/* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(VIDEO) #include "MediaPlayer.h" #include "ContentType.h" #include "Document.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "IntRect.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MIMETypeRegistry.h" #include "MediaPlayerPrivate.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "TimeRanges.h" #include #if PLATFORM(QT) #include #endif #if USE(GSTREAMER) #include "MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.h" #define PlatformMediaEngineClassName MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer #endif #if PLATFORM(MAC) || (PLATFORM(QT) && USE(QTKIT)) #include "MediaPlayerPrivateQTKit.h" #if USE(AVFOUNDATION) #include "MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundationObjC.h" #endif #define PlatformMediaEngineClassName MediaPlayerPrivateQTKit #elif OS(WINCE) && !PLATFORM(QT) #include "MediaPlayerPrivateWinCE.h" #define PlatformMediaEngineClassName MediaPlayerPrivate #elif PLATFORM(WIN) #include "MediaPlayerPrivateQuickTimeVisualContext.h" #define PlatformMediaEngineClassName MediaPlayerPrivateQuickTimeVisualContext #if USE(AVFOUNDATION) #include "MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundationCF.h" #endif #elif PLATFORM(QT) #if USE(QT_MULTIMEDIA) && !USE(GSTREAMER) #include "MediaPlayerPrivateQt.h" #define PlatformMediaEngineClassName MediaPlayerPrivateQt #endif #elif PLATFORM(CHROMIUM) #include "MediaPlayerPrivateChromium.h" #define PlatformMediaEngineClassName MediaPlayerPrivate #elif PLATFORM(BLACKBERRY) #include "MediaPlayerPrivateBlackBerry.h" #define PlatformMediaEngineClassName MediaPlayerPrivate #endif namespace WebCore { const PlatformMedia NoPlatformMedia = { PlatformMedia::None, {0} }; // a null player to make MediaPlayer logic simpler class NullMediaPlayerPrivate : public MediaPlayerPrivateInterface { public: NullMediaPlayerPrivate(MediaPlayer*) { } virtual void load(const String&) { } virtual void cancelLoad() { } virtual void prepareToPlay() { } virtual void play() { } virtual void pause() { } virtual PlatformMedia platformMedia() const { return NoPlatformMedia; } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) virtual PlatformLayer* platformLayer() const { return 0; } #endif virtual IntSize naturalSize() const { return IntSize(0, 0); } virtual bool hasVideo() const { return false; } virtual bool hasAudio() const { return false; } virtual void setVisible(bool) { } virtual float duration() const { return 0; } virtual float currentTime() const { return 0; } virtual void seek(float) { } virtual bool seeking() const { return false; } virtual void setRate(float) { } virtual void setPreservesPitch(bool) { } virtual bool paused() const { return false; } virtual void setVolume(float) { } virtual bool supportsMuting() const { return false; } virtual void setMuted(bool) { } virtual bool hasClosedCaptions() const { return false; } virtual void setClosedCaptionsVisible(bool) { }; virtual MediaPlayer::NetworkState networkState() const { return MediaPlayer::Empty; } virtual MediaPlayer::ReadyState readyState() const { return MediaPlayer::HaveNothing; } virtual float maxTimeSeekable() const { return 0; } virtual PassRefPtr buffered() const { return TimeRanges::create(); } virtual unsigned totalBytes() const { return 0; } virtual bool didLoadingProgress() const { return false; } virtual void setSize(const IntSize&) { } virtual void paint(GraphicsContext*, const IntRect&) { } virtual bool canLoadPoster() const { return false; } virtual void setPoster(const String&) { } #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) virtual void deliverNotification(MediaPlayerProxyNotificationType) { } virtual void setMediaPlayerProxy(WebMediaPlayerProxy*) { } virtual void setControls(bool) { } #endif virtual bool hasSingleSecurityOrigin() const { return true; } #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) virtual MediaPlayer::AddIdStatus sourceAddId(const String& id, const String& type, const Vector& codecs) { return MediaPlayer::NotSupported; } virtual PassRefPtr sourceBuffered(const String&) { return TimeRanges::create(); } virtual bool sourceRemoveId(const String&) { return false; } virtual bool sourceAppend(const String&, const unsigned char*, unsigned) { return false; } virtual bool sourceAbort(const String&) { return false; } virtual void sourceSetDuration(double) { } virtual void sourceEndOfStream(MediaPlayer::EndOfStreamStatus) { } virtual bool sourceSetTimestampOffset(const String&, double) { return false; } #endif #if ENABLE(ENCRYPTED_MEDIA) virtual MediaPlayer::MediaKeyException generateKeyRequest(const String&, const unsigned char*, unsigned) OVERRIDE { return MediaPlayer::InvalidPlayerState; } virtual MediaPlayer::MediaKeyException addKey(const String&, const unsigned char*, unsigned, const unsigned char*, unsigned, const String&) OVERRIDE { return MediaPlayer::InvalidPlayerState; } virtual MediaPlayer::MediaKeyException cancelKeyRequest(const String&, const String&) OVERRIDE { return MediaPlayer::InvalidPlayerState; } #endif }; static PassOwnPtr createNullMediaPlayer(MediaPlayer* player) { return adoptPtr(new NullMediaPlayerPrivate(player)); } // engine support struct MediaPlayerFactory { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(MediaPlayerFactory); WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: MediaPlayerFactory(CreateMediaEnginePlayer constructor, MediaEngineSupportedTypes getSupportedTypes, MediaEngineSupportsType supportsTypeAndCodecs, MediaEngineGetSitesInMediaCache getSitesInMediaCache, MediaEngineClearMediaCache clearMediaCache, MediaEngineClearMediaCacheForSite clearMediaCacheForSite) : constructor(constructor) , getSupportedTypes(getSupportedTypes) , supportsTypeAndCodecs(supportsTypeAndCodecs) , getSitesInMediaCache(getSitesInMediaCache) , clearMediaCache(clearMediaCache) , clearMediaCacheForSite(clearMediaCacheForSite) { } CreateMediaEnginePlayer constructor; MediaEngineSupportedTypes getSupportedTypes; MediaEngineSupportsType supportsTypeAndCodecs; MediaEngineGetSitesInMediaCache getSitesInMediaCache; MediaEngineClearMediaCache clearMediaCache; MediaEngineClearMediaCacheForSite clearMediaCacheForSite; }; static void addMediaEngine(CreateMediaEnginePlayer, MediaEngineSupportedTypes, MediaEngineSupportsType, MediaEngineGetSitesInMediaCache, MediaEngineClearMediaCache, MediaEngineClearMediaCacheForSite); static MediaPlayerFactory* bestMediaEngineForTypeAndCodecs(const String& type, const String& codecs, const String& keySystem, const KURL&, MediaPlayerFactory* current = 0); static MediaPlayerFactory* nextMediaEngine(MediaPlayerFactory* current); static Vector& installedMediaEngines() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(Vector, installedEngines, ()); static bool enginesQueried = false; if (!enginesQueried) { enginesQueried = true; #if USE(AVFOUNDATION) if (Settings::isAVFoundationEnabled()) { #if PLATFORM(MAC) MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundationObjC::registerMediaEngine(addMediaEngine); #elif PLATFORM(WIN) MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundationCF::registerMediaEngine(addMediaEngine); #endif } #endif #if defined(PlatformMediaEngineClassName) PlatformMediaEngineClassName::registerMediaEngine(addMediaEngine); #endif } return installedEngines; } static void addMediaEngine(CreateMediaEnginePlayer constructor, MediaEngineSupportedTypes getSupportedTypes, MediaEngineSupportsType supportsType, MediaEngineGetSitesInMediaCache getSitesInMediaCache, MediaEngineClearMediaCache clearMediaCache, MediaEngineClearMediaCacheForSite clearMediaCacheForSite) { ASSERT(constructor); ASSERT(getSupportedTypes); ASSERT(supportsType); installedMediaEngines().append(new MediaPlayerFactory(constructor, getSupportedTypes, supportsType, getSitesInMediaCache, clearMediaCache, clearMediaCacheForSite)); } static const AtomicString& applicationOctetStream() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, applicationOctetStream, ("application/octet-stream")); return applicationOctetStream; } static const AtomicString& textPlain() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, textPlain, ("text/plain")); return textPlain; } static const AtomicString& codecs() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, codecs, ("codecs")); return codecs; } static MediaPlayerFactory* bestMediaEngineForTypeAndCodecs(const String& type, const String& codecs, const String& keySystem, const KURL& url, MediaPlayerFactory* current) { if (type.isEmpty()) return 0; Vector& engines = installedMediaEngines(); if (engines.isEmpty()) return 0; // MIME types - In the absence of a specification to the contrary, the MIME type "application/octet-stream" // when used with parameters, e.g. "application/octet-stream;codecs=theora", is a type that the user agent knows // it cannot render. if (type == applicationOctetStream()) { if (!codecs.isEmpty()) return 0; } MediaPlayerFactory* engine = 0; MediaPlayer::SupportsType supported = MediaPlayer::IsNotSupported; unsigned count = engines.size(); for (unsigned ndx = 0; ndx < count; ndx++) { if (current) { if (current == engines[ndx]) current = 0; continue; } #if ENABLE(ENCRYPTED_MEDIA) MediaPlayer::SupportsType engineSupport = engines[ndx]->supportsTypeAndCodecs(type, codecs, keySystem, url); #else UNUSED_PARAM(keySystem); ASSERT(keySystem.isEmpty()); MediaPlayer::SupportsType engineSupport = engines[ndx]->supportsTypeAndCodecs(type, codecs, url); #endif if (engineSupport > supported) { supported = engineSupport; engine = engines[ndx]; } } return engine; } static MediaPlayerFactory* nextMediaEngine(MediaPlayerFactory* current) { Vector& engines = installedMediaEngines(); if (engines.isEmpty()) return 0; if (!current) return engines.first(); size_t currentIndex = engines.find(current); if (currentIndex == WTF::notFound || currentIndex + 1 >= engines.size()) return 0; return engines[currentIndex + 1]; } // media player MediaPlayer::MediaPlayer(MediaPlayerClient* client) : m_mediaPlayerClient(client) , m_reloadTimer(this, &MediaPlayer::reloadTimerFired) , m_private(createNullMediaPlayer(this)) , m_currentMediaEngine(0) , m_frameView(0) , m_preload(Auto) , m_visible(false) , m_rate(1.0f) , m_volume(1.0f) , m_muted(false) , m_preservesPitch(true) , m_privateBrowsing(false) , m_shouldPrepareToRender(false) , m_contentMIMETypeWasInferredFromExtension(false) #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) , m_playerProxy(0) #endif { #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) Vector& engines = installedMediaEngines(); if (!engines.isEmpty()) { m_currentMediaEngine = engines[0]; m_private = engines[0]->constructor(this); if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerEngineUpdated(this); } #endif } MediaPlayer::~MediaPlayer() { m_mediaPlayerClient = 0; } bool MediaPlayer::load(const KURL& url, const ContentType& contentType, const String& keySystem) { m_contentMIMEType = contentType.type().lower(); m_contentTypeCodecs = contentType.parameter(codecs()); m_url = url; m_keySystem = keySystem.lower(); m_contentMIMETypeWasInferredFromExtension = false; // If the MIME type is missing or is not meaningful, try to figure it out from the URL. if (m_contentMIMEType.isEmpty() || m_contentMIMEType == applicationOctetStream() || m_contentMIMEType == textPlain()) { if (m_url.protocolIsData()) m_contentMIMEType = mimeTypeFromDataURL(m_url.string()); else { String lastPathComponent = url.lastPathComponent(); size_t pos = lastPathComponent.reverseFind('.'); if (pos != notFound) { String extension = lastPathComponent.substring(pos + 1); String mediaType = MIMETypeRegistry::getMediaMIMETypeForExtension(extension); if (!mediaType.isEmpty()) { m_contentMIMEType = mediaType; m_contentMIMETypeWasInferredFromExtension = true; } } } } loadWithNextMediaEngine(0); return m_currentMediaEngine; } void MediaPlayer::loadWithNextMediaEngine(MediaPlayerFactory* current) { MediaPlayerFactory* engine = 0; if (!m_contentMIMEType.isEmpty()) engine = bestMediaEngineForTypeAndCodecs(m_contentMIMEType, m_contentTypeCodecs, m_keySystem, m_url, current); // If no MIME type is specified or the type was inferred from the file extension, just use the next engine. if (!engine && (m_contentMIMEType.isEmpty() || m_contentMIMETypeWasInferredFromExtension)) engine = nextMediaEngine(current); // Don't delete and recreate the player unless it comes from a different engine. if (!engine) { LOG(Media, "MediaPlayer::loadWithNextMediaEngine - no media engine found for type \"%s\"", m_contentMIMEType.utf8().data()); m_currentMediaEngine = engine; m_private = nullptr; } else if (m_currentMediaEngine != engine) { m_currentMediaEngine = engine; m_private = engine->constructor(this); if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerEngineUpdated(this); #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) m_private->setMediaPlayerProxy(m_playerProxy); #endif m_private->setPrivateBrowsingMode(m_privateBrowsing); m_private->setPreload(m_preload); m_private->setPreservesPitch(preservesPitch()); m_private->setRate(m_rate); if (m_shouldPrepareToRender) m_private->prepareForRendering(); } if (m_private) m_private->load(m_url.string()); else { m_private = createNullMediaPlayer(this); if (m_mediaPlayerClient) { m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerEngineUpdated(this); m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerResourceNotSupported(this); } } } bool MediaPlayer::hasAvailableVideoFrame() const { return m_private->hasAvailableVideoFrame(); } void MediaPlayer::prepareForRendering() { m_shouldPrepareToRender = true; m_private->prepareForRendering(); } bool MediaPlayer::canLoadPoster() const { return m_private->canLoadPoster(); } void MediaPlayer::setPoster(const String& url) { m_private->setPoster(url); } void MediaPlayer::cancelLoad() { m_private->cancelLoad(); } void MediaPlayer::prepareToPlay() { m_private->prepareToPlay(); } void MediaPlayer::play() { m_private->play(); } void MediaPlayer::pause() { m_private->pause(); } #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) MediaPlayer::AddIdStatus MediaPlayer::sourceAddId(const String& id, const String& type, const Vector& codecs) { return m_private->sourceAddId(id, type, codecs); } PassRefPtr MediaPlayer::sourceBuffered(const String& id) { return m_private->sourceBuffered(id); } bool MediaPlayer::sourceRemoveId(const String& id) { return m_private->sourceRemoveId(id); } bool MediaPlayer::sourceAppend(const String& id, const unsigned char* data, unsigned length) { return m_private->sourceAppend(id, data, length); } bool MediaPlayer::sourceAbort(const String& id) { return m_private->sourceAbort(id); } void MediaPlayer::sourceSetDuration(double duration) { m_private->sourceSetDuration(duration); } void MediaPlayer::sourceEndOfStream(MediaPlayer::EndOfStreamStatus status) { return m_private->sourceEndOfStream(status); } bool MediaPlayer::sourceSetTimestampOffset(const String& id, double offset) { return m_private->sourceSetTimestampOffset(id, offset); } #endif #if ENABLE(ENCRYPTED_MEDIA) MediaPlayer::MediaKeyException MediaPlayer::generateKeyRequest(const String& keySystem, const unsigned char* initData, unsigned initDataLength) { return m_private->generateKeyRequest(keySystem.lower(), initData, initDataLength); } MediaPlayer::MediaKeyException MediaPlayer::addKey(const String& keySystem, const unsigned char* key, unsigned keyLength, const unsigned char* initData, unsigned initDataLength, const String& sessionId) { return m_private->addKey(keySystem.lower(), key, keyLength, initData, initDataLength, sessionId); } MediaPlayer::MediaKeyException MediaPlayer::cancelKeyRequest(const String& keySystem, const String& sessionId) { return m_private->cancelKeyRequest(keySystem.lower(), sessionId); } #endif float MediaPlayer::duration() const { return m_private->duration(); } float MediaPlayer::startTime() const { return m_private->startTime(); } double MediaPlayer::initialTime() const { return m_private->initialTime(); } float MediaPlayer::currentTime() const { return m_private->currentTime(); } void MediaPlayer::seek(float time) { m_private->seek(time); } bool MediaPlayer::paused() const { return m_private->paused(); } bool MediaPlayer::seeking() const { return m_private->seeking(); } bool MediaPlayer::supportsFullscreen() const { return m_private->supportsFullscreen(); } bool MediaPlayer::supportsSave() const { return m_private->supportsSave(); } bool MediaPlayer::supportsScanning() const { return m_private->supportsScanning(); } IntSize MediaPlayer::naturalSize() { return m_private->naturalSize(); } bool MediaPlayer::hasVideo() const { return m_private->hasVideo(); } bool MediaPlayer::hasAudio() const { return m_private->hasAudio(); } bool MediaPlayer::inMediaDocument() { Frame* frame = m_frameView ? m_frameView->frame() : 0; Document* document = frame ? frame->document() : 0; return document && document->isMediaDocument(); } PlatformMedia MediaPlayer::platformMedia() const { return m_private->platformMedia(); } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) PlatformLayer* MediaPlayer::platformLayer() const { return m_private->platformLayer(); } #endif MediaPlayer::NetworkState MediaPlayer::networkState() { return m_private->networkState(); } MediaPlayer::ReadyState MediaPlayer::readyState() { return m_private->readyState(); } float MediaPlayer::volume() const { return m_volume; } void MediaPlayer::setVolume(float volume) { if (volume == m_volume) return; m_volume = volume; if (m_private->supportsMuting() || !m_muted) m_private->setVolume(volume); } bool MediaPlayer::muted() const { return m_muted; } void MediaPlayer::setMuted(bool muted) { if (muted == m_muted) return; m_muted = muted; if (m_private->supportsMuting()) m_private->setMuted(muted); else m_private->setVolume(muted ? 0 : m_volume); } bool MediaPlayer::hasClosedCaptions() const { return m_private->hasClosedCaptions(); } void MediaPlayer::setClosedCaptionsVisible(bool closedCaptionsVisible) { m_private->setClosedCaptionsVisible(closedCaptionsVisible); } float MediaPlayer::rate() const { return m_rate; } void MediaPlayer::setRate(float rate) { m_rate = rate; m_private->setRate(rate); } bool MediaPlayer::preservesPitch() const { return m_preservesPitch; } void MediaPlayer::setPreservesPitch(bool preservesPitch) { if (preservesPitch == m_preservesPitch) return; m_preservesPitch = preservesPitch; m_private->setPreservesPitch(preservesPitch); } PassRefPtr MediaPlayer::buffered() { return m_private->buffered(); } PassRefPtr MediaPlayer::seekable() { return m_private->seekable(); } float MediaPlayer::maxTimeSeekable() { return m_private->maxTimeSeekable(); } bool MediaPlayer::didLoadingProgress() { return m_private->didLoadingProgress(); } void MediaPlayer::setSize(const IntSize& size) { if (size == m_size) return; m_size = size; m_private->setSize(size); } bool MediaPlayer::visible() const { return m_visible; } void MediaPlayer::setVisible(bool b) { if (b == m_visible) return; m_visible = b; m_private->setVisible(b); } MediaPlayer::Preload MediaPlayer::preload() const { return m_preload; } void MediaPlayer::setPreload(MediaPlayer::Preload preload) { if (preload == m_preload) return; m_preload = preload; m_private->setPreload(preload); } void MediaPlayer::paint(GraphicsContext* p, const IntRect& r) { m_private->paint(p, r); } void MediaPlayer::paintCurrentFrameInContext(GraphicsContext* p, const IntRect& r) { m_private->paintCurrentFrameInContext(p, r); } MediaPlayer::SupportsType MediaPlayer::supportsType(const ContentType& contentType, const String& keySystem, const KURL& url, const MediaPlayerSupportsTypeClient* client) { String type = contentType.type().lower(); // The codecs string is not lower-cased because MP4 values are case sensitive // per http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4281#page-7. String typeCodecs = contentType.parameter(codecs()); String system = keySystem.lower(); // MIME types - The canPlayType(type) method must return the empty string if type is a type that the // user agent knows it cannot render or is the type "application/octet-stream" if (type == applicationOctetStream()) return IsNotSupported; MediaPlayerFactory* engine = bestMediaEngineForTypeAndCodecs(type, typeCodecs, system, url); if (!engine) return IsNotSupported; #if PLATFORM(MAC) // YouTube will ask if the HTMLMediaElement canPlayType video/webm, then // video/x-flv, then finally video/mp4, and will then load a URL of the first type // in that list which returns "probably". When Perian is installed, // MediaPlayerPrivateQTKit claims to support both video/webm and video/x-flv, but // due to a bug in Perian, loading media in these formats will sometimes fail on // slow connections. if (client && client->mediaPlayerNeedsSiteSpecificHacks()) { String host = client->mediaPlayerDocumentHost(); if ((host.endsWith(".youtube.com", false) || equalIgnoringCase("youtube.com", host)) && (contentType.type().startsWith("video/webm", false) || contentType.type().startsWith("video/x-flv", false))) return IsNotSupported; } #else UNUSED_PARAM(client); #endif #if ENABLE(ENCRYPTED_MEDIA) return engine->supportsTypeAndCodecs(type, typeCodecs, system, url); #else ASSERT(system.isEmpty()); return engine->supportsTypeAndCodecs(type, typeCodecs, url); #endif } void MediaPlayer::getSupportedTypes(HashSet& types) { Vector& engines = installedMediaEngines(); if (engines.isEmpty()) return; unsigned count = engines.size(); for (unsigned ndx = 0; ndx < count; ndx++) engines[ndx]->getSupportedTypes(types); } bool MediaPlayer::isAvailable() { return !installedMediaEngines().isEmpty(); } #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) void MediaPlayer::deliverNotification(MediaPlayerProxyNotificationType notification) { m_private->deliverNotification(notification); } void MediaPlayer::setMediaPlayerProxy(WebMediaPlayerProxy* proxy) { m_playerProxy = proxy; m_private->setMediaPlayerProxy(proxy); } void MediaPlayer::setControls(bool controls) { m_private->setControls(controls); } #endif #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) || USE(NATIVE_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO) void MediaPlayer::enterFullscreen() { m_private->enterFullscreen(); } void MediaPlayer::exitFullscreen() { m_private->exitFullscreen(); } #endif #if USE(NATIVE_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO) bool MediaPlayer::canEnterFullscreen() const { return m_private->canEnterFullscreen(); } #endif #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) void MediaPlayer::acceleratedRenderingStateChanged() { m_private->acceleratedRenderingStateChanged(); } bool MediaPlayer::supportsAcceleratedRendering() const { return m_private->supportsAcceleratedRendering(); } #endif // USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) bool MediaPlayer::hasSingleSecurityOrigin() const { return m_private->hasSingleSecurityOrigin(); } bool MediaPlayer::didPassCORSAccessCheck() const { return m_private->didPassCORSAccessCheck(); } MediaPlayer::MovieLoadType MediaPlayer::movieLoadType() const { return m_private->movieLoadType(); } float MediaPlayer::mediaTimeForTimeValue(float timeValue) const { return m_private->mediaTimeForTimeValue(timeValue); } double MediaPlayer::maximumDurationToCacheMediaTime() const { return m_private->maximumDurationToCacheMediaTime(); } unsigned MediaPlayer::decodedFrameCount() const { return m_private->decodedFrameCount(); } unsigned MediaPlayer::droppedFrameCount() const { return m_private->droppedFrameCount(); } unsigned MediaPlayer::audioDecodedByteCount() const { return m_private->audioDecodedByteCount(); } unsigned MediaPlayer::videoDecodedByteCount() const { return m_private->videoDecodedByteCount(); } void MediaPlayer::reloadTimerFired(Timer*) { m_private->cancelLoad(); loadWithNextMediaEngine(m_currentMediaEngine); } void MediaPlayer::getSitesInMediaCache(Vector& sites) { Vector& engines = installedMediaEngines(); unsigned size = engines.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (!engines[i]->getSitesInMediaCache) continue; Vector engineSites; engines[i]->getSitesInMediaCache(engineSites); sites.append(engineSites); } } void MediaPlayer::clearMediaCache() { Vector& engines = installedMediaEngines(); unsigned size = engines.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (engines[i]->clearMediaCache) engines[i]->clearMediaCache(); } } void MediaPlayer::clearMediaCacheForSite(const String& site) { Vector& engines = installedMediaEngines(); unsigned size = engines.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (engines[i]->clearMediaCacheForSite) engines[i]->clearMediaCacheForSite(site); } } void MediaPlayer::setPrivateBrowsingMode(bool privateBrowsingMode) { m_privateBrowsing = privateBrowsingMode; m_private->setPrivateBrowsingMode(m_privateBrowsing); } #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) void MediaPlayer::sourceOpened() { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerSourceOpened(); } String MediaPlayer::sourceURL() const { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) return m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerSourceURL(); return String(); } #endif // Client callbacks. void MediaPlayer::networkStateChanged() { // If more than one media engine is installed and this one failed before finding metadata, // let the next engine try. if (m_private->networkState() >= FormatError && m_private->readyState() < HaveMetadata && installedMediaEngines().size() > 1) { if (m_contentMIMEType.isEmpty() || bestMediaEngineForTypeAndCodecs(m_contentMIMEType, m_contentTypeCodecs, m_keySystem, m_url, m_currentMediaEngine)) { m_reloadTimer.startOneShot(0); return; } } if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerNetworkStateChanged(this); } void MediaPlayer::readyStateChanged() { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerReadyStateChanged(this); } void MediaPlayer::volumeChanged(float newVolume) { m_volume = newVolume; if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerVolumeChanged(this); } void MediaPlayer::muteChanged(bool newMuted) { m_muted = newMuted; if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerMuteChanged(this); } void MediaPlayer::timeChanged() { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerTimeChanged(this); } void MediaPlayer::sizeChanged() { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerSizeChanged(this); } void MediaPlayer::repaint() { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerRepaint(this); } void MediaPlayer::durationChanged() { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerDurationChanged(this); } void MediaPlayer::rateChanged() { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerRateChanged(this); } void MediaPlayer::playbackStateChanged() { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerPlaybackStateChanged(this); } void MediaPlayer::firstVideoFrameAvailable() { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerFirstVideoFrameAvailable(this); } void MediaPlayer::characteristicChanged() { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerCharacteristicChanged(this); } #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) AudioSourceProvider* MediaPlayer::audioSourceProvider() { return m_private->audioSourceProvider(); } #endif // WEB_AUDIO #if ENABLE(ENCRYPTED_MEDIA) void MediaPlayer::keyAdded(const String& keySystem, const String& sessionId) { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerKeyAdded(this, keySystem, sessionId); } void MediaPlayer::keyError(const String& keySystem, const String& sessionId, MediaPlayerClient::MediaKeyErrorCode errorCode, unsigned short systemCode) { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerKeyError(this, keySystem, sessionId, errorCode, systemCode); } void MediaPlayer::keyMessage(const String& keySystem, const String& sessionId, const unsigned char* message, unsigned messageLength) { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerKeyMessage(this, keySystem, sessionId, message, messageLength); } bool MediaPlayer::keyNeeded(const String& keySystem, const String& sessionId, const unsigned char* initData, unsigned initDataLength) { if (m_mediaPlayerClient) return m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerKeyNeeded(this, keySystem, sessionId, initData, initDataLength); return false; } #endif String MediaPlayer::referrer() const { if (!m_mediaPlayerClient) return String(); return m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerReferrer(); } String MediaPlayer::userAgent() const { if (!m_mediaPlayerClient) return String(); return m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerUserAgent(); } String MediaPlayer::engineDescription() const { if (!m_private) return String(); return m_private->engineDescription(); } #if PLATFORM(WIN) && USE(AVFOUNDATION) GraphicsDeviceAdapter* MediaPlayer::graphicsDeviceAdapter() const { if (!m_mediaPlayerClient) return 0; return m_mediaPlayerClient->mediaPlayerGraphicsDeviceAdapter(this); } #endif } #endif