/* * Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef FloatRect_h #define FloatRect_h #include "FloatPoint.h" #include #if USE(CG) || USE(SKIA_ON_MAC_CHROMIUM) typedef struct CGRect CGRect; #endif #if PLATFORM(MAC) || (PLATFORM(CHROMIUM) && OS(DARWIN)) #ifdef NSGEOMETRY_TYPES_SAME_AS_CGGEOMETRY_TYPES typedef struct CGRect NSRect; #else typedef struct _NSRect NSRect; #endif #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QRectF; QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif #if PLATFORM(WX) && USE(WXGC) class wxRect2DDouble; #endif #if PLATFORM(BLACKBERRY) namespace BlackBerry { namespace Platform { class FloatRect; } } #endif #if USE(SKIA) struct SkRect; #endif #if USE(CAIRO) typedef struct _cairo_rectangle cairo_rectangle_t; #endif namespace WebCore { #if PLATFORM(OPENVG) class VGRect; #endif class FractionalLayoutRect; class IntRect; class IntPoint; class FloatRect { public: enum ContainsMode { InsideOrOnStroke, InsideButNotOnStroke }; FloatRect() { } FloatRect(const FloatPoint& location, const FloatSize& size) : m_location(location), m_size(size) { } FloatRect(float x, float y, float width, float height) : m_location(FloatPoint(x, y)), m_size(FloatSize(width, height)) { } FloatRect(const IntRect&); FloatRect(const FractionalLayoutRect&); static FloatRect narrowPrecision(double x, double y, double width, double height); FloatPoint location() const { return m_location; } FloatSize size() const { return m_size; } void setLocation(const FloatPoint& location) { m_location = location; } void setSize(const FloatSize& size) { m_size = size; } float x() const { return m_location.x(); } float y() const { return m_location.y(); } float maxX() const { return x() + width(); } float maxY() const { return y() + height(); } float width() const { return m_size.width(); } float height() const { return m_size.height(); } void setX(float x) { m_location.setX(x); } void setY(float y) { m_location.setY(y); } void setWidth(float width) { m_size.setWidth(width); } void setHeight(float height) { m_size.setHeight(height); } bool isEmpty() const { return m_size.isEmpty(); } bool isZero() const { return m_size.isZero(); } bool isExpressibleAsIntRect() const; FloatPoint center() const { return FloatPoint(x() + width() / 2, y() + height() / 2); } void move(const FloatSize& delta) { m_location += delta; } void moveBy(const FloatPoint& delta) { m_location.move(delta.x(), delta.y()); } void move(float dx, float dy) { m_location.move(dx, dy); } void expand(const FloatSize& size) { m_size += size; } void expand(float dw, float dh) { m_size.expand(dw, dh); } void contract(const FloatSize& size) { m_size -= size; } void contract(float dw, float dh) { m_size.expand(-dw, -dh); } void shiftXEdgeTo(float edge) { float delta = edge - x(); setX(edge); setWidth(std::max(0.0f, width() - delta)); } void shiftMaxXEdgeTo(float edge) { float delta = edge - maxX(); setWidth(std::max(0.0f, width() + delta)); } void shiftYEdgeTo(float edge) { float delta = edge - y(); setY(edge); setHeight(std::max(0.0f, height() - delta)); } void shiftMaxYEdgeTo(float edge) { float delta = edge - maxY(); setHeight(std::max(0.0f, height() + delta)); } FloatPoint minXMinYCorner() const { return m_location; } // typically topLeft FloatPoint maxXMinYCorner() const { return FloatPoint(m_location.x() + m_size.width(), m_location.y()); } // typically topRight FloatPoint minXMaxYCorner() const { return FloatPoint(m_location.x(), m_location.y() + m_size.height()); } // typically bottomLeft FloatPoint maxXMaxYCorner() const { return FloatPoint(m_location.x() + m_size.width(), m_location.y() + m_size.height()); } // typically bottomRight bool intersects(const FloatRect&) const; bool contains(const FloatRect&) const; bool contains(const FloatPoint&, ContainsMode = InsideOrOnStroke) const; void intersect(const FloatRect&); void unite(const FloatRect&); void uniteEvenIfEmpty(const FloatRect&); void uniteIfNonZero(const FloatRect&); // Note, this doesn't match what IntRect::contains(IntPoint&) does; the int version // is really checking for containment of 1x1 rect, but that doesn't make sense with floats. bool contains(float px, float py) const { return px >= x() && px <= maxX() && py >= y() && py <= maxY(); } void inflateX(float dx) { m_location.setX(m_location.x() - dx); m_size.setWidth(m_size.width() + dx + dx); } void inflateY(float dy) { m_location.setY(m_location.y() - dy); m_size.setHeight(m_size.height() + dy + dy); } void inflate(float d) { inflateX(d); inflateY(d); } void scale(float s) { scale(s, s); } void scale(float sx, float sy); FloatRect transposedRect() const { return FloatRect(m_location.transposedPoint(), m_size.transposedSize()); } // Re-initializes this rectangle to fit the sets of passed points. void fitToPoints(const FloatPoint& p0, const FloatPoint& p1); void fitToPoints(const FloatPoint& p0, const FloatPoint& p1, const FloatPoint& p2); void fitToPoints(const FloatPoint& p0, const FloatPoint& p1, const FloatPoint& p2, const FloatPoint& p3); #if PLATFORM(BLACKBERRY) FloatRect(const BlackBerry::Platform::FloatRect&); operator BlackBerry::Platform::FloatRect() const; #endif #if USE(CG) || USE(SKIA_ON_MAC_CHROMIUM) FloatRect(const CGRect&); operator CGRect() const; #endif #if (PLATFORM(MAC) || (PLATFORM(CHROMIUM) && OS(DARWIN))) \ && !defined(NSGEOMETRY_TYPES_SAME_AS_CGGEOMETRY_TYPES) FloatRect(const NSRect&); operator NSRect() const; #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) FloatRect(const QRectF&); operator QRectF() const; FloatRect normalized() const; #endif #if PLATFORM(WX) && USE(WXGC) FloatRect(const wxRect2DDouble&); operator wxRect2DDouble() const; #endif #if USE(SKIA) FloatRect(const SkRect&); operator SkRect() const; #endif #if PLATFORM(OPENVG) operator VGRect() const; #endif #if USE(CAIRO) FloatRect(const cairo_rectangle_t&); operator cairo_rectangle_t() const; #endif private: FloatPoint m_location; FloatSize m_size; void setLocationAndSizeFromEdges(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) { m_location.set(left, top); m_size.setWidth(right - left); m_size.setHeight(bottom - top); } }; inline FloatRect intersection(const FloatRect& a, const FloatRect& b) { FloatRect c = a; c.intersect(b); return c; } inline FloatRect unionRect(const FloatRect& a, const FloatRect& b) { FloatRect c = a; c.unite(b); return c; } FloatRect unionRect(const Vector&); inline FloatRect& operator+=(FloatRect& a, const FloatRect& b) { a.move(b.x(), b.y()); a.setWidth(a.width() + b.width()); a.setHeight(a.height() + b.height()); return a; } inline FloatRect operator+(const FloatRect& a, const FloatRect& b) { FloatRect c = a; c += b; return c; } inline bool operator==(const FloatRect& a, const FloatRect& b) { return a.location() == b.location() && a.size() == b.size(); } inline bool operator!=(const FloatRect& a, const FloatRect& b) { return a.location() != b.location() || a.size() != b.size(); } IntRect enclosingIntRect(const FloatRect&); // Returns a valid IntRect contained within the given FloatRect. IntRect enclosedIntRect(const FloatRect&); IntRect roundedIntRect(const FloatRect&); // Map rect r from srcRect to an equivalent rect in destRect. FloatRect mapRect(const FloatRect& r, const FloatRect& srcRect, const FloatRect& destRect); } #endif