/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2009 Colin Guthrie This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), Nokia Corporation (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt Foundation, which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO_DEVICE_MANAGER # include #endif #endif // HAVE_PULSEAUDIO #include "pulsesupport.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace Phonon { static PulseSupport* s_instance = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO /*** * Prints a conditional debug message based on the current debug level * If obj is provided, classname and objectname will be printed as well * * see debugLevel() */ static int debugLevel() { static int level = -1; if (level < 1) { level = 0; QByteArray pulseenv = qgetenv("PHONON_PULSEAUDIO_DEBUG"); int l = pulseenv.toInt(); if (l > 0) level = (l > 2 ? 2 : l); } return level; } static void logMessage(const QString &message, int priority = 2, QObject *obj=0); static void logMessage(const QString &message, int priority, QObject *obj) { if (debugLevel() > 0) { QString output; if (obj) { // Strip away namespace from className QByteArray className(obj->metaObject()->className()); int nameLength = className.length() - className.lastIndexOf(':') - 1; className = className.right(nameLength); output.sprintf("%s %s (%s %p)", message.toLatin1().constData(), obj->objectName().toLatin1().constData(), className.constData(), obj); } else { output = message; } if (priority <= debugLevel()) { qDebug() << QString::fromLatin1("PulseSupport(%1): %2").arg(priority).arg(output); } } } class AudioDevice { public: inline AudioDevice(QString name, QString desc, QString icon, uint32_t index) : pulseName(name), pulseIndex(index) { properties["name"] = desc; properties["description"] = QLatin1String(""); // We don't have descriptions (well we do, but we use them as the name!) properties["icon"] = icon; properties["available"] = (index != PA_INVALID_INDEX); properties["isAdvanced"] = false; // Nothing is advanced! } // Needed for QMap inline AudioDevice() {} QString pulseName; uint32_t pulseIndex; QHash properties; }; bool operator!=(const AudioDevice &a, const AudioDevice &b) { return !(a.pulseName == b.pulseName && a.properties == b.properties); } class PulseUserData { public: inline PulseUserData() { } QMap newOutputDevices; QMap > newOutputDevicePriorities; // prio, device QMap newCaptureDevices; QMap > newCaptureDevicePriorities; // prio, device }; static QMap s_roleCategoryMap; static bool s_pulseActive = false; static pa_glib_mainloop *s_mainloop = NULL; static pa_context *s_context = NULL; static int s_deviceIndexCounter = 0; static QMap s_outputDeviceIndexes; static QMap s_outputDevices; static QMap > s_outputDevicePriorities; // prio, device static QMap s_outputStreamIndexMap; static QMap s_captureDeviceIndexes; static QMap s_captureDevices; static QMap > s_captureDevicePriorities; // prio, device static QMap s_captureStreamIndexMap; static void createGenericDevices() { // OK so we don't have the device manager extension, but we can show a single device and fake it. int index; s_outputDeviceIndexes.clear(); s_outputDevices.clear(); s_outputDevicePriorities.clear(); index = s_deviceIndexCounter++; s_outputDeviceIndexes.insert(QLatin1String("sink:default"), index); s_outputDevices.insert(index, AudioDevice(QLatin1String("sink:default"), QObject::tr("PulseAudio Sound Server"), QLatin1String("audio-backend-pulseaudio"), 0)); for (int i = Phonon::NoCategory; i <= Phonon::LastCategory; ++i) { Phonon::Category cat = static_cast(i); s_outputDevicePriorities[cat].insert(0, index); } s_captureDeviceIndexes.clear(); s_captureDevices.clear(); s_captureDevicePriorities.clear(); index = s_deviceIndexCounter++; s_captureDeviceIndexes.insert(QLatin1String("source:default"), index); s_captureDevices.insert(index, AudioDevice(QLatin1String("source:default"), QObject::tr("PulseAudio Sound Server"), QLatin1String("audio-backend-pulseaudio"), 0)); for (int i = Phonon::NoCategory; i <= Phonon::LastCategory; ++i) { Phonon::Category cat = static_cast(i); s_captureDevicePriorities[cat].insert(0, index); } } #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO_DEVICE_MANAGER static void ext_device_manager_read_cb(pa_context *c, const pa_ext_device_manager_info *info, int eol, void *userdata) { Q_ASSERT(c); Q_ASSERT(userdata); PulseUserData *u = reinterpret_cast(userdata); if (eol < 0) { logMessage(QString("Failed to initialize device manager extension: %1").arg(pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(c)))); logMessage("Falling back to single device mode"); createGenericDevices(); delete u; // If this is our probe phase, exit now if (s_context != c) pa_context_disconnect(c); return; } if (eol) { // We're done reading the data, so order it by priority and copy it into the // static variables where it can then be accessed by those classes that need it. QMap::iterator newdev_it; // Check for new output devices or things changing about known output devices. bool output_changed = false; for (newdev_it = u->newOutputDevices.begin(); newdev_it != u->newOutputDevices.end(); ++newdev_it) { QString name = newdev_it.key(); // The name + index map is always written when a new device is added. Q_ASSERT(s_outputDeviceIndexes.contains(name)); int index = s_outputDeviceIndexes[name]; if (!s_outputDevices.contains(index)) { // This is a totally new device output_changed = true; logMessage(QString("Brand New Output Device Found.")); s_outputDevices.insert(index, *newdev_it); } else if (s_outputDevices[index] != *newdev_it) { // We have this device already, but is it different? output_changed = true; logMessage(QString("Change to Existing Output Device (may be Added/Removed or something else)")); s_outputDevices.remove(index); s_outputDevices.insert(index, *newdev_it); } } // Go through the output devices we know about and see if any are no longer mentioned in the list. QMutableMapIterator output_existing_it(s_outputDeviceIndexes); while (output_existing_it.hasNext()) { output_existing_it.next(); if (!u->newOutputDevices.contains(output_existing_it.key())) { output_changed = true; logMessage(QString("Output Device Completely Removed")); s_outputDevices.remove(output_existing_it.value()); output_existing_it.remove(); } } // Check for new capture devices or things changing about known capture devices. bool capture_changed = false; for (newdev_it = u->newCaptureDevices.begin(); newdev_it != u->newCaptureDevices.end(); ++newdev_it) { QString name = newdev_it.key(); // The name + index map is always written when a new device is added. Q_ASSERT(s_captureDeviceIndexes.contains(name)); int index = s_captureDeviceIndexes[name]; if (!s_captureDevices.contains(index)) { // This is a totally new device capture_changed = true; logMessage(QString("Brand New Capture Device Found.")); s_captureDevices.insert(index, *newdev_it); } else if (s_captureDevices[index] != *newdev_it) { // We have this device already, but is it different? capture_changed = true; logMessage(QString("Change to Existing Capture Device (may be Added/Removed or something else)")); s_captureDevices.remove(index); s_captureDevices.insert(index, *newdev_it); } } // Go through the capture devices we know about and see if any are no longer mentioned in the list. QMutableMapIterator capture_existing_it(s_captureDeviceIndexes); while (capture_existing_it.hasNext()) { capture_existing_it.next(); if (!u->newCaptureDevices.contains(capture_existing_it.key())) { capture_changed = true; logMessage(QString("Capture Device Completely Removed")); s_captureDevices.remove(capture_existing_it.value()); capture_existing_it.remove(); } } // Just copy accross the new priority lists as we know they are valid if (s_outputDevicePriorities != u->newOutputDevicePriorities) { output_changed = true; s_outputDevicePriorities = u->newOutputDevicePriorities; } if (s_captureDevicePriorities != u->newCaptureDevicePriorities) { capture_changed = true; s_captureDevicePriorities = u->newCaptureDevicePriorities; } if (s_instance) { // This wont be emitted durring the connection probe phase // which is intensional if (output_changed) s_instance->emitObjectDescriptionChanged(AudioOutputDeviceType); if (capture_changed) s_instance->emitObjectDescriptionChanged(AudioCaptureDeviceType); } // We can free the user data as we will not be called again. delete u; // Some debug logMessage(QString("Output Device Priority List:")); for (int i = Phonon::NoCategory; i <= Phonon::LastCategory; ++i) { Phonon::Category cat = static_cast(i); if (s_outputDevicePriorities.contains(cat)) { logMessage(QString(" Phonon Category %1").arg(cat)); int count = 0; foreach (int j, s_outputDevicePriorities[cat]) { QHash &props = s_outputDevices[j].properties; logMessage(QString(" %1. %2 (Available: %3)").arg(++count).arg(props["name"].toString()).arg(props["available"].toBool())); } } } logMessage(QString("Capture Device Priority List:")); for (int i = Phonon::NoCategory; i <= Phonon::LastCategory; ++i) { Phonon::Category cat = static_cast(i); if (s_captureDevicePriorities.contains(cat)) { logMessage(QString(" Phonon Category %1").arg(cat)); int count = 0; foreach (int j, s_captureDevicePriorities[cat]) { QHash &props = s_captureDevices[j].properties; logMessage(QString(" %1. %2 (Available: %3)").arg(++count).arg(props["name"].toString()).arg(props["available"].toBool())); } } } // If this is our probe phase, exit now as we're finished reading // our device info and can exit and reconnect if (s_context != c) pa_context_disconnect(c); } if (!info) return; Q_ASSERT(info->name); Q_ASSERT(info->description); Q_ASSERT(info->icon); // QString wrapper QString name(info->name); int index; QMap > *new_prio_map_cats; // prio, device QMap *new_devices; if (name.startsWith("sink:")) { new_devices = &u->newOutputDevices; new_prio_map_cats = &u->newOutputDevicePriorities; if (s_outputDeviceIndexes.contains(name)) index = s_outputDeviceIndexes[name]; else index = s_outputDeviceIndexes[name] = s_deviceIndexCounter++; } else if (name.startsWith("source:")) { new_devices = &u->newCaptureDevices; new_prio_map_cats = &u->newCaptureDevicePriorities; if (s_captureDeviceIndexes.contains(name)) index = s_captureDeviceIndexes[name]; else index = s_captureDeviceIndexes[name] = s_deviceIndexCounter++; } else { // This indicates a bug in pulseaudio. return; } // Add the new device itself. new_devices->insert(name, AudioDevice(name, info->description, info->icon, info->index)); // For each role in the priority, map it to a phonon category and store the order. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->n_role_priorities; ++i) { pa_ext_device_manager_role_priority_info* role_prio = &info->role_priorities[i]; Q_ASSERT(role_prio->role); if (s_roleCategoryMap.contains(role_prio->role)) { Phonon::Category cat = s_roleCategoryMap[role_prio->role]; (*new_prio_map_cats)[cat].insert(role_prio->priority, index); } } } static void ext_device_manager_subscribe_cb(pa_context *c, void *) { Q_ASSERT(c); pa_operation *o; PulseUserData *u = new PulseUserData; if (!(o = pa_ext_device_manager_read(c, ext_device_manager_read_cb, u))) { logMessage(QString("pa_ext_device_manager_read() failed.")); delete u; return; } pa_operation_unref(o); } #endif void sink_input_cb(pa_context *c, const pa_sink_input_info *i, int eol, void *userdata) { Q_UNUSED(userdata); Q_ASSERT(c); if (eol < 0) { if (pa_context_errno(c) == PA_ERR_NOENTITY) return; logMessage(QLatin1String("Sink input callback failure")); return; } if (eol > 0) return; Q_ASSERT(i); // loop through (*i) and extract phonon->streamindex... const char *t; if ((t = pa_proplist_gets(i->proplist, "phonon.streamid"))) { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Found PulseAudio stream index %1 for Phonon Output Stream %2").arg(i->index).arg(QLatin1String(t))); s_outputStreamIndexMap[QLatin1String(t)] = i->index; // Find the sink's phonon index and notify whoever cares... if (PA_INVALID_INDEX != i->sink) { bool found = false; int device; QMap::iterator it; for (it = s_outputDevices.begin(); it != s_outputDevices.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).pulseIndex == i->sink) { found = true; device = it.key(); break; } } if (found) { // OK so we just emit our signal logMessage(QLatin1String("Letting the rest of phonon know about this")); s_instance->emitUsingDevice(QLatin1String(t), device); } } } } void source_output_cb(pa_context *c, const pa_source_output_info *i, int eol, void *userdata) { Q_UNUSED(userdata); Q_ASSERT(c); if (eol < 0) { if (pa_context_errno(c) == PA_ERR_NOENTITY) return; logMessage(QLatin1String("Source output callback failure")); return; } if (eol > 0) return; Q_ASSERT(i); // loop through (*i) and extract phonon->streamindex... const char *t; if ((t = pa_proplist_gets(i->proplist, "phonon.streamid"))) { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Found PulseAudio stream index %1 for Phonon Capture Stream %2").arg(i->index).arg(QLatin1String(t))); s_captureStreamIndexMap[QLatin1String(t)] = i->index; // Find the source's phonon index and notify whoever cares... if (PA_INVALID_INDEX != i->source) { bool found = false; int device; QMap::iterator it; for (it = s_captureDevices.begin(); it != s_captureDevices.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).pulseIndex == i->source) { found = true; device = it.key(); break; } } if (found) { // OK so we just emit our signal logMessage(QLatin1String("Letting the rest of phonon know about this")); s_instance->emitUsingDevice(QLatin1String(t), device); } } } } static void subscribe_cb(pa_context *c, pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint32_t index, void *userdata) { Q_UNUSED(userdata); switch (t & PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_FACILITY_MASK) { case PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SINK_INPUT: if ((t & PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_TYPE_MASK) == PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_REMOVE) { QString phononid = s_outputStreamIndexMap.key(index); if (!phononid.isEmpty()) { if (s_outputStreamIndexMap.contains(phononid)) { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Phonon Output Stream %1 is gone at the PA end. Marking it as invalid in our cache as we may reuse it.").arg(phononid)); s_outputStreamIndexMap[phononid] = PA_INVALID_INDEX; } else { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Removing Phonon Output Stream %1 (it's gone!)").arg(phononid)); s_outputStreamIndexMap.remove(phononid); } } } else { pa_operation *o; if (!(o = pa_context_get_sink_input_info(c, index, sink_input_cb, NULL))) { logMessage(QLatin1String("pa_context_get_sink_input_info() failed")); return; } pa_operation_unref(o); } break; case PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SOURCE_OUTPUT: if ((t & PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_TYPE_MASK) == PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_REMOVE) { QString phononid = s_captureStreamIndexMap.key(index); if (!phononid.isEmpty()) { if (s_captureStreamIndexMap.contains(phononid)) { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Phonon Capture Stream %1 is gone at the PA end. Marking it as invalid in our cache as we may reuse it.").arg(phononid)); s_captureStreamIndexMap[phononid] = PA_INVALID_INDEX; } else { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Removing Phonon Capture Stream %1 (it's gone!)").arg(phononid)); s_captureStreamIndexMap.remove(phononid); } } } else { pa_operation *o; if (!(o = pa_context_get_source_output_info(c, index, source_output_cb, NULL))) { logMessage(QLatin1String("pa_context_get_sink_input_info() failed")); return; } pa_operation_unref(o); } break; } } static QString statename(pa_context_state_t state) { switch (state) { case PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED: return QLatin1String("Unconnected"); case PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING: return QLatin1String("Connecting"); case PA_CONTEXT_AUTHORIZING: return QLatin1String("Authorizing"); case PA_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME: return QLatin1String("Setting Name"); case PA_CONTEXT_READY: return QLatin1String("Ready"); case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED: return QLatin1String("Failed"); case PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED: return QLatin1String("Terminated"); } return QString::fromLatin1("Unknown state: %0").arg(state); } static void context_state_callback(pa_context *c, void *) { Q_ASSERT(c); logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("context_state_callback %1").arg(statename(pa_context_get_state(c)))); pa_context_state_t state = pa_context_get_state(c); if (state == PA_CONTEXT_READY) { // We've connected to PA, so it is active s_pulseActive = true; // Attempt to load things up pa_operation *o; // 1. Register for the stream changes (except during probe) if (s_context == c) { pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(c, subscribe_cb, NULL); if (!(o = pa_context_subscribe(c, (pa_subscription_mask_t) (PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SINK_INPUT| PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SOURCE_OUTPUT), NULL, NULL))) { logMessage(QLatin1String("pa_context_subscribe() failed")); return; } pa_operation_unref(o); } #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO_DEVICE_MANAGER // 2a. Attempt to initialise Device Manager info (except during probe) if (s_context == c) { pa_ext_device_manager_set_subscribe_cb(c, ext_device_manager_subscribe_cb, NULL); if (!(o = pa_ext_device_manager_subscribe(c, 1, NULL, NULL))) { logMessage(QString("pa_ext_device_manager_subscribe() failed")); return; } pa_operation_unref(o); } // 3. Attempt to read info from Device Manager PulseUserData *u = new PulseUserData; if (!(o = pa_ext_device_manager_read(c, ext_device_manager_read_cb, u))) { logMessage(QString("pa_ext_device_manager_read() failed. Attempting to continue without device manager support")); createGenericDevices(); delete u; // If this is our probe phase, exit immediately if (s_context != c) pa_context_disconnect(c); return; } pa_operation_unref(o); #else // If we know do not have Device Manager support, we just create our dummy devices now createGenericDevices(); // If this is our probe phase, exit immediately if (s_context != c) pa_context_disconnect(c); #endif } else if (!PA_CONTEXT_IS_GOOD(state)) { /// @todo Deal with reconnection... //logMessage("Connection to PulseAudio lost"); // If this is our probe phase, exit our context immediately if (s_context != c) pa_context_disconnect(c); } } #endif // HAVE_PULSEAUDIO PulseSupport* PulseSupport::getInstance() { if (NULL == s_instance) { s_instance = new PulseSupport(); } return s_instance; } void PulseSupport::shutdown() { if (NULL != s_instance) { delete s_instance; s_instance = NULL; } } PulseSupport::PulseSupport() : QObject(), mEnabled(false) { #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO // Initialise our map (is there a better way to do this?) s_roleCategoryMap[QLatin1String("none")] = Phonon::NoCategory; s_roleCategoryMap[QLatin1String("video")] = Phonon::VideoCategory; s_roleCategoryMap[QLatin1String("music")] = Phonon::MusicCategory; s_roleCategoryMap[QLatin1String("game")] = Phonon::GameCategory; s_roleCategoryMap[QLatin1String("event")] = Phonon::NotificationCategory; s_roleCategoryMap[QLatin1String("phone")] = Phonon::CommunicationCategory; //s_roleCategoryMap[QLatin1String("animation")]; // No Mapping //s_roleCategoryMap[QLatin1String("production")]; // No Mapping s_roleCategoryMap[QLatin1String("a11y")] = Phonon::AccessibilityCategory; // To allow for easy debugging, give an easy way to disable this pulseaudio check QByteArray pulseenv = qgetenv("PHONON_PULSEAUDIO_DISABLE"); if (pulseenv.toInt()) { logMessage(QLatin1String("PulseAudio support disabled: PHONON_PULSEAUDIO_DISABLE is set")); return; } // We require a glib event loop if (strcmp(QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance()->metaObject()->className(), "QGuiEventDispatcherGlib") != 0) { logMessage(QLatin1String("Disabling PulseAudio integration for lack of GLib event loop.")); return; } // First of all conenct to PA via simple/blocking means and if that succeeds, // use a fully async integrated mainloop method to connect and get proper support. pa_mainloop *p_test_mainloop; if (!(p_test_mainloop = pa_mainloop_new())) { logMessage(QLatin1String("PulseAudio support disabled: Unable to create mainloop")); return; } pa_context *p_test_context; if (!(p_test_context = pa_context_new(pa_mainloop_get_api(p_test_mainloop), "libphonon-probe"))) { logMessage(QLatin1String("PulseAudio support disabled: Unable to create context")); pa_mainloop_free(p_test_mainloop); return; } logMessage(QLatin1String("Probing for PulseAudio...")); // (cg) Convert to PA_CONTEXT_NOFLAGS when PulseAudio 0.9.19 is required if (pa_context_connect(p_test_context, NULL, static_cast(0), NULL) < 0) { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("PulseAudio support disabled: %1").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(p_test_context))))); pa_context_disconnect(p_test_context); pa_context_unref(p_test_context); pa_mainloop_free(p_test_mainloop); return; } pa_context_set_state_callback(p_test_context, &context_state_callback, NULL); for (;;) { pa_mainloop_iterate(p_test_mainloop, 1, NULL); if (!PA_CONTEXT_IS_GOOD(pa_context_get_state(p_test_context))) { logMessage(QLatin1String("PulseAudio probe complete.")); break; } } pa_context_disconnect(p_test_context); pa_context_unref(p_test_context); pa_mainloop_free(p_test_mainloop); if (!s_pulseActive) { logMessage(QLatin1String("PulseAudio support is not available.")); return; } // If we're still here, PA is available. logMessage(QLatin1String("PulseAudio support enabled")); // Now we connect for real using a proper main loop that we can forget // all about processing. s_mainloop = pa_glib_mainloop_new(NULL); Q_ASSERT(s_mainloop); pa_mainloop_api *api = pa_glib_mainloop_get_api(s_mainloop); s_context = pa_context_new(api, "libphonon"); // (cg) Convert to PA_CONTEXT_NOFLAGS when PulseAudio 0.9.19 is required if (pa_context_connect(s_context, NULL, static_cast(0), 0) >= 0) pa_context_set_state_callback(s_context, &context_state_callback, NULL); #endif } PulseSupport::~PulseSupport() { #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO if (s_context) { pa_context_disconnect(s_context); s_context = NULL; } if (s_mainloop) { pa_glib_mainloop_free(s_mainloop); s_mainloop = NULL; } #endif } bool PulseSupport::isActive() { #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO return mEnabled && s_pulseActive; #else return false; #endif } void PulseSupport::enable(bool enabled) { mEnabled = enabled; } QList PulseSupport::objectDescriptionIndexes(ObjectDescriptionType type) const { QList list; if (type != AudioOutputDeviceType && type != AudioCaptureDeviceType) return list; #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO if (s_pulseActive) { switch (type) { case AudioOutputDeviceType: { QMap::iterator it; for (it = s_outputDeviceIndexes.begin(); it != s_outputDeviceIndexes.end(); ++it) { list.append(*it); } break; } case AudioCaptureDeviceType: { QMap::iterator it; for (it = s_captureDeviceIndexes.begin(); it != s_captureDeviceIndexes.end(); ++it) { list.append(*it); } break; } default: break; } } #endif return list; } QHash PulseSupport::objectDescriptionProperties(ObjectDescriptionType type, int index) const { QHash ret; if (type != AudioOutputDeviceType && type != AudioCaptureDeviceType) return ret; #ifndef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO Q_UNUSED(index); #else if (s_pulseActive) { switch (type) { case AudioOutputDeviceType: Q_ASSERT(s_outputDevices.contains(index)); ret = s_outputDevices[index].properties; break; case AudioCaptureDeviceType: Q_ASSERT(s_captureDevices.contains(index)); ret = s_captureDevices[index].properties; break; default: break; } } #endif return ret; } QList PulseSupport::objectIndexesByCategory(ObjectDescriptionType type, Category category) const { QList ret; if (type != AudioOutputDeviceType && type != AudioCaptureDeviceType) return ret; #ifndef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO Q_UNUSED(category); #else if (s_pulseActive) { switch (type) { case AudioOutputDeviceType: if (s_outputDevicePriorities.contains(category)) ret = s_outputDevicePriorities[category].values(); break; case AudioCaptureDeviceType: if (s_captureDevicePriorities.contains(category)) ret = s_captureDevicePriorities[category].values(); break; default: break; } } #endif return ret; } #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO static void setDevicePriority(Category category, QStringList list) { QString role = s_roleCategoryMap.key(category); if (role.isEmpty()) return; logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Reindexing %1: %2").arg(role).arg(list.join(QLatin1String(", ")))); char **devices; devices = pa_xnew(char *, list.size()+1); int i = 0; foreach (QString str, list) { devices[i++] = pa_xstrdup(str.toUtf8().constData()); } devices[list.size()] = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO_DEVICE_MANAGER pa_operation *o; if (!(o = pa_ext_device_manager_reorder_devices_for_role(s_context, role.toUtf8().constData(), (const char**)devices, NULL, NULL))) logMessage(QString("pa_ext_device_manager_reorder_devices_for_role() failed")); else pa_operation_unref(o); #endif for (i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) pa_xfree(devices[i]); pa_xfree(devices); } #endif void PulseSupport::setOutputDevicePriorityForCategory(Category category, QList order) { #ifndef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO Q_UNUSED(category); Q_UNUSED(order); #else QStringList list; QList::iterator it; for (it = order.begin(); it != order.end(); ++it) { if (s_outputDevices.contains(*it)) { list << s_outputDeviceIndexes.key(*it); } } setDevicePriority(category, list); #endif } void PulseSupport::setCaptureDevicePriorityForCategory(Category category, QList order) { #ifndef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO Q_UNUSED(category); Q_UNUSED(order); #else QStringList list; QList::iterator it; for (it = order.begin(); it != order.end(); ++it) { if (s_captureDevices.contains(*it)) { list << s_captureDeviceIndexes.key(*it); } } setDevicePriority(category, list); #endif } void PulseSupport::setStreamPropList(Category category, QString streamUuid) { #ifndef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO Q_UNUSED(category); Q_UNUSED(streamUuid); #else QString role = s_roleCategoryMap.key(category); if (role.isEmpty()) return; logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Setting role to %1 for streamindex %2").arg(role).arg(streamUuid)); setenv("PULSE_PROP_media.role", role.toLatin1().constData(), 1); setenv("PULSE_PROP_phonon.streamid", streamUuid.toLatin1().constData(), 1); #endif } void PulseSupport::emitObjectDescriptionChanged(ObjectDescriptionType type) { emit objectDescriptionChanged(type); } void PulseSupport::emitUsingDevice(QString streamUuid, int device) { emit usingDevice(streamUuid, device); } bool PulseSupport::setOutputDevice(QString streamUuid, int device) { #ifndef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO Q_UNUSED(streamUuid); Q_UNUSED(device); return false; #else if (s_outputDevices.size() < 2) return true; if (!s_outputDevices.contains(device)) { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Attempting to set Output Device for invalid device id %1.").arg(device)); return false; } const QVariant var = s_outputDevices[device].properties["name"]; logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Attempting to set Output Device to '%1' for Output Stream %2").arg(var.toString()).arg(streamUuid)); // Attempt to look up the pulse stream index. if (s_outputStreamIndexMap.contains(streamUuid) && s_outputStreamIndexMap[streamUuid] != PA_INVALID_INDEX) { logMessage(QLatin1String("... Found in map. Moving now")); uint32_t pulse_device_index = s_outputDevices[device].pulseIndex; uint32_t pulse_stream_index = s_outputStreamIndexMap[streamUuid]; logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Moving Pulse Sink Input %1 to '%2' (Pulse Sink %3)").arg(pulse_stream_index).arg(var.toString()).arg(pulse_device_index)); /// @todo Find a way to move the stream without saving it... We don't want to pollute the stream restore db. pa_operation* o; if (!(o = pa_context_move_sink_input_by_index(s_context, pulse_stream_index, pulse_device_index, NULL, NULL))) { logMessage(QLatin1String("pa_context_move_sink_input_by_index() failed")); return false; } pa_operation_unref(o); } else { logMessage(QLatin1String("... Not found in map. We will be notified of the device when the stream appears and we can process any moves needed then")); } return true; #endif } bool PulseSupport::setCaptureDevice(QString streamUuid, int device) { #ifndef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO Q_UNUSED(streamUuid); Q_UNUSED(device); return false; #else if (s_captureDevices.size() < 2) return true; if (!s_captureDevices.contains(device)) { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Attempting to set Capture Device for invalid device id %1.").arg(device)); return false; } const QVariant var = s_captureDevices[device].properties["name"]; logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Attempting to set Capture Device to '%1' for Capture Stream %2").arg(var.toString()).arg(streamUuid)); // Attempt to look up the pulse stream index. if (s_captureStreamIndexMap.contains(streamUuid) && s_captureStreamIndexMap[streamUuid] == PA_INVALID_INDEX) { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("... Found in map. Moving now")); uint32_t pulse_device_index = s_captureDevices[device].pulseIndex; uint32_t pulse_stream_index = s_captureStreamIndexMap[streamUuid]; logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Moving Pulse Source Output %1 to '%2' (Pulse Sink %3)").arg(pulse_stream_index).arg(var.toString()).arg(pulse_device_index)); /// @todo Find a way to move the stream without saving it... We don't want to pollute the stream restore db. pa_operation* o; if (!(o = pa_context_move_source_output_by_index(s_context, pulse_stream_index, pulse_device_index, NULL, NULL))) { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("pa_context_move_source_output_by_index() failed")); return false; } pa_operation_unref(o); } else { logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("... Not found in map. We will be notified of the device when the stream appears and we can process any moves needed then")); } return true; #endif } void PulseSupport::clearStreamCache(QString streamUuid) { #ifndef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO Q_UNUSED(streamUuid); return; #else logMessage(QString::fromLatin1("Clearing stream cache for stream %1").arg(streamUuid)); s_outputStreamIndexMap.remove(streamUuid); s_captureStreamIndexMap.remove(streamUuid); #endif } } // namespace Phonon QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_pulsesupport.cpp" // vim: sw=4 ts=4