import sys import json from dbaccess import execQuery, database from misc import ( textToId, idToText, getContext, getTimestampFromContext, getSnapshots, getRankingContexts, benchmarkToComponents, printJSONHeader) class GetRankings: def __init__( self, host, platform, branch, sha12, test_case_filter, maxsize): = host self.host_id = textToId('host', self.platform = platform self.platform_id = textToId('platform', self.platform) self.branch = branch self.branch_id = textToId('branch', self.branch) self.context2_id = getContext( self.host_id, self.platform_id, self.branch_id, textToId('sha1', sha12)) self.test_case_filter = test_case_filter self.maxsize = maxsize # Returns -1, 0, and 1 if ranking position x is considered less than, # equal to, and greater than ranking position y respectively. # Note: a negative ranking position is considered worse (i.e. effectively # treated as having an "infinite" ranking position) than any non-negative # ranking position. def cmp_rank_pos(self, x, y): if x < 0: return 1 elif y < 0: return -1 elif x < y: return -1 elif x > y: return 1 else: return 0 # Gets all rankings matching the context/metric combination combination. def getRankings(self): if self.context2_id < 0: print "error: invalid context" sys.exit(1) # Find the previous context (if any) for which rankings exist: ranking_contexts = getRankingContexts( self.host_id, self.platform_id, self.branch_id) curr_index = zip(*ranking_contexts)[0].index(self.context2_id) if curr_index < (len(ranking_contexts) - 1): context2_prev_id = ranking_contexts[curr_index + 1][0] else: context2_prev_id = -1 # No rankings before this context rankings = {} context_ids = set([self.context2_id]) # Affected context IDs # Get all time series notes: qres = execQuery( "SELECT benchmarkId, metricId, note FROM timeSeriesAnnotation" " WHERE hostId = %s AND platformId = %s AND branchId = %s", (self.host_id, self.platform_id, self.branch_id)) notes = {} for benchmark_id, metric_id, note in qres: notes[benchmark_id, metric_id] = note # Get rankings for each statistic: stat_infos = execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM rankingStat", ()) for stat_id, stat_name in stat_infos: # Get the unsorted ranking information: ranking_all = execQuery( "SELECT benchmarkId, metricId, context1Id, pos, value," " lastChangeTimestamp" " FROM ranking" " WHERE context2Id = %s" " AND statId = %s", (self.context2_id, stat_id)) ranking = [] # Apply test case filter and add notes: for row in ranking_all: benchmark_id = row[0] benchmark = idToText("benchmark", benchmark_id) test_case, test_function, data_tag = ( benchmarkToComponents(benchmark)) if ((self.test_case_filter == None) or (test_case in self.test_case_filter)): # Append note if any: metric_id = row[1] try: note = notes[benchmark_id, metric_id] except KeyError: note = "" ranking.append(( benchmark_id, metric_id, row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], note)) for row in ranking: context_ids.add(row[2]) # Sort the table in ascending order on the 'pos' column, but # so that negative positions are ranked below any other positions: ranking.sort(key=lambda row: row[3], cmp=self.cmp_rank_pos) # Keep only the 'maxsize' highest ranked benchmarks: ranking = ranking if (self.maxsize < 0) else ranking[:self.maxsize] if context2_prev_id >= 0: # Compute deltas from previous ranking: ranking_prev_list = execQuery( "SELECT benchmarkId, metricId, pos" " FROM ranking" " WHERE context2Id = %s" " AND statId = %s", (context2_prev_id, stat_id)) ranking_prev = {} for benchmark_id, metric_id, pos in ranking_prev_list: ranking_prev[benchmark_id, metric_id] = pos # Append deltas where applicable: ranking_without_deltas = ranking ranking = [] for (benchmark_id, metric_id, context1_id, pos, value, lc_timestamp, note) in ranking_without_deltas: row = [benchmark_id, metric_id, context1_id, pos, value, lc_timestamp, note] if pos >= 0: try: pos_prev = ranking_prev[benchmark_id, metric_id] if pos_prev >= 0: delta = pos_prev - pos row.append(delta) except KeyError: pass ranking.append(row) # Add to main list: rankings[stat_name.lower()] = ranking; # Extract affected SHA-1s: assert len(context_ids) > 0 sha1_infos = execQuery( "SELECT, sha1Id, sha1.value" " FROM context, sha1" " WHERE IN" " (%s" + ", %s"*(len(context_ids) - 1) + ")" + " AND sha1Id =", tuple(context_ids)) return sha1_infos, rankings # Extracts the individual snapshots in the maximum range spanned by # the SHA-1s in sha1_infos: def getSnapshotsInMaxRange(self, sha1_infos): min_timestamp = max_timestamp = first_sha1_id = last_sha1_id = None for context_id, sha1_id, sha1 in sha1_infos: timestamp = getTimestampFromContext(context_id) if min_timestamp == None: min_timestamp = max_timestamp = timestamp first_sha1_id = last_sha1_id = sha1_id elif timestamp < min_timestamp: min_timestamp = timestamp first_sha1_id = sha1_id elif timestamp > max_timestamp: max_timestamp = timestamp last_sha1_id = sha1_id snapshots = getSnapshots( self.host_id, self.platform_id, self.branch_id, first_sha1_id, last_sha1_id) return snapshots def execute(self): self.sha1_infos, self.rankings = self.getRankings() self.snapshots = self.getSnapshotsInMaxRange(self.sha1_infos) self.benchmarks = execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM benchmark", ()) self.metrics = execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM metric", ()) self.writeOutput() def writeOutputAsJSON(self): printJSONHeader() json.dump({ 'database': database(), 'host':, 'platform': self.platform, 'branch': self.branch, 'benchmarks': self.benchmarks, 'metrics': self.metrics, 'snapshots': map( lambda s: (idToText("sha1", s[0]), s[1]), self.snapshots), 'rankings': self.rankings }, sys.stdout) class GetRankingsAsJSON(GetRankings): def writeOutput(self): self.writeOutputAsJSON()