/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "WebBackForwardList.h" #include "APIArray.h" #include "SessionState.h" #include "WebPageProxy.h" #include namespace WebKit { // FIXME: Make this static once WebBackForwardListCF.cpp is no longer using it. uint64_t generateWebBackForwardItemID(); uint64_t generateWebBackForwardItemID() { // These IDs exist in the UIProcess for items created by the UIProcess. // The IDs generated here need to never collide with the IDs created in WebBackForwardListProxy in the WebProcess. // We accomplish this by starting from 2, and only ever using even ids. static uint64_t uniqueHistoryItemID = 0; uniqueHistoryItemID += 2; return uniqueHistoryItemID; } static const unsigned DefaultCapacity = 100; WebBackForwardList::WebBackForwardList(WebPageProxy& page) : m_page(&page) , m_hasCurrentIndex(false) , m_currentIndex(0) , m_capacity(DefaultCapacity) { } WebBackForwardList::~WebBackForwardList() { // A WebBackForwardList should never be destroyed unless it's associated page has been closed or is invalid. ASSERT((!m_page && !m_hasCurrentIndex) || !m_page->isValid()); } void WebBackForwardList::pageClosed() { // We should have always started out with an m_page and we should never close the page twice. ASSERT(m_page); if (m_page) { size_t size = m_entries.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ASSERT(m_entries[i]); if (!m_entries[i]) continue; didRemoveItem(*m_entries[i]); } } m_page = 0; m_entries.clear(); m_hasCurrentIndex = false; } void WebBackForwardList::addItem(WebBackForwardListItem* newItem) { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); if (!m_capacity || !newItem || !m_page) return; Vector> removedItems; if (m_hasCurrentIndex) { m_page->recordNavigationSnapshot(); // Toss everything in the forward list. unsigned targetSize = m_currentIndex + 1; removedItems.reserveCapacity(m_entries.size() - targetSize); while (m_entries.size() > targetSize) { didRemoveItem(*m_entries.last()); removedItems.append(m_entries.last().release()); m_entries.removeLast(); } // Toss the first item if the list is getting too big, as long as we're not using it // (or even if we are, if we only want 1 entry). if (m_entries.size() == m_capacity && (m_currentIndex || m_capacity == 1)) { didRemoveItem(*m_entries[0]); removedItems.append(m_entries[0].release()); m_entries.remove(0); if (m_entries.isEmpty()) m_hasCurrentIndex = false; else m_currentIndex--; } } else { // If we have no current item index we should also not have any entries. ASSERT(m_entries.isEmpty()); // But just in case it does happen in practice we'll get back in to a consistent state now before adding the new item. size_t size = m_entries.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ASSERT(m_entries[i]); if (!m_entries[i]) continue; didRemoveItem(*m_entries[i]); removedItems.append(m_entries[i].release()); } m_entries.clear(); } bool shouldKeepCurrentItem = true; if (!m_hasCurrentIndex) { ASSERT(m_entries.isEmpty()); m_currentIndex = 0; m_hasCurrentIndex = true; } else { shouldKeepCurrentItem = m_page->shouldKeepCurrentBackForwardListItemInList(m_entries[m_currentIndex].get()); if (shouldKeepCurrentItem) m_currentIndex++; } if (!shouldKeepCurrentItem) { // m_current should never be pointing past the end of the entries Vector. // If it is, something has gone wrong and we should not try to swap in the new item. ASSERT(m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); removedItems.append(m_entries[m_currentIndex]); m_entries[m_currentIndex] = newItem; } else { // m_current should never be pointing more than 1 past the end of the entries Vector. // If it is, something has gone wrong and we should not try to insert the new item. ASSERT(m_currentIndex <= m_entries.size()); if (m_currentIndex <= m_entries.size()) m_entries.insert(m_currentIndex, newItem); } m_page->didChangeBackForwardList(newItem, WTFMove(removedItems)); } void WebBackForwardList::goToItem(WebBackForwardListItem* item) { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); if (!m_entries.size() || !item || !m_page || !m_hasCurrentIndex) return; size_t targetIndex = m_entries.find(item); // If the target item wasn't even in the list, there's nothing else to do. if (targetIndex == notFound) return; if (targetIndex < m_currentIndex) { unsigned delta = m_entries.size() - targetIndex - 1; String deltaValue = delta > 10 ? ASCIILiteral("over10") : String::number(delta); m_page->logDiagnosticMessageWithValue(WebCore::DiagnosticLoggingKeys::backNavigationKey(), WebCore::DiagnosticLoggingKeys::deltaKey(), deltaValue, false /* shouldSample */); } // If we're going to an item different from the current item, ask the client if the current // item should remain in the list. WebBackForwardListItem* currentItem = m_entries[m_currentIndex].get(); bool shouldKeepCurrentItem = true; if (currentItem != item) { m_page->recordNavigationSnapshot(); shouldKeepCurrentItem = m_page->shouldKeepCurrentBackForwardListItemInList(m_entries[m_currentIndex].get()); } // If the client said to remove the current item, remove it and then update the target index. Vector> removedItems; if (!shouldKeepCurrentItem) { removedItems.append(currentItem); m_entries.remove(m_currentIndex); targetIndex = m_entries.find(item); ASSERT(targetIndex != notFound); } m_currentIndex = targetIndex; m_page->didChangeBackForwardList(nullptr, removedItems); } WebBackForwardListItem* WebBackForwardList::currentItem() const { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); return m_page && m_hasCurrentIndex ? m_entries[m_currentIndex].get() : nullptr; } WebBackForwardListItem* WebBackForwardList::backItem() const { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); return m_page && m_hasCurrentIndex && m_currentIndex ? m_entries[m_currentIndex - 1].get() : nullptr; } WebBackForwardListItem* WebBackForwardList::forwardItem() const { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); return m_page && m_hasCurrentIndex && m_entries.size() && m_currentIndex < m_entries.size() - 1 ? m_entries[m_currentIndex + 1].get() : nullptr; } WebBackForwardListItem* WebBackForwardList::itemAtIndex(int index) const { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); if (!m_hasCurrentIndex || !m_page) return nullptr; // Do range checks without doing math on index to avoid overflow. if (index < -backListCount()) return nullptr; if (index > forwardListCount()) return nullptr; return m_entries[index + m_currentIndex].get(); } int WebBackForwardList::backListCount() const { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); return m_page && m_hasCurrentIndex ? m_currentIndex : 0; } int WebBackForwardList::forwardListCount() const { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); return m_page && m_hasCurrentIndex ? m_entries.size() - (m_currentIndex + 1) : 0; } Ref WebBackForwardList::backList() const { return backListAsAPIArrayWithLimit(backListCount()); } Ref WebBackForwardList::forwardList() const { return forwardListAsAPIArrayWithLimit(forwardListCount()); } Ref WebBackForwardList::backListAsAPIArrayWithLimit(unsigned limit) const { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); if (!m_page || !m_hasCurrentIndex) return API::Array::create(); unsigned backListSize = static_cast(backListCount()); unsigned size = std::min(backListSize, limit); if (!size) return API::Array::create(); Vector> vector; vector.reserveInitialCapacity(size); ASSERT(backListSize >= size); for (unsigned i = backListSize - size; i < backListSize; ++i) { ASSERT(m_entries[i]); vector.uncheckedAppend(m_entries[i].get()); } return API::Array::create(WTFMove(vector)); } Ref WebBackForwardList::forwardListAsAPIArrayWithLimit(unsigned limit) const { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); if (!m_page || !m_hasCurrentIndex) return API::Array::create(); unsigned size = std::min(static_cast(forwardListCount()), limit); if (!size) return API::Array::create(); Vector> vector; vector.reserveInitialCapacity(size); unsigned last = m_currentIndex + size; ASSERT(last < m_entries.size()); for (unsigned i = m_currentIndex + 1; i <= last; ++i) { ASSERT(m_entries[i]); vector.uncheckedAppend(m_entries[i].get()); } return API::Array::create(WTFMove(vector)); } void WebBackForwardList::removeAllItems() { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); Vector> removedItems; for (auto& entry : m_entries) { ASSERT(entry); if (!entry) continue; didRemoveItem(*entry); removedItems.append(WTFMove(entry)); } m_entries.clear(); m_hasCurrentIndex = false; m_page->didChangeBackForwardList(nullptr, WTFMove(removedItems)); } void WebBackForwardList::clear() { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); size_t size = m_entries.size(); if (!m_page || size <= 1) return; RefPtr currentItem = this->currentItem(); Vector> removedItems; if (!currentItem) { // We should only ever have no current item if we also have no current item index. ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex); // But just in case it does happen in practice we should get back into a consistent state now. for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ASSERT(m_entries[i]); if (!m_entries[i]) continue; didRemoveItem(*m_entries[i]); removedItems.append(m_entries[i].release()); } m_entries.clear(); m_hasCurrentIndex = false; m_page->didChangeBackForwardList(nullptr, WTFMove(removedItems)); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ASSERT(m_entries[i]); if (m_entries[i] && m_entries[i] != currentItem) didRemoveItem(*m_entries[i]); } removedItems.reserveCapacity(size - 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (i != m_currentIndex && m_hasCurrentIndex && m_entries[i]) removedItems.append(m_entries[i].release()); } m_currentIndex = 0; if (currentItem) { m_entries.shrink(1); m_entries[0] = currentItem.release(); } else { m_entries.clear(); m_hasCurrentIndex = false; } m_page->didChangeBackForwardList(nullptr, WTFMove(removedItems)); } BackForwardListState WebBackForwardList::backForwardListState(const std::function& filter) const { ASSERT(!m_hasCurrentIndex || m_currentIndex < m_entries.size()); BackForwardListState backForwardListState; if (m_hasCurrentIndex) backForwardListState.currentIndex = m_currentIndex; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_entries.size(); ++i) { auto& entry = *m_entries[i]; if (filter && !filter(entry)) { auto& currentIndex = backForwardListState.currentIndex; if (currentIndex && i <= currentIndex.value() && currentIndex.value()) --currentIndex.value(); continue; } backForwardListState.items.append(entry.itemState()); } if (backForwardListState.items.isEmpty()) backForwardListState.currentIndex = Nullopt; else if (backForwardListState.items.size() <= backForwardListState.currentIndex.value()) backForwardListState.currentIndex = backForwardListState.items.size() - 1; return backForwardListState; } void WebBackForwardList::restoreFromState(BackForwardListState backForwardListState) { Vector> items; items.reserveInitialCapacity(backForwardListState.items.size()); for (auto& backForwardListItemState : backForwardListState.items) { backForwardListItemState.identifier = generateWebBackForwardItemID(); items.uncheckedAppend(WebBackForwardListItem::create(WTFMove(backForwardListItemState), m_page->pageID())); } m_hasCurrentIndex = !!backForwardListState.currentIndex; m_currentIndex = backForwardListState.currentIndex.valueOr(0); m_entries = WTFMove(items); } Vector WebBackForwardList::itemStates() const { Vector itemStates; itemStates.reserveInitialCapacity(m_entries.size()); for (const auto& entry : m_entries) itemStates.uncheckedAppend(entry->itemState()); return itemStates; } void WebBackForwardList::didRemoveItem(WebBackForwardListItem& backForwardListItem) { m_page->backForwardRemovedItem(backForwardListItem.itemID()); #if PLATFORM(COCOA) backForwardListItem.setSnapshot(nullptr); #endif } } // namespace WebKit