requires(!ios) requires(!winrt) requires(!tvos) requires(!watchos) requires(!win32-msvc2013) requires(qtHaveModule(widgets)) requires(qtHaveModule(multimedia)) requires(qtHaveModule(quick)) requires(qtHaveModule(qml)) requires(qtHaveModule(opengl)) #TODO: QT3DS-3660 fix developer builds of Qt 3D Studio editor linux:{ requires(!contains(QT_CONFIG,private_tests)) } SUBDIRS += \ doc OTHER_FILES += \ "Studio/Build Configurations/*" \ "Studio/Build Configurations/Viewer/*" \ "src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/Studio/Content/Behavior Library/*" \ "src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/Studio/Content/Effect Library/*" \ "src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/Studio/Content/Material Library/*" load(qt_parts) # 'deployqt' target can be used to automatically copy necessary Qt libraries needed by studio # applications. DEPLOY_DIR environment variable must point to the directory where # Qt3DStudio and Qt3DViewer executables/application bundles are installed to. # The required Qt libraries are copied into that directory/bundles. !build_pass|!debug_and_release { !mingw:win32|macos { macos { deploytool = macdeployqt exesuffix = .app } else:win32 { deploytool = windeployqt exesuffix = .exe # windeployqt will get confused when deploying viewer 1.0, because some of studio # libraries it links detect as Qt libraries due to their naming scheme. # Since viewer and studio have mostly identical Qt dependencies and both are deployed # to the same directory, we can just omit deployment of viewer in windows and # deploy the missing qml bits separately. # Viewer 1.0 needs the studio qml plugin # The assumption is that we are deploying release build in case both are built release { QML_FILE_R = QtStudio3D/OpenGL/declarative_qtstudio3dopengl.dll QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += deployReleaseQml deployTarget.depends += deployReleaseQml deployReleaseQml.depends = mkStudioQmlDir deployReleaseQml.commands = \ $$QMAKE_COPY $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$OUT_PWD/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/qml/$$QML_FILE_R)) \ $$shell_quote($$shell_path(\$(DEPLOY_DIR)/$$QML_FILE_R)) } else { QML_FILE_D = QtStudio3D/OpenGL/declarative_qtstudio3dopengld.dll QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += deployDebugQml deployTarget.depends += deployDebugQml deployDebugQml.depends += mkStudioQmlDir deployDebugQml.commands = \ $$QMAKE_COPY $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$OUT_PWD/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/qml/$$QML_FILE_D)) \ $$shell_quote($$shell_path(\$(DEPLOY_DIR)/$$QML_FILE_D)) } # copy QtStudio3D.dll release { QTSTUDIO3D_LIB = Qt5Studio3D.dll } else { QTSTUDIO3D_LIB = Qt5Studio3Dd.dll } QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += copyStudio3D deployTarget.depends += copyStudio3D copyStudio3D.commands = \ $$QMAKE_COPY $$shell_quote($$shell_path( \ $$OUT_PWD/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/bin/$$QTSTUDIO3D_LIB)) \ $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/$$QTSTUDIO3D_LIB)) QMLDIR_FILE = QtStudio3D/OpenGL/qmldir QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += deployQmldir deployTarget.depends += deployQmldir deployQmldir.depends += mkStudioQmlDir deployQmldir.commands = \ $$QMAKE_COPY $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$OUT_PWD/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/qml/$$QMLDIR_FILE)) \ $$shell_quote($$shell_path(\$(DEPLOY_DIR)/$$QMLDIR_FILE)) QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += mkStudioQmlDir mkStudioQmlDir.commands = \ $$sprintf($$QMAKE_MKDIR_CMD, $$shell_quote($$shell_path(\$(DEPLOY_DIR)/QtStudio3D/OpenGL))) } qtPrepareTool(DEPLOY_TOOL, $$deploytool) EXTRA_DEPLOY_OPTIONS = -qmldir=$$shell_quote($$PWD/src/shared/dummyqml) deployTarget.commands = \ $$DEPLOY_TOOL $$shell_quote(\$(DEPLOY_DIR)/Qt3DStudio$${exesuffix}) \ -qmldir=$$shell_quote($$PWD/src/Authoring/Qt3DStudio/Palettes) $$EXTRA_DEPLOY_OPTIONS macos { # Viewer 1.0 deployTarget.commands += && \ $$DEPLOY_TOOL $$shell_quote(\$(DEPLOY_DIR)/Qt3DViewer$${exesuffix}) \ $$EXTRA_DEPLOY_OPTIONS } greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5)|greaterThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 10) { # Viewer 2.0 win32 { # Viewer 2.0 has similar issues with dependent library naming as viewer 1.0, # but it only has one library that is causing problems and no qml (so far), # so lets just copy the problem lib over to where windeployqt can find it, # i.e. under Qt's bin dir. This pollutes the Qt's bin dir a bit, but as the main # use case for this is gathering installer content in CI after everything is # already built, this shouldn't be a problem. release { RUNTIME2_LIB = Qt53DStudioRuntime2.dll } else { RUNTIME2_LIB = Qt53DStudioRuntime2d.dll } QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += copyRuntime2 deployTarget.depends += copyRuntime2 copyRuntime2.commands = \ $$QMAKE_COPY $$shell_quote($$shell_path( \ $$OUT_PWD/src/Runtime/qt3d-runtime/bin/$$RUNTIME2_LIB)) \ $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/$$RUNTIME2_LIB)) } deployTarget.commands += && \ $$DEPLOY_TOOL $$shell_quote(\$(DEPLOY_DIR)/q3dsviewer$${exesuffix}) \ $$EXTRA_DEPLOY_OPTIONS } } else { # Create a dummy target for other platforms deployTarget.commands = @echo deployqt target is not supported for this platform. } = deployqt QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += deployTarget }