import QtQuick 1.0 import Qt3D 1.0 Rectangle { id: view width: isBig ? parent.width : parent.width/2; height: isBig ? parent.height : parent.height/2 color: parent.color border.color: parent.border.color property bool isBig: false; property alias itemPosition: mainItem.position; property alias itemScale: mainItem.scale; property alias camera: // the current x/y positions of the mouse when the onPressed event was triggered; // values are invalid if onRelease has occured property int downX; property int downY; // current xyz positions of the Translation3D when onPressed was triggered; // values are invalid if onRelease has occured property double translateX; property double translateY; property double translateZ; // current angles of the three Rotation3Ds when onPressed was triggered; // values are invalid if onRelease has occured property double rotateX; property double rotateY; property double rotateZ; // current xyz sizes of the Scale3D when onPressed was triggered; // values are invalid if onRelease has occured property double scaleX; property double scaleY; property double scaleZ; // the pixel sensitivity values of the mousemovements // TODO: expose via api // TODO: maybe save in settings api? property double translateSensitivity: 32; property double rotateSensitivity: 8; property double scaleSensitivity: 32; Viewport { id: viewport anchors.fill: parent picking: false blending: true camera: Camera { farPlane: 2000 // debugging } navigation: false Item3D { id: mainItem mesh: source_mesh effect: Effect {} transform: [ transformScale, transformRotateX, transformRotateY, transformRotateZ, transformTranslate, ] } } MouseArea { property int mouseDown: Qt.NoButton anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton | Qt.MiddleButton onMouseXChanged: { if (mouseDown & Qt.LeftButton) translateMouseX(mouse); else if (mouseDown === Qt.RightButton) rotateMouseX(mouse); else if (mouseDown === Qt.MiddleButton) scaleMouseX(mouse); } onMouseYChanged: { if (mouseDown & Qt.LeftButton) translateMouseY(mouse); else if (mouseDown === Qt.RightButton) rotateMouseY(mouse); else if (mouseDown === Qt.MiddleButton) scaleMouseY(mouse); } onPressed: { // if we already have a mouse button down we don't want to do anything else until it's up again if (mouseDown !== Qt.NoButton) return; mouseDown = mouse.button; downX = mouse.x; downY = mouse.y; if (mouseDown & Qt.LeftButton) { translateX = transformTranslate.translate.x; translateY = transformTranslate.translate.y; translateZ = transformTranslate.translate.z; } if (mouseDown & Qt.RightButton) { rotateX = transformRotateX.angle rotateY = transformRotateY.angle rotateZ = transformRotateZ.angle } if (mouseDown & Qt.MiddleButton) { scaleX = transformScale.scale.x scaleY = transformScale.scale.y scaleZ = transformScale.scale.z } } // clear the current mouse button upon release onReleased: { mouseDown = Qt.NoButton } } Rectangle { radius: 4 border.width: 1 border.color: "#191919" anchors { top:; topMargin: 2; right: view.right; rightMargin: 2; } width: 16 + 2 height: 16 + 2 color: "#999999" Image { id: img source: view.isBig ? "images/shrink.png" : "images/grow.png" x: 2 y: 2 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: isBig = !isBig } } } }