#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from xml.dom.minidom import parse from dbaccess import setDatabase, execQuery, commit from misc import isValidSHA1, getContext # === Global functions =============================================== def printUsage(): print ( "usage:" + sys.argv[0] + " --help | ") def printVerboseUsagebbbbq(): printUsage() print (": The physical machine on which the results were " + "produced (e.g. barbarella or") print (": The OS/compiler/architecture combination " + "(e.g. linux-g++-32).") print (": The product branch (e.g. 'qt 4.6', 'qt 4.7', or " + "'qt master').") print (": The tested revision within the branch. Can be " + "extracted using 'git log -1 --pretty=format:%H' (assuming the " + "tested revision is the current head revision).") print (": The results file (QTestLib output format).") print ( ": The database. One of 'bm' or 'bm-dev' (the latter " + "intended for experimentation).") # Returns True iff a low value indicates better performance than a high # value for the given metric. def lowerIsBetter(metric): return { "walltimemilliseconds": True, "walltime": True, "cputicks": True, "instructionreads": True, "events": True, "bitspersecond": False, "bytespersecond": False, "framespersecond": False, "fps": False # add more if necessary ... }[metric.lower()] # Returns the canonical (i.e. "unaliased") form of the metric name. def canonicalMetric(metric): if (metric.lower() == "walltime"): return "WalltimeMilliseconds" if (metric.lower() == "framespersecond"): return "fps" return metric # Returns True iff at least one of the given incidents indicates failure for # the given data tag. def matchesFailedIncident(dataTag, incidents): for incident in incidents: if (incident.getAttribute("type") == "fail"): try: dataTagElem = incident.getElementsByTagName("DataTag")[0] except: continue if (dataTagElem.childNodes[0].data == dataTag): return True return False # Returns results extracted from a file in QTestLib XML format # (note: multiple top-level TestCase elements are allowed). def extractResults(file): def processBenchmarkResults( results, dom, testCase, testFuncElem, testFunction, incidents): # Loop over benchmark results ... bmResultElems = testFuncElem.getElementsByTagName("BenchmarkResult") for bmResultElem in bmResultElems: # Data tag (note that "" is a valid data tag): dataTag = bmResultElem.getAttribute("tag").strip() # Metric: metric = bmResultElem.getAttribute("metric").strip() try: lowerIsBetter_ = lowerIsBetter(metric) except: print( "WARNING: skipping result for unsupported metric: >" + metric + "<") continue metric = canonicalMetric(metric) # Value: value = float(bmResultElem.getAttribute("value")) # Iterations (optional): iterAttr = bmResultElem.getAttribute("iterations").strip() if (iterAttr != ""): try: iterations = int(iterAttr) assert iterations > 0 value = value / iterations except: raise BaseException( "found 'iterations' attribute that is not a " + "positive integer: " + iterAttr) # Valid: valid = not matchesFailedIncident(dataTag, incidents) # Add item to array ... results.append( {'testCase': testCase, 'testFunction': testFunction, 'dataTag': dataTag, 'metric': metric, 'lowerIsBetter': lowerIsBetter_, 'value': value, 'valid': valid}) def processTestFunctions(results, dom, testCaseElem, testCase): # Loop over test functions ... testFuncElems = testCaseElem.getElementsByTagName("TestFunction") for testFuncElem in testFuncElems: testFunction = testFuncElem.getAttribute("name").strip() assert testFunction != "" incidents = testFuncElem.getElementsByTagName("Incident") processBenchmarkResults( results, dom, testCase, testFuncElem, testFunction, incidents) def processTestCases(results, dom): # Loop over test cases ... testCaseElems = dom.getElementsByTagName("TestCase") for testCaseElem in testCaseElems: testCase = testCaseElem.getAttribute("name").strip() assert testCase != "" processTestFunctions( results, dom, testCaseElem, testCase) # Load DOM structure from file: try: dom = parse(xmlFile) except: raise BaseException(sys.exc_info()) # Extract benchmark results from DOM structure: results = [] processTestCases(results, dom) dom.unlink() return results # ### 2 B DOCUMENTED! def findOrInsertId(table, value, *args): #print "value: >" + value + "<, ", query_result = execQuery( "SELECT id FROM " + table + " WHERE value = '" + str(value) + "';") if len(query_result) == 1: # Found, so return ID: #print "returning existing ID: >" + str(query_result[0][0]) + "<" return query_result[0][0] # Not found, so insert: query = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (value" for i in range(0, len(args), 2): query += ", " + str(args[i]) query += ") VALUES ('" + str(value) + "'" for i in range(0, len(args), 2): query += ", " + str(args[i + 1]) # ... and retrieve ID: query += ") RETURNING id;" query_result = execQuery(query) assert len(query_result) == 1 #print "returning new ID: >" + str(query_result[0][0]) + "<" return query_result[0][0] # === Main program =================================================== # --- Validate arguments ------------------------------------- if ((len(sys.argv) > 1) and (sys.argv[1] == "--help")): printVerboseUsage() sys.exit(1) if (len(sys.argv) != 7): printUsage() sys.exit(1) host = sys.argv[1] platform = sys.argv[2] branch = sys.argv[3] sha1 = sys.argv[4] if (not isValidSHA1(sha1)): print "invalid SHA-1:", sha1 sys.exit(1) xmlFile = sys.argv[5] db = sys.argv[6] # Perform a basic validation of the other arguments as well ... 2 B DONE! try: results = extractResults(xmlFile) except BaseException as e: print "failed to parse XML file:", e.args[0] sys.exit(1) #print results # --- Upload to database ------------------------------------- setDatabase(db) # Append a row to the 'upload' table (to record this upload event) ... execQuery("INSERT INTO upload DEFAULT VALUES;", False) # Retrieve the ID of the row we just inserted ... uploadId = execQuery("SELECT currval('upload_id_seq');")[0][0] hostId = findOrInsertId("host", host) platformId = findOrInsertId("platform", platform) branchId = findOrInsertId("branch", branch) sha1Id = findOrInsertId("sha1", sha1) contextId = getContext(hostId, platformId, branchId, sha1Id) if contextId == -1: contextId = execQuery("INSERT INTO context" " (hostId, platformId, branchId, sha1Id)" " VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d)" " RETURNING id;" % (hostId, platformId, branchId, sha1Id))[0][0] # Append rows to the 'result' table ... for result in results: benchmark = ( result['testCase'] + ":" + result['testFunction'] + "(" + str(result['dataTag']) + ")") benchmarkId = findOrInsertId("benchmark", benchmark) metricId = findOrInsertId( "metric", result['metric'], "lowerIsBetter", result['lowerIsBetter']) query = ( "INSERT INTO result" " (contextId, benchmarkId, value, valid, metricId, uploadId)" " VALUES (%d, %d, %f, %s, %d, %d);" % (contextId, benchmarkId, result['value'], result['valid'], metricId, uploadId)) execQuery(query, False) # Make sure everything is written to the database: commit() print "uploading done"