/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Matthias Kretz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), Nokia Corporation (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt Foundation, which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "audiooutput.h" #include "audiooutput_p.h" #include "factory_p.h" #include "objectdescription.h" #include "audiooutputadaptor_p.h" #include "globalconfig.h" #include "audiooutputinterface.h" #include "phononnamespace_p.h" #include "platform_p.h" #include "pulsesupport.h" #include #include #define PHONON_CLASSNAME AudioOutput #define IFACES2 AudioOutputInterface42 #define IFACES1 IFACES2 #define IFACES0 AudioOutputInterface40, IFACES1 #define PHONON_INTERFACENAME IFACES0 QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace Phonon { static inline bool callSetOutputDevice(AudioOutputPrivate *const d, int index) { PulseSupport *pulse = PulseSupport::getInstance(); if (pulse->isActive()) return pulse->setOutputDevice(d->getStreamUuid(), index); Iface iface(d); if (iface) { return iface->setOutputDevice(AudioOutputDevice::fromIndex(index)); } return Iface::cast(d)->setOutputDevice(index); } static inline bool callSetOutputDevice(AudioOutputPrivate *const d, const AudioOutputDevice &dev) { PulseSupport *pulse = PulseSupport::getInstance(); if (pulse->isActive()) return pulse->setOutputDevice(d->getStreamUuid(), dev.index()); Iface iface(d); if (iface) { return iface->setOutputDevice(dev); } return Iface::cast(d)->setOutputDevice(dev.index()); } AudioOutput::AudioOutput(Phonon::Category category, QObject *parent) : AbstractAudioOutput(*new AudioOutputPrivate, parent) { K_D(AudioOutput); d->init(category); } AudioOutput::AudioOutput(QObject *parent) : AbstractAudioOutput(*new AudioOutputPrivate, parent) { K_D(AudioOutput); d->init(NoCategory); } void AudioOutputPrivate::init(Phonon::Category c) { Q_Q(AudioOutput); #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS adaptor = new AudioOutputAdaptor(q); static unsigned int number = 0; const QString &path = QLatin1String("/AudioOutputs/") + QString::number(number++); QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); con.registerObject(path, q); emit adaptor->newOutputAvailable(con.baseService(), path); q->connect(q, SIGNAL(volumeChanged(qreal)), adaptor, SIGNAL(volumeChanged(qreal))); q->connect(q, SIGNAL(mutedChanged(bool)), adaptor, SIGNAL(mutedChanged(bool))); #endif category = c; streamUuid = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); PulseSupport *pulse = PulseSupport::getInstance(); pulse->setStreamPropList(category, streamUuid); q->connect(pulse, SIGNAL(usingDevice(QString,int)), SLOT(_k_deviceChanged(QString,int))); createBackendObject(); q->connect(Factory::sender(), SIGNAL(availableAudioOutputDevicesChanged()), SLOT(_k_deviceListChanged())); } QString AudioOutputPrivate::getStreamUuid() { return streamUuid; } void AudioOutputPrivate::createBackendObject() { if (m_backendObject) return; Q_Q(AudioOutput); m_backendObject = Factory::createAudioOutput(q); device = AudioOutputDevice::fromIndex(GlobalConfig().audioOutputDeviceFor(category, GlobalConfig::AdvancedDevicesFromSettings | GlobalConfig::HideUnavailableDevices)); if (m_backendObject) { setupBackendObject(); } } QString AudioOutput::name() const { K_D(const AudioOutput); return d->name; } void AudioOutput::setName(const QString &newName) { K_D(AudioOutput); if (d->name == newName) { return; } d->name = newName; setVolume(Platform::loadVolume(newName)); #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS if (d->adaptor) { emit d->adaptor->nameChanged(newName); } #endif } static const qreal LOUDNESS_TO_VOLTAGE_EXPONENT = qreal(0.67); static const qreal VOLTAGE_TO_LOUDNESS_EXPONENT = qreal(1.0/LOUDNESS_TO_VOLTAGE_EXPONENT); void AudioOutput::setVolume(qreal volume) { K_D(AudioOutput); d->volume = volume; if (k_ptr->backendObject() && !d->muted) { // using Stevens' power law loudness is proportional to (sound pressure)^0.67 // sound pressure is proportional to voltage: // p² \prop P \prop V² // => if a factor for loudness of x is requested INTERFACE_CALL(setVolume(pow(volume, VOLTAGE_TO_LOUDNESS_EXPONENT))); } else { emit volumeChanged(volume); } Platform::saveVolume(d->name, volume); } qreal AudioOutput::volume() const { K_D(const AudioOutput); if (d->muted || !d->m_backendObject) { return d->volume; } return pow(INTERFACE_CALL(volume()), LOUDNESS_TO_VOLTAGE_EXPONENT); } #ifndef PHONON_LOG10OVER20 #define PHONON_LOG10OVER20 static const qreal log10over20 = qreal(0.1151292546497022842); // ln(10) / 20 #endif // PHONON_LOG10OVER20 qreal AudioOutput::volumeDecibel() const { K_D(const AudioOutput); if (d->muted || !d->m_backendObject) { return log(d->volume) / log10over20; } return 0.67 * log(INTERFACE_CALL(volume())) / log10over20; } void AudioOutput::setVolumeDecibel(qreal newVolumeDecibel) { setVolume(exp(newVolumeDecibel * log10over20)); } bool AudioOutput::isMuted() const { K_D(const AudioOutput); return d->muted; } void AudioOutput::setMuted(bool mute) { K_D(AudioOutput); if (d->muted != mute) { if (mute) { d->muted = mute; if (k_ptr->backendObject()) { INTERFACE_CALL(setVolume(0.0)); } } else { if (k_ptr->backendObject()) { INTERFACE_CALL(setVolume(pow(d->volume, VOLTAGE_TO_LOUDNESS_EXPONENT))); } d->muted = mute; } emit mutedChanged(mute); } } Category AudioOutput::category() const { K_D(const AudioOutput); return d->category; } AudioOutputDevice AudioOutput::outputDevice() const { K_D(const AudioOutput); return d->device; } bool AudioOutput::setOutputDevice(const AudioOutputDevice &newAudioOutputDevice) { K_D(AudioOutput); if (!newAudioOutputDevice.isValid()) { d->outputDeviceOverridden = d->forceMove = false; const int newIndex = GlobalConfig().audioOutputDeviceFor(d->category); if (newIndex == d->device.index()) { return true; } d->device = AudioOutputDevice::fromIndex(newIndex); } else { d->outputDeviceOverridden = d->forceMove = true; if (d->device == newAudioOutputDevice) { return true; } d->device = newAudioOutputDevice; } if (k_ptr->backendObject()) { return callSetOutputDevice(d, d->device.index()); } return true; } bool AudioOutputPrivate::aboutToDeleteBackendObject() { if (m_backendObject) { volume = pINTERFACE_CALL(volume()); } return AbstractAudioOutputPrivate::aboutToDeleteBackendObject(); } void AudioOutputPrivate::setupBackendObject() { Q_Q(AudioOutput); Q_ASSERT(m_backendObject); AbstractAudioOutputPrivate::setupBackendObject(); QObject::connect(m_backendObject, SIGNAL(volumeChanged(qreal)), q, SLOT(_k_volumeChanged(qreal))); QObject::connect(m_backendObject, SIGNAL(audioDeviceFailed()), q, SLOT(_k_audioDeviceFailed())); // set up attributes pINTERFACE_CALL(setVolume(pow(volume, VOLTAGE_TO_LOUDNESS_EXPONENT))); #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_SETTINGSGROUP // if the output device is not available and the device was not explicitly set // There is no need to set the output device initially if PA is used as // we know it will not work (stream doesn't exist yet) and that this will be // handled by _k_deviceChanged() if (!PulseSupport::getInstance()->isActive() && !callSetOutputDevice(this, device) && !outputDeviceOverridden) { // fall back in the preference list of output devices QList deviceList = GlobalConfig().audioOutputDeviceListFor(category, GlobalConfig::AdvancedDevicesFromSettings | GlobalConfig::HideUnavailableDevices); if (deviceList.isEmpty()) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < deviceList.count(); ++i) { const AudioOutputDevice &dev = AudioOutputDevice::fromIndex(deviceList.at(i)); if (callSetOutputDevice(this, dev)) { handleAutomaticDeviceChange(dev, AudioOutputPrivate::FallbackChange); return; // found one that works } } // if we get here there is no working output device. Tell the backend. const AudioOutputDevice none; callSetOutputDevice(this, none); handleAutomaticDeviceChange(none, FallbackChange); } #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_SETTINGSGROUP } void AudioOutputPrivate::_k_volumeChanged(qreal newVolume) { if (!muted) { Q_Q(AudioOutput); emit q->volumeChanged(pow(newVolume, qreal(0.67))); } } void AudioOutputPrivate::_k_revertFallback() { if (deviceBeforeFallback == -1) { return; } device = AudioOutputDevice::fromIndex(deviceBeforeFallback); callSetOutputDevice(this, device); Q_Q(AudioOutput); emit q->outputDeviceChanged(device); #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS emit adaptor->outputDeviceIndexChanged(device.index()); #endif } void AudioOutputPrivate::_k_audioDeviceFailed() { if (PulseSupport::getInstance()->isActive()) return; #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_SETTINGSGROUP pDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; // outputDeviceIndex identifies a failing device // fall back in the preference list of output devices const QList deviceList = GlobalConfig().audioOutputDeviceListFor(category, GlobalConfig::AdvancedDevicesFromSettings | GlobalConfig::HideUnavailableDevices); for (int i = 0; i < deviceList.count(); ++i) { const int devIndex = deviceList.at(i); // if it's the same device as the one that failed, ignore it if (device.index() != devIndex) { const AudioOutputDevice &info = AudioOutputDevice::fromIndex(devIndex); if (callSetOutputDevice(this, info)) { handleAutomaticDeviceChange(info, FallbackChange); return; // found one that works } } } #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_SETTINGSGROUP // if we get here there is no working output device. Tell the backend. const AudioOutputDevice none; callSetOutputDevice(this, none); handleAutomaticDeviceChange(none, FallbackChange); } void AudioOutputPrivate::_k_deviceListChanged() { if (PulseSupport::getInstance()->isActive()) return; #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_SETTINGSGROUP pDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; // Check to see if we have an override and do not change to a higher priority device if the overridden device is still present. if (outputDeviceOverridden && device.property("available").toBool()) { return; } // let's see if there's a usable device higher in the preference list const QList deviceList = GlobalConfig().audioOutputDeviceListFor(category, GlobalConfig::AdvancedDevicesFromSettings); DeviceChangeType changeType = HigherPreferenceChange; for (int i = 0; i < deviceList.count(); ++i) { const int devIndex = deviceList.at(i); const AudioOutputDevice &info = AudioOutputDevice::fromIndex(devIndex); if (!info.property("available").toBool()) { if (device.index() == devIndex) { // we've reached the currently used device and it's not available anymore, so we // fallback to the next available device changeType = FallbackChange; } pDebug() << devIndex << "is not available"; continue; } pDebug() << devIndex << "is available"; if (device.index() == devIndex) { // we've reached the currently used device, nothing to change break; } if (callSetOutputDevice(this, info)) { handleAutomaticDeviceChange(info, changeType); break; // found one with higher preference that works } } #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_SETTINGSGROUP } void AudioOutputPrivate::_k_deviceChanged(QString inStreamUuid, int deviceIndex) { // Note that this method is only used by PulseAudio at present. if (inStreamUuid == streamUuid) { // 1. Check to see if we are overridden. If we are, and devices do not match, // then try and apply our own device as the output device. // We only do this the first time if (outputDeviceOverridden && forceMove) { forceMove = false; const AudioOutputDevice ¤tDevice = AudioOutputDevice::fromIndex(deviceIndex); if (currentDevice != device) { if (!callSetOutputDevice(this, device)) { // What to do if we are overridden and cannot change to our preferred device? } } } // 2. If we are not overridden, then we need to update our perception of what // device we are using. If the devices do not match, something lower in the // stack is overriding our preferences (e.g. a per-application stream preference, // specific application move, priority list changed etc. etc.) else if (!outputDeviceOverridden) { const AudioOutputDevice ¤tDevice = AudioOutputDevice::fromIndex(deviceIndex); if (currentDevice != device) { // The device is not what we think it is, so lets say what is happening. handleAutomaticDeviceChange(currentDevice, SoundSystemChange); } } } } static struct { int first; int second; } g_lastFallback = { 0, 0 }; void AudioOutputPrivate::handleAutomaticDeviceChange(const AudioOutputDevice &device2, DeviceChangeType type) { Q_Q(AudioOutput); deviceBeforeFallback = device.index(); device = device2; emit q->outputDeviceChanged(device2); #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS emit adaptor->outputDeviceIndexChanged(device.index()); #endif const AudioOutputDevice &device1 = AudioOutputDevice::fromIndex(deviceBeforeFallback); switch (type) { case FallbackChange: if (g_lastFallback.first != device1.index() || g_lastFallback.second != device2.index()) { #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_PLATFORMPLUGIN const QString &text = //device2.isValid() ? AudioOutput::tr("The audio playback device %1 does not work.
" "Falling back to %2.").arg(device1.name()).arg(device2.name()) /*: AudioOutput::tr("The audio playback device %1 does not work.
" "No other device available.").arg(device1.name())*/; Platform::notification("AudioDeviceFallback", text); #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_PLATFORMPLUGIN g_lastFallback.first = device1.index(); g_lastFallback.second = device2.index(); } break; case HigherPreferenceChange: { #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_PLATFORMPLUGIN const QString text = AudioOutput::tr("Switching to the audio playback device %1
" "which just became available and has higher preference.").arg(device2.name()); Platform::notification("AudioDeviceFallback", text, QStringList(AudioOutput::tr("Revert back to device '%1'").arg(device1.name())), q, SLOT(_k_revertFallback())); #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_PLATFORMPLUGIN g_lastFallback.first = 0; g_lastFallback.second = 0; } break; case SoundSystemChange: { #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_PLATFORMPLUGIN if (device1.property("available").toBool()) { const QString text = AudioOutput::tr("Switching to the audio playback device %1
" "which has higher preference or is specifically configured for this stream.").arg(device2.name()); Platform::notification("AudioDeviceFallback", text, QStringList(AudioOutput::tr("Revert back to device '%1'").arg(device1.name())), q, SLOT(_k_revertFallback())); } else { const QString &text = AudioOutput::tr("The audio playback device %1 does not work.
" "Falling back to %2.").arg(device1.name()).arg(device2.name()); Platform::notification("AudioDeviceFallback", text); } #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_PLATFORMPLUGIN //outputDeviceOverridden = true; g_lastFallback.first = 0; g_lastFallback.second = 0; } break; } } AudioOutputPrivate::~AudioOutputPrivate() { PulseSupport::getInstance()->clearStreamCache(streamUuid); #ifndef QT_NO_DBUS if (adaptor) { emit adaptor->outputDestroyed(); } #endif } } //namespace Phonon QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_audiooutput.cpp" #undef PHONON_CLASSNAME #undef PHONON_INTERFACENAME #undef IFACES2 #undef IFACES1 #undef IFACES0