path: root/docs/HowToSetupToolingForLLVM.rst
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+How To Setup Clang Tooling For LLVM
+Clang Tooling provides infrastructure to write tools that need syntactic
+and semantic infomation about a program. This term also relates to a set
+of specific tools using this infrastructure (e.g. ``clang-check``). This
+document provides information on how to set up and use Clang Tooling for
+the LLVM source code.
+Clang Tooling needs a compilation database to figure out specific build
+options for each file. Currently it can create a compilation database
+from the ``compilation_commands.json`` file, generated by CMake. When
+invoking clang tools, you can either specify a path to a build directory
+using a command line parameter ``-p`` or let Clang Tooling find this
+file in your source tree. In either case you need to configure your
+build using CMake to use clang tools.
+Setup Clang Tooling Using CMake and Make
+If you intend to use make to build LLVM, you should have CMake 2.8.6 or
+later installed (can be found `here <>`_).
+First, you need to generate Makefiles for LLVM with CMake. You need to
+make a build directory and run CMake from it:
+ mkdir your/build/directory
+ cd your/build/directory
+ cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON path/to/llvm/sources
+If you want to use clang instead of GCC, you can add
+``-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path/to/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/clang++``.
+You can also use ccmake, which provides a curses interface to configure
+CMake variables for lazy people.
+As a result, the new ``compile_commands.json`` file should appear in the
+current directory. You should link it to the LLVM source tree so that
+Clang Tooling is able to use it:
+ ln -s $PWD/compile_commands.json path/to/llvm/source/
+Now you are ready to build and test LLVM using make:
+ make check-all
+Using Clang Tools
+After you completed the previous steps, you are ready to run clang
+tools. If you have a recent clang installed, you should have
+``clang-check`` in $PATH. Try to run it on any .cpp file inside the LLVM
+source tree:
+ clang-check tools/clang/lib/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.cpp
+If you're using vim, it's convenient to have clang-check integrated. Put
+this into your .vimrc:
+ function! ClangCheckImpl(cmd)
+ if &autowrite | wall | endif
+ echo "Running " . a:cmd . " ..."
+ let l:output = system(a:cmd)
+ cexpr l:output
+ cwindow
+ let w:quickfix_title = a:cmd
+ if v:shell_error != 0
+ cc
+ endif
+ let g:clang_check_last_cmd = a:cmd
+ endfunction
+ function! ClangCheck()
+ let l:filename = expand('%')
+ if l:filename =~ '\.\(cpp\|cxx\|cc\|c\)$'
+ call ClangCheckImpl("clang-check " . l:filename)
+ elseif exists("g:clang_check_last_cmd")
+ call ClangCheckImpl(g:clang_check_last_cmd)
+ else
+ echo "Can't detect file's compilation arguments and no previous clang-check invocation!"
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ nmap <silent> <F5> :call ClangCheck()<CR><CR>
+When editing a .cpp/.cxx/.cc/.c file, hit F5 to reparse the file. In
+case the current file has a different extension (for example, .h), F5
+will re-run the last clang-check invocation made from this vim instance
+(if any). The output will go into the error window, which is opened
+automatically when clang-check finds errors, and can be re-opened with
+Other ``clang-check`` options that can be useful when working with clang
+- ``-ast-print`` - Build ASTs and then pretty-print them.
+- ``-ast-dump`` - Build ASTs and then debug dump them.
+- ``-ast-dump-filter=<string>`` - Use with ``-ast-dump`` or
+ ``-ast-print`` to dump/print only AST declaration nodes having a
+ certain substring in a qualified name. Use ``-ast-list`` to list all
+ filterable declaration node names.
+- ``-ast-list`` - Build ASTs and print the list of declaration node
+ qualified names.
+ $ clang-check tools/clang/tools/clang-check/ClangCheck.cpp -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter ActionFactory::newASTConsumer
+ Processing: tools/clang/tools/clang-check/ClangCheck.cpp.
+ Dumping ::ActionFactory::newASTConsumer:
+ clang::ASTConsumer *newASTConsumer() (CompoundStmt 0x44da290 </home/alexfh/local/llvm/tools/clang/tools/clang-check/ClangCheck.cpp:64:40, line:72:3>
+ (IfStmt 0x44d97c8 <line:65:5, line:66:45>
+ <<<NULL>>>
+ (ImplicitCastExpr 0x44d96d0 <line:65:9> '_Bool':'_Bool' <UserDefinedConversion>
+ ...
+ $ clang-check tools/clang/tools/clang-check/ClangCheck.cpp -ast-print -ast-dump-filter ActionFactory::newASTConsumer
+ Processing: tools/clang/tools/clang-check/ClangCheck.cpp.
+ Printing <anonymous namespace>::ActionFactory::newASTConsumer:
+ clang::ASTConsumer *newASTConsumer() {
+ if (this->ASTList.operator _Bool())
+ return clang::CreateASTDeclNodeLister();
+ if (this->ASTDump.operator _Bool())
+ return clang::CreateASTDumper(this->ASTDumpFilter);
+ if (this->ASTPrint.operator _Bool())
+ return clang::CreateASTPrinter(&llvm::outs(), this->ASTDumpFilter);
+ return new clang::ASTConsumer();
+ }
+(Experimental) Using Ninja Build System
+Optionally you can use the `Ninja <>`_
+build system instead of make. It is aimed at making your builds faster.
+Currently this step will require building Ninja from sources and using a
+development version of CMake.
+To take advantage of using Clang Tools along with Ninja build you need
+at least CMake 2.8.9. At the moment CMake 2.8.9 is still under
+development, so you can get latest development sources and build it
+ git clone git://
+ cd cmake
+ ./bootstrap
+ make
+ sudo make install
+Having the correct version of CMake, you can clone the Ninja git
+repository and build Ninja from sources:
+ git clone git://
+ cd ninja/
+ ./
+This will result in a single binary ``ninja`` in the current directory.
+It doesn't require installation and can just be copied to any location
+inside ``$PATH``, say ``/usr/local/bin/``:
+ sudo cp ninja /usr/local/bin/
+ sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/ninja
+After doing all of this, you'll need to generate Ninja build files for
+LLVM with CMake. You need to make a build directory and run CMake from
+ mkdir your/build/directory
+ cd your/build/directory
+ cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON path/to/llvm/sources
+If you want to use clang instead of GCC, you can add
+``-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path/to/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/clang++``.
+You can also use ccmake, which provides a curses interface to configure
+CMake variables in an interactive manner.
+As a result, the new ``compile_commands.json`` file should appear in the
+current directory. You should link it to the LLVM source tree so that
+Clang Tooling is able to use it:
+ ln -s $PWD/compile_commands.json path/to/llvm/source/
+Now you are ready to build and test LLVM using Ninja:
+ ninja check-all
+Other target names can be used in the same way as with make.