path: root/clangd/unittests/SymbolCollectorTests.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'clangd/unittests/SymbolCollectorTests.cpp')
1 files changed, 1257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clangd/unittests/SymbolCollectorTests.cpp b/clangd/unittests/SymbolCollectorTests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d372b1d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clangd/unittests/SymbolCollectorTests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1257 @@
+//===-- SymbolCollectorTests.cpp -------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "Annotations.h"
+#include "TestFS.h"
+#include "TestTU.h"
+#include "index/SymbolCollector.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/FileSystemOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
+#include "clang/Index/IndexingAction.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+namespace clang {
+namespace clangd {
+namespace {
+using ::testing::_;
+using ::testing::AllOf;
+using ::testing::Contains;
+using ::testing::Each;
+using ::testing::ElementsAre;
+using ::testing::Field;
+using ::testing::Not;
+using ::testing::Pair;
+using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
+using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
+// GMock helpers for matching Symbol.
+MATCHER_P(Labeled, Label, "") {
+ return (arg.Name + arg.Signature).str() == Label;
+MATCHER_P(ReturnType, D, "") { return arg.ReturnType == D; }
+MATCHER_P(Doc, D, "") { return arg.Documentation == D; }
+MATCHER_P(Snippet, S, "") {
+ return (arg.Name + arg.CompletionSnippetSuffix).str() == S;
+MATCHER_P(QName, Name, "") { return (arg.Scope + arg.Name).str() == Name; }
+MATCHER_P(TemplateArgs, TemplArgs, "") {
+ return arg.TemplateSpecializationArgs == TemplArgs;
+MATCHER_P(DeclURI, P, "") {
+ return StringRef(arg.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI) == P;
+MATCHER_P(DefURI, P, "") { return StringRef(arg.Definition.FileURI) == P; }
+MATCHER(IncludeHeader, "") { return !arg.IncludeHeaders.empty(); }
+MATCHER_P(IncludeHeader, P, "") {
+ return (arg.IncludeHeaders.size() == 1) &&
+ (arg.IncludeHeaders.begin()->IncludeHeader == P);
+MATCHER_P2(IncludeHeaderWithRef, IncludeHeader, References, "") {
+ return (arg.IncludeHeader == IncludeHeader) && (arg.References == References);
+MATCHER_P(DeclRange, Pos, "") {
+ return std::make_tuple(arg.CanonicalDeclaration.Start.line(),
+ arg.CanonicalDeclaration.Start.column(),
+ arg.CanonicalDeclaration.End.line(),
+ arg.CanonicalDeclaration.End.column()) ==
+ std::make_tuple(Pos.start.line, Pos.start.character, Pos.end.line,
+ Pos.end.character);
+MATCHER_P(DefRange, Pos, "") {
+ return std::make_tuple(
+ arg.Definition.Start.line(), arg.Definition.Start.column(),
+ arg.Definition.End.line(), arg.Definition.End.column()) ==
+ std::make_tuple(Pos.start.line, Pos.start.character, Pos.end.line,
+ Pos.end.character);
+MATCHER_P(RefCount, R, "") { return int(arg.References) == R; }
+MATCHER_P(ForCodeCompletion, IsIndexedForCodeCompletion, "") {
+ return static_cast<bool>(arg.Flags & Symbol::IndexedForCodeCompletion) ==
+ IsIndexedForCodeCompletion;
+MATCHER(Deprecated, "") { return arg.Flags & Symbol::Deprecated; }
+MATCHER(ImplementationDetail, "") {
+ return arg.Flags & Symbol::ImplementationDetail;
+MATCHER(VisibleOutsideFile, "") {
+ return static_cast<bool>(arg.Flags & Symbol::VisibleOutsideFile);
+MATCHER(RefRange, "") {
+ const Ref &Pos = ::testing::get<0>(arg);
+ const Range &Range = ::testing::get<1>(arg);
+ return std::make_tuple(Pos.Location.Start.line(), Pos.Location.Start.column(),
+ Pos.Location.End.line(), Pos.Location.End.column()) ==
+ std::make_tuple(Range.start.line, Range.start.character,
+ Range.end.line, Range.end.character);
+::testing::Matcher<const std::vector<Ref> &>
+HaveRanges(const std::vector<Range> Ranges) {
+ return ::testing::UnorderedPointwise(RefRange(), Ranges);
+class ShouldCollectSymbolTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ void build(llvm::StringRef HeaderCode, llvm::StringRef Code = "") {
+ File.HeaderFilename = HeaderName;
+ File.Filename = FileName;
+ File.HeaderCode = HeaderCode;
+ File.Code = Code;
+ AST =;
+ }
+ // build() must have been called.
+ bool shouldCollect(llvm::StringRef Name, bool Qualified = true) {
+ assert(AST.hasValue());
+ const NamedDecl &ND =
+ Qualified ? findDecl(*AST, Name) : findUnqualifiedDecl(*AST, Name);
+ ASTContext& Ctx = AST->getASTContext();
+ const SourceManager& SM = Ctx.getSourceManager();
+ bool MainFile = SM.isWrittenInMainFile(SM.getExpansionLoc(ND.getBeginLoc()));
+ return SymbolCollector::shouldCollectSymbol(
+ ND, Ctx, SymbolCollector::Options(), MainFile);
+ }
+ std::string HeaderName = "f.h";
+ std::string FileName = "f.cpp";
+ TestTU File;
+ llvm::Optional<ParsedAST> AST; // Initialized after build.
+TEST_F(ShouldCollectSymbolTest, ShouldCollectSymbol) {
+ build(R"(
+ namespace nx {
+ class X{};
+ auto f() { int Local; } // auto ensures function body is parsed.
+ struct { int x; } var;
+ }
+ )",
+ R"(
+ class InMain {};
+ namespace { class InAnonymous {}; }
+ static void g();
+ )");
+ auto AST =;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("nx"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("nx::X"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("nx::f"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("InMain"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("InAnonymous", /*Qualified=*/false));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("g"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(shouldCollect("Local", /*Qualified=*/false));
+TEST_F(ShouldCollectSymbolTest, NoPrivateProtoSymbol) {
+ HeaderName = "f.proto.h";
+ build(
+ R"(// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
+ namespace nx {
+ class Top_Level {};
+ class TopLevel {};
+ enum Kind {
+ Kind_Not_Ok,
+ };
+ })");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("nx::TopLevel"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("nx::Kind::KIND_OK"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("nx::Kind"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(shouldCollect("nx::Top_Level"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(shouldCollect("nx::Kind::Kind_Not_Ok"));
+TEST_F(ShouldCollectSymbolTest, DoubleCheckProtoHeaderComment) {
+ HeaderName = "f.proto.h";
+ build(R"(
+ namespace nx {
+ class Top_Level {};
+ enum Kind {
+ Kind_Fine
+ };
+ }
+ )");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("nx::Top_Level"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(shouldCollect("nx::Kind_Fine"));
+class SymbolIndexActionFactory : public tooling::FrontendActionFactory {
+ SymbolIndexActionFactory(SymbolCollector::Options COpts,
+ CommentHandler *PragmaHandler)
+ : COpts(std::move(COpts)), PragmaHandler(PragmaHandler) {}
+ clang::FrontendAction *create() override {
+ class WrappedIndexAction : public WrapperFrontendAction {
+ public:
+ WrappedIndexAction(std::shared_ptr<SymbolCollector> C,
+ const index::IndexingOptions &Opts,
+ CommentHandler *PragmaHandler)
+ : WrapperFrontendAction(
+ index::createIndexingAction(C, Opts, nullptr)),
+ PragmaHandler(PragmaHandler) {}
+ std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer>
+ CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, llvm::StringRef InFile) override {
+ if (PragmaHandler)
+ CI.getPreprocessor().addCommentHandler(PragmaHandler);
+ return WrapperFrontendAction::CreateASTConsumer(CI, InFile);
+ }
+ bool BeginInvocation(CompilerInstance &CI) override {
+ // Make the compiler parse all comments.
+ CI.getLangOpts().CommentOpts.ParseAllComments = true;
+ return WrapperFrontendAction::BeginInvocation(CI);
+ }
+ private:
+ index::IndexingOptions IndexOpts;
+ CommentHandler *PragmaHandler;
+ };
+ index::IndexingOptions IndexOpts;
+ IndexOpts.SystemSymbolFilter =
+ index::IndexingOptions::SystemSymbolFilterKind::All;
+ IndexOpts.IndexFunctionLocals = false;
+ Collector = std::make_shared<SymbolCollector>(COpts);
+ return new WrappedIndexAction(Collector, std::move(IndexOpts),
+ PragmaHandler);
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<SymbolCollector> Collector;
+ SymbolCollector::Options COpts;
+ CommentHandler *PragmaHandler;
+class SymbolCollectorTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ SymbolCollectorTest()
+ : InMemoryFileSystem(new llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem),
+ TestHeaderName(testPath("symbol.h")),
+ TestFileName(testPath("")) {
+ TestHeaderURI = URI::create(TestHeaderName).toString();
+ TestFileURI = URI::create(TestFileName).toString();
+ }
+ // Note that unlike TestTU, no automatic header guard is added.
+ // HeaderCode should start with #pragma once to be treated as modular.
+ bool runSymbolCollector(llvm::StringRef HeaderCode, llvm::StringRef MainCode,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &ExtraArgs = {}) {
+ llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FileManager> Files(
+ new FileManager(FileSystemOptions(), InMemoryFileSystem));
+ auto Factory = llvm::make_unique<SymbolIndexActionFactory>(
+ CollectorOpts, PragmaHandler.get());
+ std::vector<std::string> Args = {"symbol_collector", "-fsyntax-only",
+ "-xc++", "-include", TestHeaderName};
+ Args.insert(Args.end(), ExtraArgs.begin(), ExtraArgs.end());
+ // This allows to override the "-xc++" with something else, i.e.
+ // -xobjective-c++.
+ Args.push_back(TestFileName);
+ tooling::ToolInvocation Invocation(
+ Args, Factory->create(), Files.get(),
+ std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>());
+ InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(
+ TestHeaderName, 0, llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(HeaderCode));
+ InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(TestFileName, 0,
+ llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(MainCode));
+ Symbols = Factory->Collector->takeSymbols();
+ Refs = Factory->Collector->takeRefs();
+ return true;
+ }
+ llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem> InMemoryFileSystem;
+ std::string TestHeaderName;
+ std::string TestHeaderURI;
+ std::string TestFileName;
+ std::string TestFileURI;
+ SymbolSlab Symbols;
+ RefSlab Refs;
+ SymbolCollector::Options CollectorOpts;
+ std::unique_ptr<CommentHandler> PragmaHandler;
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, CollectSymbols) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ class Foo {
+ Foo() {}
+ Foo(int a) {}
+ void f();
+ friend void f1();
+ friend class Friend;
+ Foo& operator=(const Foo&);
+ ~Foo();
+ class Nested {
+ void f();
+ };
+ };
+ class Friend {
+ };
+ void f1();
+ inline void f2() {}
+ static const int KInt = 2;
+ const char* kStr = "123";
+ namespace {
+ void ff() {} // ignore
+ }
+ void f1() {}
+ namespace foo {
+ // Type alias
+ typedef int int32;
+ using int32_t = int32;
+ // Variable
+ int v1;
+ // Namespace
+ namespace bar {
+ int v2;
+ }
+ // Namespace alias
+ namespace baz = bar;
+ using bar::v2;
+ } // namespace foo
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAreArray(
+ {AllOf(QName("Foo"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::Foo"), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::Foo"), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::f"), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::~Foo"), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::operator="), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::Nested"), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::Nested::f"), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Friend"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("f1"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("f2"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("KInt"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("kStr"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("foo"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("foo::bar"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("foo::int32"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("foo::int32_t"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("foo::v1"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("foo::bar::v2"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("foo::v2"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("foo::baz"), ForCodeCompletion(true))}));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, FileLocal) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ class Foo {};
+ namespace {
+ class Ignored {};
+ }
+ void bar();
+ )";
+ const std::string Main = R"(
+ class ForwardDecl;
+ void bar() {}
+ static void a();
+ class B {};
+ namespace {
+ void c();
+ }
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, Main);
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Foo"), VisibleOutsideFile()),
+ AllOf(QName("bar"), VisibleOutsideFile()),
+ AllOf(QName("a"), Not(VisibleOutsideFile())),
+ AllOf(QName("B"), Not(VisibleOutsideFile())),
+ AllOf(QName("c"), Not(VisibleOutsideFile())),
+ // FIXME: ForwardDecl likely *is* visible outside.
+ AllOf(QName("ForwardDecl"), Not(VisibleOutsideFile()))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, Template) {
+ Annotations Header(R"(
+ // Primary template and explicit specialization are indexed, instantiation
+ // is not.
+ template <class T, class U> struct [[Tmpl]] {T $xdecl[[x]] = 0;};
+ template <> struct $specdecl[[Tmpl]]<int, bool> {};
+ template <class U> struct $partspecdecl[[Tmpl]]<bool, U> {};
+ extern template struct Tmpl<float, bool>;
+ template struct Tmpl<double, bool>;
+ )");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(), /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Tmpl"), DeclRange(Header.range()),
+ ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("Tmpl"), DeclRange(Header.range("specdecl")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Tmpl"), DeclRange(Header.range("partspecdecl")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Tmpl::x"), DeclRange(Header.range("xdecl")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, TemplateArgs) {
+ Annotations Header(R"(
+ template <class X> class $barclasstemp[[Bar]] {};
+ template <class T, class U, template<typename> class Z, int Q>
+ struct [[Tmpl]] { T $xdecl[[x]] = 0; };
+ // template-template, non-type and type full spec
+ template <> struct $specdecl[[Tmpl]]<int, bool, Bar, 3> {};
+ // template-template, non-type and type partial spec
+ template <class U, int T> struct $partspecdecl[[Tmpl]]<bool, U, Bar, T> {};
+ // instantiation
+ extern template struct Tmpl<float, bool, Bar, 8>;
+ // instantiation
+ template struct Tmpl<double, bool, Bar, 2>;
+ template <typename ...> class $fooclasstemp[[Foo]] {};
+ // parameter-packs full spec
+ template<> class $parampack[[Foo]]<Bar<int>, int, double> {};
+ // parameter-packs partial spec
+ template<class T> class $parampackpartial[[Foo]]<T, T> {};
+ template <int ...> class $bazclasstemp[[Baz]] {};
+ // non-type parameter-packs full spec
+ template<> class $parampacknontype[[Baz]]<3, 5, 8> {};
+ // non-type parameter-packs partial spec
+ template<int T> class $parampacknontypepartial[[Baz]]<T, T> {};
+ template <template <class> class ...> class $fozclasstemp[[Foz]] {};
+ // template-template parameter-packs full spec
+ template<> class $parampacktempltempl[[Foz]]<Bar, Bar> {};
+ // template-template parameter-packs partial spec
+ template<template <class> class T>
+ class $parampacktempltemplpartial[[Foz]]<T, T> {};
+ )");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(), /*Main=*/"");
+ Symbols,
+ AllOf(
+ Contains(AllOf(QName("Tmpl"), TemplateArgs("<int, bool, Bar, 3>"),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("specdecl")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false))),
+ Contains(AllOf(QName("Tmpl"), TemplateArgs("<bool, U, Bar, T>"),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("partspecdecl")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false))),
+ Contains(AllOf(QName("Foo"), TemplateArgs("<Bar<int>, int, double>"),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("parampack")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false))),
+ Contains(AllOf(QName("Foo"), TemplateArgs("<T, T>"),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("parampackpartial")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false))),
+ Contains(AllOf(QName("Baz"), TemplateArgs("<3, 5, 8>"),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("parampacknontype")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false))),
+ Contains(AllOf(QName("Baz"), TemplateArgs("<T, T>"),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("parampacknontypepartial")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false))),
+ Contains(AllOf(QName("Foz"), TemplateArgs("<Bar, Bar>"),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("parampacktempltempl")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false))),
+ Contains(AllOf(QName("Foz"), TemplateArgs("<T, T>"),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("parampacktempltemplpartial")),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false)))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, ObjCSymbols) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ @interface Person
+ - (void)someMethodName:(void*)name1 lastName:(void*)lName;
+ @end
+ @implementation Person
+ - (void)someMethodName:(void*)name1 lastName:(void*)lName{
+ int foo;
+ ^(int param){ int bar; };
+ }
+ @end
+ @interface Person (MyCategory)
+ - (void)someMethodName2:(void*)name2;
+ @end
+ @implementation Person (MyCategory)
+ - (void)someMethodName2:(void*)name2 {
+ int foo2;
+ }
+ @end
+ @protocol MyProtocol
+ - (void)someMethodName3:(void*)name3;
+ @end
+ )";
+ TestFileName = testPath("test.m");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"", {"-fblocks", "-xobjective-c++"});
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ QName("Person"), QName("Person::someMethodName:lastName:"),
+ QName("MyCategory"), QName("Person::someMethodName2:"),
+ QName("MyProtocol"), QName("MyProtocol::someMethodName3:")));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, ObjCPropertyImpl) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ @interface Container
+ @property(nonatomic) int magic;
+ @end
+ @implementation Container
+ @end
+ )";
+ TestFileName = testPath("test.m");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"", {"-xobjective-c++"});
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, Contains(QName("Container")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, Contains(QName("Container::magic")));
+ // FIXME: Results also contain Container::_magic on some platforms.
+ // Figure out why it's platform-dependent.
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, Locations) {
+ Annotations Header(R"cpp(
+ // Declared in header, defined in main.
+ extern int $xdecl[[X]];
+ class $clsdecl[[Cls]];
+ void $printdecl[[print]]();
+ // Declared in header, defined nowhere.
+ extern int $zdecl[[Z]];
+ void $foodecl[[fo\
+ )cpp");
+ Annotations Main(R"cpp(
+ int $xdef[[X]] = 42;
+ class $clsdef[[Cls]] {};
+ void $printdef[[print]]() {}
+ // Declared/defined in main only.
+ int $ydecl[[Y]];
+ )cpp");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(), Main.code());
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("X"), DeclRange(Header.range("xdecl")),
+ DefRange(Main.range("xdef"))),
+ AllOf(QName("Cls"), DeclRange(Header.range("clsdecl")),
+ DefRange(Main.range("clsdef"))),
+ AllOf(QName("print"), DeclRange(Header.range("printdecl")),
+ DefRange(Main.range("printdef"))),
+ AllOf(QName("Z"), DeclRange(Header.range("zdecl"))),
+ AllOf(QName("foo"), DeclRange(Header.range("foodecl"))),
+ AllOf(QName("Y"), DeclRange(Main.range("ydecl")))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, Refs) {
+ Annotations Header(R"(
+ class $foo[[Foo]] {
+ public:
+ $foo[[Foo]]() {}
+ $foo[[Foo]](int);
+ };
+ class $bar[[Bar]];
+ void $func[[func]]();
+ namespace $ns[[NS]] {} // namespace ref is ignored
+ )");
+ Annotations Main(R"(
+ class $bar[[Bar]] {};
+ void $func[[func]]();
+ void fff() {
+ $foo[[Foo]] foo;
+ $bar[[Bar]] bar;
+ $func[[func]]();
+ int abc = 0;
+ $foo[[Foo]] foo2 = abc;
+ }
+ )");
+ Annotations SymbolsOnlyInMainCode(R"(
+ int a;
+ void b() {}
+ static const int c = 0;
+ class d {};
+ )");
+ CollectorOpts.RefFilter = RefKind::All;
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(),
+ (Main.code() + SymbolsOnlyInMainCode.code()).str());
+ auto HeaderSymbols = TestTU::withHeaderCode(Header.code()).headerSymbols();
+ EXPECT_THAT(Refs, Contains(Pair(findSymbol(Symbols, "Foo").ID,
+ HaveRanges(Main.ranges("foo")))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Refs, Contains(Pair(findSymbol(Symbols, "Bar").ID,
+ HaveRanges(Main.ranges("bar")))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Refs, Contains(Pair(findSymbol(Symbols, "func").ID,
+ HaveRanges(Main.ranges("func")))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Refs, Not(Contains(Pair(findSymbol(Symbols, "NS").ID, _))));
+ // Symbols *only* in the main file (a, b, c) had no refs collected.
+ auto MainSymbols =
+ TestTU::withHeaderCode(SymbolsOnlyInMainCode.code()).headerSymbols();
+ EXPECT_THAT(Refs, Not(Contains(Pair(findSymbol(MainSymbols, "a").ID, _))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Refs, Not(Contains(Pair(findSymbol(MainSymbols, "b").ID, _))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Refs, Not(Contains(Pair(findSymbol(MainSymbols, "c").ID, _))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, RefsInHeaders) {
+ CollectorOpts.RefFilter = RefKind::All;
+ CollectorOpts.RefsInHeaders = true;
+ Annotations Header(R"(
+ class [[Foo]] {};
+ )");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(), "");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Refs, Contains(Pair(findSymbol(Symbols, "Foo").ID,
+ HaveRanges(Header.ranges()))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, References) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ class W;
+ class X {};
+ class Y;
+ class Z {}; // not used anywhere
+ Y* y = nullptr; // used in header doesn't count
+ #define GLOBAL_Z(name) Z name;
+ )";
+ const std::string Main = R"(
+ W* w = nullptr;
+ W* w2 = nullptr; // only one usage counts
+ X x();
+ class V;
+ class Y{}; // definition doesn't count as a reference
+ V* v = nullptr;
+ GLOBAL_Z(z); // Not a reference to Z, we don't spell the type.
+ )";
+ CollectorOpts.CountReferences = true;
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, Main);
+ Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAreArray(
+ {AllOf(QName("W"), RefCount(1)), AllOf(QName("X"), RefCount(1)),
+ AllOf(QName("Y"), RefCount(0)), AllOf(QName("Z"), RefCount(0)),
+ AllOf(QName("y"), RefCount(0)), AllOf(QName("z"), RefCount(0)),
+ AllOf(QName("x"), RefCount(0)), AllOf(QName("w"), RefCount(0)),
+ AllOf(QName("w2"), RefCount(0)), AllOf(QName("V"), RefCount(1)),
+ AllOf(QName("v"), RefCount(0))}));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, SymbolRelativeNoFallback) {
+ runSymbolCollector("class Foo {};", /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Foo"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, SymbolRelativeWithFallback) {
+ TestHeaderName = "x.h";
+ TestFileName = "x.cpp";
+ TestHeaderURI = URI::create(testPath(TestHeaderName)).toString();
+ CollectorOpts.FallbackDir = testRoot();
+ runSymbolCollector("class Foo {};", /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Foo"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, UnittestURIScheme) {
+ // Use test URI scheme from URITests.cpp
+ TestHeaderName = testPath("x.h");
+ TestFileName = testPath("x.cpp");
+ runSymbolCollector("class Foo {};", /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Foo"), DeclURI("unittest:///x.h"))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, IncludeEnums) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ enum {
+ Red
+ };
+ enum Color {
+ Green
+ };
+ enum class Color2 {
+ Yellow
+ };
+ namespace ns {
+ enum {
+ Black
+ };
+ }
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Red"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("Color"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("Green"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("Color2"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("Color2::Yellow"), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("ns"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("ns::Black"), ForCodeCompletion(true))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, NamelessSymbols) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ struct {
+ int a;
+ } Foo;
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(QName("Foo"),
+ QName("(anonymous struct)::a")));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, SymbolFormedFromRegisteredSchemeFromMacro) {
+ Annotations Header(R"(
+ #define FF(name) \
+ class name##_Test {};
+ $expansion[[FF]](abc);
+ #define FF2() \
+ class $spelling[[Test]] {};
+ FF2();
+ )");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(), /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("abc_Test"), DeclRange(Header.range("expansion")),
+ DeclURI(TestHeaderURI)),
+ AllOf(QName("Test"), DeclRange(Header.range("spelling")),
+ DeclURI(TestHeaderURI))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, SymbolFormedByCLI) {
+ Annotations Header(R"(
+ #ifdef NAME
+ class $expansion[[NAME]] {};
+ #endif
+ )");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(), /*Main=*/"", /*ExtraArgs=*/{"-DNAME=name"});
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(
+ QName("name"), DeclRange(Header.range("expansion")),
+ DeclURI(TestHeaderURI))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, SymbolsInMainFile) {
+ const std::string Main = R"(
+ class Foo {};
+ void f1();
+ inline void f2() {}
+ namespace {
+ void ff() {}
+ }
+ namespace foo {
+ namespace {
+ class Bar {};
+ }
+ }
+ void main_f() {}
+ void f1() {}
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(/*Header=*/"", Main);
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(QName("Foo"), QName("f1"), QName("f2"),
+ QName("ff"), QName("foo"), QName("foo::Bar"),
+ QName("main_f")));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, Documentation) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ // Doc Foo
+ class Foo {
+ // Doc f
+ int f();
+ };
+ )";
+ CollectorOpts.StoreAllDocumentation = false;
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /* Main */ "");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Foo"), Doc("Doc Foo"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::f"), Doc(""), ReturnType(""),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false))));
+ CollectorOpts.StoreAllDocumentation = true;
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /* Main */ "");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Foo"), Doc("Doc Foo"), ForCodeCompletion(true)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::f"), Doc("Doc f"), ReturnType(""),
+ ForCodeCompletion(false))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, ClassMembers) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ class Foo {
+ void f() {}
+ void g();
+ static void sf() {}
+ static void ssf();
+ static int x;
+ };
+ )";
+ const std::string Main = R"(
+ void Foo::g() {}
+ void Foo::ssf() {}
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, Main);
+ Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ QName("Foo"),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::f"), ReturnType(""), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::g"), ReturnType(""), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::sf"), ReturnType(""), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::ssf"), ReturnType(""), ForCodeCompletion(false)),
+ AllOf(QName("Foo::x"), ReturnType(""), ForCodeCompletion(false))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, Scopes) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ namespace na {
+ class Foo {};
+ namespace nb {
+ class Bar {};
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(QName("na"), QName("na::nb"),
+ QName("na::Foo"), QName("na::nb::Bar")));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, ExternC) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ extern "C" { class Foo {}; }
+ namespace na {
+ extern "C" { class Bar {}; }
+ }
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(QName("na"), QName("Foo"),
+ QName("na::Bar")));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, SkipInlineNamespace) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ namespace na {
+ inline namespace nb {
+ class Foo {};
+ }
+ }
+ namespace na {
+ // This is still inlined.
+ namespace nb {
+ class Bar {};
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(QName("na"), QName("na::nb"),
+ QName("na::Foo"), QName("na::Bar")));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, SymbolWithDocumentation) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ namespace nx {
+ /// Foo comment.
+ int ff(int x, double y) { return 0; }
+ }
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"");
+ Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ QName("nx"), AllOf(QName("nx::ff"), Labeled("ff(int x, double y)"),
+ ReturnType("int"), Doc("Foo comment."))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, Snippet) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ namespace nx {
+ void f() {}
+ int ff(int x, double y) { return 0; }
+ }
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ QName("nx"),
+ AllOf(QName("nx::f"), Labeled("f()"), Snippet("f()")),
+ AllOf(QName("nx::ff"), Labeled("ff(int x, double y)"),
+ Snippet("ff(${1:int x}, ${2:double y})"))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, IncludeHeaderSameAsFileURI) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ runSymbolCollector("#pragma once\nclass Foo {};", /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Foo"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols.begin()->IncludeHeaders,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(IncludeHeaderWithRef(TestHeaderURI, 1u)));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, CanonicalSTLHeader) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ CanonicalIncludes Includes;
+ addSystemHeadersMapping(&Includes);
+ CollectorOpts.Includes = &Includes;
+ runSymbolCollector("namespace std { class string {}; }", /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ Contains(AllOf(QName("std::string"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ IncludeHeader("<string>"))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, IWYUPragma) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ CanonicalIncludes Includes;
+ PragmaHandler = collectIWYUHeaderMaps(&Includes);
+ CollectorOpts.Includes = &Includes;
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ // IWYU pragma: private, include the/good/header.h
+ class Foo {};
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Foo"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ IncludeHeader("\"the/good/header.h\""))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, IWYUPragmaWithDoubleQuotes) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ CanonicalIncludes Includes;
+ PragmaHandler = collectIWYUHeaderMaps(&Includes);
+ CollectorOpts.Includes = &Includes;
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ // IWYU pragma: private, include "the/good/header.h"
+ class Foo {};
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("Foo"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ IncludeHeader("\"the/good/header.h\""))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, SkipIncFileWhenCanonicalizeHeaders) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ CanonicalIncludes Includes;
+ Includes.addMapping(TestHeaderName, "<canonical>");
+ CollectorOpts.Includes = &Includes;
+ auto IncFile = testPath("");
+ auto IncURI = URI::create(IncFile).toString();
+ InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(IncFile, 0,
+ llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("class X {};"));
+ runSymbolCollector("#include \"\"\nclass Y {};", /*Main=*/"",
+ /*ExtraArgs=*/{"-I", testRoot()});
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(QName("X"), DeclURI(IncURI),
+ IncludeHeader("<canonical>")),
+ AllOf(QName("Y"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ IncludeHeader("<canonical>"))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, MainFileIsHeaderWhenSkipIncFile) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ // To make this case as hard as possible, we won't tell clang main is a
+ // header. No extension, no -x c++-header.
+ TestFileName = testPath("no_ext_main");
+ TestFileURI = URI::create(TestFileName).toString();
+ auto IncFile = testPath("");
+ auto IncURI = URI::create(IncFile).toString();
+ InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(IncFile, 0,
+ llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("class X {};"));
+ runSymbolCollector("", R"cpp(
+ // Can't use #pragma once in a main file clang doesn't think is a header.
+ #ifndef MAIN_H_
+ #define MAIN_H_
+ #include ""
+ #endif
+ )cpp",
+ /*ExtraArgs=*/{"-I", testRoot()});
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(QName("X"), DeclURI(IncURI),
+ IncludeHeader(TestFileURI))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, IncFileInNonHeader) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ TestFileName = testPath("");
+ TestFileURI = URI::create(TestFileName).toString();
+ auto IncFile = testPath("");
+ auto IncURI = URI::create(IncFile).toString();
+ InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(IncFile, 0,
+ llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("class X {};"));
+ runSymbolCollector("", R"cpp(
+ #include ""
+ )cpp",
+ /*ExtraArgs=*/{"-I", testRoot()});
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(QName("X"), DeclURI(IncURI),
+ Not(IncludeHeader()))));
+// Features that depend on header-guards are fragile. Header guards are only
+// recognized when the file ends, so we have to defer checking for them.
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, HeaderGuardDetected) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ CollectorOpts.CollectMacro = true;
+ runSymbolCollector(R"cpp(
+ #ifndef HEADER_GUARD_
+ #define HEADER_GUARD_
+ // Symbols are seen before the header guard is complete.
+ #define MACRO
+ int decl();
+ #endif // Header guard is recognized here.
+ )cpp",
+ "");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, Not(Contains(QName("HEADER_GUARD_"))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, Each(IncludeHeader()));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, NonModularHeader) {
+ auto TU = TestTU::withHeaderCode("int x();");
+ EXPECT_THAT(TU.headerSymbols(), ElementsAre(IncludeHeader()));
+ // Files missing include guards aren't eligible for insertion.
+ TU.ImplicitHeaderGuard = false;
+ EXPECT_THAT(TU.headerSymbols(), ElementsAre(Not(IncludeHeader())));
+ // We recognize some patterns of trying to prevent insertion.
+ TU = TestTU::withHeaderCode(R"cpp(
+#ifndef SECRET
+#error "This file isn't safe to include directly"
+ int x();
+ )cpp");
+ TU.ExtraArgs.push_back("-DSECRET"); // *we're* able to include it.
+ EXPECT_THAT(TU.headerSymbols(), ElementsAre(Not(IncludeHeader())));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, AvoidUsingFwdDeclsAsCanonicalDecls) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ Annotations Header(R"(
+ #pragma once
+ // Forward declarations of TagDecls.
+ class C;
+ struct S;
+ union U;
+ // Canonical declarations.
+ class $cdecl[[C]] {};
+ struct $sdecl[[S]] {};
+ union $udecl[[U]] {int $xdecl[[x]]; bool $ydecl[[y]];};
+ )");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(), /*Main=*/"");
+ Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("C"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("cdecl")), IncludeHeader(TestHeaderURI),
+ DefURI(TestHeaderURI), DefRange(Header.range("cdecl"))),
+ AllOf(QName("S"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("sdecl")), IncludeHeader(TestHeaderURI),
+ DefURI(TestHeaderURI), DefRange(Header.range("sdecl"))),
+ AllOf(QName("U"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("udecl")), IncludeHeader(TestHeaderURI),
+ DefURI(TestHeaderURI), DefRange(Header.range("udecl"))),
+ AllOf(QName("U::x"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("xdecl")), DefURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ DefRange(Header.range("xdecl"))),
+ AllOf(QName("U::y"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("ydecl")), DefURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ DefRange(Header.range("ydecl")))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, ClassForwardDeclarationIsCanonical) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ runSymbolCollector(/*Header=*/"#pragma once\nclass X;",
+ /*Main=*/"class X {};");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(
+ QName("X"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ IncludeHeader(TestHeaderURI), DefURI(TestFileURI))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, UTF16Character) {
+ // ö is 2-bytes.
+ Annotations Header(/*Header=*/"class [[pörk]] {};");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(), /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("pörk"), DeclRange(Header.range()))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, DoNotIndexSymbolsInFriendDecl) {
+ Annotations Header(R"(
+ namespace nx {
+ class $z[[Z]] {};
+ class X {
+ friend class Y;
+ friend class Z;
+ friend void foo();
+ friend void $bar[[bar]]() {}
+ };
+ class $y[[Y]] {};
+ void $foo[[foo]]();
+ }
+ )");
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(), /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ QName("nx"), QName("nx::X"),
+ AllOf(QName("nx::Y"), DeclRange(Header.range("y"))),
+ AllOf(QName("nx::Z"), DeclRange(Header.range("z"))),
+ AllOf(QName("nx::foo"), DeclRange(Header.range("foo"))),
+ AllOf(QName("nx::bar"), DeclRange(Header.range("bar")))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, ReferencesInFriendDecl) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ class X;
+ class Y;
+ )";
+ const std::string Main = R"(
+ class C {
+ friend ::X;
+ friend class Y;
+ };
+ )";
+ CollectorOpts.CountReferences = true;
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, Main);
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(AllOf(QName("X"), RefCount(1)),
+ AllOf(QName("Y"), RefCount(1)),
+ AllOf(QName("C"), RefCount(0))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, Origin) {
+ CollectorOpts.Origin = SymbolOrigin::Static;
+ runSymbolCollector("class Foo {};", /*Main=*/"");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ Field(&Symbol::Origin, SymbolOrigin::Static)));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, CollectMacros) {
+ CollectorOpts.CollectIncludePath = true;
+ Annotations Header(R"(
+ #pragma once
+ #define X 1
+ #define $mac[[MAC]](x) int x
+ #define $used[[USED]](y) float y;
+ MAC(p);
+ )");
+ Annotations Main(R"(
+ #define $main[[MAIN]] 1
+ USED(t);
+ )");
+ CollectorOpts.CountReferences = true;
+ CollectorOpts.CollectMacro = true;
+ runSymbolCollector(Header.code(), Main.code());
+ Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ QName("p"), QName("t"),
+ AllOf(QName("X"), DeclURI(TestHeaderURI),
+ IncludeHeader(TestHeaderURI)),
+ AllOf(Labeled("MAC(x)"), RefCount(0),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("mac")), VisibleOutsideFile()),
+ AllOf(Labeled("USED(y)"), RefCount(1),
+ DeclRange(Header.range("used")), VisibleOutsideFile()),
+ AllOf(Labeled("MAIN"), RefCount(0), DeclRange(Main.range("main")),
+ Not(VisibleOutsideFile()))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, DeprecatedSymbols) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ void TestClangc() __attribute__((deprecated("", "")));
+ void TestClangd();
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /**/ "");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("TestClangc"), Deprecated()),
+ AllOf(QName("TestClangd"), Not(Deprecated()))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, ImplementationDetail) {
+ const std::string Header = R"(
+ #define DECL_NAME(x, y) x##_##y##_Decl
+ #define DECL(x, y) class DECL_NAME(x, y) {};
+ DECL(X, Y); // X_Y_Decl
+ class Public {};
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /**/ "");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols,
+ UnorderedElementsAre(
+ AllOf(QName("X_Y_Decl"), ImplementationDetail()),
+ AllOf(QName("Public"), Not(ImplementationDetail()))));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, UsingDecl) {
+ const char *Header = R"(
+ void foo();
+ namespace std {
+ using ::foo;
+ })";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /**/ "");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, Contains(QName("std::foo")));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, CBuiltins) {
+ // In C, printf in stdio.h is a redecl of an implicit builtin.
+ const char *Header = R"(
+ extern int printf(const char*, ...);
+ )";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /**/ "", {"-xc"});
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, Contains(QName("printf")));
+TEST_F(SymbolCollectorTest, InvalidSourceLoc) {
+ const char *Header = R"(
+ void operator delete(void*)
+ __attribute__((__externally_visible__));)";
+ runSymbolCollector(Header, /**/ "");
+ EXPECT_THAT(Symbols, Contains(QName("operator delete")));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace clangd
+} // namespace clang