path: root/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model')
120 files changed, 0 insertions, 22315 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/activity.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/activity.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c86edab2ea1..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/activity.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/color_scheme.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Class representing a user activity that is running
- * in the process.
- * On the Android platform, activities are mapped to Android Activities
- * running in the foreground of the process.
- * On Windows/OS X this could for example represent
- * the currently active window of the process.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- /**
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} name Name of the activity
- * @param {String} category Category of the activities
- * @param {String} range The time range where the activity was running
- * @param {String} args Additional arguments
- */
- function Activity(name, category, range, args) {
-, range.min);
- this.title = name;
- this.category = category;
- this.colorId = ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(name);
- this.duration = range.duration;
- this.args = args;
- = name;
- };
- Activity.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.TimedEvent.prototype,
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- this.start += amount;
- },
- addBoundsToRange: function(range) {
- range.addValue(this.start);
- range.addValue(this.end);
- }
- };
- return {
- Activity: Activity
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/alert.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/alert.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_info.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_set.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/timed_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- function Alert(info, start, opt_associatedEvents, opt_args) {
-, start);
- = info;
- this.args = opt_args || {};
- this.associatedEvents = new tr.model.EventSet(opt_associatedEvents);
- this.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- event.addAssociatedAlert(this);
- }, this);
- }
- Alert.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.TimedEvent.prototype,
- get title() {
- return;
- },
- get colorId() {
- return;
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Alert ' + this.title + ' at ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(this.start);
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- Alert,
- {
- name: 'alert',
- pluralName: 'alerts',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-alert-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-alert-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- Alert: Alert
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/annotation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/annotation.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/extension_registry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * Annotation is a base class that represents all annotation objects that
- * can be drawn on the timeline.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function Annotation() {
- this.guid_ = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- this.view_ = undefined;
- };
- Annotation.fromDictIfPossible = function(args) {
- if (args.typeName === undefined)
- throw new Error('Missing typeName argument');
- var typeInfo = Annotation.findTypeInfoMatching(function(typeInfo) {
- return typeInfo.metadata.typeName === args.typeName;
- });
- if (typeInfo === undefined)
- return undefined;
- return typeInfo.constructor.fromDict(args);
- };
- Annotation.fromDict = function() {
- throw new Error('Not implemented');
- };
- Annotation.prototype = {
- get guid() {
- return this.guid_;
- },
- // Invoked by trace model when this annotation is removed.
- onRemove: function() {
- },
- toDict: function() {
- throw new Error('Not implemented');
- },
- getOrCreateView: function(viewport) {
- if (!this.view_)
- this.view_ = this.createView_(viewport);
- return this.view_;
- },
- createView_: function() {
- throw new Error('Not implemented');
- }
- };
- var options = new tr.b.ExtensionRegistryOptions(tr.b. BASIC_REGISTRY_MODE);
- tr.b.decorateExtensionRegistry(Annotation, options);
- Annotation.addEventListener('will-register', function(e) {
- if (!e.typeInfo.constructor.hasOwnProperty('fromDict'))
- throw new Error('Must have fromDict method');
- if (!e.typeInfo.metadata.typeName)
- throw new Error('Registered Annotations must provide typeName');
- });
- return {
- Annotation: Annotation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/annotation_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/annotation_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/location.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/comment_box_annotation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/rect_annotation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/x_marker_annotation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('rectAnnotation', function() {
- var fakeYComponents1 = [{stableId: '1.2', yPercentOffset: 0.3}];
- var fakeYComponents2 = [{stableId: '1.2', yPercentOffset: 0.9}];
- var start = new tr.model.Location(50, fakeYComponents1);
- var end = new tr.model.Location(100, fakeYComponents2);
- var rectAnnotation = new tr.model.RectAnnotation(start, end);
- assert.equal(rectAnnotation.startLocation, start);
- assert.equal(rectAnnotation.endLocation, end);
- });
- test('xMarkerAnnotation', function() {
- var xMarkerAnnotation = new tr.model.XMarkerAnnotation(90);
- assert.equal(xMarkerAnnotation.timestamp, 90);
- });
- test('commentBoxAnnotation', function() {
- var fakeYComponents = [{stableId: '1.2', yPercentOffset: 0.5}];
- var location = new tr.model.Location(120, fakeYComponents);
- var text = 'abc';
- var commentBoxAnnotation =
- new tr.model.CommentBoxAnnotation(location, text);
- assert.equal(commentBoxAnnotation.location, location);
- assert.equal(commentBoxAnnotation.text, text);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/async_slice.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/async_slice.html
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index 325ef09d0a8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/async_slice.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/extension_registry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/timed_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the AsyncSlice class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * A AsyncSlice represents an interval of time during which an
- * asynchronous operation is in progress. An AsyncSlice consumes no CPU time
- * itself and so is only associated with Threads at its start and end point.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function AsyncSlice(category, title, colorId, start, args, duration,
- opt_isTopLevel, opt_cpuStart, opt_cpuDuration,
- opt_argsStripped) {
-, start);
- this.category = category || '';
- // We keep the original title from the trace file in originalTitle since
- // some sub-classes, e.g. NetAsyncSlice, change the title field.
- this.originalTitle = title;
- this.title = title;
- this.colorId = colorId;
- this.args = args;
- this.startStackFrame = undefined;
- this.endStackFrame = undefined;
- this.didNotFinish = false;
- this.important = false;
- this.subSlices = [];
- this.parentContainer_ = undefined;
- = undefined;
- this.startThread = undefined;
- this.endThread = undefined;
- this.cpuStart = undefined;
- this.cpuDuration = undefined;
- this.argsStripped = false;
- this.startStackFrame = undefined;
- this.endStackFrame = undefined;
- this.duration = duration;
- // isTopLevel is set at import because only NESTABLE_ASYNC events might not
- // be topLevel. All legacy async events are toplevel by definition.
- this.isTopLevel = (opt_isTopLevel === true);
- if (opt_cpuStart !== undefined)
- this.cpuStart = opt_cpuStart;
- if (opt_cpuDuration !== undefined)
- this.cpuDuration = opt_cpuDuration;
- if (opt_argsStripped !== undefined)
- this.argsStripped = opt_argsStripped;
- };
- AsyncSlice.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.TimedEvent.prototype,
- get analysisTypeName() {
- return this.title;
- },
- get parentContainer() {
- return this.parentContainer_;
- },
- set parentContainer(parentContainer) {
- this.parentContainer_ = parentContainer;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.subSlices.length; i++) {
- var subSlice = this.subSlices[i];
- if (subSlice.parentContainer === undefined)
- subSlice.parentContainer = parentContainer;
- }
- },
- get viewSubGroupTitle() {
- return this.title;
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Async slice ' + this.title + ' at ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(this.start);
- },
- get stableId() {
- var parentAsyncSliceGroup = this.parentContainer.asyncSliceGroup;
- return parentAsyncSliceGroup.stableId + '.' +
- parentAsyncSliceGroup.slices.indexOf(this);
- },
- findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice: function*(eventPredicate, opt_this) {
- if (eventPredicate(this)) {
- yield this;
- return;
- }
- for (var s of this.subSlices)
- yield * s.findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice(eventPredicate);
- },
- findDescendentSlice: function(targetTitle) {
- if (!this.subSlices)
- return undefined;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.subSlices.length; i++) {
- if (this.subSlices[i].title == targetTitle)
- return this.subSlices[i];
- var slice = this.subSlices[i].findDescendentSlice(targetTitle);
- if (slice) return slice;
- }
- return undefined;
- },
- iterateAllDescendents: function(callback, opt_this) {
- this.subSlices.forEach(callback, opt_this);
- this.subSlices.forEach(function(subSlice) {
- subSlice.iterateAllDescendents(callback, opt_this);
- }, opt_this);
- },
- compareTo: function(that) {
- return this.title.localeCompare(that.title);
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- AsyncSlice,
- {
- name: 'asyncSlice',
- pluralName: 'asyncSlices',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-async-slice-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-async-slice-sub-view'
- });
- var options = new tr.b.ExtensionRegistryOptions(
- options.mandatoryBaseClass = AsyncSlice;
- options.defaultConstructor = AsyncSlice;
- tr.b.decorateExtensionRegistry(AsyncSlice, options);
- return {
- AsyncSlice: AsyncSlice
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/async_slice_group.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/async_slice_group.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/async_slice.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_container.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the AsyncSliceGroup class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * A group of AsyncSlices associated with a thread.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {tr.model.EventContainer}
- */
- function AsyncSliceGroup(parentContainer, opt_name) {
- this.parentContainer_ = parentContainer;
- this.slices = [];
- this.name_ = opt_name;
- this.viewSubGroups_ = undefined;
- }
- AsyncSliceGroup.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- get parentContainer() {
- return this.parentContainer_;
- },
- get model() {
- return this.parentContainer_.parent.model;
- },
- get stableId() {
- return this.parentContainer_.stableId + '.AsyncSliceGroup';
- },
- getSettingsKey: function() {
- if (!this.name_)
- return undefined;
- var parentKey = this.parentContainer_.getSettingsKey();
- if (!parentKey)
- return undefined;
- return parentKey + '.' + this.name_;
- },
- /**
- * Helper function that pushes the provided slice onto the slices array.
- */
- push: function(slice) {
- slice.parentContainer = this.parentContainer;
- this.slices.push(slice);
- return slice;
- },
- /**
- * @return {Number} The number of slices in this group.
- */
- get length() {
- return this.slices.length;
- },
- /**
- * Shifts all the timestamps inside this group forward by the amount
- * specified, including all nested subSlices if there are any.
- */
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- for (var sI = 0; sI < this.slices.length; sI++) {
- var slice = this.slices[sI];
- slice.start = (slice.start + amount);
- // Shift all nested subSlices recursively.
- var shiftSubSlices = function(subSlices) {
- if (subSlices === undefined || subSlices.length === 0)
- return;
- for (var sJ = 0; sJ < subSlices.length; sJ++) {
- subSlices[sJ].start += amount;
- shiftSubSlices(subSlices[sJ].subSlices);
- }
- };
- shiftSubSlices(slice.subSlices);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Updates the bounds for this group based on the slices it contains.
- */
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds.reset();
- for (var i = 0; i < this.slices.length; i++) {
- this.bounds.addValue(this.slices[i].start);
- this.bounds.addValue(this.slices[i].end);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Gets the sub-groups in this A-S-G defined by the group titles.
- *
- * @return {Array} An array of AsyncSliceGroups where each group has
- * slices that started on the same thread.
- */
- get viewSubGroups() {
- if (this.viewSubGroups_ === undefined) {
- var prefix = '';
- if ( !== undefined)
- prefix = + '.';
- else
- prefix = '';
- var subGroupsByTitle = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < this.slices.length; ++i) {
- var slice = this.slices[i];
- var subGroupTitle = slice.viewSubGroupTitle;
- if (!subGroupsByTitle[subGroupTitle]) {
- subGroupsByTitle[subGroupTitle] = new AsyncSliceGroup(
- this.parentContainer_, prefix + subGroupTitle);
- }
- subGroupsByTitle[subGroupTitle].push(slice);
- }
- this.viewSubGroups_ = tr.b.dictionaryValues(subGroupsByTitle);
- this.viewSubGroups_.sort(function(a, b) {
- return a.slices[0].compareTo(b.slices[0]);
- });
- }
- return this.viewSubGroups_;
- },
- findTopmostSlicesInThisContainer: function*(eventPredicate, opt_this) {
- for (var slice of this.slices) {
- if (slice.isTopLevel) {
- yield * slice.findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice(
- eventPredicate, opt_this);
- }
- }
- },
- childEvents: function*() {
- // Async slices normally don't have sub-slices, and when they do,
- // the sub-slice is specific to the type of async slice. Thus,
- // it is not expected for sub-slices to themselves have sub-sub-slices,
- // which is why we don't recurse into the sub-slices here.
- for (var slice of this.slices) {
- yield slice;
- if (slice.subSlices)
- yield * slice.subSlices;
- }
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- }
- };
- return {
- AsyncSliceGroup: AsyncSliceGroup
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/async_slice_group_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/async_slice_group_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Process = tr.model.Process;
- var Thread = tr.model.Thread;
- var AsyncSlice = tr.model.AsyncSlice;
- var AsyncSliceGroup = tr.model.AsyncSliceGroup;
- var newAsyncSlice = tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSlice;
- var newAsyncSliceEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSliceEx;
- var newModel = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel;
- test('asyncSliceGroupBounds_Empty', function() {
- var thread = {};
- var g = new AsyncSliceGroup(thread);
- g.updateBounds();
- assert.isTrue(g.bounds.isEmpty);
- });
- test('asyncSliceGroupBounds_Basic', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = new Process(model, 1);
- var t1 = new Thread(p1, 1);
- var g = new AsyncSliceGroup(t1);
- g.push(newAsyncSlice(0, 1, t1, t1));
- g.push(newAsyncSlice(1, 1.5, t1, t1));
- assert.equal(g.length, 2);
- g.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(g.bounds.min, 0);
- assert.equal(g.bounds.max, 2.5);
- });
- test('asyncSliceGroupStableId', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(123);
- var thread = process.getOrCreateThread(456);
- var group = new AsyncSliceGroup(thread);
- assert.equal(process.stableId, 123);
- assert.equal(thread.stableId, '123.456');
- assert.equal(group.stableId, '123.456.AsyncSliceGroup');
- });
- test('asyncSliceParentContainerSetAtPush', function() {
- var m = newModel(function(m) {
- m.process = m.getOrCreateProcess(123);
- m.thread = m.process.getOrCreateThread(456);
- = new AsyncSliceGroup(m.thread);
- m.sA =
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- });
- assert.deepEqual(m.sA.parentContainer, m.thread);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/async_slice_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/async_slice_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var AsyncSlice = tr.model.AsyncSlice;
- var Process = tr.model.Process;
- var Thread = tr.model.Thread;
- var newAsyncSlice = tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSlice;
- var newAsyncSliceEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSliceEx;
- var newFakeThread = tr.c.TestUtils.newFakeThread;
- test('stableId', function() {
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var group = thread.asyncSliceGroup;
- var sA = group.push(newAsyncSliceEx(
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sB = group.push(newAsyncSliceEx(
- { title: 'sB', start: 10.0, duration: 20.0 }));
- var sC = group.push(newAsyncSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC', start: 20.0, duration: 30.0 }));
- assert.equal(group.stableId + '.0', sA.stableId);
- assert.equal(group.stableId + '.1', sB.stableId);
- assert.equal(group.stableId + '.2', sC.stableId);
- });
- test('setParentContainerForSubSlices', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = new Process(model, 1);
- var t1 = new Thread(p1, 1);
- var asyncSlice = newAsyncSlice(0, 10, t1, t1);
- var subSlice1 = newAsyncSlice(1, 5, t1, t1);
- var subSlice2 = newAsyncSlice(6, 9, t1, t1);
- var subSlice3 = newAsyncSlice(2, 3, t1, t1);
- subSlice1.subSlices.push(subSlice3);
- asyncSlice.subSlices.push(subSlice1);
- asyncSlice.subSlices.push(subSlice2);
- asyncSlice.parentContainer = t1;
- assert.equal(asyncSlice.subSlices.length, 2);
- assert.equal(subSlice1.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(asyncSlice.parentContainer, t1);
- assert.deepEqual(subSlice1.parentContainer, t1);
- assert.deepEqual(subSlice2.parentContainer, t1);
- assert.deepEqual(subSlice3.parentContainer, t1);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/clock_sync_manager.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/clock_sync_manager.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var ClockDomainId = {
- // NOTE: Exists for backwards compatibility with old Chrome traces which
- // didn't explicitly specify the clock being used.
- // "Telemetry" isn't really a clock domain because Telemetry actually
- // can use one of several clock domains, just like Chrome. However,
- // because there's a chance that Telemetry is running off of the same
- // clock as Chrome (e.g. LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC) but on a separate device
- // (i.e. on a host computer with Chrome running on an attached phone),
- // there's a chance that Chrome and Telemetry will erroneously get put into
- // the same clock domain. The solution for this is that clock domains should
- // actually be some (unique_device_id, clock_id) tuple. For now, though,
- // we'll hack around this by putting Telemetry into its own clock domain.
- };
- ClockDomainId.WIN_QPC
- ]);
- // The number of milliseconds above which the BattOr sync is no longer
- // considered "fast", and it's more accurate to use the sync start timestamp
- // instead of the normal sync timestamp due to a bug in the Chrome serial code
- // making serial reads too slow.
- /**
- * Returns a function that, given a timestamp in |fromMarker|'s domain,
- * returns a timestamp in |toMarker|'s domain.
- */
- function createTransformer(fromMarker, toMarker) {
- var fromTs = fromMarker.ts, toTs = toMarker.ts;
- // TODO(charliea): Usually, we estimate that the clock sync marker is
- // issued by the agent exactly in the middle of the controller's start and
- // end timestamps. However, there's currently a bug in the Chrome serial
- // code that's making the clock sync ack for BattOr take much longer to
- // read than it should (by about 8ms). This is causing the above estimate
- // of the controller's sync timestamp to be off by a substantial enough
- // amount that it makes traces hard to read. For now, make an exception
- // for BattOr and just use the controller's start timestamp as the sync
- // time. In the medium term, we should fix the Chrome serial code in order
- // to remove this special logic and get an even more accurate estimate.
- if (fromMarker.domainId === ClockDomainId.BATTOR &&
- toMarker.duration > BATTOR_FAST_SYNC_THRESHOLD_MS) {
- toTs = toMarker.startTs;
- } else if (toMarker.domainId === ClockDomainId.BATTOR &&
- fromMarker.duration > BATTOR_FAST_SYNC_THRESHOLD_MS) {
- fromTs = fromMarker.startTs;
- }
- var tsShift = toTs - fromTs;
- return function(ts) { return ts + tsShift; };
- }
- /**
- * Given two transformers, creates a third that's a composition of the two.
- *
- * @param {function(Number): Number} aToB A function capable of converting a
- * timestamp from domain A to domain B.
- * @param {function(Number): Number} bToC A function capable of converting a
- * timestamp from domain B to domain C.
- *
- * @return {function(Number): Number} A function capable of converting a
- * timestamp from domain A to domain C.
- */
- function composeTransformers(aToB, bToC) {
- return function(ts) {
- return bToC(aToB(ts));
- };
- }
- /**
- * A ClockSyncManager holds clock sync markers and uses them to shift
- * timestamps from agents' clock domains onto the model's clock domain.
- *
- * In this context, a "clock domain" is a single perspective on the passage
- * of time. A single computer can have multiple clock domains because it
- * can have multiple methods of retrieving a timestamp (e.g.
- * clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) and clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) on Linux).
- * Another common reason for multiple clock domains within a single trace
- * is that traces can span devices (e.g. a laptop collecting a Chrome trace
- * can have its power consumption recorded by a second device and the two
- * traces can be viewed alongside each other).
- *
- * For more information on how to synchronize multiple time domains using this
- * method, see:
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ClockSyncManager() {
- // A set of all domains seen by the ClockSyncManager.
- this.domainsSeen_ = new Set();
- this.markersBySyncId_ = new Map();
- // transformerMapByDomainId_[fromDomainId][toDomainId] returns the function
- // that converts timestamps in the "from" domain to timestamps in the "to"
- // domain.
- this.transformerMapByDomainId_ = {};
- }
- ClockSyncManager.prototype = {
- /**
- * Adds a clock sync marker to the list of known markers.
- *
- * @param {string} domainId The clock domain that the marker is in.
- * @param {string} syncId The identifier shared by both sides of the clock
- * sync marker.
- * @param {number} startTs The time (in ms) at which the sync started.
- * @param {number=} opt_endTs The time (in ms) at which the sync ended. If
- * unspecified, it's assumed to be the same as the start,
- * indicating an instantaneous sync.
- */
- addClockSyncMarker: function(domainId, syncId, startTs, opt_endTs) {
- this.onDomainSeen_(domainId);
- if (tr.b.dictionaryValues(ClockDomainId).indexOf(domainId) < 0) {
- throw new Error('"' + domainId + '" is not in the list of known ' +
- 'clock domain IDs.');
- }
- if (this.modelDomainId_) {
- throw new Error('Cannot add new clock sync markers after getting ' +
- 'a model time transformer.');
- }
- var marker = new ClockSyncMarker(domainId, startTs, opt_endTs);
- if (!this.markersBySyncId_.has(syncId)) {
- this.markersBySyncId_.set(syncId, [marker]);
- return;
- }
- var markers = this.markersBySyncId_.get(syncId);
- if (markers.length === 2) {
- throw new Error('Clock sync with ID "' + syncId + '" is already ' +
- 'complete - cannot add a third clock sync marker to it.');
- }
- if (markers[0].domainId === domainId)
- throw new Error('A clock domain cannot sync with itself.');
- // TODO(charliea): Allow multiple paths between clock domains by selecting
- // the path with the least potential error.
- if (this.getTransformerBetween_(markers[0].domainId, domainId)) {
- throw new Error('The current code cannot handle multiple paths ' +
- 'between the same clock domains. However, this is a valid ' +
- 'operation.');
- }
- markers.push(marker);
- this.getOrCreateTransformerMap_(markers[0].domainId)[domainId] =
- createTransformer(markers[0], marker);
- this.getOrCreateTransformerMap_(domainId)[markers[0].domainId] =
- createTransformer(marker, markers[0]);
- },
- get markersBySyncId() {
- return this.markersBySyncId_;
- },
- /**
- * Returns a function that, given a timestamp in the domain with |domainId|,
- * returns a timestamp in the model's clock domain.
- *
- * NOTE: All clock sync markers should be added before calling this function
- * for the first time. This is because the first time that this function is
- * called, a model clock domain is selected. This clock domain must have
- * syncs connecting it with all other clock domains. If multiple clock
- * domains are viable candidates, the one with the clock domain ID that is
- * the first alphabetically is selected.
- */
- getModelTimeTransformer: function(domainId) {
- this.onDomainSeen_(domainId);
- if (!this.modelDomainId_)
- this.selectModelDomainId_();
- var transformer =
- this.getTransformerBetween_(domainId, this.modelDomainId_);
- if (!transformer) {
- throw new Error('No clock sync markers exist pairing clock domain "' +
- domainId + '" ' + 'with model clock domain "' +
- this.modelDomainId_ + '".');
- }
- return transformer;
- },
- /**
- * Returns a function that, given a timestamp in the "from" domain, returns
- * a timestamp in the "to" domain.
- */
- getTransformerBetween_: function(fromDomainId, toDomainId) {
- // Do a breadth-first search from the "from" domain until we reach the
- // "to" domain.
- var visitedDomainIds = new Set();
- // Keep a queue of nodes to visit, starting with the "from" domain.
- var queue = [];
- queue.push({ domainId: fromDomainId, transformer: tr.b.identity });
- while (queue.length > 0) {
- var current = queue.shift();
- if (current.domainId === toDomainId)
- return current.transformer;
- if (visitedDomainIds.has(current.domainId))
- continue;
- visitedDomainIds.add(current.domainId);
- var outgoingTransformers =
- this.transformerMapByDomainId_[current.domainId];
- if (!outgoingTransformers)
- continue;
- // Add all nodes that are directly connected to this one to the queue.
- for (var outgoingDomainId in outgoingTransformers) {
- // We have two transformers: one to get us from the "from" domain to
- // the current domain, and another to get us from the current domain
- // to the next domain. By composing those two transformers, we can
- // create one that gets us from the "from" domain to the next domain.
- var toNextDomainTransformer = outgoingTransformers[outgoingDomainId];
- var toCurrentDomainTransformer = current.transformer;
- queue.push({
- domainId: outgoingDomainId,
- transformer: composeTransformers(
- toNextDomainTransformer, toCurrentDomainTransformer)
- });
- }
- }
- return undefined;
- },
- /**
- * Selects the domain to use as the model domain from among the domains
- * with registered markers.
- *
- * This is necessary because some common domain must be chosen before all
- * timestamps can be shifted onto the same domain.
- *
- * For the time being, preference is given to Chrome clock domains. If no
- * Chrome clock domain is present, the first clock domain alphabetically
- * is selected.
- */
- selectModelDomainId_: function() {
- this.ensureAllDomainsAreConnected_();
- // While we're migrating to the new clock sync system, we have to make
- // sure to prefer the Chrome clock domain because legacy clock sync
- // mechanisms assume that's the case.
- for (var chromeDomainId of POSSIBLE_CHROME_CLOCK_DOMAINS) {
- if (this.domainsSeen_.has(chromeDomainId)) {
- this.modelDomainId_ = chromeDomainId;
- return;
- }
- }
- var domainsSeenArray = Array.from(this.domainsSeen_);
- domainsSeenArray.sort();
- this.modelDomainId_ = domainsSeenArray[0];
- },
- /** Throws an error if all domains are not connected. */
- ensureAllDomainsAreConnected_: function() {
- // NOTE: this is a ridiculously inefficient way to do this. Given how few
- // clock domains we're likely to have, this shouldn't be a problem.
- var firstDomainId = undefined;
- for (var domainId of this.domainsSeen_) {
- if (!firstDomainId) {
- firstDomainId = domainId;
- continue;
- }
- if (!this.getTransformerBetween_(firstDomainId, domainId)) {
- throw new Error('Unable to select a master clock domain because no ' +
- 'path can be found from "' + firstDomainId + '" to "' + domainId +
- '".');
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- /** Observer called each time that a clock domain is seen. */
- onDomainSeen_: function(domainId) {
- if (domainId === ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY &&
- !this.domainsSeen_.has(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)) {
- // UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY was just seen for the first time: collapse it
- // and the other Chrome clock domains into one.
- //
- // This makes sure that we don't have two separate clock sync graphs:
- // one attached to UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY and the other attached to the
- // real Chrome clock domain.
- for (var chromeDomainId of POSSIBLE_CHROME_CLOCK_DOMAINS) {
- if (chromeDomainId === ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)
- continue;
- this.collapseDomains_(
- ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY, chromeDomainId);
- }
- }
- this.domainsSeen_.add(domainId);
- },
- /** Makes timestamps in the two clock domains interchangeable. */
- collapseDomains_: function(domain1Id, domain2Id) {
- this.getOrCreateTransformerMap_(domain1Id)[domain2Id] =
- this.getOrCreateTransformerMap_(domain2Id)[domain1Id] = tr.b.identity;
- },
- /**
- * Returns (and creates if it doesn't exist) the transformer map describing
- * how to transform timestamps between directly connected clock domains.
- */
- getOrCreateTransformerMap_: function(domainId) {
- if (!this.transformerMapByDomainId_[domainId])
- this.transformerMapByDomainId_[domainId] = {};
- return this.transformerMapByDomainId_[domainId];
- }
- };
- /**
- * A ClockSyncMarker is an internal entity that represents a marker in a
- * trace log indicating that a clock sync happened at a specified time.
- *
- * If no end timestamp argument is specified in the constructor, it's assumed
- * that the end timestamp is the same as the start (i.e. the clock sync
- * was instantaneous).
- */
- function ClockSyncMarker(domainId, startTs, opt_endTs) {
- this.domainId = domainId;
- this.startTs = startTs;
- this.endTs = opt_endTs === undefined ? startTs : opt_endTs;
- }
- ClockSyncMarker.prototype = {
- get duration() { return this.endTs - this.startTs; },
- get ts() { return this.startTs + this.duration / 2; }
- };
- return {
- ClockDomainId: ClockDomainId,
- ClockSyncManager: ClockSyncManager
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/clock_sync_manager_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/clock_sync_manager_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6caad9b7d46..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/clock_sync_manager_test.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/clock_sync_manager.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ClockDomainId = tr.model.ClockDomainId;
- var ClockSyncManager = tr.model.ClockSyncManager;
- var testOptions = {
- setUp: function() {
- // Add a few testing clock domains to the list of permissible domains.
- ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1 = 'DOMAIN1';
- ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2 = 'DOMAIN2';
- ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_3 = 'DOMAIN3';
- ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_4 = 'DOMAIN4';
- ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_5 = 'DOMAIN5';
- },
- tearDown: function() {
- delete ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1;
- delete ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2;
- delete ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_3;
- delete ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_4;
- delete ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_5;
- }
- };
- test('addClockSyncMarker_throwsWithUnknownDomain', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- assert.throws(function() {
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker('unknown', 'sync1', 100, 200);
- }, '"unknown" is not in the list of known clock domain IDs.');
- }, testOptions);
- test('addClockSyncMarker_throwsWhenSelfSyncing', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100, 200);
- assert.throws(function() {
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 200, 300);
- }, 'A clock domain cannot sync with itself.');
- }, testOptions);
- test('addClockSyncMarker_throwsWhenAddingThirdSyncMarkerToSync', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync1', 100);
- assert.throws(function() {
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_3, 'sync1', 100);
- }, 'Clock sync with ID "sync1" is already complete - cannot add a third ' +
- 'clock sync marker to it.');
- }, testOptions);
- test('addClockSyncMarker_throwsWhenAddingDuplicatePaths', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync2', 100);
- assert.throws(function() {
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync2', 100);
- }, 'The current code cannot handle multiple paths between the same clock ' +
- 'domains. However, this is a valid operation.');
- }, testOptions);
- test('addClockSyncMarker_throwsAfterGetModelTimeTransformer', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1);
- assert.throws(function() {
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync2', 100);
- }, 'Cannot add new clock sync markers after getting a model time ' +
- 'transformer.');
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_noMarkers', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 100);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_noMarkersSecondDomainThrows', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1);
- assert.throws(function() {
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2);
- }, 'No clock sync markers exist pairing clock domain "DOMAIN2" with model' +
- ' clock domain "DOMAIN1".');
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_noMarkersChromeLegacyFirst', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)(100),
- 100);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)(100),
- 100);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_noMarkersChromeLegacySecond', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)(100),
- 100);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)(100),
- 100);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_oneMarker', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 100);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_oneCompleteSync', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync1', 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2)(350), 100);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 100);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_oneCompleteSyncWithChromeLegacyBefore',
- function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY, 'sync1', 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)(350),
- 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)(350),
- 350);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_oneCompleteSyncWithChromeLegacyAfter',
- function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 'sync1', 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)(350),
- 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)(350),
- 350);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_twoCompleteSyncs', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync1', 350);
- var tx = mgr.getTransformerBetween_('DOMAIN1', 'DOMAIN3');
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync2', 200);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_3, 'sync2', 250);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2)(350), 100);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 100);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_3)(250), 200);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_twoSyncMarkersWithEndTs', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100, 200);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync1', 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2)(350), 150);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(150), 150);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_indirectlyConnectedGraph',
- function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync1', 200);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync2', 200);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_3, 'sync2', 300);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 100);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_3)(300), 100);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_battorSyncUsesNormalTimestampWhenFast',
- function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100, 102);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.BATTOR, 'sync1', 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(101),
- 350);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_battorSyncUsesChromeLegacyStartTsWhenTooSlow',
- function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100, 200);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.BATTOR, 'sync1', 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100),
- 350);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_prefersChromeLegacyDomain', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY, 'sync1', 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100),
- 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)(350),
- 350);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_collapsesUnknownChromeLegacyDomainLinux',
- function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY, 'sync1', 350);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 'sync2', 350);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync2', 450);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2)(450), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.LINUX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)(350),
- 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)(350),
- 350);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_collapsesUnknownChromeLegacyDomainMac',
- function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY, 'sync1', 350);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.MAC_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME, 'sync2', 350);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync2', 450);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2)(450), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.MAC_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME)(350),
- 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)(350),
- 350);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_collapsesUnknownChromeLegacyDomainWinLoRes',
- function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY, 'sync1', 350);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(
- ClockDomainId.WIN_ROLLOVER_PROTECTED_TIME_GET_TIME, 'sync2', 350);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync2', 450);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2)(450), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(
- 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)(350),
- 350);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_collapsesChromeLegacyDomainWinHiRes',
- function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY, 'sync1', 350);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.WIN_QPC, 'sync2', 350);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync2', 450);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1)(100), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2)(450), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.WIN_QPC)(350), 350);
- assert.strictEqual(
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.UNKNOWN_CHROME_LEGACY)(350),
- 350);
- }, testOptions);
- test('getModelTimeTransformer_throwsWithTwoDistinctGraphs', function() {
- var mgr = new ClockSyncManager();
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_2, 'sync1', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_1, 'sync2', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_3, 'sync2', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_4, 'sync3', 100);
- mgr.addClockSyncMarker(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_5, 'sync3', 100);
- assert.throws(function() {
- mgr.getModelTimeTransformer(ClockDomainId.DOMAIN_5);
- }, 'Unable to select a master clock domain because no path can be found ' +
- 'from "DOMAIN1" to "DOMAIN4"');
- }, testOptions);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/comment_box_annotation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/comment_box_annotation.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/location.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/annotation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/rect_annotation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/ui/annotations/comment_box_annotation_view.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- function CommentBoxAnnotation(location, text) {
- tr.model.Annotation.apply(this, arguments);
- this.location = location;
- this.text = text;
- }
- CommentBoxAnnotation.fromDict = function(dict) {
- var args = dict.args;
- var location =
- new tr.model.Location(args.location.xWorld, args.location.yComponents);
- return new tr.model.CommentBoxAnnotation(location, args.text);
- };
- CommentBoxAnnotation.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.Annotation.prototype,
- onRemove: function() {
- this.view_.removeTextArea();
- },
- toDict: function() {
- return {
- typeName: 'comment_box',
- args: {
- text: this.text,
- location: this.location.toDict()
- }
- };
- },
- createView_: function(viewport) {
- return new tr.ui.annotations.CommentBoxAnnotationView(viewport, this);
- }
- };
- tr.model.Annotation.register(
- CommentBoxAnnotation, {typeName: 'comment_box'});
- return {
- CommentBoxAnnotation: CommentBoxAnnotation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/compound_event_selection_state.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/compound_event_selection_state.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/compound_event_selection_state.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * Indicates how much of a compound-event is selected [if any].
- *
- * The CompoundEventSelectionState enum is used with events that are
- * directly selectable, but also have associated events, too, that can be
- * selected. In this situation, there are a variety of different
- * selected states other than just "yes, no". This enum encodes those
- * various possible states.
- */
- var CompoundEventSelectionState = {
- // Basic bit states.
- // Common combinations.
- };
- return {
- CompoundEventSelectionState: CompoundEventSelectionState
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/constants.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/constants.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c1ec4ff24b..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/constants.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- return {
- // Since the PID of the browser process is not known to the child processes,
- // we let them use "pid_ref = -1" to reference an object created in the
- // browser process.
- // The default scope of object events, when not explicitly specified.
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/container_memory_dump.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/container_memory_dump.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/timed_event.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the ContainerMemoryDump class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * The ContainerMemoryDump represents an abstract container memory dump.
- * @constructor
- */
- function ContainerMemoryDump(start) {
-, start);
- this.levelOfDetail = undefined;
- this.memoryAllocatorDumps_ = undefined;
- this.memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName_ = undefined;
- };
- /**
- * Memory dump level of detail. See base::trace_event::MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail
- * in the Chromium repository.
- *
- * @enum
- */
- ContainerMemoryDump.LevelOfDetail = {
- LIGHT: 0,
- };
- ContainerMemoryDump.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.TimedEvent.prototype,
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- this.start += amount;
- },
- get memoryAllocatorDumps() {
- return this.memoryAllocatorDumps_;
- },
- set memoryAllocatorDumps(memoryAllocatorDumps) {
- this.memoryAllocatorDumps_ = memoryAllocatorDumps;
- this.forceRebuildingMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullNameIndex();
- },
- getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName: function(fullName) {
- if (this.memoryAllocatorDumps_ === undefined)
- return undefined;
- // Lazily generate the index if necessary.
- if (this.memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName_ === undefined) {
- var index = {};
- function addDumpsToIndex(dumps) {
- dumps.forEach(function(dump) {
- index[dump.fullName] = dump;
- addDumpsToIndex(dump.children);
- });
- };
- addDumpsToIndex(this.memoryAllocatorDumps_);
- this.memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName_ = index;
- }
- return this.memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName_[fullName];
- },
- forceRebuildingMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullNameIndex: function() {
- // Clear the index and generate it lazily.
- this.memoryAllocatorDumpsByFullName_ = undefined;
- },
- iterateRootAllocatorDumps: function(fn, opt_this) {
- if (this.memoryAllocatorDumps === undefined)
- return;
- this.memoryAllocatorDumps.forEach(fn, opt_this || this);
- }
- };
- return {
- ContainerMemoryDump: ContainerMemoryDump
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/container_memory_dump_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/container_memory_dump_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/container_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_dump_test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ContainerMemoryDump = tr.model.ContainerMemoryDump;
- var MemoryAllocatorDump = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump;
- var ScalarNumeric = tr.v.ScalarNumeric;
- var unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter =
- tr.v.Unit.byName.unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter;
- var newAllocatorDump = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.newAllocatorDump;
- var addChildDump = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.addChildDump;
- test('memoryAllocatorDumps_undefined', function() {
- var md = new ContainerMemoryDump(42);
- assert.isUndefined(md.memoryAllocatorDumps);
- assert.isUndefined(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('malloc'));
- });
- test('memoryAllocatorDumps_zero', function() {
- var md = new ContainerMemoryDump(42);
- md.memoryAllocatorDumps = [];
- assert.lengthOf(md.memoryAllocatorDumps, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('malloc'));
- });
- test('memoryAllocatorDumps_flat', function() {
- var md = new ContainerMemoryDump(42);
- var oilpanDump = newAllocatorDump(md, 'oilpan', {
- size: 1024,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 7),
- inner_size: 768
- });
- var v8Dump = newAllocatorDump(md, 'v8', {
- size: 2048,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 15),
- inner_size: 1999
- });
- md.memoryAllocatorDumps = [oilpanDump, v8Dump];
- assert.lengthOf(md.memoryAllocatorDumps, 2);
- assert.equal(md.memoryAllocatorDumps[0], oilpanDump);
- assert.equal(md.memoryAllocatorDumps[1], v8Dump);
- assert.equal(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan'), oilpanDump);
- assert.equal(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8'), v8Dump);
- assert.isUndefined(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('malloc'));
- });
- test('memoryAllocatorDumps_nested', function() {
- var md = new ContainerMemoryDump(42);
- var oilpanDump = newAllocatorDump(md, 'oilpan', {
- size: 1024,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 7),
- inner_size: 768
- });
- var oilpanBucket1Dump = addChildDump(oilpanDump, 'bucket1', {
- size: 512,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 3),
- inner_size: 256
- });
- var oilpanBucket2Dump = addChildDump(oilpanDump, 'bucket2', {
- size: 512,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 4),
- inner_size: 512
- });
- var oilpanBucket2StringsDump = addChildDump(oilpanBucket2Dump, 'strings', {
- size: 512,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 4),
- inner_size: 512
- });
- var v8Dump = newAllocatorDump(md, 'v8', {
- size: 2048,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 15),
- inner_size: 1999
- });
- md.memoryAllocatorDumps = [oilpanDump, v8Dump];
- assert.lengthOf(md.memoryAllocatorDumps, 2);
- assert.equal(md.memoryAllocatorDumps[0], oilpanDump);
- assert.equal(md.memoryAllocatorDumps[1], v8Dump);
- assert.equal(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan'), oilpanDump);
- assert.equal(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/bucket1'),
- oilpanBucket1Dump);
- assert.equal(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/bucket2'),
- oilpanBucket2Dump);
- assert.equal(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/bucket2/strings'),
- oilpanBucket2StringsDump);
- assert.equal(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8'), v8Dump);
- assert.isUndefined(md.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('malloc'));
- });
- test('iterateRootAllocatorDumps', function() {
- var containerDump = new ContainerMemoryDump(42);
- var oilpanDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(containerDump, 'oilpan');
- var v8Dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(containerDump, 'v8');
- addChildDump(v8Dump, 'heaps');
- containerDump.memoryAllocatorDumps = [oilpanDump, v8Dump];
- var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
- containerDump.iterateRootAllocatorDumps(
- function(dump) { this.visitedAllocatorDumps.push(dump); },
- { visitedAllocatorDumps: visitedAllocatorDumps });
- assert.sameMembers(visitedAllocatorDumps, [oilpanDump, v8Dump]);
- });
- test('forceRebuildingMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullNameIndex', function() {
- var containerDump = new ContainerMemoryDump(42);
- var v8Dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(containerDump, 'v8');
- var v8HeapsDump = addChildDump(v8Dump, 'heaps');
- var v8HeapSmallDump = addChildDump(v8HeapsDump, 'S');
- // Setting the memory allocator dumps should update the index properly.
- containerDump.memoryAllocatorDumps = [v8Dump];
- assert.strictEqual(
- containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8'), v8Dump);
- assert.strictEqual(containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'v8/heaps'), v8HeapsDump);
- assert.strictEqual(containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'v8/heaps/S'), v8HeapSmallDump);
- // Add a second grandchild (v8/heaps/L).
- var v8HeapLargeDump = addChildDump(v8HeapsDump, 'L');
- // Setting the memory allocator dumps again should update the index
- // properly again.
- containerDump.memoryAllocatorDumps = [v8Dump];
- assert.strictEqual(
- containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8'), v8Dump);
- assert.strictEqual(containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'v8/heaps'), v8HeapsDump);
- assert.strictEqual(containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'v8/heaps/S'), v8HeapSmallDump);
- assert.strictEqual(containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'v8/heaps/L'), v8HeapLargeDump);
- // Remove the first grandchild (v8/heaps/S).
- v8HeapsDump.children.splice(0, 1);
- // Force rebuilding the index and check that it was updated properly.
- containerDump.forceRebuildingMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullNameIndex();
- assert.strictEqual(
- containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8'), v8Dump);
- assert.strictEqual(containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'v8/heaps'), v8HeapsDump);
- assert.isUndefined(containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'v8/heaps/S'));
- assert.strictEqual(containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'v8/heaps/L'), v8HeapLargeDump);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter_series.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_container.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * A container holding all series of a given type of measurement.
- *
- * As an example, if we're measuring the throughput of data sent over several
- * USB connections, the throughput of each cable might be added as a separate
- * series to a single counter.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @extends {EventContainer}
- */
- function Counter(parent, id, category, name) {
- this.parent_ = parent;
- this.id_ = id;
- this.category_ = category || '';
- this.name_ = name;
- this.series_ = [];
- this.totals = [];
- }
- Counter.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- get parent() {
- return this.parent_;
- },
- get id() {
- return this.id_;
- },
- get category() {
- return this.category_;
- },
- get name() {
- return this.name_;
- },
- childEvents: function*() {
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- yield * this.series;
- },
- set timestamps(arg) {
- throw new Error('Bad counter API. No cookie.');
- },
- set seriesNames(arg) {
- throw new Error('Bad counter API. No cookie.');
- },
- set seriesColors(arg) {
- throw new Error('Bad counter API. No cookie.');
- },
- set samples(arg) {
- throw new Error('Bad counter API. No cookie.');
- },
- addSeries: function(series) {
- series.counter = this;
- series.seriesIndex = this.series_.length;
- this.series_.push(series);
- return series;
- },
- getSeries: function(idx) {
- return this.series_[idx];
- },
- get series() {
- return this.series_;
- },
- get numSeries() {
- return this.series_.length;
- },
- get numSamples() {
- if (this.series_.length === 0)
- return 0;
- return this.series_[0].length;
- },
- get timestamps() {
- if (this.series_.length === 0)
- return [];
- return this.series_[0].timestamps;
- },
- /**
- * Obtains min, max, avg, values, start, and end for different series for
- * a given counter
- * getSampleStatistics([0,1])
- * The statistics objects that this returns are an array of objects, one
- * object for each series for the counter in the form:
- * {min: minVal, max: maxVal, avg: avgVal, start: startVal, end: endVal}
- *
- * @param {Array.<Number>} Indices to summarize.
- * @return {Object} An array of statistics. Each element in the array
- * has data for one of the series in the selected counter.
- */
- getSampleStatistics: function(sampleIndices) {
- sampleIndices.sort();
- var ret = [];
- this.series_.forEach(function(series) {
- ret.push(series.getStatistics(sampleIndices));
- });
- return ret;
- },
- /**
- * Shifts all the timestamps inside this counter forward by the amount
- * specified.
- */
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.series_.length; ++i)
- this.series_[i].shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- },
- /**
- * Updates the bounds for this counter based on the samples it contains.
- */
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.totals = [];
- this.maxTotal = 0;
- this.bounds.reset();
- if (this.series_.length === 0)
- return;
- var firstSeries = this.series_[0];
- var lastSeries = this.series_[this.series_.length - 1];
- this.bounds.addValue(firstSeries.getTimestamp(0));
- this.bounds.addValue(lastSeries.getTimestamp(lastSeries.length - 1));
- var numSeries = this.numSeries;
- this.maxTotal = -Infinity;
- // Sum the samples at each timestamp.
- // Note, this assumes that all series have all timestamps.
- for (var i = 0; i < firstSeries.length; ++i) {
- var total = 0;
- this.series_.forEach(function(series) {
- total += series.getSample(i).value;
- this.totals.push(total);
- }.bind(this));
- this.maxTotal = Math.max(total, this.maxTotal);
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Comparison between counters that orders by parent.compareTo, then name.
- */
- = function(x, y) {
- var tmp = x.parent.compareTo(y);
- if (tmp != 0)
- return tmp;
- var tmp =;
- if (tmp == 0)
- return x.tid - y.tid;
- return tmp;
- };
- return {
- Counter: Counter
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter_sample.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter_sample.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/sorted_array_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_registry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * The value of a given measurement at a given time.
- *
- * As an example, if we're measuring the throughput of data sent over a USB
- * connection, each counter sample might represent the instantaneous
- * throughput of the connection at a given time.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @extends {Event}
- */
- function CounterSample(series, timestamp, value) {
- this.series_ = series;
- this.timestamp_ = timestamp;
- this.value_ = value;
- }
- CounterSample.groupByTimestamp = function(samples) {
- var samplesByTimestamp =, function(sample) {
- return sample.timestamp;
- });
- var timestamps = tr.b.dictionaryKeys(samplesByTimestamp);
- timestamps.sort();
- var groups = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < timestamps.length; i++) {
- var ts = timestamps[i];
- var group = samplesByTimestamp[ts];
- group.sort(function(x, y) {
- return x.series.seriesIndex - y.series.seriesIndex;
- });
- groups.push(group);
- }
- return groups;
- };
- CounterSample.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.Event.prototype,
- get series() {
- return this.series_;
- },
- get timestamp() {
- return this.timestamp_;
- },
- get value() {
- return this.value_;
- },
- set timestamp(timestamp) {
- this.timestamp_ = timestamp;
- },
- addBoundsToRange: function(range) {
- range.addValue(this.timestamp);
- },
- getSampleIndex: function() {
- return tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray(
- this.series.timestamps,
- function(x) { return x; },
- this.timestamp_);
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Counter sample from ' + this.series_.title + ' at ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(this.timestamp);
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- CounterSample,
- {
- name: 'counterSample',
- pluralName: 'counterSamples',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-counter-sample-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-counter-sample-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- CounterSample: CounterSample
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter_sample_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter_sample_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Counter = tr.model.Counter;
- var CounterSeries = tr.model.CounterSeries;
- var CounterSample = tr.model.CounterSample;
- test('groupByTimestamp', function() {
- var counter = new Counter();
- var s0 = counter.addSeries(new CounterSeries('x', 0));
- var s1 = counter.addSeries(new CounterSeries('y', 1));
- var s0_0 = s0.addCounterSample(0, 100);
- var s0_1 = s1.addCounterSample(0, 200);
- var s1_0 = s0.addCounterSample(1, 100);
- var s1_1 = s1.addCounterSample(1, 200);
- var groups = CounterSample.groupByTimestamp([s0_1, s0_0,
- s1_1, s1_0]);
- assert.equal(groups.length, 2);
- assert.deepEqual(groups[0], [s0_0, s0_1]);
- assert.deepEqual(groups[1], [s1_0, s1_1]);
- });
- test('getSampleIndex', function() {
- var ctr = new Counter(null, 0, '', 'myCounter');
- var s0 = new CounterSeries('a', 0);
- ctr.addSeries(s0);
- var s0_0 = s0.addCounterSample(0, 0);
- var s0_1 = s0.addCounterSample(1, 100);
- assert.equal(s0_0.getSampleIndex(), 0);
- assert.equal(s0_1.getSampleIndex(), 1);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter_series.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter_series.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ac1463c381a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter_series.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter_sample.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_container.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var CounterSample = tr.model.CounterSample;
- /**
- * A container holding all samples of a given measurement over time.
- *
- * As an example, a counter series might measure the throughput of data sent
- * over a USB connection, with each sample representing the instantaneous
- * throughput of the connection.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @extends {EventContainer}
- */
- function CounterSeries(name, color) {
- this.name_ = name;
- this.color_ = color;
- this.timestamps_ = [];
- this.samples_ = [];
- // Set by counter.addSeries
- this.counter = undefined;
- this.seriesIndex = undefined;
- }
- CounterSeries.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- get length() {
- return this.timestamps_.length;
- },
- get name() {
- return this.name_;
- },
- get color() {
- return this.color_;
- },
- get samples() {
- return this.samples_;
- },
- get timestamps() {
- return this.timestamps_;
- },
- getSample: function(idx) {
- return this.samples_[idx];
- },
- getTimestamp: function(idx) {
- return this.timestamps_[idx];
- },
- addCounterSample: function(ts, val) {
- var sample = new CounterSample(this, ts, val);
- this.addSample(sample);
- return sample;
- },
- addSample: function(sample) {
- this.timestamps_.push(sample.timestamp);
- this.samples_.push(sample);
- },
- getStatistics: function(sampleIndices) {
- var sum = 0;
- var min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
- var max = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
- for (var i = 0; i < sampleIndices.length; ++i) {
- var sample = this.getSample(sampleIndices[i]).value;
- sum += sample;
- min = Math.min(sample, min);
- max = Math.max(sample, max);
- }
- return {
- min: min,
- max: max,
- avg: (sum / sampleIndices.length),
- start: this.getSample(sampleIndices[0]).value,
- end: this.getSample(sampleIndices.length - 1).value
- };
- },
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.timestamps_.length; ++i) {
- this.timestamps_[i] += amount;
- this.samples_[i].timestamp = this.timestamps_[i];
- }
- },
- childEvents: function*() {
- yield * this.samples_;
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- }
- };
- return {
- CounterSeries: CounterSeries
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter_test.html
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index fef6fa76efe..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/counter_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter_series.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Counter = tr.model.Counter;
- var CounterSeries = tr.model.CounterSeries;
- var CounterSample = tr.model.CounterSample;
- var createCounterWithTwoSeries = function() {
- var ctr = new Counter(null, 0, '', 'myCounter');
- var aSeries = new CounterSeries('a', 0);
- var bSeries = new CounterSeries('b', 0);
- ctr.addSeries(aSeries);
- ctr.addSeries(bSeries);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(0, 5);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(1, 6);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(2, 5);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(3, 7);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(0, 10);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(1, 15);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(2, 12);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(3, 16);
- return ctr;
- };
- test('getSampleStatisticsWithSingleSelection', function() {
- var ctr = createCounterWithTwoSeries();
- var ret = ctr.getSampleStatistics([0]);
- assert.equal(ret[0].min, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[0].max, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[0].avg, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[0].start, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[0].end, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[1].min, 10);
- assert.equal(ret[1].max, 10);
- assert.equal(ret[1].avg, 10);
- assert.equal(ret[1].start, 10);
- assert.equal(ret[1].end, 10);
- });
- test('getSampleStatisticsWithMultipleSelections', function() {
- var ctr = createCounterWithTwoSeries();
- var ret = ctr.getSampleStatistics([0, 1]);
- assert.equal(ret[0].min, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[0].max, 6);
- assert.equal(ret[0].avg, (5 + 6) / 2);
- assert.equal(ret[0].start, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[0].end, 6);
- assert.equal(ret[1].min, 10);
- assert.equal(ret[1].max, 15);
- assert.equal(ret[1].avg, (10 + 15) / 2);
- assert.equal(ret[1].start, 10);
- assert.equal(ret[1].end, 15);
- });
- test('getSampleStatisticsWithOutofOrderIndices', function() {
- var ctr = createCounterWithTwoSeries();
- var ret = ctr.getSampleStatistics([1, 0]);
- assert.equal(ret[0].min, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[0].max, 6);
- assert.equal(ret[0].avg, (5 + 6) / 2);
- assert.equal(ret[0].start, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[0].end, 6);
- assert.equal(ret[1].min, 10);
- assert.equal(ret[1].max, 15);
- assert.equal(ret[1].avg, (10 + 15) / 2);
- assert.equal(ret[1].start, 10);
- assert.equal(ret[1].end, 15);
- });
- test('getSampleStatisticsWithAllSelections', function() {
- var ctr = createCounterWithTwoSeries();
- var ret = ctr.getSampleStatistics([1, 0, 2, 3]);
- assert.equal(ret[0].min, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[0].max, 7);
- assert.equal(ret[0].avg, (5 + 6 + 5 + 7) / 4);
- assert.equal(ret[0].start, 5);
- assert.equal(ret[0].end, 7);
- assert.equal(ret[1].min, 10);
- assert.equal(ret[1].max, 16);
- assert.equal(ret[1].avg, (10 + 15 + 12 + 16) / 4);
- assert.equal(ret[1].start, 10);
- assert.equal(ret[1].end, 16);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/cpu.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/cpu.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2194e462185..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/cpu.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/cpu_slice.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/thread_time_slice.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Cpu class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Counter = tr.model.Counter;
- var CpuSlice = tr.model.CpuSlice;
- var Slice = tr.model.Slice;
- /**
- * The Cpu represents a Cpu from the kernel's point of view.
- * @constructor
- */
- function Cpu(kernel, number) {
- if (kernel === undefined || number === undefined)
- throw new Error('Missing arguments');
- this.kernel = kernel;
- this.cpuNumber = number;
- this.slices = [];
- this.counters = {};
- this.bounds_ = new tr.b.Range();
- this.samples_ = undefined; // Set during createSubSlices
- // Start timestamp of the last active thread.
- this.lastActiveTimestamp_ = undefined;
- // Identifier of the last active thread. On Linux, it's a pid while on
- // Windows it's a thread id.
- this.lastActiveThread_ = undefined;
- // Name and arguments of the last active thread.
- this.lastActiveName_ = undefined;
- this.lastActiveArgs_ = undefined;
- };
- Cpu.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- get samples() {
- return this.samples_;
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'CPU ' + this.cpuNumber;
- },
- findTopmostSlicesInThisContainer: function*(eventPredicate, opt_this) {
- // All CpuSlices are toplevel since CpuSlices do not nest.
- for (var s of slices) {
- yield * s.findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice(
- eventPredicate, opt_this);
- }
- },
- childEvents: function*() {
- yield * this.slices;
- if (this.samples_)
- yield * this.samples_;
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- yield * tr.b.dictionaryValues(this.counters);
- },
- /**
- * @return {Counter} The counter on this CPU with the given category/name
- * combination, creating it if it doesn't exist.
- */
- getOrCreateCounter: function(cat, name) {
- var id = cat + '.' + name;
- if (!this.counters[id])
- this.counters[id] = new Counter(this, id, cat, name);
- return this.counters[id];
- },
- /**
- * @return {Counter} the counter on this CPU with the given category/name
- * combination, or undefined if it doesn't exist.
- */
- getCounter: function(cat, name) {
- var id = cat + '.' + name;
- if (!this.counters[id])
- return undefined;
- return this.counters[id];
- },
- /**
- * Shifts all the timestamps inside this CPU forward by the amount
- * specified.
- */
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- for (var sI = 0; sI < this.slices.length; sI++)
- this.slices[sI].start = (this.slices[sI].start + amount);
- for (var id in this.counters)
- this.counters[id].shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- },
- /**
- * Updates the range based on the current slices attached to the cpu.
- */
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds_.reset();
- if (this.slices.length) {
- this.bounds_.addValue(this.slices[0].start);
- this.bounds_.addValue(this.slices[this.slices.length - 1].end);
- }
- for (var id in this.counters) {
- this.counters[id].updateBounds();
- this.bounds_.addRange(this.counters[id].bounds);
- }
- if (this.samples_ && this.samples_.length) {
- this.bounds_.addValue(this.samples_[0].start);
- this.bounds_.addValue(
- this.samples_[this.samples_.length - 1].end);
- }
- },
- createSubSlices: function() {
- this.samples_ = this.kernel.model.samples.filter(function(sample) {
- return sample.cpu == this;
- }, this);
- },
- addCategoriesToDict: function(categoriesDict) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.slices.length; i++)
- categoriesDict[this.slices[i].category] = true;
- for (var id in this.counters)
- categoriesDict[this.counters[id].category] = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.samples_.length; i++)
- categoriesDict[this.samples_[i].category] = true;
- },
- /*
- * Returns the index of the slice in the CPU's slices, or undefined.
- */
- indexOf: function(cpuSlice) {
- var i = tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray(
- this.slices,
- function(slice) { return slice.start; },
- cpuSlice.start);
- if (this.slices[i] !== cpuSlice)
- return undefined;
- return i;
- },
- /**
- * Closes the thread running on the CPU. |end_timestamp| is the timestamp
- * at which the thread was unscheduled. |args| is merged with the arguments
- * specified when the thread was initially scheduled.
- */
- closeActiveThread: function(end_timestamp, args) {
- // Don't generate a slice if the last active thread is the idle task.
- if (this.lastActiveThread_ == undefined || this.lastActiveThread_ == 0)
- return;
- if (end_timestamp < this.lastActiveTimestamp_) {
- throw new Error('The end timestamp of a thread running on CPU ' +
- this.cpuNumber + ' is before its start timestamp.');
- }
- // Merge |args| with |this.lastActiveArgs_|. If a key is in both
- // dictionaries, the value from |args| is used.
- for (var key in args) {
- this.lastActiveArgs_[key] = args[key];
- }
- var duration = end_timestamp - this.lastActiveTimestamp_;
- var slice = new tr.model.CpuSlice(
- '', this.lastActiveName_,
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(this.lastActiveName_),
- this.lastActiveTimestamp_,
- this.lastActiveArgs_,
- duration);
- slice.cpu = this;
- this.slices.push(slice);
- // Clear the last state.
- this.lastActiveTimestamp_ = undefined;
- this.lastActiveThread_ = undefined;
- this.lastActiveName_ = undefined;
- this.lastActiveArgs_ = undefined;
- },
- switchActiveThread: function(timestamp, old_thread_args, new_thread_id,
- new_thread_name, new_thread_args) {
- // Close the previous active thread and generate a slice.
- this.closeActiveThread(timestamp, old_thread_args);
- // Keep track of the new thread.
- this.lastActiveTimestamp_ = timestamp;
- this.lastActiveThread_ = new_thread_id;
- this.lastActiveName_ = new_thread_name;
- this.lastActiveArgs_ = new_thread_args;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the frequency statistics for this CPU;
- * the returned object contains the frequencies as keys,
- * and the duration at this frequency in milliseconds as the value,
- * for the range that was specified.
- */
- getFreqStatsForRange: function(range) {
- var stats = {};
- function addStatsForFreq(freqSample, index) {
- // Counters don't have an explicit end or duration;
- // calculate the end by looking at the starting point
- // of the next value in the series, or if that doesn't
- // exist, assume this frequency is held until the end.
- var freqEnd = (index < freqSample.series_.length - 1) ?
- freqSample.series_.samples_[index + 1].timestamp : range.max;
- var freqRange = tr.b.Range.fromExplicitRange(freqSample.timestamp,
- freqEnd);
- var intersection = freqRange.findIntersection(range);
- if (!(freqSample.value in stats))
- stats[freqSample.value] = 0;
- stats[freqSample.value] += intersection.duration;
- }
- var freqCounter = this.getCounter('', 'Clock Frequency');
- if (freqCounter !== undefined) {
- var freqSeries = freqCounter.getSeries(0);
- if (!freqSeries)
- return;
- tr.b.iterateOverIntersectingIntervals(freqSeries.samples_,
- function(x) { return x.timestamp; },
- function(x, index) { return index < freqSeries.length - 1 ?
- freqSeries.samples_[index + 1].timestamp :
- range.max; },
- range.min,
- range.max,
- addStatsForFreq);
- }
- return stats;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Comparison between processes that orders by cpuNumber.
- */
- = function(x, y) {
- return x.cpuNumber - y.cpuNumber;
- };
- return {
- Cpu: Cpu
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/cpu_slice.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/cpu_slice.html
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index b646a3db0f9..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/cpu_slice.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/thread_time_slice.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the CpuSlice class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var Slice = tr.model.Slice;
- /**
- * A CpuSlice represents a slice of time on a CPU.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function CpuSlice(cat, title, colorId, start, args, opt_duration) {
- Slice.apply(this, arguments);
- this.threadThatWasRunning = undefined;
- this.cpu = undefined;
- }
- CpuSlice.prototype = {
- __proto__: Slice.prototype,
- get analysisTypeName() {
- return 'tr.ui.analysis.CpuSlice';
- },
- getAssociatedTimeslice: function() {
- if (!this.threadThatWasRunning)
- return undefined;
- var timeSlices = this.threadThatWasRunning.timeSlices;
- for (var i = 0; i < timeSlices.length; i++) {
- var timeSlice = timeSlices[i];
- if (timeSlice.start !== this.start)
- continue;
- if (timeSlice.duration !== this.duration)
- continue;
- return timeSlice;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- CpuSlice,
- {
- name: 'cpuSlice',
- pluralName: 'cpuSlices',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-cpu-slice-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-cpu-slice-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- CpuSlice: CpuSlice
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/cpu_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/cpu_test.html
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Cpu = tr.model.Cpu;
- var newThreadSlice = tr.c.TestUtils.newThreadSlice;
- test('cpuBounds_Empty', function() {
- var cpu = new Cpu({}, 1);
- cpu.updateBounds();
- assert.isUndefined(cpu.bounds.min);
- assert.isUndefined(cpu.bounds.max);
- });
- test('cpuBounds_OneSlice', function() {
- var cpu = new Cpu({}, 1);
- cpu.slices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx({start: 1, duration: 3}));
- cpu.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(cpu.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(cpu.bounds.max, 4);
- });
- test('getOrCreateCounter', function() {
- var cpu = new Cpu({}, 1);
- var ctrBar = cpu.getOrCreateCounter('foo', 'bar');
- var ctrBar2 = cpu.getOrCreateCounter('foo', 'bar');
- assert.equal(ctrBar, ctrBar2);
- });
- test('shiftTimestampsForward', function() {
- var cpu = new Cpu({}, 1);
- var ctr = cpu.getOrCreateCounter('foo', 'bar');
- cpu.slices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx({start: 1, duration: 3}));
- var shiftCount = 0;
- ctr.shiftTimestampsForward = function(ts) {
- if (ts == 0.32)
- shiftCount++;
- };
- cpu.slices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx({start: 1, duration: 3}));
- cpu.shiftTimestampsForward(0.32);
- assert.equal(1, shiftCount);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[0].start, 1.32);
- });
- function newCpuSliceNamed(cpu, name, start, duration, opt_thread) {
- var s = new tr.model.CpuSlice(
- 'cat', name, 0, start, {}, duration);
- s.cpu = cpu;
- if (opt_thread)
- s.threadThatWasRunning = opt_thread;
- return s;
- }
- test('getTimesliceForCpuSlice', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var cpu = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- var t2 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(2);
- t2.timeSlices = [newThreadSlice(t2, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 0, 10, cpu),
- newThreadSlice(t2, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 10, 10),
- newThreadSlice(t2, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 20, 10, cpu)];
- cpu.slices = [newCpuSliceNamed(cpu, 'x', 0, 10, t2),
- newCpuSliceNamed(cpu, 'x', 20, 10, t2)];
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[0].getAssociatedTimeslice(), t2.timeSlices[0]);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[1].getAssociatedTimeslice(), t2.timeSlices[2]);
- assert.equal(t2.timeSlices[0].getAssociatedCpuSlice(), cpu.slices[0]);
- assert.isUndefined(t2.timeSlices[1].getAssociatedCpuSlice());
- assert.equal(t2.timeSlices[2].getAssociatedCpuSlice(), cpu.slices[1]);
- assert.equal(cpu.indexOf(cpu.slices[0]), 0);
- assert.equal(cpu.indexOf(cpu.slices[1]), 1);
- assert.equal(t2.indexOfTimeSlice(t2.timeSlices[0]), 0);
- assert.equal(t2.indexOfTimeSlice(t2.timeSlices[1]), 1);
- assert.equal(t2.indexOfTimeSlice(t2.timeSlices[2]), 2);
- });
- test('putToSleepFor', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var cpu = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- var t2 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(2);
- var t3 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(3);
- t2.timeSlices = [newThreadSlice(t2, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 0, 10, cpu),
- newThreadSlice(t2, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 10, 10),
- newThreadSlice(t2, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 20, 10, cpu)];
- t3.timeSlices = [newThreadSlice(t3, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 10, 5, cpu)];
- cpu.slices = [newCpuSliceNamed(cpu, 'x', 0, 10, t2),
- newCpuSliceNamed(cpu, 'x', 10, 5, t3),
- newCpuSliceNamed(cpu, 'x', 20, 10, t2)];
- // At timeslice 0, the thread is running.
- assert.isUndefined(t2.timeSlices[0].getCpuSliceThatTookCpu());
- // t2 lost the cpu to t3 at t=10
- assert.equal(
- cpu.slices[1],
- t2.timeSlices[1].getCpuSliceThatTookCpu());
- });
- test('putToSleepForNothing', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var cpu = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- var t2 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(2);
- var t3 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(3);
- t2.timeSlices = [newThreadSlice(t2, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 0, 10, cpu),
- newThreadSlice(t2, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 10, 10),
- newThreadSlice(t2, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 20, 10, cpu)];
- t3.timeSlices = [newThreadSlice(t3, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 15, 5, cpu)];
- cpu.slices = [newCpuSliceNamed(cpu, 'x', 0, 10, t2),
- newCpuSliceNamed(cpu, 'x', 15, 5, t3),
- newCpuSliceNamed(cpu, 'x', 20, 10, t2)];
- assert.isUndefined(t2.timeSlices[1].getCpuSliceThatTookCpu());
- });
- test('switchActiveThread', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var cpu = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- cpu.switchActiveThread(5, {}, 0, 'idle thread', {});
- cpu.switchActiveThread(10, {}, 1, 'thread one', {a: 1});
- cpu.switchActiveThread(15, {b: 2}, 2, 'thread two', {c: 3});
- cpu.switchActiveThread(30, {c: 4, d: 5}, 3, 'thread three', {e: 6});
- cpu.closeActiveThread(40, {f: 7});
- cpu.switchActiveThread(50, {}, 4, 'thread four', {g: 8});
- cpu.switchActiveThread(60, {}, 1, 'thread one', {});
- cpu.closeActiveThread(70, {});
- assert.equal(cpu.slices.length, 5);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[0].title, 'thread one');
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[0].start, 10);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[0].duration, 5);
- assert.equal(Object.keys(cpu.slices[0].args).length, 2);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[0].args.a, 1);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[0].args.b, 2);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[1].title, 'thread two');
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[1].start, 15);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[1].duration, 15);
- assert.equal(Object.keys(cpu.slices[1].args).length, 2);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[1].args.c, 4);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[1].args.d, 5);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[2].title, 'thread three');
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[2].start, 30);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[2].duration, 10);
- assert.equal(Object.keys(cpu.slices[2].args).length, 2);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[2].args.e, 6);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[2].args.f, 7);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[3].title, 'thread four');
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[3].start, 50);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[3].duration, 10);
- assert.equal(Object.keys(cpu.slices[3].args).length, 1);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[3].args.g, 8);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[4].title, 'thread one');
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[4].start, 60);
- assert.equal(cpu.slices[4].duration, 10);
- assert.equal(Object.keys(cpu.slices[4].args).length, 0);
- });
- test('getFrequencyStats', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var cpu = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- var powerCounter = cpu.getOrCreateCounter('', 'Clock Frequency');
- var series = powerCounter.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('state',
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString('test')));
- series.addCounterSample(0, 100000);
- series.addCounterSample(20, 300000);
- series.addCounterSample(30, 100000);
- series.addCounterSample(80, 500000);
- series.addCounterSample(100, 300000);
- var range = tr.b.Range.fromExplicitRange(10, 90);
- var stats = cpu.getFreqStatsForRange(range);
- assert.equal(stats[100000], 60);
- assert.equal(stats[300000], 10);
- assert.equal(stats[500000], 10);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/device.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/device.html
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index cbb1b2aa91a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/device.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_container.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/power_series.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Device class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * Device represents the device-level objects in the model.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {tr.model.EventContainer}
- */
- function Device(model) {
- if (!model)
- throw new Error('Must provide a model.');
- this.powerSeries_ = undefined;
- this.vSyncTimestamps_ = [];
- };
- = function(x, y) {
- return x.guid - y.guid;
- };
- Device.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- compareTo: function(that) {
- return, that);
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Device';
- },
- get userFriendlyDetails() {
- return 'Device';
- },
- get stableId() {
- return 'Device';
- },
- getSettingsKey: function() {
- return 'device';
- },
- get powerSeries() {
- return this.powerSeries_;
- },
- set powerSeries(powerSeries) {
- this.powerSeries_ = powerSeries;
- },
- get vSyncTimestamps() {
- return this.vSyncTimestamps_;
- },
- set vSyncTimestamps(value) {
- this.vSyncTimestamps_ = value;
- },
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds.reset();
- for (var child of this.childEventContainers()) {
- child.updateBounds();
- this.bounds.addRange(child.bounds);
- }
- },
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- for (var child of this.childEventContainers()) {
- child.shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.vSyncTimestamps_.length; i++)
- this.vSyncTimestamps_[i] += amount;
- },
- addCategoriesToDict: function(categoriesDict) {
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- if (this.powerSeries_)
- yield this.powerSeries_;
- }
- };
- return {
- Device: Device
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/device_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/device_test.html
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/device.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/power_series.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Device = tr.model.Device;
- var Model = tr.Model;
- var PowerSeries = tr.model.PowerSeries;
- test('updateBounds', function() {
- var device = new Device(new Model());
- device.powerSeries = new PowerSeries(device);
- // Verify that the bounds match the lowest and highest timestamps.
- device.powerSeries.addPowerSample(100, 5);
- device.powerSeries.addPowerSample(200, 5);
- device.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(device.bounds.min, 100);
- assert.equal(device.bounds.max, 200);
- // Add a new sample and verify that the bounds change.
- device.powerSeries.addPowerSample(700, 5);
- device.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(device.bounds.min, 100);
- assert.equal(device.bounds.max, 700);
- });
- test('shiftTimestampsForward', function() {
- var device = new Device(new Model());
- device.powerSeries = new PowerSeries(device);
- device.powerSeries.addPowerSample(100, 2);
- device.powerSeries.addPowerSample(200, 2);
- device.shiftTimestampsForward(2);
- assert.equal(device.powerSeries.samples[0].start, 102);
- assert.equal(device.powerSeries.samples[1].start, 202);
- });
- test('childEventContainers_noPowerSeries', function() {
- var device = new Device(new Model());
- var childEventContainers = [];
- for (var container of device.childEventContainers())
- childEventContainers.push(container);
- assert.deepEqual(childEventContainers, []);
- });
- test('childEventContainers_powerSeries', function() {
- var device = new Device(new Model());
- device.powerSeries = new PowerSeries(device);
- var childEventContainers = [];
- for (var container of device.childEventContainers())
- childEventContainers.push(container);
- assert.deepEqual(childEventContainers, [device.powerSeries]);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ab2f3c22b..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_set.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/selectable_item.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/selection_state.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Event class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var SelectableItem = tr.model.SelectableItem;
- var SelectionState = tr.model.SelectionState;
- /**
- * An Event is the base type for any non-container, selectable piece
- * of data in the trace model.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @extends {SelectableItem}
- */
- function Event() {
-, this /* modelItem */);
- this.guid_ = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- this.selectionState = SelectionState.NONE;
- = undefined;
- }
- Event.prototype = {
- __proto__: SelectableItem.prototype,
- get guid() {
- return this.guid_;
- },
- get stableId() {
- return undefined;
- },
- // Empty by default. Lazily initialized on an instance in
- // addAssociatedAlert(). See #1930.
- associatedAlerts: IMMUTABLE_EMPTY_SET,
- addAssociatedAlert: function(alert) {
- if (this.associatedAlerts === IMMUTABLE_EMPTY_SET)
- this.associatedAlerts = new tr.model.EventSet();
- this.associatedAlerts.push(alert);
- },
- /** Adds the range of timestamps for this event to the specified range. */
- addBoundsToRange: function(range) {
- throw new Error('Not implemented');
- }
- };
- return {
- Event: Event
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_container.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_container.html
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index 48b5d943d37..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_container.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * EventContainer is a base class for any class in the trace model that
- * contains child events or child EventContainers.
- *
- * For all EventContainers, updateBounds() must be called after modifying the
- * container's events if an up-to-date bounds is expected.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function EventContainer() {
- this.guid_ = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- this.important = true;
- this.bounds_ = new tr.b.Range();
- }
- EventContainer.prototype = {
- get guid() {
- return this.guid_;
- },
- /**
- * @return {String} A stable and unique identifier that describes this
- * container's position in the event tree relative to the root. If an event
- * container 'B' is a child to another event container 'A', then container
- * B's stable ID would be 'A.B'.
- */
- get stableId() {
- throw new Error('Not implemented');
- },
- /**
- * Returns the bounds of the event container, which describe the range
- * of timestamps for all ancestor events.
- */
- get bounds() {
- return this.bounds_;
- },
- // TODO(charliea): A default implementation of this method could likely be
- // provided that iterates throuch getDescendantEvents.
- /**
- * Updates the bounds of the event container. After updating, this.bounds
- * will describe the range of timestamps of all ancestor events.
- */
- updateBounds: function() {
- throw new Error('Not implemented');
- },
- // TODO(charliea): A default implementation of this method could likely be
- // provided that iterates through getDescendantEvents.
- /**
- * Shifts the timestamps for ancestor events by 'amount' milliseconds.
- */
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- throw new Error('Not implemented');
- },
- /**
- * Returns an iterable of all child events.
- */
- childEvents: function*() {
- },
- /**
- * Returns an iterable of all events in this and descendant
- * event containers.
- */
- getDescendantEvents: function*() {
- yield * this.childEvents();
- for (var container of this.childEventContainers())
- yield * container.getDescendantEvents();
- },
- /**
- * Returns an iterable of all child event containers.
- */
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- },
- /**
- * Returns an iterable containing this and all descendant event containers.
- */
- getDescendantEventContainers: function*() {
- yield this;
- for (var container of this.childEventContainers())
- yield * container.getDescendantEventContainers();
- },
- /**
- * Finds topmost slices in this container (see docstring for
- * findTopmostSlices).
- */
- findTopmostSlicesInThisContainer: function*(eventPredicate, opt_this) {
- },
- /**
- * The findTopmostSlices* series of helpers find all topmost slices
- * satisfying the given predicates.
- *
- * As an example, suppose we are trying to find slices named 'C', with the
- * following thread:
- *
- * -> |---C---| |-----D-----|
- * |-C-| |---C---| <-
- *
- * findTopmostSlices would locate the pointed-to Cs, because the bottom C on
- * the left is not the topmost C, and the right one is, even though it is
- * not itself a top-level slice.
- */
- findTopmostSlices: function*(eventPredicate) {
- for (var ec of this.getDescendantEventContainers())
- yield * ec.findTopmostSlicesInThisContainer(eventPredicate);
- },
- findTopmostSlicesNamed: function*(name) {
- yield * this.findTopmostSlices(e => e.title === name);
- }
- };
- return {
- EventContainer: EventContainer
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_info.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_info.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_info.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/color_scheme.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- /**
- * EventInfo is an annotation added to Events in order to document
- * what they represent, and override their title/colorId values.
- *
- * TODO(ccraik): eventually support more complex structure/paragraphs.
- *
- * @param {string} title A user-visible title for the event.
- * @param {string} description A user-visible description of the event.
- * @param {Array} docLinks A list of Objects, each of the form
- * {label: str, textContent: str, href: str}
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function EventInfo(title, description, docLinks) {
- this.title = title;
- this.description = description;
- this.docLinks = docLinks;
- this.colorId = ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(title);
- }
- return {
- EventInfo: EventInfo
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_registry.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_registry.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ec2c1ebe3a8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_registry.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/extension_registry.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the EventRegistry class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- // Create the type registry.
- function EventRegistry() {
- }
- var options = new tr.b.ExtensionRegistryOptions(tr.b.BASIC_REGISTRY_MODE);
- tr.b.decorateExtensionRegistry(EventRegistry, options);
- // Enforce all options objects have the right fields.
- EventRegistry.addEventListener('will-register', function(e) {
- var metadata = e.typeInfo.metadata;
- if ( === undefined)
- throw new Error('Registered events must provide name metadata');
- var i = tr.b.findFirstInArray(
- EventRegistry.getAllRegisteredTypeInfos(),
- function(x) { return ===; });
- if (i !== undefined)
- throw new Error('Event type with that name already registered');
- if (metadata.pluralName === undefined)
- throw new Error('Registered events must provide pluralName metadata');
- if (metadata.singleViewElementName === undefined) {
- throw new Error('Registered events must provide ' +
- 'singleViewElementName metadata');
- }
- if (metadata.multiViewElementName === undefined) {
- throw new Error('Registered events must provide ' +
- 'multiViewElementName metadata');
- }
- });
- // Helper: lookup Events indexed by type name.
- var eventsByTypeName = undefined;
- EventRegistry.getEventTypeInfoByTypeName = function(typeName) {
- if (eventsByTypeName === undefined) {
- eventsByTypeName = {};
- EventRegistry.getAllRegisteredTypeInfos().forEach(function(typeInfo) {
- eventsByTypeName[] = typeInfo;
- });
- }
- return eventsByTypeName[typeName];
- }
- // Ensure eventsByTypeName stays current.
- EventRegistry.addEventListener('registry-changed', function() {
- eventsByTypeName = undefined;
- });
- function convertCamelCaseToTitleCase(name) {
- var result = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, ' $&');
- result = result.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + result.slice(1);
- return result;
- }
- EventRegistry.getUserFriendlySingularName = function(typeName) {
- var typeInfo = EventRegistry.getEventTypeInfoByTypeName(typeName);
- var str =;
- return convertCamelCaseToTitleCase(str);
- };
- EventRegistry.getUserFriendlyPluralName = function(typeName) {
- var typeInfo = EventRegistry.getEventTypeInfoByTypeName(typeName);
- var str = typeInfo.metadata.pluralName;
- return convertCamelCaseToTitleCase(str);
- };
- return {
- EventRegistry: EventRegistry
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_set.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_set.html
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_registry.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var EventRegistry = tr.model.EventRegistry;
- var RequestSelectionChangeEvent = tr.b.Event.bind(
- undefined, 'requestSelectionChange', true, false);
- /**
- * Represents a event set within a and its associated set of tracks.
- * @constructor
- */
- function EventSet(opt_events) {
- this.bounds_dirty_ = true;
- this.bounds_ = new tr.b.Range();
- this.length_ = 0;
- this.guid_ = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- this.pushed_guids_ = {};
- if (opt_events) {
- if (opt_events instanceof Array) {
- for (var i = 0; i < opt_events.length; i++)
- this.push(opt_events[i]);
- } else if (opt_events instanceof EventSet) {
- this.addEventSet(opt_events);
- } else {
- this.push(opt_events);
- }
- }
- }
- EventSet.prototype = {
- __proto__: Object.prototype,
- get bounds() {
- if (this.bounds_dirty_)
- this.resolveBounds_();
- return this.bounds_;
- },
- get duration() {
- if (this.bounds_.isEmpty)
- return 0;
- return this.bounds_.max - this.bounds_.min;
- },
- get length() {
- return this.length_;
- },
- get guid() {
- return this.guid_;
- },
- *[Symbol.iterator]() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length_; ++i)
- yield this[i];
- },
- clear: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length_; ++i)
- delete this[i];
- this.length_ = 0;
- this.bounds_dirty_ = true;
- },
- resolveBounds_: function() {
- this.bounds_.reset();
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length_; i++)
- this[i].addBoundsToRange(this.bounds_);
- this.bounds_dirty_ = false;
- },
- // push pushes only unique events.
- // If an event has been already pushed, do nothing.
- push: function(event) {
- if (event.guid == undefined)
- throw new Error('Event must have a GUID');
- if (this.contains(event))
- return event;
- this.pushed_guids_[event.guid] = true;
- this[this.length_++] = event;
- this.bounds_dirty_ = true;
- return event;
- },
- contains: function(event) {
- return this.pushed_guids_[event.guid];
- },
- indexOf: function(event) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
- if (this[i].guid === event.guid)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- },
- addEventSet: function(eventSet) {
- for (var i = 0; i < eventSet.length; i++)
- this.push(eventSet[i]);
- },
- subEventSet: function(index, count) {
- count = count || 1;
- var eventSet = new EventSet();
- eventSet.bounds_dirty_ = true;
- if (index < 0 || index + count > this.length_)
- throw new Error('Index out of bounds');
- for (var i = index; i < index + count; i++)
- eventSet.push(this[i]);
- return eventSet;
- },
- intersectionIsEmpty: function(otherEventSet) {
- return !this.some(function(event) {
- return otherEventSet.contains(event);
- });
- },
- equals: function(that) {
- if (this.length !== that.length)
- return false;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
- var event = this[i];
- if (that.pushed_guids_[event.guid] === undefined)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- getEventsOrganizedByBaseType: function(opt_pruneEmpty) {
- var allTypeInfos = EventRegistry.getAllRegisteredTypeInfos();
- var events = this.getEventsOrganizedByCallback(function(event) {
- var maxEventIndex = -1;
- var maxEventTypeInfo = undefined;
- allTypeInfos.forEach(function(eventTypeInfo, eventIndex) {
- if (!(event instanceof eventTypeInfo.constructor))
- return;
- if (eventIndex > maxEventIndex) {
- maxEventIndex = eventIndex;
- maxEventTypeInfo = eventTypeInfo;
- }
- });
- if (maxEventIndex == -1) {
- console.log(event);
- throw new Error('Unrecognized event type');
- }
- return;
- });
- if (!opt_pruneEmpty) {
- allTypeInfos.forEach(function(eventTypeInfo) {
- if (events[] === undefined)
- events[] = new EventSet();
- });
- }
- return events;
- },
- getEventsOrganizedByTitle: function() {
- return this.getEventsOrganizedByCallback(function(event) {
- if (event.title === undefined)
- throw new Error('An event didn\'t have a title!');
- return event.title;
- });
- },
- getEventsOrganizedByCallback: function(cb) {
- var eventsByCallback = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
- var event = this[i];
- var key = cb(event);
- if (key === undefined)
- throw new Error('An event could not be organized');
- if (eventsByCallback[key] === undefined)
- eventsByCallback[key] = new EventSet();
- eventsByCallback[key].push(event);
- }
- return eventsByCallback;
- },
- enumEventsOfType: function(type, func) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length_; i++)
- if (this[i] instanceof type)
- func(this[i]);
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- if (this.length === 0) {
- throw new Error('Empty event set');
- }
- var eventsByBaseType = this.getEventsOrganizedByBaseType(true);
- var eventTypeName = tr.b.dictionaryKeys(eventsByBaseType)[0];
- if (this.length === 1) {
- var tmp = EventRegistry.getUserFriendlySingularName(eventTypeName);
- return this[0].userFriendlyName;
- }
- var numEventTypes = tr.b.dictionaryLength(eventsByBaseType);
- if (numEventTypes !== 1) {
- return this.length + ' events of various types';
- }
- var tmp = EventRegistry.getUserFriendlyPluralName(eventTypeName);
- return this.length + ' ' + tmp;
- },
- filter: function(fn, opt_this) {
- var res = new EventSet();
- this.forEach(function(slice) {
- if (, slice))
- res.push(slice);
- }, opt_this);
- return res;
- },
- toArray: function() {
- var ary = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
- ary.push(this[i]);
- return ary;
- },
- forEach: function(fn, opt_this) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
-, this[i], i);
- },
- map: function(fn, opt_this) {
- var res = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
- res.push(, this[i], i));
- return res;
- },
- every: function(fn, opt_this) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
- if (!, this[i], i))
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- some: function(fn, opt_this) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
- if (, this[i], i))
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- asDict: function() {
- var stable_ids = [];
- this.forEach(function(event) {
- stable_ids.push(event.stableId);
- });
- return {'events': stable_ids};
- }
- };
- EventSet.IMMUTABLE_EMPTY_SET = (function() {
- var s = new EventSet();
- s.resolveBounds_();
- s.push = function() {
- throw new Error('Cannot push to an immutable event set');
- };
- s.addEventSet = function() {
- throw new Error('Cannot add to an immutable event set');
- };
- Object.freeze(s);
- return s;
- })();
- return {
- EventSet: EventSet,
- RequestSelectionChangeEvent: RequestSelectionChangeEvent
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_set_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_set_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fbfd995059..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_set_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_set.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var newModel = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel;
- var newSliceEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx;
- test('eventSetObject', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 5, {}, 1));
- var eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet();
- eventSet.push(t1.sliceGroup.slices[0]);
- assert.equal(eventSet.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(eventSet.bounds.max, 4);
- assert.equal(eventSet[0], t1.sliceGroup.slices[0]);
- eventSet.push(t1.sliceGroup.slices[1]);
- assert.equal(eventSet.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(eventSet.bounds.max, 6);
- assert.equal(eventSet[1], t1.sliceGroup.slices[1]);
- eventSet.clear();
- assert.equal(eventSet.length, 0);
- });
- test('iteration', function() {
- var eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet([{guid: 1}, {guid: 2}, {guid: 3}]);
- var expectedId = 1;
- for (var event of eventSet)
- assert.equal(event.guid, expectedId++);
- });
- test('uniqueContents', function() {
- var sample1 = {guid: 1};
- var sample2 = {guid: 2};
- var eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet();
- eventSet.push(sample1);
- eventSet.push(sample2);
- assert.equal(eventSet.length, 2);
- eventSet.push(sample1);
- assert.equal(eventSet.length, 2);
- });
- test('userFriendlyNameSingular', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- var selection = new tr.model.EventSet(t1.sliceGroup.slices[0]);
- assert.isDefined(selection.userFriendlyName);
- });
- test('userFriendlyNamePlural', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 2, {}, 3));
- var eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[0],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[1]
- ]);
- assert.isDefined(eventSet.userFriendlyName);
- });
- test('userFriendlyNameMixedPlural', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 2, {}, 3));
- var i10 = new tr.model.ObjectInstance(
- {}, '0x1000', 'cat', 'name', 10);
- var s10 = i10.addSnapshot(10, {foo: 1});
- var eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[0],
- s10
- ]);
- assert.isDefined(eventSet.userFriendlyName);
- });
- test('groupEventsByTitle', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 2, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'b', 0, 3, {}, 3));
- var eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[0],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[1],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[2]
- ]);
- var eventsByTitle = eventSet.getEventsOrganizedByTitle();
- assert.equal(2, tr.b.dictionaryLength(eventsByTitle));
- assert.sameMembers(eventsByTitle['a'].toArray(),
- [t1.sliceGroup.slices[0], t1.sliceGroup.slices[1]]);
- assert.sameMembers(eventsByTitle['b'].toArray(),
- [t1.sliceGroup.slices[2]]);
- });
- test('groupEventsByCallback', function() {
- var a1 = new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3);
- var a2 = new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 2, {}, 3);
- var b1 = new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'b', 0, 1, {}, 3);
- var eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet([a1, a2, b1]);
- function getEventKey(event) {
- return 's' + event.start;
- }
- var eventsByCallback = eventSet.getEventsOrganizedByCallback(getEventKey);
- assert.equal(2, tr.b.dictionaryLength(eventsByCallback));
- assert.sameMembers(eventsByCallback.s1.toArray(), [a1, b1]);
- assert.sameMembers(eventsByCallback.s2.toArray(), [a2]);
- });
- test('groupEventsByBaseType', function() {
- var a = new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3);
- var b = new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'b', 0, 1, {}, 3);
- var c = new tr.model.AsyncSlice('', 'c', 0, 1, {}, 3);
- var eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet([a, b, c]);
- var eventsByBaseType = eventSet.getEventsOrganizedByBaseType(true);
- assert.equal(2, tr.b.dictionaryLength(eventsByBaseType));
- assert.sameMembers(eventsByBaseType.slice.toArray(), [a, b]);
- assert.sameMembers(eventsByBaseType.asyncSlice.toArray(), [c]);
- var eventsByBaseType = eventSet.getEventsOrganizedByBaseType(false);
- assert.isTrue(2 < tr.b.dictionaryLength(eventsByBaseType));
- assert.sameMembers(eventsByBaseType.slice.toArray(), [a, b]);
- assert.sameMembers(eventsByBaseType.asyncSlice.toArray(), [c]);
- for (var baseType in eventsByBaseType) {
- if (baseType !== 'slice' && baseType !== 'asyncSlice')
- assert.equal(0, eventsByBaseType[baseType].length);
- }
- });
- test('intersectionIsEmpty1', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 2, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'b', 0, 3, {}, 3));
- var set1 = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[0],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[1],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[2]
- ]);
- var set2 = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[2]
- ]);
- assert.isFalse(set1.intersectionIsEmpty(set2));
- });
- test('intersectionIsNonEmpty2', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 2, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'b', 0, 3, {}, 3));
- var set1 = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[0],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[1]
- ]);
- var set2 = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[2]
- ]);
- assert.isTrue(set1.intersectionIsEmpty(set2));
- });
- test('equals', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'b', 0, 2, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'c', 0, 3, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'd', 0, 4, {}, 5));
- var eventSet1 = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[0],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[1],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[2]
- ]);
- var eventSet2 = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[1],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[0],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[2]
- ]);
- var eventSet3 = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[1],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[0],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[3]
- ]);
- var eventSet4 = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[1],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[0]
- ]);
- assert.isTrue(eventSet1.equals(eventSet2));
- assert.isFalse(eventSet1.equals(eventSet3));
- assert.isFalse(eventSet1.equals(eventSet4));
- });
- test('filter', function() {
- var m = newModel(function(m) {
- var p = m.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t = p.getOrCreateThread(1);
- m.s0 = t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 's0', start: 0.0, duration: 1.0 }));
- m.s1 = t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 's1', start: 0.0, duration: 1.0 }));
- m.s2 = t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 's2', start: 0.0, duration: 1.0 }));
- m.eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet([m.s0, m.s1, m.s2]);
- });
- var res = m.eventSet.filter(function(slice) {
- return slice.title === 's0';
- });
- assert.isTrue(res.equals(new tr.model.EventSet([m.s0])));
- });
- test('toArray', function() {
- var samples = [
- {guid: 1},
- {guid: 2}
- ];
- var eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet(samples);
- assert.deepEqual(eventSet.toArray(), samples);
- });
- test('asDict', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'b', 0, 2, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'c', 0, 3, {}, 3));
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
- new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'd', 0, 4, {}, 5));
- var eventSet = new tr.model.EventSet([
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[0],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[1],
- t1.sliceGroup.slices[2]
- ]);
- assert.deepEqual(
- {'events':
- ['1.1.SliceGroup.0', '1.1.SliceGroup.1', '1.1.SliceGroup.2']},
- eventSet.asDict());
- });
- test('immutableEmptySet', function() {
- var s = tr.model.EventSet.IMMUTABLE_EMPTY_SET;
- assert.lengthOf(s, 0);
- assert.isTrue(s.bounds.isEmpty);
- // Check that the iteration methods still work correctly.
- function throwOnCall() {
- throw new Error('This function should never be called!!!');
- }
- assert.deepEqual(, []);
- s.forEach(throwOnCall);
- // Check that the set is indeed immutable.
- assert.throws(function() { s[0] = b; });
- assert.throws(function() { s.push(b); });
- assert.throws(function() { s.addEventSet(new tr.model.EventSet()); });
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_test.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/event_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/alert.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_info.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_set.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Alert = tr.model.Alert;
- var Event = tr.model.Event;
- var EventInfo = tr.model.EventInfo;
- var EventSet = tr.model.EventSet;
- var ImmutableEventSet = tr.model.ImmutableEventSet;
- test('checkModelItem', function() {
- var event = new Event;
- assert.equal(event.modelItem, event);
- });
- test('checkAssociatedAlerts', function() {
- var event = new Event();
- assert.strictEqual(event.associatedAlerts, EventSet.IMMUTABLE_EMPTY_SET);
- assert.sameMembers(event.associatedAlerts.toArray(), []);
- var info1 = new EventInfo('Critical', 'Critical alert!!!', []);
- var alert1 = new Alert(info1, 7);
- event.addAssociatedAlert(alert1);
- assert.instanceOf(event.associatedAlerts, EventSet);
- assert.sameMembers(event.associatedAlerts.toArray(), [alert1]);
- var info2 = new EventInfo('Warning', 'Warning alert???', []);
- var alert2 = new Alert(info2, 42);
- event.addAssociatedAlert(alert2);
- assert.instanceOf(event.associatedAlerts, EventSet);
- assert.sameMembers(event.associatedAlerts.toArray(), [alert1, alert2]);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/flow_event.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/flow_event.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bffb8661a7d..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/flow_event.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/timed_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Flow class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * A Flow represents an interval of time plus parameters associated
- * with that interval.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function FlowEvent(category, id, title, colorId, start, args, opt_duration) {
-, start);
- this.category = category || '';
- this.title = title;
- this.colorId = colorId;
- this.start = start;
- this.args = args;
- = id;
- this.startSlice = undefined;
- this.endSlice = undefined;
- this.startStackFrame = undefined;
- this.endStackFrame = undefined;
- if (opt_duration !== undefined)
- this.duration = opt_duration;
- }
- FlowEvent.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.TimedEvent.prototype,
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Flow event named ' + this.title + ' at ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(this.timestamp);
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- FlowEvent,
- {
- name: 'flowEvent',
- pluralName: 'flowEvents',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-flow-event-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-flow-event-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- FlowEvent: FlowEvent
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/frame.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/frame.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d6bc6195bf2..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/frame.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/color_scheme.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/statistics.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_set.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Class describing rendered frames.
- *
- * Because a frame is produced by multiple threads, it does not inherit from
- * TimedEvent, and has no duration.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Statistics = tr.b.Statistics;
- GOOD: 'good',
- BAD: 'bad',
- TERRIBLE: 'terrible',
- NEUTRAL: 'generic_work'
- };
- /**
- * @constructor
- * @param {Array} associatedEvents Selection of events composing the frame.
- * @param {Array} threadTimeRanges Array of {thread, start, end}
- * for each thread, describing the critical path of the frame.
- */
- function Frame(associatedEvents, threadTimeRanges, opt_args) {
- this.threadTimeRanges = threadTimeRanges;
- this.associatedEvents = new tr.model.EventSet(associatedEvents);
- this.args = opt_args || {};
- this.title = 'Frame';
- this.start = Statistics.min(
- threadTimeRanges, function(x) { return x.start; });
- this.end = Statistics.max(
- threadTimeRanges, function(x) { return x.end; });
- this.totalDuration = Statistics.sum(
- threadTimeRanges, function(x) { return x.end - x.start; });
- this.perfClass = FRAME_PERF_CLASS.NEUTRAL;
- };
- Frame.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.Event.prototype,
- set perfClass(perfClass) {
- this.colorId = ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName(perfClass);
- this.perfClass_ = perfClass;
- },
- get perfClass() {
- return this.perfClass_;
- },
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- this.start += amount;
- this.end += amount;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.threadTimeRanges.length; i++) {
- this.threadTimeRanges[i].start += amount;
- this.threadTimeRanges[i].end += amount;
- }
- },
- addBoundsToRange: function(range) {
- range.addValue(this.start);
- range.addValue(this.end);
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- Frame,
- {
- name: 'frame',
- pluralName: 'frames',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-frame-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-frame-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- Frame: Frame,
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 80bb03ff361..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,870 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/container_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_registry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the GlobalMemoryDump class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * The GlobalMemoryDump represents a simultaneous memory dump of all
- * processes.
- * @constructor
- */
- function GlobalMemoryDump(model, start) {
-, start);
- this.model = model;
- this.processMemoryDumps = {};
- }
- // Size numeric names.
- var SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump.SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME;
- tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump.EFFECTIVE_SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME;
- // Size numeric info types.
- var MemoryAllocatorDumpInfoType = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDumpInfoType;
- // TODO(petrcermak): Move this to tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html.
- function inPlaceFilter(array, predicate, opt_this) {
- opt_this = opt_this || this;
- var nextPosition = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
- if (!, array[i], i))
- continue;
- if (nextPosition < i)
- array[nextPosition] = array[i]; // Move elements only if necessary.
- nextPosition++;
- }
- if (nextPosition < array.length)
- array.length = nextPosition; // Truncate the array only if necessary.
- }
- function getSize(dump) {
- var numeric = dump.numerics[SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME];
- if (numeric === undefined)
- return 0;
- return numeric.value;
- }
- function hasSize(dump) {
- return dump.numerics[SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME] !== undefined;
- }
- function optional(value, defaultValue) {
- if (value === undefined)
- return defaultValue;
- return value;
- }
- GlobalMemoryDump.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.ContainerMemoryDump.prototype,
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Global memory dump at ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(this.start);
- },
- get containerName() {
- return 'global space';
- },
- finalizeGraph: function() {
- // 1. Transitively remove weak memory allocator dumps and all their
- // owners and descendants from the model. This must be performed before
- // any other steps.
- this.removeWeakDumps();
- // 2. Add ownership links from tracing MADs to descendants of malloc or
- // winheap MADs so that tracing would be automatically discounted from
- // them later (step 3).
- this.setUpTracingOverheadOwnership();
- // 3. Aggregate all other numerics of all MADs (*excluding* sizes and
- // effective sizes) and propagate numerics from global MADs to their
- // owners (*including* sizes and effective sizes). This step must be
- // carried out before the sizes of all MADs are calculated (step 3).
- // Otherwise, the propagated sizes of all MADs would not be aggregated.
- this.aggregateNumerics();
- // 4. Calculate the sizes of all memory allocator dumps (MADs). This step
- // requires that the memory allocator dump graph has been finalized (step
- // 1) and numerics were propagated from global MADs (step 2). Subsequent
- // modifications of the graph will most likely break the calculation
- // invariants.
- this.calculateSizes();
- // 5. Calculate the effective sizes of all MADs. This step requires that
- // the sizes of all MADs have already been calculated (step 3).
- this.calculateEffectiveSizes();
- // 6. Discount tracing from VM regions stats. This steps requires that
- // resident sizes (step 2) and sizes (step 3) of the tracing MADs have
- // already been calculated.
- this.discountTracingOverheadFromVmRegions();
- // 7. The above steps (especially steps 1 and 3) can create new memory
- // allocator dumps, so we force rebuilding the memory allocator dump
- // indices of all container memory dumps.
- this.forceRebuildingMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullNameIndices();
- },
- removeWeakDumps: function() {
- // Mark all transitive owners and children of weak memory allocator dumps
- // as weak.
- this.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPreOrder(function(dump) {
- if (dump.weak)
- return;
- if ((dump.owns !== undefined && ||
- (dump.parent !== undefined && dump.parent.weak)) {
- dump.weak = true;
- }
- });
- function removeWeakDumpsFromListRecursively(dumps) {
- inPlaceFilter(dumps, function(dump) {
- if (dump.weak) {
- // The dump is weak, so remove it. This will implicitly remove all
- // its descendants, which are also weak due to the initial marking
- // step.
- return false;
- }
- // This dump is non-weak, so keep it. Recursively remove its weak
- // descendants and ownership links from weak dumps instead.
- removeWeakDumpsFromListRecursively(dump.children);
- inPlaceFilter(dump.ownedBy, function(ownershipLink) {
- return !ownershipLink.source.weak;
- });
- return true;
- });
- }
- this.iterateContainerDumps(function(containerDump) {
- var memoryAllocatorDumps = containerDump.memoryAllocatorDumps;
- if (memoryAllocatorDumps !== undefined)
- removeWeakDumpsFromListRecursively(memoryAllocatorDumps);
- });
- },
- /**
- * Calculate the size of all memory allocator dumps in the dump graph.
- *
- * The size refers to the allocated size of a (sub)component. It is a
- * natural extension of the optional size numeric provided by
- * MemoryAllocatorDump(s):
- *
- * - If a MAD provides a size numeric, then its size is assumed to be
- * equal to it.
- * - If a MAD does not provide a size numeric, then its size is assumed
- * to be the maximum of (1) the size of the largest owner of the MAD
- * and (2) the aggregated size of the MAD's children.
- *
- * Metric motivation: "How big is a (sub)system?"
- *
- * Please refer to the Memory Dump Graph Metric Calculation design document
- * for more details (
- */
- calculateSizes: function() {
- this.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder(
- this.calculateMemoryAllocatorDumpSize_.bind(this));
- },
- /**
- * Calculate the size of the given MemoryAllocatorDump. This method assumes
- * that the size of both the children and owners of the dump has already
- * been calculated.
- */
- calculateMemoryAllocatorDumpSize_: function(dump) {
- // This flag becomes true if the size numeric of the current dump should
- // be defined, i.e. if (1) the current dump's size numeric is defined,
- // (2) the size of at least one of its children is defined or (3) the
- // size of at least one of its owners is defined.
- var shouldDefineSize = false;
- // This helper function returns the value of the size numeric of the
- // given dependent memory allocator dump. If the numeric is defined, the
- // shouldDefineSize flag above is also set to true (because condition
- // (2) or (3) is satisfied). Otherwise, zero is returned (and the flag is
- // left unchanged).
- function getDependencySize(dependencyDump) {
- var numeric = dependencyDump.numerics[SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME];
- if (numeric === undefined)
- return 0;
- shouldDefineSize = true;
- return numeric.value;
- }
- // 1. Get the size provided by the dump. If present, define a function
- // for checking dependent size consistency (a dump must always be bigger
- // than all its children aggregated together and/or its largest owner).
- var sizeNumeric = dump.numerics[SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME];
- var size = 0;
- var checkDependencySizeIsConsistent = function() { /* no-op */ };
- if (sizeNumeric !== undefined) {
- size = sizeNumeric.value;
- shouldDefineSize = true;
- if (sizeNumeric.unit !== tr.v.Unit.byName.sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter) {
- this.model.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Invalid unit of \'size\' numeric of memory allocator ' +
- 'dump ' + dump.quantifiedName + ': ' +
- sizeNumeric.unit.unitName + '.'
- });
- }
- checkDependencySizeIsConsistent = function(
- dependencySize, dependencyInfoType, dependencyName) {
- if (size >= dependencySize)
- return;
- this.model.importWarning({
- type: 'memory_dump_parse_error',
- message: 'Size provided by memory allocator dump \'' +
- dump.fullName + '\'' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.sizeInBytes.format(size) +
- ') is less than ' + dependencyName + ' (' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.sizeInBytes.format(dependencySize) + ').'
- });
- dump.infos.push({
- type: dependencyInfoType,
- providedSize: size,
- dependencySize: dependencySize
- });
- }.bind(this);
- }
- // 2. Aggregate size of children. The recursive function traverses all
- // descendants and ensures that double-counting due to ownership within a
- // subsystem is avoided.
- var aggregatedChildrenSize = 0;
- // Owned child dump name -> (Owner child dump name -> overlapping size).
- var allOverlaps = {};
- dump.children.forEach(function(childDump) {
- function aggregateDescendantDump(descendantDump) {
- // Don't count this descendant dump if it owns another descendant of
- // the current dump (would cause double-counting).
- var ownedDumpLink = descendantDump.owns;
- if (ownedDumpLink !== undefined &&
- {
- // If the target owned dump is a descendant of a *different* child
- // of the the current dump (i.e. not childDump), then we remember
- // the ownership so that we could explain why the size of the
- // current dump is not equal to the sum of its children.
- var ownedChildDump =;
- while (ownedChildDump.parent !== dump)
- ownedChildDump = ownedChildDump.parent;
- if (childDump !== ownedChildDump) {
- var ownedBySiblingSize = getDependencySize(descendantDump);
- if (ownedBySiblingSize > 0) {
- var previousTotalOwnedBySiblingSize =
- ownedChildDump.ownedBySiblingSizes.get(childDump) || 0;
- var updatedTotalOwnedBySiblingSize =
- previousTotalOwnedBySiblingSize + ownedBySiblingSize;
- ownedChildDump.ownedBySiblingSizes.set(
- childDump, updatedTotalOwnedBySiblingSize);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- // If this descendant dump is a leaf node, add its size to the
- // aggregated size.
- if (descendantDump.children.length === 0) {
- aggregatedChildrenSize += getDependencySize(descendantDump);
- return;
- }
- // If this descendant dump is an intermediate node, recurse down into
- // its children. Note that the dump's size is NOT added because it is
- // an aggregate of its children (would cause double-counting).
- descendantDump.children.forEach(aggregateDescendantDump);
- }
- aggregateDescendantDump(childDump);
- });
- checkDependencySizeIsConsistent(
- aggregatedChildrenSize,
- 'the aggregated size of its children');
- // 3. Calculate the largest owner size.
- var largestOwnerSize = 0;
- dump.ownedBy.forEach(function(ownershipLink) {
- var owner = ownershipLink.source;
- var ownerSize = getDependencySize(owner);
- largestOwnerSize = Math.max(largestOwnerSize, ownerSize);
- });
- checkDependencySizeIsConsistent(
- largestOwnerSize,
- 'the size of its largest owner');
- // If neither the dump nor any of its dependencies (children and owners)
- // provide a size, do NOT add a zero size numeric.
- if (!shouldDefineSize) {
- // The rest of the pipeline relies on size being either a valid
- // ScalarNumeric, or undefined.
- delete dump.numerics[SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME];
- return;
- }
- // A dump must always be bigger than all its children aggregated
- // together and/or its largest owner.
- size = Math.max(size, aggregatedChildrenSize, largestOwnerSize);
- dump.numerics[SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME] = new tr.v.ScalarNumeric(
- tr.v.Unit.byName.sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, size);
- // Add a virtual child to make up for extra size of the dump with
- // respect to its children (if applicable).
- if (aggregatedChildrenSize < size &&
- dump.children !== undefined && dump.children.length > 0) {
- var virtualChild = new tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump(
- dump.containerMemoryDump, dump.fullName + '/<unspecified>');
- virtualChild.parent = dump;
- dump.children.unshift(virtualChild);
- virtualChild.numerics[SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME] = new tr.v.ScalarNumeric(
- tr.v.Unit.byName.sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter,
- size - aggregatedChildrenSize);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Calculate the effective size of all memory allocator dumps in the dump
- * graph.
- *
- * The effective size refers to the amount of memory a particular component
- * is using/consuming. In other words, every (reported) byte of used memory
- * is uniquely attributed to exactly one component. Consequently, unlike
- * size, effective size is cumulative, i.e. the sum of the effective sizes
- * of (top-level) components is equal to the total amount of (reported)
- * used memory.
- *
- * Metric motivation: "How much memory does a (sub)system use?" or "For how
- * much memory should a (sub)system be 'charged'?"
- *
- * Please refer to the Memory Dump Graph Metric Calculation design document
- * for more details (
- *
- * This method assumes that the size of all contained memory allocator
- * dumps has already been calculated [see calculateSizes()].
- */
- calculateEffectiveSizes: function() {
- // 1. Calculate not-owned and not-owning sub-sizes of all MADs
- // (depth-first post-order traversal).
- this.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder(
- this.calculateDumpSubSizes_.bind(this));
- // 2. Calculate owned and owning coefficients of owned and owner MADs
- // respectively (arbitrary traversal).
- this.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder(
- this.calculateDumpOwnershipCoefficient_.bind(this));
- // 3. Calculate cumulative owned and owning coefficients of all MADs
- // (depth-first pre-order traversal).
- this.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPreOrder(
- this.calculateDumpCumulativeOwnershipCoefficient_.bind(this));
- // 4. Calculate the effective sizes of all MADs (depth-first post-order
- // traversal).
- this.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder(
- this.calculateDumpEffectiveSize_.bind(this));
- },
- /**
- * Calculate not-owned and not-owning sub-sizes of a memory allocator dump
- * from its children's (sub-)sizes.
- *
- * Not-owned sub-size refers to the aggregated memory of all children which
- * is not owned by other MADs. Conversely, not-owning sub-size is the
- * aggregated memory of all children which do not own another MAD. The
- * diagram below illustrates these two concepts:
- *
- * ROOT 1 ROOT 2
- * size: 4 size: 5
- * not-owned sub-size: 4 not-owned sub-size: 1 (!)
- * not-owning sub-size: 0 (!) not-owning sub-size: 5
- *
- * ^ ^
- * | |
- *
- * PARENT 1 ===== owns =====> PARENT 2
- * size: 4 size: 5
- * not-owned sub-size: 4 not-owned sub-size: 5
- * not-owning sub-size: 4 not-owning sub-size: 5
- *
- * ^ ^
- * | |
- *
- * size [given]: 4 size [given]: 5
- * not-owned sub-size: 4 not-owned sub-size: 5
- * not-owning sub-size: 4 not-owning sub-size: 5
- *
- * This method assumes that (1) the size of the dump, its children, and its
- * owners [see calculateSizes()] and (2) the not-owned and not-owning
- * sub-sizes of both the children and owners of the dump have already been
- * calculated [depth-first post-order traversal].
- */
- calculateDumpSubSizes_: function(dump) {
- // Completely skip dumps with undefined size.
- if (!hasSize(dump))
- return;
- // If the dump is a leaf node, then both sub-sizes are equal to the size.
- if (dump.children === undefined || dump.children.length === 0) {
- var size = getSize(dump);
- dump.notOwningSubSize_ = size;
- dump.notOwnedSubSize_ = size;
- return;
- }
- // Calculate this dump's not-owning sub-size by summing up the not-owning
- // sub-sizes of children MADs which do not own another MAD.
- var notOwningSubSize = 0;
- dump.children.forEach(function(childDump) {
- if (childDump.owns !== undefined)
- return;
- notOwningSubSize += optional(childDump.notOwningSubSize_, 0);
- });
- dump.notOwningSubSize_ = notOwningSubSize;
- // Calculate this dump's not-owned sub-size.
- var notOwnedSubSize = 0;
- dump.children.forEach(function(childDump) {
- // If the child dump is not owned, then add its not-owned sub-size.
- if (childDump.ownedBy.length === 0) {
- notOwnedSubSize += optional(childDump.notOwnedSubSize_, 0);
- return;
- }
- // If the child dump is owned, then add the difference between its size
- // and the largest owner.
- var largestChildOwnerSize = 0;
- childDump.ownedBy.forEach(function(ownershipLink) {
- largestChildOwnerSize = Math.max(
- largestChildOwnerSize, getSize(ownershipLink.source));
- });
- notOwnedSubSize += getSize(childDump) - largestChildOwnerSize;
- });
- dump.notOwnedSubSize_ = notOwnedSubSize;
- },
- /**
- * Calculate owned and owning coefficients of a memory allocator dump and
- * its owners.
- *
- * The owning coefficient refers to the proportion of a dump's not-owning
- * sub-size which is attributed to the dump (only relevant to owning MADs).
- * Conversely, the owned coefficient is the proportion of a dump's
- * not-owned sub-size, which is attributed to it (only relevant to owned
- * MADs).
- *
- * The not-owned size of the owned dump is split among its owners in the
- * order of the ownership importance as demonstrated by the following
- * example:
- *
- * memory allocator dumps
- * not-owned sub-size [given] 10 - - - -
- * not-owning sub-size [given] - 6 7 5 8
- * importance [given] - 2 2 1 0
- * attributed not-owned sub-size 2 - - - -
- * attributed not-owning sub-size - 3 4 0 1
- * owned coefficient 2/10 - - - -
- * owning coefficient - 3/6 4/7 0/5 1/8
- *
- * Explanation: Firstly, 6 bytes are split equally among OWNER1 and OWNER2
- * (highest importance). OWNER2 owns one more byte, so its attributed
- * not-owning sub-size is 6/2 + 1 = 4 bytes. OWNER3 is attributed no size
- * because it is smaller than the owners with higher priority. However,
- * OWNER4 is larger, so it's attributed the difference 8 - 7 = 1 byte.
- * Finally, 2 bytes remain unattributed and are hence kept in the OWNED
- * dump as attributed not-owned sub-size. The coefficients are then
- * directly calculated as fractions of the sub-sizes and corresponding
- * attributed sub-sizes.
- *
- * Note that we always assume that all ownerships of a dump overlap (e.g.
- * OWNER3 is subsumed by both OWNER1 and OWNER2). Hence, the table could
- * be alternatively represented as follows:
- *
- * owned memory range
- * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- * Priority 2 | OWNER1 + OWNER2 (split) | OWNER2 |
- * Priority 1 | (already attributed) |
- * Priority 0 | - - - (already attributed) - - - | OWNER4 |
- * Remainder | - - - - - (already attributed) - - - - - - | OWNED |
- *
- * This method assumes that (1) the size of the dump [see calculateSizes()]
- * and (2) the not-owned size of the dump and not-owning sub-sizes of its
- * owners [see the first step of calculateEffectiveSizes()] have already
- * been calculated. Note that the method doesn't make any assumptions about
- * the order in which dumps are visited.
- */
- calculateDumpOwnershipCoefficient_: function(dump) {
- // Completely skip dumps with undefined size.
- if (!hasSize(dump))
- return;
- // We only need to consider owned dumps.
- if (dump.ownedBy.length === 0)
- return;
- // Sort the owners in decreasing order of ownership importance and
- // increasing order of not-owning sub-size (in case of equal importance).
- var owners = {
- return {
- dump: ownershipLink.source,
- importance: optional(ownershipLink.importance, 0),
- notOwningSubSize: optional(ownershipLink.source.notOwningSubSize_, 0)
- };
- });
- owners.sort(function(a, b) {
- if (a.importance === b.importance)
- return a.notOwningSubSize - b.notOwningSubSize;
- return b.importance - a.importance;
- });
- // Loop over the list of owners and distribute the owned dump's not-owned
- // sub-size among them according to their ownership importance and
- // not-owning sub-size.
- var currentImportanceStartPos = 0;
- var alreadyAttributedSubSize = 0;
- while (currentImportanceStartPos < owners.length) {
- var currentImportance = owners[currentImportanceStartPos].importance;
- // Find the position of the first owner with lower priority.
- var nextImportanceStartPos = currentImportanceStartPos + 1;
- while (nextImportanceStartPos < owners.length &&
- owners[nextImportanceStartPos].importance ===
- currentImportance) {
- nextImportanceStartPos++;
- }
- // Visit the owners with the same importance in increasing order of
- // not-owned sub-size, split the owned memory among them appropriately,
- // and calculate their owning coefficients.
- var attributedNotOwningSubSize = 0;
- for (var pos = currentImportanceStartPos; pos < nextImportanceStartPos;
- pos++) {
- var owner = owners[pos];
- var notOwningSubSize = owner.notOwningSubSize;
- if (notOwningSubSize > alreadyAttributedSubSize) {
- attributedNotOwningSubSize +=
- (notOwningSubSize - alreadyAttributedSubSize) /
- (nextImportanceStartPos - pos);
- alreadyAttributedSubSize = notOwningSubSize;
- }
- var owningCoefficient = 0;
- if (notOwningSubSize !== 0)
- owningCoefficient = attributedNotOwningSubSize / notOwningSubSize;
- owner.dump.owningCoefficient_ = owningCoefficient;
- }
- currentImportanceStartPos = nextImportanceStartPos;
- }
- // Attribute the remainder of the owned dump's not-owned sub-size to
- // the dump itself and calculate its owned coefficient.
- var notOwnedSubSize = optional(dump.notOwnedSubSize_, 0);
- var remainderSubSize = notOwnedSubSize - alreadyAttributedSubSize;
- var ownedCoefficient = 0;
- if (notOwnedSubSize !== 0)
- ownedCoefficient = remainderSubSize / notOwnedSubSize;
- dump.ownedCoefficient_ = ownedCoefficient;
- },
- /**
- * Calculate cumulative owned and owning coefficients of a memory allocator
- * dump from its (non-cumulative) owned and owning coefficients and the
- * cumulative coefficients of its parent and/or owned dump.
- *
- * The cumulative coefficients represent the total effect of all
- * (non-strict) ancestor ownerships on a memory allocator dump. The
- * cumulative owned coefficient of a MAD can be calculated simply as:
- *
- * cumulativeOwnedC(M) = ownedC(M) * cumulativeOwnedC(parent(M))
- *
- * This reflects the assumption that if a parent of a child MAD is
- * (partially) owned, then the parent's owner also indirectly owns (a part
- * of) the child MAD.
- *
- * The cumulative owning coefficient of a MAD depends on whether the MAD
- * owns another dump:
- *
- * [if M doesn't own another MAD]
- * / cumulativeOwningC(parent(M))
- * cumulativeOwningC(M) =
- * \ [if M owns another MAD]
- * owningC(M) * cumulativeOwningC(owned(M))
- *
- * The reasoning behind the first case is similar to the one for cumulative
- * owned coefficient above. The only difference is that we don't need to
- * include the dump's (non-cumulative) owning coefficient because it is
- * implicitly 1.
- *
- * The formula for the second case is derived as follows: Since the MAD
- * owns another dump, its memory is not included in its parent's not-owning
- * sub-size and hence shouldn't be affected by the parent's corresponding
- * cumulative coefficient. Instead, the MAD indirectly owns everything
- * owned by its owned dump (and so it should be affected by the
- * corresponding coefficient).
- *
- * Note that undefined coefficients (and coefficients of non-existent
- * dumps) are implicitly assumed to be 1.
- *
- * This method assumes that (1) the size of the dump [see calculateSizes()],
- * (2) the (non-cumulative) owned and owning coefficients of the dump [see
- * the second step of calculateEffectiveSizes()], and (3) the cumulative
- * coefficients of the dump's parent and owned MADs (if present)
- * [depth-first pre-order traversal] have already been calculated.
- */
- calculateDumpCumulativeOwnershipCoefficient_: function(dump) {
- // Completely skip dumps with undefined size.
- if (!hasSize(dump))
- return;
- var cumulativeOwnedCoefficient = optional(dump.ownedCoefficient_, 1);
- var parent = dump.parent;
- if (dump.parent !== undefined)
- cumulativeOwnedCoefficient *= dump.parent.cumulativeOwnedCoefficient_;
- dump.cumulativeOwnedCoefficient_ = cumulativeOwnedCoefficient;
- var cumulativeOwningCoefficient;
- if (dump.owns !== undefined) {
- cumulativeOwningCoefficient = dump.owningCoefficient_ *
- } else if (dump.parent !== undefined) {
- cumulativeOwningCoefficient = dump.parent.cumulativeOwningCoefficient_;
- } else {
- cumulativeOwningCoefficient = 1;
- }
- dump.cumulativeOwningCoefficient_ = cumulativeOwningCoefficient;
- },
- /**
- * Calculate the effective size of a memory allocator dump.
- *
- * In order to simplify the (already complex) calculation, we use the fact
- * that effective size is cumulative (unlike regular size), i.e. the
- * effective size of a non-leaf node is equal to the sum of effective sizes
- * of its children. The effective size of a leaf MAD is calculated as:
- *
- * effectiveSize(M) = size(M) * cumulativeOwningC(M) * cumulativeOwnedC(M)
- *
- * This method assumes that (1) the size of the dump and its children [see
- * calculateSizes()] and (2) the cumulative owning and owned coefficients
- * of the dump (if it's a leaf node) [see the third step of
- * calculateEffectiveSizes()] or the effective sizes of its children (if
- * it's a non-leaf node) [depth-first post-order traversal] have already
- * been calculated.
- */
- calculateDumpEffectiveSize_: function(dump) {
- // Completely skip dumps with undefined size. As a result, each dump will
- // have defined effective size if and only if it has defined size.
- if (!hasSize(dump)) {
- // The rest of the pipeline relies on effective size being either a
- // valid ScalarNumeric, or undefined.
- delete dump.numerics[EFFECTIVE_SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME];
- return;
- }
- var effectiveSize;
- if (dump.children === undefined || dump.children.length === 0) {
- // Leaf dump.
- effectiveSize = getSize(dump) * dump.cumulativeOwningCoefficient_ *
- dump.cumulativeOwnedCoefficient_;
- } else {
- // Non-leaf dump.
- effectiveSize = 0;
- dump.children.forEach(function(childDump) {
- if (!hasSize(childDump))
- return;
- effectiveSize +=
- childDump.numerics[EFFECTIVE_SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME].value;
- });
- }
- dump.numerics[EFFECTIVE_SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME] = new tr.v.ScalarNumeric(
- tr.v.Unit.byName.sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, effectiveSize);
- },
- aggregateNumerics: function() {
- // 1. Aggregate numerics in this global memory dump.
- this.iterateRootAllocatorDumps(function(dump) {
- dump.aggregateNumericsRecursively(this.model);
- });
- // 2. Propagate numerics and diagnostics from global memory allocator
- // dumps to their owners.
- this.iterateRootAllocatorDumps(
- this.propagateNumericsAndDiagnosticsRecursively);
- // 3. Aggregate numerics in the associated process memory dumps.
- tr.b.iterItems(this.processMemoryDumps, function(pid, processMemoryDump) {
- processMemoryDump.iterateRootAllocatorDumps(function(dump) {
- dump.aggregateNumericsRecursively(this.model);
- }, this);
- }, this);
- },
- propagateNumericsAndDiagnosticsRecursively: function(globalAllocatorDump) {
- ['numerics', 'diagnostics'].forEach(function(field) {
- tr.b.iterItems(globalAllocatorDump[field], function(name, value) {
- globalAllocatorDump.ownedBy.forEach(function(ownershipLink) {
- var processAllocatorDump = ownershipLink.source;
- if (processAllocatorDump[field][name] !== undefined) {
- // Numerics and diagnostics provided by process memory allocator
- // dumps themselves have precedence over numerics and diagnostics
- // propagated from global memory allocator dumps.
- return;
- }
- processAllocatorDump[field][name] = value;
- });
- });
- });
- // Recursively propagate numerics from all child memory allocator dumps.
- globalAllocatorDump.children.forEach(
- this.propagateNumericsAndDiagnosticsRecursively, this);
- },
- setUpTracingOverheadOwnership: function() {
- tr.b.iterItems(this.processMemoryDumps, function(pid, dump) {
- dump.setUpTracingOverheadOwnership(this.model);
- }, this);
- },
- discountTracingOverheadFromVmRegions: function() {
- // TODO(petrcermak): Consider factoring out all the finalization code and
- // constants to a single file.
- tr.b.iterItems(this.processMemoryDumps, function(pid, dump) {
- dump.discountTracingOverheadFromVmRegions(this.model);
- }, this);
- },
- forceRebuildingMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullNameIndices: function() {
- this.iterateContainerDumps(function(containerDump) {
- containerDump.forceRebuildingMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullNameIndex();
- });
- },
- iterateContainerDumps: function(fn) {
-, this);
- tr.b.iterItems(this.processMemoryDumps, function(pid, processDump) {
-, processDump);
- }, this);
- },
- iterateAllRootAllocatorDumps: function(fn) {
- this.iterateContainerDumps(function(containerDump) {
- containerDump.iterateRootAllocatorDumps(fn, this);
- });
- },
- /**
- * Traverse the memory dump graph in a depth first post-order, i.e.
- * children and owners of a memory allocator dump are visited before the
- * dump itself. This method will throw an exception if the graph contains
- * a cycle.
- */
- traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder: function(fn) {
- var visitedDumps = new WeakSet();
- var openDumps = new WeakSet();
- function visit(dump) {
- if (visitedDumps.has(dump))
- return;
- if (openDumps.has(dump))
- throw new Error(dump.userFriendlyName + ' contains a cycle');
- openDumps.add(dump);
- // Visit owners before the dumps they own.
- dump.ownedBy.forEach(function(ownershipLink) {
-, ownershipLink.source);
- }, this);
- // Visit children before parents.
- dump.children.forEach(visit, this);
- // Actually visit the current memory allocator dump.
-, dump);
- visitedDumps.add(dump);
- openDumps.delete(dump);
- }
- this.iterateAllRootAllocatorDumps(visit);
- },
- /**
- * Traverse the memory dump graph in a depth first pre-order, i.e.
- * children and owners of a memory allocator dump are visited after the
- * dump itself. This method will not visit some dumps if the graph contains
- * a cycle.
- */
- traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPreOrder: function(fn) {
- var visitedDumps = new WeakSet();
- function visit(dump) {
- if (visitedDumps.has(dump))
- return;
- // If this dumps owns another dump which hasn't been visited yet, then
- // wait for this dump to be visited later.
- if (dump.owns !== undefined && !visitedDumps.has(
- return;
- // If this dump's parent hasn't been visited yet, then wait for this
- // dump to be visited later.
- if (dump.parent !== undefined && !visitedDumps.has(dump.parent))
- return;
- // Actually visit the current memory allocator dump.
-, dump);
- visitedDumps.add(dump);
- // Visit owners after the dumps they own.
- dump.ownedBy.forEach(function(ownershipLink) {
-, ownershipLink.source);
- }, this);
- // Visit children after parents.
- dump.children.forEach(visit, this);
- }
- this.iterateAllRootAllocatorDumps(visit);
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- GlobalMemoryDump,
- {
- name: 'globalMemoryDump',
- pluralName: 'globalMemoryDumps',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-container-memory-dump-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-container-memory-dump-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- GlobalMemoryDump: GlobalMemoryDump
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/global_memory_dump_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/global_memory_dump_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index dbc472209d9..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/global_memory_dump_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3944 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/import.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_dump_test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Model = tr.Model;
- var GlobalMemoryDump = tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump;
- var ProcessMemoryDump = tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump;
- var MemoryAllocatorDump = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump;
- var MemoryAllocatorDumpLink = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDumpLink;
- var ScalarNumeric = tr.v.ScalarNumeric;
- var sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter =
- tr.v.Unit.byName.sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter;
- var newAllocatorDump = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.newAllocatorDump;
- var addChildDump = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.addChildDump;
- var addOwnershipLink = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.addOwnershipLink;
- var checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics =
- tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics;
- var SIZE_DELTA = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.SIZE_DELTA;
- var MemoryAllocatorDumpInfoType = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDumpInfoType;
- function buildArgPusher(array) {
- return function(arg) { array.push(arg); };
- }
- function assertEqualUniqueMembers(actualArray, expectedArray) {
- assert.lengthOf(actualArray, expectedArray.length);
- assert.sameMembers(actualArray, expectedArray);
- }
- function assertUndefinedNumeric(dump, numericName) {
- var numeric = dump.numerics[numericName];
- assert.isUndefined(numeric, 'expected numeric \'' + numericName +
- '\' of memory allocator dump \'' + dump.fullName + '\' in ' +
- dump.containerMemoryDump.userFriendlyName + ' to be undefined');
- }
- function assertDefinedNumeric(dump, numericName, expectedUnit, expectedValue,
- opt_delta) {
- var numeric = dump.numerics[numericName];
- var errorMessagePrefix = 'expected numeric \'' + numericName +
- '\' of memory allocator dump \'' + dump.fullName + '\' in ' +
- dump.containerMemoryDump.userFriendlyName + ' to ';
- assert.instanceOf(numeric, ScalarNumeric,
- errorMessagePrefix + 'be an instance of ScalarNumeric');
- assert.equal(numeric.unit, expectedUnit,
- errorMessagePrefix + 'have unit \'' + expectedUnit.unitName +
- '\' but got \'' + numeric.unit.unitName + '\' instead');
- var valueErrorMessage = errorMessagePrefix + 'have value \'' +
- expectedValue + '\' but got \'' + numeric.value + '\'';
- if (opt_delta !== undefined) {
- assert.closeTo(
- numeric.value, expectedValue, opt_delta, valueErrorMessage);
- } else {
- assert.equal(numeric.value, expectedValue, valueErrorMessage);
- }
- }
- function assertSizeNumeric(dump, sizeName, expectedValue) {
- if (expectedValue === undefined) {
- assertUndefinedNumeric(dump, sizeName);
- } else {
- assertDefinedNumeric(dump, sizeName, sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter,
- expectedValue, SIZE_DELTA);
- }
- }
- function assertDumpSizes(dump, expectedSize, expectedEffectiveSize,
- opt_expectedInfos, opt_expectedOwnedBySiblingSizes) {
- // Check the 'size' numeric.
- assertSizeNumeric(dump, 'size', expectedSize);
- // Check the 'effective_size' numeric.
- assertSizeNumeric(dump, 'effective_size', expectedEffectiveSize);
- // Check the 'infos' list.
- var expectedInfos = opt_expectedInfos || [];
- var actualInfos = dump.infos;
- assert.lengthOf(actualInfos, expectedInfos.length,
- 'expected memory allocator dump \'' + dump.fullName + '\' in ' +
- dump.containerMemoryDump.userFriendlyName + ' to have ' +
- expectedInfos.length + ' infos but got ' + actualInfos.length);
- for (var k = 0; k < actualInfos.length; k++) {
- assert.deepEqual(actualInfos[k], expectedInfos[k],
- 'info ' + k + ' of memory allocator dump \'' + dump.fullName +
- '\' in ' + dump.containerMemoryDump.userFriendlyName +
- ' doesn\'t match the expected info');
- }
- // Checked the 'ownedBySiblingSizes' map.
- var expectedOwnedBySiblingSizes = opt_expectedOwnedBySiblingSizes || {};
- var actualOwnedBySiblingSizes = {};
- for (var siblingDump of dump.ownedBySiblingSizes.keys()) {
- assert.strictEqual(siblingDump.parent, dump.parent);
- actualOwnedBySiblingSizes[] =
- dump.ownedBySiblingSizes.get(siblingDump);
- }
- assert.deepEqual(actualOwnedBySiblingSizes, expectedOwnedBySiblingSizes,
- 'ownedBySiblingSizes of memory allocator dump \'' + dump.fullName +
- '\' in ' + dump.containerMemoryDump.userFriendlyName +
- ' doesn\'t contain the expected values');
- }
- function createContainerDumps(processMemoryDumpCount, opt_model) {
- var model = opt_model;
- if (model === undefined)
- model = new Model();
- var gmd = new GlobalMemoryDump(model, 0);
- model.globalMemoryDumps.push(gmd);
- var pmds = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < processMemoryDumpCount; i++) {
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(i);
- var pmd = new ProcessMemoryDump(gmd, process, 0);
- gmd.processMemoryDumps[i] = pmd;
- process.memoryDumps.push(pmd);
- pmds.push(pmd);
- }
- return [gmd].concat(pmds);
- }
- /**
- * Build container memory dumps from tree recipes. This function returns
- * a list containing a global memory dump and zero or more process memory
- * dumps constructed from the provided function argument as follows:
- *
- * allTreeRecipes (argument):
- *
- * [
- * [tree recipe GA, tree recipe GB, ...],
- * [tree recipe P1A, tree recipe P1B, ...],
- * [tree recipe P2A, tree recipe P2B ...],
- * ...
- * ]
- *
- * return value:
- *
- * [
- * GlobalMemoryDump with root MemoryAllocatorDump(s) [GA, GB, ...],
- * ProcessMemoryDump with root MemoryAllocatorDump(s) [P1A, P1B, ...],
- * ProcessMemoryDump with root MemoryAllocatorDump(s) [P2A, P2B, ...],
- * ...
- * ]
- *
- * where a tree recipe is an object (a recursive data structure) with the
- * following fields:
- *
- * name: Name of the resulting MAD.
- * guid: GUID of the resulting MAD (can be undefined).
- * owns: GUID of another MAD owned by the resulting MAD (no owned MAD if
- * undefined).
- * importance: Importance of the above ownership (can be undefined).
- * size: Value of the 'size' numeric of the resulting MAD (no 'size'
- * numeric if undefined).
- * numerics: Extra numerics of the resulting MAD (dictionary).
- * diagnostics: Extra diagnostics of the resulting MAD (dictionary).
- * weak: Whether the resulting MAD should be weak (undefined implies
- * non-weak).
- * children: List of tree recipes for child MADs (no children if undefined).
- * skip_build: If this optional property is set to true, this function will
- * skip the corresponding tree recipe node and will not create a MAD
- * for it (not allowed in root recipes).
- *
- * Other fields (most importantly 'expected_size') of a tree recipe are
- * ignored by this function.
- */
- function buildDumpTrees(allTreeRecipes, opt_model) {
- assert.isAbove(allTreeRecipes.length, 0);
- var ownerDumps = {}; // owned GUID -> {dump: owner, importance: optional}.
- var ownableDumps = {}; // ownable GUID -> ownable dump.
- function buildAndAddDumpTrees(containerDump, treeRecipes) {
- if (treeRecipes === undefined)
- return;
- function buildDumpTreeRecursively(treeRecipe, namePrefix) {
- var skipBuild = treeRecipe['skip_build'];
- var name = treeRecipe['name'];
- var guid = treeRecipe['guid'];
- var owns = treeRecipe['owns'];
- var size = treeRecipe['size'];
- var numerics = treeRecipe['numerics'];
- var diagnostics = treeRecipe['diagnostics'];
- var importance = treeRecipe['importance'];
- var weak = treeRecipe['weak'];
- assert.notStrictEqual(skipBuild, true);
- assert.isDefined(name);
- var fullName = namePrefix + name;
- var dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(containerDump, fullName, guid);
- if (size !== undefined) {
- dump.addNumeric(
- 'size', new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, size));
- }
- if (guid !== undefined) {
- assert.notProperty(guid, ownableDumps);
- ownableDumps[guid] = dump;
- }
- if (owns !== undefined) {
- if (!(owns in ownerDumps))
- ownerDumps[owns] = [];
- ownerDumps[owns].push({dump: dump, importance: importance});
- } else {
- assert.isUndefined(importance); // Test sanity check.
- }
- if (treeRecipe.children !== undefined) {
- treeRecipe.children.forEach(function(childTreeRecipe) {
- // Virtual children are added during size calculation.
- if (childTreeRecipe['skip_build'] === true)
- return;
- var childDump =
- buildDumpTreeRecursively(childTreeRecipe, fullName + '/');
- childDump.parent = dump;
- dump.children.push(childDump);
- });
- }
- if (numerics !== undefined)
- tr.b.iterItems(numerics, dump.addNumeric, dump);
- if (diagnostics !== undefined)
- tr.b.iterItems(diagnostics, dump.addDiagnostic, dump);
- if (weak)
- dump.weak = true;
- return dump;
- }
- var memoryAllocatorDumps = {
- return buildDumpTreeRecursively(treeRecipe, '');
- });
- containerDump.memoryAllocatorDumps = memoryAllocatorDumps;
- }
- // Recursively build memory allocator dump trees for all container dumps.
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(
- allTreeRecipes.length - 1, opt_model);
- for (var i = 0; i < allTreeRecipes.length; i++)
- buildAndAddDumpTrees(containerDumps[i], allTreeRecipes[i]);
- // Hook up ownership links.
- tr.b.iterItems(ownerDumps, function(ownedGuid, ownershipInfos) {
- var ownedDump = ownableDumps[ownedGuid];
- assert.isDefined(ownedDump, 'Tree recipes don\'t contain a memory ' +
- 'allocator dump with guid \'' + ownedGuid + '\'');
- ownershipInfos.forEach(function(ownershipInfo) {
- addOwnershipLink(
- ownershipInfo.dump, ownedDump, ownershipInfo.importance);
- });
- });
- return containerDumps;
- }
- // Check that the buildDumpTrees testing helper method above builds a
- // hierarchy of container and memory allocator dumps from tree recipes
- // correctly.
- test('testSanityCheck_buildDumpTrees', function() {
- var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'globalSharedDump1',
- 'size': 123
- },
- {
- 'name': 'globalSharedDump2',
- 'subsystem_size': 999,
- 'owns': 7,
- 'importance': -1
- }
- ],
- undefined, // PMD1.
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'isolate1',
- 'guid': 7,
- 'weak': true
- },
- {
- 'name': 'isolate2',
- 'skip_build': true
- },
- {
- 'name': 'isolate3',
- 'size': 54,
- 'guid': 60,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'obj1',
- 'size': 89,
- 'guid': 3
- },
- {
- 'name': 'obj2',
- 'owns': 3,
- 'weak': true
- },
- {
- 'name': 'obj3',
- 'owns': 3,
- 'importance': 2
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- assert.lengthOf(containerDumps, 3);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var pmd1 = containerDumps[1];
- var pmd2 = containerDumps[2];
- function checkDump(dump, expectedGuid, expectedFullName, expectedParent,
- expectedChildrenCount, expectedSize, expectedIsOwner,
- expectedOwnersCount, expectedContainerDump, opt_expectedWeak) {
- assert.isDefined(dump);
- assert.instanceOf(dump, MemoryAllocatorDump);
- assert.strictEqual(dump.guid, expectedGuid);
- assert.strictEqual(dump.fullName, expectedFullName);
- assert.strictEqual(dump.parent, expectedParent);
- assert.lengthOf(dump.children, expectedChildrenCount);
- assertSizeNumeric(dump, 'size', expectedSize);
- assertSizeNumeric(dump, 'subsystem_size', undefined);
- if (expectedIsOwner)
- assert.isDefined(dump.owns);
- else
- assert.isUndefined(dump.owns);
- assert.lengthOf(dump.ownedBy, expectedOwnersCount);
- assert.strictEqual(dump.containerMemoryDump, expectedContainerDump);
- assert.strictEqual(expectedContainerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- expectedFullName), dump);
- assert.strictEqual(dump.weak, !!opt_expectedWeak);
- }
- function checkOwnershipLink(expectedSourceDump, expectedTargetDump,
- expectedImportance) {
- var link = expectedSourceDump.owns;
- assert.isDefined(link);
- assert.instanceOf(link, MemoryAllocatorDumpLink);
- assert.strictEqual(link.source, expectedSourceDump);
- assert.strictEqual(, expectedTargetDump);
- assert.strictEqual(link.importance, expectedImportance);
- assert.include(expectedTargetDump.ownedBy, link);
- }
- // GMD memory allocator dumps.
- assert.lengthOf(gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps, 2);
- var globalSharedDump1 = gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps[0];
- checkDump(globalSharedDump1, undefined, 'globalSharedDump1', undefined, 0,
- 123, false, 0, gmd);
- var globalSharedDump2 = gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps[1];
- checkDump(globalSharedDump2, undefined, 'globalSharedDump2', undefined, 0,
- undefined, true, 0, gmd);
- // PMD1 memory allocator dumps.
- assert.isUndefined(pmd1.memoryAllocatorDumps);
- // PMD2 memory allocator dumps.
- assert.lengthOf(pmd2.memoryAllocatorDumps, 1);
- var v8Dump = pmd2.memoryAllocatorDumps[0];
- checkDump(v8Dump, undefined, 'v8', undefined, 2, undefined, false, 0,
- pmd2);
- var isolate1Dump = v8Dump.children[0];
- checkDump(isolate1Dump, 7, 'v8/isolate1', v8Dump, 0, undefined, false, 1,
- pmd2, true /* weak dump */);
- var isolate3Dump = v8Dump.children[1];
- checkDump(isolate3Dump, 60, 'v8/isolate3', v8Dump, 3, 54, false, 0, pmd2);
- var obj1Dump = isolate3Dump.children[0];
- checkDump(obj1Dump, 3, 'v8/isolate3/obj1', isolate3Dump, 0, 89, false, 2,
- pmd2);
- var obj2Dump = isolate3Dump.children[1];
- checkDump(obj2Dump, undefined, 'v8/isolate3/obj2', isolate3Dump, 0,
- undefined, true, 0, pmd2, true /* weak dump */);
- var obj3Dump = isolate3Dump.children[2];
- checkDump(obj3Dump, undefined, 'v8/isolate3/obj3', isolate3Dump, 0,
- undefined, true, 0, pmd2);
- // Ownership links.
- checkOwnershipLink(globalSharedDump2, isolate1Dump, -1);
- checkOwnershipLink(obj2Dump, obj1Dump, undefined);
- checkOwnershipLink(obj3Dump, obj1Dump, 2);
- });
- /**
- * Check that container memory dumps have the expected structure with sizes
- * as described by tree recipes. The fields of a tree recipe are used by this
- * function to check the properties of a MemoryAllocatorDump as follows (see
- * the buildDumpTrees documentation for more details about the structure of
- * tree recipes):
- *
- * name: Expected name of the MAD.
- * expected_removed: If provided and true, it is expected that there is no
- * dump for the recipe.
- * expected_size: Expected value of the 'size' numeric of the MAD (no
- * 'size' numeric expected if undefined).
- * expected_effective_size: Expected value of the 'effective_size'
- * numeric of the MAD (no 'effective_size' numeric expected if
- * undefined).
- * expected_infos: List of expected MAD infos (zero infos expected if
- * undefined).
- * weak: Whether the MAD is expected to be weak (non-weak if undefined).
- * owns: Expected GUID of the dump owned by the MAD.
- * importance: Expected importance of the owhership from this MAD.
- * expected_owned_by_links_count: Expected number of 'ownedBy' links of the
- * MAD.
- * children: List of tree recipes for child MADs (no children expected if
- * undefined).
- *
- * Other fields of a tree recipe (including 'skip_build') are ignored by this
- * function.
- */
- function checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, allTreeRecipes) {
- assert.lengthOf(containerDumps, allTreeRecipes.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < containerDumps.length; i++) {
- var containerDump = containerDumps[i];
- var treeRecipes = allTreeRecipes[i];
- var memoryAllocatorDumps = containerDump.memoryAllocatorDumps;
- if (treeRecipes === undefined) {
- assert.isUndefined(memoryAllocatorDumps,
- 'expected undefined memory allocator dumps in ' +
- containerDump.userFriendlyName);
- continue;
- }
- var expectedTreeRecipes = treeRecipes.filter(function(treeRecipe) {
- return !treeRecipe['expected_removed'];
- });
- assert.isDefined(memoryAllocatorDumps,
- 'expected defined memory allocator dumps in ' +
- containerDump.userFriendlyName);
- assert.lengthOf(memoryAllocatorDumps, expectedTreeRecipes.length,
- 'expected ' + expectedTreeRecipes.length + ' root memory allocator ' +
- 'dumps but got ' + memoryAllocatorDumps.length + ' in ' +
- containerDump.userFriendlyName);
- function checkDumpTree(dump, treeRecipe, expectedParent, namePrefix) {
- // Test sanity check.
- assert.isFalse(!!treeRecipe['expected_removed']);
- // Check full name, parent, and container dump.
- var expectedFullName = namePrefix + treeRecipe['name'];
- var quantifiedName = dump.quantifiedName;
- assert.equal(dump.fullName, expectedFullName,
- quantifiedName + ' has invalid full name');
- assert.strictEqual(dump.parent, expectedParent,
- quantifiedName + ' has invalid parent');
- assert.strictEqual(dump.containerMemoryDump, containerDump,
- quantifiedName + ' has invalid container memory dump');
- assert.strictEqual(containerDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- expectedFullName), dump, quantifiedName +
- 'is not indexed in its container memory dump');
- // Check the guid of the dump.
- assert.strictEqual(dump.guid, treeRecipe['guid'],
- quantifiedName + ' has invalid guid');
- // Check that the 'weak' flag is correct.
- assert.strictEqual(dump.weak, !!treeRecipe['weak'],
- quantifiedName + ' has invalid weak flag');
- // Check that sizes were calculated correctly.
- assertDumpSizes(dump,
- treeRecipe['expected_size'],
- treeRecipe['expected_effective_size'],
- treeRecipe['expected_infos'],
- treeRecipe['expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes']);
- // Check that the 'owns' link is correct.
- if (treeRecipe['owns'] === undefined) {
- assert.isUndefined(dump.owns,
- quantifiedName + ' was expected not to own another dump');
- } else {
- var ownershipLink = dump.owns;
- assert.isDefined(dump.owns, quantifiedName +
- ' was expected to have an \'owns\' link');
- assert.strictEqual(ownershipLink.source, dump,
- 'the \'owns\' link of ' + quantifiedName + ' has invalid source');
- var expectedImportance = treeRecipe['importance'];
- assert.strictEqual(ownershipLink.importance, expectedImportance,
- 'expected the importance of the \'owns\' link of ' +
- quantifiedName + ' to be ' + expectedImportance +
- ' but got ' + ownershipLink.importance);
- var ownedDump =;
- assert.strictEqual(ownedDump.guid, treeRecipe['owns'],
- 'the \'owns\' link of ' + quantifiedName +
- ' has an invalid target');
- assert.include(ownedDump.ownedBy, ownershipLink,
- 'the target of the \'owns\' link of ' + quantifiedName +
- ' doesn\'t have the link in its \'ownedBy\' list');
- }
- // Check that the number of 'ownedBy' links is correct.
- var expectedOwnedByLinksCount =
- treeRecipe['expected_owned_by_links_count'];
- if (expectedOwnedByLinksCount !== undefined) {
- assert.lengthOf(dump.ownedBy, expectedOwnedByLinksCount,
- 'expected ' + quantifiedName + ' to have ' +
- expectedOwnedByLinksCount + ' \'ownedBy\' links but got ' +
- dump.ownedBy.length);
- }
- // Check children recursively.
- var actualChildren = dump.children;
- var expectedChildren = (treeRecipe.children || []).filter(
- function(childRecipe) {
- return !childRecipe['expected_removed'];
- });
- assert.lengthOf(actualChildren, expectedChildren.length,
- 'expected ' + quantifiedName + ' to have ' +
- expectedChildren.length + ' children but got ' +
- actualChildren.length);
- for (var k = 0; k < actualChildren.length; k++) {
- checkDumpTree(actualChildren[k], expectedChildren[k], dump,
- expectedFullName + '/');
- }
- }
- for (var j = 0; j < memoryAllocatorDumps.length; j++) {
- checkDumpTree(
- memoryAllocatorDumps[j], expectedTreeRecipes[j], undefined, '');
- }
- }
- }
- // Check that the checkDumpTrees testing helper method above actually
- // performs the expected checks. Since it will be used heavily throughout
- // this file (where it is expected to pass), we only need to verify that it
- // does indeed fail in several cases where it should.
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidName', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var v8Dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'v8');
- var heapsDump =
- new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'heaps'); // Should be 'v8/heaps'.
- v8Dump.children.push(heapsDump);
- heapsDump.parent = v8Dump;
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [v8Dump];
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'heaps'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /'heaps'.*invalid full name/);
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidGuid', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'v8', 42)];
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'guid': 43 // This should be 42.
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /'v8'.*\binvalid guid\b/);
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidStructure', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var rootDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'root');
- addChildDump(rootDump, 'child1');
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [rootDump];
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1'
- },
- {
- // This child is not present in the dump.
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'skip_build': true
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /expected.*\b2\b.*children.*got.*\b1\b/);
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidParentLink', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var rootDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'root');
- var parentDump = addChildDump(rootDump, 'parent');
- var childDump = addChildDump(parentDump, 'child');
- childDump.parent = rootDump; // This should correctly be parentDump.
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [rootDump];
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, 'invalid parent');
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidSize', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(1);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var pmd = containerDumps[1];
- var rootDump = newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'root', { size: 100 });
- addChildDump(rootDump, 'parent', { size: 49 });
- pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [rootDump];
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- undefined,
- [
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'expected_size': 100,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'expected_size': 50 // This should be 49.
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /expected.*'size'.*value.*\b50\b.*got.*\b49\b/);
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidEffectiveSize', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(1);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var pmd = containerDumps[1];
- var rootDump = newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'root', { effective_size: 99 });
- addChildDump(rootDump, 'parent', { effective_size: 50 });
- pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [rootDump];
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- undefined,
- [
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'expected_effective_size': 100, // This should be 99.
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'expected_effective_size': 50
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /expected.*'effective_size'.*value.*\b100\b.*got.*\b99\b/);
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidInfoCount', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(gmd, 'v8', {
- size: 50
- })
- ];
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'expected_size': 50,
- 'expected_infos': [
- {
- providedSize: 50,
- dependencySize: 60
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /expected.*'v8'.*\b1 infos\b.*\bgot\b.*\b0\b/);
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidInfo', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var v8Dump = newAllocatorDump(gmd, 'v8', { size: 50 });
- v8Dump.infos.push({
- providedSize: 40,
- dependencySize: 50
- });
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [v8Dump];
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'expected_size': 50,
- 'expected_infos': [
- {
- providedSize: 40,
- dependencySize: 50
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /\binfo 0\b.*'v8'.*\bexpected\b/);
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidOwnedBySiblingSizes', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var v8Dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'v8');
- addChildDump(v8Dump, 'child1', {}, 42 /* guid */);
- addChildDump(v8Dump, 'child2');
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [v8Dump];
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1',
- 'guid': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'child1': 40 // This should be 30.
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /\bownedBySiblingSizes\b.*'v8\/child2'.*\bexpected\b/);
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidWeakFlag',
- function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var parentDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'parent');
- var childDump = addChildDump(parentDump, 'child');
- childDump.weak = true;
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [parentDump];
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child',
- // Missing "'weak': true".
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /'parent\/child'.*\binvalid weak flag\b/);
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'weak': true, // This should be false (or not provided).
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child',
- 'weak': true
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /'parent'.*\binvalid weak flag\b/);
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_dumpNotRemoved', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var parentDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'parent');
- for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
- addChildDump(parentDump, 'child' + i);
- var otherDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'other');
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [parentDump, otherDump];
- // Child MAD not removed.
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1',
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'expected_removed': true
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child3',
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'other'
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /\bexpected\b.*'parent'.*\b2 children\b.*\bgot 3\b/);
- // Root MAD not removed.
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1',
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child3',
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'other',
- 'expected_removed': true
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /\bexpected\b.*\b1 root memory allocator dumps\b.*\bgot 2\b/);
- });
- test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidOwnership', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(1);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var pmd1 = containerDumps[1];
- var ownedDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'owned', 42);
- var ownerDump1 = new MemoryAllocatorDump(pmd1, 'owner1');
- var link1 = addOwnershipLink(ownerDump1, ownedDump);
- var ownerDump2 = new MemoryAllocatorDump(pmd1, 'owner2');
- var link2 = addOwnershipLink(ownerDump2, ownedDump, 3);
- var nonOwnerDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(pmd1, 'non-owner', 90);
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [ownedDump];
- pmd1.memoryAllocatorDumps = [ownerDump1, ownerDump2, nonOwnerDump];
- // Missing 'owns' link.
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 42
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'importance': 3,
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'non-owner',
- 'guid': 90,
- 'owns': 42 // This should not be here.
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /'non-owner'.*\bwas expected to have\b.*'owns' link\b/);
- // Extra 'owns' link.
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 42
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owner1'
- // Missing: "'owns': 42".
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'importance': 3,
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'non-owner',
- 'guid': 90
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /'owner1'.*\bwas expected not to own\b/);
- // Invalid ownership importance.
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 42
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'importance': 2, // This should be 3.
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'non-owner',
- 'guid': 90
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /\bexpected\b.*\bimportance\b.*'owner2'.*\b2 but got 3\b/);
- // Invalid ownership target.
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 42
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 90 // This should be 42.
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'importance': 3,
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'non-owner',
- 'guid': 90
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /'owner1'.*\binvalid target\b/);
- // Invalid 'ownedBy' ownership links count.
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 42,
- 'expected_owned_by_links_count': 3 // This should be 2.
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'importance': 3,
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'non-owner',
- 'guid': 90
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /'owned'.*\bhave 3 'ownedBy' links\b.*\bgot 2\b/);
- // Invalid ownership source.
- link1.source = ownerDump2;
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 42
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'importance': 3,
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'non-owner',
- 'guid': 90
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /'owns' link\b.*'owner1'.*\binvalid source\b/);
- link1.source = ownerDump1;
- // Ownership link not in target's 'ownedBy' list.
- ownedDump.ownedBy.pop();
- assert.throws(function() {
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 42
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'importance': 3,
- 'owns': 42
- },
- {
- 'name': 'non-owner',
- 'guid': 90
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /\btarget of\b.*'owner2'.*'ownedBy' list\b/);
- ownedDump.ownedBy.push(link2);
- });
- /**
- * Build container memory dumps from tree recipes, let the resulting
- * GlobalMemoryDump calculate sizes and effective sizes, and then check that
- * the augmented container memory dumps have the expected structure with
- * correct sizes and effective sizes (as described by the same tree recipes).
- *
- * See the documentation for buildDumpTrees and checkDumpTrees for more
- * details about the structure of tree recipes.
- */
- function testSizesCalculation(allTreeRecipes) {
- var m = new Model();
- var io = new tr.importer.ImportOptions();
- io.showImportWarnings = false;
- m.importOptions = io;
- var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees(allTreeRecipes, m);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- gmd.calculateSizes();
- gmd.calculateEffectiveSizes();
- gmd.forceRebuildingMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullNameIndices();
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, allTreeRecipes);
- }
- // Check that the testSizesCalculation testing helper method above
- // actually performs the expected checks. Since it will be used heavily
- // throughout this file (where it is expected to pass), we only need to
- // verify that it does indeed fail when it should.
- test('testSanityCheck_testSizesCalculation', function() {
- assert.throws(function() {
- testSizesCalculation([
- [],
- undefined,
- [
- {
- 'name': 'winheap'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'malloc',
- 'expected_size': 100,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'allocated_objects',
- 'size': 100,
- 'expected_size': 100
- },
- {
- 'name': 'extra',
- 'size': 20,
- 'expected_size': 20
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /expected.*'size'.*value.*\b100\b.*got.*\b120\b/);
- });
- function calculationTest(caseName, treeRecipes) {
- test('calculateSizes_' + caseName, function() {
- testSizesCalculation(treeRecipes);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Build container memory dumps from tree recipes, let the resulting
- * GlobalMemoryDump remove weak memory dumps, and then check that the updated
- * container memory dumps have the expected structure (as described by the
- * same tree recipes).
- *
- * See the documentation for buildDumpTrees and checkDumpTrees for more
- * details about the structure of tree recipes.
- */
- function testWeakDumpRemoval(allTreeRecipes) {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var io = new tr.importer.ImportOptions();
- io.showImportWarnings = false;
- m.importOptions = io;
- var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees(allTreeRecipes, m);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- gmd.removeWeakDumps();
- gmd.forceRebuildingMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullNameIndices();
- checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, allTreeRecipes);
- }
- // Similarly to testSanityCheck_testSizesCalculation, check that the
- // testWeakDumpRemoval testing helper method above actually performs the
- // expected checks.
- test('testSanityCheck_testWeakDumpRemoval', function() {
- assert.throws(function() {
- testWeakDumpRemoval([
- [],
- undefined,
- [
- {
- 'name': 'winheap'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'malloc',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'allocated_objects'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'directly_weak',
- 'guid': 42,
- 'weak': true,
- 'expected_removed': true
- },
- {
- 'name': 'indirectly_weak',
- 'owns': 42
- // Missing: "'expected_removed': true".
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- }, /expected.*'malloc'.*\b2 children\b.*\bgot 1\b/);
- });
- function weakDumpRemovalTest(caseName, treeRecipes) {
- test('removeWeakDumps_' + caseName, function() {
- testWeakDumpRemoval(treeRecipes);
- });
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Actual tests begin here.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- test('iterateContainerDumps_withoutProcessMemoryDumps', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var visitedContainerDumps = [];
- gmd.iterateContainerDumps(buildArgPusher(visitedContainerDumps));
- assertEqualUniqueMembers(visitedContainerDumps, containerDumps);
- });
- test('iterateContainerDumps_withProcessMemoryDumps', function() {
- var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(2);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var visitedContainerDumps = [];
- gmd.iterateContainerDumps(buildArgPusher(visitedContainerDumps));
- assertEqualUniqueMembers(visitedContainerDumps, containerDumps);
- });
- test('iterateAllRootAllocatorDumps', function() {
- var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'globalSharedDump1'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'globalSharedDump2'
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'isolate'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var pmd = containerDumps[1];
- var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
- gmd.iterateAllRootAllocatorDumps(buildArgPusher(visitedAllocatorDumps));
- assertEqualUniqueMembers(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('globalSharedDump1'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('globalSharedDump2'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8')
- ]);
- });
- test('traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstOrder_oneTreeWithoutOwners',
- function() {
- var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- // Post-order.
- var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
- gmd.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder(
- buildArgPusher(visitedAllocatorDumps));
- assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent/child1'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent/child2'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root')
- ]);
- // Pre-order.
- var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
- gmd.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPreOrder(
- buildArgPusher(visitedAllocatorDumps));
- assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent/child1'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent/child2')
- ]);
- });
- test('traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstOrder_oneTreeWithOwners',
- function() {
- var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
- [], // GMD.
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1',
- 'owns': 0
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'guid': 0
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child3',
- 'owns': 0
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var pmd = containerDumps[1];
- // Post-order.
- var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
- gmd.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder(
- buildArgPusher(visitedAllocatorDumps));
- assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent/child1'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent/child3'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent/child2'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root')
- ]);
- // Pre-order.
- var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
- gmd.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPreOrder(
- buildArgPusher(visitedAllocatorDumps));
- assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent/child2'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent/child1'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/parent/child3')
- ]);
- });
- test('traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstOrder_multipleTrees', function() {
- var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'shared',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'pool1',
- 'guid': 1
- },
- {
- 'name': 'pool2',
- 'owns': 3
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'oilpan',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'objects'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'small',
- 'guid': 2
- },
- {
- 'name': 'large'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'isolate1',
- 'owns': 2
- },
- {
- 'name': 'isolate2',
- 'guid': 3
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- var pmd = containerDumps[1];
- // Post-order.
- var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
- gmd.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder(
- buildArgPusher(visitedAllocatorDumps));
- assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8/isolate1'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/heaps/small'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/heaps/large'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/heaps'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared/pool1'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared/pool2'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/objects'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8/isolate2'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8')
- ]);
- // Pre-order.
- var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
- gmd.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPreOrder(
- buildArgPusher(visitedAllocatorDumps));
- assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared/pool1'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/objects'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/heaps'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/heaps/small'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('oilpan/heaps/large'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8/isolate1'),
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8/isolate2'),
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('shared/pool2')
- ]);
- });
- test('traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder_cycle', function() {
- var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'shared',
- 'owns': 2,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'pool',
- 'guid': 1
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'oilpan',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'guid': 2
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- var gmd = containerDumps[0];
- // Post-order.
- assert.throws(function() {
- gmd.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder(function() {});
- }, /contains.*cycle/);
- // Pre-order.
- var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
- gmd.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPreOrder(
- buildArgPusher(visitedAllocatorDumps));
- assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, []);
- });
- // Just check that the method doesn't crash upon encountering empty and/or
- // undefined memory allocator dumps.
- calculationTest('noDumps', [
- undefined, // GMD.
- [], // PMD1.
- undefined // PMD2.
- ]);
- calculationTest('flatDumps', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'shared',
- 'size': 1024,
- 'expected_size': 1024,
- 'expected_effective_size': 1024
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'gpu'
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('zeroSizes', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'shared',
- 'size': 0,
- 'expected_size': 0,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'gpu',
- 'expected_size': 0,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'zero',
- 'size': 0,
- 'expected_size': 0,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'gpu',
- 'expected_size': 0,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'zero',
- 'size': 0,
- 'expected_size': 0,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- },
- {
- 'name': 'undefined'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('children_allSizesUndefined', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('children_parentSizeUndefined', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'expected_size': 384,
- 'expected_effective_size': 384,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1',
- 'size': 128,
- 'expected_size': 128,
- 'expected_effective_size': 128
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'size': 256,
- 'expected_size': 256,
- 'expected_effective_size': 256
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('children_parentSizeDefined_childrenAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'size': 0,
- 'expected_size': 0,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('children_parentSizeDefined_childrenDontAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'size': 2048,
- 'expected_size': 2048,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2048,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 2048,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2048
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child1'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('children_oneChildSizeUndefined_childrenAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'size': 4096,
- 'expected_size': 4096,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4096,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'size': 4096,
- 'expected_size': 4096,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4096
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('children_oneChildSizeUndefined_childrenDontAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'size': 6144,
- 'expected_size': 6144,
- 'expected_effective_size': 6144,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 2048,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2048
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child1'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'size': 4096,
- 'expected_size': 4096,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4096
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('children_allSizesDefined_childrenAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'size': 100,
- 'expected_size': 100,
- 'expected_effective_size': 100,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1',
- 'size': 70,
- 'expected_size': 70,
- 'expected_effective_size': 70
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 30
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('children_allSizesDefined_childrenDontUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'size': 150,
- 'expected_size': 150,
- 'expected_effective_size': 150,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 50,
- 'expected_effective_size': 50
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child1',
- 'size': 70,
- 'expected_size': 70,
- 'expected_effective_size': 70
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 30
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('children_oneChildSizeDefined', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'expected_size': 49,
- 'expected_effective_size': 49,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1',
- 'size': 49,
- 'expected_size': 49,
- 'expected_effective_size': 49
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('children_multipleLevels', [
- [], // GMD.
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'expected_size': 36,
- 'expected_effective_size': 36,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'isolate1',
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'expected_size': 3,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'size': 3,
- 'expected_size': 3,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'size': 4,
- 'expected_size': 4,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'isolate2',
- 'size': 12,
- 'expected_size': 12,
- 'expected_effective_size': 12,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'size': 5,
- 'expected_size': 5,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'size': 7,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 7
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'isolate3',
- 'expected_size': 14,
- 'expected_effective_size': 14,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'size': 14,
- 'expected_size': 14,
- 'expected_effective_size': 14
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heaps'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('owners_allSizesUndefined', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap',
- 'guid': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'tile',
- 'owns': 7,
- 'importance': 1
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'chunk',
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('owners_ownedSizeDefined', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap',
- 'size': 15,
- 'expected_size': 15,
- 'expected_effective_size': 15,
- 'guid': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'tile',
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'chunk',
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('owners_ownedSizeUndefined', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap',
- 'expected_size': 9,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'guid': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'tile',
- 'size': 5,
- 'expected_size': 5,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2.5,
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'chunk',
- 'size': 9,
- 'expected_size': 9,
- 'expected_effective_size': 6.5,
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('owners_oneOwnerSizeDefined', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap',
- 'expected_size': 16,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'guid': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'tile',
- 'size': 16,
- 'expected_size': 16,
- 'expected_effective_size': 16,
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'chunk',
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('owners_oneOwnerSizeUndefined', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap',
- 'size': 20,
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2,
- 'guid': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'tile',
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'chunk',
- 'size': 18,
- 'expected_size': 18,
- 'expected_effective_size': 18,
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('owners_allSizesDefined', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap',
- 'size': 60,
- 'expected_size': 60,
- 'expected_effective_size': 31,
- 'guid': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'tile',
- 'size': 29,
- 'expected_size': 29,
- 'expected_effective_size': 19.5,
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'chunk',
- 'size': 19,
- 'expected_size': 19,
- 'expected_effective_size': 9.5,
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('owners_hierarchy', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap',
- 'expected_size': 50,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'guid': 7
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'tile',
- 'expected_size': 50,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'owns': 7,
- 'guid': 0
- },
- {
- 'name': 'object1',
- 'size': 30,
- 'owns': 0,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 9
- },
- {
- 'name': 'object2',
- 'owns': 0
- },
- {
- 'name': 'object3',
- 'size': 50,
- 'owns': 0,
- 'expected_size': 50,
- 'expected_effective_size': 21
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'chunk',
- 'size': 40,
- 'expected_size': 40,
- 'expected_effective_size': 20,
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('owners_withChildren', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap',
- 'guid': 7,
- 'expected_size': 48,
- 'expected_effective_size': 17,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'subbitmap1',
- 'size': 32,
- 'expected_size': 32,
- 'expected_effective_size': 17 * (32 / 48)
- },
- {
- 'name': 'subbitmap2',
- 'size': 16,
- 'expected_size': 16,
- 'expected_effective_size': 17 * (16 / 48)
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'tile',
- 'expected_size': 31,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'guid': 8,
- 'owns': 7,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- },
- {
- 'name': 'subtile',
- 'size': 24,
- 'expected_size': 24,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'cc',
- 'owns': 8,
- 'size': 31,
- 'expected_size': 31,
- 'expected_effective_size': 31
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('owners_withParents', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap',
- 'size': 96,
- 'expected_size': 96,
- 'expected_effective_size': 32,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 32,
- 'expected_effective_size': 32
- },
- {
- 'name': 'subbitmap',
- 'guid': 2,
- 'expected_size': 64,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'tile',
- 'expected_size': 64,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'subtile',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'owns': 2,
- 'expected_size': 64,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'cc',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 64,
- 'expected_size': 64,
- 'expected_effective_size': 64
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('owners_multipleLevels', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap',
- 'size': 96,
- 'expected_size': 96,
- 'expected_effective_size': 32,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 32,
- 'expected_effective_size': 32
- },
- {
- 'name': 'subbitmap',
- 'guid': 2,
- 'expected_size': 64,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'tile',
- 'expected_size': 64,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'owns': 2,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'subtile',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'expected_size': 64,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'cc',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 64,
- 'expected_size': 64,
- 'expected_effective_size': 64
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_allSizesUndefined', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'v8/heaps',
- 'guid': 1
- },
- {
- 'name': 'v8/objects',
- 'owns': 1
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_ownedSizeDefined', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 1
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_ownerSizeDefined', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_effective_size': 20,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'objects': 20
- }
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 20,
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_effective_size': 20
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_parentSizeUndefined', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 30,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'objects': 20
- }
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 20,
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_effective_size': 20
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_ownerSizeUndefined_childrenAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 30,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 30
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 1
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_ownerSizeUndefined_childrenDontAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'size': 40,
- 'expected_size': 40,
- 'expected_effective_size': 40,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 30
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 1
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_ownedSizeUndefined_childrenAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 30,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'objects': 30
- }
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 30
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_ownedSizeUndefined_childrenDontAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'size': 40,
- 'expected_size': 40,
- 'expected_effective_size': 40,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'objects': 30
- }
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 30
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_allSizesDefined_childrenAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 30,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 16,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'objects': 14
- }
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 14,
- 'expected_size': 14,
- 'expected_effective_size': 14
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_allSizesDefined_childrenDontAddUp', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'size': 35,
- 'expected_size': 35,
- 'expected_effective_size': 35,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 5,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 30,
- 'expected_size': 30,
- 'expected_effective_size': 16,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'objects': 14
- }
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 14,
- 'expected_size': 14,
- 'expected_effective_size': 14
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_deep', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'expected_size': 17,
- 'expected_effective_size': 17,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'parent1',
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'parent2': 5
- },
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 2,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 8,
- 'expected_size': 8,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'parent2',
- 'size': 8,
- 'expected_size': 8,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'parent3': 3
- },
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 3,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child',
- 'guid': 2,
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 5,
- 'expected_size': 5,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'parent3',
- 'size': 7,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 7,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 4,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child',
- 'owns': 2,
- 'size': 3,
- 'expected_size': 3,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('views_nested', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'system',
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 7,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'subsystem-A',
- 'owns': 15,
- 'expected_size': 5,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 30,
- 'size': 3,
- 'expected_size': 3,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 30,
- 'size': 5,
- 'expected_size': 5,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'objects': 3
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'subsystem-B',
- 'guid': 15,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'subsystem-A': 5
- },
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 40,
- 'size': 7,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 40,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'objects': 7
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('importance_equal', [
- [ // GMD (both importances undefined and equal sizes).
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 6,
- 'expected_size': 6,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 6,
- 'expected_size': 6,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1 (only one importance defined and different sizes).
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 2,
- 'size': 20,
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 2,
- 'importance': 0,
- 'size': 15,
- 'expected_size': 15,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10 / 2 + 5
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'owns': 2,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10 / 2
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2 (all importances defined and different sizes).
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 3,
- 'size': 15,
- 'expected_size': 15,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 3,
- 'importance': 3,
- 'size': 8,
- 'expected_size': 8,
- 'expected_effective_size': 8 / 3
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'owns': 3,
- 'importance': 3,
- 'size': 9,
- 'expected_size': 9,
- 'expected_effective_size': 8 / 3 + 1 / 2
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner3',
- 'owns': 3,
- 'importance': 3,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 8 / 3 + 1 / 2 + 1
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('importance_notEqual', [
- [ // GMD (one importance undefined and equal sizes).
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 6,
- 'expected_size': 6,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'importance': 1,
- 'size': 6,
- 'expected_size': 6,
- 'expected_effective_size': 6
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1 (one importance undefined and different sizes).
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 2,
- 'size': 20,
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 2,
- 'importance': -1,
- 'size': 16,
- 'expected_size': 16,
- 'expected_effective_size': 6
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'owns': 2,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2 (all importances defined and different sizes).
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 3,
- 'size': 15,
- 'expected_size': 15,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 3,
- 'importance': 4,
- 'size': 8,
- 'expected_size': 8,
- 'expected_effective_size': 8
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'owns': 3,
- 'importance': 3,
- 'size': 6,
- 'expected_size': 6,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner3',
- 'owns': 3,
- 'importance': 2,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2
- }
- ]
- ]);
- // Example taken from GlobalMemoryDump.calculateDumpOwnershipCoefficient_()
- // documentation.
- calculationTest('importance_manyOwners', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 4,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 4,
- 'importance': 2,
- 'size': 6,
- 'expected_size': 6,
- 'expected_effective_size': 6 / 2
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'some_parent',
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 6 / 2 + 1,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'owns': 4,
- 'importance': 2,
- 'size': 7,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 6 / 2 + 1
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD3.
- {
- 'name': 'owner3',
- 'owns': 4,
- 'importance': 1,
- 'size': 5,
- 'expected_size': 5,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owner4',
- 'owns': 4,
- 'importance': 0,
- 'size': 8,
- 'expected_size': 8,
- 'expected_effective_size': 1
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('importance_chainOwnerships', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'owned',
- 'guid': 5,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'owner1',
- 'owns': 5,
- 'importance': 2,
- 'guid': 6,
- 'size': 6,
- 'expected_size': 6,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2
- },
- {
- 'name': 'subowner1',
- 'owns': 6,
- 'size': 4,
- 'expected_size': 4,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'owner2',
- 'owns': 5,
- 'importance': 1,
- 'guid': 8,
- 'size': 8,
- 'expected_size': 8,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2 - 2 / 4
- },
- {
- 'name': 'subowner2',
- 'owns': 8,
- 'size': 2,
- 'expected_size': 2,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2 / 4
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('importance_nested', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'grey',
- 'guid': 15,
- 'size': 20,
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_effective_size': 6
- },
- {
- 'name': 'blue',
- 'guid': 18,
- 'owns': 15,
- 'importance': 1,
- 'size': 14,
- 'expected_size': 14,
- 'expected_effective_size': 1
- },
- {
- 'name': 'purple',
- 'owns': 15,
- 'importance': 2,
- 'size': 7,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 7
- },
- {
- 'name': 'yellow',
- 'owns': 21,
- 'importance': 3,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3
- },
- {
- 'name': 'red',
- 'guid': 21,
- 'owns': 18,
- 'size': 12,
- 'expected_size': 12,
- 'expected_effective_size': 1
- },
- {
- 'name': 'green',
- 'owns': 21,
- 'importance': 3,
- 'size': 8,
- 'expected_size': 8,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('importance_singleRefinement', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'expected_size': 13,
- 'expected_effective_size': 13,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 11,
- 'expected_size': 11,
- 'expected_effective_size': 11,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 4,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4
- },
- {
- 'name': 'object1',
- 'owns': 2,
- 'size': 7,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 7
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 13,
- 'expected_size': 13,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'objects': 11
- },
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 3,
- 'expected_effective_size': 1
- },
- {
- 'name': 'heap1',
- 'guid': 2,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 1,
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('importance_sharedRefinement', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'shared_bitmap',
- 'guid': 0,
- 'size': 23,
- 'expected_size': 23,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 13,
- 'expected_effective_size': 13 * 5 / (13 + 3)
- },
- {
- 'name': 'bitmap0x7',
- 'guid': 999,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3 * 5 / (13 + 3),
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'tile_manager',
- 'owns': 0,
- 'importance': 2,
- 'size': 12,
- 'expected_size': 12,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5 + 2,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 5,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5
- },
- {
- 'name': 'tile42',
- 'owns': 999,
- 'importance': 1,
- 'size': 7,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2,
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'gpu',
- 'owns': 0,
- 'importance': 1,
- 'size': 16,
- 'expected_size': 16,
- 'expected_effective_size': 6 + 5,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 11,
- 'expected_effective_size': 6
- },
- {
- 'name': 'chunk-3.14',
- 'owns': 999,
- 'importance': 2,
- 'size': 5,
- 'expected_size': 5,
- 'expected_effective_size': 5,
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- // Example taken from
- calculationTest('documentationExample', [
- [ // GMD, Global (shared) memory.
- {
- 'name': 'unknown',
- 'guid': 2,
- 'expected_size': 16,
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1, Browser process.
- {
- 'name': 'sharedbitmap',
- 'size': 17,
- 'expected_size': 17,
- 'expected_effective_size': 9,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 1,
- 'expected_effective_size': 1
- },
- {
- 'name': '0x7',
- 'size': 16,
- 'expected_size': 16,
- 'expected_effective_size': 8,
- 'owns': 2,
- 'importance': 1,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 16,
- 'expected_effective_size': 8
- },
- {
- 'name': 'y'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2, Renderer process.
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'expected_size': 13,
- 'expected_effective_size': 13,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'guid': 100,
- 'expected_size': 12,
- 'expected_effective_size': 3,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'objects': 9
- },
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '1',
- 'size': 8,
- 'expected_size': 8,
- 'expected_effective_size': 2,
- 'owns': 2,
- 'importance': 2
- },
- {
- 'name': '2',
- 'expected_size': 4,
- 'expected_effective_size': 1,
- 'size': 4
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'objects',
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 1,
- 'expected_effective_size': 1
- },
- {
- 'name': 'strings',
- 'size': 9,
- 'expected_size': 9,
- 'expected_effective_size': 9,
- 'owns': 100
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- // This should never happen. Nevertheless, this test checks that we can
- // handle invalid sizes (parent dump being smaller than its aggregated
- // children and owned dump being smaller than its largest owner) gracefully.
- calculationTest('invalidSizes', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'root1',
- 'size': 24,
- 'expected_size': 24,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': '<unspecified>',
- 'skip_build': true,
- 'expected_size': 4,
- 'expected_effective_size': 4
- },
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'guid': 2,
- 'size': 17, // Invalid: child has larger size.
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_infos': [
- {
- providedSize: 17,
- dependencySize: 20
- },
- {
- providedSize: 17,
- dependencySize: 18
- }
- ],
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 10, // Invalid: owner has larger size.
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_infos': [
- {
- providedSize: 10,
- dependencySize: 20
- }
- ],
- 'expected_effective_size': 0,
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'root2',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'size': 20,
- 'expected_size': 20,
- 'expected_effective_size': 20
- },
- {
- 'name': 'root3',
- 'owns': 2,
- 'importance': -1,
- 'size': 18,
- 'expected_size': 18,
- 'expected_effective_size': 18
- }
- ]
- ]);
- calculationTest('multipleInfos', [
- [
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 10,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'parent1',
- 'size': 5,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_infos': [
- {
- providedSize: 5,
- dependencySize: 10
- }
- ],
- 'expected_effective_size': 1,
- 'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
- 'parent2': 17,
- 'parent3': 7
- },
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child',
- 'guid': 3,
- 'size': 10,
- 'expected_size': 10,
- 'expected_effective_size': 1,
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'parent2',
- // NOTE(petrcermak): The expected size here is a little strange
- // because the children both own the same dump (namely
- // root/parent1/child). It would, therefore, probably make more
- // sense for the calculated size to be 9. Since this is an unlikely
- // case and would complicate the (already complex) size
- // calculation, we will now keep the algorithm as is.
- 'expected_size': 17,
- 'expected_effective_size': 14 / 3 + 2,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1',
- 'owns': 3,
- 'size': 9,
- 'expected_size': 9,
- 'expected_effective_size': 7 / 3 + 1 / 2 + 1,
- },
- {
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'owns': 3,
- 'size': 8,
- 'expected_size': 8,
- 'expected_effective_size': 7 / 3 + 1 / 2,
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'parent3',
- 'size': 7,
- 'expected_size': 7,
- 'expected_effective_size': 7 / 3,
- 'owns': 3
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- // Check that size calculation is NOT preceded by numeric aggregation, which
- // would recursively sum up size numerics.
- test('finalizeGraph_aggregation', function() {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- buildDumpTrees([
- undefined, // GMD.
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'owner_child',
- 'owns': 9,
- 'size': 7
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owned_child',
- 'guid': 9,
- 'size': 20
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ], model);
- });
- var pmd = model.getProcess(0).memoryDumps[0];
- var rootDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root');
- assertDumpSizes(rootDump, 20, 20);
- var ownerChildDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'root/owner_child');
- assertDumpSizes(ownerChildDump, 7, 7);
- var ownedChildDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'root/owned_child');
- assertDumpSizes(ownedChildDump, 20, 13, [] /* expectedInfos */,
- { owner_child: 7 } /* expectedOwnedBySiblingSizes */);
- });
- // Check that numeric and diagnostics propagation and aggregation are
- // performed in the correct order.
- test('finalizeGraph_propagation', function() {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- buildDumpTrees([
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'owned_root',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'size': 10,
- 'diagnostics': {
- 'url': ''
- },
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'owned_child1',
- 'numerics': {
- 'summed': new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, 12)
- },
- 'diagnostics': {
- 'url2': ''
- }
- },
- {
- 'name': 'owned_child2',
- 'numerics': {
- 'summed': new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, 15)
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'direct_owner',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'guid': 2,
- 'diagnostics': {
- 'url': 'file://not_overriden.html'
- }
- },
- {
- 'name': 'parent_owner',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child_owner',
- 'owns': 1
- },
- {
- 'name': 'sibling',
- 'size': 5,
- 'numerics': {
- 'summed': new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, 13)
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'precedent_owner',
- 'owns': 1,
- 'numerics': {
- 'summed': new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, 0)
- }
- },
- {
- 'name': 'indirect_owner',
- 'owns': 2
- }
- ]
- ], model);
- });
- var pmd = model.getProcess(0).memoryDumps[0];
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('direct_owner'),
- {
- 'size': 10,
- 'effective_size': 3.3333,
- 'summed': 27
- },
- {
- 'url': 'file://not_overriden.html'
- });
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('parent_owner/child_owner'),
- {
- 'size': 10,
- 'effective_size': 3.3333,
- 'summed': 27
- },
- {
- 'url': ''
- });
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('parent_owner'),
- {
- 'size': 15,
- 'effective_size': 8.3333,
- 'summed': 40
- }, {});
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('precedent_owner'),
- {
- 'size': 10,
- 'effective_size': 3.3333,
- 'summed': 0
- },
- {
- 'url': ''
- });
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(
- pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('indirect_owner'), {}, {});
- });
- // Check that weak dumps are removed before size size calculation.
- test('finalizeGraph_weakDumpRemoval', function() {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- buildDumpTrees([
- undefined, // GMD.
- [ // PMD.
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'directly_weak_child',
- 'weak': true,
- 'guid': 5,
- 'owns': 10,
- 'size': 100
- },
- {
- 'name': 'strong_child',
- 'guid': 10,
- 'size': 120
- },
- {
- 'name': 'indirectly_weak_child',
- 'owns': 5,
- 'size': 70
- },
- {
- 'name': 'separate_weak_child',
- 'weak': true,
- 'size': 300
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ], model);
- });
- var pmd = model.getProcess(0).memoryDumps[0];
- var rootDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root');
- assertDumpSizes(rootDump, 120, 120);
- assert.lengthOf(rootDump.children, 1);
- var strongChildDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'root/strong_child');
- assertDumpSizes(strongChildDump, 120, 120);
- assert.lengthOf(strongChildDump.ownedBy, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'root/directly_weak_child'));
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'root/indirectly_weak_child'));
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'root/separate_weak_child'));
- });
- test('indicesUpdatedCorrectly', function() {
- var gmd, rootDump, childDump;
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- gmd = new GlobalMemoryDump(model, 10);
- model.globalMemoryDumps.push(gmd);
- rootDump = newAllocatorDump(gmd, 'root', { size: 64 });
- childDump = addChildDump(rootDump, 'child', { size: 48 });
- gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [rootDump];
- // Before model is finalized.
- assert.strictEqual(
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root'), rootDump);
- assert.strictEqual(
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/child'), childDump);
- assert.isUndefined(
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/<unspecified>'));
- });
- // Test sanity check.
- assert.isDefined(gmd);
- assert.isDefined(rootDump);
- assert.isDefined(childDump);
- // After model is finalized.
- assert.strictEqual(gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root'), rootDump);
- assert.strictEqual(
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/child'), childDump);
- var unspecifiedDump =
- gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/<unspecified>');
- assert.strictEqual(unspecifiedDump.fullName, 'root/<unspecified>');
- assert.strictEqual(unspecifiedDump.parent, rootDump);
- assert.strictEqual(rootDump.children[0], unspecifiedDump);
- });
- weakDumpRemovalTest('allDumpsNonWeak', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'malloc',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'allocated_objects',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'obj42',
- 'guid': 5,
- 'expected_owned_by_links_count': 2
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- undefined, // PMD1.
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'oilpan'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'v8',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'heaps',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'S',
- 'owns': 5
- },
- {
- 'name': 'L',
- 'owns': 5
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- weakDumpRemovalTest('weakRootDump', [
- [], // GMD.
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'strong1'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'weak',
- 'weak': true,
- 'expected_removed': true
- },
- {
- 'name': 'strong2'
- }
- ]
- ]);
- weakDumpRemovalTest('weakChildDump', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'root',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'parent',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'strong1'
- },
- {
- 'name': 'weak',
- 'weak': true,
- 'expected_removed': true,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'implicitly-removed'
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'strong2'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
- weakDumpRemovalTest('transitiveOwnerRemoval', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'not-removed-strong-dump',
- 'guid': 0,
- 'expected_owned_by_links_count': 1
- },
- {
- 'name': 'weak-owned-dump',
- 'guid': 1,
- 'owns': 0,
- 'weak': true,
- 'expected_removed': true
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'direct-owner-dump',
- 'guid': 2,
- 'owns': 1,
- 'expected_removed': true
- },
- {
- 'name': 'also-not-removed-strong-dump',
- 'owns': 0
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'indirect-owner-dump',
- 'owns': 2,
- 'expected_removed': true
- }
- ]
- ]);
- weakDumpRemovalTest('transitiveDescendantRemoval', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'A',
- 'owns': 10,
- // A =owns=> B -child-of-> C -> D => E -> F -> G (weak).
- 'expected_removed': true
- },
- {
- 'name': 'D',
- 'owns': 5,
- 'expected_removed': true, // D =owns=> E -child-of-> F -> G (weak).
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'C',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'B',
- 'guid': 10
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- undefined, // PMD1.
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'first-retained-dump',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'G',
- 'weak': true,
- 'expected_removed': true,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'F',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'E',
- 'guid': 5
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'H',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'I',
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'J',
- 'owns': 2
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD3.
- {
- 'name': 'second-retained-dump',
- 'guid': 2,
- // The only owner (J) is removed because J -child-of-> I -> H ->
- // G (weak).
- 'expected_owned_by_links_count': 0
- }
- ]
- ]);
- weakDumpRemovalTest('subownerships', [
- [ // GMD.
- {
- 'name': 'root1',
- 'owns': 20,
- 'expected_removed': true, // root1 =owns=> root2 (weak).
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child1',
- 'owns': 2
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'root2',
- 'guid': 20,
- 'owns': 30,
- 'weak': true,
- 'expected_removed': true,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child2',
- 'guid': 2,
- 'owns': 3
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'root3',
- 'guid': 30,
- 'owns': 40,
- 'expected_owned_by_links_count': 0,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child3',
- 'guid': 3,
- 'owns': 4,
- 'weak': true,
- 'expected_removed': true
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD1.
- {
- 'name': 'root4',
- 'guid': 40,
- 'expected_owned_by_links_count': 1,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child4',
- 'guid': 4,
- 'expected_owned_by_links_count': 0
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- [ // PMD2.
- {
- 'name': 'root5',
- 'owns': 60,
- 'expected_removed': true, // root5 =owns=> root6 => root7 (weak).
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child5',
- 'owns': 6
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'root6',
- 'guid': 60,
- 'owns': 70,
- 'expected_removed': true, // root6 =owns=> root7 (weak).
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child6',
- 'guid': 6,
- 'owns': 7
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'root7',
- 'guid': 70,
- 'owns': 40,
- 'weak': true,
- 'expected_removed': true,
- 'children': [
- {
- 'name': 'child7',
- 'guid': 7,
- 'owns': 4
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- ]);
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/heap_dump.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/heap_dump.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d3f4a29dbef..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/heap_dump.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * HeapEntry represents a single value describing the state of the heap of an
- * allocator in a single process.
- *
- * An entry specifies how much space (e.g. 19 MiB) was allocated in a
- * particular context, which consists of a codepath (e.g. drawQuad <- draw <-
- * MessageLoop::RunTask) and an object type (e.g. HTMLImportLoader).
- *
- * @{constructor}
- */
- function HeapEntry(heapDump, leafStackFrame, objectTypeName, size, count) {
- this.heapDump = heapDump;
- // The leaf stack frame of the associated backtrace (e.g. drawQuad for the
- // drawQuad <- draw <- MessageLoop::RunTask backtrace). If undefined, the
- // backtrace is empty.
- this.leafStackFrame = leafStackFrame;
- // The name of the allocated object type (e.g. 'HTMLImportLoader'). If
- // undefined, the entry represents the sum over all object types.
- this.objectTypeName = objectTypeName;
- this.size = size;
- this.count = count;
- }
- /**
- * HeapDump represents a dump of the heap of an allocator in a single process
- * at a particular timestamp.
- *
- * @{constructor}
- */
- function HeapDump(processMemoryDump, allocatorName) {
- this.processMemoryDump = processMemoryDump;
- this.allocatorName = allocatorName;
- this.entries = [];
- }
- HeapDump.prototype = {
- addEntry: function(leafStackFrame, objectTypeName, size, count) {
- var entry = new HeapEntry(
- this, leafStackFrame, objectTypeName, size, count);
- this.entries.push(entry);
- return entry;
- }
- };
- return {
- HeapEntry: HeapEntry,
- HeapDump: HeapDump
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/heap_dump_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/heap_dump_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cb3170ad85e..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/heap_dump_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/heap_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/stack_frame.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Model = tr.Model;
- var GlobalMemoryDump = tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump;
- var ProcessMemoryDump = tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump;
- var StackFrame = tr.model.StackFrame;
- var HeapEntry = tr.model.HeapEntry;
- var HeapDump = tr.model.HeapDump;
- test('heapDumps', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(89);
- var gmd = new GlobalMemoryDump(model, 42);
- model.globalMemoryDumps.push(gmd);
- var pmd = new ProcessMemoryDump(gmd, process, 42);
- process.memoryDumps.push(pmd);
- var rootFrame = new StackFrame(
- undefined, tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple(), undefined);
- var childFrame = new StackFrame(
- rootFrame, tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple(), 'draw');
- rootFrame.addChild(childFrame);
- var dump = new HeapDump(pmd);
- assert.strictEqual(dump.processMemoryDump, pmd);
- assert.lengthOf(dump.entries, 0);
- var entry1 = dump.addEntry(childFrame, 'HTMLImportLoader', 1024, undefined);
- assert.strictEqual(entry1.heapDump, dump);
- assert.strictEqual(entry1.leafStackFrame, childFrame);
- assert.strictEqual(entry1.objectTypeName, 'HTMLImportLoader');
- assert.strictEqual(entry1.size, 1024);
- assert.isUndefined(entry1.count);
- var entry2 = dump.addEntry(undefined, undefined, 1048576, 42);
- assert.strictEqual(entry2.heapDump, dump);
- assert.isUndefined(entry2.leafStackFrame);
- assert.isUndefined(entry2.objectTypeName);
- assert.strictEqual(entry2.size, 1048576);
- assert.strictEqual(entry2.count, 42);
- assert.deepEqual(dump.entries, [entry1, entry2]);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_app.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_app.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8504a34c98e..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_app.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/sorted_array_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/statistics.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/frame.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Class for managing android-specific model meta data,
- * such as rendering apps, and frames rendered.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model.helpers', function() {
- var Frame = tr.model.Frame;
- var Statistics = tr.b.Statistics;
- var UI_DRAW_TYPE = {
- NONE: 'none',
- LEGACY: 'legacy',
- MARSHMALLOW: 'marshmallow'
- };
- 'performTraversals': UI_DRAW_TYPE.LEGACY,
- 'Choreographer#doFrame': UI_DRAW_TYPE.MARSHMALLOW
- };
- var RENDER_THREAD_DRAW_NAME = 'DrawFrame';
- var THREAD_SYNC_NAME = 'syncFrameState';
- function getSlicesForThreadTimeRanges(threadTimeRanges) {
- var ret = [];
- threadTimeRanges.forEach(function(threadTimeRange) {
- var slices = [];
- threadTimeRange.thread.sliceGroup.iterSlicesInTimeRange(
- function(slice) { slices.push(slice); },
- threadTimeRange.start, threadTimeRange.end);
- ret.push.apply(ret, slices);
- });
- return ret;
- }
- function makeFrame(threadTimeRanges, surfaceFlinger) {
- var args = {};
- if (surfaceFlinger && surfaceFlinger.hasVsyncs) {
- var start = Statistics.min(threadTimeRanges,
- function(threadTimeRanges) { return threadTimeRanges.start; });
- args['deadline'] = surfaceFlinger.getFrameDeadline(start);
- args['frameKickoff'] = surfaceFlinger.getFrameKickoff(start);
- }
- var events = getSlicesForThreadTimeRanges(threadTimeRanges);
- return new Frame(events, threadTimeRanges, args);
- }
- function findOverlappingDrawFrame(renderThread, time) {
- if (!renderThread)
- return undefined;
- var slices = renderThread.sliceGroup.slices;
- for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
- var slice = slices[i];
- if (slice.title == RENDER_THREAD_DRAW_NAME &&
- slice.start <= time &&
- time <= slice.end) {
- return slice;
- }
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Builds an array of {start, end} ranges grouping common work of a frame
- * that occurs just before performTraversals().
- *
- * Only necessary before Choreographer#doFrame tracing existed.
- */
- function getPreTraversalWorkRanges(uiThread) {
- if (!uiThread)
- return [];
- // gather all frame work that occurs outside of performTraversals
- var preFrameEvents = [];
- uiThread.sliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(slice) {
- if (slice.title == 'obtainView' ||
- slice.title == 'setupListItem' ||
- slice.title == 'deliverInputEvent' ||
- slice.title == 'RV Scroll')
- preFrameEvents.push(slice);
- });
- uiThread.asyncSliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(slice) {
- if (slice.title == 'deliverInputEvent')
- preFrameEvents.push(slice);
- });
- return tr.b.mergeRanges(
- tr.b.convertEventsToRanges(preFrameEvents),
- 3,
- function(events) {
- return {
- start: events[0].min,
- end: events[events.length - 1].max
- };
- });
- }
- function getFrameStartTime(traversalStart, preTraversalWorkRanges) {
- var preTraversalWorkRange = tr.b.findClosestIntervalInSortedIntervals(
- preTraversalWorkRanges,
- function(range) { return range.start },
- function(range) { return range.end },
- traversalStart,
- 3);
- if (preTraversalWorkRange)
- return preTraversalWorkRange.start;
- return traversalStart;
- }
- function getUiThreadDrivenFrames(app) {
- if (!app.uiThread)
- return [];
- var preTraversalWorkRanges = [];
- if (app.uiDrawType == UI_DRAW_TYPE.LEGACY)
- preTraversalWorkRanges = getPreTraversalWorkRanges(app.uiThread);
- var frames = [];
- app.uiThread.sliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(slice) {
- if (!(slice.title in UI_THREAD_DRAW_NAMES)) {
- return;
- }
- var threadTimeRanges = [];
- var uiThreadTimeRange = {
- thread: app.uiThread,
- start: getFrameStartTime(slice.start, preTraversalWorkRanges),
- end: slice.end
- };
- threadTimeRanges.push(uiThreadTimeRange);
- // on SDK 21+ devices with RenderThread,
- // account for time taken on RenderThread
- var rtDrawSlice = findOverlappingDrawFrame(
- app.renderThread, slice.end);
- if (rtDrawSlice) {
- var rtSyncSlice = rtDrawSlice.findDescendentSlice(THREAD_SYNC_NAME);
- if (rtSyncSlice) {
- // Generally, the UI thread is only on the critical path
- // until the start of sync.
- uiThreadTimeRange.end = Math.min(uiThreadTimeRange.end,
- rtSyncSlice.start);
- }
- threadTimeRanges.push({
- thread: app.renderThread,
- start: rtDrawSlice.start,
- end: rtDrawSlice.end
- });
- }
- frames.push(makeFrame(threadTimeRanges, app.surfaceFlinger));
- });
- return frames;
- }
- function getRenderThreadDrivenFrames(app) {
- if (!app.renderThread)
- return [];
- var frames = [];
- app.renderThread.sliceGroup.getSlicesOfName(RENDER_THREAD_INDEP_DRAW_NAME)
- .forEach(function(slice) {
- var threadTimeRanges = [{
- thread: app.renderThread,
- start: slice.start,
- end: slice.end
- }];
- frames.push(makeFrame(threadTimeRanges, app.surfaceFlinger));
- });
- return frames;
- }
- function getUiDrawType(uiThread) {
- if (!uiThread)
- var slices = uiThread.sliceGroup.slices;
- for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
- if (slices[i].title in UI_THREAD_DRAW_NAMES) {
- return UI_THREAD_DRAW_NAMES[slices[i].title];
- }
- }
- }
- function getInputSamples(process) {
- var samples = undefined;
- for (var counterName in process.counters) {
- if (/^android\.aq\:pending/.test(counterName) &&
- process.counters[counterName].numSeries == 1) {
- samples = process.counters[counterName].series[0].samples;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!samples)
- return [];
- // output rising edges only, since those are user inputs
- var inputSamples = [];
- var lastValue = 0;
- samples.forEach(function(sample) {
- if (sample.value > lastValue) {
- inputSamples.push(sample);
- }
- lastValue = sample.value;
- });
- return inputSamples;
- }
- function getAnimationAsyncSlices(uiThread) {
- if (!uiThread)
- return [];
- var slices = [];
- for (var slice of uiThread.asyncSliceGroup.getDescendantEvents()) {
- if (/^animator\:/.test(slice.title))
- slices.push(slice);
- }
- return slices;
- }
- /**
- * Model for Android App specific data.
- * @constructor
- */
- function AndroidApp(process, uiThread, renderThread, surfaceFlinger,
- uiDrawType) {
- this.process = process;
- this.uiThread = uiThread;
- this.renderThread = renderThread;
- this.surfaceFlinger = surfaceFlinger;
- this.uiDrawType = uiDrawType;
- this.frames_ = undefined;
- this.inputs_ = undefined;
- };
- AndroidApp.createForProcessIfPossible = function(process, surfaceFlinger) {
- var uiThread = process.getThread(;
- var uiDrawType = getUiDrawType(uiThread);
- if (uiDrawType == UI_DRAW_TYPE.NONE) {
- uiThread = undefined;
- }
- var renderThreads = process.findAllThreadsNamed('RenderThread');
- var renderThread = renderThreads.length == 1 ? renderThreads[0] : undefined;
- if (uiThread || renderThread) {
- return new AndroidApp(process, uiThread, renderThread, surfaceFlinger,
- uiDrawType);
- }
- };
- AndroidApp.prototype = {
- /**
- * Returns a list of all frames in the trace for the app,
- * constructed on first query.
- */
- getFrames: function() {
- if (!this.frames_) {
- var uiFrames = getUiThreadDrivenFrames(this);
- var rtFrames = getRenderThreadDrivenFrames(this);
- this.frames_ = uiFrames.concat(rtFrames);
- // merge frames by sorting by end timestamp
- this.frames_.sort(function(a, b) { a.end - b.end });
- }
- return this.frames_;
- },
- /**
- * Returns list of CounterSamples for each input event enqueued to the app.
- */
- getInputSamples: function() {
- if (!this.inputs_) {
- this.inputs_ = getInputSamples(this.process);
- }
- return this.inputs_;
- },
- getAnimationAsyncSlices: function() {
- if (!this.animations_) {
- this.animations_ = getAnimationAsyncSlices(this.uiThread);
- }
- return this.animations_;
- }
- };
- return {
- AndroidApp: AndroidApp
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_model_helper.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_model_helper.html
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index c0b3d5ce5bb..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_model_helper.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/auditor.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/android_app.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/android_surface_flinger.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Class for managing android-specific model meta data,
- * such as rendering apps, frames rendered, and SurfaceFlinger.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model.helpers', function() {
- var AndroidApp = tr.model.helpers.AndroidApp;
- var AndroidSurfaceFlinger = tr.model.helpers.AndroidSurfaceFlinger;
- 'doComposition' : true,
- 'updateTexImage' : true,
- 'postFramebuffer' : true
- };
- 'Choreographer#doFrame' : true,
- 'performTraversals' : true,
- 'deliverInputEvent' : true
- };
- 'doFrame' : true
- };
- function iterateImportantThreadSlices(thread, important, callback) {
- if (!thread)
- return;
- thread.sliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(slice) {
- if (slice.title in important)
- callback(slice);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Model for Android-specific data.
- * @constructor
- */
- function AndroidModelHelper(model) {
- this.model = model;
- this.apps = [];
- this.surfaceFlinger = undefined;
- var processes = model.getAllProcesses();
- for (var i = 0; i < processes.length && !this.surfaceFlinger; i++) {
- this.surfaceFlinger =
- AndroidSurfaceFlinger.createForProcessIfPossible(processes[i]);
- }
- model.getAllProcesses().forEach(function(process) {
- var app = AndroidApp.createForProcessIfPossible(
- process, this.surfaceFlinger);
- if (app)
- this.apps.push(app);
- }, this);
- };
- AndroidModelHelper.guid = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- AndroidModelHelper.supportsModel = function(model) {
- return true;
- };
- AndroidModelHelper.prototype = {
- iterateImportantSlices: function(callback) {
- if (this.surfaceFlinger) {
- iterateImportantThreadSlices(
- this.surfaceFlinger.thread,
- callback);
- }
- this.apps.forEach(function(app) {
- iterateImportantThreadSlices(
- app.uiThread,
- callback);
- iterateImportantThreadSlices(
- app.renderThread,
- callback);
- });
- }
- };
- return {
- AndroidModelHelper: AndroidModelHelper
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_model_helper_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_model_helper_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 114bd5a8a10..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_model_helper_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/android/android_auditor.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/linux_perf/ftrace_importer.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var AndroidModelHelper = tr.model.helpers.AndroidModelHelper;
- var newAsyncSliceNamed = tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSliceNamed;
- var newSliceEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx;
- var newCounterNamed = tr.c.TestUtils.newCounterNamed;
- var newCounterSeries = tr.c.TestUtils.newCounterSeries;
- function createSurfaceFlingerWithVsyncs(model) {
- if (model.getProcess(2))
- throw new Error('process already exists');
- var sfProcess = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
- var sfThread = sfProcess.getOrCreateThread(2); // main thread, tid = pid
- = '/system/bin/surfaceflinger';
- // ensure slicegroup has data
- sfThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx({
- title: 'doComposition',
- start: 8,
- duration: 2
- }));
- var counter = sfProcess.getOrCreateCounter('android', 'VSYNC');
- var series = newCounterSeries();
- for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
- series.addCounterSample(i * 10, i % 2);
- }
- counter.addSeries(series);
- }
- /*
- * List of customizeModelCallbacks which produce different 80ms frames,
- * each starting at 10ms, and with a single important slice
- */
- function(model) {
- // UI thread only
- var uiThread = model.getOrCreateProcess(120).getOrCreateThread(120);
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 10, duration: 80}));
- model.uiThread = uiThread;
- },
- function(model) {
- // RenderThread only
- var renderThread = model.getOrCreateProcess(120).getOrCreateThread(200);
- = 'RenderThread';
- renderThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'doFrame', start: 10, duration: 80}));
- model.renderThread = renderThread;
- },
- function(model) {
- var uiThread = model.getOrCreateProcess(120).getOrCreateThread(120);
- // UI thread time - 19 (from 10 to 29)
- uiThread.asyncSliceGroup.push(
- newAsyncSliceNamed('deliverInputEvent', 10, 9, uiThread, uiThread));
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 20, duration: 10}));
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'draw', start: 20, duration: 8}));
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'Record View#draw()', start: 20, duration: 8}));
- // RenderThread time - 61 (from 29 to 90)
- var renderThread = model.getOrCreateProcess(120).getOrCreateThread(200);
- = 'RenderThread';
- renderThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'DrawFrame', start: 29, duration: 61}));
- renderThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'syncFrameState', start: 29, duration: 1}));
- model.uiThread = uiThread;
- model.renderThread = renderThread;
- }
- ];
- test('getThreads', function() {
- SINGLE_FRAME_CUSTOM_MODELS.forEach(function(customizeModelCallback) {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(customizeModelCallback);
- var helper = model.getOrCreateHelper(AndroidModelHelper);
- assert.equal(helper.apps[0].uiThread, model.uiThread);
- assert.equal(helper.apps[0].renderThread, model.renderThread);
- });
- });
- test('iterateImportantSlices', function() {
- SINGLE_FRAME_CUSTOM_MODELS.forEach(function(customizeModelCallback) {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(customizeModelCallback);
- var helper = model.getOrCreateHelper(AndroidModelHelper);
- var seen = 0;
- helper.iterateImportantSlices(function(importantSlice) {
- assert.isTrue(importantSlice instanceof tr.model.Slice);
- seen++;
- });
- assert.equal(seen, 1);
- });
- });
- test('getFrames', function() {
- SINGLE_FRAME_CUSTOM_MODELS.forEach(function(customizeModelCallback) {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(customizeModelCallback);
- var helper = model.getOrCreateHelper(AndroidModelHelper);
- assert.equal(helper.apps.length, 1);
- var frames = helper.apps[0].getFrames();
- assert.equal(frames.length, 1);
- assert.closeTo(frames[0].totalDuration, 80, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(frames[0].start, 10, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(frames[0].end, 90, 1e-5);
- });
- });
- test('surfaceFlingerVsyncs', function() {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(createSurfaceFlingerWithVsyncs);
- var helper = model.getOrCreateHelper(AndroidModelHelper);
- assert.isTrue(helper.surfaceFlinger.hasVsyncs);
- // test querying the vsyncs
- assert.closeTo(helper.surfaceFlinger.getFrameKickoff(5), 0, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(helper.surfaceFlinger.getFrameDeadline(95), 100, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(helper.surfaceFlinger.getFrameKickoff(10), 10, 1e-5);
- assert.closeTo(helper.surfaceFlinger.getFrameDeadline(90), 100, 1e-5);
- // test undefined behavior outside of vsyncs.
- assert.isUndefined(helper.surfaceFlinger.getFrameKickoff(-5));
- assert.isUndefined(helper.surfaceFlinger.getFrameDeadline(105));
- });
- test('frameVsyncInterop', function() {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- // app - 3 good, 3 bad frames
- var uiThread = model.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 1, duration: 8}));
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 10, duration: 8}));
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 20, duration: 8}));
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 31, duration: 11}));
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 45, duration: 6}));
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 60, duration: 20}));
- // surface flinger - vsync every 10ms
- createSurfaceFlingerWithVsyncs(model);
- });
- var helper = model.getOrCreateHelper(AndroidModelHelper);
- var frames = helper.apps[0].getFrames();
- assert.equal(frames.length, 6);
- for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- var shouldMissDeadline = i >= 3;
- var missedDeadline = frames[i].args['deadline'] < frames[i].end;
- assert.equal(shouldMissDeadline, missedDeadline);
- }
- });
- test('appInputs', function() {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(120);
- var uiThread = process.getOrCreateThread(120);
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 20, duration: 4}));
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 40, duration: 4}));
- var counter = process.getOrCreateCounter('android', 'aq:pending:foo');
- var series = newCounterSeries();
- series.addCounterSample(10, 1);
- series.addCounterSample(20, 0);
- series.addCounterSample(30, 1);
- series.addCounterSample(40, 2);
- series.addCounterSample(50, 0);
- counter.addSeries(series);
- });
- var helper = model.getOrCreateHelper(AndroidModelHelper);
- assert.equal(helper.apps.length, 1);
- var inputSamples = helper.apps[0].getInputSamples();
- assert.equal(inputSamples.length, 3);
- assert.equal(inputSamples[0].timestamp, 10);
- assert.equal(inputSamples[1].timestamp, 30);
- assert.equal(inputSamples[2].timestamp, 40);
- });
- test('appAnimations', function() {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(120);
- var uiThread = process.getOrCreateThread(120);
- uiThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'performTraversals', start: 10, duration: 10}));
- uiThread.asyncSliceGroup.push(newAsyncSliceNamed('animator:foo', 0, 10,
- uiThread, uiThread));
- });
- var helper = model.getOrCreateHelper(AndroidModelHelper);
- assert.equal(helper.apps.length, 1);
- var animations = helper.apps[0].getAnimationAsyncSlices();
- assert.equal(animations.length, 1);
- assert.equal(animations[0].start, 0);
- assert.equal(animations[0].end, 10);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_surface_flinger.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_surface_flinger.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ecc05f1054..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/android_surface_flinger.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/sorted_array_utils.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Class for representing SurfaceFlinger process and its Vsyncs.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model.helpers', function() {
- var findLowIndexInSortedArray = tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray;
- var VSYNC_SF_NAME = 'android.VSYNC-sf';
- var VSYNC_APP_NAME = 'android.VSYNC-app';
- var VSYNC_FALLBACK_NAME = 'android.VSYNC';
- // when sampling vsync, push samples back by this much to ensure
- // frame start samples *between* vsyncs
- var TIMESTAMP_FUDGE_MS = 0.01;
- function getVsyncTimestamps(process, counterName) {
- var vsync = process.counters[counterName];
- if (!vsync)
- vsync = process.counters[VSYNC_FALLBACK_NAME];
- if (vsync && vsync.numSeries == 1 && vsync.numSamples > 1)
- return vsync.series[0].timestamps;
- return undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Model for SurfaceFlinger specific data.
- * @constructor
- */
- function AndroidSurfaceFlinger(process, thread) {
- this.process = process;
- this.thread = thread;
- this.appVsync_ = undefined;
- this.sfVsync_ = undefined;
- this.appVsyncTimestamps_ = getVsyncTimestamps(process, VSYNC_APP_NAME);
- this.sfVsyncTimestamps_ = getVsyncTimestamps(process, VSYNC_SF_NAME);
- };
- AndroidSurfaceFlinger.createForProcessIfPossible = function(process) {
- var mainThread = process.getThread(;
- // newer versions - main thread, lowercase name, preceeding forward slash
- if (mainThread && &&
- /surfaceflinger/.test(
- return new AndroidSurfaceFlinger(process, mainThread);
- // older versions - another thread is named SurfaceFlinger
- var primaryThreads = process.findAllThreadsNamed('SurfaceFlinger');
- if (primaryThreads.length == 1)
- return new AndroidSurfaceFlinger(process, primaryThreads[0]);
- return undefined;
- };
- AndroidSurfaceFlinger.prototype = {
- get hasVsyncs() {
- return !!this.appVsyncTimestamps_ && !!this.sfVsyncTimestamps_;
- },
- getFrameKickoff: function(timestamp) {
- if (!this.hasVsyncs)
- throw new Error('cannot query vsync info without vsyncs');
- var firstGreaterIndex =
- findLowIndexInSortedArray(this.appVsyncTimestamps_,
- function(x) { return x; },
- timestamp + TIMESTAMP_FUDGE_MS);
- if (firstGreaterIndex < 1)
- return undefined;
- return this.appVsyncTimestamps_[firstGreaterIndex - 1];
- },
- getFrameDeadline: function(timestamp) {
- if (!this.hasVsyncs)
- throw new Error('cannot query vsync info without vsyncs');
- var firstGreaterIndex =
- findLowIndexInSortedArray(this.sfVsyncTimestamps_,
- function(x) { return x; },
- timestamp + TIMESTAMP_FUDGE_MS);
- if (firstGreaterIndex >= this.sfVsyncTimestamps_.length)
- return undefined;
- return this.sfVsyncTimestamps_[firstGreaterIndex];
- }
- };
- return {
- AndroidSurfaceFlinger: AndroidSurfaceFlinger
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_browser_helper.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_browser_helper.html
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index f1f0a438e15..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_browser_helper.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_process_helper.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Utilities for accessing trace data about the Chrome browser.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model.helpers', function() {
- function ChromeBrowserHelper(modelHelper, process) {
-, modelHelper, process);
- this.mainThread_ = process.findAtMostOneThreadNamed('CrBrowserMain');
- }
- ChromeBrowserHelper.isBrowserProcess = function(process) {
- return !!process.findAtMostOneThreadNamed('CrBrowserMain');
- };
- ChromeBrowserHelper.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.helpers.ChromeProcessHelper.prototype,
- // TODO(petrcermak): Pass browser name in a metadata event (see
- //
- get browserName() {
- var hasInProcessRendererThread = this.process.findAllThreadsNamed(
- 'Chrome_InProcRendererThread').length > 0;
- return hasInProcessRendererThread ? 'webview' : 'chrome';
- },
- get rendererHelpers() {
- return this.modelHelper.rendererHelpers;
- },
- getLoadingEventsInRange: function(rangeOfInterest) {
- return this.getAllAsyncSlicesMatching(function(slice) {
- return slice.title.indexOf('WebContentsImpl Loading') === 0 &&
- rangeOfInterest.intersectsExplicitRangeInclusive(
- slice.start, slice.end);
- });
- },
- getCommitProvisionalLoadEventsInRange: function(rangeOfInterest) {
- return this.getAllAsyncSlicesMatching(function(slice) {
- return slice.title === 'RenderFrameImpl::didCommitProvisionalLoad' &&
- rangeOfInterest.intersectsExplicitRangeInclusive(
- slice.start, slice.end);
- });
- },
- get hasLatencyEvents() {
- var hasLatency = false;
- for (var thread of this.modelHelper.model.getAllThreads())
- for (var event of thread.getDescendantEvents()) {
- if (!event.isTopLevel)
- continue;
- if (!(event instanceof
- continue;
- hasLatency = true;
- }
- return hasLatency;
- },
- getLatencyEventsInRange: function(rangeOfInterest) {
- return this.getAllAsyncSlicesMatching(function(slice) {
- return (slice.title.indexOf('InputLatency') === 0) &&
- rangeOfInterest.intersectsExplicitRangeInclusive(
- slice.start, slice.end);
- });
- },
- getAllAsyncSlicesMatching: function(pred, opt_this) {
- var events = [];
- this.iterAllThreads(function(thread) {
- for (var slice of thread.getDescendantEvents())
- if (, slice))
- events.push(slice);
- });
- return events;
- },
- getAllNetworkEventsInRange: function(rangeOfInterest) {
- var networkEvents = [];
- this.modelHelper.model.getAllThreads().forEach(function(thread) {
- thread.asyncSliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(slice) {
- var match = false;
- if (slice.category == 'net' || // old-style URLRequest/Resource
- slice.category == 'disabled-by-default-netlog' ||
- slice.category == 'netlog') {
- match = true;
- }
- if (!match)
- return;
- if (rangeOfInterest.intersectsExplicitRangeInclusive(
- slice.start, slice.end))
- networkEvents.push(slice);
- });
- });
- return networkEvents;
- },
- iterAllThreads: function(func, opt_this) {
- tr.b.iterItems(this.process.threads, function(tid, thread) {
-, thread);
- });
- tr.b.iterItems(this.rendererHelpers, function(pid, rendererHelper) {
- var rendererProcess = rendererHelper.process;
- tr.b.iterItems(rendererProcess.threads, function(tid, thread) {
-, thread);
- });
- }, this);
- }
- };
- return {
- ChromeBrowserHelper: ChromeBrowserHelper
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_browser_helper_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_browser_helper_test.html
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index eba20ad50af..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_browser_helper_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/cc/input_latency_async_slice.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/chrome_test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_browser_helper.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_model_helper.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var INPUT_TYPE =;
- function getRange(min, max) {
- var range = new tr.b.Range();
- range.min = min;
- range.max = max;
- return range;
- }
- test('LoadingEvent', function() {
- var model = { });
- var modelHelper = model.getOrCreateHelper(
- tr.model.helpers.ChromeModelHelper);
-, {start: 1, end: 10});
- assert.equal(1, modelHelper.browserHelper.getLoadingEventsInRange(
- getRange(0, 100)).length);
- });
- test('ProvisionalLoadEvent', function() {
- var model = { });
- var modelHelper = model.getOrCreateHelper(
- tr.model.helpers.ChromeModelHelper);
-, {start: 1, end: 10});
- assert.equal(1,
- modelHelper.browserHelper.getCommitProvisionalLoadEventsInRange(
- getRange(0, 100)).length);
- });
- test('LatencyEvent', function() {
- var model = { });
- var modelHelper = model.getOrCreateHelper(
- tr.model.helpers.ChromeModelHelper);
- model, INPUT_TYPE.UNKNOWN, {start: 1, end: 10});
- assert.equal(1, modelHelper.browserHelper.getLatencyEventsInRange(
- getRange(0, 100)).length);
- });
- test('NetworkEvent', function() {
- var model = { });
- var modelHelper = model.getOrCreateHelper(
- tr.model.helpers.ChromeModelHelper);
-, {start: 1, end: 10});
- assert.equal(1, modelHelper.browserHelper.getAllNetworkEventsInRange(
- getRange(0, 100)).length);
- });
- test('browserName_chrome', function() {
- var model = { });
- var modelHelper = model.getOrCreateHelper(
- tr.model.helpers.ChromeModelHelper);
- assert.strictEqual(modelHelper.browserHelper.browserName, 'chrome');
- });
- test('browserName_webview', function() {
- var model = { });
- model.browserProcess.getOrCreateThread(42).name =
- 'Chrome_InProcRendererThread';
- var modelHelper = model.getOrCreateHelper(
- tr.model.helpers.ChromeModelHelper);
- assert.strictEqual(modelHelper.browserHelper.browserName, 'webview');
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_gpu_helper.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_gpu_helper.html
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index fe3cb49e108..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_gpu_helper.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_process_helper.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Utilities for accessing the Chrome GPU Process.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model.helpers', function() {
- function ChromeGpuHelper(modelHelper, process) {
-, modelHelper, process);
- this.mainThread_ = process.findAtMostOneThreadNamed('CrGpuMain');
- };
- ChromeGpuHelper.isGpuProcess = function(process) {
- // In some android builds the GPU thread is not in a separate process.
- if (process.findAtMostOneThreadNamed('CrBrowserMain') ||
- process.findAtMostOneThreadNamed('CrRendererMain'))
- return false;
- return process.findAtMostOneThreadNamed('CrGpuMain');
- };
- ChromeGpuHelper.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.helpers.ChromeProcessHelper.prototype,
- get mainThread() {
- return this.mainThread_;
- }
- };
- return {
- ChromeGpuHelper: ChromeGpuHelper
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_model_helper.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_model_helper.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 51b762abb3c..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_model_helper.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_browser_helper.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_gpu_helper.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_renderer_helper.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Utilities for accessing trace data about the Chrome browser.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model.helpers', function() {
- function findChromeBrowserProcesses(model) {
- return model.getAllProcesses(
- tr.model.helpers.ChromeBrowserHelper.isBrowserProcess);
- }
- function findChromeRenderProcesses(model) {
- return model.getAllProcesses(
- tr.model.helpers.ChromeRendererHelper.isRenderProcess);
- }
- function findChromeGpuProcess(model) {
- var gpuProcesses = model.getAllProcesses(
- tr.model.helpers.ChromeGpuHelper.isGpuProcess);
- if (gpuProcesses.length !== 1)
- return undefined;
- return gpuProcesses[0];
- }
- /**
- * @constructor
- */
- function ChromeModelHelper(model) {
- this.model_ = model;
- // Find browserHelpers.
- var browserProcesses = findChromeBrowserProcesses(model);
- this.browserHelpers_ =
- p => new tr.model.helpers.ChromeBrowserHelper(this, p));
- // Find gpuHelper.
- var gpuProcess = findChromeGpuProcess(model);
- if (gpuProcess) {
- this.gpuHelper_ = new tr.model.helpers.ChromeGpuHelper(
- this, gpuProcess);
- } else {
- this.gpuHelper_ = undefined;
- }
- // Find rendererHelpers.
- var rendererProcesses_ = findChromeRenderProcesses(model);
- this.rendererHelpers_ = {};
- rendererProcesses_.forEach(function(renderProcess) {
- var rendererHelper = new tr.model.helpers.ChromeRendererHelper(
- this, renderProcess);
- this.rendererHelpers_[] = rendererHelper;
- }, this);
- }
- ChromeModelHelper.guid = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- ChromeModelHelper.supportsModel = function(model) {
- if (findChromeBrowserProcesses(model).length)
- return true;
- if (findChromeRenderProcesses(model).length)
- return true;
- return false;
- };
- ChromeModelHelper.prototype = {
- get pid() {
- throw new Error('woah');
- },
- get process() {
- throw new Error('woah');
- },
- get model() {
- return this.model_;
- },
- // TODO: Make all users of ChromeModelHelper support multiple browsers and
- // remove this getter (see #2119).
- get browserProcess() {
- if (this.browserHelper === undefined)
- return undefined;
- return this.browserHelper.process;
- },
- // TODO: Make all users of ChromeModelHelper support multiple browsers and
- // remove this getter (see #2119).
- get browserHelper() {
- return this.browserHelpers_[0];
- },
- get browserHelpers() {
- return this.browserHelpers_;
- },
- get gpuHelper() {
- return this.gpuHelper_;
- },
- get rendererHelpers() {
- return this.rendererHelpers_;
- }
- };
- return {
- ChromeModelHelper: ChromeModelHelper
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_model_helper_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_model_helper_test.html
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index f9664840ade..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_model_helper_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/chrome_test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_browser_helper.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_model_helper.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var newAsyncSliceEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSliceEx;
- test('getLatencyData', function() {
- var m = {
- m.browserMain.asyncSliceGroup.push(newAsyncSliceEx({
- title: 'InputLatency::GestureScrollUpdate',
- cat: 'benchmark',
- start: 0,
- end: 10,
- id: '0x100',
- isTopLevel: true,
- args: {
- data: {
- }
- }
- }));
- });
- var modelHelper = m.getOrCreateHelper(tr.model.helpers.ChromeModelHelper);
- var latencyEvents = modelHelper.browserHelper.getLatencyEventsInRange(
- m.bounds);
- assert.equal(latencyEvents.length, 1);
- });
- test('getFrametime', function() {
- var frame_ts;
- var events = [];
- // Browser process 3507
- events.push({'cat' : '__metadata', 'pid' : 3507, 'tid' : 3507, 'ts' : 0, 'ph' : 'M', 'name' : 'thread_name', 'args' : {'name' : 'CrBrowserMain'}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- // Renderer process 3508
- events.push({'cat' : '__metadata', 'pid' : 3508, 'tid' : 3508, 'ts' : 0, 'ph' : 'M', 'name' : 'thread_name', 'args' : {'name' : 'CrRendererMain'}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- // Compositor thread 3510
- events.push({'cat' : '__metadata', 'pid' : 3508, 'tid' : 3510, 'ts' : 0, 'ph' : 'M', 'name' : 'thread_name', 'args' : {'name' : 'Compositor'}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- // Renderer process 3509
- events.push({'cat' : '__metadata', 'pid' : 3509, 'tid' : 3509, 'ts' : 0, 'ph' : 'M', 'name' : 'thread_name', 'args' : {'name' : 'CrRendererMain'}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- // Compositor thread 3511
- events.push({'cat' : '__metadata', 'pid' : 3509, 'tid' : 3511, 'ts' : 0, 'ph' : 'M', 'name' : 'thread_name', 'args' : {'name' : 'Compositor'}}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- frame_ts = 0;
- // Add impl rendering stats for browser process 3507
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- events.push({'cat' : 'benchmark', 'pid' : 3507, 'tid' : 3507, 'ts' : frame_ts, 'ph' : 'i', 'name' : 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats', 's' : 't'}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- frame_ts += 16000 + 1000 * (i % 2);
- }
- frame_ts = 0;
- // Add main rendering stats for renderer process 3508
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- events.push({'cat' : 'benchmark', 'pid' : 3508, 'tid' : 3508, 'ts' : frame_ts, 'ph' : 'i', 'name' : 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::MainThreadRenderingStats', 's' : 't'}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- frame_ts += 16000 + 1000 * (i % 2);
- }
- events.push({'cat' : 'benchmark', 'pid' : 3508, 'tid' : 3510, 'ts' : 1600, 'ph' : 'i', 'name' : 'KeepAlive', 's' : 't'}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- frame_ts = 0;
- // Add impl and main rendering stats for renderer process 3509
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- events.push({'cat' : 'benchmark', 'pid' : 3509, 'tid' : 3511, 'ts' : frame_ts, 'ph' : 'i', 'name' : 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats', 's' : 't'}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- events.push({'cat' : 'benchmark', 'pid' : 3509, 'tid' : 3509, 'ts' : frame_ts, 'ph' : 'i', 'name' : 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::MainThreadRenderingStats', 's' : 't'}); // @suppress longLineCheck
- frame_ts += 16000 + 1000 * (i % 2);
- }
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events]);
- var modelHelper = m.getOrCreateHelper(tr.model.helpers.ChromeModelHelper);
- // Testing browser impl and main rendering stats.
- var frameEvents = modelHelper.browserHelper.getFrameEventsInRange(
- tr.model.helpers.IMPL_FRAMETIME_TYPE, m.bounds);
- var frametimeData = tr.model.helpers.getFrametimeDataFromEvents(
- frameEvents);
- assert.equal(frametimeData.length, 9);
- for (var i = 0; i < frametimeData.length; i++) {
- assert.equal(frametimeData[i].frametime, 16 + i % 2);
- }
- // No main rendering stats.
- frameEvents = modelHelper.browserHelper.getFrameEventsInRange(
- tr.model.helpers.MAIN_FRAMETIME_TYPE, m.bounds);
- assert.equal(frameEvents.length, 0);
- // Testing renderer 3508 impl and main rendering stats.
- frameEvents = modelHelper.rendererHelpers[3508].getFrameEventsInRange(
- tr.model.helpers.MAIN_FRAMETIME_TYPE, m.bounds);
- frametimeData = tr.model.helpers.getFrametimeDataFromEvents(frameEvents);
- assert.equal(frametimeData.length, 9);
- for (var i = 0; i < frametimeData.length; i++) {
- assert.equal(frametimeData[i].frametime, 16 + i % 2);
- }
- // No impl rendering stats.
- frameEvents = modelHelper.rendererHelpers[3508].getFrameEventsInRange(
- tr.model.helpers.IMPL_FRAMETIME_TYPE, m.bounds);
- assert.equal(frameEvents.length, 0);
- // Testing renderer 3509 impl and main rendering stats.
- frameEvents = modelHelper.rendererHelpers[3509].getFrameEventsInRange(
- tr.model.helpers.IMPL_FRAMETIME_TYPE, m.bounds);
- frametimeData = tr.model.helpers.getFrametimeDataFromEvents(frameEvents);
- assert.equal(frametimeData.length, 9);
- for (var i = 0; i < frametimeData.length; i++) {
- assert.equal(frametimeData[i].frametime, 16 + i % 2);
- }
- frameEvents = modelHelper.rendererHelpers[3509].getFrameEventsInRange(
- tr.model.helpers.MAIN_FRAMETIME_TYPE, m.bounds);
- frametimeData = tr.model.helpers.getFrametimeDataFromEvents(frameEvents);
- assert.equal(frametimeData.length, 9);
- for (var i = 0; i < frametimeData.length; i++) {
- assert.equal(frametimeData[i].frametime, 16 + i % 2);
- }
- });
- test('multipleBrowsers', function() {
- var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- var browserProcess1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- browserProcess1.getOrCreateThread(2).name = 'CrBrowserMain';
- var browserProcess2 = model.getOrCreateProcess(3);
- browserProcess2.getOrCreateThread(4);
- browserProcess2.getOrCreateThread(5).name = 'CrBrowserMain';
- var nonBrowserProcess = model.getOrCreateProcess(6);
- nonBrowserProcess.getOrCreateThread(7);
- var browserProcess3 = model.getOrCreateProcess(8);
- browserProcess3.getOrCreateThread(9).name = 'CrBrowserMain';
- browserProcess3.getOrCreateThread(10);
- });
- var modelHelper = m.getOrCreateHelper(tr.model.helpers.ChromeModelHelper);
- var browserHelpers = modelHelper.browserHelpers;
- // Check that the correct processes were marked as Chrome browser processes.
- assert.sameMembers( =>, [1, 3, 8]);
- // Check that the browser helpers have the correct structure.
- browserHelpers.forEach(function(helper) {
- assert.instanceOf(helper, tr.model.helpers.ChromeBrowserHelper);
- assert.strictEqual(helper.modelHelper, modelHelper);
- });
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_process_helper.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_process_helper.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c31f100451..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_process_helper.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Utilities for accessing trace data about the Chrome browser.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model.helpers', function() {
- var MAIN_FRAMETIME_TYPE = 'main_frametime_type';
- var IMPL_FRAMETIME_TYPE = 'impl_frametime_type';
- 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::MainThreadRenderingStats';
- 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats';
- function getSlicesIntersectingRange(rangeOfInterest, slices) {
- var slicesInFilterRange = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
- var slice = slices[i];
- if (rangeOfInterest.intersectsExplicitRangeInclusive(
- slice.start, slice.end))
- slicesInFilterRange.push(slice);
- }
- return slicesInFilterRange;
- }
- function ChromeProcessHelper(modelHelper, process) {
- this.modelHelper = modelHelper;
- this.process = process;
- }
- ChromeProcessHelper.prototype = {
- get pid() {
- return;
- },
- getFrameEventsInRange: function(frametimeType, range) {
- var titleToGet = (frametimeType === MAIN_FRAMETIME_TYPE ?
- var frameEvents = [];
- for (var event of this.process.getDescendantEvents())
- if (event.title === titleToGet)
- if (range.intersectsExplicitRangeInclusive(event.start, event.end))
- frameEvents.push(event);
- frameEvents.sort(function(a, b) {return a.start - b.start});
- return frameEvents;
- }
- };
- function getFrametimeDataFromEvents(frameEvents) {
- var frametimeData = [];
- for (var i = 1; i < frameEvents.length; i++) {
- var diff = frameEvents[i].start - frameEvents[i - 1].start;
- frametimeData.push({
- 'x': frameEvents[i].start,
- 'frametime': diff
- });
- }
- return frametimeData;
- }
- return {
- ChromeProcessHelper: ChromeProcessHelper,
- getSlicesIntersectingRange: getSlicesIntersectingRange,
- getFrametimeDataFromEvents: getFrametimeDataFromEvents
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_renderer_helper.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_renderer_helper.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_renderer_helper.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_process_helper.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model.helpers', function() {
- function ChromeRendererHelper(modelHelper, process) {
-, modelHelper, process);
- this.mainThread_ = process.findAtMostOneThreadNamed('CrRendererMain');
- this.compositorThread_ = process.findAtMostOneThreadNamed('Compositor');
- this.rasterWorkerThreads_ = process.findAllThreadsMatching(function(t) {
- if ( === undefined)
- return false;
- if ('CompositorTileWorker') === 0)
- return true;
- if ('CompositorRasterWorker') === 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- });
- this.isChromeTracingUI_ =
- process.labels !== undefined &&
- process.labels.length === 1 &&
- process.labels[0] === 'chrome://tracing';
- };
- // Returns true if there is either a main thread or a compositor thread.
- ChromeRendererHelper.isRenderProcess = function(process) {
- if (process.findAtMostOneThreadNamed('CrRendererMain'))
- return true;
- if (process.findAtMostOneThreadNamed('Compositor'))
- return true;
- return false;
- };
- ChromeRendererHelper.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.helpers.ChromeProcessHelper.prototype,
- // May be undefined.
- get mainThread() {
- return this.mainThread_;
- },
- // May be undefined.
- get compositorThread() {
- return this.compositorThread_;
- },
- // May be empty.
- get rasterWorkerThreads() {
- return this.rasterWorkerThreads_;
- },
- get isChromeTracingUI() {
- return this.isChromeTracingUI_;
- }
- };
- return {
- ChromeRendererHelper: ChromeRendererHelper
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/instant_event.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/instant_event.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/instant_event.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/timed_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var InstantEventType = {
- GLOBAL: 1,
- };
- /**
- * An InstantEvent is a zero-duration event.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function InstantEvent(category, title, colorId, start, args) {
-, start);
- this.category = category || '';
- this.title = title;
- this.colorId = colorId;
- this.args = args;
- this.type = undefined;
- };
- InstantEvent.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.TimedEvent.prototype
- };
- /**
- * A GlobalInstantEvent is a zero-duration event that's not tied to any
- * particular process.
- *
- * An example is a trace event that's issued when a new USB device is plugged
- * into the machine.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function GlobalInstantEvent(category, title, colorId, start, args) {
- InstantEvent.apply(this, arguments);
- this.type = InstantEventType.GLOBAL;
- };
- GlobalInstantEvent.prototype = {
- __proto__: InstantEvent.prototype,
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Global instant event ' + this.title + ' @ ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(start);
- }
- };
- /**
- * A ProcessInstantEvent is a zero-duration event that's tied to a
- * particular process.
- *
- * An example is a trace event that's issued when a kill signal is received.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ProcessInstantEvent(category, title, colorId, start, args) {
- InstantEvent.apply(this, arguments);
- this.type = InstantEventType.PROCESS;
- };
- ProcessInstantEvent.prototype = {
- __proto__: InstantEvent.prototype,
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Process-level instant event ' + this.title + ' @ ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(start);
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- InstantEvent,
- {
- name: 'instantEvent',
- pluralName: 'instantEvents',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-instant-event-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-instant-event-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- GlobalInstantEvent: GlobalInstantEvent,
- ProcessInstantEvent: ProcessInstantEvent,
- InstantEventType: InstantEventType,
- InstantEvent: InstantEvent
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/interaction_record_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/interaction_record_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/stub_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var TestUtils = tr.c.TestUtils;
- var CompoundEventSelectionState = tr.model.CompoundEventSelectionState;
- function createModel(opt_customizeModelCallback) {
- return TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- model.p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- model.t2 = model.p1.getOrCreateThread(2);
- model.s1 = model.t2.sliceGroup.pushSlice(TestUtils.newSliceEx({
- title: 'a', start: 10, end: 20
- }));
- model.s2 = model.t2.sliceGroup.pushSlice(TestUtils.newSliceEx({
- title: 'b', start: 20, end: 30
- }));
- model.ir1 = new{
- parentModel: model,
- start: 100, end: 200,
- typeName: 'Response',
- normalizedEfficiency: 1.,
- normalizedUserComfort: 0.0
- });
- model.userModel.expectations.push(model.ir1);
- model.ir1.associatedEvents.push(model.s1);
- model.ir1.associatedEvents.push(model.s2);
- if (opt_customizeModelCallback)
- opt_customizeModelCallback(model);
- });
- }
- test('notSelected', function() {
- var model = createModel();
- var sel = new tr.model.EventSet();
- assert.equal(CompoundEventSelectionState.NOT_SELECTED,
- model.ir1.computeCompoundEvenSelectionState(sel));
- });
- test('directSelected', function() {
- var model = createModel();
- var sel = new tr.model.EventSet();
- sel.push(model.ir1);
- assert.equal(CompoundEventSelectionState.EVENT_SELECTED,
- model.ir1.computeCompoundEvenSelectionState(sel));
- });
- test('directAndSomeAssociatedSelected', function() {
- var model = createModel();
- var sel = new tr.model.EventSet();
- sel.push(model.ir1);
- sel.push(model.s1);
- assert.equal(
- model.ir1.computeCompoundEvenSelectionState(sel));
- });
- test('allAssociatedEventsSelected', function() {
- var model = createModel();
- var sel = new tr.model.EventSet();
- sel.push(model.s1);
- sel.push(model.s2);
- assert.equal(CompoundEventSelectionState.ALL_ASSOCIATED_EVENTS_SELECTED,
- model.ir1.computeCompoundEvenSelectionState(sel));
- });
- test('directAndAllAssociated', function() {
- var model = createModel();
- var sel = new tr.model.EventSet();
- sel.push(model.ir1);
- sel.push(model.s1);
- sel.push(model.s2);
- assert.equal(CompoundEventSelectionState.EVENT_AND_ALL_ASSOCIATED_SELECTED,
- model.ir1.computeCompoundEvenSelectionState(sel));
- });
- test('stableId', function() {
- var model = TestUtils.newModel();
- var ir1 = model.userModel.expectations.push(
- TestUtils.newInteractionRecord(model, 0, 10));
- var ir2 = model.userModel.expectations.push(
- TestUtils.newInteractionRecord(model, 10, 10));
- var ir3 = model.userModel.expectations.push(
- TestUtils.newInteractionRecord(model, 20, 10));
- assert.equal('UserExpectation.' + ir1.guid, ir1.stableId);
- assert.equal('UserExpectation.' + ir2.guid, ir2.stableId);
- assert.equal('UserExpectation.' + ir3.guid, ir3.stableId);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/ir_coverage.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/ir_coverage.html
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_set.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- function getAssociatedEvents(irs) {
- var allAssociatedEvents = new tr.model.EventSet();
- irs.forEach(function(ir) {
- ir.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- // FlowEvents don't have parentContainers or cpuDurations, and it's
- // annoying to highlight them.
- if (event instanceof tr.model.FlowEvent)
- return;
- allAssociatedEvents.push(event);
- });
- });
- return allAssociatedEvents;
- }
- function getUnassociatedEvents(model, associatedEvents) {
- var unassociatedEvents = new tr.model.EventSet();
- // The set of unassociated events contains only events that are not in
- // the set of associated events.
- // Only add event to the set of unassociated events if it is not in
- // the set of associated events.
- for (var proc of model.getAllProcesses())
- for (var thread of tr.b.dictionaryValues(proc.threads))
- for (var event of thread.sliceGroup.getDescendantEvents())
- if (!associatedEvents.contains(event))
- unassociatedEvents.push(event);
- return unassociatedEvents;
- }
- function getTotalCpuDuration(events) {
- var cpuMs = 0;
- events.forEach(function(event) {
- // Add up events' cpu self time if they have any.
- if (event.cpuSelfTime)
- cpuMs += event.cpuSelfTime;
- });
- return cpuMs;
- }
- function getIRCoverageFromModel(model) {
- var associatedEvents = getAssociatedEvents(model.userModel.expectations);
- if (!associatedEvents.length)
- return undefined;
- var unassociatedEvents = getUnassociatedEvents(
- model, associatedEvents);
- var associatedCpuMs = getTotalCpuDuration(associatedEvents);
- var unassociatedCpuMs = getTotalCpuDuration(unassociatedEvents);
- var totalEventCount = associatedEvents.length + unassociatedEvents.length;
- var totalCpuMs = associatedCpuMs + unassociatedCpuMs;
- var coveredEventsCpuTimeRatio = undefined;
- if (totalCpuMs !== 0)
- coveredEventsCpuTimeRatio = associatedCpuMs / totalCpuMs;
- return {
- associatedEventsCount: associatedEvents.length,
- unassociatedEventsCount: unassociatedEvents.length,
- associatedEventsCpuTimeMs: associatedCpuMs,
- unassociatedEventsCpuTimeMs: unassociatedCpuMs,
- coveredEventsCountRatio: associatedEvents.length / totalEventCount,
- coveredEventsCpuTimeRatio: coveredEventsCpuTimeRatio
- };
- }
- return {
- getIRCoverageFromModel: getIRCoverageFromModel,
- getAssociatedEvents: getAssociatedEvents,
- getUnassociatedEvents: getUnassociatedEvents
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/ir_coverage_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/ir_coverage_test.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/ir_coverage_test.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/ir_coverage.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var newSliceEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx;
- function createModel() {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var thread = process.getOrCreateThread(2);
- var s0 = thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 's0', start: 0.0, duration: 1.0}));
- s0.isTopLevel = true;
- var unassociatedEvent = thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 's1', start: 6.0, duration: 1.0}));
- unassociatedEvent.isTopLevel = true;
- var s2 = thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 's2', start: 2.0, duration: 1.0}));
- s2.isTopLevel = true;
- var f0 = tr.c.TestUtils.newFlowEventEx({
- title: 'test1',
- start: 0,
- end: 10,
- startSlice: s0,
- endSlice: s2,
- id: '0x100'
- });
- model.flowEvents.push(f0);
- var as1 = tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSliceEx({
- title: 'InputLatency::GestureTap',
- cat: 'benchmark,latencyInfo',
- start: 2,
- end: 10,
- id: '0x100',
- isTopLevel: true,
- startThread: thread
- });
- thread.asyncSliceGroup.push(as1);
- var ir = new
- {parentModel: model, start: 0, duration: 7});
- ir.associatedEvents.push(as1);
- ir.associatedEvents.push(s0);
- ir.associatedEvents.push(s2);
- ir.associatedEvents.push(f0);
- model.userModel.expectations.push(ir);
- });
- }
- test('computeCoverage', function() {
- var model = createModel();
- for (var event of model.getDescendantEvents()) {
- if (event.title === 's0' || event.title === 's2') {
- event.cpuSelfTime = 0.4;
- } else if (event.title === 's1') {
- event.cpuSelfTime = 0.8;
- }
- }
- var coverage = tr.model.getIRCoverageFromModel(model);
- assert.equal(3, coverage.associatedEventsCount);
- assert.equal(1, coverage.unassociatedEventsCount);
- assert.closeTo(0.75, coverage.coveredEventsCountRatio, 1e-3);
- assert.closeTo(0.8, coverage.associatedEventsCpuTimeMs, 1e-3);
- assert.closeTo(0.8, coverage.unassociatedEventsCpuTimeMs, 1e-3);
- assert.closeTo(0.5, coverage.coveredEventsCpuTimeRatio, 1e-3);
- });
- test('zeroCPU', function() {
- var model = createModel();
- var coverage = tr.model.getIRCoverageFromModel(model);
- assert.equal(3, coverage.associatedEventsCount);
- assert.equal(1, coverage.unassociatedEventsCount);
- assert.closeTo(0.75, coverage.coveredEventsCountRatio, 1e-3);
- assert.closeTo(0.0, coverage.associatedEventsCpuTimeMs, 1e-3);
- assert.closeTo(0.0, coverage.unassociatedEventsCpuTimeMs, 1e-3);
- assert.equal(undefined, coverage.coveredEventsCpuTimeRatio, 1e-3);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/kernel.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/kernel.html
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/cpu.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_base.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Process class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var Cpu = tr.model.Cpu;
- var ProcessBase = tr.model.ProcessBase;
- /**
- * The Kernel represents kernel-level objects in the model.
- * @constructor
- */
- function Kernel(model) {
-, model);
- this.cpus = {};
- this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_ = undefined;
- };
- /**
- * Comparison between kernels is pretty meaningless.
- */
- = function(x, y) {
- return 0;
- };
- Kernel.prototype = {
- __proto__: ProcessBase.prototype,
- compareTo: function(that) {
- return, that);
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Kernel';
- },
- get userFriendlyDetails() {
- return 'Kernel';
- },
- get stableId() {
- return 'Kernel';
- },
- /**
- * @return {Cpu} Gets a specific Cpu or creates one if
- * it does not exist.
- */
- getOrCreateCpu: function(cpuNumber) {
- if (!this.cpus[cpuNumber])
- this.cpus[cpuNumber] = new Cpu(this, cpuNumber);
- return this.cpus[cpuNumber];
- },
- get softwareMeasuredCpuCount() {
- return this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_;
- },
- set softwareMeasuredCpuCount(softwareMeasuredCpuCount) {
- if (this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_ !== undefined &&
- this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_ !== softwareMeasuredCpuCount) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot change the softwareMeasuredCpuCount once it is set');
- }
- this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount_ = softwareMeasuredCpuCount;
- },
- /**
- * Estimates how many cpus are in the system, for use in system load
- * estimation.
- *
- * If kernel trace was provided, uses that data. Otherwise, uses the
- * software measured cpu count.
- */
- get bestGuessAtCpuCount() {
- var realCpuCount = tr.b.dictionaryLength(this.cpus);
- if (realCpuCount !== 0)
- return realCpuCount;
- return this.softwareMeasuredCpuCount;
- },
- updateBounds: function() {
- for (var cpuNumber in this.cpus) {
- var cpu = this.cpus[cpuNumber];
- cpu.updateBounds();
- this.bounds.addRange(cpu.bounds);
- }
- },
- createSubSlices: function() {
- for (var cpuNumber in this.cpus) {
- var cpu = this.cpus[cpuNumber];
- cpu.createSubSlices();
- }
- },
- addCategoriesToDict: function(categoriesDict) {
-, categoriesDict);
- for (var cpuNumber in this.cpus)
- this.cpus[cpuNumber].addCategoriesToDict(categoriesDict);
- },
- getSettingsKey: function() {
- return 'kernel';
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- yield *;
- yield * tr.b.dictionaryValues(this.cpus);
- },
- };
- return {
- Kernel: Kernel
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/kernel_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/kernel_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/kernel.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- function newModel(events, callback) {
- return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events], {
- shiftWorldToZero: false,
- pruneContainers: false,
- customizeModelCallback: callback
- });
- }
- test('bestGuessAtCpuCountWithNoData', function() {
- var m = newModel([]);
- assert.isUndefined(m.kernel.bestGuessAtCpuCount);
- });
- test('bestGuessAtCpuCountWithCpuData', function() {
- var m = newModel([], function(m) {
- var c1 = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- var c2 = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(2);
- });
- assert.equal(m.kernel.bestGuessAtCpuCount, 2);
- });
- test('bestGuessAtCpuCountWithSoftwareCpuCount', function() {
- var m = newModel([], function(m) {
- m.kernel.softwareMeasuredCpuCount = 2;
- });
- assert.equal(m.kernel.bestGuessAtCpuCount, 2);
- });
- test('kernelStableId', function() {
- var model = newModel([]);
- assert.equal(model.kernel.stableId, 'Kernel');
- });
- test('kernelTimeShifting', function() {
- var m = newModel([]);
- var ctr1 = m.kernel.getOrCreateCounter('cat', 'ctr1');
- var series1 = new tr.model.CounterSeries('a', 0);
- series1.addCounterSample(100, 5);
- series1.addCounterSample(200, 5);
- ctr1.addSeries(series1);
- var ctr2 = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1).getOrCreateCounter('cat', 'ctr2');
- var series2 = new tr.model.CounterSeries('b', 0);
- series2.addCounterSample(300, 5);
- series2.addCounterSample(400, 5);
- ctr2.addSeries(series2);
- m.kernel.shiftTimestampsForward(2);
- assert.equal(ctr1.series[0].samples[0].timestamp, 102);
- assert.equal(ctr1.series[0].samples[1].timestamp, 202);
- assert.equal(ctr2.series[0].samples[0].timestamp, 302);
- assert.equal(ctr2.series[0].samples[1].timestamp, 402);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/location.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/location.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 11d31eef7e4..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/location.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * YComponent is a class that handles storing the stableId and the percentage
- * offset in the y direction of all tracks within a specific viewX and viewY
- * coordinate.
- * @constructor
- */
- function YComponent(stableId, yPercentOffset) {
- this.stableId = stableId;
- this.yPercentOffset = yPercentOffset;
- }
- YComponent.prototype = {
- toDict: function() {
- return {
- stableId: this.stableId,
- yPercentOffset: this.yPercentOffset
- };
- }
- };
- /**
- * Location is a class that represents a spatial location on the timeline
- * that is specified by percent offsets within tracks rather than specific
- * points.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function Location(xWorld, yComponents) {
- this.xWorld_ = xWorld;
- this.yComponents_ = yComponents;
- };
- /**
- * Returns a new Location given by x and y coordinates with respect to
- * the timeline's drawing canvas.
- */
- Location.fromViewCoordinates = function(viewport, viewX, viewY) {
- var dt = viewport.currentDisplayTransform;
- var xWorld = dt.xViewToWorld(viewX);
- var yComponents = [];
- // Since we're given coordinates within the timeline canvas, we need to
- // convert them to document coordinates to get the element.
- var elem = document.elementFromPoint(
- viewX + viewport.modelTrackContainer.canvas.offsetLeft,
- viewY + viewport.modelTrackContainer.canvas.offsetTop);
- // Build yComponents by calculating percentage offset with respect to
- // each parent track.
- while (elem instanceof tr.ui.tracks.Track) {
- if (elem.eventContainer) {
- var boundRect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
- var yPercentOffset = (viewY - / boundRect.height;
- yComponents.push(
- new YComponent(elem.eventContainer.stableId, yPercentOffset));
- }
- elem = elem.parentElement;
- }
- if (yComponents.length == 0)
- return;
- return new Location(xWorld, yComponents);
- }
- Location.fromStableIdAndTimestamp = function(viewport, stableId, ts) {
- var xWorld = ts;
- var yComponents = [];
- // The y components' percentage offsets will be calculated with respect to
- // the boundingRect's top of containing track.
- var containerToTrack = viewport.containerToTrackMap;
- var elem = containerToTrack.getTrackByStableId(stableId);
- if (!elem)
- return;
- var firstY = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top;
- while (elem instanceof tr.ui.tracks.Track) {
- if (elem.eventContainer) {
- var boundRect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
- var yPercentOffset = (firstY - / boundRect.height;
- yComponents.push(
- new YComponent(elem.eventContainer.stableId, yPercentOffset));
- }
- elem = elem.parentElement;
- }
- if (yComponents.length == 0)
- return;
- return new Location(xWorld, yComponents);
- }
- Location.prototype = {
- get xWorld() {
- return this.xWorld_;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the first valid containing track based on the
- * internal yComponents.
- */
- getContainingTrack: function(viewport) {
- var containerToTrack = viewport.containerToTrackMap;
- for (var i in this.yComponents_) {
- var yComponent = this.yComponents_[i];
- var track = containerToTrack.getTrackByStableId(yComponent.stableId);
- if (track !== undefined)
- return track;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Calculates and returns x and y coordinates of the current location with
- * respect to the timeline's canvas.
- */
- toViewCoordinates: function(viewport) {
- var dt = viewport.currentDisplayTransform;
- var containerToTrack = viewport.containerToTrackMap;
- var viewX = dt.xWorldToView(this.xWorld_);
- var viewY = -1;
- for (var index in this.yComponents_) {
- var yComponent = this.yComponents_[index];
- var track = containerToTrack.getTrackByStableId(yComponent.stableId);
- if (track !== undefined) {
- var boundRect = track.getBoundingClientRect();
- viewY = yComponent.yPercentOffset * boundRect.height +;
- break;
- }
- }
- return {
- viewX: viewX,
- viewY: viewY
- };
- },
- toDict: function() {
- return {
- xWorld: this.xWorld_,
- yComponents: this.yComponents_
- };
- }
- };
- return {
- Location: Location
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the MemoryAllocatorDump class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * @constructor
- */
- function MemoryAllocatorDump(containerMemoryDump, fullName, opt_guid) {
- this.fullName = fullName;
- this.parent = undefined;
- this.children = [];
- // String -> ScalarNumeric.
- this.numerics = {};
- // String -> string.
- this.diagnostics = {};
- // The associated container memory dump.
- this.containerMemoryDump = containerMemoryDump;
- // Ownership relationship between memory allocator dumps.
- this.owns = undefined;
- this.ownedBy = [];
- // Map from sibling dumps (other children of this dump's parent) to the
- // proportion of this dump's size which they (or their descendants) own.
- this.ownedBySiblingSizes = new Map();
- // Retention relationship between memory allocator dumps.
- this.retains = [];
- this.retainedBy = [];
- // Weak memory allocator dumps are removed from the model after import in
- // tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump.removeWeakDumps(). See
- // base::trace_event::MemoryAllocatorDump::Flags::WEAK in the Chromium
- // codebase.
- this.weak = false;
- // A list of information about the memory allocator dump (e.g. about how
- // its fields were calculated). Each item should be an object with
- // a mandatory 'type' property and type-specific extra arguments (see
- // MemoryAllocatorDumpInfoType).
- this.infos = [];
- // For debugging purposes.
- this.guid = opt_guid;
- };
- /**
- * Size numeric names. Please refer to the Memory Dump Graph Metric
- * Calculation design document for more details (
- */
- MemoryAllocatorDump.SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME = 'size';
- MemoryAllocatorDump.EFFECTIVE_SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME = 'effective_size';
- MemoryAllocatorDump.RESIDENT_SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME = 'resident_size';
- MemoryAllocatorDump.prototype = {
- get name() {
- return this.fullName.substring(this.fullName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
- },
- get quantifiedName() {
- return '\'' + this.fullName + '\' in ' +
- this.containerMemoryDump.containerName;
- },
- getDescendantDumpByFullName: function(fullName) {
- return this.containerMemoryDump.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- this.fullName + '/' + fullName);
- },
- isDescendantOf: function(otherDump) {
- var dump = this;
- while (dump !== undefined) {
- if (dump === otherDump)
- return true;
- dump = dump.parent;
- }
- return false;
- },
- addNumeric: function(name, numeric) {
- if (!(numeric instanceof tr.v.ScalarNumeric))
- throw new Error('Numeric value must be an instance of ScalarNumeric.');
- if (name in this.numerics)
- throw new Error('Duplicate numeric name: ' + name + '.');
- this.numerics[name] = numeric;
- },
- addDiagnostic: function(name, text) {
- if (typeof text !== 'string')
- throw new Error('Diagnostic text must be a string.');
- if (name in this.diagnostics)
- throw new Error('Duplicate diagnostic name: ' + name + '.');
- this.diagnostics[name] = text;
- },
- aggregateNumericsRecursively: function(opt_model) {
- var numericNames = new Set();
- // Aggregate descendants's numerics recursively and gather children's
- // numeric names.
- this.children.forEach(function(child) {
- child.aggregateNumericsRecursively(opt_model);
- tr.b.iterItems(child.numerics, numericNames.add, numericNames);
- }, this);
- // Aggregate children's numerics.
- numericNames.forEach(function(numericName) {
- if (numericName === MemoryAllocatorDump.SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME ||
- numericName === MemoryAllocatorDump.EFFECTIVE_SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME ||
- this.numerics[numericName] !== undefined) {
- // Don't aggregate size and effective size numerics. These are
- // calculated in GlobalMemoryDump.prototype.calculateSizes() and
- // GlobalMemoryDump.prototype.calculateEffectiveSizes respectively.
- // Also don't aggregate numerics that the parent already has.
- return;
- }
- this.numerics[numericName] = MemoryAllocatorDump.aggregateNumerics(
- {
- return child.numerics[numericName];
- }), opt_model);
- }, this);
- }
- };
- // TODO(petrcermak): Consider moving this to tr.v.Numeric.
- MemoryAllocatorDump.aggregateNumerics = function(numerics, opt_model) {
- var shouldLogWarning = !!opt_model;
- var aggregatedUnit = undefined;
- var aggregatedValue = 0;
- // Aggregate the units and sum up the values of the numerics.
- numerics.forEach(function(numeric) {
- if (numeric === undefined)
- return;
- var unit = numeric.unit;
- if (aggregatedUnit === undefined) {
- aggregatedUnit = unit;
- } else if (aggregatedUnit !== unit) {
- if (shouldLogWarning) {
- opt_model.importWarning({
- type: 'numeric_parse_error',
- message: 'Multiple units provided for numeric: \'' +
- aggregatedUnit.unitName + '\' and \'' + unit.unitName + '\'.'
- });
- shouldLogWarning = false; // Don't log multiple warnings.
- }
- // Use the most generic unit when the numerics don't agree (best
- // effort).
- aggregatedUnit = tr.v.Unit.byName.unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter;
- }
- aggregatedValue += numeric.value;
- }, this);
- if (aggregatedUnit === undefined)
- return undefined;
- return new tr.v.ScalarNumeric(aggregatedUnit, aggregatedValue);
- };
- /**
- * @constructor
- */
- function MemoryAllocatorDumpLink(source, target, opt_importance) {
- this.source = source;
- = target;
- this.importance = opt_importance;
- this.size = undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Types of size numeric information.
- *
- * @enum
- */
- var MemoryAllocatorDumpInfoType = {
- // The provided size of a MemoryAllocatorDump was less than the aggregated
- // size of its children.
- //
- // Mandatory extra args:
- // * providedSize: The inconsistent provided size.
- // * dependencySize: The aggregated size of the children.
- // The provided size of a MemoryAllocatorDump was less than the size of its
- // largest owner.
- //
- // Mandatory extra args:
- // * providedSize: The inconsistent provided size.
- // * dependencySize: The size of the largest owner.
- };
- return {
- MemoryAllocatorDump: MemoryAllocatorDump,
- MemoryAllocatorDumpLink: MemoryAllocatorDumpLink,
- MemoryAllocatorDumpInfoType: MemoryAllocatorDumpInfoType
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/container_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_dump_test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ContainerMemoryDump = tr.model.ContainerMemoryDump;
- var MemoryAllocatorDump = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump;
- var MemoryAllocatorDumpLink = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDumpLink;
- var ScalarNumeric = tr.v.ScalarNumeric;
- var unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter =
- tr.v.Unit.byName.unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter;
- var sizeInBytes = tr.v.Unit.byName.sizeInBytes;
- var powerInWatts = tr.v.Unit.byName.powerInWatts;
- var newAllocatorDump = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.newAllocatorDump;
- var addChildDump = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.addChildDump;
- var checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics =
- tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics;
- test('memoryAllocatorDump_instantiate', function() {
- var containerDump = new ContainerMemoryDump(42);
- containerDump.containerName = 'super dump';
- var dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(containerDump, 'v8/objects/object7');
- assert.equal(, 'object7');
- assert.equal(dump.fullName, 'v8/objects/object7');
- assert.strictEqual(dump.containerMemoryDump, containerDump);
- assert.equal(dump.quantifiedName, '\'v8/objects/object7\' in super dump');
- });
- test('memoryAllocatorDumps_aggregateNumericsRecursively', function() {
- var md = new ContainerMemoryDump(42);
- var oilpanDump = newAllocatorDump(md, 'oilpan', {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 7)
- });
- addChildDump(oilpanDump, 'bucket1', {
- size: 512,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 3),
- inner_size: 256,
- outer_size: 1024
- });
- var oilpanBucket2Dump = addChildDump(oilpanDump, 'bucket2');
- var oilpanBucket2StringsDump = addChildDump(oilpanBucket2Dump, 'strings', {
- size: 512,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 4),
- inner_size: 512,
- outer_size: 2048
- });
- oilpanDump.aggregateNumericsRecursively();
- // oilpan has *some* numerics aggregated.
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(oilpanDump, {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 7),
- 'inner_size': 768,
- 'outer_size': 3072
- }, {});
- // oilpan/bucket2 has *all* numerics aggregated (except for size).
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(oilpanBucket2Dump, {
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 4),
- 'inner_size': 512,
- 'outer_size': 2048
- }, {});
- // oilpan/bucket2/strings has *no* numerics aggregated.
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(oilpanBucket2StringsDump, {
- 'size': 512,
- 'objects_count': new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 4),
- 'inner_size': 512,
- 'outer_size': 2048
- }, {});
- });
- test('memoryAllocatorDump_aggregateNumerics', function() {
- function checkAggregateNumerics(numerics, expectedValue, expectedUnit,
- opt_expectedWarningCount) {
- function checkResult(result) {
- if (expectedValue === undefined) {
- assert.isUndefined(result);
- assert.isUndefined(expectedUnit); // Test sanity check.
- } else {
- assert.instanceOf(result, ScalarNumeric);
- assert.strictEqual(result.value, expectedValue);
- assert.strictEqual(result.unit, expectedUnit);
- }
- }
- // Without model parameter.
- var result1 = MemoryAllocatorDump.aggregateNumerics(numerics);
- checkResult(result1);
- // With model parameter.
- var mockModel = {
- warnings: [],
- importWarning: function(warning) {
- this.warnings.push(warning);
- }
- };
- var result2 = MemoryAllocatorDump.aggregateNumerics(numerics, mockModel);
- checkResult(result2);
- assert.lengthOf(mockModel.warnings, opt_expectedWarningCount || 0);
- }
- // No defined numerics.
- checkAggregateNumerics([], undefined);
- checkAggregateNumerics([undefined], undefined);
- checkAggregateNumerics([undefined, undefined], undefined);
- // Consistent units.
- checkAggregateNumerics(
- [new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 10)],
- 10, unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter);
- checkAggregateNumerics(
- [new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes, 10),
- new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes, 20),
- new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes, 40)],
- 70, sizeInBytes);
- checkAggregateNumerics(
- [undefined,
- new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes, 16),
- undefined,
- new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes, 32),
- undefined],
- 48, sizeInBytes);
- // Inconsistent units.
- checkAggregateNumerics(
- [new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes, 10),
- new ScalarNumeric(powerInWatts, 20)],
- 30, unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 1 /* opt_expectedWarningCount */);
- checkAggregateNumerics(
- [undefined,
- new ScalarNumeric(powerInWatts, 16),
- undefined,
- new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 32),
- undefined,
- new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes, 64),
- undefined],
- 112, unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 1 /* opt_expectedWarningCount */);
- });
- test('memoryAllocatorDumps_isDescendantOf', function() {
- var md = new ContainerMemoryDump(42);
- var v8Dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(md, 'v8');
- var v8HeapsDump = addChildDump(v8Dump, 'heaps');
- var v8ObjectsDump = addChildDump(v8Dump, 'objects');
- var v8Object1Dump = addChildDump(v8ObjectsDump, 'obj1');
- var v8Object2Dump = addChildDump(v8ObjectsDump, 'obj2');
- var oilpanDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(md, 'oilpan');
- assert.isTrue(v8Dump.isDescendantOf(v8Dump));
- assert.isTrue(v8HeapsDump.isDescendantOf(v8Dump));
- assert.isTrue(v8ObjectsDump.isDescendantOf(v8Dump));
- assert.isTrue(v8Object1Dump.isDescendantOf(v8Dump));
- assert.isTrue(v8Object2Dump.isDescendantOf(v8Dump));
- assert.isTrue(v8ObjectsDump.isDescendantOf(v8ObjectsDump));
- assert.isTrue(v8Object1Dump.isDescendantOf(v8ObjectsDump));
- assert.isTrue(v8Object2Dump.isDescendantOf(v8ObjectsDump));
- assert.isTrue(oilpanDump.isDescendantOf(oilpanDump));
- assert.isFalse(v8Dump.isDescendantOf(oilpanDump));
- assert.isFalse(v8Dump.isDescendantOf(v8HeapsDump));
- assert.isFalse(v8Dump.isDescendantOf(v8ObjectsDump));
- assert.isFalse(v8Dump.isDescendantOf(v8Object1Dump));
- assert.isFalse(v8Dump.isDescendantOf(v8Object2Dump));
- assert.isFalse(v8Object1Dump.isDescendantOf(v8Object2Dump));
- assert.isFalse(v8Object2Dump.isDescendantOf(v8Object1Dump));
- });
- test('memoryAllocatorDumps_getDescendantDumpByFullName', function() {
- var containerDump = new ContainerMemoryDump(42);
- var gpuDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(containerDump, 'gpu');
- containerDump.memoryAllocatorDumps = [gpuDump];
- var memtrackDump = addChildDump(gpuDump, 'android_memtrack');
- var glDump = addChildDump(memtrackDump, 'gl');
- var gfxDump = addChildDump(memtrackDump, 'gfx');
- var tileDump = addChildDump(gfxDump, 'tile');
- assert.strictEqual(gpuDump.getDescendantDumpByFullName(
- 'android_memtrack'), memtrackDump);
- assert.strictEqual(gpuDump.getDescendantDumpByFullName(
- 'android_memtrack/gfx/tile'), tileDump);
- assert.strictEqual(memtrackDump.getDescendantDumpByFullName('gl'), glDump);
- assert.strictEqual(memtrackDump.getDescendantDumpByFullName(
- 'gfx/tile'), tileDump);
- });
- test('memoryAllocatorDumpLink_instantiate', function() {
- var d1 = new MemoryAllocatorDump('v8/isolate1');
- var d2 = new MemoryAllocatorDump('oilpan/document1');
- var link = new MemoryAllocatorDumpLink(d1, d2, 3);
- assert.strictEqual(link.source, d1);
- assert.strictEqual(, d2);
- assert.strictEqual(link.importance, 3);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/memory_dump_test_utils.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/memory_dump_test_utils.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 55a499192bf..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/memory_dump_test_utils.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/container_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/vm_region.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Helper functions for tests involving memory dumps.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var GlobalMemoryDump = tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump;
- var ProcessMemoryDump = tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump;
- var MemoryAllocatorDump = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump;
- var MemoryAllocatorDumpLink = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDumpLink;
- var VMRegion = tr.model.VMRegion;
- var VMRegionClassificationNode = tr.model.VMRegionClassificationNode;
- var ScalarNumeric = tr.v.ScalarNumeric;
- var sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter =
- tr.v.Unit.byName.sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter;
- var LIGHT = tr.model.ContainerMemoryDump.LevelOfDetail.LIGHT;
- function castToScalarNumeric(value) {
- if (typeof value === 'number')
- return new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, value);
- assert.instanceOf(value, ScalarNumeric);
- return value;
- }
- function MemoryDumpTestUtils() {
- throw new Error('Static class');
- }
- MemoryDumpTestUtils.SIZE_DELTA = 0.0001;
- MemoryDumpTestUtils.addGlobalMemoryDump = function(
- model, timestamp, opt_levelOfDetail) {
- var gmd = new GlobalMemoryDump(model, timestamp);
- gmd.levelOfDetail = opt_levelOfDetail === undefined ?
- LIGHT : opt_levelOfDetail;
- model.globalMemoryDumps.push(gmd);
- return gmd;
- };
- MemoryDumpTestUtils.addProcessMemoryDump = function(gmd, process, timestamp) {
- var pmd = new ProcessMemoryDump(gmd, process, timestamp);
- process.memoryDumps.push(pmd);
- if ( in gmd.processMemoryDumps) {
- // Test sanity check.
- throw new Error('Process memory dump for process with pid=' +
- + ' has already been provided');
- }
- gmd.processMemoryDumps[] = pmd;
- return pmd;
- };
- MemoryDumpTestUtils.newAllocatorDump = function(
- containerDump, fullName, opt_numerics, opt_guid) {
- var dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(containerDump, fullName, opt_guid);
- if (opt_numerics !== undefined) {
- tr.b.iterItems(opt_numerics, function(numericName, value) {
- dump.addNumeric(numericName, castToScalarNumeric(value));
- });
- }
- return dump;
- };
- MemoryDumpTestUtils.addChildDump =
- function(parentDump, name, opt_numerics, opt_guid) {
- var childDump = MemoryDumpTestUtils.newAllocatorDump(
- parentDump.containerMemoryDump, parentDump.fullName + '/' + name,
- opt_numerics, opt_guid);
- childDump.parent = parentDump;
- parentDump.children.push(childDump);
- return childDump;
- };
- MemoryDumpTestUtils.addOwnershipLink = function(
- ownerDump, ownedDump, opt_importance) {
- assert.isUndefined(ownerDump.owns); // Sanity check.
- var ownershipLink =
- new MemoryAllocatorDumpLink(ownerDump, ownedDump, opt_importance);
- ownerDump.owns = ownershipLink;
- ownedDump.ownedBy.push(ownershipLink);
- return ownershipLink;
- };
- MemoryDumpTestUtils.checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics =
- function(dump, expectedNumerics, expectedDiagnostics) {
- var actualNumerics = dump.numerics;
- assert.sameMembers(
- Object.keys(actualNumerics), Object.keys(expectedNumerics));
- for (var numericName in actualNumerics) {
- var actualNumeric = actualNumerics[numericName];
- var expectedNumeric = castToScalarNumeric(expectedNumerics[numericName]);
- assert.instanceOf(actualNumeric, tr.v.ScalarNumeric);
- assert.strictEqual(actualNumeric.unit, expectedNumeric.unit);
- assert.closeTo(actualNumeric.value, expectedNumeric.value,
- MemoryDumpTestUtils.SIZE_DELTA);
- }
- assert.deepEqual(dump.diagnostics, expectedDiagnostics);
- };
- MemoryDumpTestUtils.checkVMRegions = function(vmRegions, expectedRegions) {
- if (vmRegions instanceof VMRegionClassificationNode)
- vmRegions = vmRegions.allRegionsForTesting;
- var expectedRegionsMap = new Map();
- expectedRegions.forEach(function(region) {
- if (!(region instanceof VMRegion))
- region = VMRegion.fromDict(region);
- expectedRegionsMap.set(region.uniqueIdWithinProcess, region);
- });
- var actualRegionsMap = new Map();
- vmRegions.forEach(function(region) {
- actualRegionsMap.set(region.uniqueIdWithinProcess, region);
- });
- assert.strictEqual(actualRegionsMap.size, expectedRegionsMap.size);
- for (var id of expectedRegionsMap.keys()) {
- var expectedRegion = expectedRegionsMap.get(id);
- var actualRegion = actualRegionsMap.get(id);
- assert.instanceOf(actualRegion, VMRegion);
- assert.strictEqual(actualRegion.startAddress,
- expectedRegion.startAddress);
- assert.strictEqual(actualRegion.sizeInBytes, expectedRegion.sizeInBytes);
- assert.strictEqual(actualRegion.protectionFlags,
- expectedRegion.protectionFlags);
- assert.strictEqual(actualRegion.mappedFile, expectedRegion.mappedFile);
- assert.deepEqual(actualRegion.byteStats, expectedRegion.byteStats);
- }
- };
- return {
- MemoryDumpTestUtils: MemoryDumpTestUtils
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b1164f7ebf7..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,650 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/interval_tree.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/quad.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/task.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/auditor.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/filter.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/alert.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/clock_sync_manager.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/constants.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/device.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/flow_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/frame.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/instant_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/kernel.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model_indices.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model_stats.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/object_snapshot.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/sample.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/stack_frame.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/user_model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/ui/base/overlay.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/time_display_mode.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Model is a parsed representation of the
- * TraceEvents obtained from base/trace_event in which the begin-end
- * tokens are converted into a hierarchy of processes, threads,
- * subrows, and slices.
- *
- * The building block of the model is a slice. A slice is roughly
- * equivalent to function call executing on a specific thread. As a
- * result, slices may have one or more subslices.
- *
- * A thread contains one or more subrows of slices. Row 0 corresponds to
- * the "root" slices, e.g. the topmost slices. Row 1 contains slices that
- * are nested 1 deep in the stack, and so on. We use these subrows to draw
- * nesting tasks.
- *
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr', function() {
- var Process = tr.model.Process;
- var Device = tr.model.Device;
- var Kernel = tr.model.Kernel;
- var GlobalMemoryDump = tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump;
- var GlobalInstantEvent = tr.model.GlobalInstantEvent;
- var FlowEvent = tr.model.FlowEvent;
- var Alert = tr.model.Alert;
- var Sample = tr.model.Sample;
- /**
- * @constructor
- */
- function Model() {
- tr.b.EventTarget.decorate(this);
- this.timestampShiftToZeroAmount_ = 0;
- this.faviconHue = 'blue'; // Should be a key from favicons.html
- this.device = new Device(this);
- this.kernel = new Kernel(this);
- this.processes = {};
- this.metadata = [];
- this.categories = [];
- this.instantEvents = [];
- this.flowEvents = [];
- this.clockSyncManager = new tr.model.ClockSyncManager();
- this.intrinsicTimeUnit_ = undefined;
- this.stackFrames = {};
- this.samples = [];
- this.alerts = [];
- this.userModel = new;
- this.flowIntervalTree = new tr.b.IntervalTree((f) => f.start, (f) => f.end);
- this.globalMemoryDumps = [];
- this.userFriendlyCategoryDrivers_ = [];
- this.annotationsByGuid_ = {};
- this.modelIndices = undefined;
- this.stats = new tr.model.ModelStats();
- this.importWarnings_ = [];
- this.reportedImportWarnings_ = {};
- this.isTimeHighResolution_ = true;
- this.patchupsToApply_ = [];
- this.doesHelperGUIDSupportThisModel_ = {};
- this.helpersByConstructorGUID_ = {};
- this.eventsByStableId_ = undefined;
- }
- Model.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- getEventByStableId: function(stableId) {
- if (this.eventsByStableId_ === undefined) {
- this.eventsByStableId_ = {};
- for (var event of this.getDescendantEvents()) {
- this.eventsByStableId_[event.stableId] = event;
- }
- }
- return this.eventsByStableId_[stableId];
- },
- getOrCreateHelper: function(constructor) {
- if (!constructor.guid)
- throw new Error('Helper constructors must have GUIDs');
- if (this.helpersByConstructorGUID_[constructor.guid] === undefined) {
- if (this.doesHelperGUIDSupportThisModel_[constructor.guid] ===
- undefined) {
- this.doesHelperGUIDSupportThisModel_[constructor.guid] =
- constructor.supportsModel(this);
- }
- if (!this.doesHelperGUIDSupportThisModel_[constructor.guid])
- return undefined;
- this.helpersByConstructorGUID_[constructor.guid] = new constructor(
- this);
- }
- return this.helpersByConstructorGUID_[constructor.guid];
- },
- childEvents: function*() {
- yield * this.globalMemoryDumps;
- yield * this.instantEvents;
- yield * this.flowEvents;
- yield * this.alerts;
- yield * this.samples;
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- yield this.userModel;
- yield this.device;
- yield this.kernel;
- yield * tr.b.dictionaryValues(this.processes);
- },
- /**
- * Some objects in the model can persist their state in ModelSettings.
- *
- * This iterates through them.
- */
- iterateAllPersistableObjects: function(callback) {
- this.kernel.iterateAllPersistableObjects(callback);
- for (var pid in this.processes)
- this.processes[pid].iterateAllPersistableObjects(callback);
- },
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds.reset();
- var bounds = this.bounds;
- for (var ec of this.childEventContainers()) {
- ec.updateBounds();
- bounds.addRange(ec.bounds);
- }
- for (var event of this.childEvents())
- event.addBoundsToRange(bounds);
- },
- shiftWorldToZero: function() {
- var shiftAmount = -this.bounds.min;
- this.timestampShiftToZeroAmount_ = shiftAmount;
- for (var ec of this.childEventContainers())
- ec.shiftTimestampsForward(shiftAmount);
- for (var event of this.childEvents())
- event.start += shiftAmount;
- this.updateBounds();
- },
- convertTimestampToModelTime: function(sourceClockDomainName, ts) {
- if (sourceClockDomainName !== 'traceEventClock')
- throw new Error('Only traceEventClock is supported.');
- return tr.v.Unit.timestampFromUs(ts) +
- this.timestampShiftToZeroAmount_;
- },
- get numProcesses() {
- var n = 0;
- for (var p in this.processes)
- n++;
- return n;
- },
- /**
- * @return {Process} Gets a TimelineProcess for a specified pid. Returns
- * undefined if the process doesn't exist.
- */
- getProcess: function(pid) {
- return this.processes[pid];
- },
- /**
- * @return {Process} Gets a TimelineProcess for a specified pid or
- * creates one if it does not exist.
- */
- getOrCreateProcess: function(pid) {
- if (!this.processes[pid])
- this.processes[pid] = new Process(this, pid);
- return this.processes[pid];
- },
- addStackFrame: function(stackFrame) {
- if (this.stackFrames[])
- throw new Error('Stack frame already exists');
- this.stackFrames[] = stackFrame;
- return stackFrame;
- },
- /**
- * Generates the set of categories from the slices and counters.
- */
- updateCategories_: function() {
- var categoriesDict = {};
- this.userModel.addCategoriesToDict(categoriesDict);
- this.device.addCategoriesToDict(categoriesDict);
- this.kernel.addCategoriesToDict(categoriesDict);
- for (var pid in this.processes)
- this.processes[pid].addCategoriesToDict(categoriesDict);
- this.categories = [];
- for (var category in categoriesDict)
- if (category != '')
- this.categories.push(category);
- },
- getAllThreads: function() {
- var threads = [];
- for (var tid in this.kernel.threads) {
- threads.push(process.threads[tid]);
- }
- for (var pid in this.processes) {
- var process = this.processes[pid];
- for (var tid in process.threads) {
- threads.push(process.threads[tid]);
- }
- }
- return threads;
- },
- /**
- * @param {(!function(!tr.model.Process): boolean)=} opt_predicate Optional
- * predicate for filtering the returned processes. If undefined, all
- * process in the model will be returned.
- * @return {!Array<!tr.model.Process>} An array of processes in the model.
- */
- getAllProcesses: function(opt_predicate) {
- var processes = [];
- for (var pid in this.processes) {
- var process = this.processes[pid];
- if (opt_predicate === undefined || opt_predicate(process))
- processes.push(process);
- }
- return processes;
- },
- /**
- * @return {Array} An array of all the counters in the model.
- */
- getAllCounters: function() {
- var counters = [];
- counters.push.apply(
- counters, tr.b.dictionaryValues(this.device.counters));
- counters.push.apply(
- counters, tr.b.dictionaryValues(this.kernel.counters));
- for (var pid in this.processes) {
- var process = this.processes[pid];
- for (var tid in process.counters) {
- counters.push(process.counters[tid]);
- }
- }
- return counters;
- },
- getAnnotationByGUID: function(guid) {
- return this.annotationsByGuid_[guid];
- },
- addAnnotation: function(annotation) {
- if (!annotation.guid)
- throw new Error('Annotation with undefined guid given');
- this.annotationsByGuid_[annotation.guid] = annotation;
- tr.b.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'annotationChange');
- },
- removeAnnotation: function(annotation) {
- this.annotationsByGuid_[annotation.guid].onRemove();
- delete this.annotationsByGuid_[annotation.guid];
- tr.b.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'annotationChange');
- },
- getAllAnnotations: function() {
- return tr.b.dictionaryValues(this.annotationsByGuid_);
- },
- addUserFriendlyCategoryDriver: function(ufcd) {
- this.userFriendlyCategoryDrivers_.push(ufcd);
- },
- /**
- * Gets the user friendly category string from an event.
- *
- * Returns undefined if none is known.
- */
- getUserFriendlyCategoryFromEvent: function(event) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.userFriendlyCategoryDrivers_.length; i++) {
- var ufc = this.userFriendlyCategoryDrivers_[i].fromEvent(event);
- if (ufc !== undefined)
- return ufc;
- }
- return undefined;
- },
- /**
- * @param {String} The name of the thread to find.
- * @return {Array} An array of all the matched threads.
- */
- findAllThreadsNamed: function(name) {
- var namedThreads = [];
- namedThreads.push.apply(
- namedThreads,
- this.kernel.findAllThreadsNamed(name));
- for (var pid in this.processes) {
- namedThreads.push.apply(
- namedThreads,
- this.processes[pid].findAllThreadsNamed(name));
- }
- return namedThreads;
- },
- get importOptions() {
- return this.importOptions_;
- },
- set importOptions(options) {
- this.importOptions_ = options;
- },
- /**
- * Returns a time unit that is used to format values and determines the
- * precision of the timestamp values.
- */
- get intrinsicTimeUnit() {
- if (this.intrinsicTimeUnit_ === undefined)
- return;
- return this.intrinsicTimeUnit_;
- },
- set intrinsicTimeUnit(value) {
- if (this.intrinsicTimeUnit_ === value)
- return;
- if (this.intrinsicTimeUnit_ !== undefined)
- throw new Error('Intrinsic time unit already set');
- this.intrinsicTimeUnit_ = value;
- },
- get isTimeHighResolution() {
- return this.isTimeHighResolution_;
- },
- set isTimeHighResolution(value) {
- this.isTimeHighResolution_ = value;
- },
- /**
- * Returns a link to a trace data file that this model was imported from.
- * This is NOT the URL of a site being traced, but instead an indicator of
- * where the data is stored.
- */
- get canonicalUrl() {
- return this.canonicalUrl_;
- },
- set canonicalUrl(value) {
- if (this.canonicalUrl_ === value)
- return;
- if (this.canonicalUrl_ !== undefined)
- throw new Error('canonicalUrl already set');
- this.canonicalUrl_ = value;
- },
- /**
- * Saves a warning that happened during import.
- *
- * Warnings are typically logged to the console, and optionally, the
- * more critical ones are shown to the user.
- *
- * @param {Object} data The import warning data. Data must provide two
- * accessors: type, message. The types are used to determine if we
- * should output the message, we'll only output one message of each type.
- * The message is the actual warning content.
- */
- importWarning: function(data) {
- data.showToUser = !!data.showToUser;
- this.importWarnings_.push(data);
- // Only log each warning type once. We may want to add some kind of
- // flag to allow reporting all importer warnings.
- if (this.reportedImportWarnings_[data.type] === true)
- return;
- if (this.importOptions_.showImportWarnings)
- console.warn(data.message);
- this.reportedImportWarnings_[data.type] = true;
- },
- get hasImportWarnings() {
- return (this.importWarnings_.length > 0);
- },
- get importWarnings() {
- return this.importWarnings_;
- },
- get importWarningsThatShouldBeShownToUser() {
- return this.importWarnings_.filter(function(warning) {
- return warning.showToUser;
- });
- },
- autoCloseOpenSlices: function() {
- // Sort the samples.
- this.samples.sort(function(x, y) {
- return x.start - y.start;
- });
- this.updateBounds();
- this.kernel.autoCloseOpenSlices();
- for (var pid in this.processes)
- this.processes[pid].autoCloseOpenSlices();
- },
- createSubSlices: function() {
- this.kernel.createSubSlices();
- for (var pid in this.processes)
- this.processes[pid].createSubSlices();
- },
- preInitializeObjects: function() {
- for (var pid in this.processes)
- this.processes[pid].preInitializeObjects();
- },
- initializeObjects: function() {
- for (var pid in this.processes)
- this.processes[pid].initializeObjects();
- },
- pruneEmptyContainers: function() {
- this.kernel.pruneEmptyContainers();
- for (var pid in this.processes)
- this.processes[pid].pruneEmptyContainers();
- },
- mergeKernelWithUserland: function() {
- for (var pid in this.processes)
- this.processes[pid].mergeKernelWithUserland();
- },
- computeWorldBounds: function(shiftWorldToZero) {
- this.updateBounds();
- this.updateCategories_();
- if (shiftWorldToZero)
- this.shiftWorldToZero();
- },
- buildFlowEventIntervalTree: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.flowEvents.length; ++i) {
- var flowEvent = this.flowEvents[i];
- this.flowIntervalTree.insert(flowEvent);
- }
- this.flowIntervalTree.updateHighValues();
- },
- cleanupUndeletedObjects: function() {
- for (var pid in this.processes)
- this.processes[pid].autoDeleteObjects(this.bounds.max);
- },
- sortMemoryDumps: function() {
- this.globalMemoryDumps.sort(function(x, y) {
- return x.start - y.start;
- });
- for (var pid in this.processes)
- this.processes[pid].sortMemoryDumps();
- },
- finalizeMemoryGraphs: function() {
- this.globalMemoryDumps.forEach(function(dump) {
- dump.finalizeGraph();
- });
- },
- buildEventIndices: function() {
- this.modelIndices = new tr.model.ModelIndices(this);
- },
- sortAlerts: function() {
- this.alerts.sort(function(x, y) {
- return x.start - y.start;
- });
- },
- applyObjectRefPatchups: function() {
- // Change all the fields pointing at id_refs to their real values.
- var unresolved = [];
- this.patchupsToApply_.forEach(function(patchup) {
- if (patchup.pidRef in this.processes) {
- var snapshot = this.processes[patchup.pidRef].objects.getSnapshotAt(
- patchup.scopedId, patchup.ts);
- if (snapshot) {
- patchup.object[patchup.field] = snapshot;
- snapshot.referencedAt(patchup.item, patchup.object, patchup.field);
- return;
- }
- }
- unresolved.push(patchup);
- }, this);
- this.patchupsToApply_ = unresolved;
- },
- replacePIDRefsInPatchups: function(old_pid_ref, new_pid_ref) {
- this.patchupsToApply_.forEach(function(patchup) {
- if (patchup.pidRef === old_pid_ref)
- patchup.pidRef = new_pid_ref;
- });
- },
- /**
- * Called by the model to join references between objects, after final model
- * bounds have been computed.
- */
- joinRefs: function() {
- this.joinObjectRefs_();
- this.applyObjectRefPatchups();
- },
- joinObjectRefs_: function() {
- tr.b.iterItems(this.processes, function(pid, process) {
- this.joinObjectRefsForProcess_(pid, process);
- }, this);
- },
- joinObjectRefsForProcess_: function(pid, process) {
- // Iterate the world, looking for id_refs
- tr.b.iterItems(process.threads, function(tid, thread) {
- thread.asyncSliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(item) {
- this.searchItemForIDRefs_(pid, 'start', item);
- }, this);
- thread.sliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(item) {
- this.searchItemForIDRefs_(pid, 'start', item);
- }, this);
- }, this);
- process.objects.iterObjectInstances(function(instance) {
- instance.snapshots.forEach(function(item) {
- this.searchItemForIDRefs_(pid, 'ts', item);
- }, this);
- }, this);
- },
- searchItemForIDRefs_: function(pid, itemTimestampField, item) {
- if (!item.args && !item.contexts)
- return;
- var patchupsToApply = this.patchupsToApply_;
- function handleField(object, fieldName, fieldValue) {
- if (!fieldValue || (!fieldValue.id_ref && !fieldValue.idRef))
- return;
- var scope = fieldValue.scope || tr.model.OBJECT_DEFAULT_SCOPE;
- var idRef = fieldValue.id_ref || fieldValue.idRef;
- var scopedId = new tr.model.ScopedId(scope, idRef);
- var pidRef = fieldValue.pid_ref || fieldValue.pidRef || pid;
- var ts = item[itemTimestampField];
- // We have to delay the actual change to the new value until after all
- // refs have been located. Otherwise, we could end up recursing in
- // ways we definitely didn't intend.
- patchupsToApply.push({
- item: item,
- object: object,
- field: fieldName,
- pidRef: pidRef,
- scopedId: scopedId,
- ts: ts});
- }
- function iterObjectFieldsRecursively(object) {
- if (!(object instanceof Object))
- return;
- if ((object instanceof tr.model.ObjectSnapshot) ||
- (object instanceof Float32Array) ||
- (object instanceof tr.b.Quad))
- return;
- if (object instanceof Array) {
- for (var i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
- handleField(object, i, object[i]);
- iterObjectFieldsRecursively(object[i]);
- }
- return;
- }
- for (var key in object) {
- var value = object[key];
- handleField(object, key, value);
- iterObjectFieldsRecursively(value);
- }
- }
- iterObjectFieldsRecursively(item.args);
- iterObjectFieldsRecursively(item.contexts);
- }
- };
- return {
- Model: Model
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_indices.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_indices.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a132f8fecf..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_indices.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Event Index class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * A Event Index maps an id to all the events that have that particular id
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ModelIndices(model) {
- // For now the only indices we construct are for flowEvents
- this.flowEventsById_ = {};
- model.flowEvents.forEach(function(fe) {
- if ( !== undefined) {
- if (!this.flowEventsById_.hasOwnProperty( {
- this.flowEventsById_[] = new Array();
- }
- this.flowEventsById_[].push(fe);
- }
- }, this);
- }
- ModelIndices.prototype = {
- addEventWithId: function(id, event) {
- if (!this.flowEventsById_.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
- this.flowEventsById_[id] = new Array();
- }
- this.flowEventsById_[id].push(event);
- },
- getFlowEventsWithId: function(id) {
- if (!this.flowEventsById_.hasOwnProperty(id))
- return [];
- return this.flowEventsById_[id];
- }
- };
- return {
- ModelIndices: ModelIndices
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_indices_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_indices_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var newFlowEventEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newFlowEventEx;
- var newModel = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel;
- test('getCorrectModelIndices', function() {
- var m = newModel(function(m) {
- m.f1 = newFlowEventEx({
- 'title': 'test1',
- start: 0,
- end: 10,
- id: '0x100'
- });
- m.f2 = newFlowEventEx({
- 'title': 'test2',
- start: 0,
- end: 10,
- id: '0x100'
- });
- m.flowEvents.push(m.f1);
- m.flowEvents.push(m.f2);
- });
- assert.isDefined(m.modelIndices);
- var modelIndices = m.modelIndices;
- assert.equal(modelIndices.getFlowEventsWithId('0x100').length, 2);
- assert.equal(modelIndices.getFlowEventsWithId('0x100')[0].id, '0x100');
- assert.equal(modelIndices.getFlowEventsWithId('0x101').length, 0);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_settings.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_settings.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fbe69d60b66..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_settings.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/settings.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var Settings = tr.b.Settings;
- /**
- * A way to persist settings specific to parts of a trace model.
- *
- * This object should not be persisted because it builds up internal data
- * structures that map model objects to settings keys. It should thus be
- * created for the duration of whatever interaction(s) you're going to do with
- * model settings, and then discarded.
- *
- * This system works on a notion of an object key: for an object's key, it
- * considers all the other keys in the model. If it is unique, then the key is
- * persisted to tr.b.Settings. However, if it is not unique, then the
- * setting is stored on the object itself. Thus, objects with unique keys will
- * be persisted across page reloads, whereas objects with nonunique keys will
- * not.
- */
- function ModelSettings(model) {
- this.model = model;
- this.objectsByKey_ = [];
- this.nonuniqueKeys_ = [];
- this.buildObjectsByKeyMap_();
- this.removeNonuniqueKeysFromSettings_();
- this.ephemeralSettingsByGUID_ = {};
- }
- ModelSettings.prototype = {
- buildObjectsByKeyMap_: function() {
- var objects = [];
- this.model.iterateAllPersistableObjects(function(o) {
- objects.push(o);
- });
- var objectsByKey = {};
- var NONUNIQUE_KEY = 'nonuniqueKey';
- for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
- var object = objects[i];
- var objectKey = object.getSettingsKey();
- if (!objectKey)
- continue;
- if (objectsByKey[objectKey] === undefined) {
- objectsByKey[objectKey] = object;
- continue;
- }
- objectsByKey[objectKey] = NONUNIQUE_KEY;
- }
- var nonuniqueKeys = {};
- tr.b.dictionaryKeys(objectsByKey).forEach(function(objectKey) {
- if (objectsByKey[objectKey] !== NONUNIQUE_KEY)
- return;
- delete objectsByKey[objectKey];
- nonuniqueKeys[objectKey] = true;
- });
- this.nonuniqueKeys = nonuniqueKeys;
- this.objectsByKey_ = objectsByKey;
- },
- removeNonuniqueKeysFromSettings_: function() {
- var settings = Settings.get('trace_model_settings', {});
- var settingsChanged = false;
- tr.b.dictionaryKeys(settings).forEach(function(objectKey) {
- if (!this.nonuniqueKeys[objectKey])
- return;
- settingsChanged = true;
- delete settings[objectKey];
- }, this);
- if (settingsChanged)
- Settings.set('trace_model_settings', settings);
- },
- hasUniqueSettingKey: function(object) {
- var objectKey = object.getSettingsKey();
- if (!objectKey)
- return false;
- return this.objectsByKey_[objectKey] !== undefined;
- },
- getSettingFor: function(object, objectLevelKey, defaultValue) {
- var objectKey = object.getSettingsKey();
- if (!objectKey || !this.objectsByKey_[objectKey]) {
- var settings = this.getEphemeralSettingsFor_(object);
- var ephemeralValue = settings[objectLevelKey];
- if (ephemeralValue !== undefined)
- return ephemeralValue;
- return defaultValue;
- }
- var settings = Settings.get('trace_model_settings', {});
- if (!settings[objectKey])
- settings[objectKey] = {};
- var value = settings[objectKey][objectLevelKey];
- if (value !== undefined)
- return value;
- return defaultValue;
- },
- setSettingFor: function(object, objectLevelKey, value) {
- var objectKey = object.getSettingsKey();
- if (!objectKey || !this.objectsByKey_[objectKey]) {
- this.getEphemeralSettingsFor_(object)[objectLevelKey] = value;
- return;
- }
- var settings = Settings.get('trace_model_settings', {});
- if (!settings[objectKey])
- settings[objectKey] = {};
- if (settings[objectKey][objectLevelKey] === value)
- return;
- settings[objectKey][objectLevelKey] = value;
- Settings.set('trace_model_settings', settings);
- },
- getEphemeralSettingsFor_: function(object) {
- if (object.guid === undefined)
- throw new Error('Only objects with GUIDs can be persisted');
- if (this.ephemeralSettingsByGUID_[object.guid] === undefined)
- this.ephemeralSettingsByGUID_[object.guid] = {};
- return this.ephemeralSettingsByGUID_[object.guid];
- }
- };
- return {
- ModelSettings: ModelSettings
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_settings_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_settings_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b7b58ee107..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_settings_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model_settings.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('process_name_uniqueness_0', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isFalse(settings.hasUniqueSettingKey(p1));
- });
- test('process_name_uniqueness_1', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- = 'Browser';
- var settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isTrue(settings.hasUniqueSettingKey(p1));
- });
- test('process_name_uniqueness_2', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var p2 = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
- = 'Renderer';
- = 'Renderer';
- var settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isFalse(settings.hasUniqueSettingKey(p1));
- assert.isFalse(settings.hasUniqueSettingKey(p2));
- });
- test('process_name_uniqueness_3', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var p2 = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
- = 'Renderer';
- p1.labels.push('Google Search');
- = 'Renderer';
- var settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isTrue(settings.hasUniqueSettingKey(p1));
- assert.isTrue(settings.hasUniqueSettingKey(p2));
- });
- test('thread_name_uniqueness_0', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var p2 = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- var t2 = p2.getOrCreateThread(2);
- = 'Browser';
- = 'Renderer';
- = 'Main';
- = 'Main';
- var settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isTrue(settings.hasUniqueSettingKey(t1));
- assert.isTrue(settings.hasUniqueSettingKey(t2));
- });
- test('thread_name_uniqueness_1', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var p2 = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- var t2 = p2.getOrCreateThread(2);
- = 'Renderer';
- = 'Renderer';
- = 'Main';
- = 'Main';
- var settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isFalse(settings.hasUniqueSettingKey(t1));
- assert.isFalse(settings.hasUniqueSettingKey(t2));
- });
- test('process_persistence_when_not_unique', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isTrue(settings.getSettingFor(p1, 'true_by_default', true));
- settings.setSettingFor(p1, 'true_by_default', false);
- assert.isFalse(settings.getSettingFor(p1, 'true_by_default', true));
- // Now, clobber the model, and verify that it didn't persist.
- model = new tr.Model();
- p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isTrue(settings.getSettingFor(p1, 'true_by_default', true));
- });
- test('process_persistence_when_not_unique_with_name', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- = 'Browser';
- var settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isTrue(settings.getSettingFor(p1, 'true_by_default', true));
- settings.setSettingFor(p1, 'true_by_default', false);
- assert.isFalse(settings.getSettingFor(p1, 'true_by_default', true));
- // Now, clobber the model, and verify that it persisted.
- model = new tr.Model();
- p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- = 'Browser';
- settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isFalse(settings.getSettingFor(p1, 'true_by_default', true));
- });
- test('thread_persistence_when_not_unique', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var p2 = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- var t2 = p2.getOrCreateThread(2);
- = 'Renderer';
- = 'Renderer';
- = 'Main';
- = 'Main';
- var settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isTrue(settings.getSettingFor(t1, 'true_by_default', true));
- settings.setSettingFor(t1, 'true_by_default', false);
- assert.isFalse(settings.getSettingFor(t1, 'true_by_default', true));
- // Now, clobber the model, and verify that it persisted.
- model = new tr.Model();
- p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- p2 = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
- t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t2 = p2.getOrCreateThread(2);
- = 'Renderer';
- = 'Renderer';
- = 'Main';
- = 'Main';
- settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isTrue(settings.getSettingFor(t1, 'true_by_default', true));
- });
- test('thread_persistence_when_unique', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var p2 = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
- var t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- var t2 = p2.getOrCreateThread(2);
- = 'Browser';
- = 'Renderer';
- = 'Main';
- = 'Main';
- var settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isTrue(settings.getSettingFor(t1, 'true_by_default', true));
- settings.setSettingFor(t1, 'true_by_default', false);
- assert.isFalse(settings.getSettingFor(t1, 'true_by_default', true));
- // Now, clobber the model, and verify that it persisted.
- model = new tr.Model();
- p1 = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- p2 = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
- t1 = p1.getOrCreateThread(1);
- t2 = p2.getOrCreateThread(2);
- = 'Browser';
- = 'Renderer';
- = 'Main';
- = 'Main';
- settings = new tr.model.ModelSettings(model);
- assert.isFalse(settings.getSettingFor(t1, 'true_by_default', true));
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_stats.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_stats.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fd5bf957dc8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_stats.html
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@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * @constructor
- */
- function ModelStats() {
- this.traceEventCountsByKey_ = new Map();
- this.allTraceEventStats_ = [];
- this.traceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_ = new Map();
- this.allTraceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_ = [];
- this.hasEventSizesinBytes_ = false;
- }
- ModelStats.prototype = {
- willProcessBasicTraceEvent: function(phase, category, title, ts,
- opt_eventSizeinBytes) {
- var key = phase + '/' + category + '/' + title;
- var eventStats = this.traceEventCountsByKey_.get(key);
- if (eventStats === undefined) {
- eventStats = {
- phase: phase,
- category: category,
- title: title,
- numEvents: 0,
- totalEventSizeinBytes: 0
- };
- this.traceEventCountsByKey_.set(key, eventStats);
- this.allTraceEventStats_.push(eventStats);
- }
- eventStats.numEvents++;
- var timeIntervalKey = Math.floor(
- tr.v.Unit.timestampFromUs(ts) / this.TIME_INTERVAL_SIZE_IN_MS);
- var eventStatsByTimeInverval =
- this.traceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_.get(timeIntervalKey);
- if (eventStatsByTimeInverval === undefined) {
- eventStatsByTimeInverval = {
- timeInterval: timeIntervalKey,
- numEvents: 0,
- totalEventSizeinBytes: 0
- };
- this.traceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_.set(timeIntervalKey,
- eventStatsByTimeInverval);
- this.allTraceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_.push(eventStatsByTimeInverval);
- }
- eventStatsByTimeInverval.numEvents++;
- if (opt_eventSizeinBytes !== undefined) {
- this.hasEventSizesinBytes_ = true;
- eventStats.totalEventSizeinBytes += opt_eventSizeinBytes;
- eventStatsByTimeInverval.totalEventSizeinBytes += opt_eventSizeinBytes;
- }
- },
- get allTraceEventStats() {
- return this.allTraceEventStats_;
- },
- get allTraceEventStatsInTimeIntervals() {
- return this.allTraceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_;
- },
- get hasEventSizesinBytes() {
- return this.hasEventSizesinBytes_;
- }
- };
- return {
- ModelStats: ModelStats
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_stats_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_stats_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model_stats.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ModelStats = tr.model.ModelStats;
- test('getTraceEventStatsByCategory', function() {
- var modelStats = new ModelStats();
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent('X', 'cat1', 'title1');
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent('X', 'cat1', 'title1');
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent('X', 'cat2', 'title3');
- assert.equal(modelStats.allTraceEventStats.length, 2);
- assert.equal(
- modelStats.traceEventCountsByKey_.get('X/cat1/title1').numEvents,
- 2);
- assert.equal(
- modelStats.traceEventCountsByKey_.get('X/cat2/title3').numEvents,
- 1);
- });
- test('getTraceEventStatsInTimeIntervals', function() {
- var modelStats = new ModelStats();
- var timeIntervalSizeInUs = modelStats.TIME_INTERVAL_SIZE_IN_MS * 1000;
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent('X', 'cat1', 'title1', 1, 1);
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'X', 'cat1', 'title1', timeIntervalSizeInUs + 1, 2);
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'X', 'cat1', 'title1', 2 * timeIntervalSizeInUs + 1, 3);
- modelStats.willProcessBasicTraceEvent(
- 'X', 'cat2', 'title3', 2 * timeIntervalSizeInUs + 2, 4);
- assert.strictEqual(modelStats.allTraceEventStatsInTimeIntervals.length, 3);
- assert.strictEqual(
- modelStats.traceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_.get(0).numEvents, 1);
- assert.strictEqual(
- modelStats.traceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_.get(1).numEvents, 1);
- assert.strictEqual(
- modelStats.traceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_.get(2).numEvents, 2);
- assert.isTrue(modelStats.hasEventSizesinBytes);
- assert.strictEqual(
- modelStats.traceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_.get(0).totalEventSizeinBytes,
- 1);
- assert.strictEqual(
- modelStats.traceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_.get(1).totalEventSizeinBytes,
- 2);
- assert.strictEqual(
- modelStats.traceEventStatsInTimeIntervals_.get(2).totalEventSizeinBytes,
- 7);
- });
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index 75c1f9d5155..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/model_test.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/import.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/annotation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/time_display_mode.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ThreadSlice = tr.model.ThreadSlice;
- var TitleOrCategoryFilter = tr.c.TitleOrCategoryFilter;
- var Frame = tr.model.Frame;
- var createModelWithOneOfEverything = function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var cpu = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- cpu.slices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx({start: 1, duration: 3}));
- var p = m.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var t = p.getOrCreateThread(1);
- var slice = new ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 4);
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- t.asyncSliceGroup.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSlice(0, 1, t, t));
- var c = p.getOrCreateCounter('', 'ProcessCounter');
- var aSeries = new tr.model.CounterSeries('a', 0);
- var bSeries = new tr.model.CounterSeries('b', 0);
- c.addSeries(aSeries);
- c.addSeries(bSeries);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(0, 5);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(1, 6);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(2, 5);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(3, 7);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(0, 10);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(1, 15);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(2, 12);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(3, 16);
- var c1 = cpu.getOrCreateCounter('', 'CpuCounter');
- var aSeries = new tr.model.CounterSeries('a', 0);
- var bSeries = new tr.model.CounterSeries('b', 0);
- c1.addSeries(aSeries);
- c1.addSeries(bSeries);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(0, 5);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(1, 6);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(2, 5);
- aSeries.addCounterSample(3, 7);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(0, 10);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(1, 15);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(2, 12);
- bSeries.addCounterSample(3, 16);
- var frame1 = new Frame([slice], [{thread: t, start: 1, end: 5}]);
- p.frames.push.apply(p.frames, frame1);
- var gd = new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(m, 2);
- var pd = new tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump(gd, p, 2);
- gd.processMemoryDumps[1] = pd;
- m.globalMemoryDumps.push(gd);
- p.memoryDumps.push(pd);
- m.updateBounds();
- return m;
- };
- test('helper', function() {
- function Helper(model) {
- this.model = model;
- }
- Helper.guid = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- Helper.supportsModel = function(model) {
- return true;
- };
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var h = m.getOrCreateHelper(Helper);
- assert.isTrue(h instanceof Helper);
- assert.isTrue(h === m.getOrCreateHelper(Helper));
- function UnsupportedHelper(model) {
- this.model = model;
- }
- UnsupportedHelper.guid = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
- UnsupportedHelper.supportsModel = function(model) {
- return false;
- };
- assert.isUndefined(m.getOrCreateHelper(UnsupportedHelper));
- // Try again to test doesHelperGUIDSupportThisModel_ .
- assert.isUndefined(m.getOrCreateHelper(UnsupportedHelper));
- });
- test('modelBounds_EmptyModel', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- m.updateBounds();
- assert.isUndefined(m.bounds.min);
- assert.isUndefined(m.bounds.max);
- });
- test('modelBounds_OneEmptyThread', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var t = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- m.updateBounds();
- assert.isUndefined(m.bounds.min);
- assert.isUndefined(m.bounds.max);
- });
- test('modelBounds_OneThread', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var t = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- m.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(m.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(m.bounds.max, 4);
- });
- test('modelBounds_OneThreadAndOneEmptyThread', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var t1 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- t1.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- var t2 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- m.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(m.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(m.bounds.max, 4);
- });
- test('modelBounds_OneCpu', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var cpu = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- cpu.slices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx({start: 1, duration: 3}));
- m.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(m.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(m.bounds.max, 4);
- });
- test('modelBounds_OneCpuOneThread', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var cpu = m.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- cpu.slices.push(tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx({start: 1, duration: 3}));
- var t = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 4));
- m.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(m.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(m.bounds.max, 5);
- });
- test('modelBounds_GlobalMemoryDumps', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- m.globalMemoryDumps.push(new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(m, 1));
- m.globalMemoryDumps.push(new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(m, 3));
- m.globalMemoryDumps.push(new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(m, 5));
- m.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(m.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(m.bounds.max, 5);
- });
- test('modelBounds_ProcessMemoryDumps', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var p = m.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var gd = new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(m, -1);
- p.memoryDumps.push(new tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump(gd, m, 1));
- p.memoryDumps.push(new tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump(gd, m, 3));
- p.memoryDumps.push(new tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump(gd, m, 5));
- m.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(m.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(m.bounds.max, 5);
- });
- test('modelConvertsTimestampToModelTime', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var traceEvents = [
- {ts: 1000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'B', cat: 'a', name: 'taskA', args: {}},
- {ts: 2000, pid: 1, tid: 1, ph: 'E', cat: 'a', name: 'taskA', args: {}}
- ];
- var i = new tr.importer.Import(m);
- i.importTraces([traceEvents]);
- assert.equal(m.convertTimestampToModelTime('traceEventClock', 1000), 0);
- assert.equal(m.convertTimestampToModelTime('traceEventClock', 2000), 1);
- });
- test('TitleOrCategoryFilter', function() {
- var s0 = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx({start: 1, duration: 3});
- assert.isTrue(new TitleOrCategoryFilter('a').matchSlice(s0));
- assert.isFalse(new TitleOrCategoryFilter('x').matchSlice(s0));
- var s1 = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx({title: 'ba', start: 1, duration: 3});
- assert.isTrue(new TitleOrCategoryFilter('a').matchSlice(s1));
- assert.isTrue(new TitleOrCategoryFilter('ba').matchSlice(s1));
- assert.isFalse(new TitleOrCategoryFilter('x').matchSlice(s1));
- });
- test('model_findAllThreadsNamed', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var t = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- = 'CrBrowserMain';
- m.updateBounds();
- var f = m.findAllThreadsNamed('CrBrowserMain');
- assert.deepEqual([t], f);
- f = m.findAllThreadsNamed('NoSuchThread');
- assert.equal(f.length, 0);
- });
- test('model_updateCategories', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var t = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('categoryA', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('categoryA', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('categoryB', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('categoryA', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- m.updateCategories_();
- assert.deepEqual(['categoryA', 'categoryB'], m.categories);
- });
- test('getEventByStableId', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var p = m.getOrCreateProcess(0);
- var t = p.getOrCreateThread(1);
- var slice = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx({start: 0, duration: 10});
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(slice);
- var ue = tr.c.TestUtils.newInteractionRecord(m, 0, 10);
- m.userModel.expectations.push(ue);
- var gie = tr.c.TestUtils.newInstantEvent({
- title: 'gie',
- start: 0,
- colorId: 0
- });
- m.instantEvents.push(gie);
- assert.strictEqual(slice, m.getEventByStableId(slice.stableId));
- assert.strictEqual(ue, m.getEventByStableId(ue.stableId));
- assert.strictEqual(gie, m.getEventByStableId(gie.stableId));
- });
- test('model_annotationAddRemove', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var a1 = new tr.model.Annotation();
- var a2 = new tr.model.Annotation();
- assert.equal(m.getAllAnnotations().length, 0);
- m.addAnnotation(a1);
- assert.equal(m.getAllAnnotations().length, 1);
- m.addAnnotation(a2);
- assert.equal(m.getAllAnnotations().length, 2);
- assert.equal(m.getAnnotationByGUID(a1.guid), a1);
- assert.equal(m.getAnnotationByGUID(a2.guid), a2);
- m.removeAnnotation(a1);
- assert.isUndefined(m.getAnnotationByGUID(a1.guid));
- assert.equal(m.getAnnotationByGUID(a2.guid), a2);
- assert.equal(m.getAllAnnotations().length, 1);
- });
- test('model_intrinsicTimeUnit', function() {
- var unit = tr.v.TimeDisplayModes;
- var m = new tr.Model();
- // by default it should be milliseconds
- assert.equal(m.intrinsicTimeUnit,;
- m.intrinsicTimeUnit = unit.ns;
- assert.equal(m.intrinsicTimeUnit, unit.ns);
- // should be able to set to the same
- m.intrinsicTimeUnit = unit.ns;
- assert.equal(m.intrinsicTimeUnit, unit.ns);
- // should not be able to change it after fixing it
- assert.throw(function() { m.intrinsicTimeUnit =; });
- assert.equal(m.intrinsicTimeUnit, unit.ns);
- });
- test('model_getAllProcesses', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var p2 = m.getOrCreateProcess(2);
- var p3 = m.getOrCreateProcess(3);
- var p4 = m.getOrCreateProcess(4);
- var p5 = m.getOrCreateProcess(5);
- assert.sameMembers(m.getAllProcesses(), [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5]);
- assert.sameMembers(m.getAllProcesses(p => true), [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5]);
- assert.sameMembers(m.getAllProcesses(p => false), []);
- assert.sameMembers(m.getAllProcesses(p => % 2 === 0), [p2, p4]);
- });
- test('model_joinRefs', function() {
- function RefCountingSnapshot() {
- tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.apply(this, arguments);
- this.refCount = 0;
- }
- RefCountingSnapshot.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.prototype,
- referencedAt: function() {
- ++this.refCount;
- }
- };
- var typeName = 'RefCountingSnapshot';
- tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.register(
- RefCountingSnapshot,
- {typeName: typeName});
- var m = new tr.Model();
- var p = m.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- var s1 = p.objects.addSnapshot(new tr.model.ScopedId(typeName, '0x1'),
- 'cat', typeName, 1000, {});
- var s2 = p.objects.addSnapshot(new tr.model.ScopedId(typeName, '0x2'),
- 'cat', typeName, 2000, {
- myRef: {
- scope: typeName,
- id_ref: '0x1'
- }
- });
- m.joinRefs();
- assert.equal(s1.refCount, 1);
- assert.equal(s2.refCount, 0);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_collection.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_collection.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_collection.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/sorted_array_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_container.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/object_instance.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/time_to_object_instance_map.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the ObjectCollection class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var ObjectInstance = tr.model.ObjectInstance;
- var ObjectSnapshot = tr.model.ObjectSnapshot;
- /**
- * A collection of object instances and their snapshots, accessible by id and
- * time, or by object name.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ObjectCollection(parent) {
- this.parent = parent;
- // scope -> {id -> TimeToObjectInstanceMap}
- this.instanceMapsByScopedId_ = {};
- this.instancesByTypeName_ = {};
- this.createObjectInstance_ = this.createObjectInstance_.bind(this);
- }
- ObjectCollection.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- childEvents: function*() {
- for (var instance of this.getAllObjectInstances()) {
- yield instance;
- yield * instance.snapshots;
- }
- },
- createObjectInstance_: function(
- parent, scopedId, category, name, creationTs, opt_baseTypeName) {
- var constructor = tr.model.ObjectInstance.getConstructor(
- category, name);
- var instance = new constructor(
- parent, scopedId, category, name, creationTs, opt_baseTypeName);
- var typeName = instance.typeName;
- var instancesOfTypeName = this.instancesByTypeName_[typeName];
- if (!instancesOfTypeName) {
- instancesOfTypeName = [];
- this.instancesByTypeName_[typeName] = instancesOfTypeName;
- }
- instancesOfTypeName.push(instance);
- return instance;
- },
- getOrCreateInstanceMap_: function(scopedId) {
- var dict;
- if (scopedId.scope in this.instanceMapsByScopedId_) {
- dict = this.instanceMapsByScopedId_[scopedId.scope];
- } else {
- dict = {};
- this.instanceMapsByScopedId_[scopedId.scope] = dict;
- }
- var instanceMap = dict[];
- if (instanceMap)
- return instanceMap;
- instanceMap = new tr.model.TimeToObjectInstanceMap(
- this.createObjectInstance_, this.parent, scopedId);
- dict[] = instanceMap;
- return instanceMap;
- },
- idWasCreated: function(scopedId, category, name, ts) {
- var instanceMap = this.getOrCreateInstanceMap_(scopedId);
- return instanceMap.idWasCreated(category, name, ts);
- },
- addSnapshot: function(
- scopedId, category, name, ts, args, opt_baseTypeName) {
- var instanceMap = this.getOrCreateInstanceMap_(scopedId);
- var snapshot = instanceMap.addSnapshot(
- category, name, ts, args, opt_baseTypeName);
- if (snapshot.objectInstance.category != category) {
- var msg = 'Added snapshot name=' + name + ' with cat=' + category +
- ' impossible. It instance was created/snapshotted with cat=' +
- snapshot.objectInstance.category + ' name=' +
- throw new Error(msg);
- }
- if (opt_baseTypeName &&
- snapshot.objectInstance.baseTypeName != opt_baseTypeName) {
- throw new Error('Could not add snapshot with baseTypeName=' +
- opt_baseTypeName + '. It ' +
- 'was previously created with name=' +
- snapshot.objectInstance.baseTypeName);
- }
- if ( != name) {
- throw new Error('Could not add snapshot with name=' + name + '. It ' +
- 'was previously created with name=' +
- }
- return snapshot;
- },
- idWasDeleted: function(scopedId, category, name, ts) {
- var instanceMap = this.getOrCreateInstanceMap_(scopedId);
- var deletedInstance = instanceMap.idWasDeleted(category, name, ts);
- if (!deletedInstance)
- return;
- if (deletedInstance.category != category) {
- var msg = 'Deleting object ' + +
- ' with a different category ' +
- 'than when it was created. It previous had cat=' +
- deletedInstance.category + ' but the delete command ' +
- 'had cat=' + category;
- throw new Error(msg);
- }
- if (deletedInstance.baseTypeName != name) {
- throw new Error('Deletion requested for name=' +
- name + ' could not proceed: ' +
- 'An existing object with baseTypeName=' +
- deletedInstance.baseTypeName + ' existed.');
- }
- },
- autoDeleteObjects: function(maxTimestamp) {
- tr.b.iterItems(this.instanceMapsByScopedId_, function(scope, imapById) {
- tr.b.iterItems(imapById, function(id, i2imap) {
- var lastInstance = i2imap.lastInstance;
- if (lastInstance.deletionTs != Number.MAX_VALUE)
- return;
- i2imap.idWasDeleted(
- lastInstance.category,, maxTimestamp);
- // idWasDeleted will cause lastInstance.deletionTsWasExplicit to be
- // set to true. Unset it here.
- lastInstance.deletionTsWasExplicit = false;
- });
- });
- },
- getObjectInstanceAt: function(scopedId, ts) {
- var instanceMap;
- if (scopedId.scope in this.instanceMapsByScopedId_)
- instanceMap = this.instanceMapsByScopedId_[scopedId.scope][];
- if (!instanceMap)
- return undefined;
- return instanceMap.getInstanceAt(ts);
- },
- getSnapshotAt: function(scopedId, ts) {
- var instance = this.getObjectInstanceAt(scopedId, ts);
- if (!instance)
- return undefined;
- return instance.getSnapshotAt(ts);
- },
- iterObjectInstances: function(iter, opt_this) {
- opt_this = opt_this || this;
- tr.b.iterItems(this.instanceMapsByScopedId_, function(scope, imapById) {
- tr.b.iterItems(imapById, function(id, i2imap) {
- i2imap.instances.forEach(iter, opt_this);
- });
- });
- },
- getAllObjectInstances: function() {
- var instances = [];
- this.iterObjectInstances(function(i) { instances.push(i); });
- return instances;
- },
- getAllInstancesNamed: function(name) {
- return this.instancesByTypeName_[name];
- },
- getAllInstancesByTypeName: function() {
- return this.instancesByTypeName_;
- },
- preInitializeAllObjects: function() {
- this.iterObjectInstances(function(instance) {
- instance.preInitialize();
- });
- },
- initializeAllObjects: function() {
- this.iterObjectInstances(function(instance) {
- instance.initialize();
- });
- },
- initializeInstances: function() {
- this.iterObjectInstances(function(instance) {
- instance.initialize();
- });
- },
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds.reset();
- this.iterObjectInstances(function(instance) {
- instance.updateBounds();
- this.bounds.addRange(instance.bounds);
- }, this);
- },
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- this.iterObjectInstances(function(instance) {
- instance.shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- });
- },
- addCategoriesToDict: function(categoriesDict) {
- this.iterObjectInstances(function(instance) {
- categoriesDict[instance.category] = true;
- });
- }
- };
- return {
- ObjectCollection: ObjectCollection
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_collection_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_collection_test.html
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index 7137f89b201..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_collection_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/object_collection.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/scoped_id.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var TestObjectInstance = function(
- parent, scopedId, category, name, creationTs) {
- this, parent, scopedId, category, name, creationTs);
- };
- TestObjectInstance.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.ObjectInstance.prototype
- };
- test('objectInstanceSubtype', function() {
- // Register that TestObjects are bound to TestObjectInstance.
- tr.model.ObjectInstance.register(
- TestObjectInstance,
- {typeName: 'TestObject'});
- try {
- var collection = new tr.model.ObjectCollection({ });
- var scopedId = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000');
- collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId, '', 'Frame', 10);
- collection.idWasDeleted(
- scopedId, '', 'Frame', 15);
- collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId, 'skia', 'TestObject', 20);
- collection.idWasDeleted(
- scopedId, 'skia', 'TestObject', 25);
- var testFrame = collection.getObjectInstanceAt(scopedId, 10);
- assert.instanceOf(testFrame, tr.model.ObjectInstance);
- assert.notInstanceOf(testFrame, TestObjectInstance);
- var testObject = collection.getObjectInstanceAt(scopedId, 20);
- assert.instanceOf(testObject, tr.model.ObjectInstance);
- assert.instanceOf(testObject, TestObjectInstance);
- } finally {
- tr.model.ObjectInstance.unregister(TestObjectInstance);
- }
- });
- test('twoSnapshots', function() {
- var collection = new tr.model.ObjectCollection({});
- var scopedId = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000');
- collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'Frame', 10);
- collection.addSnapshot(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'Frame', 10, {foo: 1});
- collection.addSnapshot(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'Frame', 20, {foo: 2});
- collection.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(collection.bounds.min, 10);
- assert.equal(collection.bounds.max, 20);
- var s0 = collection.getSnapshotAt(scopedId, 1);
- assert.isUndefined(s0);
- var s1 = collection.getSnapshotAt(scopedId, 10);
- assert.equal(, 1);
- var s2 = collection.getSnapshotAt(scopedId, 15);
- assert.equal(, 1);
- assert.equal(s1, s2);
- var s3 = collection.getSnapshotAt(scopedId, 20);
- assert.equal(, 2);
- assert.equal(s1.object, s3.object);
- var s4 = collection.getSnapshotAt(scopedId, 25);
- assert.equal(s4, s3);
- });
- test('twoObjectsSharingOneID', function() {
- var collection = new tr.model.ObjectCollection({});
- var scopedId = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000');
- collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId, '', 'Frame', 10);
- collection.idWasDeleted(
- scopedId, '', 'Frame', 15);
- collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId, 'skia', 'Picture', 20);
- collection.idWasDeleted(
- scopedId, 'skia', 'Picture', 25);
- var frame = collection.getObjectInstanceAt(scopedId, 10);
- assert.equal(frame.category, '');
- assert.equal(, 'Frame');
- var picture = collection.getObjectInstanceAt(scopedId, 20);
- assert.equal(picture.category, 'skia');
- assert.equal(, 'Picture');
- var typeNames = tr.b.dictionaryKeys(collection.getAllInstancesByTypeName());
- typeNames.sort();
- assert.deepEqual(
- ['Frame', 'Picture'],
- typeNames);
- assert.deepEqual(
- [frame],
- collection.getAllInstancesByTypeName()['Frame']);
- assert.deepEqual(
- [picture],
- collection.getAllInstancesByTypeName()['Picture']);
- });
- test('createSnapDelete', function() {
- var collection = new tr.model.ObjectCollection({});
- var scopedId = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000');
- collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'Frame', 10);
- collection.addSnapshot(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'Frame', 10, {foo: 1});
- collection.idWasDeleted(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'Frame', 15);
- collection.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(collection.bounds.min, 10);
- assert.equal(collection.bounds.max, 15);
- var s10 = collection.getSnapshotAt(scopedId, 10);
- var i10 = s10.objectInstance;
- assert.equal(i10.creationTs, 10);
- assert.equal(i10.deletionTs, 15);
- });
- test('boundsOnUndeletedObject', function() {
- var collection = new tr.model.ObjectCollection({});
- var scopedId = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000');
- collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'Frame', 10);
- collection.addSnapshot(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'Frame', 15, {foo: 1});
- collection.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(10, collection.bounds.min);
- assert.equal(15, collection.bounds.max);
- });
- test('snapshotWithCustomBaseTypeThenDelete', function() {
- var collection = new tr.model.ObjectCollection({});
- var scopedId = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000');
- var s10 = collection.addSnapshot(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'cc::PictureLayerImpl', 10, {}, 'cc::LayerImpl');
- collection.idWasDeleted(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'cc::LayerImpl', 15);
- collection.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(10, collection.bounds.min);
- assert.equal(15, collection.bounds.max);
- assert.equal(, 'cc::PictureLayerImpl');
- assert.equal(s10.objectInstance.baseTypeName, 'cc::LayerImpl');
- });
- test('newWithSnapshotThatChangesBaseType', function() {
- var collection = new tr.model.ObjectCollection({});
- var scopedId = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000');
- var i10 = collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'cc::LayerImpl', 10);
- var s15 = collection.addSnapshot(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'cc::PictureLayerImpl', 15, {}, 'cc::LayerImpl');
- collection.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(10, collection.bounds.min);
- assert.equal(15, collection.bounds.max);
- assert.equal(s15.objectInstance, i10);
- assert.equal(, 'cc::PictureLayerImpl');
- assert.equal(i10.baseTypeName, 'cc::LayerImpl');
- });
- test('deleteThenSnapshotWithCustomBase', function() {
- var collection = new tr.model.ObjectCollection({});
- var scopedId = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000');
- collection.idWasDeleted(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'cc::LayerImpl', 10);
- var s15 = collection.addSnapshot(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'cc::PictureLayerImpl', 15, {}, 'cc::LayerImpl');
- collection.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(10, collection.bounds.min);
- assert.equal(15, collection.bounds.max);
- assert.equal(, 'cc::PictureLayerImpl');
- });
- test('autoDelete', function() {
- var collection = new tr.model.ObjectCollection({});
- var scopedId = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000');
- collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'Frame', 10);
- collection.addSnapshot(
- scopedId, 'cat', 'Frame', 10, {foo: 1});
- collection.autoDeleteObjects(15);
- var s10 = collection.getSnapshotAt(scopedId, 10);
- var i10 = s10.objectInstance;
- assert.equal(15, i10.deletionTs);
- });
- test('differentScopes', function() {
- var collection = new tr.model.ObjectCollection({});
- var scopedId1 = new tr.model.ScopedId('ptr', '0x1000');
- var scopedId2 = new tr.model.ScopedId('cc', '0x1000');
- collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId1, 'cat', 'ptr::object', 10);
- collection.idWasDeleted(
- scopedId1, 'cat', 'ptr::object', 15);
- collection.idWasCreated(
- scopedId2, 'cat', 'cc::object', 10);
- collection.idWasDeleted(
- scopedId2, 'cat', 'cc::object', 15);
- var instance = collection.getObjectInstanceAt(scopedId1, 10);
- assert.equal(, 'ptr::object');
- var instance = collection.getObjectInstanceAt(scopedId2, 10);
- assert.equal(, 'cc::object');
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_instance.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_instance.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/extension_registry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/sorted_array_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/object_snapshot.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the ObjectSnapshot and ObjectHistory classes.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var ObjectSnapshot = tr.model.ObjectSnapshot;
- /**
- * An object with a specific id, whose state has been snapshotted several
- * times.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ObjectInstance(
- parent, scopedId, category, name, creationTs, opt_baseTypeName) {
- this.parent = parent;
- this.scopedId = scopedId;
- this.category = category;
- this.baseTypeName = opt_baseTypeName ? opt_baseTypeName : name;
- = name;
- this.creationTs = creationTs;
- this.creationTsWasExplicit = false;
- this.deletionTs = Number.MAX_VALUE;
- this.deletionTsWasExplicit = false;
- this.colorId = 0;
- this.bounds = new tr.b.Range();
- this.snapshots = [];
- this.hasImplicitSnapshots = false;
- }
- ObjectInstance.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.Event.prototype,
- get typeName() {
- return;
- },
- addBoundsToRange: function(range) {
- range.addRange(this.bounds);
- },
- addSnapshot: function(ts, args, opt_name, opt_baseTypeName) {
- if (ts < this.creationTs)
- throw new Error('Snapshots must be >= instance.creationTs');
- if (ts >= this.deletionTs)
- throw new Error('Snapshots cannot be added after ' +
- 'an objects deletion timestamp.');
- var lastSnapshot;
- if (this.snapshots.length > 0) {
- lastSnapshot = this.snapshots[this.snapshots.length - 1];
- if (lastSnapshot.ts == ts)
- throw new Error('Snapshots already exists at this time!');
- if (ts < lastSnapshot.ts) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Snapshots must be added in increasing timestamp order');
- }
- }
- // Update baseTypeName if needed.
- if (opt_name &&
- ( != opt_name)) {
- if (!opt_baseTypeName)
- throw new Error('Must provide base type name for name update');
- if (this.baseTypeName != opt_baseTypeName)
- throw new Error('Cannot update type name: base types dont match');
- = opt_name;
- }
- var snapshotConstructor =
- tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.getConstructor(
- this.category,;
- var snapshot = new snapshotConstructor(this, ts, args);
- this.snapshots.push(snapshot);
- return snapshot;
- },
- wasDeleted: function(ts) {
- var lastSnapshot;
- if (this.snapshots.length > 0) {
- lastSnapshot = this.snapshots[this.snapshots.length - 1];
- if (lastSnapshot.ts > ts)
- throw new Error(
- 'Instance cannot be deleted at ts=' +
- ts + '. A snapshot exists that is older.');
- }
- this.deletionTs = ts;
- this.deletionTsWasExplicit = true;
- },
- /**
- * See ObjectSnapshot constructor notes on object initialization.
- */
- preInitialize: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.snapshots.length; i++)
- this.snapshots[i].preInitialize();
- },
- /**
- * See ObjectSnapshot constructor notes on object initialization.
- */
- initialize: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.snapshots.length; i++)
- this.snapshots[i].initialize();
- },
- isAliveAt: function(ts) {
- if (ts < this.creationTs && this.creationTsWasExplicit)
- return false;
- if (ts > this.deletionTs)
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- getSnapshotAt: function(ts) {
- if (ts < this.creationTs) {
- if (this.creationTsWasExplicit)
- throw new Error('ts must be within lifetime of this instance');
- return this.snapshots[0];
- }
- if (ts > this.deletionTs)
- throw new Error('ts must be within lifetime of this instance');
- var snapshots = this.snapshots;
- var i = tr.b.findIndexInSortedIntervals(
- snapshots,
- function(snapshot) { return snapshot.ts; },
- function(snapshot, i) {
- if (i == snapshots.length - 1)
- return snapshots[i].objectInstance.deletionTs;
- return snapshots[i + 1].ts - snapshots[i].ts;
- },
- ts);
- if (i < 0) {
- // Note, this is a little bit sketchy: this lets early ts point at the
- // first snapshot, even before it is taken. We do this because raster
- // tasks usually post before their tile snapshots are dumped. This may
- // be a good line of code to re-visit if we start seeing strange and
- // confusing object references showing up in the traces.
- return this.snapshots[0];
- }
- if (i >= this.snapshots.length)
- return this.snapshots[this.snapshots.length - 1];
- return this.snapshots[i];
- },
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds.reset();
- this.bounds.addValue(this.creationTs);
- if (this.deletionTs != Number.MAX_VALUE)
- this.bounds.addValue(this.deletionTs);
- else if (this.snapshots.length > 0)
- this.bounds.addValue(this.snapshots[this.snapshots.length - 1].ts);
- },
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- this.creationTs += amount;
- if (this.deletionTs != Number.MAX_VALUE)
- this.deletionTs += amount;
- this.snapshots.forEach(function(snapshot) {
- snapshot.ts += amount;
- });
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return this.typeName + ' object ' + this.scopedId;
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- ObjectInstance,
- {
- name: 'objectInstance',
- pluralName: 'objectInstances',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-object-instance-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-object-sub-view'
- });
- var options = new tr.b.ExtensionRegistryOptions(
- options.mandatoryBaseClass = ObjectInstance;
- options.defaultConstructor = ObjectInstance;
- tr.b.decorateExtensionRegistry(ObjectInstance, options);
- return {
- ObjectInstance: ObjectInstance
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_instance_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_instance_test.html
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/object_instance.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('getSnapshotAtWithImplicitCreation', function() {
- var instance = new tr.model.ObjectInstance(
- {}, '0x1000', 'cat', 'n', 10);
- var s10 = instance.addSnapshot(10, 'a');
- instance.addSnapshot(40, 'b');
- instance.wasDeleted(60);
- var s1 = instance.getSnapshotAt(1);
- assert.equal(s1, s10);
- var s10 = instance.getSnapshotAt(10);
- assert.equal(s10.args, 'a');
- assert.equal(instance.getSnapshotAt(15), s10);
- var s40 = instance.getSnapshotAt(40);
- assert.equal(s40.args, 'b');
- assert.equal(instance.getSnapshotAt(50), s40);
- assert.equal(instance.getSnapshotAt(59.9), s40);
- });
- test('getSnapshotAtWithExplicitCreation', function() {
- var instance = new tr.model.ObjectInstance(
- {}, '0x1000', 'cat', 'n', 10);
- instance.creationTsWasExplicit = true;
- instance.addSnapshot(10, 'a');
- instance.wasDeleted(60);
- assert.throws(function() {
- instance.getSnapshotAt(1);
- });
- var s10 = instance.getSnapshotAt(10);
- assert.equal(s10.args, 'a');
- assert.equal(instance.getSnapshotAt(15), s10);
- });
- test('getSnapshotBeforeFirstSnapshot', function() {
- var instance = new tr.model.ObjectInstance(
- {}, '0x1000', 'cat', 'n', 10);
- var s15 = instance.addSnapshot(15, 'a');
- instance.wasDeleted(40);
- assert.equal(instance.getSnapshotAt(10), s15);
- });
- test('getSnapshotAfterLastSnapshot', function() {
- var instance = new tr.model.ObjectInstance(
- {}, '0x1000', 'cat', 'n', 10);
- var s15 = instance.addSnapshot(15, 'a');
- instance.wasDeleted(40);
- assert.equal(instance.getSnapshotAt(20), s15);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_snapshot.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_snapshot.html
deleted file mode 100644
index eb9ca657db3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_snapshot.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/extension_registry.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * A snapshot of an object instance, at a given moment in time.
- *
- * Initialization of snapshots and instances is three phased:
- *
- * 1. Instances and snapshots are constructed. This happens during event
- * importing. Little should be done here, because the object's data
- * are still being used by the importer to reconstruct object references.
- *
- * 2. Instances and snapshtos are preinitialized. This happens after implicit
- * objects have been found, but before any references have been found and
- * switched to direct references. Thus, every snapshot stands on its own.
- * This is a good time to do global field renaming and type conversion,
- * e.g. recognizing domain-specific types and converting from C++ naming
- * convention to JS.
- *
- * 3. Instances and snapshtos are initialized. At this point, {id_ref:
- * '0x1000'} fields have been converted to snapshot references. This is a
- * good time to generic initialization steps and argument verification.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ObjectSnapshot(objectInstance, ts, args) {
- this.objectInstance = objectInstance;
- this.ts = ts;
- this.args = args;
- }
- ObjectSnapshot.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.Event.prototype,
- /**
- * See ObjectSnapshot constructor notes on object initialization.
- */
- preInitialize: function() {
- },
- /**
- * See ObjectSnapshot constructor notes on object initialization.
- */
- initialize: function() {
- },
- /**
- * Called when an object reference is resolved as this ObjectSnapshot.
- * @param {Object} item The event (async slice, slice or object) containing
- * the resolved reference.
- * @param {Object} object The object directly containing the reference.
- * @param {String} field The field name of the reference in |object|.
- */
- referencedAt: function(item, object, field) {
- },
- addBoundsToRange: function(range) {
- range.addValue(this.ts);
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Snapshot of ' +
- this.objectInstance.typeName + ' ' +
- + ' @ ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(this.ts);
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- ObjectSnapshot,
- {
- name: 'objectSnapshot',
- pluralName: 'objectSnapshots',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-object-snapshot-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-object-sub-view'
- });
- var options = new tr.b.ExtensionRegistryOptions(
- options.mandatoryBaseClass = ObjectSnapshot;
- options.defaultConstructor = ObjectSnapshot;
- tr.b.decorateExtensionRegistry(ObjectSnapshot, options);
- return {
- ObjectSnapshot: ObjectSnapshot
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_snapshot_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/object_snapshot_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/object_instance.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/object_snapshot.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('snapshotTypeRegistry', function() {
- function MySnapshot() {
- tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.apply(this, arguments);
- this.myFoo =;
- }
- MySnapshot.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.prototype
- };
- var instance = new tr.model.ObjectInstance(
- {}, '0x1000', 'cat', 'MySnapshot', 10);
- try {
- tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.register(
- MySnapshot,
- {typeName: 'MySnapshot'});
- var snapshot = instance.addSnapshot(15, {foo: 'bar'});
- assert.instanceOf(snapshot, MySnapshot);
- assert.equal(snapshot.myFoo, 'bar');
- } finally {
- tr.model.ObjectSnapshot.unregister(MySnapshot);
- }
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_sample.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 62de34ab591..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_registry.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var Event = tr.model.Event;
- var EventRegistry = tr.model.EventRegistry;
- /**
- * A sample that contains a power measurement (in mW).
- *
- * @constructor
- * @extends {Event}
- */
- function PowerSample(series, start, power) {
- this.series_ = series;
- this.start_ = start;
- this.power_ = power;
- }
- PowerSample.prototype = {
- __proto__: Event.prototype,
- get series() {
- return this.series_;
- },
- get start() {
- return this.start_;
- },
- set start(value) {
- this.start_ = value;
- },
- get power() {
- return this.power_;
- },
- set power(value) {
- this.power_ = value;
- },
- addBoundsToRange: function(range) {
- range.addValue(this.start);
- }
- };
- EventRegistry.register(
- PowerSample,
- {
- name: 'powerSample',
- pluralName: 'powerSamples',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-power-sample-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-power-sample-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- PowerSample: PowerSample
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_sample_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_sample_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/power_sample.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var PowerSample = tr.model.PowerSample;
- test('powerSample', function() {
- var series = new tr.model.PowerSeries(new tr.Model().device);
- var sample1 = new PowerSample(series, 0.0, 1000.0);
- var sample2 = new PowerSample(series, 1.0, 2000.0);
- assert.equal(sample1.series, series);
- assert.equal(sample1.start, 0.0);
- assert.equal(sample1.power, 1000.0);
- assert.equal(sample2.series, series);
- assert.equal(sample2.start, 1.0);
- assert.equal(sample2.power, 2000.0);
- });
- test('addBoundsToRange', function() {
- var series = new tr.model.PowerSeries(new tr.Model().device);
- var sample1 = new PowerSample(series, 0.0, 1000.0);
- var sample2 = new PowerSample(series, 1.0, 2000.0);
- var range = new tr.b.Range();
- sample1.addBoundsToRange(range);
- assert.equal(range.min, 0);
- assert.equal(range.max, 0);
- sample2.addBoundsToRange(range);
- assert.equal(range.min, 0);
- assert.equal(range.max, 1);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_series.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_series.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f3a873bab50..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_series.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/sorted_array_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_container.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/power_sample.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var PowerSample = tr.model.PowerSample;
- /**
- * A container holding a time series of power samples.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @extends {EventContainer}
- */
- function PowerSeries(device) {
- this.device_ = device;
- this.samples_ = [];
- }
- PowerSeries.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- get device() {
- return this.device_;
- },
- get samples() {
- return this.samples_;
- },
- get stableId() {
- return this.device_.stableId + '.PowerSeries';
- },
- /**
- * Adds a power sample to the series and returns it.
- *
- * Note: Samples must be added in chronological order.
- */
- addPowerSample: function(ts, val) {
- var sample = new PowerSample(this, ts, val);
- this.samples_.push(sample);
- return sample;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the total energy (in Joules) consumed between the specified
- * start and end timestamps (in milliseconds).
- */
- getEnergyConsumed: function(start, end) {
- var measurementRange = tr.b.Range.fromExplicitRange(start, end);
- var energyConsumed = 0;
- var startIndex = tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray(
- this.samples, x => x.start, start) - 1;
- var endIndex = tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray(
- this.samples, x => x.start, end);
- if (startIndex < 0)
- startIndex = 0;
- for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
- var sample = this.samples[i];
- var nextSample = this.samples[i + 1];
- var sampleRange = new tr.b.Range();
- sampleRange.addValue(sample.start);
- sampleRange.addValue(nextSample ? nextSample.start : sample.start);
- var timeIntersection = measurementRange.findIntersection(sampleRange);
- // Divide by 1000 to convert milliseconds to seconds.
- var durationInSeconds = timeIntersection.duration / 1000;
- energyConsumed += durationInSeconds * sample.power;
- }
- return energyConsumed;
- },
- getSamplesWithinRange: function(start, end) {
- var startIndex = tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray(
- this.samples, x => x.start, start);
- var endIndex = tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray(
- this.samples, x => x.start, end);
- return this.samples.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
- },
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.samples_.length; ++i)
- this.samples_[i].start += amount;
- },
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds.reset();
- if (this.samples_.length === 0)
- return;
- this.bounds.addValue(this.samples_[0].start);
- this.bounds.addValue(this.samples_[this.samples_.length - 1].start);
- },
- childEvents: function*() {
- yield * this.samples_;
- },
- };
- return {
- PowerSeries: PowerSeries
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_series_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_series_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/power_series_test.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/device.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/power_series.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Model = tr.Model;
- var PowerSeries = tr.model.PowerSeries;
- test('stableId', function() {
- var device = { stableId: 'test' };
- var series = new PowerSeries(device);
- assert.equal(series.stableId, 'test.PowerSeries');
- });
- test('device', function() {
- var device = new tr.model.Device(new Model());
- var series = new PowerSeries(device);
- assert.equal(series.device, device);
- });
- test('addPowerSample', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- assert.equal(series.samples.length, 0);
- var sample1 = series.addPowerSample(0, 1);
- var sample2 = series.addPowerSample(1, 2);
- assert.deepEqual(series.samples, [sample1, sample2]);
- });
- test('getEnergyConsumed_oneInterval', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- series.addPowerSample(0, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(1000, 2);
- assert.equal(series.getEnergyConsumed(0, 1000), 1);
- });
- test('getEnergyConsumed_twoIntervals', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- series.addPowerSample(0, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(1000, 2);
- series.addPowerSample(2000, 2);
- assert.equal(series.getEnergyConsumed(0, 2000), 3);
- });
- test('getEnergyConsumed_oneSample', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- series.addPowerSample(1000, 1);
- assert.equal(series.getEnergyConsumed(0, 2000), 0);
- });
- test('getEnergyConsumed_samplesAfterStart', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- series.addPowerSample(1000, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(2000, 2);
- assert.equal(series.getEnergyConsumed(0, 2000), 1);
- });
- test('getEnergyConsumed_extraSamplesBeforeStart', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- series.addPowerSample(0, 10);
- series.addPowerSample(1000, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(2000, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(3000, 1);
- assert.equal(series.getEnergyConsumed(2000, 4000), 1);
- });
- test('getEnergyConsumed_extraSamplesAfterEnd', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- series.addPowerSample(0, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(1000, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(2000, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(3000, 10);
- assert.equal(series.getEnergyConsumed(0, 2000), 2);
- });
- test('shiftTimestampsForward', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- series.addPowerSample(0, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(1, 2);
- series.shiftTimestampsForward(2);
- assert.equal(series.samples[0].start, 2);
- assert.equal(series.samples[1].start, 3);
- series.shiftTimestampsForward(-4);
- assert.equal(series.samples[0].start, -2);
- assert.equal(series.samples[1].start, -1);
- });
- test('updateBounds', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- series.addPowerSample(0, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(1, 2);
- series.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(series.bounds.min, 0);
- assert.equal(series.bounds.max, 1);
- series.addPowerSample(4, 3);
- series.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(series.bounds.min, 0);
- assert.equal(series.bounds.max, 4);
- });
- test('childEvents_empty', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- var eventsInSeries = [];
- for (var event of series.childEvents())
- eventsInSeries.push(event);
- assert.deepEqual(eventsInSeries, []);
- });
- test('childEvents_nonempty', function() {
- var series = new PowerSeries(new Model().device);
- var sample1 = series.addPowerSample(0, 1);
- var sample2 = series.addPowerSample(1, 2);
- var eventsInSeries = [];
- for (var event of series.childEvents())
- eventsInSeries.push(event);
- assert.deepEqual(eventsInSeries, [sample1, sample2]);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ed4100427..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_memory_dump.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Process class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var ProcessBase = tr.model.ProcessBase;
- var ProcessInstantEvent = tr.model.ProcessInstantEvent;
- var Frame = tr.model.Frame;
- var ProcessMemoryDump = tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump;
- /**
- * The Process represents a single userland process in the
- * trace.
- * @constructor
- */
- function Process(model, pid) {
- if (model === undefined)
- throw new Error('model must be provided');
- if (pid === undefined)
- throw new Error('pid must be provided');
-, model);
- = pid;
- = undefined;
- this.labels = [];
- this.instantEvents = [];
- this.memoryDumps = [];
- this.frames = [];
- this.activities = [];
- };
- /**
- * Comparison between processes that orders by pid.
- */
- = function(x, y) {
- var tmp =, y);
- if (tmp)
- return tmp;
- tmp = tr.b.comparePossiblyUndefinedValues(
- function(x, y) { return x.localeCompare(y); });
- if (tmp)
- return tmp;
- tmp = tr.b.compareArrays(x.labels, y.labels,
- function(x, y) { return x.localeCompare(y); });
- if (tmp)
- return tmp;
- return -;
- };
- Process.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.ProcessBase.prototype,
- get stableId() {
- return;
- },
- compareTo: function(that) {
- return, that);
- },
- childEvents: function*() {
- yield *;
- yield * this.instantEvents;
- yield * this.frames;
- yield * this.memoryDumps;
- },
- addLabelIfNeeded: function(labelName) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.labels.length; i++) {
- if (this.labels[i] === labelName)
- return;
- }
- this.labels.push(labelName);
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- var res;
- if (
- res = + ' (pid ' + + ')';
- else
- res = 'Process ' +;
- if (this.labels.length)
- res += ': ' + this.labels.join(', ');
- return res;
- },
- get userFriendlyDetails() {
- if (
- return + ' (pid ' + + ')';
- return 'pid: ' +;
- },
- getSettingsKey: function() {
- if (!
- return undefined;
- if (!this.labels.length)
- return 'processes.' +;
- return 'processes.' + + '.' + this.labels.join('.');
- },
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.instantEvents.length; i++)
- this.instantEvents[i].start += amount;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.frames.length; i++)
- this.frames[i].shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.memoryDumps.length; i++)
- this.memoryDumps[i].shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.activities.length; i++)
- this.activities[i].shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- tr.model.ProcessBase.prototype
- .shiftTimestampsForward.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- updateBounds: function() {
- tr.model.ProcessBase.prototype.updateBounds.apply(this);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.frames.length; i++)
- this.frames[i].addBoundsToRange(this.bounds);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.memoryDumps.length; i++)
- this.memoryDumps[i].addBoundsToRange(this.bounds);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.activities.length; i++)
- this.activities[i].addBoundsToRange(this.bounds);
- },
- sortMemoryDumps: function() {
- this.memoryDumps.sort(function(x, y) {
- return x.start - y.start;
- });
- tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump.hookUpMostRecentVmRegionsLinks(
- this.memoryDumps);
- }
- };
- return {
- Process: Process
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_base.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_base.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 92aa673090f..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_base.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/counter.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_container.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/object_collection.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/thread.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the ProcessBase class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var Thread = tr.model.Thread;
- var Counter = tr.model.Counter;
- /**
- * The ProcessBase is a partial base class, upon which Kernel
- * and Process are built.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @extends {tr.model.EventContainer}
- */
- function ProcessBase(model) {
- if (!model)
- throw new Error('Must provide a model');
- this.model = model;
- this.threads = {};
- this.counters = {};
- this.objects = new tr.model.ObjectCollection(this);
- this.sortIndex = 0;
- };
- = function(x, y) {
- return x.sortIndex - y.sortIndex;
- };
- ProcessBase.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- get stableId() {
- throw new Error('Not implemented');
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- yield * tr.b.dictionaryValues(this.threads);
- yield * tr.b.dictionaryValues(this.counters);
- yield this.objects;
- },
- iterateAllPersistableObjects: function(cb) {
- cb(this);
- for (var tid in this.threads)
- this.threads[tid].iterateAllPersistableObjects(cb);
- },
- /**
- * Gets the number of threads in this process.
- */
- get numThreads() {
- var n = 0;
- for (var p in this.threads) {
- n++;
- }
- return n;
- },
- /**
- * Shifts all the timestamps inside this process forward by the amount
- * specified.
- */
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- for (var child of this.childEventContainers())
- child.shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- },
- /**
- * Closes any open slices.
- */
- autoCloseOpenSlices: function() {
- for (var tid in this.threads) {
- var thread = this.threads[tid];
- thread.autoCloseOpenSlices();
- }
- },
- autoDeleteObjects: function(maxTimestamp) {
- this.objects.autoDeleteObjects(maxTimestamp);
- },
- /**
- * Called by the model after finalizing imports,
- * but before joining refs.
- */
- preInitializeObjects: function() {
- this.objects.preInitializeAllObjects();
- },
- /**
- * Called by the model after joining refs.
- */
- initializeObjects: function() {
- this.objects.initializeAllObjects();
- },
- /**
- * Merge slices from the kernel with those from userland for each thread.
- */
- mergeKernelWithUserland: function() {
- for (var tid in this.threads) {
- var thread = this.threads[tid];
- thread.mergeKernelWithUserland();
- }
- },
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds.reset();
- for (var tid in this.threads) {
- this.threads[tid].updateBounds();
- this.bounds.addRange(this.threads[tid].bounds);
- }
- for (var id in this.counters) {
- this.counters[id].updateBounds();
- this.bounds.addRange(this.counters[id].bounds);
- }
- this.objects.updateBounds();
- this.bounds.addRange(this.objects.bounds);
- },
- addCategoriesToDict: function(categoriesDict) {
- for (var tid in this.threads)
- this.threads[tid].addCategoriesToDict(categoriesDict);
- for (var id in this.counters)
- categoriesDict[this.counters[id].category] = true;
- this.objects.addCategoriesToDict(categoriesDict);
- },
- findAllThreadsMatching: function(predicate, opt_this) {
- var threads = [];
- for (var tid in this.threads) {
- var thread = this.threads[tid];
- if (, thread))
- threads.push(thread);
- }
- return threads;
- },
- /**
- * @param {String} The name of the thread to find.
- * @return {Array} An array of all the matched threads.
- */
- findAllThreadsNamed: function(name) {
- var threads = this.findAllThreadsMatching(function(thread) {
- if (!
- return false;
- return === name;
- });
- return threads;
- },
- findAtMostOneThreadNamed: function(name) {
- var threads = this.findAllThreadsNamed(name);
- if (threads.length === 0)
- return undefined;
- if (threads.length > 1)
- throw new Error('Expected no more than one ' + name);
- return threads[0];
- },
- /**
- * Removes threads from the process that are fully empty.
- */
- pruneEmptyContainers: function() {
- var threadsToKeep = {};
- for (var tid in this.threads) {
- var thread = this.threads[tid];
- if (!thread.isEmpty)
- threadsToKeep[tid] = thread;
- }
- this.threads = threadsToKeep;
- },
- /**
- * @return {TimelineThread} The thread identified by tid on this process,
- * or undefined if it doesn't exist.
- */
- getThread: function(tid) {
- return this.threads[tid];
- },
- /**
- * @return {TimelineThread} The thread identified by tid on this process,
- * creating it if it doesn't exist.
- */
- getOrCreateThread: function(tid) {
- if (!this.threads[tid])
- this.threads[tid] = new Thread(this, tid);
- return this.threads[tid];
- },
- /**
- * @return {Counter} The counter on this process with the given
- * category/name combination, creating it if it doesn't exist.
- */
- getOrCreateCounter: function(cat, name) {
- var id = cat + '.' + name;
- if (!this.counters[id])
- this.counters[id] = new Counter(this, id, cat, name);
- return this.counters[id];
- },
- getSettingsKey: function() {
- throw new Error('Not implemented');
- },
- createSubSlices: function() {
- for (var tid in this.threads)
- this.threads[tid].createSubSlices();
- }
- };
- return {
- ProcessBase: ProcessBase
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_memory_dump.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_memory_dump.html
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/container_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/vm_region.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the ProcessMemoryDump class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- // Names of MemoryAllocatorDump(s) from which tracing overhead should be
- // discounted.
- var DISCOUNTED_ALLOCATOR_NAMES = ['winheap', 'malloc'];
- // The path to where the tracing overhead dump should be added to the
- // winheap/malloc allocator dump tree.
- var TRACING_OVERHEAD_PATH = ['allocated_objects', 'tracing_overhead'];
- var SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump.SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME;
- tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump.RESIDENT_SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME;
- function getSizeNumericValue(dump, sizeNumericName) {
- var sizeNumeric = dump.numerics[sizeNumericName];
- if (sizeNumeric === undefined)
- return 0;
- return sizeNumeric.value;
- }
- /**
- * The ProcessMemoryDump represents a memory dump of a single process.
- * @constructor
- */
- function ProcessMemoryDump(globalMemoryDump, process, start) {
-, start);
- this.process = process;
- this.globalMemoryDump = globalMemoryDump;
- // Process memory totals (optional object) with the following fields (also
- // optional):
- // - residentBytes: Total resident bytes (number)
- // - peakResidentBytes: Peak resident bytes (number)
- // - arePeakResidentBytesResettable: Flag whether peak resident bytes are
- // resettable (boolean)
- // - platformSpecific: Map from OS-specific total names (string) to sizes
- // (number)
- this.totals = undefined;
- this.vmRegions = undefined;
- // Map from allocator names to heap dumps.
- this.heapDumps = undefined;
- this.tracingOverheadOwnershipSetUp_ = false;
- this.tracingOverheadDiscountedFromVmRegions_ = false;
- };
- ProcessMemoryDump.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.ContainerMemoryDump.prototype,
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Process memory dump at ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(this.start);
- },
- get containerName() {
- return this.process.userFriendlyName;
- },
- get processMemoryDumps() {
- var dumps = {};
- dumps[] = this;
- return dumps;
- },
- get hasOwnVmRegions() {
- return this.vmRegions !== undefined;
- },
- setUpTracingOverheadOwnership: function(opt_model) {
- // Make sure that calling this method twice won't lead to
- // 'double-discounting'.
- if (this.tracingOverheadOwnershipSetUp_)
- return;
- this.tracingOverheadOwnershipSetUp_ = true;
- var tracingDump = this.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('tracing');
- if (tracingDump === undefined || tracingDump.owns !== undefined) {
- // The tracing dump either doesn't exist, or it already owns another
- // dump.
- return;
- }
- if (tracingDump.owns !== undefined)
- return;
- // Add an ownership link from tracing to
- // malloc/allocated_objects/tracing_overhead or
- // winheap/allocated_objects/tracing_overhead.
- var hasDiscountedFromAllocatorDumps = DISCOUNTED_ALLOCATOR_NAMES.some(
- function(allocatorName) {
- // First check if the allocator root exists.
- var allocatorDump = this.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- allocatorName);
- if (allocatorDump === undefined)
- return false; // Allocator doesn't exist, try another one.
- var nextPathIndex = 0;
- var currentDump = allocatorDump;
- var currentFullName = allocatorName;
- // Descend from the root towards tracing_overhead as long as the dumps
- // on the path exist.
- for (; nextPathIndex < TRACING_OVERHEAD_PATH.length; nextPathIndex++) {
- var childFullName = currentFullName + '/' +
- var childDump = this.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- childFullName);
- if (childDump === undefined)
- break;
- currentDump = childDump;
- currentFullName = childFullName;
- }
- // Create the missing descendant dumps on the path from the root
- // towards tracing_overhead.
- for (; nextPathIndex < TRACING_OVERHEAD_PATH.length; nextPathIndex++) {
- var childFullName = currentFullName + '/' +
- var childDump = new tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump(
- currentDump.containerMemoryDump, childFullName);
- childDump.parent = currentDump;
- currentDump.children.push(childDump);
- currentFullName = childFullName;
- currentDump = childDump;
- }
- // Add the ownership link.
- var ownershipLink =
- new tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDumpLink(tracingDump, currentDump);
- tracingDump.owns = ownershipLink;
- currentDump.ownedBy.push(ownershipLink);
- return true;
- }, this);
- // Force rebuilding the memory allocator dump index (if we've just added
- // a new memory allocator dump).
- if (hasDiscountedFromAllocatorDumps)
- this.forceRebuildingMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullNameIndex();
- },
- discountTracingOverheadFromVmRegions: function(opt_model) {
- // Make sure that calling this method twice won't lead to
- // 'double-discounting'.
- if (this.tracingOverheadDiscountedFromVmRegions_)
- return;
- this.tracingOverheadDiscountedFromVmRegions_ = true;
- var tracingDump = this.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('tracing');
- if (tracingDump === undefined)
- return;
- var discountedSize =
- getSizeNumericValue(tracingDump, SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME);
- var discountedResidentSize =
- getSizeNumericValue(tracingDump, RESIDENT_SIZE_NUMERIC_NAME);
- if (discountedSize <= 0 && discountedResidentSize <= 0)
- return;
- // Subtract the tracing size from the totals.
- if (this.totals !== undefined) {
- if (this.totals.residentBytes !== undefined)
- this.totals.residentBytes -= discountedResidentSize;
- if (this.totals.peakResidentBytes !== undefined)
- this.totals.peakResidentBytes -= discountedResidentSize;
- }
- // Subtract the tracing size from VM regions. More precisely, subtract
- // tracing resident_size from byte stats (private dirty and PSS) and
- // tracing size from virtual size by injecting a fake VM region with
- // negative values.
- if (this.vmRegions !== undefined) {
- var hasSizeInBytes = this.vmRegions.sizeInBytes !== undefined;
- var hasPrivateDirtyResident =
- this.vmRegions.byteStats.privateDirtyResident !== undefined;
- var hasProportionalResident =
- this.vmRegions.byteStats.proportionalResident !== undefined;
- if ((hasSizeInBytes && discountedSize > 0) ||
- ((hasPrivateDirtyResident || hasProportionalResident) &&
- discountedResidentSize > 0)) {
- var byteStats = {};
- if (hasPrivateDirtyResident)
- byteStats.privateDirtyResident = -discountedResidentSize;
- if (hasProportionalResident)
- byteStats.proportionalResident = -discountedResidentSize;
- this.vmRegions.addRegion(tr.model.VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '[discounted tracing overhead]',
- sizeInBytes: hasSizeInBytes ? -discountedSize : undefined,
- byteStats: byteStats
- }));
- }
- }
- }
- };
- ProcessMemoryDump.hookUpMostRecentVmRegionsLinks = function(processDumps) {
- var mostRecentVmRegions = undefined;
- processDumps.forEach(function(processDump) {
- // Update the most recent VM regions from the current dump.
- if (processDump.vmRegions !== undefined)
- mostRecentVmRegions = processDump.vmRegions;
- // Set the most recent VM regions of the current dump.
- processDump.mostRecentVmRegions = mostRecentVmRegions;
- });
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- ProcessMemoryDump,
- {
- name: 'processMemoryDump',
- pluralName: 'processMemoryDumps',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-container-memory-dump-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-container-memory-dump-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- ProcessMemoryDump: ProcessMemoryDump
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_memory_dump_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_memory_dump_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b1c2a32c71..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_memory_dump_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_dump_test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/vm_region.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var GlobalMemoryDump = tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump;
- var ProcessMemoryDump = tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump;
- var VMRegion = tr.model.VMRegion;
- var VMRegionClassificationNode = tr.model.VMRegionClassificationNode;
- var ScalarNumeric = tr.v.ScalarNumeric;
- var unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter =
- tr.v.Unit.byName.unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter;
- var newAllocatorDump = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.newAllocatorDump;
- var addChildDump = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.addChildDump;
- var addOwnershipLink = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.addOwnershipLink;
- var checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics =
- tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics;
- var checkVMRegions = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.checkVMRegions;
- function createClassificationNode(opt_sizeInBytes, opt_byteStats) {
- var node = new VMRegionClassificationNode();
- if (opt_sizeInBytes !== undefined || opt_byteStats !== undefined) {
- node.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '',
- sizeInBytes: opt_sizeInBytes,
- byteStats: opt_byteStats
- }));
- }
- return node;
- }
- function createProcessMemoryDump(timestamp, model) {
- var gmd = new GlobalMemoryDump(model, timestamp);
- model.globalMemoryDumps.push(gmd);
- var p = model.getOrCreateProcess(123);
- var pmd = new ProcessMemoryDump(gmd, p, timestamp + 1);
- gmd.processMemoryDumps[123] = pmd;
- p.memoryDumps.push(pmd);
- return pmd;
- }
- function createFinalizedProcessMemoryDump(timestamp, opt_createdCallback) {
- return createFinalizedProcessMemoryDumps([timestamp], function(pmds) {
- if (opt_createdCallback !== undefined)
- opt_createdCallback(pmds[0]);
- })[0];
- }
- function createFinalizedProcessMemoryDumps(timestamps, createdCallback) {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- var pmds = {
- return createProcessMemoryDump(timestamp, model);
- });
- createdCallback(pmds);
- });
- var pmds = model.getProcess(123).memoryDumps;
- assert.lengthOf(pmds, timestamps.length);
- return pmds;
- }
- test('processMemoryDumps', function() {
- var pmd = createFinalizedProcessMemoryDump(42);
- var pmds = pmd.processMemoryDumps;
- assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(pmds), 1);
- assert.strictEqual(pmds[123], pmd);
- });
- test('hookUpMostRecentVmRegionsLinks_emptyArray', function() {
- var dumps = [];
- ProcessMemoryDump.hookUpMostRecentVmRegionsLinks(dumps);
- assert.lengthOf(dumps, 0);
- });
- test('hookUpMostRecentVmRegionsLinks_nonEmptyArray', function() {
- var m = new tr.Model();
- // A dump with no VM regions or allocator dumps.
- var dump1 = createProcessMemoryDump(1, m);
- // A dump with VM regions and malloc and Oilpan allocator dumps.
- var dump2 = createProcessMemoryDump(2, m);
- dump2.vmRegions = createClassificationNode();
- dump2.memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(dump2, 'oilpan', {
- size: 1024,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 7),
- inner_size: 768
- }),
- newAllocatorDump(dump2, 'v8', {
- size: 2048,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 15),
- inner_size: 1999
- })
- ];
- // A dump with malloc and V8 allocator dumps.
- var dump3 = createProcessMemoryDump(3, m);
- dump3.memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(dump3, 'malloc', {
- size: 1024,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 7),
- inner_size: 768
- }),
- newAllocatorDump(dump3, 'v8', {
- size: 2048,
- objects_count: new ScalarNumeric(unitlessNumber_smallerIsBetter, 15),
- inner_size: 1999
- })
- ];
- // A dump with VM regions.
- var dump4 = createProcessMemoryDump(4, m);
- dump4.vmRegions = createClassificationNode();
- var dumps = [dump1, dump2, dump3, dump4];
- ProcessMemoryDump.hookUpMostRecentVmRegionsLinks(dumps);
- assert.lengthOf(dumps, 4);
- assert.equal(dumps[0], dump1);
- assert.isUndefined(dump1.mostRecentVmRegions);
- assert.equal(dumps[1], dump2);
- assert.equal(dump2.mostRecentVmRegions, dump2.vmRegions);
- assert.equal(dumps[2], dump3);
- assert.equal(dump3.mostRecentVmRegions, dump2.vmRegions);
- assert.equal(dumps[3], dump4);
- assert.equal(dump4.mostRecentVmRegions, dump4.vmRegions);
- });
- test('checkDiscountTracingOverhead_undefinedFields', function() {
- var pmd = createFinalizedProcessMemoryDump(42, function(pmd) {
- pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'v8', { size: 2048 }),
- newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'tracing', { size: 1024 })
- ];
- });
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.totals);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.vmRegions);
- var v8Dump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('v8');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(v8Dump, {
- 'size': 2048,
- 'effective_size': 2048
- }, {});
- var tracingDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('tracing');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(tracingDump, {
- 'size': 1024,
- 'effective_size': 1024
- }, {});
- });
- test('checkDiscountTracingOverhead_definedFields', function() {
- var pmd = createFinalizedProcessMemoryDump(42, function(pmd) {
- pmd.totals = { residentBytes: 10240 };
- pmd.vmRegions = createClassificationNode(6000, {
- privateDirtyResident: 4096,
- proportionalResident: 5120,
- swapped: 1536
- });
- var mallocDump = newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'malloc', { size: 3072 });
- addChildDump(mallocDump, 'allocated_objects', { size: 2560 });
- var tracingDump = newAllocatorDump(
- pmd, 'tracing', { size: 1024, resident_size: 1000 });
- pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [mallocDump, tracingDump];
- });
- assert.equal(pmd.totals.residentBytes, 9240);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.totals.peakResidentBytes);
- var vmRegions = pmd.vmRegions;
- assert.strictEqual(vmRegions.sizeInBytes, 4976);
- assert.deepEqual(vmRegions.byteStats, {
- privateDirtyResident: 3096,
- proportionalResident: 4120,
- swapped: 1536
- });
- checkVMRegions(vmRegions, [
- {
- mappedFile: '',
- sizeInBytes: 6000,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 4096,
- proportionalResident: 5120,
- swapped: 1536
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '[discounted tracing overhead]',
- sizeInBytes: -1024,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: -1000,
- proportionalResident: -1000
- }
- }
- ]);
- var mallocDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('malloc');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(mallocDump, {
- 'size': 3072,
- 'effective_size': 2048
- }, {});
- assert.lengthOf(
- mallocDump.children, 2 /* 'allocated_objects' and '<unspecified>' */);
- var allocatedObjectsDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'malloc/allocated_objects');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(allocatedObjectsDump, {
- 'size': 2560,
- 'effective_size': 1536
- }, {});
- assert.lengthOf(
- allocatedObjectsDump.children,
- 2 /* 'tracing_overhead' and '<unspecified>' */);
- var discountDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'malloc/allocated_objects/tracing_overhead');
- assert.strictEqual(discountDump.parent, allocatedObjectsDump);
- assert.include(allocatedObjectsDump.children, discountDump);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(discountDump, {
- 'size': 1024,
- 'effective_size': 0
- }, {});
- var tracingDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('tracing');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(tracingDump, {
- 'size': 1024,
- 'effective_size': 1024,
- 'resident_size': 1000
- }, {});
- assert.strictEqual(, discountDump);
- });
- test('checkDiscountTracingOverhead_winheap', function() {
- var pmd = createFinalizedProcessMemoryDump(42, function(pmd) {
- pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'tracing', { size: 2048 }),
- newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'winheap', { size: 5120 })
- ];
- });
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.totals);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.vmRegions);
- var winheapDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('winheap');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(winheapDump, {
- 'size': 5120,
- 'effective_size': 3072
- }, {});
- assert.lengthOf(winheapDump.children,
- 2 /* 'allocated_objects' and '<unspecified>' */);
- var allocatedObjectsDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'winheap/allocated_objects');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(allocatedObjectsDump, {
- 'size': 2048,
- 'effective_size': 0
- }, {});
- assert.lengthOf(
- allocatedObjectsDump.children, 1 /* 'tracing_overhead' */);
- var discountDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
- 'winheap/allocated_objects/tracing_overhead');
- assert.strictEqual(discountDump.parent, allocatedObjectsDump);
- assert.include(allocatedObjectsDump.children, discountDump);
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(discountDump, {
- 'size': 2048,
- 'effective_size': 0
- }, {});
- var tracingDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('tracing');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(tracingDump, {
- 'size': 2048,
- 'effective_size': 2048
- }, {});
- assert.strictEqual(, discountDump);
- });
- test('checkDiscountTracingOverhead_withMostRecentVmRegionsLinks', function() {
- var pmds = createFinalizedProcessMemoryDumps([42, 90], function(pmds) {
- pmds[0].totals = { residentBytes: 1000, peakResidentBytes: 2000 };
- pmds[0].vmRegions = createClassificationNode(6000, {
- privateDirtyResident: 4096
- });
- pmds[0].memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(pmds[0], 'tracing', { size: 300, resident_size: 100 })
- ];
- pmds[1].totals = { peakResidentBytes: 3000 };
- pmds[1].memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(pmds[0], 'tracing', { resident_size: 200 })
- ];
- });
- // First PMD: Both total resident and private dirty resident size should be
- // reduced by 100. Virtual size should be reduced by 300.
- assert.strictEqual(pmds[0].totals.residentBytes, 900);
- assert.strictEqual(pmds[0].totals.peakResidentBytes, 1900);
- assert.strictEqual(pmds[0].vmRegions.sizeInBytes, 5700);
- assert.deepEqual(pmds[0].vmRegions.byteStats, {
- privateDirtyResident: 3996
- });
- checkVMRegions(pmds[0].vmRegions, [
- {
- mappedFile: '',
- sizeInBytes: 6000,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 4096,
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '[discounted tracing overhead]',
- sizeInBytes: -300,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: -100
- }
- }
- ]);
- assert.strictEqual(pmds[0].mostRecentVmRegions, pmds[0].vmRegions);
- // Second PMD: Total resident size should be reduced by 200, whereas private
- // dirty resident size should be reduced by 100 (because it comes from
- // the VM regions in the first dump). Similarly, virtual size should be
- // reduced by 300.
- assert.isUndefined(pmds[1].totals.residentBytes);
- assert.equal(pmds[1].totals.peakResidentBytes, 2800);
- assert.isUndefined(pmds[1].vmRegions);
- assert.strictEqual(pmds[1].mostRecentVmRegions, pmds[0].vmRegions);
- });
- test('checkDiscountTracingOverhead_allDiscountedVmRegionFields', function() {
- var pmd = createFinalizedProcessMemoryDump(42, function(pmd) {
- pmd.vmRegions = createClassificationNode(10000, {
- privateDirtyResident: 4096,
- proportionalResident: 8192,
- swapped: 1536
- });
- pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'tracing', { size: 1000, resident_size: 1024 })
- ];
- });
- var vmRegions = pmd.vmRegions;
- assert.strictEqual(vmRegions.sizeInBytes, 9000);
- assert.deepEqual(vmRegions.byteStats, {
- privateDirtyResident: 3072,
- proportionalResident: 7168,
- swapped: 1536
- });
- checkVMRegions(vmRegions, [
- {
- mappedFile: '',
- sizeInBytes: 10000,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 4096,
- proportionalResident: 8192,
- swapped: 1536
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '[discounted tracing overhead]',
- sizeInBytes: -1000,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: -1024,
- proportionalResident: -1024
- }
- }
- ]);
- });
- test('checkDiscountTracingOverhead_twoDiscountedVmRegionField', function() {
- var pmd = createFinalizedProcessMemoryDump(42, function(pmd) {
- pmd.vmRegions = createClassificationNode(10000, {
- privateDirtyResident: 4096,
- swapped: 1536
- });
- pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'tracing', { size: 1000, resident_size: 1024 })
- ];
- });
- var vmRegions = pmd.vmRegions;
- assert.strictEqual(vmRegions.sizeInBytes, 9000);
- assert.deepEqual(vmRegions.byteStats, {
- privateDirtyResident: 3072,
- swapped: 1536
- });
- checkVMRegions(vmRegions, [
- {
- mappedFile: '',
- sizeInBytes: 10000,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 4096,
- swapped: 1536
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '[discounted tracing overhead]',
- sizeInBytes: -1000,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: -1024
- }
- }
- ]);
- });
- test('checkDiscountTracingOverhead_oneDiscountedVmRegionField', function() {
- var pmd = createFinalizedProcessMemoryDump(42, function(pmd) {
- pmd.vmRegions = createClassificationNode(10000);
- pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'tracing', { size: 1000, resident_size: 1024 })
- ];
- });
- var vmRegions = pmd.vmRegions;
- assert.strictEqual(vmRegions.sizeInBytes, 9000);
- assert.deepEqual(vmRegions.byteStats, {});
- checkVMRegions(vmRegions, [
- {
- mappedFile: '',
- sizeInBytes: 10000
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '[discounted tracing overhead]',
- sizeInBytes: -1000
- }
- ]);
- });
- test('checkDiscountTracingOverhead_noDiscountedVmRegionFields', function() {
- var pmd = createFinalizedProcessMemoryDump(42, function(pmd) {
- pmd.vmRegions = createClassificationNode(undefined, {
- swapped: 1536
- });
- pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [
- newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'tracing', { size: 1000, resident_size: 1024 })
- ];
- });
- var vmRegions = pmd.vmRegions;
- assert.isUndefined(vmRegions.sizeInBytes);
- assert.deepEqual(vmRegions.byteStats, {
- swapped: 1536
- });
- checkVMRegions(vmRegions, [
- {
- mappedFile: '',
- byteStats: {
- swapped: 1536
- }
- }
- ]);
- });
- test('checkDiscountTracingOverhead_existingLink', function() {
- var pmd = createFinalizedProcessMemoryDump(42, function(pmd) {
- pmd.totals = { residentBytes: 10240 };
- pmd.vmRegions = createClassificationNode(6000, {
- privateDirtyResident: 4096,
- swapped: 1536,
- proportionalResident: 5120
- });
- var mallocDump = newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'malloc', { size: 3072 });
- var tracingDump = newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'tracing',
- { size: 1024, resident_size: 1000 });
- var ownedDump = newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'owned');
- // The code for discounting tracing overhead should *not* override an
- // existing ownership.
- addOwnershipLink(tracingDump, ownedDump);
- pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [mallocDump, tracingDump, ownedDump];
- });
- assert.strictEqual(pmd.totals.residentBytes, 9240);
- assert.isUndefined(pmd.totals.peakResidentBytes);
- var vmRegions = pmd.vmRegions;
- assert.strictEqual(vmRegions.sizeInBytes, 4976);
- assert.deepEqual(vmRegions.byteStats, {
- privateDirtyResident: 3096,
- proportionalResident: 4120,
- swapped: 1536
- });
- checkVMRegions(vmRegions, [
- {
- mappedFile: '',
- sizeInBytes: 6000,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 4096,
- proportionalResident: 5120,
- swapped: 1536
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '[discounted tracing overhead]',
- sizeInBytes: -1024,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: -1000,
- proportionalResident: -1000
- }
- }
- ]);
- var mallocDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('malloc');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(mallocDump, {
- 'size': 3072,
- 'effective_size': 3072
- }, {});
- assert.lengthOf(mallocDump.children, 0);
- var ownedDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('owned');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(ownedDump, {
- 'size': 1024,
- 'effective_size': 0
- }, {});
- assert.lengthOf(ownedDump.children, 0);
- var tracingDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('tracing');
- checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics(tracingDump, {
- 'size': 1024,
- 'effective_size': 1024,
- 'resident_size': 1000
- }, {});
- assert.strictEqual(, ownedDump);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c2ca802a3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/process_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/frame.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/instant_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/thread_slice.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('getOrCreateCounter', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var process = new tr.model.Process(model, 7);
- var ctrBar = process.getOrCreateCounter('foo', 'bar');
- var ctrBar2 = process.getOrCreateCounter('foo', 'bar');
- assert.equal(ctrBar2, ctrBar);
- });
- test('shiftTimestampsForward', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var process = new tr.model.Process(model, 7);
- var ctr = process.getOrCreateCounter('foo', 'bar');
- var thread = process.getOrCreateThread(1);
- var instantEvent = new tr.model.InstantEvent('cat', 'event1', 1, 100);
- process.instantEvents.push(instantEvent);
- var slice = new tr.model.ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 4);
- var frame =
- new tr.model.Frame([slice], [{thread: thread, start: 100, end: 200}]);
- process.frames.push(frame);
- var memoryDump = new tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump(model, 100);
- process.memoryDumps.push(memoryDump);
- var shiftCount = 0;
- thread.shiftTimestampsForward = function(ts) {
- if (ts == 0.32)
- shiftCount++;
- };
- ctr.shiftTimestampsForward = function(ts) {
- if (ts == 0.32)
- shiftCount++;
- };
- process.shiftTimestampsForward(0.32);
- assert.equal(shiftCount, 2);
- assert.equal(instantEvent.start, 100.32);
- assert.equal(frame.start, 100.32);
- assert.equal(frame.end, 200.32);
- assert.equal(memoryDump.start, 100.32);
- });
- test('compareOnPID', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = new tr.model.Process(model, 1);
- = 'Renderer';
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p2 = new tr.model.Process(model, 2);
- = 'Renderer';
- assert.isBelow(p1.compareTo(p2), 0);
- });
- test('compareOnSortIndex', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = new tr.model.Process(model, 1);
- = 'Renderer';
- p1.sortIndex = 1;
- var p2 = new tr.model.Process(model, 2);
- = 'Renderer';
- assert.isAbove(p1.compareTo(p2), 0);
- });
- test('compareOnName', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = new tr.model.Process(model, 1);
- = 'Browser';
- var p2 = new tr.model.Process(model, 2);
- = 'Renderer';
- assert.isBelow(p1.compareTo(p2), 0);
- });
- test('compareOnLabels', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var p1 = new tr.model.Process(model, 1);
- = 'Renderer';
- p1.labels = ['a'];
- var p2 = new tr.model.Process(model, 2);
- = 'Renderer';
- p2.labels = ['b'];
- assert.isBelow(p1.compareTo(p2), 0);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/proxy_selectable_item.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/proxy_selectable_item.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/proxy_selectable_item.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/selectable_item.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/selection_state.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var SelectableItem = tr.model.SelectableItem;
- var SelectionState = tr.model.SelectionState;
- /**
- * A ProxySelectableItem is a selectable item which is not a model item itself
- * but instead acts as a proxy for a model item.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @extends {SelectableItem}
- */
- function ProxySelectableItem(modelItem) {
-, modelItem);
- };
- ProxySelectableItem.prototype = {
- __proto__: SelectableItem.prototype,
- get selectionState() {
- var modelItem = this.modelItem_;
- if (modelItem === undefined)
- return SelectionState.NONE;
- return modelItem.selectionState;
- }
- };
- return {
- ProxySelectableItem: ProxySelectableItem
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/proxy_selectable_item_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/proxy_selectable_item_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b5710b2d72..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/proxy_selectable_item_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/proxy_selectable_item.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/selection_state.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ProxySelectableItem = tr.model.ProxySelectableItem;
- var SelectionState = tr.model.SelectionState;
- test('checkSelectionState_undefinedModelItem', function() {
- var proxyItem = new ProxySelectableItem(undefined);
- assert.isFalse(proxyItem.selected);
- assert.equal(proxyItem.selectionState, SelectionState.NONE);
- });
- test('checkSelectionState_definedModelItem', function() {
- // Start with a selected model event.
- var modelItem = {selectionState: SelectionState.SELECTED};
- var proxyItem = new ProxySelectableItem(modelItem);
- assert.isTrue(proxyItem.selected);
- assert.equal(proxyItem.selectionState, SelectionState.SELECTED);
- // Change the selection state of the model event to highlighted.
- modelItem.selectionState = SelectionState.HIGHLIGHTED;
- assert.isFalse(proxyItem.selected);
- assert.equal(proxyItem.selectionState, SelectionState.HIGHLIGHTED);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/rect_annotation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/rect_annotation.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a87f7667ee1..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/rect_annotation.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/location.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/annotation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/ui/annotations/rect_annotation_view.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- function RectAnnotation(start, end) {
- tr.model.Annotation.apply(this, arguments);
- this.startLocation_ = start; // Location of top-left corner.
- this.endLocation_ = end; // Location of bottom-right corner.
- this.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 180, 0, 0.3)';
- }
- RectAnnotation.fromDict = function(dict) {
- var args = dict.args;
- var startLoc =
- new tr.model.Location(args.start.xWorld, args.start.yComponents);
- var endLoc =
- new tr.model.Location(args.end.xWorld, args.end.yComponents);
- return new tr.model.RectAnnotation(startLoc, endLoc);
- }
- RectAnnotation.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.Annotation.prototype,
- get startLocation() {
- return this.startLocation_;
- },
- get endLocation() {
- return this.endLocation_;
- },
- toDict: function() {
- return {
- typeName: 'rect',
- args: {
- start: this.startLocation.toDict(),
- end: this.endLocation.toDict()
- }
- };
- },
- createView_: function(viewport) {
- return new tr.ui.annotations.RectAnnotationView(viewport, this);
- }
- };
- tr.model.Annotation.register(RectAnnotation, {typeName: 'rect'});
- return {
- RectAnnotation: RectAnnotation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/sample.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a0936a3a8ed..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/timed_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Sample class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * A Sample represents a sample taken at an instant in time, plus its stack
- * frame and parameters associated with that sample.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function Sample(cpu, thread, title, start, leafStackFrame,
- opt_weight, opt_args) {
-, start);
- this.title = title;
- this.cpu = cpu;
- this.thread = thread;
- this.leafStackFrame = leafStackFrame;
- this.weight = opt_weight;
- this.args = opt_args || {};
- }
- Sample.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.TimedEvent.prototype,
- get colorId() {
- return this.leafStackFrame.colorId;
- },
- get stackTrace() {
- return this.leafStackFrame.stackTrace;
- },
- getUserFriendlyStackTrace: function() {
- return this.leafStackFrame.getUserFriendlyStackTrace();
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Sample at ' + tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(this.start);
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- Sample,
- {
- name: 'sample',
- pluralName: 'samples',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-sample-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-sample-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- Sample: Sample
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/sample_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/sample_test.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/sample_test.html
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@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Sample = tr.model.Sample;
- var StackFrame = tr.model.StackFrame;
- var Thread = tr.model.Thread;
- test('sampleStackTrace', function() {
- var thread = tr.c.TestUtils.newFakeThread();
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var fABC = tr.c.TestUtils.newStackTrace(model, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
- var s = new Sample(undefined, thread, 'instructions_retired',
- 10, fABC, 10);
- var stackTrace = s.stackTrace;
- var stackTraceNames = { return f.title; });
- assert.deepEqual(
- stackTraceNames,
- ['c', 'b', 'a']);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/scoped_id.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/scoped_id.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 652d6f0a7d3..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/scoped_id.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/constants.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- function ScopedId(scope, id) {
- if (scope === undefined) {
- throw new Error('Scope should be defined. Use \'' +
- '\' as the default scope.');
- }
- this.scope = scope;
- = id;
- }
- ScopedId.prototype = {
- toString: function() {
- return '{scope: ' + this.scope + ', id: ' + + '}';
- }
- };
- return {
- ScopedId: ScopedId
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/selectable_item.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/selectable_item.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 25ee56dd2d5..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/selectable_item.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/selection_state.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the SelectableItem class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var SelectionState = tr.model.SelectionState;
- /**
- * A SelectableItem is the abstract base class for any non-container data that
- * has an associated model item in the trace model (possibly itself).
- *
- * Subclasses must provide a selectionState property (or getter).
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function SelectableItem(modelItem) {
- this.modelItem_ = modelItem;
- }
- SelectableItem.prototype = {
- get modelItem() {
- return this.modelItem_;
- },
- get selected() {
- return this.selectionState === SelectionState.SELECTED;
- },
- addToSelection: function(selection) {
- var modelItem = this.modelItem_;
- if (!modelItem)
- return;
- selection.push(modelItem);
- },
- addToTrackMap: function(eventToTrackMap, track) {
- var modelItem = this.modelItem_;
- if (!modelItem)
- return;
- eventToTrackMap.addEvent(modelItem, track);
- }
- };
- return {
- SelectableItem: SelectableItem
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/selectable_item_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/selectable_item_test.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/selectable_item_test.html
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@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/selectable_item.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/selection_state.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/ui/tracks/event_to_track_map.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Event = tr.model.Event;
- var EventToTrackMap = tr.ui.tracks.EventToTrackMap;
- var SelectableItem = tr.model.SelectableItem;
- var SelectionState = tr.model.SelectionState;
- test('checkModelItem', function() {
- var selectableItem1 = new SelectableItem(undefined);
- assert.isUndefined(selectableItem1.modelItem);
- var event = new Event();
- var selectableItem2 = new SelectableItem(event);
- assert.equal(selectableItem2.modelItem, event);
- });
- test('checkSelected', function() {
- var selectableItem = new SelectableItem(undefined);
- selectableItem.selectionState = SelectionState.NONE;
- assert.isFalse(selectableItem.selected);
- selectableItem.selectionState = SelectionState.SELECTED;
- assert.isTrue(selectableItem.selected);
- selectableItem.selectionState = SelectionState.HIGHLIGHTED;
- assert.isFalse(selectableItem.selected);
- });
- test('checkAddToSelection_undefinedModelItem', function() {
- var selectableItem = new SelectableItem(undefined);
- var selection = [];
- selectableItem.addToSelection(selection);
- assert.lengthOf(selection, 0);
- });
- test('checkAddToSelection_definedModelItem', function() {
- var event = new Event();
- var selectableItem = new SelectableItem(event);
- var selection = [];
- selectableItem.addToSelection(selection);
- assert.lengthOf(selection, 1);
- assert.equal(selection[0], event);
- });
- test('checkAddToTrackMap_undefinedModelItem', function() {
- var selectableItem = new SelectableItem(undefined);
- var eventToTrackMap = new EventToTrackMap();
- var track = {};
- selectableItem.addToTrackMap(eventToTrackMap, track);
- assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(eventToTrackMap), 0);
- });
- test('checkAddToTrackMap_definedModelItem', function() {
- var event = new Event();
- var selectableItem = new SelectableItem(event);
- var eventToTrackMap = new EventToTrackMap();
- var track = {};
- selectableItem.addToTrackMap(eventToTrackMap, track);
- assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(eventToTrackMap), 1);
- assert.equal(eventToTrackMap[event.guid], track);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/selection_state.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/selection_state.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/selection_state.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/color_scheme.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the SelectionState class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- /**
- * Describes the level of visual highlighting to apply to an event when shown.
- *
- * color_scheme.html defines N variations off of a base color palette,
- * one for each selection state, all concatenated into one flat array. To
- * pick the final colorId for a given variations, the SelectionState is
- * multiplied by the number of base colors.
- *
- * Thus, the values here must be kept in sync with color_scheme's palette
- * layout.
- */
- var SelectionState = {
- NONE: 0,
- // Legacy names.
- DIMMED:[0],
- // Modern names.
- DIMMED0:[0],
- DIMMED1:[1],
- DIMMED2:[2]
- };
- var brighteningLevels = [
- SelectionState.NONE,
- SelectionState.BRIGHTENED0,
- SelectionState.BRIGHTENED1,
- SelectionState.BRIGHTENED2
- ];
- SelectionState.getFromBrighteningLevel = function(level) {
- return brighteningLevels[level];
- }
- var dimmingLevels = [
- SelectionState.DIMMED0,
- SelectionState.DIMMED1,
- SelectionState.DIMMED2
- ];
- SelectionState.getFromDimmingLevel = function(level) {
- return dimmingLevels[level];
- }
- return {
- SelectionState: SelectionState
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/timed_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Slice class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * A Slice represents an interval of time plus parameters associated
- * with that interval.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function Slice(category, title, colorId, start, args, opt_duration,
- opt_cpuStart, opt_cpuDuration, opt_argsStripped,
- opt_bind_id) {
-, start);
- this.category = category || '';
- this.title = title;
- this.colorId = colorId;
- this.args = args;
- this.startStackFrame = undefined;
- this.endStackFrame = undefined;
- this.didNotFinish = false;
- this.inFlowEvents = [];
- this.outFlowEvents = [];
- this.subSlices = [];
- this.selfTime = undefined;
- this.cpuSelfTime = undefined;
- this.important = false;
- this.parentContainer = undefined;
- this.argsStripped = false;
- this.bind_id_ = opt_bind_id;
- // parentSlice and isTopLevel will be set by SliceGroup.
- this.parentSlice = undefined;
- this.isTopLevel = false;
- // After SliceGroup processes Slices, isTopLevel should be equivalent to
- // !parentSlice.
- if (opt_duration !== undefined)
- this.duration = opt_duration;
- if (opt_cpuStart !== undefined)
- this.cpuStart = opt_cpuStart;
- if (opt_cpuDuration !== undefined)
- this.cpuDuration = opt_cpuDuration;
- if (opt_argsStripped !== undefined)
- this.argsStripped = true;
- }
- Slice.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.TimedEvent.prototype,
- get analysisTypeName() {
- return this.title;
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return 'Slice ' + this.title + ' at ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(this.start);
- },
- get stableId() {
- var parentSliceGroup = this.parentContainer.sliceGroup;
- return parentSliceGroup.stableId + '.' +
- parentSliceGroup.slices.indexOf(this);
- },
- findDescendentSlice: function(targetTitle) {
- if (!this.subSlices)
- return undefined;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.subSlices.length; i++) {
- if (this.subSlices[i].title == targetTitle)
- return this.subSlices[i];
- var slice = this.subSlices[i].findDescendentSlice(targetTitle);
- if (slice) return slice;
- }
- return undefined;
- },
- get mostTopLevelSlice() {
- var curSlice = this;
- while (curSlice.parentSlice)
- curSlice = curSlice.parentSlice;
- return curSlice;
- },
- getProcess: function() {
- var thread = this.parentContainer;
- if (thread && thread.getProcess)
- return thread.getProcess();
- return undefined;
- },
- get model() {
- var process = this.getProcess();
- if (process !== undefined)
- return this.getProcess().model;
- return undefined;
- },
- /**
- * Finds all topmost slices relative to this slice.
- *
- * Slices may have multiple direct descendants which satisfy
- * |eventPredicate|, and in this case, all of them are topmost as long as
- * this slice does not satisfy the predicate.
- *
- * For instance, suppose we are passing a predicate that checks whether
- * events titles begin with 'C'.
- * C1.findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice() returns C1 in this example:
- * [ C1 ]
- * [ C2 ]
- *
- * and D.findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice() returns C1 and C2 in this
- * example:
- * [ D ]
- * [C1] [C2]
- */
- findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice: function*(eventPredicate) {
- if (eventPredicate(this)) {
- yield this;
- return;
- }
- for (var s of this.subSlices)
- yield * s.findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice(eventPredicate);
- },
- /**
- * Obtains all subsequent slices of this slice.
- *
- * Subsequent slices are slices that get executed after a particular
- * slice, i.e., all the functions that are called after the current one.
- *
- * For instance, E.iterateAllSubsequentSlices() in the following example:
- * [ A ]
- * [ B][ D ][ G ]
- * [C] [E][F] [H]
- * will pass F, G, then H to the provided callback.
- *
- * The reason we need subsequent slices of a particular slice is that
- * when there is flow event goes into, e.g., E, we only want to highlight
- * E's subsequent slices to indicate the execution order.
- *
- * The idea to calculate the subsequent slices of slice E is to view
- * the slice group as a tree where the top-level slice A is the root node.
- * The preorder depth-first-search (DFS) order is naturally equivalent
- * to the function call order. We just need to perform a DFS, and start
- * recording the slices after we see the occurance of E.
- */
- iterateAllSubsequentSlices: function(callback, opt_this) {
- var parentStack = [];
- var started = false;
- // get the root node and push it to the DFS stack
- var topmostSlice = this.mostTopLevelSlice;
- parentStack.push(topmostSlice);
- // Using the stack to perform DFS
- while (parentStack.length !== 0) {
- var curSlice = parentStack.pop();
- if (started)
-, curSlice);
- else
- started = (curSlice.guid === this.guid);
- for (var i = curSlice.subSlices.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- parentStack.push(curSlice.subSlices[i]);
- }
- }
- },
- get subsequentSlices() {
- var res = [];
- this.iterateAllSubsequentSlices(function(subseqSlice) {
- res.push(subseqSlice);
- });
- return res;
- },
- /**
- * Obtains the parents of a slice, from the most immediate to the root.
- *
- * For instance, E.iterateAllAncestors() in the following example:
- * [ A ]
- * [ B][ D ][ G ]
- * [C] [E][F] [H]
- * will pass D, then A to the provided callback, in the order from the
- * leaves to the root.
- */
- iterateAllAncestors: function(callback, opt_this) {
- var curSlice = this;
- while (curSlice.parentSlice) {
- curSlice = curSlice.parentSlice;
-, curSlice);
- }
- },
- get ancestorSlices() {
- var res = [];
- this.iterateAllAncestors(function(ancestor) {
- res.push(ancestor);
- });
- return res;
- },
- iterateEntireHierarchy: function(callback, opt_this) {
- var mostTopLevelSlice = this.mostTopLevelSlice;
-, mostTopLevelSlice);
- mostTopLevelSlice.iterateAllSubsequentSlices(callback, opt_this);
- },
- get entireHierarchy() {
- var res = [];
- this.iterateEntireHierarchy(function(slice) {
- res.push(slice);
- });
- return res;
- },
- /**
- * Returns this slice, and its ancestor and subsequent slices.
- *
- * For instance, E.ancestorAndSubsequentSlices in the following example:
- * [ A ]
- * [ B][ D ][ G ]
- * [C] [E][F] [H]
- * will return E, D, A, F, G, and H, where E is itself, D and A are
- * E's ancestors, and F, G, and H are subsequent slices of E
- */
- get ancestorAndSubsequentSlices() {
- var res = [];
- res.push(this);
- this.iterateAllAncestors(function(aSlice) {
- res.push(aSlice);
- });
- this.iterateAllSubsequentSlices(function(sSlice) {
- res.push(sSlice);
- });
- return res;
- },
- iterateAllDescendents: function(callback, opt_this) {
- this.subSlices.forEach(callback, opt_this);
- this.subSlices.forEach(function(subSlice) {
- subSlice.iterateAllDescendents(callback, opt_this);
- }, opt_this);
- },
- get descendentSlices() {
- var res = [];
- this.iterateAllDescendents(function(des) {
- res.push(des);
- });
- return res;
- }
- };
- return {
- Slice: Slice
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice_group.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice_group.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c14e8bf54e..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice_group.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/color_scheme.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/sorted_array_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/filter.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_container.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the SliceGroup class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
- var Slice = tr.model.Slice;
- function getSliceLo(s) {
- return s.start;
- }
- function getSliceHi(s) {
- return s.end;
- }
- /**
- * A group of Slices, plus code to create them from B/E events, as
- * well as arrange them into subRows.
- *
- * Do not mutate the slices array directly. Modify it only by
- * SliceGroup mutation methods.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param {function(new:Slice, category, title, colorId, start, args)=}
- * opt_sliceConstructor The constructor to use when creating slices.
- * @extends {tr.model.EventContainer}
- */
- function SliceGroup(parentContainer, opt_sliceConstructor, opt_name) {
- this.parentContainer_ = parentContainer;
- var sliceConstructor = opt_sliceConstructor || Slice;
- this.sliceConstructor = sliceConstructor;
- this.openPartialSlices_ = [];
- this.slices = [];
- this.topLevelSlices = [];
- this.haveTopLevelSlicesBeenBuilt = false;
- this.name_ = opt_name;
- if (this.model === undefined)
- throw new Error('SliceGroup must have model defined.');
- }
- SliceGroup.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- get parentContainer() {
- return this.parentContainer_;
- },
- get model() {
- return this.parentContainer_.model;
- },
- get stableId() {
- return this.parentContainer_.stableId + '.SliceGroup';
- },
- getSettingsKey: function() {
- if (!this.name_)
- return undefined;
- var parentKey = this.parentContainer_.getSettingsKey();
- if (!parentKey)
- return undefined;
- return parentKey + '.' +;
- },
- /**
- * @return {Number} The number of slices in this group.
- */
- get length() {
- return this.slices.length;
- },
- /**
- * Helper function that pushes the provided slice onto the slices array.
- * @param {Slice} slice The slice to be added to the slices array.
- */
- pushSlice: function(slice) {
- this.haveTopLevelSlicesBeenBuilt = false;
- slice.parentContainer = this.parentContainer_;
- this.slices.push(slice);
- return slice;
- },
- /**
- * Helper function that pushes the provided slices onto the slices array.
- * @param {Array.<Slice>} slices An array of slices to be added.
- */
- pushSlices: function(slices) {
- this.haveTopLevelSlicesBeenBuilt = false;
- slices.forEach(function(slice) {
- slice.parentContainer = this.parentContainer_;
- this.slices.push(slice);
- }, this);
- },
- /**
- * Opens a new slice in the group's slices.
- *
- * Calls to beginSlice and
- * endSlice must be made with non-monotonically-decreasing timestamps.
- *
- * @param {String} category Category name of the slice to add.
- * @param {String} title Title of the slice to add.
- * @param {Number} ts The timetsamp of the slice, in milliseconds.
- * @param {Object.<string, Object>=} opt_args Arguments associated with
- * the slice.
- * @param {Number=} opt_colorId The color of the slice, defined by
- * its palette id (see base/color_scheme.html).
- */
- beginSlice: function(category, title, ts, opt_args, opt_tts,
- opt_argsStripped, opt_colorId) {
- if (this.openPartialSlices_.length) {
- var prevSlice = this.openPartialSlices_[
- this.openPartialSlices_.length - 1];
- if (ts < prevSlice.start)
- throw new Error('Slices must be added in increasing timestamp order');
- }
- var colorId = opt_colorId ||
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(title);
- var slice = new this.sliceConstructor(category, title, colorId, ts,
- opt_args ? opt_args : {}, null,
- opt_tts, undefined,
- opt_argsStripped);
- this.openPartialSlices_.push(slice);
- slice.didNotFinish = true;
- this.pushSlice(slice);
- return slice;
- },
- isTimestampValidForBeginOrEnd: function(ts) {
- if (!this.openPartialSlices_.length)
- return true;
- var top = this.openPartialSlices_[this.openPartialSlices_.length - 1];
- return ts >= top.start;
- },
- /**
- * @return {Number} The number of beginSlices for which an endSlice has not
- * been issued.
- */
- get openSliceCount() {
- return this.openPartialSlices_.length;
- },
- get mostRecentlyOpenedPartialSlice() {
- if (!this.openPartialSlices_.length)
- return undefined;
- return this.openPartialSlices_[this.openPartialSlices_.length - 1];
- },
- /**
- * Ends the last begun slice in this group and pushes it onto the slice
- * array.
- *
- * @param {Number} ts Timestamp when the slice ended
- * @param {Number=} opt_colorId The color of the slice, defined by
- * its palette id (see base/color_scheme.html).
- * @return {Slice} slice.
- */
- endSlice: function(ts, opt_tts, opt_colorId) {
- if (!this.openSliceCount)
- throw new Error('endSlice called without an open slice');
- var slice = this.openPartialSlices_[this.openSliceCount - 1];
- this.openPartialSlices_.splice(this.openSliceCount - 1, 1);
- if (ts < slice.start)
- throw new Error('Slice ' + slice.title +
- ' end time is before its start.');
- slice.duration = ts - slice.start;
- slice.didNotFinish = false;
- slice.colorId = opt_colorId || slice.colorId;
- if (opt_tts && slice.cpuStart !== undefined)
- slice.cpuDuration = opt_tts - slice.cpuStart;
- return slice;
- },
- /**
- * Push a complete event as a Slice into the slice list.
- * The timestamp can be in any order.
- *
- * @param {String} category Category name of the slice to add.
- * @param {String} title Title of the slice to add.
- * @param {Number} ts The timetsamp of the slice, in milliseconds.
- * @param {Number} duration The duration of the slice, in milliseconds.
- * @param {Object.<string, Object>=} opt_args Arguments associated with
- * the slice.
- * @param {Number=} opt_colorId The color of the slice, as defined by
- * its palette id (see base/color_scheme.html).
- */
- pushCompleteSlice: function(category, title, ts, duration, tts,
- cpuDuration, opt_args, opt_argsStripped,
- opt_colorId, opt_bind_id) {
- var colorId = opt_colorId ||
- ColorScheme.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(title);
- var slice = new this.sliceConstructor(category, title, colorId, ts,
- opt_args ? opt_args : {},
- duration, tts, cpuDuration,
- opt_argsStripped, opt_bind_id);
- if (duration === undefined)
- slice.didNotFinish = true;
- this.pushSlice(slice);
- return slice;
- },
- /**
- * Closes any open slices.
- * @param {Number=} opt_maxTimestamp The end time to use for the closed
- * slices. If not provided,
- * the max timestamp for this slice is provided.
- */
- autoCloseOpenSlices: function() {
- this.updateBounds();
- var maxTimestamp = this.bounds.max;
- for (var sI = 0; sI < this.slices.length; sI++) {
- var slice = this.slices[sI];
- if (slice.didNotFinish)
- slice.duration = maxTimestamp - slice.start;
- }
- this.openPartialSlices_ = [];
- },
- /**
- * Shifts all the timestamps inside this group forward by the amount
- * specified.
- */
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- for (var sI = 0; sI < this.slices.length; sI++) {
- var slice = this.slices[sI];
- slice.start = (slice.start + amount);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Updates the bounds for this group based on the slices it contains.
- */
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds.reset();
- for (var i = 0; i < this.slices.length; i++) {
- this.bounds.addValue(this.slices[i].start);
- this.bounds.addValue(this.slices[i].end);
- }
- },
- copySlice: function(slice) {
- var newSlice = new this.sliceConstructor(slice.category, slice.title,
- slice.colorId, slice.start,
- slice.args, slice.duration, slice.cpuStart, slice.cpuDuration);
- newSlice.didNotFinish = slice.didNotFinish;
- return newSlice;
- },
- findTopmostSlicesInThisContainer: function*(eventPredicate, opt_this) {
- if (!this.haveTopLevelSlicesBeenBuilt)
- throw new Error('Nope');
- for (var s of this.topLevelSlices)
- yield * s.findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice(eventPredicate);
- },
- childEvents: function*() {
- yield * this.slices;
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- },
- getSlicesOfName: function(title) {
- var slices = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.slices.length; i++) {
- if (this.slices[i].title == title) {
- slices.push(this.slices[i]);
- }
- }
- return slices;
- },
- iterSlicesInTimeRange: function(callback, start, end) {
- var ret = [];
- tr.b.iterateOverIntersectingIntervals(
- this.topLevelSlices,
- function(s) { return s.start; },
- function(s) { return s.duration; },
- start,
- end,
- function(topLevelSlice) {
- callback(topLevelSlice);
- topLevelSlice.iterateAllDescendents(callback);
- });
- return ret;
- },
- findFirstSlice: function() {
- if (!this.haveTopLevelSlicesBeenBuilt)
- throw new Error('Nope');
- if (0 === this.slices.length)
- return undefined;
- return this.slices[0];
- },
- findSliceAtTs: function(ts) {
- if (!this.haveTopLevelSlicesBeenBuilt)
- throw new Error('Nope');
- var i = tr.b.findIndexInSortedClosedIntervals(
- this.topLevelSlices,
- getSliceLo, getSliceHi,
- ts);
- if (i == -1 || i == this.topLevelSlices.length)
- return undefined;
- var curSlice = this.topLevelSlices[i];
- // Now recurse on slice looking for subSlice of given ts.
- while (true) {
- var i = tr.b.findIndexInSortedClosedIntervals(
- curSlice.subSlices,
- getSliceLo, getSliceHi,
- ts);
- if (i == -1 || i == curSlice.subSlices.length)
- return curSlice;
- curSlice = curSlice.subSlices[i];
- }
- },
- findNextSliceAfter: function(ts, refGuid) {
- var i = tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray(
- this.slices, getSliceLo, ts);
- if (i === this.slices.length)
- return undefined;
- for (; i < this.slices.length; i++) {
- var slice = this.slices[i];
- if (slice.start > ts)
- return slice;
- if (slice.guid <= refGuid)
- continue;
- return slice;
- }
- return undefined;
- },
- /**
- * Construct subSlices for this group.
- * Populate the group topLevelSlices, parent slices get a subSlices[],
- * a selfThreadTime and a selfTime, child slices get a parentSlice
- * reference.
- */
- createSubSlices: function() {
- this.haveTopLevelSlicesBeenBuilt = true;
- this.createSubSlicesImpl_();
- if (this.parentContainer.timeSlices)
- this.addCpuTimeToSubslices_(this.parentContainer.timeSlices);
- this.slices.forEach(function(slice) {
- var selfTime = slice.duration;
- for (var i = 0; i < slice.subSlices.length; i++)
- selfTime -= slice.subSlices[i].duration;
- slice.selfTime = selfTime;
- if (slice.cpuDuration === undefined)
- return;
- var cpuSelfTime = slice.cpuDuration;
- for (var i = 0; i < slice.subSlices.length; i++) {
- if (slice.subSlices[i].cpuDuration !== undefined)
- cpuSelfTime -= slice.subSlices[i].cpuDuration;
- }
- slice.cpuSelfTime = cpuSelfTime;
- });
- },
- createSubSlicesImpl_: function() {
- var precisionUnit = this.model.intrinsicTimeUnit;
- function addSliceIfBounds(root, child) {
- // Because we know that the start time of child is >= the start time
- // of all other slices seen so far, we can just check the last slice
- // of each row for bounding.
- if (root.bounds(child, precisionUnit)) {
- if (root.subSlices && root.subSlices.length > 0) {
- if (addSliceIfBounds(root.subSlices[root.subSlices.length - 1],
- child))
- return true;
- }
- child.parentSlice = root;
- if (root.subSlices === undefined)
- root.subSlices = [];
- root.subSlices.push(child);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (!this.slices.length)
- return;
- var ops = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.slices.length; i++) {
- if (this.slices[i].subSlices)
- this.slices[i].subSlices.splice(0,
- this.slices[i].subSlices.length);
- ops.push(i);
- }
- var originalSlices = this.slices;
- ops.sort(function(ix, iy) {
- var x = originalSlices[ix];
- var y = originalSlices[iy];
- if (x.start != y.start)
- return x.start - y.start;
- // Elements get inserted into the slices array in order of when the
- // slices start. Because slices must be properly nested, we break
- // start-time ties by assuming that the elements appearing earlier
- // in the slices array (and thus ending earlier) start earlier.
- return ix - iy;
- });
- var slices = new Array(this.slices.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) {
- slices[i] = originalSlices[ops[i]];
- }
- // Actually build the subrows.
- var rootSlice = slices[0];
- this.topLevelSlices = [];
- this.topLevelSlices.push(rootSlice);
- rootSlice.isTopLevel = true;
- for (var i = 1; i < slices.length; i++) {
- var slice = slices[i];
- if (!addSliceIfBounds(rootSlice, slice)) {
- rootSlice = slice;
- rootSlice.isTopLevel = true;
- this.topLevelSlices.push(rootSlice);
- }
- }
- // Keep the slices in sorted form.
- this.slices = slices;
- },
- addCpuTimeToSubslices_: function(timeSlices) {
- var sliceIdx = 0;
- timeSlices.forEach(function(timeSlice) {
- if (timeSlice.schedulingState == SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING) {
- while (sliceIdx < this.topLevelSlices.length) {
- if (this.addCpuTimeToSubslice_(this.topLevelSlices[sliceIdx],
- timeSlice)) {
- // The current top-level slice and children are fully
- // accounted for, proceed to next top-level slice.
- sliceIdx++;
- } else {
- // The current top-level runs beyond the time slice, break out
- // so we can potentially add more time slices to it
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }, this);
- },
- /* Add run-time of this timeSlice to the passed in slice
- * and all of it's children (recursively).
- * Returns whether the slice ends before or at the end of the
- * time slice, signaling we are done with this slice.
- */
- addCpuTimeToSubslice_: function(slice, timeSlice) {
- // Make sure they overlap
- if (slice.start > timeSlice.end || slice.end < timeSlice.start)
- return slice.end <= timeSlice.end;
- // Compute actual overlap
- var duration = timeSlice.duration;
- if (slice.start > timeSlice.start)
- duration -= slice.start - timeSlice.start;
- if (timeSlice.end > slice.end)
- duration -= timeSlice.end - slice.end;
- if (slice.cpuDuration) {
- slice.cpuDuration += duration;
- } else {
- slice.cpuDuration = duration;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < slice.subSlices.length; i++) {
- this.addCpuTimeToSubslice_(slice.subSlices[i], timeSlice);
- }
- return slice.end <= timeSlice.end;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Merge two slice groups.
- *
- * If the two groups do not nest properly some of the slices of groupB will
- * be split to accomodate the improper nesting. This is done to accomodate
- * combined kernel and userland call stacks on Android. Because userland
- * tracing is done by writing to the trace_marker file, the kernel calls
- * that get invoked as part of that write may not be properly nested with
- * the userland call trace. For example the following sequence may occur:
- *
- * kernel enter sys_write (the write to trace_marker)
- * user enter some_function
- * kernel exit sys_write
- * ...
- * kernel enter sys_write (the write to trace_marker)
- * user exit some_function
- * kernel exit sys_write
- *
- * This is handled by splitting the sys_write call into two slices as
- * follows:
- *
- * | sys_write | some_function | sys_write (cont.) |
- * | sys_write (cont.) | | sys_write |
- *
- * The colorId of both parts of the split slices are kept the same, and the
- * " (cont.)" suffix is appended to the later parts of a split slice.
- *
- * The two input SliceGroups are not modified by this, and the merged
- * SliceGroup will contain a copy of each of the input groups' slices (those
- * copies may be split).
- */
- SliceGroup.merge = function(groupA, groupB) {
- // This is implemented by traversing the two slice groups in reverse
- // order. The slices in each group are sorted by ascending end-time, so
- // we must do the traversal from back to front in order to maintain the
- // sorting.
- //
- // We traverse the two groups simultaneously, merging as we go. At each
- // iteration we choose the group from which to take the next slice based
- // on which group's next slice has the greater end-time. During this
- // traversal we maintain a stack of currently "open" slices for each input
- // group. A slice is considered "open" from the time it gets reached in
- // our input group traversal to the time we reach an slice in this
- // traversal with an end-time before the start time of the "open" slice.
- //
- // Each time a slice from groupA is opened or closed (events corresponding
- // to the end-time and start-time of the input slice, respectively) we
- // split all of the currently open slices from groupB.
- if (groupA.openPartialSlices_.length > 0)
- throw new Error('groupA has open partial slices');
- if (groupB.openPartialSlices_.length > 0)
- throw new Error('groupB has open partial slices');
- if (groupA.parentContainer != groupB.parentContainer)
- throw new Error('Different parent threads. Cannot merge');
- if (groupA.sliceConstructor != groupB.sliceConstructor)
- throw new Error('Different slice constructors. Cannot merge');
- var result = new SliceGroup(groupA.parentContainer,
- groupA.sliceConstructor,
- groupA.name_);
- var slicesA = groupA.slices;
- var slicesB = groupB.slices;
- var idxA = 0;
- var idxB = 0;
- var openA = [];
- var openB = [];
- var splitOpenSlices = function(when) {
- for (var i = 0; i < openB.length; i++) {
- var oldSlice = openB[i];
- var oldEnd = oldSlice.end;
- if (when < oldSlice.start || oldEnd < when) {
- throw new Error('slice should not be split');
- }
- var newSlice = result.copySlice(oldSlice);
- newSlice.start = when;
- newSlice.duration = oldEnd - when;
- if (newSlice.title.indexOf(' (cont.)') == -1)
- newSlice.title += ' (cont.)';
- oldSlice.duration = when - oldSlice.start;
- openB[i] = newSlice;
- result.pushSlice(newSlice);
- }
- };
- var closeOpenSlices = function(upTo) {
- while (openA.length > 0 || openB.length > 0) {
- var nextA = openA[openA.length - 1];
- var nextB = openB[openB.length - 1];
- var endA = nextA && nextA.end;
- var endB = nextB && nextB.end;
- if ((endA === undefined || endA > upTo) &&
- (endB === undefined || endB > upTo)) {
- return;
- }
- if (endB === undefined || endA < endB) {
- splitOpenSlices(endA);
- openA.pop();
- } else {
- openB.pop();
- }
- }
- };
- while (idxA < slicesA.length || idxB < slicesB.length) {
- var sA = slicesA[idxA];
- var sB = slicesB[idxB];
- var nextSlice, isFromB;
- if (sA === undefined || (sB !== undefined && sA.start > sB.start)) {
- nextSlice = result.copySlice(sB);
- isFromB = true;
- idxB++;
- } else {
- nextSlice = result.copySlice(sA);
- isFromB = false;
- idxA++;
- }
- closeOpenSlices(nextSlice.start);
- result.pushSlice(nextSlice);
- if (isFromB) {
- openB.push(nextSlice);
- } else {
- splitOpenSlices(nextSlice.start);
- openA.push(nextSlice);
- }
- }
- closeOpenSlices();
- return result;
- };
- return {
- SliceGroup: SliceGroup
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice_group_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice_group_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ae66bc41d1..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice_group_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,881 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/slice_group.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Slice = tr.model.Slice;
- var SliceGroup = tr.model.SliceGroup;
- var newSliceEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx;
- var newThreadSlice = tr.c.TestUtils.newThreadSlice;
- var newModel = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel;
- var newFakeThread = tr.c.TestUtils.newFakeThread;
- test('basicBeginEnd', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- assert.equal(group.openSliceCount, 0);
- var sliceA = group.beginSlice('', 'a', 1, {a: 1});
- assert.equal(group.openSliceCount, 1);
- assert.equal(sliceA.title, 'a');
- assert.equal(sliceA.start, 1);
- assert.equal(sliceA.args.a, 1);
- var sliceB = group.endSlice(3);
- assert.equal(sliceA, sliceB);
- assert.equal(sliceB.duration, 2);
- });
- test('subSlicesBuilderBasic', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 2}));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 3, duration: 1}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 2);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sA, sB]);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(0), undefined);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(1), sA);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(3), sA);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(3.1), sB);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(4), sB);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(5), undefined);
- });
- test('subSlicesBuilderBasic2', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 4}));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 3, duration: 1}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sA]);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(sA.subSlices, [sB]);
- assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 3);
- assert.equal(sA, sB.parentSlice);
- assert.isTrue(sA.isTopLevel);
- assert.isFalse(sB.isTopLevel);
- });
- test('subSlicesBuilderNestedExactly', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 1, duration: 4}));
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 4}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sB]);
- assert.equal(sB.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(sB.subSlices, [sA]);
- assert.equal(sB.selfTime, 0);
- assert.equal(sB, sA.parentSlice);
- assert.isTrue(sB.isTopLevel);
- assert.isFalse(sA.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(0), undefined);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(1), sA);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(2), sA);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(5), sA);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(6), undefined);
- });
- test('subSlicesBuilderInstantEvents', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 0}));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 2, duration: 0}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 2);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sA, sB]);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(1), sA);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(1.5), undefined);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(2), sB);
- });
- test('subSlicesBuilderTwoInstantEvents', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 0}));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 1, duration: 0}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sA]);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(sA.subSlices, [sB]);
- assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 0);
- assert.equal(sA, sB.parentSlice);
- assert.isTrue(sA.isTopLevel);
- assert.isFalse(sB.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(1), sB);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(1.0001), undefined);
- });
- test('subSlicesBuilderOutOfOrderAddition', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // Pattern being tested:
- // [ a ][ b ]
- // Where insertion is done backward.
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 3, duration: 1}));
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 2}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 2);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sA, sB]);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(3), sA);
- });
- test('subRowBuilderOutOfOrderAddition2', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // Pattern being tested:
- // [ a ]
- // [ b ]
- // Where insertion is done backward.
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 3, duration: 1}));
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 5}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sA]);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(sA.subSlices, [sB]);
- assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 4);
- assert.equal(sA, sB.parentSlice);
- assert.isTrue(sA.isTopLevel);
- assert.isFalse(sB.isTopLevel);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(1.5), sA);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(3), sB);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(3.5), sB);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(4), sB);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(4.5), sA);
- });
- test('subSlicesBuilderOnNestedZeroLength', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // Pattern being tested:
- // [ a ]
- // [ b1 ] []<- b2 where b2.duration = 0 and b2.end == a.end.
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 3}));
- var sB1 = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b1', start: 1, duration: 2}));
- var sB2 = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b2', start: 4, duration: 0}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sA]);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 2);
- assert.deepEqual(sA.subSlices, [sB1, sB2]);
- assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 1);
- assert.equal(sA, sB1.parentSlice);
- assert.equal(sA, sB2.parentSlice);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(1), sB1);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(4), sB2);
- });
- test('subSlicesBuilderOnGroup1', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // Pattern being tested:
- // [ a ] [ c ]
- // [ b ]
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 3}));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 1.5, duration: 1}));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'c', start: 5, duration: 0}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 2);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sA, sC]);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(sA.subSlices, [sB]);
- assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 2);
- assert.equal(sA, sB.parentSlice);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(1), sA);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(2), sB);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(3), sA);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(4.5), undefined);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(5), sC);
- });
- test('subSlicesBuilderOnGroup2', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // Pattern being tested:
- // [ a ] [ d ]
- // [ b ]
- // [ c ]
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 3}));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 1.5, duration: 1}));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'c', start: 1.75, duration: 0.5}));
- var sD = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'd', start: 5, duration: 0.25}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 2);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sA, sD]);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(sA.subSlices, [sB]);
- assert.equal(sA.selfTime, 2);
- assert.equal(sA, sB.parentSlice);
- assert.equal(sB.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(sB.subSlices, [sC]);
- assert.equal(sB.selfTime, 0.5);
- assert.equal(sB, sC.parentSlice);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(2), sC);
- });
- test('findFirstSlice', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // Pattern being tested:
- // [ a ] [ d ]
- // [b] [ c ] where b is dur=0
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'c', start: 2, end: 3}));
- var sD = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'd', start: 5, end: 6}));
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, end: 4}));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 1, end: 1}));
- assert.throws(group.findFirstSlice);
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.findFirstSlice(), sA);
- });
- test('findNextSliceAfterBasic', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // Pattern being tested:
- // [ a ] [ d ]
- // [b] [ c ] where b is dur=0
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, end: 4}));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 1, end: 1}));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'c', start: 2, end: 3}));
- var sD = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'd', start: 5, end: 6}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.findNextSliceAfter(0, 0), sA);
- assert.equal(group.findNextSliceAfter(1, sA.guid), sB);
- assert.equal(group.findNextSliceAfter(1, sB.guid), sC);
- assert.equal(group.findNextSliceAfter(2, sC.guid), sD);
- assert.equal(group.findNextSliceAfter(6, 0), undefined);
- });
- test('subSlicesBuilderTolerateFPInaccuracy', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // Pattern being tested:
- // [ a ]
- // [ b ] where b.end contains a tiny FP calculation error.
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 3}));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'b', start: 1, duration: 3.0000000001}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.topLevelSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(group.topLevelSlices, [sA]);
- assert.equal(sA.subSlices.length, 1);
- assert.deepEqual(sA.subSlices, [sB]);
- assert.equal(sA, sB.parentSlice);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(1), sB);
- assert.equal(group.findSliceAtTs(3), sB);
- });
- test('basicMerge', function() {
- function TestSlice(
- cat, title, colorId, start, args, opt_duration,
- opt_cpuStart, opt_cpuDuration) {
-, cat, title, colorId, start, args, opt_duration,
- opt_cpuStart, opt_cpuDuration);
- }
- TestSlice.prototype = {
- __proto__: Slice.prototype
- };
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var a = new SliceGroup(thread, TestSlice);
- var b = new SliceGroup(thread, TestSlice);
- a.beginSlice('', 'one', 1);
- a.endSlice(2);
- b.beginSlice('', 'two', 3);
- b.endSlice(5);
- var m = SliceGroup.merge(a, b);
- assert.equal(m.slices.length, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].title, 'one');
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].start, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].title, 'two');
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].start, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].duration, 2);
- // ensure constructor merged correctly
- assert.equal(m.sliceConstructor, TestSlice);
- });
- test('nestedMerge', function() {
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var a = new SliceGroup(thread);
- var b = new SliceGroup(thread);
- a.beginSlice('', 'one', 1);
- a.endSlice(4);
- b.beginSlice('', 'two', 2);
- b.endSlice(3);
- var m = SliceGroup.merge(a, b);
- assert.equal(m.slices.length, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].title, 'one');
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].start, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].duration, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].title, 'two');
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].duration, 1);
- });
- test('startSplitMerge', function() {
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var a = new SliceGroup(thread);
- var b = new SliceGroup(thread);
- a.beginSlice('', 'one', 2);
- a.endSlice(4);
- b.beginSlice('', 'two', 1);
- b.endSlice(3);
- var m = SliceGroup.merge(a, b);
- assert.equal(m.slices.length, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].title, 'two');
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].start, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].title, 'one');
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].title, 'two (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].duration, 1);
- });
- test('startSplitTwoMerge', function() {
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var a = new SliceGroup(thread);
- var b = new SliceGroup(thread);
- a.beginSlice('', 'one', 3);
- a.endSlice(6);
- b.beginSlice('', 'two', 1);
- b.beginSlice('', 'three', 2);
- b.endSlice(4);
- b.endSlice(5);
- var m = SliceGroup.merge(a, b);
- assert.equal(m.slices.length, 5);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].title, 'two');
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].start, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].title, 'three');
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].title, 'one');
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].start, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].duration, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].title, 'two (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].start, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].title, 'three (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].start, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].duration, 1);
- });
- test('startSplitTwiceMerge', function() {
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var a = new SliceGroup(thread);
- var b = new SliceGroup(thread);
- a.beginSlice('', 'one', 2);
- a.beginSlice('', 'two', 3);
- a.endSlice(5);
- a.endSlice(6);
- b.beginSlice('', 'three', 1);
- b.endSlice(4);
- var m = SliceGroup.merge(a, b);
- assert.equal(m.slices.length, 5);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].title, 'three');
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].start, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].title, 'one');
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].duration, 4);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].title, 'three (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].title, 'two');
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].start, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].title, 'three (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].start, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].duration, 1);
- });
- test('endSplitMerge', function() {
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var a = new SliceGroup(thread);
- var b = new SliceGroup(thread);
- a.beginSlice('', 'one', 1);
- a.endSlice(3);
- b.beginSlice('', 'two', 2);
- b.endSlice(4);
- var m = SliceGroup.merge(a, b);
- assert.equal(m.slices.length, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].title, 'one');
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].start, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].title, 'two');
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].title, 'two (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].start, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].duration, 1);
- });
- test('endSplitTwoMerge', function() {
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var a = new SliceGroup(thread);
- var b = new SliceGroup(thread);
- a.beginSlice('', 'one', 1);
- a.endSlice(4);
- b.beginSlice('', 'two', 2);
- b.beginSlice('', 'three', 3);
- b.endSlice(5);
- b.endSlice(6);
- var m = SliceGroup.merge(a, b);
- assert.equal(m.slices.length, 5);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].title, 'one');
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].start, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].duration, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].title, 'two');
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].title, 'three');
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].start, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].title, 'two (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].start, 4);
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].title, 'three (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].start, 4);
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].duration, 1);
- });
- test('endSplitTwiceMerge', function() {
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var a = new SliceGroup(thread);
- var b = new SliceGroup(thread);
- a.beginSlice('', 'one', 1);
- a.beginSlice('', 'two', 2);
- a.endSlice(4);
- a.endSlice(5);
- b.beginSlice('', 'three', 3);
- b.endSlice(6);
- var m = SliceGroup.merge(a, b);
- assert.equal(m.slices.length, 5);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].title, 'one');
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].start, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].duration, 4);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].title, 'two');
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].title, 'three');
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].start, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].title, 'three (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].start, 4);
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].title, 'three (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].start, 5);
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].duration, 1);
- });
- // Input:
- // A: | one | | two |
- //
- // B: | three |
- //
- // Output:
- // | one | three | two |
- // | three | | three |
- test('splitTwiceMerge', function() {
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var a = new SliceGroup(thread);
- var b = new SliceGroup(thread);
- a.beginSlice('', 'one', 1);
- a.endSlice(3);
- a.beginSlice('', 'two', 4);
- a.endSlice(6);
- b.beginSlice('', 'three', 2);
- b.endSlice(5);
- var m = SliceGroup.merge(a, b);
- assert.equal(m.slices.length, 5);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].title, 'one');
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].start, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[0].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].title, 'three');
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].start, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[1].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].title, 'three (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].start, 3);
- assert.equal(m.slices[2].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].title, 'two');
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].start, 4);
- assert.equal(m.slices[3].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].title, 'three (cont.)');
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].start, 4);
- assert.equal(m.slices[4].duration, 1);
- });
- test('bounds', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- group.updateBounds();
- assert.isUndefined(group.bounds.min);
- assert.isUndefined(group.bounds.max);
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({start: 1, duration: 3}));
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({start: 7, duration: 2}));
- group.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(group.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(group.bounds.max, 9);
- });
- test('boundsWithPartial', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- group.beginSlice('', 'a', 7);
- group.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(group.bounds.min, 7);
- assert.equal(group.bounds.max, 7);
- });
- test('boundsWithTwoPartials', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- group.beginSlice('', 'a', 0);
- group.beginSlice('', 'a', 1);
- group.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(group.bounds.min, 0);
- assert.equal(group.bounds.max, 1);
- });
- test('boundsWithBothPartialAndRegular', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- group.updateBounds();
- assert.isUndefined(group.bounds.min);
- assert.isUndefined(group.bounds.max);
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({start: 1, duration: 3}));
- group.beginSlice('', 'a', 7);
- group.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(group.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(group.bounds.max, 7);
- });
- test('autocloserBasic', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- assert.equal(0, group.openSliceCount);
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 1, duration: 0.5}));
- group.beginSlice('', 'b', 2);
- group.beginSlice('', 'c', 2.5);
- group.endSlice(3);
- group.autoCloseOpenSlices();
- group.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(group.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(group.bounds.max, 3);
- assert.equal(group.slices.length, 3);
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].title, 'a');
- assert.isFalse(group.slices[0].didNotFinish);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].title, 'b');
- assert.isTrue(group.slices[1].didNotFinish);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(group.slices[2].title, 'c');
- assert.isFalse(group.slices[2].didNotFinish);
- });
- test('autocloserWithSubTasks', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- assert.equal(0, group.openSliceCount);
- group.beginSlice('', 'a', 1);
- group.beginSlice('', 'b1', 2);
- group.endSlice(3);
- group.beginSlice('', 'b2', 3);
- group.autoCloseOpenSlices();
- assert.equal(group.slices.length, 3);
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].title, 'a');
- assert.isTrue(group.slices[0].didNotFinish);
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].duration, 2);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].title, 'b1');
- assert.isFalse(group.slices[1].didNotFinish);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].duration, 1);
- assert.equal(group.slices[2].title, 'b2');
- assert.isTrue(group.slices[2].didNotFinish);
- assert.equal(group.slices[2].duration, 0);
- });
- test('autocloseCompleteSlice', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- group.pushCompleteSlice('', 'a', 1, undefined);
- group.pushCompleteSlice('', 'b', 2, 3);
- group.autoCloseOpenSlices();
- assert.equal(group.slices.length, 2);
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].title, 'a');
- assert.isTrue(group.slices[0].didNotFinish);
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].duration, 4);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].title, 'b');
- assert.isFalse(group.slices[1].didNotFinish);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].duration, 3);
- });
- test('sliceGroupStableId', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(123);
- var thread = process.getOrCreateThread(456);
- var group = new SliceGroup(thread);
- assert.equal(process.stableId, 123);
- assert.equal(thread.stableId, '123.456');
- assert.equal(group.stableId, '123.456.SliceGroup');
- });
- test('getSlicesOfName', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var expected = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- var aSlice = newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: i, duration: i + 1});
- group.pushSlice(aSlice);
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: i + 1, duration: i + 2}));
- expected.push(aSlice);
- }
- assert.deepEqual(group.getSlicesOfName('a'), expected);
- });
- test('iterSlicesInTimeRange', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var expected = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- var slice = newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: i, duration: 1});
- group.pushSlice(slice);
- if (4 <= i && i <= 7)
- expected.push(slice);
- }
- group.createSubSlices();
- var observed = [];
- group.iterSlicesInTimeRange(function(slice) { observed.push(slice); },
- 4.5, 7.5);
- assert.deepEqual(observed, expected);
- });
- test('computeCpuDurationNoOverlap', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(123);
- var t = process.getOrCreateThread(456);
- t.timeSlices = [newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 20, 20),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 40, 10),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 50, 10)];
- var group = new SliceGroup(t);
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'draw', start: 0, duration: 20}));
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'render', start: 60, duration: 20}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].cpuDuration, 0);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].cpuDuration, 0);
- });
- test('computeCpuDurationPartialOverlap', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(123);
- var t = process.getOrCreateThread(456);
- t.timeSlices = [newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 20, 20),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 40, 10),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 50, 10)];
- var group = new SliceGroup(t);
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'draw', start: 10, duration: 30}));
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'render', start: 50, duration: 20}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].cpuDuration, 20);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].cpuDuration, 10);
- });
- test('computeCpuDurationFullOverlap', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(123);
- var t = process.getOrCreateThread(456);
- t.timeSlices = [newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 20, 20),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 40, 10),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 50, 20)];
- var group = new SliceGroup(t);
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'draw', start: 20, duration: 30}));
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'render', start: 50, duration: 20}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].cpuDuration, 20);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].cpuDuration, 20);
- });
- test('computeCpuSelfDurationWithSubslices', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(123);
- var t = process.getOrCreateThread(456);
- t.timeSlices = [newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 20, 20),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 40, 10),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 50, 20)];
- var group = new SliceGroup(t);
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'draw', start: 20, duration: 30}));
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'render', start: 21, duration: 8}));
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx({title: 'flush', start: 29, duration: 11}));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].cpuDuration, 20);
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].cpuSelfTime, 1);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].cpuDuration, 8);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].cpuSelfTime, 8);
- assert.equal(group.slices[2].cpuDuration, 11);
- assert.equal(group.slices[2].cpuSelfTime, 11);
- });
- test('computeCpuDurationSmallTimeslices', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(123);
- var t = process.getOrCreateThread(456);
- t.timeSlices = [newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 20, 1),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 21, 1),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 22, 1),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 23, 1),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 24, 1),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 25, 1),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 26, 1),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 27, 1),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 28, 1),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 29, 1),
- newThreadSlice(t, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 30, 1)];
- var group = new SliceGroup(t);
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'draw', start: 20, duration: 11})); // 20,[22,24,26,28],30
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'render', start: 22, duration: 8})); // 22,[24, 26, 28]
- group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'flush', start: 24, duration: 6})); // 24, 26, 28
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].cpuDuration, 6);
- assert.equal(group.slices[0].cpuSelfTime, 2);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].cpuDuration, 4);
- assert.equal(group.slices[1].cpuSelfTime, 1);
- assert.equal(group.slices[2].cpuDuration, 3);
- assert.equal(group.slices[2].cpuSelfTime, 3);
- });
- test('sliceParentContainerSetAtPush', function() {
- var m = newModel(function(m) {
- m.process = m.getOrCreateProcess(123);
- m.thread = m.process.getOrCreateThread(456);
- = new SliceGroup(m.thread);
- m.sA =
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- });
- assert.deepEqual(m.sA.parentContainer, m.thread);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a80c080b7e0..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/slice_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/slice_group.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var Slice = tr.model.Slice;
- var SliceGroup = tr.model.SliceGroup;
- var newSliceEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx;
- var newFakeThread = tr.c.TestUtils.newFakeThread;
- test('findDescendentSlice', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sB', start: 0.0, duration: 4.0 }));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC', start: 0.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.deepEqual(sB, sA.findDescendentSlice('sB'));
- assert.deepEqual(sC, sA.findDescendentSlice('sC'));
- assert.isUndefined(sA.findDescendentSlice('sD'));
- });
- test('findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSliceBaseCase', function() {
- var PREDICATE = slice => slice.title.startsWith('sC');
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sC1 = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC1', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sC2 = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC2', start: 0.0, duration: 4.0 }));
- group.createSubSlices();
- var foundSlices = [];
- for (var slice of sC1.findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice(PREDICATE))
- foundSlices.push(slice);
- assert.deepEqual([sC1], foundSlices);
- });
- test('findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSliceRecursive', function() {
- var PREDICATE = slice => slice.title.startsWith('sC');
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sD = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sD', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sC1 = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC1', start: 0.0, duration: 4.0 }));
- var sC2 = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC2', start: 6.0, duration: 3.0 }));
- group.createSubSlices();
- var foundSlices = [];
- for (var slice of sD.findTopmostSlicesRelativeToThisSlice(PREDICATE))
- foundSlices.push(slice);
- assert.deepEqual([sC1, sC2], foundSlices);
- });
- test('iterateAllDescendents', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sB', start: 0.0, duration: 4.0 }));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC', start: 0.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.deepEqual(sA.descendentSlices, [sB, sC]);
- assert.deepEqual(sC.descendentSlices, []);
- });
- test('mostTopLevelSlice', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sB', start: 0.0, duration: 4.0 }));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC', start: 0.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.equal(sA.mostTopLevelSlice, sA);
- assert.equal(sB.mostTopLevelSlice, sA);
- assert.equal(sC.mostTopLevelSlice, sA);
- });
- test('iterateAllAncestors', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sB', start: 0.0, duration: 4.0 }));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC', start: 0.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- group.createSubSlices();
- // Note that we iterate ancestors from the leaves to the root
- assert.deepEqual(sC.ancestorSlices, [sB, sA]);
- assert.deepEqual(sA.ancestorSlices, []);
- });
- test('iterateAllSubsequentSlices', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // [ A ]
- // [ B ][ D ][F]
- // [C] [E]
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sB', start: 0.0, duration: 4.0 }));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC', start: 0.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- var sD = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sD', start: 5.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- var sE = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sE', start: 5.0, duration: 1.0 }));
- var sF = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sF', start: 8.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.deepEqual(sA.subsequentSlices, [sB, sC, sD, sE, sF]);
- assert.deepEqual(sD.subsequentSlices, [sE, sF]);
- assert.deepEqual(sF.subsequentSlices, []);
- });
- test('ancestorAndSubsequentSlices', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // [ A ]
- // [ B ][ D ][F]
- // [C] [E]
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sB', start: 0.0, duration: 4.0 }));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC', start: 0.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- var sD = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sD', start: 5.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- var sE = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sE', start: 5.0, duration: 1.0 }));
- var sF = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sF', start: 8.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.deepEqual(sD.ancestorAndSubsequentSlices, [sD, sA, sE, sF]);
- });
- test('entireHierarchy', function() {
- var group = new SliceGroup(newFakeThread());
- // [ A ]
- // [ B ][ D ][F]
- // [C] [E]
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sB', start: 0.0, duration: 4.0 }));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC', start: 0.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- var sD = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sD', start: 5.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- var sE = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sE', start: 5.0, duration: 1.0 }));
- var sF = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sF', start: 8.0, duration: 2.0 }));
- group.createSubSlices();
- assert.deepEqual(sD.entireHierarchy, [sA, sB, sC, sD, sE, sF]);
- });
- test('stableId', function() {
- var thread = newFakeThread();
- var group = thread.sliceGroup;
- var sA = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sA', start: 0.0, duration: 10.0 }));
- var sB = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sB', start: 10.0, duration: 20.0 }));
- var sC = group.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- { title: 'sC', start: 20.0, duration: 30.0 }));
- assert.equal(group.stableId + '.0', sA.stableId);
- assert.equal(group.stableId + '.1', sB.stableId);
- assert.equal(group.stableId + '.2', sC.stableId);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/source_info/js_source_info.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/source_info/js_source_info.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bb4370e2c63..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/source_info/js_source_info.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/source_info/source_info.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model.source_info', function() {
- function JSSourceInfo(file, line, column, isNative, scriptId, state) {
-, file, line, column);
- this.isNative_ = isNative;
- this.scriptId_ = scriptId;
- this.state_ = state;
- }
- JSSourceInfo.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.source_info.SourceInfo.prototype,
- get state() {
- return this.state_;
- },
- get isNative() {
- return this.isNative_;
- },
- get scriptId() {
- return this.scriptId_;
- },
- toString: function() {
- var str = this.isNative_ ? '[native v8] ' : '';
- return str +
- }
- };
- return {
- JSSourceInfo: JSSourceInfo,
- JSSourceState: {
- COMPILED: 'compiled',
- OPTIMIZABLE: 'optimizable',
- OPTIMIZED: 'optimized',
- UNKNOWN: 'unknown'
- }
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/source_info/source_info.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/source_info/source_info.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 19e36dfc1d8..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/source_info/source_info.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model.source_info', function() {
- function SourceInfo(file, opt_line, opt_column) {
- this.file_ = file;
- this.line_ = opt_line || -1;
- this.column_ = opt_column || -1;
- }
- SourceInfo.prototype = {
- get file() {
- return this.file_;
- },
- get line() {
- return this.line_;
- },
- get column() {
- return this.column_;
- },
- get domain() {
- if (!this.file_)
- return undefined;
- var domain = this.file_.match(/(.*:\/\/[^:\/]*)/i);
- return domain ? domain[1] : undefined;
- },
- toString: function() {
- var str = '';
- if (this.file_)
- str += this.file_;
- if (this.line_ > 0)
- str += ':' + this.line_;
- if (this.column_ > 0)
- str += ':' + this.column_;
- return str;
- }
- };
- return {
- SourceInfo: SourceInfo
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/source_info/source_info_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/source_info/source_info_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 344dba0fb54..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/source_info/source_info_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/source_info/source_info.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('domain', function() {
- var urlDomains = {
- '': '',
- '': '',
- '': '',
- 'bad url': undefined
- };
- for (var url in urlDomains) {
- var sourceInfo = new tr.model.source_info.SourceInfo(url);
- assert.equal(urlDomains[url], sourceInfo.domain);
- }
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/stack_frame.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/stack_frame.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 50f3126a1e5..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/stack_frame.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- function StackFrame(parentFrame, id, title, colorId, opt_sourceInfo) {
- if (id === undefined)
- throw new Error('id must be given');
- this.parentFrame_ = parentFrame;
- = id;
- this.title_ = title;
- this.colorId = colorId;
- this.children = [];
- this.sourceInfo_ = opt_sourceInfo;
- if (this.parentFrame_)
- this.parentFrame_.addChild(this);
- }
- StackFrame.prototype = {
- get parentFrame() {
- return this.parentFrame_;
- },
- get title() {
- if (this.sourceInfo_) {
- var src = this.sourceInfo_.toString();
- return this.title_ + (src === '' ? '' : ' ' + src);
- }
- return this.title_;
- },
- /**
- * Attempts to find the domain of the origin of the script either from this
- * stack trace or from its ancestors.
- */
- get domain() {
- var result = 'unknown';
- if (this.sourceInfo_ && this.sourceInfo_.domain)
- result = this.sourceInfo_.domain;
- if (result === 'unknown' && this.parentFrame)
- result = this.parentFrame.domain;
- return result;
- },
- get sourceInfo() {
- return this.sourceInfo_;
- },
- set parentFrame(parentFrame) {
- if (this.parentFrame_)
- this.parentFrame_.removeChild(this);
- this.parentFrame_ = parentFrame;
- if (this.parentFrame_)
- this.parentFrame_.addChild(this);
- },
- addChild: function(child) {
- this.children.push(child);
- },
- removeChild: function(child) {
- var i = this.children.indexOf(;
- if (i == -1)
- throw new Error('omg');
- this.children.splice(i, 1);
- },
- removeAllChildren: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++)
- this.children[i].parentFrame_ = undefined;
- this.children.splice(0, this.children.length);
- },
- /**
- * Returns stackFrames where the most specific frame is first.
- */
- get stackTrace() {
- var stack = [];
- var cur = this;
- while (cur) {
- stack.push(cur);
- cur = cur.parentFrame;
- }
- return stack;
- },
- getUserFriendlyStackTrace: function() {
- return { return x.title; });
- }
- };
- return {
- StackFrame: StackFrame
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/stack_frame_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/stack_frame_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fee75ace26..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/stack_frame_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/source_info/source_info.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/stack_frame.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('domain', function() {
- var stackFrame1 = new tr.model.StackFrame(undefined, 1, '1', 1);
- assert.equal('unknown', stackFrame1.domain);
- var sourceInfo = new tr.model.source_info.SourceInfo(
- '');
- var stackFrame2 = new tr.model.StackFrame(
- stackFrame1, 2, '2', 2, sourceInfo);
- assert.equal('', stackFrame2.domain);
- var stackFrame3 = new tr.model.StackFrame(stackFrame2, 3, '3', 3);
- assert.equal('', stackFrame3.domain);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c11aeb13d1d..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/async_slice_group.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_container.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/slice_group.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/thread_slice.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Thread class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var AsyncSlice = tr.model.AsyncSlice;
- var AsyncSliceGroup = tr.model.AsyncSliceGroup;
- var Slice = tr.model.Slice;
- var SliceGroup = tr.model.SliceGroup;
- var ThreadSlice = tr.model.ThreadSlice;
- var ThreadTimeSlice = tr.model.ThreadTimeSlice;
- /**
- * A Thread stores all the trace events collected for a particular
- * thread. We organize the synchronous slices on a thread by "subrows," where
- * subrow 0 has all the root slices, subrow 1 those nested 1 deep, and so on.
- * The asynchronous slices are stored in an AsyncSliceGroup object.
- *
- * The slices stored on a Thread should be instances of
- * ThreadSlice.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @extends {tr.model.EventContainer}
- */
- function Thread(parent, tid) {
- if (!parent)
- throw new Error('Parent must be provided.');
- this.parent = parent;
- this.sortIndex = 0;
- this.tid = tid;
- = undefined;
- this.samples_ = undefined; // Set during createSubSlices
- var that = this;
- this.sliceGroup = new SliceGroup(this, ThreadSlice, 'slices');
- this.timeSlices = undefined;
- this.kernelSliceGroup = new SliceGroup(
- this, ThreadSlice, 'kernel-slices');
- this.asyncSliceGroup = new AsyncSliceGroup(this, 'async-slices');
- }
- Thread.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- get model() {
- return this.parent.model;
- },
- get stableId() {
- return this.parent.stableId + '.' + this.tid;
- },
- compareTo: function(that) {
- return, that);
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- if (this.sliceGroup.length)
- yield this.sliceGroup;
- if (this.kernelSliceGroup.length)
- yield this.kernelSliceGroup;
- if (this.asyncSliceGroup.length)
- yield this.asyncSliceGroup;
- },
- childEvents: function*() {
- if (this.timeSlices)
- yield * this.timeSlices;
- },
- iterateAllPersistableObjects: function(cb) {
- cb(this);
- if (this.sliceGroup.length)
- cb(this.sliceGroup);
- this.asyncSliceGroup.viewSubGroups.forEach(cb);
- },
- /**
- * Shifts all the timestamps inside this thread forward by the amount
- * specified.
- */
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- this.sliceGroup.shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- if (this.timeSlices) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.timeSlices.length; i++) {
- var slice = this.timeSlices[i];
- slice.start += amount;
- }
- }
- this.kernelSliceGroup.shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- this.asyncSliceGroup.shiftTimestampsForward(amount);
- },
- /**
- * Determines whether this thread is empty. If true, it usually implies
- * that it should be pruned from the model.
- */
- get isEmpty() {
- if (this.sliceGroup.length)
- return false;
- if (this.sliceGroup.openSliceCount)
- return false;
- if (this.timeSlices && this.timeSlices.length)
- return false;
- if (this.kernelSliceGroup.length)
- return false;
- if (this.asyncSliceGroup.length)
- return false;
- if (this.samples_.length)
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Updates the bounds based on the
- * current objects associated with the thread.
- */
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds.reset();
- this.sliceGroup.updateBounds();
- this.bounds.addRange(this.sliceGroup.bounds);
- this.kernelSliceGroup.updateBounds();
- this.bounds.addRange(this.kernelSliceGroup.bounds);
- this.asyncSliceGroup.updateBounds();
- this.bounds.addRange(this.asyncSliceGroup.bounds);
- if (this.timeSlices && this.timeSlices.length) {
- this.bounds.addValue(this.timeSlices[0].start);
- this.bounds.addValue(
- this.timeSlices[this.timeSlices.length - 1].end);
- }
- if (this.samples_ && this.samples_.length) {
- this.bounds.addValue(this.samples_[0].start);
- this.bounds.addValue(
- this.samples_[this.samples_.length - 1].end);
- }
- },
- addCategoriesToDict: function(categoriesDict) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.sliceGroup.length; i++)
- categoriesDict[this.sliceGroup.slices[i].category] = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.kernelSliceGroup.length; i++)
- categoriesDict[this.kernelSliceGroup.slices[i].category] = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.asyncSliceGroup.length; i++)
- categoriesDict[this.asyncSliceGroup.slices[i].category] = true;
- if (this.samples_) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.samples_.length; i++)
- categoriesDict[this.samples_[i].category] = true;
- }
- },
- autoCloseOpenSlices: function() {
- this.sliceGroup.autoCloseOpenSlices();
- this.kernelSliceGroup.autoCloseOpenSlices();
- },
- mergeKernelWithUserland: function() {
- if (this.kernelSliceGroup.length > 0) {
- var newSlices = SliceGroup.merge(
- this.sliceGroup, this.kernelSliceGroup);
- this.sliceGroup.slices = newSlices.slices;
- this.kernelSliceGroup = new SliceGroup(this);
- this.updateBounds();
- }
- },
- createSubSlices: function() {
- this.sliceGroup.createSubSlices();
- this.samples_ = this.parent.model.samples.filter(function(sample) {
- return sample.thread == this;
- }, this);
- },
- /**
- * @return {String} A user-friendly name for this thread.
- */
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return || this.tid;
- },
- /**
- * @return {String} User friendly details about this thread.
- */
- get userFriendlyDetails() {
- return 'tid: ' + this.tid +
- ( ? ', name: ' + : '');
- },
- getSettingsKey: function() {
- if (!
- return undefined;
- var parentKey = this.parent.getSettingsKey();
- if (!parentKey)
- return undefined;
- return parentKey + '.' +;
- },
- getProcess: function() {
- return this.parent;
- },
- /*
- * Returns the index of the slice in the timeSlices array, or undefined.
- */
- indexOfTimeSlice: function(timeSlice) {
- var i = tr.b.findLowIndexInSortedArray(
- this.timeSlices,
- function(slice) { return slice.start; },
- timeSlice.start);
- if (this.timeSlices[i] !== timeSlice)
- return undefined;
- return i;
- },
- /*
- * Returns an object with the CPU number used as keys,
- * and the value of each key object is the amount of milliseconds spent
- * running on this CPU.
- * Additionally, contains the total time
- * spent running on all CPUs.
- */
- getCpuStatsForRange: function(range) {
- var stats = {};
- = 0;
- if (!this.timeSlices)
- return stats;
- function addStatsForSlice(threadTimeSlice) {
- var freqRange = tr.b.Range.fromExplicitRange(threadTimeSlice.start,
- threadTimeSlice.end);
- var intersection = freqRange.findIntersection(range);
- if (threadTimeSlice.schedulingState ==
- var cpu = threadTimeSlice.cpuOnWhichThreadWasRunning;
- if (!(cpu.cpuNumber in stats))
- stats[cpu.cpuNumber] = 0;
- stats[cpu.cpuNumber] += intersection.duration;
- += intersection.duration;
- }
- }
- tr.b.iterateOverIntersectingIntervals(this.timeSlices,
- function(x) { return x.start; },
- function(x) { return x.end; },
- range.min,
- range.max,
- addStatsForSlice);
- return stats;
- },
- getSchedulingStatsForRange: function(start, end) {
- var stats = {};
- if (!this.timeSlices) return stats;
- function addStatsForSlice(threadTimeSlice) {
- var overlapStart = Math.max(threadTimeSlice.start, start);
- var overlapEnd = Math.min(threadTimeSlice.end, end);
- var schedulingState = threadTimeSlice.schedulingState;
- if (!(schedulingState in stats))
- stats[schedulingState] = 0;
- stats[schedulingState] += overlapEnd - overlapStart;
- }
- tr.b.iterateOverIntersectingIntervals(this.timeSlices,
- function(x) { return x.start; },
- function(x) { return x.end; },
- start,
- end,
- addStatsForSlice);
- return stats;
- },
- get samples() {
- return this.samples_;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Comparison between threads that orders first by parent.compareTo,
- * then by names, then by tid.
- */
- = function(x, y) {
- var tmp = x.parent.compareTo(y.parent);
- if (tmp)
- return tmp;
- tmp = x.sortIndex - y.sortIndex;
- if (tmp)
- return tmp;
- tmp = tr.b.comparePossiblyUndefinedValues(
- function(x, y) { return x.localeCompare(y); });
- if (tmp)
- return tmp;
- return x.tid - y.tid;
- };
- return {
- Thread: Thread
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread_slice.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread_slice.html
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index d1c8edcb313..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread_slice.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/slice.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the Thread class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var Slice = tr.model.Slice;
- /**
- * A ThreadSlice represents an interval of time on a thread resource
- * with associated nesting slice information.
- *
- * ThreadSlices are typically associated with a specific trace event pair on a
- * specific thread.
- * For example,
- * TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN1("x","myArg", 7) at time=0.1ms
- * TRACE_EVENT_END0() at time=0.3ms
- * This results in a single slice from 0.1 with duration 0.2 on a
- * specific thread.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ThreadSlice(cat, title, colorId, start, args, opt_duration,
- opt_cpuStart, opt_cpuDuration, opt_argsStripped,
- opt_bind_id) {
-, cat, title, colorId, start, args, opt_duration,
- opt_cpuStart, opt_cpuDuration, opt_argsStripped, opt_bind_id);
- // Do not modify this directly.
- // subSlices is configured by SliceGroup.rebuildSubRows_.
- this.subSlices = [];
- }
- ThreadSlice.prototype = {
- __proto__: Slice.prototype,
- get overlappingSamples() {
- var samples = new tr.model.EventSet();
- if (!this.parentContainer || !this.parentContainer.samples)
- return samples;
- this.parentContainer.samples.forEach(function(sample) {
- if (this.start <= sample.start && sample.start <= this.end)
- samples.push(sample);
- }, this);
- return samples;
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- ThreadSlice,
- {
- name: 'slice',
- pluralName: 'slices',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-thread-slice-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-thread-slice-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- ThreadSlice: ThreadSlice
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread_slice_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread_slice_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/thread_slice.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ThreadSlice = tr.model.ThreadSlice;
- var newSliceEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx;
- var newFakeThread = tr.c.TestUtils.newFakeThread;
- test('getOverlappingSamples', function() {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(m) {
- m.p1 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1);
- m.t2 = m.p1.getOrCreateThread(2);
- m.samples.push(
- new tr.model.Sample(null, m.t1, 'a_1', 1),
- new tr.model.Sample(null, m.t1, 'a_2', 2),
- new tr.model.Sample(null, m.t1, 'a_3', 3),
- new tr.model.Sample(null, m.t1, 'b', 5)
- );
- });
- var threadSlice = newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 0, end: 4,
- type: tr.model.ThreadSlice});
- threadSlice.parentContainer = model;
- var samplesIter = threadSlice.overlappingSamples[Symbol.iterator]();
- assert.equal(, 'a_1');
- assert.equal(, 'a_2');
- assert.equal(, 'a_3');
- assert.equal(, true);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fc88dda7501..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var ThreadSlice = tr.model.ThreadSlice;
- var Process = tr.model.Process;
- var Thread = tr.model.Thread;
- var newSliceEx = tr.c.TestUtils.newSliceEx;
- var newAsyncSlice = tr.c.TestUtils.newAsyncSlice;
- var newThreadSlice = tr.c.TestUtils.newThreadSlice;
- test('threadBounds_Empty', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var t = new Thread(new Process(model, 7), 1);
- t.updateBounds();
- assert.isUndefined(t.bounds.min);
- assert.isUndefined(t.bounds.max);
- });
- test('threadBounds_SubRow', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var t = new Thread(new Process(model, 7), 1);
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(t.bounds.min, 1);
- assert.equal(t.bounds.max, 4);
- });
- test('threadBounds_AsyncSliceGroup', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var t = new Thread(new Process(model, 7), 1);
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 1, {}, 3));
- t.asyncSliceGroup.push(newAsyncSlice(0.1, 5, t, t));
- t.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(t.bounds.min, 0.1);
- assert.equal(t.bounds.max, 5.1);
- });
- test('threadBounds_Cpu', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var t = new Thread(new Process(model, 7), 1);
- t.timeSlices = [newSliceEx({title: 'x', start: 0, duration: 1})];
- t.updateBounds();
- assert.equal(t.bounds.min, 0);
- assert.equal(t.bounds.max, 1);
- });
- test('shiftTimestampsForwardWithCpu', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var t = new Thread(new Process(model, 7), 1);
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 0, {}, 3));
- t.asyncSliceGroup.push(newAsyncSlice(0, 5, t, t));
- t.timeSlices = [newSliceEx({title: 'x', start: 0, duration: 1})];
- var shiftCount = 0;
- t.asyncSliceGroup.shiftTimestampsForward = function(ts) {
- if (ts == 0.32)
- shiftCount++;
- };
- t.shiftTimestampsForward(0.32);
- assert.equal(shiftCount, 1);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0.32);
- assert.equal(t.timeSlices[0].start, 0.32);
- });
- test('shiftTimestampsForwardWithoutCpu', function() {
- var model = new tr.Model();
- var t = new Thread(new Process(model, 7), 1);
- t.sliceGroup.pushSlice(new ThreadSlice('', 'a', 0, 0, {}, 3));
- t.asyncSliceGroup.push(newAsyncSlice(0, 5, t, t));
- var shiftCount = 0;
- t.asyncSliceGroup.shiftTimestampsForward = function(ts) {
- if (ts == 0.32)
- shiftCount++;
- };
- t.shiftTimestampsForward(0.32);
- assert.equal(shiftCount, 1);
- assert.equal(t.sliceGroup.slices[0].start, 0.32);
- });
- test('getSchedulingStatsForRange', function() {
- var scheduledThread = undefined;
- var unscheduledThread = undefined;
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- unscheduledThread = model.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- unscheduledThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'work', start: 0, duration: 20}));
- scheduledThread = model.getOrCreateProcess(2).getOrCreateThread(2);
- scheduledThread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
- {title: 'work', start: 0, duration: 20}));
- scheduledThread.timeSlices = [
- newThreadSlice(scheduledThread, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 0, 3),
- newThreadSlice(scheduledThread, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNABLE, 3, 5),
- newThreadSlice(scheduledThread, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 8, 2),
- newThreadSlice(scheduledThread, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 10, 10)
- ];
- });
- // thread without scheduling states
- var stats = unscheduledThread.getSchedulingStatsForRange(0, 20);
- assert.deepEqual(stats, {});
- // no scheduling info
- var stats = scheduledThread.getSchedulingStatsForRange(50, 100);
- assert.deepEqual(stats, {});
- // simple query
- var stats = scheduledThread.getSchedulingStatsForRange(0, 3);
- var expected = {};
- assert.deepEqual(stats, expected);
- // aggregation
- var stats = scheduledThread.getSchedulingStatsForRange(0, 20);
- var expected = {};
- assert.deepEqual(stats, expected);
- });
- test('getCpuStatsForRange', function() {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- var cpu0 = model.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(0);
- var cpu1 = model.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- var thread = model.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- thread.timeSlices = [
- newThreadSlice(thread, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 0, 3, cpu0),
- newThreadSlice(thread, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 8, 2, cpu1),
- newThreadSlice(thread, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 20, 5, cpu1)
- ];
- var range = tr.b.Range.fromExplicitRange(1, 22);
- var stats = thread.getCpuStatsForRange(range);
- assert.deepEqual(stats, {
- 0: 2,
- 1: 4,
- total: 6
- });
- });
- });
- test('getCpuStatsForRange_excludesNotRunningThreads', function() {
- var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
- var cpu0 = model.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(0);
- var cpu1 = model.kernel.getOrCreateCpu(1);
- var thread = model.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(1);
- thread.timeSlices = [
- newThreadSlice(thread, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 0, 8, cpu0),
- newThreadSlice(thread, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNABLE, 8, 3),
- newThreadSlice(thread, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 11, 4, cpu1),
- newThreadSlice(thread, SCHEDULING_STATE.SLEEPING, 15, 10),
- newThreadSlice(thread, SCHEDULING_STATE.RUNNING, 25, 10, cpu1)
- ];
- var range = tr.b.Range.fromExplicitRange(1, 26);
- var stats = thread.getCpuStatsForRange(range);
- assert.deepEqual(stats, {
- 0: 7,
- 1: 5,
- total: 12
- });
- });
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread_time_slice.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/thread_time_slice.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/slice.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- var Slice = tr.model.Slice;
- DEBUG: 'Debug',
- EXIT_DEAD: 'Exit Dead',
- RUNNABLE: 'Runnable',
- RUNNING: 'Running',
- SLEEPING: 'Sleeping',
- STOPPED: 'Stopped',
- TASK_DEAD: 'Task Dead',
- UNINTR_SLEEP: 'Uninterruptible Sleep',
- UNINTR_SLEEP_WAKE_KILL: 'Uninterruptible Sleep | WakeKill',
- UNINTR_SLEEP_WAKING: 'Uninterruptible Sleep | Waking',
- UNINTR_SLEEP_IO: 'Uninterruptible Sleep - Block I/O',
- UNINTR_SLEEP_WAKE_KILL_IO: 'Uninterruptible Sleep | WakeKill - Block I/O',
- UNINTR_SLEEP_WAKING_IO: 'Uninterruptible Sleep | Waking - Block I/O',
- WAKE_KILL: 'Wakekill',
- WAKING: 'Waking',
- ZOMBIE: 'Zombie'
- };
- /**
- * A ThreadTimeSlice is a slice of time on a specific thread where that thread
- * was running on a specific CPU, or in a specific sleep state.
- *
- * As a thread switches moves through its life, it sometimes goes to sleep and
- * can't run. Other times, its runnable but isn't actually assigned to a CPU.
- * Finally, sometimes it gets put on a CPU to actually execute. Each of these
- * states is represented by a ThreadTimeSlice:
- *
- * Sleeping or runnable: cpuOnWhichThreadWasRunning is undefined
- * Running: cpuOnWhichThreadWasRunning is set.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ThreadTimeSlice(thread, schedulingState, cat,
- start, args, opt_duration) {
-, cat, schedulingState,
- this.getColorForState_(schedulingState),
- start, args, opt_duration);
- this.thread = thread;
- this.schedulingState = schedulingState;
- this.cpuOnWhichThreadWasRunning = undefined;
- }
- ThreadTimeSlice.prototype = {
- __proto__: Slice.prototype,
- getColorForState_: function(state) {
- var getColorIdForReservedName =
- tr.b.ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName;
- switch (state) {
- return getColorIdForReservedName('thread_state_runnable');
- return getColorIdForReservedName('thread_state_running');
- return getColorIdForReservedName('thread_state_sleeping');
- return getColorIdForReservedName('thread_state_uninterruptible');
- return getColorIdForReservedName('thread_state_iowait');
- default:
- return getColorIdForReservedName('thread_state_unknown');
- }
- },
- get analysisTypeName() {
- return 'tr.ui.analysis.ThreadTimeSlice';
- },
- getAssociatedCpuSlice: function() {
- if (!this.cpuOnWhichThreadWasRunning)
- return undefined;
- var cpuSlices = this.cpuOnWhichThreadWasRunning.slices;
- for (var i = 0; i < cpuSlices.length; i++) {
- var cpuSlice = cpuSlices[i];
- if (cpuSlice.start !== this.start)
- continue;
- if (cpuSlice.duration !== this.duration)
- continue;
- return cpuSlice;
- }
- return undefined;
- },
- getCpuSliceThatTookCpu: function() {
- if (this.cpuOnWhichThreadWasRunning)
- return undefined;
- var curIndex = this.thread.indexOfTimeSlice(this);
- var cpuSliceWhenLastRunning;
- while (curIndex >= 0) {
- var curSlice = this.thread.timeSlices[curIndex];
- if (!curSlice.cpuOnWhichThreadWasRunning) {
- curIndex--;
- continue;
- }
- cpuSliceWhenLastRunning = curSlice.getAssociatedCpuSlice();
- break;
- }
- if (!cpuSliceWhenLastRunning)
- return undefined;
- var cpu = cpuSliceWhenLastRunning.cpu;
- var indexOfSliceOnCpuWhenLastRunning =
- cpu.indexOf(cpuSliceWhenLastRunning);
- var nextRunningSlice = cpu.slices[indexOfSliceOnCpuWhenLastRunning + 1];
- if (!nextRunningSlice)
- return undefined;
- if (Math.abs(nextRunningSlice.start - cpuSliceWhenLastRunning.end) <
- 0.00001)
- return nextRunningSlice;
- return undefined;
- }
- };
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- ThreadTimeSlice,
- {
- name: 'threadTimeSlice',
- pluralName: 'threadTimeSlices',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-thread-time-slice-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-thread-time-slice-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- ThreadTimeSlice: ThreadTimeSlice,
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/time_to_object_instance_map.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/time_to_object_instance_map.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bd30fc102bc..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/time_to_object_instance_map.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/sorted_array_utils.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides the TimeToObjectInstanceMap class.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * Tracks all the instances associated with a given ID over its lifetime.
- *
- * A scoped id can be used multiple times throughout a trace, referring to
- * different objects at different times. This data structure does the
- * bookkeeping to figure out what ObjectInstance is referred to at a given
- * timestamp.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function TimeToObjectInstanceMap(
- createObjectInstanceFunction, parent, scopedId) {
- this.createObjectInstanceFunction_ = createObjectInstanceFunction;
- this.parent = parent;
- this.scopedId = scopedId;
- this.instances = [];
- }
- TimeToObjectInstanceMap.prototype = {
- idWasCreated: function(category, name, ts) {
- if (this.instances.length == 0) {
- this.instances.push(this.createObjectInstanceFunction_(
- this.parent, this.scopedId, category, name, ts));
- this.instances[0].creationTsWasExplicit = true;
- return this.instances[0];
- }
- var lastInstance = this.instances[this.instances.length - 1];
- if (ts < lastInstance.deletionTs) {
- throw new Error('Mutation of the TimeToObjectInstanceMap must be ' +
- 'done in ascending timestamp order.');
- }
- lastInstance = this.createObjectInstanceFunction_(
- this.parent, this.scopedId, category, name, ts);
- lastInstance.creationTsWasExplicit = true;
- this.instances.push(lastInstance);
- return lastInstance;
- },
- addSnapshot: function(category, name, ts, args, opt_baseTypeName) {
- if (this.instances.length == 0) {
- this.instances.push(this.createObjectInstanceFunction_(
- this.parent, this.scopedId, category, name, ts, opt_baseTypeName));
- }
- var i = tr.b.findIndexInSortedIntervals(
- this.instances,
- function(inst) { return inst.creationTs; },
- function(inst) { return inst.deletionTs - inst.creationTs; },
- ts);
- var instance;
- if (i < 0) {
- instance = this.instances[0];
- if (ts > instance.deletionTs ||
- instance.creationTsWasExplicit) {
- throw new Error(
- 'At the provided timestamp, no instance was still alive');
- }
- if (instance.snapshots.length != 0) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot shift creationTs forward, ' +
- 'snapshots have been added. First snap was at ts=' +
- instance.snapshots[0].ts + ' and creationTs was ' +
- instance.creationTs);
- }
- instance.creationTs = ts;
- } else if (i >= this.instances.length) {
- instance = this.instances[this.instances.length - 1];
- if (ts >= instance.deletionTs) {
- // The snap is added after our oldest and deleted instance. This means
- // that this is a new implicit instance.
- instance = this.createObjectInstanceFunction_(
- this.parent, this.scopedId, category, name, ts, opt_baseTypeName);
- this.instances.push(instance);
- } else {
- // If the ts is before the last objects deletion time, then the caller
- // is trying to add a snapshot when there may have been an instance
- // alive. In that case, try to move an instance's creationTs to
- // include this ts, provided that it has an implicit creationTs.
- // Search backward from the right for an instance that was definitely
- // deleted before this ts. Any time an instance is found that has a
- // moveable creationTs
- var lastValidIndex;
- for (var i = this.instances.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var tmp = this.instances[i];
- if (ts >= tmp.deletionTs)
- break;
- if (tmp.creationTsWasExplicit == false && tmp.snapshots.length == 0)
- lastValidIndex = i;
- }
- if (lastValidIndex === undefined) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Cannot add snapshot. No instance was alive that was mutable.');
- }
- instance = this.instances[lastValidIndex];
- instance.creationTs = ts;
- }
- } else {
- instance = this.instances[i];
- }
- return instance.addSnapshot(ts, args, name, opt_baseTypeName);
- },
- get lastInstance() {
- if (this.instances.length == 0)
- return undefined;
- return this.instances[this.instances.length - 1];
- },
- idWasDeleted: function(category, name, ts) {
- if (this.instances.length == 0) {
- this.instances.push(this.createObjectInstanceFunction_(
- this.parent, this.scopedId, category, name, ts));
- }
- var lastInstance = this.instances[this.instances.length - 1];
- if (ts < lastInstance.creationTs)
- throw new Error('Cannot delete an id before it was created');
- if (lastInstance.deletionTs == Number.MAX_VALUE) {
- lastInstance.wasDeleted(ts);
- return lastInstance;
- }
- if (ts < lastInstance.deletionTs)
- throw new Error('id was already deleted earlier.');
- // A new instance was deleted with no snapshots in-between.
- // Create an instance then kill it.
- lastInstance = this.createObjectInstanceFunction_(
- this.parent, this.scopedId, category, name, ts);
- this.instances.push(lastInstance);
- lastInstance.wasDeleted(ts);
- return lastInstance;
- },
- getInstanceAt: function(ts) {
- var i = tr.b.findIndexInSortedIntervals(
- this.instances,
- function(inst) { return inst.creationTs; },
- function(inst) { return inst.deletionTs - inst.creationTs; },
- ts);
- if (i < 0) {
- if (this.instances[0].creationTsWasExplicit)
- return undefined;
- return this.instances[0];
- } else if (i >= this.instances.length) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return this.instances[i];
- },
- logToConsole: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.instances.length; i++) {
- var instance = this.instances[i];
- var cEF = '';
- var dEF = '';
- if (instance.creationTsWasExplicit)
- cEF = '(explicitC)';
- if (instance.deletionTsWasExplicit)
- dEF = '(explicit)';
- console.log(instance.creationTs, cEF,
- instance.deletionTs, dEF,
- instance.category,
- instance.snapshots.length + ' snapshots');
- }
- }
- };
- return {
- TimeToObjectInstanceMap: TimeToObjectInstanceMap
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/time_to_object_instance_map_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/time_to_object_instance_map_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/time_to_object_instance_map.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/object_instance.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var createObjectInstance = function(parent, id, category, name, creationTs) {
- return new tr.model.ObjectInstance(
- parent, id, category, name, creationTs);
- };
- test('timeToObjectInstanceMap', function() {
- var m = new tr.model.TimeToObjectInstanceMap(
- createObjectInstance, {}, 7);
- m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 10, 'a1');
- m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 20, 'a2');
- m.idWasDeleted('cat', 'name', 30);
- m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 40, 'b');
- assert.equal(m.instances.length, 2);
- var i0 = m.getInstanceAt(0);
- var i10 = m.getInstanceAt(10);
- assert.equal(i0, i10);
- assert.isDefined(i10);
- assert.equal(i10.snapshots.length, 2);
- assert.equal(i10.snapshots[0].args, 'a1');
- assert.equal(i10.snapshots[1].args, 'a2');
- assert.equal(i10.deletionTs, 30);
- var i15 = m.getInstanceAt(15);
- assert.equal(i15, i10);
- var i20 = m.getInstanceAt(20);
- assert.equal(i20, i10);
- var i30 = m.getInstanceAt(30);
- assert.isUndefined(i30);
- var i35 = m.getInstanceAt(35);
- assert.isUndefined(i35);
- var i40 = m.getInstanceAt(40);
- assert.isDefined(i40);
- assert.notEqual(i40, i10);
- assert.equal(i40.snapshots.length, 1);
- assert.equal(i40.creationTs, 40);
- assert.equal(i40.deletionTs, Number.MAX_VALUE);
- var i41 = m.getInstanceAt(41);
- assert.equal(i40, i41);
- });
- test('timeToObjectInstanceMapsBoundsLogic', function() {
- var m = new tr.model.TimeToObjectInstanceMap(
- createObjectInstance, {}, 7);
- m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 10, 'a1');
- m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 20, 'a2');
- m.idWasDeleted('cat', 'name', 30);
- m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 40, 'b');
- m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 41, 'b');
- m.instances.forEach(function(i) { i.updateBounds(); });
- var iA = m.getInstanceAt(10);
- assert.equal(iA.bounds.min, 10);
- assert.equal(iA.bounds.max, 30);
- var iB = m.getInstanceAt(40);
- assert.equal(iB.bounds.min, 40);
- assert.equal(iB.bounds.max, 41);
- });
- test('earlySnapshot', function() {
- var m = new tr.model.TimeToObjectInstanceMap(
- createObjectInstance, {}, 7);
- var i10 = m.idWasCreated('cat', 'name', 10, 'a1');
- m.idWasDeleted('cat', 'name', 20);
- assert.throws(function() {
- m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 5, 'a1');
- });
- assert.equal(i10.creationTs, 10);
- assert.equal(i10.deletionTs, 20);
- });
- test('earlySnapshotWithImplicitCreate', function() {
- var m = new tr.model.TimeToObjectInstanceMap(
- createObjectInstance, {}, 7);
- var i10 = m.idWasDeleted('cat', 'name', 20);
- m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 5, 'a1');
- assert.equal(i10.creationTs, 5);
- assert.equal(i10.deletionTs, 20);
- });
- test('getInstanceBeforeCreationImplicitCreate', function() {
- var m = new tr.model.TimeToObjectInstanceMap(
- createObjectInstance, {}, 7);
- var i10 = m.idWasCreated('cat', 'name', 10, 'a1');
- m.idWasDeleted('cat', 'name', 20);
- assert.isUndefined(m.getInstanceAt(5));
- });
- test('getInstanceBeforeCreationImplicitCreateWithSnapshot', function() {
- var m = new tr.model.TimeToObjectInstanceMap(
- createObjectInstance, {}, 7);
- var s5 = m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 5, 'a1');
- var i10 = m.idWasDeleted('cat', 'name', 20);
- assert.equal(m.getInstanceAt(5), i10);
- });
- test('successiveDeletions', function() {
- var m = new tr.model.TimeToObjectInstanceMap(
- createObjectInstance, {}, 7);
- var i20 = m.idWasDeleted('cat', 'name', 20);
- var i30 = m.idWasDeleted('cat', 'name', 30);
- var i40 = m.idWasDeleted('cat', 'name', 40);
- assert.equal(i20.creationTs, 20);
- assert.isFalse(i20.creationTsWasExplicit);
- assert.equal(i20.deletionTs, 20);
- assert.isTrue(i20.deletionTsWasExplicit);
- assert.equal(i30.creationTs, 30);
- assert.isFalse(i30.creationTsWasExplicit);
- assert.equal(i30.deletionTs, 30);
- assert.isTrue(i30.deletionTsWasExplicit);
- assert.equal(i40.creationTs, 40);
- assert.isFalse(i40.creationTsWasExplicit);
- assert.equal(i40.deletionTs, 40);
- assert.isTrue(i40.deletionTsWasExplicit);
- });
- test('snapshotAfterDeletion', function() {
- var m = new tr.model.TimeToObjectInstanceMap(
- createObjectInstance, {}, 7);
- var i10 = m.idWasCreated('cat', 'name', 10, 'a1');
- m.idWasDeleted('cat', 'name', 20);
- var s25 = m.addSnapshot('cat', 'name', 25, 'a1');
- var i25 = s25.objectInstance;
- assert.equal(i10.creationTs, 10);
- assert.equal(i10.deletionTs, 20);
- assert.notEqual(i25, i10);
- assert.equal(i25.creationTs, 25);
- assert.equal(i25.deletionTs, Number.MAX_VALUE);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/timed_event.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/timed_event.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/time_display_mode.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * TimedEvent is a base type for any entity in the trace model with a specific
- * start and duration.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function TimedEvent(start) {
- this.start = start;
- this.duration = 0;
- this.cpuStart = undefined;
- this.cpuDuration = undefined;
- // The set of contexts this event belongs to (order is unimportant). This
- // array should never be modified.
- this.contexts = Object.freeze([]);
- }
- TimedEvent.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.Event.prototype,
- get end() {
- return this.start + this.duration;
- },
- addBoundsToRange: function(range) {
- range.addValue(this.start);
- range.addValue(this.end);
- },
- // Returns true if 'that' TimedEvent is fully contained within 'this' timed
- // event.
- bounds: function(that, opt_precisionUnit) {
- if (opt_precisionUnit === undefined)
- opt_precisionUnit =;
- var startsBefore = opt_precisionUnit.roundedLess(that.start, this.start);
- var endsAfter = opt_precisionUnit.roundedLess(this.end, that.end);
- return !startsBefore && !endsAfter;
- }
- };
- return {
- TimedEvent: TimedEvent
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/timed_event_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/timed_event_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/timed_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/time_display_mode.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- test('bounds_startPrecision', function() {
- var unit = tr.v.TimeDisplayModes;
- var outer = new tr.model.TimedEvent(10.0001);
- outer.duration = 0.9999;
- var inner = new tr.model.TimedEvent(10.0000);
- inner.duration = 1.0000;
- assert.isTrue(outer.bounds(inner));
- assert.isTrue(outer.bounds(inner,;
- assert.isFalse(outer.bounds(inner, unit.ns));
- });
- test('bounds_endPrecision', function() {
- var unit = tr.v.TimeDisplayModes;
- var outer = new tr.model.TimedEvent(10.0000);
- outer.duration = 0.9999;
- var inner = new tr.model.TimedEvent(10.0000);
- inner.duration = 1.0000;
- assert.isTrue(outer.bounds(inner));
- assert.isTrue(outer.bounds(inner,;
- assert.isFalse(outer.bounds(inner, unit.ns));
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/animation_expectation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/animation_expectation.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('', function() {
- function AnimationExpectation(
- parentModel, initiatorTitle, start, duration) {
- this, parentModel, initiatorTitle, start, duration);
- this.frameEvents_ = undefined;
- }
- AnimationExpectation.prototype = {
- __proto__:,
- constructor: AnimationExpectation,
- get frameEvents() {
- if (this.frameEvents_)
- return this.frameEvents_;
- this.frameEvents_ = new tr.model.EventSet();
- this.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- if (event.title === tr.model.helpers.IMPL_RENDERING_STATS)
- this.frameEvents_.push(event);
- }, this);
- return this.frameEvents_;
- }
- };
-, {
- stageTitle: 'Animation',
- colorId: tr.b.ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('rail_animation')
- });
- return {
- AnimationExpectation: AnimationExpectation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/idle_expectation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/idle_expectation.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('', function() {
- function IdleExpectation(parentModel, start, duration) {
- var initiatorTitle = '';
- this, parentModel, initiatorTitle, start, duration);
- }
- IdleExpectation.prototype = {
- __proto__:,
- constructor: IdleExpectation
- };
-, {
- stageTitle: 'Idle',
- colorId: tr.b.ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('rail_idle')
- });
- return {
- IdleExpectation: IdleExpectation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/load_expectation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/load_expectation.html
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('', function() {
- SUCCESSFUL: 'Successful',
- FAILED: 'Failed',
- };
- for (var key in LOAD_SUBTYPE_NAMES) {
- }
- function LoadExpectation(parentModel, initiatorTitle, start, duration) {
- if (!DOES_LOAD_SUBTYPE_NAME_EXIST[initiatorTitle])
- throw new Error(initiatorTitle + ' is not in LOAD_SUBTYPE_NAMES');
- this, parentModel, initiatorTitle, start, duration);
- // |renderProcess| is the renderer process that contains the loading
- // RenderFrame.
- this.renderProcess = undefined;
- // |renderMainThread| is the CrRendererMain thread in the |renderProcess|
- // that contains the loading RenderFrame.
- this.renderMainThread = undefined;
- // |routingId| identifies the loading RenderFrame within the renderer
- // process.
- this.routingId = undefined;
- // |parentRoutingId| identifies the RenderFrame that created and contains
- // the loading RenderFrame.
- this.parentRoutingId = undefined;
- // |loadFinishedEvent|, if present, signals that this is a main frame.
- this.loadFinishedEvent = undefined;
- // Startup LoadIRs do not have renderProcess, routingId, or
- // parentRoutingId. Maybe RenderLoadIR should be a separate class?
- }
- LoadExpectation.prototype = {
- __proto__:,
- constructor: LoadExpectation
- };
-, {
- stageTitle: 'Load',
- colorId: tr.b.ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('rail_load')
- });
- return {
- LoadExpectation: LoadExpectation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/response_expectation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/response_expectation.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/response_expectation.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('', function() {
- function ResponseExpectation(
- parentModel, initiatorTitle, start, duration, opt_isAnimationBegin) {
- this, parentModel, initiatorTitle, start, duration);
- this.isAnimationBegin = opt_isAnimationBegin || false;
- }
- ResponseExpectation.prototype = {
- __proto__:,
- constructor: ResponseExpectation
- };
-, {
- stageTitle: 'Response',
- colorId: tr.b.ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('rail_response')
- });
- return {
- ResponseExpectation: ResponseExpectation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/startup_expectation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/startup_expectation.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('', function() {
- function StartupExpectation(parentModel, start, duration) {
- this, parentModel, '', start, duration);
- }
- StartupExpectation.prototype = {
- __proto__:,
- constructor: StartupExpectation
- };
-, {
- stageTitle: 'Startup',
- colorId: tr.b.ColorScheme.getColorIdForReservedName('startup')
- });
- return {
- StartupExpectation: StartupExpectation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/stub_expectation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/stub_expectation.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/stub_expectation.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Stub version of UserExpectation for testing.
- */
-tr.exportTo('', function() {
- function StubExpectation(args) {
- this.stageTitle_ = args.stageTitle || 'Idle';
- this.initiatorTitle_ = args.initiatorTitle || '';
- this.title_ = args.title;
- if (!this.title_) {
- var defaultTitle = [];
- if (this.initiatorTitle_)
- defaultTitle.push(this.initiatorTitle_);
- if (this.stageTitle_)
- defaultTitle.push(this.stageTitle_);
- this.title_ = defaultTitle.join(' ') || 'title';
- }
- this.normalizedUserComfort_ = args.normalizedUserComfort || 0;
- this.normalizedEfficiency_ = args.normalizedEfficiency || 0;
- var sd = tr.c.TestUtils.getStartAndDurationFromDict(args);
- this, args.parentModel, this.initiatorTitle, sd.start, sd.duration);
- // Must be set after base class call.
- this.colorId_ = args.colorId || 0;
- if (args.associatedEvents) {
- args.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- this.associatedEvents.push(event);
- }, this);
- }
- }
- StubExpectation.prototype = {
- __proto__:,
- get colorId() {
- return this.colorId_;
- },
- get title() {
- return this.title_;
- },
- get stageTitle() {
- return this.stageTitle_;
- },
- get initiatorTitle() {
- return this.initiatorTitle_;
- }
- };
- return {
- StubExpectation: StubExpectation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/statistics.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/compound_event_selection_state.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_set.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/timed_event.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('', function() {
- var CompoundEventSelectionState = tr.model.CompoundEventSelectionState;
- function UserExpectation(parentModel, initiatorTitle, start, duration) {
-, start);
- this.associatedEvents = new tr.model.EventSet();
- this.duration = duration;
- this.initiatorTitle_ = initiatorTitle;
- this.parentModel = parentModel;
- this.typeInfo_ = undefined;
- // sourceEvents are the ones that caused the UserModelBuilder to create this
- // UserExpectation.
- this.sourceEvents = new tr.model.EventSet();
- }
- UserExpectation.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.TimedEvent.prototype,
- computeCompoundEvenSelectionState: function(selection) {
- var cess = CompoundEventSelectionState.NOT_SELECTED;
- if (selection.contains(this))
- cess |= CompoundEventSelectionState.EVENT_SELECTED;
- if (this.associatedEvents.intersectionIsEmpty(selection))
- return cess;
- var allContained = this.associatedEvents.every(function(event) {
- return selection.contains(event);
- });
- if (allContained)
- cess |= CompoundEventSelectionState.ALL_ASSOCIATED_EVENTS_SELECTED;
- else
- cess |= CompoundEventSelectionState.SOME_ASSOCIATED_EVENTS_SELECTED;
- return cess;
- },
- // Returns samples which are overlapping with V8.Execute
- get associatedSamples() {
- var samples = new tr.model.EventSet();
- this.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- if (event instanceof tr.model.ThreadSlice)
- samples.addEventSet(event.overlappingSamples);
- });
- return samples;
- },
- get userFriendlyName() {
- return this.title + ' User Expectation at ' +
- tr.v.Unit.byName.timeStampInMs.format(this.start);
- },
- get stableId() {
- return ('UserExpectation.' + this.guid);
- },
- get typeInfo() {
- if (!this.typeInfo_)
- this.typeInfo_ = UserExpectation.findTypeInfo(this.constructor);
- // If you set Subclass.prototype = {}, then you must explicitly specify
- // constructor in that prototype object!
- //
- if (!this.typeInfo_)
- throw new Error('Unregistered UserExpectation');
- return this.typeInfo_;
- },
- get colorId() {
- return this.typeInfo.metadata.colorId;
- },
- get stageTitle() {
- return this.typeInfo.metadata.stageTitle;
- },
- get initiatorTitle() {
- return this.initiatorTitle_;
- },
- get title() {
- if (!this.initiatorTitle)
- return this.stageTitle;
- return this.initiatorTitle + ' ' + this.stageTitle;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the sum of the number of CPU ms spent by this UserExpectation.
- */
- get totalCpuMs() {
- var cpuMs = 0;
- this.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
- if (event.cpuSelfTime)
- cpuMs += event.cpuSelfTime;
- });
- return cpuMs;
- }
- };
- var options = new tr.b.ExtensionRegistryOptions(tr.b.BASIC_REGISTRY_MODE);
- tr.b.decorateExtensionRegistry(UserExpectation, options);
- UserExpectation.addEventListener('will-register', function(e) {
- var metadata = e.typeInfo.metadata;
- if (metadata.stageTitle === undefined) {
- throw new Error('Registered UserExpectations must provide ' +
- 'stageTitle');
- }
- if (metadata.colorId === undefined) {
- throw new Error('Registered UserExpectations must provide ' +
- 'colorId');
- }
- });
- tr.model.EventRegistry.register(
- UserExpectation,
- {
- name: 'user-expectation',
- pluralName: 'user-expectations',
- singleViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-single-user-expectation-sub-view',
- multiViewElementName: 'tr-ui-a-multi-user-expectation-sub-view'
- });
- return {
- UserExpectation: UserExpectation
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/user_model.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/user_model.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/user_model/user_model.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_container.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('', function() {
- function UserModel(parentModel) {
- this.parentModel_ = parentModel;
- this.expectations_ = new tr.model.EventSet();
- }
- UserModel.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.EventContainer.prototype,
- get stableId() {
- return 'UserModel';
- },
- get parentModel() {
- return this.parentModel_;
- },
- sortExpectations: function() {
-, function(x, y) {
- return x.start - y.start;
- });
- },
- get expectations() {
- return this.expectations_;
- },
- shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
- },
- addCategoriesToDict: function(categoriesDict) {
- },
- childEvents: function*() {
- yield * this.expectations;
- },
- childEventContainers: function*() {
- },
- updateBounds: function() {
- this.bounds.reset();
- this.expectations.forEach(function(expectation) {
- expectation.addBoundsToRange(this.bounds);
- }, this);
- }
- };
- return {
- UserModel: UserModel
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/vm_region.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/vm_region.html
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--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/vm_region.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
-'use strict';
- * @fileoverview Provides classes for representing and classifying VM regions.
- *
- * See for more details.
- */
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- /**
- * A single virtual memory region (also called a memory map).
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function VMRegion(startAddress, sizeInBytes, protectionFlags,
- mappedFile, byteStats) {
- this.startAddress = startAddress;
- this.sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes;
- this.protectionFlags = protectionFlags;
- this.mappedFile = mappedFile || '';
- this.byteStats = byteStats || {};
- };
- VMRegion.prototype = {
- get uniqueIdWithinProcess() {
- // This value is assumed to be unique within a process.
- return this.mappedFile + '#' + this.startAddress;
- },
- get protectionFlagsToString() {
- if (this.protectionFlags === undefined)
- return undefined;
- return (
- (this.protectionFlags & VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_READ ? 'r' : '-') +
- (this.protectionFlags & VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_WRITE ? 'w' : '-') +
- (this.protectionFlags & VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_EXECUTE ?
- 'x' : '-') +
- (this.protectionFlags & VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_MAYSHARE ? 's' : 'p')
- );
- }
- };
- VMRegion.fromDict = function(dict) {
- return new VMRegion(
- dict.startAddress,
- dict.sizeInBytes,
- dict.protectionFlags,
- dict.mappedFile,
- dict.byteStats);
- };
- /**
- * Node in a VM region classification tree.
- *
- * Note: Most users of this class should use the
- * VMRegionClassificationNode.fromRegions static method instead of this
- * constructor because it leads to better performance due to fewer memory
- * allocations.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function VMRegionClassificationNode(opt_rule) {
- this.rule_ = opt_rule || VMRegionClassificationNode.CLASSIFICATION_RULES;
- // True iff this node or any of its descendant classification nodes has at
- // least one classified VM region.
- this.hasRegions = false;
- // Total virtual size and byte stats of all regions matching this node's
- // rule (including its sub-rules).
- this.sizeInBytes = undefined;
- this.byteStats = {};
- // Array of child classification nodes if this is an intermediate node.
- this.children_ = undefined;
- // Array of VM regions. If this is an intermediate node, then the regions
- // are cached for lazy tree construction (i.e. its child classification
- // nodes yet have to be built).
- this.regions_ = [];
- }
- /**
- * Rules for classifying memory maps.
- *
- * These rules are derived from core/jni/android_os_Debug.cpp in Android.
- */
- VMRegionClassificationNode.CLASSIFICATION_RULES = {
- name: 'Total',
- children: [
- {
- name: 'Android',
- file: /^\/dev\/ashmem(?!\/libc malloc)/,
- children: [
- {
- name: 'Java runtime',
- file: /^\/dev\/ashmem\/dalvik-/,
- children: [
- {
- name: 'Spaces',
- file: /\/dalvik-(alloc|main|large object|non moving|zygote) space/, // @suppress longLineCheck
- children: [
- {
- name: 'Normal',
- file: /\/dalvik-(alloc|main)/
- },
- {
- name: 'Large',
- file: /\/dalvik-large object/
- },
- {
- name: 'Zygote',
- file: /\/dalvik-zygote/
- },
- {
- name: 'Non-moving',
- file: /\/dalvik-non moving/
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- name: 'Linear Alloc',
- file: /\/dalvik-LinearAlloc/
- },
- {
- name: 'Indirect Reference Table',
- file: /\/dalvik-indirect.ref/
- },
- {
- name: 'Cache',
- file: /\/dalvik-jit-code-cache/
- },
- {
- name: 'Accounting'
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- name: 'Cursor',
- file: /\/CursorWindow/
- },
- {
- name: 'Ashmem'
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- name: 'Native heap',
- file: /^((\[heap\])|(\[anon:)|(\/dev\/ashmem\/libc malloc)|(\[discounted tracing overhead\])|$)/ // @suppress longLineCheck
- },
- {
- name: 'Stack',
- file: /^\[stack/
- },
- {
- name: 'Files',
- file: /\.((((jar)|(apk)|(ttf)|(odex)|(oat)|(art))$)|(dex)|(so))/,
- children: [
- {
- name: 'so',
- file: /\.so/
- },
- {
- name: 'jar',
- file: /\.jar$/
- },
- {
- name: 'apk',
- file: /\.apk$/
- },
- {
- name: 'ttf',
- file: /\.ttf$/
- },
- {
- name: 'dex',
- file: /\.((dex)|(odex$))/
- },
- {
- name: 'oat',
- file: /\.oat$/
- },
- {
- name: 'art',
- file: /\.art$/
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- name: 'Devices',
- file: /(^\/dev\/)|(anon_inode:dmabuf)/,
- children: [
- {
- name: 'GPU',
- file: /\/((nv)|(mali)|(kgsl))/
- },
- {
- name: 'DMA',
- file: /anon_inode:dmabuf/
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- };
- VMRegionClassificationNode.OTHER_RULE = { name: 'Other' };
- VMRegionClassificationNode.fromRegions = function(regions, opt_rules) {
- var tree = new VMRegionClassificationNode(opt_rules);
- tree.regions_ = regions;
- for (var i = 0; i < regions.length; i++)
- tree.addStatsFromRegion_(regions[i]);
- return tree;
- };
- VMRegionClassificationNode.prototype = {
- get title() {
- return;
- },
- get children() {
- if (this.isLeafNode)
- return undefined; // Leaf nodes don't have children (by definition).
- if (this.children_ === undefined)
- this.buildTree_(); // Lazily classify VM regions.
- return this.children_;
- },
- get regions() {
- if (!this.isLeafNode) {
- // Intermediate nodes only temporarily cache VM regions for lazy tree
- // construction.
- return undefined;
- }
- return this.regions_;
- },
- get allRegionsForTesting() {
- if (this.regions_ !== undefined) {
- if (this.children_ !== undefined) {
- throw new Error('Internal error: a VM region classification node ' +
- 'cannot have both regions and children');
- }
- // Leaf node (or caching internal node).
- return this.regions_;
- }
- // Intermediate node.
- var regions = [];
- this.children_.forEach(function(childNode) {
- regions = regions.concat(childNode.allRegionsForTesting);
- });
- return regions;
- },
- get isLeafNode() {
- var children = this.rule_.children;
- return children === undefined || children.length === 0;
- },
- addRegion: function(region) {
- this.addRegionRecursively_(region, true /* addStatsToThisNode */);
- },
- someRegion: function(fn, opt_this) {
- if (this.regions_ !== undefined) {
- // Leaf node (or caching internal node).
- return this.regions_.some(fn, opt_this);
- }
- // Intermediate node.
- return this.children_.some(function(childNode) {
- return childNode.someRegion(fn, opt_this);
- });
- },
- addRegionRecursively_: function(region, addStatsToThisNode) {
- if (addStatsToThisNode)
- this.addStatsFromRegion_(region);
- if (this.regions_ !== undefined) {
- if (this.children_ !== undefined) {
- throw new Error('Internal error: a VM region classification node ' +
- 'cannot have both regions and children');
- }
- // Leaf node or an intermediate node caching VM regions (add the
- // region to this node and don't classify further).
- this.regions_.push(region);
- return;
- }
- // Non-leaf rule (classify region row further down the tree).
- function regionRowMatchesChildNide(child) {
- var fileRegExp = child.rule_.file;
- if (fileRegExp === undefined)
- return true;
- return fileRegExp.test(region.mappedFile);
- }
- var matchedChild = tr.b.findFirstInArray(
- this.children_, regionRowMatchesChildNide);
- if (matchedChild === undefined) {
- // Region belongs to the 'Other' node (created lazily).
- if (this.children_.length !== this.rule_.children.length)
- throw new Error('Internal error');
- matchedChild = new VMRegionClassificationNode(
- VMRegionClassificationNode.OTHER_RULE);
- this.children_.push(matchedChild);
- }
- matchedChild.addRegionRecursively_(region, true);
- },
- buildTree_: function() {
- var cachedRegions = this.regions_;
- this.regions_ = undefined;
- this.buildChildNodesRecursively_();
- for (var i = 0; i < cachedRegions.length; i++) {
- // Note that we don't add the VM region's stats to this node because
- // they have already been added to it.
- this.addRegionRecursively_(
- cachedRegions[i], false /* addStatsToThisNode */);
- }
- },
- buildChildNodesRecursively_: function() {
- if (this.children_ !== undefined) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Internal error: Classification node already has children');
- }
- if (this.regions_ !== undefined && this.regions_.length !== 0) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Internal error: Classification node should have no regions');
- }
- if (this.isLeafNode)
- return; // Leaf node: Nothing to do.
- // Intermediate node: Clear regions and build children recursively.
- this.regions_ = undefined;
- this.children_ = {
- var child = new VMRegionClassificationNode(childRule);
- child.buildChildNodesRecursively_();
- return child;
- });
- },
- addStatsFromRegion_: function(region) {
- this.hasRegions = true;
- // Aggregate virtual size.
- var regionSizeInBytes = region.sizeInBytes;
- if (regionSizeInBytes !== undefined)
- this.sizeInBytes = (this.sizeInBytes || 0) + regionSizeInBytes;
- // Aggregate byte stats.
- var thisByteStats = this.byteStats;
- var regionByteStats = region.byteStats;
- for (var byteStatName in regionByteStats) {
- var regionByteStatValue = regionByteStats[byteStatName];
- if (regionByteStatValue === undefined)
- continue;
- thisByteStats[byteStatName] =
- (thisByteStats[byteStatName] || 0) + regionByteStatValue;
- }
- }
- };
- return {
- VMRegion: VMRegion,
- VMRegionClassificationNode: VMRegionClassificationNode
- };
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/vm_region_test.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/vm_region_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_dump_test_utils.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
- var VMRegion = tr.model.VMRegion;
- var VMRegionClassificationNode = tr.model.VMRegionClassificationNode;
- var checkVMRegions = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.checkVMRegions;
- function checkProtectionFlagsToString(protectionFlags, expectedString) {
- var vmRegion = VMRegion.fromDict({
- startAddress: 256,
- sizeInBytes: 336,
- protectionFlags: protectionFlags,
- mappedFile: '[stack:20310]',
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 96,
- swapped: 144,
- proportionalResident: 158
- }
- });
- assert.strictEqual(vmRegion.protectionFlagsToString, expectedString);
- }
- var TEST_RULES = {
- name: 'Root',
- children: [
- {
- name: 'Words',
- file: /^[a-zA-Z]/,
- children: [
- {
- name: 'A-D',
- file: /^[a-dA-D]/
- },
- {
- name: 'E-H',
- file: /^[e-hE-H]/
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- name: 'Digits',
- file: /\d$/,
- children: []
- }
- ]
- };
- // Constant representing the expectation that the children of a
- // VMRegionClassificationNode have not been built yet.
- function checkTree(node, expectedStructure) {
- assert.strictEqual(node.title, expectedStructure.title);
- assert.strictEqual(node.hasRegions, expectedStructure.hasRegions);
- assert.strictEqual(node.sizeInBytes, expectedStructure.sizeInBytes);
- assert.deepEqual(node.byteStats, expectedStructure.byteStats || {});
- assert.strictEqual(node.isLeafNode, expectedStructure.isLeafNode);
- var actualRegions = node.regions;
- var expectedRegions = expectedStructure.regions;
- if (expectedRegions === undefined) {
- assert.isUndefined(actualRegions);
- } else {
- assert.instanceOf(actualRegions, Array);
- checkVMRegions(actualRegions, expectedRegions);
- }
- var expectedChildren = expectedStructure.children;
- if (expectedChildren === CHILDREN_NOT_BUILT_YET) {
- assert.isUndefined(node.children_);
- } else if (expectedChildren === undefined) {
- assert.isUndefined(node.children);
- } else {
- var actualChildrenMap = new Map();
- node.children.forEach(function(childNode) {
- actualChildrenMap.set(childNode.title, childNode);
- });
- var expectedChildrenMap = new Map();
- expectedChildren.forEach(function(childNode) {
- expectedChildrenMap.set(childNode.title, childNode);
- });
- assert.strictEqual(actualChildrenMap.size, expectedChildrenMap.size);
- for (var title of expectedChildrenMap.keys()) {
- checkTree(actualChildrenMap.get(title),
- expectedChildrenMap.get(title));
- }
- }
- }
- function checkClassificationRules(mappedFile, expectedPath) {
- var region = VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: mappedFile,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 7
- }
- });
- var node = VMRegionClassificationNode.fromRegions([region]);
- expectedPath.forEach(function(title) {
- node = tr.b.findFirstInArray(node.children, function(childNode) {
- return childNode.title === title;
- });
- });
- assert.deepEqual(node.regions, [region]);
- }
- test('vmRegion_protectionFlagsToString', function() {
- checkProtectionFlagsToString(undefined, undefined);
- checkProtectionFlagsToString(0, '---p');
- checkProtectionFlagsToString(VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_READ, 'r--p');
- checkProtectionFlagsToString(
- 'r--s');
- checkProtectionFlagsToString(
- 'r-xp');
- checkProtectionFlagsToString(
- 'rw-p');
- checkProtectionFlagsToString(
- 'rwxp');
- checkProtectionFlagsToString(
- 'rw-s');
- checkProtectionFlagsToString(
- 'r-xs');
- checkProtectionFlagsToString(
- 'rwxs');
- });
- // The add(After|Before)Build tests below check that the classification tree
- // has the correct structure regardless of the ordering of adding regions and
- // the lazy construction.
- test('vmRegionClassificationNode_constructor_addAfterBuild', function() {
- var rootNode = new VMRegionClassificationNode(TEST_RULES);
- // Check the root node and verify that the full tree structure has *not*
- // been constructed yet.
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: false,
- });
- // Reading the children of the root node *should* trigger building the
- // full tree.
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'Words',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'A-D',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'E-H',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- title: 'Digits',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- }
- ]
- });
- // Add VM regions to the tree *after* it has been fully built.
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: 'W2', // Root/Words/Other.
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- }
- }));
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '__42', // Root/Digits.
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- }));
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32 + 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'Words',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'A-D',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'E-H',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'Other',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: 'W2',
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- title: 'Digits',
- hasRegions: true,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: '__42',
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- });
- });
- test('vmRegionClassificationNode_constructor_addBeforeBuild', function() {
- var rootNode = new VMRegionClassificationNode(TEST_RULES);
- // Add regions to the tree *before* it has been fully built. This should
- // *not* trigger building the full tree (but the total sizeInBytes and
- // byteStats should be updated accordingly).
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '__42', // Root/Digits.
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- }));
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: 'W2', // Root/Words/Other.
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- }
- }));
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32 + 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- });
- // Reading the children of the root node should trigger building the full
- // tree.
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32 + 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'Words',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'A-D',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'E-H',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'Other',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: 'W2',
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- title: 'Digits',
- hasRegions: true,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: '__42',
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- });
- // Add more VM regions *after* the tree has been fully built.
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '%invalid%', // Root/Other.
- sizeInBytes: 123
- }));
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '__43', // Root/Digits.
- byteStats: {
- swapped: 19
- }
- }));
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: 'free', // Root/Words/E-H.
- sizeInBytes: undefined
- }));
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16 + 123,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32 + 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77,
- swapped: 64 + 19,
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'Words',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'A-D',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'E-H',
- hasRegions: true,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: 'free'
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- title: 'Other',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: 'W2',
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- title: 'Digits',
- hasRegions: true,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77,
- swapped: 19
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: '__42',
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '__43',
- byteStats: {
- swapped: 19
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- title: 'Other',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 123,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: '%invalid%',
- sizeInBytes: 123
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- });
- });
- test('vmRegionClassificationNode_fromRegions_addAfterBuild', function() {
- // Construct the root node from a list of regions. This should *not*
- // trigger building the full tree (but the total sizeInBytes and byteStats
- // should be updated accordingly).
- var rootNode = VMRegionClassificationNode.fromRegions([
- VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '__42', // Root/Digits.
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- }),
- VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '__43', // Root/Digits.
- byteStats: {
- swapped: 19
- }
- })
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: true,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77,
- swapped: 19
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- });
- // Reading the children of the root node should trigger building the full
- // tree.
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: true,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77,
- swapped: 19
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'Words',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'A-D',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'E-H',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- title: 'Digits',
- hasRegions: true,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77,
- swapped: 19
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: '__42',
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '__43',
- byteStats: {
- swapped: 19
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- });
- // Add more VM regions *after* the tree has been fully built.
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: 'W2', // Root/Words/Other.
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- }
- }));
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32 + 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77,
- swapped: 19 + 64,
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'Words',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'A-D',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'E-H',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'Other',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: 'W2',
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- title: 'Digits',
- hasRegions: true,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77,
- swapped: 19
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: '__42',
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '__43',
- byteStats: {
- swapped: 19
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- });
- });
- test('vmRegionClassificationNode_fromRegions_addBeforeBuild', function() {
- // Construct the root node from a list of regions and then add another
- // region. This should *not* trigger building the full tree (but the total
- // sizeInBytes and byteStats should be updated accordingly).
- var rootNode = VMRegionClassificationNode.fromRegions([
- VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '__42', // Root/Digits.
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- }),
- VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '__43', // Root/Digits.
- byteStats: {
- swapped: 19
- }
- })
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '__42', // Root/Digits.
- startAddress: 2048, // Necessary to distinguish from the first region.
- sizeInBytes: 1000,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 500
- }
- }));
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 1000,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77 + 500,
- swapped: 19
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- });
- // Reading the children of the root node should trigger building the full
- // tree.
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 1000,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77 + 500,
- swapped: 19
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'Words',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'A-D',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'E-H',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- title: 'Digits',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 1000,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77 + 500,
- swapped: 19
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: '__42',
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '__43',
- byteStats: {
- swapped: 19
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '__42',
- startAddress: 2048,
- sizeInBytes: 1000,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 500
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- });
- // Add more VM regions *after* the tree has been fully built.
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: 'W2', // Root/Words/Other.
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- }
- }));
- checkTree(rootNode, {
- title: 'Root',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 1000 + 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32 + 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 500 + 77,
- swapped: 19 + 64,
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'Words',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: false,
- children: [
- {
- title: 'A-D',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'E-H',
- hasRegions: false,
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: []
- },
- {
- title: 'Other',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: 'W2',
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- title: 'Digits',
- hasRegions: true,
- sizeInBytes: 1000,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 500 + 77,
- swapped: 19
- },
- isLeafNode: true,
- regions: [
- {
- mappedFile: '__42',
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '__43',
- byteStats: {
- swapped: 19
- }
- },
- {
- mappedFile: '__42',
- startAddress: 2048,
- sizeInBytes: 1000,
- byteStats: {
- privateDirtyResident: 500
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- });
- });
- test('vmRegionClassificationNode_someRegion', function() {
- var rootNode = new VMRegionClassificationNode(TEST_RULES);
- // There are no regions in the tree, so the method should always return
- // false.
- assert.isFalse(rootNode.someRegion(function(region) {
- throw new Error('There are no regions in the tree!!!');
- }));
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: 'W2', // Root/Words/Other.
- sizeInBytes: 16,
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 32,
- swapped: 64
- }
- }));
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '__42', // Root/Digits.
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- }));
- rootNode.addRegion(VMRegion.fromDict({
- mappedFile: '__43', // Root/Digits.
- byteStats: {
- proportionalResident: 33,
- privateDirtyResident: 77
- }
- }));
- function checkSomeRegion() {
- // Find the order in which the regions are traversed and checked that all
- // regions were visited.
- var visitedRegionMappedFiles = [];
- assert.isFalse(rootNode.someRegion(function(region) {
- visitedRegionMappedFiles.push(region.mappedFile);
- return false;
- }));
- assert.lengthOf(visitedRegionMappedFiles, 3);
- assert.sameMembers(visitedRegionMappedFiles, ['W2', '__42', '__43']);
- // Assuming the traversal order is deterministic, we check that once the
- // callback returns true, no further regions are visited.
- visitedRegionMappedFiles.forEach(
- function(mappedFileToMatch, index) {
- var visitedRegionMappedFiles2 = [];
- assert.isTrue(rootNode.someRegion(function(region) {
- this.files.push(region.mappedFile);
- return region.mappedFile === mappedFileToMatch;
- }, { files: visitedRegionMappedFiles2 } /* opt_this */));
- assert.deepEqual(visitedRegionMappedFiles2,
- visitedRegionMappedFiles.slice(0, index + 1));
- });
- }
- // Before lazy construction (single node with a flat list of regions).
- checkSomeRegion();
- assert.isUndefined(rootNode.children_);
- // After lazy construction (tree of nodes with lists of regions).
- assert.isDefined(rootNode.children); // Force building the tree.
- assert.isDefined(rootNode.children_);
- checkSomeRegion();
- });
- test('classificationRules', function() {
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Spaces', 'Normal']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-non moving space',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Spaces', 'Non-moving']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-zygote space (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Spaces', 'Zygote']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-allocation stack (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Accounting']);
- checkClassificationRules(
- '/dev/ashmem/dalvik-allocspace main rosalloc space 1 live-bitmap 2',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Accounting']);
- checkClassificationRules(
- '/dev/ashmem/dalvik-allocspace non moving space live-bitmap 4',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Accounting']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-allocspace zygote / ' +
- 'non moving space live-bitmap 0 (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Accounting']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-card table (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Accounting']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-large live objects (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Accounting']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-live stack (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Accounting']);
- checkClassificationRules(
- '/dev/ashmem/dalvik-mark sweep sweep array free buffer (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Accounting']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-rosalloc page map (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Accounting']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-indirect ref table (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Indirect Reference Table']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Linear Alloc']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Java runtime', 'Cache']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/CursorWindow (deleted)',
- ['Android', 'Cursor']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem (deleted)', ['Android', 'Ashmem']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/GFXStats-10082',
- ['Android', 'Ashmem']);
- checkClassificationRules('[stack:23164]', ['Stack']);
- checkClassificationRules('[stack]', ['Stack']);
- checkClassificationRules('[discounted tracing overhead]', ['Native heap']);
- checkClassificationRules('', ['Native heap']);
- checkClassificationRules('[heap]', ['Native heap']);
- checkClassificationRules('[anon:libc_malloc]', ['Native heap']);
- checkClassificationRules('[anon:thread signal stack]', ['Native heap']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/ashmem/libc malloc (deleted)',
- ['Native heap']);
- checkClassificationRules('/usr/lib/nvidia-340/',
- ['Files', 'so']);
- checkClassificationRules('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/',
- ['Files', 'so']);
- checkClassificationRules('/data/data/' +
- 'app_chrome/ (deleted)', ['Files', 'so']);
- checkClassificationRules(
- '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Times_New_Roman.ttf',
- ['Files', 'ttf']);
- checkClassificationRules(
- '/data/app/',
- ['Files', 'apk']);
- checkClassificationRules(
- '/data/app/',
- ['Files', 'so']);
- checkClassificationRules(
- '/data/app/',
- ['Files', 'dex']);
- checkClassificationRules(
- '/data/dalvik-cache/arm/', ['Files', 'art']);
- checkClassificationRules(
- '/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat', ['Files', 'oat']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/nvidia0', ['Devices', 'GPU']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/kgsl-3d0', ['Devices', 'GPU']);
- checkClassificationRules('anon_inode:dmabuf', ['Devices', 'DMA']);
- checkClassificationRules('/dev/binder', ['Devices', 'Other']);
- checkClassificationRules('/src/out/Release/chrome', ['Other']);
- checkClassificationRules('/tmp/gluY4SVp (deleted)', ['Other']);
- checkClassificationRules('/src/out/Release/resources.pak', ['Other']);
- checkClassificationRules('[vdso]', ['Other']);
- checkClassificationRules('[vsyscall]', ['Other']);
- checkClassificationRules('[vectors]', ['Other']);
- checkClassificationRules('[vvar]', ['Other']);
- });
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/x_marker_annotation.html b/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/x_marker_annotation.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a5bd1e346e2..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/catapult/tracing/tracing/model/x_marker_annotation.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-found in the LICENSE file.
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/annotation.html">
-<link rel="import" href="/tracing/ui/annotations/x_marker_annotation_view.html">
-'use strict';
-tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
- function XMarkerAnnotation(timestamp) {
- tr.model.Annotation.apply(this, arguments);
- this.timestamp = timestamp;
- this.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)';
- }
- XMarkerAnnotation.fromDict = function(dict) {
- return new XMarkerAnnotation(dict.args.timestamp);
- }
- XMarkerAnnotation.prototype = {
- __proto__: tr.model.Annotation.prototype,
- toDict: function() {
- return {
- typeName: 'xmarker',
- args: {
- timestamp: this.timestamp
- }
- };
- },
- createView_: function(viewport) {
- return new tr.ui.annotations.XMarkerAnnotationView(viewport, this);
- }
- };
- tr.model.Annotation.register(
- XMarkerAnnotation, {typeName: 'xmarker'});
- return {
- XMarkerAnnotation: XMarkerAnnotation
- };