/* * Copyright (C) 2011, 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "RegExp.h" #include #include "InitializeThreading.h" #include "JSCInlines.h" #include "JSGlobalObject.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if !OS(WINDOWS) #include #endif #if HAVE(SYS_TIME_H) #include #endif #if COMPILER(MSVC) #include #include #include #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) #include #include #endif const int MaxLineLength = 100 * 1024; using namespace JSC; using namespace WTF; struct CommandLine { CommandLine() : interactive(false) , verbose(false) { } bool interactive; bool verbose; Vector arguments; Vector files; }; class StopWatch { public: void start(); void stop(); long getElapsedMS(); // call stop() first private: double m_startTime; double m_stopTime; }; void StopWatch::start() { m_startTime = monotonicallyIncreasingTime(); } void StopWatch::stop() { m_stopTime = monotonicallyIncreasingTime(); } long StopWatch::getElapsedMS() { return static_cast((m_stopTime - m_startTime) * 1000); } struct RegExpTest { RegExpTest() : offset(0) , result(0) { } String subject; int offset; int result; Vector expectVector; }; class GlobalObject : public JSGlobalObject { private: GlobalObject(VM&, Structure*, const Vector& arguments); public: typedef JSGlobalObject Base; static GlobalObject* create(VM& vm, Structure* structure, const Vector& arguments) { GlobalObject* globalObject = new (NotNull, allocateCell(vm.heap)) GlobalObject(vm, structure, arguments); vm.heap.addFinalizer(globalObject, destroy); return globalObject; } DECLARE_INFO; static const bool needsDestructor = false; static Structure* createStructure(VM& vm, JSValue prototype) { return Structure::create(vm, 0, prototype, TypeInfo(GlobalObjectType, StructureFlags), info()); } protected: void finishCreation(VM& vm, const Vector& arguments) { Base::finishCreation(vm); UNUSED_PARAM(arguments); } }; const ClassInfo GlobalObject::s_info = { "global", &JSGlobalObject::s_info, nullptr, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(GlobalObject) }; GlobalObject::GlobalObject(VM& vm, Structure* structure, const Vector& arguments) : JSGlobalObject(vm, structure) { finishCreation(vm, arguments); } // Use SEH for Release builds only to get rid of the crash report dialog // (luckily the same tests fail in Release and Debug builds so far). Need to // be in a separate main function because the realMain function requires object // unwinding. #if COMPILER(MSVC) && !defined(_DEBUG) #define TRY __try { #define EXCEPT(x) } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { x; } #else #define TRY #define EXCEPT(x) #endif int realMain(int argc, char** argv); int main(int argc, char** argv) { #if OS(WINDOWS) #if defined(_M_X64) || defined(__x86_64__) // The VS2013 runtime has a bug where it mis-detects AVX-capable processors // if the feature has been disabled in firmware. This causes us to crash // in some of the math functions. For now, we disable those optimizations // because Microsoft is not going to fix the problem in VS2013. // FIXME: http://webkit.org/b/141449: Remove this workaround when we switch to VS2015+. _set_FMA3_enable(0); #endif // Cygwin calls ::SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS), which we will inherit. This is bad for // testing/debugging, as it causes the post-mortem debugger not to be invoked. We reset the // error mode here to work around Cygwin's behavior. See . ::SetErrorMode(0); #if defined(_DEBUG) _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); #endif timeBeginPeriod(1); #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); #endif // Initialize JSC before getting VM. JSC::initializeThreading(); // We can't use destructors in the following code because it uses Windows // Structured Exception Handling int res = 0; TRY res = realMain(argc, argv); EXCEPT(res = 3) return res; } static bool testOneRegExp(VM& vm, RegExp* regexp, RegExpTest* regExpTest, bool verbose, unsigned int lineNumber) { bool result = true; Vector outVector; outVector.resize(regExpTest->expectVector.size()); int matchResult = regexp->match(vm, regExpTest->subject, regExpTest->offset, outVector); if (matchResult != regExpTest->result) { result = false; if (verbose) printf("Line %d: results mismatch - expected %d got %d\n", lineNumber, regExpTest->result, matchResult); } else if (matchResult != -1) { if (outVector.size() != regExpTest->expectVector.size()) { result = false; if (verbose) { #if OS(WINDOWS) printf("Line %d: output vector size mismatch - expected %Iu got %Iu\n", lineNumber, regExpTest->expectVector.size(), outVector.size()); #else printf("Line %d: output vector size mismatch - expected %zu got %zu\n", lineNumber, regExpTest->expectVector.size(), outVector.size()); #endif } } else if (outVector.size() % 2) { result = false; if (verbose) { #if OS(WINDOWS) printf("Line %d: output vector size is odd (%Iu), should be even\n", lineNumber, outVector.size()); #else printf("Line %d: output vector size is odd (%zu), should be even\n", lineNumber, outVector.size()); #endif } } else { // Check in pairs since the first value of the pair could be -1 in which case the second doesn't matter. size_t pairCount = outVector.size() / 2; for (size_t i = 0; i < pairCount; ++i) { size_t startIndex = i*2; if (outVector[startIndex] != regExpTest->expectVector[startIndex]) { result = false; if (verbose) { #if OS(WINDOWS) printf("Line %d: output vector mismatch at index %Iu - expected %d got %d\n", lineNumber, startIndex, regExpTest->expectVector[startIndex], outVector[startIndex]); #else printf("Line %d: output vector mismatch at index %zu - expected %d got %d\n", lineNumber, startIndex, regExpTest->expectVector[startIndex], outVector[startIndex]); #endif } } if ((i > 0) && (regExpTest->expectVector[startIndex] != -1) && (outVector[startIndex+1] != regExpTest->expectVector[startIndex+1])) { result = false; if (verbose) { #if OS(WINDOWS) printf("Line %d: output vector mismatch at index %Iu - expected %d got %d\n", lineNumber, startIndex + 1, regExpTest->expectVector[startIndex + 1], outVector[startIndex + 1]); #else printf("Line %d: output vector mismatch at index %zu - expected %d got %d\n", lineNumber, startIndex + 1, regExpTest->expectVector[startIndex + 1], outVector[startIndex + 1]); #endif } } } } } return result; } static int scanString(char* buffer, int bufferLength, StringBuilder& builder, char termChar) { bool escape = false; for (int i = 0; i < bufferLength; ++i) { UChar c = buffer[i]; if (escape) { switch (c) { case '0': c = '\0'; break; case 'a': c = '\a'; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'v': c = '\v'; break; case '\\': c = '\\'; break; case '?': c = '\?'; break; case 'u': if ((i + 4) >= bufferLength) return -1; unsigned int charValue; if (sscanf(buffer+i+1, "%04x", &charValue) != 1) return -1; c = static_cast(charValue); i += 4; break; } builder.append(c); escape = false; } else { if (c == termChar) return i; if (c == '\\') escape = true; else builder.append(c); } } return -1; } static RegExp* parseRegExpLine(VM& vm, char* line, int lineLength) { StringBuilder pattern; if (line[0] != '/') return 0; int i = scanString(line + 1, lineLength - 1, pattern, '/') + 1; if ((i >= lineLength) || (line[i] != '/')) return 0; ++i; return RegExp::create(vm, pattern.toString(), regExpFlags(line + i)); } static RegExpTest* parseTestLine(char* line, int lineLength) { StringBuilder subjectString; if ((line[0] != ' ') || (line[1] != '"')) return 0; int i = scanString(line + 2, lineLength - 2, subjectString, '"') + 2; if ((i >= (lineLength - 2)) || (line[i] != '"') || (line[i+1] != ',') || (line[i+2] != ' ')) return 0; i += 3; int offset; if (sscanf(line + i, "%d, ", &offset) != 1) return 0; while (line[i] && line[i] != ' ') ++i; ++i; int matchResult; if (sscanf(line + i, "%d, ", &matchResult) != 1) return 0; while (line[i] && line[i] != ' ') ++i; ++i; if (line[i++] != '(') return 0; int start, end; RegExpTest* result = new RegExpTest(); result->subject = subjectString.toString(); result->offset = offset; result->result = matchResult; while (line[i] && line[i] != ')') { if (sscanf(line + i, "%d, %d", &start, &end) != 2) { delete result; return 0; } result->expectVector.append(start); result->expectVector.append(end); while (line[i] && (line[i] != ',') && (line[i] != ')')) i++; i++; while (line[i] && (line[i] != ',') && (line[i] != ')')) i++; if (line[i] == ')') break; if (!line[i] || (line[i] != ',')) { delete result; return 0; } i++; } return result; } static bool runFromFiles(GlobalObject* globalObject, const Vector& files, bool verbose) { String script; String fileName; Vector scriptBuffer; unsigned tests = 0; unsigned failures = 0; char* lineBuffer = new char[MaxLineLength + 1]; VM& vm = globalObject->vm(); bool success = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { FILE* testCasesFile = fopen(files[i].utf8().data(), "rb"); if (!testCasesFile) { printf("Unable to open test data file \"%s\"\n", files[i].utf8().data()); continue; } RegExp* regexp = 0; size_t lineLength = 0; char* linePtr = 0; unsigned int lineNumber = 0; while ((linePtr = fgets(&lineBuffer[0], MaxLineLength, testCasesFile))) { lineLength = strlen(linePtr); if (linePtr[lineLength - 1] == '\n') { linePtr[lineLength - 1] = '\0'; --lineLength; } ++lineNumber; if (linePtr[0] == '#') continue; if (linePtr[0] == '/') { regexp = parseRegExpLine(vm, linePtr, lineLength); } else if (linePtr[0] == ' ') { RegExpTest* regExpTest = parseTestLine(linePtr, lineLength); if (regexp && regExpTest) { ++tests; if (!testOneRegExp(vm, regexp, regExpTest, verbose, lineNumber)) { failures++; printf("Failure on line %u\n", lineNumber); } } if (regExpTest) delete regExpTest; } } fclose(testCasesFile); } if (failures) printf("%u tests run, %u failures\n", tests, failures); else printf("%u tests passed\n", tests); delete[] lineBuffer; vm.dumpSampleData(globalObject->globalExec()); #if ENABLE(REGEXP_TRACING) vm.dumpRegExpTrace(); #endif return success; } #define RUNNING_FROM_XCODE 0 static NO_RETURN void printUsageStatement(bool help = false) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: regexp_test [options] file\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -h|--help Prints this help message\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v|--verbose Verbose output\n"); exit(help ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); } static void parseArguments(int argc, char** argv, CommandLine& options) { int i = 1; for (; i < argc; ++i) { const char* arg = argv[i]; if (!strcmp(arg, "-h") || !strcmp(arg, "--help")) printUsageStatement(true); if (!strcmp(arg, "-v") || !strcmp(arg, "--verbose")) options.verbose = true; else options.files.append(argv[i]); } for (; i < argc; ++i) options.arguments.append(argv[i]); } int realMain(int argc, char** argv) { VM* vm = &VM::create(LargeHeap).leakRef(); JSLockHolder locker(vm); CommandLine options; parseArguments(argc, argv, options); GlobalObject* globalObject = GlobalObject::create(*vm, GlobalObject::createStructure(*vm, jsNull()), options.arguments); bool success = runFromFiles(globalObject, options.files, options.verbose); return success ? 0 : 3; } #if OS(WINDOWS) extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI dllLauncherEntryPoint(int argc, const char* argv[]) { return main(argc, const_cast(argv)); } #endif