This document describes the expected behaviour of SCC (the Qt State Chart Compiler) in regards to SCXML tags and features. SCXML Ignored: version, profile, exmode STATE Ignored: src TRANSITION Ignored: anchor Additional: Qt:animation, a location expression that points to a QPropertyAnimation* object Notes: An event in a transition translates to a Qt signal in the state machine object. "*" would occur on any event. Prefix matching is not supported, but * and done events are supported. Conditions are C++ boolean expressions. PARALLEL Ignored: src HISTORY: Notes: The history's default transition cannot have executable content. LOG: Notes: the level of the log translates to QtMsgType. expr is a c++ expression. SEND: Partially supported: target (only "_internal") Ignored attributes: type, idlocation, hints Notes: The target attribute can be either empty for a regular event, "_internal" for an internal-queue event, or a location expression to emit a signal in an object. CANCEL: Notes: ID is a string literal, not an expression DATA: Ignored attributes: src Additional: Qt:type, to define a C++ type for this data element Notes: A data element is converted to a Qt property of the state-machine object. expr/text are C++ expressions ASSIGN: Notes: If dataid is present rather than location, the generated code would use the Qt property system to assign the value. expr is a c++ expression. PARAM Notes: either name, expr or inline-text can appear, as the parameters are translated to a QVariantList. SCRIPT Notes: raw C++ code Fully supported: INITIAL, FINAL, ONENTRY, ONEXIT, IF, ELSEIF, ELSE, LOG, CANCEL, DATAMODEL Unsupported: INVOKE, CONTENT, DONEDATA, FINALIZE, ANCHOR, VALIDATE Qt:property object property value Qt:cpp text() system variables _event _data _name INVOKE CONTENT VALIDATE DONEDATA script Qt:cpp cond (variables) param log if/elseif/else assign