/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** This file is part of the SCXML project on Trolltech Labs. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public ** License version 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation ** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of ** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU ** General Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/info/GPLv2.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** contact the sales department at qt-sales@nokia.com. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "spmodel.h" #include #include #include #include // an SQL query model that always as column (0) as uid and column (1) as display class SPSqlQueryModel : public QSqlQueryModel { Q_OBJECT public: SPSqlQueryModel (QObject* o = NULL): QSqlQueryModel (o) {} virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role) const { QModelIndex idx(index); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole && query().record().count() > 1) { idx = idx.sibling(idx.row(),1); } else if (role == Qt::UserRole) role = Qt::DisplayRole; return QSqlQueryModel::data(idx,role); } }; class SPModelPvt { public: SPSqlQueryModel artistModel, albumModel, songModel, playlistModel, genreModel; QSqlQuery artistQuery, albumQuery, songQuery, playlistQuery, genreQuery, playingQuery; }; SPModel::SPModel(QObject* o) :QObject(o) { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName("sqlite.db"); if (!db.open()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, qApp->tr("Cannot open database"), qApp->tr("Unable to establish a database connection.\n" "This example needs SQLite support. Please read " "the Qt SQL driver documentation for information how " "to build it.\n\n" "Click Cancel to exit."), QMessageBox::Cancel); } db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS songs (song_url VARCHAR(1024) PRIMARY KEY, song_title VARCHAR(1024), song_artist VARCHAR(1024), song_album VARCHAR(1024), song_track_index SMALLINT)"); db.exec("DROP TABLE genres"); db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS genres (genre_title VARCHAR(64), genre_song_url VARCHAR(1024))"); // db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playlists (playlist_id VARACHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, playlist_title VARCHAR(1024))"); // db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playlist_songs (playlist_song_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, playlist_song_playlist pvt = new SPModelPvt; pvt->artistQuery = QSqlQuery("SELECT DISTINCT song_artist FROM songs"); pvt->albumQuery = QSqlQuery("SELECT DISTINCT song_album FROM songs"); pvt->playlistQuery = QSqlQuery("SELECT playlist_url, playlist_title FROM playlists"); pvt->songQuery = QSqlQuery("SELECT song_url, song_title from songs"); pvt->genreQuery = QSqlQuery("SELECT DISTINCT genre_title from genres"); QSqlQuery q; // q.exec("SELECT DISTINCT song_url,song_title FROM songs, genres WHERE genre_song_url=song_url AND genre_title='All'"); q.exec("SELECT * from genres"); while (q.next()) { qDebug () << q.value(0); } } void SPModel::addSong ( const SongData & data) { QSqlQuery q; q.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM songs WHERE song_url=:url"); q.bindValue(":url",data.url); bool inserting = true; if (q.exec()) { q.next(); inserting = q.value(0).toInt() == 0; } if (inserting) { q.prepare ("INSERT INTO songs (song_url, song_title, song_artist, song_album, song_track_index) VALUES (:url, :title, :artist, :album, :track)"); } else { q.prepare("UPDATE songs SET song_title=:title, song_album=:album, song_track_index=:track WHERE song_url=:url "); } q.bindValue(":url",data.url); q.bindValue(":title",data.title); q.bindValue(":artist",data.artist); q.bindValue(":album",data.album); q.bindValue(":track",data.trackNumber); q.exec(); q.prepare ("DELETE FROM genres WHERE genre_song_url=:url"); q.bindValue(":url",data.url); q.exec(); q.prepare ("INSERT INTO genres (genre_song_url, genre_title) VALUES(:url, :genre)"); q.bindValue(":url",data.url); QStringList gn = data.genres; gn << "All"; foreach (QString g, gn) { q.bindValue(":genre",g); q.exec (); } if (inserting) { emit albumChanged(data.album); emit songListChanged(); emit artistChanged(data.artist); foreach (QString g, data.genres) { emit genreChanged(g); } } } SPModel::~SPModel() { delete pvt; } int SPModel::albumCount() const { return pvt->albumModel.rowCount(); } void SPModel::clearAlbumFilter () { pvt->albumQuery = QSqlQuery ("SELECT DISTINCT song_album FROM songs "); } void SPModel::clearSongFilter () { pvt->songQuery = QSqlQuery ("SELECT song_url, song_title FROM songs"); } void SPModel::loadArtists () { pvt->artistQuery.exec (); pvt->artistModel.setQuery(pvt->artistQuery); } void SPModel::filterAlbumsByArtist(const QString & artist) { pvt->albumQuery.prepare("SELECT DISTINCT song_album FROM songs WHERE song_artist=:artist"); pvt->albumQuery.bindValue(":artist",artist); } void SPModel::filterSongsByAlbum(const QString & album) { pvt->albumQuery.prepare("SELECT song_url,song_title, song_track_index FROM songs WHERE song_album=:album ORDER BY song_track_index"); pvt->albumQuery.bindValue(":album",album); } void SPModel::loadGenres () { pvt->genreQuery.exec(); pvt->genreModel.setQuery(pvt->genreQuery); } void SPModel::filterSongsByGenre(const QString & genre) { pvt->songQuery.prepare ("SELECT DISTINCT song_url,song_title FROM songs, genres WHERE genre_song_url=song_url AND genre_title=:genre"); pvt->songQuery.bindValue(":genre",genre); } void SPModel::loadPlaylists() { pvt->playlistQuery.exec (); pvt->playlistModel.setQuery(pvt->playlistQuery); } void SPModel::loadAlbums() { pvt->albumQuery.exec (); pvt->albumModel.setQuery(pvt->albumQuery); } void SPModel::filterSongsByPlaylist(const QString & uid) { pvt->songQuery.prepare("SELECT DISTINCT song_url, song_title, playlist_song_index FROM playlist_songs INNER JOIN songs ON playlist_song_url=song_url WHERE playlist_id=:playlist ORDER BY playlist_song_index"); pvt->songQuery.bindValue(":playlist",uid); } void SPModel::loadSongs () { pvt->songQuery.exec (); pvt->songModel.setQuery(pvt->songQuery); } QUrl SPModel::currentSong() { if (pvt->playingQuery.isValid()) return QUrl(pvt->playingQuery.value(0).toString()); else return QUrl(); } QString SPModel::currentSongTitle() { if (pvt->playingQuery.isValid()) return pvt->playingQuery.value(1).toString(); else return QString(); } QString SPModel::currentSongArtist() { QSqlQuery q; q.prepare("SELECT song_artist FROM songs WHERE song_url=:url"); q.bindValue(":url",currentSong().toString()); q.exec(); q.next(); return q.value(0).toString(); } QString SPModel::currentSongAlbum() { QSqlQuery q; q.prepare("SELECT song_album FROM songs WHERE song_url=:url"); q.bindValue(":url",currentSong().toString()); q.exec(); q.next(); return q.value(0).toString(); } void SPModel::selectSong (const QString & s) { pvt->playingQuery = QSqlQuery(pvt->songQuery.executedQuery ()); while (pvt->playingQuery.next()) { if (pvt->playingQuery.value(0).toString() == s) { emit songChanged (); return; } } emit endOfList (); } void SPModel::reset () { pvt->playingQuery = QSqlQuery(pvt->songQuery.executedQuery ()); pvt->playingQuery.exec(); } void SPModel::gotoNext() { if (pvt->playingQuery.next()) { emit songChanged (); }else emit endOfList (); } void SPModel::gotoPrev() { if (pvt->playingQuery.previous()) emit songChanged (); else emit endOfList (); } QAbstractItemModel* SPModel::albumsItemModel() const { return &pvt->albumModel; } QAbstractItemModel* SPModel::genresItemModel() const { return &pvt->genreModel; } QAbstractItemModel* SPModel::songsItemModel() const { return &pvt->songModel; } QAbstractItemModel* SPModel::playlistsItemModel() const { return &pvt->playlistModel; } QAbstractItemModel* SPModel::artistsItemModel() const { return &pvt->artistModel; } #include