Requirements: - Qt Autotester requires Qt 4.6 or higher - Runs on Windows, Mac OS and Linux Build: > qmake -r > make Usage: - Add a Qt location by clicking the "+" icon on the top-left of the window and select the qmake executable. - You need to add a Qt location for each version of Qt you want to run auto-tests for (e.g. 4.6, 4.7, master) - Select in the list the auto-tests you want to run then click "Run Tests". - You can save a list of auto-tests in a profile. The actions for profile editing are located on the bottom-left of the window. - When an auto-test fails, you can get the details by clicking on it in the main view. - If the version of Qt you are testing is built for Symbian, the auto-tests are automatically run on the device (if any is plugged).