The context section defines the context for the summary section.

The primary context consists of the Metric, Platform, Host, and Branch. (These entities are documented in more detail elsewhere.)

The Reset button resets the primary context by fetching the currently available values from the database and marking them all as unlocked (i.e. set to asterisks).

Locking a value in one of the primary context lists (i.e. by setting it to a non-asterisk value) automatically updates the available values in the other lists so that only combinations for which benchmark results exist may be selected.

Once all values in the primary context are locked, the Update button in the summary section is enabled. Updating the summary creates a table that takes the primary context, Tolerance, Branch 2, and File values into consideration. (The tolerance is documented elsewhere.)

Branch 2 A secondary branch to which the primary branch is compared. The difference between the latest results of each branch is shown. Note that the metric/platform/host combination is the same for the two branches.
File A file containing results to be compared against the latest corresponding results of the primary branch.

The file is assumed to have the same XML structure as the one produced by QTestLib.

Note: The comparison normally makes sense for identical metric/platform/host combinations. The metric is checked for automatically (since it is specified in the results file itself), but the platform and host must be ensured by the user.