-focus handling (rather large change in qt-qml to this recently) -key handling -tiling modes in borderimage -anywhere there is a XXX -there have been numerous fixes in qt-qml (+ some API changes) that need to be integrated - Remove the unused nodes in src/scenegraph/convenience, like SolidRectnode... - Move QxParticles into its own plugin as it is not part of the QML core API - Remove QxPaintedItem and friends from sourcertree.. - New directory structure perhaps? declarative/ canvas/ view animation driver items/ all the qxitems scenegraph/ coreapi/ node material renderer materials/ TextureMaterial FlatColorMaterial VertexColorMaterial nodes/ VertexColorRectNode TextureColorRectNode qmladaptation/ adaptation interfaces default implementations qmlrenderer - Make QxImage push normalized source coords into TextureNode so we don't have to renormalize for every geometry change. It also makes a lot more sense, now that TextureNode doesn't know the size of the original pixmap anymore... - Fix any reference to "// ### gunnar: port properly". Some of these will be pointless to port as the upgrade to new QML items is pretty close, so we'll have to evaluate those individually.. - Threaded texture uploads on Mac OS X seems pretty pointless. No matter what I try it seems like I get a hit of 25 ms in the main thread even though shark tells me that a lot of effort has been spent in the background thread too. From the shark traces it looks like the driver does a texture memcpy for the first glDrawElements() that uses the texture in the UI thread. I guess that only leaves PBO uploads, but that won't remedy the problem, I recon... EDIT: CLIENT_STORAGE + TEXTURE_STORAGE as SHARED + seems to kill ALL performance problems