path: root/clangd/unittests/DiagnosticsTests.cpp
diff options
authorJordan Rupprecht <>2019-05-14 21:58:59 +0000
committerJordan Rupprecht <>2019-05-14 21:58:59 +0000
commit46054fed6aeeabea27b9ba4a3ef81ab5ff9b9645 (patch)
treed12279f80b5729d0324f066002c838baa736fbd2 /clangd/unittests/DiagnosticsTests.cpp
parent5026a9a16d10a2edf09be54c7225f49b5789c69e (diff)
parent0eb1ac6d1df856f065717226ef34d00679a211fe (diff)
Creating branches/google/stable and tags/google/stable/2019-05-14 from r360103upstream/stable
git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'clangd/unittests/DiagnosticsTests.cpp')
1 files changed, 773 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clangd/unittests/DiagnosticsTests.cpp b/clangd/unittests/DiagnosticsTests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..826428ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clangd/unittests/DiagnosticsTests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+//===--- DiagnosticsTests.cpp ------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "Annotations.h"
+#include "ClangdUnit.h"
+#include "Diagnostics.h"
+#include "Path.h"
+#include "Protocol.h"
+#include "SourceCode.h"
+#include "TestFS.h"
+#include "TestIndex.h"
+#include "TestTU.h"
+#include "index/MemIndex.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticSema.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace clang {
+namespace clangd {
+namespace {
+using ::testing::_;
+using ::testing::ElementsAre;
+using ::testing::Field;
+using ::testing::IsEmpty;
+using ::testing::Pair;
+using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
+::testing::Matcher<const Diag &> WithFix(::testing::Matcher<Fix> FixMatcher) {
+ return Field(&Diag::Fixes, ElementsAre(FixMatcher));
+::testing::Matcher<const Diag &> WithFix(::testing::Matcher<Fix> FixMatcher1,
+ ::testing::Matcher<Fix> FixMatcher2) {
+ return Field(&Diag::Fixes, UnorderedElementsAre(FixMatcher1, FixMatcher2));
+::testing::Matcher<const Diag &>
+WithNote(::testing::Matcher<Note> NoteMatcher) {
+ return Field(&Diag::Notes, ElementsAre(NoteMatcher));
+MATCHER_P2(Diag, Range, Message,
+ "Diag at " + llvm::to_string(Range) + " = [" + Message + "]") {
+ return arg.Range == Range && arg.Message == Message;
+MATCHER_P3(Fix, Range, Replacement, Message,
+ "Fix " + llvm::to_string(Range) + " => " +
+ ::testing::PrintToString(Replacement) + " = [" + Message + "]") {
+ return arg.Message == Message && arg.Edits.size() == 1 &&
+ arg.Edits[0].range == Range && arg.Edits[0].newText == Replacement;
+ "LSP diagnostic " + llvm::to_string(LSPDiag)) {
+ if (toJSON(arg) != toJSON(LSPDiag)) {
+ *result_listener << llvm::formatv("expected:\n{0:2}\ngot\n{1:2}",
+ toJSON(LSPDiag), toJSON(arg))
+ .str();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+MATCHER_P(DiagSource, S, "") { return arg.Source == S; }
+MATCHER_P(DiagName, N, "") { return arg.Name == N; }
+MATCHER_P(EqualToFix, Fix, "LSP fix " + llvm::to_string(Fix)) {
+ if (arg.Message != Fix.Message)
+ return false;
+ if (arg.Edits.size() != Fix.Edits.size())
+ return false;
+ for (std::size_t I = 0; I < arg.Edits.size(); ++I) {
+ if (arg.Edits[I].range != Fix.Edits[I].range ||
+ arg.Edits[I].newText != Fix.Edits[I].newText)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Helper function to make tests shorter.
+Position pos(int line, int character) {
+ Position Res;
+ Res.line = line;
+ Res.character = character;
+ return Res;
+TEST(DiagnosticsTest, DiagnosticRanges) {
+ // Check we report correct ranges, including various edge-cases.
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+ namespace test{};
+ void $decl[[foo]]();
+ int main() {
+ $typo[[go\
+ foo()$semicolon[[]]//with comments
+ $unk[[unknown]]();
+ double $type[[bar]] = "foo";
+ struct Foo { int x; }; Foo a;
+ a.$nomember[[y]];
+ test::$nomembernamespace[[test]];
+ }
+ )cpp");
+ TestTU::withCode(Test.code()).build().getDiagnostics(),
+ ElementsAre(
+ // This range spans lines.
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("typo"),
+ "use of undeclared identifier 'goo'; did you mean 'foo'?"),
+ DiagSource(Diag::Clang), DiagName("undeclared_var_use_suggest"),
+ WithFix(
+ Fix(Test.range("typo"), "foo", "change 'go\\ o' to 'foo'")),
+ // This is a pretty normal range.
+ WithNote(Diag(Test.range("decl"), "'foo' declared here"))),
+ // This range is zero-width and insertion. Therefore make sure we are
+ // not expanding it into other tokens. Since we are not going to
+ // replace those.
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("semicolon"), "expected ';' after expression"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("semicolon"), ";", "insert ';'"))),
+ // This range isn't provided by clang, we expand to the token.
+ Diag(Test.range("unk"), "use of undeclared identifier 'unknown'"),
+ Diag(Test.range("type"),
+ "cannot initialize a variable of type 'double' with an lvalue "
+ "of type 'const char [4]'"),
+ Diag(Test.range("nomember"), "no member named 'y' in 'Foo'"),
+ Diag(Test.range("nomembernamespace"),
+ "no member named 'test' in namespace 'test'")));
+TEST(DiagnosticsTest, FlagsMatter) {
+ Annotations Test("[[void]] main() {}");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ ElementsAre(AllOf(Diag(Test.range(), "'main' must return 'int'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range(), "int",
+ "change 'void' to 'int'")))));
+ // Same code built as C gets different diagnostics.
+ TU.Filename = "Plain.c";
+ ElementsAre(AllOf(
+ Diag(Test.range(), "return type of 'main' is not 'int'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range(), "int", "change return type to 'int'")))));
+TEST(DiagnosticsTest, DiagnosticPreamble) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+ #include $[["not-found.h"]]
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ ElementsAre(::testing::AllOf(
+ Diag(Test.range(), "'not-found.h' file not found"),
+ DiagSource(Diag::Clang), DiagName("pp_file_not_found"))));
+TEST(DiagnosticsTest, ClangTidy) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+ #include $deprecated[["assert.h"]]
+ #define $macrodef[[SQUARE]](X) (X)*(X)
+ int main() {
+ return $doubled[[sizeof]](sizeof(int));
+ }
+ int square() {
+ int y = 4;
+ return SQUARE($macroarg[[++]]y);
+ }
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ TU.HeaderFilename = "assert.h"; // Suppress "not found" error.
+ TU.ClangTidyChecks =
+ "-*, bugprone-sizeof-expression, bugprone-macro-repeated-side-effects, "
+ "modernize-deprecated-headers";
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("deprecated"),
+ "inclusion of deprecated C++ header 'assert.h'; consider "
+ "using 'cassert' instead"),
+ DiagSource(Diag::ClangTidy),
+ DiagName("modernize-deprecated-headers"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("deprecated"), "<cassert>",
+ "change '\"assert.h\"' to '<cassert>'"))),
+ Diag(Test.range("doubled"),
+ "suspicious usage of 'sizeof(sizeof(...))'"),
+ AllOf(
+ Diag(Test.range("macroarg"),
+ "side effects in the 1st macro argument 'X' are repeated in "
+ "macro expansion"),
+ DiagSource(Diag::ClangTidy),
+ DiagName("bugprone-macro-repeated-side-effects"),
+ WithNote(
+ Diag(Test.range("macrodef"), "macro 'SQUARE' defined here"))),
+ Diag(Test.range("macroarg"),
+ "multiple unsequenced modifications to 'y'")));
+TEST(DiagnosticsTest, Preprocessor) {
+ // This looks like a preamble, but there's an #else in the middle!
+ // Check that:
+ // - the #else doesn't generate diagnostics (we had this bug)
+ // - we get diagnostics from the taken branch
+ // - we get no diagnostics from the not taken branch
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+ #ifndef FOO
+ #define FOO
+ int a = [[b]];
+ #else
+ int x = y;
+ #endif
+ )cpp");
+ TestTU::withCode(Test.code()).build().getDiagnostics(),
+ ElementsAre(Diag(Test.range(), "use of undeclared identifier 'b'")));
+TEST(DiagnosticsTest, InsideMacros) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+ #define TEN 10
+ #define RET(x) return x + 10
+ int* foo() {
+ RET($foo[[0]]);
+ }
+ int* bar() {
+ return $bar[[TEN]];
+ }
+ )cpp");
+ EXPECT_THAT(TestTU::withCode(Test.code()).build().getDiagnostics(),
+ ElementsAre(Diag(Test.range("foo"),
+ "cannot initialize return object of type "
+ "'int *' with an rvalue of type 'int'"),
+ Diag(Test.range("bar"),
+ "cannot initialize return object of type "
+ "'int *' with an rvalue of type 'int'")));
+TEST(DiagnosticsTest, NoFixItInMacro) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+ #define Define(name) void name() {}
+ [[Define]](main)
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ ElementsAre(AllOf(Diag(Test.range(), "'main' must return 'int'"),
+ Not(WithFix(_)))));
+TEST(DiagnosticsTest, ToLSP) {
+ URIForFile MainFile =
+ URIForFile::canonicalize(testPath("foo/bar/main.cpp"), "");
+ URIForFile HeaderFile =
+ URIForFile::canonicalize(testPath("foo/bar/header.h"), "");
+ clangd::Diag D;
+ D.ID = clang::diag::err_enum_class_reference;
+ D.Name = "enum_class_reference";
+ D.Source = clangd::Diag::Clang;
+ D.Message = "something terrible happened";
+ D.Range = {pos(1, 2), pos(3, 4)};
+ D.InsideMainFile = true;
+ D.Severity = DiagnosticsEngine::Error;
+ D.File = "foo/bar/main.cpp";
+ D.AbsFile = MainFile.file();
+ clangd::Note NoteInMain;
+ NoteInMain.Message = "declared somewhere in the main file";
+ NoteInMain.Range = {pos(5, 6), pos(7, 8)};
+ NoteInMain.Severity = DiagnosticsEngine::Remark;
+ NoteInMain.File = "../foo/bar/main.cpp";
+ NoteInMain.InsideMainFile = true;
+ NoteInMain.AbsFile = MainFile.file();
+ D.Notes.push_back(NoteInMain);
+ clangd::Note NoteInHeader;
+ NoteInHeader.Message = "declared somewhere in the header file";
+ NoteInHeader.Range = {pos(9, 10), pos(11, 12)};
+ NoteInHeader.Severity = DiagnosticsEngine::Note;
+ NoteInHeader.File = "../foo/baz/header.h";
+ NoteInHeader.InsideMainFile = false;
+ NoteInHeader.AbsFile = HeaderFile.file();
+ D.Notes.push_back(NoteInHeader);
+ clangd::Fix F;
+ F.Message = "do something";
+ D.Fixes.push_back(F);
+ // Diagnostics should turn into these:
+ clangd::Diagnostic MainLSP;
+ MainLSP.range = D.Range;
+ MainLSP.severity = getSeverity(DiagnosticsEngine::Error);
+ MainLSP.code = "enum_class_reference";
+ MainLSP.source = "clang";
+ MainLSP.message =
+ R"(Something terrible happened (fix available)
+main.cpp:6:7: remark: declared somewhere in the main file
+note: declared somewhere in the header file)";
+ clangd::Diagnostic NoteInMainLSP;
+ NoteInMainLSP.range = NoteInMain.Range;
+ NoteInMainLSP.severity = getSeverity(DiagnosticsEngine::Remark);
+ NoteInMainLSP.message = R"(Declared somewhere in the main file
+main.cpp:2:3: error: something terrible happened)";
+ ClangdDiagnosticOptions Opts;
+ // Transform diagnostics and check the results.
+ std::vector<std::pair<clangd::Diagnostic, std::vector<clangd::Fix>>> LSPDiags;
+ toLSPDiags(D, MainFile, Opts,
+ [&](clangd::Diagnostic LSPDiag, ArrayRef<clangd::Fix> Fixes) {
+ LSPDiags.push_back(
+ {std::move(LSPDiag),
+ std::vector<clangd::Fix>(Fixes.begin(), Fixes.end())});
+ });
+ LSPDiags,
+ ElementsAre(Pair(EqualToLSPDiag(MainLSP), ElementsAre(EqualToFix(F))),
+ Pair(EqualToLSPDiag(NoteInMainLSP), IsEmpty())));
+ EXPECT_EQ(LSPDiags[0].first.code, "enum_class_reference");
+ EXPECT_EQ(LSPDiags[0].first.source, "clang");
+ EXPECT_EQ(LSPDiags[1].first.code, "");
+ EXPECT_EQ(LSPDiags[1].first.source, "");
+ // Same thing, but don't flatten notes into the main list.
+ LSPDiags.clear();
+ Opts.EmitRelatedLocations = true;
+ toLSPDiags(D, MainFile, Opts,
+ [&](clangd::Diagnostic LSPDiag, ArrayRef<clangd::Fix> Fixes) {
+ LSPDiags.push_back(
+ {std::move(LSPDiag),
+ std::vector<clangd::Fix>(Fixes.begin(), Fixes.end())});
+ });
+ MainLSP.message = "Something terrible happened (fix available)";
+ DiagnosticRelatedInformation NoteInMainDRI;
+ NoteInMainDRI.message = "Declared somewhere in the main file";
+ NoteInMainDRI.location.range = NoteInMain.Range;
+ NoteInMainDRI.location.uri = MainFile;
+ MainLSP.relatedInformation = {NoteInMainDRI};
+ DiagnosticRelatedInformation NoteInHeaderDRI;
+ NoteInHeaderDRI.message = "Declared somewhere in the header file";
+ NoteInHeaderDRI.location.range = NoteInHeader.Range;
+ NoteInHeaderDRI.location.uri = HeaderFile;
+ MainLSP.relatedInformation = {NoteInMainDRI, NoteInHeaderDRI};
+ EXPECT_THAT(LSPDiags, ElementsAre(Pair(EqualToLSPDiag(MainLSP),
+ ElementsAre(EqualToFix(F)))));
+struct SymbolWithHeader {
+ std::string QName;
+ std::string DeclaringFile;
+ std::string IncludeHeader;
+buildIndexWithSymbol(llvm::ArrayRef<SymbolWithHeader> Syms) {
+ SymbolSlab::Builder Slab;
+ for (const auto &S : Syms) {
+ Symbol Sym = cls(S.QName);
+ Sym.Flags |= Symbol::IndexedForCodeCompletion;
+ Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI = S.DeclaringFile.c_str();
+ Sym.Definition.FileURI = S.DeclaringFile.c_str();
+ Sym.IncludeHeaders.emplace_back(S.IncludeHeader, 1);
+ Slab.insert(Sym);
+ }
+ return MemIndex::build(std::move(Slab).build(), RefSlab());
+TEST(IncludeFixerTest, IncompleteType) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+$insert[[]]namespace ns {
+ class X;
+ $nested[[X::]]Nested n;
+class Y : $base[[public ns::X]] {};
+int main() {
+ ns::X *x;
+ x$access[[->]]f();
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ auto Index = buildIndexWithSymbol(
+ {SymbolWithHeader{"ns::X", "unittest:///x.h", "\"x.h\""}});
+ TU.ExternalIndex = Index.get();
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("nested"),
+ "incomplete type 'ns::X' named in nested name specifier"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"x.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"x.h\" for symbol ns::X"))),
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("base"), "base class has incomplete type"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"x.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"x.h\" for symbol ns::X"))),
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("access"),
+ "member access into incomplete type 'ns::X'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"x.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"x.h\" for symbol ns::X")))));
+TEST(IncludeFixerTest, NoSuggestIncludeWhenNoDefinitionInHeader) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+$insert[[]]namespace ns {
+ class X;
+class Y : $base[[public ns::X]] {};
+int main() {
+ ns::X *x;
+ x$access[[->]]f();
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ Symbol Sym = cls("ns::X");
+ Sym.Flags |= Symbol::IndexedForCodeCompletion;
+ Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI = "unittest:///x.h";
+ Sym.Definition.FileURI = "unittest:///";
+ Sym.IncludeHeaders.emplace_back("\"x.h\"", 1);
+ SymbolSlab::Builder Slab;
+ Slab.insert(Sym);
+ auto Index = MemIndex::build(std::move(Slab).build(), RefSlab());
+ TU.ExternalIndex = Index.get();
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ Diag(Test.range("base"), "base class has incomplete type"),
+ Diag(Test.range("access"),
+ "member access into incomplete type 'ns::X'")));
+TEST(IncludeFixerTest, Typo) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+$insert[[]]namespace ns {
+void foo() {
+ $unqualified1[[X]] x;
+ // No fix if the unresolved type is used as specifier. (ns::)X::Nested will be
+ // considered the unresolved type.
+ $unqualified2[[X]]::Nested n;
+void bar() {
+ ns::$qualified1[[X]] x; // ns:: is valid.
+ ns::$qualified2[[X]](); // Error: no member in namespace
+ ::$global[[Global]] glob;
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ auto Index = buildIndexWithSymbol(
+ {SymbolWithHeader{"ns::X", "unittest:///x.h", "\"x.h\""},
+ SymbolWithHeader{"Global", "unittest:///global.h", "\"global.h\""}});
+ TU.ExternalIndex = Index.get();
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("unqualified1"), "unknown type name 'X'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"x.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"x.h\" for symbol ns::X"))),
+ Diag(Test.range("unqualified2"), "use of undeclared identifier 'X'"),
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("qualified1"),
+ "no type named 'X' in namespace 'ns'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"x.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"x.h\" for symbol ns::X"))),
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("qualified2"),
+ "no member named 'X' in namespace 'ns'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"x.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"x.h\" for symbol ns::X"))),
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("global"),
+ "no type named 'Global' in the global namespace"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"global.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"global.h\" for symbol Global")))));
+TEST(IncludeFixerTest, MultipleMatchedSymbols) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+$insert[[]]namespace na {
+namespace nb {
+void foo() {
+ $unqualified[[X]] x;
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ auto Index = buildIndexWithSymbol(
+ {SymbolWithHeader{"na::X", "unittest:///a.h", "\"a.h\""},
+ SymbolWithHeader{"na::nb::X", "unittest:///b.h", "\"b.h\""}});
+ TU.ExternalIndex = Index.get();
+ UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(
+ Diag(Test.range("unqualified"), "unknown type name 'X'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"a.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"a.h\" for symbol na::X"),
+ Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"b.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"b.h\" for symbol na::nb::X")))));
+TEST(IncludeFixerTest, NoCrashMemebrAccess) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+ struct X { int xyz; };
+ void g() { X x; x.$[[xy]] }
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ auto Index = buildIndexWithSymbol(
+ SymbolWithHeader{"na::X", "unittest:///a.h", "\"a.h\""});
+ TU.ExternalIndex = Index.get();
+ UnorderedElementsAre(Diag(Test.range(), "no member named 'xy' in 'X'")));
+TEST(IncludeFixerTest, UseCachedIndexResults) {
+ // As index results for the identical request are cached, more than 5 fixes
+ // are generated.
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+$insert[[]]void foo() {
+ $x1[[X]] x;
+ $x2[[X]] x;
+ $x3[[X]] x;
+ $x4[[X]] x;
+ $x5[[X]] x;
+ $x6[[X]] x;
+ $x7[[X]] x;
+class X;
+void bar(X *x) {
+ x$a1[[->]]f();
+ x$a2[[->]]f();
+ x$a3[[->]]f();
+ x$a4[[->]]f();
+ x$a5[[->]]f();
+ x$a6[[->]]f();
+ x$a7[[->]]f();
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ auto Index =
+ buildIndexWithSymbol(SymbolWithHeader{"X", "unittest:///a.h", "\"a.h\""});
+ TU.ExternalIndex = Index.get();
+ auto Parsed =;
+ for (const auto &D : Parsed.getDiagnostics()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(D.Fixes.size(), 1u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(D.Fixes[0].Message,
+ std::string("Add include \"a.h\" for symbol X"));
+ }
+TEST(IncludeFixerTest, UnresolvedNameAsSpecifier) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+$insert[[]]namespace ns {
+void g() { ns::$[[scope]]::X_Y(); }
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ auto Index = buildIndexWithSymbol(
+ SymbolWithHeader{"ns::scope::X_Y", "unittest:///x.h", "\"x.h\""});
+ TU.ExternalIndex = Index.get();
+ UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(
+ Diag(Test.range(), "no member named 'scope' in namespace 'ns'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"x.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"x.h\" for symbol ns::scope::X_Y")))));
+TEST(IncludeFixerTest, UnresolvedSpecifierWithSemaCorrection) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+$insert[[]]namespace clang {
+void f() {
+ // "clangd::" will be corrected to "clang::" by Sema.
+ $q1[[clangd]]::$x[[X]] x;
+ $q2[[clangd]]::$ns[[ns]]::Y y;
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ auto Index = buildIndexWithSymbol(
+ {SymbolWithHeader{"clang::clangd::X", "unittest:///x.h", "\"x.h\""},
+ SymbolWithHeader{"clang::clangd::ns::Y", "unittest:///y.h", "\"y.h\""}});
+ TU.ExternalIndex = Index.get();
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(
+ Diag(Test.range("q1"), "use of undeclared identifier 'clangd'; "
+ "did you mean 'clang'?"),
+ WithFix(_, // change clangd to clang
+ Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"x.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"x.h\" for symbol clang::clangd::X"))),
+ AllOf(
+ Diag(Test.range("x"), "no type named 'X' in namespace 'clang'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"x.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"x.h\" for symbol clang::clangd::X"))),
+ AllOf(
+ Diag(Test.range("q2"), "use of undeclared identifier 'clangd'; "
+ "did you mean 'clang'?"),
+ WithFix(
+ _, // change clangd to clangd
+ Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"y.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"y.h\" for symbol clang::clangd::ns::Y"))),
+ AllOf(Diag(Test.range("ns"),
+ "no member named 'ns' in namespace 'clang'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(
+ Test.range("insert"), "#include \"y.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"y.h\" for symbol clang::clangd::ns::Y")))));
+TEST(IncludeFixerTest, SpecifiedScopeIsNamespaceAlias) {
+ Annotations Test(R"cpp(
+$insert[[]]namespace a {}
+namespace b = a;
+namespace c {
+ b::$[[X]] x;
+ )cpp");
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Test.code());
+ auto Index = buildIndexWithSymbol(
+ SymbolWithHeader{"a::X", "unittest:///x.h", "\"x.h\""});
+ TU.ExternalIndex = Index.get();
+ UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(
+ Diag(Test.range(), "no type named 'X' in namespace 'a'"),
+ WithFix(Fix(Test.range("insert"), "#include \"x.h\"\n",
+ "Add include \"x.h\" for symbol a::X")))));
+TEST(DiagsInHeaders, DiagInsideHeader) {
+ Annotations Main(R"cpp(
+ #include [["a.h"]]
+ void foo() {})cpp");
+ Annotations Header("[[no_type_spec]];");
+ TestTU TU = TestTU::withCode(Main.code());
+ TU.AdditionalFiles = {{"a.h", Header.code()}};
+ UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(
+ Diag(Main.range(), "in included file: C++ requires a "
+ "type specifier for all declarations"),
+ WithNote(Diag(Header.range(), "error occurred here")))));
+TEST(DiagsInHeaders, DiagInTransitiveInclude) {
+ Annotations Main(R"cpp(
+ #include [["a.h"]]
+ void foo() {})cpp");
+ TestTU TU = TestTU::withCode(Main.code());
+ TU.AdditionalFiles = {{"a.h", "#include \"b.h\""}, {"b.h", "no_type_spec;"}};
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ Diag(Main.range(), "in included file: C++ requires a "
+ "type specifier for all declarations")));
+TEST(DiagsInHeaders, DiagInMultipleHeaders) {
+ Annotations Main(R"cpp(
+ #include $a[["a.h"]]
+ #include $b[["b.h"]]
+ void foo() {})cpp");
+ TestTU TU = TestTU::withCode(Main.code());
+ TU.AdditionalFiles = {{"a.h", "no_type_spec;"}, {"b.h", "no_type_spec;"}};
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ Diag(Main.range("a"), "in included file: C++ requires a type "
+ "specifier for all declarations"),
+ Diag(Main.range("b"), "in included file: C++ requires a type "
+ "specifier for all declarations")));
+TEST(DiagsInHeaders, PreferExpansionLocation) {
+ Annotations Main(R"cpp(
+ #include [["a.h"]]
+ #include "b.h"
+ void foo() {})cpp");
+ TestTU TU = TestTU::withCode(Main.code());
+ TU.AdditionalFiles = {{"a.h", "#include \"b.h\"\n"},
+ {"b.h", "#ifndef X\n#define X\nno_type_spec;\n#endif"}};
+ UnorderedElementsAre(Diag(Main.range(),
+ "in included file: C++ requires a type "
+ "specifier for all declarations")));
+TEST(DiagsInHeaders, PreferExpansionLocationMacros) {
+ Annotations Main(R"cpp(
+ #define X
+ #include "a.h"
+ #undef X
+ #include [["b.h"]]
+ void foo() {})cpp");
+ TestTU TU = TestTU::withCode(Main.code());
+ TU.AdditionalFiles = {{"a.h", "#include \"c.h\"\n"},
+ {"b.h", "#include \"c.h\"\n"},
+ {"c.h", "#ifndef X\n#define X\nno_type_spec;\n#endif"}};
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ Diag(Main.range(), "in included file: C++ requires a "
+ "type specifier for all declarations")));
+TEST(DiagsInHeaders, LimitDiagsOutsideMainFile) {
+ Annotations Main(R"cpp(
+ #include [["a.h"]]
+ #include "b.h"
+ void foo() {})cpp");
+ TestTU TU = TestTU::withCode(Main.code());
+ TU.AdditionalFiles = {{"a.h", "#include \"c.h\"\n"},
+ {"b.h", "#include \"c.h\"\n"},
+ {"c.h", R"cpp(
+ #ifndef X
+ #define X
+ no_type_spec_0;
+ no_type_spec_1;
+ no_type_spec_2;
+ no_type_spec_3;
+ no_type_spec_4;
+ no_type_spec_5;
+ no_type_spec_6;
+ no_type_spec_7;
+ no_type_spec_8;
+ no_type_spec_9;
+ no_type_spec_10;
+ #endif)cpp"}};
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ Diag(Main.range(), "in included file: C++ requires a "
+ "type specifier for all declarations")));
+TEST(DiagsInHeaders, OnlyErrorOrFatal) {
+ Annotations Main(R"cpp(
+ #include [["a.h"]]
+ void foo() {})cpp");
+ Annotations Header(R"cpp(
+ [[no_type_spec]];
+ int x = 5/0;)cpp");
+ TestTU TU = TestTU::withCode(Main.code());
+ TU.AdditionalFiles = {{"a.h", Header.code()}};
+ auto diags =;
+ UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(
+ Diag(Main.range(), "in included file: C++ requires "
+ "a type specifier for all declarations"),
+ WithNote(Diag(Header.range(), "error occurred here")))));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace clangd
+} // namespace clang