path: root/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/skia/ImageSkia.cpp
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1 files changed, 225 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/skia/ImageSkia.cpp b/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/skia/ImageSkia.cpp
index 8f883d819..e5a52411d 100644
--- a/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/skia/ImageSkia.cpp
+++ b/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/skia/ImageSkia.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
#include "Logging.h"
#include "NativeImageSkia.h"
#include "PlatformContextSkia.h"
+#include "SkBitmap.h"
#include "SkPixelRef.h"
#include "SkRect.h"
#include "SkShader.h"
@@ -50,6 +51,9 @@
#include "skia/ext/image_operations.h"
#include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h"
+#include <limits>
+#include <math.h>
#include "TraceEvent.h"
@@ -70,11 +74,8 @@ enum ResamplingMode {
-static ResamplingMode computeResamplingMode(const SkMatrix& matrix, const NativeImageSkia& bitmap, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, float destWidth, float destHeight)
+static ResamplingMode computeResamplingMode(const SkMatrix& matrix, const NativeImageSkia& bitmap, float srcWidth, float srcHeight, float destWidth, float destHeight)
- int destIWidth = static_cast<int>(destWidth);
- int destIHeight = static_cast<int>(destHeight);
// The percent change below which we will not resample. This usually means
// an off-by-one error on the web page, and just doing nearest neighbor
// sampling is usually good enough.
@@ -92,10 +93,13 @@ static ResamplingMode computeResamplingMode(const SkMatrix& matrix, const Native
// Figure out if we should resample this image. We try to prune out some
// common cases where resampling won't give us anything, since it is much
// slower than drawing stretched.
- if (srcWidth == destIWidth && srcHeight == destIHeight) {
- // We don't need to resample if the source and destination are the same.
+ float diffWidth = fabs(destWidth - srcWidth);
+ float diffHeight = fabs(destHeight - srcHeight);
+ bool widthNearlyEqual = diffWidth < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
+ bool heightNearlyEqual = diffHeight < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
+ // We don't need to resample if the source and destination are the same.
+ if (widthNearlyEqual && heightNearlyEqual)
- }
if (srcWidth <= kSmallImageSizeThreshold
|| srcHeight <= kSmallImageSizeThreshold
@@ -113,7 +117,7 @@ static ResamplingMode computeResamplingMode(const SkMatrix& matrix, const Native
// This is trying to catch cases where somebody has created a border
// (which might be large) and then is stretching it to fill some part
// of the page.
- if (srcWidth == destWidth || srcHeight == destHeight)
+ if (widthNearlyEqual || heightNearlyEqual)
// The image is growing a lot and in more than one direction. Resampling
@@ -121,8 +125,8 @@ static ResamplingMode computeResamplingMode(const SkMatrix& matrix, const Native
- if ((fabs(destWidth - srcWidth) / srcWidth < kFractionalChangeThreshold)
- && (fabs(destHeight - srcHeight) / srcHeight < kFractionalChangeThreshold)) {
+ if ((diffWidth / srcWidth < kFractionalChangeThreshold)
+ && (diffHeight / srcHeight < kFractionalChangeThreshold)) {
// It is disappointingly common on the web for image sizes to be off by
// one or two pixels. We don't bother resampling if the size difference
// is a small fraction of the original size.
@@ -162,11 +166,127 @@ static ResamplingMode limitResamplingMode(PlatformContextSkia* platformContext,
return resampling;
-// Draws the given bitmap to the given canvas. The subset of the source bitmap
-// identified by src_rect is drawn to the given destination rect. The bitmap
-// will be resampled to resample_width * resample_height (this is the size of
-// the whole image, not the subset). See shouldResampleBitmap for more.
+// Return true if the rectangle is aligned to integer boundaries.
+// See comments for computeBitmapDrawRects() for how this is used.
+static bool areBoundariesIntegerAligned(const SkRect& rect)
+ // Value is 1.19209e-007. This is the tolerance threshold.
+ const float epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
+ SkIRect roundedRect = roundedIntRect(rect);
+ return fabs(rect.x() - roundedRect.x()) < epsilon
+ && fabs(rect.y() - roundedRect.y()) < epsilon
+ && fabs(rect.right() - roundedRect.right()) < epsilon
+ && fabs(rect.bottom() - roundedRect.bottom()) < epsilon;
+// FIXME: Remove this code when SkCanvas accepts SkRect as source rectangle.
+// See for background.
+// WebKit wants to draw a sub-rectangle (FloatRect) in a bitmap and scale it to
+// another FloatRect. However Skia only allows bitmap to be addressed by a
+// IntRect. This function computes the appropriate IntRect that encloses the
+// source rectangle and the corresponding enclosing destination rectangle,
+// while maintaining the scale factor.
+// |srcRect| is the source rectangle in the bitmap. Return true if fancy
+// alignment is required. User of this function needs to clip to |dstRect|.
+// Return false if clipping is not needed.
+// |dstRect| is the input rectangle that |srcRect| is scaled to.
+// |outSrcRect| and |outDstRect| are the corresponding output rectangles.
+// The objective is to (a) find an enclosing IntRect for the source rectangle
+// and (b) the corresponding FloatRect in destination space.
+// These are the steps performed:
+// 1. IntRect enclosingSrcRect = enclosingIntRect(srcRect)
+// Compute the enclosing IntRect for |srcRect|. This ensures the bitmap
+// image is addressed with integer boundaries.
+// 2. FloatRect enclosingDestRect = mapSrcToDest(enclosingSrcRect)
+// Map the enclosing source rectangle to destination coordinate space.
+// The output will be enclosingSrcRect and enclosingDestRect from the
+// algorithm above.
+static bool computeBitmapDrawRects(const SkISize& bitmapSize, const SkRect& srcRect, const SkRect& dstRect, SkIRect* outSrcRect, SkRect* outDstRect)
+ if (areBoundariesIntegerAligned(srcRect)) {
+ *outSrcRect = roundedIntRect(srcRect);
+ *outDstRect = dstRect;
+ return false;
+ }
+ SkIRect bitmapRect = SkIRect::MakeSize(bitmapSize);
+ SkIRect enclosingSrcRect = enclosingIntRect(srcRect);
+ enclosingSrcRect.intersect(bitmapRect); // Clip to bitmap rectangle.
+ SkRect enclosingDstRect;
+ enclosingDstRect.set(enclosingSrcRect);
+ SkMatrix transform;
+ transform.setRectToRect(srcRect, dstRect, SkMatrix::kFill_ScaleToFit);
+ transform.mapRect(&enclosingDstRect);
+ *outSrcRect = enclosingSrcRect;
+ *outDstRect = enclosingDstRect;
+ return true;
+// This function is used to scale an image and extract a scaled fragment.
+// Because the scaled image size has to be integers, we approximate the real
+// scale with the following formula (only X direction is shown):
+// scaledImageWidth = round(scaleX * imageRect.width())
+// approximateScaleX = scaledImageWidth / imageRect.width()
+// With this method we maintain a constant scale factor among fragments in
+// the scaled image. This allows fragments to stitch together to form the
+// full scaled image. The downside is there will be a small difference
+// between |scaleX| and |approximateScaleX|.
+// A scaled image fragment is identified by:
+// - Scaled image size
+// - Scaled image fragment rectangle (IntRect)
+// Scaled image size has been determined and the next step is to compute the
+// rectangle for the scaled image fragment which needs to be an IntRect.
+// scaledSrcRect = srcRect * (approximateScaleX, approximateScaleY)
+// enclosingScaledSrcRect = enclosingIntRect(scaledSrcRect)
+// Finally we extract the scaled image fragment using
+// (scaledImageSize, enclosingScaledSrcRect).
+static SkBitmap extractScaledImageFragment(const NativeImageSkia& bitmap, const SkRect& srcRect, float scaleX, float scaleY, SkRect* scaledSrcRect, SkIRect* enclosingScaledSrcRect)
+ SkISize imageSize = SkISize::Make(bitmap.bitmap().width(), bitmap.bitmap().height());
+ SkISize scaledImageSize = SkISize::Make(clampToInteger(roundf(imageSize.width() * scaleX)),
+ clampToInteger(roundf(imageSize.height() * scaleY)));
+ SkRect imageRect = SkRect::MakeWH(imageSize.width(), imageSize.height());
+ SkRect scaledImageRect = SkRect::MakeWH(scaledImageSize.width(), scaledImageSize.height());
+ SkMatrix scaleTransform;
+ scaleTransform.setRectToRect(imageRect, scaledImageRect, SkMatrix::kFill_ScaleToFit);
+ scaleTransform.mapRect(scaledSrcRect, srcRect);
+ scaledSrcRect->intersect(scaledImageRect);
+ *enclosingScaledSrcRect = enclosingIntRect(*scaledSrcRect);
+ // |enclosingScaledSrcRect| can be larger than |scaledImageSize| because
+ // of float inaccuracy so clip to get inside.
+ enclosingScaledSrcRect->intersect(SkIRect::MakeSize(scaledImageSize));
+ return bitmap.resizedBitmap(scaledImageSize, *enclosingScaledSrcRect);
// This does a lot of computation to resample only the portion of the bitmap
// that will only be drawn. This is critical for performance since when we are
// scrolling, for example, we are only drawing a small strip of the image.
@@ -175,48 +295,62 @@ static ResamplingMode limitResamplingMode(PlatformContextSkia* platformContext,
// Note: this code is only used when the canvas transformation is limited to
// scaling or translation.
-static void drawResampledBitmap(SkCanvas& canvas, SkPaint& paint, const NativeImageSkia& bitmap, const SkIRect& srcIRect, const SkRect& destRect)
+static void drawResampledBitmap(SkCanvas& canvas, SkPaint& paint, const NativeImageSkia& bitmap, const SkRect& srcRect, const SkRect& destRect)
TRACE_EVENT0("skia", "drawResampledBitmap");
- // Apply forward transform to destRect to estimate required size of
- // re-sampled bitmap, and use only in calls required to resize, or that
- // check for the required size.
- SkRect destRectTransformed;
- canvas.getTotalMatrix().mapRect(&destRectTransformed, destRect);
- SkIRect destRectTransformedRounded;
- destRectTransformed.round(&destRectTransformedRounded);
- // Compute the visible portion of our rect.
+ // We want to scale |destRect| with transformation in the canvas to obtain
+ // the final scale. The final scale is a combination of scale transform
+ // in canvas and explicit scaling (srcRect and destRect).
+ SkRect screenRect;
+ canvas.getTotalMatrix().mapRect(&screenRect, destRect);
+ float realScaleX = screenRect.width() / srcRect.width();
+ float realScaleY = screenRect.height() / srcRect.height();
+ // This part of code limits scaling only to visible portion in the
SkRect destRectVisibleSubset;
ClipRectToCanvas(canvas, destRect, &destRectVisibleSubset);
// ClipRectToCanvas often overshoots, resulting in a larger region than our
// original destRect. Intersecting gets us back inside.
if (!destRectVisibleSubset.intersect(destRect))
return; // Nothing visible in destRect.
- // Compute the transformed (screen space) portion of the visible portion for
- // use below.
- SkRect destRectVisibleSubsetTransformed;
- canvas.getTotalMatrix().mapRect(&destRectVisibleSubsetTransformed, destRectVisibleSubset);
- SkRect destBitmapSubsetTransformed = destRectVisibleSubsetTransformed;
- destBitmapSubsetTransformed.offset(-destRectTransformed.fLeft,
- -destRectTransformed.fTop);
- SkIRect destBitmapSubsetTransformedRounded;
- destBitmapSubsetTransformed.round(&destBitmapSubsetTransformedRounded);
- // Transforms above plus rounding may cause destBitmapSubsetTransformedRounded
- // to go outside the image, so need to clip to avoid problems.
- if (!destBitmapSubsetTransformedRounded.intersect(
- 0, 0, destRectTransformedRounded.width(), destRectTransformedRounded.height()))
- return; // Image is not visible.
- SkBitmap resampled = bitmap.resizedBitmap(srcIRect,
- destRectTransformedRounded.width(),
- destRectTransformedRounded.height(),
- destBitmapSubsetTransformedRounded);
- canvas.drawBitmapRect(resampled, 0, destRectVisibleSubset, &paint);
+ // Find the corresponding rect in the source image.
+ SkMatrix destToSrcTransform;
+ SkRect srcRectVisibleSubset;
+ destToSrcTransform.setRectToRect(destRect, srcRect, SkMatrix::kFill_ScaleToFit);
+ destToSrcTransform.mapRect(&srcRectVisibleSubset, destRectVisibleSubset);
+ SkRect scaledSrcRect;
+ SkIRect enclosingScaledSrcRect;
+ SkBitmap scaledImageFragment = extractScaledImageFragment(bitmap, srcRectVisibleSubset, realScaleX, realScaleY, &scaledSrcRect, &enclosingScaledSrcRect);
+ // Expand the destination rectangle because the source rectangle was
+ // expanded to fit to integer boundaries.
+ SkMatrix scaledSrcToDestTransform;
+ scaledSrcToDestTransform.setRectToRect(scaledSrcRect, destRectVisibleSubset, SkMatrix::kFill_ScaleToFit);
+ SkRect enclosingDestRect;
+ enclosingDestRect.set(enclosingScaledSrcRect);
+ scaledSrcToDestTransform.mapRect(&enclosingDestRect);
+ // The reason we do clipping is because Skia doesn't support SkRect as
+ // source rect. See
+ // When Skia supports then use this as the source rect to replace 0.
+ //
+ // scaledSrcRect.offset(-enclosingScaledSrcRect.x(), -enclosingScaledSrcRect.y());
+ canvas.clipRect(destRectVisibleSubset);
+ // Because the image fragment is generated with an approxmiated scaling
+ // factor. This draw will perform a close to 1 scaling.
+ //
+ // NOTE: For future optimization. If the difference in scale is so small
+ // that Skia doesn't produce a difference then we can just blit it directly
+ // to enhance performance.
+ canvas.drawBitmapRect(scaledImageFragment, 0, enclosingDestRect, &paint);
+ canvas.restore();
static bool hasNon90rotation(PlatformContextSkia* context)
@@ -224,7 +358,7 @@ static bool hasNon90rotation(PlatformContextSkia* context)
return !context->canvas()->getTotalMatrix().rectStaysRect();
-static void paintSkBitmap(PlatformContextSkia* platformContext, const NativeImageSkia& bitmap, const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkRect& destRect, const SkXfermode::Mode& compOp)
+static void paintSkBitmap(PlatformContextSkia* platformContext, const NativeImageSkia& bitmap, const SkRect& srcRect, const SkRect& destRect, const SkXfermode::Mode& compOp)
TRACE_EVENT0("skia", "paintSkBitmap");
@@ -249,8 +383,9 @@ static void paintSkBitmap(PlatformContextSkia* platformContext, const NativeImag
if (!(canvas->getTotalMatrix().getType() & (SkMatrix::kAffine_Mask | SkMatrix::kPerspective_Mask)))
canvas->getTotalMatrix().mapRect(&destRectTarget, destRect);
- resampling = computeResamplingMode(canvas->getTotalMatrix(), bitmap, srcRect.width(), srcRect.height(),
- SkScalarToFloat(destRectTarget.width()), SkScalarToFloat(destRectTarget.height()));
+ resampling = computeResamplingMode(canvas->getTotalMatrix(), bitmap,
+ SkScalarToFloat(srcRect.width()), SkScalarToFloat(srcRect.height()),
+ SkScalarToFloat(destRectTarget.width()), SkScalarToFloat(destRectTarget.height()));
if (resampling == RESAMPLE_NONE) {
@@ -269,7 +404,27 @@ static void paintSkBitmap(PlatformContextSkia* platformContext, const NativeImag
// is something interesting going on with the matrix (like a rotation).
// Note: for serialization, we will want to subset the bitmap first so
// we don't send extra pixels.
- canvas->drawBitmapRect(bitmap.bitmap(), &srcRect, destRect, &paint);
+ SkIRect enclosingSrcRect;
+ SkRect enclosingDestRect;
+ SkISize bitmapSize = SkISize::Make(bitmap.bitmap().width(), bitmap.bitmap().height());
+ bool needsClipping = computeBitmapDrawRects(bitmapSize, srcRect, destRect, &enclosingSrcRect, &enclosingDestRect);
+ if (enclosingSrcRect.isEmpty() || enclosingDestRect.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ // If destination is enlarged because source rectangle didn't align to
+ // integer boundaries then we draw a slightly larger rectangle and clip
+ // to the original destination rectangle.
+ // See
+ if (needsClipping) {
+ platformContext->save();
+ platformContext->canvas()->clipRect(destRect);
+ }
+ canvas->drawBitmapRect(bitmap.bitmap(), &enclosingSrcRect, enclosingDestRect, &paint);
+ if (needsClipping)
+ platformContext->restore();
platformContext->didDrawRect(destRect, paint, &bitmap.bitmap());
@@ -323,7 +478,6 @@ void Image::drawPattern(GraphicsContext* context,
if (!bitmap)
- SkIRect srcRect = enclosingIntRect(normSrcRect);
SkMatrix ctm = context->platformContext()->canvas()->getTotalMatrix();
SkMatrix totalMatrix;
totalMatrix.setConcat(ctm, patternTransform);
@@ -342,7 +496,7 @@ void Image::drawPattern(GraphicsContext* context,
if (context->platformContext()->isAccelerated() || context->platformContext()->printing())
resampling = RESAMPLE_LINEAR;
- resampling = computeResamplingMode(totalMatrix, *bitmap, srcRect.width(), srcRect.height(), destBitmapWidth, destBitmapHeight);
+ resampling = computeResamplingMode(totalMatrix, *bitmap, normSrcRect.width(), normSrcRect.height(), destBitmapWidth, destBitmapHeight);
resampling = limitResamplingMode(context->platformContext(), resampling);
// Load the transform WebKit requested.
@@ -351,12 +505,19 @@ void Image::drawPattern(GraphicsContext* context,
SkShader* shader;
if (resampling == RESAMPLE_AWESOME) {
// Do nice resampling.
- int width = static_cast<int>(destBitmapWidth);
- int height = static_cast<int>(destBitmapHeight);
- SkBitmap resampled = bitmap->resizedBitmap(srcRect, width, height);
+ float scaleX = destBitmapWidth / normSrcRect.width();
+ float scaleY = destBitmapHeight / normSrcRect.height();
+ SkRect scaledSrcRect;
+ SkIRect enclosingScaledSrcRect;
+ // The image fragment generated here is not exactly what is
+ // requested. The scale factor used is approximated and image
+ // fragment is slightly larger to align to integer
+ // boundaries.
+ SkBitmap resampled = extractScaledImageFragment(*bitmap, normSrcRect, scaleX, scaleY, &scaledSrcRect, &enclosingScaledSrcRect);
shader = SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(resampled, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode);
- // Since we just resized the bitmap, we need to remove the scale
+ // Since we just resized the bitmap, we need to remove the scale
// applied to the pixels in the bitmap shader. This means we need
// CTM * patternTransform to have identity scale. Since we
// can't modify CTM (or the rectangle will be drawn in the wrong
@@ -367,7 +528,7 @@ void Image::drawPattern(GraphicsContext* context,
} else {
// No need to do nice resampling.
SkBitmap srcSubset;
- bitmap->bitmap().extractSubset(&srcSubset, srcRect);
+ bitmap->bitmap().extractSubset(&srcSubset, enclosingIntRect(normSrcRect));
shader = SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(srcSubset, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode);
@@ -443,10 +604,10 @@ void BitmapImage::draw(GraphicsContext* ctxt, const FloatRect& dstRect,
return; // Nothing to draw.
- *bm,
- enclosingIntRect(normSrcRect),
- normDstRect,
- WebCoreCompositeToSkiaComposite(compositeOp));
+ *bm,
+ normSrcRect,
+ normDstRect,
+ WebCoreCompositeToSkiaComposite(compositeOp));
if (ImageObserver* observer = imageObserver())
@@ -467,10 +628,10 @@ void BitmapImageSingleFrameSkia::draw(GraphicsContext* ctxt,
return; // Nothing to draw.
- m_nativeImage,
- enclosingIntRect(normSrcRect),
- normDstRect,
- WebCoreCompositeToSkiaComposite(compositeOp));
+ m_nativeImage,
+ normSrcRect,
+ normDstRect,
+ WebCoreCompositeToSkiaComposite(compositeOp));
if (ImageObserver* observer = imageObserver())