#!/usr/bin/perl -w #################################################################################################### # # Modularization script for Qt # # Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). # Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) # #################################################################################################### use strict; use File::Basename; use Carp 'confess'; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use Config; =head2 prop - read a Pulse property from the environment The conventional way to configure test scripts running within Pulse is to use `properties'. These are simple key/value pairs. Properties are imported into the script's environment with some munging of property name into valid environment variable name. For example, a property named `make.args' is in the environment as `PULSE_MAKE_ARGS'. See the Pulse documentation for more detail. Examples: =over =item prop "make.args", "-j2"; Read the `make.args' property and default to `-j2' if not set. =item prop "qt.branch"; Read the `qt.branch' property and die if it has not been set. =back =cut sub prop { my ($prop, $default) = @_; my $key = uc $prop; $key =~ s/[^A-Z0-9]/_/g; $key = 'PULSE_'.$key; if (exists($ENV{$key})) { return $ENV{$key}; } elsif (defined($default)) { return $default; } else { confess "Property `$prop' was requested, but environment variable ". "`$key' is not set and no default value was provided"; } } sub find_exe { my ($exe) = @_; return if (!defined($exe)); my @paths = split(/;/, $ENV{"PATH"}); foreach my $path (@paths) { $path =~ s/\\$//g; $path =~ s/\\/\//g; my $file = $path . '/' . $exe; return $file if ((-e $file) && (-f $file)); } } # Global parameters our $build_test = 0; our $run_autotests = 0; our $clone_qtbundle = 0; our $qtdir; my $basepath = dirname(abs_path($0)); $basepath =~ s,\\,/,g; $qtdir = $basepath . "/qt" if (!$qtdir); sub showUsage { print "$0 usage:\n"; print " -test Configure qt with -nokia-developer for autotest build\n"; print " -autotest Run the autotests locally\n"; print " -qtdir A precloned Qt dir you want to modularize\n"; print " -clone-qtbundle Instead of modularizing, clone the qt-bundle repository and build that\n"; print " -? This help\n"; } sub runAutotests { # Pulse : You must either set these Environment Variables or uncomment the following lines # Depending on the platform you are running this script #$ENV{"PULSE_PLATFORM"} = "linux-g++"; # Please don't change this value, otherwise you will send the results to Testr #$ENV{"PULSE_TESTS_TESTR"} = "0"; my @autotests = ("phonon", "qt3support", "qtbase", "qtmultimedia", "qtdeclarative", "qtscript", "qtsvg", "qttools", "qtxmlpatterns", "qtqa"); chdir($basepath) or die("Could not chdir to qt"); system_v("git clone qtgitreadonly:qa-dungeon/mainline.git $basepath/_qadungeon") and die("Could not clone qa-dungeon"); my $test; foreach $test (@autotests) { # The path to the tests you want to run. $ENV{"PULSE_TESTS_DIR"} = "$basepath/qt/qt/$test/tests/auto"; system_v("perl $basepath/_qadungeon/tests/qt/qt_pulse_runtests.pl") and die("Could not run qt_pulse_runtests.pl for $test"); } } while ( @ARGV ) { my $arg = shift @ARGV; if ($arg eq "-?" || $arg eq "-h" || $arg eq "-help" || $arg eq "?") { showUsage(); exit 0; } elsif($arg eq "-test") { $build_test = 1; } elsif($arg eq "-autotest") { $run_autotests = 1; } elsif($arg eq "-clone-qtbundle") { $clone_qtbundle = 1; } elsif ($arg eq "-qtdir") { $qtdir = shift @ARGV or die("-qtdir requires an argument"); } else { print "Unknown option: $arg\n\n"; showUsage(); exit 1; } } # `system', but also print the command sub system_v { print "+ "; print @_; print "\n"; return system(@_); } if ($Config{'osname'} =~ /mswin/i) { $ENV{"PATH"} .= ";C:\\Python26" if (-d "C:\\Python26"); $ENV{"PATH"} .= ";C:\\Jom\\bin" if (-d "C:\\Jom\\bin"); my $winQtdir = $qtdir; $winQtdir =~ s,/,\\,g; $ENV{"PATH"} = "$winQtdir\\qt\\qtbase\\bin;$ENV{PATH}"; } else { $ENV{"PATH"} = "$qtdir/qt/qtbase/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; } if (! -d "$qtdir/.git" && !$clone_qtbundle) { system_v("git clone qtgitreadonly:qt/qt.git $qtdir") and die("Could not clone qt"); } if (!$clone_qtbundle) { chdir($qtdir) or die("Could not chdir to " . dirname($qtdir)); } system_v("git reset --hard origin/master") and die("Could not reset master"); if ($clone_qtbundle) { system_v("git clone git://scm.dev.nokia.troll.no/qt/qt-bundle.git qt") and die("Could not clone qt-bundle"); } else { system_v("$basepath/modularize -redo -verbose") and die("Modularize script failed"); } chdir("qt") or die("Could not chdir to qt"); system_v("git submodule update --init") and die("git submodule update failed"); if ($clone_qtbundle) { my @ls = <*>; foreach my $file (@ls) { if (-d $file && $file !~ /^qtwebkit$/) { system_v("cd $file && git reset --hard origin/master"); } } } my $configure = "configure"; $configure = "./configure" if ($Config{'osname'} !~ /mswin/i); my $configure_args = "-confirm-license -opensource -mp" if ($Config{'osname'} =~ /mswin/i); $configure_args = "-confirm-license -opensource" if ($Config{'osname'} !~ /mswin/i); $configure_args = "$configure_args -nokia-developer" if ($build_test); # Allow configure options to be completely overriden from Pulse... $configure_args = prop("configure.args", $configure_args); # ... or just to append a few extra $configure_args .= ' '.prop("configure.extra_args", ""); system_v("$configure $configure_args") and die("configure failed"); # only support nmake for Windows as fallback my $make = "nmake"; # we support make for Linux and Mac $make = "make " . prop("make.args", "-j4") if ($Config{'osname'} !~ /mswin/i); # we support JOM / IncrediBuild for Windows if ($Config{'osname'} =~ /mswin/i) { # if (find_exe('xgconsole.exe') && find_exe('jom.exe')) { # $make = "xgconsole /NOLOGO /COMMAND=\"jom.exe /NOLOGO " . prop("make.args", "-j20") . " /F Makefile\" /PROFILE=\"C:/Jom/bin/profile.xml\" /MAXCPUS=20"; # } elsif (find_exe('jom.exe')) { if (find_exe('jom.exe')) { $make = "jom " . prop("make.args", "-j20"); } } system_v("$make") and die("$make failed"); # Pulse : attempt to run autotests runAutotests() if ($run_autotests); exit 0;