# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file contains shared rules used both when building WTF itself # and for targets that depend in some way on WTF. # # See 'Tools/qmake/README' for an overview of the build system # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # All external modules should include WTF headers by prefixing with "wtf" (#include ). INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD mac { # Mac OS does ship libicu but not the associated header files. # Therefore WebKit provides adequate header files. INCLUDEPATH = $${ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR}/Source/WTF/icu $$INCLUDEPATH LIBS += -licucore } else:!use?(wchar_unicode): { win32 { CONFIG(static, static|shared) { CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { LIBS += -lsicuind -lsicuucd -lsicudtd } else { LIBS += -lsicuin -lsicuuc -lsicudt } } else { LIBS += -licuin -licuuc -licudt } } else:!contains(QT_CONFIG,no-pkg-config):packagesExist("icu-i18n"): PKGCONFIG *= icu-i18n else:android: LIBS += -licui18n -licuuc else: LIBS += -licui18n -licuuc -licudata } use?(GLIB) { PKGCONFIG *= glib-2.0 gio-2.0 } win32-* { LIBS += -lwinmm LIBS += -lgdi32 } qnx { # required for timegm LIBS += -lnbutil } mac { LIBS += -framework AppKit } # MSVC is lacking stdint.h as well as inttypes.h. win32-msvc*|win32-icc|wince*: INCLUDEPATH += $$ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR/Source/JavaScriptCore/os-win32