1. Scope This document contains the instructions to build Qt3D Studio 2. What You Need Clone the 3D Studio repository from https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/admin/projects/qt3dstudio/qt3dstudio Remember to add --recursive flag to the clone command, as the repository contains submodules for 3rd party components. For example: git clone --recursive https://codereview.qt-project.org/qt3dstudio/qt3dstudio Additionally Qt 3D Studio Editor requires FBX SDK when FBX assets are used. Tested Autodesk FBX SDK version is 2016.1.2. 3. Environment setup 3.1 Windows 10 You need Windows build tools. Download tools from https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=691126 . For debugging the Qt 3D Studio do a custom installation and select Windows SDK. Download the Windows version installer of FBX SDK 2016.1.2 from link: http://download.autodesk.com/us/fbx_release_older/2016.1.2/fbx20161_2_fbxsdk_vs2015_win.exe Install the SDK and set FBXSDK environment variable to point to /Autodesk/FBX SDK/2016.1.2. Or copy the folder to /src/3rdparty/FBX 3.2 macOS Download the macOS version of FBX SDK 2016.1.2 from link: http://download.autodesk.com/us/fbx_release_older/2016.1.2/fbx20161_2_fbxsdk_clang_mac.pkg.tgz Install the SDK. By default on macOS is /Applications. Set FBXSDK environment variable point to /Autodesk/FBX SDK/2016.1.2. Or copy the folder to /src/3rdparty/FBX 3.3 Linux Download the Linux version of FBX SDK 2016.1.2 from link: http://images.autodesk.com/adsk/files/fbx20151_fbxsdk_linux.tar.gz Install the SDK. By default on Linux is /usr. Use custom location with the installer and set FBXSDK to point to that directory. example: mkdir ~/FBX ~/Downloads/fbx20161_2_fbxsdk_linux ~/FBX export FBXSDK=/home//FBX or set the FBXSDK environment variable in QtCreator. 4. Setup project in Qt Creator Open \qt3dstudio.pro in Qt Creator. Go to "Projects" view. Select desired Build & Run configuration (either Release, or Debug). Tested configurations: Windows 10: Qt 5.9.2 MSVC2015_64bit macOS: Qt 5.9.2 clang_64 Linux: Qt 5.9.2 gcc 64bit Under "Build steps" click "Add Build Step" and select "Make". To make arguments type "install". This will move the qmlviewer plugin to correct place under Qt. 5. Running Qt3DStudio Run subproject Q3DStudio under Authoring Quick Viewer example: Open \examples\qmldynamickeyframes\qmldynamickeyframes.pro in Qt Creator and build it. Done! 6. Application deployment on Qt for Device Creation (Boot2Qt) The deployment of applications using Qt 3D Studio happens in the same way as any other application, depending on the used device. Follow the instructions on the Qt for Device Creation homepage: http://doc.qt.io/QtForDeviceCreation. 7. Building and deploying on Android Building Qt3DStudio: - Go to "Projects" > "Build" - Add Build step: mingw32-make install - Disable "Make install" and "Build Android APK" - Build normally Building an application: - Go to "Projects" > "Build" - Click "Build Android APK" > "Details" > "Create templates" - Enable "Make install" and "Build Android APK" - Build normally Deploying an application: - Deploy normally (in "Edit" view, right click on project > "Deploy" or from menu "Build" > "Deploy Project").