You need to download libspotify 9 for ARM to be able to compile and create the .deb package. Get it there: Extract the content of the tarball inside 'libspotify' at the root of the project. The resulting hierarchy should be: libspotify/ include/ libspotify/ api.h lib/ ---- You also need your own libspotify API key to be able to compile and run the program (see Create a file spotify_key.h inside libQtSpotify and copy the provided key inside it using the following format: #ifndef SPOTIFY_KEY_H #define SPOTIFY_KEY_H const uint8_t g_appkey[] = { 0x00, 0x00, ..., ... }; const size_t g_appkey_size = sizeof(g_appkey); #endif // SPOTIFY_KEY_H ---- In addition to the libspotify API key, you also need to get a API key (see Create a file lastfm_key.h inside liblastfm and copy the provided API key and shared secret inside it using the following format: #ifndef LASTFM_KEY_H #define LASTFM_KEY_H const char *g_lastfmAPIKey = ""; const char *g_lastfmSecret = ""; #endif // LASTFM_KEY_H ---- To compile the project, use the Qt SDK (version 1.1 or higher) with the Harmattan component installed from the Qt SDK maintenance tool. --> Open the project in Qt Creator, compile and deploy on the device!