoder_create_array(parent, &array, a.size()); for (const QJsonValue v : a) jsonValueToCbor(&array, v); return cbor_encoder_close_container(parent, &array); } static CborError jsonValueToCbor(CborEncoder *parent, const QJsonValue &v) { switch (v.type()) { case QJsonValue::Null: case QJsonValue::Undefined: return cbor_encode_null(parent); case QJsonValue::Bool: return cbor_encode_boolean(parent, v.toBool()); case QJsonValue::Array: return jsonArrayToCbor(parent, v.toArray()); case QJsonValue::Object: return jsonObjectToCbor(parent, v.toObject()); case QJsonValue::String: { QByteArray s = v.toString().toUtf8(); return cbor_encode_text_string(parent, s.constData(), s.size()); } case QJsonValue::Double: { double d = v.toDouble(); if (d == floor(d) && fabs(d) <= (Q_INT64_C(1) << std::numeric_limits::digits)) return cbor_encode_int(parent, qint64(d)); return cbor_encode_double(parent, d); } } Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(CborUnknownError); } void Generator::generatePluginMetaData() { if (cdef->pluginData.iid.isEmpty()) return; auto outputCborData = [this]() { CborDevice dev(out); CborEncoder enc; cbor_encoder_init_writer(&enc, CborDevice::callback, &dev); CborEncoder map; cbor_encoder_create_map(&enc, &map, CborIndefiniteLength); dev.nextItem("\"IID\""); cbor_encode_int(&map, int(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::IID)); cbor_encode_text_string(&map, cdef->pluginData.iid.constData(), cdef->pluginData.iid.size()); dev.nextItem("\"className\""); cbor_encode_int(&map, int(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::ClassName)); cbor_encode_text_string(&map, cdef->classname.constData(), cdef->classname.size()); QJsonObject o = cdef->pluginData.metaData.object(); if (!o.isEmpty()) { dev.nextItem("\"MetaData\""); cbor_encode_int(&map, int(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::MetaData)); jsonObjectToCbor(&map, o); } if (!cdef->pluginData.uri.isEmpty()) { dev.nextItem("\"URI\""); cbor_encode_int(&map, int(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::URI)); cbor_encode_text_string(&map, cdef->pluginData.uri.constData(), cdef->pluginData.uri.size()); } // Add -M args from the command line: for (auto it = cdef->pluginData.metaArgs.cbegin(), end = cdef->pluginData.metaArgs.cend(); it != end; ++it) { const QJsonArray &a = it.value(); QByteArray key = it.key().toUtf8(); dev.nextItem(QByteArray("command-line \"" + key + "\"").constData()); cbor_encode_text_string(&map, key.constData(), key.size()); jsonArrayToCbor(&map, a); } // Close the CBOR map manually dev.nextItem(); cbor_encoder_close_container(&enc, &map); }; // 'Use' all namespaces. qsizetype pos = cdef->qualified.indexOf("::"); for ( ; pos != -1 ; pos = cdef->qualified.indexOf("::", pos + 2) ) fprintf(out, "using namespace %s;\n", cdef->qualified.left(pos).constData()); fputs("\n#ifdef QT_MOC_EXPORT_PLUGIN_V2", out); // Qt 6.3+ output fprintf(out, "\nstatic constexpr unsigned char qt_pluginMetaDataV2_%s[] = {", cdef->classname.constData()); outputCborData(); fprintf(out, "\n};\nQT_MOC_EXPORT_PLUGIN_V2(%s, %s, qt_pluginMetaDataV2_%s)\n", cdef->qualified.constData(), cdef->classname.constData(), cdef->classname.constData()); // compatibility with Qt 6.0-6.2 fprintf(out, "#else\nQT_PLUGIN_METADATA_SECTION\n" "Q_CONSTINIT static constexpr unsigned char qt_pluginMetaData_%s[] = {\n" " 'Q', 'T', 'M', 'E', 'T', 'A', 'D', 'A', 'T', 'A', ' ', '!',\n" " // metadata version, Qt version, architectural requirements\n" " 0, QT_VERSION_MAJOR, QT_VERSION_MINOR, qPluginArchRequirements(),", cdef->classname.constData()); outputCborData(); fprintf(out, "\n};\nQT_MOC_EXPORT_PLUGIN(%s, %s)\n" "#endif // QT_MOC_EXPORT_PLUGIN_V2\n", cdef->qualified.constData(), cdef->classname.constData()); fputs("\n", out); } QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wunused-function") QT_WARNING_DISABLE_CLANG("-Wunused-function") QT_WARNING_DISABLE_CLANG("-Wundefined-internal") QT_WARNING_DISABLE_MSVC(4334) // '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) #define CBOR_ENCODER_WRITER_CONTROL 1 #define CBOR_ENCODER_WRITE_FUNCTION CborDevice::callback #endif // -- QtScxml QT_END_NAMESPACE #if 0 // -- QtScxml #include "cborencoder.c" #endif // -- QtScxml