CONFIG += qt QT += core-private gui-private opengl qml quick-private TEMPLATE = app TARGET = qmlogre macx { OGREDIR = $$(OGRE_HOME) isEmpty(OGREDIR) { error(QmlOgre needs Ogre to be built. Please set the environment variable OGRE_HOME pointing to your Ogre root directory.) } else { message(Using Ogre libraries in $$OGREDIR) INCLUDEPATH += $$OGREDIR/include/OGRE INCLUDEPATH += $$OGREDIR/include/OGRE/RenderSystems/GL QMAKE_LFLAGS += -F$$OGREDIR/lib/release LIBS += -framework Ogre BOOSTDIR = $$OGREDIR/boost_1_42 !isEmpty(BOOSTDIR) { INCLUDEPATH += $$BOOSTDIR # LIBS += -L$$BOOSTDIR/lib -lboost_date_time-xgcc40-mt-1_42 -lboost_thread-xgcc40-mt-1_42 } DEFINES += OGRE_PLUGIN_VAR=\"$$OGREDIR/lib\" } } else:unix { CONFIG += link_pkgconfig PKGCONFIG += OGRE OGRELIBDIR = $$system(pkg-config --libs-only-L OGRE) isEmpty(OGRELIBDIR) { OGRELIBDIR = /usr/lib } else { OGRELIBDIR = $$replace(OGRELIBDIR, -L,) } OGREPLUGINDIR = $$OGRELIBDIR/OGRE DEFINES += OGRE_PLUGIN_VAR=\"$$OGREPLUGINDIR\" } else:win32 { OGREDIR = $$(OGRE_HOME) isEmpty(OGREDIR) { error(QmlOgre needs Ogre to be built. Please set the environment variable OGRE_HOME pointing to your Ogre root directory.) } else { message(Using Ogre libraries in $$OGREDIR) INCLUDEPATH += $$OGREDIR/include/OGRE INCLUDEPATH += $$OGREDIR/include/OGRE/RenderSystems/GL CONFIG(release, debug|release) { LIBS += -L$$OGREDIR/lib/release -L$$OGREDIR/lib/release/opt -lOgreMain -lRenderSystem_GL } else { LIBS += -L$$OGREDIR/lib/debug -L$$OGREDIR/lib/debug/opt -lOgreMain_d -lRenderSystem_GL_d } BOOSTDIR = $$OGREDIR/boost_1_42 !isEmpty(BOOSTDIR) { INCLUDEPATH += $$BOOSTDIR CONFIG(release, debug|release) { LIBS += -L$$BOOSTDIR/lib -llibboost_date_time-vc90-mt-1_42 -llibboost_thread-vc90-mt-1_42 } else { LIBS += -L$$BOOSTDIR/lib -llibboost_date_time-vc90-mt-gd-1_42 -llibboost_thread-vc90-mt-gd-1_42 } } CONFIG(release, debug|release) { DEFINES += OGRE_PLUGIN_VAR=\\\"$$OGREDIR/bin/release\\\" } else { DEFINES += OGRE_PLUGIN_VAR=\\\"$$OGREDIR/bin/debug\\\" DEFINES += DEBUG_PLUGIN=1 } } } UI_DIR = ./.ui OBJECTS_DIR = ./.obj MOC_DIR = ./.moc SOURCES += main.cpp \ cameranodeobject.cpp \ ogreitem.cpp \ ogrenode.cpp HEADERS += \ cameranodeobject.h \ ogreitem.h \ ogrenode.h OTHER_FILES += \ resources/example.qml