path: root/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer
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15 files changed, 0 insertions, 3982 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/clock_sync_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/clock_sync_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 81fa36087e0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/clock_sync_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/battor_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/clock_sync_manager.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview This file contains end-to-end clock sync tests that ensure
- * clock sync behavior works as expected across traces. There are too many
- * possible combinations of trace types to test all of them, but we aim to test
- * many of the important ones in this file.
- */
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('import_noClockDomains', function() {
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([]);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- });
- test('import_traceEvent', function() {
- var trace = JSON.stringify({
- traceEvents: [
- {ts: 0, pid: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'i', cat: 'c', name: 'taskA', args: {}},
- {ts: 1000, pid: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'c', cat: 'metadata',
- args: { issue_ts: 500, sync_id: 'abc' }},
- {ts: 2000, pid: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'i', cat: 'c', name: 'taskA', args: {}}
- ]});
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([trace]);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(m.processes[0].threads[0].sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0);
- assert.equal(m.processes[0].threads[0].sliceGroup.slices[1].start, 2);
- });
- test('import_ftrace', function() {
- var ftrace =
- 'SurfaceFlinger-0 [001] ...1 0.001: 0: B|1|taskA\n' +
- ' chrome-3 [001] ...1 0.010: 0: trace_event_clock_sync: ' +
- 'parent_ts=0.020\n';
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([ftrace]);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- assert.equal(m.processes[1].threads[0].sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0);
- });
- test('import_traceEventWithNoClockDomainAndFtrace', function() {
- // Include a clock sync marker that indicates the LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC time
- // of 20ms is equal to the LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL time of 10ms, effectively
- // shifting all ftrace timestamps forward by 10ms.
- var ftrace =
- 'SurfaceFlinger-0 [001] ...1 0.001: 0: B|1|taskA\n' +
- ' chrome-3 [001] ...1 0.010: 0: trace_event_clock_sync: ' +
- 'parent_ts=0.020\n';
- var trace = JSON.stringify({
- traceEvents: [
- {ts: 0, pid: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'i', cat: 'c', name: 'taskA', args: {}},
- {ts: 1000, pid: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'c', cat: 'metadata',
- args: { issue_ts: 500, sync_id: 'abc' }},
- {ts: 2000, pid: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'i', cat: 'c', name: 'taskA', args: {}}
- ],
- systemTraceEvents: ftrace
- });
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([trace]);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- // Chrome events shouldn't be shifted.
- assert.equal(m.processes[0].threads[0].sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0);
- assert.equal(m.processes[0].threads[0].sliceGroup.slices[1].start, 2);
- // Ftrace events should be shifted forward by 10ms.
- assert.equal(m.processes[1].threads[0].sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 11);
- });
- test('import_traceEventWithClockDomainAndFtrace', function() {
- // Include a clock sync marker that indicates the LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC time
- // of 20ms is equal to the LINUX_FTRACE_GLOBAL time of 10ms, effectively
- // shifting all ftrace timestamps forward by 10ms.
- var ftrace =
- 'SurfaceFlinger-0 [001] ...1 0.001: 0: B|1|taskA\n' +
- ' chrome-3 [001] ...1 0.010: 0: trace_event_clock_sync: ' +
- 'parent_ts=0.020\n';
- var trace = JSON.stringify({
- traceEvents: [
- {ts: 0, pid: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'i', cat: 'c', name: 'taskA', args: {}},
- {ts: 1000, pid: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'c', cat: 'metadata',
- args: { issue_ts: 500, sync_id: 'abc' }},
- {ts: 2000, pid: 0, tid: 0, ph: 'i', cat: 'c', name: 'taskA', args: {}}
- ],
- metadata: {
- 'clock-domain': 'LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC'
- },
- systemTraceEvents: ftrace
- });
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([trace]);
- assert.isFalse(m.hasImportWarnings);
- // Chrome events shouldn't be shifted.
- assert.equal(m.processes[0].threads[0].sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0);
- assert.equal(m.processes[0].threads[0].sliceGroup.slices[1].start, 2);
- // Ftrace events should be shifted forward by 10ms.
- assert.equal(m.processes[1].threads[0].sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 11);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/context_processor.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/context_processor.html
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index d7df00f3923..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/context_processor.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- /**
- * The context processor consumes context events and maintains a set of
- * active contexts for a single thread.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ContextProcessor(model) {
- this.model_ = model;
- this.activeContexts_ = [];
- this.stackPerType_ = {};
- // Cache of unique context objects.
- this.contextCache_ = {};
- // Cache of unique context object sets.
- this.contextSetCache_ = {};
- this.cachedEntryForActiveContexts_ = undefined;
- // All seen context object snapshots.
- this.seenSnapshots_ = {};
- };
- ContextProcessor.prototype = {
- enterContext: function(contextType, scopedId) {
- var newActiveContexts = [this.getOrCreateContext_(contextType, scopedId)];
- for (var oldContext of this.activeContexts_) {
- if (oldContext.type === contextType) {
- // If a previous context of the same type is active, it is removed
- // and pushed onto the stack for this type.
- this.pushContext_(oldContext);
- } else {
- // Otherwise the old context is it is still active.
- newActiveContexts.push(oldContext);
- }
- }
- this.activeContexts_ = newActiveContexts;
- this.cachedEntryForActiveContexts_ = undefined;
- },
- leaveContext: function(contextType, scopedId) {
- this.leaveContextImpl_(context =>
- context.type === contextType &&
- context.snapshot.scope === scopedId.scope &&
- context.snapshot.idRef ===;
- },
- destroyContext: function(scopedId) {
- // Remove all matching contexts from stacks.
- tr.b.iterItems(this.stackPerType_, function(contextType, stack) {
- // Perform in-place filtering instead of Array.prototype.filter to
- // prevent creating a new array.
- var newLength = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; ++i) {
- if (stack[i].snapshot.scope !== scopedId.scope ||
- stack[i].snapshot.idRef !== {
- stack[newLength++] = stack[i];
- }
- }
- stack.length = newLength;
- });
- // Remove all matching contexts from active context set.
- this.leaveContextImpl_(context =>
- context.snapshot.scope === scopedId.scope &&
- context.snapshot.idRef ===;
- },
- leaveContextImpl_: function(predicate) {
- var newActiveContexts = [];
- for (var oldContext of this.activeContexts_) {
- if (predicate(oldContext)) {
- // If we left this context, remove it from the active set and
- // restore any previous context of the same type.
- var previousContext = this.popContext_(oldContext.type);
- if (previousContext)
- newActiveContexts.push(previousContext);
- } else {
- newActiveContexts.push(oldContext);
- }
- }
- this.activeContexts_ = newActiveContexts;
- this.cachedEntryForActiveContexts_ = undefined;
- },
- getOrCreateContext_: function(contextType, scopedId) {
- var context = {
- type: contextType,
- snapshot: {
- scope: scopedId.scope,
- idRef:
- }
- };
- var key = this.getContextKey_(context);
- if (key in this.contextCache_)
- return this.contextCache_[key];
- this.contextCache_[key] = context;
- var snapshotKey = this.getSnapshotKey_(scopedId);
- this.seenSnapshots_[snapshotKey] = true;
- return context;
- },
- pushContext_: function(context) {
- if (!(context.type in this.stackPerType_))
- this.stackPerType_[context.type] = [];
- this.stackPerType_[context.type].push(context);
- },
- popContext_: function(contextType) {
- if (!(contextType in this.stackPerType_))
- return undefined;
- return this.stackPerType_[contextType].pop();
- },
- getContextKey_: function(context) {
- return [
- context.type,
- context.snapshot.scope,
- context.snapshot.idRef
- ].join('\x00');
- },
- getSnapshotKey_: function(scopedId) {
- return [
- scopedId.scope,
- scopedId.idRef
- ].join('\x00');
- },
- get activeContexts() {
- // Keep a single instance for each unique set of active contexts to
- // reduce memory usage.
- if (this.cachedEntryForActiveContexts_ === undefined) {
- var key = [];
- for (var context of this.activeContexts_)
- key.push(this.getContextKey_(context));
- key.sort();
- key = key.join('\x00');
- if (key in this.contextSetCache_) {
- this.cachedEntryForActiveContexts_ = this.contextSetCache_[key];
- } else {
- this.activeContexts_.sort(function(a, b) {
- var keyA = this.getContextKey_(a);
- var keyB = this.getContextKey_(b);
- if (keyA < keyB)
- return -1;
- if (keyA > keyB)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }.bind(this));
- this.contextSetCache_[key] = Object.freeze(this.activeContexts_);
- this.cachedEntryForActiveContexts_ = this.contextSetCache_[key];
- }
- }
- return this.cachedEntryForActiveContexts_;
- },
- invalidateContextCacheForSnapshot: function(scopedId) {
- var snapshotKey = this.getSnapshotKey_(scopedId);
- if (!(snapshotKey in this.seenSnapshots_))
- return;
- this.contextCache_ = {};
- this.contextSetCache_ = {};
- this.cachedEntryForActiveContexts_ = undefined;
- this.activeContexts_ = {
- // Do not alter unrelated contexts.
- if (context.snapshot.scope !== scopedId.scope ||
- context.snapshot.idRef !==
- return context;
- // Replace the invalidated context by a deep copy.
- return {
- type: context.type,
- snapshot: {
- scope: context.snapshot.scope,
- idRef: context.snapshot.idRef
- }
- };
- });
- this.seenSnapshots_ = {};
- },
- };
- return {
- ContextProcessor: ContextProcessor
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/context_processor_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/context_processor_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 29a78114bd4..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/context_processor_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/context_processor.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/scoped_id.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ContextProcessor = tr.importer.ContextProcessor;
- test('empty', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, []);
- });
- test('enterAndLeave', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var id = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var expectedContext = {type: 'type', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContext]);
- processor.leaveContext('type', id);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, []);
- });
- test('parallelContexts', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var idA = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var idB = new tr.model.ScopedId('idx', 456);
- var expectedContextA = {type: 'A', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- var expectedContextB = {type: 'B', snapshot: {scope: 'idx', idRef: 456}};
- // Entering and leaving in order.
- processor.enterContext('A', idA);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContextA]);
- processor.enterContext('B', idB);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContextA,
- expectedContextB]);
- processor.leaveContext('B', idB);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContextA]);
- processor.leaveContext('A', idA);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, []);
- // Entering and leaving out of order.
- processor.enterContext('B', idB);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContextB]);
- processor.enterContext('A', idA);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContextA,
- expectedContextB]);
- processor.leaveContext('B', idB);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContextA]);
- processor.leaveContext('A', idA);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, []);
- });
- test('contextStack', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var idA = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var idB = new tr.model.ScopedId('idx', 456);
- var expectedContextA = {
- type: 'type', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- var expectedContextB = {
- type: 'type', snapshot: {scope: 'idx', idRef: 456}};
- // Entering and leaving the same context type.
- processor.enterContext('type', idA);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContextA]);
- processor.enterContext('type', idB);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContextB]);
- processor.leaveContext('type', idB);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContextA]);
- processor.leaveContext('type', idA);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, []);
- });
- test('contextCached', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var idA = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var idB = new tr.model.ScopedId('idx', 456);
- var expectedContextA = {
- type: 'A', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- var expectedContextB = {
- type: 'B', snapshot: {scope: 'idx', idRef: 456}};
- processor.enterContext('A', idA);
- var firstSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.enterContext('B', idB);
- var secondSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.leaveContext('B', idB);
- processor.leaveContext('A', idA);
- assert.deepEqual(firstSet, [expectedContextA]);
- assert.deepEqual(secondSet, [expectedContextA, expectedContextB]);
- // Identical context objects should be the same instance.
- assert([0], secondSet[0]));
- });
- test('contextSetCached', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var id = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var expectedContext = {type: 'type', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- var firstSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.leaveContext('type', id);
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- var secondSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.leaveContext('type', id);
- assert.deepEqual(firstSet, [expectedContext]);
- assert(, secondSet));
- });
- test('contextSetIsOrdered', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var idA = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var idB = new tr.model.ScopedId('idx', 456);
- var expectedContextA = {type: 'A', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- var expectedContextB = {type: 'B', snapshot: {scope: 'idx', idRef: 456}};
- processor.enterContext('A', idA);
- processor.enterContext('B', idB);
- var firstSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.leaveContext('B', idB);
- processor.leaveContext('A', idA);
- processor.enterContext('B', idB);
- processor.enterContext('A', idA);
- var secondSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.leaveContext('A', idA);
- processor.leaveContext('B', idB);
- assert.deepEqual(firstSet, [expectedContextA, expectedContextB]);
- assert(, secondSet));
- });
- test('contextSetIsFrozen', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var id = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- assert(Object.isFrozen(processor.activeContexts));
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- assert(Object.isFrozen(processor.activeContexts));
- processor.leaveContext('type', id);
- assert(Object.isFrozen(processor.activeContexts));
- });
- test('cacheInvalidation', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var id = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var expectedContext = {type: 'type', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- var firstSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.leaveContext('type', id);
- processor.invalidateContextCacheForSnapshot(id);
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- var secondSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.leaveContext('type', id);
- assert.deepEqual(firstSet, [expectedContext]);
- assert.deepEqual(secondSet, [expectedContext]);
- assert(!, secondSet));
- assert(![0], secondSet[0]));
- assert(![0].snapshot, secondSet[0].snapshot));
- });
- test('cacheInvalidationOfAnActiveContext', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var id = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var expectedContext = {type: 'type', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- var firstSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.invalidateContextCacheForSnapshot(id);
- var secondSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.leaveContext('type', id);
- assert.deepEqual(firstSet, [expectedContext]);
- assert.deepEqual(secondSet, [expectedContext]);
- assert(!, secondSet));
- assert(![0], secondSet[0]));
- assert(![0].snapshot, secondSet[0].snapshot));
- });
- test('cacheInvalidationForUnrelatedSnapshot', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var id = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var unrelatedId = new tr.model.ScopedId('ofs', 789);
- var expectedContext = {type: 'type', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- var firstSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.leaveContext('type', id);
- processor.invalidateContextCacheForSnapshot(unrelatedId);
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- var secondSet = processor.activeContexts;
- processor.leaveContext('type', id);
- assert.deepEqual(firstSet, [expectedContext]);
- assert.deepEqual(secondSet, [expectedContext]);
- assert(, secondSet));
- });
- test('destroyBasic', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var id = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var expectedContext = {type: 'type', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContext]);
- processor.destroyContext(id);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, []);
- });
- test('destroyActiveContextWithNonEmptyStack', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var idA = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var idB = new tr.model.ScopedId('idx', 456);
- var expectedContext = {type: 'type', snapshot: {scope: 'ptr', idRef: 123}};
- processor.enterContext('type', idA);
- processor.enterContext('type', idB);
- processor.destroyContext(idB);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContext]);
- processor.leaveContext('type', idA);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, []);
- });
- test('destroyInactiveContextInStack', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var idA = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- var idB = new tr.model.ScopedId('idx', 456);
- var expectedContext = {type: 'type', snapshot: {scope: 'idx', idRef: 456}};
- processor.enterContext('type', idA);
- processor.enterContext('type', idB);
- processor.destroyContext(idA);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, [expectedContext]);
- processor.leaveContext('type', idB);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, []);
- });
- test('destroyContextEnteredWithMultipleTypes', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var id = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- processor.enterContext('A', id);
- processor.enterContext('B', id);
- processor.destroyContext(id);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, []);
- });
- test('destroyReenteredContext', function() {
- var processor = new ContextProcessor();
- var id = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', 123);
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- processor.enterContext('type', id);
- processor.destroyContext(id);
- assert.deepEqual(processor.activeContexts, []);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/empty_importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/empty_importer.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/empty_importer.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Base class for trace data importers.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- /**
- * Importer for empty strings and arrays.
- * @constructor
- */
- function EmptyImporter(events) {
- this.importPriority = 0;
- };
- EmptyImporter.canImport = function(eventData) {
- if (eventData instanceof Array && eventData.length == 0)
- return true;
- if (typeof(eventData) === 'string' || eventData instanceof String) {
- return eventData.length == 0;
- }
- return false;
- };
- EmptyImporter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.importer.Importer.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'EmptyImporter';
- }
- };
- tr.importer.Importer.register(EmptyImporter);
- return {
- EmptyImporter: EmptyImporter
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/find_input_expectations.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/find_input_expectations.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 36e77d32ba5..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/find_input_expectations.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/cc/input_latency_async_slice.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/proto_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- var ProtoExpectation = tr.importer.ProtoExpectation;
- var INPUT_TYPE =;
- ];
- ];
- ];
- ];
- var TAP_TYPE_NAMES = [
- ];
- ];
- ];
- ];
- ];
- var ALL_HANDLED_TYPE_NAMES = [].concat(
- );
- var RENDERER_FLING_TITLE = 'InputHandlerProxy::HandleGestureFling::started';
- // TODO(benjhayden) share with rail_ir_finder
- var CSS_ANIMATION_TITLE = 'Animation';
- // If there's less than this much time between the end of one event and the
- // start of the next, then they might be merged.
- // There was not enough thought given to this value, so if you have any slight
- // reason to change it, then please do so. It might also be good to split this
- // into multiple values.
- var ANIMATION_MERGE_THRESHOLD_MS = 32; // 2x 60FPS frames
- // If two MouseWheel events begin this close together, then they're an
- // Animation, not two responses.
- // If two MouseMoves are more than this far apart, then they're two Responses,
- // not Animation.
- // Strings used to name IRs.
- var KEYBOARD_IR_NAME = 'Keyboard';
- var MOUSE_IR_NAME = 'Mouse';
- var MOUSEWHEEL_IR_NAME = 'MouseWheel';
- var TAP_IR_NAME = 'Tap';
- var PINCH_IR_NAME = 'Pinch';
- var FLING_IR_NAME = 'Fling';
- var TOUCH_IR_NAME = 'Touch';
- var SCROLL_IR_NAME = 'Scroll';
- var CSS_IR_NAME = 'CSS';
- // TODO(benjhayden) Find a better home for this.
- function compareEvents(x, y) {
- if (x.start !== y.start)
- return x.start - y.start;
- if (x.end !== y.end)
- return x.end - y.end;
- if (x.guid && y.guid)
- return x.guid - y.guid;
- return 0;
- }
- function forEventTypesIn(events, typeNames, cb, opt_this) {
- events.forEach(function(event) {
- if (typeNames.indexOf(event.typeName) >= 0) {
-, event);
- }
- });
- }
- function causedFrame(event) {
- return event.associatedEvents.some(
- x => x.title === tr.model.helpers.IMPL_RENDERING_STATS);
- }
- function getSortedInputEvents(modelHelper) {
- var inputEvents = [];
- var browserProcess = modelHelper.browserHelper.process;
- var mainThread = browserProcess.findAtMostOneThreadNamed(
- 'CrBrowserMain');
- for (var slice of mainThread.asyncSliceGroup.getDescendantEvents()) {
- if (!slice.isTopLevel)
- continue;
- if (!(slice instanceof
- continue;
- // TODO(beaudoin): This should never happen but it does. Investigate
- // the trace linked at in #1567 and remove that when it's fixed.
- if (isNaN(slice.start) ||
- isNaN(slice.duration) ||
- isNaN(slice.end))
- continue;
- inputEvents.push(slice);
- }
- return inputEvents.sort(compareEvents);
- }
- function findProtoExpectations(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- var protoExpectations = [];
- // This order is not important. Handlers are independent.
- var handlers = [
- handleKeyboardEvents,
- handleMouseResponseEvents,
- handleMouseWheelEvents,
- handleMouseDragEvents,
- handleTapResponseEvents,
- handlePinchEvents,
- handleFlingEvents,
- handleTouchEvents,
- handleScrollEvents,
- handleCSSAnimations
- ];
- handlers.forEach(function(handler) {
- protoExpectations.push.apply(protoExpectations, handler(
- modelHelper, sortedInputEvents));
- });
- protoExpectations.sort(compareEvents);
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // Every keyboard event is a Response.
- function handleKeyboardEvents(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- var protoExpectations = [];
- forEventTypesIn(sortedInputEvents, KEYBOARD_TYPE_NAMES, function(event) {
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- });
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // Some mouse events can be translated directly into Responses.
- function handleMouseResponseEvents(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- var protoExpectations = [];
- forEventTypesIn(
- sortedInputEvents, MOUSE_RESPONSE_TYPE_NAMES, function(event) {
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- });
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // MouseWheel events are caused either by a physical wheel on a physical
- // mouse, or by a touch-drag gesture on a track-pad. The physical wheel
- // causes MouseWheel events that are much more spaced out, and have no
- // chance of hitting 60fps, so they are each turned into separate Response
- // IRs. The track-pad causes MouseWheel events that are much closer
- // together, and are expected to be 60fps, so the first event in a sequence
- // is turned into a Response, and the rest are merged into an Animation.
- // NB this threshold uses the two events' start times, unlike
- // ProtoExpectation.isNear, which compares the end time of the previous event
- // with the start time of the next.
- function handleMouseWheelEvents(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- var protoExpectations = [];
- var currentPE = undefined;
- var prevEvent_ = undefined;
- forEventTypesIn(
- sortedInputEvents, MOUSE_WHEEL_TYPE_NAMES, function(event) {
- // Switch prevEvent in one place so that we can early-return later.
- var prevEvent = prevEvent_;
- prevEvent_ = event;
- if (currentPE &&
- (prevEvent.start + MOUSE_WHEEL_THRESHOLD_MS) >= event.start) {
- if (currentPE.irType === ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- } else {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE,
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- }
- return;
- }
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- });
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // Down events followed closely by Up events are click Responses, but the
- // Response doesn't start until the Up event.
- //
- // RRR
- // DDD UUU
- //
- // If there are any Move events in between a Down and an Up, then the Down
- // and the first Move are a Response, then the rest of the Moves are an
- // Animation:
- //
- //
- function handleMouseDragEvents(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- var protoExpectations = [];
- var currentPE = undefined;
- var mouseDownEvent = undefined;
- forEventTypesIn(
- sortedInputEvents, MOUSE_DRAG_TYPE_NAMES, function(event) {
- switch (event.typeName) {
- if (causedFrame(event)) {
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- } else {
- // Responses typically don't start until the mouse up event.
- // Add this MouseDown to the Response that starts at the MouseUp.
- mouseDownEvent = event;
- }
- break;
- // There may be more than 100ms between the start of the mouse down
- // and the start of the mouse up. Chrome and the web don't start to
- // respond until the mouse up. ResponseIRs start deducting comfort
- // at 100ms duration. If more than that 100ms duration is burned
- // through while waiting for the user to release the
- // mouse button, then ResponseIR will unfairly start deducting
- // comfort before Chrome even has a mouse up to respond to.
- // It is technically possible for a site to afford one response on
- // mouse down and another on mouse up, but that is an edge case. The
- // vast majority of mouse downs are not responses.
- if (!causedFrame(event)) {
- // Ignore MouseMoves that do not affect the screen. They are not
- // part of an interaction record by definition.
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(ProtoExpectation.IGNORED_TYPE);
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- } else if (!currentPE ||
- !currentPE.isNear(event, MOUSE_MOVE_THRESHOLD_MS)) {
- // The first MouseMove after a MouseDown or after a while is a
- // Response.
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- if (mouseDownEvent) {
- currentPE.associatedEvents.push(mouseDownEvent);
- mouseDownEvent = undefined;
- }
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- } else {
- // Merge this event into an Animation.
- if (currentPE.irType === ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- } else {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- }
- }
- break;
- if (!mouseDownEvent) {
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(
- causedFrame(event) ? ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE :
- ProtoExpectation.IGNORED_TYPE,
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- break;
- }
- if (currentPE) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- } else {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- if (mouseDownEvent)
- currentPE.associatedEvents.push(mouseDownEvent);
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- }
- mouseDownEvent = undefined;
- currentPE = undefined;
- break;
- }
- });
- if (mouseDownEvent) {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(ProtoExpectation.IGNORED_TYPE);
- currentPE.pushEvent(mouseDownEvent);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- }
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // Solitary Tap events are simple Responses:
- //
- // RRR
- // TTT
- //
- // TapDowns are part of Responses.
- //
- // DDD TTT
- //
- // TapCancels are part of Responses, which seems strange. They always go
- // with scrolls, so they'll probably be merged with scroll Responses.
- // TapCancels can take a significant amount of time and account for a
- // significant amount of work, which should be grouped with the scroll IRs
- // if possible.
- //
- // DDD CCC
- //
- function handleTapResponseEvents(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- var protoExpectations = [];
- var currentPE = undefined;
- forEventTypesIn(sortedInputEvents, TAP_TYPE_NAMES, function(event) {
- switch (event.typeName) {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE, TAP_IR_NAME);
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- break;
- if (currentPE) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- } else {
- // Sometimes we get Tap events with no TapDown, sometimes we get
- // TapDown events. Handle both.
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE, TAP_IR_NAME);
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- }
- currentPE = undefined;
- break;
- if (!currentPE) {
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(ProtoExpectation.IGNORED_TYPE);
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- break;
- }
- if (currentPE.isNear(event, INPUT_MERGE_THRESHOLD_MS)) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- } else {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE, TAP_IR_NAME);
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- }
- currentPE = undefined;
- break;
- }
- });
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // The PinchBegin and the first PinchUpdate comprise a Response, then the
- // rest of the PinchUpdates comprise an Animation.
- //
- //
- function handlePinchEvents(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- var protoExpectations = [];
- var currentPE = undefined;
- var sawFirstUpdate = false;
- var modelBounds = modelHelper.model.bounds;
- forEventTypesIn(sortedInputEvents, PINCH_TYPE_NAMES, function(event) {
- switch (event.typeName) {
- if (currentPE &&
- currentPE.isNear(event, INPUT_MERGE_THRESHOLD_MS)) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- break;
- }
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- currentPE.isAnimationBegin = true;
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- sawFirstUpdate = false;
- break;
- // Like ScrollUpdates, the Begin and the first Update constitute a
- // Response, then the rest of the Updates constitute an Animation
- // that begins when the Response ends. If the user pauses in the
- // middle of an extended pinch gesture, then multiple Animations
- // will be created.
- if (!currentPE ||
- ((currentPE.irType === ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE) &&
- sawFirstUpdate) ||
- !currentPE.isNear(event, INPUT_MERGE_THRESHOLD_MS)) {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- } else {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- sawFirstUpdate = true;
- }
- break;
- if (currentPE) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- } else {
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(ProtoExpectation.IGNORED_TYPE);
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- }
- currentPE = undefined;
- break;
- }
- });
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // Flings are defined by 3 types of events: FlingStart, FlingCancel, and the
- // renderer fling event. Flings do not begin with a Response. Flings end
- // either at the beginning of a FlingCancel, or at the end of the renderer
- // fling event.
- //
- // SSS
- //
- //
- // SSS CCC
- //
- function handleFlingEvents(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- var protoExpectations = [];
- var currentPE = undefined;
- function isRendererFling(event) {
- return event.title === RENDERER_FLING_TITLE;
- }
- var browserHelper = modelHelper.browserHelper;
- var flingEvents = browserHelper.getAllAsyncSlicesMatching(
- isRendererFling);
- forEventTypesIn(sortedInputEvents, FLING_TYPE_NAMES, function(event) {
- flingEvents.push(event);
- });
- flingEvents.sort(compareEvents);
- flingEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- if (event.title === RENDERER_FLING_TITLE) {
- if (currentPE) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- } else {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- }
- return;
- }
- switch (event.typeName) {
- if (currentPE) {
- console.error('Another FlingStart? File a bug with this trace!');
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- } else {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- // Set end to an invalid value so that it can be noticed and fixed
- // later.
- currentPE.end = 0;
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- }
- break;
- if (currentPE) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- // FlingCancel events start when TouchStart events start, which is
- // typically when a Response starts. FlingCancel events end when
- // chrome acknowledges them, not when they update the screen. So
- // there might be one more frame during the FlingCancel, after
- // this Animation ends. That won't affect the scoring algorithms,
- // and it will make the IRs look more correct if they don't
- // overlap unnecessarily.
- currentPE.end = event.start;
- currentPE = undefined;
- } else {
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(ProtoExpectation.IGNORED_TYPE);
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- }
- break;
- }
- });
- // If there was neither a FLING_CANCEL nor a renderer fling after the
- // FLING_START, then assume that it ends at the end of the model, so set
- // the end of currentPE to the end of the model.
- if (currentPE && !currentPE.end)
- currentPE.end = modelHelper.model.bounds.max;
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // The TouchStart and the first TouchMove comprise a Response, then the
- // rest of the TouchMoves comprise an Animation.
- //
- //
- // If there are no TouchMove events in between a TouchStart and a TouchEnd,
- // then it's just a Response.
- //
- // SSS EEE
- //
- function handleTouchEvents(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- var protoExpectations = [];
- var currentPE = undefined;
- var sawFirstMove = false;
- forEventTypesIn(sortedInputEvents, TOUCH_TYPE_NAMES, function(event) {
- switch (event.typeName) {
- if (currentPE) {
- // NB: currentPE will probably be merged with something from
- // handlePinchEvents(). Multiple TouchStart events without an
- // intervening TouchEnd logically implies that multiple fingers
- // are on the screen, so this is probably a pinch gesture.
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- } else {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- currentPE.isAnimationBegin = true;
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- sawFirstMove = false;
- }
- break;
- if (!currentPE) {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- break;
- }
- // Like Scrolls and Pinches, the Response is defined to be the
- // TouchStart plus the first TouchMove, then the rest of the
- // TouchMoves constitute an Animation.
- if ((sawFirstMove &&
- (currentPE.irType === ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE)) ||
- !currentPE.isNear(event, INPUT_MERGE_THRESHOLD_MS)) {
- // If there's already a touchmove in the currentPE or it's not
- // near event, then finish it and start a new animation.
- var prevEnd = currentPE.end;
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- // It's possible for there to be a gap between TouchMoves, but
- // that doesn't mean that there should be an Idle IR there.
- currentPE.start = prevEnd;
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- } else {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- sawFirstMove = true;
- }
- break;
- if (!currentPE) {
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(ProtoExpectation.IGNORED_TYPE);
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- break;
- }
- if (currentPE.isNear(event, INPUT_MERGE_THRESHOLD_MS)) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- } else {
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(ProtoExpectation.IGNORED_TYPE);
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- }
- currentPE = undefined;
- break;
- }
- });
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // The first ScrollBegin and the first ScrollUpdate comprise a Response,
- // then the rest comprise an Animation.
- //
- //
- function handleScrollEvents(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- var protoExpectations = [];
- var currentPE = undefined;
- var sawFirstUpdate = false;
- forEventTypesIn(sortedInputEvents, SCROLL_TYPE_NAMES, function(event) {
- switch (event.typeName) {
- // Always begin a new PE even if there already is one, unlike
- // PinchBegin.
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- currentPE.isAnimationBegin = true;
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- sawFirstUpdate = false;
- break;
- if (currentPE) {
- if (currentPE.isNear(event, INPUT_MERGE_THRESHOLD_MS) &&
- ((currentPE.irType === ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE) ||
- !sawFirstUpdate)) {
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- sawFirstUpdate = true;
- } else {
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE,
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- }
- } else {
- // ScrollUpdate without ScrollBegin.
- currentPE = new ProtoExpectation(
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(currentPE);
- }
- break;
- if (!currentPE) {
- console.error('ScrollEnd without ScrollUpdate? ' +
- 'File a bug with this trace!');
- var pe = new ProtoExpectation(ProtoExpectation.IGNORED_TYPE);
- pe.pushEvent(event);
- protoExpectations.push(pe);
- break;
- }
- currentPE.pushEvent(event);
- break;
- }
- });
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // CSS Animations are merged into AnimationExpectations when they intersect.
- function handleCSSAnimations(modelHelper, sortedInputEvents) {
- // First find all the top-level CSS Animation async events.
- var animationEvents = modelHelper.browserHelper.
- getAllAsyncSlicesMatching(function(event) {
- return ((event.title === CSS_ANIMATION_TITLE) &&
- event.isTopLevel &&
- (event.duration > 0));
- });
- // Memoize the frame events per process.
- // There may be many Animation events for each process. We can save a
- // significant amount of processing time by avoiding re-computing them for
- // each animation.
- var framesForProcess = {};
- function getFramesForAnimationProcess(animation) {
- var frames = framesForProcess[animation.parentContainer.parent.guid];
- if (frames === undefined) {
- var rendererHelper = new tr.model.helpers.ChromeRendererHelper(
- modelHelper, animation.parentContainer.parent);
- // Collect all the frame events in the same renderer process as the css
- // animation, and memoize them.
- frames = rendererHelper.getFrameEventsInRange(
- tr.model.helpers.IMPL_FRAMETIME_TYPE, modelHelper.model.bounds);
- framesForProcess[animation.parentContainer.parent.guid] = frames;
- }
- return frames;
- }
- // Time ranges where animations are actually running will be collected here.
- // Each element will contain {min, max, animation, frames}.
- var animationRanges = [];
- // This helper function will be called when a time range is found
- // during which the animation is actually running.
- // This helper function collects the frames that happened during the time
- // range, and pushes it all to |animationRanges|.
- function pushAnimationRange(start, end, animation) {
- var range = tr.b.Range.fromExplicitRange(start, end);
- range.animation = animation;
- // Collect the frames that happened while the animation was running.
- // A more general way to find these frames would be to collect all of
- // the trace events caused by this animation, but that will require
- // adding flow events to chrome:
- //
- range.frames = range.filterArray(
- getFramesForAnimationProcess(animation),
- function(frameEvent) { return frameEvent.start; });
- // If a tree falls in a forest...
- // If there were not actually any frames while the animation was
- // running, then it wasn't really an animation, now, was it?
- // Philosophy aside, the system_health Animation metrics fail hard if
- // there are no frames in an AnimationExpectation.
- if (range.frames.length === 0)
- return;
- animationRanges.push(range);
- }
- animationEvents.forEach(function(animation) {
- if (animation.subSlices.length === 0) {
- pushAnimationRange(animation.start, animation.end, animation);
- } else {
- // Now run a state machine over the animation's subSlices, which
- // indicate the animations running/paused/finished states, in order to
- // find ranges where the animation was actually running.
- var start = undefined;
- animation.subSlices.forEach(function(sub) {
- if ((sub.args.state === 'running') &&
- (start === undefined)) {
- // It's possible for the state to alternate between running and
- // pending, but the animation is still running in that case,
- // so only set start if the state is changing from one of the halted
- // states.
- start = sub.start;
- } else if ((sub.args.state === 'paused') ||
- (sub.args.state === 'idle') ||
- (sub.args.state === 'finished')) {
- if (start === undefined) {
- // An animation was already running when the trace started.
- // (Actually, it's possible that the animation was in the 'idle'
- // state when tracing started, but that should be rare, and will
- // be fixed when async events are buffered.)
- //
- start = modelHelper.model.bounds.min;
- }
- pushAnimationRange(start, sub.start, animation);
- start = undefined;
- }
- });
- // An animation was still running when the trace ended.
- if (start !== undefined)
- pushAnimationRange(start, modelHelper.model.bounds.max, animation);
- }
- });
- // Now we have a set of time ranges when css animations were actually
- // running, along with their frames.
- // Now all that's left for this function is to merge over-lapping ranges
- // into ProtoExpectations.
- function merge(ranges) {
- var protoExpectation = new ProtoExpectation(
- ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE, CSS_IR_NAME);
- ranges.forEach(function(range) {
- protoExpectation.start = Math.min(protoExpectation.start, range.min);
- protoExpectation.end = Math.max(protoExpectation.end, range.max);
- protoExpectation.associatedEvents.push(range.animation);
- protoExpectation.associatedEvents.addEventSet(range.frames);
- });
- return protoExpectation;
- }
- return tr.b.mergeRanges(animationRanges,
- merge);
- }
- function postProcessProtoExpectations(protoExpectations) {
- // protoExpectations is input only. Returns a modified set of
- // ProtoExpectations. The order is important.
- protoExpectations = mergeIntersectingResponses(protoExpectations);
- protoExpectations = mergeIntersectingAnimations(protoExpectations);
- protoExpectations = fixResponseAnimationStarts(protoExpectations);
- protoExpectations = fixTapResponseTouchAnimations(protoExpectations);
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // TouchStarts happen at the same time as ScrollBegins.
- // It's easier to let multiple handlers create multiple overlapping
- // Responses and then merge them, rather than make the handlers aware of the
- // other handlers' PEs.
- //
- // For example:
- // RR
- // RRR -> RRRRR
- // RR
- //
- // protoExpectations is input only.
- // Returns a modified set of ProtoExpectations.
- function mergeIntersectingResponses(protoExpectations) {
- var newPEs = [];
- while (protoExpectations.length) {
- var pe = protoExpectations.shift();
- newPEs.push(pe);
- // Only consider Responses for now.
- if (pe.irType !== ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE)
- continue;
- for (var i = 0; i < protoExpectations.length; ++i) {
- var otherPE = protoExpectations[i];
- if (otherPE.irType !== pe.irType)
- continue;
- if (!otherPE.intersects(pe))
- continue;
- // Don't merge together Responses of the same type.
- // If handleTouchEvents wanted two of its Responses to be merged, then
- // it would have made them that way to begin with.
- var typeNames = {
- return event.typeName;
- });
- if (otherPE.containsTypeNames(typeNames))
- continue;
- pe.merge(otherPE);
- protoExpectations.splice(i, 1);
- // Don't skip the next otherPE!
- --i;
- }
- }
- return newPEs;
- }
- // An animation is simply an expectation of 60fps between start and end.
- // If two animations overlap, then merge them.
- //
- // For example:
- // AA
- // AAA -> AAAAA
- // AA
- //
- // protoExpectations is input only.
- // Returns a modified set of ProtoExpectations.
- function mergeIntersectingAnimations(protoExpectations) {
- var newPEs = [];
- while (protoExpectations.length) {
- var pe = protoExpectations.shift();
- newPEs.push(pe);
- // Only consider Animations for now.
- if (pe.irType !== ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE)
- continue;
- var isCSS = pe.containsSliceTitle(CSS_ANIMATION_TITLE);
- var isFling = pe.containsTypeNames([INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START]);
- for (var i = 0; i < protoExpectations.length; ++i) {
- var otherPE = protoExpectations[i];
- if (otherPE.irType !== pe.irType)
- continue;
- // Don't merge CSS Animations with any other types.
- if (isCSS != otherPE.containsSliceTitle(CSS_ANIMATION_TITLE))
- continue;
- if (!otherPE.intersects(pe))
- continue;
- // Don't merge Fling Animations with any other types.
- if (isFling != otherPE.containsTypeNames([INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START]))
- continue;
- pe.merge(otherPE);
- protoExpectations.splice(i, 1);
- // Don't skip the next otherPE!
- --i;
- }
- }
- return newPEs;
- }
- // The ends of responses frequently overlap the starts of animations.
- // Fix the animations to reflect the fact that the user can only start to
- // expect 60fps after the response.
- //
- // For example:
- // RRR -> RRRAA
- // AAAA
- //
- // protoExpectations is input only.
- // Returns a modified set of ProtoExpectations.
- function fixResponseAnimationStarts(protoExpectations) {
- protoExpectations.forEach(function(ape) {
- // Only consider animations for now.
- if (ape.irType !== ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE)
- return;
- protoExpectations.forEach(function(rpe) {
- // Only consider responses for now.
- if (rpe.irType !== ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE)
- return;
- // Only consider responses that end during the animation.
- if (!ape.containsTimestampInclusive(rpe.end))
- return;
- // Ignore Responses that are entirely contained by the animation.
- if (ape.containsTimestampInclusive(rpe.start))
- return;
- // Move the animation start to the response end.
- ape.start = rpe.end;
- });
- });
- return protoExpectations;
- }
- // Merge Tap Responses that overlap Touch-only Animations.
- //
- function fixTapResponseTouchAnimations(protoExpectations) {
- function isTapResponse(pe) {
- return (pe.irType === ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE) &&
- pe.containsTypeNames([INPUT_TYPE.TAP]);
- }
- function isTouchAnimation(pe) {
- return (pe.irType === ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE) &&
- pe.containsTypeNames([INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE]) &&
- !pe.containsTypeNames([
- }
- var newPEs = [];
- while (protoExpectations.length) {
- var pe = protoExpectations.shift();
- newPEs.push(pe);
- // protoExpectations are sorted by start time, and we don't know whether
- // the Tap Response or the Touch Animation will be first
- var peIsTapResponse = isTapResponse(pe);
- var peIsTouchAnimation = isTouchAnimation(pe);
- if (!peIsTapResponse && !peIsTouchAnimation)
- continue;
- for (var i = 0; i < protoExpectations.length; ++i) {
- var otherPE = protoExpectations[i];
- if (!otherPE.intersects(pe))
- continue;
- if (peIsTapResponse && !isTouchAnimation(otherPE))
- continue;
- if (peIsTouchAnimation && !isTapResponse(otherPE))
- continue;
- // pe might be the Touch Animation, but the merged ProtoExpectation
- // should be a Response.
- pe.irType = ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE;
- pe.merge(otherPE);
- protoExpectations.splice(i, 1);
- // Don't skip the next otherPE!
- --i;
- }
- }
- return newPEs;
- }
- // Check that none of the handlers accidentally ignored an input event.
- function checkAllInputEventsHandled(sortedInputEvents, protoExpectations) {
- var handledEvents = [];
- protoExpectations.forEach(function(protoExpectation) {
- protoExpectation.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- // Ignore CSS Animations that might have multiple active ranges.
- if ((event.title === CSS_ANIMATION_TITLE) &&
- (event.subSlices.length > 0))
- return;
- if (handledEvents.indexOf(event) >= 0) {
- console.error('double-handled event', event.typeName,
- parseInt(event.start), parseInt(event.end), protoExpectation);
- return;
- }
- handledEvents.push(event);
- });
- });
- sortedInputEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- if (handledEvents.indexOf(event) < 0) {
- console.error('UNHANDLED INPUT EVENT!',
- event.typeName, parseInt(event.start), parseInt(event.end));
- }
- });
- }
- // Find ProtoExpectations, post-process them, convert them to real IRs.
- function findInputExpectations(modelHelper) {
- var sortedInputEvents = getSortedInputEvents(modelHelper);
- var protoExpectations = findProtoExpectations(
- modelHelper, sortedInputEvents);
- protoExpectations = postProcessProtoExpectations(protoExpectations);
- checkAllInputEventsHandled(sortedInputEvents, protoExpectations);
- var irs = [];
- protoExpectations.forEach(function(protoExpectation) {
- var ir = protoExpectation.createInteractionRecord(modelHelper.model);
- if (ir)
- irs.push(ir);
- });
- return irs;
- }
- return {
- findInputExpectations: findInputExpectations,
- compareEvents: compareEvents,
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/find_load_expectations.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/find_load_expectations.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/find_load_expectations.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/load_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- // This global instant event marks the start of a navigation.
- var NAVIGATION_START = 'NavigationTiming navigationStart';
- // This render-process instant event marks the first contentful paint in a
- // main frame.
- var FIRST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT_TITLE = 'firstContentfulPaint';
- function findLoadExpectations(modelHelper) {
- var events = [];
- for (var event of modelHelper.model.getDescendantEvents()) {
- if ((event.title === NAVIGATION_START) ||
- events.push(event);
- }
- events.sort(tr.importer.compareEvents);
- var loads = [];
- var startEvent = undefined;
- // TODO(alexandermont): What's supposed to happen if there are two
- // them? Are you supposed to just "lose" the first NAVIGATION_START,
- // like what's happening now?
- for (var event of events) {
- if (event.title === NAVIGATION_START) {
- startEvent = event;
- } else if (event.title === FIRST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT_TITLE) {
- if (startEvent) {
- loads.push(new
- modelHelper.model,,
- startEvent.start, event.start - startEvent.start));
- startEvent = undefined;
- }
- }
- }
- // If the trace ended between navigation start and first contentful paint,
- // then make a LoadExpectation that ends at the end of the trace.
- if (startEvent) {
- loads.push(new
- modelHelper.model,,
- startEvent.start, modelHelper.model.bounds.max - startEvent.start));
- }
- return loads;
- }
- return {
- findLoadExpectations: findLoadExpectations
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/find_startup_expectations.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/find_startup_expectations.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/find_startup_expectations.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/startup_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- function getAllFrameEvents(modelHelper) {
- var frameEvents = [];
- frameEvents.push.apply(frameEvents,
- modelHelper.browserHelper.getFrameEventsInRange(
- tr.model.helpers.IMPL_FRAMETIME_TYPE, modelHelper.model.bounds));
- tr.b.iterItems(modelHelper.rendererHelpers, function(pid, renderer) {
- frameEvents.push.apply(frameEvents, renderer.getFrameEventsInRange(
- tr.model.helpers.IMPL_FRAMETIME_TYPE, modelHelper.model.bounds));
- });
- return frameEvents.sort(tr.importer.compareEvents);
- }
- // If a thread contains a typical initialization slice, then the first event
- // on that thread is a startup event.
- function getStartupEvents(modelHelper) {
- function isStartupSlice(slice) {
- return slice.title === 'BrowserMainLoop::CreateThreads';
- }
- var events = modelHelper.browserHelper.getAllAsyncSlicesMatching(
- isStartupSlice);
- var deduper = new tr.model.EventSet();
- events.forEach(function(event) {
- var sliceGroup = event.parentContainer.sliceGroup;
- var slice = sliceGroup && sliceGroup.findFirstSlice();
- if (slice)
- deduper.push(slice);
- });
- return deduper.toArray();
- }
- // Match every event in |openingEvents| to the first following event from
- // |closingEvents| and return an array containing a load interaction record
- // for each pair.
- function findStartupExpectations(modelHelper) {
- var openingEvents = getStartupEvents(modelHelper);
- var closingEvents = getAllFrameEvents(modelHelper);
- var startups = [];
- openingEvents.forEach(function(openingEvent) {
- closingEvents.forEach(function(closingEvent) {
- // Ignore opening event that already have a closing event.
- if (openingEvent.closingEvent)
- return;
- // Ignore closing events that already belong to an opening event.
- if (closingEvent.openingEvent)
- return;
- // Ignore closing events before |openingEvent|.
- if (closingEvent.start <= openingEvent.start)
- return;
- // Ignore events from different threads.
- if ( !==
- return;
- // This is the first closing event for this opening event, record it.
- openingEvent.closingEvent = closingEvent;
- closingEvent.openingEvent = openingEvent;
- var se = new
- modelHelper.model, openingEvent.start,
- closingEvent.end - openingEvent.start);
- se.associatedEvents.push(openingEvent);
- se.associatedEvents.push(closingEvent);
- startups.push(se);
- });
- });
- return startups;
- }
- return {
- findStartupExpectations: findStartupExpectations
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/import.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/import.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fe21637c8c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/import.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel='import' href='/tracing/base/base.html'>
-<link rel='import' href='/tracing/base/timing.html'>
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/empty_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/user_model_builder.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- var Timing = tr.b.Timing;
- function ImportOptions() {
- this.shiftWorldToZero = true;
- this.pruneEmptyContainers = true;
- this.showImportWarnings = true;
- this.trackDetailedModelStats = false;
- // Callback called after
- // importers run in which more data can be added to the model, before it is
- // finalized.
- this.customizeModelCallback = undefined;
- var auditorTypes = tr.c.Auditor.getAllRegisteredTypeInfos();
- this.auditorConstructors = {
- return typeInfo.constructor;
- });
- }
- function Import(model, opt_options) {
- if (model === undefined)
- throw new Error('Must provide model to import into.');
- // TODO(dsinclair): Check the model is empty.
- this.importing_ = false;
- this.importOptions_ = opt_options || new ImportOptions();
- this.model_ = model;
- this.model_.importOptions = this.importOptions_;
- }
- Import.prototype = {
- __proto__: Object.prototype,
- /**
- * Imports the provided traces into the model. The eventData type
- * is undefined and will be passed to all the importers registered
- * via Importer.register. The first importer that returns true
- * for canImport(events) will be used to import the events.
- *
- * The primary trace is provided via the eventData variable. If multiple
- * traces are to be imported, specify the first one as events, and the
- * remainder in the opt_additionalEventData array.
- *
- * @param {Array} traces An array of eventData to be imported. Each
- * eventData should correspond to a single trace file and will be handled by
- * a separate importer.
- */
- importTraces: function(traces) {
- var progressMeter = {
- update: function(msg) {}
- };
- tr.b.Task.RunSynchronously(
- this.createImportTracesTask(progressMeter, traces));
- },
- /**
- * Imports a trace with the usual options from importTraces, but
- * does so using idle callbacks, putting up an import dialog
- * during the import process.
- */
- importTracesWithProgressDialog: function(traces) {
- if (tr.isHeadless)
- throw new Error('Cannot use this method in headless mode.');
- var overlay = tr.ui.b.Overlay();
- overlay.title = 'Importing...';
- overlay.userCanClose = false;
- overlay.msgEl = document.createElement('div');
- overlay.appendChild(overlay.msgEl);
- = '20px';
- overlay.update = function(msg) {
- this.msgEl.textContent = msg;
- };
- overlay.visible = true;
- var promise =
- tr.b.Task.RunWhenIdle(this.createImportTracesTask(overlay, traces));
- promise.then(
- function() { overlay.visible = false; },
- function(err) { overlay.visible = false; }
- );
- return promise;
- },
- /**
- * Creates a task that will import the provided traces into the model,
- * updating the progressMeter as it goes. Parameters are as defined in
- * importTraces.
- */
- createImportTracesTask: function(progressMeter, traces) {
- if (this.importing_)
- throw new Error('Already importing.');
- this.importing_ = true;
- // Just some simple setup. It is useful to have a no-op first
- // task so that we can set up the lastTask = lastTask.after()
- // pattern that follows.
- var importTask = new tr.b.Task(function prepareImport() {
- progressMeter.update('I will now import your traces for you...');
- }, this);
- var lastTask = importTask;
- var importers = [];
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport', function createImports() {
- // Copy the traces array, we may mutate it.
- traces = traces.slice(0);
- progressMeter.update('Creating importers...');
- // Figure out which importers to use.
- for (var i = 0; i < traces.length; ++i)
- importers.push(this.createImporter_(traces[i]));
- // Some traces have other traces inside them. Before doing the full
- // import, ask the importer if it has any subtraces, and if so, create
- // importers for them, also.
- for (var i = 0; i < importers.length; i++) {
- var subtraces = importers[i].extractSubtraces();
- for (var j = 0; j < subtraces.length; j++) {
- try {
- traces.push(subtraces[j]);
- importers.push(this.createImporter_(subtraces[j]));
- } catch (error) {
- // TODO(kphanee): Log the subtrace file which has failed.
- console.warn( + ': ' + error.message);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- if (traces.length && !this.hasEventDataDecoder_(importers)) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Could not find an importer for the provided eventData.');
- }
- // Sort them on priority. This ensures importing happens in a
- // predictable order, e.g. ftrace_importer before
- // trace_event_importer.
- importers.sort(function(x, y) {
- return x.importPriority - y.importPriority;
- });
- }, this);
- // We import clock sync markers before all other events. This is necessary
- // because we need the clock sync markers in order to know by how much we
- // need to shift the timestamps of other events.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function importClockSyncMarkers(task) {
- importers.forEach(function(importer, index) {
- task.subTask(Timing.wrapNamedFunction(
- 'TraceImport', importer.importerName,
- function runImportClockSyncMarkersOnOneImporter() {
- progressMeter.update(
- 'Importing clock sync markers ' + (index + 1) + ' of ' +
- importers.length);
- importer.importClockSyncMarkers();
- }), this);
- }, this);
- }, this);
- // Run the import.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport', function runImport(task) {
- importers.forEach(function(importer, index) {
- task.subTask(Timing.wrapNamedFunction(
- 'TraceImport', importer.importerName,
- function runImportEventsOnOneImporter() {
- progressMeter.update(
- 'Importing ' + (index + 1) + ' of ' + importers.length);
- importer.importEvents();
- }), this);
- }, this);
- }, this);
- // Run the cusomizeModelCallback if needed.
- if (this.importOptions_.customizeModelCallback) {
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function runCustomizeCallbacks(task) {
- this.importOptions_.customizeModelCallback(this.model_);
- }, this);
- }
- // Import sample data.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function importSampleData(task) {
- importers.forEach(function(importer, index) {
- progressMeter.update(
- 'Importing sample data ' + (index + 1) + '/' + importers.length);
- importer.importSampleData();
- }, this);
- }, this);
- // Autoclose open slices and create subSlices.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport', function runAutoclosers() {
- progressMeter.update('Autoclosing open slices...');
- this.model_.autoCloseOpenSlices();
- this.model_.createSubSlices();
- }, this);
- // Finalize import.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function finalizeImport(task) {
- importers.forEach(function(importer, index) {
- progressMeter.update(
- 'Finalizing import ' + (index + 1) + '/' + importers.length);
- importer.finalizeImport();
- }, this);
- }, this);
- // Run preinit.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport', function runPreinits() {
- progressMeter.update('Initializing objects (step 1/2)...');
- this.model_.preInitializeObjects();
- }, this);
- // Prune empty containers.
- if (this.importOptions_.pruneEmptyContainers) {
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function runPruneEmptyContainers() {
- progressMeter.update('Pruning empty containers...');
- this.model_.pruneEmptyContainers();
- }, this);
- }
- // Merge kernel and userland slices on each thread.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function runMergeKernelWithuserland() {
- progressMeter.update('Merging kernel with userland...');
- this.model_.mergeKernelWithUserland();
- }, this);
- // Create auditors
- var auditors = [];
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function createAuditorsAndRunAnnotate() {
- progressMeter.update('Adding arbitrary data to model...');
- auditors =
- function(auditorConstructor) {
- return new auditorConstructor(this.model_);
- }, this);
- auditors.forEach(function(auditor) {
- auditor.runAnnotate();
- auditor.installUserFriendlyCategoryDriverIfNeeded();
- });
- }, this);
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function computeWorldBounds() {
- progressMeter.update('Computing final world bounds...');
- this.model_.computeWorldBounds(this.importOptions_.shiftWorldToZero);
- }, this);
- // Build the flow event interval tree.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function buildFlowEventIntervalTree() {
- progressMeter.update('Building flow event map...');
- this.model_.buildFlowEventIntervalTree();
- }, this);
- // Join refs.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport', function joinRefs() {
- progressMeter.update('Joining object refs...');
- this.model_.joinRefs();
- }, this);
- // Delete any undeleted objects.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function cleanupUndeletedObjects() {
- progressMeter.update('Cleaning up undeleted objects...');
- this.model_.cleanupUndeletedObjects();
- }, this);
- // Sort global and process memory dumps.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport', function sortMemoryDumps() {
- progressMeter.update('Sorting memory dumps...');
- this.model_.sortMemoryDumps();
- }, this);
- // Finalize memory dump graphs.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function finalizeMemoryGraphs() {
- progressMeter.update('Finalizing memory dump graphs...');
- this.model_.finalizeMemoryGraphs();
- }, this);
- // Run initializers.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function initializeObjects() {
- progressMeter.update('Initializing objects (step 2/2)...');
- this.model_.initializeObjects();
- }, this);
- // Build event indices mapping from an event id to all flow events.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function buildEventIndices() {
- progressMeter.update('Building event indices...');
- this.model_.buildEventIndices();
- }, this);
- // Build the UserModel.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport', function buildUserModel() {
- progressMeter.update('Building UserModel...');
- var userModelBuilder = new tr.importer.UserModelBuilder(this.model_);
- userModelBuilder.buildUserModel();
- }, this);
- // Sort Expectations.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function sortExpectations() {
- progressMeter.update('Sorting user expectations...');
- this.model_.userModel.sortExpectations();
- }, this);
- // Run audits.
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport', function runAudits() {
- progressMeter.update('Running auditors...');
- auditors.forEach(function(auditor) {
- auditor.runAudit();
- });
- }, this);
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport', function sortAlerts() {
- progressMeter.update('Updating alerts...');
- this.model_.sortAlerts();
- }, this);
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function lastUpdateBounds() {
- progressMeter.update('Update bounds...');
- this.model_.updateBounds();
- }, this);
- lastTask = lastTask.timedAfter('TraceImport',
- function addModelWarnings() {
- progressMeter.update('Looking for warnings...');
- // Log an import warning if the clock is low resolution.
- if (!this.model_.isTimeHighResolution) {
- this.model_.importWarning({
- type: 'low_resolution_timer',
- message: 'Trace time is low resolution, trace may be unusable.',
- showToUser: true
- });
- }
- }, this);
- // Cleanup.
- lastTask.after(function() {
- this.importing_ = false;
- }, this);
- return importTask;
- },
- createImporter_: function(eventData) {
- var importerConstructor = tr.importer.Importer.findImporterFor(eventData);
- if (!importerConstructor) {
- throw new Error('Couldn\'t create an importer for the provided ' +
- 'eventData.');
- }
- return new importerConstructor(this.model_, eventData);
- },
- hasEventDataDecoder_: function(importers) {
- for (var i = 0; i < importers.length; ++i) {
- if (!importers[i].isTraceDataContainer())
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- return {
- ImportOptions: ImportOptions,
- Import: Import
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/import_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/import_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base64.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/zip_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/v8/v8_log_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Base64 = tr.b.Base64;
- test('canImportEmpty', function() {
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([]);
- assert.isDefined(m.modelIndices);
- m = new tr.Model('');
- });
- test('canImportSubtraces', function() {
- var systraceLines = [
- 'SurfaceFlinger-2 [001] ...1 1000.0: 0: B|1|taskA',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-2 [001] ...1 2000.0: 0: E',
- ' chrome-3 [001] ...1 2000.0: 0: trace_event_clock_sync: ' +
- 'parent_ts=0'
- ];
- var traceEvents = [
- {ts: 1000, pid: 1, tid: 3, ph: 'B', cat: 'c', name: 'taskB', args: {
- my_object: {id_ref: '0x1000'}
- }},
- {ts: 2000, pid: 1, tid: 3, ph: 'E', cat: 'c', name: 'taskB', args: {}}
- ];
- var combined = JSON.stringify({
- traceEvents: traceEvents,
- systemTraceEvents: systraceLines.join('\n')
- });
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([combined]);
- assert.equal(tr.b.dictionaryValues(m.processes).length, 1);
- var p1 = m.processes[1];
- assert.isDefined(p1);
- var t2 = p1.threads[2];
- var t3 = p1.threads[3];
- assert.isDefined(t2);
- assert.isDefined(t3);
- assert.equal(1, 1, t2.sliceGroup.length);
- assert.equal(t2.sliceGroup.slices[0].title, 'taskA');
- assert.equal(t3.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t3.sliceGroup.slices[0].title, 'taskB');
- });
- test('canImportCompressedSingleSubtrace', function() {
- var compressedTrace = Base64.atob(
- 'H4sIACKfFVUC/wsuLUpLTE51y8nMS08t0jVSUIg2MDCMV' +
- 'dDT0zNUMDQwMNAzsFIAIqcaw5qSxOJsR65gfDqMEDpcATiC61ZbAAAA');
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([compressedTrace]);
- assert.equal(1, tr.b.dictionaryValues(m.processes).length);
- var p1 = m.processes[1];
- assert.isDefined(p1);
- var t2 = p1.threads[2];
- assert.isDefined(t2);
- assert.equal(1, t2.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal('taskA', t2.sliceGroup.slices[0].title);
- });
- test('canImportSubtracesRecursively', function() {
- var systraceLines = [
- 'SurfaceFlinger-2 [001] ...1 1000.0: 0: B|1|taskA',
- 'SurfaceFlinger-2 [001] ...1 2000.0: 0: E',
- ' chrome-3 [001] ...1 2000.0: 0: trace_event_clock_sync: ' +
- 'parent_ts=0'
- ];
- var outerTraceEvents = [
- {ts: 1000, pid: 1, tid: 3, ph: 'B', cat: 'c', name: 'taskB', args: {
- my_object: {id_ref: '0x1000'}
- }}
- ];
- var innerTraceEvents = [
- {ts: 2000, pid: 1, tid: 3, ph: 'E', cat: 'c', name: 'taskB', args: {}}
- ];
- var innerTrace = JSON.stringify({
- traceEvents: innerTraceEvents,
- systemTraceEvents: systraceLines.join('\n')
- });
- var outerTrace = JSON.stringify({
- traceEvents: outerTraceEvents,
- systemTraceEvents: innerTrace
- });
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([outerTrace]);
- assert.equal(tr.b.dictionaryValues(m.processes).length, 1);
- var p1 = m.processes[1];
- assert.isDefined(p1);
- var t2 = p1.threads[2];
- var t3 = p1.threads[3];
- assert.isDefined(t2);
- assert.isDefined(t3);
- assert.equal(1, 1, t2.sliceGroup.length);
- assert.equal(t2.sliceGroup.slices[0].title, 'taskA');
- assert.equal(t3.sliceGroup.length, 1);
- assert.equal(t3.sliceGroup.slices[0].title, 'taskB');
- });
- test('withImportFailure', function() {
- assert.throw(function() {
- tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([malformed]);
- });
- });
- test('customizeCallback', function() {
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false,
- pruneContainers: false,
- customizeModelCallback: function(m) {
- var browserProcess = m.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var browserMain = browserProcess.getOrCreateThread(2);
- browserMain.sliceGroup.beginSlice('cat', 'Task', 0);
- browserMain.sliceGroup.beginSlice('cat', 'SubTask', 1);
- browserMain.sliceGroup.endSlice(9);
- browserMain.sliceGroup.endSlice(10);
- browserMain.sliceGroup.beginSlice('cat', 'Task', 20);
- browserMain.sliceGroup.endSlice(30);
- }
- });
- var t2 = m.processes[1].threads[2];
- assert.equal(t2.sliceGroup.length, 3);
- assert.equal(t2.sliceGroup.topLevelSlices.length, 2);
- });
- test('sortsSamples', function() {
- // The 184, 0 and 185 are the tick-times
- // and irrespective of the order
- // in which the lines appear in the trace,
- // the samples should always be sorted by sampling time.
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([
- 'tick,0x9a,184,0,0x0,5',
- 'tick,0x9b,0,0,0x0,5',
- 'tick,0x9c,185,0,0x0,5']);
- assert.equal(m.samples[0].start, 0);
- assert.equal(m.samples[1].start, 0.184);
- assert.equal(m.samples[2].start, 0.185);
- });
- test('sortsGlobalMemoryDumps', function() {
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([], {
- pruneContainers: false,
- customizeModelCallback: function(m) {
- m.globalMemoryDumps.push(new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(m, 1));
- m.globalMemoryDumps.push(new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(m, 5));
- m.globalMemoryDumps.push(new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(m, 3));
- }
- });
- assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[0].start, 0);
- assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[1].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.globalMemoryDumps[2].start, 4);
- });
- test('finalizesProcessMemoryDumps', function() {
- var p;
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([], {
- pruneContainers: false,
- customizeModelCallback: function(m) {
- p = m.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var g = new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(m, -1);
- m.globalMemoryDumps.push(g);
- var pmd1 = new tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump(g, p, 1);
- p.memoryDumps.push(pmd1);
- var pmd2 = new tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump(g, p, 5);
- p.memoryDumps.push(pmd2);
- var pmd3 = new tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump(g, p, 3);
- p.memoryDumps.push(pmd3);
- pmd3.vmRegions = [];
- }
- });
- // Check the sort order.
- assert.equal(p.memoryDumps[0].start, 2);
- assert.equal(p.memoryDumps[1].start, 4);
- assert.equal(p.memoryDumps[2].start, 6);
- // Check that the most recent VM regions are linked correctly.
- assert.isUndefined(p.memoryDumps[0].mostRecentVmRegions);
- assert.lengthOf(p.memoryDumps[1].mostRecentVmRegions, 0);
- assert.strictEqual(
- p.memoryDumps[1].mostRecentVmRegions,
- p.memoryDumps[2].mostRecentVmRegions);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/importer.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/importer.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b981c1be8bd..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/importer.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/extension_registry.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Base class for trace data importers.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- function Importer() { }
- Importer.prototype = {
- __proto__: Object.prototype,
- get importerName() {
- return 'Importer';
- },
- /**
- * Called by the Model to check whether the importer type stores the actual
- * trace data or just holds it as container for further extraction.
- */
- isTraceDataContainer: function() {
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Called by the Model to extract one or more subtraces from the event data.
- */
- extractSubtraces: function() {
- return [];
- },
- /**
- * Called to import clock sync markers into the Model.
- */
- importClockSyncMarkers: function() {
- },
- /**
- * Called to import events into the Model.
- */
- importEvents: function() {
- },
- /**
- * Called to import sample data into the Model.
- */
- importSampleData: function() {
- },
- /**
- * Called by the Model after all other importers have imported their
- * events.
- */
- finalizeImport: function() {
- }
- };
- var options = new tr.b.ExtensionRegistryOptions(tr.b.BASIC_REGISTRY_MODE);
- options.defaultMetadata = {};
- options.mandatoryBaseClass = Importer;
- tr.b.decorateExtensionRegistry(Importer, options);
- Importer.findImporterFor = function(eventData) {
- var typeInfo = Importer.findTypeInfoMatching(function(ti) {
- return ti.constructor.canImport(eventData);
- });
- if (typeInfo)
- return typeInfo.constructor;
- return undefined;
- };
- return {
- Importer: Importer
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/proto_expectation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/proto_expectation.html
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index c3b655c00e6..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/proto_expectation.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/auditor.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_info.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/animation_expectation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/response_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- // This is an intermediate data format between InputLatencyAsyncSlices and
- // Response and Animation IRs.
- function ProtoExpectation(irType, name) {
- this.irType = irType;
- this.names = new Set(name ? [name] : undefined);
- this.start = Infinity;
- this.end = -Infinity;
- this.associatedEvents = new tr.model.EventSet();
- this.isAnimationBegin = false;
- }
- ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE = 'r';
- ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE = 'a';
- // Explicitly ignore some input events to allow
- // UserModelBuilder.checkAllInputEventsHandled() to determine which events
- // were unintentionally ignored due to a bug.
- ProtoExpectation.IGNORED_TYPE = 'ignored';
- ProtoExpectation.prototype = {
- get isValid() {
- return this.end > this.start;
- },
- // Return true if any associatedEvent's typeName is in typeNames.
- containsTypeNames: function(typeNames) {
- return this.associatedEvents.some(
- x => typeNames.indexOf(x.typeName) >= 0);
- },
- containsSliceTitle: function(title) {
- return this.associatedEvents.some(x => title === x.title);
- },
- createInteractionRecord: function(model) {
- if (!this.isValid) {
- console.error('Invalid ProtoExpectation: ' + this.debug() +
- ' File a bug with this trace!');
- return undefined;
- }
- var initiatorTitles = [];
- this.names.forEach(function(name) {
- initiatorTitles.push(name);
- });
- initiatorTitles = initiatorTitles.sort().join(',');
- var duration = this.end - this.start;
- var ir = undefined;
- switch (this.irType) {
- case ProtoExpectation.RESPONSE_TYPE:
- ir = new
- model, initiatorTitles, this.start, duration,
- this.isAnimationBegin);
- break;
- case ProtoExpectation.ANIMATION_TYPE:
- ir = new
- model, initiatorTitles, this.start, duration);
- break;
- }
- if (!ir)
- return undefined;
- ir.sourceEvents.addEventSet(this.associatedEvents);
- function pushAssociatedEvents(event) {
- ir.associatedEvents.push(event);
- // |event| is either an InputLatencyAsyncSlice (which collects all of
- // its associated events transitively) or a CSS Animation (which doesn't
- // have any associated events). So this does not need to recurse.
- if (event.associatedEvents)
- ir.associatedEvents.addEventSet(event.associatedEvents);
- }
- this.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- pushAssociatedEvents(event);
- // Old-style InputLatencyAsyncSlices have subSlices.
- if (event.subSlices)
- event.subSlices.forEach(pushAssociatedEvents);
- });
- return ir;
- },
- // Merge the other ProtoExpectation into this one.
- // The irTypes need not match: ignored ProtoExpectations might be merged
- // into overlapping ProtoExpectations, and Touch-only Animations are merged
- // into Tap Responses.
- merge: function(other) {
- other.names.forEach(function(name) { this.names.add(name); }.bind(this));
- // Don't use pushEvent(), which would lose special start, end.
- this.associatedEvents.addEventSet(other.associatedEvents);
- this.start = Math.min(this.start, other.start);
- this.end = Math.max(this.end, other.end);
- if (other.isAnimationBegin)
- this.isAnimationBegin = true;
- },
- // Include |event| in this ProtoExpectation, expanding start/end to include
- // it.
- pushEvent: function(event) {
- // Usually, this method will be called while iterating over a list of
- // events sorted by start time, so this method won't usually change
- // this.start. However, this will sometimes be called for
- // ProtoExpectations created by previous handlers, in which case
- // event.start could possibly be before this.start.
- this.start = Math.min(this.start, event.start);
- this.end = Math.max(this.end, event.end);
- this.associatedEvents.push(event);
- },
- // Returns true if timestamp is contained in this ProtoExpectation.
- containsTimestampInclusive: function(timestamp) {
- return (this.start <= timestamp) && (timestamp <= this.end);
- },
- // Return true if the other event intersects this ProtoExpectation.
- intersects: function(other) {
- //
- return (other.start < this.end) && (other.end > this.start);
- },
- isNear: function(event, threshold) {
- return (this.end + threshold) > event.start;
- },
- // Return a string describing this ProtoExpectation for debugging.
- debug: function() {
- var debugString = this.irType + '(';
- debugString += parseInt(this.start) + ' ';
- debugString += parseInt(this.end);
- this.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- debugString += ' ' + event.typeName;
- });
- return debugString + ')';
- }
- };
- return {
- ProtoExpectation: ProtoExpectation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/simple_line_reader.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/simple_line_reader.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/simple_line_reader.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- /**
- * @constructor
- */
- function SimpleLineReader(text) {
- this.lines_ = text.split('\n');
- this.curLine_ = 0;
- this.savedLines_ = undefined;
- }
- SimpleLineReader.prototype = {
- advanceToLineMatching: function(regex) {
- for (; this.curLine_ < this.lines_.length; this.curLine_++) {
- var line = this.lines_[this.curLine_];
- if (this.savedLines_ !== undefined)
- this.savedLines_.push(line);
- if (regex.test(line))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- get curLineNumber() {
- return this.curLine_;
- },
- beginSavingLines: function() {
- this.savedLines_ = [];
- },
- endSavingLinesAndGetResult: function() {
- var tmp = this.savedLines_;
- this.savedLines_ = undefined;
- return tmp;
- }
- };
- return {
- SimpleLineReader: SimpleLineReader
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/user_expectation_verifier.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/user_expectation_verifier.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 18c080d4424..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/user_expectation_verifier.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/chrome_test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/user_model_builder.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- function compareEvents(x, y) {
- if (x.start !== y.start)
- return x.start - y.start;
- return x.guid - y.guid;
- }
- function UserExpectationVerifier() {
- this.customizeModelCallback_ = undefined;
- this.expectedIRs_ = undefined;
- }
- UserExpectationVerifier.prototype = {
- set customizeModelCallback(cmc) {
- this.customizeModelCallback_ = cmc;
- },
- // |irs| must be sorted by start time.
- set expectedIRs(irs) {
- this.expectedIRs_ = irs;
- },
- verify: function() {
- var model =
- this.customizeModelCallback_);
- var failure = undefined;
- try {
- var i = 0;
- assert.lengthOf(model.userModel.expectations,
- this.expectedIRs_.length);
- var actualUE_iterator = model.userModel.expectations[Symbol.iterator]();
- for (var expectedIR of this.expectedIRs_) {
- var actualUE =;
- assert.equal(false, actualUE.done);
- var at = 'IRs[' + (i++) + '].';
- assert.equal(expectedIR.title, actualUE.value.title, at + 'title');
- if ( !== undefined)
- assert.equal(,, at + 'name');
- assert.equal(expectedIR.start, actualUE.value.start, at + 'start');
- assert.equal(expectedIR.end, actualUE.value.end, at + 'end');
- assert.equal(expectedIR.eventCount,
- actualUE.value.associatedEvents.length, at + 'eventCount');
- if (actualUE instanceof {
- assert.equal(expectedIR.isAnimationBegin || false,
- actualUEs.isAnimationBegin, at + 'isAnimationBegin');
- }
- }
- } catch (caught) {
- failure = caught;
- }
- var debug = !tr.isHeadless && (
-'&').indexOf('debug') >= 0);
- if (!failure && !debug)
- return;
- if (failure)
- throw failure;
- }
- };
- return {UserExpectationVerifier: UserExpectationVerifier};
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/user_model_builder.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/user_model_builder.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/user_model_builder.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/auditor.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/cc/input_latency_async_slice.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/find_input_expectations.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/find_load_expectations.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/find_startup_expectations.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_info.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/ir_coverage.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/idle_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.importer', function() {
- function UserModelBuilder(model) {
- this.model = model;
- this.modelHelper = model.getOrCreateHelper(
- tr.model.helpers.ChromeModelHelper);
- };
- UserModelBuilder.supportsModelHelper = function(modelHelper) {
- return modelHelper.browserHelper !== undefined;
- };
- UserModelBuilder.prototype = {
- buildUserModel: function() {
- if (!this.modelHelper || !this.modelHelper.browserHelper)
- return;
- var expectations = undefined;
- try {
- expectations = this.findUserExpectations();
- // There are not currently any known cases when this could throw.
- } catch (error) {
- this.model.importWarning({
- type: 'UserModelBuilder',
- message: error,
- showToUser: true
- });
- return;
- }
- expectations.forEach(function(expectation) {
- this.model.userModel.expectations.push(expectation);
- }, this);
- // TODO(benjhayden) Find Gestures here.
- },
- findUserExpectations: function() {
- var expectations = [];
- expectations.push.apply(expectations, tr.importer.findStartupExpectations(
- this.modelHelper));
- expectations.push.apply(expectations, tr.importer.findLoadExpectations(
- this.modelHelper));
- expectations.push.apply(expectations, tr.importer.findInputExpectations(
- this.modelHelper));
- // findIdleExpectations must be called last!
- expectations.push.apply(
- expectations, this.findIdleExpectations(expectations));
- this.collectUnassociatedEvents_(expectations);
- return expectations;
- },
- // Find all unassociated top-level ThreadSlices. If they start during an
- // Idle or Load IR, then add their entire hierarchy to that IR.
- collectUnassociatedEvents_: function(rirs) {
- var vacuumIRs = [];
- rirs.forEach(function(ir) {
- if (ir instanceof ||
- ir instanceof ||
- ir instanceof
- vacuumIRs.push(ir);
- });
- if (vacuumIRs.length === 0)
- return;
- var allAssociatedEvents = tr.model.getAssociatedEvents(rirs);
- var unassociatedEvents = tr.model.getUnassociatedEvents(
- this.model, allAssociatedEvents);
- unassociatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- if (!(event instanceof tr.model.ThreadSlice))
- return;
- if (!event.isTopLevel)
- return;
- for (var iri = 0; iri < vacuumIRs.length; ++iri) {
- var ir = vacuumIRs[iri];
- if ((event.start >= ir.start) &&
- (event.start < ir.end)) {
- ir.associatedEvents.addEventSet(event.entireHierarchy);
- return;
- }
- }
- });
- },
- // Fill in the empty space between IRs with IdleIRs.
- findIdleExpectations: function(otherIRs) {
- if (this.model.bounds.isEmpty)
- return;
- var emptyRanges = tr.b.findEmptyRangesBetweenRanges(
- tr.b.convertEventsToRanges(otherIRs),
- this.model.bounds);
- var irs = [];
- var model = this.model;
- emptyRanges.forEach(function(range) {
- // Ignore insignificantly tiny idle ranges.
- if (range.max < (range.min + INSIGNIFICANT_MS))
- return;
- irs.push(new
- model, range.min, range.max - range.min));
- });
- return irs;
- }
- };
- function createCustomizeModelLinesFromModel(model) {
- var modelLines = [];
- modelLines.push(' audits.addEvent(model.browserMain,');
- modelLines.push(' {title: \'model start\', start: 0, end: 1});');
- var typeNames = {};
- for (var typeName in {
- typeNames[[typeName]] = typeName;
- }
- var modelEvents = new tr.model.EventSet();
- model.userModel.expectations.forEach(function(ir, index) {
- modelEvents.addEventSet(ir.sourceEvents);
- });
- modelEvents = modelEvents.toArray();
- modelEvents.sort(tr.importer.compareEvents);
- modelEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- var startAndEnd = 'start: ' + parseInt(event.start) + ', ' +
- 'end: ' + parseInt(event.end) + '});';
- if (event instanceof {
- modelLines.push(' audits.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.' +
- typeNames[event.typeName] + ',');
- } else if (event.title === 'RenderFrameImpl::didCommitProvisionalLoad') {
- modelLines.push(' audits.addCommitLoadEvent(model,');
- } else if (event.title ===
- 'InputHandlerProxy::HandleGestureFling::started') {
- modelLines.push(' audits.addFlingAnimationEvent(model,');
- } else if (event.title === tr.model.helpers.IMPL_RENDERING_STATS) {
- modelLines.push(' audits.addFrameEvent(model,');
- } else if (event.title === tr.importer.CSS_ANIMATION_TITLE) {
- modelLines.push(' audits.addEvent(model.rendererMain, {');
- modelLines.push(' title: \'Animation\', ' + startAndEnd);
- return;
- } else {
- throw ('You must extend createCustomizeModelLinesFromModel()' +
- 'to support this event:\n' + event.title + '\n');
- }
- modelLines.push(' {' + startAndEnd);
- });
- modelLines.push(' audits.addEvent(model.browserMain,');
- modelLines.push(' {' +
- 'title: \'model end\', ' +
- 'start: ' + (parseInt(model.bounds.max) - 1) + ', ' +
- 'end: ' + parseInt(model.bounds.max) + '});');
- return modelLines;
- }
- function createExpectedIRLinesFromModel(model) {
- var expectedLines = [];
- var irCount = model.userModel.expectations.length;
- model.userModel.expectations.forEach(function(ir, index) {
- var irString = ' {';
- irString += 'title: \'' + ir.title + '\', ';
- irString += 'start: ' + parseInt(ir.start) + ', ';
- irString += 'end: ' + parseInt(ir.end) + ', ';
- irString += 'eventCount: ' + ir.sourceEvents.length;
- irString += '}';
- if (index < (irCount - 1))
- irString += ',';
- expectedLines.push(irString);
- });
- return expectedLines;
- }
- function createIRFinderTestCaseStringFromModel(model) {
- var filename = window.location.hash.substr(1);
- var testName = filename.substr(filename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
- testName = testName.substr(0, testName.indexOf('.'));
- // createCustomizeModelLinesFromModel() throws an error if there's an
- // unsupported event.
- try {
- var testLines = [];
- testLines.push(' /*');
- testLines.push(' This test was generated from');
- testLines.push(' ' + filename + '');
- testLines.push(' */');
- testLines.push(' test(\'' + testName + '\', function() {');
- testLines.push(' var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();');
- testLines.push(' verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {');
- testLines.push.apply(testLines,
- createCustomizeModelLinesFromModel(model));
- testLines.push(' };');
- testLines.push(' verifier.expectedIRs = [');
- testLines.push.apply(testLines, createExpectedIRLinesFromModel(model));
- testLines.push(' ];');
- testLines.push(' verifier.verify();');
- testLines.push(' });');
- return testLines.join('\n');
- } catch (error) {
- return error;
- }
- }
- return {
- UserModelBuilder: UserModelBuilder,
- createIRFinderTestCaseStringFromModel: createIRFinderTestCaseStringFromModel
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/user_model_builder_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/user_model_builder_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9938675bc42..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/importer/user_model_builder_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,883 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/cc/input_latency_async_slice.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/chrome_test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/user_expectation_verifier.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var INPUT_TYPE =;
- var chrome_test_utils =;
- var UserExpectationVerifier = tr.importer.UserExpectationVerifier;
- function addFrameEventForInput(model, event) {
- var frame = chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model,
- {start: event.start, end: event.end, isTopLevel: true});
- model.flowEvents.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newFlowEventEx({
- id:,
- start: event.start,
- end: event.end,
- startSlice: frame,
- endSlice: frame
- }));
- }
- test('empty', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('slowMouseMoveResponses', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(
- model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_DOWN, {start: 0, end: 10});
- var mouseMove = chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(
- model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_MOVE, {start: 10, end: 20, id: '0x100'});
- addFrameEventForInput(model, mouseMove);
- mouseMove = chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(
- model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_MOVE, {start: 70, end: 80, id: '0x101'});
- addFrameEventForInput(model, mouseMove);
- mouseMove = chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(
- model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_MOVE, {start: 130, end: 140, id: '0x102'});
- addFrameEventForInput(model, mouseMove);
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 10, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Mouse Response', start: 10, end: 20, eventCount: 4},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 20, end: 70, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Mouse Response', start: 70, end: 80, eventCount: 3},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 80, end: 130, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Mouse Response', start: 130, end: 140, eventCount: 3}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('mouseEventResponses', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- var mouseDown = chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(
- model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_DOWN, {start: 0, end: 50, id: '0x100'});
- addFrameEventForInput(model, mouseDown);
- var mouseUp = chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_UP,
- {start: 50, end: 100, id: '0x101'});
- addFrameEventForInput(model, mouseUp);
- var mouseMove = chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(
- model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_MOVE, {start: 200, end: 250, id: '0x102'});
- addFrameEventForInput(model, mouseMove);
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Mouse Response', start: 0, end: 50, eventCount: 3},
- {title: 'Mouse Response', start: 50, end: 100, eventCount: 3},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 100, end: 200, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Mouse Response', start: 200, end: 250, eventCount: 3}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('mouseEventsIgnored', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_MOVE,
- {start: 0, end: 50});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_DOWN,
- {start: 50, end: 100});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 100, eventCount: 0}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('unassociatedEvents', function() {
- // Unassociated ThreadSlices that start during an Idle should be associated
- // with it. Expect the Idle IR to have 2 associated events: both of the
- // ThreadSlices in the model.
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- var start = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx(
- {title: 'model start', start: 0, end: 1, type: tr.model.ThreadSlice});
- start.isTopLevel = true;
- model.browserMain.sliceGroup.pushSlice(start);
- var end = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx(
- {title: 'model end', start: 9, end: 10, type: tr.model.ThreadSlice});
- end.isTopLevel = true;
- model.browserMain.sliceGroup.pushSlice(end);
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 10, eventCount: 2}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('stillLoading', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 0, end: 10});
- chrome_test_utils.addNavigationStartEvent(model, {start: 10});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 19, end: 20});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 10, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Successful Load', start: 10, end: 20, eventCount: 0}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('overlappingIdleAndLoadCollectUnassociatedEvents', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 0, end: 10});
- chrome_test_utils.addNavigationStartEvent(model, {start: 10});
- chrome_test_utils.addFirstContentfulPaintEvent(model, {start: 30});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 35, end: 40});
- // 3 Idle events.
- chrome_test_utils.addRenderingEvent(model, {start: 5, end: 15});
- chrome_test_utils.addRenderingEvent(model, {start: 11, end: 15});
- chrome_test_utils.addRenderingEvent(model, {start: 13, end: 15});
- // 1 Idle event.
- chrome_test_utils.addRenderingEvent(model, {start: 35, end: 36});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 10, eventCount: 3},
- {title: 'Successful Load', start: 10, end: 30, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 30, end: 40, eventCount: 1}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('flingFlingFling', function() {
- // This trace gave me so many different kinds of trouble that I'm just going
- // to copy it straight in here, without trying to clarify it at all.
- // measurmt-traces/mobile/cnet_fling_up_fling_down_motox_2013.json
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 0, end: 10});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_START,
- {start: 919, end: 998});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_CANCEL,
- {start: 919, end: 1001});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_DOWN,
- {start: 919, end: 1001});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_CANCEL,
- {start: 974, end: 1020});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_BEGIN,
- {start: 974, end: 1020});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 974, end: 1040});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 974, end: 1054});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 990, end: 1021});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 990, end: 1052});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 1006, end: 1021});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 1022, end: 1036});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 1022, end: 1052});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 1038, end: 1049});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 1038, end: 1068});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_END,
- {start: 1046, end: 1050});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START,
- {start: 1046, end: 1077});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_START,
- {start: 1432, end: 2238});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_CANCEL,
- {start: 1432, end: 2241});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 1516, end: 2605});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_BEGIN,
- {start: 1532, end: 2274});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 1532, end: 2294});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 1549, end: 2310});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_END,
- {start: 1627, end: 2275});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START,
- {start: 1627, end: 2310});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 2990, end: 3000});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 919, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Scroll,Tap,Touch Response', start: 919, end: 1054,
- eventCount: 6, isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Scroll,Touch Animation', start: 1054, end: 1068,
- eventCount: 8},
- {title: 'Fling Animation', start: 1054, end: 1432,
- eventCount: 2},
- {title: 'Scroll,Touch Response', start: 1432, end: 2605,
- eventCount: 5, isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Scroll Animation', start: 1549, end: 2310,
- eventCount: 1},
- {title: 'Fling Animation', start: 2605, end: 3000,
- eventCount: 1}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('keyboardEvents', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.KEY_DOWN_RAW,
- {start: 0, end: 45});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.CHAR,
- {start: 10, end: 50});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Keyboard Response', start: 0, end: 50, eventCount: 2}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('mouseResponses', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.CLICK,
- {start: 0, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.CONTEXT_MENU,
- {start: 200, end: 300});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_WHEEL,
- {start: 400, end: 500});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Mouse Response', start: 0, end: 100, eventCount: 1},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 100, end: 200, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Mouse Response', start: 200, end: 300, eventCount: 1},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 300, end: 400, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'MouseWheel Response', start: 400, end: 500,
- eventCount: 1}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('mouseWheelAnimation', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_WHEEL,
- {start: 0, end: 20});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_WHEEL,
- {start: 16, end: 36});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_WHEEL,
- {start: 55, end: 75});
- // This threshold uses both events' start times, not end...start.
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_WHEEL,
- {start: 100, end: 150});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_WHEEL,
- {start: 141, end: 191});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_WHEEL,
- {start: 182, end: 200});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'MouseWheel Response', start: 0, end: 20, eventCount: 1},
- {title: 'MouseWheel Animation', start: 20, end: 75,
- eventCount: 2},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 75, end: 100, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'MouseWheel Response', start: 100, end: 150,
- eventCount: 1},
- {title: 'MouseWheel Response', start: 141, end: 191,
- eventCount: 1},
- {title: 'MouseWheel Response', start: 182, end: 200,
- eventCount: 1}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('mouseDownUpResponse', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_DOWN,
- {start: 0, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_UP,
- {start: 200, end: 210});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 200, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Mouse Response', start: 200, end: 210, eventCount: 2}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('ignoreLoneMouseMoves', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_MOVE,
- {start: 0, end: 100});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 100, eventCount: 0}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('mouseDrags', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(
- model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_DOWN, {start: 0, end: 100});
- var mouseMove = chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(
- model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_MOVE, {start: 200, end: 215});
- addFrameEventForInput(model, mouseMove);
- mouseMove = chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(
- model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_MOVE, {start: 210, end: 220});
- addFrameEventForInput(model, mouseMove);
- mouseMove = chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(
- model, INPUT_TYPE.MOUSE_MOVE, {start: 221, end: 240});
- addFrameEventForInput(model, mouseMove);
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 200, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Mouse Response', start: 200, end: 215, eventCount: 4},
- {title: 'Mouse Animation', start: 215, end: 240, eventCount: 6}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('twoScrollsNoFling', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_BEGIN,
- {start: 0, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 20, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 40, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 60, end: 150});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 70, end: 150});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_END,
- {start: 80, end: 150});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_BEGIN,
- {start: 300, end: 400});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 320, end: 400});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 330, end: 450});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 340, end: 450});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 350, end: 500});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_END,
- {start: 360, end: 500});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Scroll Response', start: 0, end: 100, eventCount: 2,
- isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Scroll Animation', start: 100, end: 150, eventCount: 4},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 150, end: 300, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Scroll Response', start: 300, end: 400, eventCount: 2,
- isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Scroll Animation', start: 400, end: 500, eventCount: 4}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('cssAnimations', function() {
- // CSS Animations happen on the renderer process, not the browser process.
- // They are merged if they overlap.
- // They are merged with other kinds of animations.
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addEvent(model.rendererMain, {
- title: 'Animation', start: 0, end: 100, isTopLevel: true});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 10, end: 20});
- chrome_test_utils.addEvent(model.rendererMain, {
- title: 'Animation', start: 131, end: 200, isTopLevel: true});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 150, end: 160});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START,
- {start: 150, end: 180});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 290, end: 300});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'CSS Animation', start: 0, end: 200, eventCount: 4},
- {title: 'Fling Animation', start: 150, end: 300, eventCount: 1}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('cssAnimationStates', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- // If a top-level Animation async slice does not have state-change instant
- // subSlices, then assume that the animation was running throughout the
- // async slice.
- chrome_test_utils.addEvent(model.rendererMain, {
- title: 'Animation', start: 181, end: 250, isTopLevel: true});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 200, end: 240});
- // Animation ranges should be merged if there is less than 32ms dead time
- // between them.
- // If a top-level Animation async slice has state-change instant events,
- // then run a state machine to find the time ranges when the animation was
- // actually running.
- // This animation was running from 10-40 and 50-60.
- var animationA = tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSliceEx(
- {title: 'Animation', start: 50, end: 500, isTopLevel: true});
- animationA.subSlices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newInstantEvent(
- {title: 'Animation', start: 71, args: {state: 'running'}}));
- animationA.subSlices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newInstantEvent(
- {title: 'Animation', start: 104, args: {state: 'pending'}}));
- animationA.subSlices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newInstantEvent(
- {title: 'Animation', start: 137, args: {state: 'running'}}));
- animationA.subSlices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newInstantEvent(
- {title: 'Animation', start: 150, args: {state: 'paused'}}));
- animationA.subSlices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newInstantEvent(
- {title: 'Animation', start: 281, args: {state: 'running'}}));
- animationA.subSlices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newInstantEvent(
- {title: 'Animation', start: 350, args: {state: 'idle'}}));
- model.rendererMain.asyncSliceGroup.push(animationA);
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 80, end: 90});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 290, end: 300});
- // An animation without a frame event isn't really an animation.
- chrome_test_utils.addEvent(model.rendererMain, {
- title: 'Animation', start: 350, end: 382, isTopLevel: true});
- // This animation was running from model.bounds.min-50 and
- // 70-model.bounds.max.
- var animationB = tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSliceEx(
- {title: 'Animation', start: 0, end: 500, isTopLevel: true});
- animationB.subSlices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newInstantEvent(
- {title: 'Animation', start: 40, args: {state: 'finished'}}));
- animationB.subSlices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newInstantEvent(
- {title: 'Animation', start: 382, args: {state: 'running'}}));
- model.rendererMain.asyncSliceGroup.push(animationB);
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 10, end: 20});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 390, end: 400});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'CSS Animation', start: 0, end: 350, eventCount: 15},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 350, end: 382, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'CSS Animation', start: 382, end: 500, eventCount: 4},
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('flingThatIsntstopped', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START,
- {start: 32, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addFlingAnimationEvent(model, {start: 38, end: 200});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 290, end: 300});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Fling Animation', start: 32, end: 200, eventCount: 2},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 200, end: 300, eventCount: 0}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('flingThatIsStopped', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START,
- {start: 32, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_CANCEL,
- {start: 105, end: 150});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Fling Animation', start: 32, end: 105, eventCount: 2},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 105, end: 150, eventCount: 0}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('flingFling', function() {
- // measurmt-traces/mobile/facebook_obama_scroll_dialog_box.html
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START,
- {start: 0, end: 30});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_START,
- {start: 100, end: 130});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_CANCEL,
- {start: 100, end: 130});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 110, end: 140});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 170, end: 180});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_END,
- {start: 200, end: 210});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START,
- {start: 200, end: 220});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 230, end: 240});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Fling Animation', start: 0, end: 100, eventCount: 2},
- {title: 'Touch Response', start: 100, end: 140, eventCount: 2,
- isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Touch Animation', start: 140, end: 210, eventCount: 2},
- {title: 'Fling Animation', start: 200, end: 240, eventCount: 1}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('load', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addNavigationStartEvent(model, {start: 0});
- chrome_test_utils.addFirstContentfulPaintEvent(model, {start: 20});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Successful Load', start: 0, end: 20, eventCount: 0}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('loadStartup', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addRenderingEvent(model, {start: 2, end: 3});
- chrome_test_utils.addCreateThreadsEvent(model, {start: 5, end: 10});
- // Throw an second one in there, just to try to confuse the algo.
- chrome_test_utils.addCreateThreadsEvent(model, {start: 25, end: 30});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 11, end: 20});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Startup', start: 2, end: 20, eventCount: 2},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 20, end: 30, eventCount: 0}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('totalIdle', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 0, end: 10});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 10, eventCount: 0}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('multipleIdles', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 0, end: 1});
- chrome_test_utils.addNavigationStartEvent(model, {start: 1});
- chrome_test_utils.addFirstContentfulPaintEvent(model, {start: 4});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 12, end: 13});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 1, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Successful Load', start: 1, end: 4, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 4, end: 13, eventCount: 0}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('touchStartTouchEndTap', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_START,
- {start: 0, end: 10});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_END,
- {start: 200, end: 210});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Touch Response', start: 0, end: 210, eventCount: 2,
- isAnimationBegin: true}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('touchMoveResponseAnimation', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_START,
- {start: 0, end: 10});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 50, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 70, end: 150});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_END,
- {start: 200, end: 300});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Touch Response', start: 0, end: 100, eventCount: 2,
- isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Touch Animation', start: 100, end: 300, eventCount: 2}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('tapEvents', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP,
- {start: 0, end: 50});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_DOWN,
- {start: 300, end: 310});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP,
- {start: 320, end: 350});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Tap Response', start: 0, end: 50, eventCount: 1},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 50, end: 300, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Tap Response', start: 300, end: 350, eventCount: 2}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('tapAndTapCancelResponses', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_DOWN,
- {start: 0, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_CANCEL,
- {start: 300, end: 350});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Tap Response', start: 0, end: 100, eventCount: 1},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 100, end: 300, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Tap Response', start: 300, end: 350, eventCount: 1}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('tapCancelResponse', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_DOWN,
- {start: 0, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_CANCEL,
- {start: 150, end: 200});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Tap Response', start: 0, end: 200, eventCount: 2}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('pinchResponseAnimation', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 0, end: 10});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.PINCH_BEGIN,
- {start: 100, end: 150});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.PINCH_UPDATE,
- {start: 130, end: 160});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.PINCH_UPDATE,
- {start: 140, end: 200});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.PINCH_UPDATE,
- {start: 150, end: 205});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.PINCH_UPDATE,
- {start: 210, end: 220});
- // pause > 200ms
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.PINCH_UPDATE,
- {start: 421, end: 470});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.PINCH_END,
- {start: 460, end: 500});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 100, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Pinch Response', start: 100, end: 160, eventCount: 2,
- isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Pinch Animation', start: 160, end: 220, eventCount: 3},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 220, end: 421, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Pinch Animation', start: 421, end: 500, eventCount: 2}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('tapThenScroll', function() {
- // measurmt-traces/mobile/google_io_instrument_strumming.json
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_START,
- {start: 0, end: 20});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_END,
- {start: 40, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_START,
- {start: 50, end: 120});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 80, end: 150});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 180, end: 200});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Touch Response', start: 0, end: 100, eventCount: 2,
- isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Touch Response', start: 50, end: 150, eventCount: 2,
- isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Touch Animation', start: 150, end: 200, eventCount: 1}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('pinchFlingTapTouchEventsOverlap', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 0, end: 10});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_START,
- {start: 20, end: 50});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_DOWN,
- {start: 20, end: 30});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_CANCEL,
- {start: 20, end: 50});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 60, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_START,
- {start: 60, end: 110});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.PINCH_BEGIN,
- {start: 60, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_CANCEL,
- {start: 65, end: 75});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 70, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.PINCH_UPDATE,
- {start: 70, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 75, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 80, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 85, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_BEGIN,
- {start: 75, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 150, end: 200});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 150, end: 200});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START,
- {start: 180, end: 210});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_END,
- {start: 190, end: 210});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 215, end: 220});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 20, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Pinch,Scroll,Tap,Touch Response', start: 20, end: 110,
- eventCount: 9, isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Scroll,Touch Animation', start: 110, end: 210,
- eventCount: 6},
- {title: 'Fling Animation', start: 180, end: 220, eventCount: 1}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('scrollThenFling', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 0, end: 40});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 50, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START,
- {start: 80, end: 100});
- chrome_test_utils.addFrameEvent(model, {start: 190, end: 200});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Scroll Animation', start: 0, end: 100, eventCount: 2},
- {title: 'Fling Animation', start: 80, end: 200, eventCount: 1}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- /*
- This test was generated from
- /test_data/measurmt-traces/mobile/fling_HN_to_rest.json
- */
- test('flingHNToRest', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addEvent(model.browserMain,
- {title: 'model start', start: 0, end: 1});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_START,
- {start: 1274, end: 1297});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_DOWN,
- {start: 1274, end: 1305});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 1343, end: 1350});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 1359, end: 1366});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP_CANCEL,
- {start: 1359, end: 1366});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_BEGIN,
- {start: 1359, end: 1367});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 1359, end: 1387});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 1375, end: 1385});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 1375, end: 1416});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 1389, end: 1404});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 1389, end: 1429});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 1405, end: 1418});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 1405, end: 1449});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 1419, end: 1432});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.SCROLL_UPDATE,
- {start: 1419, end: 1474});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_END,
- {start: 1427, end: 1435});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.FLING_START,
- {start: 1427, end: 1474});
- chrome_test_utils.addFlingAnimationEvent(model, {start: 1440, end: 2300});
- chrome_test_utils.addEvent(model.browserMain,
- {title: 'model end', start: 3184, end: 3185});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Idle', start: 0, end: 1274, eventCount: 0},
- {title: 'Scroll,Tap,Touch Response', start: 1274, end: 1387,
- eventCount: 6, isAnimationBegin: true},
- {title: 'Scroll,Touch Animation', start: 1387, end: 1474,
- eventCount: 10},
- {title: 'Fling Animation', start: 1427, end: 2300,
- eventCount: 2},
- {title: 'Idle', start: 2300, end: 3185, eventCount: 0}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });
- test('TapResponseOverlappingTouchAnimation', function() {
- var verifier = new UserExpectationVerifier();
- verifier.customizeModelCallback = function(model) {
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 0, end: 10});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 5, end: 15});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TOUCH_MOVE,
- {start: 10, end: 20});
- chrome_test_utils.addInputEvent(model, INPUT_TYPE.TAP,
- {start: 15, end: 100});
- };
- verifier.expectedIRs = [
- {title: 'Tap,Touch Response', start: 0, end: 100,
- eventCount: 4}
- ];
- verifier.verify();
- });