path: root/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer')
74 files changed, 0 insertions, 22409 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/android/event_log_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/android/event_log_importer.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ff2e22e16a2..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/android/event_log_importer.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/simple_line_reader.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/activity.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
- * @fileoverview Imports android event log data into the trace model.
- * Android event log data contains information about activities that
- * are launched/paused, processes that are started, memory usage, etc.
- *
- * The current implementation only parses activity events, with the goal of
- * determining which Activity is running in the foreground for a process.
- *
- * This importer assumes the events arrive as a string. The unit tests provide
- * examples of the trace format.
- */
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('', function() {
- var Importer = tr.importer.Importer;
- NONE: 'none',
- CREATED: 'created',
- STARTED: 'started',
- RESUMED: 'resumed',
- PAUSED: 'paused',
- STOPPED: 'stopped',
- DESTROYED: 'destroyed'
- };
- var activityMap = {};
- /**
- * Imports android event log data (adb logcat -b events)
- * @constructor
- */
- function EventLogImporter(model, events) {
- this.model_ = model;
- this.events_ = events;
- this.importPriority = 3;
- }
- // Generic format of event log entries.
- // Sample event log entry that this matches (split over 2 lines):
- // 08-11 13:12:31.405 880 2645 I am_focused_activity: [0,] // @suppress longLineCheck
- var eventLogActivityRE = new RegExp(
- '(\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}.\\d+)' +
- '\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+([A-Z])\\s*' +
- '(am_\\w+)\\s*:(.*)');
- // 08-28 03:58:21.834 888 3177 I am_create_activity: [0,5972200,30,com.nxp.taginfolite/.activities.MainView,android.intent.action.MAIN,NULL,NULL,270532608] // @suppress longLineCheck
- // Store the name of the created activity only
- var amCreateRE = new RegExp('\s*\\[.*,.*,.*,(.*),.*,.*,.*,.*\\]');
- // 07-22 12:22:19.504 920 2504 I am_focused_activity: [0,] // @suppress longLineCheck
- //Store the name of the focused activity only
- var amFocusedRE = new RegExp('\s*\\[\\d+,(.*)\\]');
- // 07-21 19:56:12.315 920 2261 I am_proc_start: [0,19942,10062,,broadcast,$AlarmReceiver] // @suppress longLineCheck
- // We care about proc starts on behalf of activities, and store the activity
- var amProcStartRE = new RegExp('\s*\\[\\d+,\\d+,\\d+,.*,activity,(.*)\\]');
- // 07-22 12:21:43.490 2893 2893 I am_on_resume_called: [0,] // @suppress longLineCheck
- // Store the activity name only
- var amOnResumeRE = new RegExp('\s*\\[\\d+,(.*)\\]');
- // 07-22 12:22:19.545 2893 2893 I am_on_paused_called: [0,] // @suppress longLineCheck
- // Store the activity name only
- var amOnPauseRE = new RegExp('\s*\\[\\d+,(.*)\\]');
- // 08-28 03:51:54.456 888 907 I am_activity_launch_time: [0,185307115,,1174,1174] // @suppress longLineCheck
- // Store the activity name and launch times
- var amLaunchTimeRE = new RegExp('\s*\\[\\d+,\\d+,(.*),(\\d+),(\\d+)');
- // 08-28 03:58:15.854 888 902 I am_destroy_activity: [0,203516597,29,,finish-idle] // @suppress longLineCheck
- // Store the activity name only
- var amDestroyRE = new RegExp('\s*\\[\\d+,\\d+,\\d+,(.*)\\]');
- /**
- * @return {boolean} True when events is an android event log array.
- */
- EventLogImporter.canImport = function(events) {
- if (!(typeof(events) === 'string' || events instanceof String))
- return false;
- // Prevent the importer from matching this file in vulcanized traces.
- if (/^<!DOCTYPE html>/.test(events))
- return false;
- return eventLogActivityRE.test(events);
- };
- EventLogImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'EventLogImporter';
- },
- get model() {
- return this.model_;
- },
- /**
- * @return {string} the full activity name (including package) from
- * a component
- */
- getFullActivityName: function(component) {
- var componentSplit = component.split('/');
- if (componentSplit[1].startsWith('.'))
- return componentSplit[0] + componentSplit[1];
- return componentSplit[1];
- },
- /**
- * @return {string} the process name of a component
- */
- getProcName: function(component) {
- var componentSplit = component.split('/');
- return componentSplit[0];
- },
- findOrCreateActivity: function(activityName) {
- if (activityName in activityMap)
- return activityMap[activityName];
- var activity = {
- name: activityName
- };
- activityMap[activityName] = activity;
- return activity;
- },
- deleteActivity: function(activityName) {
- delete activityMap[activityName];
- },
- handleCreateActivity: function(ts, activityName) {
- var activity = this.findOrCreateActivity(activityName);
- activity.state = ACTIVITY_STATE.CREATED;
- activity.createdTs = ts;
- },
- handleFocusActivity: function(ts, procName, activityName) {
- var activity = this.findOrCreateActivity(activityName);
- activity.lastFocusedTs = ts;
- },
- handleProcStartForActivity: function(ts, activityName) {
- var activity = this.findOrCreateActivity(activityName);
- activity.procStartTs = ts;
- },
- handleOnResumeCalled: function(ts, pid, activityName) {
- var activity = this.findOrCreateActivity(activityName);
- activity.state = ACTIVITY_STATE.RESUMED;
- activity.lastResumeTs = ts;
- // on_resume_called shows the actual PID; use this
- // to link the activity up with a process later
- = pid;
- },
- handleOnPauseCalled: function(ts, activityName) {
- var activity = this.findOrCreateActivity(activityName);
- activity.state = ACTIVITY_STATE.PAUSED;
- activity.lastPauseTs = ts;
- // Create a new AndroidActivity representing the foreground state,
- // but only if the pause happened within the model bounds
- if (ts > this.model_.bounds.min && ts < this.model_.bounds.max)
- this.addActivityToProcess(activity);
- },
- handleLaunchTime: function(ts, activityName, launchTime) {
- var activity = this.findOrCreateActivity(activityName);
- activity.launchTime = launchTime;
- },
- handleDestroyActivity: function(ts, activityName) {
- this.deleteActivity(activityName);
- },
- addActivityToProcess: function(activity) {
- if ( === undefined)
- return;
- var process = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(;
- // The range of the activity is the time from resume to time
- // of pause; limit the start time to the beginning of the model
- var range = tr.b.Range.fromExplicitRange(
- Math.max(this.model_.bounds.min, activity.lastResumeTs),
- activity.lastPauseTs);
- var newActivity = new tr.model.Activity(,
- 'Android Activity', range,
- {created: activity.createdTs,
- procstart: activity.procStartTs,
- lastfocus: activity.lastFocusedTs});
- process.activities.push(newActivity);
- },
- parseAmLine_: function(line) {
- var match = eventLogActivityRE.exec(line);
- if (!match)
- return;
- // Possible activity life-cycles:
- // 1) Launch from scratch:
- // - am_create_activity
- // - am_focused_activity
- // - am_proc_start
- // - am_proc_bound
- // - am_restart_activity
- // - am_on_resume_called
- // 2) Re-open existing activity
- // - am_focused_activity
- // - am_on_resume_called
- // HACK: event log date format is "MM-DD" and doesn't contain the year;
- // to figure out the year, take the min bound of the model, convert
- // to real-time and use that as the year.
- // The Android event log will eventually contain the year once this
- // CL is in a release:
- //
- var first_realtime_ts = this.model_.bounds.min -
- this.model_.realtime_to_monotonic_offset_ms;
- var year = new Date(first_realtime_ts).getFullYear();
- var ts = match[1].substring(0, 5) + '-' + year + ' ' +
- match[1].substring(5, match[1].length);
- var monotonic_ts = Date.parse(ts) +
- this.model_.realtime_to_monotonic_offset_ms;
- var pid = match[2];
- var action = match[5];
- var data = match[6];
- if (action === 'am_create_activity') {
- match = amCreateRE.exec(data);
- if (match && match.length >= 2) {
- this.handleCreateActivity(monotonic_ts,
- this.getFullActivityName(match[1]));
- }
- } else if (action === 'am_focused_activity') {
- match = amFocusedRE.exec(data);
- if (match && match.length >= 2) {
- this.handleFocusActivity(monotonic_ts,
- this.getProcName(match[1]), this.getFullActivityName(match[1]));
- }
- } else if (action === 'am_proc_start') {
- match = amProcStartRE.exec(data);
- if (match && match.length >= 2) {
- this.handleProcStartForActivity(monotonic_ts,
- this.getFullActivityName(match[1]));
- }
- } else if (action === 'am_on_resume_called') {
- match = amOnResumeRE.exec(data);
- if (match && match.length >= 2)
- this.handleOnResumeCalled(monotonic_ts, pid, match[1]);
- } else if (action === 'am_on_paused_called') {
- match = amOnPauseRE.exec(data);
- if (match && match.length >= 2)
- this.handleOnPauseCalled(monotonic_ts, match[1]);
- } else if (action === 'am_activity_launch_time') {
- match = amLaunchTimeRE.exec(data);
- this.handleLaunchTime(monotonic_ts,
- this.getFullActivityName(match[1]), match[2]);
- } else if (action === 'am_destroy_activity') {
- match = amDestroyRE.exec(data);
- if (match && match.length == 2) {
- this.handleDestroyActivity(monotonic_ts,
- this.getFullActivityName(match[1]));
- }
- }
- },
- importEvents: function() {
- // Check if we have a mapping from real-time to CLOCK_MONOTONIC
- if (isNaN(this.model_.realtime_to_monotonic_offset_ms)) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'eveng_log_clock_sync',
- message: 'Need a trace_event_clock_sync to map realtime to import.'
- });
- return;
- }
- // Since the event log typically spans a much larger timeframe
- // than the ftrace data, we want to calculate the bounds of the existing
- // model, and dump all event log data outside of those bounds
- this.model_.updateBounds();
- var lines = this.events_.split('\n');
- lines.forEach(this.parseAmLine_, this);
- // Iterate over all created activities that are not destroyed yet
- for (var activityName in activityMap) {
- var activity = activityMap[activityName];
- // If we're still in the foreground, store the activity anyway
- if (activity.state == ACTIVITY_STATE.RESUMED) {
- // Set the pause timestamp to the end of the model bounds
- activity.lastPauseTs = this.model_.bounds.max;
- this.addActivityToProcess(activity);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- Importer.register(EventLogImporter);
- return {
- EventLogImporter: EventLogImporter
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/battor_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/battor_importer.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 381bf0f8687..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/battor_importer.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/power_series.html">
- * @fileoverview Imports text files in the BattOr format into the
- * Model. This format is output by the battor_agent executable and library.
- *
- * This importer assumes the events arrive as a string. The unit tests provide
- * examples of the trace format.
- */
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.battor', function() {
- /**
- * Imports a BattOr power trace into a specified model.
- * @constructor
- */
- function BattorImporter(model, events) {
- this.importPriority = 3; // runs after the linux_perf importer
- this.model_ = model;
- this.samples_ = this.linesToSamples_(events.split('\n'));
- }
- var battorDataLineRE = new RegExp(
- '^(-?\\d+\\.\\d+)\\s+(-?\\d+\\.\\d+)\\s+(-?\\d+\\.\\d+)' +
- '(?:\\s+<(\\S+)>)?$'
- );
- var battorHeaderLineRE = /^# BattOr/;
- /**
- * Guesses whether the provided events is a BattOr string.
- * Looks for the magic string "# BattOr" at the start of the file,
- *
- * @return {boolean} True when events is a BattOr array.
- */
- BattorImporter.canImport = function(events) {
- if (!(typeof(events) === 'string' || events instanceof String))
- return false;
- return battorHeaderLineRE.test(events);
- };
- BattorImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'BattorImporter';
- },
- get model() {
- return this.model_;
- },
- /**
- * Imports clock sync markers in this.events_ into model_.
- */
- importClockSyncMarkers: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.samples_.length; i++) {
- var sample = this.samples_[i];
- if (sample.syncId) {
- this.model_.clockSyncManager.addClockSyncMarker(
- tr.model.ClockDomainId.BATTOR, sample.syncId, sample.ts);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Imports the data in this.events_ into model_.
- */
- importEvents: function() {
- if (this.model_.device.powerSeries) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'import_error',
- message: 'Power counter exists, can not import BattOr power trace.'
- });
- return;
- }
- var modelTimeTransformer =
- this.model_.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- tr.model.ClockDomainId.BATTOR);
- var powerSeries = this.model_.device.powerSeries =
- new tr.model.PowerSeries(this.model_.device);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.samples_.length; i++) {
- var sample = this.samples_[i];
- powerSeries.addPowerSample(
- modelTimeTransformer(sample.ts), sample.power);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Given an array of strings that make up the lines of a BattOr trace,
- * returns an array of samples contained within those lines.
- */
- linesToSamples_: function(lines) {
- var samples = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
- var line = lines[i];
- line = line.trim();
- if (line.length === 0)
- continue;
- if (line.startsWith('#'))
- continue;
- // Parse power sample.
- var groups = battorDataLineRE.exec(line);
- if (!groups) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Unrecognized line in BattOr trace: ' + line
- });
- continue;
- }
- var ts = parseFloat(groups[1]);
- var voltage = parseFloat(groups[2]) / 1000;
- var current = parseFloat(groups[3]) / 1000;
- var syncId = groups[4];
- if (voltage < 0 || current < 0) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'The following line in the BattOr trace has a negative ' +
- 'voltage or current, neither of which are allowed: ' + line +
- '. A common cause of this is that the device is charging ' +
- 'while the trace is being recorded.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- samples.push(new Sample(ts, voltage, current, syncId));
- }
- return samples;
- }
- };
- /**
- * A sample recorded by a BattOr.
- *
- * @param {number} ts The timestamp (in milliseconds) of the sample.
- * @param {number} voltage The voltage (in volts) at the specified time.
- * @param {number} current The current (in amps) at the specified time.
- * @param {string=} opt_syncId The sync ID of the sync that happened at this
- * sample.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function Sample(ts, voltage, current, opt_syncId) {
- this.ts = ts;
- this.voltage = voltage;
- this.current = current;
- this.syncId = opt_syncId;
- }
- Sample.prototype = {
- /** Returns the instantaneous power consumption (in Watts). */
- get power() { return this.voltage * this.current; }
- };
- tr.importer.Importer.register(BattorImporter);
- return {
- BattorImporter: BattorImporter,
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/battor_importer_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/battor_importer_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ac8c125dbc6..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/battor_importer_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/battor_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- {
- name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 0,
- cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'
- },
- {
- pid: 94936, tid: 5643, ts: 15000,
- ph: 'c', cat: '__metadata', name: 'clock_sync',
- args: {sync_id: 'ABCDEF-01234-5678-0A1B2C3D', issue_ts: 10000},
- tts: 16496444
- }
- ];
- var BATTOR_LINES = [
- '# BattOr',
- '# voltage_range [0.0, 6144.0] mV',
- '# current_range [0.0, 2275.5] mA',
- '# sample_rate 2000 Hz, gain 5.0x',
- '0.000000 0.000000 4000.000000',
- '0.500000 0.000000 4000.000000',
- '1.000000 0.000000 4000.000000',
- '1.500000 0.000000 4000.000000',
- '2.000000 1.000000 4000.000000'
- ];
- test('canImport', function() {
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.battor.BattorImporter.canImport('string'));
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.battor.BattorImporter.canImport([]));
- assert.isTrue(tr.e.importer.battor.BattorImporter.canImport(
- BATTOR_LINES.join('\n')));
- });
- test('importExplicitClockSync', function() {
- // Add a BattOr sample with an explicit clock sync.
- var battorLinesWithExplicitSync = BATTOR_LINES.slice();
- battorLinesWithExplicitSync.push(
- '2.500000 1.000000 4000.000000 <ABCDEF-01234-5678-0A1B2C3D>');
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents(
- [CHROMIUM_EVENTS, battorLinesWithExplicitSync.join('\n')]);
- // Check to see if power samples were imported successfully.
- assert.isDefined(m.device.powerSeries);
- assert.strictEqual(m.device.powerSeries.samples[0].start, 7.5);
- assert.strictEqual(m.device.powerSeries.samples[5].start, 10.0);
- });
- test('explicitClockSyncWithoutSyncMarkers', function() {
- // Create an empty model.
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var io = new tr.importer.ImportOptions();
- io.showImportWarnings = false;
- m.importOptions = io;
- // Add a BattOr sample with an explicit clock sync.
- var battorLinesWithExplicitSync = BATTOR_LINES.slice();
- battorLinesWithExplicitSync.push(
- '2.500000 1.000000 4000.000000 <ABCDEF-01234-5678-0A1B2C3D>');
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents(
- [battorLinesWithExplicitSync.join('\n')]);
- assert.strictEqual(m.device.powerSeries.samples[0].start, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(m.device.powerSeries.samples[5].start, 2.5);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/ddms_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/ddms_importer.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fd760c7c7f4..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/ddms_importer.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/jszip.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
- * @fileoverview Blah.
- */
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.ddms', function() {
- var kPid = 0;
- var kCategory = 'java';
- var kMethodLutEndMarker = '\n*end\n';
- var kThreadsStart = '\n*threads\n';
- var kMethodsStart = '\n*methods\n';
- var kTraceMethodEnter = 0x00; // method entry
- var kTraceMethodExit = 0x01; // method exit
- var kTraceUnroll = 0x02; // method exited by exception unrolling
- // 0x03 currently unused
- var kTraceMethodActionMask = 0x03; // two bits
- var kTraceHeaderLength = 32;
- var kTraceMagicValue = 0x574f4c53;
- var kTraceVersionSingleClock = 2;
- var kTraceVersionDualClock = 3;
- var kTraceRecordSizeSingleClock = 10; // using v2
- var kTraceRecordSizeDualClock = 14; // using v3 with two timestamps
- function Reader(string_payload) {
- this.position_ = 0;
- this.data_ = JSZip.utils.transformTo('uint8array', string_payload);
- }
- Reader.prototype = {
- __proto__: Object.prototype,
- uint8: function() {
- var result = this.data_[this.position_];
- this.position_ += 1;
- return result;
- },
- uint16: function() {
- var result = 0;
- result += this.uint8();
- result += this.uint8() << 8;
- return result;
- },
- uint32: function() {
- var result = 0;
- result += this.uint8();
- result += this.uint8() << 8;
- result += this.uint8() << 16;
- result += this.uint8() << 24;
- return result;
- },
- uint64: function() {
- // Javascript isn't able to manage 64-bit numeric values.
- var low = this.uint32();
- var high = this.uint32();
- var low_str = ('0000000' + low.toString(16)).substr(-8);
- var high_str = ('0000000' + high.toString(16)).substr(-8);
- var result = high_str + low_str;
- return result;
- },
- seekTo: function(position) {
- this.position_ = position;
- },
- hasMore: function() {
- return this.position_ < this.data_.length;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Imports DDMS method tracing events into a specified model.
- * @constructor
- */
- function DdmsImporter(model, data) {
- this.importPriority = 3;
- this.model_ = model;
- this.data_ = data;
- }
- /**
- * Guesses whether the provided events is from a DDMS method trace.
- * @return {boolean} True when events is a DDMS method trace.
- */
- DdmsImporter.canImport = function(data) {
- if (typeof(data) === 'string' || data instanceof String) {
- var header = data.slice(0, 1000);
- return header.startsWith('*version\n') &&
- header.indexOf('\nvm=') >= 0 &&
- header.indexOf(kThreadsStart) >= 0;
- }
- /* key bit */
- return false;
- };
- DdmsImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'DdmsImporter';
- },
- get model() {
- return this.model_;
- },
- /**
- * Imports the data in this.data_ into this.model_.
- */
- importEvents: function() {
- var divider = this.data_.indexOf(kMethodLutEndMarker) +
- kMethodLutEndMarker.length;
- this.metadata_ = this.data_.slice(0, divider);
- this.methods_ = {};
- this.parseThreads();
- this.parseMethods();
- var traceReader = new Reader(this.data_.slice(divider));
- var magic = traceReader.uint32();
- if (magic != kTraceMagicValue) {
- throw Error('Failed to match magic value');
- }
- this.version_ = traceReader.uint16();
- if (this.version_ != kTraceVersionDualClock) {
- throw Error('Unknown version');
- }
- var dataOffest = traceReader.uint16();
- var startDateTime = traceReader.uint64();
- var recordSize = traceReader.uint16();
- traceReader.seekTo(dataOffest);
- while (traceReader.hasMore()) {
- this.parseTraceEntry(traceReader);
- }
- },
- parseTraceEntry: function(reader) {
- var tid = reader.uint16();
- var methodPacked = reader.uint32();
- var cpuSinceStart = reader.uint32();
- var wallClockSinceStart = reader.uint32();
- var method = methodPacked & ~kTraceMethodActionMask;
- var action = methodPacked & kTraceMethodActionMask;
- var thread = this.getTid(tid);
- method = this.getMethodName(method);
- if (action == kTraceMethodEnter) {
- thread.sliceGroup.beginSlice(kCategory, method, wallClockSinceStart,
- undefined, cpuSinceStart);
- } else if (thread.sliceGroup.openSliceCount) {
- thread.sliceGroup.endSlice(wallClockSinceStart, cpuSinceStart);
- }
- },
- parseThreads: function() {
- var threads = this.metadata_.slice(this.metadata_.indexOf(kThreadsStart) +
- kThreadsStart.length);
- threads = threads.slice(0, threads.indexOf('\n*'));
- threads = threads.split('\n');
- threads.forEach(this.parseThread.bind(this));
- },
- parseThread: function(thread_line) {
- var tid = thread_line.slice(0, thread_line.indexOf('\t'));
- var thread = this.getTid(parseInt(tid));
- = thread_line.slice(thread_line.indexOf('\t') + 1);
- },
- getTid: function(tid) {
- return this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(kPid)
- .getOrCreateThread(tid);
- },
- parseMethods: function() {
- var methods = this.metadata_.slice(this.metadata_.indexOf(kMethodsStart) +
- kMethodsStart.length);
- methods = methods.slice(0, methods.indexOf('\n*'));
- methods = methods.split('\n');
- methods.forEach(this.parseMethod.bind(this));
- },
- parseMethod: function(method_line) {
- var data = method_line.split('\t');
- var methodId = parseInt(data[0]);
- var methodName = data[1] + '.' + data[2] + data[3];
- this.addMethod(methodId, methodName);
- },
- addMethod: function(methodId, methodName) {
- this.methods_[methodId] = methodName;
- },
- getMethodName: function(methodId) {
- return this.methods_[methodId];
- }
- };
- // Register the DdmsImporter to the Importer.
- tr.importer.Importer.register(DdmsImporter);
- return {
- DdmsImporter: DdmsImporter
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/ddms_importer_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/ddms_importer_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 997556b7273..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/ddms_importer_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base64.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/ddms_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Base64 = tr.b.Base64;
- test('canImport', function() {
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.ddms.DdmsImporter.canImport('string'));
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.ddms.DdmsImporter.canImport([]));
- assert.isTrue(tr.e.importer.ddms.DdmsImporter.canImport(TEST_DATA));
- });
- test('parseThreads', function() {
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents(TEST_DATA, {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 2);
- threads = m.findAllThreadsNamed('main');
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 2703);
- });
- test('parseMethods', function() {
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents(TEST_DATA, {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.findAllThreadsNamed('Binder_1');
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 22);
- assert.equal('android.os.Binder.execTransact(IJJI)Z',
- thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].title);
- });
- var TEST_DATA = Base64.atob(
- 'KnZlcnNpb24KMwpkYXRhLWZpbGUtb3ZlcmZsb3c9ZmFsc2UKY2' +
- 'xvY2s9ZHVhbAplbGFwc2VkLXRpbWUtdXNlYz02MzMwNzc5Cm51' +
- 'bS1tZXRob2QtY2FsbHM9NzYKY2xvY2stY2FsbC1vdmVyaGVhZC' +
- '1uc2VjPTMzNDMKdm09YXJ0Cip0aHJlYWRzCjI3MDMJbWFpbgoy' +
- 'NzEwCUhlYXAgdGhyZWFkIHBvb2wgd29ya2VyIHRocmVhZCAxCj' +
- 'MjcxMQlIZWFwIHRocmVhZCBwb29sIHdvcmtlciB0aHJlYWQgMg' +
- 'ZmVyZW5jZVF1ZXVlRGFlbW9uCjI3MTUJRmluYWxpemVyRGFlbW' +
- '9uCjI3MTYJRmluYWxpemVyV2F0Y2hkb2dEYWVtb24KMjcxNwlI' +
- 'ZWFwVHJpbW1lckRhZW1vbgoyNzE4CUdDRGFlbW9uCjI3MTkJQm' +
- 'luZGVyXzEKMjcyMAlCaW5kZXJfMgoyNzI3CVJlbmRlclRocmVh' +
- 'ZAoyNzI4CUFzeW5jVGFzayAjMQoyNzI5CUFzeW5jVGFzayAjMg' +
- 'oyNzMwCUJpbmRlcl8zCjExNTk4CWh3dWlUYXNrMQoxMTU5OQlo' +
- '5jVGFzayAjNAoxMTY3MwlBc3luY1Rhc2sgIzUKKm1ldGhvZHMK' +
- 'MHg3MGZiNzc1OAlkYWx2aWsuc3lzdGVtLkNsb3NlR3VhcmQJY2' +
- 'xvc2UJKClWCUNsb3NlR3VhcmQuamF2YQoweDcwZmI4NDE4CWRh' +
- 'bHZpay5zeXN0ZW0uVk1EZWJ1ZwlzdGFydE1ldGhvZFRyYWNpbm' +
- 'cJKExqYXZhL2xhbmcvU3RyaW5nO0xqYXZhL2lvL0ZpbGVEZXNj' +
- 'cmlwdG9yO0lJWkkpVglWTURlYnVnLmphdmEKMHg3MGZlYTcyOA' +
- 'lqYXZhLnV0aWwuQXJyYXlMaXN0CXNpemUJKClJCUFycmF5TGlz' +
- 'dC5qYXZhCjB4NzEwMTNmYTgJbGliY29yZS5pby5CbG9ja0d1YX' +
- 'JkT3MJY2xvc2UJKExqYXZhL2lvL0ZpbGVEZXNjcmlwdG9yOylW' +
- 'CUJsb2NrR3VhcmRPcy5qYXZhCjB4NzEwNTc3NDgJYW5kcm9pZC' +
- '5vcy5CaW5kZXIJZXhlY1RyYW5zYWN0CShJSkpJKVoJQmluZGVy' +
- 'LmphdmEKMHg3MTA3MTdlOAlhbmRyb2lkLmFwcC5BY3Rpdml0eV' +
- 'RocmVhZCRBcHBsaWNhdGlvblRocmVhZAlwcm9maWxlckNvbnRy' +
- 'b2wJKFpMYW5kcm9pZC9hcHAvUHJvZmlsZXJJbmZvO0kpVglBY3' +
- 'Rpdml0eVRocmVhZC5qYXZhCjB4NzEwNzJhNDgJYW5kcm9pZC5h' +
- 'cHAuQXBwbGljYXRpb25UaHJlYWROYXRpdmUJb25UcmFuc2FjdA' +
- 'koSUxhbmRyb2lkL29zL1BhcmNlbDtMYW5kcm9pZC9vcy9QYXJj' +
- 'ZWw7SSlaCUFwcGxpY2F0aW9uVGhyZWFkTmF0aXZlLmphdmEKMH' +
- 'g3MTA3MmYyOAlhbmRyb2lkLm9zLkhhbmRsZXIJZW5xdWV1ZU1l' +
- 'c3NhZ2UJKExhbmRyb2lkL29zL01lc3NhZ2VRdWV1ZTtMYW5kcm' +
- '9pZC9vcy9NZXNzYWdlO0opWglIYW5kbGVyLmphdmEKMHg3MTA3' +
- 'MmZlOAlhbmRyb2lkLm9zLkhhbmRsZXIJZGlzcGF0Y2hNZXNzYW' +
- 'dlCShMYW5kcm9pZC9vcy9NZXNzYWdlOylWCUhhbmRsZXIuamF2' +
- 'YQoweDcxMDczNTI4CWFuZHJvaWQub3MuSGFuZGxlcglzZW5kTW' +
- 'Vzc2FnZQkoTGFuZHJvaWQvb3MvTWVzc2FnZTspWglIYW5kbGVy' +
- 'LmphdmEKMHg3MTA3MzU4OAlhbmRyb2lkLm9zLkhhbmRsZXIJc2' +
- 'VuZE1lc3NhZ2VBdFRpbWUJKExhbmRyb2lkL29zL01lc3NhZ2U7' +
- 'SilaCUhhbmRsZXIuamF2YQoweDcxMDczNWI4CWFuZHJvaWQub3' +
- 'MuSGFuZGxlcglzZW5kTWVzc2FnZURlbGF5ZWQJKExhbmRyb2lk' +
- 'L29zL01lc3NhZ2U7SilaCUhhbmRsZXIuamF2YQoweDcxMDczNj' +
- 'TWVzc2FnZQkoTGFuZHJvaWQvb3MvTWVzc2FnZTspVglBY3Rpdm' +
- 'l0eVRocmVhZC5qYXZhCjB4NzEwNzM3NjgJYW5kcm9pZC5hcHAu' +
- 'QWN0aXZpdHlUaHJlYWQkUHJvZmlsZXIJc3RhcnRQcm9maWxpbm' +
- 'cJKClWCUFjdGl2aXR5VGhyZWFkLmphdmEKMHg3MTA3Mzc5OAlh' +
- 'bmRyb2lkLmFwcC5BY3Rpdml0eVRocmVhZCRQcm9maWxlcglzdG' +
- '9wUHJvZmlsaW5nCSgpVglBY3Rpdml0eVRocmVhZC5qYXZhCjB4' +
- 'NzEwYzQ2ZDgJYW5kcm9pZC5vcy5NZXNzYWdlCW9idGFpbgkoKU' +
- 'xhbmRyb2lkL29zL01lc3NhZ2U7CU1lc3NhZ2UuamF2YQoweDcx' +
- 'MGM0YTM4CWFuZHJvaWQub3MuTWVzc2FnZQlpc0luVXNlCSgpWg' +
- 'lNZXNzYWdlLmphdmEKMHg3MTBjNGE2OAlhbmRyb2lkLm9zLk1l' +
- 'c3NhZ2UJbWFya0luVXNlCSgpVglNZXNzYWdlLmphdmEKMHg3MT' +
- 'BjNGFmOAlhbmRyb2lkLm9zLk1lc3NhZ2UJcmVjeWNsZVVuY2hl' +
- 'Y2tlZAkoKVYJTWVzc2FnZS5qYXZhCjB4NzEwYzRmMTgJYW5kcm' +
- '9pZC5vcy5QYXJjZWwJaW5pdAkoSilWCVBhcmNlbC5qYXZhCjB4' +
- 'NzEwYzRmYTgJYW5kcm9pZC5vcy5QYXJjZWwJb2J0YWluCShKKU' +
- 'xhbmRyb2lkL29zL1BhcmNlbDsJUGFyY2VsLmphdmEKMHg3MTBj' +
- 'NTQyOAlhbmRyb2lkLm9zLlBhcmNlbAllbmZvcmNlSW50ZXJmYW' +
- 'NlCShMamF2YS9sYW5nL1N0cmluZzspVglQYXJjZWwuamF2YQow' +
- 'lJCVBhcmNlbC5qYXZhCjB4NzEwYzZhNDgJYW5kcm9pZC5vcy5Q' +
- 'YXJjZWxGaWxlRGVzY3JpcHRvcgljbG9zZVdpdGhTdGF0dXMJKE' +
- 'lMamF2YS9sYW5nL1N0cmluZzspVglQYXJjZWxGaWxlRGVzY3Jp' +
- 'cHRvci5qYXZhCjB4NzEwYzZkNzgJYW5kcm9pZC5vcy5QYXJjZW' +
- 'xGaWxlRGVzY3JpcHRvcgl3cml0ZUNvbW1TdGF0dXNBbmRDbG9z' +
- 'ZQkoSUxqYXZhL2xhbmcvU3RyaW5nOylWCVBhcmNlbEZpbGVEZX' +
- 'NjcmlwdG9yLmphdmEKMHg3MTBjNmUwOAlhbmRyb2lkLm9zLlBh' +
- 'cmNlbEZpbGVEZXNjcmlwdG9yCWNsb3NlCSgpVglQYXJjZWxGaW' +
- 'xlRGVzY3JpcHRvci5qYXZhCjB4NzEwYzZmZTgJYW5kcm9pZC5v' +
- 'cy5QYXJjZWxGaWxlRGVzY3JpcHRvcglyZWxlYXNlUmVzb3VyY2' +
- 'VzCSgpVglQYXJjZWxGaWxlRGVzY3JpcHRvci5qYXZhCjB4NzEx' +
- 'NWIwZjgJYW5kcm9pZC5vcy5NZXNzYWdlUXVldWUJZW5xdWV1ZU' +
- '1lc3NhZ2UJKExhbmRyb2lkL29zL01lc3NhZ2U7SilaCU1lc3Nh' +
- 'Z2VRdWV1ZS5qYXZhCjB4NzExNWIyMTgJYW5kcm9pZC5vcy5NZX' +
- 'NzYWdlUXVldWUJbmV4dAkoKUxhbmRyb2lkL29zL01lc3NhZ2U7' +
- 'CU1lc3NhZ2VRdWV1ZS5qYXZhCjB4NzE3ZTM2MzAJZGFsdmlrLn' +
- 'N5c3RlbS5WTURlYnVnCXN0YXJ0TWV0aG9kVHJhY2luZ0ZkCShM' +
- 'amF2YS9sYW5nL1N0cmluZztMamF2YS9pby9GaWxlRGVzY3JpcH' +
- 'YS5pby5GaWxlRGVzY3JpcHRvcglpc1NvY2tldAkoKVoJRmlsZU' +
- 'Rlc2NyaXB0b3IuamF2YQoweDcxODEwYWUwCWphdmEuaW8uRmls' +
- 'ZURlc2NyaXB0b3IJdmFsaWQJKClaCUZpbGVEZXNjcmlwdG9yLm' +
- 'phdmEKMHg3MTgxYmI4MAlsaWJjb3JlLmlvLklvVXRpbHMJY2xv' +
- 'c2UJKExqYXZhL2lvL0ZpbGVEZXNjcmlwdG9yOylWCUlvVXRpbH' +
- 'MuamF2YQoweDcxODFiYmIwCWxpYmNvcmUuaW8uSW9VdGlscwlj' +
- 'bG9zZVF1aWV0bHkJKExqYXZhL2lvL0ZpbGVEZXNjcmlwdG9yOy' +
- 'LkFjdGl2aXR5VGhyZWFkCWFjY2VzcyQzMDAJKExhbmRyb2lkL2' +
- 'FwcC9BY3Rpdml0eVRocmVhZDtJTGphdmEvbGFuZy9PYmplY3Q7' +
- 'SUkpVglBY3Rpdml0eVRocmVhZC5qYXZhCjB4NzE4MjJhZTAJYW' +
- '5kcm9pZC5hcHAuQWN0aXZpdHlUaHJlYWQJc2VuZE1lc3NhZ2UJ' +
- 'KElMamF2YS9sYW5nL09iamVjdDtJSSlWCUFjdGl2aXR5VGhyZW' +
- 'FkLmphdmEKMHg3MTgyMmIxMAlhbmRyb2lkLmFwcC5BY3Rpdml0' +
- 'eVRocmVhZAlzZW5kTWVzc2FnZQkoSUxqYXZhL2xhbmcvT2JqZW' +
- 'N0O0lJWilWCUFjdGl2aXR5VGhyZWFkLmphdmEKMHg3MTgyMzIz' +
- 'MAlhbmRyb2lkLmFwcC5BY3Rpdml0eVRocmVhZAloYW5kbGVQcm' +
- '9maWxlckNvbnRyb2wJKFpMYW5kcm9pZC9hcHAvUHJvZmlsZXJJ' +
- 'bmZvO0kpVglBY3Rpdml0eVRocmVhZC5qYXZhCjB4NzE4MzY3MD' +
- 'AJYW5kcm9pZC5vcy5EZWJ1ZwlzdG9wTWV0aG9kVHJhY2luZwko' +
- '/hsCAI8KaTcHcbbkLQAtNQIAjwoIbgxx0eQtAEc1AgCPCkhqDH' +
- 'Hk5C0AWjUCAI8KWHf7cPLkLQBoNQIAjwpZd/tw/eQtAHM1AgCP' +
- 'o1AgCPCoC7gXEa5S0AkDUCAI8K4AqBcSPlLQCaNQIAjwrhCoFx' +
- 'ohCoFxTuUtAMU1AgCPCqk/AXFn5S0A3jUCAI8KgbuBcWzlLQDi' +
- 'NQIAjwqxu4Fxb+UtAOU1AgCPCuhvDHF15S0A6zUCAI8K6W8McX' +
- 'nlLQDvNQIAjwpJagxxfOUtAPI1AgCPCgluDHGB5S0A9zUCAI8K' +
- 'YCAI8K+EoMcaTlLQAbNgIAjwr5SgxxwOUtADY2AgCPChiyFXHH' +
- '5S0APTYCAI8KKKf+cPHlLQBnNgIAjwopp/5w++UtAHE2AgCfCk' +
- 'h3BXHy2wAAu5RgAJ8KqE8McSvcAADwlGAAnwoYTwxxaNwAACyV' +
- 'kMcS/eAADylmAAnwr5WQxxR94AAAqXYACfCugXB3Fv3gAAM5dg' +
- 'AJ8K4B6CcYveAABPl2AAnwrgKoJxrN4AAHCXYACfChArgnHQ3g' +
- 'AAkpdgAJ8K2EYMceTeAACml2AAnwrZRgxxDd8AANCXYACfCig1' +
- 'B3Er3wAA7pdgAJ8KuDUHcT7fAAAAmGAAnwqINQdxa98AAC+YYA' +
- 'CfCigvB3GD3wAASJhgAJ8K+LAVcaDfAABjmGAAnwo4Sgxxtt8A' +
- 'AHiYYACfCjlKDHHL3wAAkJhgAJ8KaEoMce3fAACxmGAAnwppSg' +
- 'jwroLwdxVuYtAEmZYACfCikvB3GG4AAASZlgAI8KSDYHcVzmLQ' +
- 'cXTmLQBnmWAAnwq5NQdxr+AAAHGZYACPCgBng3GC5i0AdplgAJ' +
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/etw_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/etw_importer.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 799e2a13b95..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/etw_importer.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base64.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/eventtrace_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/process_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/thread_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
- * @fileoverview Imports JSON file with the raw payloads from a Windows event
- * trace into the Model. This format is outputted by Chrome running
- * on a Windows system.
- *
- * This importer assumes the events arrived as a JSON file and the payloads are
- * undecoded sequence of bytes in hex format string. The unit tests provide
- * examples of the trace format.
- *
- * The format of the system trace is
- * {
- * name: 'ETW',
- * content: [ <events> ]
- * }
- *
- * where the <events> are dictionary values with fields.
- *
- * {
- * guid: "1234-...", // The unique GUID for the event.
- * op: 12, // The opcode of the event.
- * ver: 1, // The encoding version of the event.
- * cpu: 0, // The cpu id on which the event was captured.
- * ts: 1092, // The thread id on which the event was captured.
- * payload: "aaaa" // A base64 encoded string of the raw payload.
- * }
- *
- * The payload is an undecoded version of the raw event sent by ETW.
- * This importer uses specific parsers to decode recognized events.
- * A parser need to register the recognized event by calling
- * registerEventHandler(guid, opcode, handler). The parser is responsible to
- * decode the payload and update the Model.
- *
- * The payload formats are described there:
- *
- *
- */
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.etw', function() {
- // GUID and opcode of a Thread DCStart event, as defined at the link above.
- var kThreadGuid = '3D6FA8D1-FE05-11D0-9DDA-00C04FD7BA7C';
- var kThreadDCStartOpcode = 3;
- /**
- * Represents the raw bytes payload decoder.
- * @constructor
- */
- function Decoder() {
- this.payload_ = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(256));
- };
- Decoder.prototype = {
- __proto__: Object.prototype,
- reset: function(base64_payload) {
- var decoded_size = tr.b.Base64.getDecodedBufferLength(base64_payload);
- if (decoded_size > this.payload_.byteLength)
- this.payload_ = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(decoded_size));
- tr.b.Base64.DecodeToTypedArray(base64_payload, this.payload_);
- this.position_ = 0;
- },
- skip: function(length) {
- this.position_ += length;
- },
- decodeUInt8: function() {
- var result = this.payload_.getUint8(this.position_, true);
- this.position_ += 1;
- return result;
- },
- decodeUInt16: function() {
- var result = this.payload_.getUint16(this.position_, true);
- this.position_ += 2;
- return result;
- },
- decodeUInt32: function() {
- var result = this.payload_.getUint32(this.position_, true);
- this.position_ += 4;
- return result;
- },
- decodeUInt64ToString: function() {
- // Javascript isn't able to manage 64-bit numeric values.
- var low = this.decodeUInt32();
- var high = this.decodeUInt32();
- var low_str = ('0000000' + low.toString(16)).substr(-8);
- var high_str = ('0000000' + high.toString(16)).substr(-8);
- var result = high_str + low_str;
- return result;
- },
- decodeInt8: function() {
- var result = this.payload_.getInt8(this.position_, true);
- this.position_ += 1;
- return result;
- },
- decodeInt16: function() {
- var result = this.payload_.getInt16(this.position_, true);
- this.position_ += 2;
- return result;
- },
- decodeInt32: function() {
- var result = this.payload_.getInt32(this.position_, true);
- this.position_ += 4;
- return result;
- },
- decodeInt64ToString: function() {
- // Javascript isn't able to manage 64-bit numeric values.
- // Fallback to unsigned 64-bit hexa value.
- return this.decodeUInt64ToString();
- },
- decodeUInteger: function(is64) {
- if (is64)
- return this.decodeUInt64ToString();
- return this.decodeUInt32();
- },
- decodeString: function() {
- var str = '';
- while (true) {
- var c = this.decodeUInt8();
- if (!c)
- return str;
- str = str + String.fromCharCode(c);
- }
- },
- decodeW16String: function() {
- var str = '';
- while (true) {
- var c = this.decodeUInt16();
- if (!c)
- return str;
- str = str + String.fromCharCode(c);
- }
- },
- decodeFixedW16String: function(length) {
- var old_position = this.position_;
- var str = '';
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- var c = this.decodeUInt16();
- if (!c)
- break;
- str = str + String.fromCharCode(c);
- }
- // Move the position after the fixed buffer (i.e. wchar[length]).
- this.position_ = old_position + 2 * length;
- return str;
- },
- decodeBytes: function(length) {
- var bytes = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- var c = this.decodeUInt8();
- bytes.push(c);
- }
- return bytes;
- },
- decodeSID: function(is64) {
- // Decode the TOKEN_USER structure.
- var pSid = this.decodeUInteger(is64);
- var attributes = this.decodeUInt32();
- // Skip padding.
- if (is64)
- this.decodeUInt32();
- // Decode the SID structure.
- var revision = this.decodeUInt8();
- var subAuthorityCount = this.decodeUInt8();
- this.decodeUInt16();
- this.decodeUInt32();
- if (revision != 1)
- throw 'Invalid SID revision: could not decode the SID structure.';
- var sid = this.decodeBytes(4 * subAuthorityCount);
- return {
- pSid: pSid,
- attributes: attributes,
- sid: sid
- };
- },
- decodeSystemTime: function() {
- // Decode the SystemTime structure.
- var wYear = this.decodeInt16();
- var wMonth = this.decodeInt16();
- var wDayOfWeek = this.decodeInt16();
- var wDay = this.decodeInt16();
- var wHour = this.decodeInt16();
- var wMinute = this.decodeInt16();
- var wSecond = this.decodeInt16();
- var wMilliseconds = this.decodeInt16();
- return {
- wYear: wYear,
- wMonth: wMonth,
- wDayOfWeek: wDayOfWeek,
- wDay: wDay,
- wHour: wHour,
- wMinute: wMinute,
- wSecond: wSecond,
- wMilliseconds: wMilliseconds
- };
- },
- decodeTimeZoneInformation: function() {
- // Decode the TimeZoneInformation structure.
- var bias = this.decodeUInt32();
- var standardName = this.decodeFixedW16String(32);
- var standardDate = this.decodeSystemTime();
- var standardBias = this.decodeUInt32();
- var daylightName = this.decodeFixedW16String(32);
- var daylightDate = this.decodeSystemTime();
- var daylightBias = this.decodeUInt32();
- return {
- bias: bias,
- standardName: standardName,
- standardDate: standardDate,
- standardBias: standardBias,
- daylightName: daylightName,
- daylightDate: daylightDate,
- daylightBias: daylightBias
- };
- }
- };
- /**
- * Imports Windows ETW kernel events into a specified model.
- * @constructor
- */
- function EtwImporter(model, events) {
- this.importPriority = 3;
- this.model_ = model;
- this.events_ = events;
- this.handlers_ = {};
- this.decoder_ = new Decoder();
- this.walltime_ = undefined;
- this.ticks_ = undefined;
- this.is64bit_ = undefined;
- // A map of tids to their process pid. On Windows, the tid is global to
- // the system and doesn't need to belong to a process. As many events
- // only provide tid, this map allows to retrieve the parent process.
- this.tidsToPid_ = {};
- // Instantiate the parsers; this will register handlers for known events.
- var allTypeInfos = tr.e.importer.etw.Parser.getAllRegisteredTypeInfos();
- this.parsers_ =
- function(typeInfo) {
- return new typeInfo.constructor(this);
- }, this);
- }
- /**
- * Guesses whether the provided events is from a Windows ETW trace.
- * The object must has a property named 'name' with the value 'ETW' and
- * a property 'content' with all the undecoded events.
- *
- * @return {boolean} True when events is a Windows ETW array.
- */
- EtwImporter.canImport = function(events) {
- if (!events.hasOwnProperty('name') ||
- !events.hasOwnProperty('content') ||
- !== 'ETW') {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- };
- EtwImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'EtwImporter';
- },
- get model() {
- return this.model_;
- },
- createThreadIfNeeded: function(pid, tid) {
- this.tidsToPid_[tid] = pid;
- },
- removeThreadIfPresent: function(tid) {
- this.tidsToPid_[tid] = undefined;
- },
- getPidFromWindowsTid: function(tid) {
- if (tid == 0)
- return 0;
- var pid = this.tidsToPid_[tid];
- if (pid == undefined) {
- // Kernel threads are not defined.
- return 0;
- }
- return pid;
- },
- getThreadFromWindowsTid: function(tid) {
- var pid = this.getPidFromWindowsTid(tid);
- var process = this.model_.getProcess(pid);
- if (!process)
- return undefined;
- return process.getThread(tid);
- },
- /*
- * Retrieve the Cpu for a given cpuNumber.
- * @return {Cpu} A Cpu corresponding to the given cpuNumber.
- */
- getOrCreateCpu: function(cpuNumber) {
- var cpu = this.model_.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(cpuNumber);
- return cpu;
- },
- /**
- * Imports the data in this.events_ into this.model_.
- */
- importEvents: function() {
- this.events_.content.forEach(this.parseInfo.bind(this));
- if (this.walltime_ == undefined || this.ticks_ == undefined)
- throw Error('Cannot find clock sync information in the system trace.');
- if (this.is64bit_ == undefined)
- throw Error('Cannot determine pointer size of the system trace.');
- this.events_.content.forEach(this.parseEvent.bind(this));
- },
- importTimestamp: function(timestamp) {
- var ts = parseInt(timestamp, 16);
- return (ts - this.walltime_ + this.ticks_) / 1000.;
- },
- parseInfo: function(event) {
- // Retrieve clock sync information.
- if (event.hasOwnProperty('guid') &&
- event.hasOwnProperty('walltime') &&
- event.hasOwnProperty('tick') &&
- event.guid === 'ClockSync') {
- this.walltime_ = parseInt(event.walltime, 16);
- this.ticks_ = parseInt(event.tick, 16);
- }
- // Retrieve pointer size information from a Thread.DCStart event.
- if (this.is64bit_ == undefined &&
- event.hasOwnProperty('guid') &&
- event.hasOwnProperty('op') &&
- event.hasOwnProperty('ver') &&
- event.hasOwnProperty('payload') &&
- event.guid === kThreadGuid &&
- event.op == kThreadDCStartOpcode) {
- var decoded_size = tr.b.Base64.getDecodedBufferLength(event.payload);
- if (event.ver == 1) {
- if (decoded_size >= 52)
- this.is64bit_ = true;
- else
- this.is64bit_ = false;
- } else if (event.ver == 2) {
- if (decoded_size >= 64)
- this.is64bit_ = true;
- else
- this.is64bit_ = false;
- } else if (event.ver == 3) {
- if (decoded_size >= 60)
- this.is64bit_ = true;
- else
- this.is64bit_ = false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- parseEvent: function(event) {
- if (!event.hasOwnProperty('guid') ||
- !event.hasOwnProperty('op') ||
- !event.hasOwnProperty('ver') ||
- !event.hasOwnProperty('cpu') ||
- !event.hasOwnProperty('ts') ||
- !event.hasOwnProperty('payload')) {
- return false;
- }
- var timestamp = this.importTimestamp(event.ts);
- // Create the event header.
- var header = {
- guid: event.guid,
- opcode: event.op,
- version: event.ver,
- cpu: event.cpu,
- timestamp: timestamp,
- is64: this.is64bit_
- };
- // Set the payload to decode.
- var decoder = this.decoder_;
- decoder.reset(event.payload);
- // Retrieve the handler to decode the payload.
- var handler = this.getEventHandler(header.guid, header.opcode);
- if (!handler)
- return false;
- if (!handler(header, decoder)) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Malformed ' + header.guid + ' event (' + event.payload + ')'
- });
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Registers a windows ETW event handler used by parseEvent().
- */
- registerEventHandler: function(guid, opcode, handler) {
- if (this.handlers_[guid] == undefined)
- this.handlers_[guid] = [];
- this.handlers_[guid][opcode] = handler;
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves a registered event handler.
- */
- getEventHandler: function(guid, opcode) {
- if (this.handlers_[guid] == undefined)
- return undefined;
- return this.handlers_[guid][opcode];
- }
- };
- // Register the EtwImporter to the Importer.
- tr.importer.Importer.register(EtwImporter);
- return {
- EtwImporter: EtwImporter
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/etw_importer_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/etw_importer_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 91a94d6c015..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/etw_importer_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base64.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/etw_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Base64 = tr.b.Base64;
- test('canImport', function() {
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter.canImport('string'));
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter.canImport([]));
- // Must not parse an invalid name.
- var dummy = { name: 'dummy', content: [] };
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter.canImport(dummy));
- // Must parse an empty valid trace.
- var valid = { name: 'ETW', content: [] };
- assert.isTrue(tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter.canImport(valid));
- });
- test('getModel', function() {
- var model = 'dummy';
- var events = [];
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter(model, events);
- assert.strictEqual(importer.model, model);
- });
- test('registerEventHandler', function() {
- // Create a dummy EtwImporter.
- var model = 'dummy';
- var events = ['events'];
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter(model, events);
- var dummy_handler = function() {};
- // The handler must not exists.
- assert.isUndefined(importer.getEventHandler('ABCDEF', 2));
- // Register an event handler for guid: ABCDEF and opcode: 2.
- importer.registerEventHandler('ABCDEF', 2, dummy_handler);
- // The handler exists now, must find it.
- assert.isDefined(importer.getEventHandler('ABCDEF', 2));
- // Must be able to manage an invalid handler.
- assert.isUndefined(importer.getEventHandler('zzzzzz', 2));
- });
- test('parseEvent', function() {
- var model = 'dummy';
- var events = [];
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter(model, events);
- var handler_called = false;
- var dummy_handler = function() { handler_called = true; return true; };
- // Register a valid handler.
- importer.registerEventHandler('aaaa', 42, dummy_handler);
- // Try to parse an invalid event with missing fields.
- var incomplet_event = { guid: 'aaaa', 'op': 42, 'ver': 0 };
- assert.isFalse(importer.parseEvent(incomplet_event));
- assert.isFalse(handler_called);
- // Try to parse a valid event.
- var valid_event = {
- guid: 'aaaa', 'op': 42, 'ver': 0, 'cpu': 0, 'ts': 0,
- 'payload': Base64.btoa('0')
- };
- assert.isTrue(importer.parseEvent(valid_event));
- assert.isTrue(handler_called);
- });
- test('resetTooSmall', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- var oldByteLength = decoder.payload_.byteLength;
- // Decode a payload too big for the actual buffer.
- var newByteLength = decoder.payload_.byteLength;
- // Validate the buffer has been resized.
- assert.isBelow(oldByteLength, newByteLength);
- });
- test('decode', function() {
- var model = 'dummy';
- var events = [];
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter(model, events);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- decoder.reset('YQBiYw==');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt32(), 0x63620061);
- // Decode unsigned numbers.
- decoder.reset('AQ==');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeUInt8(), 0x01);
- decoder.reset('AQI=');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeUInt16(), 0x0201);
- decoder.reset('AQIDBA==');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeUInt32(), 0x04030201);
- decoder.reset('AQIDBAUGBwg=');
- assert.strictEqual(decoder.decodeUInt64ToString(), '0807060504030201');
- // Decode signed numbers.
- decoder.reset('AQ==');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt8(), 0x01);
- decoder.reset('AQI=');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt16(), 0x0201);
- decoder.reset('AQIDBA==');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt32(), 0x04030201);
- decoder.reset('AQIDBAUGBwg=');
- assert.strictEqual(decoder.decodeInt64ToString(), '0807060504030201');
- // Last value before being a signed number.
- decoder.reset('fw==');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt8(), 127);
- // Decode negative numbers.
- decoder.reset('1g==');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt8(), -42);
- decoder.reset('gA==');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt8(), -128);
- decoder.reset('hYI=');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt16(), -32123);
- decoder.reset('hYL//w==');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt32(), -32123);
- decoder.reset('Lv1ptv////8=');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt32(), -1234567890);
- // Decode number with zero (nul) in the middle of the string.
- decoder.reset('YQBiYw==');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeInt32(), 0x63620061);
- });
- test('decodeUInteger', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- decoder.reset('AQIDBAUGBwg=');
- assert.equal(decoder.decodeUInteger(false), 0x04030201);
- decoder.reset('AQIDBAUGBwg=');
- assert.strictEqual(decoder.decodeUInteger(true), '0807060504030201');
- });
- test('decodeString', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- decoder.reset('dGVzdAA=');
- assert.strictEqual(decoder.decodeString(), 'test');
- decoder.reset('VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Qu');
- assert.strictEqual(decoder.decodeString(), 'This is a test.');
- });
- test('decodeW16String', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- decoder.reset('dABlAHMAdAAAAA==');
- assert.strictEqual(decoder.decodeW16String(), 'test');
- });
- test('decodeFixedW16String', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- decoder.reset('dABlAHMAdAAAAA==');
- assert.strictEqual(decoder.decodeFixedW16String(32), 'test');
- assert.equal(decoder.position_, 64);
- decoder.reset('dABlAHMAdAAAAA==');
- assert.strictEqual(decoder.decodeFixedW16String(1), 't');
- assert.equal(decoder.position_, 2);
- });
- test('decodeBytes', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- decoder.reset('AAECAwQFBgc=');
- var bytes = decoder.decodeBytes(8);
- for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i)
- assert.equal(bytes[i], i);
- });
- test('decodeSID', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- // Decode a SID structure with 64-bit pointer.
- decoder.reset(
- var sid = decoder.decodeSID(true);
- assert.strictEqual(sid.pSid, '0403020104030201');
- assert.equal(sid.attributes, 0x02030405);
- assert.equal(sid.sid.length, 20);
- });
- test('decodeSystemTime', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- // Decode a SystemTime structure.
- decoder.reset('AQACAAMABAAFAAYABwAIAA==');
- var time = decoder.decodeSystemTime();
- assert.equal(time.wYear, 1);
- assert.equal(time.wMonth, 2);
- assert.equal(time.wDayOfWeek, 3);
- assert.equal(time.wDay, 4);
- assert.equal(time.wHour, 5);
- assert.equal(time.wMinute, 6);
- assert.equal(time.wSecond, 7);
- assert.equal(time.wMilliseconds, 8);
- });
- test('decodeTimeZoneInformation', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- // Decode a TimeZoneInformation structure.
- 'CA==');
- var time = decoder.decodeTimeZoneInformation();
- assert.equal(time.bias, 0x04030201);
- assert.equal(time.standardBias, 0x01020304);
- assert.equal(time.daylightBias, 0x08080808);
- assert.strictEqual(time.standardName, 'a');
- assert.strictEqual(time.daylightName, 'b');
- });
- test('manageThreads', function() {
- var events = [];
- var model = 'dummy';
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter(model, events);
- // After initialisation, no threads must exists.
- assert.equal(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(importer.tidsToPid_).length, 0);
- // Add some threads.
- var thread10 = importer.createThreadIfNeeded(1, 10);
- var thread11 = importer.createThreadIfNeeded(1, 11);
- var thread20 = importer.createThreadIfNeeded(2, 20);
- assert.equal(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(importer.tidsToPid_).length, 3);
- assert.isTrue(importer.tidsToPid_.hasOwnProperty(10));
- assert.isTrue(importer.tidsToPid_.hasOwnProperty(11));
- assert.isTrue(importer.tidsToPid_.hasOwnProperty(20));
- // Retrieve existing threads and processes.
- var pid10 = importer.getPidFromWindowsTid(10);
- var pid11 = importer.getPidFromWindowsTid(11);
- var pid20 = importer.getPidFromWindowsTid(20);
- assert.equal(pid10, 1);
- assert.equal(pid11, 1);
- assert.equal(pid20, 2);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/eventtrace_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/eventtrace_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 14c1dcf5c1b..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/eventtrace_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses EventTrace events in the Windows event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.etw', function() {
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.etw.Parser;
- // Constants for EventTrace events.
- var guid = '68FDD900-4A3E-11D1-84F4-0000F80464E3';
- var kEventTraceHeaderOpcode = 0;
- /**
- * Parses Windows EventTrace trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function EventTraceParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- // Register handlers.
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kEventTraceHeaderOpcode,
- EventTraceParser.prototype.decodeHeader.bind(this));
- }
- EventTraceParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- decodeFields: function(header, decoder) {
- if (header.version != 2)
- throw new Error('Incompatible EventTrace event version.');
- var bufferSize = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var version = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var providerVersion = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var numberOfProcessors = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var endTime = decoder.decodeUInt64ToString();
- var timerResolution = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var maxFileSize = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var logFileMode = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var buffersWritten = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var startBuffers = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var pointerSize = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var eventsLost = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var cpuSpeed = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var loggerName = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- var logFileName = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- var timeZoneInformation = decoder.decodeTimeZoneInformation();
- var padding = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var bootTime = decoder.decodeUInt64ToString();
- var perfFreq = decoder.decodeUInt64ToString();
- var startTime = decoder.decodeUInt64ToString();
- var reservedFlags = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var buffersLost = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var sessionNameString = decoder.decodeW16String();
- var logFileNameString = decoder.decodeW16String();
- return {
- bufferSize: bufferSize,
- version: version,
- providerVersion: providerVersion,
- numberOfProcessors: numberOfProcessors,
- endTime: endTime,
- timerResolution: timerResolution,
- maxFileSize: maxFileSize,
- logFileMode: logFileMode,
- buffersWritten: buffersWritten,
- startBuffers: startBuffers,
- pointerSize: pointerSize,
- eventsLost: eventsLost,
- cpuSpeed: cpuSpeed,
- loggerName: loggerName,
- logFileName: logFileName,
- timeZoneInformation: timeZoneInformation,
- bootTime: bootTime,
- perfFreq: perfFreq,
- startTime: startTime,
- reservedFlags: reservedFlags,
- buffersLost: buffersLost,
- sessionNameString: sessionNameString,
- logFileNameString: logFileNameString
- };
- },
- decodeHeader: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- // TODO(etienneb): Update the Model with |fields|.
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(EventTraceParser);
- return {
- EventTraceParser: EventTraceParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/eventtrace_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/eventtrace_parser_test.html
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/etw_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/eventtrace_parser.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- // Constants for EventTrace events.
- var guid = '68FDD900-4A3E-11D1-84F4-0000F80464E3';
- var kEventTraceHeaderOpcode = 0;
- var kEventTraceHeaderPayload32bitV2 =
- var kEventTraceHeaderPayload64bitV2 =
- test('DecodeFields', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- var parser = new tr.e.importer.etw.EventTraceParser(importer);
- var header;
- var fields;
- // Validate a version 2 32-bit payload.
- header = {
- guid: guid, opcode: kEventTraceHeaderOpcode, version: 2, is64: 0
- };
- decoder.reset(kEventTraceHeaderPayload32bitV2);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.bufferSize, 65536);
- assert.equal(fields.version, 83951878);
- assert.equal(fields.providerVersion, 7600);
- assert.equal(fields.numberOfProcessors, 16);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.endTime, '01cc08c861d52c11');
- assert.equal(fields.timerResolution, 156001);
- assert.equal(fields.maxFileSize, 100);
- assert.equal(fields.logFileMode, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.buffersWritten, 3);
- assert.equal(fields.startBuffers, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.pointerSize, 4);
- assert.equal(fields.eventsLost, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.cpuSpeed, 2394);
- assert.equal(fields.loggerName, 5);
- assert.equal(fields.logFileName, 6);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.timeZoneInformation.standardName,
- '@tzres.dll,-112');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.timeZoneInformation.daylightName,
- '@tzres.dll,-111');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.bootTime, '01cc05afdf9b437f');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.perfFreq, '000000000023ac9d');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.startTime, '01cc08c860a3342c');
- assert.equal(fields.reservedFlags, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.buffersLost, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.sessionNameString, 'Make Test Data Session');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.logFileNameString,
- 'c:\\src\\sawbuck\\trunk\\src\\sawbuck\\log_lib\\' +
- 'test_data\\image_data_32_v0.etl');
- // Validate a version 2 64-bit payload.
- header = {
- guid: guid, opcode: kEventTraceHeaderOpcode, version: 2, is64: 1
- };
- decoder.reset(kEventTraceHeaderPayload64bitV2);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.bufferSize, 65536);
- assert.equal(fields.version, 83951878);
- assert.equal(fields.providerVersion, 7601);
- assert.equal(fields.numberOfProcessors, 4);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.endTime, '01cf2c5814cd2e3b');
- assert.equal(fields.timerResolution, 156001);
- assert.equal(fields.maxFileSize, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.logFileMode, 0x10001);
- assert.equal(fields.buffersWritten, 438);
- assert.equal(fields.startBuffers, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.pointerSize, 8);
- assert.equal(fields.eventsLost, 31);
- assert.equal(fields.cpuSpeed, 1696);
- assert.equal(fields.loggerName, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.logFileName, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.timeZoneInformation.standardName,
- '@tzres.dll,-112');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.timeZoneInformation.daylightName,
- '@tzres.dll,-111');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.bootTime, '01cf2bc0a2254359');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.perfFreq, '000000000019467d');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.startTime, '01cf2c580499642d');
- assert.equal(fields.reservedFlags, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.buffersLost, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.sessionNameString, 'Relogger');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.logFileNameString, 'C:\\kernel.etl');
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 414defe510b..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/extension_registry.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Base class for Windows ETW event parsers.
- *
- * The ETW trace event importer depends on subclasses of
- * Parser to parse event data. Each subclass corresponds
- * to a group of trace events; e.g. Thread and Process implements
- * decoding of scheduling events. Parser subclasses must
- * call Parser.register to arrange to be instantiated
- * and their constructor must register their event handlers with the
- * importer. For example,
- *
- * var Parser = tr.e.importer.etw.Parser;
- *
- * function ThreadParser(importer) {
- *, importer);
- *
- * importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kThreadStartOpcode,
- * ThreadParser.prototype.decodeStart.bind(this));
- * importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kThreadEndOpcode,
- * ThreadParser.prototype.decodeEnd.bind(this));
- * }
- *
- * Parser.register(ThreadParser);
- *
- * When a registered event is found, the associated event handler is invoked:
- *
- * decodeStart: function(header, decoder) {
- * [...]
- * return true;
- * },
- *
- * If the routine returns false the caller will generate an import error
- * saying there was a problem parsing it. Handlers can also emit import
- * messages using this.importer.model.importWarning. If this is done in lieu of
- * the generic import error it may be desirable for the handler to return
- * true.
- *
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.etw', function() {
- /**
- * Parses Windows ETW events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function Parser(importer) {
- this.importer = importer;
- this.model = importer.model;
- }
- Parser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Object.prototype
- };
- var options = new tr.b.ExtensionRegistryOptions(tr.b.BASIC_REGISTRY_MODE);
- options.mandatoryBaseClass = Parser;
- tr.b.decorateExtensionRegistry(Parser, options);
- return {
- Parser: Parser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/process_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/process_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 51f1e9b51aa..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/process_parser.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses processes events in the Windows event trace format.
- *
- * The Windows process events are:
- *
- * - DCStart: Describes a process that was already running when the trace
- * started. ETW automatically generates these events for all running
- * processes at the beginning of the trace.
- * - Start: Describes a process launched during the tracing session.
- * - End: Describes a process that ended during the tracing session.
- * - DCEnd: Describes a process that was still running when the trace ended.
- *
- * See
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.etw', function() {
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.etw.Parser;
- // Constants for Process events.
- var guid = '3D6FA8D0-FE05-11D0-9DDA-00C04FD7BA7C';
- var kProcessStartOpcode = 1;
- var kProcessEndOpcode = 2;
- var kProcessDCStartOpcode = 3;
- var kProcessDCEndOpcode = 4;
- var kProcessDefunctOpcode = 39;
- /**
- * Parses Windows process trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function ProcessParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- // Register handlers.
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kProcessStartOpcode,
- ProcessParser.prototype.decodeStart.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kProcessEndOpcode,
- ProcessParser.prototype.decodeEnd.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kProcessDCStartOpcode,
- ProcessParser.prototype.decodeDCStart.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kProcessDCEndOpcode,
- ProcessParser.prototype.decodeDCEnd.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kProcessDefunctOpcode,
- ProcessParser.prototype.decodeDefunct.bind(this));
- }
- ProcessParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- decodeFields: function(header, decoder) {
- if (header.version > 5)
- throw new Error('Incompatible Process event version.');
- var pageDirectoryBase;
- if (header.version == 1)
- pageDirectoryBase = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- var uniqueProcessKey;
- if (header.version >= 2)
- uniqueProcessKey = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- var processId = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var parentId = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var sessionId;
- var exitStatus;
- if (header.version >= 1) {
- sessionId = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- exitStatus = decoder.decodeInt32();
- }
- var directoryTableBase;
- if (header.version >= 3)
- directoryTableBase = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- var flags;
- if (header.version >= 4)
- flags = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var userSID = decoder.decodeSID(header.is64);
- var imageFileName;
- if (header.version >= 1)
- imageFileName = decoder.decodeString();
- var commandLine;
- if (header.version >= 2)
- commandLine = decoder.decodeW16String();
- var packageFullName;
- var applicationId;
- if (header.version >= 4) {
- packageFullName = decoder.decodeW16String();
- applicationId = decoder.decodeW16String();
- }
- var exitTime;
- if (header.version == 5 && header.opcode == kProcessDefunctOpcode)
- exitTime = decoder.decodeUInt64ToString();
- return {
- pageDirectoryBase: pageDirectoryBase,
- uniqueProcessKey: uniqueProcessKey,
- processId: processId,
- parentId: parentId,
- sessionId: sessionId,
- exitStatus: exitStatus,
- directoryTableBase: directoryTableBase,
- flags: flags,
- userSID: userSID,
- imageFileName: imageFileName,
- commandLine: commandLine,
- packageFullName: packageFullName,
- applicationId: applicationId,
- exitTime: exitTime
- };
- },
- decodeStart: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- var process = this.model.getOrCreateProcess(fields.processId);
- if (process.hasOwnProperty('has_ended')) {
- // On Windows, a process ID used by a process could be reused as soon as
- // the process ends (there is no pid cycling like on Linux). However, in
- // a short trace, this is unlikely to happen.
- throw new Error('Process clash detected.');
- }
- = fields.imageFileName;
- return true;
- },
- decodeEnd: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- var process = this.model.getOrCreateProcess(fields.processId);
- process.has_ended = true;
- return true;
- },
- decodeDCStart: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- var process = this.model.getOrCreateProcess(fields.processId);
- if (process.hasOwnProperty('has_ended'))
- throw new Error('Process clash detected.');
- = fields.imageFileName;
- return true;
- },
- decodeDCEnd: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- var process = this.model.getOrCreateProcess(fields.processId);
- process.has_ended = true;
- return true;
- },
- decodeDefunct: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- // TODO(etienneb): Update the Model with |fields|.
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(ProcessParser);
- return {
- ProcessParser: ProcessParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/process_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/process_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/etw_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/process_parser.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- // Constants for Process events.
- var guid = '3D6FA8D0-FE05-11D0-9DDA-00C04FD7BA7C';
- var kProcessStartOpcode = 1;
- var kProcessDefunctOpcode = 39;
- var kProcessStartPayload32bitV1 =
- '+gDAABub3RlcGFkLmV4ZQA=';
- var kProcessStartPayload32bitV2 =
- var kProcessStartPayload32bitV3 =
- var kProcessStartPayload64bitV3 =
- var kProcessStartPayload64bitV4 =
- var kProcessDefunctPayload64bitV5 =
- '4B';
- test('DecodeFields', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- var parser = new tr.e.importer.etw.ProcessParser(importer);
- var header;
- var fields;
- // Validate a version 1 32-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kProcessStartOpcode, version: 1, is64: 0 };
- decoder.reset(kProcessStartPayload32bitV1);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.pageDirectoryBase, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 1776);
- assert.equal(fields.parentId, 988);
- assert.equal(fields.sessionId, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.exitStatus, 259);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.imageFileName, 'notepad.exe');
- // Validate a version 2 32-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kProcessStartOpcode, version: 2, is64: 0 };
- decoder.reset(kProcessStartPayload32bitV2);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.uniqueProcessKey, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 1776);
- assert.equal(fields.parentId, 988);
- assert.equal(fields.sessionId, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.exitStatus, 259);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.imageFileName, 'notepad.exe');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.commandLine,
- '\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\notepad.exe\" ');
- // Validate a version 3 32-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kProcessStartOpcode, version: 3, is64: 0 };
- decoder.reset(kProcessStartPayload32bitV3);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.uniqueProcessKey, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 1776);
- assert.equal(fields.parentId, 988);
- assert.equal(fields.sessionId, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.exitStatus, 259);
- assert.equal(fields.directoryTableBase, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.imageFileName, 'notepad.exe');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.commandLine,
- '\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\notepad.exe\" ');
- // Validate a version 3 64-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kProcessStartOpcode, version: 3, is64: 1 };
- decoder.reset(kProcessStartPayload64bitV3);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.uniqueProcessKey, 'fffffa800f628060');
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 6656);
- assert.equal(fields.parentId, 7328);
- assert.equal(fields.sessionId, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.exitStatus, 259);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.directoryTableBase, '000000011d43f000');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.imageFileName, 'xperf.exe');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.commandLine, 'xperf -d out.etl');
- // Validate a version 4 64-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kProcessStartOpcode, version: 4, is64: 1 };
- decoder.reset(kProcessStartPayload64bitV4);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.uniqueProcessKey, 'ffffe0001afc4080');
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 2700);
- assert.equal(fields.parentId, 5896);
- assert.equal(fields.sessionId, 5);
- assert.equal(fields.exitStatus, 259);
- assert.equal(fields.directoryTableBase, '00000000a3a2b000');
- assert.equal(fields.flags, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.imageFileName, 'xperf.exe');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.commandLine, 'xperf -stop');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.packageFullName, '');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.applicationId, '');
- // Validate a version 5 64-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kProcessDefunctOpcode, version: 5, is64: 1 };
- decoder.reset(kProcessDefunctPayload64bitV5);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.uniqueProcessKey, 'ffffe00006f2c5c0');
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 6472);
- assert.equal(fields.parentId, 2064);
- assert.equal(fields.sessionId, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.exitStatus, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.directoryTableBase, '000000004fcb6000');
- assert.equal(fields.flags, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.imageFileName, 'chrome.exe');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.commandLine, '');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.packageFullName, '');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.applicationId, '');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.exitTime, '01cefaecf9a2498d');
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/thread_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/thread_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d4f75d1e4e5..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/thread_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses threads events in the Windows event trace format.
- *
- * The Windows thread events are:
- *
- * - DCStart: Describes a thread that was already running when the trace
- * started. ETW automatically generates these events for all running
- * threads at the beginning of the trace.
- * - Start: Describes a thread that started during the tracing session.
- * - End: Describes a thread that ended during the tracing session.
- * - DCEnd: Describes a thread that was still alive when the trace ended.
- *
- * See
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.etw', function() {
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.etw.Parser;
- // Constants for Thread events.
- var guid = '3D6FA8D1-FE05-11D0-9DDA-00C04FD7BA7C';
- var kThreadStartOpcode = 1;
- var kThreadEndOpcode = 2;
- var kThreadDCStartOpcode = 3;
- var kThreadDCEndOpcode = 4;
- var kThreadCSwitchOpcode = 36;
- /**
- * Parses Windows threads trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function ThreadParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- // Register handlers.
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kThreadStartOpcode,
- ThreadParser.prototype.decodeStart.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kThreadEndOpcode,
- ThreadParser.prototype.decodeEnd.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kThreadDCStartOpcode,
- ThreadParser.prototype.decodeDCStart.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kThreadDCEndOpcode,
- ThreadParser.prototype.decodeDCEnd.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler(guid, kThreadCSwitchOpcode,
- ThreadParser.prototype.decodeCSwitch.bind(this));
- }
- ThreadParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- decodeFields: function(header, decoder) {
- if (header.version > 3)
- throw new Error('Incompatible Thread event version.');
- // Common fields to all Thread events.
- var processId = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var threadId = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- // Extended fields.
- var stackBase;
- var stackLimit;
- var userStackBase;
- var userStackLimit;
- var affinity;
- var startAddr;
- var win32StartAddr;
- var tebBase;
- var subProcessTag;
- var basePriority;
- var pagePriority;
- var ioPriority;
- var threadFlags;
- var waitMode;
- if (header.version == 1) {
- // On version 1, only start events have extended information.
- if (header.opcode == kThreadStartOpcode ||
- header.opcode == kThreadDCStartOpcode) {
- stackBase = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- stackLimit = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- userStackBase = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- userStackLimit = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- startAddr = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- win32StartAddr = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- waitMode = decoder.decodeInt8();
- decoder.skip(3);
- }
- } else {
- stackBase = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- stackLimit = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- userStackBase = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- userStackLimit = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- // Version 2 produces a field named 'startAddr'.
- if (header.version == 2)
- startAddr = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- else
- affinity = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- win32StartAddr = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- tebBase = decoder.decodeUInteger(header.is64);
- subProcessTag = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- if (header.version == 3) {
- basePriority = decoder.decodeUInt8();
- pagePriority = decoder.decodeUInt8();
- ioPriority = decoder.decodeUInt8();
- threadFlags = decoder.decodeUInt8();
- }
- }
- return {
- processId: processId,
- threadId: threadId,
- stackBase: stackBase,
- stackLimit: stackLimit,
- userStackBase: userStackBase,
- userStackLimit: userStackLimit,
- affinity: affinity,
- startAddr: startAddr,
- win32StartAddr: win32StartAddr,
- tebBase: tebBase,
- subProcessTag: subProcessTag,
- waitMode: waitMode,
- basePriority: basePriority,
- pagePriority: pagePriority,
- ioPriority: ioPriority,
- threadFlags: threadFlags
- };
- },
- decodeCSwitchFields: function(header, decoder) {
- if (header.version != 2)
- throw new Error('Incompatible Thread event version.');
- // Decode CSwitch payload.
- var newThreadId = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var oldThreadId = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var newThreadPriority = decoder.decodeInt8();
- var oldThreadPriority = decoder.decodeInt8();
- var previousCState = decoder.decodeUInt8();
- var spareByte = decoder.decodeInt8();
- var oldThreadWaitReason = decoder.decodeInt8();
- var oldThreadWaitMode = decoder.decodeInt8();
- var oldThreadState = decoder.decodeInt8();
- var oldThreadWaitIdealProcessor = decoder.decodeInt8();
- var newThreadWaitTime = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- var reserved = decoder.decodeUInt32();
- return {
- newThreadId: newThreadId,
- oldThreadId: oldThreadId,
- newThreadPriority: newThreadPriority,
- oldThreadPriority: oldThreadPriority,
- previousCState: previousCState,
- spareByte: spareByte,
- oldThreadWaitReason: oldThreadWaitReason,
- oldThreadWaitMode: oldThreadWaitMode,
- oldThreadState: oldThreadState,
- oldThreadWaitIdealProcessor: oldThreadWaitIdealProcessor,
- newThreadWaitTime: newThreadWaitTime,
- reserved: reserved
- };
- },
- decodeStart: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- this.importer.createThreadIfNeeded(fields.processId, fields.threadId);
- return true;
- },
- decodeEnd: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- this.importer.removeThreadIfPresent(fields.threadId);
- return true;
- },
- decodeDCStart: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- this.importer.createThreadIfNeeded(fields.processId, fields.threadId);
- return true;
- },
- decodeDCEnd: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- this.importer.removeThreadIfPresent(fields.threadId);
- return true;
- },
- decodeCSwitch: function(header, decoder) {
- var fields = this.decodeCSwitchFields(header, decoder);
- var cpu = this.importer.getOrCreateCpu(header.cpu);
- var new_thread =
- this.importer.getThreadFromWindowsTid(fields.newThreadId);
- // Generate the new thread name. If some events were lost, it's possible
- // that information about the new thread or process is not available.
- var new_thread_name;
- if (new_thread && new_thread.userFriendlyName) {
- new_thread_name = new_thread.userFriendlyName;
- } else {
- var new_process_id = this.importer.getPidFromWindowsTid(
- fields.newThreadId);
- var new_process = this.model.getProcess(new_process_id);
- var new_process_name;
- if (new_process)
- new_process_name =;
- else
- new_process_name = 'Unknown process';
- new_thread_name =
- new_process_name + ' (tid ' + fields.newThreadId + ')';
- }
- cpu.switchActiveThread(
- header.timestamp,
- {},
- fields.newThreadId,
- new_thread_name,
- fields);
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(ThreadParser);
- return {
- ThreadParser: ThreadParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/thread_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/thread_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 56031c6381f..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/etw/thread_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/etw_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/etw/thread_parser.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- // Constants for Thread events.
- var guid = '3D6FA8D1-FE05-11D0-9DDA-00C04FD7BA7C';
- var kThreadStartOpcode = 1;
- var kThreadEndOpcode = 2;
- var kThreadDCStartOpcode = 3;
- var kThreadCSwitchOpcode = 36;
- var kThreadStartPayload32bitV1 =
- var kThreadEndPayload32bitV1 = 'BAAAALQAAAA=';
- var kThreadDCStartPayload64bitV2 =
- var kThreadStartPayload32bitV3 =
- var kThreadStartPayload64bitV3 =
- var kThreadCSwitchPayload32bitV2 = 'AAAAACwRAAAACQAAFwABABIAAAAmSAAA';
- var kThreadCSwitchPayload64bitV2 = 'zAgAAAAAAAAIAAEAAAACBAEAAACHbYg0';
- test('DecodeFields', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- var parser = new tr.e.importer.etw.ThreadParser(importer);
- var header;
- var fields;
- // Validate a version 1 32-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kThreadStartOpcode, version: 1, is64: 0 };
- decoder.reset(kThreadStartPayload32bitV1);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 4);
- assert.equal(fields.threadId, 1868);
- assert.equal(fields.stackBase, 4088881152);
- assert.equal(fields.stackLimit, 4088868864);
- assert.equal(fields.userStackBase, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.userStackLimit, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.startAddr, 4145994629);
- assert.equal(fields.win32StartAddr, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.waitMode, -1);
- // Validate an End version 1 32-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kThreadEndOpcode, version: 1, is64: 0 };
- decoder.reset(kThreadStartPayload32bitV1);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 4);
- assert.equal(fields.threadId, 1868);
- // Validate a version 2 64-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kThreadDCStartOpcode, version: 2, is64: 1 };
- decoder.reset(kThreadDCStartPayload64bitV2);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.threadId, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.stackBase, 'fffff80002f56000');
- assert.equal(fields.stackLimit, 'fffff80002f50000');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.userStackBase, '0000000000000000');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.userStackLimit, '0000000000000000');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.startAddr, 'fffff80001c72580');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.win32StartAddr, 'fffff80001c72580');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.tebBase, '0000000000000000');
- assert.equal(fields.subProcessTag, 0);
- // Validate a version 3 32-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kThreadStartOpcode, version: 3, is64: 0 };
- decoder.reset(kThreadStartPayload32bitV3);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 556);
- assert.equal(fields.threadId, 4908);
- assert.equal(fields.stackBase, 2979549184);
- assert.equal(fields.stackLimit, 2979536896);
- assert.equal(fields.userStackBase, 13959168);
- assert.equal(fields.userStackLimit, 13942784);
- assert.equal(fields.affinity, 3);
- assert.equal(fields.win32StartAddr, 2007696361);
- assert.equal(fields.tebBase, 2147344384);
- assert.equal(fields.subProcessTag, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.basePriority, 9);
- assert.equal(fields.pagePriority, 5);
- assert.equal(fields.ioPriority, 2);
- assert.equal(fields.threadFlags, 0);
- // Validate a version 3 64-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kThreadStartOpcode, version: 3, is64: 1 };
- decoder.reset(kThreadStartPayload64bitV3);
- fields = parser.decodeFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.processId, 8568);
- assert.equal(fields.threadId, 5268);
- assert.strictEqual(fields.stackBase, 'ffffd000270e3000');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.stackLimit, 'ffffd000270dd000');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.userStackBase, '00000000060bfd30');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.userStackLimit, '00000000060b8000');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.affinity, '00000000000000ff');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.win32StartAddr, '000000005c58fd2c');
- assert.strictEqual(fields.tebBase, '00000000ff12c000');
- assert.equal(fields.subProcessTag, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.basePriority, 8);
- assert.equal(fields.pagePriority, 5);
- assert.equal(fields.ioPriority, 2);
- assert.equal(fields.threadFlags, 0);
- });
- test('DecodeCSwitchFields', function() {
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.etw.EtwImporter('dummy', []);
- var decoder = importer.decoder_;
- var parser = new tr.e.importer.etw.ThreadParser(importer);
- var header;
- var fields;
- // Validate a version 2 CSwitch 32-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kThreadCSwitchOpcode, version: 2, is64: 0 };
- decoder.reset(kThreadCSwitchPayload32bitV2);
- fields = parser.decodeCSwitchFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.newThreadId, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadId, 4396);
- assert.equal(fields.newThreadPriority, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadPriority, 9);
- assert.equal(fields.previousCState, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.spareByte, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadWaitReason, 23);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadWaitMode, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadState, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadWaitIdealProcessor, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.newThreadWaitTime, 18);
- assert.equal(fields.reserved, 18470);
- // Validate a version 2 CSwitch 64-bit payload.
- header = { guid: guid, opcode: kThreadCSwitchOpcode, version: 2, is64: 1 };
- decoder.reset(kThreadCSwitchPayload64bitV2);
- fields = parser.decodeCSwitchFields(header, decoder);
- assert.equal(fields.newThreadId, 2252);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadId, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.newThreadPriority, 8);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadPriority, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.previousCState, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.spareByte, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadWaitReason, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadWaitMode, 0);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadState, 2);
- assert.equal(fields.oldThreadWaitIdealProcessor, 4);
- assert.equal(fields.newThreadWaitTime, 1);
- assert.equal(fields.reserved, 881356167);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gcloud_trace/gcloud_trace_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gcloud_trace/gcloud_trace_importer.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gcloud_trace/gcloud_trace_importer.html
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@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview GcloudTraceImporter imports JSON data from Google Cloud Trace.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.gcloud_trace', function() {
- function GcloudTraceImporter(model, eventData) {
- this.importPriority = 2;
- this.eventData_ = eventData;
- }
- /**
- * @return {boolean} Whether obj looks like the JSON output from Cloud Trace.
- */
- GcloudTraceImporter.canImport = function(eventData) {
- if (typeof(eventData) !== 'string' && !(eventData instanceof String))
- return false;
- // Slice the data so we don't potentially do a replace on a gigantic string.
- var normalizedEventData = eventData.slice(0, 20).replace(/\s/g, '');
- if (normalizedEventData.length < 14)
- return false;
- return normalizedEventData.slice(0, 14) == '{"projectId":"';
- };
- GcloudTraceImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'GcloudTraceImporter';
- },
- /**
- * Called by the Model to extract subtraces from the event data. The
- * subtraces are passed on to other importers that can recognize them.
- */
- extractSubtraces: function() {
- var traceEvents = this.createEventsForTrace();
- return traceEvents ? [traceEvents] : [];
- },
- createEventsForTrace: function() {
- var events = [];
- var trace = JSON.parse(this.eventData_);
- var spanLength = trace.spans.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < spanLength; i++) {
- events.push(this.createEventForSpan(trace.traceId, trace.spans[i]));
- }
- return {
- 'traceEvents': events
- };
- },
- createEventForSpan: function(traceId, span) {
- var newArgs = {};
- if (span.labels) {
- newArgs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(span.labels));
- }
- newArgs['Span ID'] = span.spanId;
- newArgs['Start Time'] = span.startTime;
- newArgs['End Time'] = span.endTime;
- if (span.parentSpanId) {
- newArgs['Parent Span ID'] = span.parentSpanId;
- }
- // The timestamps are ISO-standard strings, which are parsed to millis,
- // then converted to the micros that the trace viewer expects.
- return {
- name:,
- args: newArgs,
- pid: traceId,
- ts: Date.parse(span.startTime) * 1000,
- dur: (Date.parse(span.endTime) - Date.parse(span.startTime)) * 1000,
- cat: 'tracespan',
- tid: traceId,
- ph: 'X'
- };
- }
- };
- tr.importer.Importer.register(GcloudTraceImporter);
- return {
- GcloudTraceImporter: GcloudTraceImporter
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gcloud_trace/gcloud_trace_importer_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gcloud_trace/gcloud_trace_importer_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c229ffc31c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gcloud_trace/gcloud_trace_importer_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/gcloud_trace/gcloud_trace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var GcloudTraceImporter = tr.e.importer.gcloud_trace.GcloudTraceImporter;
- test('noSpans', function() {
- var trace = {projectId: 'My Project', traceId: '123', spans: []};
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.gcloud_trace.GcloudTraceImporter(model,
- JSON.stringify(trace));
- var subtraces = importer.extractSubtraces();
- assert.equal(1, subtraces.length);
- // Note there are, in fact, use cases for traces with no events (spans).
- assert.deepEqual([], subtraces[0].traceEvents);
- });
- test('typicalTrace', function() {
- var span1 = {
- 'spanId': '1',
- 'kind': 'RPC_CLIENT',
- 'name': '/first',
- 'startTime': '2015-09-03T16:40:00.841654024Z',
- 'endTime': '2015-09-03T16:40:00.856599389Z',
- 'labels': {
- 'key1': 'value1',
- 'key2': 'value2'
- }
- };
- var span2 = {
- 'spanId': '2',
- 'kind': 'RPC_SERVER',
- 'name': '/second',
- 'startTime': '2015-09-03T16:40:00.842880028Z',
- 'endTime': '2015-09-03T16:40:00.851729538Z',
- 'parentSpanId': '1',
- 'labels': {
- 'key1': 'value3',
- 'key2': 'value4'
- }
- };
- var trace = {projectId: 'My Project', traceId: '123',
- spans: [span1, span2]};
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.gcloud_trace.GcloudTraceImporter(model,
- JSON.stringify(trace));
- var subtraces = importer.extractSubtraces();
- assert.equal(1, subtraces.length);
- assert.equal(2, subtraces[0].traceEvents.length);
- var span1Event = subtraces[0].traceEvents[0];
- assert.equal('tracespan',;
- assert.equal('/first',;
- assert.equal(1441298400841000, span1Event.ts);
- assert.equal(15000, span1Event.dur);
- assert.equal('123',;
- assert.equal('123', span1Event.tid);
- assert.equal('2015-09-03T16:40:00.856599389Z', span1Event.args['End Time']);
- assert.equal('1', span1Event.args['Span ID']);
- assert.equal('value1', span1Event.args['key1']);
- assert.equal('value2', span1Event.args['key2']);
- assert.equal('2015-09-03T16:40:00.856599389Z', span1Event.args['End Time']);
- var span2Event = subtraces[0].traceEvents[1];
- assert.equal('tracespan',;
- assert.equal('/second',;
- assert.equal(1441298400842000, span2Event.ts);
- assert.equal(9000, span2Event.dur);
- assert.equal('123',;
- assert.equal('123', span2Event.tid);
- });
- test('canImport', function() {
- assert.isTrue(GcloudTraceImporter.canImport(
- JSON.stringify({projectId: 'My Project'})));
- assert.isTrue(GcloudTraceImporter.canImport(
- JSON.stringify({projectId: '56', traceId: '34'})));
- assert.isFalse(GcloudTraceImporter.canImport(
- JSON.stringify({wrongjson: '33'})));
- assert.isFalse(GcloudTraceImporter.canImport(''));
- assert.isFalse(GcloudTraceImporter.canImport([]));
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gzip_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gzip_importer.html
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index 8dfd2f199d2..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gzip_importer.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/jszip.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview GzipImporter inflates gzip compressed data and passes it along
- * to an actual importer.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer', function() {
- var GZIP_HEADER_ID1 = 0x1f;
- var GZIP_HEADER_ID2 = 0x8b;
- function GzipImporter(model, eventData) {
- // Normalize the data into an Uint8Array.
- if (typeof(eventData) === 'string' || eventData instanceof String) {
- eventData = JSZip.utils.transformTo('uint8array', eventData);
- } else if (eventData instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
- eventData = new Uint8Array(eventData);
- } else
- throw new Error('Unknown gzip data format');
- this.model_ = model;
- this.gzipData_ = eventData;
- }
- /**
- * @param {eventData} Possibly gzip compressed data as a string or an
- * ArrayBuffer.
- * @return {boolean} Whether obj looks like gzip compressed data.
- */
- GzipImporter.canImport = function(eventData) {
- var header;
- if (eventData instanceof ArrayBuffer)
- header = new Uint8Array(eventData.slice(0, GZIP_MEMBER_HEADER_ID_SIZE));
- else if (typeof(eventData) === 'string' || eventData instanceof String) {
- header = eventData.substring(0, GZIP_MEMBER_HEADER_ID_SIZE);
- // Convert the string to a byteArray for correct value comparison.
- header = JSZip.utils.transformTo('uint8array', header);
- } else
- return false;
- return header[0] == GZIP_HEADER_ID1 &&
- header[1] == GZIP_HEADER_ID2 &&
- };
- /**
- * Inflates (decompresses) the data stored in the given gzip bitstream.
- * @return {string} Inflated data.
- */
- GzipImporter.inflateGzipData_ = function(data) {
- var position = 0;
- function getByte() {
- if (position >= data.length)
- throw new Error('Unexpected end of gzip data');
- return data[position++];
- }
- function getWord() {
- var low = getByte();
- var high = getByte();
- return (high << 8) + low;
- }
- function skipBytes(amount) {
- position += amount;
- }
- function skipZeroTerminatedString() {
- while (getByte() != 0) {}
- }
- var id1 = getByte();
- var id2 = getByte();
- if (id1 !== GZIP_HEADER_ID1 || id2 !== GZIP_HEADER_ID2)
- throw new Error('Not gzip data');
- var compression_method = getByte();
- if (compression_method !== GZIP_DEFLATE_COMPRESSION)
- throw new Error('Unsupported compression method: ' + compression_method);
- var flags = getByte();
- var have_header_crc = flags & (1 << 1);
- var have_extra_fields = flags & (1 << 2);
- var have_file_name = flags & (1 << 3);
- var have_comment = flags & (1 << 4);
- // Skip modification time, extra flags and OS.
- skipBytes(4 + 1 + 1);
- // Skip remaining fields before compressed data.
- if (have_extra_fields) {
- var bytes_to_skip = getWord();
- skipBytes(bytes_to_skip);
- }
- if (have_file_name)
- skipZeroTerminatedString();
- if (have_comment)
- skipZeroTerminatedString();
- if (have_header_crc)
- getWord();
- // Inflate the data using jszip.
- var inflated_data =
- JSZip.compressions['DEFLATE'].uncompress(data.subarray(position));
- var string = GzipImporter.transformToString(inflated_data);
- if (inflated_data.length > 0 && string.length === 0) {
- throw new RangeError('Inflated gzip data too long to fit into a string' +
- ' (' + inflated_data.length + ').');
- }
- return string;
- };
- /**
- * Transforms an array-like object to a string.
- *
- * Note that the following two expressions yield identical results:
- *
- * GzipImporter.transformToString_(data)
- * JSZip.utils.transformTo('string', data)
- *
- * We use a custom static method because it is faster and, more importantly,
- * avoids OOMing on large traces. See
- *
- */
- GzipImporter.transformToString = function(data) {
- if (typeof TextDecoder === 'undefined') {
- // Fall back to jszip if TextDecoder is not available.
- return JSZip.utils.transformTo('string', data);
- }
- var type = JSZip.utils.getTypeOf(data);
- if (type === 'string')
- return data; // We already have a string.
- if (type === 'array') {
- // TextDecoder requires an ArrayBuffer or an ArrayBufferView.
- data = new Uint8Array(data);
- }
- var decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
- return decoder.decode(data);
- };
- GzipImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'GzipImporter';
- },
- /**
- * Called by the Model to check whether the importer just encapsulates
- * the actual trace data which needs to be imported by another importer.
- */
- isTraceDataContainer: function() {
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Called by the Model to extract subtraces from the event data. The
- * subtraces are passed on to other importers that can recognize them.
- */
- extractSubtraces: function() {
- var eventData = GzipImporter.inflateGzipData_(this.gzipData_);
- return eventData ? [eventData] : [];
- }
- };
- tr.importer.Importer.register(GzipImporter);
- return {
- GzipImporter: GzipImporter
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gzip_importer_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gzip_importer_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f226aae6813..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/gzip_importer_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base64.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/gzip_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Base64 = tr.b.Base64;
- var findSliceNamed = tr.c.TestUtils.findSliceNamed;
- var original_data =
- '[{"name":"a","args":{},"pid":52,"ts":520,"cat":"foo","tid":53,' +
- '"ph":"B"},{"name":"a","args":{},"pid":52,"ts":520,"cat":"foo",' +
- '"tid":53,"ph":"E"}]\n';
- var gzip_data_base64 =
- test('failImportEmpty', function() {
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.GzipImporter.canImport([]));
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.GzipImporter.canImport(''));
- });
- test('inflateString', function() {
- // Test inflating the data from a string.
- var gzip_data = Base64.atob(gzip_data_base64);
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.GzipImporter(null, gzip_data);
- assert.isTrue(tr.e.importer.GzipImporter.canImport(gzip_data));
- assert.equal(importer.extractSubtraces()[0], original_data);
- });
- test('inflateArrayBuffer', function() {
- // Test inflating the data from an ArrayBuffer.
- var gzip_data = Base64.atob(gzip_data_base64);
- var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(gzip_data.length);
- var view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
- for (var i = 0; i < gzip_data.length; i++)
- view[i] = gzip_data.charCodeAt(i);
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.GzipImporter(null, buffer);
- assert.isTrue(tr.e.importer.GzipImporter.canImport(buffer));
- assert.equal(importer.extractSubtraces()[0], original_data);
- });
- test('import', function() {
- var gzip_data = Base64.atob(gzip_data_base64);
- assert.isTrue(tr.e.importer.GzipImporter.canImport(gzip_data));
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents(gzip_data);
- var threads = model.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var slice = findSliceNamed(threads[0].sliceGroup, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- });
- test('transformToString', function() {
- function checkTransform(data, expectedString) {
- assert.strictEqual(tr.e.importer.GzipImporter.transformToString(data),
- expectedString);
- }
- function createArrayBuffer(values) {
- var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(values.length);
- var view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
- view.set(values);
- return buffer;
- }
- // If the browser supports TextDecoder, this will test our custom
- // implementation. Otherwise, the jszip fallback will be tested.
- checkTransform('abc012', 'abc012');
- checkTransform([100, 101, 102, 51, 52, 53], 'def345');
- checkTransform(createArrayBuffer([103, 104, 105, 54, 55, 56]), 'ghi678');
- checkTransform(new Uint8Array([106, 107, 108, 57, 58, 59]), 'jkl9:;');
- if (typeof TextDecoder === 'undefined') {
- // The browser doesn't support TextDecoder, so we have already checked
- // the jszip fallback.
- return;
- }
- // The browser supports TextDecoder, so we now check the jszip fallback.
- var oldTextDecoder = TextDecoder;
- TextDecoder = undefined;
- try {
- checkTransform('abc012', 'abc012');
- checkTransform([100, 101, 102, 51, 52, 53], 'def345');
- checkTransform(createArrayBuffer([103, 104, 105, 54, 55, 56]), 'ghi678');
- checkTransform(new Uint8Array([106, 107, 108, 57, 58, 59]), 'jkl9:;');
- } finally {
- TextDecoder = oldTextDecoder;
- }
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/jszip.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/jszip.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0840c06ff74..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/jszip.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
-// Vinn workaround for JSzip requiring window.
-if (tr.isVinn) {
- /**
- * Hack.
- */
- global.window = {};
-<script src="/jszip.min.js"></script>
-'use strict';
-// Vinn workaround for JSzip requiring window.
-if (tr.isVinn) {
- /**
- * Hack.
- */
- global.JSZip = global.window.JSZip;
- global.window = undefined;
-} else if (tr.isNode) {
- var jsZipAbsPath = HTMLImportsLoader.hrefToAbsolutePath(
- '/jszip.min.js');
- var jsZipModule = require(jsZipAbsPath);
- global.JSZip = jsZipModule;
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/android_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/android_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e9dda90f42..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/android_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter_series.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses trace_marker events that were inserted in the trace by
- * userland.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux trace mark events that were inserted in the trace by userland.
- * @constructor
- */
- function AndroidParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('tracing_mark_write:android',
- AndroidParser.prototype.traceMarkWriteAndroidEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('0:android',
- AndroidParser.prototype.traceMarkWriteAndroidEvent.bind(this));
- this.model_ = importer.model_;
- this.ppids_ = {};
- }
- function parseArgs(argsString) {
- var args = {};
- if (argsString) {
- var argsArray = argsString.split(';');
- for (var i = 0; i < argsArray.length; ++i) {
- var parts = argsArray[i].split('=');
- if (parts[0])
- args[parts.shift()] = parts.join('=');
- }
- }
- return args;
- }
- AndroidParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- openAsyncSlice: function(thread, category, name, cookie, ts, args) {
- var asyncSliceConstructor =
- tr.model.AsyncSlice.getConstructor(
- category, name);
- var slice = new asyncSliceConstructor(
- category, name,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(name), ts, args);
- var key = category + ':' + name + ':' + cookie;
- = cookie;
- slice.startThread = thread;
- if (!this.openAsyncSlices) {
- this.openAsyncSlices = { };
- }
- this.openAsyncSlices[key] = slice;
- },
- closeAsyncSlice: function(thread, category, name, cookie, ts, args) {
- if (!this.openAsyncSlices) {
- // No async slices have been started.
- return;
- }
- var key = category + ':' + name + ':' + cookie;
- var slice = this.openAsyncSlices[key];
- if (!slice) {
- // No async slices w/ this key have been started.
- return;
- }
- for (var arg in args) {
- if (slice.args[arg] !== undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Both the S and F events of ' + slice.title +
- ' provided values for argument ' + arg + '.' +
- ' The value of the F event will be used.'
- });
- }
- slice.args[arg] = args[arg];
- }
- slice.endThread = thread;
- slice.duration = ts - slice.start;
- slice.startThread.asyncSliceGroup.push(slice);
- slice.subSlices = [new tr.model.AsyncSlice(slice.category,
- slice.title, slice.colorId, slice.start, slice.args, slice.duration)];
- delete this.openAsyncSlices[key];
- },
- traceMarkWriteAndroidEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- var eventData = eventBase.details.split('|');
- switch (eventData[0]) {
- case 'B':
- var ppid = parseInt(eventData[1]);
- var title = eventData[2];
- var args = parseArgs(eventData[3]);
- var category = eventData[4];
- if (category === undefined)
- category = 'android';
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(ppid)
- .getOrCreateThread(pid);
- = eventBase.threadName;
- if (!thread.sliceGroup.isTimestampValidForBeginOrEnd(ts)) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Timestamps are moving backward.'
- });
- return false;
- }
- this.ppids_[pid] = ppid;
- thread.sliceGroup.beginSlice(category, title, ts, args);
- break;
- case 'E':
- var ppid = this.ppids_[pid];
- if (ppid === undefined) {
- // Silently ignore unmatched E events.
- break;
- }
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(ppid)
- .getOrCreateThread(pid);
- if (!thread.sliceGroup.openSliceCount) {
- // Silently ignore unmatched E events.
- break;
- }
- var slice = thread.sliceGroup.endSlice(ts);
- var args = parseArgs(eventData[3]);
- for (var arg in args) {
- if (slice.args[arg] !== undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Both the B and E events of ' + slice.title +
- ' provided values for argument ' + arg + '.' +
- ' The value of the E event will be used.'
- });
- }
- slice.args[arg] = args[arg];
- }
- break;
- case 'C':
- var ppid = parseInt(eventData[1]);
- var name = eventData[2];
- var value = parseInt(eventData[3]);
- var category = eventData[4];
- if (category === undefined)
- category = 'android';
- var ctr = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(ppid)
- .getOrCreateCounter(category, name);
- // Initialize the counter's series fields if needed.
- if (ctr.numSeries === 0) {
- ctr.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries(value,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- + '.' + 'value')));
- }
- ctr.series.forEach(function(series) {
- series.addCounterSample(ts, value);
- });
- break;
- case 'S':
- var ppid = parseInt(eventData[1]);
- var name = eventData[2];
- var cookie = parseInt(eventData[3]);
- var args = parseArgs(eventData[4]);
- var category = eventData[5];
- if (category === undefined)
- category = 'android';
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(ppid)
- .getOrCreateThread(pid);
- = eventBase.threadName;
- this.ppids_[pid] = ppid;
- this.openAsyncSlice(thread, category, name, cookie, ts, args);
- break;
- case 'F':
- // Note: An async slice may end on a different thread from the one
- // that started it so this thread may not have been seen yet.
- var ppid = parseInt(eventData[1]);
- var name = eventData[2];
- var cookie = parseInt(eventData[3]);
- var args = parseArgs(eventData[4]);
- var category = eventData[5];
- if (category === undefined)
- category = 'android';
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(ppid)
- .getOrCreateThread(pid);
- = eventBase.threadName;
- this.ppids_[pid] = ppid;
- this.closeAsyncSlice(thread, category, name, cookie, ts, args);
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(AndroidParser);
- return {
- AndroidParser: AndroidParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/android_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/android_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ddc5ba99823..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/android_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- function newModel(events) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- }
- test('androidUserlandImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598554: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|onMessageReceived', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598572: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|handleMessageInvalidate', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598590: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|latchBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598604: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598627: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|latchBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598651: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|updateTexImage', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598675: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|acquireBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598695: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|' + // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' 0',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598709: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598733: tracing_mark_write: C|4829|' + // @suppress longLineCheck
- '|0',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598746: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598844: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|releaseBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598862: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|' + // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' 2',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598876: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598892: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598925: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598955: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598988: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|latchBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599001: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599021: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|latchBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599036: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599068: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599087: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599104: tracing_mark_write: E'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(, 4829);
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 4831);
- assert.equal(, 'SurfaceFlinger');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 11);
- });
- test('androidUserlandImportWithSpacesInThreadName', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'Surface Flinger -4831 [001] ...1 80909.598590: tracing_mark_write: B|4829|latchBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'Surface Flinger -4831 [001] ...1 80909.598604: tracing_mark_write: E' // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(, 4829);
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 4831);
- assert.equal(, 'Surface Flinger ');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- });
- test('androidAsyncUserlandImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'ndroid.launcher-9649 ( 9649) [000] ...1 1990280.663276: ' +
- 'tracing_mark_write: S|9649|animator:childrenOutlineAlpha|' +
- '1113053968',
- 'ndroid.launcher-9649 ( 9649) [000] ...1 1990280.781445: ' +
- 'tracing_mark_write: F|9649|animator:childrenOutlineAlpha|' +
- '1113053968'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(, 9649);
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 9649);
- assert.equal(, 'ndroid.launcher');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 0);
- assert.equal(thread.asyncSliceGroup.length, 1);
- var slice = thread.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'animator:childrenOutlineAlpha');
- assert.closeTo(118.169, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- });
- test('androidUserlandLegacyKernelImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598554: 0: B|4829|onMessageReceived', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598572: 0: B|4829|handleMessageInvalidate', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598590: 0: B|4829|latchBuffer',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598604: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598627: 0: B|4829|latchBuffer',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598651: 0: B|4829|updateTexImage', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598675: 0: B|4829|acquireBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598695: 0: B|4829|' +
- ' 0',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598709: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598733: 0: C|4829|' +
- '|0',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598746: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598844: 0: B|4829|releaseBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598862: 0: B|4829|' +
- ' 2',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598876: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598892: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598925: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598955: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.598988: 0: B|4829|latchBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599001: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599021: 0: B|4829|latchBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599036: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599068: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599087: 0: E',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-4831 [001] ...1 80909.599104: 0: E'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(, 4829);
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 4831);
- assert.equal(, 'SurfaceFlinger');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 11);
- });
- test('androidUserlandChromiumImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'SandboxedProces-2894 [001] ...1 253.780659: tracing_mark_write: B|2867|DoWorkLoop|arg1=1|cat1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SandboxedProces-2894 [001] ...1 253.780671: tracing_mark_write: B|2867|DeferOrRunPendingTask|source=test=test;task=xyz|cat2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SandboxedProces-2894 [001] ...1 253.780671: tracing_mark_write: E|2867|DeferOrRunPendingTask||cat1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SandboxedProces-2894 [001] ...1 253.780686: tracing_mark_write: B|2867|MessageLoop::RunTask|source=ipc/|cat2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SandboxedProces-2894 [001] ...1 253.780700: tracing_mark_write: E|2867|MessageLoop::RunTask||cat1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SandboxedProces-2894 [001] ...1 253.780750: tracing_mark_write: C|2867|counter1|10|cat1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SandboxedProces-2894 [001] ...1 253.780859: tracing_mark_write: E|2867|DoWorkLoop|arg2=2|cat2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SandboxedProces-2894 [000] ...1 255.663276: tracing_mark_write: S|2867|async|1113053968|arg1=1;arg2=2|cat1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SandboxedProces-2894 [000] ...1 255.663276: tracing_mark_write: F|2867|async|1113053968|arg3=3|cat1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SandboxedProces-2894 [000] ...1 255.663276: tracing_mark_write: trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=128' // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(, 2867);
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 2894);
- assert.equal(, 'SandboxedProces');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 3);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['arg1'], '1');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['arg2'], '2');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['source'], 'test=test');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].category, 'cat2');
- assert.equal('DeferOrRunPendingTask',
- thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].title);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['task'], 'xyz');
- assert.equal('ipc/',
- thread.sliceGroup.slices[2].args['source']);
- assert.equal(thread.asyncSliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(thread.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].args['arg1'], '1');
- assert.equal(thread.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].args['arg2'], '2');
- assert.equal(thread.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].args['arg3'], '3');
- var counters = m.getAllCounters();
- assert.equal(counters.length, 1);
- assert.equal(counters[0].category, 'cat1');
- assert.equal(counters[0].name, 'counter1');
- assert.equal(counters[0].numSamples, 1);
- assert.equal(counters[0].getSeries(0).getSample(0).value, 10);
- assert.equal(Math.round((253.780659 - (255.663276 - 128)) * 1000),
- Math.round(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].start));
- });
- test('androidNeedReschedImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'RenderThread-3894 [001] ...1 253.780659: tracing_mark_write: B|3586|DrawFrame', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-3894 [001] ...1 253.780671: tracing_mark_write: B|3586|waitForTask', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-3894 [001] .N.1 253.780671: tracing_mark_write: E', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-3894 [001] ...1 253.780671: tracing_mark_write: B|3586|waitForTask', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-3894 [001] .n.1 253.780671: tracing_mark_write: E', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-3894 [001] ...1 253.780671: tracing_mark_write: B|3586|waitForTask', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-3894 [001] .p.1 253.780671: tracing_mark_write: E', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-3894 [001] ...1 253.780686: tracing_mark_write: E' // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings, 'hasImportWarnings');
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(, 3586);
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 3894);
- assert.equal(, 'RenderThread');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 4);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/binder_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/binder_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cebf557bdf..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/binder_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses Binder events
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- // Matches binder transactions:
- // transaction=%d dest_node=%d dest_proc=%d dest_thread=%d reply=%d flags=0x%x
- // code=0x%x
- var binderTransRE = new RegExp('transaction=(\\d+) dest_node=(\\d+) ' +
- 'dest_proc=(\\d+) dest_thread=(\\d+) ' +
- 'reply=(\\d+) flags=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) ' +
- 'code=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)');
- var binderTransReceivedRE = /transaction=(\d+)/;
- function isBinderThread(name) {
- return (name.indexOf('Binder') > -1);
- }
- // Taken from kernel source: include/uapi/linux/android/binder.h.
- var TF_ONE_WAY = 0x01;
- var TF_ROOT_OBJECT = 0x04;
- var TF_STATUS_CODE = 0x08;
- var TF_ACCEPT_FDS = 0x10;
- var NO_FLAGS = 0;
- function binderFlagsToHuman(num) {
- var flag = parseInt(num, 16);
- var str = '';
- if (flag & TF_ONE_WAY)
- str += 'this is a one-way call: async, no return; ';
- if (flag & TF_ROOT_OBJECT)
- str += 'contents are the components root object; ';
- if (flag & TF_STATUS_CODE)
- str += 'contents are a 32-bit status code; ';
- if (flag & TF_ACCEPT_FDS)
- str += 'allow replies with file descriptors; ';
- if (flag === NO_FLAGS)
- str += 'No Flags Set';
- return str;
- }
- function isReplyToOrigin(calling, called) {
- return (called.dest_proc === calling.calling_pid ||
- called.dest_thread === calling.calling_pid);
- }
- function binderCodeToHuman(code) {
- return 'Java Layer Dependent';
- }
- function doInternalSlice(trans, slice, ts) {
- if (slice.subSlices.length !== 0) {
- /* We want to make sure we keep moving the small slice to the end of
- the big slice or else the arrows will not point to the end.
- */
- slice.subSlices[0].start = ts;
- return slice.subSlices[0];
- }
- var kthread = trans.calling_kthread.thread;
- var internal_slice = kthread.sliceGroup.pushCompleteSlice('binder',
- slice.title,
- ts, .001, 0, 0,
- slice.args);
- internal_slice.title = slice.title;
- =;
- internal_slice.colorId = slice.colorId;
- slice.subSlices.push(internal_slice);
- return internal_slice;
- }
- function generateBinderArgsForSlice(trans, c_threadName) {
- return {
- 'Transaction Id': trans.transaction_key,
- 'Destination Node': trans.dest_node,
- 'Destination Process': trans.dest_proc,
- 'Destination Thread': trans.dest_thread,
- 'Destination Name': c_threadName,
- 'Reply transaction?': trans.is_reply_transaction,
- 'Flags': trans.flags + ' ' +
- binderFlagsToHuman(trans.flags),
- 'Code': trans.code + ' ' +
- binderCodeToHuman(trans.code),
- 'Calling PID': trans.calling_pid,
- 'Calling tgid':
- };
- }
- /** @constructor */
- function BinderTransaction(events, calling_pid, calling_ts, calling_kthread) {
- this.transaction_key = parseInt(events[1]);
- this.dest_node = parseInt(events[2]);
- this.dest_proc = parseInt(events[3]);
- this.dest_thread = parseInt(events[4]);
- this.is_reply_transaction = parseInt(events[5]) === 1 ? true : false;
- this.expect_reply = ((this.is_reply_transaction === false) &&
- (parseInt(events[6], 16) & TF_ONE_WAY) === 0);
- this.flags = events[6];
- this.code = events[7];
- this.calling_pid = calling_pid;
- this.calling_ts = calling_ts;
- this.calling_kthread = calling_kthread;
- }
- /** @constructor */
- function BinderParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('binder_locked',
- BinderParser.prototype.
- binderLocked.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('binder_unlock',
- BinderParser.prototype.
- binderUnlock.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('binder_lock',
- BinderParser.prototype.binderLock.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('binder_transaction',
- BinderParser.prototype.
- binderTransaction.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('binder_transaction_received',
- BinderParser.prototype.
- binderTransactionReceived.bind(this));
- this.model_ = importer.model;
- this.kthreadlookup = {};
- this.importer_ = importer;
- this.transWaitingRecv = {};
- this.syncTransWaitingCompletion = {};
- this.recursiveSyncTransWaitingCompletion_ByPID = {};
- this.receivedTransWaitingConversion = {};
- }
- BinderParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- binderLock: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- this.doNameMappings(pid, tgid, eventName.threadName);
- var kthread = this.importer_.
- getOrCreateBinderKernelThread(eventBase.threadName, tgid, pid);
- kthread.binderAttemptLockTS = ts;
- kthread.binderOpenTsA = ts;
- return true;
- },
- binderLocked: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var binder_thread = isBinderThread(eventBase.threadName);
- var tgid, name;
- var as_slice;
- var need_push = false;
- var kthread, rthread;
- tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- name = eventBase.threadName;
- kthread = this.importer_.
- getOrCreateBinderKernelThread(eventBase.threadName, tgid, pid);
- this.doNameMappings(pid, tgid, name);
- rthread = kthread.thread;
- kthread.binderLockAquiredTS = ts;
- if (kthread.binderAttemptLockTS === undefined)
- return false;
- var args = this.generateArgsForSlice(tgid, pid, name, kthread);
- rthread.sliceGroup.pushCompleteSlice('binder', 'binder lock waiting',
- kthread.binderAttemptLockTS,
- ts - kthread.binderAttemptLockTS,
- 0, 0, args);
- kthread.binderAttemptLockTS = undefined;
- return true;
- },
- binderUnlock: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- var kthread = this.importer_.
- getOrCreateBinderKernelThread(
- eventBase.threadName, tgid, pid);
- if (kthread.binderLockAquiredTS === undefined)
- return false;
- var args = this.generateArgsForSlice(tgid, pid, eventBase.threadName,
- kthread);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushCompleteSlice(
- 'binder',
- 'binder lock held',
- kthread.binderLockAquiredTS,
- ts - kthread.binderLockAquiredTS,
- 0, 0, args);
- kthread.binderLockAquiredTS = undefined;
- return true;
- },
- /** There are a few transaction status changes that signify
- * progress through a binder transaction:
- *
- * Case One: Sync transaction.
- * Thread A calls a blocking function on Thread B. We receive a
- * binder_transaction msg From thread A stating that it is going to Call
- * thread B. We create a slice and a binder object for this transaction and
- * add it to addTransactionWaitingForRecv(transaction key, binder object)
- * This notifies thread B and passes the slice, binder object and time
- * stamp.
- *
- * Case Two: Async transaction.
- * Thread A calls an async function on Thread B. Like above we receive a
- * binder_transaction message, but the flags differ from above. The
- * TF_ONEWAY flags are set so we know that when Thread B gets the
- * binder_transaction_received with the same transaciton key the total
- * transaction is complete.
- *
- * Case Three: 'Prior_receive'
- * Prior_receive occurs when the thread being called (think A calls B),
- * receives a binder_transaction_received message, but cannot correlate it
- * to any current outstanding recursive transactions. That means the
- * message it just received is the start of some communication, not some
- * ongoing communication.
- * Once the execution flow has been passed to thread B, from A:
- * Thread B enters binder_transaction_received() we see that Thread A
- * had notified us that it sent us a message by calling
- * getTransactionWaitingForRecv(transaction key);
- * What can happen now is either this was a simple Call reply,
- * or this is a call -> recursion -> reply. We call modelPriorReceive()
- * which sets up the slices accordingly.
- * If this is a call -> recursion -> reply
- * we will go to case 4 by calling addRecursiveSyncTransNeedingCompletion()
- * The function takes B's PID, the binder object from A and the current
- * binder object from B. This function adds outstanding non-complete
- * transactions to a stack on thread B.
- *
- * Case Four: 'recursive_trans'
- * This case follows Like above:
- * A sent binder_transaction
- * B got binder_transaction_received
- * B instead of replying to A can Call C or call 'into' A, ie recursion
- * Case four also deals with setting up a large slice to 'contain'
- * all the recursive transactions that happen until B finally replies to
- * A.
- *
- *
- * An example: A-> B-> C-> B-> A
- *
- * (1) A starts a synchronous transaction to B.
- * (2) A enters binderTransaction() event handler, hits the else statement
- * (3) A calls addTransactionWaitingForRecv(trans key, object) to notify
- * Thread B.
- * (4) B Enters binderTransactionReceived().
- * (5) B hits the second if after calling
- * getTransactionWaitingForRecv(trans key)
- * This function returns us the object set up in step (3).
- * (6) This is not an async transaction, B calls
- * setCurrentReceiveOnPID(B's PID, [ts for (4), object from (3)]).
- *
- * (7) B enters binderTransaction() event handler, first if triggers after
- * calling getPriorReceiveOnPID(B's PID) the tuple from (6) is returned.
- *
- * (8) Execution enters modelPriorReceive().
- * (8a) A slice is setup for this binder transaction in B's timeline.
- * (9) This is not a reply to thread A, B is going to call Thread C.
- * (10) else statement is hit.
- * (11) We set the tile from (8a) to be binder_reply this is the
- * 'containg slice' for the recursion
- * (12) We create a new slice 'binder_transaction' this slice is the
- * recursive slice that will have arrows to Thread C's slice.
- * (13) addRecursiveSyncTransNeedingCompletion(B's PID,
- * [obj from (3), obj from 7])
- * this sets up notification that B's pid has outstanding recursive
- * transactions that need to be completed.
- * (14) B notifies C that a transaction is waiting for it by calling
- * addTransactionWaitingForRecv like in step (3).
- * (15) C enters binderTransactionReceived() step 5 6 7 8 8a happen, but in
- * the context of Thread C.
- * (16) C is in modelPriorReceive(), it hits the first if statement,
- * this transaction _IS_ a reply, and it is a reply to B.
- * (17) C calls addSyncTransNeedingCompletion(trans key,
- * [object from(3), object from 15-5])
- * (18) B enters binderTransactionReceived() hits the first if after calling
- * getSyncTransNeedingCompletion(trans key from (17)) the tuple from
- * (17) gets returned.
- *
- * (19) B scales up the slice created in (12) and sets up flows from 15-8a
- * slice.
- * (20) B enters BinderTransaction() event handler and the second if is hit
- * after calling getRecursiveTransactionNeedingCompletion(B's pid).
- * (21) modelRecursiveTransactions() gets called, first if executes.
- * (22) slice durations are fixed up.
- * (23) B notifies A via
- * addSyncTransNeedingCompletion(trans key, binder obj from 8a).
- * (24) B deletes the outstanding asynctrans via
- ( removeRecursiveTransaction(B's pid).
- * (25) A enters binderTransactionReceived() event handler and finishes up
- * some flows, and slices.
- */
- binderTransaction: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = binderTransRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (event === undefined)
- return false;
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- this.doNameMappings(pid, tgid, eventBase.threadName);
- var kthread;
- kthread = this.importer_.
- getOrCreateBinderKernelThread(eventBase.threadName, tgid, pid);
- var trans = new BinderTransaction(event, pid, ts, kthread);
- var args = generateBinderArgsForSlice(trans, eventBase.threadName);
- /**
- * This thread previously ack'd the transaction with a
- * transaction_received. That means someone sent us a message we processed
- * it and are now sending a transaction.
- * The transaction could be a response, or it could be recursive.
- */
- var prior_receive = this.getPriorReceiveOnPID(pid);
- if (prior_receive !== false) {
- return this.modelPriorReceive(prior_receive, ts, pid, tgid, kthread,
- trans, args, event);
- }
- /**
- * This Thread has an already established recursive slice. We will now
- * either complete the entire transaction, OR do more recursive calls.
- */
- var recursive_trans = this.getRecursiveTransactionNeedingCompletion(pid);
- if (recursive_trans !== false)
- return this.modelRecursiveTransactions(recursive_trans, ts, pid,
- kthread, trans, args);
- /**
- * Start of a Transaction. This thread is the initiator of either a call
- * response, an async call -> ack, or a call -> recursion -> response.
- * Note, we put a fake duration into this slice and patch it up later.
- */
- var slice = kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushCompleteSlice('binder',
- '', ts, .03, 0, 0, args);
- slice.colorId = ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- ts.toString());
- trans.slice = slice;
- if (trans.expect_reply)
- slice.title = 'binder transaction';
- else
- slice.title = 'binder transaction async';
- this.addTransactionWaitingForRecv(trans.transaction_key, trans);
- return true;
- },
- binderTransactionReceived: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- var event = binderTransReceivedRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (event === undefined)
- return false;
- var transactionkey = parseInt(event[1]);
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- var kthread;
- kthread = this.importer_.
- getOrCreateBinderKernelThread(eventBase.threadName, tgid, pid);
- var syncComplete = this.getSyncTransNeedsCompletion(transactionkey);
- if (syncComplete !== false) {
- /* This recv is the completion of a synchronous transaction.
- * We need to scale the slice up to the current ts and finish
- * creating some flows.
- */
- var sync_trans = syncComplete[0];
- var sync_slice = sync_trans.slice;
- var response_trans = syncComplete[1];
- var response_slice = response_trans.slice;
- sync_slice.duration = ts - sync_slice.start;
- /** These calls are a little hack that places a very small slice at
- * the end of the sync slice and the response slice. This allows us
- * to hook flow events (arrows) from the start to the end of the
- * slices.
- */
- var sync_internal = doInternalSlice(sync_trans, sync_slice, ts);
- var response_ts = response_slice.start + response_slice.duration;
- var response_internal = doInternalSlice(response_trans,
- response_slice, response_ts);
- if (response_slice.outFlowEvents.length === 0 ||
- sync_slice.inFlowEvents.length === 0) {
- var flow = this.generateFlow(response_internal, sync_internal,
- response_trans, sync_trans);
- sync_slice.inFlowEvents.push(flow);
- response_slice.outFlowEvents.push(flow);
- this.model_.flowEvents.push(flow);
- }
- // Move flow arrows -- but not the first one.
- for (var i = 1; i < sync_slice.inFlowEvents.length; i++) {
- sync_slice.inFlowEvents[i].duration =
- ts - sync_slice.inFlowEvents[i].start;
- }
- return true;
- }
- var tr_for_recv = this.getTransactionWaitingForRecv(transactionkey);
- if (tr_for_recv !== false) {
- if (!tr_for_recv.expect_reply) {
- // This is an async call place an Async slice.
- var args = generateBinderArgsForSlice(tr_for_recv,
- eventBase.threadName);
- var slice = kthread.thread.sliceGroup.
- pushCompleteSlice('binder',
- 'binder Async recv',
- ts, .03, 0, 0,
- args);
- var fake_event = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
- var fake_trans = new BinderTransaction(fake_event, pid, ts, kthread);
- var flow = this.generateFlow(tr_for_recv.slice, slice,
- tr_for_recv, fake_trans);
- this.model_.flowEvents.push(flow);
- tr_for_recv.slice.title = 'binder transaction async';
- tr_for_recv.slice.duration = .03;
- return true;
- }
- // Setup prior receive.
- tr_for_recv.slice.title = 'binder transaction';
- this.setCurrentReceiveOnPID(pid, [ts, tr_for_recv]);
- return true;
- }
- /** This case is when we received an ack for a transaction we have
- * never seen before. This usually happens at the start of a trace.
- * We will get incomplete transactions that started before started
- * tracing. Just discard them.
- */
- return false;
- },
- // helper functions
- modelRecursiveTransactions: function(recursive_trans, ts, pid, kthread,
- trans, args) {
- var recursive_slice = recursive_trans[1].slice;
- var orig_slice = recursive_trans[0].slice;
- recursive_slice.duration = ts - recursive_slice.start;
- trans.slice = recursive_slice;
- if (trans.is_reply_transaction) {
- /* Case one:
- * This transaction is finally the reply of the recursion.
- */
- orig_slice.duration = ts - orig_slice.start;
- this.addSyncTransNeedingCompletion(trans.transaction_key,
- recursive_trans);
- if (isReplyToOrigin(recursive_trans[0], trans))
- this.removeRecursiveTransaction(pid);
- } else {
- /**
- * Case two:
- * This transaction is more recursive calls.
- * This is a nested call within an already started transaction,
- * it can either be a async or a normal sync transaction.
- */
- var slice = kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushCompleteSlice('binder',
- '' , ts, .03, 0,
- 0, args);
- trans.slice = slice;
- this.addTransactionWaitingForRecv(trans.transaction_key, trans);
- }
- return true;
- },
- modelPriorReceive: function(prior_receive, ts, pid, tgid, kthread, trans,
- args, event) {
- var callee_slice = prior_receive[1].slice;
- var callee_trans = prior_receive[1];
- var recv_ts = prior_receive[0];
- var slice = kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushCompleteSlice('binder',
- '', recv_ts, ts - recv_ts, 0, 0, args);
- var flow = this.generateFlow(callee_slice, slice, callee_trans, trans);
- this.model_.flowEvents.push(flow);
- trans.slice = slice;
- if (trans.is_reply_transaction) {
- /* This is a response to a synchronous or a recursive sync
- * transaction.
- */
- slice.title = 'binder reply';
- /* Notify this transaction key that when it recv's it is completing
- * a sync transaction.
- */
- this.addSyncTransNeedingCompletion(trans.transaction_key,
- [callee_trans, trans]);
- } else {
- /**
- * Recursive calls and or calls around, either way it's not
- * going to complete a transaction.
- */
- slice.title = 'binder reply';
- /* Since this is a recursive transaction we want to create the main
- * large slice which will contain all these recursive transactions.
- * For that we created the main slice above and this is a recursive
- * transaction that will be placed right below it. Note, that this
- * is only for the first recursive transaction. If more come they will
- * be handled below in the getRecursiveTransactionNeedingCompletion
- */
- var trans1 = new BinderTransaction(event, pid, ts, kthread);
- slice = kthread.thread.sliceGroup.
- pushCompleteSlice('binder',
- 'binder transaction',
- recv_ts,
- (ts - recv_ts), 0,
- 0, args);
- /* could be a async trans if so set the length to be a small one */
- if (!trans.expect_reply) {
- slice.title = 'binder transaction async';
- slice.duration = .03;
- } else {
- /* stupid hack to stop merging of AIDL slices and
- * this slice. This is currently disabled, if AIDL tracing is on we
- * will see merging of this slice and the AIDL slice. Once upstream
- * has a solution for flow events to be placed in the middle of
- * slices this part can be fixed.
- *
- * This is commented out because AIDL tracing doesn't exit yet.
- */
- //slice.start += .15;
- }
- trans1.slice = slice;
- this.addRecursiveSyncTransNeedingCompletion(pid,
- [callee_trans, trans]);
- this.addTransactionWaitingForRecv(trans.transaction_key, trans1);
- }
- return true;
- },
- getRecursiveTransactionNeedingCompletion: function(pid) {
- if (this.recursiveSyncTransWaitingCompletion_ByPID[pid] === undefined)
- return false;
- var len = this.recursiveSyncTransWaitingCompletion_ByPID[pid].length;
- if (len === 0)
- return false;
- return this.recursiveSyncTransWaitingCompletion_ByPID[pid][len - 1];
- },
- addRecursiveSyncTransNeedingCompletion: function(pid, tuple) {
- if (this.recursiveSyncTransWaitingCompletion_ByPID[pid] === undefined)
- this.recursiveSyncTransWaitingCompletion_ByPID[pid] = [];
- this.recursiveSyncTransWaitingCompletion_ByPID[pid].push(tuple);
- },
- removeRecursiveTransaction: function(pid) {
- var len = this.recursiveSyncTransWaitingCompletion_ByPID[pid].length;
- if (len === 0) {
- delete this.recursiveSyncTransWaitingCompletion_ByPID[pid];
- return;
- }
- this.recursiveSyncTransWaitingCompletion_ByPID[pid].splice(len - 1, 1);
- },
- setCurrentReceiveOnPID: function(pid, tuple) {
- if (this.receivedTransWaitingConversion[pid] === undefined) {
- this.receivedTransWaitingConversion[pid] = [];
- }
- this.receivedTransWaitingConversion[pid].push(tuple);
- },
- getPriorReceiveOnPID: function(pid) {
- if (this.receivedTransWaitingConversion[pid] === undefined)
- return false;
- var len = this.receivedTransWaitingConversion[pid].length;
- if (len === 0)
- return false;
- return this.receivedTransWaitingConversion[pid].splice(len - 1, 1)[0];
- },
- addSyncTransNeedingCompletion: function(transactionkey, tuple) {
- var dict = this.syncTransWaitingCompletion;
- dict[transactionkey] = tuple;
- },
- getSyncTransNeedsCompletion: function(transactionkey) {
- var ret = this.syncTransWaitingCompletion[transactionkey];
- if (ret === undefined)
- return false;
- delete this.syncTransWaitingCompletion[transactionkey];
- return ret;
- },
- getTransactionWaitingForRecv: function(transactionkey) {
- var ret = this.transWaitingRecv[transactionkey];
- if (ret === undefined)
- return false;
- delete this.transWaitingRecv[transactionkey];
- return ret;
- },
- addTransactionWaitingForRecv: function(transactionkey, transaction) {
- this.transWaitingRecv[transactionkey] = transaction;
- },
- generateFlow: function(from, to, from_trans, to_trans) {
- var title = 'Transaction from : ' +
- this.pid2name(from_trans.calling_pid) +
- ' From PID: ' + from_trans.calling_pid + ' to pid: ' +
- to_trans.calling_pid +
- ' Thread Name: ' + this.pid2name(to_trans.calling_pid);
- var ts = from.start;
- var flow = new tr.model.FlowEvent('binder', 'binder',
- title, 1, ts, []);
- flow.startSlice = from;
- flow.endSlice = to;
- flow.start = from.start;
- flow.duration = to.start - ts;
- from.outFlowEvents.push(flow);
- to.inFlowEvents.push(flow);
- return flow;
- },
- generateArgsForSlice: function(tgid, pid, name, kthread) {
- return {
- 'Thread Name': name,
- 'pid': pid,
- 'gid': tgid
- };
- },
- pid2name: function(pid) {
- return this.kthreadlookup[pid];
- },
- doNameMappings: function(pid, tgid, name) {
- this.registerPidName(pid, name);
- this.registerPidName(tgid, name);
- },
- registerPidName: function(pid, name) {
- if (this.pid2name(pid) === undefined)
- this.kthreadlookup[pid] = name;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(BinderParser);
- return {
- BinderParser: BinderParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/binder_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/binder_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 513279adbea..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/binder_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('binderParserImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'binderLibTest-10619 (10619) [001] ...1 25191.335749: binder_transaction' +
- ': transaction=489053 dest_node=489048 dest_proc=10670 dest_thread=0 ' +
- 'reply=0 flags=0x10 code=0xd',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.335996:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489053',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.336167:' +
- ' binder_transaction: transaction=489056 dest_node=161277 ' +
- 'dest_proc=3454 dest_thread=0 reply=0 flags=0x10 code=0x2',
- '/system/bin/servicemanager-3454 ( 3454) [000] ...1 25191.336199:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489056',
- '/system/bin/servicemanager-3454 ( 3454) [000] ...1 25191.336302:' +
- ' binder_transaction: transaction=489057 dest_node=0 dest_proc=10670' +
- ' dest_thread=10670 reply=1 flags=0x0 code=0x0',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.336334:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489057',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.336655:' +
- ' binder_transaction: transaction=489059 dest_node=488755' +
- ' dest_proc=10622 dest_thread=0 reply=0 flags=0x10 code=0x1',
- 'Binder_4-10645 (10622) [001] ...1 25191.336693:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489059',
- 'Binder_4-10645 (10622) [001] ...1 25191.336754: binder_transaction:' +
- ' transaction=489060 dest_node=0 dest_proc=10670 dest_thread=10670' +
- ' reply=1 flags=0x0 code=0x0',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.337003:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489060',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.337052:' +
- ' binder_transaction: transaction=489061 dest_node=0 dest_proc=10619' +
- ' dest_thread=10619 reply=1 flags=0x8 code=0x0',
- 'binderLibTest-10619 (10619) [001] ...1 25191.337085:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489061',
- 'atrace-10618 (10618) [000] ...1 25196.059954: tracing_mark_write:' +
- ' trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=25196.050781'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shfitWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 4);
- });
- test('binderRecursiveTest', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'binderLibTest-10619 (10619) [001] ...1 25191.335749: binder_transaction' +
- ': transaction=489053 dest_node=489048 dest_proc=10670 dest_thread=0 ' +
- 'reply=0 flags=0x10 code=0xd',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.335996:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489053',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.336167:' +
- ' binder_transaction: transaction=489056 dest_node=161277 ' +
- 'dest_proc=3454 dest_thread=0 reply=0 flags=0x10 code=0x2',
- '/system/bin/servicemanager-3454 ( 3454) [000] ...1 25191.336199:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489056',
- '/system/bin/servicemanager-3454 ( 3454) [000] ...1 25191.336302:' +
- ' binder_transaction: transaction=489057 dest_node=0 dest_proc=10670' +
- ' dest_thread=10670 reply=1 flags=0x0 code=0x0',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.336334:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489057',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.336655:' +
- ' binder_transaction: transaction=489059 dest_node=488755' +
- ' dest_proc=10622 dest_thread=0 reply=0 flags=0x10 code=0x1',
- 'Binder_4-10645 (10622) [001] ...1 25191.336693:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489059',
- 'Binder_4-10645 (10622) [001] ...1 25191.336754: binder_transaction:' +
- ' transaction=489060 dest_node=0 dest_proc=10670 dest_thread=10670' +
- ' reply=1 flags=0x0 code=0x0',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.337003:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489060',
- 'binderLibTest-10670 (10670) [000] ...1 25191.337052:' +
- ' binder_transaction: transaction=489061 dest_node=0 dest_proc=10619' +
- ' dest_thread=10619 reply=1 flags=0x8 code=0x0',
- 'binderLibTest-10619 (10619) [001] ...1 25191.337085:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=489061',
- 'atrace-10618 (10618) [000] ...1 25196.059954: tracing_mark_write:' +
- ' trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=25196.050781'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shfitWorldToZero: false
- });
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(, 3454);
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 3454);
- assert.equal(, '/system/bin/servicemanager');
- /* one main slice and one 'internal slice' for the end flow event' */
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 2);
- /* check flow events for service manager */
- var main_slice = thread.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(main_slice.inFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(main_slice.outFlowEvents.length, 1);
- var internal_slice = thread.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(internal_slice.outFlowEvents.length, 1);
- /* check name of slice */
- assert.equal(main_slice.title, 'binder reply');
- /* check binderLibTest */
- thread = threads[1];
- assert.equal(, 10619);
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 10619);
- assert.equal(, 'binderLibTest');
- assert.equal(2, thread.sliceGroup.length);
- main_slice = thread.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(main_slice.inFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(main_slice.outFlowEvents.length, 1);
- internal_slice = thread.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(internal_slice.inFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(main_slice.title, 'binder transaction');
- /* check Binder_4 */
- thread = threads[2];
- assert.equal(, 10622);
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 10645);
- assert.equal(, 'Binder_4');
- assert.equal(2, thread.sliceGroup.length);
- main_slice = thread.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(main_slice.inFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(main_slice.outFlowEvents.length, 1);
- internal_slice = thread.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(internal_slice.outFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(main_slice.title, 'binder reply');
- /* check last binderLibTest with recursive slices */
- thread = threads[3];
- assert.equal(, 10670);
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 10670);
- assert.equal(, 'binderLibTest');
- assert.equal(6, thread.sliceGroup.length);
- main_slice = thread.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(main_slice.inFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(main_slice.outFlowEvents.length, 1);
- internal_slice = thread.sliceGroup.slices[5];
- assert.equal(internal_slice.outFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(main_slice.title, 'binder reply');
- var recursive = thread.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- var recursive_internal = thread.sliceGroup.slices[2];
- assert.equal(recursive.inFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(recursive.outFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(recursive_internal.inFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(recursive.title, 'binder transaction');
- /* check second recursive slice and internal */
- var recursive = thread.sliceGroup.slices[3];
- var recursive_internal = thread.sliceGroup.slices[4];
- assert.equal(recursive.inFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(recursive.outFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(recursive_internal.inFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(recursive.title, 'binder transaction');
- });
- test('binderSimpleAsync', function() {
- var lines = [
- '/system/bin/surfaceflinger-3462 ( 3462) [000] ...1 108286.109437:' +
- ' binder_transaction: transaction=923419 dest_node=175950' +
- ' dest_proc=4044 dest_thread=0 reply=0 flags=0x11 code=0x1',
- 'Binder_5-12869 ( 4044) [000] ...1 108286.109835:' +
- ' binder_transaction_received: transaction=923419'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shfitWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads(0);
- assert.equal(threads.length, 2);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 3462);
- assert.equal(, '/system/bin/surfaceflinger');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- var slice = thread.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.outFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(slice.inFlowEvents.length, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'binder transaction async');
- thread = threads[1];
- assert.equal(thread.tid, 12869);
- assert.equal(, 'Binder_5');
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- slice = thread.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.inFlowEvents.length, 1);
- assert.equal(slice.outFlowEvents.length, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'binder Async recv');
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/bus_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/bus_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d80730405..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/bus_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter_series.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses trace_marker events that were inserted in the trace by
- * userland.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux trace mark events that were inserted in the trace by userland.
- * @constructor
- */
- function BusParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('memory_bus_usage',
- BusParser.prototype.traceMarkWriteBusEvent.bind(this));
- this.model_ = importer.model_;
- this.ppids_ = {};
- }
- BusParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- traceMarkWriteBusEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase, threadName) {
- var re = new RegExp('bus=(\\S+) rw_bytes=(\\d+) r_bytes=(\\d+) ' +
- 'w_bytes=(\\d+) cycles=(\\d+) ns=(\\d+)');
- var event = re.exec(eventBase.details);
- var name = event[1];
- var rw_bytes = parseInt(event[2]);
- var r_bytes = parseInt(event[3]);
- var w_bytes = parseInt(event[4]);
- var cycles = parseInt(event[5]);
- var ns = parseInt(event[6]);
- // BW in MB/s
- var r_bw = r_bytes * 1000000000 / ns;
- r_bw /= 1024 * 1024;
- var w_bw = w_bytes * 1000000000 / ns;
- w_bw /= 1024 * 1024;
- var ctr = this.model_.kernel
- .getOrCreateCounter(null, 'bus ' + name + ' read');
- if (ctr.numSeries === 0) {
- ctr.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('value',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- + '.' + 'value')));
- }
- ctr.series.forEach(function(series) {
- series.addCounterSample(ts, r_bw);
- });
- ctr = this.model_.kernel
- .getOrCreateCounter(null, 'bus ' + name + ' write');
- if (ctr.numSeries === 0) {
- ctr.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('value',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- + '.' + 'value')));
- }
- ctr.series.forEach(function(series) {
- series.addCounterSample(ts, r_bw);
- });
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(BusParser);
- return {
- BusParser: BusParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/bus_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/bus_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6222067d64c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/bus_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('exynos5Bus', function() {
- var lines = [
- 's3c-fb-vsync-85 [001] d..2 8116.730115: memory_bus_usage: ' +
- 'bus=RIGHT rw_bytes=0 r_bytes=0 w_bytes=0 cycles=2681746 ns=16760792',
- 's3c-fb-vsync-85 [001] d..2 8116.730118: memory_bus_usage: ' +
- 'bus=CPU rw_bytes=2756608 r_bytes=2267328 w_bytes=491328 ' +
- 'cycles=6705198 ns=16763375',
- 's3c-fb-vsync-85 [001] d..2 8116.746788: memory_bus_usage: ' +
- 'bus=DDR_C rw_bytes=2736128 r_bytes=2260864 w_bytes=479248 ' +
- 'cycles=6670677 ns=16676375',
- 's3c-fb-vsync-85 [001] d..2 8116.746790: memory_bus_usage: ' +
- 'bus=DDR_R1 rw_bytes=31457280 r_bytes=31460912 w_bytes=0 ' +
- 'cycles=6670521 ns=16676500',
- 's3c-fb-vsync-85 [001] d..2 8116.746792: memory_bus_usage: ' +
- 'bus=DDR_L rw_bytes=16953344 r_bytes=16731088 w_bytes=223664 ' +
- 'cycles=6669885 ns=16674833',
- 's3c-fb-vsync-85 [001] d..2 8116.746793: memory_bus_usage: ' +
- 'bus=RIGHT rw_bytes=0 r_bytes=0 w_bytes=0 cycles=2667378 ns=16671250',
- 's3c-fb-vsync-85 [001] d..2 8116.746798: memory_bus_usage: ' +
- 'bus=CPU rw_bytes=2797568 r_bytes=2309424 w_bytes=491968 ' +
- 'cycles=6672156 ns=16680458',
- 's3c-fb-vsync-85 [001] d..2 8116.763521: memory_bus_usage: ' +
- 'bus=DDR_C rw_bytes=2408448 r_bytes=1968448 w_bytes=441456 ' +
- 'cycles=6689562 ns=16723458',
- 's3c-fb-vsync-85 [001] d..2 8116.763523: memory_bus_usage: ' +
- 'bus=DDR_R1 rw_bytes=31490048 r_bytes=31493360 w_bytes=0 ' +
- 'cycles=6690012 ns=16725083',
- 's3c-fb-vsync-85 [001] d..2 8116.763525: memory_bus_usage: ' +
- 'bus=DDR_L rw_bytes=16941056 r_bytes=16719136 w_bytes=223472 ' +
- 'cycles=6690156 ns=16725375'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var counters = m.getAllCounters();
- assert.equal(counters.length, 10);
- assert.equal(counters[0].series[0].samples.length, 2);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/clock_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/clock_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 41c12d7f0c3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/clock_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter_series.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses trace_marker events that were inserted in the trace by
- * userland.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux trace mark events that were inserted in the trace by userland.
- * @constructor
- */
- function ClockParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('clock_set_rate',
- ClockParser.prototype.traceMarkWriteClockEvent.bind(this));
- this.model_ = importer.model_;
- this.ppids_ = {};
- }
- ClockParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- traceMarkWriteClockEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase, threadName) {
- var event = /(\S+) state=(\d+) cpu_id=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- var name = event[1];
- var rate = parseInt(event[2]);
- var ctr = this.model_.kernel
- .getOrCreateCounter(null, name);
- // Initialize the counter's series fields if needed.
- if (ctr.numSeries === 0) {
- ctr.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('value',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- + '.' + 'value')));
- }
- ctr.series.forEach(function(series) {
- series.addCounterSample(ts, rate);
- });
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(ClockParser);
- return {
- ClockParser: ClockParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/clock_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/clock_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a348fe07cbc..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/clock_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('clock', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'cfinteractive-23 [000] d..2 8113.233768: clock_set_rate: ' +
- 'fout_apll state=500000000 cpu_id=0',
- 'cfinteractive-23 [000] d..2 8113.249509: clock_set_rate: ' +
- 'fout_apll state=300000000 cpu_id=0',
- 'cfinteractive-23 [000] d..2 8113.289796: clock_set_rate: ' +
- 'fout_apll state=400000000 cpu_id=0',
- 'cfinteractive-23 [000] d..2 8113.294568: clock_set_rate: ' +
- 'fout_apll state=500000000 cpu_id=0',
- 'cfinteractive-23 [000] d..2 8113.309509: clock_set_rate: ' +
- 'fout_apll state=800000000 cpu_id=0',
- 'cfinteractive-23 [000] d..2 8113.388732: clock_set_rate: ' +
- 'fout_apll state=200000000 cpu_id=0',
- 'cfinteractive-23 [000] d..2 8113.410182: clock_set_rate: ' +
- 'fout_apll state=300000000 cpu_id=0',
- 'cfinteractive-23 [000] d..2 8113.414872: clock_set_rate: ' +
- 'fout_apll state=600000000 cpu_id=0',
- 'cfinteractive-23 [000] d..2 8113.494455: clock_set_rate: ' +
- 'fout_apll state=200000000 cpu_id=0',
- 'cfinteractive-23 [000] d..2 8113.515254: clock_set_rate: ' +
- 'fout_apll state=500000000 cpu_id=0'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var counters = m.getAllCounters();
- assert.equal(counters.length, 1);
- assert.equal(counters[0].series[0].samples.length, 10);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/cpufreq_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/cpufreq_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cd7f357c8e5..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/cpufreq_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses cpufreq events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux cpufreq trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function CpufreqParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpufreq_interactive_up',
- CpufreqParser.prototype.cpufreqUpDownEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpufreq_interactive_down',
- CpufreqParser.prototype.cpufreqUpDownEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpufreq_interactive_already',
- CpufreqParser.prototype.cpufreqTargetEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpufreq_interactive_notyet',
- CpufreqParser.prototype.cpufreqTargetEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpufreq_interactive_setspeed',
- CpufreqParser.prototype.cpufreqTargetEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpufreq_interactive_target',
- CpufreqParser.prototype.cpufreqTargetEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpufreq_interactive_boost',
- CpufreqParser.prototype.cpufreqBoostUnboostEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpufreq_interactive_unboost',
- CpufreqParser.prototype.cpufreqBoostUnboostEvent.bind(this));
- }
- function splitData(input) {
- // TODO(sleffler) split by cpu
- var data = {};
- var args = input.split(/\s+/);
- var len = args.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- var item = args[i].split('=');
- data[item[0]] = parseInt(item[1]);
- }
- return data;
- }
- CpufreqParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- cpufreqSlice: function(ts, eventName, cpu, args) {
- // TODO(sleffler) should be per-cpu
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('cpufreq');
- kthread.openSlice = eventName;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('', kthread.openSlice,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(kthread.openSlice),
- ts, args, 0);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- },
- cpufreqBoostSlice: function(ts, eventName, args) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('cpufreq_boost');
- kthread.openSlice = eventName;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('', kthread.openSlice,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(kthread.openSlice),
- ts, args, 0);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- },
- /**
- * Parses cpufreq events and sets up state in the importer.
- */
- cpufreqUpDownEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var data = splitData(eventBase.details);
- this.cpufreqSlice(ts, eventName, data.cpu, data);
- return true;
- },
- cpufreqTargetEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- var data = splitData(eventBase.details);
- this.cpufreqSlice(ts, eventName, data.cpu, data);
- return true;
- },
- cpufreqBoostUnboostEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- this.cpufreqBoostSlice(ts, eventName,
- {
- type: eventBase.details
- });
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(CpufreqParser);
- return {
- CpufreqParser: CpufreqParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/cpufreq_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/cpufreq_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 114b8aa4c1a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/cpufreq_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- function newModel(events) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- }
- test('cpuFreqTargetImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- '<idle>-0 [000] ..s3 1043.718825: cpufreq_interactive_target: ' +
- 'cpu=0 load=2 cur=2000000 targ=300000\n',
- '<idle>-0 [000] ..s3 1043.718825: cpufreq_interactive_target: ' +
- 'cpu=0 load=12 cur=1000000 actual=1000000 targ=200000\n'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['cpu'], 0);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['load'], 2);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['cur'], 2000000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['targ'], 300000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['cpu'], 0);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['load'], 12);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['cur'], 1000000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['actual'], 1000000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['targ'], 200000);
- });
- test('cpuFreqNotYetImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- '<idle>-0 [001] ..s3 1043.718832: cpufreq_interactive_notyet: ' +
- 'cpu=1 load=10 cur=700000 targ=200000\n',
- '<idle>-0 [001] ..s3 1043.718832: cpufreq_interactive_notyet: ' +
- 'cpu=1 load=10 cur=700000 actual=1000000 targ=200000\n'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['cpu'], 1);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['load'], 10);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['cur'], 700000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['targ'], 200000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['cpu'], 1);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['load'], 10);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['cur'], 700000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['actual'], 1000000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[1].args['targ'], 200000);
- });
- test('cpuFreqSetSpeedImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'cfinteractive-23 [001] ...1 1043.719688: ' +
- 'cpufreq_interactive_setspeed: cpu=0 targ=200000 actual=700000\n'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['cpu'], 0);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['targ'], 200000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['actual'], 700000);
- });
- test('cpuFreqAlreadyImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- '<idle>-0 [000] ..s3 1043.738822: cpufreq_interactive_already: cpu=0 load=18 cur=200000 actual=700000 targ=200000\n' // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['cpu'], 0);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['load'], 18);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['cur'], 200000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['actual'], 700000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['targ'], 200000);
- });
- test('cpuFreqBoostImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'InputDispatcher-465 [001] ...1 1044.213948: ' +
- 'cpufreq_interactive_boost: pulse\n'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['type'], 'pulse');
- });
- test('cpuFreqUnBoostImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'InputDispatcher-465 [001] ...1 1044.213948: ' +
- 'cpufreq_interactive_unboost: pulse\n'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['type'], 'pulse');
- });
- test('cpuFreqUpImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'kinteractive-69 [003] .... 414324.164432: ' +
- 'cpufreq_interactive_up: cpu=1 targ=1400000 actual=800000'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['cpu'], 1);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['targ'], 1400000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['actual'], 800000);
- });
- test('cpuFreqDownImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'kinteractive-69 [003] .... 414365.834193: ' +
- 'cpufreq_interactive_down: cpu=3 targ=800000 actual=1000000'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['cpu'], 3);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['targ'], 800000);
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[0].args['actual'], 1000000);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/disk_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/disk_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bbbeae733f3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/disk_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses filesystem and block device events in the Linux event
- * trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux filesystem and block device trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function DiskParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('f2fs_write_begin',
- DiskParser.prototype.f2fsWriteBeginEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('f2fs_write_end',
- DiskParser.prototype.f2fsWriteEndEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('f2fs_sync_file_enter',
- DiskParser.prototype.f2fsSyncFileEnterEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('f2fs_sync_file_exit',
- DiskParser.prototype.f2fsSyncFileExitEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('ext4_sync_file_enter',
- DiskParser.prototype.ext4SyncFileEnterEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('ext4_sync_file_exit',
- DiskParser.prototype.ext4SyncFileExitEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('ext4_da_write_begin',
- DiskParser.prototype.ext4WriteBeginEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('ext4_da_write_end',
- DiskParser.prototype.ext4WriteEndEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('block_rq_issue',
- DiskParser.prototype.blockRqIssueEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('block_rq_complete',
- DiskParser.prototype.blockRqCompleteEvent.bind(this));
- }
- DiskParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- openAsyncSlice: function(ts, category, threadName, pid, key, name) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreateKernelThread(
- category + ':' + threadName, pid);
- var asyncSliceConstructor =
- tr.model.AsyncSlice.getConstructor(
- category, name);
- var slice = new asyncSliceConstructor(
- category, name,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(name),
- ts);
- slice.startThread = kthread.thread;
- if (!kthread.openAsyncSlices) {
- kthread.openAsyncSlices = { };
- }
- kthread.openAsyncSlices[key] = slice;
- },
- closeAsyncSlice: function(ts, category, threadName, pid, key, args) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreateKernelThread(
- category + ':' + threadName, pid);
- if (kthread.openAsyncSlices) {
- var slice = kthread.openAsyncSlices[key];
- if (slice) {
- slice.duration = ts - slice.start;
- slice.args = args;
- slice.endThread = kthread.thread;
- slice.subSlices = [
- new tr.model.AsyncSlice(category, slice.title,
- slice.colorId, slice.start, slice.args, slice.duration)
- ];
- kthread.thread.asyncSliceGroup.push(slice);
- delete kthread.openAsyncSlices[key];
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Parses events and sets up state in the importer.
- */
- f2fsWriteBeginEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /dev = \((\d+,\d+)\), ino = (\d+), pos = (\d+), len = (\d+), flags = (\d+)/. // @suppress longLineCheck
- exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var device = event[1];
- var inode = parseInt(event[2]);
- var pos = parseInt(event[3]);
- var len = parseInt(event[4]);
- var key = device + '-' + inode + '-' + pos + '-' + len;
- this.openAsyncSlice(ts, 'f2fs', eventBase.threadName,,
- key, 'f2fs_write');
- return true;
- },
- f2fsWriteEndEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /dev = \((\d+,\d+)\), ino = (\d+), pos = (\d+), len = (\d+), copied = (\d+)/. // @suppress longLineCheck
- exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var device = event[1];
- var inode = parseInt(event[2]);
- var pos = parseInt(event[3]);
- var len = parseInt(event[4]);
- var error = parseInt(event[5]) !== len;
- var key = device + '-' + inode + '-' + pos + '-' + len;
- this.closeAsyncSlice(ts, 'f2fs', eventBase.threadName,,
- key, {
- device: device,
- inode: inode,
- error: error
- });
- return true;
- },
- ext4WriteBeginEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /dev (\d+,\d+) ino (\d+) pos (\d+) len (\d+) flags (\d+)/.
- exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var device = event[1];
- var inode = parseInt(event[2]);
- var pos = parseInt(event[3]);
- var len = parseInt(event[4]);
- var key = device + '-' + inode + '-' + pos + '-' + len;
- this.openAsyncSlice(ts, 'ext4', eventBase.threadName,,
- key, 'ext4_write');
- return true;
- },
- ext4WriteEndEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /dev (\d+,\d+) ino (\d+) pos (\d+) len (\d+) copied (\d+)/.
- exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var device = event[1];
- var inode = parseInt(event[2]);
- var pos = parseInt(event[3]);
- var len = parseInt(event[4]);
- var error = parseInt(event[5]) !== len;
- var key = device + '-' + inode + '-' + pos + '-' + len;
- this.closeAsyncSlice(ts, 'ext4', eventBase.threadName,,
- key, {
- device: device,
- inode: inode,
- error: error
- });
- return true;
- },
- f2fsSyncFileEnterEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = new RegExp(
- 'dev = \\((\\d+,\\d+)\\), ino = (\\d+), pino = (\\d+), i_mode = (\\S+), ' + // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'i_size = (\\d+), i_nlink = (\\d+), i_blocks = (\\d+), i_advise = (\\d+)'). // @suppress longLineCheck
- exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var device = event[1];
- var inode = parseInt(event[2]);
- var key = device + '-' + inode;
- this.openAsyncSlice(ts, 'f2fs', eventBase.threadName,,
- key, 'fsync');
- return true;
- },
- f2fsSyncFileExitEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = new RegExp('dev = \\((\\d+,\\d+)\\), ino = (\\d+), checkpoint is (\\S+), ' + // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'datasync = (\\d+), ret = (\\d+)').
- exec(eventBase.details.replace('not needed', 'not_needed'));
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var device = event[1];
- var inode = parseInt(event[2]);
- var error = parseInt(event[5]);
- var key = device + '-' + inode;
- this.closeAsyncSlice(ts, 'f2fs', eventBase.threadName,,
- key, {
- device: device,
- inode: inode,
- error: error
- });
- return true;
- },
- ext4SyncFileEnterEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /dev (\d+,\d+) ino (\d+) parent (\d+) datasync (\d+)/.
- exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var device = event[1];
- var inode = parseInt(event[2]);
- var datasync = event[4] == 1;
- var key = device + '-' + inode;
- var action = datasync ? 'fdatasync' : 'fsync';
- this.openAsyncSlice(ts, 'ext4', eventBase.threadName,,
- key, action);
- return true;
- },
- ext4SyncFileExitEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /dev (\d+,\d+) ino (\d+) ret (\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var device = event[1];
- var inode = parseInt(event[2]);
- var error = parseInt(event[3]);
- var key = device + '-' + inode;
- this.closeAsyncSlice(ts, 'ext4', eventBase.threadName,,
- key, {
- device: device,
- inode: inode,
- error: error
- });
- return true;
- },
- blockRqIssueEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = new RegExp('(\\d+,\\d+) (F)?([DWRN])(F)?(A)?(S)?(M)? ' +
- '\\d+ \\(.*\\) (\\d+) \\+ (\\d+) \\[.*\\]').exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var action;
- switch (event[3]) {
- case 'D':
- action = 'discard';
- break;
- case 'W':
- action = 'write';
- break;
- case 'R':
- action = 'read';
- break;
- case 'N':
- action = 'none';
- break;
- default:
- action = 'unknown';
- break;
- }
- if (event[2]) {
- action += ' flush';
- }
- if (event[4] == 'F') {
- action += ' fua';
- }
- if (event[5] == 'A') {
- action += ' ahead';
- }
- if (event[6] == 'S') {
- action += ' sync';
- }
- if (event[7] == 'M') {
- action += ' meta';
- }
- var device = event[1];
- var sector = parseInt(event[8]);
- var numSectors = parseInt(event[9]);
- var key = device + '-' + sector + '-' + numSectors;
- this.openAsyncSlice(ts, 'block', eventBase.threadName,,
- key, action);
- return true;
- },
- blockRqCompleteEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = new RegExp('(\\d+,\\d+) (F)?([DWRN])(F)?(A)?(S)?(M)? ' +
- '\\(.*\\) (\\d+) \\+ (\\d+) \\[(.*)\\]').exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var device = event[1];
- var sector = parseInt(event[8]);
- var numSectors = parseInt(event[9]);
- var error = parseInt(event[10]);
- var key = device + '-' + sector + '-' + numSectors;
- this.closeAsyncSlice(ts, 'block', eventBase.threadName,,
- key, {
- device: device,
- sector: sector,
- numSectors: numSectors,
- error: error
- });
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(DiskParser);
- return {
- DiskParser: DiskParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/disk_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/disk_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c2e9a14deab..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/disk_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('diskImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- // NB: spliced from different traces; mismatched timestamps don't matter
- 'AsyncTask #2-18830 [000] ...1 154578.668286: ext4_sync_file_enter: ' +
- 'dev 259,1 ino 81993 parent 81906 datasync 1',
- 'Binder_A-3179 [001] ...1 1354.510088: f2fs_sync_file_enter: ' +
- 'dev = (259,14), ino = 4882, pino = 313, i_mode = 0x81b0, i_size = ' +
- '25136, i_nlink = 1, i_blocks = 8, i_advise = 0x0',
- 'Binder_A-3179 [001] ...1 1354.514013: f2fs_sync_file_exit: ' +
- 'dev = (259,14), ino = 4882, checkpoint is not needed, datasync = 1, ret = 0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'mmcqd/0-81 [000] d..2 154578.668390: block_rq_issue: ' +
- '179,0 WS 0 () 3427120 + 16 [mmcqd/0]',
- 'mmcqd/0-81 [000] d..2 154578.669181: block_rq_complete: ' +
- '179,0 WS () 3427120 + 16 [0]',
- 'mmcqd/0-81 [001] d..2 154578.670853: block_rq_issue: ' +
- '179,0 FWS 0 () 18446744073709551615 + 0 [mmcqd/0]',
- 'mmcqd/0-81 [001] d..2 154578.670869: block_rq_complete: ' +
- '179,0 FWS () 18446744073709551615 + 0 [0]',
- 'AsyncTask #2-18830 [001] ...1 154578.670901: ext4_sync_file_exit: ' +
- 'dev 259,1 ino 81993 ret 0',
- 'mmcqd/0-81 [001] d..2 154578.877038: block_rq_issue: ' +
- '179,0 R 0 () 3255256 + 8 [mmcqd/0]',
- 'mmcqd/0-81 [001] d..2 154578.877110: block_rq_issue: ' +
- '179,0 R 0 () 3255288 + 8 [mmcqd/0]',
- 'mmcqd/0-81 [000] d..2 154578.877345: block_rq_complete: ' +
- '179,0 R () 3255256 + 8 [0]',
- 'mmcqd/0-81 [000] d..2 154578.877466: block_rq_complete: ' +
- '179,0 R () 3255288 + 8 [0]',
- 'ContactsProvide-1184 [000] ...1 66.613719: f2fs_write_begin: ' +
- 'dev = (253,2), ino = 3342, pos = 0, len = 75, flags = 0',
- 'ContactsProvide-1184 [000] ...1 66.613733: f2fs_write_end: ' +
- 'dev = (253,2), ino = 3342, pos = 0, len = 75, copied = 75'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var blockThread = undefined;
- var ext4Thread = undefined;
- var f2fsSyncThread = undefined;
- var f2fsWriteThread = undefined;
- m.getAllThreads().forEach(function(t) {
- switch ( {
- case 'block:mmcqd/0':
- blockThread = t;
- break;
- case 'ext4:AsyncTask #2':
- ext4Thread = t;
- break;
- case 'f2fs:Binder_A':
- f2fsSyncThread = t;
- break;
- case 'f2fs:ContactsProvide':
- f2fsWriteThread = t;
- break;
- default:
- throw new unittest.TestError('Unexpected thread named ' +;
- }
- });
- assert.isDefined(blockThread);
- assert.isDefined(ext4Thread);
- assert.isDefined(f2fsSyncThread);
- assert.isDefined(f2fsWriteThread);
- assert.equal(blockThread.asyncSliceGroup.length, 4);
- var slice = blockThread.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'block');
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'write sync');
- assert.equal(slice.args.device, '179,0');
- assert.equal(slice.args.error, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.args.numSectors, 16);
- assert.equal(slice.args.sector, 3427120);
- assert.equal(ext4Thread.asyncSliceGroup.length, 1);
- slice = ext4Thread.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'ext4');
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'fdatasync');
- assert.equal(slice.args.device, '259,1');
- assert.equal(slice.args.error, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.args.inode, 81993);
- assert.equal(f2fsSyncThread.asyncSliceGroup.length, 1);
- slice = f2fsSyncThread.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'f2fs');
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'fsync');
- assert.equal(slice.args.device, '259,14');
- assert.equal(slice.args.error, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.args.inode, 4882);
- assert.equal(f2fsWriteThread.asyncSliceGroup.length, 1);
- slice = f2fsWriteThread.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'f2fs');
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'f2fs_write');
- assert.equal(slice.args.device, '253,2');
- assert.equal(slice.args.inode, 3342);
- assert.equal(slice.args.error, false);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/drm_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/drm_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 78dd9515f25..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/drm_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses drm driver events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux drm trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function DrmParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('drm_vblank_event',
- DrmParser.prototype.vblankEvent.bind(this));
- }
- DrmParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- drmVblankSlice: function(ts, eventName, args) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('drm_vblank');
- kthread.openSlice = eventName;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('', kthread.openSlice,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(kthread.openSlice),
- ts, args, 0);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- },
- /**
- * Parses drm driver events and sets up state in the importer.
- */
- vblankEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /crtc=(\d+), seq=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var crtc = parseInt(event[1]);
- var seq = parseInt(event[2]);
- this.drmVblankSlice(ts, 'vblank:' + crtc,
- {
- crtc: crtc,
- seq: seq
- });
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(DrmParser);
- return {
- DrmParser: DrmParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/drm_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/drm_parser_test.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/drm_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('drmImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' chrome-2465 [000] 71.653157: drm_vblank_event: crtc=0, seq=4233',
- ' <idle>-0 [000] 71.669851: drm_vblank_event: crtc=0, seq=4234'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var vblankThread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(, 'drm_vblank');
- assert.equal(vblankThread.sliceGroup.length, 2);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/exynos_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/exynos_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e573b8d25a1..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/exynos_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses exynos events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux exynos trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function ExynosParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('exynos_busfreq_target_int',
- ExynosParser.prototype.busfreqTargetIntEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('exynos_busfreq_target_mif',
- ExynosParser.prototype.busfreqTargetMifEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('exynos_page_flip_state',
- ExynosParser.prototype.pageFlipStateEvent.bind(this));
- }
- ExynosParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- exynosBusfreqSample: function(name, ts, frequency) {
- var targetCpu = this.importer.getOrCreateCpu(0);
- var counter = targetCpu.getOrCreateCounter('', name);
- if (counter.numSeries === 0) {
- counter.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('frequency',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- + '.' + 'frequency')));
- }
- counter.series.forEach(function(series) {
- series.addCounterSample(ts, frequency);
- });
- },
- /**
- * Parses exynos_busfreq_target_int events and sets up state.
- */
- busfreqTargetIntEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /frequency=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- this.exynosBusfreqSample('INT Frequency', ts, parseInt(event[1]));
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Parses exynos_busfreq_target_mif events and sets up state.
- */
- busfreqTargetMifEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /frequency=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- this.exynosBusfreqSample('MIF Frequency', ts, parseInt(event[1]));
- return true;
- },
- exynosPageFlipStateOpenSlice: function(ts, pipe, fb, state) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread(
- 'exynos_flip_state (pipe:' + pipe + ', fb:' + fb + ')');
- kthread.openSliceTS = ts;
- kthread.openSlice = state;
- },
- exynosPageFlipStateCloseSlice: function(ts, pipe, fb, args) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread(
- 'exynos_flip_state (pipe:' + pipe + ', fb:' + fb + ')');
- if (kthread.openSlice) {
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('', kthread.openSlice,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(kthread.openSlice),
- kthread.openSliceTS,
- args,
- ts - kthread.openSliceTS);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- }
- kthread.openSlice = undefined;
- },
- /**
- * Parses page_flip_state events and sets up state in the importer.
- */
- pageFlipStateEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /pipe=(\d+), fb=(\d+), state=(.*)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var pipe = parseInt(event[1]);
- var fb = parseInt(event[2]);
- var state = event[3];
- this.exynosPageFlipStateCloseSlice(ts, pipe, fb,
- {
- pipe: pipe,
- fb: fb
- });
- if (state !== 'flipped')
- this.exynosPageFlipStateOpenSlice(ts, pipe, fb, state);
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(ExynosParser);
- return {
- ExynosParser: ExynosParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/exynos_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/exynos_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c27e7c65a93..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/exynos_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- function newModel(events) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- }
- test('exynosBusfreqImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' kworker/1:0-4177 [001] .... 2803.129806: ' +
- 'exynos_busfreq_target_int: frequency=200000',
- ' kworker/1:0-4177 [001] .... 2803.229207: ' +
- 'exynos_busfreq_target_int: frequency=267000',
- ' kworker/1:0-4177 [001] .... 2803.329031: ' +
- 'exynos_busfreq_target_int: frequency=160000',
- ' kworker/1:0-4177 [001] .... 2805.729039: ' +
- 'exynos_busfreq_target_mif: frequency=200000'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var c0 = m.kernel.cpus[0];
- assert.equal(c0.slices.length, 0);
- assert.equal(c0.counters['.INT Frequency'].series[0].samples.length, 3);
- assert.equal(c0.counters['.MIF Frequency'].series[0].samples.length, 1);
- });
- test('exynosPageFlipSlowRequestImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' <idle>-0 [000] d.h. 1000.000000: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=26, state=wait_kds',
- ' Chrome_IOThread-21603 [000] d.h. 1000.000001: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=26, state=wait_apply',
- ' kworker/0:1-25931 [000] .... 1000.000002: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=26, state=wait_flip',
- ' kworker/0:1-25931 [000] .... 1000.000003: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=26, state=flipped',
- ' <idle>-0 [000] d.h. 1000.000004: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=25, state=wait_kds',
- ' Chrome_IOThread-21603 [000] d.h. 1000.000005: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=25, state=wait_apply',
- ' kworker/0:1-25931 [000] .... 1000.000006: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=25, state=wait_flip',
- ' kworker/0:1-25931 [000] .... 1000.000007: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=25, state=flipped'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- // there are 2 threads:
- // (1) "exynos_flip_state (pipe:0, fb:25)"
- // (2) "exynos_flip_state (pipe:0, fb:26)"
- assert.equal(threads.length, 2);
- // in the test data, event of fb=26 occurs first, so it's thread[0]
- var gfxFbId26Thread = threads[0]; // thread where fb == 26
- var gfxFbId25Thread = threads[1]; // thread where fb == 25
- assert.equal(, 'exynos_flip_state (pipe:0, fb:25)');
- assert.equal(, 'exynos_flip_state (pipe:0, fb:26)');
- // Every state (except for 'flipped') will start a new slice.
- // The last event will not be closed, so it's not a slice
- assert.equal(gfxFbId25Thread.sliceGroup.length, 3);
- assert.equal(gfxFbId26Thread.sliceGroup.length, 3);
- });
- test('exynosPageFlipFastRequestImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' <idle>-0 [000] d.h. 1000.000000: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=26, state=wait_kds',
- ' Chrome_IOThread-21603 [000] d.h. 1000.000001: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=25, state=wait_kds',
- ' X-21385 [000] .... 1000.000002: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=26, state=wait_apply',
- ' kworker/0:1-25931 [000] .... 1000.000003: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=26, state=wait_flip',
- ' X-21385 [001] .... 1000.000004: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=25, state=wait_apply',
- ' kworker/0:1-25931 [000] .... 1000.000005: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=26, state=flipped',
- ' <idle>-0 [000] d.h. 1000.000006: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=26, state=wait_kds',
- ' X-21385 [000] .... 1000.000007: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=25, state=wait_flip',
- ' kworker/0:1-25931 [000] .... 1000.000008: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=25, state=flipped',
- ' kworker/0:1-25931 [000] .... 1000.000009: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=25, state=wait_kds',
- ' Chrome_IOThread-21603 [000] d.h. 1000.000010: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=25, state=wait_apply',
- ' <idle>-0 [000] d.h. 1000.000011: ' +
- 'exynos_page_flip_state: pipe=0, fb=26, state=wait_apply'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- // there are 2 threads:
- // (1) "exynos_flip_state (pipe:0, fb:25)"
- // (2) "exynos_flip_state (pipe:0, fb:26)"
- assert.equal(threads.length, 2);
- // in the test data, event of fb=26 occurs first, so it's thread[0]
- var gfxFbId26Thread = threads[0]; // thread where fb == 26
- var gfxFbId25Thread = threads[1]; // thread where fb == 25
- assert.equal(, 'exynos_flip_state (pipe:0, fb:25)');
- assert.equal(, 'exynos_flip_state (pipe:0, fb:26)');
- // Every state (except for 'flipped') will start a new slice.
- // The last event will not be closed, so it's not a slice
- assert.equal(gfxFbId25Thread.sliceGroup.length, 4);
- assert.equal(gfxFbId26Thread.sliceGroup.length, 4);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 477223b1640..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,920 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/color_scheme.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/android_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/binder_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/bus_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/clock_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/cpufreq_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/disk_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/drm_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/exynos_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/gesture_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/i915_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/irq_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/kfunc_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/mali_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/memreclaim_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/power_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/regulator_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sched_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sync_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/workqueue_parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/simple_line_reader.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/clock_sync_manager.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
- * @fileoverview Imports text files in the Linux event trace format into the
- * Model. This format is output both by sched_trace and by Linux's perf tool.
- *
- * This importer assumes the events arrive as a string. The unit tests provide
- * examples of the trace format.
- *
- * Linux scheduler traces use a definition for 'pid' that is different than
- * tracing uses. Whereas tracing uses pid to identify a specific process, a pid
- * in a linux trace refers to a specific thread within a process. Within this
- * file, we the definition used in Linux traces, as it improves the importing
- * code's readability.
- */
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- 'linux_clock_monotonic_to_ftrace_global';
- /**
- * Imports linux perf events into a specified model.
- * @constructor
- */
- function FTraceImporter(model, events) {
- this.importPriority = 2;
- this.model_ = model;
- this.events_ = events;
- this.wakeups_ = [];
- this.blocked_reasons_ = [];
- this.kernelThreadStates_ = {};
- this.buildMapFromLinuxPidsToThreads_();
- this.lines_ = [];
- this.pseudoThreadCounter = 1;
- this.parsers_ = [];
- this.eventHandlers_ = {};
- this.haveClockSyncedMonotonicToGlobal_ = false;
- }
- var TestExports = {};
- // Matches the trace record in 3.2 and later with the print-tgid option:
- // <idle>-0 0 [001] d... 1.23: sched_switch
- //
- // A TGID (Thread Group ID) is basically what the Linux kernel calls what
- // userland refers to as a process ID (as opposed to a Linux pid, which is
- // what userland calls a thread ID).
- var lineREWithTGID = new RegExp(
- '^\\s*(.+)-(\\d+)\\s+\\(\\s*(\\d+|-+)\\)\\s\\[(\\d+)\\]' +
- '\\s+[dX.][Nnp.][Hhs.][0-9a-f.]' +
- '\\s+(\\d+\\.\\d+):\\s+(\\S+):\\s(.*)$');
- var lineParserWithTGID = function(line) {
- var groups = lineREWithTGID.exec(line);
- if (!groups) {
- return groups;
- }
- var tgid = groups[3];
- if (tgid[0] === '-')
- tgid = undefined;
- return {
- threadName: groups[1],
- pid: groups[2],
- tgid: tgid,
- cpuNumber: groups[4],
- timestamp: groups[5],
- eventName: groups[6],
- details: groups[7]
- };
- };
- TestExports.lineParserWithTGID = lineParserWithTGID;
- // Matches the default trace record in 3.2 and later (includes irq-info):
- // <idle>-0 [001] d... 1.23: sched_switch
- var lineREWithIRQInfo = new RegExp(
- '^\\s*(.+)-(\\d+)\\s+\\[(\\d+)\\]' +
- '\\s+[dX.][Nnp.][Hhs.][0-9a-f.]' +
- '\\s+(\\d+\\.\\d+):\\s+(\\S+):\\s(.*)$');
- var lineParserWithIRQInfo = function(line) {
- var groups = lineREWithIRQInfo.exec(line);
- if (!groups) {
- return groups;
- }
- return {
- threadName: groups[1],
- pid: groups[2],
- cpuNumber: groups[3],
- timestamp: groups[4],
- eventName: groups[5],
- details: groups[6]
- };
- };
- TestExports.lineParserWithIRQInfo = lineParserWithIRQInfo;
- // Matches the default trace record pre-3.2:
- // <idle>-0 [001] 1.23: sched_switch
- var lineREWithLegacyFmt =
- /^\s*(.+)-(\d+)\s+\[(\d+)\]\s*(\d+\.\d+):\s+(\S+):\s(.*)$/;
- var lineParserWithLegacyFmt = function(line) {
- var groups = lineREWithLegacyFmt.exec(line);
- if (!groups) {
- return groups;
- }
- return {
- threadName: groups[1],
- pid: groups[2],
- cpuNumber: groups[3],
- timestamp: groups[4],
- eventName: groups[5],
- details: groups[6]
- };
- };
- TestExports.lineParserWithLegacyFmt = lineParserWithLegacyFmt;
- // Matches the trace_event_clock_sync marker:
- // 0: trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=19581477508
- var traceEventClockSyncRE = /trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=(\d+\.?\d*)/;
- TestExports.traceEventClockSyncRE = traceEventClockSyncRE;
- var realTimeClockSyncRE = /trace_event_clock_sync: realtime_ts=(\d+)/;
- var genericClockSyncRE = /trace_event_clock_sync: name=(\w+)/;
- // Some kernel trace events are manually classified in slices and
- // hand-assigned a pseudo PID.
- var pseudoKernelPID = 0;
- /**
- * Deduce the format of trace data. Linux kernels prior to 3.3 used one
- * format (by default); 3.4 and later used another. Additionally, newer
- * kernels can optionally trace the TGID.
- *
- * @return {function} the function for parsing data when the format is
- * recognized; otherwise undefined.
- */
- function autoDetectLineParser(line) {
- if (line[0] == '{')
- return false;
- if (lineREWithTGID.test(line))
- return lineParserWithTGID;
- if (lineREWithIRQInfo.test(line))
- return lineParserWithIRQInfo;
- if (lineREWithLegacyFmt.test(line))
- return lineParserWithLegacyFmt;
- return undefined;
- };
- TestExports.autoDetectLineParser = autoDetectLineParser;
- /**
- * Guesses whether the provided events is a Linux perf string.
- * Looks for the magic string "# tracer" at the start of the file,
- * or the typical task-pid-cpu-timestamp-function sequence of a typical
- * trace's body.
- *
- * @return {boolean} True when events is a linux perf array.
- */
- FTraceImporter.canImport = function(events) {
- if (!(typeof(events) === 'string' || events instanceof String))
- return false;
- if (FTraceImporter._extractEventsFromSystraceHTML(events, false).ok)
- return true;
- if (FTraceImporter._extractEventsFromSystraceMultiHTML(events, false).ok)
- return true;
- if (/^# tracer:/.test(events))
- return true;
- var lineBreakIndex = events.indexOf('\n');
- if (lineBreakIndex > -1)
- events = events.substring(0, lineBreakIndex);
- if (autoDetectLineParser(events))
- return true;
- return false;
- };
- FTraceImporter._extractEventsFromSystraceHTML = function(
- incoming_events, produce_result) {
- var failure = {ok: false};
- if (produce_result === undefined)
- produce_result = true;
- if (/^<!DOCTYPE html>/.test(incoming_events) == false)
- return failure;
- var r = new tr.importer.SimpleLineReader(incoming_events);
- // Try to find the data...
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(/^ <script>$/))
- return failure;
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(/^ var linuxPerfData = "\\$/))
- return failure;
- var events_begin_at_line = r.curLineNumber + 1;
- r.beginSavingLines();
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(/^ <\/script>$/))
- return failure;
- var raw_events = r.endSavingLinesAndGetResult();
- // Drop off first and last event as it contains the tag.
- raw_events = raw_events.slice(1, raw_events.length - 1);
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(/^<\/body>$/))
- return failure;
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(/^<\/html>$/))
- return failure;
- function endsWith(str, suffix) {
- return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
- }
- function stripSuffix(str, suffix) {
- if (!endsWith(str, suffix))
- return str;
- return str.substring(str, str.length - suffix.length);
- }
- // Strip off escaping in the file needed to preserve linebreaks.
- var events = [];
- if (produce_result) {
- for (var i = 0; i < raw_events.length; i++) {
- var event = raw_events[i];
- event = stripSuffix(event, '\\n\\');
- events.push(event);
- }
- } else {
- events = [raw_events[raw_events.length - 1]];
- }
- // Last event ends differently. Strip that off too,
- // treating absence of that trailing string as a failure.
- var oldLastEvent = events[events.length - 1];
- var newLastEvent = stripSuffix(oldLastEvent, '\\n";');
- if (newLastEvent == oldLastEvent)
- return failure;
- events[events.length - 1] = newLastEvent;
- return {ok: true,
- lines: produce_result ? events : undefined,
- events_begin_at_line: events_begin_at_line};
- };
- FTraceImporter._extractEventsFromSystraceMultiHTML = function(
- incoming_events, produce_result) {
- var failure = {ok: false};
- if (produce_result === undefined)
- produce_result = true;
- if (new RegExp('^<!DOCTYPE HTML>', 'i').test(incoming_events) == false)
- return failure;
- var r = new tr.importer.SimpleLineReader(incoming_events);
- // Try to find the Linux perf trace in any of the trace-data tags
- var events = [];
- while (!/^# tracer:/.test(events)) {
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(
- /^ <script class="trace-data" type="application\/text">$/))
- return failure;
- var events_begin_at_line = r.curLineNumber + 1;
- r.beginSavingLines();
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(/^ <\/script>$/))
- return failure;
- events = r.endSavingLinesAndGetResult();
- // Drop off first and last event as it contains the tag.
- events = events.slice(1, events.length - 1);
- }
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(/^<\/body>$/))
- return failure;
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(/^<\/html>$/))
- return failure;
- return {ok: true,
- lines: produce_result ? events : undefined,
- events_begin_at_line: events_begin_at_line};
- };
- FTraceImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'FTraceImporter';
- },
- get model() {
- return this.model_;
- },
- /**
- * Imports clock sync markers into model_.
- */
- importClockSyncMarkers: function() {
- this.lazyInit_();
- this.forEachLine_(function(text, eventBase, cpuNumber, pid, ts) {
- var eventName = eventBase.eventName;
- if (eventName !== 'tracing_mark_write' && eventName !== '0')
- return;
- if (traceEventClockSyncRE.exec(eventBase.details) ||
- genericClockSyncRE.exec(eventBase.details)) {
- this.traceClockSyncEvent_(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase);
- } else if (realTimeClockSyncRE.exec(eventBase.details)) {
- // TODO(charliea): Migrate this sync to ClockSyncManager.
- // This entry syncs CLOCK_REALTIME with CLOCK_MONOTONIC. Store the
- // offset between the two in the model so that importers parsing files
- // with CLOCK_REALTIME timestamps can map back to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
- var match = realTimeClockSyncRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- this.model_.realtime_to_monotonic_offset_ms = ts - match[1];
- }
- }.bind(this));
- },
- /**
- * Imports the data in this.events_ into model_.
- */
- importEvents: function() {
- var modelTimeTransformer =
- this.model_.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- tr.model.ClockDomainId.LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL);
- this.importCpuData_(modelTimeTransformer);
- this.buildMapFromLinuxPidsToThreads_();
- this.buildPerThreadCpuSlicesFromCpuState_();
- },
- /**
- * Registers a linux perf event parser used by importCpuData_.
- */
- registerEventHandler: function(eventName, handler) {
- // TODO(sleffler) how to handle conflicts?
- this.eventHandlers_[eventName] = handler;
- },
- /**
- * @return {Cpu} A Cpu corresponding to the given cpuNumber.
- */
- getOrCreateCpu: function(cpuNumber) {
- return this.model_.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(cpuNumber);
- },
- /**
- * @return {TimelineThread} A thread corresponding to the kernelThreadName.
- */
- getOrCreateKernelThread: function(kernelThreadName, pid, tid) {
- if (!this.kernelThreadStates_[kernelThreadName]) {
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(pid).getOrCreateThread(tid);
- = kernelThreadName;
- this.kernelThreadStates_[kernelThreadName] = {
- pid: pid,
- thread: thread,
- openSlice: undefined,
- openSliceTS: undefined
- };
- this.threadsByLinuxPid[pid] = thread;
- }
- return this.kernelThreadStates_[kernelThreadName];
- },
- /**
- * Processes can have multiple binder threads.
- * Binder thread names are not unique across processes we therefore need to
- * keep more information in order to return the correct threads.
- */
- getOrCreateBinderKernelThread: function(kernelThreadName, pid, tid) {
- var key = kernelThreadName + pid + tid;
- if (!this.kernelThreadStates_[key]) {
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(pid).getOrCreateThread(tid);
- = kernelThreadName;
- this.kernelThreadStates_[key] = {
- pid: pid,
- thread: thread,
- openSlice: undefined,
- openSliceTS: undefined
- };
- this.threadsByLinuxPid[pid] = thread;
- }
- return this.kernelThreadStates_[key];
- },
- /**
- * @return {TimelineThread} A pseudo thread corresponding to the
- * threadName. Pseudo threads are for events that we want to break
- * out to a separate timeline but would not otherwise happen.
- * These threads are assigned to pseudoKernelPID and given a
- * unique (incrementing) TID.
- */
- getOrCreatePseudoThread: function(threadName) {
- var thread = this.kernelThreadStates_[threadName];
- if (!thread) {
- thread = this.getOrCreateKernelThread(threadName, pseudoKernelPID,
- this.pseudoThreadCounter);
- this.pseudoThreadCounter++;
- }
- return thread;
- },
- /**
- * Records the fact that a pid has become runnable. This data will
- * eventually get used to derive each thread's timeSlices array.
- */
- markPidRunnable: function(ts, pid, comm, prio, fromPid) {
- // The the pids that get passed in to this function are Linux kernel
- // pids, which identify threads. The rest of trace-viewer refers to
- // these as tids, so the change of nomenclature happens in the following
- // construction of the wakeup object.
- this.wakeups_.push({ts: ts, tid: pid, fromTid: fromPid});
- },
- /**
- * Records the reason why a pid has gone into uninterruptible sleep.
- */
- addPidBlockedReason: function(ts, pid, iowait, caller) {
- // The the pids that get passed in to this function are Linux kernel
- // pids, which identify threads. The rest of trace-viewer refers to
- // these as tids, so the change of nomenclature happens in the following
- // construction of the wakeup object.
- this.blocked_reasons_.push({ts: ts, tid: pid, iowait: iowait,
- caller: caller});
- },
- /**
- * Precomputes a lookup table from linux pids back to existing
- * Threads. This is used during importing to add information to each
- * thread about whether it was running, descheduled, sleeping, et
- * cetera.
- */
- buildMapFromLinuxPidsToThreads_: function() {
- this.threadsByLinuxPid = {};
- this.model_.getAllThreads().forEach(
- function(thread) {
- this.threadsByLinuxPid[thread.tid] = thread;
- }.bind(this));
- },
- /**
- * Builds the timeSlices array on each thread based on our knowledge of what
- * each Cpu is doing. This is done only for Threads that are
- * already in the model, on the assumption that not having any traced data
- * on a thread means that it is not of interest to the user.
- */
- buildPerThreadCpuSlicesFromCpuState_: function() {
- // Push the cpu slices to the threads that they run on.
- for (var cpuNumber in this.model_.kernel.cpus) {
- var cpu = this.model_.kernel.cpus[cpuNumber];
- for (var i = 0; i < cpu.slices.length; i++) {
- var cpuSlice = cpu.slices[i];
- var thread = this.threadsByLinuxPid[cpuSlice.args.tid];
- if (!thread)
- continue;
- cpuSlice.threadThatWasRunning = thread;
- if (!thread.tempCpuSlices)
- thread.tempCpuSlices = [];
- thread.tempCpuSlices.push(cpuSlice);
- }
- }
- for (var i in this.wakeups_) {
- var wakeup = this.wakeups_[i];
- var thread = this.threadsByLinuxPid[wakeup.tid];
- if (!thread)
- continue;
- thread.tempWakeups = thread.tempWakeups || [];
- thread.tempWakeups.push(wakeup);
- }
- for (var i in this.blocked_reasons_) {
- var reason = this.blocked_reasons_[i];
- var thread = this.threadsByLinuxPid[reason.tid];
- if (!thread)
- continue;
- thread.tempBlockedReasons = thread.tempBlockedReasons || [];
- thread.tempBlockedReasons.push(reason);
- }
- // Create slices for when the thread is not running.
- this.model_.getAllThreads().forEach(function(thread) {
- if (thread.tempCpuSlices === undefined)
- return;
- var origSlices = thread.tempCpuSlices;
- delete thread.tempCpuSlices;
- origSlices.sort(function(x, y) {
- return x.start - y.start;
- });
- var wakeups = thread.tempWakeups || [];
- delete thread.tempWakeups;
- wakeups.sort(function(x, y) {
- return x.ts - y.ts;
- });
- var reasons = thread.tempBlockedReasons || [];
- delete thread.tempBlockedReasons;
- reasons.sort(function(x, y) {
- return x.ts - y.ts;
- });
- // Walk the slice list and put slices between each original slice to
- // show when the thread isn't running.
- var slices = [];
- if (origSlices.length) {
- var slice = origSlices[0];
- if (wakeups.length && wakeups[0].ts < slice.start) {
- var wakeup = wakeups.shift();
- var wakeupDuration = slice.start - wakeup.ts;
- var args = {'wakeup from tid': wakeup.fromTid};
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- wakeup.ts, args, wakeupDuration));
- }
- var runningSlice = new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- slice.start, {}, slice.duration);
- runningSlice.cpuOnWhichThreadWasRunning = slice.cpu;
- slices.push(runningSlice);
- }
- var wakeup = undefined;
- for (var i = 1; i < origSlices.length; i++) {
- var prevSlice = origSlices[i - 1];
- var nextSlice = origSlices[i];
- var midDuration = nextSlice.start - prevSlice.end;
- while (wakeups.length && wakeups[0].ts < nextSlice.start) {
- var w = wakeups.shift();
- if (wakeup === undefined && w.ts > prevSlice.end) {
- wakeup = w;
- }
- }
- var blocked_reason = undefined;
- while (reasons.length && reasons[0].ts < prevSlice.end) {
- var r = reasons.shift();
- }
- if (wakeup !== undefined &&
- reasons.length &&
- reasons[0].ts < wakeup.ts) {
- blocked_reason = reasons.shift();
- }
- // Push a sleep slice onto the slices list, interrupting it with a
- // wakeup if appropriate.
- var pushSleep = function(state) {
- if (wakeup !== undefined) {
- midDuration = wakeup.ts - prevSlice.end;
- }
- if (blocked_reason !== undefined) {
- var args = {
- 'kernel callsite when blocked:' : blocked_reason.caller
- };
- if (blocked_reason.iowait) {
- switch (state) {
- break;
- break;
- break;
- default:
- }
- }
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- thread,
- state, '', prevSlice.end, args, midDuration));
- } else {
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- thread,
- state, '', prevSlice.end, {}, midDuration));
- }
- if (wakeup !== undefined) {
- var wakeupDuration = nextSlice.start - wakeup.ts;
- var args = {'wakeup from tid': wakeup.fromTid};
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- wakeup.ts, args, wakeupDuration));
- wakeup = undefined;
- }
- };
- if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'S') {
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'R' ||
- prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'R+') {
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- prevSlice.end, {}, midDuration));
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'D') {
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'T') {
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- prevSlice.end, {}, midDuration));
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 't') {
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- prevSlice.end, {}, midDuration));
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'Z') {
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- prevSlice.end, {}, midDuration));
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'X') {
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- prevSlice.end, {}, midDuration));
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'x') {
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- prevSlice.end, {}, midDuration));
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'K') {
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- prevSlice.end, {}, midDuration));
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'W') {
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- prevSlice.end, {}, midDuration));
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'D|K') {
- } else if (prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled == 'D|W') {
- } else {
- slices.push(new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- prevSlice.end, {}, midDuration));
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Unrecognized sleep state: ' +
- prevSlice.args.stateWhenDescheduled
- });
- }
- var runningSlice = new tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice(
- nextSlice.start, {}, nextSlice.duration);
- runningSlice.cpuOnWhichThreadWasRunning = prevSlice.cpu;
- slices.push(runningSlice);
- }
- thread.timeSlices = slices;
- }, this);
- },
- /**
- * Creates an instance of each registered linux perf event parser.
- * This allows the parsers to register handlers for the events they
- * understand. We also register our own special handlers (for the
- * timestamp synchronization markers).
- */
- createParsers_: function() {
- // Instantiate the parsers; this will register handlers for known events
- var allTypeInfos = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.
- Parser.getAllRegisteredTypeInfos();
- var parsers =
- function(typeInfo) {
- return new typeInfo.constructor(this);
- }, this);
- return parsers;
- },
- registerDefaultHandlers_: function() {
- this.registerEventHandler('tracing_mark_write',
- FTraceImporter.prototype.traceMarkingWriteEvent_.bind(this));
- // NB: old-style trace markers; deprecated
- this.registerEventHandler('0',
- FTraceImporter.prototype.traceMarkingWriteEvent_.bind(this));
- // Register dummy clock sync handlers to avoid warnings in the log.
- this.registerEventHandler('tracing_mark_write:trace_event_clock_sync',
- function() { return true; });
- this.registerEventHandler('0:trace_event_clock_sync',
- function() { return true; });
- },
- /**
- * Processes a trace_event_clock_sync event.
- */
- traceClockSyncEvent_: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- // Check to see if we have a normal clock sync marker that contains a
- // sync ID and the current time according to the "ftrace global" clock.
- var event = /name=(\w+?)\s(.+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (event) {
- var name = event[1];
- var pieces = event[2].split(' ');
- var args = {
- perfTs: ts
- };
- for (var i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) {
- var parts = pieces[i].split('=');
- if (parts.length != 2)
- throw new Error('omgbbq');
- args[parts[0]] = parts[1];
- }
- this.model_.clockSyncManager.addClockSyncMarker(
- tr.model.ClockDomainId.LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL, name, ts);
- return true;
- }
- // Check to see if we have a special clock sync marker that contains both
- // the current "ftrace global" time and the current CLOCK_MONOTONIC time.
- event = /parent_ts=(\d+\.?\d*)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var monotonicTs = event[1] * 1000;
- // A monotonic timestamp of zero is used as a sentinel value to indicate
- // that CLOCK_MONOTONIC and the ftrace global clock are identical.
- if (monotonicTs === 0)
- monotonicTs = ts;
- if (this.haveClockSyncedMonotonicToGlobal_)
- // ftrace sometimes includes multiple clock syncs between the monotonic
- // and global clocks within a single trace. We protect against this by
- // only taking the first one into account.
- return true;
- // We have a clock sync event that contains two timestamps: a timestamp
- // according to the ftrace 'global' clock, and that same timestamp
- // according to clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC).
- this.model_.clockSyncManager.addClockSyncMarker(
- tr.model.ClockDomainId.LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL,
- this.model_.clockSyncManager.addClockSyncMarker(
- tr.model.ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC,
- this.haveClockSyncedMonotonicToGlobal_ = true;
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Processes a trace_marking_write event.
- */
- traceMarkingWriteEvent_: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase,
- threadName) {
- // Some profiles end up with a \n\ on the end of each line. Strip it
- // before we do the comparisons.
- eventBase.details = eventBase.details.replace(/\\n.*$/, '');
- var event = /^\s*(\w+):\s*(.*)$/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event) {
- // Check if the event matches events traced by the Android framework
- var tag = eventBase.details.substring(0, 2);
- if (tag == 'B|' || tag == 'E' || tag == 'E|' || tag == 'X|' ||
- tag == 'C|' || tag == 'S|' || tag == 'F|') {
- eventBase.subEventName = 'android';
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- eventBase.subEventName = event[1];
- eventBase.details = event[2];
- }
- var writeEventName = eventName + ':' + eventBase.subEventName;
- var handler = this.eventHandlers_[writeEventName];
- if (!handler) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Unknown trace_marking_write event ' + writeEventName
- });
- return true;
- }
- return handler(writeEventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase, threadName);
- },
- /**
- * Walks the this.events_ structure and creates Cpu objects.
- */
- importCpuData_: function(modelTimeTransformer) {
- this.forEachLine_(function(text, eventBase, cpuNumber, pid, ts) {
- var eventName = eventBase.eventName;
- var handler = this.eventHandlers_[eventName];
- if (!handler) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Unknown event ' + eventName + ' (' + text + ')'
- });
- return;
- }
- ts = modelTimeTransformer(ts);
- if (!handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase)) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Malformed ' + eventName + ' event (' + text + ')'
- });
- }
- }.bind(this));
- },
- /**
- * Walks the this.events_ structure and populates this.lines_.
- */
- parseLines_: function() {
- var lines = [];
- var extractResult = FTraceImporter._extractEventsFromSystraceHTML(
- this.events_, true);
- if (!extractResult.ok)
- extractResult = FTraceImporter._extractEventsFromSystraceMultiHTML(
- this.events_, true);
- var lines = extractResult.ok ?
- extractResult.lines : this.events_.split('\n');
- var lineParser = undefined;
- for (var lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < lines.length; ++lineNumber) {
- var line = lines[lineNumber].trim();
- if (line.length == 0 || /^#/.test(line))
- continue;
- if (!lineParser) {
- lineParser = autoDetectLineParser(line);
- if (!lineParser) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Cannot parse line: ' + line
- });
- continue;
- }
- }
- var eventBase = lineParser(line);
- if (!eventBase) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Unrecognized line: ' + line
- });
- continue;
- }
- this.lines_.push([
- line,
- eventBase,
- parseInt(eventBase.cpuNumber),
- parseInt(,
- parseFloat(eventBase.timestamp) * 1000
- ]);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Calls |handler| for every parsed line.
- */
- forEachLine_: function(handler) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.lines_.length; ++i) {
- var line = this.lines_[i];
- handler.apply(this, line);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Initializes the ftrace importer. This initialization can't be done in the
- * constructor because all trace event handlers may not have been registered
- * by that point.
- */
- lazyInit_: function() {
- this.parsers_ = this.createParsers_();
- this.registerDefaultHandlers_();
- this.parseLines_();
- }
- };
- tr.importer.Importer.register(FTraceImporter);
- return {
- FTraceImporter: FTraceImporter,
- _FTraceImporterTestExports: TestExports
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 244e3e28a13..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/import.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/clock_sync_manager.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ClockDomainId = tr.model.ClockDomainId;
- var FTraceImporter = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.FTraceImporter;
- var FTraceImporterTestExports =
- tr.e.importer.linux_perf._FTraceImporterTestExports;
- function newModel(events) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- }
- test('lineParserWithLegacyFmt', function() {
- var p = FTraceImporterTestExports.lineParserWithLegacyFmt;
- var x = p(' <idle>-0 [001] 4467.843475: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> ' +
- 'next_comm=SurfaceFlinger next_pid=178 next_prio=112');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x.threadName, '<idle>');
- assert.equal(, '0');
- assert.equal(x.cpuNumber, '001');
- assert.equal(x.timestamp, '4467.843475');
- assert.equal(x.eventName, 'sched_switch');
- assert.equal('prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R' +
- ' ==> next_comm=SurfaceFlinger next_pid=178 next_prio=112', x.details);
- var x = p('Binder-Thread #-647 [001] 260.464294: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=Binder Thread # prev_pid=647 prev_prio=120 prev_state=D ' +
- ' ==> next_pid=1562 next_prio=120');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x.threadName, 'Binder-Thread #');
- assert.equal(, '647');
- });
- test('lineParserWithIRQInfo', function() {
- var p = FTraceImporterTestExports.lineParserWithIRQInfo;
- var x = p(' [001] d... 1031.091570: ' +
- 'sched_wakeup: comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x.threadName, '');
- assert.equal(, '5441');
- assert.equal(x.cpuNumber, '001');
- assert.equal(x.timestamp, '1031.091570');
- assert.equal(x.eventName, 'sched_wakeup');
- assert.equal(x.details, 'comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000'); // @suppress longLineCheck
- });
- test('lineParserWithIRQInfoNeedResched', function() {
- var p = FTraceImporterTestExports.lineParserWithIRQInfo;
- var x = p(' [001] .N.. 1031.091570: ' +
- 'sched_wakeup: comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x.threadName, '');
- assert.equal(, '5441');
- assert.equal(x.cpuNumber, '001');
- assert.equal(x.timestamp, '1031.091570');
- assert.equal(x.eventName, 'sched_wakeup');
- assert.equal(x.details, 'comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000'); // @suppress longLineCheck
- var x = p(' [001] .n.. 1031.091570: ' +
- 'sched_wakeup: comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x.threadName, '');
- var x = p(' [001] .p.. 1031.091570: ' +
- 'sched_wakeup: comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x.threadName, '');
- });
- test('lineParserWithTGID', function() {
- var p = FTraceImporterTestExports.lineParserWithTGID;
- var x = p(' (54321) [001] d... 1031.091570: ' +
- 'sched_wakeup: comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x.threadName, '');
- assert.equal(, '5441');
- assert.equal(x.tgid, '54321');
- assert.equal(x.cpuNumber, '001');
- assert.equal(x.timestamp, '1031.091570');
- assert.equal(x.eventName, 'sched_wakeup');
- assert.equal(x.details, 'comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000'); // @suppress longLineCheck
- var x = p(' ( 321) [001] d... 1031.091570: ' +
- 'sched_wakeup: comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x.tgid, '321');
- var x = p(' (-----) [001] d... 1031.091570: ' +
- 'sched_wakeup: comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.isUndefined(x.tgid);
- });
- test('lineParserWithTGIDNeedResched', function() {
- var p = FTraceImporterTestExports.lineParserWithTGID;
- var x = p(' (54321) [001] .N.. 1031.091570: ' +
- 'sched_wakeup: comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x.threadName, '');
- assert.equal(, '5441');
- assert.equal(x.tgid, '54321');
- assert.equal(x.cpuNumber, '001');
- assert.equal(x.timestamp, '1031.091570');
- assert.equal(x.eventName, 'sched_wakeup');
- assert.equal(x.details, 'comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000'); // @suppress longLineCheck
- var x = p(' ( 321) [001] .n.. 1031.091570: ' +
- 'sched_wakeup: comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x.tgid, '321');
- var x = p(' (-----) [001] .p.. 1031.091570: ' +
- 'sched_wakeup: comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.isUndefined(x.tgid);
- });
- test('autodetectLineCornerCases', function() {
- var detectParser = FTraceImporterTestExports.autoDetectLineParser;
- var lineParserWithLegacyFmt =
- FTraceImporterTestExports.lineParserWithLegacyFmt;
- var lineParserWithIRQInfo = FTraceImporterTestExports.lineParserWithIRQInfo;
- var lineParserWithTGID = FTraceImporterTestExports.lineParserWithTGID;
- var lineWithLegacyFmt =
- ' [001] 15180.978813: sched_switch: ' +
- ' prev_pid=8170 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=x ==> next_comm=kworker/1:0 next_pid=7873 ' +
- 'next_prio=120';
- var detected = detectParser(lineWithLegacyFmt);
- assert.equal(lineParserWithLegacyFmt, detected);
- var lineWithIRQInfo =
- ' [001] d... 15180.978813: sched_switch: ' +
- ' prev_pid=8170 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=x ==> next_comm=kworker/1:0 next_pid=7873 ' +
- 'next_prio=120';
- var detected = detectParser(lineWithIRQInfo);
- assert.equal(lineParserWithIRQInfo, detected);
- var lineWithTGID =
- ' (54321) [001] d... 15180.978813: sched_switch: ' +
- ' prev_pid=8170 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=x ==> next_comm=kworker/1:0 next_pid=7873 ' +
- 'next_prio=120';
- var detected = detectParser(lineWithTGID);
- assert.equal(lineParserWithTGID, detected);
- });
- test('traceEventClockSyncRE', function() {
- var re = FTraceImporterTestExports.traceEventClockSyncRE;
- var x = re.exec('trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=19581477508');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x[1], '19581477508');
- var x = re.exec('trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=123.456');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x[1], '123.456');
- });
- test('genericClockSync', function() {
- var lines = [
- '# tracer: nop',
- '#',
- '# | | | | |',
- 'sh-26121 [000] ...1 15.050: tracing_mark_write: trace_event_clock_sync: name=battor regulator=8941_smbb_boost' // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var io = new tr.importer.ImportOptions();
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var i = new tr.importer.Import(m, io);
- m.clockSyncManager.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.BATTOR, 'battor', 50);
- i.importTraces([lines.join('\n')]);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- // The clock sync happened at 15050 in the ftrace global domain and at 50
- // in the BattOr domain. This means the ftrace global timestamps need 15000
- // subtracted from them in order to be on the BattOr timeline.
- assert.strictEqual(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.BATTOR)(3),
- 3);
- assert.strictEqual(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- ClockDomainId.LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL)(15003),
- 3);
- });
- test('canImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- '# tracer: nop',
- '#',
- '# | | | | |',
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 4467.843475: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> ' +
- 'next_comm=SurfaceFlinger next_pid=178 next_prio=112',
- ' SurfaceFlinger-178 [001] 4467.843536: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=SurfaceFlinger prev_pid=178 prev_prio=112 prev_state=S ' +
- '==> next_comm=kworker/u:2 next_pid=2844 next_prio=120',
- ' kworker/u:2-2844 [001] 4467.843567: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=kworker/u:2 prev_pid=2844 prev_prio=120 prev_state=S ' +
- '==> next_comm=swapper next_pid=0 next_prio=120',
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 4467.844208: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> ' +
- 'next_comm=kworker/u:2 next_pid=2844 next_prio=120'
- ];
- assert.isTrue(FTraceImporter.canImport(lines.join('\n')));
- var lines = [
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 4467.843475: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> ' +
- 'next_comm=SurfaceFlinger next_pid=178 next_prio=112'
- ];
- assert.isTrue(FTraceImporter.canImport(lines.join('\n')));
- var lines = [
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 4467.843475: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> ' +
- 'next_comm=SurfaceFlinger next_pid=178 next_prio=112',
- ' SurfaceFlinger-178 [001] 4467.843536: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=SurfaceFlinger prev_pid=178 prev_prio=112 ' +
- 'prev_state=S ==> next_comm=kworker/u:2 next_pid=2844 ' +
- 'next_prio=120'
- ];
- assert.isTrue(FTraceImporter.canImport(lines.join('\n')));
- var lines = [
- 'SomeRandomText',
- 'More random text'
- ];
- assert.isFalse(FTraceImporter.canImport(lines.join('\n')));
- });
- test('canImport34AndLater', function() {
- var lines = [
- '# tracer: nop',
- '#',
- '# entries-in-buffer/entries-written: 55191/55191 #P:2',
- '#',
- '# _-----=> irqs-off',
- '# / _----=> need-resched',
- '# | / _---=> hardirq/softirq',
- '# || / _--=> preempt-depth',
- '# ||| / delay',
- '# | | | |||| | |',
- ' [001] d... 1031.091570: sched_wakeup: ' +
- 'comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000',
- ' [001] d... 1031.091584: sched_switch: ' +
- ' prev_pid=5441 prev_prio=120 prev_state=x ' +
- '==> next_comm=chrome next_pid=5418 next_prio=120'
- ];
- assert.isTrue(FTraceImporter.canImport(lines.join('\n')));
- var lines = [
- ' [001] d... 1031.091570: sched_wakeup: ' +
- 'comm=debugd pid=4978 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=000',
- ' [001] d... 1031.091584: sched_switch: ' +
- ' prev_pid=5441 prev_prio=120 prev_state=x ' +
- '==> next_comm=chrome next_pid=5418 next_prio=120'
- ];
- assert.isTrue(FTraceImporter.canImport(lines.join('\n')));
- });
- test('importOneSequence', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 4467.843475: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> ' +
- 'next_comm=SurfaceFlinger next_pid=178 next_prio=112',
- ' SurfaceFlinger-178 [001] 4467.843536: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=SurfaceFlinger prev_pid=178 prev_prio=112 ' +
- 'prev_state=S ==> next_comm=kworker/u:2 next_pid=2844 ' +
- 'next_prio=120',
- ' kworker/u:2-2844 [001] 4467.843567: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=kworker/u:2 prev_pid=2844 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=S ==> next_comm=swapper next_pid=0 next_prio=120'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var c = m.kernel.cpus[1];
- assert.equal(c.slices.length, 2);
- assert.equal(c.slices[0].title, 'SurfaceFlinger');
- assert.equal(c.slices[0].start, 4467843.475);
- assert.closeTo(.536 - .475, c.slices[0].duration, 1e-5);
- });
- test('importOneSequenceWithSpacyThreadName', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 4467.843475: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> ' +
- 'next_comm=Surface Flinger next_pid=178 next_prio=112',
- 'Surface Flinger -178 [001] 4467.843536: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=Surface Flinger prev_pid=178 prev_prio=112 ' +
- 'prev_state=S ==> next_comm=kworker/u:2 next_pid=2844 ' +
- 'next_prio=120',
- ' kworker/u:2-2844 [001] 4467.843567: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=kworker/u:2 prev_pid=2844 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=S ==> next_comm=swapper next_pid=0 next_prio=120'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var c = m.kernel.cpus[1];
- assert.equal(c.slices.length, 2);
- assert.equal(c.slices[0].title, 'Surface Flinger ');
- assert.equal(c.slices[0].start, 4467843.475);
- assert.closeTo(.536 - .475, c.slices[0].duration, 1e-5);
- });
- test('importWithNewline', function() {
- var lines = [
- ''
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- });
- test('importSystraceHtml', function() {
- var p = tr.b.getAsync(
- '/test_data/trivial_systrace.html');
- return p.then(function(data) {
- var m = newModel(data);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.isDefined(m.processes[124]);
- assert.isDefined(m.processes[360]);
- assert.isDefined(m.processes[124].counters['android.StatusBar']);
- assert.equal(m.processes[124].counters['android.StatusBar'].numSamples,
- 1);
- assert.isDefined(m.processes[124].counters['android.VSYNC']);
- assert.equal(2, m.processes[124].counters['android.VSYNC'].numSamples);
- assert.isDefined(m.processes[360].counters['']);
- assert.equal(1, m.processes[360].counters[''].numSamples);
- }, function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- });
- test('importMultiTraceHtml', function() {
- var lines = [
- '<!DoCTYPE hTml>', // check must be case insensitive
- '<body>',
- ' <div class="view">',
- ' <\/div>',
- ' <script class="trace-data" type="application/text">',
- 'test1',
- 'test2',
- ' <\/script>',
- ' <script class="trace-data" type="application/text">',
- '# tracer: nop',
- '#',
- '# | | | | |',
- ' hwc_eventmon-336 [000] 50260.929925: 0: C|124|VSYNC|1',
- ' Binder_1-340 [000] 50260.935656: 0: C|124|StatusBar|1',
- ' hwc_eventmon-336 [000] 50260.946573: 0: C|124|VSYNC|0',
- ' InputReader-419 [000] 50262.538578: 0: C|360|iq|1',
- ' <\/script>',
- '<\/body>',
- '<\/html>'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.isDefined(m.processes[124]);
- assert.isDefined(m.processes[360]);
- assert.isDefined(m.processes[124].counters['android.StatusBar']);
- assert.equal(m.processes[124].counters['android.StatusBar'].numSamples,
- 1);
- assert.isDefined(m.processes[124].counters['android.VSYNC']);
- assert.equal(2, m.processes[124].counters['android.VSYNC'].numSamples);
- assert.isDefined(m.processes[360].counters['']);
- assert.equal(1, m.processes[360].counters[''].numSamples);
- });
- test('clockSync', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 4467.843475: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ' +
- '==> next_comm=SurfaceFlinger next_pid=178 next_prio=112',
- ' SurfaceFlinger-178 [001] 4467.843536: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=SurfaceFlinger prev_pid=178 prev_prio=112 ' +
- 'prev_state=S ==> next_comm=kworker/u:2 next_pid=2844 ' +
- 'next_prio=120',
- ' kworker/u:2-2844 [001] 4467.843567: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=kworker/u:2 prev_pid=2844 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=S ==> next_comm=swapper next_pid=0 ' +
- 'next_prio=120',
- ' kworker/u:2-2844 [001] 4467.843000: 0: ' +
- 'trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=0.1'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var c = m.kernel.cpus[1];
- assert.equal(c.slices.length, 2);
- assert.closeTo(
- (467.843475 - (467.843 - 0.1)) * 1000,
- c.slices[0].start,
- 1e-5);
- });
- test('clockSyncMarkWrite', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' [001] 15180.978813: sched_switch: ' +
- ' prev_pid=8170 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=x ==> next_comm=kworker/1:0 next_pid=7873 ' +
- 'next_prio=120',
- ' kworker/1:0-7873 [001] 15180.978836: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=kworker/1:0 prev_pid=7873 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=S ==> next_comm=debugd next_pid=4404 next_prio=120',
- ' debugd-4404 [001] 15180.979010: sched_switch: prev_comm=debugd ' +
- 'prev_pid=4404 prev_prio=120 prev_state=S ==> ' +
- 'next_comm=dbus-daemon next_pid=510 next_prio=120',
- ' [000] 15186.203900: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=0'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var c = m.kernel.cpus[1];
- assert.equal(c.slices.length, 2);
- assert.closeTo((15180.978813 - 0) * 1000, c.slices[0].start, 1e-5);
- assert.strictEqual(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- tr.model.ClockDomainId.LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL)(100),
- 100);
- assert.strictEqual(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- tr.model.ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)(100),
- 100);
- });
- test('clockSyncMarkWriteSecondIgnored', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' [000] 15186.203900: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=0',
- ' [000] 15187.203900: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=0'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.strictEqual(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- tr.model.ClockDomainId.LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL)(100),
- 100);
- assert.strictEqual(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- tr.model.ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)(100),
- 100);
- });
- test('tracingMarkWriteEOLCleanup', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' [001] ...1 2068001.677892: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'B|9304|test\\n\\',
- ' [002] ...1 2068991.686415: tracing_mark_write: E\\n\\'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var c = m.processes[9304].threads[8182].sliceGroup;
- assert.equal(c.slices.length, 1);
- assert.closeTo((2068001.677892 - 0) * 1000, c.slices[0].start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(
- (2068991.686415 - 2068001.677892) * 1000,
- c.slices[0].duration,
- 1e-5);
- });
- test('cpuCount', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' [001] 15180.978813: sched_switch: ' +
- ' prev_pid=8170 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=x ==> next_comm=kworker/1:0 next_pid=7873 ' +
- 'next_prio=120',
- ' kworker/1:0-7873 [001] 15180.978836: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=kworker/1:0 prev_pid=7873 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=S ==> next_comm=debugd next_pid=4404 next_prio=120',
- ' debugd-4404 [000] 15180.979010: sched_switch: prev_comm=debugd ' +
- 'prev_pid=4404 prev_prio=120 prev_state=S ==> ' +
- 'next_comm=dbus-daemon next_pid=510 next_prio=120'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(tr.b.dictionaryLength(m.kernel.cpus), 2);
- assert.equal(m.kernel.bestGuessAtCpuCount, 2);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/gesture_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/gesture_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f2c3924867b..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/gesture_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses gesture events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses trace events generated by gesture library for touchpad.
- * @constructor
- */
- function GestureParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('tracing_mark_write:log',
- GestureParser.prototype.logEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('tracing_mark_write:SyncInterpret',
- GestureParser.prototype.syncEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('tracing_mark_write:HandleTimer',
- GestureParser.prototype.timerEvent.bind(this));
- }
- GestureParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- /**
- * Parse events generate by gesture library.
- * gestureOpenSlice and gestureCloseSlice are two common
- * functions to store the begin time and end time for all
- * events in gesture library
- */
- gestureOpenSlice: function(title, ts, opt_args) {
- var thread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('gesture').thread;
- thread.sliceGroup.beginSlice(
- 'touchpad_gesture', title, ts, opt_args);
- },
- gestureCloseSlice: function(title, ts) {
- var thread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('gesture').thread;
- if (thread.sliceGroup.openSliceCount) {
- var slice = thread.sliceGroup.mostRecentlyOpenedPartialSlice;
- if (slice.title != title) {
- this.importer.model.importWarning({
- type: 'title_match_error',
- message: 'Titles do not match. Title is ' +
- slice.title + ' in openSlice, and is ' +
- title + ' in endSlice'
- });
- } else {
- thread.sliceGroup.endSlice(ts);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * For log events, events will come in pairs with a tag log:
- * like this:
- * tracing_mark_write: log: start: TimerLogOutputs
- * tracing_mark_write: log: end: TimerLogOutputs
- * which represent the start and the end time of certain log behavior
- * Take these logs above for example, they are the start and end time
- * of logging Output for HandleTimer function
- */
- logEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var innerEvent =
- /^\s*(\w+):\s*(\w+)$/.exec(eventBase.details);
- switch (innerEvent[1]) {
- case 'start':
- this.gestureOpenSlice('GestureLog', ts, {name: innerEvent[2]});
- break;
- case 'end':
- this.gestureCloseSlice('GestureLog', ts);
- }
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * For SyncInterpret events, events will come in pairs with
- * a tag SyncInterpret:
- * like this:
- * tracing_mark_write: SyncInterpret: start: ClickWiggleFilterInterpreter
- * tracing_mark_write: SyncInterpret: end: ClickWiggleFilterInterpreter
- * which represent the start and the end time of SyncInterpret function
- * inside the certain interpreter in the gesture library.
- * Take the logs above for example, they are the start and end time
- * of the SyncInterpret function inside ClickWiggleFilterInterpreter
- */
- syncEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var innerEvent = /^\s*(\w+):\s*(\w+)$/.exec(eventBase.details);
- switch (innerEvent[1]) {
- case 'start':
- this.gestureOpenSlice('SyncInterpret', ts,
- {interpreter: innerEvent[2]});
- break;
- case 'end':
- this.gestureCloseSlice('SyncInterpret', ts);
- }
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * For HandleTimer events, events will come in pairs with
- * a tag HandleTimer:
- * like this:
- * tracing_mark_write: HandleTimer: start: LookaheadFilterInterpreter
- * tracing_mark_write: HandleTimer: end: LookaheadFilterInterpreter
- * which represent the start and the end time of HandleTimer function
- * inside the certain interpreter in the gesture library.
- * Take the logs above for example, they are the start and end time
- * of the HandleTimer function inside LookaheadFilterInterpreter
- */
- timerEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var innerEvent = /^\s*(\w+):\s*(\w+)$/.exec(eventBase.details);
- switch (innerEvent[1]) {
- case 'start':
- this.gestureOpenSlice('HandleTimer', ts,
- {interpreter: innerEvent[2]});
- break;
- case 'end':
- this.gestureCloseSlice('HandleTimer', ts);
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(GestureParser);
- return {
- GestureParser: GestureParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/gesture_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/gesture_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 002844dcd2e..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/gesture_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- function newModel(events) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- }
- test('gestureImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.741648: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'log: start: TimerLogOutputs', // 0
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.741651: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'log: end: TimerLogOutputs',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742796: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'log: start: LogTimerCallback',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742802: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'log: end: LogTimerCallback',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742805: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: LoggingFilterInterpreter', // 2
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742809: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: AppleTrackpadFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742814: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: Cr48ProfileSensorFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742818: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: T5R2CorrectingFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742822: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: StuckButtonInhibitorFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742825: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: IntegralGestureFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742829: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: ScalingFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742833: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: SplitCorrectingFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742836: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: AccelFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742840: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: SensorJumpFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742843: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: BoxFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742846: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: start: LookaheadFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742853: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: IirFilterInterpreter', // 14
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742861: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742872: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: ClickWiggleFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742881: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: FlingStopFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742887: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: ImmediateInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742906: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: end: ImmediateInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742910: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: end: FlingStopFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742914: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: end: ClickWiggleFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742917: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: end: PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742921: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: end: IirFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742926: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: LookaheadFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742929: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: BoxFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742932: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: SensorJumpFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742937: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: AccelFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742940: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: SplitCorrectingFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742944: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: ScalingFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742949: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: IntegralGestureFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742952: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: StuckButtonInhibitorFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742956: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: T5R2CorrectingFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742959: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: Cr48ProfileSensorFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742962: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: AppleTrackpadFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742966: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: LoggingFilterInterpreter',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742969: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'log: start: TimerLogOutputs',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.742973: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'log: end: TimerLogOutputs',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.795219: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'log: start: LogHardwareState',
- '<...>-1837 [000] ...1 875292.795231: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'log: end: LogHardwareState'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var gestureThread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(, 'gesture');
- assert.equal(gestureThread.sliceGroup.length, 21);
- assert.equal('touchpad_gesture',
- gestureThread.sliceGroup.slices[0].category);
- assert.equal('GestureLog',
- gestureThread.sliceGroup.slices[0].title);
- assert.equal('touchpad_gesture',
- gestureThread.sliceGroup.slices[2].category);
- assert.equal('HandleTimer',
- gestureThread.sliceGroup.slices[2].title);
- assert.equal('touchpad_gesture',
- gestureThread.sliceGroup.slices[14].category);
- assert.equal('SyncInterpret',
- gestureThread.sliceGroup.slices[14].title);
- });
- test('unusualStart', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481867: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: IirFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481881: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481894: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: ClickWiggleFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481905: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: FlingStopFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481912: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: ImmediateInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481933: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: end: ImmediateInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481938: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: end: FlingStopFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481943: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: end: ClickWiggleFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481947: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: end: PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481952: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: end: IirFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481958: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: LookaheadFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481962: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: BoxFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481967: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: SensorJumpFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481973: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: AccelFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481977: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: SplitCorrectingFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481982: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: ScalingFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481988: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: IntegralGestureFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481993: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: StuckButtonInhibitorFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481998: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: T5R2CorrectingFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.482033: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: Cr48ProfileSensorFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.482038: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: AppleTrackpadFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.482043: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: LoggingFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.482047: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'log: start: TimerLogOutputs',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.482053: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'log: end: TimerLogOutputs'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- });
- test('importError', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481912: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'SyncInterpret: start: ImmediateInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481958: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: LookaheadFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481962: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: BoxFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481967: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: SensorJumpFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481973: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: AccelFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481977: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: SplitCorrectingFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481982: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: ScalingFilterInterpreter',
- 'X-30368 [000] ...1 1819362.481988: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'HandleTimer: end: IntegralGestureFilterInterpreter'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(m.importWarnings.length, 7);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/i915_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/i915_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 91c733a0e11..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/i915_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses i915 driver events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux i915 trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function I915Parser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_object_create',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemObjectCreateEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_object_bind',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemObjectBindEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_object_unbind',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemObjectBindEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_object_change_domain',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemObjectChangeDomainEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_object_pread',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemObjectPreadWriteEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_object_pwrite',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemObjectPreadWriteEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_object_fault',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemObjectFaultEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_object_clflush',
- // NB: reuse destroy handler
- I915Parser.prototype.gemObjectDestroyEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_object_destroy',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemObjectDestroyEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_ring_dispatch',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemRingDispatchEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_ring_flush',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemRingFlushEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_request',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemRequestEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_request_add',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemRequestEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_request_complete',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemRequestEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_request_retire',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemRequestEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_request_wait_begin',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemRequestEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_request_wait_end',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemRequestEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_ring_wait_begin',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemRingWaitEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_gem_ring_wait_end',
- I915Parser.prototype.gemRingWaitEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_reg_rw',
- I915Parser.prototype.regRWEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_flip_request',
- I915Parser.prototype.flipEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('i915_flip_complete',
- I915Parser.prototype.flipEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('intel_gpu_freq_change',
- I915Parser.prototype.gpuFrequency.bind(this));
- }
- I915Parser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- i915FlipOpenSlice: function(ts, obj, plane) {
- // use i915_flip_obj_plane?
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('i915_flip');
- kthread.openSliceTS = ts;
- kthread.openSlice = 'flip:' + obj + '/' + plane;
- },
- i915FlipCloseSlice: function(ts, args) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('i915_flip');
- if (kthread.openSlice) {
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('', kthread.openSlice,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(kthread.openSlice),
- kthread.openSliceTS,
- args,
- ts - kthread.openSliceTS);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- }
- kthread.openSlice = undefined;
- },
- i915GemObjectSlice: function(ts, eventName, obj, args) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('i915_gem');
- kthread.openSlice = eventName + ':' + obj;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('', kthread.openSlice,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(kthread.openSlice),
- ts, args, 0);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- },
- i915GemRingSlice: function(ts, eventName, dev, ring, args) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('i915_gem_ring');
- kthread.openSlice = eventName + ':' + dev + '.' + ring;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('', kthread.openSlice,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(kthread.openSlice),
- ts, args, 0);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- },
- i915RegSlice: function(ts, eventName, reg, args) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('i915_reg');
- kthread.openSlice = eventName + ':' + reg;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('', kthread.openSlice,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(kthread.openSlice),
- ts, args, 0);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- },
- i915FreqChangeSlice: function(ts, eventName, args) {
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread('i915_gpu_freq');
- kthread.openSlice = eventName;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('', kthread.openSlice,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(kthread.openSlice),
- ts, args, 0);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- },
- /**
- * Parses i915 driver events and sets up state in the importer.
- */
- gemObjectCreateEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /obj=(\w+), size=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var obj = event[1];
- var size = parseInt(event[2]);
- this.i915GemObjectSlice(ts, eventName, obj,
- {
- obj: obj,
- size: size
- });
- return true;
- },
- gemObjectBindEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- // TODO(sleffler) mappable
- var event = /obj=(\w+), offset=(\w+), size=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var obj = event[1];
- var offset = event[2];
- var size = parseInt(event[3]);
- this.i915ObjectGemSlice(ts, eventName + ':' + obj,
- {
- obj: obj,
- offset: offset,
- size: size
- });
- return true;
- },
- gemObjectChangeDomainEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- var event = /obj=(\w+), read=(\w+=>\w+), write=(\w+=>\w+)/
- .exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var obj = event[1];
- var read = event[2];
- var write = event[3];
- this.i915GemObjectSlice(ts, eventName, obj,
- {
- obj: obj,
- read: read,
- write: write
- });
- return true;
- },
- gemObjectPreadWriteEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- var event = /obj=(\w+), offset=(\d+), len=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var obj = event[1];
- var offset = parseInt(event[2]);
- var len = parseInt(event[3]);
- this.i915GemObjectSlice(ts, eventName, obj,
- {
- obj: obj,
- offset: offset,
- len: len
- });
- return true;
- },
- gemObjectFaultEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- // TODO(sleffler) writable
- var event = /obj=(\w+), (\w+) index=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var obj = event[1];
- var type = event[2];
- var index = parseInt(event[3]);
- this.i915GemObjectSlice(ts, eventName, obj,
- {
- obj: obj,
- type: type,
- index: index
- });
- return true;
- },
- gemObjectDestroyEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /obj=(\w+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var obj = event[1];
- this.i915GemObjectSlice(ts, eventName, obj,
- {
- obj: obj
- });
- return true;
- },
- gemRingDispatchEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /dev=(\d+), ring=(\d+), seqno=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var dev = parseInt(event[1]);
- var ring = parseInt(event[2]);
- var seqno = parseInt(event[3]);
- this.i915GemRingSlice(ts, eventName, dev, ring,
- {
- dev: dev,
- ring: ring,
- seqno: seqno
- });
- return true;
- },
- gemRingFlushEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /dev=(\d+), ring=(\w+), invalidate=(\w+), flush=(\w+)/
- .exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var dev = parseInt(event[1]);
- var ring = parseInt(event[2]);
- var invalidate = event[3];
- var flush = event[4];
- this.i915GemRingSlice(ts, eventName, dev, ring,
- {
- dev: dev,
- ring: ring,
- invalidate: invalidate,
- flush: flush
- });
- return true;
- },
- gemRequestEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /dev=(\d+), ring=(\d+), seqno=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var dev = parseInt(event[1]);
- var ring = parseInt(event[2]);
- var seqno = parseInt(event[3]);
- this.i915GemRingSlice(ts, eventName, dev, ring,
- {
- dev: dev,
- ring: ring,
- seqno: seqno
- });
- return true;
- },
- gemRingWaitEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /dev=(\d+), ring=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var dev = parseInt(event[1]);
- var ring = parseInt(event[2]);
- this.i915GemRingSlice(ts, eventName, dev, ring,
- {
- dev: dev,
- ring: ring
- });
- return true;
- },
- regRWEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /(\w+) reg=(\w+), len=(\d+), val=(\(\w+, \w+\))/
- .exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var rw = event[1];
- var reg = event[2];
- var len = event[3];
- var data = event[3];
- this.i915RegSlice(ts, rw, reg,
- {
- rw: rw,
- reg: reg,
- len: len,
- data: data
- });
- return true;
- },
- flipEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /plane=(\d+), obj=(\w+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var plane = parseInt(event[1]);
- var obj = event[2];
- if (eventName == 'i915_flip_request')
- this.i915FlipOpenSlice(ts, obj, plane);
- else
- this.i915FlipCloseSlice(ts,
- {
- obj: obj,
- plane: plane
- });
- return true;
- },
- gpuFrequency: function(eventName, cpuNumver, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /new_freq=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var freq = parseInt(event[1]);
- this.i915FreqChangeSlice(ts, eventName, {
- freq: freq
- });
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(I915Parser);
- return {
- I915Parser: I915Parser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/i915_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/i915_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cc62910919f..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/i915_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('i915Import', function() {
- var lines = [
- // NB: spliced from different traces; mismatched timestamps don't matter
- ' chrome-1223 [000] 2784.773556: i915_gem_object_pwrite: ' +
- 'obj=ffff88013f13fc00, offset=0, len=2984',
- ' chrome-1539 [000] 18420.677750: ' +
- 'i915_gem_object_change_domain: ' +
- 'obj=ffff8800a88d1400, read=44=>40, write=00=>40',
- ' chrome-1539 [000] 18420.677759: i915_gem_object_fault: ' +
- 'obj=ffff8800a88d1400, GTT index=0 , writable',
- ' X-964 [000] 2784.774864: i915_flip_request: ' +
- 'plane=0, obj=ffff88013f0b9a00',
- ' <idle>-0 [000] 2784.788644: i915_flip_complete: ' +
- 'plane=0, obj=ffff88013f0b9a00',
- ' chrome-1539 [001] 18420.681687: i915_gem_request_retire: ' +
- 'dev=0, ring=1, seqno=1178152',
- ' chrome-1539 [000] 18422.955688: i915_gem_request_add: ' +
- 'dev=0, ring=1, seqno=1178364',
- ' cat-21833 [000] 18422.956832: i915_gem_request_complete: ' +
- 'dev=0, ring=1, seqno=1178364',
- ' X-1012 [001] 18420.682511: i915_gem_request_wait_begin: ' +
- 'dev=0, ring=4, seqno=1178156',
- ' X-1012 [000] 18422.765707: i915_gem_request_wait_end: ' +
- 'dev=0, ring=4, seqno=1178359',
- ' chrome-1539 [000] 18422.955655: i915_gem_ring_flush: ' +
- 'dev=0, ring=1, invalidate=001e, flush=0040',
- ' chrome-1539 [000] 18422.955660: i915_gem_ring_dispatch: ' +
- 'dev=0, ring=1, seqno=1178364',
- ' chrome-1539 [000] 18420.677772: i915_reg_rw: ' +
- 'write reg=0x100030, len=8, val=(0xfca9001, 0xfce8007)',
- ' kworker/u16:2-13998 [005] 1577664.436065: ' +
- 'intel_gpu_freq_change: new_freq=350'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var i915GemThread = undefined;
- var i915FlipThread = undefined;
- var i915GemRingThread = undefined;
- var i915RegThread = undefined;
- var i915GpuFreqThread = undefined;
- m.getAllThreads().forEach(function(t) {
- switch ( {
- case 'i915_gem':
- i915GemThread = t;
- break;
- case 'i915_flip':
- i915FlipThread = t;
- break;
- case 'i915_gem_ring':
- i915GemRingThread = t;
- break;
- case 'i915_reg':
- i915RegThread = t;
- break;
- case 'i915_gpu_freq':
- i915GpuFreqThread = t;
- break;
- default:
- throw new unittest.TestError('Unexpected thread named ' +;
- }
- });
- assert.isDefined(i915GemThread);
- assert.isDefined(i915FlipThread);
- assert.isDefined(i915GemRingThread);
- assert.isDefined(i915RegThread);
- assert.isDefined(i915GpuFreqThread);
- assert.equal(i915GemThread.sliceGroup.length, 3);
- assert.equal(i915FlipThread.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.closeTo(
- 2784.774864 * 1000.0,
- i915FlipThread.sliceGroup.slices[0].start,
- 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(
- (2784.788644 - 2784.774864) * 1000.0,
- i915FlipThread.sliceGroup.slices[0].duration,
- 1e-5);
- assert.equal(i915GemRingThread.sliceGroup.length, 7);
- assert.equal(i915RegThread.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(i915GpuFreqThread.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/irq_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/irq_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 24903ae3133..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/irq_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses drm driver events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux irq trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function IrqParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('irq_handler_entry',
- IrqParser.prototype.irqHandlerEntryEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('irq_handler_exit',
- IrqParser.prototype.irqHandlerExitEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('softirq_raise',
- IrqParser.prototype.softirqRaiseEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('softirq_entry',
- IrqParser.prototype.softirqEntryEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('softirq_exit',
- IrqParser.prototype.softirqExitEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('ipi_entry',
- IrqParser.prototype.ipiEntryEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('ipi_exit',
- IrqParser.prototype.ipiExitEvent.bind(this));
- }
- // Matches the irq_handler_entry record
- var irqHandlerEntryRE = /irq=(\d+) name=(.+)/;
- // Matches the irq_handler_exit record
- var irqHandlerExitRE = /irq=(\d+) ret=(.+)/;
- // Matches the softirq_raise record
- var softirqRE = /vec=(\d+) \[action=(.+)\]/;
- // Matches the ipi_exit_
- var ipiHandlerExitRE = /\((.+)\)/;
- IrqParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- /**
- * Parses irq events and sets up state in the mporter.
- */
- irqHandlerEntryEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = irqHandlerEntryRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var irq = parseInt(event[1]);
- var name = event[2];
- var thread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread(
- 'irqs cpu ' + cpuNumber);
- thread.lastEntryTs = ts;
- thread.irqName = name;
- return true;
- },
- irqHandlerExitEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = irqHandlerExitRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var irq = parseInt(event[1]);
- var ret = event[2];
- var thread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread(
- 'irqs cpu ' + cpuNumber);
- if (thread.lastEntryTs !== undefined) {
- var duration = ts - thread.lastEntryTs;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice(
- '',
- 'IRQ (' + thread.irqName + ')',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(event[1]),
- thread.lastEntryTs, { ret: ret },
- duration);
- thread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- }
- thread.lastEntryTs = undefined;
- thread.irqName = undefined;
- return true;
- },
- softirqRaiseEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return true;
- },
- softirqEntryEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = softirqRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var action = event[2];
- var thread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread(
- 'softirq cpu ' + cpuNumber);
- thread.lastEntryTs = ts;
- return true;
- },
- softirqExitEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = softirqRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var vec = parseInt(event[1]);
- var action = event[2];
- var thread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread(
- 'softirq cpu ' + cpuNumber);
- if (thread.lastEntryTs !== undefined) {
- var duration = ts - thread.lastEntryTs;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice(
- '', action,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(event[1]),
- thread.lastEntryTs, { vec: vec },
- duration);
- thread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- }
- thread.lastEntryTs = undefined;
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Parses ipi events and sets up state in the mporter.
- */
- ipiEntryEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var thread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread(
- 'irqs cpu ' + cpuNumber);
- thread.lastEntryTs = ts;
- return true;
- },
- ipiExitEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = ipiHandlerExitRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var ipiName = event[1];
- var thread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread(
- 'irqs cpu ' + cpuNumber);
- if (thread.lastEntryTs !== undefined) {
- var duration = ts - thread.lastEntryTs;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice(
- '',
- 'IPI (' + ipiName + ')',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(ipiName),
- thread.lastEntryTs,
- {},
- duration);
- thread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- }
- thread.lastEntryTs = undefined;
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(IrqParser);
- return {
- IrqParser: IrqParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/irq_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/irq_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 647bd821e73..00000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('irqImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' kworker/u4:1-31907 (31907) [001] d.h3 14063.748288: ' +
- 'irq_handler_entry: irq=27 name=arch_timer',
- ' kworker/u4:1-31907 (31907) [001] dNh3 14063.748384: ' +
- 'irq_handler_exit: irq=27 ret=handled',
- ' kworker/u4:2-31908 (31908) [000] ..s3 14063.477231: ' +
- 'softirq_entry: vec=9 [action=RCU]',
- ' kworker/u4:2-31908 (31908) [000] ..s3 14063.477246: ' +
- 'softirq_exit: vec=9 [action=RCU]',
- ' RenderThread-2978 ( 2794) [002] dN.1 62828.421805: ' +
- 'ipi_entry: (Rescheduling interrupts)',
- ' RenderThread-2978 ( 2794) [002] dN.1 62828.421809: ' +
- 'ipi_exit: (Rescheduling interrupts)'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 3);
- var threads = m.findAllThreadsNamed('irqs cpu 1');
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- assert.equal(threads[0].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- var threads = m.findAllThreadsNamed('softirq cpu 0');
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- assert.equal(threads[0].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- var threads = m.findAllThreadsNamed('irqs cpu 2');
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- assert.equal(threads[0].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/kfunc_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/kfunc_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 72dbc71e512..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/kfunc_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses graph_ent and graph_ret events that were inserted by
- * the Linux kernel's function graph trace.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var LinuxPerfParser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses graph_ent and graph_ret events that were inserted by the Linux
- * kernel's function graph trace.
- * @constructor
- */
- function KernelFuncParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('graph_ent',
- KernelFuncParser.prototype.traceKernelFuncEnterEvent.
- bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('graph_ret',
- KernelFuncParser.prototype.traceKernelFuncReturnEvent.
- bind(this));
- this.model_ = importer.model_;
- this.ppids_ = {};
- }
- var TestExports = {};
- var funcEnterRE = new RegExp('func=(.+)');
- TestExports.funcEnterRE = funcEnterRE;
- KernelFuncParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: LinuxPerfParser.prototype,
- traceKernelFuncEnterEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- var eventData = funcEnterRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!eventData)
- return false;
- if (eventBase.tgid === undefined) {
- return false;
- }
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- var name = eventData[1];
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(tgid)
- .getOrCreateThread(pid);
- = eventBase.threadName;
- var slices = thread.kernelSliceGroup;
- if (!slices.isTimestampValidForBeginOrEnd(ts)) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Timestamps are moving backward.'
- });
- return false;
- }
- var slice = slices.beginSlice(null, name, ts, {});
- return true;
- },
- traceKernelFuncReturnEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- if (eventBase.tgid === undefined) {
- return false;
- }
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(tgid)
- .getOrCreateThread(pid);
- = eventBase.threadName;
- var slices = thread.kernelSliceGroup;
- if (!slices.isTimestampValidForBeginOrEnd(ts)) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Timestamps are moving backward.'
- });
- return false;
- }
- if (slices.openSliceCount > 0) {
- slices.endSlice(ts);
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
- LinuxPerfParser.register(KernelFuncParser);
- return {
- KernelFuncParser: KernelFuncParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/kfunc_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/kfunc_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d7dfd67526..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/kfunc_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('kernelFunctionParser', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906759: graph_ent: func=sys_write',
- 'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906769: graph_ret: func=sys_write',
- 'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906785: graph_ent: func=sys_write',
- 'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] ...1 3431.906798: tracing_mark_write: B|' +
- '127|dequeueBuffer',
- 'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906802: graph_ret: func=sys_write',
- 'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906842: graph_ent: func=sys_write',
- 'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] ...1 3431.906849: tracing_mark_write: E',
- 'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906853: graph_ret: func=sys_write',
- 'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906896: graph_ent: func=sys_write',
- 'Binder_2-127 ( 127) [001] .... 3431.906906: graph_ret: func=sys_write'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var process = m.processes[127];
- assert.isDefined(process);
- var thread = process.threads[127];
- assert.isDefined(thread);
- var slices = thread.sliceGroup.slices;
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 7);
- // Slice 0 is an un-split sys_write
- assert.equal(slices[0].title, 'sys_write');
- // Slices 1 & 3 are a split sys_write
- assert.equal(slices[1].title, 'sys_write');
- assert.equal(slices[2].title, 'dequeueBuffer');
- assert.equal(slices[3].title, 'sys_write (cont.)');
- // Slices 4 & 5 are a split sys_write with the dequeueBuffer in between
- assert.equal(slices[4].title, 'sys_write');
- assert.equal(slices[5].title, 'sys_write (cont.)');
- // Slice 6 is another un-split sys_write
- assert.equal(slices[6].title, 'sys_write');
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/mali_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/mali_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0516805f740..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/mali_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses Mali DDK/kernel events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses Mali DDK/kernel trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function MaliParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- // kernel DVFS events
- importer.registerEventHandler('mali_dvfs_event',
- MaliParser.prototype.dvfsEventEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('mali_dvfs_set_clock',
- MaliParser.prototype.dvfsSetClockEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('mali_dvfs_set_voltage',
- MaliParser.prototype.dvfsSetVoltageEvent.bind(this));
- // kernel Mali hw counter events
- this.addJMCounter('mali_hwc_MESSAGES_SENT', 'Messages Sent');
- this.addJMCounter('mali_hwc_MESSAGES_RECEIVED', 'Messages Received');
- this.addJMCycles('mali_hwc_GPU_ACTIVE', 'GPU Active');
- this.addJMCycles('mali_hwc_IRQ_ACTIVE', 'IRQ Active');
- for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- var jobStr = 'JS' + i;
- var jobHWCStr = 'mali_hwc_' + jobStr;
- this.addJMCounter(jobHWCStr + '_JOBS', jobStr + ' Jobs');
- this.addJMCounter(jobHWCStr + '_TASKS', jobStr + ' Tasks');
- this.addJMCycles(jobHWCStr + '_ACTIVE', jobStr + ' Active');
- this.addJMCycles(jobHWCStr + '_WAIT_READ', jobStr + ' Wait Read');
- this.addJMCycles(jobHWCStr + '_WAIT_ISSUE', jobStr + ' Wait Issue');
- this.addJMCycles(jobHWCStr + '_WAIT_DEPEND', jobStr + ' Wait Depend');
- this.addJMCycles(jobHWCStr + '_WAIT_FINISH', jobStr + ' Wait Finish');
- }
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_TRIANGLES', 'Triangles');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_QUADS', 'Quads');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_POLYGONS', 'Polygons');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_POINTS', 'Points');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_LINES', 'Lines');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_VCACHE_HIT', 'VCache Hit');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_VCACHE_MISS', 'VCache Miss');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_FRONT_FACING', 'Front Facing');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_BACK_FACING', 'Back Facing');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_PRIM_VISIBLE', 'Prim Visible');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_PRIM_CULLED', 'Prim Culled');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_PRIM_CLIPPED', 'Prim Clipped');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_WRBUF_HIT', 'Wrbuf Hit');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_WRBUF_MISS', 'Wrbuf Miss');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_WRBUF_LINE', 'Wrbuf Line');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_WRBUF_PARTIAL', 'Wrbuf Partial');
- this.addTilerCounter('mali_hwc_WRBUF_STALL', 'Wrbuf Stall');
- this.addTilerCycles('mali_hwc_ACTIVE', 'Tiler Active');
- this.addTilerCycles('mali_hwc_INDEX_WAIT', 'Index Wait');
- this.addTilerCycles('mali_hwc_INDEX_RANGE_WAIT', 'Index Range Wait');
- this.addTilerCycles('mali_hwc_VERTEX_WAIT', 'Vertex Wait');
- this.addTilerCycles('mali_hwc_PCACHE_WAIT', 'Pcache Wait');
- this.addTilerCycles('mali_hwc_WRBUF_WAIT', 'Wrbuf Wait');
- this.addTilerCycles('mali_hwc_BUS_READ', 'Bus Read');
- this.addTilerCycles('mali_hwc_BUS_WRITE', 'Bus Write');
- this.addTilerCycles('mali_hwc_TILER_UTLB_STALL', 'Tiler UTLB Stall');
- this.addTilerCycles('mali_hwc_TILER_UTLB_HIT', 'Tiler UTLB Hit');
- this.addFragCycles('mali_hwc_FRAG_ACTIVE', 'Active');
- /* NB: don't propagate spelling mistakes to labels */
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_PRIMATIVES', 'Primitives');
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_PRIMATIVES_DROPPED',
- 'Primitives Dropped');
- this.addFragCycles('mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLE_DESC', 'Descriptor Processing');
- this.addFragCycles('mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLES_PLR', 'PLR Processing??');
- this.addFragCycles('mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLES_VERT', 'Vertex Processing');
- this.addFragCycles('mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLES_TRISETUP', 'Triangle Setup');
- this.addFragCycles('mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLES_RAST', 'Rasterization???');
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_THREADS', 'Threads');
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_DUMMY_THREADS', 'Dummy Threads');
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_QUADS_RAST', 'Quads Rast');
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_QUADS_EZS_TEST', 'Quads EZS Test');
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_QUADS_EZS_KILLED', 'Quads EZS Killed');
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_QUADS_LZS_TEST', 'Quads LZS Test');
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_QUADS_LZS_KILLED', 'Quads LZS Killed');
- this.addFragCycles('mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLE_NO_TILE', 'No Tiles');
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_NUM_TILES', 'Tiles');
- this.addFragCounter('mali_hwc_FRAG_TRANS_ELIM', 'Transactions Eliminated');
- this.addComputeCycles('mali_hwc_COMPUTE_ACTIVE', 'Active');
- this.addComputeCounter('mali_hwc_COMPUTE_TASKS', 'Tasks');
- this.addComputeCounter('mali_hwc_COMPUTE_THREADS', 'Threads Started');
- this.addComputeCycles('mali_hwc_COMPUTE_CYCLES_DESC',
- 'Waiting for Descriptors');
- this.addTripipeCycles('mali_hwc_TRIPIPE_ACTIVE', 'Active');
- this.addArithCounter('mali_hwc_ARITH_WORDS', 'Instructions (/Pipes)');
- this.addArithCycles('mali_hwc_ARITH_CYCLES_REG',
- 'Reg scheduling stalls (/Pipes)');
- this.addArithCycles('mali_hwc_ARITH_CYCLES_L0',
- 'L0 cache miss stalls (/Pipes)');
- this.addArithCounter('mali_hwc_ARITH_FRAG_DEPEND',
- 'Frag dep check failures (/Pipes)');
- this.addLSCounter('mali_hwc_LS_WORDS', 'Instruction Words Completed');
- this.addLSCounter('mali_hwc_LS_ISSUES', 'Full Pipeline Issues');
- this.addLSCounter('mali_hwc_LS_RESTARTS', 'Restarts (unpairable insts)');
- this.addLSCounter('mali_hwc_LS_REISSUES_MISS',
- 'Pipeline reissue (cache miss/uTLB)');
- this.addLSCounter('mali_hwc_LS_REISSUES_VD',
- 'Pipeline reissue (varying data)');
- /* TODO(sleffler) fix kernel event typo */
- this.addLSCounter('mali_hwc_LS_REISSUE_ATTRIB_MISS',
- 'Pipeline reissue (attribute cache miss)');
- this.addLSCounter('mali_hwc_LS_REISSUE_NO_WB', 'Writeback not used');
- this.addTexCounter('mali_hwc_TEX_WORDS', 'Words');
- this.addTexCounter('mali_hwc_TEX_BUBBLES', 'Bubbles');
- this.addTexCounter('mali_hwc_TEX_WORDS_L0', 'Words L0');
- this.addTexCounter('mali_hwc_TEX_WORDS_DESC', 'Words Desc');
- this.addTexCounter('mali_hwc_TEX_THREADS', 'Threads');
- this.addTexCounter('mali_hwc_TEX_RECIRC_FMISS', 'Recirc due to Full Miss');
- this.addTexCounter('mali_hwc_TEX_RECIRC_DESC', 'Recirc due to Desc Miss');
- this.addTexCounter('mali_hwc_TEX_RECIRC_MULTI', 'Recirc due to Multipass');
- this.addTexCounter('mali_hwc_TEX_RECIRC_PMISS',
- 'Recirc due to Partial Cache Miss');
- this.addTexCounter('mali_hwc_TEX_RECIRC_CONF',
- 'Recirc due to Cache Conflict');
- this.addLSCCounter('mali_hwc_LSC_READ_HITS', 'Read Hits');
- this.addLSCCounter('mali_hwc_LSC_READ_MISSES', 'Read Misses');
- this.addLSCCounter('mali_hwc_LSC_WRITE_HITS', 'Write Hits');
- this.addLSCCounter('mali_hwc_LSC_WRITE_MISSES', 'Write Misses');
- this.addLSCCounter('mali_hwc_LSC_ATOMIC_HITS', 'Atomic Hits');
- this.addLSCCounter('mali_hwc_LSC_ATOMIC_MISSES', 'Atomic Misses');
- this.addLSCCounter('mali_hwc_LSC_LINE_FETCHES', 'Line Fetches');
- this.addLSCCounter('mali_hwc_LSC_DIRTY_LINE', 'Dirty Lines');
- this.addLSCCounter('mali_hwc_LSC_SNOOPS', 'Snoops');
- this.addAXICounter('mali_hwc_AXI_TLB_STALL', 'Address channel stall');
- this.addAXICounter('mali_hwc_AXI_TLB_MISS', 'Cache Miss');
- this.addAXICounter('mali_hwc_AXI_TLB_TRANSACTION', 'Transactions');
- this.addAXICounter('mali_hwc_LS_TLB_MISS', 'LS Cache Miss');
- this.addAXICounter('mali_hwc_LS_TLB_HIT', 'LS Cache Hit');
- this.addAXICounter('mali_hwc_AXI_BEATS_READ', 'Read Beats');
- this.addAXICounter('mali_hwc_AXI_BEATS_WRITE', 'Write Beats');
- this.addMMUCounter('mali_hwc_MMU_TABLE_WALK', 'Page Table Walks');
- this.addMMUCounter('mali_hwc_MMU_REPLAY_MISS',
- 'Cache Miss from Replay Buffer');
- this.addMMUCounter('mali_hwc_MMU_REPLAY_FULL', 'Replay Buffer Full');
- this.addMMUCounter('mali_hwc_MMU_NEW_MISS', 'Cache Miss on New Request');
- this.addMMUCounter('mali_hwc_MMU_HIT', 'Cache Hit');
- this.addMMUCycles('mali_hwc_UTLB_STALL', 'UTLB Stalled');
- this.addMMUCycles('mali_hwc_UTLB_REPLAY_MISS', 'UTLB Replay Miss');
- this.addMMUCycles('mali_hwc_UTLB_REPLAY_FULL', 'UTLB Replay Full');
- this.addMMUCycles('mali_hwc_UTLB_NEW_MISS', 'UTLB New Miss');
- this.addMMUCycles('mali_hwc_UTLB_HIT', 'UTLB Hit');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_READ_BEATS', 'Read Beats');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_WRITE_BEATS', 'Write Beats');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_ANY_LOOKUP', 'Any Lookup');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_READ_LOOKUP', 'Read Lookup');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_SREAD_LOOKUP', 'Shareable Read Lookup');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_READ_REPLAY', 'Read Replayed');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_READ_SNOOP', 'Read Snoop');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_READ_HIT', 'Read Cache Hit');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_CLEAN_MISS', 'CleanUnique Miss');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_WRITE_LOOKUP', 'Write Lookup');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_SWRITE_LOOKUP', 'Shareable Write Lookup');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_WRITE_REPLAY', 'Write Replayed');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_WRITE_SNOOP', 'Write Snoop');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_WRITE_HIT', 'Write Cache Hit');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_READ_FULL', 'ExtRD with BIU Full');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_READ_HALF', 'ExtRD with BIU >1/2 Full');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_WRITE_FULL', 'ExtWR with BIU Full');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_WRITE_HALF', 'ExtWR with BIU >1/2 Full');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_READ', 'External Read (ExtRD)');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_READ_LINE', 'ExtRD (linefill)');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_WRITE', 'External Write (ExtWR)');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_WRITE_LINE', 'ExtWR (linefill)');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_WRITE_SMALL', 'ExtWR (burst size <64B)');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_BARRIER', 'External Barrier');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_AR_STALL', 'Address Read stalls');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_R_BUF_FULL',
- 'Response Buffer full stalls');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_RD_BUF_FULL',
- 'Read Data Buffer full stalls');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_R_RAW', 'RAW hazard stalls');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_W_STALL', 'Write Data stalls');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_W_BUF_FULL', 'Write Data Buffer full');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_EXT_R_W_HAZARD', 'WAW or WAR hazard stalls');
- this.addL2Counter('mali_hwc_L2_TAG_HAZARD', 'Tag hazard replays');
- this.addL2Cycles('mali_hwc_L2_SNOOP_FULL', 'Snoop buffer full');
- this.addL2Cycles('mali_hwc_L2_REPLAY_FULL', 'Replay buffer full');
- // DDK events (from X server)
- importer.registerEventHandler('tracing_mark_write:mali_driver',
- MaliParser.prototype.maliDDKEvent.bind(this));
- this.model_ = importer.model_;
- }
- MaliParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- maliDDKOpenSlice: function(pid, tid, ts, func, blockinfo) {
- var thread = this.importer.model_.getOrCreateProcess(pid)
- .getOrCreateThread(tid);
- var funcArgs = /^([\w\d_]*)(?:\(\))?:?\s*(.*)$/.exec(func);
- thread.sliceGroup.beginSlice('gpu-driver', funcArgs[1], ts,
- { 'args': funcArgs[2],
- 'blockinfo': blockinfo });
- },
- maliDDKCloseSlice: function(pid, tid, ts, args, blockinfo) {
- var thread = this.importer.model_.getOrCreateProcess(pid)
- .getOrCreateThread(tid);
- if (!thread.sliceGroup.openSliceCount) {
- // Discard unmatched ends.
- return;
- }
- thread.sliceGroup.endSlice(ts);
- },
- /**
- * Deduce the format of Mali perf events.
- *
- * @return {RegExp} the regular expression for parsing data when the format
- * is recognized; otherwise null.
- */
- autoDetectLineRE: function(line) {
- // Matches Mali perf events with thread info
- var lineREWithThread =
- /^\s*\(([\w\-]*)\)\s*(\w+):\s*([\w\\\/\.\-]*@\d*):?\s*(.*)$/;
- if (lineREWithThread.test(line))
- return lineREWithThread;
- // Matches old-style Mali perf events
- var lineRENoThread = /^s*()(\w+):\s*([\w\\\/.\-]*):?\s*(.*)$/;
- if (lineRENoThread.test(line))
- return lineRENoThread;
- return null;
- },
- lineRE: null,
- /**
- * Parses maliDDK events and sets up state in the importer.
- * events will come in pairs with a cros_trace_print_enter
- * like this (line broken here for formatting):
- *
- * tracing_mark_write: mali_driver: (mali-012345) cros_trace_print_enter: \
- * gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c@1505: gles2_texturep_upload
- *
- * and a cros_trace_print_exit like this:
- *
- * tracing_mark_write: mali_driver: (mali-012345) cros_trace_print_exit: \
- * gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c@1505:
- */
- maliDDKEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- if (this.lineRE == null) {
- this.lineRE = this.autoDetectLineRE(eventBase.details);
- if (this.lineRE == null)
- return false;
- }
- var maliEvent = this.lineRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- // Old-style Mali perf events have no thread id, so make one.
- var tid = (maliEvent[1] === '' ? 'mali' : maliEvent[1]);
- switch (maliEvent[2]) {
- case 'cros_trace_print_enter':
- this.maliDDKOpenSlice(pid, tid, ts, maliEvent[4],
- maliEvent[3]);
- break;
- case 'cros_trace_print_exit':
- this.maliDDKCloseSlice(pid, tid, ts, [], maliEvent[3]);
- }
- return true;
- },
- /*
- * Kernel event support.
- */
- dvfsSample: function(counterName, seriesName, ts, s) {
- var value = parseInt(s);
- var counter = this.model_.kernel.
- getOrCreateCounter('DVFS', counterName);
- if (counter.numSeries === 0) {
- counter.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries(seriesName,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(;
- }
- counter.series.forEach(function(series) {
- series.addCounterSample(ts, value);
- });
- },
- dvfsEventEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /utilization=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- this.dvfsSample('DVFS Utilization', 'utilization', ts, event[1]);
- return true;
- },
- dvfsSetClockEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /frequency=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- this.dvfsSample('DVFS Frequency', 'frequency', ts, event[1]);
- return true;
- },
- dvfsSetVoltageEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /voltage=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- this.dvfsSample('DVFS Voltage', 'voltage', ts, event[1]);
- return true;
- },
- hwcSample: function(cat, counterName, seriesName, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /val=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var value = parseInt(event[1]);
- var counter = this.model_.kernel.
- getOrCreateCounter(cat, counterName);
- if (counter.numSeries === 0) {
- counter.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries(seriesName,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(;
- }
- counter.series.forEach(function(series) {
- series.addCounterSample(ts, value);
- });
- return true;
- },
- /*
- * Job Manager block counters.
- */
- jmSample: function(ctrName, seriesName, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:jm', 'JM: ' + ctrName, seriesName, ts,
- eventBase);
- },
- addJMCounter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.jmSample(hwcTitle, 'count', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- addJMCycles: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.jmSample(hwcTitle, 'cycles', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * Tiler block counters.
- */
- tilerSample: function(ctrName, seriesName, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:tiler', 'Tiler: ' + ctrName, seriesName,
- ts, eventBase);
- },
- addTilerCounter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.tilerSample(hwcTitle, 'count', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- addTilerCycles: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.tilerSample(hwcTitle, 'cycles', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * Fragment counters.
- */
- fragSample: function(ctrName, seriesName, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:fragment', 'Fragment: ' + ctrName,
- seriesName, ts, eventBase);
- },
- addFragCounter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.fragSample(hwcTitle, 'count', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- addFragCycles: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.fragSample(hwcTitle, 'cycles', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * Compute counters.
- */
- computeSample: function(ctrName, seriesName, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:compute', 'Compute: ' + ctrName,
- seriesName, ts, eventBase);
- },
- addComputeCounter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.computeSample(hwcTitle, 'count', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- addComputeCycles: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.computeSample(hwcTitle, 'cycles', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * Tripipe counters.
- */
- addTripipeCycles: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:shader', 'Tripipe: ' + hwcTitle, 'cycles',
- ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * Arith counters.
- */
- arithSample: function(ctrName, seriesName, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:arith', 'Arith: ' + ctrName, seriesName, ts,
- eventBase);
- },
- addArithCounter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.arithSample(hwcTitle, 'count', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- addArithCycles: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.arithSample(hwcTitle, 'cycles', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * Load/Store counters.
- */
- addLSCounter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:ls', 'LS: ' + hwcTitle, 'count', ts,
- eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * Texture counters.
- */
- textureSample: function(ctrName, seriesName, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:texture', 'Texture: ' + ctrName,
- seriesName, ts, eventBase);
- },
- addTexCounter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.textureSample(hwcTitle, 'count', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * LSC counters.
- */
- addLSCCounter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:lsc', 'LSC: ' + hwcTitle, 'count', ts,
- eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * TLB counters.
- */
- addAXICounter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:axi', 'AXI: ' + hwcTitle, 'count', ts,
- eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * MMU counters.
- */
- mmuSample: function(ctrName, seriesName, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:mmu', 'MMU: ' + ctrName, seriesName, ts,
- eventBase);
- },
- addMMUCounter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.mmuSample(hwcTitle, 'count', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- addMMUCycles: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.mmuSample(hwcTitle, 'cycles', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- /*
- * L2 counters.
- */
- l2Sample: function(ctrName, seriesName, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.hwcSample('mali:l2', 'L2: ' + ctrName, seriesName, ts,
- eventBase);
- },
- addL2Counter: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.l2Sample(hwcTitle, 'count', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- },
- addL2Cycles: function(hwcEventName, hwcTitle) {
- function handler(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return this.l2Sample(hwcTitle, 'cycles', ts, eventBase);
- }
- this.importer.registerEventHandler(hwcEventName, handler.bind(this));
- }
- };
- Parser.register(MaliParser);
- return {
- MaliParser: MaliParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/mali_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/mali_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index be19c73896f..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/mali_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- function newModel(events) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- }
- test('maliDDKImport', function() {
- var linesNoThread = [
- // Row 1 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562633: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'gles/src/dispatch/mali_gles_dispatch_entrypoints.c992: ' +
- 'glTexSubImage2D',
- // Row 2 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562655: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_api.c996: ' +
- 'gles_texture_tex_sub_image_2d',
- // Row 3 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562671: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c295: ' +
- 'gles_texturep_slave_map_master',
- // Row 3 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562684: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c295: ',
- // Row 3 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562700: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c1505: ' +
- 'gles2_texturep_upload_2d',
- // Row 4 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562726: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c1612: ' +
- 'gles2_texturep_upload_2d: pixel array: wait for dependencies',
- // Row 5 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562742: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c1693: ' +
- 'cobj_convert_pixels_to_surface',
- // Row 6 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562776: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c1461: ' +
- 'cobj_convert_pixels',
- // Row 7 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562791: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c1505: ' +
- 'cobj_convert_pixels: fast-path linear copy',
- // Row 8 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562808: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c1511: ' +
- 'cobj_convert_pixels: reorder-only',
- // Row 8 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563383: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c1511',
- // Row 7 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563397: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c1505',
- // Row 6 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563409: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c1461',
- // Row 5 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563438: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c1693',
- // Row 4 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563451: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c1612',
- // Row 3 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563462: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c1505',
- // Row 2 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563475: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_api.c996',
- // Row 1 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563486: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'gles/src/dispatch/mali_gles_dispatch_entrypoints.c992'
- ];
- var linesWithThread = [
- // Row 1 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562633: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'gles/src/dispatch/mali_gles_dispatch_entrypoints.c@992: ' +
- 'glTexSubImage2D',
- // Row 2 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562655: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_api.c@996: ' +
- 'gles_texture_tex_sub_image_2d',
- // Row 3 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562671: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c@295: ' +
- 'gles_texturep_slave_map_master',
- // Row 3 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562684: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c@295: ',
- // Row 3 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562700: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c@1505: ' +
- 'gles2_texturep_upload_2d',
- // Row 4 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562726: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c@1612: ' +
- 'gles2_texturep_upload_2d: pixel array: wait for dependencies',
- // Row 5 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562742: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c@1693: ' +
- 'cobj_convert_pixels_to_surface',
- // Row 6 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562776: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c@1461: ' +
- 'cobj_convert_pixels',
- // Row 7 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562791: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c@1505: ' +
- 'cobj_convert_pixels: fast-path linear copy',
- // Row 8 open
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.562808: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_enter: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c@1511: ' +
- 'cobj_convert_pixels: reorder-only',
- // Row 8 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563383: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c@1511',
- // Row 7 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563397: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c@1505',
- // Row 6 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563409: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c@1461',
- // Row 5 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563438: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'cobj/src/mali_cobj_surface_operations.c@1693',
- // Row 4 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563451: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c@1612',
- // Row 3 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563462: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_slave.c@1505',
- // Row 2 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563475: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_api.c@996',
- // Row 1 close
- ' chrome-1780 [001] ...1 28.563486: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'mali_driver: (mali-1878934320) cros_trace_print_exit: ' +
- 'gles/src/dispatch/mali_gles_dispatch_entrypoints.c@992'
- ];
- var traceNoThread = newModel(linesNoThread.join('\n'));
- var traceWithThread = newModel(linesWithThread.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(traceNoThread.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.isFalse(traceWithThread.hasImportWarnings);
- var threadsNoThread = traceNoThread.getAllThreads();
- var threadsWithThread = traceWithThread.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threadsNoThread.length, 1);
- assert.equal(threadsWithThread.length, 1);
- var maliThreadNoThread = threadsNoThread[0];
- var maliThreadWithThread = threadsWithThread[0];
- assert.equal(maliThreadNoThread.tid, 'mali');
- assert.equal(maliThreadWithThread.tid, 'mali-1878934320');
- assert.equal(maliThreadNoThread.sliceGroup.length, 9);
- assert.equal(maliThreadWithThread.sliceGroup.length, 9);
- });
- test('DVFSFrequencyImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [001] .... 1174.839552: mali_dvfs_set_clock: ' +
- 'frequency=266',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 1183.840486: mali_dvfs_set_clock: ' +
- 'frequency=400'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var counters = m.getAllCounters();
- assert.equal(counters.length, 1);
- var c0 = counters[0];
- assert.equal(, 'DVFS Frequency');
- assert.equal(c0.series[0].samples.length, 2);
- });
- test('DVFSVoltageImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [001] .... 1174.839562: mali_dvfs_set_voltage: ' +
- 'voltage=937500',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 1183.840009: mali_dvfs_set_voltage: ' +
- 'voltage=1100000'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var counters = m.getAllCounters();
- assert.equal(counters.length, 1);
- var c0 = counters[0];
- assert.equal(, 'DVFS Voltage');
- assert.equal(c0.series[0].samples.length, 2);
- });
- test('DVFSUtilizationImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [001] .... 1174.839552: mali_dvfs_event: ' +
- 'utilization=7',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 1183.840486: mali_dvfs_event: ' +
- 'utilization=37'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var counters = m.getAllCounters();
- assert.equal(counters.length, 1);
- var c0 = counters[0];
- assert.equal(, 'DVFS Utilization');
- assert.equal(c0.series[0].samples.length, 2);
- });
- test('maliHWCImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896588: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_ACTIVE: val=238',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046889: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_ARITH_CYCLES_L0: val=1967',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046888: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_ARITH_CYCLES_REG: val=136',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046890: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_ARITH_FRAG_DEPEND: val=19676',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046886: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_ARITH_WORDS: val=255543',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046920: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_AXI_BEATS_READ: val=257053',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896594: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_AXI_TLB_STALL: val=1',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.946646: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_AXI_TLB_TRANSACTION: val=4',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046853: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_BACK_FACING: val=104',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046880: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_COMPUTE_ACTIVE: val=17462',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046884: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_COMPUTE_CYCLES_DESC: val=3933',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046881: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_COMPUTE_TASKS: val=15',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046883: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_COMPUTE_THREADS: val=60',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046860: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_ACTIVE: val=690986',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046864: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLE_DESC: val=13980',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046876: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLE_NO_TILE: val=3539',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046865: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLES_PLR: val=1499',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046869: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLES_RAST: val=1999',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046868: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLES_TRISETUP: val=22353',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046867: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_CYCLES_VERT: val=20763',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046872: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_DUMMY_THREADS: val=1968',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046877: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_NUM_TILES: val=1840',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046862: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_PRIMATIVES: val=3752',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046863: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_PRIMATIVES_DROPPED: val=18',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046874: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_QUADS_EZS_TEST: val=117925',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046873: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_QUADS_RAST: val=117889',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046870: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_THREADS: val=471507',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046879: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRAG_TRANS_ELIM: val=687',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 80.315162: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_FRONT_FACING: val=56',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896582: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_GPU_ACTIVE: val=1316',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896584: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_IRQ_ACTIVE: val=17',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046834: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_JS0_ACTIVE: val=709444',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046831: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_JS0_JOBS: val=2',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046832: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_JS0_TASKS: val=7263',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046836: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_JS0_WAIT_DEPEND: val=665876',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046835: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_JS0_WAIT_ISSUE: val=910',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046840: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_JS1_ACTIVE: val=153980',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046838: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_JS1_JOBS: val=133',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046839: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_JS1_TASKS: val=128',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046843: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_JS1_WAIT_FINISH: val=74404',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046842: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_JS1_WAIT_ISSUE: val=10146',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896603: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_ANY_LOOKUP: val=22',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046942: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_CLEAN_MISS: val=116',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.063515: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_AR_STALL: val=9',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.963384: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_BARRIER: val=1',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.063516: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_R_BUF_FULL: val=43',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896611: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_READ: val=4',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896612: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_READ_LINE: val=4',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046956: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_R_RAW: val=1',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.063518: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_R_W_HAZARD: val=15',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.963381: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_WRITE: val=25',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046952: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_WRITE_LINE: val=63278',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.963382: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_WRITE_SMALL: val=1',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.814532: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_EXT_W_STALL: val=9',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896602: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_READ_BEATS: val=16',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896607: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_READ_HIT: val=11',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896604: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_READ_LOOKUP: val=19',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896606: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_READ_REPLAY: val=2',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046940: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_READ_SNOOP: val=24',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046959: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_REPLAY_FULL: val=6629',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .N.. 80.565684: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_SNOOP_FULL: val=5',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046937: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_SREAD_LOOKUP: val=241',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046944: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_SWRITE_LOOKUP: val=133',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896614: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_TAG_HAZARD: val=4',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.963368: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_WRITE_BEATS: val=96',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046947: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_WRITE_HIT: val=78265',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896608: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_WRITE_LOOKUP: val=3',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046946: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_L2_WRITE_REPLAY: val=15879',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046912: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_LSC_LINE_FETCHES: val=15',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046909: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_LSC_READ_HITS: val=2961',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046911: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_LSC_READ_MISSES: val=22',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046914: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_LSC_SNOOPS: val=10',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046893: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_LS_ISSUES: val=524219',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046894: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_LS_REISSUES_MISS: val=439',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046895: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_LS_REISSUES_VD: val=52007',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046919: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_LS_TLB_HIT: val=3043',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046918: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_LS_TLB_MISS: val=5',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046891: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_LS_WORDS: val=471514',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046925: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_MMU_HIT: val=771',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046924: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_MMU_NEW_MISS: val=494',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046922: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_MMU_REPLAY_MISS: val=841',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046921: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_MMU_TABLE_WALK: val=3119',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046848: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_POINTS: val=5',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046856: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_PRIM_CLIPPED: val=70',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046855: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_PRIM_CULLED: val=26',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046854: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_PRIM_VISIBLE: val=109',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046898: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TEX_BUBBLES: val=24874',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046905: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TEX_RECIRC_DESC: val=5937',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046904: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TEX_RECIRC_FMISS: val=209450',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896592: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TEX_RECIRC_MULTI: val=238',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046908: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TEX_RECIRC_PMISS: val=9672',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046903: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TEX_THREADS: val=660900',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046897: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TEX_WORDS: val=471193',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046901: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TEX_WORDS_DESC: val=707',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046900: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TEX_WORDS_L0: val=32',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046846: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TRIANGLES: val=130',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046885: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_TRIPIPE_ACTIVE: val=691001',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896600: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_UTLB_NEW_MISS: val=6',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896599: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_UTLB_REPLAY_FULL: val=248',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896597: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_UTLB_REPLAY_MISS: val=1',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 78.896596: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_UTLB_STALL: val=1',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046850: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_VCACHE_HIT: val=311',
- ' kworker/u:0-5 [000] .... 79.046851: ' +
- 'mali_hwc_VCACHE_MISS: val=70'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var counters = m.getAllCounters();
- assert.equal(counters.length, 103);
- // all counters should have 1 sample
- for (var tI = 0; tI < counters.length; tI++) {
- var counter = counters[tI];
- assert.equal(counter.series[0].samples.length, 1);
- }
- // TODO(sleffler) verify counter names? (not sure if it's worth the effort)
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/memreclaim_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/memreclaim_parser.html
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index c4b7f57f844..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/memreclaim_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses drm driver events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux vmscan trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function MemReclaimParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake',
- MemReclaimParser.prototype.kswapdWake.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep',
- MemReclaimParser.prototype.kswapdSleep.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin',
- MemReclaimParser.prototype.reclaimBegin.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end',
- MemReclaimParser.prototype.reclaimEnd.bind(this));
- }
- // Matches the mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake record
- // mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=%d order=%d
- var kswapdWakeRE = /nid=(\d+) order=(\d+)/;
- // Matches the mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep record
- // mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep: order=%d
- var kswapdSleepRE = /nid=(\d+)/;
- // Matches the mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin record
- // mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin: order=%d may_writepage=%d gfp_flags=%s
- var reclaimBeginRE = /order=(\d+) may_writepage=\d+ gfp_flags=(.+)/;
- // Matches the mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end record
- // mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end: nr_reclaimed=%lu
- var reclaimEndRE = /nr_reclaimed=(\d+)/;
- MemReclaimParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- /**
- * Parses memreclaim events and sets up state in the importer.
- */
- kswapdWake: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = kswapdWakeRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- var nid = parseInt(event[1]);
- var order = parseInt(event[2]);
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreateKernelThread(
- eventBase.threadName, tgid, pid);
- if (kthread.openSliceTS) {
- if (order > kthread.order) {
- kthread.order = order;
- }
- } else {
- kthread.openSliceTS = ts;
- kthread.order = order;
- }
- return true;
- },
- kswapdSleep: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreateKernelThread(
- eventBase.threadName, tgid, pid);
- if (kthread.openSliceTS) {
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushCompleteSlice(
- 'memreclaim', eventBase.threadName, kthread.openSliceTS,
- ts - kthread.openSliceTS, 0, 0,
- {
- order: kthread.order
- });
- }
- kthread.openSliceTS = undefined;
- kthread.order = undefined;
- return true;
- },
- reclaimBegin: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = reclaimBeginRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var order = parseInt(event[1]);
- var gfp = event[2];
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreateKernelThread(
- eventBase.threadName, tgid, pid);
- kthread.openSliceTS = ts;
- kthread.order = order;
- kthread.gfp = gfp;
- return true;
- },
- reclaimEnd: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = reclaimEndRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var nr_reclaimed = parseInt(event[1]);
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreateKernelThread(
- eventBase.threadName, tgid, pid);
- if (kthread.openSliceTS !== undefined) {
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushCompleteSlice('memreclaim',
- 'direct reclaim', kthread.openSliceTS, ts - kthread.openSliceTS,
- 0, 0,
- {
- order: kthread.order,
- gfp: kthread.gfp,
- nr_reclaimed: nr_reclaimed
- });
- }
- kthread.openSliceTS = undefined;
- kthread.order = undefined;
- kthread.gfp = undefined;
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(MemReclaimParser);
- return {
- MemReclaimParser: MemReclaimParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/memreclaim_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/memreclaim_parser_test.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/memreclaim_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- function newModel(events) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- }
- test('memreclaimImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' surfaceflinger-1155 ( 1155) [001] ...1 12839.528756: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin: order=0 may_writepage=1 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_NOWARN|GFP_ZERO|0x2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' surfaceflinger-1155 ( 1155) [001] ...1 12839.531950: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end: nr_reclaimed=66', // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' kswapd0-33 ( 33) [001] ...1 12838.491407: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' kswapd0-33 ( 33) [001] ...1 12838.529770: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' kswapd0-33 ( 33) [001] ...1 12840.545737: mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep: nid=0'// @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(m.processes['1155'].threads['1155'].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(m.processes['33'].threads['33'].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- });
- test('memreclaimDirectReclaim', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'RenderThread-9844 ( 9786) [001] ...1 1734.106078: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin: order=5 may_writepage=1 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_NOWARN|0x2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-9844 ( 9786) [001] ...1 1734.107619: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end: nr_reclaimed=72', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-9844 ( 9786) [001] ...1 1734.107738: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin: order=4 may_writepage=1 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_NOWARN|0x2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-9844 ( 9786) [001] ...1 1734.107844: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end: nr_reclaimed=35', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-9844 ( 9786) [001] ...1 1734.107891: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin: order=4 may_writepage=1 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_NOWARN|0x2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-9844 ( 9786) [001] ...1 1734.107945: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end: nr_reclaimed=35', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-9844 ( 9786) [001] ...1 1734.107990: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin: order=4 may_writepage=1 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_NOWARN|0x2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'RenderThread-9844 ( 9786) [001] ...1 1734.108062: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end: nr_reclaimed=34', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'Binder_8-1735 ( 1022) [001] ...1 1735.472240: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin: order=3 may_writepage=1 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_NOWARN|0x2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'Binder_8-1735 ( 1022) [001] ...1 1735.472849: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end: nr_reclaimed=47', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'Binder_8-1735 ( 1022) [001] ...1 1735.473002: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin: order=3 may_writepage=1 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_NOWARN|0x2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'Binder_8-1735 ( 1022) [001] ...1 1735.474859: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end: nr_reclaimed=48', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'touch_fusion-88 ( 88) [000] ...1 1736.510656: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin: order=2 may_writepage=1 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_NOWARN|GFP_COMP|GFP_NOMEMALLOC|GFP_KMEMCG', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'touch_fusion-88 ( 88) [000] ...1 1736.517616: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end: nr_reclaimed=34', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'touch_fusion-88 ( 88) [000] ...1 1736.527061: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin: order=2 may_writepage=1 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL|GFP_NOWARN|GFP_COMP|GFP_NOMEMALLOC|GFP_KMEMCG', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'touch_fusion-88 ( 88) [000] ...1 1736.530857: mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end: nr_reclaimed=39'// @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 3);
- var Binder_8 = threads[0];
- var touch_fusion = threads[1];
- var RenderThread = threads[2];
- /* make sure there are the expected amount of slices per thread */
- assert.equal(Binder_8.sliceGroup.length, 2);
- assert.equal(touch_fusion.sliceGroup.length, 2);
- assert.equal(RenderThread.sliceGroup.length, 4);
- /* make sure the slices have information to display to the
- * user when selected
- */
- var iterate_me = [Binder_8, touch_fusion, RenderThread];
- iterate_me.forEach(function(thread) {
- for (var i = 0; i < thread.sliceGroup.length; i++) {
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.slices[i].args !== undefined, true);
- }
- });
- });
- test('memreclaimKswapd', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.210437: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=5', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.227291: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.237585: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.258698: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.269642: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.319484: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.344839: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.428425: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.429593: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.599419: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1734.696606: mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep: nid=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1735.465745: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=3', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1735.563917: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=5', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1735.570555: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=4', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1735.666658: mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep: nid=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1736.508069: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1736.529293: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1736.696725: mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep: nid=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1737.945426: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1737.988642: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.057237: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.144630: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.207546: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.221963: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.316889: mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep: nid=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.712804: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.751103: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.773175: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.785068: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.789545: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1738.873675: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1738.899117: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1738.939214: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1738.990366: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1739.028269: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1739.036765: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1739.077631: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.094731: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.096757: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.160536: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.256638: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.264972: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1739.360137: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.368759: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.387082: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.455657: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.489058: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.507561: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.570247: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [001] ...1 1739.582975: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.678148: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.762025: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.799245: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.821950: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.894130: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1739.919775: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1740.026933: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1740.126608: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1740.150819: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1740.156101: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1740.246626: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1740.357055: mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep: nid=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1740.762705: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1740.772367: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=2', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1740.783509: mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake: nid=0 order=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kswapd0-48 ( 48) [000] ...1 1740.876601: mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep: nid=0'// @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var thread = threads[0];
- assert.equal(thread.sliceGroup.length, 6);
- thread.sliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(slice) {
- assert.equal(slice.args !== undefined, true);
- });
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html
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index dd64d06b69d..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/extension_registry.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Base class for linux perf event parsers.
- *
- * The linux perf trace event importer depends on subclasses of
- * Parser to parse event data. Each subclass corresponds
- * to a group of trace events; e.g. SchedParser implements
- * parsing of sched:* kernel trace events. Parser subclasses must
- * call Parser.register to arrange to be instantiated
- * and their constructor must register their event handlers with the
- * importer. For example,
- *
- * var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- *
- * function WorkqueueParser(importer) {
- *, importer);
- *
- * importer.registerEventHandler('workqueue_execute_start',
- * WorkqueueParser.prototype.executeStartEvent.bind(this));
- * importer.registerEventHandler('workqueue_execute_end',
- * WorkqueueParser.prototype.executeEndEvent.bind(this));
- * }
- *
- * Parser.register(WorkqueueParser);
- *
- * When a registered event name is found in the data stream the associated
- * event handler is invoked:
- *
- * executeStartEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, ts, eventBase)
- *
- * If the routine returns false the caller will generate an import error
- * saying there was a problem parsing it. Handlers can also emit import
- * messages using this.importer.model.importWarning. If this is done in lieu of
- * the generic import error it may be desirable for the handler to return
- * true.
- *
- * Trace events generated by writing to the trace_marker file are expected
- * to have a leading text marker followed by a ':'; e.g. the trace clock
- * synchronization event is:
- *
- * tracing_mark_write: trace_event_clock_sync: parent_ts=0
- *
- * To register an event handler for these events, prepend the marker with
- * 'tracing_mark_write:'; e.g.
- *
- * this.registerEventHandler('tracing_mark_write:trace_event_clock_sync',
- *
- * All subclasses should depend on importer.linux_perf.parser, e.g.
- *
- * tr.defineModule('importer.linux_perf.workqueue_parser')
- * .dependsOn('importer.linux_perf.parser')
- * .exportsTo('tracing', function()
- *
- * and be listed in the dependsOn of FTraceImporter. Beware that after adding a
- * new subclass you must run build/ to
- * regenerate tr.ui.e.about_tracing.*.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- /**
- * Parses linux perf events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function Parser(importer) {
- this.importer = importer;
- this.model = importer.model;
- }
- Parser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Object.prototype
- };
- var options = new tr.b.ExtensionRegistryOptions(tr.b.BASIC_REGISTRY_MODE);
- options.mandatoryBaseClass = Parser;
- tr.b.decorateExtensionRegistry(Parser, options);
- return {
- Parser: Parser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/power_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/power_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c6d01a26d05..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/power_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter_series.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses power events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux power trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function PowerParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- // NB: old-style power events, deprecated
- importer.registerEventHandler('power_start',
- PowerParser.prototype.powerStartEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('power_frequency',
- PowerParser.prototype.powerFrequencyEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpu_frequency',
- PowerParser.prototype.cpuFrequencyEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpu_frequency_limits',
- PowerParser.prototype.cpuFrequencyLimitsEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('cpu_idle',
- PowerParser.prototype.cpuIdleEvent.bind(this));
- }
- PowerParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- cpuStateSlice: function(ts, targetCpuNumber, eventType, cpuState) {
- var targetCpu = this.importer.getOrCreateCpu(targetCpuNumber);
- var powerCounter;
- if (eventType != '1') {
- this.importer.model.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Don\'t understand power_start events of ' +
- 'type ' + eventType
- });
- return;
- }
- powerCounter = targetCpu.getOrCreateCounter('', 'C-State');
- if (powerCounter.numSeries === 0) {
- powerCounter.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('state',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- + '.' + 'state')));
- }
- powerCounter.series.forEach(function(series) {
- series.addCounterSample(ts, cpuState);
- });
- },
- cpuIdleSlice: function(ts, targetCpuNumber, cpuState) {
- var targetCpu = this.importer.getOrCreateCpu(targetCpuNumber);
- var powerCounter = targetCpu.getOrCreateCounter('', 'C-State');
- if (powerCounter.numSeries === 0) {
- powerCounter.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('state',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(;
- }
- // NB: 4294967295/-1 means an exit from the current state
- var val = (cpuState != 4294967295 ? cpuState + 1 : 0);
- powerCounter.series.forEach(function(series) {
- series.addCounterSample(ts, val);
- });
- },
- cpuFrequencySlice: function(ts, targetCpuNumber, powerState) {
- var targetCpu = this.importer.getOrCreateCpu(targetCpuNumber);
- var powerCounter =
- targetCpu.getOrCreateCounter('', 'Clock Frequency');
- if (powerCounter.numSeries === 0) {
- powerCounter.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('state',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- + '.' + 'state')));
- }
- powerCounter.series.forEach(function(series) {
- series.addCounterSample(ts, powerState);
- });
- },
- cpuFrequencyLimitsSlice: function(ts, targetCpuNumber, minFreq, maxFreq) {
- var targetCpu = this.importer.getOrCreateCpu(targetCpuNumber);
- var powerCounter =
- targetCpu.getOrCreateCounter('', 'Clock Frequency Limits');
- if (powerCounter.numSeries === 0) {
- powerCounter.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('Min Frequency',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- + '.' + 'Min Frequency')));
- powerCounter.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('Max Frequency',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- + '.' + 'Max Frequency')));
- }
- powerCounter.series.forEach(function(series) {
- if ( == 'Min Frequency')
- series.addCounterSample(ts, minFreq);
- if ( == 'Max Frequency')
- series.addCounterSample(ts, maxFreq);
- });
- },
- /**
- * Parses power events and sets up state in the importer.
- */
- powerStartEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /type=(\d+) state=(\d) cpu_id=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var targetCpuNumber = parseInt(event[3]);
- var cpuState = parseInt(event[2]);
- this.cpuStateSlice(ts, targetCpuNumber, event[1], cpuState);
- return true;
- },
- powerFrequencyEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /type=(\d+) state=(\d+) cpu_id=(\d+)/
- .exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var targetCpuNumber = parseInt(event[3]);
- var powerState = parseInt(event[2]);
- this.cpuFrequencySlice(ts, targetCpuNumber, powerState);
- return true;
- },
- cpuFrequencyEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /state=(\d+) cpu_id=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var targetCpuNumber = parseInt(event[2]);
- var powerState = parseInt(event[1]);
- this.cpuFrequencySlice(ts, targetCpuNumber, powerState);
- return true;
- },
- cpuFrequencyLimitsEvent: function(eventName, cpu, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /min=(\d+) max=(\d+) cpu_id=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var targetCpuNumber = parseInt(event[3]);
- var minFreq = parseInt(event[1]);
- var maxFreq = parseInt(event[2]);
- this.cpuFrequencyLimitsSlice(ts, targetCpuNumber, minFreq, maxFreq);
- return true;
- },
- cpuIdleEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /state=(\d+) cpu_id=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var targetCpuNumber = parseInt(event[2]);
- var cpuState = parseInt(event[1]);
- this.cpuIdleSlice(ts, targetCpuNumber, cpuState);
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(PowerParser);
- return {
- PowerParser: PowerParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/power_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/power_parser_test.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/power_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- function newModel(events) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- }
- test('powerFrequencyImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' kworker/0:3-6880 [000] 2784.783015: power_frequency: ' +
- 'type=2 state=1000000 cpu_id=0',
- ' kworker/1:2-7269 [001] 2784.788993: power_frequency: ' +
- 'type=2 state=800000 cpu_id=1',
- ' kworker/1:2-7269 [001] 2784.993120: power_frequency: ' +
- 'type=2 state=1300000 cpu_id=1'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var c0 = m.kernel.cpus[0];
- assert.equal(c0.slices.length, 0);
- assert.equal(c0.counters['.Clock Frequency'].series[0].samples.length, 1);
- var c1 = m.kernel.cpus[1];
- assert.equal(c1.slices.length, 0);
- assert.equal(c1.counters['.Clock Frequency'].series[0].samples.length, 2);
- });
- test('cpuFrequencyImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' kworker/1:0-9665 [001] 15051.007301: cpu_frequency: ' +
- 'state=800000 cpu_id=1',
- ' kworker/1:0-9665 [001] 15051.010278: cpu_frequency: ' +
- 'state=1300000 cpu_id=1',
- ' kworker/0:2-7972 [000] 15051.010278: cpu_frequency: ' +
- 'state=1000000 cpu_id=0',
- ' kworker/0:2-7972 [000] 15051.020304: cpu_frequency: ' +
- 'state=800000 cpu_id=0'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var c0 = m.kernel.cpus[0];
- assert.equal(c0.slices.length, 0);
- assert.equal(c0.counters['.Clock Frequency'].series[0].samples.length, 2);
- var c1 = m.kernel.cpus[1];
- assert.equal(c1.slices.length, 0);
- assert.equal(c1.counters['.Clock Frequency'].series[0].samples.length, 2);
- });
- test('cpuIdleImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' <idle>-0 [000] 15050.992883: cpu_idle: ' +
- 'state=1 cpu_id=0',
- ' <idle>-0 [000] 15050.993027: cpu_idle: ' +
- 'state=4294967295 cpu_id=0',
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 15050.993132: cpu_idle: ' +
- 'state=1 cpu_id=1',
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 15050.993276: cpu_idle: ' +
- 'state=4294967295 cpu_id=1',
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 15050.993279: cpu_idle: ' +
- 'state=3 cpu_id=1',
- ' <idle>-0 [001] 15050.993457: cpu_idle: ' +
- 'state=4294967295 cpu_id=1'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var c0 = m.kernel.cpus[0];
- assert.equal(c0.slices.length, 0);
- assert.equal(c0.counters['.C-State'].series[0].samples.length, 2);
- var c1 = m.kernel.cpus[1];
- assert.equal(c1.slices.length, 0);
- assert.equal(c1.counters['.C-State'].series[0].samples.length, 4);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/regulator_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/regulator_parser.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/regulator_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses regulator events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux regulator trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function RegulatorParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('regulator_enable',
- RegulatorParser.prototype.regulatorEnableEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('regulator_enable_delay',
- RegulatorParser.prototype.regulatorEnableDelayEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('regulator_enable_complete',
- RegulatorParser.prototype.regulatorEnableCompleteEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('regulator_disable',
- RegulatorParser.prototype.regulatorDisableEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('regulator_disable_complete',
- RegulatorParser.prototype.regulatorDisableCompleteEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('regulator_set_voltage',
- RegulatorParser.prototype.regulatorSetVoltageEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('regulator_set_voltage_complete',
- RegulatorParser.prototype.regulatorSetVoltageCompleteEvent.bind(this));
- this.model_ = importer.model_;
- }
- // Matches the regulator_enable record
- var regulatorEnableRE = /name=(.+)/;
- // Matches the regulator_disable record
- var regulatorDisableRE = /name=(.+)/;
- // Matches the regulator_set_voltage_complete record
- var regulatorSetVoltageCompleteRE = /name=(\S+), val=(\d+)/;
- RegulatorParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- /**
- * Get or create a counter with one series.
- */
- getCtr_: function(ctrName, valueName) {
- var ctr = this.model_.kernel
- .getOrCreateCounter(null, 'vreg ' + ctrName + ' ' + valueName);
- // Initialize the counter's series fields if needed.
- if (ctr.series[0] === undefined) {
- ctr.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries(valueName,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- ctrName + '.' + valueName)));
- }
- return ctr;
- },
- /**
- * Parses regulator events and sets up state in the importer.
- */
- regulatorEnableEvent: function(eventName, cpuNum, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = regulatorEnableRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var name = event[1];
- var ctr = this.getCtr_(name, 'enabled');
- ctr.series[0].addCounterSample(ts, 1);
- return true;
- },
- regulatorEnableDelayEvent: function(eventName, cpuNum, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return true;
- },
- regulatorEnableCompleteEvent: function(eventName, cpuNum, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- return true;
- },
- regulatorDisableEvent: function(eventName, cpuNum, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = regulatorDisableRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var name = event[1];
- var ctr = this.getCtr_(name, 'enabled');
- ctr.series[0].addCounterSample(ts, 0);
- return true;
- },
- regulatorDisableCompleteEvent: function(eventName, cpuNum, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- return true;
- },
- regulatorSetVoltageEvent: function(eventName, cpuNum, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- return true;
- },
- regulatorSetVoltageCompleteEvent: function(eventName, cpuNum, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- var event = regulatorSetVoltageCompleteRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var name = event[1];
- var voltage = parseInt(event[2]);
- var ctr = this.getCtr_(name, 'voltage');
- ctr.series[0].addCounterSample(ts, voltage);
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(RegulatorParser);
- return {
- RegulatorParser: RegulatorParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/regulator_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/regulator_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 328bf7c3161..00000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('regulatorImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' kworker/0:2H-14312 [000] ...1 143713.787749: ' +
- 'regulator_set_voltage: name=krait0 (810000-1100000)',
- ' kworker/0:2H-14312 [000] ...1 143713.787778: ' +
- 'regulator_set_voltage_complete: name=krait0, val=810000',
- ' kworker/0:2H-14312 [000] ...1 143714.037871: ' +
- 'regulator_set_voltage: name=krait0 (800000-1100000)',
- ' kworker/0:2H-14312 [000] ...1 143714.037895: ' +
- 'regulator_set_voltage_complete: name=krait0, val=800000',
- 'kworker/0:1-30321 [000] ...1 144568.624596: ' +
- 'regulator_enable: name=8941_smbb_boost',
- 'kworker/0:1-30321 [000] ...1 144568.624715: ' +
- 'regulator_enable_delay: name=8941_smbb_boost',
- 'kworker/0:1-30321 [000] ...1 144568.624723: ' +
- 'regulator_enable_complete: name=8941_smbb_boost',
- 'kworker/0:1-30321 [000] ...1 144568.653546: ' +
- 'regulator_disable: name=8941_smbb_boost',
- 'kworker/0:1-30321 [000] ...1 144568.654785: ' +
- 'regulator_disable_complete: name=8941_smbb_boost'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
-, 'null.vreg krait0 voltage');
-, 'null.vreg 8941_smbb_boost enabled');
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sched_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sched_parser.html
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses scheduler events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux sched trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function SchedParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('sched_switch',
- SchedParser.prototype.schedSwitchEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('sched_wakeup',
- SchedParser.prototype.schedWakeupEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('sched_blocked_reason',
- SchedParser.prototype.schedBlockedEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('sched_cpu_hotplug',
- SchedParser.prototype.schedCpuHotplugEvent.bind(this));
- }
- var TestExports = {};
- // Matches the sched_switch record
- var schedSwitchRE = new RegExp(
- 'prev_comm=(.+) prev_pid=(\\d+) prev_prio=(\\d+) ' +
- 'prev_state=(\\S\\+?|\\S\\|\\S) ==> ' +
- 'next_comm=(.+) next_pid=(\\d+) next_prio=(\\d+)');
- // Matches sched_blocked_reason record
- var schedBlockedRE = new RegExp('pid=(\\d+) iowait=(\\d) caller=(.+)');
- TestExports.schedSwitchRE = schedSwitchRE;
- // Matches the sched_wakeup record
- var schedWakeupRE =
- /comm=(.+) pid=(\d+) prio=(\d+) success=(\d+) target_cpu=(\d+)/;
- TestExports.schedWakeupRE = schedWakeupRE;
- SchedParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- /**
- * Parses scheduler events and sets up state in the CPUs of the importer.
- */
- schedSwitchEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = schedSwitchRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var prevState = event[4];
- var nextComm = event[5];
- var nextPid = parseInt(event[6]);
- var nextPrio = parseInt(event[7]);
- var nextThread = this.importer.threadsByLinuxPid[nextPid];
- var nextName;
- if (nextThread)
- nextName = nextThread.userFriendlyName;
- else
- nextName = nextComm;
- var cpu = this.importer.getOrCreateCpu(cpuNumber);
- cpu.switchActiveThread(
- ts,
- {stateWhenDescheduled: prevState},
- nextPid,
- nextName,
- {
- comm: nextComm,
- tid: nextPid,
- prio: nextPrio
- });
- return true;
- },
- schedWakeupEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = schedWakeupRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var fromPid = pid;
- var comm = event[1];
- var pid = parseInt(event[2]);
- var prio = parseInt(event[3]);
- this.importer.markPidRunnable(ts, pid, comm, prio, fromPid);
- return true;
- },
- schedCpuHotplugEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = /cpu (\d+) (.+) error=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var cpuNumber = event[1];
- var state = event[2];
- var targetCpu = this.importer.getOrCreateCpu(cpuNumber);
- var powerCounter = targetCpu.getOrCreateCounter('', 'Cpu Hotplug');
- if (powerCounter.numSeries === 0) {
- powerCounter.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('State',
- tr.b.ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- + '.' + 'State')));
- }
- powerCounter.series.forEach(function(series) {
- if ( == 'State')
- series.addCounterSample(ts, state.localeCompare('offline') ? 0 : 1);
- });
- return true;
- },
- schedBlockedEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = schedBlockedRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var pid = parseInt(event[1]);
- var iowait = parseInt(event[2]);
- var caller = event[3];
- this.importer.addPidBlockedReason(ts, pid, iowait, caller);
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(SchedParser);
- return {
- SchedParser: SchedParser,
- _SchedParserTestExports: TestExports
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sched_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sched_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 435463e5b43..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sched_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- function newModel(events) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- }
- test('schedSwitchRE', function() {
- var re = tr.e.importer.linux_perf._SchedParserTestExports.schedSwitchRE;
- var x = re.exec('prev_comm=swapper prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ' +
- '==> next_comm=SurfaceFlinger next_pid=178 next_prio=112');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x[1], 'swapper');
- assert.equal(x[2], '0');
- assert.equal(x[3], '120');
- assert.equal(x[4], 'R');
- assert.equal(x[5], 'SurfaceFlinger');
- assert.equal(x[6], '178');
- assert.equal(x[7], '112');
- var x = re.exec(' prev_pid=1562 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=Binder Thread # next_pid=195 next_prio=120'); // @suppress longLineCheck
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x[1], '');
- assert.equal(x[5], 'Binder Thread #');
- var x = re.exec('prev_comm=Binder Thread # prev_pid=1562 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_pid=195 next_prio=120'); // @suppress longLineCheck
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x[1], 'Binder Thread #');
- assert.equal(x[5], '');
- // explicit test for prev_state of D|W
- var x = re.exec(' prev_pid=1562 prev_prio=120 ' +
- 'prev_state=D|W ==> next_comm=Binder Thread # next_pid=195 ' +
- 'next_prio=120');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x[4], 'D|W');
- });
- test('schedWakeupRE', function() {
- var re = tr.e.importer.linux_perf._SchedParserTestExports.schedWakeupRE;
- var x = re.exec(
- 'comm=SensorService pid=207 prio=112 success=1 target_cpu=000');
- assert.isNotNull(x);
- assert.equal(x[1], 'SensorService');
- assert.equal(x[2], '207');
- assert.equal(x[3], '112');
- assert.equal(x[4], '1');
- assert.equal(x[5], '000');
- });
- test('importOneSequenceWithSchedWakeUp', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..3 12622.506890: sched_switch: prev_comm=ndroid.launcher prev_pid=584 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R+ ==> next_comm=Binder_1 next_pid=217 next_prio=120', // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] d..3 12622.506918: sched_switch: prev_comm=Binder_1 prev_pid=217 prev_prio=120 prev_state=D ==> next_comm=ndroid.launcher next_pid=584 next_prio=120', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..4 12622.506936: sched_wakeup: comm=Binder_1 pid=217 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=001', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..3 12622.506950: sched_switch: prev_comm=ndroid.launcher prev_pid=584 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R+ ==> next_comm=Binder_1 next_pid=217 next_prio=120', // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] ...1 12622.507057: tracing_mark_write: B|128|queueBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] ...1 12622.507175: tracing_mark_write: E',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] d..3 12622.507253: sched_switch: prev_comm=Binder_1 prev_pid=217 prev_prio=120 prev_state=S ==> next_comm=ndroid.launcher next_pid=584 next_prio=120' // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var thread = m.findAllThreadsNamed('Binder_1')[0];
- var timeSlices = thread.timeSlices;
- assert.equal(timeSlices.length, 4);
- var runningSlice = timeSlices[0];
- assert.equal(runningSlice.schedulingState, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING);
- assert.closeTo(12622506.890, runningSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(.918 - .890, runningSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- var sleepSlice = timeSlices[1];
- assert.equal(sleepSlice.schedulingState, SCHEDULING_STATE.UNINTR_SLEEP);
- assert.closeTo(12622506.918, sleepSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(.936 - .918, sleepSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- var wakeupSlice = timeSlices[2];
- assert.equal(wakeupSlice.schedulingState, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNABLE);
- assert.closeTo(12622506.936, wakeupSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(.950 - .936, wakeupSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(wakeupSlice.args['wakeup from tid'], 584);
- var runningSlice2 = timeSlices[3];
- assert.equal(runningSlice2.schedulingState, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING);
- assert.closeTo(12622506.950, runningSlice2.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(7.253 - 6.950, runningSlice2.duration, 1e-5);
- });
- test('importWithUnknownSleepState', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..3 12622.506890: sched_switch: prev_comm=ndroid.launcher prev_pid=584 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R+ ==> next_comm=Binder_1 next_pid=217 next_prio=120', // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] d..3 12622.506918: sched_switch: prev_comm=Binder_1 prev_pid=217 prev_prio=120 prev_state=F|O ==> next_comm=ndroid.launcher next_pid=584 next_prio=120', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..4 12622.506936: sched_wakeup: comm=Binder_1 pid=217 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=001', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..3 12622.506950: sched_switch: prev_comm=ndroid.launcher prev_pid=584 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R+ ==> next_comm=Binder_1 next_pid=217 next_prio=120', // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] ...1 12622.507057: tracing_mark_write: B|128|queueBuffer', // @suppress longLineCheck
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] ...1 12622.507175: tracing_mark_write: E',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] d..3 12622.507253: sched_switch: prev_comm=Binder_1 prev_pid=217 prev_prio=120 prev_state=F|O ==> next_comm=ndroid.launcher next_pid=584 next_prio=120' // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m;
- assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
- m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- });
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(m.importWarnings[0].message, 'Unrecognized sleep state: F|O');
- var thread = m.findAllThreadsNamed('Binder_1')[0];
- var timeSlices = thread.timeSlices;
- assert.equal(timeSlices[1].schedulingState, SCHEDULING_STATE.UNKNOWN);
- });
- test('importWithUninterruptibleSleep', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..3 12622.506890: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=ndroid.launcher prev_pid=584 ' +
- 'prev_prio=120 prev_state=R+ ' +
- '==> next_comm=Binder_1 next_pid=217 next_prio=120',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] d..3 12622.506918: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=Binder_1 prev_pid=217 prev_prio=120 prev_state=D|K ' +
- '==> next_comm=ndroid.launcher next_pid=584 next_prio=120',
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..4 12622.506936: sched_wakeup: ' +
- 'comm=Binder_1 pid=217 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=001',
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..3 12622.506950: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=ndroid.launcher prev_pid=584 ' +
- 'prev_prio=120 prev_state=R+ ' +
- '==> next_comm=Binder_1 next_pid=217 next_prio=120',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] ...1 12622.507057: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'B|128|queueBuffer',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] ...1 12622.507175: tracing_mark_write: E',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] d..3 12622.507253: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=Binder_1 prev_pid=217 prev_prio=120 prev_state=S ' +
- '==> next_comm=ndroid.launcher next_pid=584 next_prio=120'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var thread = m.findAllThreadsNamed('Binder_1')[0];
- var timeSlices = thread.timeSlices;
- assert.equal(timeSlices.length, 4);
- var wakeKillSlice = timeSlices[1];
- assert.equal(wakeKillSlice.schedulingState,
- assert.closeTo(12622506.918, wakeKillSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(.936 - .918, wakeKillSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- });
- test('importWithUninterruptibleSleepAndBlockedReason', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..3 12622.506890: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=ndroid.launcher prev_pid=584 ' +
- 'prev_prio=120 prev_state=R+ ' +
- '==> next_comm=Binder_1 next_pid=217 next_prio=120',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] d..3 12622.506918: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=Binder_1 prev_pid=217 prev_prio=120 prev_state=D|K ' +
- '==> next_comm=ndroid.launcher next_pid=584 next_prio=120',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] d..3 12622.506930: sched_blocked_reason: ' +
- 'pid=217 iowait=1 caller=sleep_on_page_killable+0x10/0x4c',
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..4 12622.506936: sched_wakeup: ' +
- 'comm=Binder_1 pid=217 prio=120 success=1 target_cpu=001',
- 'ndroid.launcher-584 [001] d..3 12622.506950: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=ndroid.launcher prev_pid=584 ' +
- 'prev_prio=120 prev_state=R+ ' +
- '==> next_comm=Binder_1 next_pid=217 next_prio=120',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] ...1 12622.507057: tracing_mark_write: ' +
- 'B|128|queueBuffer',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] ...1 12622.507175: tracing_mark_write: E',
- ' Binder_1-217 [001] d..3 12622.507253: sched_switch: ' +
- 'prev_comm=Binder_1 prev_pid=217 prev_prio=120 prev_state=S ' +
- '==> next_comm=ndroid.launcher next_pid=584 next_prio=120'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var thread = m.findAllThreadsNamed('Binder_1')[0];
- var timeSlices = thread.timeSlices;
- assert.equal(timeSlices.length, 4);
- var wakeKillSlice = timeSlices[1];
- assert.equal(wakeKillSlice.schedulingState,
- assert.closeTo(12622506.918, wakeKillSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(.936 - .918, wakeKillSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sync_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sync_parser.html
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index ce6afe7179a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sync_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses sync events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux sync trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function SyncParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler(
- 'sync_timeline',
- SyncParser.prototype.timelineEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler(
- 'sync_wait',
- SyncParser.prototype.syncWaitEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler(
- 'sync_pt',
- SyncParser.prototype.syncPtEvent.bind(this));
- this.model_ = importer.model_;
- }
- var syncTimelineRE = /name=(\S+) value=(\S*)/;
- var syncWaitRE = /(\S+) name=(\S+) state=(\d+)/;
- var syncPtRE = /name=(\S+) value=(\S*)/;
- SyncParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- /**
- * Parses sync events and sets up state in the importer.
- */
- timelineEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid,
- ts, eventBase) {
- var event = syncTimelineRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var thread = this.importer.getOrCreatePseudoThread(event[1]);
- if (thread.lastActiveTs !== undefined) {
- var duration = ts - thread.lastActiveTs;
- var value = thread.lastActiveValue;
- if (value == undefined)
- value = ' ';
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice(
- '', value,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(value),
- thread.lastActiveTs, {},
- duration);
- thread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- }
- thread.lastActiveTs = ts;
- thread.lastActiveValue = event[2];
- return true;
- },
- syncWaitEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
- eventBase) {
- var event = syncWaitRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- if (eventBase.tgid === undefined) {
- return false;
- }
- var tgid = parseInt(eventBase.tgid);
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(tgid)
- .getOrCreateThread(pid);
- = eventBase.threadName;
- var slices = thread.kernelSliceGroup;
- if (!slices.isTimestampValidForBeginOrEnd(ts)) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Timestamps are moving backward.'
- });
- return false;
- }
- var name = 'fence_wait("' + event[2] + '")';
- if (event[1] == 'begin') {
- var slice = slices.beginSlice(null, name, ts, {
- 'Start state': event[3]
- });
- } else if (event[1] == 'end') {
- if (slices.openSliceCount > 0) {
- slices.endSlice(ts);
- }
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- syncPtEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = syncPtRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- return true;
- var thread = this.importer.getOrCreateKernelThread(
- eventBase[1]).thread;
- thread.syncWaitSyncPts[event[1]] = event[2];
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(SyncParser);
- return {
- SyncParser: SyncParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sync_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sync_parser_test.html
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index c56e2576f3a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/sync_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('syncEventImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- 's3c-fb-92 ( 0) [000] ...1 7206.550061: sync_timeline: name=s3c-fb value=7094', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'TimedEventQueue-2700 ( 0) [001] ...1 7206.569027: sync_wait: begin name=SurfaceView:6 state=1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'TimedEventQueue-2700 ( 0) [001] ...1 7206.569038: sync_pt: name=malitl_124_0x40b6406c value=7289', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'TimedEventQueue-2700 ( 0) [001] ...1 7206.569056: sync_pt: name=exynos-gsc.0-src value=25', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'TimedEventQueue-2700 ( 0) [001] ...1 7206.569068: sync_wait: end name=SurfaceView:6 state=1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'irq/128-s5p-mfc-62 ( 0) [000] d..3 7206.572402: sync_timeline: name=vb2 value=37', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'irq/128-s5p-mfc-62 ( 0) [000] d..3 7206.572475: sync_timeline: name=vb2 value=33', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'SurfaceFlinger-225 ( 0) [001] ...1 7206.584769: sync_timeline: name=malitl_124_0x40b6406c value=7290', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kworker/u:5-2269 ( 0) [000] ...1 7206.586745: sync_wait: begin name=display state=1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kworker/u:5-2269 ( 0) [000] ...1 7206.586750: sync_pt: name=s3c-fb value=7093', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'kworker/u:5-2269 ( 0) [000] ...1 7206.586760: sync_wait: end name=display state=1', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 's3c-fb-92 ( 0) [000] ...1 7206.587193: sync_wait: begin name=vb2 state=0', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 's3c-fb-92 ( 0) [000] ...1 7206.587198: sync_pt: name=exynos-gsc.0-dst value=27', // @suppress longLineCheck
- '<idle>-0 ( 0) [000] d.h4 7206.591133: sync_timeline: name=exynos-gsc.0-src value=27', // @suppress longLineCheck
- '<idle>-0 ( 0) [000] d.h4 7206.591152: sync_timeline: name=exynos-gsc.0-dst value=27', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 's3c-fb-92 ( 0) [000] ...1 7206.591244: sync_wait: end name=vb2 state=1' // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var threads = m.getAllThreads();
- assert.equal(threads.length, 4);
- var threads = m.findAllThreadsNamed('s3c-fb');
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- assert.equal(threads[0].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- var threads = m.findAllThreadsNamed('kworker/u:5');
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- assert.equal(threads[0].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal('fence_wait("display")',
- threads[0].sliceGroup.slices[0].title);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/workqueue_parser.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/workqueue_parser.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/workqueue_parser.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Parses workqueue events in the Linux event trace format.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
- /**
- * Parses linux workqueue trace events.
- * @constructor
- */
- function WorkqueueParser(importer) {
-, importer);
- importer.registerEventHandler('workqueue_execute_start',
- WorkqueueParser.prototype.executeStartEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('workqueue_execute_end',
- WorkqueueParser.prototype.executeEndEvent.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('workqueue_queue_work',
- WorkqueueParser.prototype.executeQueueWork.bind(this));
- importer.registerEventHandler('workqueue_activate_work',
- WorkqueueParser.prototype.executeActivateWork.bind(this));
- }
- // Matches the workqueue_execute_start record
- // workqueue_execute_start: work struct c7a8a89c: function MISRWrapper
- var workqueueExecuteStartRE = /work struct (.+): function (\S+)/;
- // Matches the workqueue_execute_start record
- // workqueue_execute_end: work struct c7a8a89c
- var workqueueExecuteEndRE = /work struct (.+)/;
- WorkqueueParser.prototype = {
- __proto__: Parser.prototype,
- /**
- * Parses workqueue events and sets up state in the importer.
- */
- executeStartEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = workqueueExecuteStartRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreateKernelThread(eventBase.threadName,
- pid, pid);
- kthread.openSliceTS = ts;
- kthread.openSlice = event[2];
- return true;
- },
- executeEndEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- var event = workqueueExecuteEndRE.exec(eventBase.details);
- if (!event)
- return false;
- var kthread = this.importer.getOrCreateKernelThread(eventBase.threadName,
- pid, pid);
- if (kthread.openSlice) {
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('', kthread.openSlice,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(kthread.openSlice),
- kthread.openSliceTS,
- {},
- ts - kthread.openSliceTS);
- kthread.thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- }
- kthread.openSlice = undefined;
- return true;
- },
- executeQueueWork: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- // TODO: Do something with this event?
- return true;
- },
- executeActivateWork: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts, eventBase) {
- // TODO: Do something with this event?
- return true;
- }
- };
- Parser.register(WorkqueueParser);
- return {
- WorkqueueParser: WorkqueueParser
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/workqueue_parser_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/workqueue_parser_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index dc3057b6a9b..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/workqueue_parser_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('workQueueImport', function() {
- var lines = [
- ' kworker/0:3-6880 [000] 2784.771958: workqueue_execute_start: ' +
- 'work struct ffff8800a5083a20: function intel_unpin_work_fn',
- ' kworker/0:3-6880 [000] 2784.771966: workqueue_execute_end: ' +
- 'work struct ffff8800a5083a20',
- ' kworker/1:2-7269 [001] 2784.805966: workqueue_execute_start: ' +
- 'work struct ffff88014fb0f158: function do_dbs_timer',
- ' kworker/1:2-7269 [001] 2784.805975: workqueue_execute_end: ' +
- 'work struct ffff88014fb0f158'
- ];
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([lines.join('\n')], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(m.processes['6880'].threads['6880'].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(m.processes['7269'].threads['7269'].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace2html_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace2html_importer.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 14854745eb4..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace2html_importer.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base64.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/simple_line_reader.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer', function() {
- function Trace2HTMLImporter(model, events) {
- this.importPriority = 0;
- }
- Trace2HTMLImporter.subtraces_ = [];
- function _extractEventsFromHTML(text) {
- // Clear the array before pushing data to it.
- Trace2HTMLImporter.subtraces_ = [];
- var r = new tr.importer.SimpleLineReader(text);
- // Try to find viewer-data...
- while (true) {
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(
- new RegExp('^<\s*script id="viewer-data" ' +
- 'type="(application\/json|text\/plain)">$')))
- break;
- r.beginSavingLines();
- if (!r.advanceToLineMatching(/^<\/\s*script>$/))
- return;
- var raw_events = r.endSavingLinesAndGetResult();
- // Drop off first and last event as it contains the end script tag.
- raw_events = raw_events.slice(1, raw_events.length - 1);
- var data64 = raw_events.join('\n');
- var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(
- tr.b.Base64.getDecodedBufferLength(data64));
- var len = tr.b.Base64.DecodeToTypedArray(data64, new DataView(buffer));
- Trace2HTMLImporter.subtraces_.push(buffer.slice(0, len));
- }
- }
- function _canImportFromHTML(text) {
- if (/^<!DOCTYPE html>/.test(text) === false)
- return false;
- // Try to find viewer-data...
- _extractEventsFromHTML(text);
- if (Trace2HTMLImporter.subtraces_.length === 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- Trace2HTMLImporter.canImport = function(events) {
- return _canImportFromHTML(events);
- };
- Trace2HTMLImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'Trace2HTMLImporter';
- },
- isTraceDataContainer: function() {
- return true;
- },
- extractSubtraces: function() {
- return Trace2HTMLImporter.subtraces_;
- },
- importEvents: function() {
- }
- };
- tr.importer.Importer.register(Trace2HTMLImporter);
- return {
- Trace2HTMLImporter: Trace2HTMLImporter
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace2html_importer_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace2html_importer_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d91c1494a7..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace2html_importer_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="improt" href="/tracing/base/base64.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace2html_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Base64 = tr.b.Base64;
- test('simple', function() {
- var html_lines = [
- '<!DOCTYPE html>',
- '<script id="viewer-data" type="application/json">',
- Base64.btoa('hello'),
- '<\/script>',
- '<script id="viewer-data" type="text/plain">',
- Base64.btoa('world'),
- '<\/script>',
- '</html>'
- ];
- var html_text = html_lines.join('\n');
- assert.isTrue(tr.e.importer.Trace2HTMLImporter.canImport(html_text));
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var imp = new tr.e.importer.Trace2HTMLImporter(m, html_text);
- var subTracesAsBuffers = imp.extractSubtraces();
- var subTracesAsStrings = {
- var str = '';
- var ary = new Uint8Array(buffer);
- for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++)
- str += String.fromCharCode(ary[i]);
- return str;
- });
- assert.deepEqual(subTracesAsStrings, ['hello', 'world']);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_entry.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_entry.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8216b613c16..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_entry.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/source_info/js_source_info.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview TraceCodeEntry is a wrapper around the V8 CodeEntry that
- * extracts extra context information for each item. This includes things like
- * the source file, line and if the function is a native method or not.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer', function() {
- function TraceCodeEntry(address, size, name, scriptId) {
- this.id_ = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- this.address_ = address;
- this.size_ = size;
- // Stolen from DevTools TimelineJSProfileProcessor._buildCallFrame
- // Code states:
- // (empty) -> compiled
- // ~ -> optimizable
- // * -> optimized
- var rePrefix = /^(\w*:)?([*~]?)(.*)$/m;
- var tokens = rePrefix.exec(name);
- var prefix = tokens[1];
- var state = tokens[2];
- var body = tokens[3];
- if (state === '*') {
- state = tr.model.source_info.JSSourceState.OPTIMIZED;
- } else if (state === '~') {
- state = tr.model.source_info.JSSourceState.OPTIMIZABLE;
- } else if (state === '') {
- state = tr.model.source_info.JSSourceState.COMPILED;
- } else {
- console.warning('Unknown v8 code state ' + state);
- state = tr.model.source_info.JSSourceState.UNKNOWN;
- }
- var rawName;
- var rawUrl;
- if (prefix === 'Script:') {
- rawName = '';
- rawUrl = body;
- } else {
- var spacePos = body.lastIndexOf(' ');
- rawName = spacePos !== -1 ? body.substr(0, spacePos) : body;
- rawUrl = spacePos !== -1 ? body.substr(spacePos + 1) : '';
- }
- function splitLineAndColumn(url) {
- var lineColumnRegEx = /(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?$/;
- var lineColumnMatch = lineColumnRegEx.exec(url);
- var lineNumber;
- var columnNumber;
- if (typeof(lineColumnMatch[1]) === 'string') {
- lineNumber = parseInt(lineColumnMatch[1], 10);
- // Immediately convert line and column to 0-based numbers.
- lineNumber = isNaN(lineNumber) ? undefined : lineNumber - 1;
- }
- if (typeof(lineColumnMatch[2]) === 'string') {
- columnNumber = parseInt(lineColumnMatch[2], 10);
- columnNumber = isNaN(columnNumber) ? undefined : columnNumber - 1;
- }
- return {
- url: url.substring(0, url.length - lineColumnMatch[0].length),
- lineNumber: lineNumber,
- columnNumber: columnNumber
- };
- }
- var nativeSuffix = ' native';
- var isNative = rawName.endsWith(nativeSuffix);
- this.name_ =
- isNative ? rawName.slice(0, -nativeSuffix.length) : rawName;
- var urlData = splitLineAndColumn(rawUrl);
- var url = urlData.url || '';
- var line = urlData.lineNumber || 0;
- var column = urlData.columnNumber || 0;
- this.sourceInfo_ = new tr.model.source_info.JSSourceInfo(
- url, line, column, isNative, scriptId, state);
- };
- TraceCodeEntry.prototype = {
- get id() {
- return this.id_;
- },
- get sourceInfo() {
- return this.sourceInfo_;
- },
- get name() {
- return this.name_;
- },
- set address(address) {
- this.address_ = address;
- },
- get address() {
- return this.address_;
- },
- set size(size) {
- this.size_ = size;
- },
- get size() {
- return this.size_;
- }
- };
- return {
- TraceCodeEntry: TraceCodeEntry
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_entry_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_entry_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_entry_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_entry.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('lazy_compile_method', function() {
- var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry(
- '0x123', 10, 'Handler:timeStamp', 12);
- assert.equal(tce.size, 10);
- assert.equal(, 'timeStamp');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, false);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, '');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, -1);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12);
- });
- test('non_lazy_compile_method', function() {
- var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry(
- '0x123', 10, 'Handler:timeStamp', 12);
- assert.equal(tce.size, 10);
- assert.equal(, 'timeStamp');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.state, 'compiled');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, false);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, '');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, -1);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12);
- });
- test('native_matching', function() {
- var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry('0x123', 10,
- 'LazyCompile:~IsAccessorDescriptor native v8natives.js:183', 12);
- assert.equal(tce.size, 10);
- assert.equal(, 'IsAccessorDescriptor');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, true);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.state, 'optimizable');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, 'v8natives.js');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, 182);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12);
- });
- test('strips_*_from_name', function() {
- var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry('0x123', 10,
- 'LazyCompile:*IsAccessorDescriptor native v8natives.js:183', 12);
- assert.equal(tce.size, 10);
- assert.equal(, 'IsAccessorDescriptor');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, true);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.state, 'optimized');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, 'v8natives.js');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, 182);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12);
- });
- test('non_native_matching', function() {
- var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry('0x123', 10,
- 'LazyCompile:~IsAccessorDescriptor v8natives.js:183', 12);
- assert.equal(tce.size, 10);
- assert.equal(, 'IsAccessorDescriptor');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, false);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, 'v8natives.js');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, 182);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12);
- });
- test('lazy_compile_without_script', function() {
- var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry(
- '0x123', 10, 'LazyCompile:~Object', 12);
- assert.equal(tce.size, 10);
- assert.equal(, 'Object');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, false);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, '');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, -1);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12);
- });
- test('line_matching_without_script', function() {
- var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry('0x123', 10,
- 'LazyCompile:~Object :220', 12);
- assert.equal(tce.size, 10);
- assert.equal(, 'Object');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, false);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, '');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, 219);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12);
- });
- test('unknown_method_name', function() {
- var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry('0x123', 10, 'LazyCompile:', 12);
- assert.equal(tce.size, 10);
- assert.equal(, '');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, false);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, '');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, -1);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12);
- var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry(
- '0x123', 10, 'LazyCompile:~ :37', 12);
- assert.equal(tce.size, 10);
- assert.equal(, '');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, false);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, '');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, 36);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12);
- var tce = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry('0x123', 10,
- 'LazyCompile:~ native liveedit.js:37:10', 12);
- assert.equal(tce.size, 10);
- assert.equal(, '');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.isNative, true);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.file, 'liveedit.js');
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.line, 36);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.column, 9);
- assert.equal(tce.sourceInfo.scriptId, 12);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_map.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_map.html
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index dbdfecbd3e4..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_map.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel='import' href='/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_entry.html'>
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer', function() {
- // This code is a tracification of:
- // devtools/front_end/timeline/TimelineJSProfile.js
- function TraceCodeMap() {
- this.banks_ = new Map();
- }
- TraceCodeMap.prototype = {
- addEntry: function(addressHex, size, name, scriptId) {
- var entry = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeEntry(
- this.getAddress_(addressHex), size, name, scriptId);
- this.addEntry_(addressHex, entry);
- },
- moveEntry: function(oldAddressHex, newAddressHex, size) {
- var entry = this.getBank_(oldAddressHex)
- .removeEntry(this.getAddress_(oldAddressHex));
- if (!entry)
- return;
- entry.address = this.getAddress_(newAddressHex);
- entry.size = size;
- this.addEntry_(newAddressHex, entry);
- },
- lookupEntry: function(addressHex) {
- return this.getBank_(addressHex)
- .lookupEntry(this.getAddress_(addressHex));
- },
- addEntry_: function(addressHex, entry) {
- // FIXME: Handle bank spanning addresses ...
- this.getBank_(addressHex).addEntry(entry);
- },
- getAddress_: function(addressHex) {
- // 13 hex digits == 52 bits, double mantissa fits 53 bits.
- var bankSizeHexDigits = 13;
- addressHex = addressHex.slice(2); // cut 0x prefix.
- return parseInt(addressHex.slice(-bankSizeHexDigits), 16);
- },
- getBank_: function(addressHex) {
- addressHex = addressHex.slice(2); // cut 0x prefix.
- // 13 hex digits == 52 bits, double mantissa fits 53 bits.
- var bankSizeHexDigits = 13;
- var maxHexDigits = 16;
- var bankName = addressHex.slice(-maxHexDigits, -bankSizeHexDigits);
- var bank = this.banks_.get(bankName);
- if (!bank) {
- bank = new TraceCodeBank();
- this.banks_.set(bankName, bank);
- }
- return bank;
- }
- };
- function TraceCodeBank() {
- this.entries_ = [];
- }
- TraceCodeBank.prototype = {
- removeEntry: function(address) {
- // findLowIndexInSortedArray returns 1 for empty. Just handle the
- // empty list and bail early.
- if (this.entries_.length === 0)
- return undefined;
- var index = tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray(
- this.entries_, function(entry) { return entry.address; }, address);
- var entry = this.entries_[index];
- if (!entry || entry.address !== address)
- return undefined;
- this.entries_.splice(index, 1);
- return entry;
- },
- lookupEntry: function(address) {
- var index = tr.b.findHighIndexInSortedArray(
- this.entries_, function(e) { return address - e.address; }) - 1;
- var entry = this.entries_[index];
- return entry &&
- address < entry.address + entry.size ? entry : undefined;
- },
- addEntry: function(newEntry) {
- // findLowIndexInSortedArray returns 1 for empty list. Just push the
- // new address as it's the only item.
- if (this.entries_.length === 0)
- this.entries_.push(newEntry);
- var endAddress = newEntry.address + newEntry.size;
- var lastIndex = tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray(
- this.entries_, function(entry) { return entry.address; }, endAddress);
- var index;
- for (index = lastIndex - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
- var entry = this.entries_[index];
- var entryEndAddress = entry.address + entry.size;
- if (entryEndAddress <= newEntry.address)
- break;
- }
- ++index;
- this.entries_.splice(index, lastIndex - index, newEntry);
- }
- };
- return {
- TraceCodeMap: TraceCodeMap
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base64.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/color_scheme.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_entry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_code_map.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/v8/codemap.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/context_processor.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/comment_box_annotation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/container_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter_series.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/flow_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/heap_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/instant_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/rect_annotation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/scoped_id.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/slice_group.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/vm_region.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/x_marker_annotation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview TraceEventImporter imports TraceEvent-formatted data
- * into the provided model.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer', function() {
- var Base64 = tr.b.Base64;
- var deepCopy = tr.b.deepCopy;
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- function getEventColor(event, opt_customName) {
- if (event.cname)
- return ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName(event.cname);
- else if (opt_customName || {
- return ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
- opt_customName ||;
- }
- }
- var timestampFromUs = tr.v.Unit.timestampFromUs;
- var maybeTimestampFromUs = tr.v.Unit.maybeTimestampFromUs;
- var PRODUCER = 'producer';
- var CONSUMER = 'consumer';
- var STEP = 'step';
- var LIGHT = tr.model.ContainerMemoryDump.LevelOfDetail.LIGHT;
- var DETAILED = tr.model.ContainerMemoryDump.LevelOfDetail.DETAILED;
- // Map from raw memory dump byte stat names to model byte stat names. See
- // //base/trace_event/ in Chromium.
- 'pc': 'privateCleanResident',
- 'pd': 'privateDirtyResident',
- 'sc': 'sharedCleanResident',
- 'sd': 'sharedDirtyResident',
- 'pss': 'proportionalResident',
- 'sw': 'swapped'
- };
- // See tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump 'weak' field and
- // base::trace_event::MemoryAllocatorDump::Flags::WEAK in the Chromium
- // codebase.
- // Object type name patterns for various compilers.
- {
- // Clang.
- prefix: 'const char *WTF::getStringWithTypeName() [T = ',
- suffix: ']'
- },
- {
- // GCC.
- prefix: 'const char* WTF::getStringWithTypeName() [with T = ',
- suffix: ']'
- },
- {
- // Microsoft Visual C++
- prefix: 'const char *__cdecl WTF::getStringWithTypeName<',
- suffix: '>(void)'
- }
- ];
- // The list of fields on the trace that are known to contain subtraces.
- var SUBTRACE_FIELDS = new Set([
- 'powerTraceAsString',
- 'systemTraceEvents',
- ]);
- // The complete list of fields on the trace that should not be treated as
- // trace metadata.
- var NON_METADATA_FIELDS = new Set([
- 'samples',
- 'stackFrames',
- 'traceAnnotations',
- 'traceEvents'
- ]);
- // TODO(charliea): Replace this with the spread (...) operator in literal
- // above once v8 is updated to a sufficiently recent version (>M45).
- for (var subtraceField in SUBTRACE_FIELDS)
- NON_METADATA_FIELDS.add(subtraceField);
- function TraceEventImporter(model, eventData) {
- this.importPriority = 1;
- this.model_ = model;
- this.events_ = undefined;
- this.sampleEvents_ = undefined;
- this.stackFrameEvents_ = undefined;
- this.subtraces_ = [];
- this.eventsWereFromString_ = false;
- this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_ = undefined;
- this.allAsyncEvents_ = [];
- this.allFlowEvents_ = [];
- this.allObjectEvents_ = [];
- this.contextProcessorPerThread = {};
- this.traceEventSampleStackFramesByName_ = {};
- this.v8ProcessCodeMaps_ = {};
- this.v8ProcessRootStackFrame_ = {};
- this.v8SamplingData_ = [];
- // Dump ID -> PID -> [process memory dump events].
- this.allMemoryDumpEvents_ = {};
- // PID -> Object type ID -> Object type name.
- this.objectTypeNameMap_ = {};
- // For old Chrome traces with no clock domain metadata, just use a
- // placeholder clock domain.
- this.clockDomainId_ = tr.model.ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY;
- if (typeof(eventData) === 'string' || eventData instanceof String) {
- eventData = eventData.trim();
- // If the event data begins with a [, then we know it should end with a ].
- // The reason we check for this is because some tracing implementations
- // cannot guarantee that a ']' gets written to the trace file. So, we are
- // forgiving and if this is obviously the case, we fix it up before
- // throwing the string at JSON.parse.
- if (eventData[0] === '[') {
- eventData = eventData.replace(/\s*,\s*$/, '');
- if (eventData[eventData.length - 1] !== ']')
- eventData = eventData + ']';
- }
- this.events_ = JSON.parse(eventData);
- this.eventsWereFromString_ = true;
- } else {
- this.events_ = eventData;
- }
- this.traceAnnotations_ = this.events_.traceAnnotations;
- // Some trace_event implementations put the actual trace events
- // inside a container. E.g { ... , traceEvents: [ ] }
- // If we see that, just pull out the trace events.
- if (this.events_.traceEvents) {
- var container = this.events_;
- this.events_ = this.events_.traceEvents;
- // Some trace authors store subtraces as specific properties of the trace.
- for (var subtraceField of SUBTRACE_FIELDS)
- if (container[subtraceField])
- this.subtraces_.push(container[subtraceField]);
- // Sampling data.
- this.sampleEvents_ = container.samples;
- this.stackFrameEvents_ = container.stackFrames;
- // Some implementations specify displayTimeUnit
- if (container.displayTimeUnit) {
- var unitName = container.displayTimeUnit;
- var unit = tr.v.TimeDisplayModes[unitName];
- if (unit === undefined) {
- throw new Error('Unit ' + unitName + ' is not supported.');
- }
- this.model_.intrinsicTimeUnit = unit;
- }
- // Any other fields in the container should be treated as metadata.
- for (var fieldName in container) {
- if (NON_METADATA_FIELDS.has(fieldName))
- continue;
- this.model_.metadata.push(
- { name: fieldName, value: container[fieldName] });
- if (fieldName === 'metadata') {
- var metadata = container[fieldName];
- if (metadata['highres-ticks'])
- this.model_.isTimeHighResolution = metadata['highres-ticks'];
- if (metadata['clock-domain'])
- this.clockDomainId_ = metadata['clock-domain'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return {boolean} Whether obj is a TraceEvent array.
- */
- TraceEventImporter.canImport = function(eventData) {
- // May be encoded JSON. But we dont want to parse it fully yet.
- // Use a simple heuristic:
- // - eventData that starts with [ are probably trace_event
- // - eventData that starts with { are probably trace_event
- // May be encoded JSON. Treat files that start with { as importable by us.
- if (typeof(eventData) === 'string' || eventData instanceof String) {
- eventData = eventData.trim();
- return eventData[0] === '{' || eventData[0] === '[';
- }
- // Might just be an array of events
- if (eventData instanceof Array && eventData.length && eventData[0].ph)
- return true;
- // Might be an object with a traceEvents field in it.
- if (eventData.traceEvents) {
- if (eventData.traceEvents instanceof Array) {
- if (eventData.traceEvents.length && eventData.traceEvents[0].ph)
- return true;
- if (eventData.samples.length && eventData.stackFrames !== undefined)
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- TraceEventImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'TraceEventImporter';
- },
- extractSubtraces: function() {
- // Because subtraces can be quite large, we need to make sure that we
- // don't hold a reference to the memory.
- var subtraces = this.subtraces_;
- this.subtraces_ = [];
- return subtraces;
- },
- /**
- * Deep copying is only needed if the trace was given to us as events.
- */
- deepCopyIfNeeded_: function(obj) {
- if (obj === undefined)
- obj = {};
- if (this.eventsWereFromString_)
- return obj;
- return deepCopy(obj);
- },
- /**
- * Always perform deep copying.
- */
- deepCopyAlways_: function(obj) {
- if (obj === undefined)
- obj = {};
- return deepCopy(obj);
- },
- /**
- * Helper to process an async event.
- */
- processAsyncEvent: function(event) {
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- this.allAsyncEvents_.push({
- sequenceNumber: this.allAsyncEvents_.length,
- event: event,
- thread: thread
- });
- },
- /**
- * Helper to process a flow event.
- */
- processFlowEvent: function(event, opt_slice) {
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- this.allFlowEvents_.push({
- refGuid: tr.b.GUID.getLastSimpleGuid(),
- sequenceNumber: this.allFlowEvents_.length,
- event: event,
- slice: opt_slice, // slice for events that have flow info
- thread: thread
- });
- },
- /**
- * Helper that creates and adds samples to a Counter object based on
- * 'C' phase events.
- */
- processCounterEvent: function(event) {
- var ctr_name;
- if ( !== undefined)
- ctr_name = + '[' + + ']';
- else
- ctr_name =;
- var ctr = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- .getOrCreateCounter(, ctr_name);
- var reservedColorId = event.cname ? getEventColor(event) : undefined;
- // Initialize the counter's series fields if needed.
- if (ctr.numSeries === 0) {
- for (var seriesName in event.args) {
- var colorId = reservedColorId ||
- getEventColor(event, + '.' + seriesName);
- ctr.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries(seriesName, colorId));
- }
- if (ctr.numSeries === 0) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'counter_parse_error',
- message: 'Expected counter ' + +
- ' to have at least one argument to use as a value.'
- });
- // Drop the counter.
- delete ctr.parent.counters[];
- return;
- }
- }
- var ts = timestampFromUs(event.ts);
- ctr.series.forEach(function(series) {
- var val = event.args[] ? event.args[] : 0;
- series.addCounterSample(ts, val);
- });
- },
- scopedIdForEvent_: function(event) {
- return new tr.model.ScopedId(
- event.scope || tr.model.OBJECT_DEFAULT_SCOPE,;
- },
- processObjectEvent: function(event) {
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- this.allObjectEvents_.push({
- sequenceNumber: this.allObjectEvents_.length,
- event: event,
- thread: thread});
- if (thread.guid in this.contextProcessorPerThread) {
- var processor = this.contextProcessorPerThread[thread.guid];
- var scopedId = this.scopedIdForEvent_(event);
- if ( === 'D')
- processor.destroyContext(scopedId);
- // The context processor maintains a cache of unique context objects and
- // active context sets to reduce memory usage. If an object is modified,
- // we should invalidate this cache, because otherwise context sets from
- // before and after the modification may erroneously point to the same
- // context snapshot (as both are the same set/object instances).
- processor.invalidateContextCacheForSnapshot(scopedId);
- }
- },
- processContextEvent: function(event) {
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- if (!(thread.guid in this.contextProcessorPerThread)) {
- this.contextProcessorPerThread[thread.guid] =
- new tr.importer.ContextProcessor(this.model_);
- }
- var scopedId = this.scopedIdForEvent_(event);
- var contextType =;
- var processor = this.contextProcessorPerThread[thread.guid];
- if ( === '(') {
- processor.enterContext(contextType, scopedId);
- } else if ( === ')') {
- processor.leaveContext(contextType, scopedId);
- } else {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'unknown_context_phase',
- message: 'Unknown context event phase: ' + + '.'
- });
- }
- },
- setContextsFromThread_: function(thread, slice) {
- if (thread.guid in this.contextProcessorPerThread) {
- slice.contexts =
- this.contextProcessorPerThread[thread.guid].activeContexts;
- }
- },
- processDurationEvent: function(event) {
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- .getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- var ts = timestampFromUs(event.ts);
- if (!thread.sliceGroup.isTimestampValidForBeginOrEnd(ts)) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'duration_parse_error',
- message: 'Timestamps are moving backward.'
- });
- return;
- }
- if ( === 'B') {
- var slice = thread.sliceGroup.beginSlice(
-,, timestampFromUs(event.ts),
- this.deepCopyIfNeeded_(event.args),
- timestampFromUs(event.tts), event.argsStripped,
- getEventColor(event));
- slice.startStackFrame = this.getStackFrameForEvent_(event);
- this.setContextsFromThread_(thread, slice);
- } else if ( === 'I' || === 'i' || === 'R') {
- if (event.s !== undefined && event.s !== 't')
- throw new Error('This should never happen');
- thread.sliceGroup.beginSlice(,,
- timestampFromUs(event.ts),
- this.deepCopyIfNeeded_(event.args),
- timestampFromUs(event.tts),
- event.argsStripped,
- getEventColor(event));
- var slice = thread.sliceGroup.endSlice(timestampFromUs(event.ts),
- timestampFromUs(event.tts));
- slice.startStackFrame = this.getStackFrameForEvent_(event);
- slice.endStackFrame = undefined;
- } else {
- if (!thread.sliceGroup.openSliceCount) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'duration_parse_error',
- message: 'E phase event without a matching B phase event.'
- });
- return;
- }
- var slice = thread.sliceGroup.endSlice(timestampFromUs(event.ts),
- timestampFromUs(event.tts),
- getEventColor(event));
- if ( && slice.title != {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'title_match_error',
- message: 'Titles do not match. Title is ' +
- slice.title + ' in openSlice, and is ' +
- + ' in endSlice'
- });
- }
- slice.endStackFrame = this.getStackFrameForEvent_(event);
- this.mergeArgsInto_(slice.args, event.args, slice.title);
- }
- },
- mergeArgsInto_: function(dstArgs, srcArgs, eventName) {
- for (var arg in srcArgs) {
- if (dstArgs[arg] !== undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'arg_merge_error',
- message: 'Different phases of ' + eventName +
- ' provided values for argument ' + arg + '.' +
- ' The last provided value will be used.'
- });
- }
- dstArgs[arg] = this.deepCopyIfNeeded_(srcArgs[arg]);
- }
- },
- processCompleteEvent: function(event) {
- // Preventing the overhead slices from making it into the model. This
- // only applies to legacy traces, as the overhead traces have been
- // removed from the chromium code.
- if ( !== undefined &&
-'trace_event_overhead') > -1)
- return undefined;
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- .getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- if (event.flow_out) {
- if (event.flow_in)
- event.flowPhase = STEP;
- else
- event.flowPhase = PRODUCER;
- } else if (event.flow_in) {
- event.flowPhase = CONSUMER;
- }
- var slice = thread.sliceGroup.pushCompleteSlice(,,
- timestampFromUs(event.ts),
- maybeTimestampFromUs(event.dur),
- maybeTimestampFromUs(event.tts),
- maybeTimestampFromUs(event.tdur),
- this.deepCopyIfNeeded_(event.args),
- event.argsStripped,
- getEventColor(event),
- event.bind_id);
- slice.startStackFrame = this.getStackFrameForEvent_(event);
- slice.endStackFrame = this.getStackFrameForEvent_(event, true);
- this.setContextsFromThread_(thread, slice);
- return slice;
- },
- processJitCodeEvent: function(event) {
- if (this.v8ProcessCodeMaps_[] === undefined)
- this.v8ProcessCodeMaps_[] = new tr.e.importer.TraceCodeMap();
- var map = this.v8ProcessCodeMaps_[];
- var data =;
- // TODO(dsinclair): There are _a lot_ of JitCode events so I'm skipping
- // the display for now. Can revisit later if we want to show them.
- // Handle JitCodeMoved and JitCodeAdded event.
- if ( === 'JitCodeMoved')
- map.moveEntry(data.code_start, data.new_code_start, data.code_len);
- else // === 'JitCodeAdded'
- map.addEntry(data.code_start, data.code_len,, data.script_id);
- },
- processMetadataEvent: function(event) {
- // V8 JIT events are currently logged as phase 'M' so we need to
- // separate them out and handle specially.
- if ( === 'JitCodeAdded' || === 'JitCodeMoved') {
- this.v8SamplingData_.push(event);
- return;
- }
- // The metadata events aren't useful without args.
- if (event.argsStripped)
- return;
- if ( === 'process_name') {
- var process = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(;
- =;
- } else if ( === 'process_labels') {
- var process = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(;
- var labels = event.args.labels.split(',');
- for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
- process.addLabelIfNeeded(labels[i]);
- } else if ( === 'process_sort_index') {
- var process = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(;
- process.sortIndex = event.args.sort_index;
- } else if ( === 'thread_name') {
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- =;
- } else if ( === 'thread_sort_index') {
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- thread.sortIndex = event.args.sort_index;
- } else if ( === 'num_cpus') {
- var n = event.args.number;
- // Not all render processes agree on the cpu count in trace_event. Some
- // processes will report 1, while others will report the actual cpu
- // count. To deal with this, take the max of what is reported.
- if (this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_ !== undefined)
- n = Math.max(n, this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_);
- this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_ = n;
- } else if ( === 'stackFrames') {
- var stackFrames = event.args.stackFrames;
- if (stackFrames === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'metadata_parse_error',
- message: 'No stack frames found in a \'' + +
- '\' metadata event'
- });
- } else {
- this.importStackFrames_(stackFrames, 'p' + + ':');
- }
- } else if ( === 'typeNames') {
- var objectTypeNameMap = event.args.typeNames;
- if (objectTypeNameMap === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'metadata_parse_error',
- message: 'No mapping from object type IDs to names found in a \'' +
- + '\' metadata event'
- });
- } else {
- this.importObjectTypeNameMap_(objectTypeNameMap,;
- }
- } else if ( === 'TraceConfig') {
- this.model_.metadata.push(
- {name: 'TraceConfig', value: event.args.value});
- } else {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'metadata_parse_error',
- message: 'Unrecognized metadata name: ' +
- });
- }
- },
- processInstantEvent: function(event) {
- // V8 JIT events were logged as phase 'I' in the old format,
- // so we need to separate them out and handle specially.
- if ( === 'JitCodeAdded' || === 'JitCodeMoved') {
- this.v8SamplingData_.push(event);
- return;
- }
- // Thread-level instant events are treated as zero-duration slices.
- if (event.s === 't' || event.s === undefined) {
- this.processDurationEvent(event);
- return;
- }
- var constructor;
- switch (event.s) {
- case 'g':
- constructor = tr.model.GlobalInstantEvent;
- break;
- case 'p':
- constructor = tr.model.ProcessInstantEvent;
- break;
- default:
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'instant_parse_error',
- message: 'I phase event with unknown "s" field value.'
- });
- return;
- }
- var instantEvent = new constructor(,,
- getEventColor(event), timestampFromUs(event.ts),
- this.deepCopyIfNeeded_(event.args));
- switch (instantEvent.type) {
- case tr.model.InstantEventType.GLOBAL:
- this.model_.instantEvents.push(instantEvent);
- break;
- case tr.model.InstantEventType.PROCESS:
- var process = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(;
- process.instantEvents.push(instantEvent);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error('Unknown instant event type: ' + event.s);
- }
- },
- processV8Sample: function(event) {
- var data =;
- // As-per DevTools, the backend sometimes creates bogus samples. Skip it.
- if (data.vm_state === 'js' && !data.stack.length)
- return;
- var rootStackFrame = this.v8ProcessRootStackFrame_[];
- if (!rootStackFrame) {
- rootStackFrame = new tr.model.StackFrame(
- undefined /* parent */, 'v8-root-stack-frame' /* id */,
- 'v8-root-stack-frame' /* title */, 0 /* colorId */);
- this.v8ProcessRootStackFrame_[] = rootStackFrame;
- }
- function findChildWithEntryID(stackFrame, entryID) {
- return tr.b.findFirstInArray(stackFrame.children, function(child) {
- return child.entryID === entryID;
- });
- }
- var model = this.model_;
- function addStackFrame(lastStackFrame, entry) {
- var childFrame = findChildWithEntryID(lastStackFrame,;
- if (childFrame)
- return childFrame;
- var frame = new tr.model.StackFrame(
- lastStackFrame, tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple(),,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(,
- entry.sourceInfo);
- frame.entryID =;
- model.addStackFrame(frame);
- return frame;
- }
- var lastStackFrame = rootStackFrame;
- // There are several types of v8 sample events, gc, native, compiler, etc.
- // Some of these types have stacks and some don't, we handle those two
- // cases differently. For types that don't have any stack frames attached
- // we synthesize one based on the type of thing that's happening so when
- // we view all the samples we'll see something like 'external' or 'gc'
- // as a fraction of the time spent.
- if (data.stack.length > 0 && this.v8ProcessCodeMaps_[]) {
- var map = this.v8ProcessCodeMaps_[];
- // Stacks have the leaf node first, flip them around so the root
- // comes first.
- data.stack.reverse();
- for (var i = 0; i < data.stack.length; i++) {
- var entry = map.lookupEntry(data.stack[i]);
- if (entry === undefined) {
- entry = {
- id: 'unknown',
- name: 'unknown',
- sourceInfo: undefined
- };
- }
- lastStackFrame = addStackFrame(lastStackFrame, entry);
- }
- } else {
- var entry = {
- id: data.vm_state,
- name: data.vm_state,
- sourceInfo: undefined
- };
- lastStackFrame = addStackFrame(lastStackFrame, entry);
- }
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- .getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- var sample = new tr.model.Sample(
- undefined /* cpu */, thread, 'V8 Sample',
- timestampFromUs(event.ts), lastStackFrame, 1 /* weight */,
- this.deepCopyIfNeeded_(event.args));
- this.model_.samples.push(sample);
- },
- processTraceSampleEvent: function(event) {
- if ( === 'V8Sample') {
- this.v8SamplingData_.push(event);
- return;
- }
- var stackFrame = this.getStackFrameForEvent_(event);
- if (stackFrame === undefined) {
- stackFrame = this.traceEventSampleStackFramesByName_[
- }
- if (stackFrame === undefined) {
- var id = 'te-' + tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- stackFrame = new tr.model.StackFrame(
- undefined, id,,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(;
- this.model_.addStackFrame(stackFrame);
- this.traceEventSampleStackFramesByName_[] = stackFrame;
- }
- var thread = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(
- .getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- var sample = new tr.model.Sample(
- undefined, thread, 'Trace Event Sample',
- timestampFromUs(event.ts), stackFrame, 1,
- this.deepCopyIfNeeded_(event.args));
- this.setContextsFromThread_(thread, sample);
- this.model_.samples.push(sample);
- },
- processMemoryDumpEvent: function(event) {
- if ( !== 'v')
- throw new Error('Invalid memory dump event phase "' + + '".');
- var dumpId =;
- if (dumpId === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Memory dump event (phase \'' + +
- '\') without a dump ID.'
- });
- return;
- }
- var pid =;
- if (pid === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Memory dump event (phase\'' + + '\', dump ID \'' +
- dumpId + '\') without a PID.'
- });
- return;
- }
- // Dump ID -> PID -> [process memory dump events].
- var allEvents = this.allMemoryDumpEvents_;
- // PID -> [process memory dump events].
- var dumpIdEvents = allEvents[dumpId];
- if (dumpIdEvents === undefined)
- allEvents[dumpId] = dumpIdEvents = {};
- // [process memory dump events].
- var processEvents = dumpIdEvents[pid];
- if (processEvents === undefined)
- dumpIdEvents[pid] = processEvents = [];
- processEvents.push(event);
- },
- processClockSyncEvent: function(event) {
- if ( !== 'c')
- throw new Error('Invalid clock sync event phase "' + + '".');
- var syncId = event.args.sync_id;
- if (syncId === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'clock_sync_parse_error',
- message: 'Clock sync at time ' + event.ts + ' without an ID.'
- });
- return;
- }
- if (event.args && event.args.issue_ts !== undefined) {
- // When Chrome is the tracing controller and is the requester of the
- // clock sync, the clock sync event looks like:
- //
- // {
- // "args": {
- // "sync_id": "abc123",
- // "issue_ts": 12340
- // }
- // "ph": "c"
- // "ts": 12345
- // ...
- // }
- this.model_.clockSyncManager.addClockSyncMarker(
- this.clockDomainId_, syncId, timestampFromUs(event.args.issue_ts),
- timestampFromUs(event.ts));
- } else {
- // When Chrome is a tracing agent and is the recipient of the clock
- // sync request, the clock sync event looks like:
- //
- // {
- // "args": { "sync_id": "abc123" }
- // "ph": "c"
- // "ts": 12345
- // ...
- // }
- this.model_.clockSyncManager.addClockSyncMarker(
- this.clockDomainId_, syncId, timestampFromUs(event.ts));
- }
- },
- // Because the order of Jit code events and V8 samples are not guaranteed,
- // We store them in an array, sort by timestamp, and then process them.
- processV8Events: function() {
- this.v8SamplingData_.sort(function(a, b) {
- if (a.ts !== b.ts)
- return a.ts - b.ts;
- if ( === 'M' || === 'I')
- return -1;
- else if ( === 'M' || === 'I')
- return 1;
- return 0;
- });
- var length = this.v8SamplingData_.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- var event = this.v8SamplingData_[i];
- if ( === 'M' || === 'I') {
- this.processJitCodeEvent(event);
- } else if ( === 'P') {
- this.processV8Sample(event);
- }
- }
- },
- importClockSyncMarkers: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.events_.length; i++) {
- var event = this.events_[i];
- if ( !== 'c')
- continue;
- var eventSizeInBytes =
- this.model_.importOptions.trackDetailedModelStats ?
- JSON.stringify(event).length : undefined;
- this.model_.stats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'clock_sync',,, event.ts, eventSizeInBytes);
- this.processClockSyncEvent(event);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Walks through the events_ list and outputs the structures discovered to
- * model_.
- */
- importEvents: function() {
- if (this.stackFrameEvents_)
- this.importStackFrames_(this.stackFrameEvents_, 'g');
- if (this.traceAnnotations_)
- this.importAnnotations_();
- var importOptions = this.model_.importOptions;
- var trackDetailedModelStats = importOptions.trackDetailedModelStats;
- var modelStats = this.model_.stats;
- var events = this.events_;
- for (var eI = 0; eI < events.length; eI++) {
- var event = events[eI];
- if (event.args === '__stripped__') {
- event.argsStripped = true;
- event.args = undefined;
- }
- var eventSizeInBytes;
- if (trackDetailedModelStats)
- eventSizeInBytes = JSON.stringify(event).length;
- else
- eventSizeInBytes = undefined;
- if ( === 'B' || === 'E') {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'begin_end (non-compact)',,, event.ts,
- eventSizeInBytes);
- this.processDurationEvent(event);
- } else if ( === 'X') {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'begin_end (compact)',,, event.ts,
- eventSizeInBytes);
- var slice = this.processCompleteEvent(event);
- // TODO(yuhaoz): If Chrome supports creating other events with flow,
- // we will need to call processFlowEvent for them also.
- //
- if (slice !== undefined && event.bind_id !== undefined)
- this.processFlowEvent(event, slice);
- } else if ( === 'b' || === 'e' || === 'n' ||
- === 'S' || === 'F' || === 'T' ||
- === 'p') {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'async',,, event.ts, eventSizeInBytes);
- this.processAsyncEvent(event);
- // Note, I is historic. The instant event marker got changed, but we
- // want to support loading old trace files so we have both I and i.
- } else if ( === 'I' || === 'i' || === 'R') {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'instant',,, event.ts, eventSizeInBytes);
- this.processInstantEvent(event);
- } else if ( === 'P') {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'samples',,, event.ts, eventSizeInBytes);
- this.processTraceSampleEvent(event);
- } else if ( === 'C') {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'counters',,, event.ts, eventSizeInBytes);
- this.processCounterEvent(event);
- } else if ( === 'M') {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'metadata',,, event.ts, eventSizeInBytes);
- this.processMetadataEvent(event);
- } else if ( === 'N' || === 'D' || === 'O') {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'objects',,, event.ts, eventSizeInBytes);
- this.processObjectEvent(event);
- } else if ( === 's' || === 't' || === 'f') {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'flows',,, event.ts, eventSizeInBytes);
- this.processFlowEvent(event);
- } else if ( === 'v') {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'memory_dumps',,, event.ts,
- eventSizeInBytes);
- this.processMemoryDumpEvent(event);
- } else if ( === '(' || === ')') {
- this.processContextEvent(event);
- } else if ( === 'c') {
- // No-op. Clock sync events have already been processed in
- // importClockSyncMarkers().
- } else {
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'unknown',,, event.ts, eventSizeInBytes);
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'parse_error',
- message: 'Unrecognized event phase: ' +
- + ' (' + + ')'
- });
- }
- }
- this.processV8Events();
- // Remove all the root stack frame children as they should
- // already be added.
- tr.b.iterItems(this.v8ProcessRootStackFrame_, function(name, frame) {
- frame.removeAllChildren();
- });
- },
- importStackFrames_: function(rawStackFrames, idPrefix) {
- var model = this.model_;
- for (var id in rawStackFrames) {
- var rawStackFrame = rawStackFrames[id];
- var fullId = idPrefix + id;
- var textForColor = rawStackFrame.category ?
- rawStackFrame.category :;
- var stackFrame = new tr.model.StackFrame(
- undefined /* parentFrame */, fullId,,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(textForColor));
- model.addStackFrame(stackFrame);
- }
- for (var id in rawStackFrames) {
- var fullId = idPrefix + id;
- var stackFrame = model.stackFrames[fullId];
- if (stackFrame === undefined)
- throw new Error('Internal error');
- var rawStackFrame = rawStackFrames[id];
- var parentId = rawStackFrame.parent;
- var parentStackFrame;
- if (parentId === undefined) {
- parentStackFrame = undefined;
- } else {
- var parentFullId = idPrefix + parentId;
- parentStackFrame = model.stackFrames[parentFullId];
- if (parentStackFrame === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'metadata_parse_error',
- message: 'Missing parent frame with ID ' + parentFullId +
- ' for stack frame \'' + + '\' (ID ' + fullId +
- ').'
- });
- }
- }
- stackFrame.parentFrame = parentStackFrame;
- }
- },
- importObjectTypeNameMap_: function(rawObjectTypeNameMap, pid) {
- if (pid in this.objectTypeNameMap_) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'metadata_parse_error',
- message: 'Mapping from object type IDs to names provided for pid=' +
- pid + ' multiple times.'
- });
- return;
- }
- var objectTypeNamePrefix = undefined;
- var objectTypeNameSuffix = undefined;
- var objectTypeNameMap = {};
- for (var objectTypeId in rawObjectTypeNameMap) {
- var rawObjectTypeName = rawObjectTypeNameMap[objectTypeId];
- // If we haven't figured out yet which compiler the object type names
- // come from, we try to do it now.
- if (objectTypeNamePrefix === undefined) {
- for (var i = 0; i < OBJECT_TYPE_NAME_PATTERNS.length; i++) {
- var pattern = OBJECT_TYPE_NAME_PATTERNS[i];
- if (rawObjectTypeName.startsWith(pattern.prefix) &&
- rawObjectTypeName.endsWith(pattern.suffix)) {
- objectTypeNamePrefix = pattern.prefix;
- objectTypeNameSuffix = pattern.suffix;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (objectTypeNamePrefix !== undefined &&
- rawObjectTypeName.startsWith(objectTypeNamePrefix) &&
- rawObjectTypeName.endsWith(objectTypeNameSuffix)) {
- // With compiler-specific prefix and suffix (automatically annotated
- // object types).
- objectTypeNameMap[objectTypeId] = rawObjectTypeName.substring(
- objectTypeNamePrefix.length,
- rawObjectTypeName.length - objectTypeNameSuffix.length);
- } else {
- // Without compiler-specific prefix and suffix (manually annotated
- // object types and '[unknown]').
- objectTypeNameMap[objectTypeId] = rawObjectTypeName;
- }
- }
- this.objectTypeNameMap_[pid] = objectTypeNameMap;
- },
- importAnnotations_: function() {
- for (var id in this.traceAnnotations_) {
- var annotation = tr.model.Annotation.fromDictIfPossible(
- this.traceAnnotations_[id]);
- if (!annotation) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'annotation_warning',
- message: 'Unrecognized traceAnnotation typeName \"' +
- this.traceAnnotations_[id].typeName + '\"'
- });
- continue;
- }
- this.model_.addAnnotation(annotation);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Called by the Model after all other importers have imported their
- * events.
- */
- finalizeImport: function() {
- if (this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_ !== undefined) {
- this.model_.kernel.softwareMeasuredCpuCount =
- this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_;
- }
- this.createAsyncSlices_();
- this.createFlowSlices_();
- this.createExplicitObjects_();
- this.createImplicitObjects_();
- this.createMemoryDumps_();
- },
- /* Events can have one or more stack frames associated with them, but
- * that frame might be encoded either as a stack trace of program counters,
- * or as a direct stack frame reference. This handles either case and
- * if found, returns the stackframe.
- */
- getStackFrameForEvent_: function(event, opt_lookForEndEvent) {
- var sf;
- var stack;
- if (opt_lookForEndEvent) {
- sf = event.esf;
- stack = event.estack;
- } else {
- sf = event.sf;
- stack = event.stack;
- }
- if (stack !== undefined && sf !== undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'stack_frame_and_stack_error',
- message: 'Event at ' + event.ts +
- ' cannot have both a stack and a stackframe.'
- });
- return undefined;
- }
- if (stack !== undefined)
- return this.model_.resolveStackToStackFrame_(, stack);
- if (sf === undefined)
- return undefined;
- var stackFrame = this.model_.stackFrames['g' + sf];
- if (stackFrame === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'sample_import_error',
- message: 'No frame for ' + sf
- });
- return;
- }
- return stackFrame;
- },
- resolveStackToStackFrame_: function(pid, stack) {
- // TODO(alph,fmeawad): Add codemap resolution code here.
- return undefined;
- },
- importSampleData: function() {
- if (!this.sampleEvents_)
- return;
- var m = this.model_;
- // If this is the only importer, then fake-create the threads.
- var events = this.sampleEvents_;
- if (this.events_.length === 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
- var event = events[i];
- m.getOrCreateProcess(event.tid).getOrCreateThread(event.tid);
- }
- }
- var threadsByTid = {};
- m.getAllThreads().forEach(function(t) {
- threadsByTid[t.tid] = t;
- });
- for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
- var event = events[i];
- var thread = threadsByTid[event.tid];
- if (thread === undefined) {
- m.importWarning({
- type: 'sample_import_error',
- message: 'Thread ' + events.tid + 'not found'
- });
- continue;
- }
- var cpu;
- if (event.cpu !== undefined)
- cpu = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(event.cpu);
- var stackFrame = this.getStackFrameForEvent_(event);
- var sample = new tr.model.Sample(
- cpu, thread,
- timestampFromUs(event.ts),
- stackFrame,
- event.weight);
- m.samples.push(sample);
- }
- },
- createAsyncSlices_: function() {
- if (this.allAsyncEvents_.length === 0)
- return;
- this.allAsyncEvents_.sort(function(x, y) {
- var d = x.event.ts - y.event.ts;
- if (d !== 0)
- return d;
- return x.sequenceNumber - y.sequenceNumber;
- });
- var legacyEvents = [];
- // Group nestable async events by ID. Events with the same ID should
- // belong to the same parent async event.
- var nestableAsyncEventsByKey = {};
- var nestableMeasureAsyncEventsByKey = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < this.allAsyncEvents_.length; i++) {
- var asyncEventState = this.allAsyncEvents_[i];
- var event = asyncEventState.event;
- if ( === 'S' || === 'F' || === 'T' ||
- === 'p') {
- legacyEvents.push(asyncEventState);
- continue;
- }
- if ( === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'Nestable async events (ph: b, e, or n) require a ' +
- 'cat parameter.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- if ( === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'Nestable async events (ph: b, e, or n) require a ' +
- 'name parameter.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- if ( === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'Nestable async events (ph: b, e, or n) require an ' +
- 'id parameter.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- if ( === 'blink.user_timing') {
- var matched = /([^\/:]+):([^\/:]+)\/?(.*)/.exec(;
- if (matched !== null) {
- var key = matched[1] + ':' +;
- event.args = JSON.parse(Base64.atob(matched[3]) || '{}');
- if (nestableMeasureAsyncEventsByKey[key] === undefined)
- nestableMeasureAsyncEventsByKey[key] = [];
- nestableMeasureAsyncEventsByKey[key].push(asyncEventState);
- continue;
- }
- }
- var key = + ':' +;
- if (nestableAsyncEventsByKey[key] === undefined)
- nestableAsyncEventsByKey[key] = [];
- nestableAsyncEventsByKey[key].push(asyncEventState);
- }
- // Handle legacy async events.
- this.createLegacyAsyncSlices_(legacyEvents);
- // Parse nestable measure async events into AsyncSlices.
- this.createNestableAsyncSlices_(nestableMeasureAsyncEventsByKey);
- // Parse nestable async events into AsyncSlices.
- this.createNestableAsyncSlices_(nestableAsyncEventsByKey);
- },
- createLegacyAsyncSlices_: function(legacyEvents) {
- if (legacyEvents.length === 0)
- return;
- legacyEvents.sort(function(x, y) {
- var d = x.event.ts - y.event.ts;
- if (d != 0)
- return d;
- return x.sequenceNumber - y.sequenceNumber;
- });
- var asyncEventStatesByNameThenID = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < legacyEvents.length; i++) {
- var asyncEventState = legacyEvents[i];
- var event = asyncEventState.event;
- var name =;
- if (name === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'Async events (ph: S, T, p, or F) require a name ' +
- ' parameter.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- var id =;
- if (id === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'Async events (ph: S, T, p, or F) require an id parameter.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- // TODO(simonjam): Add a synchronous tick on the appropriate thread.
- if ( === 'S') {
- if (asyncEventStatesByNameThenID[name] === undefined)
- asyncEventStatesByNameThenID[name] = {};
- if (asyncEventStatesByNameThenID[name][id]) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'At ' + event.ts + ', a slice of the same id ' + id +
- ' was alrady open.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- asyncEventStatesByNameThenID[name][id] = [];
- asyncEventStatesByNameThenID[name][id].push(asyncEventState);
- } else {
- if (asyncEventStatesByNameThenID[name] === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'At ' + event.ts + ', no slice named ' + name +
- ' was open.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- if (asyncEventStatesByNameThenID[name][id] === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'At ' + event.ts + ', no slice named ' + name +
- ' with id=' + id + ' was open.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- var events = asyncEventStatesByNameThenID[name][id];
- events.push(asyncEventState);
- if ( === 'F') {
- // Create a slice from start to end.
- var asyncSliceConstructor =
- tr.model.AsyncSlice.getConstructor(
- events[0],
- name);
- var slice = new asyncSliceConstructor(
- events[0],
- name,
- getEventColor(events[0].event),
- timestampFromUs(events[0].event.ts),
- tr.b.concatenateObjects(events[0].event.args,
- events[events.length - 1].event.args),
- timestampFromUs(event.ts - events[0].event.ts),
- true, undefined, undefined, events[0].event.argsStripped);
- slice.startThread = events[0].thread;
- slice.endThread = asyncEventState.thread;
- = id;
- var stepType = events[1];
- var isValid = true;
- // Create subSlices for each step. Skip the start and finish events,
- // which are always first and last respectively.
- for (var j = 1; j < events.length - 1; ++j) {
- if (events[j] === 'T' || events[j] === 'p') {
- isValid = this.assertStepTypeMatches_(stepType, events[j]);
- if (!isValid)
- break;
- }
- if (events[j] === 'S') {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'At ' + event.event.ts + ', a slice named ' +
- + ' with id=' + +
- ' had a step before the start event.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- if (events[j] === 'F') {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'At ' + event.event.ts + ', a slice named ' +
- + ' with id=' + +
- ' had a step after the finish event.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- var startIndex = j + (stepType === 'T' ? 0 : -1);
- var endIndex = startIndex + 1;
- var subName = events[j];
- if (!events[j].event.argsStripped &&
- (events[j] === 'T' || events[j] === 'p'))
- subName = subName + ':' + events[j].event.args.step;
- var asyncSliceConstructor =
- tr.model.AsyncSlice.getConstructor(
- events[0],
- subName);
- var subSlice = new asyncSliceConstructor(
- events[0],
- subName,
- getEventColor(event, subName + j),
- timestampFromUs(events[startIndex].event.ts),
- this.deepCopyIfNeeded_(events[j].event.args),
- timestampFromUs(
- events[endIndex].event.ts - events[startIndex].event.ts),
- undefined, undefined,
- events[startIndex].event.argsStripped);
- subSlice.startThread = events[startIndex].thread;
- subSlice.endThread = events[endIndex].thread;
- = id;
- slice.subSlices.push(subSlice);
- }
- if (isValid) {
- // Add |slice| to the start-thread's asyncSlices.
- slice.startThread.asyncSliceGroup.push(slice);
- }
- delete asyncEventStatesByNameThenID[name][id];
- }
- }
- }
- },
- createNestableAsyncSlices_: function(nestableEventsByKey) {
- for (var key in nestableEventsByKey) {
- var eventStateEntries = nestableEventsByKey[key];
- // Stack of enclosing BEGIN events.
- var parentStack = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < eventStateEntries.length; ++i) {
- var eventStateEntry = eventStateEntries[i];
- // If this is the end of an event, match it to the start.
- if ( === 'e') {
- // Walk up the parent stack to find the corresponding BEGIN for
- // this END.
- var parentIndex = -1;
- for (var k = parentStack.length - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
- if (parentStack[k] === {
- parentIndex = k;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (parentIndex === -1) {
- // Unmatched end.
- eventStateEntry.finished = false;
- } else {
- parentStack[parentIndex].end = eventStateEntry;
- // Pop off all enclosing unmatched BEGINs util parentIndex.
- while (parentIndex < parentStack.length) {
- parentStack.pop();
- }
- }
- }
- // Inherit the current parent.
- if (parentStack.length > 0)
- eventStateEntry.parentEntry = parentStack[parentStack.length - 1];
- if ( === 'b') {
- parentStack.push(eventStateEntry);
- }
- }
- var topLevelSlices = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < eventStateEntries.length; ++i) {
- var eventStateEntry = eventStateEntries[i];
- // Skip matched END, as its slice will be created when we
- // encounter its corresponding BEGIN.
- if ( === 'e' &&
- eventStateEntry.finished === undefined) {
- continue;
- }
- var startState = undefined;
- var endState = undefined;
- var sliceArgs = eventStateEntry.event.args || {};
- var sliceError = undefined;
- if ( === 'n') {
- startState = eventStateEntry;
- endState = eventStateEntry;
- } else if ( === 'b') {
- if (eventStateEntry.end === undefined) {
- // Unmatched BEGIN. End it when last event with this ID ends.
- eventStateEntry.end =
- eventStateEntries[eventStateEntries.length - 1];
- sliceError =
- 'Slice has no matching END. End time has been adjusted.';
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'Nestable async BEGIN event at ' +
- eventStateEntry.event.ts + ' with name=' +
- +
- ' and id=' + + ' was unmatched.'
- });
- } else {
- // Include args for both END and BEGIN for a matched pair.
- function concatenateArguments(args1, args2) {
- if (args1.params === undefined || args2.params === undefined)
- return tr.b.concatenateObjects(args1, args2);
- // Make an argument object to hold the combined params.
- var args3 = {};
- args3.params = tr.b.concatenateObjects(args1.params,
- args2.params);
- return tr.b.concatenateObjects(args1, args2, args3);
- }
- var endArgs = eventStateEntry.end.event.args || {};
- sliceArgs = concatenateArguments(sliceArgs, endArgs);
- }
- startState = eventStateEntry;
- endState = eventStateEntry.end;
- } else {
- // Unmatched END. Start it at the first event with this ID starts.
- sliceError =
- 'Slice has no matching BEGIN. Start time has been adjusted.';
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'Nestable async END event at ' +
- eventStateEntry.event.ts + ' with name=' +
- +
- ' and id=' + + ' was unmatched.'
- });
- startState = eventStateEntries[0];
- endState = eventStateEntry;
- }
- var isTopLevel = (eventStateEntry.parentEntry === undefined);
- var asyncSliceConstructor =
- tr.model.AsyncSlice.getConstructor(
- var thread_start = undefined;
- var thread_duration = undefined;
- if (startState.event.tts && startState.event.use_async_tts) {
- thread_start = timestampFromUs(startState.event.tts);
- if (endState.event.tts) {
- var thread_end = timestampFromUs(endState.event.tts);
- thread_duration = thread_end - thread_start;
- }
- }
- var slice = new asyncSliceConstructor(
- getEventColor(endState.event),
- timestampFromUs(startState.event.ts),
- sliceArgs,
- timestampFromUs(endState.event.ts - startState.event.ts),
- isTopLevel,
- thread_start,
- thread_duration,
- startState.event.argsStripped);
- slice.startThread = startState.thread;
- slice.endThread = endState.thread;
- slice.startStackFrame = this.getStackFrameForEvent_(startState.event);
- slice.endStackFrame = this.getStackFrameForEvent_(endState.event);
- = key;
- if (sliceError !== undefined)
- slice.error = sliceError;
- eventStateEntry.slice = slice;
- // Add the slice to the topLevelSlices array if there is no parent.
- // Otherwise, add the slice to the subSlices of its parent.
- if (isTopLevel) {
- topLevelSlices.push(slice);
- } else if (eventStateEntry.parentEntry.slice !== undefined) {
- eventStateEntry.parentEntry.slice.subSlices.push(slice);
- }
- }
- for (var si = 0; si < topLevelSlices.length; si++) {
- topLevelSlices[si].startThread.asyncSliceGroup.push(
- topLevelSlices[si]);
- }
- }
- },
- assertStepTypeMatches_: function(stepType, event) {
- if (stepType != {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'async_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'At ' + event.event.ts + ', a slice named ' +
- + ' with id=' + +
- ' had both begin and end steps, which is not allowed.'
- });
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- createFlowSlices_: function() {
- if (this.allFlowEvents_.length === 0)
- return;
- var that = this;
- function validateFlowEvent() {
- if ( === undefined) {
- that.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'Flow events (ph: s, t or f) require a name parameter.'
- });
- return false;
- }
- // Support Flow API v1.
- if ( === 's' || === 'f' || === 't') {
- if ( === undefined) {
- that.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'Flow events (ph: s, t or f) require an id parameter.'
- });
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Support Flow API v2.
- if (event.bind_id) {
- if (event.flow_in === undefined && event.flow_out === undefined) {
- that.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_parse_error',
- message: 'Flow producer or consumer require flow_in or flow_out.'
- });
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function createFlowEvent(thread, event, opt_slice) {
- var startSlice, flowId, flowStartTs;
- if (event.bind_id) {
- // Support Flow API v2.
- startSlice = opt_slice;
- flowId = event.bind_id;
- flowStartTs = timestampFromUs(event.ts + event.dur);
- } else {
- // Support Flow API v1.
- var ts = timestampFromUs(event.ts);
- startSlice = thread.sliceGroup.findSliceAtTs(ts);
- if (startSlice === undefined)
- return undefined;
- flowId =;
- flowStartTs = ts;
- }
- var flowEvent = new tr.model.FlowEvent(
- flowId,
- getEventColor(event),
- flowStartTs,
- that.deepCopyAlways_(event.args));
- flowEvent.startSlice = startSlice;
- flowEvent.startStackFrame = that.getStackFrameForEvent_(event);
- flowEvent.endStackFrame = undefined;
- startSlice.outFlowEvents.push(flowEvent);
- return flowEvent;
- }
- function finishFlowEventWith(flowEvent, thread, event,
- refGuid, bindToParent, opt_slice) {
- var endSlice;
- if (event.bind_id) {
- // Support Flow API v2.
- endSlice = opt_slice;
- } else {
- // Support Flow API v1.
- var ts = timestampFromUs(event.ts);
- if (bindToParent) {
- endSlice = thread.sliceGroup.findSliceAtTs(ts);
- } else {
- endSlice = thread.sliceGroup.findNextSliceAfter(ts, refGuid);
- }
- if (endSlice === undefined)
- return false;
- }
- endSlice.inFlowEvents.push(flowEvent);
- flowEvent.endSlice = endSlice;
- flowEvent.duration = timestampFromUs(event.ts) - flowEvent.start;
- flowEvent.endStackFrame = that.getStackFrameForEvent_(event);
- that.mergeArgsInto_(flowEvent.args, event.args, flowEvent.title);
- return true;
- }
- function processFlowConsumer(flowIdToEvent, sliceGuidToEvent, event,
- slice) {
- var flowEvent = flowIdToEvent[event.bind_id];
- if (flowEvent === undefined) {
- that.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_ordering_error',
- message: 'Flow consumer ' + event.bind_id + ' does not have ' +
- 'a flow producer'});
- return false;
- } else if (flowEvent.endSlice) {
- // One flow producer can have more than one flow consumers.
- // In this case, create a new flow event using the flow producer.
- var flowProducer = flowEvent.startSlice;
- flowEvent = createFlowEvent(undefined,
- sliceGuidToEvent[flowProducer.guid], flowProducer);
- }
- var ok = finishFlowEventWith(flowEvent, undefined, event,
- refGuid, undefined, slice);
- if (ok) {
- that.model_.flowEvents.push(flowEvent);
- } else {
- that.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_end_error',
- message: 'Flow consumer ' + event.bind_id + ' does not end ' +
- 'at an actual slice, so cannot be created.'});
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function processFlowProducer(flowIdToEvent, flowStatus, event, slice) {
- if (flowIdToEvent[event.bind_id] &&
- flowStatus[event.bind_id]) {
- // Can't open the same flow again while it's still open.
- // This is essentially the multi-producer case which we don't support
- that.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_start_error',
- message: 'Flow producer ' + event.bind_id + ' already seen'});
- return false;
- }
- var flowEvent = createFlowEvent(undefined, event, slice);
- if (!flowEvent) {
- that.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_start_error',
- message: 'Flow producer ' + event.bind_id + ' does not start' +
- 'a flow'});
- return false;
- }
- flowIdToEvent[event.bind_id] = flowEvent;
- return;
- }
- // Actual import.
- this.allFlowEvents_.sort(function(x, y) {
- var d = x.event.ts - y.event.ts;
- if (d != 0)
- return d;
- return x.sequenceNumber - y.sequenceNumber;
- });
- var flowIdToEvent = {};
- var sliceGuidToEvent = {};
- var flowStatus = {}; // true: open; false: closed.
- for (var i = 0; i < this.allFlowEvents_.length; ++i) {
- var data = this.allFlowEvents_[i];
- var refGuid = data.refGuid;
- var event = data.event;
- var thread = data.thread;
- if (!validateFlowEvent(event))
- continue;
- // Support for Flow API v2.
- if (event.bind_id) {
- var slice = data.slice;
- sliceGuidToEvent[slice.guid] = event;
- if (event.flowPhase === PRODUCER) {
- if (!processFlowProducer(flowIdToEvent, flowStatus, event, slice))
- continue;
- flowStatus[event.bind_id] = true; // open the flow.
- }
- else {
- if (!processFlowConsumer(flowIdToEvent, sliceGuidToEvent,
- event, slice))
- continue;
- flowStatus[event.bind_id] = false; // close the flow.
- if (event.flowPhase === STEP) {
- if (!processFlowProducer(flowIdToEvent, flowStatus,
- event, slice))
- continue;
- flowStatus[event.bind_id] = true; // open the flow again.
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- // Support for Flow API v1.
- var flowEvent;
- if ( === 's') {
- if (flowIdToEvent[]) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_start_error',
- message: 'event id ' + + ' already seen when ' +
- 'encountering start of flow event.'});
- continue;
- }
- flowEvent = createFlowEvent(thread, event);
- if (!flowEvent) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_start_error',
- message: 'event id ' + + ' does not start ' +
- 'at an actual slice, so cannot be created.'});
- continue;
- }
- flowIdToEvent[] = flowEvent;
- } else if ( === 't' || === 'f') {
- flowEvent = flowIdToEvent[];
- if (flowEvent === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_ordering_error',
- message: 'Found flow phase ' + + ' for id: ' + +
- ' but no flow start found.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- var bindToParent = === 't';
- if ( === 'f') {
- if (event.bp === undefined) {
- // TODO(yuhaoz): In flow V2, there is no notion of binding point.
- // Removal of binding point is tracked in
- //
- if ('input') > -1)
- bindToParent = true;
- else if ('ipc.flow') > -1)
- bindToParent = true;
- } else {
- if (event.bp !== 'e') {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_bind_point_error',
- message: 'Flow event with invalid binding point (event.bp).'
- });
- continue;
- }
- bindToParent = true;
- }
- }
- var ok = finishFlowEventWith(flowEvent, thread, event,
- refGuid, bindToParent);
- if (ok) {
- that.model_.flowEvents.push(flowEvent);
- } else {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'flow_slice_end_error',
- message: 'event id ' + + ' does not end ' +
- 'at an actual slice, so cannot be created.'});
- }
- flowIdToEvent[] = undefined;
- // If this is a step, then create another flow event.
- if (ok && === 't') {
- flowEvent = createFlowEvent(thread, event);
- flowIdToEvent[] = flowEvent;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * This function creates objects described via the N, D, and O phase
- * events.
- */
- createExplicitObjects_: function() {
- if (this.allObjectEvents_.length === 0)
- return;
- function processEvent(objectEventState) {
- var event = objectEventState.event;
- var scopedId = this.scopedIdForEvent_(event);
- var thread = objectEventState.thread;
- if ( === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'object_parse_error',
- message: 'While processing ' + JSON.stringify(event) + ': ' +
- 'Object events require an name parameter.'
- });
- }
- if ( === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'object_parse_error',
- message: 'While processing ' + JSON.stringify(event) + ': ' +
- 'Object events require an id parameter.'
- });
- }
- var process = thread.parent;
- var ts = timestampFromUs(event.ts);
- var instance;
- if ( === 'N') {
- try {
- instance = process.objects.idWasCreated(
- scopedId,,, ts);
- } catch (e) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'object_parse_error',
- message: 'While processing create of ' +
- scopedId + ' at ts=' + ts + ': ' + e
- });
- return;
- }
- } else if ( === 'O') {
- if (event.args.snapshot === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'object_parse_error',
- message: 'While processing ' + scopedId + ' at ts=' + ts + ': ' +
- 'Snapshots must have args: {snapshot: ...}'
- });
- return;
- }
- var snapshot;
- try {
- var args = this.deepCopyIfNeeded_(event.args.snapshot);
- var cat;
- if ( {
- cat =;
- delete;
- } else {
- cat =;
- }
- var baseTypename;
- if (args.base_type) {
- baseTypename = args.base_type;
- delete args.base_type;
- } else {
- baseTypename = undefined;
- }
- snapshot = process.objects.addSnapshot(
- scopedId, cat,, ts, args, baseTypename);
- snapshot.snapshottedOnThread = thread;
- } catch (e) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'object_parse_error',
- message: 'While processing snapshot of ' +
- scopedId + ' at ts=' + ts + ': ' + e
- });
- return;
- }
- instance = snapshot.objectInstance;
- } else if ( === 'D') {
- try {
- process.objects.idWasDeleted(scopedId,,, ts);
- var instanceMap = process.objects.getOrCreateInstanceMap_(scopedId);
- instance = instanceMap.lastInstance;
- } catch (e) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'object_parse_error',
- message: 'While processing delete of ' +
- scopedId + ' at ts=' + ts + ': ' + e
- });
- return;
- }
- }
- if (instance)
- instance.colorId = getEventColor(event, instance.typeName);
- }
- this.allObjectEvents_.sort(function(x, y) {
- var d = x.event.ts - y.event.ts;
- if (d != 0)
- return d;
- return x.sequenceNumber - y.sequenceNumber;
- });
- var allObjectEvents = this.allObjectEvents_;
- for (var i = 0; i < allObjectEvents.length; i++) {
- var objectEventState = allObjectEvents[i];
- try {
-, objectEventState);
- } catch (e) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'object_parse_error',
- message: e.message
- });
- }
- }
- },
- createImplicitObjects_: function() {
- tr.b.iterItems(this.model_.processes, function(pid, process) {
- this.createImplicitObjectsForProcess_(process);
- }, this);
- },
- // Here, we collect all the snapshots that internally contain a
- // Javascript-level object inside their args list that has an "id" field,
- // and turn that into a snapshot of the instance referred to by id.
- createImplicitObjectsForProcess_: function(process) {
- function processField(referencingObject,
- referencingObjectFieldName,
- referencingObjectFieldValue,
- containingSnapshot) {
- if (!referencingObjectFieldValue)
- return;
- if (referencingObjectFieldValue instanceof
- tr.model.ObjectSnapshot)
- return null;
- if ( === undefined)
- return;
- var implicitSnapshot = referencingObjectFieldValue;
- var rawId =;
- var m = /(.+)\/(.+)/.exec(rawId);
- if (!m)
- throw new Error('Implicit snapshots must have names.');
- delete;
- var name = m[1];
- var id = m[2];
- var res;
- var cat;
- if ( !== undefined)
- cat =;
- else
- cat = containingSnapshot.objectInstance.category;
- var baseTypename;
- if (implicitSnapshot.base_type)
- baseTypename = implicitSnapshot.base_type;
- else
- baseTypename = undefined;
- var scope = containingSnapshot.objectInstance.scopedId.scope;
- try {
- res = process.objects.addSnapshot(
- new tr.model.ScopedId(scope, id), cat,
- name, containingSnapshot.ts,
- implicitSnapshot, baseTypename);
- } catch (e) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'object_snapshot_parse_error',
- message: 'While processing implicit snapshot of ' +
- rawId + ' at ts=' + containingSnapshot.ts + ': ' + e
- });
- return;
- }
- res.objectInstance.hasImplicitSnapshots = true;
- res.containingSnapshot = containingSnapshot;
- res.snapshottedOnThread = containingSnapshot.snapshottedOnThread;
- referencingObject[referencingObjectFieldName] = res;
- if (!(res instanceof tr.model.ObjectSnapshot))
- throw new Error('Created object must be instanceof snapshot');
- return res.args;
- }
- /**
- * Iterates over the fields in the object, calling func for every
- * field/value found.
- *
- * @return {object} If the function does not want the field's value to be
- * iterated, return null. If iteration of the field value is desired, then
- * return either undefined (if the field value did not change) or the new
- * field value if it was changed.
- */
- function iterObject(object, func, containingSnapshot, thisArg) {
- if (!(object instanceof Object))
- return;
- if (object instanceof Array) {
- for (var i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
- var res =, object, i, object[i],
- containingSnapshot);
- if (res === null)
- continue;
- if (res)
- iterObject(res, func, containingSnapshot, thisArg);
- else
- iterObject(object[i], func, containingSnapshot, thisArg);
- }
- return;
- }
- for (var key in object) {
- var res =, object, key, object[key],
- containingSnapshot);
- if (res === null)
- continue;
- if (res)
- iterObject(res, func, containingSnapshot, thisArg);
- else
- iterObject(object[key], func, containingSnapshot, thisArg);
- }
- }
- // TODO(nduca): We may need to iterate the instances in sorted order by
- // creationTs.
- process.objects.iterObjectInstances(function(instance) {
- instance.snapshots.forEach(function(snapshot) {
- if ( !== undefined)
- throw new Error('args cannot have an id field inside it');
- iterObject(snapshot.args, processField, snapshot, this);
- }, this);
- }, this);
- },
- createMemoryDumps_: function() {
- for (var dumpId in this.allMemoryDumpEvents_)
- this.createGlobalMemoryDump_(this.allMemoryDumpEvents_[dumpId], dumpId);
- },
- createGlobalMemoryDump_: function(dumpIdEvents, dumpId) {
- // 1. Create a GlobalMemoryDump for the provided process memory dump
- // the events, all of which have the same dump ID.
- // Calculate the range of the global memory dump.
- var globalRange = new tr.b.Range();
- for (var pid in dumpIdEvents) {
- var processEvents = dumpIdEvents[pid];
- for (var i = 0; i < processEvents.length; i++)
- globalRange.addValue(timestampFromUs(processEvents[i].ts));
- }
- if (globalRange.isEmpty)
- throw new Error('Internal error: Global memory dump without events');
- // Create the global memory dump.
- var globalMemoryDump = new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(
- this.model_, globalRange.min);
- globalMemoryDump.duration = globalRange.range;
- this.model_.globalMemoryDumps.push(globalMemoryDump);
- var globalMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName = {};
- var levelsOfDetail = {};
- var allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid = {};
- // 2. Create a ProcessMemoryDump for each PID in the provided process
- // memory dump events. Everything except for edges between memory
- // allocator dumps is parsed from the process memory dump trace events at
- // this step.
- for (var pid in dumpIdEvents) {
- this.createProcessMemoryDump_(globalMemoryDump,
- globalMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName, levelsOfDetail,
- allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid, dumpIdEvents[pid], pid, dumpId);
- }
- // 3. Set the level of detail and memory allocator dumps of the
- // GlobalMemoryDump, which come from the process memory dump trace
- // events parsed in the prebvious step.
- globalMemoryDump.levelOfDetail =;
- // Find the root allocator dumps and establish the parent links of
- // the global memory dump.
- globalMemoryDump.memoryAllocatorDumps =
- this.inferMemoryAllocatorDumpTree_(
- globalMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName);
- // 4. Finally, parse the edges between all memory allocator dumps within
- // the GlobalMemoryDump. This can only be done once all memory allocator
- // dumps have been parsed (i.e. it is necessary to iterate over the
- // process memory dump trace events once more).
- this.parseMemoryDumpAllocatorEdges_(allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid,
- dumpIdEvents, dumpId);
- },
- createProcessMemoryDump_: function(globalMemoryDump,
- globalMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName, levelsOfDetail,
- allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid, processEvents, pid, dumpId) {
- // Calculate the range of the process memory dump.
- var processRange = new tr.b.Range();
- for (var i = 0; i < processEvents.length; i++)
- processRange.addValue(timestampFromUs(processEvents[i].ts));
- if (processRange.isEmpty)
- throw new Error('Internal error: Process memory dump without events');
- // Create the process memory dump.
- var process = this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(pid);
- var processMemoryDump = new tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump(
- globalMemoryDump, process, processRange.min);
- processMemoryDump.duration = processRange.range;
- process.memoryDumps.push(processMemoryDump);
- globalMemoryDump.processMemoryDumps[pid] = processMemoryDump;
- var processMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName = {};
- // Parse all process memory dump trace events for the newly created
- // ProcessMemoryDump.
- for (var i = 0; i < processEvents.length; i++) {
- var processEvent = processEvents[i];
- var dumps = processEvent.args.dumps;
- if (dumps === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: '\'dumps\' field not found in a process memory dump' +
- ' event for PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + '.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- // Totals, VM regions, and heap dumps for the newly created
- // ProcessMemoryDump should be present in at most one event, so they
- // can be added to the ProcessMemoryDump immediately.
- this.parseMemoryDumpTotals_(processMemoryDump, dumps, pid, dumpId);
- this.parseMemoryDumpVmRegions_(processMemoryDump, dumps, pid, dumpId);
- this.parseMemoryDumpHeapDumps_(processMemoryDump, dumps, pid, dumpId);
- // All process memory dump trace events for the newly created
- // ProcessMemoryDump must be processed before level of detail and
- // allocator dumps can be added to it.
- this.parseMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail_(levelsOfDetail, dumps, pid,
- dumpId);
- this.parseMemoryDumpAllocatorDumps_(processMemoryDump, globalMemoryDump,
- processMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName,
- globalMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName,
- allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid, dumps, pid, dumpId);
- }
- if (levelsOfDetail.process === undefined) {
- // Infer level of detail from the presence of VM regions in legacy
- // traces (where raw process memory dump events don't contain the
- // level_of_detail field).
- levelsOfDetail.process = processMemoryDump.vmRegions ? DETAILED : LIGHT;
- }
- if (!this.updateMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail_(
- levelsOfDetail, 'global', levelsOfDetail.process)) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'diffent levels of detail provided for global memory' +
- ' dump (dump ID=' + dumpId + ').'
- });
- }
- processMemoryDump.levelOfDetail = levelsOfDetail.process;
- delete levelsOfDetail.process; // Reused for all process dumps.
- // Find the root allocator dumps and establish the parent links of
- // the process memory dump.
- processMemoryDump.memoryAllocatorDumps =
- this.inferMemoryAllocatorDumpTree_(
- processMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName);
- },
- parseMemoryDumpTotals_: function(processMemoryDump, dumps, pid, dumpId) {
- var rawTotals = dumps.process_totals;
- if (rawTotals === undefined)
- return;
- if (processMemoryDump.totals !== undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Process totals provided multiple times for' +
- ' process memory dump for PID=' + pid +
- ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + '.'
- });
- return;
- }
- var totals = {};
- var platformSpecificTotals = undefined;
- for (var rawTotalName in rawTotals) {
- var rawTotalValue = rawTotals[rawTotalName];
- if (rawTotalValue === undefined)
- continue;
- // Total resident bytes.
- if (rawTotalName === 'resident_set_bytes') {
- totals.residentBytes = parseInt(rawTotalValue, 16);
- continue;
- }
- // Peak resident bytes.
- if (rawTotalName === 'peak_resident_set_bytes') {
- totals.peakResidentBytes = parseInt(rawTotalValue, 16);
- continue;
- }
- if (rawTotalName === 'is_peak_rss_resetable') {
- totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable = !!rawTotalValue;
- continue;
- }
- // OS-specific totals (e.g. private resident on Mac).
- if (platformSpecificTotals === undefined) {
- platformSpecificTotals = {};
- totals.platformSpecific = platformSpecificTotals;
- }
- platformSpecificTotals[rawTotalName] = parseInt(rawTotalValue, 16);
- }
- // Either both peak_resident_set_bytes and is_peak_rss_resetable should
- // be present in the trace, or neither.
- if (totals.peakResidentBytes === undefined &&
- totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable !== undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Optional field peak_resident_set_bytes found' +
- ' but is_peak_rss_resetable not found in' +
- ' process memory dump for PID=' + pid +
- ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + '.'
- });
- }
- if (totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable !== undefined &&
- totals.peakResidentBytes === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Optional field is_peak_rss_resetable found' +
- ' but peak_resident_set_bytes not found in' +
- ' process memory dump for PID=' + pid +
- ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + '.'
- });
- }
- processMemoryDump.totals = totals;
- },
- parseMemoryDumpVmRegions_: function(processMemoryDump, dumps, pid, dumpId) {
- var rawProcessMmaps = dumps.process_mmaps;
- if (rawProcessMmaps === undefined)
- return;
- var rawVmRegions = rawProcessMmaps.vm_regions;
- if (rawVmRegions === undefined)
- return;
- if (processMemoryDump.vmRegions !== undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'VM regions provided multiple times for' +
- ' process memory dump for PID=' + pid +
- ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + '.'
- });
- return;
- }
- // See //base/trace_event/ in Chromium.
- var vmRegions = new Array(rawVmRegions.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < rawVmRegions.length; i++) {
- var rawVmRegion = rawVmRegions[i];
- var byteStats = {};
- var rawByteStats =;
- for (var rawByteStatName in rawByteStats) {
- var rawByteStatValue = rawByteStats[rawByteStatName];
- if (rawByteStatValue === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Byte stat \'' + rawByteStatName + '\' of VM region ' +
- i + ' (' + + ') in process memory dump for ' +
- 'PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' + dumpId +
- ' does not have a value.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- var byteStatName = BYTE_STAT_NAME_MAP[rawByteStatName];
- if (byteStatName === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Unknown byte stat name \'' + rawByteStatName + '\' (' +
- rawByteStatValue + ') of VM region ' + i + ' (' +
- + ') in process memory dump for PID=' + pid +
- ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + '.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- byteStats[byteStatName] = parseInt(rawByteStatValue, 16);
- }
- vmRegions[i] = new tr.model.VMRegion(
- parseInt(, 16), // startAddress
- parseInt(, 16), // sizeInBytes
-, // protectionFlags
-, // mappedFile
- byteStats);
- }
- processMemoryDump.vmRegions =
- tr.model.VMRegionClassificationNode.fromRegions(vmRegions);
- },
- parseMemoryDumpHeapDumps_: function(processMemoryDump, dumps, pid, dumpId) {
- var rawHeapDumps = dumps.heaps;
- if (rawHeapDumps === undefined)
- return;
- if (processMemoryDump.heapDumps !== undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Heap dumps provided multiple times for' +
- ' process memory dump for PID=' + pid +
- ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + '.'
- });
- return;
- }
- var model = this.model_;
- var idPrefix = 'p' + pid + ':';
- var heapDumps = {};
- var objectTypeNameMap = this.objectTypeNameMap_[pid];
- if (objectTypeNameMap === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Missing mapping from object type IDs to names.'
- });
- }
- for (var allocatorName in rawHeapDumps) {
- var entries = rawHeapDumps[allocatorName].entries;
- if (entries === undefined || entries.length === 0) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'No heap entries in a ' + allocatorName +
- ' heap dump for PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + '.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- // The old format always starts with a {size: <total>} entry.
- // See
- // TODO(petrcermak): Remove support for the old format once the new
- // format has been around long enough.
- var isOldFormat = entries[0].bt === undefined;
- if (!isOldFormat && objectTypeNameMap === undefined) {
- // Mapping from object type IDs to names must be provided in the new
- // format.
- continue;
- }
- var heapDump = new tr.model.HeapDump(processMemoryDump, allocatorName);
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- var entry = entries[i];
- var leafStackFrameIndex =;
- var leafStackFrame;
- // There are two possible mappings from leaf stack frame indices
- // (provided in the trace) to the corresponding stack frames
- // depending on the format.
- if (isOldFormat) {
- // Old format:
- // Undefined index -> / (root)
- // Defined index for /A/B -> /A/B/<self>
- if (leafStackFrameIndex === undefined) {
- leafStackFrame = undefined /* root */;
- } else {
- // Get the leaf stack frame corresponding to the provided index.
- var leafStackFrameId = idPrefix + leafStackFrameIndex;
- if (leafStackFrameIndex === '') {
- leafStackFrame = undefined /* root */;
- } else {
- leafStackFrame = model.stackFrames[leafStackFrameId];
- if (leafStackFrame === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Missing leaf stack frame (ID ' +
- leafStackFrameId + ') of heap entry ' + i + ' (size ' +
- size + ') in a ' + allocatorName +
- ' heap dump for PID=' + pid + '.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Inject an artificial <self> leaf stack frame.
- leafStackFrameId += ':self';
- if (model.stackFrames[leafStackFrameId] !== undefined) {
- // The frame might already exist if there are multiple process
- // memory dumps (for the same process) in the trace.
- leafStackFrame = model.stackFrames[leafStackFrameId];
- } else {
- leafStackFrame = new tr.model.StackFrame(
- leafStackFrame, leafStackFrameId, '<self>',
- undefined /* colorId */);
- model.addStackFrame(leafStackFrame);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // New format:
- // Undefined index -> (invalid value)
- // Defined index for /A/B -> /A/B
- if (leafStackFrameIndex === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Missing stack frame ID of heap entry ' + i +
- ' (size ' + size + ') in a ' + allocatorName +
- ' heap dump for PID=' + pid + '.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- // Get the leaf stack frame corresponding to the provided index.
- var leafStackFrameId = idPrefix + leafStackFrameIndex;
- if (leafStackFrameIndex === '') {
- leafStackFrame = undefined /* root */;
- } else {
- leafStackFrame = model.stackFrames[leafStackFrameId];
- if (leafStackFrame === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Missing leaf stack frame (ID ' + leafStackFrameId +
- ') of heap entry ' + i + ' (size ' + size + ') in a ' +
- allocatorName + ' heap dump for PID=' + pid + '.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- var objectTypeId = entry.type;
- var objectTypeName;
- if (objectTypeId === undefined) {
- objectTypeName = undefined /* total over all types */;
- } else if (objectTypeNameMap === undefined) {
- // This can only happen when the old format is used.
- continue;
- } else {
- objectTypeName = objectTypeNameMap[objectTypeId];
- if (objectTypeName === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Missing object type name (ID ' + objectTypeId +
- ') of heap entry ' + i + ' (size ' + size + ') in a ' +
- allocatorName + ' heap dump for pid=' + pid + '.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- }
- var size = parseInt(entry.size, 16);
- var count = entry.count === undefined ? undefined :
- parseInt(entry.count, 16);
- heapDump.addEntry(leafStackFrame, objectTypeName, size, count);
- }
- // Throw away heap dumps with no entries. This can happen if all raw
- // entries in the trace are skipped for some reason (e.g. invalid leaf
- // stack frame ID).
- if (heapDump.entries.length > 0)
- heapDumps[allocatorName] = heapDump;
- }
- if (Object.keys(heapDumps).length > 0)
- processMemoryDump.heapDumps = heapDumps;
- },
- parseMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail_: function(levelsOfDetail, dumps, pid,
- dumpId) {
- var rawLevelOfDetail = dumps.level_of_detail;
- var level;
- switch (rawLevelOfDetail) {
- case 'light':
- level = LIGHT;
- break;
- case 'detailed':
- level = DETAILED;
- break;
- case undefined:
- level = undefined;
- break;
- default:
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'unknown raw level of detail \'' + rawLevelOfDetail +
- '\' of process memory dump for PID=' + pid +
- ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + '.'
- });
- return;
- }
- if (!this.updateMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail_(
- levelsOfDetail, 'process', level)) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'diffent levels of detail provided for process memory' +
- ' dump for PID=' + pid + ' (dump ID=' + dumpId + ').'
- });
- }
- },
- updateMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail_: function(levelsOfDetail, scope, level) {
- // If all process memory dump events have the same level of detail (for
- // the particular 'process' or 'global' scope), return true.
- if (!(scope in levelsOfDetail) || level === levelsOfDetail[scope]) {
- levelsOfDetail[scope] = level;
- return true;
- }
- // If the process memory dump events have different levels of detail (for
- // the particular 'process' or 'global' scope), use the highest level and
- // return false.
- MEMORY_DUMP_LEVEL_OF_DETAIL_ORDER.indexOf(levelsOfDetail[scope])) {
- levelsOfDetail[scope] = level;
- }
- return false;
- },
- parseMemoryDumpAllocatorDumps_: function(processMemoryDump,
- globalMemoryDump, processMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName,
- globalMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName, allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid,
- dumps, pid, dumpId) {
- var rawAllocatorDumps = dumps.allocators;
- if (rawAllocatorDumps === undefined)
- return;
- // Construct the MemoryAllocatorDump objects without parent links
- // and add them to the processMemoryAllocatorDumpsByName and
- // globalMemoryAllocatorDumpsByName indices appropriately.
- for (var fullName in rawAllocatorDumps) {
- var rawAllocatorDump = rawAllocatorDumps[fullName];
- // Every memory allocator dump should have a GUID. If not, then
- // it cannot be associated with any edges.
- var guid = rawAllocatorDump.guid;
- if (guid === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Memory allocator dump ' + fullName + ' for PID=' + pid +
- ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + ' does not have a GUID.'
- });
- }
- // A memory allocator dump can have optional flags.
- var flags = rawAllocatorDump.flags || 0;
- var isWeakDump = !!(flags & WEAK_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_DUMP_FLAG);
- // Determine if this is a global memory allocator dump (check if
- // it's prefixed with 'global/').
- var containerMemoryDump;
- var dstIndex;
- // Global memory allocator dump.
- fullName = fullName.substring(
- containerMemoryDump = globalMemoryDump;
- dstIndex = globalMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName;
- } else {
- // Process memory allocator dump.
- containerMemoryDump = processMemoryDump;
- dstIndex = processMemoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName;
- }
- // Construct or retrieve a memory allocator dump with the provided
- // GUID.
- var allocatorDump = allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid[guid];
- if (allocatorDump === undefined) {
- if (fullName in dstIndex) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Multiple GUIDs provided for' +
- ' memory allocator dump ' + fullName + ': ' +
- dstIndex[fullName].guid + ', ' + guid + ' (ignored) for' +
- ' PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + '.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- allocatorDump = new tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump(
- containerMemoryDump, fullName, guid);
- allocatorDump.weak = isWeakDump;
- dstIndex[fullName] = allocatorDump;
- if (guid !== undefined)
- allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid[guid] = allocatorDump;
- } else {
- // A memory allocator dump with this GUID has already been
- // dumped (so we will only add new attributes). Check that it
- // belonged to the same process or was also global.
- if (allocatorDump.containerMemoryDump !== containerMemoryDump) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Memory allocator dump ' + fullName +
- ' (GUID=' + guid + ') for PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' +
- dumpId + ' dumped in different contexts.'
- });
- continue;
- }
- // Check that the names of the memory allocator dumps match.
- if (allocatorDump.fullName !== fullName) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Memory allocator dump with GUID=' + guid + ' for PID=' +
- pid + ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + ' has multiple names: ' +
- allocatorDump.fullName + ', ' + fullName + ' (ignored).'
- });
- continue;
- }
- if (!isWeakDump) {
- // A MemoryAllocatorDump is non-weak if at least one process dumped
- allocatorDump.weak = false;
- }
- }
- // Add all new attributes to the memory allocator dump.
- var attributes = rawAllocatorDump.attrs;
- if (attributes === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Memory allocator dump ' + fullName + ' (GUID=' + guid +
- ') for PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' + dumpId +
- ' does not have attributes.'
- });
- attributes = {};
- }
- for (var attrName in attributes) {
- var attrArgs = attributes[attrName];
- var attrType = attrArgs.type;
- var attrValue = attrArgs.value;
- switch (attrType) {
- case 'scalar':
- if (attrName in allocatorDump.numerics) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Multiple values provided for scalar attribute ' +
- attrName + ' of memory allocator dump ' + fullName +
- ' (GUID=' + guid + ') for PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' +
- dumpId + '.'
- });
- break;
- }
- var unit = attrArgs.units === 'bytes' ?
- tr.v.Unit.byName.sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter :
- tr.v.Unit.byName.unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter;
- var value = parseInt(attrValue, 16);
- allocatorDump.addNumeric(attrName,
- new tr.v.ScalarNumeric(unit, value));
- break;
- case 'string':
- if (attrName in allocatorDump.diagnostics) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Multiple values provided for string attribute ' +
- attrName + ' of memory allocator dump ' + fullName +
- ' (GUID=' + guid + ') for PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' +
- dumpId + '.'
- });
- break;
- }
- allocatorDump.addDiagnostic(attrName, attrValue);
- break;
- default:
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Unknown type provided for attribute ' + attrName +
- ' of memory allocator dump ' + fullName + ' (GUID=' + guid +
- ') for PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' + dumpId + ': ' +
- attrType
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- inferMemoryAllocatorDumpTree_: function(memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName) {
- var rootAllocatorDumps = [];
- var fullNames = Object.keys(memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName);
- fullNames.sort();
- for (var i = 0; i < fullNames.length; i++) {
- var fullName = fullNames[i];
- var allocatorDump = memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName[fullName];
- // This is a loop because we might need to build implicit
- // ancestors in case they were not present in the trace.
- while (true) {
- var lastSlashIndex = fullName.lastIndexOf('/');
- if (lastSlashIndex === -1) {
- // If the dump is a root, add it to the top-level
- // rootAllocatorDumps list.
- rootAllocatorDumps.push(allocatorDump);
- break;
- }
- // If the dump is not a root, find its parent.
- var parentFullName = fullName.substring(0, lastSlashIndex);
- var parentAllocatorDump =
- memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName[parentFullName];
- // If the parent dump does not exist yet, we build an implicit
- // one and continue up the ancestor chain.
- var parentAlreadyExisted = true;
- if (parentAllocatorDump === undefined) {
- parentAlreadyExisted = false;
- parentAllocatorDump = new tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump(
- allocatorDump.containerMemoryDump, parentFullName);
- if (allocatorDump.weak !== false) {
- // If we are inferring a parent dump (e.g. 'root/parent') of a
- // current dump (e.g. 'root/parent/current') which is weak (or
- // was also inferred and we don't know yet whether it's weak or
- // not), then we clear the weak flag on the parent dump because
- // we don't know yet whether it should be weak or non-weak:
- //
- // * We can't mark the parent as non-weak straightaway because
- // the parent might have no non-weak descendants (in which
- // case we want the inferred parent to be weak, so that it
- // would be later removed like the current dump).
- // * We can't mark the parent as weak immediately either. If we
- // did and later encounter a non-weak child of the parent
- // (e.g. 'root/parent/another_child'), then we couldn't
- // retroactively mark the inferred parent dump as non-weak
- // because we couldn't tell whether the parent dump was
- // dumped in the trace as weak (in which case it should stay
- // weak and be subsequently removed) or whether it was
- // inferred as weak (in which case it should be changed to
- // non-weak).
- //
- // Therefore, we defer marking the inferred parent as
- // weak/non-weak. If an inferred parent dump does not have any
- // non-weak child, it will be marked as weak at the end of this
- // method.
- //
- // Note that this should not be confused with the recursive
- // propagation of the weak flag from parent dumps to their
- // children and from owned dumps to their owners, which is
- // performed in GlobalMemoryDump.prototype.removeWeakDumps().
- parentAllocatorDump.weak = undefined;
- }
- memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName[parentFullName] =
- parentAllocatorDump;
- }
- // Setup the parent <-> children relationships
- allocatorDump.parent = parentAllocatorDump;
- parentAllocatorDump.children.push(allocatorDump);
- // If the parent already existed, then its ancestors were/will be
- // constructed in another iteration of the forEach loop.
- if (parentAlreadyExisted) {
- if (!allocatorDump.weak) {
- // If the current dump is non-weak, then we must ensure that all
- // its inferred ancestors are also non-weak.
- while (parentAllocatorDump !== undefined &&
- parentAllocatorDump.weak === undefined) {
- parentAllocatorDump.weak = false;
- parentAllocatorDump = parentAllocatorDump.parent;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- fullName = parentFullName;
- allocatorDump = parentAllocatorDump;
- }
- }
- // All inferred ancestor dumps that have a non-weak child have already
- // been marked as non-weak. We now mark the rest as weak.
- for (var fullName in memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName) {
- var allocatorDump = memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName[fullName];
- if (allocatorDump.weak === undefined)
- allocatorDump.weak = true;
- }
- return rootAllocatorDumps;
- },
- parseMemoryDumpAllocatorEdges_: function(allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid,
- dumpIdEvents, dumpId) {
- for (var pid in dumpIdEvents) {
- var processEvents = dumpIdEvents[pid];
- for (var i = 0; i < processEvents.length; i++) {
- var processEvent = processEvents[i];
- var dumps = processEvent.args.dumps;
- if (dumps === undefined)
- continue;
- var rawEdges = dumps.allocators_graph;
- if (rawEdges === undefined)
- continue;
- for (var j = 0; j < rawEdges.length; j++) {
- var rawEdge = rawEdges[j];
- var sourceGuid = rawEdge.source;
- var sourceDump = allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid[sourceGuid];
- if (sourceDump === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Edge for PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' + dumpId +
- ' is missing source memory allocator dump (GUID=' +
- sourceGuid + ').'
- });
- continue;
- }
- var targetGuid =;
- var targetDump = allMemoryAllocatorDumpsByGuid[targetGuid];
- if (targetDump === undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Edge for PID=' + pid + ' and dump ID=' + dumpId +
- ' is missing target memory allocator dump (GUID=' +
- targetGuid + ').'
- });
- continue;
- }
- var importance = rawEdge.importance;
- var edge = new tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDumpLink(
- sourceDump, targetDump, importance);
- switch (rawEdge.type) {
- case 'ownership':
- if (sourceDump.owns !== undefined) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Memory allocator dump ' + sourceDump.fullName +
- ' (GUID=' + sourceGuid + ') already owns a memory' +
- ' allocator dump (' +
- + ').'
- });
- } else {
- sourceDump.owns = edge;
- targetDump.ownedBy.push(edge);
- }
- break;
- case 'retention':
- sourceDump.retains.push(edge);
- targetDump.retainedBy.push(edge);
- break;
- default:
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Invalid edge type: ' + rawEdge.type +
- ' (PID=' + pid + ', dump ID=' + dumpId +
- ', source=' + sourceGuid + ', target=' + targetGuid +
- ', importance=' + importance + ').'
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- tr.importer.Importer.register(TraceEventImporter);
- return {
- TraceEventImporter: TraceEventImporter
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer_perf_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer_perf_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b7a7c57b3ae..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer_perf_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/xhr.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var eventStrings = {};
- // @const
- var TEST_NAMES = ['simple_trace', 'lthi_cats'];
- // @const
- var TEST_FILES_PATHS = ['/test_data/simple_trace.json',
- '/test_data/lthi_cats.json.gz'];
- function getEvents(url) {
- if (url in eventStrings)
- return eventStrings[url];
- eventStrings[url] = tr.b.getSync(url);
- return eventStrings[url];
- }
- function timedPerfTestWithEvents(name, testFn, initialOptions) {
- if (initialOptions.setUp)
- throw new Error(
- 'Per-test setUp not supported. Trivial to fix if needed.');
- var options = {};
- for (var k in initialOptions)
- options[k] = initialOptions[k];
- options.setUp = function() {
- function warmup(url) {
- getEvents(url);
- });
- };
- timedPerfTest(name, testFn, options);
- }
- var n110100 = [1, 10, 100];
- n110100.forEach(function(val) {
- timedPerfTestWithEvents(TEST_NAMES[0] + '_' + val, function() {
- var events = getEvents(TEST_FILES_PATHS[0]);
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false,
- pruneContainers: false
- });
- }, {iterations: val});
- });
- timedPerfTestWithEvents(TEST_NAMES[1] + '_1', function() {
- var events = getEvents(TEST_FILES_PATHS[1]);
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false,
- pruneContainers: false
- });
- }, {iterations: 1});
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9270fd150ee..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5754 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/measure/measure.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/import.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/container_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_dump_test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/scoped_id.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/vm_region.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/time_display_mode.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var findSliceNamed = tr.c.TestUtils.findSliceNamed;
- var ClockDomainId = tr.model.ClockDomainId;
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var MeasureAsyncSlice = tr.e.measure.MeasureAsyncSlice;
- var ScopedId = tr.model.ScopedId;
- var VMRegion = tr.model.VMRegion;
- var ScalarNumeric = tr.v.ScalarNumeric;
- var unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter =
- tr.v.Unit.byName.unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter;
- var checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics =
- tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics;
- var checkVMRegions = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.checkVMRegions;
- var LIGHT = tr.model.ContainerMemoryDump.LevelOfDetail.LIGHT;
- var DETAILED = tr.model.ContainerMemoryDump.LevelOfDetail.DETAILED;
- function makeModel(events, opt_shift, opt_prune) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: opt_shift,
- pruneEmptyContainers: opt_prune
- });
- }
- function makeUnshiftedModel(events) {
- return makeModel(events, false);
- }
- function checkHeapEntry(entry, expectedDump, expectedSize, expectedTitles,
- expectedObjectTypeName, expectedCount) {
- assert.strictEqual(entry.heapDump, expectedDump);
- assert.strictEqual(entry.size, expectedSize);
- assert.strictEqual(entry.objectTypeName, expectedObjectTypeName);
- assert.strictEqual(entry.count, expectedCount);
- if (expectedTitles === undefined) {
- assert.isUndefined(entry.leafStackFrame);
- } else {
- assert.deepEqual(
- entry.leafStackFrame.getUserFriendlyStackTrace(), expectedTitles);
- }
- }
- function getFrame(heapEntry, distance) {
- var frame = heapEntry.leafStackFrame;
- for (; distance > 0; distance--)
- frame = frame.parentFrame;
- return frame;
- }
- test('canImportEmpty', function() {
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.TraceEventImporter.canImport([]));
- assert.isFalse(tr.e.importer.TraceEventImporter.canImport(''));
- });
- test('basicSingleThreadNonnestedParsing', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 629, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 631, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[52];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 2);
- assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
- var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
- assert.closeTo((560 - 520) / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'bar');
- assert.closeTo((629 - 520) / 1000, slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo((631 - 629) / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- });
- test('basicSingleThreadNonnestedParsingWithCpuDuration', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B', tts: 221}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E', tts: 259}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 629, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'B', tts: 329}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 631, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'E', tts: 331} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[52];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 2);
- assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
- var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
- assert.closeTo((560 - 520) / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo((259 - 221) / 1000, slice.cpuDuration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'bar');
- assert.closeTo((629 - 520) / 1000, slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo((631 - 629) / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo((331 - 329) / 1000, slice.cpuDuration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- });
- test('argumentDupeCreatesNonFailingImportError', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a',
- args: {'x': 1},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 520,
- cat: 'foo',
- tid: 1,
- ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a',
- args: {'x': 2},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 560,
- cat: 'foo',
- tid: 1,
- ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[1].threads[1];
- var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
- assert.equal(sA.args.x, 2);
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(1, m.importWarnings.length);
- });
- test('importMissingArgs', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'b', pid: 52, ts: 629, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'I'}
- ];
- // This should not throw an exception.
- makeModel(events);
- });
- test('importDoesNotChokeOnNulls', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: { foo: null }, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- // This should not throw an exception.
- makeModel(events);
- });
- test('categoryBeginEndMismatchPrefersBegin', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'bar', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[52];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
- var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- });
- test('beginEndNameMismatch', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(m.importWarnings.length, 1);
- });
- test('nestedParsing', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, tts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, tts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, tts: 3, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, tts: 3, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var t = m.processes[1].threads[1];
- var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
- var sB = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b');
- assert.equal(sA.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(sA.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(sA.start, 0.001);
- assert.equal(sA.duration, 0.003);
- assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 0.002);
- assert.equal(sA.cpuSelfTime, 0.001);
- assert.equal(sB.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(sB.category, 'bar');
- assert.equal(sB.start, 0.002);
- assert.equal(sB.duration, 0.001);
- assert.equal(1, sA.subSlices.length);
- assert.equal(sB, sA.subSlices[0]);
- assert.equal(sA, sB.parentSlice);
- });
- test('nestedParsingWithTwoSubSlices', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, tts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, tts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, tts: 3, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, tts: 5, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 7, tts: 6, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 8, tts: 8, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var t = m.processes[1].threads[1];
- var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
- var sB = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b');
- var sC = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'c');
- assert.equal(sA.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(sA.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(sA.start, 0.001);
- assert.equal(sA.duration, 0.007);
- assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 0.004);
- assert.equal(sA.cpuSelfTime, 0.005);
- assert.equal(sB.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(sB.category, 'bar');
- assert.equal(sB.start, 0.002);
- assert.equal(sB.duration, 0.001);
- assert.equal(sC.title, 'c');
- assert.equal(sC.category, 'baz');
- assert.equal(sC.start, 0.005);
- assert.equal(sC.duration, 0.002);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 2);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices[0], sB);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices[1], sC);
- assert.equal(sB.parentSlice, sA);
- assert.equal(sC.parentSlice, sA);
- });
- test('nestedParsingWithDoubleNesting', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 7, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 8, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var t = m.processes[1].threads[1];
- var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
- var sB = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b');
- var sC = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'c');
- assert.equal(sA.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(sA.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(sA.start, 0.001);
- assert.equal(sA.duration, 0.007);
- assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 0.002);
- assert.equal(sB.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(sB.category, 'bar');
- assert.equal(sB.start, 0.002);
- assert.equal(sB.duration, 0.005);
- assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 0.002);
- assert.equal(sC.title, 'c');
- assert.equal(sC.category, 'baz');
- assert.equal(sC.start, 0.003);
- assert.equal(sC.duration, 0.002);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices[0], sB);
- assert.equal(sB.parentSlice, sA);
- assert.equal(sB.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.equal(sB.subSlices[0], sC);
- assert.equal(sC.parentSlice, sB);
- });
- test('autoclosing', function() {
- var events = [
- // Slice that doesn't finish.
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- // Slice that does finish to give an 'end time' to make autoclosing work.
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeUnshiftedModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t1 = p.threads[1];
- var t2 = p.threads[2];
- assert.isTrue(t1.sliceGroup.slices[0].didNotFinish);
- assert.equal(t1.sliceGroup.slices[0].end, 0.001);
- });
- test('autoclosingLoneBegin', function() {
- var events = [
- // Slice that doesn't finish.
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(slice.didNotFinish);
- assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.duration, 0);
- });
- test('autoclosingWithSubTasks', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b1', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b1', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'b2', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var t = m.processes[1].threads[1];
- var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
- var sB1 = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b1');
- var sB2 = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b2');
- assert.equal(sA.end, 0.003);
- assert.equal(sB1.end, 0.003);
- assert.equal(sB2.end, 0.003);
- });
- test('autoclosingWithEventsOutsideBounds', function() {
- var events = [
- // Slice that begins before min and ends after max of the other threads.
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- // Slice that does finish to give an 'end time' to establish a basis
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 2);
- var slice = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.duration, 0.003);
- var t2 = p.threads[2];
- var slice2 = findSliceNamed(t2.sliceGroup, 'c');
- assert.equal(slice2.title, 'c');
- assert.equal(slice2.category, 'bar');
- assert.equal(slice2.start, 0.001);
- assert.equal(slice2.duration, 0.001);
- assert.equal(m.bounds.min, 0.000);
- assert.equal(m.bounds.max, 0.003);
- });
- test('nestedAutoclosing', function() {
- var events = [
- // Tasks that don't finish.
- {name: 'a1', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a2', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1.5, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- // Slice that does finish to give an 'end time' to make autoclosing work.
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 2, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 2, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeUnshiftedModel(events, false);
- var t1 = m.processes[1].threads[1];
- var t2 = m.processes[1].threads[2];
- var sA1 = findSliceNamed(t1.sliceGroup, 'a1');
- var sA2 = findSliceNamed(t1.sliceGroup, 'a2');
- var sB = findSliceNamed(t2.sliceGroup, 'b');
- assert.equal(sA1.end, 0.0015);
- assert.equal(sA2.end, 0.0015);
- });
- test('taskColoring', function() {
- // The test below depends on hashing of 'a' != 'b'. Fail early if that
- // assumption is incorrect.
- assert.notEqual(ColorScheme.getStringHash('a'),
- ColorScheme.getStringHash('b'));
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 6, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- var a1 = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(a1.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(a1.category, 'foo');
- var b = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(b.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(b.category, 'bar');
- assert.notEqual(b.colorId, a1.colorId);
- var a2 = t.sliceGroup.slices[2];
- assert.equal(a2.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(a2.category, 'baz');
- assert.equal(a1.colorId, a2.colorId);
- });
- test('durationColorArgument', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B', cname: 'thread_state_unknown'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E', cname: 'thread_state_unknown'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].colorId,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('thread_state_unknown'));
- });
- test('durationColorEnd', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B', cname: 'thread_state_sleeping'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E', cname: 'thread_state_unknown'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].colorId,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('thread_state_unknown'));
- });
- test('completeColorArgument', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, dur: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'X', cname: 'generic_work'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].colorId,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('generic_work'));
- });
- test('asyncColorArgument', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'b', id: 1, cname: 'generic_work'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'e', id: 1, cname: 'generic_work'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].colorId,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('generic_work'));
- });
- test('asyncColorEnd', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'b', id: 1, cname: 'thread_state_unknown'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'e', id: 1, cname: 'generic_work'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].colorId,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('generic_work'));
- });
- test('instantThreadColorArgument', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'I', id: 1, cname: 'generic_work'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].colorId,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('generic_work'));
- });
- test('instantProcessColorArgument', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'I', id: 1, s: 'p', cname: 'generic_work'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- assert.equal(p.instantEvents[0].colorId,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('generic_work'));
- });
- test('counterColorArgument', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {'cats': 10}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'C', id: 1, cname: 'generic_work'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- assert.equal(p.counters['foo.a[1]'].series[0].color,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('generic_work'));
- assert.equal(p.counters['foo.a[1]'].series.length, 1);
- });
- test('objectColorArgument', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'N', id: 1, cname: 'generic_work'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'O', id: 1, cname: 'generic_work'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'D', id: 1, cname: 'generic_work'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var i = p.objects.instanceMapsByScopedId_['ptr'][1].instances[0];
- assert.equal(i.colorId,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('generic_work'));
- });
- test('objectColorEnd', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'N', id: 1, cname: 'thread_state_sleeping'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'O', id: 1, cname: 'thread_state_unknown'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'D', id: 1, cname: 'generic_work'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var i = p.objects.instanceMapsByScopedId_['ptr'][1].instances[0];
- assert.equal(i.colorId,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('generic_work'));
- });
- test('multipleThreadParsing', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 2);
- // Check thread 1.
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.tid, 1);
- var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.duration, (2 - 1) / 1000);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- // Check thread 2.
- var t = p.threads[2];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.tid, 2);
- slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'bar');
- assert.equal(slice.start, (3 - 1) / 1000);
- assert.equal(slice.duration, (4 - 3) / 1000);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- });
- test('multiplePidParsing', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 2, ts: 3, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 2, ts: 4, cat: 'bar', tid: 2, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 2);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- // Check process 1 thread 1.
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.tid, 1);
- var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.duration, (2 - 1) / 1000);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- // Check process 2 thread 2.
- var p = m.processes[2];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[2];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.tid, 2);
- slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'bar');
- assert.equal(slice.start, (3 - 1) / 1000);
- assert.equal(slice.duration, (4 - 3) / 1000);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- // Check getAllThreads.
- assert.deepEqual(m.getAllThreads(),
- [m.processes[1].threads[1], m.processes[2].threads[2]]);
- });
- // Process names.
- test('processNames', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'process_name', args: {name: 'SomeProcessName'},
- pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
- {name: 'process_name', args: {name: 'SomeProcessName'},
- pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.processes[1].name, 'SomeProcessName');
- });
- // Process labels.
- test('processLabels', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'process_labels', args: {labels: 'foo,bar,bar,foo,baz'},
- pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
- {name: 'process_labels', args: {labels: 'baz'},
- pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.deepEqual(m.processes[1].labels, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
- assert.deepEqual(m.processes[2].labels, ['baz']);
- });
- // Process sort index.
- test('processSortIndex', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'process_name', args: {name: 'First'},
- pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
- {name: 'process_name', args: {name: 'Second'},
- pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
- {name: 'process_sort_index', args: {sort_index: 1},
- pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- // By name, p1 is before p2. But, its sort index overrides that.
- assert.isAbove(m.processes[1].compareTo(m.processes[2]), 0);
- });
- // Thread names.
- test('threadNames', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'thread_name', args: {name: 'Thread 1'},
- pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
- {name: 'thread_name', args: {name: 'Thread 2'},
- pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 2, ph: 'M'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false, false);
- assert.equal(m.processes[1].threads[1].name, 'Thread 1');
- assert.equal(m.processes[2].threads[2].name, 'Thread 2');
- });
- // Thread sort index.
- test('threadSortIndex', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'thread_name', args: {name: 'Thread 1'},
- pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'},
- {name: 'thread_name', args: {name: 'Thread 2'},
- pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 2, ph: 'M'},
- {name: 'thread_sort_index', args: {sort_index: 1},
- pid: 1, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false, false);
- // By name, t1 is before t2. But, its sort index overrides that.
- var t1 = m.processes[1].threads[1];
- var t2 = m.processes[1].threads[2];
- assert.isAbove(t1.compareTo(t2), 0);
- });
- // CPU counts.
- test('cpuCounts', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'num_cpus', args: {number: 4},
- pid: 7, ts: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'M'},
- {name: 'num_cpus', args: {number: 4},
- pid: 14, ts: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'M'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.kernel.softwareMeasuredCpuCount, 4);
- assert.equal(m.kernel.bestGuessAtCpuCount, 4);
- });
- test('cpuCountsWithSandboxBeingConfused', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'num_cpus', args: {number: 4},
- pid: 7, ts: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'M'},
- {name: 'num_cpus', args: {number: 1},
- pid: 14, ts: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'M'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.kernel.softwareMeasuredCpuCount, 4);
- assert.equal(m.kernel.bestGuessAtCpuCount, 4);
- });
- test('parsingWhenEndComesFirst', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].title, 'a');
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0.004);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].duration, 0.001);
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(m.importWarnings.length, 1);
- });
- test('immediateParsing', function() {
- var events = [
- // Need to include immediates inside a task so the timeline
- // recentering/zeroing doesn't clobber their timestamp.
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'immediate', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'bar', tid: 1, ph: 'I'},
- {name: 'slower', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'baz', tid: 1, ph: 'i'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[1];
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 3);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0.001);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].duration, 0.003);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[1].start, 0.002);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[1].duration, 0);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[2].start, 0.004);
- var slice = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(slice.duration, 0.003);
- var immed = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'immediate');
- assert.equal(immed.title, 'immediate');
- assert.equal(immed.category, 'bar');
- assert.equal(immed.start, 0.002);
- assert.equal(immed.duration, 0);
- var slower = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'slower');
- assert.equal(slower.title, 'slower');
- assert.equal(slower.category, 'baz');
- assert.equal(slower.start, 0.004);
- assert.equal(slower.duration, 0);
- });
- test('simpleCounter', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 0}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
- ph: 'C'},
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 10}, pid: 1, ts: 10, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
- ph: 'C'},
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 0}, pid: 1, ts: 20, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
- ph: 'C'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var ctr = m.processes[1].counters['foo.ctr'];
- assert.equal(, 'ctr');
- assert.equal(ctr.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(ctr.numSamples, 3);
- assert.equal(ctr.numSeries, 1);
- assert.equal(ctr.series[0].name, 'value');
- assert.equal(ctr.series[0].color,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString('ctr.value'));
- assert.deepEqual(ctr.timestamps, [0, 0.01, 0.02]);
- var samples = [];
- ctr.series[0].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
- samples.push(sample.value);
- });
- assert.deepEqual(samples, [0, 10, 0]);
- assert.deepEqual(ctr.totals, [0, 10, 0]);
- assert.equal(ctr.maxTotal, 10);
- });
- test('instanceCounter', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 0}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
- ph: 'C', id: 0},
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 10}, pid: 1, ts: 10, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
- ph: 'C', id: 0},
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 10}, pid: 1, ts: 10, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
- ph: 'C', id: 1},
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 20}, pid: 1, ts: 15, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
- ph: 'C', id: 1},
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 30}, pid: 1, ts: 18, cat: 'foo', tid: 1,
- ph: 'C', id: 1},
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value': 40}, pid: 1, ts: 20, cat: 'bar', tid: 1,
- ph: 'C', id: 2}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var ctr = m.processes[1].counters['foo.ctr[0]'];
- assert.equal(, 'ctr[0]');
- assert.equal(ctr.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(ctr.numSamples, 2);
- assert.equal(ctr.numSeries, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(ctr.timestamps, [0, 0.01]);
- var samples = [];
- ctr.series[0].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
- samples.push(sample.value);
- });
- assert.deepEqual(samples, [0, 10]);
- ctr = m.processes[1].counters['foo.ctr[1]'];
- assert.equal(, 'ctr[1]');
- assert.equal(ctr.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(ctr.numSamples, 3);
- assert.equal(ctr.numSeries, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(ctr.timestamps, [0.01, 0.015, 0.018]);
- samples = [];
- ctr.series[0].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
- samples.push(sample.value);
- });
- assert.deepEqual(samples, [10, 20, 30]);
- ctr = m.processes[1].counters['bar.ctr[2]'];
- assert.equal(, 'ctr[2]');
- assert.equal(ctr.category, 'bar');
- assert.equal(ctr.numSamples, 1);
- assert.equal(ctr.numSeries, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(ctr.timestamps, [0.02]);
- var samples = [];
- ctr.series[0].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
- samples.push(sample.value);
- });
- assert.deepEqual(samples, [40]);
- });
- test('multiCounterUpdateBounds', function() {
- var ctr = new tr.model.Counter(undefined, 'testBasicCounter',
- '', 'testBasicCounter');
- var value1Series = new tr.model.CounterSeries(
- 'value1', 'testBasicCounter.value1');
- var value2Series = new tr.model.CounterSeries(
- 'value2', 'testBasicCounter.value2');
- ctr.addSeries(value1Series);
- ctr.addSeries(value2Series);
- value1Series.addCounterSample(0, 0);
- value1Series.addCounterSample(1, 1);
- value1Series.addCounterSample(2, 1);
- value1Series.addCounterSample(3, 2);
- value1Series.addCounterSample(4, 3);
- value1Series.addCounterSample(5, 1);
- value1Series.addCounterSample(6, 3);
- value1Series.addCounterSample(7, 3.1);
- value2Series.addCounterSample(0, 0);
- value2Series.addCounterSample(1, 0);
- value2Series.addCounterSample(2, 1);
- value2Series.addCounterSample(3, 1.1);
- value2Series.addCounterSample(4, 0);
- value2Series.addCounterSample(5, 7);
- value2Series.addCounterSample(6, 0);
- value2Series.addCounterSample(7, 0.5);
- ctr.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(ctr.bounds.min, 0);
- assert.equal(ctr.bounds.max, 7);
- assert.equal(ctr.maxTotal, 8);
- assert.deepEqual([0, 0,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 2,
- 2, 3.1,
- 3, 3,
- 1, 8,
- 3, 3,
- 3.1, 3.6], ctr.totals);
- });
- test('multiCounter', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value1': 0, 'value2': 7}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'C'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value1': 10, 'value2': 4}, pid: 1, ts: 10, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'C'}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'ctr', args: {'value1': 0, 'value2': 1 }, pid: 1, ts: 20, cat: 'foo', tid: 1, ph: 'C'} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var ctr = m.processes[1].counters['foo.ctr'];
- assert.equal(, 'ctr');
- assert.equal(, 'ctr');
- assert.equal(ctr.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(ctr.numSamples, 3);
- assert.equal(ctr.numSeries, 2);
- assert.equal(ctr.series[0].name, 'value1');
- assert.equal(ctr.series[1].name, 'value2');
- assert.equal(ctr.series[0].color,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString('ctr.value1'));
- assert.equal(ctr.series[1].color,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString('ctr.value2'));
- assert.deepEqual(ctr.timestamps, [0, 0.01, 0.02]);
- var samples = [];
- ctr.series[0].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
- samples.push(sample.value);
- });
- assert.deepEqual(samples, [0, 10, 0]);
- var samples1 = [];
- ctr.series[1].samples.forEach(function(sample) {
- samples1.push(sample.value);
- });
- assert.deepEqual(samples1, [7, 4, 1]);
- assert.deepEqual([0, 7,
- 10, 14,
- 0, 1], ctr.totals);
- assert.equal(ctr.maxTotal, 14);
- });
- test('importObjectInsteadOfArray', function() {
- var events = { traceEvents: [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ] };
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- });
- test('importString', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(JSON.stringify(events));
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- });
- test('importStringWithLeadingSpaces', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(' ' + JSON.stringify(events));
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- });
- test('importStringWithTrailingNewLine', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(JSON.stringify(events) + '\n');
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- });
- test('importStringWithMissingCloseSquareBracket', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var tmp = JSON.stringify(events);
- assert.equal(tmp[tmp.length - 1], ']');
- // Drop off the trailing ]
- var dropped = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length - 1);
- var m = makeModel(dropped);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- });
- test('importStringWithEndingCommaButMissingCloseSquareBracket', function() {
- var lines = [
- '[',
- '{"name": "a", "args": {}, "pid": 52, "ts": 524, "cat": "foo", "tid": 53, "ph": "B"},', // @suppress longLineCheck
- '{"name": "a", "args": {}, "pid": 52, "ts": 560, "cat": "foo", "tid": 53, "ph": "E"},' // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var text = lines.join('\n');
- var m = makeModel(text);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- assert.equal(m.processes[52].threads[53].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- });
- test('importStringWithMissingCloseSquareBracketAndNewline', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var tmp = JSON.stringify(events);
- assert.equal(tmp[tmp.length - 1], ']');
- // Drop off the trailing ] and add a newline
- var dropped = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length - 1);
- var m = makeModel(dropped + '\n');
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- });
- test('ImportStringEndingCommaButMissingCloseSquareBracketCRLF', function() {
- var lines = [
- '[',
- '{"name": "a", "args": {}, "pid": 52, "ts": 524, "cat": "foo", "tid": 53, "ph": "B"},', // @suppress longLineCheck
- '{"name": "a", "args": {}, "pid": 52, "ts": 560, "cat": "foo", "tid": 53, "ph": "E"},' // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var text = lines.join('\r\n');
- var m = makeModel(text);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- assert.equal(m.processes[52].threads[53].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- });
- test('importOldFormat', function() {
- var lines = [
- '[',
- '{"cat":"a","pid":9,"tid":8,"ts":194,"ph":"E","name":"I","args":{}},',
- '{"cat":"b","pid":9,"tid":8,"ts":194,"ph":"B","name":"I","args":{}}',
- ']'
- ];
- var text = lines.join('\n');
- var m = makeModel(text);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- assert.equal(m.processes[9].threads[8].sliceGroup.length, 1);
- });
- test('startFinishOneSliceOneThread', function() {
- var events = [
- // Time is intentionally out of order.
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'cat', tid: 53,
- ph: 'F', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'cat', tid: 53,
- ph: 'S', id: 72, args: {'foo': 'bar'}}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].title, 'a');
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].category, 'cat');
- assert.isTrue(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].id, 72);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0], 'bar');
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0);
- assert.closeTo(
- (60 - 24) / 1000, t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].startThread, t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].endThread, t);
- });
- test('endArgsAddedToSlice', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 520, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'a', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[52];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
- var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.args['x'], 1);
- assert.equal(slice.args['y'], 2);
- });
- test('endArgOverrwritesOriginalArgValueIfDuplicated', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'b', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 629, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'},
- {name: 'b', args: {z: 4}, pid: 52, ts: 631, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'E'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[52];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(slice.start, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- assert.equal(slice.args['z'], 4);
- });
- test('asyncEndArgsAddedToSlice', function() {
- var events = [
- // Time is intentionally out of order.
- {name: 'c', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'F', id: 72},
- {name: 'c', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'S', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'c');
- assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(parentSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['x'], 1);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['y'], 2);
- assert.isDefined(parentSlice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 0);
- });
- test('asyncEndArgOverwritesOriginalArgValueIfDuplicated', function() {
- var events = [
- // Time is intentionally out of order.
- {name: 'd', args: {z: 4}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'F', id: 72},
- {name: 'd', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'S', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'd');
- assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(parentSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['z'], 4);
- assert.isDefined(parentSlice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 0);
- });
- test('asyncStepsInOneThread', function() {
- var events = [
- // Time is intentionally out of order.
- {name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'F', id: 72}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {step: 's1', y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'T', id: 72}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'S', id: 72} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(parentSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.start, 0);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['x'], 1);
- assert.isUndefined(parentSlice.args['y']);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['z'], 3);
- assert.isDefined(parentSlice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 1);
- var subSlice = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
- assert.equal(subSlice.title, 'a:s1');
- assert.equal(subSlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isFalse(subSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.closeTo((548 - 524) / 1000, subSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo((560 - 548) / 1000, subSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.isUndefined(subSlice.args['x']);
- assert.equal(subSlice.args['y'], 2);
- assert.isUndefined(subSlice.args['z']);
- });
- test('asyncStepsMissingStart', function() {
- var events = [
- // Time is intentionally out of order.
- {name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'F', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {step: 's1', y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo',
- tid: 53, ph: 'T', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isUndefined(t);
- });
- test('asyncStepsMissingFinish', function() {
- var events = [
- // Time is intentionally out of order.
- {name: 'a', args: {step: 's1', y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo',
- tid: 53, ph: 'T', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'S', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isUndefined(t);
- });
- test('asyncStepEndEvent', function() {
- var events = [
- // Time is intentionally out of order.
- {name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'F', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {step: 's1', y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo',
- tid: 53, ph: 'p', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'S', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(parentSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.start, 0);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['x'], 1);
- assert.isUndefined(parentSlice.args['y']);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['z'], 3);
- assert.isDefined(parentSlice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 1);
- var subSlice = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
- assert.equal(subSlice.title, 'a:s1');
- assert.equal(subSlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isFalse(subSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(subSlice.start, 0);
- assert.closeTo((548 - 524) / 1000, subSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.isUndefined(subSlice.args['x']);
- assert.equal(subSlice.args['y'], 2);
- assert.isUndefined(subSlice.args['z']);
- });
- test('asyncStepMismatch', function() {
- var events = [
- // Time is intentionally out of order.
- {name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'F', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {step: 's2'}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'T', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {step: 's1'}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'p', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'S', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isUndefined(t);
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- });
- test('asyncSliceWithoutCPUDuration', function() {
- var events = [
- // Async slice without tts field.
- {name: 'a', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 10, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- id: 72, ph: 'b'},
- {name: 'a', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 20, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- id: 72, ph: 'e'},
- // Async slice with tts field but without use_async_tts marker field.
- {name: 'b', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 30, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- id: 72, ph: 'b', tts: 30000},
- {name: 'b', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 40, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- id: 72, ph: 'e', tts: 40000},
- // Async slice with tts field but with use_async_tts marker set to 0.
- {name: 'c', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 50000, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- id: 72, ph: 'b', tts: 50000, use_async_tts: 0},
- {name: 'c', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 60000, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- id: 72, ph: 'e', tts: 60000, use_async_tts: 0}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 3);
- var noTTSNoField = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.isUndefined(noTTSNoField.cpuStart);
- assert.isUndefined(noTTSNoField.cpuDuration);
- var TTSNoField = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.isUndefined(TTSNoField.cpuStart);
- assert.isUndefined(TTSNoField.cpuDuration);
- var TTSZeroField = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[2];
- assert.isUndefined(TTSZeroField.cpuStart);
- assert.isUndefined(TTSZeroField.cpuDuration);
- });
- test('asyncSliceWithCPUDuration', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 50000, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- id: 72, ph: 'b', tts: 100000, use_async_tts: 1},
- {name: 'a', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 60000, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- id: 72, ph: 'e', tts: 105000, use_async_tts: 1}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var asyncSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.isDefined(asyncSlice);
- assert.equal(asyncSlice.duration, 10);
- assert.equal(asyncSlice.cpuStart, 100);
- assert.equal(asyncSlice.cpuDuration, 5);
- });
- test('nestableAsyncBasic', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'b', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'b', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 565, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(parentSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.isDefined(parentSlice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 1);
- var subSlice = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
- assert.isFalse(subSlice.isTopLevel);
- // Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
- assert.equal(subSlice.args['x'], 1);
- assert.equal(subSlice.args['y'], 2);
- assert.sameMembers(subSlice.subSlices, []);
- });
- test('nestableAsyncNoArgs', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'name', pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'name', pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var slice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'name');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(slice.isTopLevel);
- assert.isDefined(slice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- assert.deepEqual(slice.args, {});
- });
- test('nestableAsyncCombinedParams', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {x: 1, params: {p1: 'hello', p2: 123}},
- pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {y: 2, params: {p3: 'hi'}}, pid: 52, ts: 560,
- cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'e', id: 72},
- {name: 'b', args: {params: {p4: 'foo'}},
- pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'b', id: 73},
- {name: 'b', args: {params: ''}, pid: 52, ts: 560,
- cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'e', id: 73},
- {name: 'c', args: {params: {p5: 'bar'}},
- pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'b', id: 74},
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 560,
- cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'e', id: 74}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 3);
- var sliceA = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- // Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
- assert.equal(sliceA.args['x'], 1);
- assert.equal(sliceA.args['y'], 2);
- var paramsA = sliceA.args['params'];
- assert.isDefined(paramsA);
- assert.equal(paramsA.p1, 'hello');
- assert.equal(paramsA.p2, 123);
- assert.equal(paramsA.p3, 'hi');
- assert.isTrue(sliceA.isTopLevel);
- var sliceB = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
- // Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
- var paramsB = sliceB.args['params'];
- assert.isDefined(paramsB);
- assert.equal(paramsB.p4, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(sliceB.isTopLevel);
- var sliceC = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[2];
- // Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
- var paramsC = sliceC.args['params'];
- assert.isDefined(paramsC);
- assert.equal(paramsC.p5, 'bar');
- assert.isTrue(sliceC.isTopLevel);
- });
- test('nestableAsyncManyLevels', function() {
- // There are 5 nested levels.
- var events = [
- {name: 'l1', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'l2', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'l3', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 526, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'l4', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 527, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'l5', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 528, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'l5', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 529, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72},
- {name: 'l4', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 530, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72},
- {name: 'l3', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 531, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72},
- {name: 'l2', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 532, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72},
- {name: 'l1', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 533, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- // Perfectly matched events should not produce a warning.
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var l1Slice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(l1Slice.title, 'l1');
- assert.closeTo(0, l1Slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(9 / 1000, l1Slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.isTrue(l1Slice.isTopLevel);
- assert.isDefined(l1Slice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(l1Slice.subSlices.length, 1);
- var l2Slice = l1Slice.subSlices[0];
- assert.equal(l2Slice.title, 'l2');
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, l2Slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(7 / 1000, l2Slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.isFalse(l2Slice.isTopLevel);
- assert.isDefined(l2Slice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(l2Slice.subSlices.length, 1);
- var l3Slice = l2Slice.subSlices[0];
- assert.equal(l3Slice.title, 'l3');
- assert.closeTo(2 / 1000, l3Slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(5 / 1000, l3Slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.isFalse(l3Slice.isTopLevel);
- assert.isDefined(l3Slice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(l3Slice.subSlices.length, 1);
- var l4Slice = l3Slice.subSlices[0];
- assert.equal(l4Slice.title, 'l4');
- assert.closeTo(3 / 1000, l4Slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(3 / 1000, l4Slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.isFalse(l4Slice.isTopLevel);
- assert.isDefined(l4Slice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(l4Slice.subSlices.length, 1);
- var l5Slice = l4Slice.subSlices[0];
- assert.equal(l5Slice.title, 'l5');
- assert.closeTo(4 / 1000, l5Slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, l5Slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.isFalse(l5Slice.isTopLevel);
- });
- test('nestableAsyncInstantEvent', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'n', id: 71},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'd', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'n', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 565, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 2);
- var instantSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(instantSlice.title, 'c');
- assert.closeTo(0, instantSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(0, instantSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.sameMembers(instantSlice.subSlices, []);
- assert.isTrue(instantSlice.isTopLevel);
- var nestedSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(nestedSlice.title, 'a');
- assert.closeTo(0, nestedSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo((565 - 524) / 1000, nestedSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.isTrue(nestedSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.isDefined(nestedSlice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(nestedSlice.subSlices.length, 1);
- var nestedInstantSlice = nestedSlice.subSlices[0];
- assert.sameMembers(nestedInstantSlice.subSlices, []);
- assert.equal(nestedInstantSlice.title, 'd');
- assert.isFalse(nestedInstantSlice.isTopLevel);
- });
- test('nestableAsyncUnmatchedOuterBeginEvent', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'b', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- // Unmatched BEGIN should produce a warning.
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(parentSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.closeTo(0, parentSlice.start, 0.0001);
- // Unmatched BEGIN event ends at the last event of that ID.
- assert.closeTo(36 / 1000, parentSlice.duration, 0.0001);
- // Arguments should include only include its arguments.
- assert.isUndefined(parentSlice.args['y']);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['x'], 1);
- assert.isDefined(parentSlice.error);
- assert.isDefined(parentSlice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 1);
- var subSlice = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
- assert.isFalse(subSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, subSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(35 / 1000, subSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.sameMembers(subSlice.subSlices, []);
- // Arguments should include those of the END event.
- assert.equal(subSlice.args['y'], 2);
- assert.sameMembers(subSlice.subSlices, []);
- });
- test('nestableAsyncUnmatchedInnerBeginEvent', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'n', id: 72},
- {name: 'b', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 565, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- // Unmatched BEGIN should produce a warning.
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(parentSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.closeTo(0, parentSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(41 / 1000, parentSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- // Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['y'], 2);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['z'], 3);
- assert.isUndefined(parentSlice.args['x']);
- assert.isDefined(parentSlice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 2);
- var subSliceInstant = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
- var subSliceUnmatched = parentSlice.subSlices[1];
- assert.equal(subSliceInstant.title, 'c');
- assert.isFalse(subSliceInstant.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(subSliceUnmatched.title, 'b');
- assert.isFalse(subSliceUnmatched.isTopLevel);
- // Unmatched BEGIN ends at the last event of that ID.
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, subSliceUnmatched.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(40 / 1000, subSliceUnmatched.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.sameMembers(subSliceUnmatched.subSlices, []);
- assert.equal(subSliceUnmatched.args['x'], 1);
- assert.isUndefined(subSliceUnmatched['y']);
- assert.isDefined(subSliceUnmatched.error);
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, subSliceInstant.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(0, subSliceInstant.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.sameMembers(subSliceInstant.subSlices, []);
- });
- test('nestableAsyncUnmatchedOuterEndEvent', function() {
- // Events are intentionally out-of-order.
- var events = [
- {name: 'b', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'b', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- // Unmatched END should produce a warning.
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 2);
- var unmatchedSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- var slice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(unmatchedSlice.title, 'a');
- assert.closeTo(0, unmatchedSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.isTrue(unmatchedSlice.isTopLevel);
- // Unmatched END event begins at the first event of that ID. In this
- // case, the first event happens to be the same unmatched event.
- assert.closeTo(0 / 1000, unmatchedSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.isUndefined(unmatchedSlice.args['x']);
- assert.isUndefined(unmatchedSlice.args['y']);
- assert.equal(unmatchedSlice.args['z'], 3);
- assert.isDefined(unmatchedSlice.error);
- assert.sameMembers(unmatchedSlice.subSlices, []);
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
- assert.isTrue(slice.isTopLevel);
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(35 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- // Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
- assert.equal(slice.args['x'], 1);
- assert.equal(slice.args['y'], 2);
- assert.sameMembers(slice.subSlices, []);
- });
- test('nestableAsyncUnmatchedInnerEndEvent', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'n', id: 72},
- {name: 'b', args: {z: 3}, pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72},
- {name: 'a', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 565, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- // Unmatched END should produce a warning.
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
- assert.isTrue(parentSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.closeTo(0, parentSlice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(41 / 1000, parentSlice.duration, 1e-5);
- // Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['x'], 1);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.args['y'], 2);
- assert.isDefined(parentSlice.subSlices);
- assert.equal(parentSlice.subSlices.length, 2);
- var subSliceInstant = parentSlice.subSlices[0];
- var subSliceUnmatched = parentSlice.subSlices[1];
- assert.equal(subSliceInstant.title, 'c');
- assert.isFalse(subSliceInstant.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(subSliceUnmatched.title, 'b');
- assert.isFalse(subSliceUnmatched.isTopLevel);
- // Unmatched END begins at the first event of that ID.
- assert.closeTo(0 / 1000, subSliceUnmatched.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, subSliceUnmatched.duration, 1e-5);
- // Arguments should include both BEGIN and END event.
- assert.isUndefined(subSliceUnmatched.args['x']);
- assert.isUndefined(subSliceUnmatched.args['y']);
- assert.equal(subSliceUnmatched.args['z'], 3);
- assert.isDefined(subSliceUnmatched.error);
- assert.sameMembers(subSliceUnmatched.subSlices, []);
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, subSliceInstant.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(0, subSliceInstant.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.sameMembers(subSliceInstant.subSlices, []);
- });
- test('nestableAsyncSameIDDifferentCategory', function() {
- // Events with the same ID, but different categories should not be
- // considered as nested.
- var events = [
- {name: 'EVENT_A', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 500, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'EVENT_B', args: {y: 2}, pid: 52, ts: 550, cat: 'bar', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72},
- {name: 'EVENT_B', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 600, cat: 'bar', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72},
- {name: 'EVENT_A', args: {x: 1}, pid: 52, ts: 650, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 2);
- var eventASlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(eventASlice.title, 'EVENT_A');
- assert.equal(eventASlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(, 'foo:72');
- assert.isTrue(eventASlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(eventASlice.args['x'], 1);
- assert.sameMembers(eventASlice.subSlices, []);
- var eventBSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(eventBSlice.title, 'EVENT_B');
- assert.equal(eventBSlice.category, 'bar');
- assert.equal(, 'bar:72');
- assert.isTrue(eventBSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(eventBSlice.args['y'], 2);
- assert.sameMembers(eventBSlice.subSlices, []);
- });
- test('nestableAsyncStackFrame', function() {
- var events = {
- traceEvents: [
- {name: 'name', pid: 52, ts: 525, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'b', id: 72, sf: 1},
- {name: 'name', pid: 52, ts: 560, cat: 'foo', tid: 53,
- ph: 'e', id: 72, sf: 7}
- ],
- stackFrames: {
- '1': {
- category: 'm1',
- name: 'main'
- },
- '7': {
- category: 'm2',
- name: 'frame7',
- parent: '1'
- }
- }
- };
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var slice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.startStackFrame.title, 'main');
- assert.equal(slice.endStackFrame.title, 'frame7');
- });
- test('importSamples', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'},
- {name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'},
- {name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 558, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'},
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 568, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[52];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- var t = p.threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.samples_.length, 4);
- assert.equal(t.samples_[0].start, 0.0);
- assert.equal(t.samples_[1].start, 0.0);
- assert.closeTo(0.01, t.samples_[2].start, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(t.samples_[0].leafStackFrame.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(t.samples_[1].leafStackFrame.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(t.samples_[2].leafStackFrame.title, 'c');
- assert.equal(t.samples_[3].leafStackFrame, t.samples[0].leafStackFrame);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- });
- test('importSamplesWithStackFrames', function() {
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'P', sf: 7 } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ],
- stackFrames: {
- '1': {
- category: 'm1',
- name: 'main'
- },
- '7': {
- category: 'm2',
- name: 'frame7',
- parent: '1'
- }
- }
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[2];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.samples_[0].start, 0.0);
- assert.equal(t.samples_[0].leafStackFrame.title, 'frame7');
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- });
- test('importSamplesMissingArgs', function() {
- var events = [
- {name: 'a', pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'},
- {name: 'b', pid: 52, ts: 548, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'},
- {name: 'c', pid: 52, ts: 549, cat: 'test', tid: 53, ph: 'P'}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.processes[52];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- var t = p.threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.samples_.length, 3);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- });
- test('importV8Samples', function() {
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'V8Sample', args: {data: {stack: ['0x2a574306061', '0x2a574306224'], vm_state: 'js'}}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'P' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'V8Sample', args: {data: {stack: [], vm_state: 'gc'}}, pid: 1, ts: 6, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'P' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'JitCodeAdded', args: {data: {code_len: 2, name: 'LazyCompile:~foo', code_start: '0x2a574306060'}}, pid: 1, ts: 1, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'M' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'JitCodeAdded', args: {data: {code_len: 20, name: 'bar', code_start: '0x2a574306220'}}, pid: 1, ts: 2, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'M' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'JitCodeMoved', args: {data: {code_len: 2, old_code_start: '0x2a574306220', code_start: '0x2a574306222'}}, pid: 1, ts: 3, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'M' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'JitCodeAdded', args: {data: {code_len: 20, name: 'baz', code_start: '0xffffffff9f90a1a0'}}, pid: 1, ts: 4, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'M' } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ]
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[2];
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 2);
- var sample = t.samples_[0];
- assert.equal(sample.leafStackFrame.title,
- 'foo');
- assert.equal(sample.leafStackFrame.parentFrame.title, 'bar');
- var sample = t.samples_[1];
- assert.equal(sample.leafStackFrame.title, 'gc');
- });
- test('importOldFormatV8Samples', function() {
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'JitCodeAdded', args: {data: {code_len: 2, name: 'LazyCompile:~foo', code_start: '0x2a574306060'}}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'I' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'JitCodeAdded', args: {data: {code_len: 20, name: 'bar', code_start: '0x2a574306220'}}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'I' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'JitCodeMoved', args: {data: {code_len: 2, old_code_start: '0x2a574306220', code_start: '0x2a574306222'}}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'I' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'JitCodeAdded', args: {data: {code_len: 20, name: 'baz', code_start: '0xffffffff9f90a1a0'}}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'I' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'V8Sample', args: {data: {stack: ['0x2a574306061', '0x2a574306224']}}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'P' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'V8Sample', args: {data: {stack: [], vm_state: 'gc'}}, pid: 1, ts: 10, cat: 'test', tid: 2, ph: 'P' } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ]
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[2];
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 2);
- var sample = t.samples_[0];
- assert.equal(sample.leafStackFrame.title,
- 'foo');
- assert.equal(sample.leafStackFrame.parentFrame.title, 'bar');
- var sample = t.samples_[1];
- assert.equal(sample.leafStackFrame.title, 'gc');
- });
- test('importSimpleObject', function() {
- var events = [
- {ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {snapshot: 15}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 20000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {snapshot: 20}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 50000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'D', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- assert.equal(m.bounds.min, 10);
- assert.equal(m.bounds.max, 50);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- var i10 = p.objects.getObjectInstanceAt(new ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000'), 10);
- assert.equal(i10.category, 'c');
- assert.equal(i10.creationTs, 10);
- assert.equal(i10.deletionTs, 50);
- assert.equal(i10.snapshots.length, 2);
- var s15 = i10.snapshots[0];
- assert.equal(s15.ts, 15);
- assert.equal(s15.args, 15);
- var s20 = i10.snapshots[1];
- assert.equal(s20.ts, 20);
- assert.equal(s20.args, 20);
- });
- test('importImplicitObjects', function() {
- var events = [
- {ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a',
- args: { snapshot: [
- { id: 'subObject/0x1',
- foo: 1
- }
- ]}},
- {ts: 20000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a',
- args: { snapshot: [
- { id: 'subObject/0x1',
- foo: 2
- },
- { id: 'subObject/0x2',
- foo: 1
- }
- ]}}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var p1 = m.processes[1];
- var iA = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt(new ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000'), 10);
- var subObjectInstances = p1.objects.getAllInstancesByTypeName()[
- 'subObject'];
- assert.equal(subObjectInstances.length, 2);
- var subObject1 = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt(
- new ScopedId('ptr', '0x1'), 15);
- assert.equal(, 'subObject');
- assert.equal(subObject1.creationTs, 15);
- assert.equal(subObject1.snapshots.length, 2);
- assert.equal(subObject1.snapshots[0].ts, 15);
- assert.equal(subObject1.snapshots[0], 1);
- assert.equal(subObject1.snapshots[1].ts, 20);
- assert.equal(subObject1.snapshots[1], 2);
- var subObject2 = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt(
- new ScopedId('ptr', '0x2'), 20);
- assert.equal(, 'subObject');
- assert.equal(subObject2.creationTs, 20);
- assert.equal(subObject2.snapshots.length, 1);
- assert.equal(subObject2.snapshots[0].ts, 20);
- });
- test('importImplicitObjectWithCategoryOverride', function() {
- var events = [
- {ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'cat', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'otherCat', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', // @suppress longLineCheck
- args: { snapshot: [
- { id: 'subObject/0x1',
- cat: 'cat',
- foo: 1
- }
- ]}}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p1 = m.processes[1];
- var iA = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt(new ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000'), 10);
- var subObjectInstances = p1.objects.getAllInstancesByTypeName()[
- 'subObject'];
- assert.equal(subObjectInstances.length, 1);
- });
- test('importImplicitObjectWithBaseTypeOverride', function() {
- var events = [
- {ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'PictureLayerImpl', args: { // @suppress longLineCheck
- snapshot: {
- base_type: 'LayerImpl'
- }
- }},
- {ts: 50000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'D', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'LayerImpl', args: {}} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p1 = m.processes[1];
- assert.equal(m.importWarnings.length, 0);
- var iA = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt(new ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000'), 10);
- assert.equal(iA.snapshots.length, 1);
- });
- test('importIDRefs', function() {
- var events = [
- // An object with two snapshots.
- {ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {snapshot: 15}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 20000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {snapshot: 20}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 50000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'D', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- // A slice that references the object.
- {ts: 17000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'B', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {my_object: {id_ref: '0x1000'}}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 17500, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'E', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {}} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var p1 = m.processes[1];
- var iA = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt(new ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000'), 10);
- var s15 = iA.getSnapshotAt(15);
- var taskSlice = p1.threads[1].sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(taskSlice.args.my_object, s15);
- });
- test('importIDRefsThatPointAtEachOther', function() {
- var events = [
- // An object.
- {ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: { // @suppress longLineCheck
- snapshot: { x: {
- id: 'foo/0x1001',
- value: 'bar'
- }}}},
- {ts: 50000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'D', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- // A slice that references the object.
- {ts: 17000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'B', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {my_object: {id_ref: '0x1001'}}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 17500, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'E', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {}} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p1 = m.processes[1];
- var iA = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt(new ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000'), 15);
- var iFoo = p1.objects.getObjectInstanceAt(
- new ScopedId('ptr', '0x1001'), 15);
- assert.isDefined(iA);
- assert.isDefined(iFoo);
- var a15 = iA.getSnapshotAt(15);
- var foo15 = iFoo.getSnapshotAt(15);
- var taskSlice = p1.threads[1].sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(taskSlice.args.my_object, foo15);
- });
- test('importArrayWithIDs', function() {
- var events = [
- {ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: { // @suppress longLineCheck
- snapshot: { x: [
- {id: 'foo/0x1001', value: 'bar1'},
- {id: 'foo/0x1002', value: 'bar2'},
- {id: 'foo/0x1003', value: 'bar3'}
- ]}}}
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var p1 = m.processes[1];
- var sA = p1.objects.getSnapshotAt(new ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000'), 15);
- assert.isTrue(sA.args.x instanceof Array);
- assert.equal(sA.args.x.length, 3);
- assert.isTrue(sA.args.x[0] instanceof tr.model.ObjectSnapshot);
- assert.isTrue(sA.args.x[1] instanceof tr.model.ObjectSnapshot);
- assert.isTrue(sA.args.x[2] instanceof tr.model.ObjectSnapshot);
- });
- test('importDoesNotMutateEventList', function() {
- var events = [
- // An object.
- {ts: 10000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'N', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- {ts: 15000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'O', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: { // @suppress longLineCheck
- snapshot: {foo: 15}}},
- {ts: 50000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'D', cat: 'c', id: '0x1000', name: 'a', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- // A slice that references the object.
- {ts: 17000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'B', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {
- my_object: {id_ref: '0x1000'}}
- },
- {ts: 17500, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'E', cat: 'c', name: 'taskSlice', args: {}} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- // The A type family exists to mutate the args list provided to
- // snapshots.
- function ASnapshot() {
- tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.apply(this, arguments);
- = 7;
- }
- ASnapshot.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.prototype
- };
- // Import event while the A types are registered, causing the
- // arguments of the snapshots to be mutated.
- var m;
- try {
- tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.register(ASnapshot, {typeName: 'a'});
- m = makeModel(events);
- } finally {
- tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.unregister(ASnapshot);
- }
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- // Verify that the events array wasn't modified.
- assert.deepEqual(
- events[1].args,
- {snapshot: {foo: 15}});
- assert.deepEqual(
- events[3].args,
- {my_object: {id_ref: '0x1000'}});
- });
- test('importFlowEvent', function() {
- var events = [
- { name: 'aSlice', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'B', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 549, ph: 'E', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'bSlice', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 559, ph: 'B', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 560, ph: 't', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 561, ph: 'E', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'cSlice', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 581, ph: 'B', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 582, ph: 'E', args: {} } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 2);
- assert.equal(m.flowIntervalTree.size, 2);
- var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
- assert.equal(f0.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(f0.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(, 72);
- assert.closeTo(f0.start, 0.001, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(12 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'aSlice');
- assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'bSlice');
- // TODO(nduca): Replace this assertion with something better when
- // flow events don't create synthetic slices on their own.
- assert.isDefined(f0.startSlice);
- assert.isDefined(f0.endSlice);
- var f1 = m.flowEvents[1];
- assert.equal(f1.title, f0.title);
- assert.equal(f1.category, f0.category);
- assert.equal(,;
- assert.closeTo(20 / 1000, f1.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(f1.startSlice.title, 'bSlice');
- assert.equal(f1.endSlice.title, 'cSlice');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.deepEqual(f1.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f1]);
- assert.deepEqual(f1.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f1]);
- });
- test('importOldFlowEventBindtoNext', function() {
- // Old trace format without event.bp, and doesn't contain input
- var events = [
- { name: 'slice1', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'slice2', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 570, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'slice3', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false, false);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
- var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
- assert.equal(f0.title, 'flow');
- assert.equal(f0.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(, 72);
- assert.equal(f0.start, .548);
- assert.closeTo(32 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'slice1');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'slice3');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
- });
- test('importOldInputFlowEventBindtoParent', function() {
- // Old trace format without event.bp, but contains input
- var events = [
- { name: 'slice1', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'flow', cat: 'input', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'flow', cat: 'input', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'slice2', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 570, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'slice3', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false, false);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
- var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
- assert.equal(f0.title, 'flow');
- assert.equal(f0.category, 'input');
- assert.equal(, 72);
- assert.equal(f0.start, .548);
- assert.closeTo(32 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'slice1');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'slice2');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
- });
- test('importOldIPCFlowEventBindtoParent', function() {
- // Old trace format without event.bp, but contains ipc.flow
- var events = [
- { name: 'slice1', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'flow', cat: 'disabled-by-default-ipc.flow', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'flow', cat: 'disabled-by-default-ipc.flow', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'slice2', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 570, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'slice3', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false, false);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
- var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
- assert.equal(f0.title, 'flow');
- assert.equal(f0.category, 'disabled-by-default-ipc.flow');
- assert.equal(, 72);
- assert.equal(f0.start, .548);
- assert.closeTo(32 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'slice1');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'slice2');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
- });
- test('importNewFlowEventBindtoParent', function() {
- // New trace format with event.bp
- var events = [
- { name: 'slice1', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', bp: 'e', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', bp: 'e', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'slice2', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 570, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'slice3', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false, false);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
- var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
- assert.equal(f0.title, 'flow');
- assert.equal(f0.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(, 72);
- assert.equal(f0.start, .548);
- assert.closeTo(32 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'slice1');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'slice2');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
- });
- test('importNewFlowEventWithInvalidBindingPoint', function() {
- // New trace format with event.bp, which however !== 'e'
- var events = [
- { name: 'slice1', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', bp: 'z', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'flow', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', bp: 'z', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'slice2', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 570, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'slice3', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', args: {}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 0);
- });
- test('importFlowV2OnePair', function() {
- // Flow V2: one flow producer one flow consumer
- var events = [
- { name: 'producer', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100, bind_id: '0xaaa', flow_out: true}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'consumer', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', 'dur': 1000, bind_id: '0xaaa', flow_in: true} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
- var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
- assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'producer');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'consumer');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
- });
- test('importFlowV2OneFlowStep', function() {
- // Flow V2: one flow producer one flow consumer
- var events = [
- { name: 'producer', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100, bind_id: '0xaaa', flow_out: true}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'step', cat: 'foo', pid: 62, tid: 63, ts: 647, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100, bind_id: '0xaaa', flow_out: true, flow_in: true}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'consumer', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', 'dur': 1000, bind_id: '0xaaa', args: { 'queue_duration': 0}, flow_in: true} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 2);
- var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
- var f1 = m.flowEvents[1];
- assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'producer');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'step');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.equal(f1.startSlice.title, 'step');
- assert.deepEqual(f1.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f1]);
- assert.equal(f1.endSlice.title, 'consumer');
- assert.deepEqual(f1.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f1]);
- });
- test('importFlowV2MultipleConsumers', function() {
- // Flow V2: one flow producer multiple flow consumers
- var events = [
- { name: 'producer', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100, bind_id: '0xaaa', flow_out: true}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'consumer1', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', 'dur': 1000, bind_id: '0xaaa', flow_in: true}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'consumer2', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 72, ts: 870, ph: 'X', 'dur': 1000, bind_id: '0xaaa', flow_in: true} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 2);
- var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
- var f1 = m.flowEvents[1];
- assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'producer');
- assert.equal(f1.startSlice.title, 'producer');
- assert.equal(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents.length, 2);
- assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0, f1]);
- assert.deepEqual(f1.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0, f1]);
- assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'consumer1');
- assert.equal(f1.endSlice.title, 'consumer2');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.deepEqual(f1.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f1]);
- });
- test('importFlowV2MultipleProducers', function() {
- // Flow V2: multiple flow producers, which is not allowed
- var events = [
- { name: 'producer1', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100, bind_id: '0xaaa', flow_out: true}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'producer2', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 54, ts: 567, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100, bind_id: '0xaaa', flow_out: true}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'consumer', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 770, ph: 'X', 'dur': 1000, bind_id: '0xaaa', flow_in: true} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
- });
- // This test creates a flow event that stops on the same timestamp that
- // the 'X' event which it triggers begins.
- test('importFlowEventOverlaps', function() {
- var events = [
- { name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'X', 'dur': 100}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'PostTask', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'PostTask', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: { 'queue_duration': 0}}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- // Note that RunTask has the same time-stamp as PostTask 'f'
- { name: 'RunTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 70, tid: 71, ts: 580, ph: 'X', args: {'src_func': 'PostRunTask'}, 'dur': 1000} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var startT = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- var endT = m.processes[70].threads[71];
- assert.isDefined(startT);
- assert.equal(startT.sliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- assert.isDefined(endT);
- assert.equal(endT.sliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 1);
- // f0 represents 's' to 'f'
- var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
- assert.equal(f0.title, 'PostTask');
- assert.equal(f0.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(, 72);
- assert.equal(f0.start, .548);
- assert.closeTo(32 / 1000, f0.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(f0.startSlice.title, 'SomeTask');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.startSlice.outFlowEvents, [f0]);
- assert.equal(f0.endSlice.title, 'RunTask');
- assert.deepEqual(f0.endSlice.inFlowEvents, [f0]);
- // TODO(nduca): Add assertions about the flow slices, esp that they were
- // found correctly.
- });
- test('importOutOfOrderFlowEvent', function() {
- var events = [
- { name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 'X', 'dur': 10}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 148, ph: 'X', 'dur': 10}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'b', cat: 'foo', id: 73, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 148, ph: 's', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'b', cat: 'foo', id: 73, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 570, ph: 'f', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 571, ph: 'X', 'dur': 10}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 560, ph: 'X', 'dur': 10}, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 560, ph: 't', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'SomeTask', cat: 'foo', pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 581, ph: 'X', 'dur': 10} // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var expected = [0.4, 0.0, 0.412];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.flowIntervalTree.size, 3);
- var order = { return x.start });
- for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i)
- assert.closeTo(expected[i], order[i], 1e-5);
- });
- test('importCompleteEvent', function() {
- var events = [
- { name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 629, dur: 1, cat: 'baz', tid: 53, ph: 'X' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 730, dur: 20, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'X' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 740, cat: 'baz', tid: 53, ph: 'X' }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[52];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices.length, 3);
- assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
- var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'baz');
- assert.closeTo(0, slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.closeTo((730 - 629) / 1000, slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(20 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 1);
- slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[2];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'c');
- assert.isTrue(slice.didNotFinish);
- assert.closeTo(10 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- });
- test('importFlowEventsWithStackFrame', function() {
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'aSlice', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 547, ph: 'B', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 548, ph: 's', args: {}, sf: 1 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 549, ph: 'E', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'bSlice', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 559, ph: 'B', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 560, ph: 't', args: {}, sf: 2 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 561, ph: 'E', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 580, ph: 'f', args: {}, sf: 3 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'cSlice', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 581, ph: 'B', args: {} }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 582, ph: 'E', args: {} } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ],
- stackFrames: {
- '1': {
- category: 'm1',
- name: 'fn1'
- },
- '2': {
- category: 'm2',
- name: 'fn2'
- },
- '3': {
- category: 'm3',
- name: 'fn3'
- }
- }
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- assert.equal(m.flowEvents.length, 2);
- var f0 = m.flowEvents[0];
- assert.equal(f0.startStackFrame.title, 'fn1');
- assert.equal(f0.endStackFrame.title, 'fn2');
- var f1 = m.flowEvents[1];
- assert.equal(f1.startStackFrame.title, 'fn2');
- assert.equal(f1.endStackFrame.title, 'fn3');
- });
- test('importCompleteEventWithCpuDuration', function() {
- var events = [
- { name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 629, dur: 1, cat: 'baz', tid: 53, ph: 'X', tts: 12, tdur: 1 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 730, dur: 20, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'X', tts: 110, tdur: 16 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'c', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 740, cat: 'baz', tid: 53, ph: 'X', tts: 115 } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.equal(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[52];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[53];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices.length, 3);
- assert.equal(t.tid, 53);
- var slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'baz');
- assert.closeTo(0, slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(12 / 1000, slice.cpuStart, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(1 / 1000, slice.cpuDuration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 0);
- slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(slice.category, 'foo');
- assert.closeTo((730 - 629) / 1000, slice.start, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(20 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(110 / 1000, slice.cpuStart, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(16 / 1000, slice.cpuDuration, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(slice.subSlices.length, 1);
- slice = t.sliceGroup.slices[2];
- assert.equal(slice.title, 'c');
- assert.isTrue(slice.didNotFinish);
- assert.closeTo(10 / 1000, slice.duration, 1e-5);
- });
- test('importNestedCompleteEventWithTightBounds', function() {
- var events = [
- { name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 244654227065, dur: 36075, cat: 'baz', tid: 53, ph: 'X' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 244654227095, dur: 36045, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'X' } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- var sA = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'a');
- var sB = findSliceNamed(t.sliceGroup, 'b');
- assert.equal(sA.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(sA.category, 'baz');
- assert.equal(sA.start, 244654227.065);
- assert.equal(sA.duration, 36.075);
- assert.closeTo(0.03, sA.selfTime, 1e-5);
- assert.equal(sB.title, 'b');
- assert.equal(sB.category, 'foo');
- assert.equal(sB.start, 244654227.095);
- assert.equal(sB.duration, 36.045);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices[0], sB);
- assert.equal(sB.parentSlice, sA);
- });
- test('importCompleteEventWithStackFrame', function() {
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, dur: 1, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'X', sf: 7 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, dur: 1, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'X', sf: 8, esf: 9 } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ],
- stackFrames: {
- '1': {
- category: 'm1',
- name: 'main'
- },
- '7': {
- category: 'm2',
- name: 'frame7',
- parent: '1'
- },
- '8': {
- category: 'm2',
- name: 'frame8',
- parent: '1'
- },
- '9': {
- category: 'm2',
- name: 'frame9',
- parent: '1'
- }
- }
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[2];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices.length, 2);
- var s0 = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(s0.startStackFrame.title, 'frame7');
- assert.isUndefined(s0.endStackFrame);
- var s1 = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(s1.startStackFrame.title, 'frame8');
- assert.equal(s1.endStackFrame.title, 'frame9');
- });
- test('importAsyncEventWithSameTimestamp', function() {
- var events = [];
- // Events are added with ts 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ...500, 500, 1000
- // and use 'seq' to track the order of when the event is recorded.
- events.push({name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 0, ph: 'S', args: {'seq': 0}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- for (var i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
- events.push({name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: Math.round(i / 2) , ph: 'T', args: {'seq': i}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- events.push({name: 'a', cat: 'foo', id: 72, pid: 52, tid: 53, ts: 1000, ph: 'F', args: {'seq': 1001}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var t = m.processes[52].threads[53];
- assert.equal(t.asyncSliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var parentSlice = t.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(parentSlice.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(parentSlice.category, 'foo');
- assert.isTrue(parentSlice.isTopLevel);
- assert.isDefined(parentSlice.subSlices);
- var subSlices = parentSlice.subSlices;
- assert.equal(subSlices.length, 1000);
- // Slices should be sorted according to 'ts'. And if 'ts' is the same,
- // slices should keep the order that they were recorded.
- for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- assert.equal(i + 1, subSlices[i].args['seq']);
- assert.isFalse(subSlices[i].isTopLevel);
- }
- });
- test('sampleDataSimple', function() {
- var events = {
- 'traceEvents': [],
- 'stackFrames': {
- '1': {
- 'category': 'mod',
- 'name': 'main'
- },
- '2': {
- 'category': 'mod',
- 'name': 'a',
- 'parent': 1
- },
- '3': {
- 'category': 'mod',
- 'name': 'a_sub',
- 'parent': 2
- },
- '4': {
- 'category': 'mod',
- 'name': 'b',
- 'parent': 1
- }
- },
- 'samples': [
- {
- 'cpu': 0, 'tid': 1, 'ts': 1000.0,
- 'name': 'cycles:HG', 'sf': 3, 'weight': 1
- },
- {
- 'cpu': 0, 'tid': 1, 'ts': 2000.0,
- 'name': 'cycles:HG', 'sf': 2, 'weight': 1
- },
- {
- 'cpu': 1, 'tid': 1, 'ts': 3000.0,
- 'name': 'cycles:HG', 'sf': 3, 'weight': 1
- }
- ]
- };
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- assert.isDefined(m.kernel.cpus[0]);
- assert.equal(m.getAllThreads().length, 1);
- assert.equal(tr.b.dictionaryKeys(m.stackFrames).length, 4);
- assert.equal(m.samples.length, 3);
- var t1 = m.processes[1].threads[1];
- assert.equal(t1.samples.length, 3);
- var c0 = m.kernel.cpus[0];
- var c1 = m.kernel.cpus[1];
- assert.equal(c0.samples.length, 2);
- assert.equal(c1.samples.length, 1);
- assert.equal(m.samples[0].cpu, c0);
- assert.equal(m.samples[0].thread, t1);
- assert.equal(m.samples[0].title, 'cycles:HG');
- assert.equal(m.samples[0].start, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['a_sub', 'a', 'main'],
- m.samples[0] { return x.title; }));
- assert.equal(m.samples[0].weight, 1);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_verifyProcessAndGlobalMemoryDumpLinks', function() {
- var events = [
- // 2 process memory dump events.
- {
- name: 'a',
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10000,
- cat: 'test',
- tid: 53,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '100'
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name: 'b',
- pid: 43,
- ts: 11000,
- cat: 'test',
- tid: 54,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '200'
- }
- }
- }
- },
- // 1 process memory dump event.
- {
- name: 'd',
- pid: 42,
- ts: 13000,
- cat: 'test',
- tid: 56,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0xfffffff12345678',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '300'
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- var p1 = m.getProcess(42);
- var p2 = m.getProcess(43);
- assert.isDefined(p1);
- assert.isDefined(p2);
- // Check that Model and Process objects contain the right dumps.
- assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps.length, 2);
- assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps.length, 2);
- assert.equal(p2.memoryDumps.length, 1);
- assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[0].start, 10);
- assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[0].start, 10);
- assert.equal(p2.memoryDumps[0].start, 11);
- assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[0].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[0].duration, 0);
- assert.equal(p2.memoryDumps[0].duration, 0);
- assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[1].start, 13);
- assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[1].start, 13);
- assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[1].duration, 0);
- assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[1].duration, 0);
- // Check that GlobalMemoryDump and ProcessMemoryDump objects are
- // interconnected correctly.
- assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[0],
- m.globalMemoryDumps[0].processMemoryDumps[42]);
- assert.equal(p2.memoryDumps[0],
- m.globalMemoryDumps[0].processMemoryDumps[43]);
- assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[0].globalMemoryDump, m.globalMemoryDumps[0]);
- assert.equal(p2.memoryDumps[0].globalMemoryDump, m.globalMemoryDumps[0]);
- assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[1],
- m.globalMemoryDumps[1].processMemoryDumps[42]);
- assert.equal(p1.memoryDumps[1].globalMemoryDump, m.globalMemoryDumps[1]);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_totalResidentBytesOnly', function() {
- var events = [
- {
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x01',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '1fffffffffffff'
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.getProcess(42);
- var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
- assert.equal(d.totals.residentBytes, 9007199254740991);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.peakResidentBytes);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.platformSpecific);
- assert.isUndefined(d.mostRecentVmRegions);
- assert.lengthOf(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, 0);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_withPeakResidentBytes', function() {
- var events = [
- {
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x01',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '1fffffffffffff',
- peak_resident_set_bytes: '2fffffffffffff',
- is_peak_rss_resetable: true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.getProcess(42);
- var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
- assert.equal(d.totals.residentBytes, 9007199254740991);
- assert.equal(d.totals.peakResidentBytes, 13510798882111488);
- assert.isTrue(d.totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.platformSpecific);
- assert.isUndefined(d.mostRecentVmRegions);
- assert.lengthOf(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, 0);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_platformSpecificTotals', function() {
- var events = [
- {
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x01',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '1fffffffffffff',
- private_bytes: 'fffffffffffff',
- shared_bytes: '10000000000000'
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.getProcess(42);
- var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
- assert.equal(d.totals.residentBytes, 9007199254740991);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.peakResidentBytes);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable);
- assert.deepEqual(d.totals.platformSpecific,
- {private_bytes: 4503599627370495, shared_bytes: 4503599627370496});
- assert.isUndefined(d.mostRecentVmRegions);
- assert.lengthOf(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, 0);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_vmRegions', function() {
- var events = [
- {
- name: 'some_dump_name',
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- cat: 'test',
- tid: 53,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '000',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '0'
- },
- process_mmaps: {
- vm_regions: [
- {
- sa: 'f0',
- sz: '150',
- pf: 6,
- mf: '[stack:20310]',
- bs: {
- pss: '9e',
- pc: '40',
- pd: '20',
- sc: '100',
- sd: '0',
- sw: '50'
- }
- },
- {
- sa: '350',
- sz: '250',
- pf: 5,
- mf: '/dev/ashmem/dalvik',
- bs: {
- pss: 'cd',
- pd: 'cd',
- sc: undefined,
- sw: '0'
- }
- },
- {
- sa: '7ff10ff4b000',
- sz: '40000',
- pf: 134,
- mf: '/run/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.sqqN11 (deleted)',
- bs: {
- pss: '40000',
- pc: '0',
- pd: '40000',
- sc: '0',
- sd: '0',
- sw: '0'
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.getProcess(42);
- var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
- checkVMRegions(d.vmRegions, [
- {
- startAddress: 240,
- sizeInBytes: 336,
- protectionFlags: VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_READ |
- mappedFile: '[stack:20310]',
- byteStats: {
- privateCleanResident: 64,
- privateDirtyResident: 32,
- sharedCleanResident: 256,
- sharedDirtyResident: 0,
- proportionalResident: 158,
- swapped: 80
- }
- },
- {
- startAddress: 848,
- sizeInBytes: 592,
- protectionFlags: VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_READ |
- mappedFile: '/dev/ashmem/dalvik',
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 205,
- privateDirtyResident: 205,
- swapped: 0
- }
- },
- {
- startAddress: 140673331539968,
- sizeInBytes: 262144,
- protectionFlags: VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_READ |
- mappedFile: '/run/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.sqqN11 (deleted)',
- byteStats: {
- privateCleanResident: 0,
- privateDirtyResident: 262144,
- sharedCleanResident: 0,
- sharedDirtyResident: 0,
- proportionalResident: 262144,
- swapped: 0
- }
- }
- ]);
- assert.equal(d.totals.residentBytes, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.peakResidentBytes);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.platformSpecific);
- assert.lengthOf(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, 0);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_explicitMemoryAllocatorDumps', function() {
- var events = [
- {
- name: 'a',
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- cat: 'test',
- tid: 53,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '100'
- },
- allocators: {
- 'oilpan': {
- guid: '1a',
- attrs: {
- objects_count: {
- type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '2f'
- },
- inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '1000'},
- size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '8000'}
- }
- },
- 'oilpan/heap1': {
- guid: '2b',
- attrs: {
- objects_count: {
- type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '3f'
- },
- inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '3000'},
- size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'}
- }
- },
- 'oilpan/heap2': {
- guid: '3c',
- attrs: {
- objects_count: {
- type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '4f'
- },
- inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'},
- size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'}
- }
- },
- 'oilpan/heap2/bucket1': {
- // Deliberately missing GUID (to check that the importer does
- // not skip memory allocator dump without GUID).
- attrs: {
- objects_count: {
- type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '1f'
- },
- inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'},
- size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'}
- }
- },
- 'v8': {
- guid: '5e',
- attrs: {
- objects_count: {
- type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '5f'
- },
- inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '5000'},
- size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '6000'}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.getProcess(42);
- var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
- assert.equal(d.memoryAllocatorDumps.length, 2);
- var oilpanRoot = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan');
- var v8Root = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8');
- assert.isDefined(oilpanRoot);
- assert.isDefined(v8Root);
- assert.include(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, oilpanRoot);
- assert.include(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, v8Root);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(oilpanRoot, {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 47),
- 'size': 32768,
- 'effective_size': 32768,
- 'inner_size': 4096
- }, {});
- assert.equal(oilpanRoot.children.length, 2);
- var oilpanBucket1 = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'oilpan/heap2/bucket1');
- assert.isDefined(oilpanBucket1);
- assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.fullName, 'oilpan/heap2/bucket1');
- assert.equal(, 'bucket1');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(oilpanBucket1, {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 31),
- 'size': 8192,
- 'effective_size': 8192,
- 'inner_size': 8192
- }, {});
- assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.children.length, 0);
- assert.isDefined(oilpanBucket1.parent);
- assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.parent.fullName, 'oilpan/heap2');
- assert.equal(, 'heap2');
- assert.include(oilpanBucket1.parent.children, oilpanBucket1);
- assert.isDefined(oilpanBucket1.parent.parent);
- assert.strictEqual(oilpanBucket1.parent.parent, oilpanRoot);
- assert.equal(d.totals.residentBytes, 256);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.peakResidentBytes);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.platformSpecific);
- assert.isUndefined(d.mostRecentVmRegions);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_implicitMemoryAllocatorDumps', function() {
- var events = [
- {
- name: 'a',
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- cat: 'test',
- tid: 53,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '100'
- },
- allocators: {
- 'oilpan/heap1': {
- guid: '999',
- attrs: {
- objects_count: {
- type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '3f'
- },
- inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '3000'},
- size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'}
- }
- },
- 'oilpan/heap2/bucket1': {
- guid: '888',
- attrs: {
- objects_count: {
- type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '1f'
- },
- inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'},
- size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'}
- }
- },
- 'v8': {
- guid: '777',
- attrs: {
- objects_count: {
- type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '5f'
- },
- inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '5000'},
- size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '6000'}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.getProcess(42);
- var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
- assert.equal(d.memoryAllocatorDumps.length, 2);
- var oilpanRoot = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan');
- var v8Root = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8');
- assert.isDefined(oilpanRoot);
- assert.isDefined(v8Root);
- assert.include(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, oilpanRoot);
- assert.include(d.memoryAllocatorDumps, v8Root);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(oilpanRoot, {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 94),
- 'size': 24576,
- 'effective_size': 24576,
- 'inner_size': 20480
- }, {});
- assert.equal(oilpanRoot.children.length, 2);
- var oilpanBucket1 = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'oilpan/heap2/bucket1');
- assert.isDefined(oilpanBucket1);
- assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.fullName, 'oilpan/heap2/bucket1');
- assert.equal(, 'bucket1');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(oilpanBucket1, {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 31),
- 'size': 8192,
- 'effective_size': 8192,
- 'inner_size': 8192
- }, {});
- assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.children.length, 0);
- assert.isDefined(oilpanBucket1.parent);
- assert.equal(oilpanBucket1.parent.fullName, 'oilpan/heap2');
- assert.equal(, 'heap2');
- assert.include(oilpanBucket1.parent.children, oilpanBucket1);
- assert.isDefined(oilpanBucket1.parent.parent);
- assert.strictEqual(oilpanBucket1.parent.parent, oilpanRoot);
- assert.equal(d.totals.residentBytes, 256);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.peakResidentBytes);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable);
- assert.isUndefined(d.totals.platformSpecific);
- assert.isUndefined(d.mostRecentVmRegions);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_globalMemoryAllocatorDumps', function() {
- var events = [
- {
- name: 'a',
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- cat: 'test',
- tid: 53,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '100'
- },
- allocators: {
- 'tile_manager/tile1': {
- guid: '21',
- attrs: {
- objects_count: {
- type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '3f'
- },
- inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '3000'},
- size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '4000'},
- weather: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'rainy'}
- }
- },
- 'global/shared_bitmap_manager/bitmap2': {
- guid: '42',
- attrs: {
- objects_count: {
- type: 'scalar', units: 'objects', value: '1f'
- },
- inner_size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'},
- size: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '2000'},
- weather: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'sunny'}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.getProcess(42);
- var gmd = m.globalMemoryDumps[0];
- var pmd = p.memoryDumps[0];
- assert.isUndefined(gmd.totals);
- assert.equal(pmd.totals.residentBytes, 256);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.totals.peakResidentBytes);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.totals.platformSpecific);
- assert.isUndefined(gmd.mostRecentVmRegions);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.mostRecentVmRegions);
- assert.equal(gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps.length, 1);
- assert.equal(pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps.length, 1);
- // Global memory allocator dumps.
- var sharedBitmapManager = gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'shared_bitmap_manager');
- assert.isDefined(sharedBitmapManager);
- assert.include(gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps, sharedBitmapManager);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(sharedBitmapManager, {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 31),
- 'size': 8192,
- 'effective_size': 8192,
- 'inner_size': 8192
- }, {});
- assert.lengthOf(sharedBitmapManager.children, 1);
- var bitmap2 = gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'shared_bitmap_manager/bitmap2');
- assert.isDefined(bitmap2);
- assert.include(sharedBitmapManager.children, bitmap2);
- assert.strictEqual(bitmap2.parent, sharedBitmapManager);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(bitmap2, {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 31),
- 'size': 8192,
- 'effective_size': 8192,
- 'inner_size': 8192
- }, { 'weather': 'sunny' });
- assert.lengthOf(bitmap2.children, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('tile_manager'));
- assert.isUndefined(
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('tile_manager/tile1'));
- // Process memory allocator dumps.
- var tileManagerRoot = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('tile_manager');
- assert.isDefined(tileManagerRoot);
- assert.include(pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps, tileManagerRoot);
- assert.isUndefined(tileManagerRoot.parent);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(tileManagerRoot, {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 63),
- 'size': 16384,
- 'effective_size': 16384,
- 'inner_size': 12288
- }, {});
- assert.lengthOf(tileManagerRoot.children, 1);
- var tile1 = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'tile_manager/tile1');
- assert.isDefined(tile1);
- assert.include(tileManagerRoot.children, tile1);
- assert.strictEqual(tile1.parent, tileManagerRoot);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(tile1, {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 63),
- 'size': 16384,
- 'effective_size': 16384,
- 'inner_size': 12288
- }, { 'weather': 'rainy' });
- assert.lengthOf(tile1.children, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared_bitmap_manager'));
- assert.isUndefined(
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared_bitmap_manager/bitmap2'));
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_memoryAllocatorDumpEdges', function() {
- var events = [
- {
- name: 'browser',
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- cat: 'test',
- tid: 53,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '100'
- },
- allocators: {
- 'local': {
- guid: '3',
- attrs: {
- mood: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'very good'}
- }
- },
- 'global/shared': {
- guid: '7',
- attrs: {
- color: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'blue'}
- }
- }
- },
- allocators_graph: [
- {
- source: '3',
- target: '7',
- type: 'ownership',
- importance: 0
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name: 'renderer',
- pid: 43,
- ts: 11,
- cat: 'test',
- tid: 53,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '200'
- },
- allocators: {
- 'local': {
- guid: '4',
- attrs: {
- length: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '3'}
- }
- },
- 'global/shared': {
- guid: '7',
- attrs: {
- area: {type: 'scalar', units: 'sq ft', value: '9'}
- }
- }
- },
- allocators_graph: [
- {
- source: '4',
- target: '7',
- type: 'ownership',
- importance: 1
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name: 'gpu',
- pid: 44,
- ts: 10.5,
- cat: 'test',
- tid: 53,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '300'
- },
- allocators: {
- 'local1': {
- guid: '5',
- attrs: {
- state: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'ON'}
- }
- },
- 'local2': {
- guid: '6',
- attrs: {
- temperature: {type: 'scalar', units: 'C', value: '64'}
- }
- }
- },
- allocators_graph: [
- {
- source: '5',
- target: '7',
- type: 'ownership',
- importance: -1
- },
- {
- source: '6',
- target: '5',
- type: 'ownership',
- importance: 1
- },
- {
- source: '5',
- target: '4',
- type: 'retention'
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var model = makeModel(events);
- var browserProcess = model.getProcess(42);
- var rendererProcess = model.getProcess(43);
- var gpuProcess = model.getProcess(44);
- assert.lengthOf(model.globalMemoryDumps, 1);
- assert.lengthOf(browserProcess.memoryDumps, 1);
- assert.lengthOf(rendererProcess.memoryDumps, 1);
- assert.lengthOf(gpuProcess.memoryDumps, 1);
- var globalDump = model.globalMemoryDumps[0];
- var browserDump = browserProcess.memoryDumps[0];
- var rendererDump = rendererProcess.memoryDumps[0];
- var gpuDump = gpuProcess.memoryDumps[0];
- // Global memory allocator dump.
- assert.lengthOf(globalDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, 1);
- var globalDumpShared = globalDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'shared');
- assert.isDefined(globalDumpShared);
- assert.include(globalDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, globalDumpShared);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(globalDumpShared, {
- 'area': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 9)
- }, { 'color': 'blue' });
- assert.lengthOf(globalDumpShared.children, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(globalDumpShared.parent);
- assert.isUndefined(globalDumpShared.owns);
- assert.lengthOf(globalDumpShared.ownedBy, 3);
- assert.lengthOf(globalDumpShared.retains, 0);
- assert.lengthOf(globalDumpShared.retainedBy, 0);
- // Browser memory allocator dump.
- assert.lengthOf(browserDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, 1);
- var browserDumpLocal = browserDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'local');
- assert.isDefined(browserDumpLocal);
- assert.include(browserDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, browserDumpLocal);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(browserDumpLocal, {
- 'area': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 9)
- }, { 'color': 'blue', 'mood': 'very good' });
- assert.lengthOf(browserDumpLocal.children, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(browserDumpLocal.parent);
- assert.isDefined(browserDumpLocal.owns);
- assert.lengthOf(browserDumpLocal.ownedBy, 0);
- assert.lengthOf(browserDumpLocal.retains, 0);
- assert.lengthOf(browserDumpLocal.retainedBy, 0);
- var browserDumpLocalOwnsLink = browserDumpLocal.owns;
- assert.include(globalDumpShared.ownedBy, browserDumpLocalOwnsLink);
- assert.strictEqual(browserDumpLocalOwnsLink.source, browserDumpLocal);
- assert.strictEqual(, globalDumpShared);
- assert.equal(browserDumpLocalOwnsLink.importance, 0);
- // Renderer memory allocator dump.
- assert.lengthOf(rendererDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, 1);
- var rendererDumpLocal = rendererDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'local');
- assert.isDefined(rendererDumpLocal);
- assert.include(rendererDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, rendererDumpLocal);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(rendererDumpLocal, {
- 'area': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 9),
- 'length': 3
- }, { 'color': 'blue' });
- assert.lengthOf(rendererDumpLocal.children, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(rendererDumpLocal.parent);
- assert.isDefined(rendererDumpLocal.owns);
- assert.lengthOf(rendererDumpLocal.ownedBy, 0);
- assert.lengthOf(rendererDumpLocal.retains, 0);
- assert.lengthOf(rendererDumpLocal.retainedBy, 1);
- var rendererDumpLocalOwnsLink = rendererDumpLocal.owns;
- assert.include(globalDumpShared.ownedBy, rendererDumpLocalOwnsLink);
- assert.strictEqual(rendererDumpLocalOwnsLink.source, rendererDumpLocal);
- assert.strictEqual(, globalDumpShared);
- assert.equal(rendererDumpLocalOwnsLink.importance, 1);
- // GPU memory allocator dumps.
- assert.lengthOf(gpuDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, 2);
- var gpuDumpLocal1 = gpuDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('local1');
- assert.isDefined(gpuDumpLocal1);
- assert.include(gpuDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, gpuDumpLocal1);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(gpuDumpLocal1, {
- 'area': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 9)
- }, { 'state': 'ON', 'color': 'blue' });
- assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal1.children, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(gpuDumpLocal1.parent);
- assert.isDefined(gpuDumpLocal1.owns);
- assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal1.ownedBy, 1);
- assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal1.retains, 1);
- assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal1.retainedBy, 0);
- var gpuDumpLocal1OwnsLink = gpuDumpLocal1.owns;
- assert.include(globalDumpShared.ownedBy, gpuDumpLocal1OwnsLink);
- assert.strictEqual(gpuDumpLocal1OwnsLink.source, gpuDumpLocal1);
- assert.strictEqual(, globalDumpShared);
- assert.equal(gpuDumpLocal1OwnsLink.importance, -1);
- var gpuDumpLocal1RetainsLink = gpuDumpLocal1.retains[0];
- assert.include(rendererDumpLocal.retainedBy, gpuDumpLocal1RetainsLink);
- assert.strictEqual(gpuDumpLocal1RetainsLink.source, gpuDumpLocal1);
- assert.strictEqual(, rendererDumpLocal);
- assert.isUndefined(gpuDumpLocal1RetainsLink.importance);
- var gpuDumpLocal2 = gpuDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('local2');
- assert.isDefined(gpuDumpLocal2);
- assert.include(gpuDump.memoryAllocatorDumps, gpuDumpLocal2);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(gpuDumpLocal2, {
- 'temperature': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 100)
- }, {});
- assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal2.children, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(gpuDumpLocal2.parent);
- assert.isDefined(gpuDumpLocal2.owns);
- assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal2.ownedBy, 0);
- assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal2.retains, 0);
- assert.lengthOf(gpuDumpLocal2.retainedBy, 0);
- var gpuDumpLocal2OwnsLink = gpuDumpLocal2.owns;
- assert.include(gpuDumpLocal1.ownedBy, gpuDumpLocal2OwnsLink);
- assert.strictEqual(gpuDumpLocal2OwnsLink.source, gpuDumpLocal2);
- assert.strictEqual(, gpuDumpLocal1);
- assert.equal(gpuDumpLocal2OwnsLink.importance, 1);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_memoryAllocatorDumpsMissingFields', function() {
- var events = [
- {
- name: 'a',
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- allocators: {
- 'no_crash': {
- /* Missing GUID and attributes. */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.getProcess(42);
- var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
- assert.equal(d.memoryAllocatorDumps.length, 1);
- var noCrashRoot = d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('no_crash');
- assert.lengthOf(noCrashRoot.children, 0);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(noCrashRoot, {}, {});
- assert.isUndefined(noCrashRoot.parent);
- assert.isUndefined(noCrashRoot.guid);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_weakMemoryAllocatorDumps', function() {
- var events = [
- {
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- allocators: {
- // Sinks for ownership edges (to check that the correct ownership
- // edges are removed).
- 'root_sink': { guid: '100', attrs: {} },
- 'root_sink/child_sink': { guid: '200', attrs: {} },
- 'root_sink/child_sink/descendant_sink': {
- guid: '300', attrs: {}
- },
- // Note: 'removed' in the name of a dump means that the dump will
- // be removed despite being non-weak (strong), e.g. due to one of
- // its ancestors being weak.
- // All descendants of a weak root dump should be removed.
- 'weak_root': { guid: '1', attrs: {}, flags: 1 },
- 'weak_root/removed_child': { guid: '2', attrs: {} },
- 'weak_root/inferred_removed_child/removed_descendant': {
- guid: '3', attrs: {}, flags: 0
- },
- // A strong root should be kept even if all its descendants are
- // weak.
- 'strong_root': { guid: '4', attrs: {}, flags: 0 },
- 'strong_root/weak_child': { guid: '5', attrs: {}, flags: 1 },
- 'strong_root/inferred_weak_child/weak_descendant': {
- guid: '6', attrs: {}, flags: 1
- },
- // All inferred ancestors of a weak descendant should be marked
- // weak and, consequently, removed (provided that they don't have
- // any non-weak descendants).
- 'inferred_weak_root/inferred_weak_child/weak_descendant': {
- guid: '7', attrs: {}, flags: 1
- },
- // An inferred dump should be marked non-weak if it has at least
- // one strong descendant.
- 'inferred_strong_root/child1_weak': {
- guid: '8', attrs: {}, flags: 1
- },
- 'inferred_strong_root/child2_strong': {
- guid: '9', attrs: {}
- },
- 'inferred_strong_root/child3_weak': {
- guid: '10', attrs: {}, flags: 1
- },
- 'inferred_strong_root2/inferred_strong_child/desc1_strong': {
- guid: '11', attrs: {}
- },
- 'inferred_strong_root2/inferred_strong_child/desc2_weak': {
- guid: '12', attrs: {}, flags: 1
- },
- 'inferred_strong_root2/inferred_strong_child/desc3_strong': {
- guid: '13', attrs: {}
- },
- 'inferred_strong_root2/weak_child': {
- guid: '14', attrs: {}, flags: 1
- },
- // A desdendant dump should be removed if it has a weak ancestor.
- 'strong_root2': { guid: '15', attrs: {} },
- 'strong_root2/weak_child': { guid: '16', attrs: {}, flags: 1 },
- 'strong_root2/weak_child/removed_descendant': {
- guid: '17', attrs: {}
- },
- // Check that "weakness" also propagates across ownership edges.
- 'removed_root': { guid: '18', attrs: {} },
- 'removed_root/removed_child': {
- guid: '19', attrs: {}
- },
- 'inferred_strong_root3/removed_child': {
- guid: '20', attrs: {}
- },
- },
- allocators_graph: [
- { source: '1', target: '100', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '2', target: '200', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '3', target: '300', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '4', target: '100', type: 'ownership' }, // Kept.
- { source: '5', target: '200', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '6', target: '300', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '7', target: '300', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '8', target: '200', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '9', target: '200', type: 'ownership' }, // Kept.
- { source: '10', target: '200', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '11', target: '300', type: 'ownership' }, // Kept.
- { source: '12', target: '300', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '13', target: '300', type: 'ownership' }, // Kept.
- { source: '14', target: '200', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '15', target: '100', type: 'ownership' }, // Kept.
- { source: '16', target: '200', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '17', target: '300', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '18', target: '3' /* not a sink */, type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '19', target: '200', type: 'ownership' },
- { source: '20', target: '19' /* not a sink */, type: 'ownership' }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p = m.getProcess(42);
- var d = p.memoryDumps[0];
- var memoryAllocatorDumps = d.memoryAllocatorDumps;
- assert.lengthOf(memoryAllocatorDumps, 6);
- function checkDump(dump, expectedFullName, expectedGuid, expectedParent,
- expectedChildCount, expectedOwnsLink, expectedOwnedByLinkCount) {
- assert.strictEqual(dump.fullName, expectedFullName);
- assert.strictEqual(dump.guid, expectedGuid);
- assert.strictEqual(dump.parent, expectedParent);
- assert.lengthOf(dump.children, expectedChildCount);
- assert.strictEqual(dump.owns, expectedOwnsLink);
- assert.lengthOf(dump.ownedBy, expectedOwnedByLinkCount);
- assert.strictEqual(
- d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(expectedFullName), dump);
- }
- function checkOwnsLink(ownerDump, expectedTarget) {
- assert.strictEqual(ownerDump.owns.source, ownerDump);
- assert.strictEqual(, expectedTarget);
- }
- // Check root_sink/* dumps.
- var rootSink = d.memoryAllocatorDumps[3];
- checkDump(rootSink, 'root_sink', '100', undefined, 1, undefined, 2);
- var childSink = rootSink.children[0];
- checkDump(childSink, 'root_sink/child_sink', '200', rootSink, 1, undefined,
- 1);
- var descendantSink = childSink.children[0];
- checkDump(descendantSink, 'root_sink/child_sink/descendant_sink', '300',
- childSink, 0, undefined, 2);
- // Check strong_root/* dumps.
- var strongRoot = d.memoryAllocatorDumps[4];
- checkDump(strongRoot, 'strong_root', '4', undefined, 0, rootSink.ownedBy[0],
- 0);
- // Check inferred_strong_root/* dumps.
- var inferredStrongRoot = d.memoryAllocatorDumps[0];
- checkDump(inferredStrongRoot, 'inferred_strong_root', undefined, undefined,
- 1, undefined, 0);
- var child2Strong = inferredStrongRoot.children[0];
- checkDump(child2Strong, 'inferred_strong_root/child2_strong', '9',
- inferredStrongRoot, 0, childSink.ownedBy[0], 0);
- // Check inferred_strong_root2/* dumps.
- var inferredStrongRoot2 = d.memoryAllocatorDumps[1];
- checkDump(inferredStrongRoot2, 'inferred_strong_root2', undefined,
- undefined, 1, undefined, 0);
- var inferredStrongChild = inferredStrongRoot2.children[0];
- checkDump(inferredStrongChild,
- 'inferred_strong_root2/inferred_strong_child', undefined,
- inferredStrongRoot2, 2, undefined, 0);
- var desc1Strong = inferredStrongChild.children[0];
- checkDump(desc1Strong,
- 'inferred_strong_root2/inferred_strong_child/desc1_strong', '11',
- inferredStrongChild, 0, descendantSink.ownedBy[0], 0);
- var desc3Strong = inferredStrongChild.children[1];
- checkDump(desc3Strong,
- 'inferred_strong_root2/inferred_strong_child/desc3_strong', '13',
- inferredStrongChild, 0, descendantSink.ownedBy[1], 0);
- // Check strong_root2/* dumps.
- var strongRoot2 = d.memoryAllocatorDumps[5];
- checkDump(strongRoot2, 'strong_root2', '15', undefined, 0,
- rootSink.ownedBy[1], 0);
- // Check inferred_strong_root3/* dumps.
- var inferredStrongRoot3 = d.memoryAllocatorDumps[2];
- checkDump(inferredStrongRoot3, 'inferred_strong_root3', undefined,
- undefined, 0, undefined, 0);
- // Check the links.
- checkOwnsLink(strongRoot, rootSink);
- checkOwnsLink(child2Strong, childSink);
- checkOwnsLink(desc1Strong, descendantSink);
- checkOwnsLink(desc3Strong, descendantSink);
- checkOwnsLink(strongRoot2, rootSink);
- // Check that the removed weak dumps are not indexed.
- [
- 'weak_root',
- 'weak_root/removed_child',
- 'weak_root/inferred_removed_child',
- 'weak_root/inferred_removed_child/removed_descendant',
- 'strong_root/weak_child',
- 'strong_root/inferred_weak_child/weak_descendant',
- 'inferred_weak_root',
- 'inferred_weak_root/inferred_weak_child',
- 'inferred_weak_root/inferred_weak_child/weak_descendant',
- 'inferred_strong_root/child1_weak',
- 'inferred_strong_root/child3_weak',
- 'inferred_strong_root2/inferred_strong_child/desc2_weak',
- 'inferred_strong_root2/weak_child',
- 'strong_root2/weak_child',
- 'strong_root2/removed_descendant',
- 'removed_root',
- 'removed_root/removed_child',
- 'inferred_strong_root3/removed_child'
- ].forEach(function(fullName) {
- assert.isUndefined(d.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(fullName));
- });
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_levelsOfDetail', function() {
- function checkLevelsOfDetail(pmdSpecifications, expectedGlobalLevelOfDetail,
- expectedProcessLevelsOfDetail, expectedHasWarnings) {
- var events = [];
- pmdSpecifications.forEach(function(singlePmdSpecifications, pid) {
- singlePmdSpecifications.forEach(function(singlePmdSpecification) {
- var dumps = {};
- if (singlePmdSpecification.levelOfDetail !== undefined)
- dumps.level_of_detail = singlePmdSpecification.levelOfDetail;
- if (singlePmdSpecification.vmRegions) {
- dumps.process_mmaps = {
- vm_regions: [
- { sa: 'f0', sz: '150', pf: 6, mf: '[stack]', bs: { pss: 'ff'} }
- ]
- };
- }
- events.push({
- name: 'process_' + pid,
- pid: pid,
- ts: 10,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: dumps
- }
- });
- });
- });
- var model = makeModel(events);
- // Check GlobalMemoryDump level of detail.
- assert.lengthOf(model.globalMemoryDumps, 1);
- assert.strictEqual(model.globalMemoryDumps[0].levelOfDetail,
- expectedGlobalLevelOfDetail);
- // Check ProcessMemoryDumps levels of detail.
- assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(model.processes),
- expectedProcessLevelsOfDetail.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < expectedProcessLevelsOfDetail.length; i++) {
- var process = model.getProcess(i);
- assert.lengthOf(process.memoryDumps, 1);
- assert.strictEqual(process.memoryDumps[0].levelOfDetail,
- expectedProcessLevelsOfDetail[i]);
- }
- assert.strictEqual(model.hasImportWarnings, expectedHasWarnings);
- }
- // Legacy trace events (without levels of detail).
- checkLevelsOfDetail([[{}]], LIGHT, [LIGHT], false);
- checkLevelsOfDetail([[{ vmRegions: true }]], DETAILED, [DETAILED], false);
- checkLevelsOfDetail(
- [
- [{}] /* raw composable PMD1 events */,
- [{}, {}] /* raw composable PMD2 events */
- ],
- LIGHT /* expected GMD level of detail */,
- [LIGHT, LIGHT] /* expected PMD levels of detail */,
- false /* no warnings expected */);
- checkLevelsOfDetail(
- [
- [{}, { vmRegions: true }, {}],
- [{ vmRegions: true }, {}]
- ],
- // Well-formed traces events (VM regions should be irrelevant).
- checkLevelsOfDetail(
- [
- [{ levelOfDetail: 'light'}],
- [{ levelOfDetail: 'light', vmRegions: true }]
- ],
- LIGHT, [LIGHT, LIGHT], false);
- checkLevelsOfDetail(
- [
- [
- { levelOfDetail: 'detailed' }, { levelOfDetail: 'detailed' }
- ],
- [
- { levelOfDetail: 'detailed', vmRegions: true }
- ],
- [
- { levelOfDetail: 'detailed' },
- { levelOfDetail: 'detailed', vmRegions: true },
- { levelOfDetail: 'detailed' }
- ]
- ],
- // Not so well-formed trace events.
- checkLevelsOfDetail(
- [
- [{}, { levelOfDetail: 'detailed'}, {}]
- ],
- checkLevelsOfDetail(
- [
- [{ levelOfDetail: 'light' }],
- [{}],
- [{ levelOfDetail: 'detailed' }],
- [{ levelOfDetail: 'light' }]],
- checkLevelsOfDetail(
- [
- [{ levelOfDetail: 'light' }, { levelOfDetail: 'detailed' }],
- [{}],
- [{ levelOfDetail: 'light' }, {}]],
- checkLevelsOfDetail(
- [
- [{ levelOfDetail: 'invalid' }, { levelOfDetail: 'light' }],
- [{ levelOfDetail: 'invalid' }]],
- LIGHT, [LIGHT, LIGHT], true);
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_heapDumps_oldFormat', function() {
- var events = [ // Intentionally shuffled.
- {
- pid: 21,
- ts: 9,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0123',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- heaps: {
- partition_alloc: {
- entries: [
- { size: '1000' },
- { bt: '0', size: 'abc' }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 42,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'stackFrames',
- args: {
- stackFrames: {
- '0': { name: 'MessageLoop::RunTask' },
- '1': { name: 'TimerBase::run', parent: '0' },
- 'TWO': { name: 'ScheduledAction::execute', 'parent': '1' },
- '3': { name: 'FunctionCall', parent: 'TWO' },
- '4': { name: 'UpdateLayoutTree', parent: '1' },
- '5': { name: 'MessageLoop::JogTask' }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 42,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'typeNames',
- args: {
- typeNames: {
- // GCC.
- '22': '[unknown]',
- '23': 'testing::ManuallyAnnotatedMockClass',
- '24': 'const char* WTF::getStringWithTypeName() [with T = ' +
- 'blink::Event]',
- '25': 'blink::ContextLifecycleObserver*',
- '26': 'const char* WTF::getStringWithTypeName() [with T = ' +
- 'blink::WebFrame*]'
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0123',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '0'
- },
- heaps: {
- partition_alloc: {
- entries: [
- { type: '24', size: '2e6fc8' },
- { size: '5cdf91' },
- { type: '25', size: '1737e4' },
- { bt: '', size: '5b6cd6' },
- { bt: '4', size: '18f0' },
- { bt: '3', size: 'e3a8' }
- ]
- },
- malloc: {
- entries: [
- { size: '789' },
- { bt: '0', size: '123' },
- { bt: '5', size: '456' },
- { type: '25', size: 'cd' }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 21,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'stackFrames',
- args: {
- stackFrames: {
- // Intentionally in reverse order.
- '0': { name: 'FrameView::layout', parent: '1' },
- '1': { name: 'MessageLoop::RunTask' }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 21,
- ts: 12,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0987',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- heaps: {
- partition_alloc: {
- entries: [
- { size: '2000' },
- { bt: '0', size: 'def' }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p1 = m.getProcess(21);
- var p2 = m.getProcess(42);
- assert.lengthOf(m.globalMemoryDumps, 2);
- assert.lengthOf(p1.memoryDumps, 2);
- assert.lengthOf(p2.memoryDumps, 1);
- // Stack frames.
- assert.deepEqual(
- tr.b.mapItems(m.stackFrames, function(id, f) { return f.title }),
- {
- 'p21:0': 'FrameView::layout',
- 'p21:0:self': '<self>',
- 'p21:1': 'MessageLoop::RunTask',
- 'p42::self': '<self>',
- 'p42:0': 'MessageLoop::RunTask',
- 'p42:0:self': '<self>',
- 'p42:1': 'TimerBase::run',
- 'p42:TWO': 'ScheduledAction::execute',
- 'p42:3': 'FunctionCall',
- 'p42:3:self': '<self>',
- 'p42:4': 'UpdateLayoutTree',
- 'p42:4:self': '<self>',
- 'p42:5': 'MessageLoop::JogTask',
- 'p42:5:self': '<self>'
- });
- // 1. Process 21, first dump.
- var pmd1 = p1.memoryDumps[0];
- var hds1 = pmd1.heapDumps;
- assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(hds1), ['partition_alloc']);
- var partitionAllocDump1 = hds1['partition_alloc'];
- assert.strictEqual(partitionAllocDump1.processMemoryDump, pmd1);
- assert.equal(partitionAllocDump1.allocatorName, 'partition_alloc');
- var partitionAllocEntries1 = partitionAllocDump1.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(partitionAllocEntries1, 2);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries1[0], partitionAllocDump1, 4096,
- undefined /* root */, undefined /* sum over all types */);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries1[1], partitionAllocDump1, 2748,
- ['<self>', 'FrameView::layout', 'MessageLoop::RunTask']);
- // 2. Process 21, second dump.
- var pmd2 = p1.memoryDumps[1];
- var hds2 = pmd2.heapDumps;
- assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(hds2), ['partition_alloc']);
- var partitionAllocDump2 = hds2['partition_alloc'];
- assert.strictEqual(partitionAllocDump2.processMemoryDump, pmd2);
- assert.equal(partitionAllocDump2.allocatorName, 'partition_alloc');
- var partitionAllocEntries2 = partitionAllocDump2.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(partitionAllocEntries2, 2);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries2[0], partitionAllocDump2, 8192,
- undefined /* root */, undefined /* sum over all types */);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries2[1], partitionAllocDump2, 3567,
- ['<self>', 'FrameView::layout', 'MessageLoop::RunTask'],
- undefined /* sum over all types */);
- // All heap dumps in Process 21 should use the same stack frames.
- assert.strictEqual(
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries1[1], 0),
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries2[1], 0));
- // 3. Process 42.
- var pmd3 = p2.memoryDumps[0];
- var hds3 = pmd3.heapDumps;
- assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(hds3), ['partition_alloc', 'malloc']);
- var partitionAllocDump3 = hds3['partition_alloc'];
- assert.strictEqual(partitionAllocDump3.processMemoryDump, pmd3);
- assert.equal(partitionAllocDump3.allocatorName, 'partition_alloc');
- var partitionAllocEntries3 = partitionAllocDump3.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(partitionAllocEntries3, 6);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[0], partitionAllocDump3, 3043272,
- undefined /* root */, 'blink::Event');
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[1], partitionAllocDump3, 6086545,
- undefined /* root */, undefined /* sum over all types */);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[2], partitionAllocDump3, 1521636,
- undefined /* root */, 'blink::ContextLifecycleObserver*');
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[3], partitionAllocDump3, 5991638,
- ['<self>'], undefined /* sum over all types */);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[4], partitionAllocDump3, 6384,
- ['<self>', 'UpdateLayoutTree', 'TimerBase::run',
- 'MessageLoop::RunTask'], undefined /* sum over all types */);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[5], partitionAllocDump3, 58280,
- ['<self>', 'FunctionCall', 'ScheduledAction::execute', 'TimerBase::run',
- 'MessageLoop::RunTask'], undefined /* sum over all types */);
- var mallocDump3 = hds3['malloc'];
- assert.strictEqual(mallocDump3.processMemoryDump, pmd3);
- assert.equal(mallocDump3.allocatorName, 'malloc');
- var mallocEntries3 = mallocDump3.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(mallocEntries3, 4);
- checkHeapEntry(mallocEntries3[0], mallocDump3, 1929, undefined /* root */,
- undefined /* sum over all types */);
- checkHeapEntry(mallocEntries3[1], mallocDump3, 291,
- ['<self>', 'MessageLoop::RunTask'], undefined /* sum over all types */);
- checkHeapEntry(mallocEntries3[2], mallocDump3, 1110,
- ['<self>', 'MessageLoop::JogTask'], undefined /* sum over all types */);
- checkHeapEntry(mallocEntries3[3], mallocDump3, 205, undefined /* root */,
- 'blink::ContextLifecycleObserver*');
- // All heap dumps in Process 42 should use the same stack frames.
- assert.strictEqual(
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries3[5], 3),
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries3[4], 2));
- assert.strictEqual(
- getFrame(mallocEntries3[1], 1),
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries3[4], 3));
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_heapDumps_newFormat', function() {
- var events = [ // Intentionally shuffled.
- {
- pid: 21,
- ts: 9,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0123',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- heaps: {
- partition_alloc: {
- entries: [
- { bt: '', type: '25', size: '1000' },
- { bt: 'A', size: 'abc' }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 42,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'stackFrames',
- args: {
- stackFrames: {
- '-1': { name: '<self>' },
- '0': { name: 'MessageLoop::RunTask' },
- '0.5': { name: '<self>', parent: '0' },
- '1': { name: 'TimerBase::run', parent: '0' },
- 'TWO': { name: 'ScheduledAction::execute', 'parent': '1' },
- '2.72': { name: '<self>', 'parent': 'TWO' },
- '3': { name: 'FunctionCall', parent: 'TWO' },
- '\u03C0': { name: '<self>', parent: '3' },
- '4': { name: 'UpdateLayoutTree', parent: '1' },
- 'FOUR-AND-A-BIT': { name: '<self>', parent: '4' },
- '5': { name: 'MessageLoop::JogTask' },
- 'NaN': { name: '<self>', parent: '5' }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 42,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'typeNames',
- args: {
- typeNames: {
- // Clang.
- '22': '[unknown]',
- '23': 'testing::ManuallyAnnotatedMockClass',
- '24': 'const char *WTF::getStringWithTypeName() [T = ' +
- 'blink::Event]',
- '25': 'blink::ContextLifecycleObserver *',
- '26': 'const char *WTF::getStringWithTypeName() [T = ' +
- 'blink::WebFrame *]'
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0123',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '0'
- },
- heaps: {
- partition_alloc: {
- entries: [
- { bt: '' /* root */, size: '5cdf91' },
- { bt: '' /* root */, type: '24', size: '2e6fc8' },
- { bt: '' /* root */, type: '25', size: '1737e4' },
- { bt: '-1', type: '22', size: '5b6cd6' },
- { bt: 'FOUR-AND-A-BIT', size: '18f0', count: '100' },
- { bt: 'FOUR-AND-A-BIT', type: '26', size: 'c78' },
- { bt: '\u03C0', size: 'e3a8' }
- ]
- },
- malloc: {
- entries: [
- { bt: '', size: '789', count: '50' },
- { bt: '0.5', size: '123', count: '60' },
- { bt: 'NaN', size: '456', count: '70' },
- { bt: '3', type: '25', size: 'cd', count: '80' }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 21,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'stackFrames',
- args: {
- stackFrames: {
- // Intentionally in reverse order.
- 'A': { name: '<self>', parent: '0' },
- '0': { name: 'FrameView::layout', parent: '1' },
- '1': { name: 'MessageLoop::RunTask' }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 21,
- ts: 12,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0987',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- heaps: {
- winheap: {
- entries: [] // Intentionally empty.
- },
- partition_alloc: {
- entries: [
- { bt: '', size: '2000' },
- { bt: 'A', type: '25', size: 'def' },
- { bt: '3' /* invalid */, size: 'aaa' },
- { bt: 'A', type: '24' /* invalid */, size: 'bbb' },
- { bt: '0', size: 'fff' }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 21,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'typeNames',
- args: {
- typeNames: {
- // Microsoft Visual C++.
- '25': 'const char *__cdecl WTF::getStringWithTypeName<class ' +
- 'v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<class v8::Value>>(void)'
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 63,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'stackFrames',
- args: {
- stackFrames: {} // Intentionally empty.
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 63,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'typeNames',
- args: {
- typeNames: {} // Intentionally empty.
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 63,
- ts: 13,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0987',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- heaps: {
- winheap: {
- entries: [
- { bt: '', size: '10000' }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 84,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'stackFrames',
- args: {
- stackFrames: {
- '5': { name: 'MessageLoop::WalkTask' }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 84,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'typeNames',
- args: {
- typeNames: {
- '0': '[unknown]',
- '1': 'base::All',
- '3': 'content::Manually',
- '4': 'net::Annotated'
- }
- }
- },
- {
- pid: 84,
- ts: 14,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0987',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- heaps: {
- malloc: {
- entries: [
- { bt: '5', type: '3', size: 'abcd' }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- var p1 = m.getProcess(21);
- var p2 = m.getProcess(42);
- var p3 = m.getProcess(63);
- var p4 = m.getProcess(84);
- assert.lengthOf(m.globalMemoryDumps, 2);
- assert.lengthOf(p1.memoryDumps, 2);
- assert.lengthOf(p2.memoryDumps, 1);
- assert.lengthOf(p3.memoryDumps, 1);
- assert.lengthOf(p4.memoryDumps, 1);
- // Stack frames.
- assert.deepEqual(
- tr.b.mapItems(m.stackFrames, function(id, f) { return f.title }),
- {
- 'p21:0': 'FrameView::layout',
- 'p21:A': '<self>',
- 'p21:1': 'MessageLoop::RunTask',
- 'p42:-1': '<self>',
- 'p42:0': 'MessageLoop::RunTask',
- 'p42:0.5': '<self>',
- 'p42:1': 'TimerBase::run',
- 'p42:TWO': 'ScheduledAction::execute',
- 'p42:2.72': '<self>',
- 'p42:3': 'FunctionCall',
- 'p42:\u03C0': '<self>',
- 'p42:4': 'UpdateLayoutTree',
- 'p42:FOUR-AND-A-BIT': '<self>',
- 'p42:5': 'MessageLoop::JogTask',
- 'p42:NaN': '<self>',
- 'p84:5': 'MessageLoop::WalkTask'
- });
- // 1. Process 21, first dump.
- var pmd1 = p1.memoryDumps[0];
- var hds1 = pmd1.heapDumps;
- assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(hds1), ['partition_alloc']);
- var partitionAllocDump1 = hds1['partition_alloc'];
- assert.strictEqual(partitionAllocDump1.processMemoryDump, pmd1);
- assert.equal(partitionAllocDump1.allocatorName, 'partition_alloc');
- var partitionAllocEntries1 = partitionAllocDump1.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(partitionAllocEntries1, 2);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries1[0], partitionAllocDump1, 4096,
- undefined /* root */,
- 'class v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<class v8::Value>');
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries1[1], partitionAllocDump1, 2748,
- ['<self>', 'FrameView::layout', 'MessageLoop::RunTask'],
- undefined /* sum over all types */);
- // 2. Process 21, second dump.
- var pmd2 = p1.memoryDumps[1];
- var hds2 = pmd2.heapDumps;
- assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(hds2), ['partition_alloc']);
- var partitionAllocDump2 = hds2['partition_alloc'];
- assert.strictEqual(partitionAllocDump2.processMemoryDump, pmd2);
- assert.equal(partitionAllocDump2.allocatorName, 'partition_alloc');
- var partitionAllocEntries2 = partitionAllocDump2.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(partitionAllocEntries2, 3);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries2[0], partitionAllocDump2, 8192,
- undefined /* root */, undefined /* sum over all types */);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries2[1], partitionAllocDump2, 3567,
- ['<self>', 'FrameView::layout', 'MessageLoop::RunTask'],
- 'class v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<class v8::Value>');
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries2[2], partitionAllocDump2, 4095,
- ['FrameView::layout', 'MessageLoop::RunTask'],
- undefined /* sum over all types */);
- // All heap dumps in Process 21 should use the same stack frames.
- assert.strictEqual(
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries1[1], 0),
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries2[1], 0));
- assert.strictEqual(
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries2[2], 0),
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries2[1], 1));
- // 3. Process 42.
- var pmd3 = p2.memoryDumps[0];
- var hds3 = pmd3.heapDumps;
- assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(hds3), ['partition_alloc', 'malloc']);
- var partitionAllocDump3 = hds3['partition_alloc'];
- assert.strictEqual(partitionAllocDump3.processMemoryDump, pmd3);
- assert.equal(partitionAllocDump3.allocatorName, 'partition_alloc');
- var partitionAllocEntries3 = partitionAllocDump3.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(partitionAllocEntries3, 7);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[0], partitionAllocDump3, 6086545,
- undefined /* root */, undefined /* sum over all types */);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[1], partitionAllocDump3, 3043272,
- undefined /* root */, 'blink::Event');
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[2], partitionAllocDump3, 1521636,
- undefined /* root */, 'blink::ContextLifecycleObserver *');
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[3], partitionAllocDump3, 5991638,
- ['<self>'], '[unknown]');
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[4], partitionAllocDump3, 6384,
- ['<self>', 'UpdateLayoutTree', 'TimerBase::run',
- 'MessageLoop::RunTask'], undefined /* sum over all types */, 256);
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[5], partitionAllocDump3, 3192,
- ['<self>', 'UpdateLayoutTree', 'TimerBase::run',
- 'MessageLoop::RunTask'], 'blink::WebFrame *');
- checkHeapEntry(partitionAllocEntries3[6], partitionAllocDump3, 58280,
- ['<self>', 'FunctionCall', 'ScheduledAction::execute', 'TimerBase::run',
- 'MessageLoop::RunTask'], undefined /* sum over all types */);
- var mallocDump3 = hds3['malloc'];
- assert.strictEqual(mallocDump3.processMemoryDump, pmd3);
- assert.equal(mallocDump3.allocatorName, 'malloc');
- var mallocEntries3 = mallocDump3.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(mallocEntries3, 4);
- checkHeapEntry(mallocEntries3[0], mallocDump3, 1929, undefined /* root */,
- undefined /* sum over all types */, 80);
- checkHeapEntry(mallocEntries3[1], mallocDump3, 291,
- ['<self>', 'MessageLoop::RunTask'], undefined /* sum over all types */,
- 96);
- checkHeapEntry(mallocEntries3[2], mallocDump3, 1110,
- ['<self>', 'MessageLoop::JogTask'], undefined /* sum over all types */,
- 112);
- checkHeapEntry(mallocEntries3[3], mallocDump3, 205,
- ['FunctionCall', 'ScheduledAction::execute', 'TimerBase::run',
- 'MessageLoop::RunTask'], 'blink::ContextLifecycleObserver *', 128);
- // All heap dumps in Process 42 should use the same stack frames.
- assert.strictEqual(
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries3[5], 0),
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries3[4], 0));
- assert.strictEqual(
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries3[6], 3),
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries3[4], 2));
- assert.strictEqual(
- getFrame(mallocEntries3[1], 1),
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries3[4], 3));
- assert.strictEqual(
- getFrame(mallocEntries3[3], 0),
- getFrame(partitionAllocEntries3[6], 1));
- // 4. Process 63.
- var pmd4 = p3.memoryDumps[0];
- var hds4 = pmd4.heapDumps;
- assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(hds4), ['winheap']);
- var winheapDump = hds4['winheap'];
- assert.strictEqual(winheapDump.processMemoryDump, pmd4);
- assert.equal(winheapDump.allocatorName, 'winheap');
- var winheapEntries = winheapDump.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(winheapEntries, 1);
- checkHeapEntry(winheapEntries[0], winheapDump, 65536,
- undefined /* root */, undefined /* sum over all types */);
- // 5. Process 84.
- var pmd5 = p4.memoryDumps[0];
- var hds5 = pmd5.heapDumps;
- assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(hds5), ['malloc']);
- var mallocDump4 = hds5['malloc'];
- assert.strictEqual(mallocDump4.processMemoryDump, pmd5);
- assert.equal(mallocDump4.allocatorName, 'malloc');
- var mallocEntries4 = mallocDump4.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(mallocEntries4, 1);
- checkHeapEntry(mallocEntries4[0], mallocDump4, 43981,
- ['MessageLoop::WalkTask'], 'content::Manually');
- });
- test('importMemoryDumps_composableDumps', function() {
- // Split PMD1 over multiple PMD trace events, all of which should be merged
- // by the importer. Also inject some PMD trace events with different PIDs
- // or dump IDs, which should *not* be merged with the rest.
- var events = [
- { // Heap dumps.
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10000,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- level_of_detail: 'light',
- heaps: {
- partition_alloc: {
- entries: [
- { bt: '99', type: '888', size: '500' }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- { // PMD2 with a different dump id (should not be merged).
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10003, // Same PID, so it will end up in the same process.
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0002',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- level_of_detail: 'detailed',
- allocators: {
- 'local1': {
- guid: '3',
- attrs: {
- A: {type: 'scalar', units: 'bytes', value: '0xBAD'}
- }
- },
- 'global/shared1': {
- guid: '4',
- attrs: {
- A: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'brown'}
- }
- }
- },
- allocators_graph: [
- {
- source: '4',
- target: '3',
- type: 'ownership'
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- { // Stack frames (required for heap dumps).
- pid: 42,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'stackFrames',
- args: {
- stackFrames: {
- '99': { name: 'MessageLoop::RunTask' }
- }
- }
- },
- { // Allocator dumps.
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10001,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- level_of_detail: 'light',
- allocators: {
- 'local1': {
- guid: '3',
- attrs: {
- A: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'blue'}
- }
- },
- 'global/shared1': {
- guid: '7',
- attrs: {
- A: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'purple'}
- }
- },
- 'global/shared2': {
- guid: '8',
- attrs: {
- A: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'cyan'}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- { // PMD3 with a different PID (should not be merged).
- pid: 68,
- ts: 9999,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001', // Same dump ID, so it will end up in the same GMD.
- args: {
- dumps: {
- process_mmaps: {
- vm_regions: [
- {
- sa: '350',
- sz: '250',
- pf: 5,
- mf: '/dev/ashmem/dalvik',
- bs: {
- pd: 'cd'
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- },
- { // VM regions.
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10005,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- level_of_detail: 'light',
- process_mmaps: {
- vm_regions: [
- {
- sa: 'f0',
- sz: '150',
- pf: 6,
- mf: '[stack:20310]',
- bs: {
- pss: '9e'
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- },
- { // Totals.
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10003,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- level_of_detail: 'light',
- process_totals: {
- resident_set_bytes: '100',
- private_bytes: '80' // OS-specific total.
- }
- }
- }
- },
- { // Allocator dump edges.
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10004,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- level_of_detail: 'light',
- allocators_graph: [
- {
- source: '4',
- target: '8',
- type: 'retention'
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- { // Object type names (required for heap dumps).
- pid: 42,
- ph: 'M',
- name: 'typeNames',
- args: {
- typeNames: {
- // GCC.
- '888': 'const char* WTF::getStringWithTypeName() [with T = ' +
- 'cc::SurfaceFactory]'
- }
- }
- },
- { // Allocator dumps and dump edges (should be merged).
- pid: 42,
- ts: 10002,
- ph: 'v',
- id: '0x0001',
- args: {
- dumps: {
- level_of_detail: 'light',
- allocators: {
- 'local1': {
- guid: '3',
- attrs: {
- B: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'red'}
- }
- },
- 'local2': {
- guid: '4',
- attrs: {
- B: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'yellow'}
- }
- },
- 'global/shared1': {
- guid: '7',
- attrs: {
- B: {type: 'string', units: '', value: 'green'}
- }
- }
- },
- allocators_graph: [
- {
- source: '3',
- target: '7',
- type: 'ownership',
- importance: 1
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events, false);
- function checkDumpTime(dump, expectedStart, expectedDuration) {
- assert.closeTo(dump.start, expectedStart / 1000, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(dump.duration, expectedDuration / 1000, 1e-5);
- }
- function checkLinkCounts(allocatorDump, expectedHasOwns,
- expectedOwnedByCount, expectedRetainsCount, expectedRetainedByCount) {
- assert.strictEqual(allocatorDump.owns !== undefined, expectedHasOwns);
- assert.lengthOf(allocatorDump.ownedBy, expectedOwnedByCount);
- assert.lengthOf(allocatorDump.retains, expectedRetainsCount);
- assert.lengthOf(allocatorDump.retainedBy, expectedRetainedByCount);
- }
- // Check the overall structure of the model and memory dumps.
- assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(m.processes), ['42', '68']);
- assert.lengthOf(m.globalMemoryDumps, 2);
- var gmd1 = m.globalMemoryDumps[0];
- assert.strictEqual(gmd1.model, m);
- checkDumpTime(gmd1, 9999, 6);
- var gmd2 = m.globalMemoryDumps[1];
- assert.strictEqual(gmd2.model, m);
- checkDumpTime(gmd2, 10003, 0);
- var p1 = m.getProcess(42);
- assert.lengthOf(p1.memoryDumps, 2);
- var pmd1 = p1.memoryDumps[0];
- checkDumpTime(pmd1, 10000, 5);
- assert.strictEqual(pmd1.globalMemoryDump, gmd1);
- assert.strictEqual(pmd1.process, p1);
- var pmd2 = p1.memoryDumps[1];
- checkDumpTime(pmd2, 10003, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(pmd2.globalMemoryDump, gmd2);
- assert.strictEqual(pmd2.process, p1);
- var p2 = m.getProcess(68);
- assert.lengthOf(p2.memoryDumps, 1);
- var pmd3 = p2.memoryDumps[0];
- checkDumpTime(pmd3, 9999, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(pmd3.globalMemoryDump, gmd1);
- assert.strictEqual(pmd3.process, p2);
- assert.deepEqual(gmd1.processMemoryDumps, {42: pmd1, 68: pmd3});
- assert.deepEqual(gmd2.processMemoryDumps, {42: pmd2});
- // Check the composed dump.
- assert.strictEqual(pmd1.levelOfDetail, LIGHT);
- var totals = pmd1.totals;
- assert.strictEqual(totals.residentBytes, 256);
- assert.isUndefined(totals.peakResidentBytes);
- assert.isUndefined(totals.arePeakResidentBytesResettable);
- assert.deepEqual(totals.platformSpecific, {private_bytes: 128});
- var vmRegions = pmd1.vmRegions;
- checkVMRegions(vmRegions, [
- {
- mappedFile: '[stack:20310]',
- startAddress: 240,
- sizeInBytes: 336,
- protectionFlags: VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_READ |
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 158
- }
- }
- ]);
- var memoryAllocatorDumps = pmd1.memoryAllocatorDumps;
- assert.lengthOf(memoryAllocatorDumps, 2);
- var local1Dump = pmd1.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('local1');
- assert.strictEqual(memoryAllocatorDumps[0], local1Dump);
- assert.strictEqual(local1Dump.fullName, 'local1');
- assert.isUndefined(local1Dump.parent);
- assert.lengthOf(local1Dump.children, 0);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(local1Dump, {},
- { 'A': 'blue', 'B': 'red' });
- checkLinkCounts(local1Dump, true /* owns */, 0 /* owned by */,
- 0 /* retains */, 0 /* retained by */);
- var local2Dump = pmd1.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('local2');
- assert.strictEqual(memoryAllocatorDumps[1], local2Dump);
- assert.strictEqual(local2Dump.fullName, 'local2');
- assert.isUndefined(local2Dump.parent);
- assert.lengthOf(local2Dump.children, 0);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(local2Dump, {}, { 'B': 'yellow' });
- checkLinkCounts(local2Dump, false /* owns */, 0 /* owned by */,
- 1 /* retains */, 0 /* retained by */);
- var heapDumps = pmd1.heapDumps;
- assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(heapDumps), ['partition_alloc']);
- var heapDump = heapDumps['partition_alloc'];
- assert.strictEqual(heapDump.processMemoryDump, pmd1);
- assert.strictEqual(heapDump.allocatorName, 'partition_alloc');
- var entries = heapDump.entries;
- assert.lengthOf(entries, 1);
- assert.strictEqual(entries[0].heapDump, heapDump);
- assert.strictEqual(entries[0].leafStackFrame.title, 'MessageLoop::RunTask');
- assert.strictEqual(entries[0].objectTypeName, 'cc::SurfaceFactory');
- assert.strictEqual(entries[0].size, 1280);
- // Check the other dumps.
- assert.strictEqual(pmd2.levelOfDetail, DETAILED);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd2.vmRegions);
- assert.lengthOf(pmd2.memoryAllocatorDumps, 1);
- var otherLocal1Dump = pmd2.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('local1');
- assert.strictEqual(otherLocal1Dump, pmd2.memoryAllocatorDumps[0]);
- assert.strictEqual(otherLocal1Dump.fullName, 'local1');
- assert.isUndefined(otherLocal1Dump.parent);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(otherLocal1Dump, { 'A': 2989 }, {});
- assert.isUndefined(pmd2.heapDumps);
- checkLinkCounts(otherLocal1Dump, false /* owns */, 1 /* owned by */,
- 0 /* retains */, 0 /* retained by */);
- assert.strictEqual(pmd3.levelOfDetail, DETAILED);
- var otherVmRegions = pmd3.vmRegions;
- checkVMRegions(otherVmRegions, [
- {
- mappedFile: '/dev/ashmem/dalvik',
- startAddress: 848,
- sizeInBytes: 592,
- protectionFlags: VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_READ |
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 205
- }
- }
- ]);
- assert.lengthOf(pmd3.memoryAllocatorDumps, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd3.heapDumps);
- // Check the global dumps.
- assert.lengthOf(gmd1.memoryAllocatorDumps, 2);
- var shared1Dump = gmd1.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared1');
- assert.strictEqual(shared1Dump, gmd1.memoryAllocatorDumps[0]);
- assert.strictEqual(shared1Dump.fullName, 'shared1');
- assert.isUndefined(shared1Dump.parent);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(shared1Dump, {},
- { 'A': 'purple', 'B': 'green' });
- checkLinkCounts(shared1Dump, false /* owns */, 1 /* owned by */,
- 0 /* retains */, 0 /* retained by */);
- var shared2Dump = gmd1.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared2');
- assert.strictEqual(shared2Dump, gmd1.memoryAllocatorDumps[1]);
- assert.strictEqual(shared2Dump.fullName, 'shared2');
- assert.isUndefined(shared2Dump.parent);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(shared2Dump, {}, { 'A': 'cyan' });
- checkLinkCounts(shared2Dump, false /* owns */, 0 /* owned by */,
- 0 /* retains */, 1 /* retained by */);
- assert.lengthOf(gmd2.memoryAllocatorDumps, 1);
- var otherShared1Dump = gmd2.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared1');
- assert.strictEqual(otherShared1Dump, gmd2.memoryAllocatorDumps[0]);
- assert.strictEqual(otherShared1Dump.fullName, 'shared1');
- assert.isUndefined(otherShared1Dump.parent);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(otherShared1Dump, {}, { 'A': 'brown' });
- checkLinkCounts(otherShared1Dump, true /* owns */, 0 /* owned by */,
- 0 /* retains */, 0 /* retained by */);
- // Check the edges.
- var ownershipLink = local1Dump.owns;
- assert.strictEqual(shared1Dump.ownedBy[0], ownershipLink);
- assert.strictEqual(ownershipLink.source, local1Dump);
- assert.strictEqual(, shared1Dump);
- assert.strictEqual(ownershipLink.importance, 1);
- var retentionLink = local2Dump.retains[0];
- assert.strictEqual(shared2Dump.retainedBy[0], retentionLink);
- assert.strictEqual(retentionLink.source, local2Dump);
- assert.strictEqual(, shared2Dump);
- assert.isUndefined(retentionLink.importance);
- var otherOwnershipLink = otherShared1Dump.owns;
- assert.strictEqual(otherLocal1Dump.ownedBy[0], otherOwnershipLink);
- assert.strictEqual(otherOwnershipLink.source, otherShared1Dump);
- assert.strictEqual(, otherLocal1Dump);
- assert.isUndefined(otherOwnershipLink.importance);
- });
- test('importThreadInstantSliceWithStackFrame', function() {
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'I', s: 't', sf: 7 } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ],
- stackFrames: {
- '1': {
- category: 'm1',
- name: 'main'
- },
- '7': {
- category: 'm2',
- name: 'frame7',
- parent: '1'
- }
- }
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[2];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var s0 = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(s0.startStackFrame.title, 'frame7');
- assert.isUndefined(s0.endStackFrame);
- });
- test('importDurationEventsWithStackFrames', function() {
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'B', sf: 7 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'E', sf: 8 } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ],
- stackFrames: {
- '1': {
- category: 'm1',
- name: 'main'
- },
- '7': {
- category: 'm2',
- name: 'frame7',
- parent: '1'
- },
- '8': {
- category: 'm2',
- name: 'frame8',
- parent: '1'
- }
- }
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[2];
- assert.isDefined(t);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices.length, 1);
- var s0 = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(s0.startStackFrame.title, 'frame7');
- assert.equal(s0.endStackFrame.title, 'frame8');
- });
- test('annotationParsing', function() {
- var yComponents1 = [{stableId: '52.53', yPercentOffset: 0.5},
- {stableId: '52', yPercentOffset: 0.3}];
- var yComponents2 = [{stableId: '52.53', yPercentOffset: 0.7},
- {stableId: '52', yPercentOffset: 0.4}];
- var location1 = new tr.model.Location(0.1, yComponents1);
- var location2 = new tr.model.Location(0.2, yComponents2);
- var eventData = { traceEvents: [
- {name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 52, ts: 524, cat: 'foo', tid: 53, ph: 'B'}],
- traceAnnotations: [
- {typeName: 'xmarker', args: {timestamp: 12}},
- {typeName: 'rect', args: {
- start: location1.toDict(), end: location2.toDict()}},
- {typeName: 'comment_box', args: {text: 'test',
- location: location1.toDict()}}
- ]};
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- var annotations = m.getAllAnnotations();
- assert.equal(annotations.length, 3);
- assert.isTrue(annotations[0] instanceof tr.model.XMarkerAnnotation);
- assert.equal(annotations[0].timestamp, 12);
- assert.isTrue(annotations[1] instanceof tr.model.RectAnnotation);
- assert.deepEqual(annotations[1].startLocation, location1);
- assert.deepEqual(annotations[1].endLocation, location2);
- assert.isTrue(
- annotations[2] instanceof tr.model.CommentBoxAnnotation);
- assert.equal(annotations[2].text, 'test');
- assert.deepEqual(annotations[2].location, location1);
- });
- test('importDisplayTimeUnit', function() {
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [],
- displayTimeUnit: 'ns'
- };
- var m = makeModel(JSON.stringify(eventData));
- assert.equal(m.intrinsicTimeUnit, tr.v.TimeDisplayModes.ns);
- });
- test('extractBattorSubTraces', function() {
- var battorLog = '# BattOr\n# voltage range [0.000000, 7196.484161] mV\n' +
- '#current range [11.898481, 2110.900916] mA\n' +
- '# sample_rate=10000Hz, gain=30.257143x\n' +
- '# filpot_pos=3, amppot_pos=35, timer_ovf=399, timer_div=4 ovs_bits=0\n' + // @suppress longLineCheck
- '0.0 1040.3 3984.2\n' +
- '0.1 1081.3 3987.8\n' +
- '0.2 1092.6 3987.8\n' +
- '0.3 1070.0 3987.8\n' +
- '0.4 1017.7 3994.8\n';
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'B', sf: 7 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'E', sf: 8 } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ],
- powerTraceAsString: battorLog
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- var importer = new tr.e.importer.TraceEventImporter(m, eventData);
- var subTraces = importer.extractSubtraces();
- assert.isTrue(subTraces instanceof Array);
- assert.equal(subTraces.length, 1);
- assert.equal(subTraces[0], battorLog);
- });
- test('metadataParsing', function() {
- var metadataValue = {value: {}};
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'a', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 0, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'B', sf: 7 }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'b', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 5, cat: 'baz', tid: 2, ph: 'E', sf: 8 } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ],
- metadata: metadataValue
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- assert.isTrue(m.metadata instanceof Array);
- assert.equal(m.metadata.length, 1);
- assert.equal(m.metadata[0].name, 'metadata');
- assert.equal(m.metadata[0].value, metadataValue);
- });
- test('importTraceConfigAsMetadata', function() {
- var traceConfigData = {
- enable_argument_filter: false,
- enable_sampling: false,
- enable_systrace: false,
- record_mode: 'record-until-full'
- };
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'TraceConfig', args: { value: traceConfigData },
- pid: 2, ts: 0, tid: 1, ph: 'M', cat: '__metadata' },
- ],
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- assert.isTrue(m.metadata instanceof Array);
- assert.equal(m.metadata.length, 1);
- assert.equal(m.metadata[0].name, 'TraceConfig');
- assert.equal(m.metadata[0].value, traceConfigData);
- });
- test('importMarks', function() {
- var eventData = {
- traceEvents: [
- { name: 'mark1', args: {}, pid: 1, tid: 2, ts: 0, tts: 0, cat: 'blink.user_timing', ph: 'R' }, // @suppress longLineCheck
- { name: 'mark2', args: {}, pid: 1, tid: 2, ts: 10, tts: 10, cat: 'blink.user_timing', ph: 'R' } // @suppress longLineCheck
- ]
- };
- var m = makeModel(eventData);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- var t = p.threads[2];
- assert.lengthOf(t.sliceGroup.slices, 2);
- var s0 = t.sliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(s0.title, 'mark1');
- assert.equal(s0.start, 0);
- var s1 = t.sliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(s1.title, 'mark2');
- assert.equal(s1.start, .01);
- });
- test('createNestableAsyncSlicesForUserTimingWithoutArgs', function() {
- /**
- * Structure of this async slices
- *
- * Group A:
- *
- * |__________|
- * a1
- *
- * Group B:
- *
- * |______________________________|
- * b1
- * |__________||_|
- * b2 b4
- * |_|
- * b3
- **/
- var events = [
- {
- name: 'A:a1',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 100,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 3,
- ph: 'b'
- },
- {
- name: 'A:a1',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 110,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 3,
- ph: 'e'
- },
- {
- name: 'B:b1',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 120,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 4,
- ph: 'b'
- },
- {
- name: 'B:b2',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 130,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 5,
- ph: 'b'
- },
- {
- name: 'B:b3',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 131,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 5,
- ph: 'b'
- },
- {
- name: 'B:b3',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 132,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 5,
- ph: 'e'
- },
- {
- name: 'B:b2',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 140,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 5,
- ph: 'e'
- },
- {
- name: 'B:b4',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 141,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 5,
- ph: 'b'
- },
- {
- name: 'B:b4',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 142,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 5,
- ph: 'e'
- },
- {
- name: 'B:b1',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 150,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 4,
- ph: 'e'
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[2];
- var asyncSliceGroup = t.asyncSliceGroup;
- assert.equal(asyncSliceGroup.length, 2);
- for (var i = 0; i < asyncSliceGroup.length; ++i) {
- assert.isTrue(asyncSliceGroup.slices[i] instanceof MeasureAsyncSlice);
- }
- var groupA = asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(groupA.viewSubGroupTitle, 'A');
- assert.equal(groupA.title, 'a1');
- assert.equal(groupA.subSlices.length, 0);
- var groupB = asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(groupB.viewSubGroupTitle, 'B');
- assert.equal(groupB.title, 'b1');
- assert.equal(groupB.subSlices.length, 2);
- var groupBSubSlice1 = groupB.subSlices[0];
- assert.equal(groupBSubSlice1.viewSubGroupTitle, 'B');
- assert.equal(groupBSubSlice1.title, 'b2');
- assert.equal(groupBSubSlice1.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.equal(groupBSubSlice1.subSlices[0].viewSubGroupTitle, 'B');
- assert.equal(groupBSubSlice1.subSlices[0].title, 'b3');
- assert.equal(groupBSubSlice1.subSlices[0].subSlices.length, 0);
- var groupBSubSlice2 = groupB.subSlices[1];
- assert.equal(groupBSubSlice2.viewSubGroupTitle, 'B');
- assert.equal(groupBSubSlice2.title, 'b4');
- assert.equal(groupBSubSlice2.subSlices.length, 0);
- });
- test('createNestableAsyncSlicesForUserTimingWithArgs', function() {
- /**
- * Structure of this async slices
- *
- * Group A:
- *
- * |__________| |__________|
- * a1 a2
- *
- * a1.args = {a: 1}
- * a2.args = {a: 2, b: 2}
- **/
- var events = [
- {
- name: 'A:a1/eyJhIjoxfQ==',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 100,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 3,
- ph: 'b'
- },
- {
- name: 'A:a1/eyJhIjoxfQ==',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 110,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 3,
- ph: 'e'
- },
- {
- name: 'A:a2/eyJhIjoyLCJiIjoyfQ==',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 120,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 4,
- ph: 'b'
- },
- {
- name: 'A:a2/eyJhIjoyLCJiIjoyfQ==',
- args: {params: ''},
- pid: 1,
- ts: 130,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing',
- tid: 2,
- id: 4,
- ph: 'e'
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[2];
- var asyncSliceGroup = t.asyncSliceGroup;
- assert.equal(asyncSliceGroup.length, 2);
- for (var i = 0; i < asyncSliceGroup.length; ++i) {
- assert.isTrue(asyncSliceGroup.slices[i] instanceof MeasureAsyncSlice);
- }
- var a1 = asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(a1.viewSubGroupTitle, 'A');
- assert.equal(a1.title, 'a1');
- assert.equal(a1.subSlices.length, 0);
- assert.deepEqual(a1.args, {a: 1});
- var a2 = asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(a2.viewSubGroupTitle, 'A');
- assert.equal(a2.title, 'a2');
- assert.equal(a2.subSlices.length, 0);
- assert.deepEqual(a2.args, {a: 2, b: 2});
- });
- test('UserTimingAsyncSlicesWithNormalAsyncSlices', function() {
- /**
- * Structure of user timing async slices
- *
- * Group A:
- *
- * |__________|
- * a1
- * |__|
- * a2
- *
- * B
- * |__|
- * B
- * C
- * |_|
- * C
- **/
- var events = [
- {
- name: 'A:a1', args: {params: ''}, pid: 1, ts: 1,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing', tid: 2, id: 3, ph: 'b'
- },
- {
- name: 'A:a1', args: {params: ''}, pid: 1, ts: 11,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing', tid: 2, id: 3, ph: 'e'
- },
- {
- name: 'A:a2', args: {params: ''}, pid: 1, ts: 2,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing', tid: 2, id: 4, ph: 'b'
- },
- {
- name: 'A:a2', args: {params: ''}, pid: 1, ts: 4,
- cat: 'blink.user_timing', tid: 2, id: 4, ph: 'e'
- },
- {
- name: 'B', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 9, cat: 'foo',
- tid: 2, ph: 'b', id: 5
- },
- {
- name: 'B', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 11, cat: 'foo',
- tid: 2, ph: 'e', id: 5
- },
- {
- name: 'C', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 12, cat: 'foo',
- tid: 2, ph: 'b', id: 6
- },
- {
- name: 'C', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 13, cat: 'foo',
- tid: 2, ph: 'e', id: 6
- }
- ];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert(m.numProcesses, 1);
- var p = m.processes[1];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- assert.equal(p.numThreads, 1);
- var t = p.threads[2];
- var asyncSliceGroup = t.asyncSliceGroup;
- assert.equal(asyncSliceGroup.length, 3);
- assert.isTrue(asyncSliceGroup.slices[0] instanceof MeasureAsyncSlice);
- assert.isFalse(asyncSliceGroup.slices[1] instanceof MeasureAsyncSlice);
- assert.isFalse(asyncSliceGroup.slices[2] instanceof MeasureAsyncSlice);
- var a1 = asyncSliceGroup.slices[0];
- assert.equal(a1.viewSubGroupTitle, 'A');
- assert.equal(a1.title, 'a1');
- assert.equal(a1.subSlices.length, 1);
- var a2 = a1.subSlices[0];
- assert.equal(a2.viewSubGroupTitle, 'A');
- assert.equal(a2.title, 'a2');
- assert.equal(a2.subSlices.length, 0);
- var B = asyncSliceGroup.slices[1];
- assert.equal(B.viewSubGroupTitle, 'B');
- assert.equal(B.title, 'B');
- assert.equal(B.subSlices.length, 0);
- var C = asyncSliceGroup.slices[2];
- assert.equal(C.viewSubGroupTitle, 'C');
- assert.equal(C.title, 'C');
- assert.equal(C.subSlices.length, 0);
- });
- test('clockSync_requesterWithoutMetadata', function() {
- var events = [{
- name: 'clock_sync', args: {sync_id: 'abc', issue_ts: 5000},
- pid: 1, ts: 15000, cat: '__metadata', tid: 2, ph: 'c'
- }];
- var io = new tr.importer.ImportOptions();
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var i = new tr.importer.Import(m, io);
- m.clockSyncManager.addClockSyncMarker(
- ClockDomainId.LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL, 'abc', 15);
- i.importTraces([events]);
- // The clock sync happened in UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY at 10ms and in
- // LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL at 15ms. The transformer should shift the ftrace
- // timestamps back by 5ms.
- assert.strictEqual(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- 5);
- assert.strictEqual(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- ClockDomainId.LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL)(15),
- 10);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- });
- test('clockSync_requesterWithMetadata', function() {
- var events = {
- traceEvents: [{
- name: 'clock_sync', args: {sync_id: 'abc', issue_ts: 5},
- pid: 1, ts: 15, cat: '__metadata', tid: 2, ph: 'c'
- }],
- metadata: {
- 'clock-domain': ClockDomainId.BATTOR
- }
- };
- var m = makeModel(events);
- // Make sure that our clock domain was chosen as the model.
- assert.equal(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.BATTOR)(.005),
- .005);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- });
- test('clockSync_recipient', function() {
- var events = {
- traceEvents: [{
- name: 'clock_sync', args: {sync_id: 'abc'}, pid: 1, ts: 15000,
- cat: '__metadata', tid: 2, ph: 'c'
- }],
- metadata: {
- 'clock-domain': ClockDomainId.TELEMETRY
- }
- };
- var m = makeModel(events);
- m.clockSyncManager.addClockSyncMarker(
- ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 'abc', 10);
- assert.equal(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- ClockDomainId.TELEMETRY)(15),
- 10);
- assert.equal(
- m.clockSyncManager.getModelTimeTransformer(
- 10);
- });
- test('clockSync_missingSyncId', function() {
- var events = [{
- name: 'clock_sync', args: {issue_ts: 5},
- pid: 1, ts: 15, cat: '__metadata', tid: 2, ph: 'c'
- }];
- var m = makeModel(events);
- assert.isTrue(m.hasImportWarnings);
- });
- // TODO(nduca): one slice, two threads
- // TODO(nduca): one slice, two pids
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/codemap.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/codemap.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b7d80554373..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/codemap.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/v8/splaytree.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Map addresses to dynamically created functions.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.v8', function() {
- /**
- * Constructs a mapper that maps addresses into code entries.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function CodeMap() {
- /**
- * Dynamic code entries. Used for JIT compiled code.
- */
- this.dynamics_ = new tr.e.importer.v8.SplayTree();
- /**
- * Name generator for entries having duplicate names.
- */
- this.dynamicsNameGen_ = new tr.e.importer.v8.CodeMap.NameGenerator();
- /**
- * Static code entries. Used for statically compiled code.
- */
- this.statics_ = new tr.e.importer.v8.SplayTree();
- /**
- * Libraries entries. Used for the whole static code libraries.
- */
- this.libraries_ = new tr.e.importer.v8.SplayTree();
- /**
- * Map of memory pages occupied with static code.
- */
- this.pages_ = [];
- };
- /**
- * The number of alignment bits in a page address.
- */
- CodeMap.PAGE_ALIGNMENT = 12;
- /**
- * Page size in bytes.
- */
- CodeMap.PAGE_SIZE = 1 << CodeMap.PAGE_ALIGNMENT;
- /**
- * Adds a dynamic (i.e. moveable and discardable) code entry.
- *
- * @param {number} start The starting address.
- * @param {CodeMap.CodeEntry} codeEntry Code entry object.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.addCode = function(start, codeEntry) {
- this.deleteAllCoveredNodes_(this.dynamics_, start, start + codeEntry.size);
- this.dynamics_.insert(start, codeEntry);
- };
- /**
- * Moves a dynamic code entry. Throws an exception if there is no dynamic
- * code entry with the specified starting address.
- *
- * @param {number} from The starting address of the entry being moved.
- * @param {number} to The destination address.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.moveCode = function(from, to) {
- var removedNode = this.dynamics_.remove(from);
- this.deleteAllCoveredNodes_(this.dynamics_, to,
- to + removedNode.value.size);
- this.dynamics_.insert(to, removedNode.value);
- };
- /**
- * Discards a dynamic code entry. Throws an exception if there is no dynamic
- * code entry with the specified starting address.
- *
- * @param {number} start The starting address of the entry being deleted.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.deleteCode = function(start) {
- var removedNode = this.dynamics_.remove(start);
- };
- /**
- * Adds a library entry.
- *
- * @param {number} start The starting address.
- * @param {CodeMap.CodeEntry} codeEntry Code entry object.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.addLibrary = function(
- start, codeEntry) {
- this.markPages_(start, start + codeEntry.size);
- this.libraries_.insert(start, codeEntry);
- };
- /**
- * Adds a static code entry.
- *
- * @param {number} start The starting address.
- * @param {CodeMap.CodeEntry} codeEntry Code entry object.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.addStaticCode = function(
- start, codeEntry) {
- this.statics_.insert(start, codeEntry);
- };
- /**
- * @private
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.markPages_ = function(start, end) {
- for (var addr = start; addr <= end;
- addr += CodeMap.PAGE_SIZE) {
- this.pages_[addr >>> CodeMap.PAGE_ALIGNMENT] = 1;
- }
- };
- /**
- * @private
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.deleteAllCoveredNodes_ = function(tree, start, end) {
- var to_delete = [];
- var addr = end - 1;
- while (addr >= start) {
- var node = tree.findGreatestLessThan(addr);
- if (!node) break;
- var start2 = node.key, end2 = start2 + node.value.size;
- if (start2 < end && start < end2) to_delete.push(start2);
- addr = start2 - 1;
- }
- for (var i = 0, l = to_delete.length; i < l; ++i) tree.remove(to_delete[i]);
- };
- /**
- * @private
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.isAddressBelongsTo_ = function(addr, node) {
- return addr >= node.key && addr < (node.key + node.value.size);
- };
- /**
- * @private
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.findInTree_ = function(tree, addr) {
- var node = tree.findGreatestLessThan(addr);
- return node && this.isAddressBelongsTo_(addr, node) ? node.value : null;
- };
- /**
- * Finds a code entry that contains the specified address in static libraries.
- *
- * @param {number} addr Address.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.findEntryInLibraries = function(addr) {
- var pageAddr = addr >>> CodeMap.PAGE_ALIGNMENT;
- if (pageAddr in this.pages_)
- return this.findInTree_(this.libraries_, addr);
- return undefined;
- };
- /**
- * Finds a code entry that contains the specified address. Both static and
- * dynamic code entries are considered.
- *
- * @param {number} addr Address.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.findEntry = function(addr) {
- var pageAddr = addr >>> CodeMap.PAGE_ALIGNMENT;
- if (pageAddr in this.pages_) {
- // Static code entries can contain "holes" of unnamed code.
- // In this case, the whole library is assigned to this address.
- return this.findInTree_(this.statics_, addr) ||
- this.findInTree_(this.libraries_, addr);
- }
- var min = this.dynamics_.findMin();
- var max = this.dynamics_.findMax();
- if (max != null && addr < (max.key + max.value.size) && addr >= min.key) {
- var dynaEntry = this.findInTree_(this.dynamics_, addr);
- if (dynaEntry == null) return null;
- // Dedupe entry name.
- if (!dynaEntry.nameUpdated_) {
- = this.dynamicsNameGen_.getName(;
- dynaEntry.nameUpdated_ = true;
- }
- return dynaEntry;
- }
- return null;
- };
- /**
- * Returns a dynamic code entry using its starting address.
- *
- * @param {number} addr Address.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress =
- function(addr) {
- var node = this.dynamics_.find(addr);
- return node ? node.value : null;
- };
- /**
- * Returns an array of all dynamic code entries.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.getAllDynamicEntries = function() {
- return this.dynamics_.exportValues();
- };
- /**
- * Returns an array of pairs of all dynamic code entries and their addresses.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.getAllDynamicEntriesWithAddresses = function() {
- return this.dynamics_.exportKeysAndValues();
- };
- /**
- * Returns an array of all static code entries.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.getAllStaticEntries = function() {
- return this.statics_.exportValues();
- };
- /**
- * Returns an array of all libraries entries.
- */
- CodeMap.prototype.getAllLibrariesEntries = function() {
- return this.libraries_.exportValues();
- };
- /**
- * Enum for code state regarding its dynamic optimization.
- *
- * @enum {number}
- */
- CodeMap.CodeState = {
- };
- /**
- * Creates a code entry object.
- *
- * @param {number} size Code entry size in bytes.
- * @param {string=} opt_name Code entry name.
- * @constructor
- */
- CodeMap.CodeEntry = function(size, opt_name, opt_type) {
- = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- this.size = size;
- this.name_ = opt_name || '';
- this.type = opt_type || '';
- this.nameUpdated_ = false;
- };
- CodeMap.CodeEntry.prototype = {
- __proto__: Object.prototype,
- get name() {
- return this.name_;
- },
- set name(value) {
- this.name_ = value;
- },
- toString: function() {
- this.name_ + ': ' + this.size.toString(16);
- }
- };
- CodeMap.CodeEntry.TYPE = {
- CPP: 'CPP'
- };
- /**
- * Creates a dynamic code entry.
- *
- * @param {number} size Code size.
- * @param {string} type Code type.
- * @param {CodeMap.FunctionEntry} func Shared function entry.
- * @param {CodeMap.CodeState} state Code optimization state.
- * @constructor
- */
- CodeMap.DynamicFuncCodeEntry = function(size, type, func, state) {
-, size, '', type);
- this.func = func;
- this.state = state;
- };
- CodeMap.DynamicFuncCodeEntry.STATE_PREFIX = ['', '~', '*'];
- CodeMap.DynamicFuncCodeEntry.prototype = {
- __proto__: CodeMap.CodeEntry.prototype,
- /**
- * Returns node name.
- */
- get name() {
- return CodeMap.DynamicFuncCodeEntry.STATE_PREFIX[this.state] +
- },
- set name(value) {
- this.name_ = value;
- },
- /**
- * Returns raw node name (without type decoration).
- */
- getRawName: function() {
- return this.func.getName();
- },
- isJSFunction: function() {
- return true;
- },
- toString: function() {
- return this.type + ': ' + + ': ' + this.size.toString(16);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Creates a shared function object entry.
- *
- * @param {string} name Function name.
- * @constructor
- */
- CodeMap.FunctionEntry = function(name) {
-, 0, name);
- };
- CodeMap.FunctionEntry.prototype = {
- __proto__: CodeMap.CodeEntry.prototype,
- /**
- * Returns node name.
- */
- get name() {
- var name = this.name_;
- if (name.length == 0) {
- name = '<anonymous>';
- } else if (name.charAt(0) == ' ') {
- // An anonymous function with location: " aaa.js:10".
- name = '<anonymous>' + name;
- }
- return name;
- },
- set name(value) {
- this.name_ = value;
- }
- };
- CodeMap.NameGenerator = function() {
- this.knownNames_ = {};
- };
- CodeMap.NameGenerator.prototype.getName = function(name) {
- if (!(name in this.knownNames_)) {
- this.knownNames_[name] = 0;
- return name;
- }
- var count = ++this.knownNames_[name];
- return name + ' {' + count + '}';
- };
- return {
- CodeMap: CodeMap
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/log_reader.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/log_reader.html
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index 9b10ab69b96..00000000000
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Log Reader is used to process log file produced by V8.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.v8', function() {
- /**
- * Creates a CSV lines parser.
- */
- function CsvParser() { };
- /**
- * A regex for matching a CSV field.
- * @private
- */
- CsvParser.CSV_FIELD_RE_ = /^"((?:[^"]|"")*)"|([^,]*)/;
- /**
- * A regex for matching a double quote.
- * @private
- */
- CsvParser.DOUBLE_QUOTE_RE_ = /""/g;
- /**
- * Parses a line of CSV-encoded values. Returns an array of fields.
- *
- * @param {string} line Input line.
- */
- CsvParser.prototype.parseLine = function(line) {
- var fieldRe = CsvParser.CSV_FIELD_RE_;
- var doubleQuoteRe = CsvParser.DOUBLE_QUOTE_RE_;
- var pos = 0;
- var endPos = line.length;
- var fields = [];
- if (endPos > 0) {
- do {
- var fieldMatch = fieldRe.exec(line.substr(pos));
- if (typeof fieldMatch[1] === 'string') {
- var field = fieldMatch[1];
- pos += field.length + 3; // Skip comma and quotes.
- fields.push(field.replace(doubleQuoteRe, '"'));
- } else {
- // The second field pattern will match anything, thus
- // in the worst case the match will be an empty string.
- var field = fieldMatch[2];
- pos += field.length + 1; // Skip comma.
- fields.push(field);
- }
- } while (pos <= endPos);
- }
- return fields;
- };
- /**
- * Base class for processing log files.
- *
- * @param {Array.<Object>} dispatchTable A table used for parsing and
- * processing log records.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function LogReader(dispatchTable) {
- /**
- * @type {Array.<Object>}
- */
- this.dispatchTable_ = dispatchTable;
- /**
- * Current line.
- * @type {number}
- */
- this.lineNum_ = 0;
- /**
- * CSV lines parser.
- * @type {CsvParser}
- */
- this.csvParser_ = new CsvParser();
- };
- /**
- * Used for printing error messages.
- *
- * @param {string} str Error message.
- */
- LogReader.prototype.printError = function(str) {
- // Do nothing.
- };
- /**
- * Processes a portion of V8 profiler event log.
- *
- * @param {string} chunk A portion of log.
- */
- LogReader.prototype.processLogChunk = function(chunk) {
- this.processLog_(chunk.split('\n'));
- };
- /**
- * Processes a line of V8 profiler event log.
- *
- * @param {string} line A line of log.
- */
- LogReader.prototype.processLogLine = function(line) {
- this.processLog_([line]);
- };
- /**
- * Processes stack record.
- *
- * @param {number} pc Program counter.
- * @param {number} func JS Function.
- * @param {Array.<string>} stack String representation of a stack.
- * @return {Array.<number>} Processed stack.
- */
- LogReader.prototype.processStack = function(pc, func, stack) {
- var fullStack = func ? [pc, func] : [pc];
- var prevFrame = pc;
- for (var i = 0, n = stack.length; i < n; ++i) {
- var frame = stack[i];
- var firstChar = frame.charAt(0);
- if (firstChar == '+' || firstChar == '-') {
- // An offset from the previous frame.
- prevFrame += parseInt(frame, 16);
- fullStack.push(prevFrame);
- // Filter out possible 'overflow' string.
- } else if (firstChar != 'o') {
- fullStack.push(parseInt(frame, 16));
- }
- }
- return fullStack;
- };
- /**
- * Returns whether a particular dispatch must be skipped.
- *
- * @param {!Object} dispatch Dispatch record.
- * @return {boolean} True if dispatch must be skipped.
- */
- LogReader.prototype.skipDispatch = function(dispatch) {
- return false;
- };
- /**
- * Does a dispatch of a log record.
- *
- * @param {Array.<string>} fields Log record.
- * @private
- */
- LogReader.prototype.dispatchLogRow_ = function(fields) {
- // Obtain the dispatch.
- var command = fields[0];
- if (!(command in this.dispatchTable_)) return;
- var dispatch = this.dispatchTable_[command];
- if (dispatch === null || this.skipDispatch(dispatch)) {
- return;
- }
- // Parse fields.
- var parsedFields = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < dispatch.parsers.length; ++i) {
- var parser = dispatch.parsers[i];
- if (parser === null) {
- parsedFields.push(fields[1 + i]);
- } else if (typeof parser == 'function') {
- parsedFields.push(parser(fields[1 + i]));
- } else {
- // var-args
- parsedFields.push(fields.slice(1 + i));
- break;
- }
- }
- // Run the processor.
- dispatch.processor.apply(this, parsedFields);
- };
- /**
- * Processes log lines.
- *
- * @param {Array.<string>} lines Log lines.
- * @private
- */
- LogReader.prototype.processLog_ = function(lines) {
- for (var i = 0, n = lines.length; i < n; ++i, ++this.lineNum_) {
- var line = lines[i];
- if (!line) {
- continue;
- }
- try {
- var fields = this.csvParser_.parseLine(line);
- this.dispatchLogRow_(fields);
- } catch (e) {
- this.printError('line ' + (this.lineNum_ + 1) + ': ' +
- (e.message || e));
- }
- }
- };
- return {
- LogReader: LogReader
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/splaytree.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/splaytree.html
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Splay tree used by CodeMap.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.v8', function() {
- /**
- * Constructs a Splay tree. A splay tree is a self-balancing binary
- * search tree with the additional property that recently accessed
- * elements are quick to access again. It performs basic operations
- * such as insertion, look-up and removal in O(log(n)) amortized time.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function SplayTree() { };
- /**
- * Pointer to the root node of the tree.
- *
- * @type {SplayTree.Node}
- * @private
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.root_ = null;
- /**
- * @return {boolean} Whether the tree is empty.
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
- return !this.root_;
- };
- /**
- * Inserts a node into the tree with the specified key and value if
- * the tree does not already contain a node with the specified key. If
- * the value is inserted, it becomes the root of the tree.
- *
- * @param {number} key Key to insert into the tree.
- * @param {*} value Value to insert into the tree.
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.insert = function(key, value) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- this.root_ = new SplayTree.Node(key, value);
- return;
- }
- // Splay on the key to move the last node on the search path for
- // the key to the root of the tree.
- this.splay_(key);
- if (this.root_.key == key) {
- return;
- }
- var node = new SplayTree.Node(key, value);
- if (key > this.root_.key) {
- node.left = this.root_;
- node.right = this.root_.right;
- this.root_.right = null;
- } else {
- node.right = this.root_;
- node.left = this.root_.left;
- this.root_.left = null;
- }
- this.root_ = node;
- };
- /**
- * Removes a node with the specified key from the tree if the tree
- * contains a node with this key. The removed node is returned. If the
- * key is not found, an exception is thrown.
- *
- * @param {number} key Key to find and remove from the tree.
- * @return {SplayTree.Node} The removed node.
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.remove = function(key) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- throw Error('Key not found: ' + key);
- }
- this.splay_(key);
- if (this.root_.key != key) {
- throw Error('Key not found: ' + key);
- }
- var removed = this.root_;
- if (!this.root_.left) {
- this.root_ = this.root_.right;
- } else {
- var right = this.root_.right;
- this.root_ = this.root_.left;
- // Splay to make sure that the new root has an empty right child.
- this.splay_(key);
- // Insert the original right child as the right child of the new
- // root.
- this.root_.right = right;
- }
- return removed;
- };
- /**
- * Returns the node having the specified key or null if the tree doesn't
- * contain a node with the specified key.
- *
- *
- * @param {number} key Key to find in the tree.
- * @return {SplayTree.Node} Node having the specified key.
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.find = function(key) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- return null;
- }
- this.splay_(key);
- return this.root_.key == key ? this.root_ : null;
- };
- /**
- * @return {SplayTree.Node} Node having the minimum key value.
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.findMin = function() {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- return null;
- }
- var current = this.root_;
- while (current.left) {
- current = current.left;
- }
- return current;
- };
- /**
- * @return {SplayTree.Node} Node having the maximum key value.
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.findMax = function(opt_startNode) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- return null;
- }
- var current = opt_startNode || this.root_;
- while (current.right) {
- current = current.right;
- }
- return current;
- };
- /**
- * @return {SplayTree.Node} Node having the maximum key value that
- * is less or equal to the specified key value.
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.findGreatestLessThan = function(key) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- return null;
- }
- // Splay on the key to move the node with the given key or the last
- // node on the search path to the top of the tree.
- this.splay_(key);
- // Now the result is either the root node or the greatest node in
- // the left subtree.
- if (this.root_.key <= key) {
- return this.root_;
- } else if (this.root_.left) {
- return this.findMax(this.root_.left);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- };
- /**
- * @return {Array<*>} An array containing all the values of tree's nodes
- * paired with keys.
- *
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.exportKeysAndValues = function() {
- var result = [];
- this.traverse_(function(node) { result.push([node.key, node.value]); });
- return result;
- };
- /**
- * @return {Array<*>} An array containing all the values of tree's nodes.
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.exportValues = function() {
- var result = [];
- this.traverse_(function(node) { result.push(node.value); });
- return result;
- };
- /**
- * Perform the splay operation for the given key. Moves the node with
- * the given key to the top of the tree. If no node has the given
- * key, the last node on the search path is moved to the top of the
- * tree. This is the simplified top-down splaying algorithm from:
- * "Self-adjusting Binary Search Trees" by Sleator and Tarjan
- *
- * @param {number} key Key to splay the tree on.
- * @private
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.splay_ = function(key) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- return;
- }
- // Create a dummy node. The use of the dummy node is a bit
- // counter-intuitive: The right child of the dummy node will hold
- // the L tree of the algorithm. The left child of the dummy node
- // will hold the R tree of the algorithm. Using a dummy node, left
- // and right will always be nodes and we avoid special cases.
- var dummy, left, right;
- dummy = left = right = new SplayTree.Node(null, null);
- var current = this.root_;
- while (true) {
- if (key < current.key) {
- if (!current.left) {
- break;
- }
- if (key < current.left.key) {
- // Rotate right.
- var tmp = current.left;
- current.left = tmp.right;
- tmp.right = current;
- current = tmp;
- if (!current.left) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Link right.
- right.left = current;
- right = current;
- current = current.left;
- } else if (key > current.key) {
- if (!current.right) {
- break;
- }
- if (key > current.right.key) {
- // Rotate left.
- var tmp = current.right;
- current.right = tmp.left;
- tmp.left = current;
- current = tmp;
- if (!current.right) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Link left.
- left.right = current;
- left = current;
- current = current.right;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Assemble.
- left.right = current.left;
- right.left = current.right;
- current.left = dummy.right;
- current.right = dummy.left;
- this.root_ = current;
- };
- /**
- * Performs a preorder traversal of the tree.
- *
- * @param {function(SplayTree.Node)} f Visitor function.
- * @private
- */
- SplayTree.prototype.traverse_ = function(f) {
- var nodesToVisit = [this.root_];
- while (nodesToVisit.length > 0) {
- var node = nodesToVisit.shift();
- if (node == null) {
- continue;
- }
- f(node);
- nodesToVisit.push(node.left);
- nodesToVisit.push(node.right);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Constructs a Splay tree node.
- *
- * @param {number} key Key.
- * @param {*} value Value.
- */
- SplayTree.Node = function(key, value) {
- this.key = key;
- this.value = value;
- };
- /**
- * @type {SplayTree.Node}
- */
- SplayTree.Node.prototype.left = null;
- /**
- * @type {SplayTree.Node}
- */
- SplayTree.Node.prototype.right = null;
- return {
- SplayTree: SplayTree
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/v8_log_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/v8_log_importer.html
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index 0fa1a9992c2..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/v8_log_importer.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/color_scheme.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/v8/codemap.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/v8/log_reader.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/slice.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview V8LogImporter imports v8.log files into the provided model.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.v8', function() {
- var CodeEntry = tr.e.importer.v8.CodeMap.CodeEntry;
- var CodeMap = tr.e.importer.v8.CodeMap;
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var DynamicFuncCodeEntry = tr.e.importer.v8.CodeMap.DynamicFuncCodeEntry;
- var FunctionEntry = tr.e.importer.v8.CodeMap.FunctionEntry;
- function V8LogImporter(model, eventData) {
- this.importPriority = 3;
- this.model_ = model;
- this.logData_ = eventData;
- this.code_map_ = new CodeMap();
- this.v8_timer_thread_ = undefined;
- this.v8_thread_ = undefined;
- this.root_stack_frame_ = new tr.model.StackFrame(
- undefined, 'v8-root-stack-frame', 'v8-root-stack-frame', 0);
- // We reconstruct the stack timeline from ticks.
- this.v8_stack_timeline_ = new Array();
- }
- var kV8BinarySuffixes = ['/d8', '/'];
- var TimerEventDefaultArgs = {
- 'V8.Execute': { pause: false, no_execution: false},
- 'V8.External': { pause: false, no_execution: true},
- 'V8.CompileFullCode': { pause: true, no_execution: true},
- 'V8.RecompileSynchronous': { pause: true, no_execution: true},
- 'V8.RecompileParallel': { pause: false, no_execution: false},
- 'V8.CompileEval': { pause: true, no_execution: true},
- 'V8.Parse': { pause: true, no_execution: true},
- 'V8.PreParse': { pause: true, no_execution: true},
- 'V8.ParseLazy': { pause: true, no_execution: true},
- 'V8.GCScavenger': { pause: true, no_execution: true},
- 'V8.GCCompactor': { pause: true, no_execution: true},
- 'V8.GCContext': { pause: true, no_execution: true}
- };
- /**
- * @return {boolean} Whether obj is a V8 log string.
- */
- V8LogImporter.canImport = function(eventData) {
- if (typeof(eventData) !== 'string' && !(eventData instanceof String))
- return false;
- return eventData.substring(0, 11) == 'v8-version,' ||
- eventData.substring(0, 12) == 'timer-event,' ||
- eventData.substring(0, 5) == 'tick,' ||
- eventData.substring(0, 15) == 'shared-library,' ||
- eventData.substring(0, 9) == 'profiler,' ||
- eventData.substring(0, 14) == 'code-creation,';
- };
- V8LogImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'V8LogImporter';
- },
- processTimerEvent_: function(name, start, length) {
- var args = TimerEventDefaultArgs[name];
- if (args === undefined) return;
- start /= 1000; // Convert to milliseconds.
- length /= 1000;
- var colorId = ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(name);
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('v8', name, colorId, start,
- args, length);
- this.v8_timer_thread_.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- },
- processTimerEventStart_: function(name, start) {
- var args = TimerEventDefaultArgs[name];
- if (args === undefined) return;
- start /= 1000; // Convert to milliseconds.
- this.v8_timer_thread_.sliceGroup.beginSlice('v8', name, start, args);
- },
- processTimerEventEnd_: function(name, end) {
- end /= 1000; // Convert to milliseconds.
- this.v8_timer_thread_.sliceGroup.endSlice(end);
- },
- processCodeCreateEvent_: function(type, kind, address, size, name,
- maybe_func) {
- function parseState(s) {
- switch (s) {
- case '': return CodeMap.CodeState.COMPILED;
- case '~': return CodeMap.CodeState.OPTIMIZABLE;
- case '*': return CodeMap.CodeState.OPTIMIZED;
- }
- throw new Error('unknown code state: ' + s);
- }
- if (maybe_func.length) {
- var funcAddr = parseInt(maybe_func[0]);
- var state = parseState(maybe_func[1]);
- var func = this.code_map_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(funcAddr);
- if (!func) {
- func = new FunctionEntry(name);
- func.kind = kind;
- this.code_map_.addCode(funcAddr, func);
- } else if ( !== name) {
- // Function object has been overwritten with a new one.
- = name;
- }
- var entry = this.code_map_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(address);
- if (entry) {
- if (entry.size === size && entry.func === func) {
- // Entry state has changed.
- entry.state = state;
- }
- } else {
- entry = new DynamicFuncCodeEntry(size, type, func, state);
- entry.kind = kind;
- this.code_map_.addCode(address, entry);
- }
- } else {
- var code_entry = new CodeEntry(size, name);
- code_entry.kind = kind;
- this.code_map_.addCode(address, code_entry);
- }
- },
- processCodeMoveEvent_: function(from, to) {
- this.code_map_.moveCode(from, to);
- },
- processCodeDeleteEvent_: function(address) {
- this.code_map_.deleteCode(address);
- },
- processSharedLibrary_: function(name, start, end) {
- var code_entry = new CodeEntry(end - start, name,
- code_entry.kind = -3; // External code kind.
- for (var i = 0; i < kV8BinarySuffixes.length; i++) {
- var suffix = kV8BinarySuffixes[i];
- if (name.indexOf(suffix, name.length - suffix.length) >= 0) {
- code_entry.kind = -1; // V8 runtime code kind.
- break;
- }
- }
- this.code_map_.addLibrary(start, code_entry);
- },
- processCppSymbol_: function(address, size, name) {
- var code_entry = new CodeEntry(size, name, CodeEntry.TYPE.CPP);
- code_entry.kind = -1;
- this.code_map_.addStaticCode(address, code_entry);
- },
- processTickEvent_: function(pc, start, is_external_callback,
- tos_or_external_callback, vmstate, stack) {
- start /= 1000;
- function findChildWithEntryID(stackFrame, entryID) {
- for (var i = 0; i < stackFrame.children.length; i++) {
- if (stackFrame.children[i].entryID == entryID)
- return stackFrame.children[i];
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- function processStack(pc, func, stack) {
- var fullStack = func ? [pc, func] : [pc];
- var prevFrame = pc;
- for (var i = 0, n = stack.length; i < n; ++i) {
- var frame = stack[i];
- var firstChar = frame.charAt(0);
- if (firstChar === '+' || firstChar === '-') {
- // An offset from the previous frame.
- prevFrame += parseInt(frame, 16);
- fullStack.push(prevFrame);
- // Filter out possible 'overflow' string.
- } else if (firstChar !== 'o') {
- fullStack.push(parseInt(frame, 16));
- }
- // Otherwise, they will be skipped.
- }
- return fullStack;
- }
- if (is_external_callback) {
- // Don't use PC when in external callback code, as it can point
- // inside callback's code, and we will erroneously report
- // that a callback calls itself. Instead use tos_or_external_callback,
- // as simply resetting PC will produce unaccounted ticks.
- pc = tos_or_external_callback;
- tos_or_external_callback = 0;
- } else if (tos_or_external_callback) {
- // Find out, if top of stack was pointing inside a JS function
- // meaning that we have encountered a frameless invocation.
- var funcEntry = this.code_map_.findEntry(tos_or_external_callback);
- if (!funcEntry || !funcEntry.isJSFunction || !funcEntry.isJSFunction())
- tos_or_external_callback = 0;
- }
- var processedStack = processStack(pc, tos_or_external_callback, stack);
- var lastStackFrame = this.root_stack_frame_;
- // v8 log stacks are inverted, leaf first and the root at the end.
- processedStack = processedStack.reverse();
- for (var i = 0, n = processedStack.length; i < n; i++) {
- var frame = processedStack[i];
- if (!frame)
- break;
- var entry = this.code_map_.findEntry(frame);
- if (!entry && i !== 0) {
- continue;
- }
- var sourceInfo = undefined;
- if (entry && entry.type === CodeEntry.TYPE.CPP) {
- var libEntry = this.code_map_.findEntryInLibraries(frame);
- if (libEntry)
- sourceInfo =;
- }
- var entryID = entry ? : 'Unknown';
- var childFrame = findChildWithEntryID(lastStackFrame, entryID);
- if (childFrame === undefined) {
- var entryName = entry ? : 'Unknown';
- lastStackFrame = new tr.model.StackFrame(
- lastStackFrame, 'v8sf-' + tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple(), entryName,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(entryName),
- sourceInfo);
- lastStackFrame.entryID = entryID;
- this.model_.addStackFrame(lastStackFrame);
- } else {
- lastStackFrame = childFrame;
- }
- }
- if (lastStackFrame !== this.root_stack_frame_) {
- var sample = new tr.model.Sample(
- undefined, this.v8_thread_, 'V8 PC',
- start, lastStackFrame, 1);
- this.model_.samples.push(sample);
- }
- },
- processDistortion_: function(distortion_in_picoseconds) {
- // Do nothing.
- },
- processPlotRange_: function(start, end) {
- // Do nothing.
- },
- processV8Version_: function(major, minor, build, patch, candidate) {
- // Do nothing.
- },
- /**
- * Walks through the events_ list and outputs the structures discovered to
- * model_.
- */
- importEvents: function() {
- var logreader = new tr.e.importer.v8.LogReader(
- { 'timer-event' : {
- parsers: [null, parseInt, parseInt],
- processor: this.processTimerEvent_.bind(this)
- },
- 'shared-library': {
- parsers: [null, parseInt, parseInt],
- processor: this.processSharedLibrary_.bind(this)
- },
- 'timer-event-start' : {
- parsers: [null, parseInt],
- processor: this.processTimerEventStart_.bind(this)
- },
- 'timer-event-end' : {
- parsers: [null, parseInt],
- processor: this.processTimerEventEnd_.bind(this)
- },
- 'code-creation': {
- parsers: [null, parseInt, parseInt, parseInt, null, 'var-args'],
- processor: this.processCodeCreateEvent_.bind(this)
- },
- 'code-move': {
- parsers: [parseInt, parseInt],
- processor: this.processCodeMoveEvent_.bind(this)
- },
- 'code-delete': {
- parsers: [parseInt],
- processor: this.processCodeDeleteEvent_.bind(this)
- },
- 'cpp': {
- parsers: [parseInt, parseInt, null],
- processor: this.processCppSymbol_.bind(this)
- },
- 'tick': {
- parsers: [parseInt, parseInt, parseInt, parseInt, parseInt,
- 'var-args'],
- processor: this.processTickEvent_.bind(this)
- },
- 'distortion': {
- parsers: [parseInt],
- processor: this.processDistortion_.bind(this)
- },
- 'plot-range': {
- parsers: [parseInt, parseInt],
- processor: this.processPlotRange_.bind(this)
- },
- 'v8-version': {
- parsers: [parseInt, parseInt, parseInt, parseInt, parseInt],
- processor: this.processV8Version_.bind(this)
- }
- });
- this.v8_timer_thread_ =
- this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(-32).getOrCreateThread(1);
- = 'V8 Timers';
- this.v8_thread_ =
- this.model_.getOrCreateProcess(-32).getOrCreateThread(2);
- = 'V8';
- var lines = this.logData_.split('\n');
- for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
- logreader.processLogLine(lines[i]);
- }
- // The processing of samples adds all the root stack frame to
- // this.root_stack_frame_. But, we don't want that stack frame in the real
- // model. So get rid of it.
- this.root_stack_frame_.removeAllChildren();
- function addSlices(slices, thread) {
- for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
- var duration = slices[i].end - slices[i].start;
- var slice = new tr.model.Slice('v8', slices[i].name,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(slices[i].name),
- slices[i].start, {}, duration);
- thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- addSlices(slices[i].children, thread);
- }
- }
- addSlices(this.v8_stack_timeline_, this.v8_thread_);
- }
- };
- tr.importer.Importer.register(V8LogImporter);
- return {
- V8LogImporter: V8LogImporter
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/v8_log_importer_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/v8/v8_log_importer_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fdbe447ca60..00000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/v8/v8_log_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var V8LogImporter = tr.e.importer.v8.V8LogImporter;
- function newModel(events) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false
- });
- }
- test('tickEventInSharedLibrary', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'shared-library,"/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib",0x99d8aae0,0x99dce729',
- 'tick,0x99d8aae4,12158,0,0x0,5'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var t = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8')[0];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].title, 'V8 PC');
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].start, 12158 / 1000);
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].leafStackFrame.title, '/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib');
- });
- test('tickEventInGeneratedCode', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'shared-library,"/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib",0x99d8aae0,0x99dce729',
- 'code-creation,Stub,2,0x5b60ce80,1259,"StringAddStub"',
- 'tick,0x5b60ce84,12158,0,0x0,5'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var threads = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8');
- var t = threads[0];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].leafStackFrame.title, 'StringAddStub');
- });
- test('tickEventInUknownCode', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'shared-library,"/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib",0x99d8aae0,0x99dce729',
- 'code-creation,Stub,2,0x5b60ce80,1259,"StringAddStub"',
- 'tick,0x4,0xbff02f08,12158,0,0x0,5'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var threads = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8');
- var t = threads[0];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].leafStackFrame.title, 'Unknown');
- });
- test('tickEventWithStack', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'code-creation,LazyCompile,0,0x2905d0c0,1800,"InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29",0x56b19124,', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'tick,0x7fc6fe34,528674,0,0x3,0,0x2905d304'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var t = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8')[0];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29'],
- t.samples[0].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- });
- test('twoTickEventsWithStack', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'code-creation,LazyCompile,0,0x2905d0c0,1800,"InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29",0x56b19124,', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'tick,0x7fc6fe34,528674,0,0x3,0,0x2905d304',
- 'tick,0x7fd2a534,536213,0,0x81d8d080,0,0x2905d304'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var t = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8')[0];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 2);
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].start, 528674 / 1000);
- assert.equal(t.samples[1].start, 536213 / 1000);
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29'],
- t.samples[0].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29'],
- t.samples[1].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].leafStackFrame,
- t.samples[1].leafStackFrame);
- });
- test('twoTickEventsWithTwoStackFrames', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'code-creation,LazyCompile,0,0x2904d560,876,"Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21",0x56b190c8,~', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'code-creation,LazyCompile,0,0x2905d0c0,1800,"InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29",0x56b19124,', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'tick,0x7fc6fe34,528674,0,0x3,0,0x2905d304,0x2904d6e8',
- 'tick,0x7fd2a534,536213,0,0x81d8d080,0,0x2905d304,0x2904d6e8'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var t = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8')[0];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 2);
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].start, 528674 / 1000);
- assert.equal(t.samples[1].start, 536213 / 1000);
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29',
- '~Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21'],
- t.samples[0].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29',
- '~Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21'],
- t.samples[1].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- var childStackFrame = t.samples[0].leafStackFrame;
- assert.equal(childStackFrame, t.samples[1].leafStackFrame);
- assert.equal(childStackFrame.children.length, 0);
- var parentStackFrame = childStackFrame.parentFrame;
- assert.equal(parentStackFrame.children.length, 1);
- assert.equal(childStackFrame, parentStackFrame.children[0]);
- });
- test('threeTickEventsWithTwoStackFrames', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'code-creation,LazyCompile,0,0x2904d560,876,"Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21",0x56b190c8,~', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'code-creation,LazyCompile,0,0x2905d0c0,1800,"InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29",0x56b19124,', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'tick,0x7fd7f75c,518328,0,0x81d86da8,2,0x2904d6e8',
- 'tick,0x7fc6fe34,528674,0,0x3,0,0x2905d304,0x2904d6e8',
- 'tick,0x7fd2a534,536213,0,0x81d8d080,0,0x2905d304,0x2904d6e8'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var threads = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8');
- var t = threads[0];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 3);
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].start, 518328 / 1000);
- assert.equal(t.samples[1].start, 528674 / 1000);
- assert.equal(t.samples[2].start, 536213 / 1000);
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['~Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21'],
- t.samples[0].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29',
- '~Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21'],
- t.samples[1].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29',
- '~Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21'],
- t.samples[2].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- var topLevelStackFrame = t.samples[0].leafStackFrame;
- var childStackFrame = t.samples[1].leafStackFrame;
- assert.equal(t.samples[2].leafStackFrame, childStackFrame);
- assert.equal(topLevelStackFrame, childStackFrame.parentFrame);
- assert.equal(topLevelStackFrame.children.length, 1);
- assert.equal(childStackFrame.children.length, 0);
- assert.equal(childStackFrame, topLevelStackFrame.children[0]);
- });
- test('twoSubStacks', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'code-creation,LazyCompile,0,0x2904d560,876,"Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21",0x56b190c8,~', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'code-creation,LazyCompile,0,0x2905d0c0,1800,"InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29",0x56b19124,', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'tick,0x7fd7f75c,518328,0,0x81d86da8,2,0x2904d6e8',
- 'tick,0x7fc6fe34,528674,0,0x3,0,0x2905d304,0x2904d6e8',
- 'tick,0x7fd2a534,536213,0,0x81d8d080,0,0x2905d304,0x2904d6e8',
- 'code-creation,Script,0,0x2906a7c0,792,"",0x5b12fe50,~', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'tick,0xb6f51d30,794049,0,0xb6f7b368,2,0x2906a914',
- 'tick,0xb6f51d30,799146,0,0xb6f7b368,0,0x2906a914'
- ];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var threads = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8');
- var t = threads[0];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 5);
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].start, 518328 / 1000);
- assert.equal(t.samples[1].start, 528674 / 1000);
- assert.equal(t.samples[2].start, 536213 / 1000);
- assert.equal(t.samples[3].start, 794049 / 1000);
- assert.equal(t.samples[4].start, 799146 / 1000);
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['~Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21'],
- t.samples[0].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29',
- '~Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21'],
- t.samples[1].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29',
- '~Instantiate native apinatives.js:9:21'],
- t.samples[2].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- assert.deepEqual(['~'],
- t.samples[3].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- assert.deepEqual(['~'],
- t.samples[4].getUserFriendlyStackTrace());
- var firsStackTopLevelStackFrame = t.samples[0].leafStackFrame;
- var firsStackChildStackFrame = t.samples[1].leafStackFrame;
- assert.equal(firsStackChildStackFrame, t.samples[2].leafStackFrame);
- assert.equal(firsStackTopLevelStackFrame,
- firsStackChildStackFrame.parentFrame);
- assert.equal(firsStackTopLevelStackFrame.children.length, 1);
- assert.equal(firsStackChildStackFrame.children.length, 0);
- assert.equal(firsStackChildStackFrame,
- firsStackTopLevelStackFrame.children[0]);
- var secondStackStackFrame = t.samples[3].leafStackFrame;
- assert.equal(secondStackStackFrame, t.samples[4].leafStackFrame);
- assert.equal(secondStackStackFrame.children.length, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(secondStackStackFrame.parentFrame);
- });
- test('timerEventSliceCreation', function() {
- var lines = ['timer-event,"V8.External",38189483,3'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var threads = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8 Timers');
- assert.isDefined(threads);
- assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
- var t = threads[0];
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- });
- test('processThreadCreation', function() {
- var lines = ['timer-event,"V8.External",38189483,3'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- assert.isDefined(m);
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- assert.isDefined(p);
- var threads = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8 Timers');
- assert.isDefined(threads);
- assert.equal(1, threads.length);
- var t = threads[0];
- assert.equal('V8 Timers',;
- });
- test('canImport', function() {
- assert.isTrue(V8LogImporter.canImport(
- 'timer-event,"V8.External",38189483,3'));
- assert.isTrue(V8LogImporter.canImport('v8-version,4,3,66,0,0'));
- assert.isFalse(V8LogImporter.canImport(''));
- assert.isFalse(V8LogImporter.canImport([]));
- });
- test('CppSymbolsProcess', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'shared-library,"/usr/loca/v8/out/native/d8",0x00400000, 0x01860000',
- 'cpp,0x00600000,100,"v8::internal::Heap::AllocateByteArray"',
- 'cpp,0x00700000,100,"v8::internal::Utf8StringKey::AsHandle"',
- 'tick,0x00600010,121,0,0x0,5',
- 'tick,0x00700010,122,0,0x0,5',
- 'tick,0x00800010,123,0,0x0,5'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var t = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8')[0];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 3);
- assert.equal(t.samples[0].leafStackFrame.title,
- 'v8::internal::Heap::AllocateByteArray /usr/loca/v8/out/native/d8'); // @suppress longLineCheck
- assert.equal(t.samples[1].leafStackFrame.title,
- 'v8::internal::Utf8StringKey::AsHandle /usr/loca/v8/out/native/d8'); // @suppress longLineCheck
- assert.equal(t.samples[2].leafStackFrame.title,
- '/usr/loca/v8/out/native/d8');
- });
- test('CppSymbolsWithJsStack', function() {
- var lines = [
- 'shared-library,"/usr/loca/v8/out/native/d8",0x00400000, 0x01860000',
- 'cpp,0x00600000,100,"v8::internal::Heap::AllocateByteArray"',
- 'cpp,0x00700000,100,"v8::internal::Utf8StringKey::AsHandle"',
- 'code-creation,LazyCompile,0,0x2905d0c0,1800,"InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29",0x56b19124,', // @suppress longLineCheck
- 'tick,0x00700010,1,0,0x3,0,0x2905d304',
- 'tick,0x00600010,3,0,0x3,0,0x2905d306',
- 'tick,0x00800010,5,0,0x3,0,0x2905d306',
- 'tick,0x01860010,5,0,0x3,0,0x2905d306'];
- var m = newModel(lines.join('\n'));
- var p = m.processes[-32];
- var t = p.findAllThreadsNamed('V8')[0];
- assert.equal(t.samples.length, 4);
- assert.deepEqual(t.samples[0] => r.title), [
- 'v8::internal::Utf8StringKey::AsHandle /usr/loca/v8/out/native/d8',
- 'InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29'
- ]);
- assert.deepEqual(t.samples[1] => r.title), [
- 'v8::internal::Heap::AllocateByteArray /usr/loca/v8/out/native/d8',
- 'InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29'
- ]);
- assert.deepEqual(t.samples[2] => r.title), [
- '/usr/loca/v8/out/native/d8',
- 'InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29'
- ]);
- assert.deepEqual(t.samples[3] => r.title), [
- 'InstantiateFunction native apinatives.js:26:29'
- ]);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/zip_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/zip_importer.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f1a2aa95b0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/extras/importer/zip_importer.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/jszip.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/gzip_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview ZipImporter inflates zip compressed data and passes it along
- * to an actual importer.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer', function() {
- function ZipImporter(model, eventData) {
- if (eventData instanceof ArrayBuffer)
- eventData = new Uint8Array(eventData);
- this.model_ = model;
- this.eventData_ = eventData;
- }
- /**
- * @param {eventData} string Possibly zip compressed data.
- * @return {boolean} Whether eventData looks like zip compressed data.
- */
- ZipImporter.canImport = function(eventData) {
- var header;
- if (eventData instanceof ArrayBuffer)
- header = new Uint8Array(eventData.slice(0, 2));
- else if (typeof(eventData) === 'string' || eventData instanceof String)
- header = [eventData.charCodeAt(0), eventData.charCodeAt(1)];
- else
- return false;
- return header[0] === 'P'.charCodeAt(0) && header[1] === 'K'.charCodeAt(0);
- };
- ZipImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'ZipImporter';
- },
- isTraceDataContainer: function() {
- return true;
- },
- extractSubtraces: function() {
- var zip = new JSZip(this.eventData_);
- var subtraces = [];
- for (var idx in zip.files)
- subtraces.push(zip.files[idx].asBinary());
- return subtraces;
- }
- };
- tr.importer.Importer.register(ZipImporter);
- return {
- ZipImporter: ZipImporter
- };