Envjs implementation for QtScript. Envjs (http://www.envjs.com) is a simulated browser environment written in JavaScript. The code in this repository only implements the Envjs parts that need platform support. You'll also need a file called env.js (not included in this repository), which is the main Envjs implementation. To create it: 1. Go to http://www.envjs.com/release/envjs-1.2 and download the full release. 2. Unpack. 3. Run ant from the base Envjs directory. 4. Presto, dist/env.js is ready for evaluation. To use Envjs with QtScript, you'll need to 1. Evaluate env.js. 2. Call the function initializeEnvjsNatives() (in src/shared/envjsnatives.cpp). To achieve that, there are two major options: 1. Fully embed Envjs in the application: Pass the contents of env.js to QScriptEngine::evaluate(), and then call initializeEnvjsNatives(). You'll need to add src/shared/envjsnatives.cpp to your application sources. 2. Build the envjsnatives plugin (src/plugin) and put it in e.g. $QTDIR/plugins/script. Then QScriptEngine::importExtension("envjs") can be used to load the native implementation. env.js still needs to be evaluated separately before the plugin is loaded, otherwise the plugin will throw an error. API-specific notes: - In order for asynchronous XMLHttpRequest requests to work, you need to be running an event loop. Tested with Envjs version 1.2. See also examples/README.