#!/usr/bin/perl -w #################################################################################################### # # Modularization script for Qt # # Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). # Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) # #################################################################################################### use Config; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use Cwd; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use strict; use constant { WINDOWS => 0, UNIX => 1, MAC => 2, }; use constant { COPY => 0, SYMLINKS => 1, HARDLINKS => 2, }; # Msys Perl uses unix paths, but $0 is a Windows path my $fp0 = $0; if ($Config{'osname'} =~ /msys/i && $fp0 =~ /^.:/) { $fp0 =~ s,:,,; $fp0 =~ s,\\,/,g; $fp0 = "/" . lcfirst($fp0); } our $basepath = dirname(abs_path($fp0)); $basepath =~ s,\\,/,g; push(@INC, "$basepath/scripts"); # These SHA1s represents current "good" SHA1s for the two branches. # Using option -bleeding will avoid these, and just try to run on the current branch you're in # if that is successful, you should update the SHA1 below to reflect that. my $good_47_sha1 = '770d5468a87c84cc435eefaa2a234f8c3b87f8c2'; my $good_master_sha1 = '4da2ba2e788bb63a155e1d10ae559d4366eed875'; our @repos = ('qtbase', 'qtsvg', 'qtdeclarative', 'qt3support', 'activeqt', 'qtscript', 'phonon', 'qtmultimedia', 'qttools', 'qtxmlpatterns', 'qttranslations', 'qtdoc', 'qlalr', 'devtools', 'qtwebkit-examples-and-demos', 'qtqa' ); # Whether we are using qtwebkit or webkit trunk. our $qtWebKitType = "webkit"; our $qtWebKitCloneUrl; our $qtWebKitCheckoutRef; if ($qtWebKitType =~ /^webkit$/) { $qtWebKitCloneUrl = "git://git.webkit.org/WebKit.git"; $qtWebKitCheckoutRef = "f1bfaac6bd42996c6a41ad2174b79ae200652759"; # master } else { $qtWebKitCloneUrl = "git://gitorious.org/webkit/qtwebkit.git"; $qtWebKitCheckoutRef = "f3f39d43672e979521897a5dda98840ea63c238a"; #"refs/remotes/origin/qtwebkit-2.2"; } our $OStype; our $verbose; our $run_split = 1; our $run_rest = 1; our $run_push = 0; our $commit_changes = 1; our $redo = 0; our $move = 0; our $move_dest = ""; our $repos_base; our $good_sha1; our $link_type = COPY; our $qtdir = getcwd(); our $qtVersion; our $isMaster = 1; our $zeroMoveGraft = 0; my $regenerate_patches = 0; my $rebase_patches = 0; my $no_patches = 0; my $apply_afterlive = 0; # -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub checkOS { my $r = WINDOWS; $r = UNIX if ((-f "/bin/uname" && !-f "\\bin\\uname") || (-f "/usr/bin/uname" && !-f "\\usr\\bin\\uname")); if($r) { $_ = $Config{'osname'}; $r = WINDOWS if (/cygwin|mswin|msys/i); $r = MAC if (/darwin/); } return $r; } # Syntax: fileContents(filename) # Returns: String with contents of the file, or empty string if file # doens't exist. sub fileContents { my ($filename) = @_; my $filecontents = ""; if (-e $filename) { open(I, "< $filename") || die "Could not open $filename for reading, read block?"; local $/; binmode I; $filecontents = ; close I; } return $filecontents; } # Do not call this function directly, use either run() or runNotDie() instead sub runBare { my ($cmd, $file, $line) = @_; print ' --> '.basename($file).":$line\t$cmd\n" if $verbose; system("$cmd"); if ($? == -1) { printf "'%s' failed to execute ($!), at %s:%s\n", $cmd, $file, $line; } elsif ($? & 127) { printf "'%s' died with signal %d, %s coredump, at %s:%s\n", $cmd, $? & 127, ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without', $file, $line; } elsif ($? >> 8) { printf "'%s' exited with value %d, at %s:%s\n", $cmd, ($? >> 8), $file, $line; } return $?; } sub runNotDie { my ($cmd) = @_; my ($file, $line) = (caller)[1,2]; return runBare($cmd, $file, $line); } sub run { my ($cmd) = @_; my ($file, $line) = (caller)[1,2]; my $ret = runBare($cmd, $file, $line); exit ($ret >> 8) if $ret; return 0; } sub fsCopy { my @args = @_; if ($OStype == WINDOWS) { foreach (@args) { s,/,\\,g; s,-R,/s,g; s,-r,/s /e /i /c,g; } run("xcopy /Q " . join(" ", @args)); } else { run("cp " . join(" ", @args)); } } sub fsMove { my @args = @_; if ($OStype == WINDOWS) { foreach (@args) { s,/,\\,g; } run("move " . join(" ", @args)); } else { run("mv " . join(" ", @args)); } } sub fsRm { unlink($_[0]) or die("Could not remove $_[0]"); } sub fsRmdir { rmdir($_[0]) or die("Could not remove $_[0]"); } sub fsRmdirWithParents { while ($_[0]) { my $arg = shift; do { rmdir($arg) or die("Could not remove $arg"); } while ($arg =~ s,/[^/]*$,,); } } # Makes sure the arguments are directories, and creates them if not. # Will die if there is an error. sub ensureDir { foreach (@_) { if (-e $_) { if (-d $_) { next; } else { die ("$_ exists, but is not a directory"); } } File::Path::mkpath($_) or die("Could not create $_"); } } # list findFiles(string dir, regexp match, bool descend) # # Returns matching filenames. If descend is true, returns relative paths, # if descend is false, returns plain filenames. sub findFiles { my ($dir,$match,$descend) = @_; my ($file,$p,@files); local(*D); $dir =~ s=\\=/=g; ($dir eq "") && ($dir = "."); if ( opendir(D,$dir) ) { if ( $dir eq "." ) { $dir = ""; } else { ($dir =~ /\/$/) || ($dir .= "/"); } foreach $file ( sort readdir(D) ) { next if ( $file =~ /^\.\.?$/ ); $descend and $p = "$dir$file" or $p = "$file"; ($file =~ /$match/) && (push @files, $p); if ( $descend && -d $p && ! -l $p ) { push @files, &findFiles($p,$match,$descend); } } closedir(D); } return @files; } #first argument is a directory, set second argument to true of it has to be ordered sub createSubdirProfile { my $dir = $_[0]; my $ordered = $_[1]; die ("$dir is not a directory") if (!-d $dir); my @D; my $subdirs = ""; if (opendir(DIR, $dir)) { @D = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach my $file (@D) { next if ($file =~ /^\.\.?$/); if (-d "$dir/$file") { if (-e "$dir/$file/$file.pro") { if ($file =~ /^(src|svg|script|declarative)$/) { $subdirs = "$file $subdirs"; } else { $subdirs = "$subdirs $file"; } } } } } my $base = basename($dir); open PRO, ">$dir/$base.pro" || die "Could not open $dir/$base.pro for writing!\n"; print PRO "TEMPLATE = subdirs\n"; print PRO "CONFIG += ordered\n" if $ordered; print PRO "SUBDIRS += $subdirs\n"; close PRO; run("git add $dir/$base.pro"); } # Figure out which branch of Qt we're on sub findBranchVersion { my ($qtdir) = @_; my $qglobal = fileContents("$qtdir/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h"); $qglobal = fileContents("$qtdir/qtbase/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h") if (!$qglobal); return "" if (!$qglobal); $qglobal =~ s/.*define\s+QT_VERSION_STR\s*\"([0-9\.]*)\".*/$1/s; return $qglobal; } # Find SHA1 of commit of $subject, else the SHA1 of HEAD sub findSHA1 { my ($qtdir, $subject) = @_; my @commits = `cd $qtdir && git rev-list --grep="$subject" HEAD`; if (@commits) { my $commit = $commits[0]; chomp $commit; return $commit; } my $commit = `git rev-parse HEAD`; chomp $commit; return $commit; } # Find SHA1 of commit before $subject, else the SHA1 of HEAD sub findSHA1Before { my ($qtdir, $subject) = @_; my @commits = `cd $qtdir && git rev-list --grep="$subject" HEAD~300..HEAD`; if (@commits) { my $commit = $commits[0]; chomp $commit; $commit = `git rev-parse $commit~`; chomp $commit; return $commit; } my $commit = `git rev-parse HEAD`; chomp $commit; return $commit; } # Checks if file has relevant changes to it, based on git diff output # PS. uses CWD! sub patchHasChanges { my ($filename, $org) = @_; my @content; if ("$org" eq "") { @content = `git diff $filename` if (-e $filename); } else { @content = `diff -u $org $filename` if (-e $filename && -e $org); } return 0 if (!@content); # remove git version at the end of the patch pop(@content); pop(@content); pop(@content); # grep out useless content changes @content = grep(!/^[ @]/, @content); @content = grep(!/^(\+\+\+|---|(|\+|-)index|diff) /, @content); @content = grep(!/^[\+-]From [0-9a-z]{40} \w+ \w+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \d+/, @content); return !!@content; } sub applyAfterLivePatches { my @modules = sort(findFiles("$basepath/afterlive", '.*', 0)); print "---\nApplying 'afterlive' patches for modules ". join(", ", @modules). "\n"; $repos_base = $qtdir . "/qt" if (!defined $repos_base); foreach my $module (@modules) { chdir($qtdir); if (-e "$repos_base/$module") { print "Applying patches for '$module' @ '$repos_base/$module'\n"; chdir("$repos_base/$module"); my $commit = findSHA1("$repos_base/$module", 'Added dependency information to the sync.profile.'); run("git reset -q --hard $commit"); run("git am $basepath/afterlive/$module/*.patch"); } else { print "** Cannot find $repos_base/$module\n"; } } print "All 'afterlive' patches applied!\n"; } sub showUsage { print "$0 usage:\n"; print " -no-modularize Don't run the 0xx-8xx script range\n"; print " -no-split Don't run the 9xx script range\n"; print " -modularized Push the repos to server(will not work with -no-split, -hardlinks)\n"; print " Note: need to have following in your ~/.ssh/config\n"; print " SendEnv GIT_FORCE\n"; print " SendEnv GIT_PUSH\n"; print " -no-commit Do not commit the changes\n"; print " -move Copy the new folder in the given destination \n"; print " -symlinks Uses symlinks for the qt-bundle repo instead of repo copies\n"; print " (Ignored when -move option is used, and on Windows)\n"; print " -hardlinks Same as -symlinks, but uses hardlinks instead.\n"; print " You MOST LIKELY want to use this option, since symlinks\n"; print " will be resolved by qmake, and the actual location used.\n"; print " -zero-move-graft Apply patches on the modularized repositories instead of the\n"; print " old monolithic one, so that the graft will not see any file\n"; print " moves (only works on Linux).\n"; print " -redo Resets (hard) the repo, and cleans up (-dffx)\n"; print " before running the scripts\n"; print " -experimental Ignore the set \"good\" SHA1 for the current branch, and\n"; print " instead use this branch's HEAD (ignoring potential\n"; print " modularization patches)\n"; print " -rebase-patches Automatically rebase all patches from current good SHA1\n"; print " to current HEAD\n"; print " -regenerate-patches Automatically regenerate all the patches for the\n"; print " modularization project (does not copy to the repo!)\n"; print " -afterlive Apply 'afterlive' patches to modularized repos\n"; print " -redo-afterlive Reapply 'afterlive' patches\n"; print " -? This help\n"; } # -- End functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -- main ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $OStype = checkOS; $qtVersion = findBranchVersion($qtdir); while ( @ARGV ) { my $arg = shift @ARGV; if ($arg eq "-?" || $arg eq "-h" || $arg eq "-help" || $arg eq "?") { showUsage(); exit 0; } elsif($arg eq "-no-modularize") { $run_rest = 0; } elsif($arg eq "-no-split") { $run_split = 0; } elsif($arg eq "-modularized") { $run_push = 1; } elsif($arg eq "-no-commit") { $commit_changes = 0; } elsif($arg eq "-no-patches") { # This option is only used internally by the -rebase-patches option $no_patches = 1; } elsif($arg eq "-redo") { $redo = 1; } elsif($arg eq "-verbose") { $verbose = 1; } elsif($arg eq "-symlinks") { $link_type = ($OStype == WINDOWS ? COPY : SYMLINKS); } elsif($arg eq "-hardlinks") { $link_type = HARDLINKS; } elsif($arg eq "-move") { if (@ARGV) { $move = 1; $move_dest = shift @ARGV; $redo = 1; $link_type = COPY; } else { print "Missing destination\n\n"; showUsage(); exit 1; } } elsif ($arg eq "-zero-move-graft") { $zeroMoveGraft = 1; } elsif ($arg eq "-experimental") { $good_sha1 = findSHA1Before($qtdir, "Commit of all changes done by the modularization script"); } elsif ($arg eq "-rebase-patches") { $rebase_patches = 1; } elsif ($arg eq "-regenerate-patches") { $regenerate_patches = 1; } elsif ($arg eq "-afterlive") { $apply_afterlive = 1; } elsif ($arg eq "-redo-afterlive") { applyAfterLivePatches(); exit 0; } else { print "Unknown option: $arg\n\n"; showUsage(); exit 1; } } if (!$good_sha1) { if ($qtVersion =~ /4.7/) { $good_sha1 = $good_47_sha1; } else { $good_sha1 = $good_master_sha1; } } if ($rebase_patches) { my $new_sha1 = findSHA1Before($qtdir, "Commit of all changes done by the modularization script"); print "*** Rebasing patches mode **\n"; print "*** QTDIR: $qtdir\n"; print "*** Branch: $qtVersion\n"; print "*** ---\n"; printf "*** First running modularization for previous good SHA1:%s\n", substr($good_sha1, 0, 8); printf "*** Then rebasing patches ontop of new SHA1:%s\n\n", substr($new_sha1, 0, 8); # Modularize for old good sha1 run("$0 -redo -no-split"); # Modularize based on new HEAD, without patches run("git branch -f ${qtVersion}_mod"); my $patch_start_sha1 = findSHA1Before($qtdir, "Some changes for qtbase"); print "\n*** Good modularization branched ${qtVersion}_mod\n"; printf "*** Good patch series start at SHA1:%s\n", substr($patch_start_sha1, 0, 8); printf "*** Now modularizing SHA1:%s without patches\n\n", substr($new_sha1, 0, 8); run("git reset --hard $new_sha1"); run("git clean -dffx"); run("$0 -redo -experimental -no-patches"); # Rebase old patches ontop of new split printf "\n*** Rebasing old good patches (from SHA1:%s to ref:${qtVersion}_mod) onto HEAD\n\n", substr($patch_start_sha1, 0, 8); my $new_mod_sha1 = findSHA1Before($qtdir, "Commit of all changes done by the modularization script"); run("git rebase --onto HEAD $patch_start_sha1 ${qtVersion}_mod"); print "\n*** Rebasing patches done!\n"; } if ($regenerate_patches) { my $masterPath = ""; # $masterPath = "/master" if($isMaster); chdir("$basepath/patches$masterPath"); # Check if we have uncommited patches first my @modifications = `git status --porcelain .`; if (@modifications) { print "$basepath/patches contains modifications. Will not clobber!\n"; exit(1); } # Regenerate all patches my $patchesSHA1 = findSHA1Before($qtdir, "Some changes for qtbase"); run("git --git-dir=$qtdir/.git format-patch -N $patchesSHA1"); # Report updated patches, and revert "no change" patches chdir("$basepath"); @modifications = `git status --porcelain patches/$masterPath`; foreach my $line (@modifications) { chomp $line; my $mode = substr($line, 0, 3); my $file = substr($line, 3); if ($mode eq " M ") { if (patchHasChanges($file, "")) { print "Updated patch '$file'\n"; run("git add $file"); } else { runNotDie("git checkout $file"); } } elsif ($mode eq "?? " && "$masterPath" ne "") { my $org = $file; $org =~ s/master\///; if (patchHasChanges($file, $org)) { run("git add $file"); print "Added significantly different patch '$file'\n"; } else { fsRm($file); } } elsif ($mode eq "?? ") { run("git add $file"); print "Added new patch '$file'\n"; } } print "\nPatches regenerated.\n"; } exit(0) if ($rebase_patches || $regenerate_patches); print "QTDIR: $qtdir\n"; print "Branch: $qtVersion\n"; print "Scripts from: $basepath\n"; print "Running on: " . ($OStype == WINDOWS ? "Windows" : ($OStype == UNIX ? "Unix" : "Mac")) . "\n"; if ($redo) { print "---\n"; printf "Resetting repository (SHA1:%s), and removing residue files\n", substr($good_sha1, 0, 8); run("git reset --hard $good_sha1"); run("git clean -dffx"); if ($move) { if (-e $move_dest) { rmtree($move_dest, 0, 0) || warn "rmtree $move_dest: $!"; } } if (-e ".git/rebase-apply") { rmtree(".git/rebase-apply", 0, 0) || warn "rmtree .git/rebase-apply: $!"; } print "---\n"; } my @scripts; push @scripts, sort(findFiles("$basepath/scripts", '^[0-7]\d+_.*[^~]', 0)) if ($run_rest); my @scripts_generated_commits; push @scripts_generated_commits, sort(findFiles("$basepath/scripts", '^8\d+_.*[^~]', 0)) if ($run_rest); my @scripts_split; push @scripts_split, sort(findFiles("$basepath/scripts", '^9\d+_.*[^~]', 0)) if ($run_split); print "Scripts to execute (in order):\n ".join(", ", (@scripts, @scripts_generated_commits))."\n"; # Remember that each script need to end with a "return 1;" on success, and "return 0;" when unsuccessful foreach my $script (@scripts) { print "--> $script\n"; chdir($qtdir); require("$basepath/scripts/$script"); } chdir($qtdir); fsCopy("$basepath/files/qtsvg.pro", "qtsvg/"); fsCopy("$basepath/files/qttools.pro", "qttools/"); fsCopy("$basepath/files/qtdeclarative.pro", "qtdeclarative/"); fsCopy("$basepath/files/qtscript.pro", "qtscript/"); fsCopy("$basepath/files/qt3support.pro", "qt3support/"); fsCopy("$basepath/files/qtmultimedia.pro", "qtmultimedia/"); fsCopy("$basepath/files/qtxmlpatterns.pro", "qtxmlpatterns/"); if ($commit_changes) { print "Committing all changes done by the modularization script\n"; run("git add ."); if ($zeroMoveGraft) { run("git commit -a -F $basepath/misc/import-commit-msg --author \"Qt by Nokia \" -q"); } else { run("git commit -a -m \"Commit of all changes done by the modularization script\" -q"); } } # Run scripts that generate extra commits. # Remember to check $commit_changes inside the script. if ($run_rest) { foreach my $script (@scripts_generated_commits) { print "--> $script\n"; chdir($qtdir); require("$basepath/scripts/$script"); } } # This is only used internally by the -rebase-patches option exit(0) if ($no_patches); if ($commit_changes) { # Applying patches print "Applying patches\n"; chdir($qtdir); run("git am --ignore-whitespace $basepath/patches/*.patch") if ($run_rest); } else { my @patches = sort(findFiles("$basepath/patches", '^\d+-.*\.patch', 0)); foreach my $patch (@patches) { run("patch -p1 < $basepath/patches/$patch"); } } chdir($qtdir); #split the repository if($run_split) { foreach my $script (@scripts_split) { print "--> $script\n"; chdir($qtdir); require("$basepath/scripts/$script"); } } chdir($qtdir); applyAfterLivePatches() if ($apply_afterlive); print "===\n"; print "Modularization done!\n";